Planet Mars in a Nutshell Francis Baldewyns
Planet Mars1 in a Nutshell Editions du Prof
Planet Mars in a Nutshell
The front page of my book No, on the cover page, I did not choose a MIRO's painting, but my own sketch in order to describe the planisphere of Mars. The meaning of these shapes and colors is the subject of this book
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Contents First chapter. "A good sketch is better than a long speech"
Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars?
Chapter Three Our earth window on the planet Mars
Chapter Four. The variation of the physical fields
Chapter Five. Past and future Martian missions
Chapter Six. My "Golden Globe" and "Google Mars"
Chapter Seven. Insight and March 2020, the next two missions
Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter. A good sketch is better than a long speech When I wrote "Planet Mars in a nutshell", after making the painting that is the subject of the cover, I remembered that Napoleon Bonaparte already said "A good sketch is better than a long speech" And I completed his sentence for my students by: "Is not a drawing better than a great lesson?" To learn the essentials of the Martian planisphere by sketching it from memory is the first objective of this book which will is limited in technical and scientific details since these details can be found in the very first book I wrote on the red planet whose title is: "We'll be walking on Mars." ( To describe Mars, follow these steps: Step 1.In a rectangle, you join the middle of the two short sides with a wavy line similar to that of the back of a camel. This line corresponds to the crustal dichotomy of Mars, what means that, in the Martian crust, the most striking distinction is clearly that which separates the northern hemisphere from the southern one. You then colourize in blue the surface above the wavy curve. This blue surface is a rather flat landscape that existed a long time ago, according to a study of NASA, and was covered with water. It was actually a vast ocean as big as the Arctic 4.5 billion years ago. This blue surface corresponds to a latitude of -8000 to -4000 meters. The yellow surface below the wavy curve is the altitude from zero to 1000 meters. We will come back, of course, to this important notion of "altitude" as Mars is not covered by seas, and therefore the altitude concept for this planet will have to be based on any other chosen one. Let’s introduce the reference scale
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter. «A good sketch is better than a long speech» Step 2. Then add the green stripe along the curve. This green band corresponds to a negative altitude from -4000 to -Zero meter, intermediate between the altitude of the yellow and blue surfaces. Step 3. Don’t forget the narrowing of this green band forming a depression in the East (Like a small gulf). This small gulf will be the place of the next "landing" in 2020 near the Jezero crater whose name echoes curiously with the altitude zero, but in fact this crater is in the green fork since it is at -750 meters at the gulf shore. Note. The Official Journal of 22 September 2000 ruled and defined the word "landing" as the action of posing an aerospace agent on the ground of a celestial body, explains the French Academy in the French newspaper “Figaro”. One of the main arguments advanced by the French Academy for not recognizing "amarsissage" is that it is impossible to create a new word every time a machine lands on a new planet. We will now be respectful of this choice.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť Step 4. The drawing must then be completed by two well-known phenomena: major meteoritic impacts and volcanoes. At the bottom of the yellow surface, one impact of green color and another of blue color. The meteor encountering the planet after having pierced the crust in yellow reaches the altitude corresponding to the green color before that of blue color. (The impact in green is called Argyre and the one in blue, Hellas. Step 5. In the left bump, and in the green zone on the far right of the world map, we introduce two red areas that correspond to altitudes of 1000 to 5000 meters.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť Step 6. The big white dots (circled in brown on the precise geodesic map that will be presented later) correspond to volcanoes which constitute the highest points of the red planet (And which spread out from 6000 to 12000 meters of altitude) Five volcanoes draw our attention:
Warning ! For these volcanoes, we take into account their actual height, their base being at a very negative altitude. On the same sector of the Martian globe, we can see Tharsis Montes, a chain of three volcanoes: from north to south, Ascraeus Mons (18,225 m), Pavonis Mons (14,058 m) and Arsia Mons (17,761 m); Ascraeus Mons is the second highest peak of Mars. Alone on the green strip, northwest of Tharsis Montes, is Olympus Mons (22,500 m). The fifth volcano to the right of the map is Elysium Mons (14,028 m)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť The fertile imagination of a ufologist (Mr. Camacho) who was interested in the arrangement of these volcanoes Source:
The arrangement of the Olympus Mons and Tharsis Montes volcanoes inspired Mr. Camacho who wrote: "Olympus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons and Mons Ascraeus form an almost perfect TRIANGLE on the surface of Mars. They form a possible "artificial" geological formation on the surface of the red planet. " "The three volcanoes of Tharsis Montes are regularly spaced about 700 km (from one ridge to the other) on a southwest-northeast-trending line. This alignment is unlikely to be a coincidence." My translation French-English)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť The fertile imagination of a ufologist was interested in these volcanoes Mr. Camacho explains in a YOUTUBE video his long investigation into the particular characteristics of Mars, including its important geological features, and he states that Olympus Mons - the largest mountain in the solar system - and three other mountains have been artificially placed on their current positions and could be the result of an advanced Martian civilization inhabiting the red planet in the distant past. In addition, Mr. Camacho says that in addition to this incredible alignment, there is another important element on the surface of the red planet that deserves our full attention: Alba Mons (Volcano in red more towards the North.) According to this ufologist, if we establish a relationship between Olympus Mons and Alba Mons, we find another complex connection. It seems that the distance between Olympus Mons, Alba Mons and Ascraeus Mons is almost identical and forms another fascinating triangle whose three sides have an approximate distance of 1700 kilometers. (French translation)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť
Planet Mars in a Nutshell First Chapter (Following). ÂŤA good sketch is better than a long speechÂť
Step 7. Finally, let's finish our sketch by drawing, to the right of Tharsis Montes, a black line slightly inclined to the East. We represent Valles Marineris. These are large and deep canyons; this gigantic scar running on the Martian equator indicates the possibility of a large quantity of water and an intense hydrological activity.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars? We can simply measure the mountains from their base. Or we imagine that the planet Mars has oceans of liquid water and we determine the fictitious sea level. This method was used to measure the altitude on Mars until 2001. Thus, the zero level corresponded by convention to the points for which the atmospheric pressure is equal to 610.5 Pa. This isobar is indeed the “triple point� of water on Mars, it means that below this pressure, the liquid water, therefore an ocean, has no chance of existing on the red planet. Note that this standard pressure is very close - but distinct - from that of the triple point of pure water, which is 611.73 Pa, with a temperature of 273.16 K (0.01 C).
Triple point on Earth
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars? (Following) The altitude would then depend on the Atmospheric Pressure and therefore on the place where one is located. On Earth, atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude exponentially. At sea level, at zero altitude, it is 1 atmosphere (760 mm Hg or 1013.25 mb) while at 1000 m, it is worth only 674 mm Hg, 4800 m 416 mm Hg and at 8848 m 236 mm Hg. On Mars, the absence of sea forces to make another choice to decide the level of reference allowing to define the altitude. It was the altimetric surveys of the Mars Global Surveyor probe that made it possible to finalize these surveys. Altitude measurements have an accuracy of 13 meters on average, and the altitude of large areas of the northern hemisphere is known with an accuracy of 2 meters The extreme values - currently published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) based on Mars Global Surveyor's Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter surveys are in fact 21229 m for Olympus Mons and -8200 m for Hellas Planitia respectively.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars? (Following)
Elysium Montes
Syrtis Major
Tharsis Montes Valles Marineris
Hella s Planitia Argyre Planitia
Isidis Planitia
On marcherasur Mars
Olympus Mons
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars? (Following)
Mars in a nutshell Mars Visit in a Nutshell 15
Mars VisitMMars
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Two. What means altitude on the planet Mars? (Following)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Three. Our earth window on the planet Mars Mars is gravitating into a very eccentric orbit at an average distance of 228 million kilometers from the Sun. Its diameter is twice as small as that of the Earth, its mass is ten times smaller. In addition, the Martian year (period of revolution of the planet around the sun) is worth about two terrestrial years (687 days), whereas the average duration of the Martian days (period of rotation of the planet on itself) is close the duration of ours (24h40 min). Mars and Earth are rotating around the sun at speeds in different orbits. The Martian vehicle will have to aim for a moving target far apart for tens of millions of kilometers. At ESA, as in other agencies, we seek to establish the best possible trajectory. It will be the choice of the trajectory that will determine the length of stay. This one will be either a very short chip jump, or a very long stay.
There are two possibilities. The first, leaving for Mars when it is closest to the Earth, i.e. about 60 million kilometers, is the option that requires the least fuel because it is heavy and therefore it is a positive point. The disadvantage is that astronauts will not be able to return until Mars and Earth are close to each other again. In other words, they will have to spend eighteen months on the red planet. There is the second possibility: a shorter mission, but more risky: the space ship approaches Venus and uses the gravity of this planet as a slingshot to save fuel, but the niche that allows stalling on Venus is very short, if the astronauts miss it, they will never come back.
Mars VisitMMars
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Three Our earth window on the planet Mars (Following) As an example, here is the Journey accomplished by the MER mission for sending Rovers Opportunity and Spirit Here is the Earth-Mars trajectory Because of Mars' continual change of position relative to the Earth, launches can only take place during certain periods, known as firing windows. The launches are only possible when the planet Earth is located 44 degrees back from Mars. This situation only occurs every 26 months, close to the opposition periods. The MER Opportunity and Spirit probes travel for about six months and cover 500 million kilometers. There are five course correction maneuvers during this transit, the last of which is optional on the day of arrival to improve the probability of landing the landing gear near the target Martian site. (SchĂŠma, source :
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Three Our earth window on the planet Mars (Following) The landing During the atmospheric reentry, descent and landing (EDL for Entry, Descent and Landing) phases, the probe encounters turbulent conditions. Pilots must maneuver the probes with great care during these critical phases of flight so that they can accurately reach their respective landing zones on the surface of Mars. In just six minutes, the space probe has to move from the incredible speed of 5.3 km / s or 19600 km / h to almost zero, six times faster than a space shuttle. During these few minutes, the space probe undergoes an intense heating caused by the atmospheric friction, it is shaken when the parachute unfolds and manhandled during successive rebounds of the Lander when the air balloons bounce on the surface of Mars. These rapid and intense movements make it difficult to accurately locate the space probe during these different phases of the EDL. It is for this reason that the engineers have installed additional channels of communications which are responsible for sending particular tonalities to the station during the different phases of the maneuver and throughout the landing process. In order for the engineers to know if the parachute has been deployed for example, a very special tone is heard in the control room. When the air balloons unfold another tone is emitted. Engineers on Earth can thus follow the different phases of the EDL by simply listening to the succession of 128 distinct tones (out of 256), all of which have a particular meaning. If only rockets were used to cancel the speed, a large part of the mass of the probe would have to be devoted to the fuel. The MER probes successively use four methods to slow down. a) The friction of the atmosphere, to reduce its speed: 99.6% of the accumulated kinetic energy is dissipated by this means. b) A parachute eliminates 98% of the remaining kinetic energy, while the speed is Mach 1.8. i.e. 1.8 times the speed of sound (1224 Km / hour in air at 15 ° C), or 2203 Km / h. c) The probe must cancel the residual velocity using rockets. d) Finally on the last meters it uses airbags.
Mars VisitMMars
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Three Our earth window on the planet Mars (Following)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Four. The variation of the physical fields 4.1. The atmosphere of Mars It is composed mainly of: • carbon dioxide CO2 (95.32%), • nitrogen N2 (2.7% • Ar argon (1.6%). Come inFollowing: • O2 oxygen (0.13%), • carbon monoxide CO (0.07%), • H2O water vapor (0.03%) • ozone O3 (0.01-0.8 parts per million) • Hydrogen and nitric oxide NO (15 parts per million, variable) • hydrogen peroxide 40 parts per billion • Methane 10 parts per billion The third most abundant element is Argon, which is a product of the decay of potassium 40 (half-life = 1277 million years) present in the Martian crust. Since 2002, some observations suggest the presence of methane, but they are still debated. Methane could result from biological activity, but it could also come from abiotic processes that involve the interaction between water and silicates. In March 2004, methane concentrations were detected in the Mars atmosphere. Now, since this must disappear in four centuries by photochemical reaction, it is therefore that this methane is of recent production, either of volcanic or biological origin. At the beginning of 2009, measurements made by the Keck observatory in Hawaii confirmed a release of methane attributed to the melting of fossil ice under the effect of an active volcanism that remains to be detected.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Four. The variation of the physical fields (Following) 4.2. Martian gravity The gravity varies according to the planet on which we are and the altitude. It is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center. On Earth its value is: 9.814 m.s-2 at sea level, 9.811 m.s-2 to 1000 m, 9,802 m.s-2 to 4000 m. This is the real attraction of gravity. For an immobile body in the terrestrial landmark (therefore not subject to Coriolis acceleration) the apparent gravity is equal to the previous diminished centrifugal acceleration omega2 r where omega is the rotational speed of the earth (360 degrees per day ) and r the distance to the axis of the poles. This centrifugal acceleration is zero at the poles and is approximately 0.034 m.s-2 at the equator; the apparent gravity is therefore only about 9,780. 4.3. The Martian temperature The average temperature on Mars is -53 째 C. At the equator it can be up to 27 째 C during the day in summer and -73 째 C at night. At the South Pole, the temperature can go down to - 127 째 C. Although best suited for life, there is no trace of life. 4.4. The satellites of Mars Two small natural satellites orbit around Mars: Deimos and Phobos. Phobos means "fear" in Greek, and Deimos means "terror," the two twins that the god Ares (Mars for the Romans) had from the goddess Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans).
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Four. The variation of the physical fields (Following et fin) Deimos has an almost circular orbit with a radius of 23460 Km. Phobos has an eccentric orbit with a half major axis of 9377 km. Its density is 2.2 which shows that it is undoubtedly composed of silicates forming a porous matrix. Its shape is close to the ellipsoid whose three axes would measure 15, 12 and 10.4 km.
Phobos is the largest with a density of 1.9 and 3 major axes: 27 km, 21 km and 18 km, which shows that it must still be more porous. Phobos is only 6000 km from the surface of Mars. This distance decreases each year by about 1.8 m due to the dissipation of tidal energy in the Mars cloak and Phobos will eventually fall on Mars in a few million years.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Five. Past and future Martian missions Mission Viking1 et Viking2
Lancé 1975
Module dans la sonde
2 lancements distincts avec un Atterrisseur Orbiteur
Apports scientifiques et technologiques Absence de traces de vie en surface Altimétrie, champ magnétique, image haute résolution
Mars Global Surveyor
Mars Pathfinder + Sojourner
Démonstration technologique des Rovers
+ Rover Orbiteur
Détection de la présence d’eau sur la surface
Mars Express + Beagle II Mars Exploration Rovers : Opportunity et Spirit
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Un Orbiteur
Observation détaillée de la surface de Mars
Un Atterrisseur
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Insight Mission
Un Rover de 900 Kilos
Analyse de la subsurface près du pôle Nord où de la glace doit être présente Rover en développement : objectifs exobiologiques Etude de la structure interne de la planète.
Mars 2020
Orbiteur + Atterrisseur 2 lancements distincts avec un Rover
Cartes minéralogiques et cartes stéréogra- phiques de la surface. Echec de Beagle II Découverte de l’hématite et d’autres minéraux hydratés
Collecte d’échantillons du sol martien
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars » The pictures in this chapter come from my Martian globe, on which I wrote the names of the landing gear and Rover and their landing date. My LEGO Rover crowns this globe. Google Mars is a Google service that lets you visualize the surface of the planet Mars. The interface is very similar to that of Google Maps and links have been added to read places or remarkable objects (craters, canyons and even spacecraft like Mars Pathfinder probe). In addition, it is possible to view the shots taken by the landers and rovers sent to Mars and track the progress of the rovers through a system of tracks of their course.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars » (Following)
Airy-0 (see arrow) is a Mars crater impact that defines the position of the first meridian on this planet, the meridian and parallel planes form an angle of 15 °
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars »(Following) On this sector of the Martian globe, there are four volcanoes: Olympus Mons (left arrow) and the trio of Tharsis Montes (right arrow)
Planète Mars en Abrégé 27
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars » (Following) A scar called Valles Marineris (named after the Mariner 9 spacecraft which first observed it in 1971). It is actually the largest canyon of the solar system! About 10 times longer than our land-based Grand Canyon, it stretches over 4000 km and 200 km wide. Its depth can reach, in places, 10 km!
Chapter Six. Mon « Golden Globe » et « Google Mars » (Following)
Planet Mars in a Nutshell One can imagine that the Mars planet collided with a gigantic asteroid, whose diameter would be close to 1000 kilo-meters. These events would have occurred during the late major bombardment (commonly known as the Moonlight Cataclysm, or LHB: Late Heavy Bombardment). It is a period of time about 4.1 to 3.8 billion years (Ga) during which a large number of crater impacts are thought to have formed on the moon and by inference on earth , Mercury, Venus and Mars. The proof of this event comes mainly from the dating of the lunar samples, which indicates that most of the impact-melted rocks formed in this time interval. While many hypotheses have been put forward to explain a "spike" in the flow of asteroidal materials or comets internal to the solar system, no consensus yet exists as to its cause (see supplements in chapter 6.3 .: Y-a- there any liquid water on Mars?)) The following 3 impact basins, from west to east, are: Argyre Planitia (49.7 ° S, 316 ° E); Hellas Planitia (42.7 ° S and 70.0 ° E) and Isidis Planitia, (12.9 ° N and 87 ° E) reinforce the thesis of the bombing.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars » (Following) From Argyre Planitia to Hellas Planitia (see arrows in the two photos below), we see that this part of the hemisphere at 60 ° South latitude (Noachis Terra) is riddled with impacts
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » and « Google Mars » (Following)
Syrtis Major is the oldest albedo formation identified on the planet Mars, on the western edge of Isidis Planitia (photo on the right). It is easily recognizable thanks to its dark hue, which strongly contrasts with the surrounding grounds. Arena Peridier is a 100 km diameter crater impact located at 25.5 ° N and 83.8 ° E
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » et « Google Mars » (Following) Elysium Mons is a volcano that rises to 14028 m above the Martian reference level and lies at 24.8 ° N 146.9 ° E.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » et « Google Mars » (Following) This globe also has the merit of locating on its surface the landing sites of the Rovers and Landers. I completed manually since 2012 when landing Curiosity Enclosed, we note that Viking 1 landed on July 20, 1976, in the west of Chryse Planitia (30 ° west of Ares Vallis) 835 km from the landing site of Pathfinder
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Six. My « Golden Globe » et « Google Mars » (Following) Google Mars Google Mars is a Google service that lets you visualize the surface of the planet Mars. The interface is very similar to Google Maps and links have been added to list places or objects (craters, canyons and even spacecraft like Mars Pathfinder). In addition, it is possible to visualize the clichés taken by the landers and rovers sent to Mars and to follow the progress of the rovers through a system of tracks of their course. Opportunity Journey (Source: Google Mars) First step: the Endurance crater. January 25, 2011, seven years to the day (Right) Crazy goal: Endeavor Crater (which we guess the large diameter on the Google map Mars) The pilots of the robot, at the Jet Propulsion Labora-tory, gain confidence and decide then, to engage in an unlikely crossing of the dune-dune Meridiani Planum, to Endeavor Crater, this time apart from 11 km. The target is 22 km in diameter and promises to reveal even deeper geological layers than its two predecessors
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Seven. Insight and March 2020, the next two missions
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Seven. Insight and March 2020, the next two missions
In green, Schiaparelli (ESA lander who hit the ground of Mars at 540 km / h on 19 October 2016) In green, Schiaparelli (ESA lander who hit the ground of Mars at 540 km / h on 19 October 2016
Mars 2020
Landing places of Rovers and Landers 36
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Seven. Insight and March 2020, the next two missions The next NASA rover on Mars, christened March 2020, will land in an old dry delta named Jezero, the US space agency announced on Monday, looking for traces of an old microbial life on the red planet. The chosen site, after years of debate and scientific deliberation, is the Jezero crater, which was a 500-meter-deep lake opening onto a network of rivers 3.5 to 3.9 billion years ago. The crater is 45 kilometers wide. He "may have collected and conserved old organic molecules and other potential clues of microbial life by the water and sediments that occupied the crater billions of years ago," Nasa said. The space agency scientists chose Jezero for its supposed geological wealth, so that it could reveal the planet's history, which before being cold and dry, contained lakes and perhaps oceans. They estimate that there may be at least five types of rocks, including clays and "carbonated" rocks, where the likelihood of finding traces of ancient life is considered stronger. The spacecraft is practically a copy of the space probe The main objective assigned to this new mission is the collection of samples of Martian soil that should be returned to Earth by a return of samples mission that remains in 2018 to finance and achieve.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapitre Sept. Insight et Mars 2020, les deux prochaines missions
The map of the Alien can locate the major Martian geological formations including: - the crustal dichotomy between the northern hemispheres (in blue) and the south (delimited by dark green); - the large impact ponds: in the southern hemisphere, in the middle of the yellow (On both sides of the Curiosity camera, the CHEMCAM in white): Argyre (in light green) and Hellas (in Dark blue) ; in the northern hemisphere (Less visible by color), the large basin of impact is Utopia Planitia (Place of landing of Viking 2 in 1980, near Mie Crater, visible on the map, on the right of the number 2, See arrow) - High points. On the left, in the northern hemisphere, in gray relief, the three aligned volcanoes of Tharsis Montes as well as Olympus Mons (culminating summit), and on the right, (above the Alien's hand), in gray relief volcanoes of Elysium (See white arrow). - the Valles Marineris canyon system (On the left, see the large crustal scar in blue in the red zone), starting from the Tharsis region - Curiosity is in Gale Crater.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Seven. Insight and March 2020, the next two missions L’Alien montre le lieu d’ « atterrissage » du Rover Curiosity (Atterri le 6 août 2012 et celui du suivant, Insight, (Atterri le 26 novembre 2018 ).
These two landing sites are located, at the geological boundary materializing the Martian crustal dichotomy, by 5.4 ° S and 137.7 ° E, in the region of Aeolis Mensae.
Planet Mars in a Nutshell .
Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity
RECONSTITUTION : I am down Mount Sharp in Gale Crater near my Curiosity Rover
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity Book cover of my work showing the more or less strange pareidolia caused by the Martian relief
Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity
Visit Mars in a nutshell
Planet Mars in a Nutshell Chapter Eight. Memories of my stay with Curiosity Curiosity runs along the imposing dunes down Mount Sharp
If you want to know more about Planet Mars, how humans will get there, and about the Rover Curiosity and its Martian Journey, then the following links will help you: If you want to know the "Martian Oddities" and many cases of Pareidolia, click on the following link: