Baptism Day - personalized book

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This story has been written especially for Mary on her Baptism Day by Katarzyna Filipek-Herniczek, and illustrated by Kasia Kukla-Puzoń Warsaw, March 11th, 2013 ISBN 978-83-61145-36-3 ©, Kraków 2013

For Mary, Magda and Timothy

An angel was sitting on the bank of a heavenly brook lazily dipping his feet. The water was warm, the sun was shining wonderfully, but he wasn’t in a good mood. “I’m bored!” he thought. “Others have so many things to do, important things!” „Emuriel, what happened?” Angel approached him hovering in the air gracefully.


The angel sprang to his wings. “No, nothing... only that the others have such important things to do, they work, they are responsible for something...” Emuriel’s head sank down as he kicked a little stick. “And I help squirrels when they are quarreling or save ladybirds or put fledglings back into their nests when they have fallen out of them. But I would like to do something important”. Emuriel raised his eyes and looked at Angel Michael. “Something really important” he repeated.

Angel Michael smiled. “Everything is important. When you help the smallest of the smallest, it is like you helped the greatest. Ladybird or elephant. It doesn’t matter. The point is that you help.” “But you know what I mean! I would like to take care of people...” “Yes, I know, Emuriel. But you know it is not an ordinary job.” Angel Michael didn’t finish, because Emuriel soared into the air and started to sketch in figure eight. „I know, I know. This is a great task - to help man not to fall, not to lose his way, not to be late...” “Yes, it is indeed a great task, but at the same time - requires great responsibility. One should help, but not disturb... One should be there, but not impose. Can you do that ?” Angel Michael looked at Emuriel.

„Well...” Emuriel got interested in a little stick on the path again. “I guess...” “That’s good”. Emuriel’ s guardian smiled. „Because we have decided that you are ready...” „Rrrready?! What for?! Can I go to Earth?!” Emuriel jumped once again, but only hit his head against the lowest branch of a tree and fell into the brook. A moment later soaked, but still very excited Emuriel was back on the shore. „Yes, to Earth. But you can’t set off like that! You’d wet your charge!” Angel Michael burst into laughing. „Yes, yes. I’ll dry myself right now!” The excited angel leapt into the air and was flying for a while till his hair, wings and dress were completely dry. As he stood in front of his guardian sighing heavily. Angel Michael took his hand and led him to the Gate.

Emuriel looked down. There, below, life was going on. Life on Earth... So many people, so many going ons! A little girl was looking for a lost dog in a park. An elderly lady didn’t know how to cross a busy street. Someone was riding a bicycle. Oh, a bit too fast! Emuriel got scared and covered his eyes. “Will I manage? Maybe not yet? Will I know what to do?” “Don’t worry, you will. Every guardian angel knows it.” Angel Michael tapped Emuriel on the shoulder and then he put a necklace around his neck. „Here you are, it’s yours. From now on you’ll be a guardian angel.” „Of whom? Who will I take care of?” asked Emuriel quietly. „Don’t worry about it, you’ll know it at once. Being a guardian angel is a gift. You’ll recognise for sure...”

Emuriel sighed and crossed the Gate. He was looking forward to it, but also worrying whether he would manage with such a responsible task. A moment later he landed on Earth. He walked its streets, popped into a cafe, a bookstore. Then walked around the town. He took a long time to stroll its streets watching people and then he got to a beautiful park. You can really rest there. It was an early afternoon. The Angel at the park sculptures, then sat on a little bridge.


It was a magnificent place. Beautiful and peaceful. He could sit and watch for hours. He could but undoubtedly there was somewhere he should go.

But where?

And suddenly he heard a sound. At first the sound was quiet but then it became overwhelming... It was a scream of greeting! Emuriel quickly flew towards the source of the sound. To the hospital. He sat like a pigeon on a windowsill. “Yes, it’s here” he thought and smiled. At first he looked from a distance but then he gained enough courage to enter. He sat on the edge of a hospital bed and admired a tiny human being, who greeted its parents the only way it could. Screaming. Emuriel flitted quite close towards them.

“Welcome, Mary (he didn’t know how he knew, but he knew the little girl’s name was Mary). I am Emuriel, your guardian angel. You’ll see, I am going to teach you everything. This is your Mum - Ania. This is your Dad - Thomas. They are probably already in love with you. I’ll always be with you. I’ll teach you how to catch your toys, pull your mum’s hair and your father’s nose... I’ll hold your hand when you try to stand up, together we’ll learn how to speak. I’ll show you all colours of the world, smells, flowers, butterflies and birds.” Emuriel was talking and talking and Mary was listening and listening till she fell asleep. The angel smiled gently, kissed Mary on her forehead and sat back on the edge of a little hospital bed. He was a Guardian Angel! And Mary was his charge. Lovely and little.

Since that day Emuriel had his hands full. He helped little Mary to get to know the world, sang heavenly lullabies for her before she fell asleep, embraced her tenderly when she was afraid. One day – on 11th October 2009 - Emuriel was especially proud. Together with Mary, Mary’s Parents and Family he set off to the church in Warsaw. It was an important day for Mary. For the first time since she was born she was to meet Jesus in such a perceptible way. Emuriel was moved and anxious: won’t Mary be afraid? Won’t the water be too cold? Just in case, he whispered in her ear soothing words: „This is a great moment! The Lord Himself is going to greet you and put His arm around you. He will embrace you like Mum and Dad. Now you will be always close to Him. And I will be with you.”

May today’s christening be the start of a wonderful and long lasting faith. All the very best and with lots of love. Magda And Timothy

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