Charity Last year we raised money for The British Heart Foundation, our nominated charity for 2017-18. Janet Woodall came to talk to the girls and thank them in the Autumn Term and the House Captains presented her with a huge cheque for £7,242. This year saw the House Captains make presentations on three different charities and the whole school voting. They did a fantastic job explaining and campaigning for their chosen charities and the votes were very close. The RSPCA came out on top and we have been supporting our local branch this year. We have also been supporting the Hart and Parker Trust. In support of both charities the girls took part in an animal themed sponsored obstacle dash, the House sales, French breakfast, non-uniform day and
the Summer Rug Sale. There were also generous contributions at the Lower School Nativity, the Carol Service, SPA coffee mornings and the popular Stormont Bake Off sale at Sports Day. The Stormont v. Lochinver House Golf Tournament was also played in aid of this year’s charities. The Stormont community have also been busy raising money for lots of other charities this year. WaterAid, Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal, Macmillan Cancer Support and Leonard Cheshire (via Harvest) have all benefited from their good work. Congratulations to everyone for all your hard work, generosity and kindness. As we go to press, the total amount raised and shared between our two charities this year stands at £4,185.
Presentation to the British Heart Foundation
Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning
Summer Rug Sale and Muck Up Day
Janet Woodall visits from the RSPCA
Sponsored Dash for Cash