Sport As in previous years, all the girls in the Upper School have had the opportunity to represent the school in a team. This year in PE, the girls have taken part in ball skills, dance, gymnastics, netball, rounders, tennis, cricket, hockey, lacrosse, swimming, gymnastics, athletics and cross-country. We are extremely fortunate that the girls in Forms 5 and 6 have also had the opportunity to be taught by visiting staff from Queenswood who have enhanced their hockey and cricket skills.
Cross Country Cross country takes place on the school field with winners receiving a medal for their achievements in house competitions. Hockey This year, hockey lessons for Forms 5 and 6 have been enriched by the Head of Hockey and a member of the PE department from Queenswood School and a coach from Southgate Hockey Club. Swimming
House Competitions We have held House competitions in netball, rounders, athletics, cross-country, high jump and swimming. We are very proud that every pupil in Forms 3 to 6 has represented her house in these events. We always want to encourage every single pupil to achieve her best in sport. All of these opportunities help to turn out confident girls who know how to be a valuable member of a team a lesson for life. Gymnastics
At Stormont, Forms 2 and 3 swim weekly for the duration of the year at Queenswood’s pool. Forms 4, 5 and 6 swim for a term.
Rounders All of the girls in Forms 4 to 6 have enjoyed participating in rounders, which is played either on the courts or the school field.
Gymnastics is taught in PE lessons from Reception through to Form 6.
The SOGs Rounders is an annual match hosted by Form 6. Old Girls come back to see the school and the staff, play rounders and enjoy reliving their fondest memories of Stormont with old friends. This is always a very special occasion and it was lovely to see so many familiar faces. Congratulations to the SOGs who won the cup this year.
Netball Tennis Congratulations Charlotte and Ellen who played superbly well in the final, with Ellen eventually lifting the trophy.
Throughout the autumn and spring terms we played regular fixtures against a number of schools. We are proud to say that the girls are very successful. Every girl in Upper School takes part in matches or tournaments. We want all girls to be included and to feel valued. 62