2020 Yearbook Yearbook

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The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge designs, themes, photos and coverage from the 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you to produce your school’s best book ever.

BEST OF 2019 4- 125 SHOWSTOPPERS 126 - 149 SPREADS 148- 19 5 PHOTOS 19 6 - 249 PACKAGES 250- 275 COVERS 276 - 28 7 HONORABLE MENTION 288- 3 01 INDEX 3 02- 3 03


The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge designs, themes, photos and coverage from the 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you to produce your school’s best book ever.

The Yearbook Yearbook recognizes the best of the best. This annual volume features the most stunning and cutting-edge BEST OF 2019 designs, 4- 125 themes, photos and SHOWSTOPPERS coverage from the 126 - 149 2019 yearbooks. Let it inspire you SPREADS 14819 5 your to produce school’s best PHOTOS book 19 6ever. - 249 PACKAGES 250- 275 COVERS 276 - 28 7 HONORABLE MENTION 288- 3 01 INDEX 3 02- 3 03

1-1 BEST OF 2019


The books featured in YEARBOOK YEARBOOK come from schools across the country and beyond its borders. The outstanding work showcased here represents that regional diversity.

West Monroe, Louisiana

ADVISER: Carly McDuffle REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Barnes

■ West Monroe High School’s Rebelaire staff takes big picture design to new levels, leaving the main subject in color while converting the background to black-and-white. The turquoise triangle woven into the photo reflects the Shaped theme and gives a three-dimensional look. Body text, effectively placed on the image, is reversed on a transparency for readability. Triangles used in the headline design and folios complete the integrated design.

WE ARE REBEL NATION Brant Harper (12) sounds a horn as Rebel Nation cheers the football team on to a victory. The feeling in the section on Friday nights is indescribable. We are all united in that moment, cheering on a common cause, and I will never forget how that feels. From Friday night football games to the events of homecoming week, West Monroe is anything but boring. The opportunities are endless for students to become involved in the culture and community of Rebels throughout the year. Photo by Tyler Dent


Mini-THON Description THON is the largest student-run philanthropic organization in the world, with all proceeds going to help fight pediatric cancer at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center. The motto of THON is FTK because everything is For The Kids. Whether we are approaching businesses for donations, putting in long hours planning Mini-THON, or standing without rest for 12 hours, the kids fighting cancer are our inspiration! Advisors Mrs. Bollinger Ms. Harper

Activities Prior to the event, we: raise funds, contact local companies and businesses to ask for donations, and attend community events to spread the word. Host activities during the night, such as a community hour, dodgeball tournament, tug of war, and an inflatable obstacle course!


11 MEMBERS Clubs

Reading, Pennsylvania




PAGES OF CASE MATERIAL MOCKTrial 80 Activities Takes on prosecution and defense roles in a case so that the manners of a court room can be role-played. Competes against other schools in court cases Studies lengthy court cases Learn about manners in the courtroom

Life Divider


ADVISER: John White REPRESENTATIVE: Matthew McLaughlin


It was a fun experience that allowed us to raise money for a great cause! Lyndsey Algeo


Description Mock Trial members learn how to read through a lengthy court case. They role play a court case to compete with other schools with real judges and lawyers acting as the jury. Advisor Mr. Reese

Page Designed by: Allie Cowan & Maddy Winters

ER l T ET e b e B IS R E LIF as a

NationalHonorSociety Description NHS is an established organization recognizing outstanding high school students in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Membership is by application at the end of the sophomore and/or junior years. Advisors Ms. Gajewski, Mr. Clark


Activities Leads guided tours for incoming freshmen Serves and ushers senior citizens for the annual spring musical and the fall play Prepares and sets up for Exeter Township Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers at Lorane for book fair, Family Fun Day, and Play Day



■ The Exeter High School staff extends the Pioneer’s By the Numbers theme throughout the book, here applying the bright colors and circle graphic from the cover to club pages. Circled numbers strategically placed across the spread enumerate club members, parent volunteers, and amounts of money raised through special activities. Color blocks separate coverage areas, providing backgrounds for group and action photos. Coverage highlights each group’s accomplishments.


Orlando, Florida

ADVISER: Amorette Rantanen REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford

■ Leading lines, repetition and the golden hour tones of sunrise make for a striking image in the Cypress Creek High School Crossings yearbook. The strong photo is in keeping with a cover photo showcasing the natural beauty of the school’s Orlando, Florida, location. The photographer showed initiative in covering an important part of the marching band experience, rising early for practice and competitions.

Mount Vernon, Illinois

ADVISER: Jamey VanZandt REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Hawkinson

Ram Nation welcomed students back at 8:10 am on August 16, 2018 for the most part. A select group of junior and senior students who decided to take 0 Hour P.E. arrived for their first class of the year at 7:17 am. On this day, the tradition of the First Day of School Pep Rally continued, allowing students to show that We Bleed Orange and Black by competing in class spirit competitions. One down side, as some students mentioned, was that this event could not be documented by students through photos and videos because cell phones were now banned. Some joked about recording the occasion on their new

Chromebooks, but this did not have the same effect. A new schedule change caused a removal of a class period from eight classes to seven. This change extended the periods to 48 minutes, and removed short day Tuesdays. These changes were difficult at first, but as time passed students adjusted to the changes and began to accept the new normal. There were even comments on the communication that was taking place between students. We realized that maybe,

We Bleed



2-3 Opening

Orange & Black

Our high school career encourages us to look deeper into ourselves and towards the people we will become by getting involved in new opportunities and unfamiliar situations. Over the course of four years, our true image that we put forth emerges through participation in activities, sports, and hobbies we enjoy. Our journey to complete this chapter in our lives will begin to

College Station, Texas


REVEAL our full potential.

■ The Argus staff creates a striking opening spread with a montage of duotone and colorized photos inset on sculpture of the Cumberland Valley High School mascot. The spread repeats the striking combination of brilliant red with shades of gray from the cover, while the use of photos within the mascot shape reflects the Reveal theme. Touches of red in the body copy and folios unite the spread. opening


■ Pops of brilliant orange in a black-and-white crowd shot bring to life Mount Vernon’s theme, We Bleed Orange & Black. On the opening spread of the Vernois, rule lines across the top further emphasize the school colors, as does the orange box enclosing a rail of black-and-white photos across the bottom of the spread. The photos and text alike showcase the groups, individuals and traditions that make up the school year.

BEST O F 20 19 Created using the highest standards of scholastic journalism, these BEST OF books record the stories of the year both visually and verbally, including: ■ A unique record of the school and current year

■ Fair & balanced coverage ■ Visual appeal

4-5 BEST OF 2019

■ Specific, storytelling copy (traditional or alternative)

Tampa, Florida THEME: Finding the Silver Lining BOOKNAME: Echoes ADVISER: Sr. Lisa Perkowski EDITOR: Theresa Tulsiak REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

comprehensive coverage school community Despite “the stress of homework, tests, sports, clubs,” etc., students at the Academy of the Holy Name were finding the silver lining and “focusing on the positive.” The Echoes staff introduces a color palette in two bars on the cover. By repeating colors, the diagonal and fonts, the staff sustains a well-defined look from cover to cover. The interior pages blend coverage by using well-designed secondary coverage modules and showstopper spreads.

NOTEWORTHY: Logical caption placement; verbal/visual

connection between headline and dominant photo; coverage of multiple events—Service Day, Poetry Out Loud, Jagball competition; sound reporting with storytelling quotes.

in ads; students clearly identified; staff controls number & quality of photos; copy in transparent box; candid or formal portrait is dominant image; variety of secondary images.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; individual student

profiles; feature story & alternative copy; social media coverage; Instagram screens featured; expanded captions with quotes; dramatic dominant photo; service club coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Captions clearly designed for easy

identification of subjects; coverage of performances involving multiple performing arts classes; 25 students pictured & additional six quoted; well-written, traditional feature story.

6-7 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Use of diagonal bar theme graphic

Aledo, Texas THEME: What You Don’t See BOOKNAME: Ledoian ADVISER: Emily Arnold EDITOR: Pepper Purpura REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

double-edged theme enables expansive coverage

The Ledoian staff challenged itself to dive deep into coverage with the theme What You (Don’t) See. The stories begin with the photos, but the details reside in expanded captions. Each caption tells a story. Engaging headline design draws readers into the copy and wellwritten leads engage them. By researching subjects and interviewing participants, the staff records the history and memories of the year. The well-planned photo coverage and designs add visual elements to complete the package.

NOTEWORTHY: 30+ recognizable faces on the

spread; mix of one, two, three, small group, large group photos; headline package includes tinted photo; sidebar reveals a secret behind a long-held tradition.

students’ experiences covered; cleverly-written overlines to captions; folio design; use of color as a unifying device; dynamic dominant photo collection.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-designed primary headline;

informative secondary headline; facts & figures in copy & captions; quote set off in black bar in copy; overlines link captions to pictures; sidebar on community service.

NOTEWORTHY: Athletes arranged for easy

recognition; closely cropped on all sides; teams identified on upper, left-hand corner; scoreboards run beside team photos in coordinated color bars; correct identification format.

8-9 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Multiple aspects of agriculture

Clinton, Tennessee THEME: Maverick Moments BOOKNAME: Reflections ADVISER: Jen Clotfelter EDITORS: Haley Hogue & Sarah Casey REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

in-depth, blended coverage

The colorful array of dots on the cover of the Reflection represent a multitude of moments and a variety of experiences. Opening copy urges readers to “celebrate,” “rejoice,” “revere” and “experience” their time at Anderson County High School. Dominant photo packages, with accompanying copy, tell the primary story. Secondary coverage modules add personalities, backstories and perspectives. The staff uses type and color create consistency and cohesion.

NOTEWORTHY: Visual/verbal connection between

dominant photo packages & headlines; color & type use in overall design; internal spacing unifies and separates elements on spread; use of circular theme graphic.

hierarchy & flow; blended coverage of holidays and travels; use of theme graphics to lead reader forward; quotes add student perspective to stories; all students identified.

NOTEWORTHY: Strong vertical dominant photo;

subject in photo leads readers’ eyes into headline & copy; March to March coverage in a spring delivery book; content covers a wide variety of characters & moments.

NOTEWORTHY: Alternative copy in Q&A format, two questions with multiple respondents; comprehensive coverage of a significant summer event; photo credits identify the photo provider.

10-11 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Planned repetition of color to create

Austin, Texas THEME: Embark BOOKNAME: The Constellation ADVISER: Sarah Walker EDITORS: Lauren Breach & Choe Leline REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

blended coverage in a chronological organization

Because the Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders embraces the global community, The Constellation staff’s blended coverage is no surprise. The travel theme Embark allows the staff to showcase students’ education outside the confines of the building. Alternative copy, appropriately chosen to align with content, combines with traditional features to create complete, in-depth coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Verbal/visual connection between

primary headline & dominant photo package; action/reaction photos; coordinated cool color; well-written feature includes storytelling quotes with unique student perspectives.

coordinate with cover; travel postcard look & tone; section designations include a teaser about section content; planned variations in font choices: script, serif & sans serif.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-written primary headline;

alternative copy in Q&A format; dominant photo package; includes upper & lower grades; blended coverage of variety of extracurricular clubs & activities.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; creative blended coverage of fall teams; use of map & interactive choices engage readers; well-researched routes and geographical features on map; revealing interactive feature.

12-13 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Student art in stamp shapes; colors

Arcadia, California THEME: Retrospect BOOKNAME: Aracdian ADVISER: Logan Maertens EDITORS: Sandra Tang & Steven Yu REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

theme color palette creates continuity of design

By introducing a wide variety of visual motifs on the cover (patterns, shapes, colors), the Arcadian staff gives itself design elements to work with throughout the book. A yearbook, by nature, is a review of the year, but the emphasis on “retro� in the stacked type suggests coverage of derivative lifestyles and trends from the historical past. The traditions of the school are definitively retro. Student perspectives in quotes add personality to content.

NOTEWORTHY: Bold coverage of unconventional beliefs;

coverage concept visually connected to design; hexagonal shapes echoed in graphics for emphasis; quotes reveal personalities of students; engaging primary & secondary headlines.

in food, fashion & accessories; captures the diversity of the school community; theme-related graphics & colors repeated; storytelling quotes indicate one-on-one communication.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; novel

coverage of sophomore personalities; retro use of color on photos; color use in type coordinates with spread; handwritten placards create a very personal response.

NOTEWORTHY: Vibrant colors in shapes anchor

cut-out photos; overlapping elements create dimension in design; alternative copy emphasizes differences in leadership styles & positions; well-executed COBs.

14-15 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of trends & preferences

Austin, Texas THEME: We Got This BOOKNAME: The Comet ADVISER: Jena Weber EDITORS: Emma Nations, Taylor Russell & Sydnie Zabroski REPRESENTATIVES: Stacy & Mickey Mehrens

in-depth coverage using alternative copy

We Got This is not only the theme for the Comet, but it’s the mantra for the staff. Staff members dive deep into coverage on every spread. By using well-designed secondary coverage modules, insightful quotes and well-researched data, the staff creates multidimensional content. The spreads, designed to maximize the message, use color and typography to lead the reader from one story to the next.

NOTEWORTHY: Alternative copy blends coverage of three teams; well-planned use of color; secondary modules & photo packages extend content; dominant photo; prominently placed poll; sidebar over picture.

ads to create a clean cohesive look; consistency in content avoids distracting visual chaos; theme graphic motif used in ads; clear idents; readable copy.

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage of three teams;

covers ups and downs of seasons; well-planned use of color in type & background; cut-out photos anchored by color bar; complete expanded captions with quotes.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-defined angle to story;

alternative copy provides invaluable historical record; honest reporting; showcases accomplishments; internal spacing clearing distinguishes elements on spread.

16-17 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Staff controls content of individual

Waco, Texas THEME: Light the Way BOOKNAME: Roundup ADVISERS: Bruce Gietzen & Julie Reed EDITOR: Rachel Cole REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

professional quality photos & stories

The Baylor yearbook staff effectively covers the 18,000+ students on campus by telling both the group and individual experiences. Photo collections include establishing shots to put the subject in context. Individuals are pictured to show the event from a student perspective. Reporters write in a fair and balanced way with compelling leads and storytelling quotes. The book serves as a reliable history of the college community in 2018-19.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of “Christmas on Fifth�

captures variety of activities: Christmas trees, petting zoo, caroling, tree lighting; students identified; student perspective revealed in quotes; use of color & shapes.

perimeters of experience; well-written, thoroughly researched story; students to offer personal reflections about experiences; sidebar details locations.

NOTEWORTHY: Type treatment; color in type & box pick up color in pictures; thorough explanation of Holi, its origins & traditions; copy links Indian celebration to Baylor values; engaging photos of participants.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper design; photo allows

copy to be easily read; spread profiles five athletes who segue from football to track; blended coverage; specific angle to coverage; use of reversed copy for emphasis.

18-19 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Creative coverage of pushing

Bellaire, Texas THEME: Forward BOOKNAME: Carillon ADVISER: Andrea Negri EDITORS: Allison Clarke, Heather Huang & Skye Waterlad REPRESENTATIVES: Ryan Almon & Hal Schmidt

photo composition & content support message of spreads Introduced on the cover, a subtle

color palette and type treatment move the theme Forward. Because students buy the book to see photos of themselves and their friends, the Carillon staff includes 20+ faces on spreads, varies photo composition and selects storytelling pictures. Their captions support the stories with facts, figures and quotes. Spread designs showcase the coverage through the use of color and shapes.

NOTEWORTHY: Distinctive design for dividers; use

of theme color palette; table of contents for section; chronological coverage; use of layered transparent triangles, use of distinctive theme graphic; wide range of photo content.

bold color palette; coverage of recurring event with creative presentation; winner clearly dominant; all photos clearly identified; other awards & participants covered.

NOTEWORTHY: Storytelling quotes; use of color

backgrounds; student names in bold; verbal/visual connection between primary head & dominant photo; color used in type; copy focuses on what is new.

NOTEWORTHY: Exceptional treatment of group shots

run in index, cropped closely, identified correctly; other timely content included; theme graphics & colors repeated; bold senior names; all caps content; student quotes.

20-21 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread set apart with

Cypress, Texas THEME: What’s Next? BOOKNAME: Kodiak ADVISER: Samantha Berry EDITOR: Editorial Board REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

graphics & color create continuity

The Kodiak staff gave Bridgeland students something different their second year, a colorful, contemporary book that points to the future. For consistency and continuity, graphic touches create textures that repeat on spreads in every section. Introduced on the cover, a vibrant color palette appears on spreads to highlight and separate content and lead the reader from one aspect of a story to another.

NOTEWORTHY: Section content on dividers; stacked type with transparency, outline, color & texture; photos selected to support theme; well-research captions; copy adds specifics to theme development.

bar; shape of graphics repeats font look; secondary coverage module designed as mini spread with primary & secondary headlines, graphic & photo; theme-related module.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-placed pull quote draws reader into copy; well-written, specific copy with quotable quotes; color & texture used to anchor headshots; poll records student preferences; quote in folio area.

NOTEWORTHY: Primary head captures attention &

secondary head adds specifics; quotes genuinely expand coverage; internal spacing clearly defines content & leads reader through story; readable type on photo.

22-23 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Secondary head reversed out of color

Cedar Park, Texas THEME: 2150 BOOKNAME: Tracks ADVISER: Paige Hert EDITORS: Tessa Balderama, Mia Benge, Megan Bonsall, Sydney Bonsall, Sydney Miner, Felicity Shelton & Katelyn Tschoerner REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

challenging, well-developed theme concept At first glance, it appears the Tracks’ staff ran the wrong year on the cover. Actually, 2150 is the address of the school. Numbers move the theme forward and tie the book together. Not many staffs tackle a concept that requires so many facts and figures and so much research. Every spread demonstrates the staff’s commitment to their concept. In addition to numbers, colors artfully repeat on spreads.

NOTEWORTHY: Verbal/visual connection between

primary headline & dominant photo; color and percentages of color used as unifying device; alternative copy relates complete story; caption overlines on color.

theme; blended coverage—student life, academics, faculty; use of color bars to anchor cut-out photos; storytelling quotes; adopting a font family to creates consistency.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; hour-by-

hour timeline, starting at 5:30 a.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m.; blended coverage—clubs, classes and athletics; storytelling quotes relate individuals’ stories.

NOTEWORTHY: Features student photography;

showstopper spread; consistency created by type & color; quotes on photos offer insight into creative effort; variety of content, color, angle & techniques.

24-25 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage based on $21.50 ties to

Kyle, Texas THEME: We are Here BOOKNAME: The Legacy ADVISER: Owen Taylor EDITORS: Karis Hickey, Angely Irizarry-Chico & Alyssa Jones REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

pictures, captions tell the story

The Chapa Middle School staff focuses on student faces to say We are Here. The Legacy uses action/reaction photos and complete story captions to tell the story of the year. Subtle use of theme colors and graphics unite the book. Clean, organized spread designs draw readers in with multiple entry points while secondary packages expand coverage and feature creative variations on theme graphics.

NOTEWORTHY: Different aspects of Mariachi Club

covered; copy in both Spanish and English recognizing student diversity; photos highlighting facial expressions.

from cover; action photos illustrating individual sections; spin-offs to extend “we are� theme.

NOTEWORTHY: Eye-catching modules combining

quotes with action pictures; creative use of theme colors and graphics; variety of performances pictured.

NOTEWORTHY: Multiple entry points to draw

readers in; expanded coverage in secondary packages; photos capturing peak action of track and field events.

26-27 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Gradient, colors, fonts continued

Katy, Texas THEME: In Our Element BOOKNAME: Panorama ADVISER: Ed Larsen EDITORS: Alefiyah Gandhi, Alice Liang & Trinity Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

coverage captures true sense of school

The Panorama shows Cinco Ranch students In Our Element with coverage that captures the school’s personality. Clean font packaging ensures readability and levels of white space unite and divide elements on each spread. This puts the focus on content, including student quotes/anecdotes and strong photography. Designers take care when overlapping and using type on photos, maintaining the integrity of images and readability of text.

NOTEWORTHY: Informal environmental portraits;

multi-season fashion coverage; carefully planned photo montages; seasonal color palettes as design elements; use of white space.

represented; photo montages showing multiple aspects of each location; captions detailing students’ personal experiences.

NOTEWORTHY: Compelling dominant showing

intense facial expressions; photo montages including before-during-after coverage; photos taken from variety of angles; first person student stories.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of diverse cultures; 39

students represented; specialized font usage; linear pullouts for readability; play on words in headline; visualverbal connection.

28-29 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Variety of travel locations

San Antonio, Texas THEME: As Far As I Can See BOOKNAME: The Citadel ADVISER: Velisa Jewett EDITORS: Danielle Bellow & Adelin Blackmon REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

maximum coverage in a bold package

The Claudia Taylor Johnson staff offers a vibrant view of the year with the theme As Far as I Can See. Creatively packaged umbrella coverage maximizes the number of students and topics featured on each spread of The Citadel. Bright colors and bold text draw readers to quick-read modules as well as more in-depth features, while infographics and artifacts help complete the picture.

NOTEWORTHY: Single-page design; textbook

infographic; coverage of timely clear backpack issue; in-depth feature and photo package on Model UN.

conversational opening copy; type interwoven with photo; “slices� of image interspersed on photo.

NOTEWORTHY: Combined coverage of language clubs and classes; birds eye view photo; combination of head shots and cartoons; use of lines and color for separation.

NOTEWORTHY: Inclusion of student work to

illustrate topic; calculator image coordinates with themerelated yellow lines; broken boxes; story captions.

30-31 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Big-picture design for opening;

Crosby, Texas THEME: Going Beyond BOOKNAME: Catamount ADVISER: Laurie Haffelfinger EDITOR: Sydney Larson REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

coverage goes above and beyond

The Catamount staff shows what Going Beyond means through outstanding coverage. A whole book link features hundreds of students who reveal what goes on after the final bell rings. Secondary modules further expand coverage on spreads packed with students’ faces in action/reaction photos. A subtly playful headline font sets the tone and draws readers in while organized design creates flow throughout the book.

NOTEWORTHY: strong dominant photo with ball in

picture; varied photo angles; on- and off-court coverage; theme-related module; consistent internal spacing.

with clear center of interest; linear pullouts with student quotes; effective use of white space.

NOTEWORTHY: blended coverage of band and

dance team; vivid action photos; visual/verbal link with headline, dominant photo; module spotlighting student leader.

NOTEWORTHY: Clean design for table of contents; action/reaction photo setting tone; number of students pictured; theme-related color bar along top of photo.

32-33 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Big-picture design; crowd shot

Houston, Texas THEME: Be Seen BOOKNAME: Cougar Pride ADVISER: Amanda Armour EDITORS: Audrey Cahak & Gabriella Rocha REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

distinctive design showcases content

The Cougar Pride staff uses a tasteful color scheme, distinctive font and starburst graphic to brand and unite the book. Rather than detracting from the content, colors and graphics highlight strong photos and coverage packages, letting Cy Creek Be Seen. Type on photos shows careful placement. Theme-related modules add easyto-read coverage. Spread designs provide variety while maintaining a consistent look.

NOTEWORTHY: color coordination; integration

of graphic in headline; number of students pictured; secondary coverage packages; anchored cutouts; effective use of grids.

to students; combination of photos and graphics to illustrate coverage; color blocks to organize spread.

NOTEWORTHY: umbrella coverage of student

talents; groups and individuals highlighted; varied numbers of students in photos; levels of white space unite, divide elements.

NOTEWORTHY: theme colors, graphics used to

create Q&A package; anchored cutouts effectively arranged; headshots arranged in panel with names on outside of page.

34-35 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: local, state, national issues relevant

Dallas, Texas THEME: Building Up BOOKNAME: Carillon ADVISER: Angie Millar EDITORS: Caroline Massey, Rachel Morrow & Kate Flanagan REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

design elements build theme continuity

Blocks of color, layered elements and stacks of facts and figures show Episcopal School of Dallas is Building Up. The theme refers both to the school’s physical expansion and the ways students and staff build toward their goals. The Carillon staff uses bright colors, angles and arrows to convey movement and optimism. Colored backgrounds define coverage areas and overlap to show connections.

NOTEWORTHY: layered block of color; angles and arrows for sense of movement; levels of white space unite, divide coverage elements.

blocks to define coverage areas; blocks overlapping for sense of connection; wordplay in headlines.

NOTEWORTHY: Color as organizational tool;

oversized arrows dividing coverage areas; layered elements reflecting theme concept; extended quotes to tell stories.

NOTEWORTHY: Images of artwork; student photos and quotes; bars of color to organize content; grids of white space to separate coverage areas.

36-37 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage of the arts; color

Rancho Cucamonga, California THEME: Moving On BOOKNAME: Aquila ADVISER: Bern Judson EDITORS: Alexis Carrier-Caldera & Jackson Deandrea REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

simple, clean design highlights content

Simple, strong images are hallmarks of the Aquila. The single partial arrow on the cover, bright red on a black background, conveys the Moving On theme. Inside the book, bold, expressive photographs emphasize action and movement. Coverage moves beyond the classroom to show Etiwanda High School students’ hands-on learning and extracurricular involvement. Clean design draws the eye to the photos and modules.

NOTEWORTHY: Scene-setting full-bleed photo;

action/interaction photos; before, during, after coverage; multiple students and teachers shown.

NOTEWORTHY: Visual connection to verbal theme; sense of forward movement in photo; complete title page information; full caption with photo credit.

NOTEWORTHY: Strong dominant photo with

NOTEWORTHY: Photos highlighting both fashion

and faces; striking dominant photo; modules showing 10 additional couples, backstage preparation; QR code for video coverage.

38-39 BEST OF 2019

dramatic lighting; 14 additional actors shown in modules; idents included.

O’Fallon, Missouri THEME: Ambitious. Vibrant. Proud. BOOKNAME: The Predator ADVISER: Loran Marquez EDITORS: Kinsey Landry, Evelyn Mabie & Lindsey McLaughlin REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

visual elements support theme concept

The Predator staff boldly declares Fort Zumwalt West Ambitious. Vibrant. Proud. Bright colors, strong dominant photos and creative headline packages convey the theme both verbally and visually. Wide margins frame spreads organized with multiple modules, consistent internal spacing and well-defined entry points. Showstopper spreads use theme-related design elements to maintain consistency while emphasizing unique aspects of the school.

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage of first week of school; grid separation of modules; bold color highlighting student headshots; distinctive folios.

NOTEWORTHY: Photo reflecting theme concept; complete title page information; placement of type on photo.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper design; fonts, colors

NOTEWORTHY: Focus on domestic travel; placement of photos in U.S. map; student quotes to supplement survey results; modules expanding coverage.

40-41 BEST OF 2019

tied to theme; photos of people, artifacts to illustrate alphabet; coverage tailored to school community.

Richmond, Texas THEME: Take Note BOOKNAME: Talon ADVISER: Danielle Bell EDITORS: McKenna Callahan, Erin Laurel & Shelby Showers REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

distinctive design sets tone for theme

Like doodles on class notes, hand-drawn icons add a touch of whimsy to the Foster High School Talon. A casual script font and quick-read coverage packages reinforce the theme Take Note. Well-researched and attractively-designed modules tell the story of the year through statistics and dollar amounts. Varied sidebar designs highlight notable students and events of the year.

NOTEWORTHY: Volleyball icon in sidebar; quote

collection to tell story; cutout in numerical module; levels of white space to unite and divide.

dominant photo; expressive photos; additional coverage in modules; anchored cutouts; musical note in module headline.

NOTEWORTHY: Sizing and arrangement of cutouts; detailed numerical module; icon included in module headline at top of page.

NOTEWORTHY: Strong dominant photo; modules

covering multiple angles; varied module designs and font combinations; megaphone icon; levels of white space.

42-43 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Careful placement of text on

St. Charles, Missouri THEME: Strength in Numbers BOOKNAME: Excalibur ADVISER: Jordyn Kiel EDITOR: Allison Cavato REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

horizontal format uses space effectively

Excalibur staff makes the most of space in a horizontal format. Carefully designed modules mesh in panoramic designs that incorporate elements from the cover including rule lines, a circle icon, distinctive font combinations and oversized numerals. Color blocks define coverage areas. The Strength in Numbers theme reflects Francis Howell North students’ dedication to causes, teams, friends and traditions.

NOTEWORTHY: International and local travel

combined on spread; photo montage to add faces; strong horizontal package on blood drive; modules covering multiple topics.

numerical infographic; grid spacing, color separating secondary modules; coverage of community and school traditions.

NOTEWORTHY: Balanced, combined sports coverage; text wrapped around bowling cutout; circular motifs in Q&A modules; numerical infographics for each sport.

NOTEWORTHY: Numbers tie in to theme; blocks of color used to define modules; anchored cut-outs showing subjects’ personalities.

44-45 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Headline integrating partial cutout;

Snohomish, Washington THEME: Better Together BOOKNAME: The Edge ADVISER: Annie Green EDITOR: Kirsty Fleming REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

creative coverage and page design

The 11th volume of the The Edge delights readers with its innovative presentation. The book slips into a plexiglass cover that protects the white cover. The creativity, however, doesn’t stop on the cover. Carefully designed spreads draw readers into content and direct them from story to story. Because content dictates design, the staff starts with a blank slate and builds the design story by story. Planning design based on content demonstrates they are better together.

NOTEWORTHY: Headline design: font weights, leading,

caps/lc, secondary headline placement; reaction, low-angle dominant; use of polls for student perspective; cutout anchored by bar; overlapping subjects creates a cohesive element.

Instagram-type format; posed pictures related to presentation; headline with picture suggests spirited frenzy; alternative copy (expanded captions) cover multiple spirit week activities.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of fashion trends & favorite; contrasting photo treatment & content; use of color; cutout photos anchored appropriately; placement of student idents; contoured white line around cutouts; hand photos.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper map design; use

of percentages of blue & black & white; use of caps & lowercase, reversed type; alternative copy (student stories); well-anchored cutouts; student initials used to aid readers.

46-47 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Spirit week designed in an

Knoxville, Tennessee THEME: Out of the Blue BOOKNAME: Flight ADVISER: Stephanie Crichton EDITOR: Sam White REPRESENTATIVE: Ben Smith

use of color in theme development

The changes in all aspects of students’ lives seemed to appear Out of the Blue. The circular theme graphic, introduced on the cover, is subtly integrated into designs throughout the book. As a part of their color-driven theme, the Flight staff defines each section with a color and uses blue as the secondary color in page designs. It creates a lively and well-planned look with clearly differentiated sections.

NOTEWORTHY: Well-written primary & secondary

headlines; survey—module design, number of students surveyed included; use of circle graphic repeats theme graphic; social media coverage; use of color.

activities; cutout figures; cutouts combined with & anchored to letters; quotes explain outfit & rationale; student opinions in secondary coverage at bottom of spread.

NOTEWORTHY: Info graphic--world map with linear pull-outs; use of type color; folio design; well-anchored cutout pictures; alternative copy; clear hierarchy of design elements; “Shout Out� whole-book link.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread on smart phones; students paired with images of their home screens; use of circles with headshots; quotes focus on different things including favorite apps & wallpaper choices.

48-49 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread on spirit week

Pflugerville, Texas THEME: Beneath the Surface BOOKNAME: The Talon ADVISER: Kari Riemer EDITOR: Natalie Owings REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

type & color selection & design

The Talon staff commits to creating an in-depth record of the 20182019 school year with their theme Beneath the Surface. In order to relate the stories of the year, the staff uses first-person narration and storytelling quotes. For continuity, designs employ a contemporary palette of colors applied to type and graphic devices. Overall, every aspect of type design, from headlines to folios, reflects the staff’s knowledge and attention to detail.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; storytelling

quotes; candid portraits illustrate theme days; use of color in graphics; headline design: script, sans serif, color, caps/lc, leading & kerning; repetition of colors in graphics.

percentages; reverse type; well-written first-person narratives; showstopper spread; typographical design; folio design; on-location photos submitted by subjects.

NOTEWORTHY: Paneled portraits; uniform head

sizes & backgrounds with names to the outside; student profiles relate little-known facts; candid portraits, close-up with radical cropping; ident design.

NOTEWORTHY: Big photo design; bleeds off three

sides; photo composition—low angle, close-up, center of interest, abstract effect; pull color from photo used for emphasis on key words; combination of fonts & sizes.

50-51 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Use of color palette with

Austin, Texas THEME: Changed Unchanged BOOKNAME: The Bard ADVISER: John Horvarth EDITORS: Bethany Huang & Hannah Huang REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

contemporary design & inclusive coverage Muted colors and type design cause the reader to see “changed” before “unchanged.” Even though some aspects of year were unchanged, The Bard staff records the differences in words and pictures. Designs showcase excellent photos through size, shape and bleeds and planned white space creates a bold, uncluttered look. Most important, the staff includes all grades, preschool to 12, whenever possible.

NOTEWORTHY: Headline writing; dominant photo— 3-sided bleed, horizontal orientation; secondary module verbally linked to theme; transparent bar; use of white space; use of storytelling quotes in copy; photo idents.

preschool-12th grade experiences; emphasis on changes from year to year; storytelling quotes; photo coverage of wide range of activities; design directs reader.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; big photo design; selective focus; use of negative space on picture for copy & secondary coverage; contoured copy; student art; use of color in type reinforces message; preK-12 covered.

NOTEWORTHY: Horizontal dominant bleeds on

three sides; verbal/visual connection draws reader to copy; use of single black & white photo; alternative copy; blended coverage—DECA, NHS event, Chess Club.

52-53 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; coverage of

Melbourne, Florida THEME: Better in Bold BOOKNAME: Tigrium ADVISER: Sarah Tricano EDITOR: Caroline Dixon REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

dynamic, contemporary visual presentation Without question, the Tigrium is better in bold. Textures, color, type and graphics, woven into a distinctive logo, provide the staff with visual elements to repeat throughout the book. Continuity of design is the hallmark of this book. Spread designs feature theme motifs in headline designs, secondary coverage and folio design.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of holiday traditions;

specifics in copy; touches of color in type & graphics; pull quote; use of caps and lower case in primary headlines; graphics direct reader around spread; folio design.

story; captions include specific information & quotes; secondary coverage modules expand coverage; lower school coverage in sidebar; specific secondary headlines.

NOTEWORTHY: Alliterative headline; correctly

placed pull quote in copy; angle focuses on 8th grader playing varsity; athlete profile; variation in number of subjects in pictures: one, two, three, small group.

NOTEWORTHY: Clear angle to story emphasizing

what’s different; design & placement of dominant photo caption; individual profile (college prospect); bars on photos for idents; modules designed as mini-spreads.

54-55 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Visual/verbal connection in primary

Scottsdale, Arizona THEME: Ask Anyone BOOKNAME: Heritage ADVISER: Lisa Baker EDITORS: Marissa Klingler & Elinor Tutora REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

reader-friendly alternative copy

Photo booth strips on the cover introduce a novel visual to the development of the theme Ask Anyone. The cutout on the cover reveals a photo strip on the endsheet, adding action to the theme concept. The section spinoffs, of course, are questions. As expected, alternative copy hinges on variations of a Q&A format. The staff recorded students’ responses to their questions to construct a complete story of the year.

NOTEWORTHY: Question/answer whole-book link

adds personalities & content; top-10 graphic; alternative copy includes 10 student responses; student-submitted vacation photos; use of quote bubble graphic.

alternative copy; subheads identify content; clearly identified students in photo collection; quotable quotes; use of icons with photo credits; survey of cast members; advice column.

NOTEWORTHY: Creative identification of runners

in dominant photo package; facts & figures; individual & team stats; fun, well-researched secondary coverage module (“Who Knew?�); modules linked to theme.

NOTEWORTHY: Primary story with photo collection;

coverage of bands: favorite bands & types of music; coverage of musicians, why they sing & play; clearly defined coverage areas; color repeated to direct reader around spread.

56-57 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Number of students pictured;

Austin, Texas THEME: Changing Perspectives ADVISER: Tanya Henslee EDITORS: Alexis Romero & Payton Capps REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

coverage supports theme concept

As the cover art demonstrates, perspective adds realistic depth to a design. In students’ day-to-day lives, however, perspective is a way of thinking about something (an outlook, attitude, or viewpoint) that changes with age and experience. The staff emphasizes student preferences and choices with alternative copy, interactive content and storytelling quotes. Going way beyond the same old stuff, the book covers topics with student appeal.

NOTEWORTHY: Theme colors, introduced on cover, used to create visual continuity; cultural diversity angle in primary & secondary coverage; modules feature food, holidays & celebrations; storytelling quotes.

tree, a map of the possible outcomes of a series of related choices, leads to student/teacher similarities; coverage on chairs in classroom & favorite places to sit.

NOTEWORTHY: Dominant cutout spider/headline coordination; student profile & phobia; two surveys; coverage of a Halloween experience, “House of Torment”; explanation of the biology of fear.

NOTEWORTHY: Another engaging academic

spread, history; copy details courses taught each year; timeline based on special days with students’ reactions; secondary coverage of family traditions on 4th of July.

58-59 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Novel academic coverage; decision

Kenmore, Washington THEME: Nothing Personal BOOKNAME: Scandia ADVISER: Zane Mills EDITORS: Jennifer Huffman & Kamaria Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

theme concept, development & design

On first consideration, the theme nothing personal would be long on political correctness and short on detail. The front endsheets apologizes “Don’t take it personally, but…”; the back endsheet finishes the thought, “…it was personal.” Unifying visual motifs, introduced on the cover, create a cohesive look throughout the book. Photos created with strips translate into a photo cut into strips and a graphic composed of color strips. Every part of spread design connects to the concept.

NOTEWORTHY: Modular design; whole-book link;

coverage of all aspects of news show production; stepby-step, how-to alternative copy; photo collection design; use of storytelling quotes; headline design.

from cover: type treatment, large quotation marks, colors; detailed table of contents; theme spin-offs for section titles; candid portraits with idents; repeats strips from cover.

NOTEWORTHY: Folio design; thorough coverage of

academic subject; theme graphics repeated; secondary coverage modules designed with primary & secondary headlines; definition of coverage areas using white space & graphics.

NOTEWORTHY: Attention-getting primary headline

(pun); facts & figures; whole-book link adds three students to book; covers positive and negative aspects of snow event; storytelling quotes; number of students polled included.

60-61 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Front endsheet repeats visual motifs

Austin, Texas THEME: Reverie BOOKNAME: Lone Star ADVISER: Lindsey Shirack EDITORS: Claire Meyer, Mia Moore & Sophie Bega REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

sophisticated design, engaging content Not something associated with teenagers, The Lone Star staff developed the theme Reverie, not something associated with teenagers. The theme dives deep by considering the pauses between the action, where students aren’t paying attention to what is going on around them because they are daydreaming about or reflecting on something else. The book had three covers with blue/green, blue/lavender or red/orange washes. Sophisticated designs with in-depth coverage and action-oriented photos make this book a standout.

NOTEWORTHY: Powerful, vertical dominant; engaging

primary headline, informative secondary; copy profiles three “fathers”; informative timeline, before, during & after; expanded captions with quotes complete story photos begin.

continuity; strong vertical dominant; layered elements create depth; table of contents for section; key dates highlighted with facts, figures, quotes, artifacts & photos.

NOTEWORTHY: Dominant photo; showstopper spread, big photo design; well-placed photos & copy; linear pullouts with student quotes; social media secondary module; well-designed facts & figures module.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; creative

concept with interactive format; insightful questions lead reader through dreams vs. nightmares & other content; effective use of type--serif, san serif, bold, italic, reversed.

62-63 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Use of theme graphic for visual

Spring, Texas THEME: Thrive BOOKNAME: Legacy ADVISER: Ashley Nunn EDITOR: Creighton Schulter REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

modular design with well-planned use of color On every spread, the Legacy staff records student voices and chronicles student perspectives. Storytelling quotes, included in captions, alternative copy and whole-book links, demonstrate the staff’s commitment to coverage of the entire student body. Photo collections and secondary coverage modules offer insight into activities and events. To avoid visual monotony, showstopper spreads offer readers a visual treat coupled with creative coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; well-written

idiomatic headline; primary story covers students’ ideal ice cream sandwich; use of color bars creates continuity through repetition; coverage of local hangouts & drink preferences.

NOTEWORTHY: Title page photo supports theme;

complete information including enrollment, athletic division, website; photo captioned; graphic repeated from cover.

NOTEWORTHY: Use of well-coordinated color; facts &

NOTEWORTHY: Specific angle for coverage; content

features action off the fields, fans’ activities; quote in upper corner adds another student; color boxes & bars repeat theme’s graphic motif; wide variety of activities covered.

64-65 BEST OF 2019

figures; alternative copy (multiple questions with different respondents); expanded captions with quotes; group and individual experiences covered; strong photos.

Spring, Texas THEME: This is Us BOOKNAME: The Oak ADVISER: Joan Gill EDITORS: Sydney Gorski & Julia Mickelson REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

wide-ranging coverage illustrates theme

The Oak staff uses comprehensive coverage of student personalities, activities and preferences to express the theme This is Us. Beginning with heat-sensitive ink on the cover that fades to reveal a picture of cheering students, the staff goes beyond the surface to explore the Klein Oak community from every angle. Modules multiply coverage opportunities while theme-related graphics, oversized numbers and candid photos overlap to show connections.

NOTEWORTHY: June 2-Aug. 30 coverage; variety of activities covered; oversized numbers for dates; student quotes; compelling cutouts; touches of color.

connections; detailed contents listing; theme-related color coding for sections; selective use of photos.

NOTEWORTHY: Focus on fall treats; carefully

arranged cutouts; numbers linking student quotes to specific treat; fall colors in headline, numbers, graphics.

NOTEWORTHY: Strong dominant photo; storytelling captions; multiple coverage packages; levels of white space to unite and divide elements on spread.

66-67 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Verbal and visual theme

Leander, Texas THEME: Are You IN? BOOKNAME: The Lair ADVISER: Lindsie Alley EDITORS: Olivia Rutherfurd, Hannah Dowding, McKenzie Henningsen & Hannah Twining REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

student voices tell story of year

The Lair staff asks Are You In? and lets Leander High School students answer. Quote collections take the place of traditional feature stories while modules give first-person takes on events and activities. Multiple coverage packages on each spread provide comprehensive coverage, while judicious use of white space keeps content organized. Bright colors in type and graphics extend the theme visually.

NOTEWORTHY: Strong dominant; secondary photos to broaden coverage; careful placement of type on photos; modules featuring individuals; anchored cutouts; student quotes; story captions.

modules covering multiple angles; subtle touches of color; anchored cutouts of “royalty”; fan photos.

NOTEWORTHY: Number of athletes covered;

baseball diamond graphics; action and dugout photos; grid separation of modules; storytelling captions; use of color.

NOTEWORTHY: “Survival guide” reader service;

striking photo illustration; headline incorporating partial cutout; visual/verbal connection; number of student faces, voices represented.

68-69 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Student quotes to tell story;

Frisco, Texas THEME: Make a Statement BOOKNAME: Legacy ADVISER: Kim Breen EDITOR: Iris Chang REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Visual, verbal elements communicate theme

Strong visual and verbal elements combine to Make A Statement in The Legacy. The distinctive cover logo puts the theme in the form of a command, encouraging action. Verbal elements throughout the book take the same format and use the same oversized type for emphasis. Storytelling photos echo the theme, with dividers weaving text into the images to reinforce their meaning.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage divided into quick-read

packages; white space separating modules; repetition of color from photos; theme-related box on dominant photo.

section spin-off woven into photo; transparency behind headline for readability; complete caption.

NOTEWORTHY: Number of students in crowd shot; emotion shown in photo; theme spin-off phrase woven into photo; transparency behind caption for readability.

NOTEWORTHY: Students speaking out on school

policy change; outlines around cutouts reflect theme logo; candid headshots with natural facial expressions.

70-71 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Big picture design; theme-related

Little Rock, Arkansas THEME: Central Hoorah BOOKNAME: The Pix ADVISER: Roy Vaughn EDITORS: Katherine Taylor & Julia Greenfield REPRESENTATIVE: Pamela Hopkins

Strong photos, clean design bring theme to life

The Pix staff shows the strength and spirit of Little Rock Central with a theme based on the traditional school cheer Central Hurrah. Touches of gold pop on dark gray backgrounds and black-and-white photos. Playful font combinations in headlines and display quotes add flair to clean, organized layouts. Outstanding photography from cover to cover captures the spirit of the diverse student body.

NOTEWORTHY: Expressive photos; font

combinations in headline, display quote; number of students pictured; storytelling captions; levels of white space to organize content.

theme; partial cutout adding sense of movement; gold text contrasting with gray background, black-and-white photo.

NOTEWORTHY: Rotated spread; timeline covering

multiple aspects of game day; before-during-after coverage; action photos with complete captions; number of students pictured.

NOTEWORTHY: Unique take on fashion coverage; cutouts intertwined with text; student photos capturing personalities; effective use of negative space.

72-73 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Clean design; crowd shot illustrating

Austin, Texas THEME: 76,175 Minutes BOOKNAME: Knight ADVISER: Dave Winter EDITOR: Rylie Jones REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Year documented minute by minute

The Knight staff makes every minute count with expressive photos, vibrant colors and oversized numbers. Each of the 76,175 Minutes that make up the McCallum school year is documented in words and pictures, including a whole-book link featuring student quotes and specifying the exact moment being described. Coverage extends through the index with COB photos and student quotes for each alpha separation.

NOTEWORTHY: Emotion in dominant photo; use of

color; anchored cutout; storytelling captions; use of white space to organize content.

covering multiple language classes; module on exchange program; oversized quotation marks with pull quote.

NOTEWORTHY: Dynamic photos; careful placement of text on dominant; numbered captions for photo montage; use of color; secondary coverage of arts center fire.

NOTEWORTHY: Continuation of whole-book link;

COB photos on bright color blocks; quotes serve as miniprofiles; topics listed in index along with names.

74-75 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Number of students pictured; Q&A

Houston, Texas THEME: 3 Sides to Every Story BOOKNAME: Reata ADVISER: Holly Hartman EDITORS: Sammy Bates & Annabelle Matthews REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

comprehensive coverage comes in threes

The three brightly-colored versions of Memorial High School’s Reata cover foreshadow colorful spread designs showing 3 Sides to Every Story. Eye-catching modules cover students and topics in groups of three, or multiples of three. The result is multi-faceted coverage in an easy-to-read format that draws readers back to spreads multiple times. A whole-book link in the folio area further expands coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Trend coverage; both student

faces and icons featured; interactive meme module; use of white space to separate packages; use of color for emphasis.

grade; quotes tell the story; rule lines, colors to organize modules; separate package on college plans.

NOTEWORTHY: Play on words in headline;

Instagram tie-in; students pictured, quoted; text wraps uniting elements within modules; photo illustrations with survey.

NOTEWORTHY: Players reflected in trophy;

coverage of practice, traditions; nine students quoted to tell the story; trophy cutout with text wrap.

76-77 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Three students quoted for each

Miami, Florida THEME: Focus BOOKNAME: The Palm Echo ADVISER: Arlene Huffman EDITORS: Rachel Glassman & Erin Kaufman REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

designs tailored to spread contents

The Palm Echo staff achieves a distinctive look with variations on the Focus theme. Vibrant colors, action photos, student art and theme fonts combine in unique ways on each spread, creating variety within a consistent framework. Coverage of Miami Palmetto’s people and events extends into the index with action photos incorporated with each letter of the alphabet.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopping pop culture

coverage; colorful full-bleed illustration; transparencies behind text for readability; use of alliteration and font variations in infographic headlines.

connection; spinoff text created with transparencies layered on photo; theme copy set on transparency for readability.

NOTEWORTHY: Variety of performances featured;

number of student faces included; creative caption lead-ins; “Showstopper� module with action photo, student quote.

NOTEWORTHY: Subjects listed in bold in index;

pictures integrated with each alpha separation; folios at top left specify part of alphabet on spread.

78-79 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Theme spread; visual/verbal

Raleigh, North Carolina THEME: The Year in Review BOOKNAME: Agromeck ADVISER: Martha Collins EDITOR: Katie Tart REPRESENTATIVE: Kent Sutton

year’s events detailed in words and pictures The Agromeck staff fulfills the promise of the book’s perennial theme, The Year in Review, with wide-ranging coverage of campus happenings and student life. Feature stories provide detailed coverage of special events while monthly calendar spreads document current events with a local connection. Clean design draws the eye to outstanding action photos featuring diverse campus groups and activities.

NOTEWORTHY: coverage of longstanding, widely

popular anime festival; photos showing action, reaction and scope of event; feature quotes students and nonstudent attendees.

of interest; effective use of type on photo; play on words in headline; pull quote as subhead.

NOTEWORTHY: Day-by-day coverage of opening

week; organized theme-related design; multiple events covered for each day; action photos showing student involvement.

NOTEWORTHY: Striking dominant photo of

January campus event; news items related to university community; sources cited for all calendar items.

80-81 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Dramatic photo with strong center

Hattiesburg, Mississippi THEME: Proud & Bold BOOKNAME: The Warrior ADVISER: Samantha Padgett EDITORS: Kailey Skinner, Alden Parsons & Riley Cleveland REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

design reflects school pride theme

A strong sans serif font and touches of trademark gold convey Oak Grove High School’s Proud & Bold theme. The Warrior staff shows the school’s personality with coverage of individual interests and shared traditions. Whole book link in left folio lets students recount proud and bold moments of the school year. Angle motif repeated from cover gives sense of movement.

NOTEWORTHY: Interactive quiz on school specifics and traditions; number of individuals pictured; quiz key and space to record score; use of color.

map as frame for travel photos; linear pullouts with student quotes; Instagram posts; touches of color.

NOTEWORTHY: Clothesline graphic; sidebar with student quotes, cutouts; wide variety of T-shirts showing diverse student organizations, reinforcing school pride theme.

NOTEWORTHY: COB photos of specialized shoes;

layout giving sense of movement; use of student quotes; play on words in headline.

82-83 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Multiple modules covering summer;

Sunnyvale, California THEME: A Colorful Year BOOKNAME: Santa Clara ADVISER: Danielle Ash EDITORS: Santa Clara Editorial Board REPRESENTATIVE: Juanita Sheppard

restrained use of color complements coverage The Peterson Middle School staff portrays A Colorful Year with a light hand, using touches of the color burst from the cover to extend the theme without overwhelming the content. Individual section colors, applied in headlines and graphics, mark reader entry points. Wellorganized spreads draw readers in with action photos and quickread modules separated by grids of white space.

NOTEWORTHY: Headline design; action photos; anchored cutouts in module; effective use of color; detailed captions; number of players pictured.

divide elements; play on words in headlines; blended coverage of boys, girls’ teams.

NOTEWORTHY: Emphasis on action photos; number of students on spread; use of color to mark reader entry points; levels of white space to organize coverage packages.

NOTEWORTHY: Timely coverage of California

wildfires; modules covering different aspects of story; emphasis on effects on students, school event; timeline charting duration.

84-85 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Levels of white space used to unite,

Houston, Texas THEME: Unskilled Ink BOOKNAME: Campanile ADVISER: Kelley Lash EDITORS: Matthew Frankin & Charis Wang REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

careful planning achieves unstructured look

Unity and a consistent tone throughout the Rice University Campanile belie the term “unskilled” in the theme phrase. The careful arrangement of design elements on spreads creates a whimsical, scrapbook look. Doodles, sketches and tilted photos that appear to be taped to the pages contribute to coverage of on- and off-campus events for a lighthearted but complete depiction of the student experience.

NOTEWORTHY: Use of color unites elements; strips of “tape” on photos; hand-drawn graphic to draw the reader’s eye through spread.

student groups; paint splatters integrated into layout; text wrapped around COB photo.

NOTEWORTHY: Design suited to content with

sketches, doodles, hand lettering; number of students pictured; angled photos “taped” to pages; arrows tying captions to photos.

NOTEWORTHY: Combination of blueprints,

architect’s renderings; student committee pictured; use of transparency on behind text on photo; play on words in headline.

86-87 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of friendly rivalry between

Round Rock, Texas THEME: Every Story Matters BOOKNAME: PANTHER ADVISER: Vicki Felkel EDITORS: Sydni Kirkendell, Lauren Barzee, Darcy Caruthers & Yasmin Martinez REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

colorful designs maximize use of space

The Panther staff shows Every Story Matters, making the most of space on each spread to tell those stories. Vivid colors create a striking cover and continue inside to define coverage areas. Module designs combine theme colors and fonts in a variety of ways to add interest. The result is a cohesive presentation of life at Ridgeview Middle School.

NOTEWORTHY: Expressive dominant; number of

students pictured; blended coverage of multiple events; levels of white space organizing multiple coverage packages.

theme-related section spinoffs; action photos expanding coverage; detailed captions with photo credits.

NOTEWORTHY: Panel pictures with names to outside; alphabetical favorites feature covering multiple students; varied, colorful designs within favorites package.

NOTEWORTHY: Storytelling quotes with each alpha separator; theme colors and fonts; indexing of topics as well as student, staff names.

88-89 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Fonts and colors pulled from cover;

Highlands Ranch, Colorado THEME: You United BOOKNAME: Black & Gold ADVISER: Kristi Rathbun EDITORS: Lexi Olsen, Emma Shea, Kinley Rex & Alex Lettner REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

individual, group coverage gives complete picture

The Black & Gold staff balances individuality with common experiences to capture the year at Rock Canyon High School. Strong visual/verbal connections unite clever headlines and striking action photos. Type integrated into photos preserves both readability and the integrity of images. Community coverage gives a sense of the broader environment. A whole-book link features students’ reflections on factors that unite them.

NOTEWORTHY: Blended club/academic/student life coverage; dynamic dominant photo; grids separating coverage packages; consistent micro-spacing within modules; detailed captions.

traditional section names plus theme spinoffs; brackets, fonts and color pulled from cover design.

NOTEWORTHY: Big picture design; visual/verbal

connection with colors in photo reflecting theme; rail of photos showing broad spectrum of classes, student activities.

NOTEWORTHY: Clean divider design; worm’s eye angle for dominant photo; secondary photos showing variety of classes; theme copy with names in red.

90-91 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Table of contents on endsheet;

San Marcos, California THEME: Stay Golden BOOKNAME: Aquila ADVISER: Sarah Meder EDITORS: Kaci Donaghey & Nico Katzen REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

spreads designed to maximize coverage

The Aquila staff documents the golden moments at San Elijo Middle School with action photo groupings and modules to expand coverage. Traditional sections feature blended coverage to address multiple sports, clubs or academic areas and include as many students as possible on each spread. Strong dominant photos, color, fonts and verbal spinoffs carry the Stay Golden theme throughout the book.

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage of clubs;

montage of action photos; expressive dominant; Valentine’s Day module with candid photos, student quotes, theme-related bracket.

traditional section names plus theme spinoffs; brackets, fonts and color pulled from cover design.

NOTEWORTHY: Big picture design; visual/verbal

connection with colors in photo reflecting theme; rail of photos showing broad spectrum of classes, student activities.

NOTEWORTHY: Clean divider design; worm’s eye angle for dominant photo; secondary photos showing variety of classes; theme copy with names in red.

92-93 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Table of contents on endsheet;

Katy, Texas THEME: The Foundation BOOKNAME: The Odyssey ADVISER: Katie Moreno EDITORS: Lisa Silveira, Chloe Farlow & Sarah White REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

student voices trace school’s history

Storytelling quotes and first-person anecdotes form The Foundation of The Odyssey, documenting the school’s history and evolution. Layouts package action photos and quote collections in a quickread format, with different levels of white space to unite and divide coverage areas. Bars and blocks of color highlight headlines and the recurring Senior Spotlight feature, a whole-book link that expands coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Quote collections with actors,

techies telling their stories; extended captions for prep, practice and performance photos; use of color in graphics and text.

outside; color in text and graphics; theme-related module featuring staff; bar to anchor cutouts.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; coordination of spot color with photos; text wraps around images; extended student quotes about their favorite snacks.

NOTEWORTHY: Big picture design; facts and figures documenting school’s evolution; type on photo carefully placed for legibility; color coordinating with image.

94-95 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Portraits in block with names to

Tecumseh, Kansas THEME: Shawnee Fights BOOKNAME: Thunderbird ADVISER: Jeni Daley EDITORS: Abbey McGinley & Isiah Gallegos REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

strong design highlights the good fight

The Thunderbird staff turns a negative into a positive with the bold declaration Shawnee Fights, playing off a phrase in the fight song. A vibrant red, clean sans serif fonts and dynamic action photos reinforce the theme, touting the school’s strengths. Layouts expand coverage with multiple modules, including a whole-book link. Spreads maintain clarity and readability while maximizing the number of students pictured.

NOTEWORTHY: Angled photo crop; action photos showing emotion; COB photos anchored with theme elements; catchy opening copy filled with specifics.

theme tie-ins; visual/verbal link with dominant photo; multiple modules effectively organized; anchored cutouts of team captains.

NOTEWORTHY: Number of players pictured; multiple angles on football season; COB photo combinations; use of color and graphics; roster/scoreboard combo.

NOTEWORTHY: A-Z trends coverage; overlapping

color bars and boxes to lead reader’s eye; white space for uncluttered look; photos with select items.

96-97 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Number of students featured; verbal

Overland Park, Kansas THEME: Something for Everyone BOOKNAME: Heritage ADVISER: Tucker Love EDITORS: Abby Walker & Carolyn Schneck REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

broad coverage shows how everyone fits in

The Heritage staff shows there’s Something for Everyone with comprehensive coverage of programs and activities at Shawnee Mission South. Outstanding dominant photos provide a focal point on each spread, with skillful crops showing content truly dictates the design. Touches of color and varied font pairings provide clear reader entry points. In keeping with the theme, secondary packages employ storytelling quotes to expand coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Group and individual coverage;

subtle use of color; bold key words in modules; coverage of practice as well as performances.

quotes from runners telling story of the season; use of color; key words in bold.

NOTEWORTHY: Action photos showing intense

expressions; striking extreme horizontal photo; background story on making weight; Q&A featuring new coach.

NOTEWORTHY: Clean design; effective use of white space to frame spread; well-composed photos; detailed feature story on band competition.

98-99 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Leading lines in dominant photo;

Houston, Texas THEME: Demo BOOKNAME: The Belltower ADVISER: David Graves EDITORS: Sydney Bloesch, Irene Fueyo-Gomez & Jill Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

theme, design emphasize rebuilding phase For The Belltower staff, demo represents the starting point to rebuilding St. Thomas’ Episcopal School, heavily damaged in Hurricane Harvey. The dropped “e” on the cover suggests the process is ongoing, while layered grays throughout the book give a sense of building up. Multi-faceted coverage conveys a sense of optimism and shows life goes on in the midst of change.

NOTEWORTHY: Compelling academics photos;

labels on photos identifying projects; feature story leading with unique personal story; pull quote, picture with folio expand coverage.

academics spread; quick-read coverage of math and science classes; photos showing interaction, reaction; storytelling captions.

NOTEWORTHY: COB photo integrated with

headline; dominant photo capturing key moment; action/reaction photos including fan shot; display quote expanding coverage.

NOTEWORTHY: Scoreboards; team pictures

cropped for consistent head size; correct group caption format; topics listed in index as well as names.

100-101 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Class pictures integrated on

Kansas City, Missouri THEME: A Little Extra BOOKNAME: Legacy ADVISER: Cherie Burgett EDITORS: Clare Cunningham, Grace Duddy & Haley Anne Mahusay REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

secondary packages provide extra coverage

The Legacy staff gives a little bit extra‌ with secondary coverage expanding on strong dominant packages. The ellipses on the cover become bullets in modules, graphics in folios and pull quotes. Photo montages, infographics and student spotlights, organized with use of white space, provide the extras. Photographers go above and beyond to showcase both action and emotion.

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage; white space separating coverage areas; blood drive infographic; emotion, dramatic lighting in dominant photo.

theme-related circle graphic; caption carefully placed on photo for readability.

NOTEWORTHY: Thorough coverage in readable

packages; number of athletes on spread; action, reaction and sideline photos to tell the whole story.

NOTEWORTHY: Colophon information combined with staff page; individual recognition of staff members; editor cutouts anchored; letter from editors short and sweet.

102-103 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Big picture design for divider; use of

Riviera Beach, Florida THEME: So Golden BOOKNAME: Renaissance ADVISER: Stephanie Russo EDITORS: Isabella Padilla & Dany Hernandez REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

golden moments shine through colorful coverage The Renaissance staff uses gold foil and a handful of glitter to introduce its So Golden theme. The glitter visible through the die-cut cover presages coverage of golden moments. Bright theme colors pop in type, graphics and photos. A carefully planned whole-book link in the right folio features small photos of the mascot that become animated when pages are rapidly flipped.

NOTEWORTHY: Photos showing action, emotion; creative use of COB photos; multiple modules addressing varied angles; folio image forming part of flipbook.

grouped cutouts showing traditional dress; font packaging; internal spacing; combination of vivid colors; multiple reader entry points.

NOTEWORTHY: Use of color; font packaging; visual/ verbal connection between headline and dominant photo; module with day-by-day coverage; photos showing action, emotion.

NOTEWORTHY: Pops of color on black background; theme color in dominant photo; headline on photo; outlined cutouts; number of students on spread.

104-105 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of culture groups;

Lubbock, Texas THEME: TE-CH! BOOKNAME: La Ventana ADVISER: Susan Peterson EDITOR: Davian Hopkins REPRESENTATIVE: Mike Parker

outstanding feature stories & images

TE-CH emerges from the scarlet background with deconstructed type and texture. The graphic movement upward suggests Texas Tech’s focus on advancing higher education, research and outreach. Everything in a Red Raider’s life, from fall football games to May commencement is covered in words and pictures. The gritty deconstructed look continues from the cover to interior pages in type, photo treatments and graphics.

NOTEWORTHY: Jump coverage from previous spread; use of color for emphasis; paneled statistics emphasizing numbers; high-angle shots of students unify design; advantages & disadvantages of having more students covered.

phenomena, dating apps; Photoshopped phones support visual concept; gray bar used as distinctive graphic device; treatment of pull quote at end of feature.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of change in franchises;

includes facts, figures & dates; additional information in isolated column; copy features storytelling quotes; large photo with new scooters; headline writing.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread to cover

championship season; use of color; basketball coach’s play diagram as background graphic; alternative copy—season highlights with dates, places & scores; folio design.

106-107 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Timely coverage of campus

Dallas, Texas THEME: Seed. Sprout. Bloom. BOOKNAME: Cornerstones ADVISER: Nureen Patel EDITORS: Courtney Katz & Maddie McBride REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

specific coverage of activities, events & classes The Cornerstones staff departs from tradition and adopts a three-part theme: seed. sprout. bloom. The book is divided into three sections too: lower school, middle school, upper school. When designing interior pages, staff members weave colors from theme palette and whimsical theme graphics into a coordinated look. Stacked primary headlines on dominant photos create a verbal/visual link that draws readers to secondary packages and feature stories.

NOTEWORTHY: Primary headline design—stacked,

light & heavy weights; secondary headline design; tiled photos; transparent frame around dominant; specific angle to feature exclusive to year; all students identified.

established on cover; photo collection of candid portraits represents school community; theme graphic woven into design; basic caption with quote; calendar format.

NOTEWORTHY: Use of contrasting typefaces; dominant photo treatment; secondary head leads into copy; merging coverage--rowing, sculling, crew workout; angle to story specific to the year about canceled regatta.

NOTEWORTHY: Student council coverage—Honor

Week, donut walk, balance initiative, executive meetings, etc.; specific facts, figures & dates included; captions add additional events & quotes; typography.

108-109 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Repetition of theme color palette

The Woodlands, Texas THEME: The Fine Print BOOKNAME: Paragon ADVISER: Lynn Boeding EDITOR: Gabby Mussalli REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

comprehensive coverage of school community

When developing the theme, The Fine Print, the Paragon staff invites readers to look closely at The John Cooper School. The chronological organization of the book supports blended coverage. When including multiple stories on spreads, page designers direct readers through a hierarchy of content. They successfully use color, typography, photos and graphics to create movement and flow. Story captions, five to seven sentences with quotes, combine with photo collections to provide maximum coverage of students in every activity and event.

NOTEWORTHY: Alliterative headline with quote as

secondary; photo collection framed in yellow; four clearly delineated coverage areas; headline & copy on dominant photo; use of gray and yellow from cover; repetition of dots.

color bar; unique content; use of gray, yellow & black; uniform head size & background; paneled portraits with names to the outside; headline writing.

NOTEWORTHY: Feature story--specific angle, prĂŠcis

lead/secondary headline, facts & figures, storytelling quotes; sidebar on t-shirt sales; timeline secondary coverage; idents for all photos; B&W photo with linear pull-out quote.

NOTEWORTHY: Type treatment—color, size, reverse, in transparent boxes; four-bleed, big photo design; black & white photo; calendar format introduces content; chronological organization; linear pull-out with quote.

110-111 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Cutouts anchored with shadows &

Thrall, Texas THEME: Everything In Between BOOKNAME: The Tiger ADVISER: Christina Strnard EDITOR: Kylie Sledge REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

visual & verbal theme development

On The Tiger cover, the word “EVERYTHING� transitions from being barely seen (UV coating) to boldly colorful (color gradient). Undaunted by covering preschool through 12th grades, the staff seamlessly blends content and includes as many students on a spread as possible. The visual motifs introduced on the cover appear throughout the book in secondary coverage modules, headline design and graphic applications.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage of all grades; use of theme

visual motifs: color gradients, fonts, parallel lines; 32 students covered in photos; cutouts anchored with graphic devices; internal spacing used to unify & separate.

event & community service; detail in copy (facts, figures, dates); coverage of all elementary, middle and high schools; expanded captions; storytelling quotes.

NOTEWORTHY: Transparent text box on dominant;

well-designed scoreboard; folio design; color gradient in senior profile secondary coverage module; well-written anecdotal copy; clear hierarchy established.

NOTEWORTHY: Paneled portraits with names to

the outside; uniform head size & backgrounds; polls include number of student participants; headline design; engaging infographics; sidebar with quote.

112-113 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Blended coverage of academic

Tomball, Texas THEME: This Works for Us BOOKNAME: The Memorial ADVISER: Jill Chumley EDITOR: Sameeha Sarwar REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

comprehensive coverage of students

Whatever works. The Memorial staff made sure its theme this works for us had all the elements to succeed. The theme logo provides design possibilities (serif, sans serif and script fonts, woven type, varied weights, graphic shapes) to repeat in the book for continuity. The staff includes showstopper spreads at regular intervals to interject the unexpected. With multiple photo packages, spreads maximize the number of students pictured.

NOTEWORTHY: Two fun facts at top of spread add facts; headline design; use of color; photo collection with idents at end of copy; module design with theme graphic, primary & secondary headlines; 43 students pictured.

designed with theme graphic; alternative copy—A-Z; candid portraits & action photos mixed; captions include specific information; use of color; folio design.

NOTEWORTHY: Photo collections maximize number of

students covered; secondary coverage modules’ content & design; fun facts at top in & out of transparent boxes; use of camera icon with photo credits; story captions.

NOTEWORTHY: Cut-out mascot anchored with color

bar; specific angle to feature; interactive format personalizes coverage; partial cut-outs; headline design that crosses the gutter; copy covers range of activities; evaluation.

114-115 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; headline

Coral Gables, Florida THEME: What does it mean to be a ‘Cane? BOOKNAME: Ibis ADVISER: Randy Stano EDITORS: Morgan Thomson & Casey Leu REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

creative, engaging photography & design

The university’s iconic mascot stomps onto the Ibis cover. It’s a bird with an attitude. The Ibis staff maintains a fight-not flight attitude when describing the activities, sports, events and classes on and off campus. Extolling the unique aspects of the university, feature stories and alternative copy record details. Page designs, the Ibis trademark, coordinate all elements to create reader-friendly, engaging presentation of content.

NOTEWORTHY: Timely coverage of sustainable campus initiatives; headline design; use of color; blended coverage of academics, organizations & student life; secondary coverage module content & design; dominant photo.

dominant photo with partial cutout; bleeds off side & bottom anchor cutout; copy placement; secondary coverage of Bernstein anniversary; well-researched copy & captions.

NOTEWORTHY: Action moves to headline & copy;

headline design—color, font weights, serif & script, leading; secondary coverage of endowed scholarship; cutout photo anchored by box; placement of copy on photo.

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper, full-bleed spread;

facts & figures about university; easily reference historical record; transparent box on picture with copy--board of trustees; use of representative icons; alternative copy.

116-117 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Use of color; headline design;

Austin, Texas THEME: Certen BOOKNAME: Veteran ADVISER: Lela Coker EDITORS: Lily Beth Kerr REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

anniversary theme concept & development The Veteran’s understated cover draws readers’ attention to the clever 10-year anniversary theme certen. The unassuming period is used interjectionally to emphasize the finality of “certen,” making it even more assured. It also becomes a theme graphic. Throughout the book, the contrasting serif and san serif type styles in headlines and the use of circular pictures and graphics create continuity. By including a whole-book link on spreads, the staff adds an additional student to each spread.

NOTEWORTHY: Use of circular graphics; headline design; headline writing; alternative copy; copy configured as circles in secondary coverage module; storytelling dominant photo with well-placed caption.

focus & framing; use of color; circular graphic; quotes specific to activities of the season; transparent box used for caption; transparent graphic frames semi-circle.

NOTEWORTHY: Photo collections; graphic cutout

on photo & overline cutout on photos; well-written expanded captions with quotes; lead-ins effectively link captions to photos; storytelling quotes; use of color.

NOTEWORTHY: Alternative copy; whole book link—

quotes from students, “In 10 years…”; repetition of graphic (bar) from cover; use of color; quote with large quotation marks repeated from divider; expanded storytelling captions.

118-119 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Full-bleed photo design; selective

Cedar Park, Texas THEME: That Feeling When BOOKNAME: The Lonestar ADVISER: Jamie Ray EDITORS: Mason Slover & Cynthia Plasencio REPRESENTATIVES: Morgan Tuggle & Jim Anderson

theme design & development

On their social media accounts, students use “That feeling when” (or TFW) to start sentences. The verbal expression gives The Lonestar staff the opportunity to explore shared experiences and emotions. The elegant logo runs counter to the tone of TFW verbal memes, suggesting something different is in store. Comprehensive coverage, action/reaction photos and verbal/visual theme development create a superb record of the year.

NOTEWORTHY: Verbal/visual connection--headline

dominant photo; storytelling quotes; secondary coverage module designs with verbal theme connections; alternative copy—expanded captions; impactful 3-sided bleed.

students; multiple secondary coverage modules report entire fan experience; quote headline; headline design; copy—individual (my take) & group experience (our take).

NOTEWORTHY: Showstopper spread; 10-step guide

covers a variety of events & activities; graphic design; use of color and shades of gray to direct reader; integration of photos, quotes, facts & figures into overall design.

NOTEWORTHY: Alternative copy—storytelling

quotes with candid portraits; headline design; headline/ dominant photo/copy package; secondary coverage modules with headlines & secondary headlines.

120-121 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Whole-book link includes more

Austin, Texas THEME: Fusion BOOKNAME: The Heritage ADVISER: Lanie Catuogno EDITOR: Grace Yasong Liu REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

visual & verbal theme development

The theme Fusion, the union of separate parts to form a single entity, focuses on Westwood students being a blend of talents, passions, skills and perspectives. The fluid graphics and color gradient suggest movement and change as students embrace their differences and work together to form a unique community. By applying the theme colors and graphics to spread designs, The Heritage staff uses the theme to create a cohesive book.

NOTEWORTHY: use of colors & shapes; survey shows

student preferences & adds community info; specific angle focuses on student jobs; circular graphics mimic primary headline design; graphic elements direct readers to content.

theme graphic woven into picture behind subject; theme copy details specifics about year; fusion is applied to student experiences; readable copy--font size, leading, placement.

NOTEWORTHY: Headline design incorporates art,

graphics & color; alternative copy—quotes record season highlights; team photos & scoreboards included on sports spreads; correct format for scoreboards & team idents.

NOTEWORTHY: Timely coverage; records history

with student perspectives; facts & figures; use of color; icons used to credit writers & photographers; relevant secondary coverage modules; avoids editorializing.

122-123 BEST OF 2019

NOTEWORTHY: Opening spread; full-bleed design;

Kansas City, Missouri THEME: Beyond BOOKNAME: Odyssey ADVISER: Shannon Le Grand EDITOR: Ashlyn Bunch REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

color & type use create continuity

The word “BEYOND� emerges, in percentages of orange, from the gradient color area. The distinctive modern font featured on the cover has dramatic thin/thick transitions. A script font and a circle graphic add two additional visual motifs. The Odyssey staff dives deep into coverage with showstopper content and designs, as well as multiple secondary coverage modules on spreads. By carefully planning color use, the staff extends the look and feel of the cover into the book.

NOTEWORTHY: Coverage areas clearly unified &

separated; trends coverage; type design combining serif & san serif fonts; pops of color in type & graphics; wholebook link at bottom of pages; well-anchored cutouts.

NOTEWORTHY: Sky & transparent circles repeat colors

from cover; dramatic, low-angle silhouette photo; expanded captions with specific information & quote; complete reference info including social media accounts; photo illustrates theme.

NOTEWORTHY: Headline writing & design; full-bleed

NOTEWORTHY: Dominant photo collection on

senior awards; infographic—senior facts & figures; wellresearched, informative captions; use of theme graphic & typefaces; folio design; color use on type.

124-125 BEST OF 2019

design; well-placed readable copy; photo collection; secondary coverage module on leads; quotable quotes; type contoured around student; detailed feature story.

SHOWSTO PPER S Exceptionally arresting or attractive, a SHOWSTOPPER: ■ Features content that dictates design ■ Departs from established book design


■ Focuses on innovative coverage

Bellaire, Texas THEME: Forward BOOKNAME: Carillon ADVISER: Andrea Negri EDITORS: Allison Clarke, Heather Huang & Skye Waterlad REPRESENTATIVES: Ryan Almon & Hal Schmidt

Little Rock, Arkansas THEME: Central Hoorah BOOKNAME: The Pix ADVISER: Roy Vaughn EDITORS: Katherine Taylor & Julia Greenfield REPRESENTATIVE: Pamela Hopkins

Dripping Springs, Texas THEME: Look Closer BOOKNAME: Tiger Cry ADVISER: Jessica Stamp EDITOR: Alexis Burch REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Hattiesburg, Mississippi THEME: Proud & Bold BOOKNAME: The Warrior ADVISER: Samantha Padgett



EDITORS: Kailey Skinner, Alden Parsons & Riley Cleveland

Houston, Texas THEME: Be Seen BOOKNAME: Cougar Pride ADVISER: Amanda Armour EDITORS: Audrey Cahak & Gabriella Rocha REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Houston, Texas THEME: Be Seen BOOKNAME: Cougar Pride ADVISER: Amanda Armour EDITORS: Audrey Cahak & Gabriella Rocha REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Brentwood, Tennessee THEME: Vivat Veritas BOOKNAME: Aerie ADVISER: Anna Kathryn Berkompas EDITORS: Lillie Lentchner REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Brentwood, Tennessee THEME: Vivat Veritas BOOKNAME: Aerie ADVISER: Anna Kathryn Berkompas EDITORS: Lillie Lentchner



Buffalo, Minnesota THEME: Out of the Ordinary BOOKNAME: Tatanka ADVISER: Ryan McCallum EDITORS: Mackenzie Myrkle & Tucker MacCallum REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart

Riviera Beach, Florida THEME: So Golden BOOKNAME: Renaissance ADVISER: Stephanie Russo EDITORS: Isabella Padilla & Dany Hernandez REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Clinton, Tennessee THEME: Maverick Moments BOOKNAME: Reflections ADVISER: Jen Clotfelter EDITORS: Haley Hogue & Sarah Casey REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Clinton, Tennessee THEME: Maverick Moments BOOKNAME: Reflections ADVISER: Jen Clotfelter



EDITORS: Haley Hogue & Sarah Casey

Houston, Texas THEME: Demo BOOKNAME: The Belltower ADVISER: David Graves EDITORS: Sydney Bloesch, Irene Fueyo-Gomez & Jill Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Austin, Texas THEME: Soar BOOKNAME: Aerie ADVISER: Sean Claes EDITORS: Colby Nguyen REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

Arlington, Washington THEME: On & On… BOOKNAME: Stillaguamish Trail ADVISER: Anne Hayman EDITORS: Sadie Collins, Imani Jackson & Mollie Janousek REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Austin, Texas THEME: Changed Unchanged BOOKNAME: The Bard ADVISER: John Horvarth



EDITORS: Bethany Huang & Hannah Huang

Katy, Texas THEME: The Foundation BOOKNAME: The Odyssey ADVISER: Katie Moreno EDITORS: Lisa Silveira, Chloe Farlow & Sarah White REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Katy, Texas THEME: The Foundation BOOKNAME: The Odyssey ADVISER: Katie Moreno EDITORS: Lisa Silveira, Chloe Farlow & Sarah White REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Bardwell, Kentucky THEME: We Are Carlisle BOOKNAME: The Comet ADVISER: Sarah Workman EDITORS: The Comet Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Hawkinson

San Antonio, Texas THEME: Everyday is a New Day BOOKNAME: the Wintness ADVISER: Michelle Elizondo



EDITORS: Mariann Rodriguez & Jalen Toney

Krum, Texas THEME: Don’t Blink ADVISER: Stacey Lucas EDITORS: Hannah Daily & Caroline Shipley REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Overland Park, Kansas THEME: Something for Everyone BOOKNAME: Heritage ADVISER: Tucker Love EDITORS: Abby Walker & Carolyn Schneck REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Overland Park, Kansas THEME: Something for Everyone BOOKNAME: Heritage ADVISER: Tucker Love EDITORS: Abby Walker & Carolyn Schneck REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

New Braunfels, Texas THEME: Paramount BOOKNAME: The Cougar ADVISER: Alyson Martin EDITORS: Magnolia Martin



Thrall, Texas THEME: Everything In Between BOOKNAME: The Tiger ADVISER: Christina Strnard EDITOR: Kylie Sledge REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Kansas City, Missouri THEME: A Little Extra BOOKNAME: Legacy ADVISER: Cherie Burgett EDITORS: Clare Cunningham, Grace Duddy & Haley Anne Mahusay REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Austin, Texas THEME: Certen BOOKNAME: Veteran ADVISER: Lela Coker EDITOR: Lily Beth Kerr REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

Austin, Texas THEME: Certen BOOKNAME: Veteran ADVISER: Lela Coker EDITOR: Lily Beth Kerr



Houston, Texas THEME: The Story of US BOOKNAME: Quadrangle ADVISERS: Susan Barthelme & Suzanne Webb EDITORS: Quadrangle Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

San Antonio, Texas THEME: As Far As I Can See BOOKNAME: The Citadel ADVISER: Velisa Jewett EDITORS: Danielle Bellow & Adelin Blackmon REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Houston, Texas THEME: Unskilled Ink BOOKNAME: Campanile ADVISER: Kelley Lash EDITORS: Matthew Frankin & Charis Wang REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Houston, Texas THEME: Unskilled Ink BOOKNAME: Campanile ADVISER: Kelley Lash



EDITORS: Matthew Frankin & Charis Wang

Flowood, Mississippi THEME: Where We Stand BOOKNAME: The Legacy ADVISER: Lori Jones EDITORS: Emma Abrams, Kathryn Moss & Ciera Garrett REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Richmond, Texas THEME: The Way I See It BOOKNAME: The Legacy ADVISER: Amanda Respondek EDITORS: The Legacy Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

O’Fallon, Missouri THEME: Gen Z BOOKNAME: Southpaw ADVISER: Jamie Demeter EDITORS: The Southpaw Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Sunnyvale, California THEME: A Colorful Year BOOKNAME: Santa Clara ADVISER: Danielle Ash EDITORS: Santa Clara Editorial Board


REPRESENTATIVE: Juanita Sheppard

Irvine, California THEME: Perspectives BOOKNAME: Pride ADVISER: Crystal Le EDITORS: Grace Tu & Madelyn Noh REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

Topeka, Kansas THEME: Lasting Impressions BOOKNAME: The Sunflower ADVISER: Heather Hooper EDITORS: Taya Davis REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Louisville, Kentucky THEME: & More BOOKNAME: The Angeline ADVISER: Allie Teta EDITORS: The Angeline Staff REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Monmouth Junction, New Jersey

THEME: Premium Blend BOOKNAME: Valhalla ADVISER: Anna Lehre

REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk


EDITOR: Rachel Cole

SPR EAD S EXCEPTIONAL SPREADS combine the elements of page design (photos, type and white space) with: ■ Effective use of space ■ Emphasis on important elements of story

148-149 SPREADS

■ Flow from dominant to secondary elements

Kingwood, Texas ADVISER: Michelle Valenzuela REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Kingwood, Texas ADVISER: Michelle Valenzuela REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Houston, Texas ADVISER: Megan Wolf REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Little Rock, Arkansas ADVISER: Roy Vaughn

150-151 SPREADS


Dripping Springs, Texas ADVISER: Jessica Stamp REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Wimberley, Texas ADVISER: Kate McNeely REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Los Angeles, California ADVISER: Mr. Jose Hernandez REPRESENTATIVE: Corey Mundwiler

Los Angeles, California ADVISER: Mr. Jose Hernandez

152-153 SPREADS


Austin, Texas ADVISER: Theresa Proctor REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

East Bernard, Texas ADVISER: Lauren Haedge REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

East Bernard, Texas ADVISER: Lauren Haedge REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

Trussville, Alabama ADVISER: Kishia Locke

154-155 SPREADS

REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Conroe, Texas ADVISER: Sarah Ellison REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Fort Myers, Florida ADVISER: Nick Grey REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Brentwood, Tennessee ADVISER: Anna Kathryn Berkompas REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Buffalo, Minnesota ADVISER: Ryan McCallum

156-157 SPREADS


Katy, Texas ADVISER: Candice Thomas REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Katy, Texas ADVISER: Candice Thomas REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Weatherford, Texas ADVISER: Shana Gilley REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Houston, Texas ADVISER: James Ricks

158-159 SPREADS


Austin, Texas ADVISER: Missy Sharpe REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

San Antonio, Texas ADVISER: Terri Real REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Dickinson, Texas ADVISER: Hayley Booth REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Tallahassee, Florida ADVISER: Deborah Mayer

160-161 SPREADS


Seminole, Florida ADVISER: Candace Gilbert REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

The Woodlands, Texas ADVISER: Mary Ann Widman REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

The Woodlands, Texas ADVISER: Mary Ann Widman REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Irving, Texas ADVISER: Fr. Raphael Schaner

162-163 SPREADS


Carrollton, Texas ADVISER: Joanna Lawson REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Carrollton, Texas ADVISER: Joanna Lawson REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Plano, Texas ADVISER: Aubrey Pasant REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Plano, Texas ADVISER: Aubrey Pasant

164-165 SPREADS


Katy, Texas ADVISER: Ed Larsen REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Monmouth Junction, New Jersey

ADVISER: Anna Lehre REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Rosenberg, Texas ADVISER: Gina Monteleone REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Rosenberg, Texas ADVISER: Gina Monteleone

166-167 SPREADS


Carrollton, Texas ADVISER: Katie Spurgin REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Arlington, Washington ADVISER: Anne Hayman REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Snellville, Georgia ADVISER: Holly Chatham REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Snellville, Georgia ADVISER: Holly Chatham

168-169 SPREADS


Richmond, Texas ADVISER: Danielle Bell REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Richmond, Texas ADVISER: Danielle Bell REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Castroville, Texas ADVISER: Caitlin Schmidt REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Katy, Texas ADVISER: Caitlin Graham

170-171 SPREADS


Aransas Pass, Texas ADVISER: Jaymie Knostman REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Olathe, Kansas ADVISER: Susan Warner REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Pflugerville, Texas ADVISER: Maisey Edwards REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Pflugerville, Texas ADVISER: Maisey Edwards

172-173 SPREADS


Cypress, Texas ADVISER: Stacy Slaughter REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Krum, Texas ADVISER: Stacey Lucas REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Littleton, Colorado ADVISER: Julien Bouquet REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

Fulshear, Texas ADVISER: Megan Sanford

174-175 SPREADS


Iowa Park, Texas ADVISER: Stephanie Roberts REPRESENTATIVE: Alicia Waterman

Iowa Park, Texas ADVISER: Stephanie Roberts REPRESENTATIVE: Alicia Waterman

Bossier City, Louisiana ADVISER: Sandy Hahn REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn

Bossier City, Louisiana ADVISER: Sandy Hahn

176-177 SPREADS


Corpus Christi, Texas ADVISER: Piper Carlson REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Corpus Christi, Texas ADVISER: Piper Carlson REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Haymarket, Virginia ADVISER: Briana O’Connor REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Benton, Louisiana ADVISER: Michelle France

178-179 SPREADS


Kansas City, Missouri ADVISER: Freida Green REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Kansas City, Missouri ADVISER: Freida Green REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Minnetonka, Minnesota ADVISER: Tessa Ikola REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart

McHenry, Illinois ADVISER: Dane Erbach

180-181 SPREADS


Harrisonburg, Virginia ADVISER: Dr. Mark Rankin REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Harrisonburg, Virginia ADVISER: Dr. Mark Rankin REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Glendale, Arizona ADVISER: Melissa Reagan REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Pearland, Texas ADVISERS: Julie Pasha & Mara Williams

182-183 SPREADS


Georgetown, Texas ADVISER: Theresa Fisher REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Georgetown, Texas ADVISER: Theresa Fisher REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Milton, Georgia ADVISER: Laura Efford REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Katy, Texas ADVISER: Shetye Cypher

184-185 SPREADS


O’Fallon, Missouri ADVISER: Stacie Wulfert REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

O’Fallon, Missouri ADVISER: Stacie Wulfert REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

O’Fallon, Missouri ADVISER: Jamie Demeter REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

O’Fallon, Missouri ADVISER: Jamie Demeter

186-187 SPREADS


Saint Peters, Missouri ADVISERS: Brooke Iadevito & Matt Whitehead REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Melbourne, Florida ADVISER: Sarah Tricano REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Manassas, Virginia ADVISER: Dianne Demastrie REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Manassas, Virginia ADVISER: Dianne Demastrie

188-189 SPREADS

REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Irvine, California ADVISER: Crystal Le REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

Irvine, California ADVISER: Hali Kessler REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Griffith

Abilene, Texas ADVISER: Amber Via REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Cox

Abilene, Texas ADVISER: Amber Via

190-191 SPREADS


Louisville, Kentucky ADVISER: Allie Teta REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Louisville, Kentucky ADVISER: Allie Teta REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Crozet, Virginia ADVISER: William Hughes REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Crozet, Virginia ADVISER: William Hughes

192-193 SPREADS

REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Charlottesville, Virginia ADVISER: Lori Reaser REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Leander, Texas ADVISER: Mikyela Tedder REPRESENTATIVES: Morgan Tuggle & Jim Anderson

College Station, Texas


College Station, Texas

ADVISER: Doug Pils

194-195 SPREADS


PHOTOS Using a variety of techniques with an eye on composition, great PHOTOS: ■ Focus on excellent contrast and lighting ■ Appropriately credit the student photographer ■ Tell a story

197-197 PHOTOS

■ Capture action and reaction

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Jillian Donley ADVISER: Megan Wolf REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Conroe, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Emma Kuempel ADVISER: Kara Gold REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Conroe, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Kyle Mrosko ADVISER: Kara Gold REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Cypress, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Samantha Blocker ADVISER: Craig Malinsky

198-199 PHOTOS


Allen, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Mia Jones ADVISER: Matt MacVeigh REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Whitehouse, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Madai Mendoza ADVISER: Paige Dyer REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn

Summit, Mississippi PHOTOGRAPHER: Chuck Barnes ADVISER: Joyce Mabry REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Klein, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Andrea Sierra ADVISER: Melissa Oberholtzer

200-201 PHOTOS


McHenry, Illinois PHOTOGRAPHER: Bryce Williams ADVISER: Dane Erbach REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Wimberley, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Donovan McCann ADVISER: Kate McNeely REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Wimberley, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Yulisa Garcia ADVISER: Kate McNeely REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Hattiesburg, Mississippi PHOTOGRAPHER: Allie Sanders ADVISER: Samantha Padgett

202-203 PHOTOS


Los Angeles, California PHOTOGRAPHER: Niveda Tennety ADVISER: Mr. Jose Hernandez REPRESENTATIVE: Corey Mundwiler

Austin, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Carolina Gomez ADVISER: Theresa Proctor REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Aurora Ruiz ADVISER: Amanda Armour REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

San Antonio, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Maddy Wright ADVISER: Kristen Cade

204-205 PHOTOS


San Antonio, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Katelyn Richter ADVISER: Kristen Cade REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

San Antonio, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Jimena Luna ADVISER: Kristen Cade REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Brentwood, Tennessee PHOTOGRAPHER: Katie Clark Lackey ADVISER: Anna Kathryn Berkompas REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Jacksonville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Melissa Vining ADVISER: Melissa Vining

206-207 PHOTOS


Jacksonville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Miriam Garcia ADVISER: Melissa Vining REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick

Buffalo, Minnesota PHOTOGRAPHER: Delaney Elton ADVISER: Ryan McCallum REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart

Riviera Beach, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Eric Stanley ADVISER: Stephanie Russo REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Dandridge, Tennessee PHOTOGRAPHER: Summer Merrill ADVISER: Nola Henderson

208-209 PHOTOS


Eastland, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Ariel Hernandez ADVISER: Tracy Wells REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Eastland, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Taylor Clark ADVISER: Tracy Wells REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Crystal Sitonic ADVISER: Sue Blackmon REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

O Fallon, Illinois PHOTOGRAPHER: Phillip Kim

210-211 PHOTOS

ADVISERS: Coleen Lucas & Christina Buehler REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Venice, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Delaney McLean ADVISER: Faith Nellis REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Venice, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Glenda Holton ADVISER: Faith Nellis REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Chapel Hill, North Carolina PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeffery Camarati ADVISER: Caroline Bowers REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Irving, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Mikel Larraza ADVISER: Fr. Raphael Schaner

212-213 PHOTOS


Irving, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Sam Laber ADVISER: Fr. Raphael Schaner REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Carrollton, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Grace Mensing ADVISER: Joanna Lawson REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Fort Worth, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Ethan Mito ADVISER: Mallory Odom REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Fort Worth, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Sam Bruton ADVISER: Mallory Odom

214-215 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Plano, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Leighton Strawbridge ADVISER: Aubrey Pasant REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Patrick Close ADVISER: David Graves REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Mary Ellen Abshire ADVISER: David Graves REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Birmingham, Alabama PHOTOGRAPHER: Julianne Naro ADVISER: Allison Rogers

216-217 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Birmingham, Alabama PHOTOGRAPHER: Savannah Wood ADVISER: Allison Rogers REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Austin, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Colby Nguyen ADVISER: Sean Claes REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

Austin, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Jennifer Espinoza ADVISER: Sean Claes REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

Melbourne, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Laila Cohen ADVISER: Sarah Tricano

218-219 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Melbourne, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Oliver Dukin ADVISER: Sarah Tricano REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Arlington, Washington PHOTOGRAPHER: Sadie Collins ADVISER: Anne Hayman REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Richmond, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Shelby Showers ADVISER: Danielle Bell REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Richmond, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Charlee Cotter ADVISER: Danielle Bell

220-221 PHOTOS


Richmond, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Charlee Cotter ADVISER: Danielle Bell REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Castroville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Taylor DeWitt ADVISER: Caitlin Schmidt REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Castroville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Malorri James ADVISER: Caitlin Schmidt REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Round Rock, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Yasmin Martinez- Morales ADVISER: Vicki Felkel

222-223 PHOTOS


Austin, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Isabel Provisor ADVISER: Jena Weber REPRESENTATIVES: Stacy & Mickey Mehrens

Austin, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Isabel Provisor ADVISER: Jena Weber REPRESENTATIVES: Stacy & Mickey Mehrens

Cedar Park, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Gracie Davis ADVISER: Jamie Ray REPRESENTATIVES: Morgan Tuggle & Jim Anderson

Aransas Pass, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Savannah Hollan ADVISER: Jaymie Knostman

224-225 PHOTOS


Aransas Pass, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Ally Suarez ADVISER: Jaymie Knostman REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Corpus Christi, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Emylee Carter ADVISER: Jeanette Krizak REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Winterville, North Carolina PHOTOGRAPHER: Laura Stroud ADVISER: Lisa Stroud REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Katy, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Daniela Maureira ADVISER: Katie Moreno

226-227 PHOTOS


Katy, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: John Kelly ADVISER: Katie Moreno REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Miami, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Marina Dovenberg ADVISER: Arlene Huffman REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

McKinney, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Bekah Welty ADVISER: Catherine Faught REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

McKinney, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Brooke Brown ADVISER: Catherine Faught

228-229 PHOTOS


Kyle, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Elena Matlock ADVISER: Owen Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Pflugerville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Miranda Legg ADVISER: Maisey Edwards REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Pflugerville, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Ilwaad Mohamed ADVISER: Kari Riemer REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Pearland, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Adrianna Acevedo ADVISER: Leslie Sanderson

230-231 PHOTOS


Richland Hills, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Imani Kayembe ADVISER: Steven Schilling REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

San Antonio, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Lindsey Forshner ADVISER: Michelle Elizondo REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Overland Park, Kansas PHOTOGRAPHER: Bergen Cooper ADVISER: Tucker Love REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Thrall, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Amity Holubec ADVISER: Christina Strnard

232-233 PHOTOS


College Station, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Tanner Rich ADVISER: Teresa Laffin REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

College Station, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Abby White ADVISER: Teresa Laffin REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

College Station, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Audrey Clendenin ADVISER: Teresa Laffin REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

Miami, Florida PHOTOGRAPHER: Staff Photo ADVISER: Ken Arrison

234-235 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Kate Skeeter ADVISER: Paula Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Kim Katopodis

Prescott, Arizona PHOTOGRAPHER: Lucy Larrondo ADVISER: Pam Willard REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Prescott, Arizona PHOTOGRAPHER: Clifford Robbins ADVISER: Pam Willard REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Jessieville, Arkansas PHOTOGRAPHER: Emily Hemund ADVISER: Erin Radke

236-237 PHOTOS


Kansas City, Missouri PHOTOGRAPHER: Hannah Rogers ADVISER: Freida Green REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Murphy, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Marisol Quiroz ADVISER: Robin Liesenfelt REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Hibah Khan ADVISER: Laura Negri REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Tien Nguyen ADVISER: Laura Negri

238-239 PHOTOS


Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Carlos Chavarria ADVISER: Jacob Elbert REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Houston, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Tyler Grosvenor ADVISER: Jacob Elbert REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Charlottesville, Virginia PHOTOGRAPHER: Delaney White ADVISER: Lori Reaser REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Lewis Center, Ohio PHOTOGRAPHER: Taylor Disabato ADVISER: Kari Phillips

240-241 PHOTOS


Frisco, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Allison Kawecki ADVISER: Kim Breen REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Frisco, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Molly Beckette ADVISER: Kim Breen REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Frisco, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Allison Kawecki ADVISER: Kim Breen REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

San Angelo, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Delaney Robbins ADVISER: Dhara Ogee

242-243 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander

Robinson, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Tori Roach ADVISER: James Jenkins REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Robinson, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Riley Schmunsler ADVISER: James Jenkins REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Newville, Pennsylvania PHOTOGRAPHER: Shawnee Smith ADVISER: Christa Daugherty REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Katy, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Nick O’Brien ADVISER: Shetye Cypher

244-245 PHOTOS


O’Fallon, Missouri PHOTOGRAPHER: Terry Simpson ADVISER: Loran Marquez REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

O’Fallon, Missouri PHOTOGRAPHER: Emma Bremer ADVISER: Loran Marquez REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Minnetonka, Minnesota PHOTOGRAPHER: Hollie Graber ADVISER: Tessa Ikola REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart

Manassas, Virginia PHOTOGRAPHER: Cameron Mason ADVISER: Dianne Demastrie

246-247 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Yuma, Arizona PHOTOGRAPHER: George Manzanares ADVISER: Richard Fontanes REPRESENTATIVE: David Honnold

Abilene, Texas PHOTOGRAPHER: Brooklin Ellis ADVISER: Amber Via REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Cox

Harrisonburg, Virginia PHOTOGRAPHER: Bob Adamek ADVISER: Mary Strickler REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Harrisonburg, Virginia PHOTOGRAPHER: Jane Thompson ADVISER: Mary Strickler

248-249 PHOTOS

REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

PACKAGES With the look and feel of miniature spreads, storytelling PACKAGES expand primary coverage by: ■ Telling the stories behind the primary story ■ Writing student profiles to show individual involvement

■ Varying the text format

250-251 PACKAGES 251-251 PACKAGES

■ Creating visual and/ or verbal links to the theme


“Both my parents were from Bangladesh, but I was born in Japan. I really wished I took Japanese because I was only 2 months old when we left. Afterwards, we moved around a lot, from Indianapolis, Louisiana, Virginia and finally, Houston. When we first arrived about five years ago, we didn’t have the WiFi installed. Luckily, my dad had some origami books, and I had fun folding paper with him to pass the time. Bellaire offered so many languages that it was kind of sad when I couldn’t take any more because I had too many other courses. I thought it would be cool to become fluent in Japanese like my dad since I was into anime and manga.”

Nabiha Zaman “Culinary was a class I wished I could have taken. I didn’t really know what they taught, but I just hoped to learn how to cook something other than ramen noodles. I wanted to make myself a little more independent and not depend on my mother for food. I also would have liked to eat a little healthier. For example, if we didn’t have anything at home that I could just cook in the microwave, I went to get fast food. It was definitely not as healthy as a home-cooked meal. I heard horror stories of how people survive off of ramen noodles in college. Being able to cook would also be bonus points on dates.”

Leonardo Aceves

s er



“If I had more time, I probably would have taken astronomy. I already took biology, chemistry and physics because I liked math and science. I just thought astronomy was cool and enjoyed looking at stars as a hobby. I only knew a couple of constellations like the stars of the Zodiac and Orion, which was pretty limited knowledge. I wanted to major in engineering, but I hadn’t chosen what specific area. If I ever had the time, I might take astronomy in college. More than likely not because it doesn’t have anything super relevant to do with what I was hoping to major in: chemical or bioengineering.”

“I get to feel free when I’m running and throwing.”

Derek Parker, 12

Photo by Emma Khorsheed

“Track allows me to enhance my flexibility and speed so when I come back to football I’m prepared.”

Payton Tally, 11

Photo by Emma Khorsheed

“To me being in track lets you have fun and pushes you to do your best.”

Kyle Grosz, 10

Photo by Chardene’ Jones


“Being on track helps me clear my mind, so it’s kind of like my peacemaker.“

Joshua Jones, 10

Michelle Miao

STAY PACED Freshman Luke Flader keeps a steady pace as he runs two

“A class I would’ve liked to take would probably be AP Statistics. I wanted to major in sports analytics because I intended to pursue a career in baseball operations, specifically as a sports analyst. The area involved statistics and projections, so I thought taking it would have helped me have a preset understanding of statistical analysis as well as attaining other skills related to that field. I wasn’t sure about taking the class because I thought calculus was more important, but I didn’t regret my decision. Taking statistics in college seemed like a better deal than taking calculus.”

Joseph Times

Cypress, miles at Cy-Fair High School. “When I run, I have one thing onTexas my mindwinning,” Flader said. Photo by Emma Khorsheed ADVISER:

SKY HIGH At Cy-Fair High school, sophomore Justin does his CraigNguyen Malinsky

triple jump. “I love the triple jump because it’s a weird event, and I like weird. REPRESENTATIVE: When I’m running I tell myself to reach the sand and land on the maroon part,” Lisa Schwartz Nguyen said. Photo by Emma Khorsheed

Bellaire, Texas INTO THE ZONE Freshman Will Godfrey gets ready to run his distance at

a track meet held at Cy Fair High School. “When my dad was younger he did

ADVISER: distance as well, so I’m following in his footsteps. I enjoy running and always Andrea Negri keep myself distracted with hitting the splits I need to reach for each lap,”

“I wished I could have taken AP biology because it would have helped me save some money in college, especially if I did well on the AP exam. Biology was a subject I really loved and had interest in. My former teacher, Mrs. (Abigail) Decerbo, told me that I should take the class my senior year. My friends said that the class was an easy way to get credits while actually learning something. I chose to take environmental science instead even though I was deciding whether I wanted to major in biology or nursing in college. I didn’t regret taking environmental science because I loved it, but I only wished I could have taken biology as well.”

Godfrey said. Photo by Chardene’ Jones REPRESENTATIVES: BREAK A SWEAT Senior Blake White runs at Paetow High School “I have a Ryan Almon & Hal Schmidt

Pilar Camarena

photos by eric tong, jin park




love for competition so it’s like using my training to beat other people and that motivates me to go harder,” White said. Photo by Samantha Blocker LACE ‘EM BOYS With a focused mentality, sophomore Jaxson Chrest gets ready at Paetow High School. “I like to stay focused on doing the best I can and not letting down the people that depend on me. A way to motivate myself is to think of my brothers and that allows me to strive to pass them up,” Chrest said. Photo by Samantha Blocker


he does long jum energy, kind of lik and the wind hits

Photo by Chardene’ J

Photo by Ashtyn Rogers


mas on

mean to you?


What does track



Houston, Texas


he runs away. “I my adrenaline. A competition,” Na

Photo by Nelicia Noelie

Keiara Baker

Meghan Barton

Tyler Beasley

Anna Kate Beaudry

Josie Bishop

Thandie Boudreaux

Mary Locke Bryan

Reagan Burford

Shaun Burgess

Kennadee Carlton

Spencer Cotham

Elizabeth Crane

Kayley Crews

Aiden Curran

Isabel Dlabach

Avery East

Snowden Farnsworth

Caroline Finch

Dalton Firtik

Will Fogel

Samantha Garrett

Allison Evans

Hanna Gilmore 20 chose My Boy by Billie Eilish as her favorite song; Billie is one of Gilmore s favorite artists at the moment. In fact, Gilmore sang a Billie Eilish song at this year s Coffee House.

Hanna Gilmore

Andrew Helfenstein

by Billie Eilish

Alan Henderson

The Juniors Favorite Songs of The Year


My Name by Destiny s Child

My Boy

Win Goodman

Wesley Goodwin

Mac Griffin

Graham Gumbert

Joshua Demel (11)

Charlie Hancock


Best Time: 5K, 19:48 Workout Snack: Peanut butter toast photo by Alan Sanchez

Jacob Gettig


Nicholas Nguyen (11)

Kennadee Carlton 20 said that her favorite song is Say My Name by Destiny s Child. You can hear Kennadee sing this song on a daily basis, whether she is in the hallways or in class..

Caroline Finch 20 chose the song Girls Like You by Maroon 5 because it always puts her in a good mood.

Girls Like You by Maroon 5

Jada Hines

Hayden Hodges

Landry Wirth 20 said her favorite song is Everytime We Touch by Cascada. Wirth said, This song reminds me of my childhood, and I still know every single word.

Best Time: 5K, 17:27 Workout Snack: Water and air

John Horne

photo by Alan Sanchez


We Touch Jackson Saunders (10) by Cascada

Ian Miller (10) Best Time: 5K, 18:50 Workout Snack: Peanut Butter

Joshua Lavacca (11) Tyler Beasley 20 said his favorite song is Strawberita by Remo Drive. He says the song is really upbeat and reminds him of summer. He also applauds the riff in this song.

photo by Alan Sanchez


Bennett Cookson (10 by Remo Drive

William Golla (12) Best time: 5K, 15:50 Workout Snack: Cliff Bar

Collierville, Tennessee

photo by Alexander Beel

ADVISER: Emmy McClain

KEEPING A STEADY PACE, Charles Dunn (12) runs the 5K race at regional competition at Kate Barr Ross Memorial Park. I ran better than I have all season at this meet, said Dunn. My time was 17:17 for the 5K race. The team came in 13th place.


Houston, Texas ADVISER: Paula Smith

ROUNDING THE CURVE, Kyle Finkle (9) works to claim his 42nd place finish. I ran much better than I normally do, said Finkle. I beat my personal record for the 2-mile. Prior to the race, Finkle and his friends painted their faces as a way to pass time while they waited to run.

photo courtesy of Skylar Lien



photo by Alexander Beel



Case of Creativity

Students decorates their laptops with stickers that represent them

Miami, Florida

I like superheros and

I just take what I can get

I picked stickers from my

I slapped on a bunch of

favorite brands like vans, and I

stickers onto my laptop cover

case. I like color variety

wrote the names of things

that I thought would look like

on my case too.

related to my favorite artists. I

the cool person that I m not. I

- Sharycad Diaz (9)

kinda just picked stickers that

don t relate to any of them.

looked cool together.

They re cute, unlike me.

- Bianca Silva (9)

- Odelette Redila (9)

- Derek Truong (9)

REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

252-253 PACKAGES

ADVISER: Ken Arrison cluserting stickers on the

by A. Beel, A. Sanchez

Claire Epperson

Boys Cross Country

11 Maggie Emmendorfer

My sweet Christan, I am so proud of you. I am so blessed to call you mine. I can't wait to see all you're going to do. You truly have shown grace in your senior year. My prayer for you is to keep your wonderful spirit and LFFQ ZPVS FZF PO (PE I know your daddy is smiling down at you. You are truly an angel. All My Love, Mom and your Heavenly Daddy

Lindale, Texas



ADVISER: Neda Morrow REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn



BUILDING BODY AND MIND Sam, we look forward to watching you grow even more through college or whatever path you choose to take in life. Wefor believe commitment both guys and in you and are proud girls," junior Mikayla Hodnett said. PG§ZPV §(PE IBT "The workouts something great inand your practices are pretty difficult, but I really enjoy future. Isaiah 43:19 Love, Mom and Dad. improving my skills."

strength sports also promote confidence page and photos by elizabeth brieden


embers of the powerlifting and wrestling teams were benefited by more than just the physical aspect of their sport. "I lost a lot of weight, became more comfortable with my body, and it changed my outlook on life,"152 junior Liam Wallace said. Wrestling taught me how to be a better person." The wrestling team practiced five days a week during the last class period of the day. "Wrestling is a huge time


Junior Hayden Eoff started powerlifting after he was hurt playing football. "I joined powerlifting my sophomore year because I had a concussion and could no longer play football; I have trained six days a week for the past two years, and my physical condition

We are so proud of the young man you've become. improved almost immediately,� (SFBUFS UIJOHT Eoff said. "My maxes are now fiftyare yet to to-a-hundred pounds higher than DPNF 29:11 they were when I first joined.Jer.This Love, improvement has been huge forMom and Dad

my self-confidence." Sophomores Gavin Ward and Jacob Sanchez, juniors Connor George and Alexis Vejar, and seniors Mason Kruljac and Bryson Foust qualified for the state wrestling tournament. Kruljac and Hodnett earned bronze medals at the competition.

sophomore Kallie Williams

junior Kasidy Myer

Lion junior Coleman Maxwell

d y t d t o o n xt �

senior Isaac Harris


matthew o'neil "Cory Price and I found out about lifting in 7th grade, and have been obsessed ever since." -junior Matthew O'Neil

more than mma Supporting himself, sophomore Chris Mapp works to pin his opponent. "Wrestling and MMA have made me the man I am today, and I wouldn't change that College Texas for the world," Mapp Station, said. Outside of wrestling for the school, Mapp trained and competed in Mixed Martial Arts. ADVISER:

Scarecrow senior Kyle Gibson

senior Tyler Stuart


senior Grace Moo

senior Madison Booth senior Megan Schlather

state champs Freda Carraway Speaking at the final pep rally of the fall semester, senior Mason REPRESENTATIVE: Kruljac informs the student body about upcoming wrestling events. "It was fun to get the opportunity to Tisha Nowak speak in front of the school about wrestling," Kruljac said. Kruljac placed third at the state wrestling meet for his weight class.

Wicked W Witch off the W West sophomore Lauren Moore

junior Mia Maness

“Captain Greer� -sophomore Kyle Greer

063 0 63 63

powerlifting & wrestling

as a superhero, what would your name be?


Glenda the Good Witch


senior David Ngu

CHECK IT OUT Rylee Gabbert Connor Garwacki

Athletes reveal daily calorie consumption during the season

3,500 6,000 2,000 ,

Samuel Gentry Benjamin Germany

he stays in the 148 weight class. After missing weight at Aledo, Jan. 10, Rousseau cut his intake to drop the extra weight before the next meet. Rousseau also forgot his belt during deadlifting. Contenders wore belts to force them to keep their backs straight and prevent strain on the lower back. “I was thinking about nothing at all except lifting the weight, and it just didn’t even cross my mind that I didn’t have it on, for whatever reason I took it off,” Rousseau said. Rousseau ended up lifting his best deadlift of 425 pounds at Grandbury.

O off the One h most important steps off preparation ffor a meet is making k sure the h athletes hl stayed in their weight class for the three main lifts, squat, bench and deadlift. “This year I dropped down a weight class before Christmas and I stuck with it because I was comfortable with it, to track my intake I write everything I eat down in a notebook,” junior Harrison Jones said. Switching weight classes occurred often because working out and eating so much caused frequent weight fluctuation.

While staying underweight was important, lifters also focused on gaining muscle by eating the right kinds of food. “Everyday I had an app to track my calories and I usually ate around 6,000 calories a day,” sophomore Oliver Crow said. “I mostly try to get protein but pretty much just like, any kind of food for calories. Usually I’d try to have like four protein bars throughout school. Breakfast was usually like four pieces of bacon and a dozen eggs, then I would have big lunch from the cafeteria, and big dinners.”

Cayden Glasgow Melissa Glasgow


REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles


he Circuit Breakers step up to the stage to receive their awards at the First Tech Challenge Allen Regional Qualifier. The trophy slips and crashes to the floor. The team officially lived up to their name. The Circuit Breakers freeze in shock until senior Hebah Goderya cracks a smile and starts to snicker at the ironic situation, initiating a chain of laughter that spreads through the entire audience. “Dropping the trophy was kinda unexpected, but when it did happen it was also fitting,” Goderya said. “It just showed that my team cared more about competing as a team rather than winning and awards.” Since, the team refined their robot, Pogo, which competed at the FTC Ferris Qualifier. There, the team received the revered Inspire Award and qualified to compete at region. Goderya, the captain of the robotics team, never had the intention of joining robotics and was in fact skeptical of the team in middle school. Six years later and fully dedicated, Goderya used her knowledge and love for computer science to start camps locally in order to help others advance in their skills, all while balancing her work schedule at Lockheed Martin with school and mentoring about seven other robotics groups. “I don’t know what sleep is,” Goderya said. “Being sleep deprived is worth every second. If I had to quit robotics for more sleep... No, it’s not worth it. It is more rewarding and you feel more connected with it.” Although academics were still important to Goderya, she said she no longer allowed it consume her entire energy. With limited time, Goderya sought to find balance and realized that while grades were a priority, they were not everything. She chose to make time for herself to enjoy moments with friends and family. Furthermore, the robotics team established a mentoring system for the younger members. “Having a successful team is all about having cohesiveness,” Goderya said. Goderya wanted to ensure that the team served as a safe place, a place for members to personally connect with the freshman and teach them about robotics, while also helping them figure out why they were there. “It is not about how well you do,” Goderya said. “It is about what you learn and what you take away.”

Isaac Gomez Bibriesca Kody Goodenough

d y t Granados Julian Devin d Gray t o o n xt ”



The Rangers defeated Lamar at both Battle of the Berg games, taking the first round 35-49. In the second round, Nick Jones11 made the winning shot at the buzzer, breaking the tie, and bringing the team to victory by 1 point. The final score was 52-51.

ADVISER: Dr. Kimetris Baltrip

STATISTICS District Lisa Schwartz 13 Wins

Mid-season, the team lost to Shadow Creek by 23 points, but Head Coach Michael Jackson reminded REPRESENTATIVE: them to keep their heads in the game.

Left to Right: The team celebrates after a point. Audrey Russell (9) leaps to block a shot from an opponent. Rachel Reed (11) and Onuchi Ndee (12) jump to block. Marynell Ward (12) sets a ball to Onuchi Ndee (12). Madi Babine (11) gets ready for a pass. Anna Van Os (11) spikes a ball from left.

Rosenberg, Texas ADVISER: Denise Adams REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

#1 Shooting Guard


Braylon Harell12

Point Guard



Jordan Nicholes12

Small Forward

#3 Gerry Ray9 Guard

13 Players

2 Captains 6 Seniors 4 Juniors 2 Sophomores 1 Freshman 2 Coaches

Top Row: Audrey Russell, Onuchi Ndee, Anna Van Os, Madi Malouf Middle Row: Michelle Sekili, Gillian Huston, Rachel Reed, Lee Stallings, Madi Babine Front Row: Marynell Ward, Marilyn Nwora, Avery Looser, Morgan Parker Photos by David Shutts

Connell Olivaccee11

Michelle Sekili

Houston, Texas

Photo by Emily



Morgan Parker, Marynell Ward, Madi Malouf, Anna Van Os, Audrey Russell

Story by Madi Boltwood Photo by Brissa Alvarado

Bottom, Connell Olivacce11 throws in the ball from the sidelines at a home game against Lamar.


ADVISER: Emily Arnold

Ashton Anderson12

Power Forward

5th Place



089 254-255 PACKAGES

Caleb Glick Hebah Goderya


Bryce Brown 12, Meredith Hart 12, Sofia Pratt 12, Haley Riley Rust 12 photo | jeannie truitt Reber 12 photo | jeannie truitt


boiled down

After a month of marching for hours daily in the sweltering heat, band members showed off their skills Aug. 17 at the annual Watermelon Social. Two hundred marchers – Kush Patel–, Karen Beck accompanied by the guests of their choice gathered on the football field to see the band photo | vaishnavi kothakonda march the first half of their 2018 show Thermodynamic. 12

1 HP

Austin, Texas ADVISER: Theresa Proctor REPRESENTATIVE: HP Morgan Tuggle

sity overcomes 13-point cit to beat Trojans again


GUNS UP In their pre-show warm-up at the Aug. 17 Watermelon Social, Ben Wiseman 11 and his bandmates do the Elephant Gun stretch, “This helps us warm up and fully extend our bodies,” Wiseman said. At the social, band performed a preview of their marching show for friends and family. “Band gives me something to do,” Wiseman added. “Real close friendships and having a second family.” photo | isabella mulhall

WAVE AFTER WAVE At the Watermelon Social, Trish Rondubio 11 performs her flag spins alongside Grace Pickerill 12 and Zoe Cahanap 11. Guard added color to the marching show through their flags and costumes. “It was lots of pressure having to perform in front of a lot of people; but since my family was there to support me throughout all this, I was motivated and I knew I wasn’t alone,” Rondubio said.


nhs/mat induct new members


water crisis affects mavs at school, home

KEEPIN’ IT COOL The Watermelon Social is the perfect way illuminate for the color guardaand band As four candles the room, sense of 9 like Paul to coolHonor community students, and friendship formsPolasik at the National WE’VE BEEN PRACTICING down. Their summer was filled with long Society andand Mu Alpha Theta induction ceremony. hot hours of practice. “We usually HARDER IN THE SUMMER practice eight hours a day,” Polasik said. to better community and “But it wasserve worthmy the heat when wetogot EVERY DAY TO GET READY “I joined NHS make a meaningful impact thelearned lives of my peers.” to perform whattowe throughout FOR THE WATERMELON band 11camp.” Prerana Amargol said. photo | isabella mulhall SOCIAL. I’M REALLY HORNS UP NHS and MAT allowed to the givesideline back to the EXCITED ABOUT THIS As they linestudents up along community,of enriching their stadium, lives and others. the McNeil the brass SEASON BECAUSE I sections make their presence known an Watermelon honor to receive this opportunity, BELIEVE THIS IS OUR BEST Not only wasatitthe Social Aug. 17. Thebut was the culmination of weeks responsibility. SHOW TO DATE. EVERYONE an extreme social of practice in the hot Texas sun. “Even though wethehad some HAS TAKEN THE BAND TO “When I walked up to stage, I felttough proudrehearsals, of myself for the performance ataccomplishments the end with the of obtaining the highest academic THE NEXT LEVEL. crowd cheering for us made it 11all worth 11 my high school career,”Pham Dade Ogunmuyiwa said. it,” Vincent said. photo | kaity kohn Mikaela Lopez 12 story | atithi shrestha

compiled | kai carter

After Austin’s water supply became contaminated because of the October Hill Country floods, campus water fountains were off limits and basic routines such as cooking and brushing teeth were altered.




photo | isabella mulhall

and Karis Fletcher 11

photo | aneri lavani page design | isabella mulhall







“The worst cafeteria food is definitely the sandwiches because nothing is fresh enough to taste good.”

z | tenth




justin mercado | tenth


10% 5%

sample | 434 students

compiled | peyton johnson & aj smith

Kathryn Sass

m season

WEEP: After the wept Reagan rs’ home floor, elena De Jesus zondo were the freshmen with a 2-0 road ir own. “I think ent well,” Jenevie id. “We weren’t at the beginning but by the were working a team.” The ually upended n the first set, rolling them in 25-4. Photo and Ale Luera.



jeannie truitt

Allen Scott Alyssa Scott Kierra Scyrus Lindsay Semken Elyza Serena Nikhil Shanbhag Shirin Sharifaei Arabi

Austin, Texas FRIDAY


‘ a.m.

“Considering how good the competition is in these ATPI contests, I am very proud of and impressed by Risa’s effort on this first photo challenge in the class.” -Dave Winter



FIRST SWEEP THEN SWEET: The freshman A and B teams played together for their Pink Out game against Travis on Oct. 16. The freshmen won in straight sets, 25-15, 25-17. “I think we did a good job at communicating,” said Jaz Mahr, shown here with her dad, “but we could have done a better job at serve receive.” After the match, the girls handed out cards and carnations to their loved ones. “I thought it was a really sweet idea,” Celeste Tercero said. “The parents have been a big part of the volleyball season.” Photo by Ale Luera.

AT A CROSS ROADS Andrew Satori On the Raymond E. Hartfield Cesar Saunders Performing Arts Center stage, 10 10 Caleb Scarmardo Sarah West , Emma Fuentes and Amaya Beaumont 9 perform Ryan Schneider to “Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars. Dance 2 and Advanced Dance 1 Griffin Schoenfelder classes combined for the district- Aiden Scoggins wide Intersections recital. “Because this was my first performance ever, I was a little intimidated by my lack of experience,” Fuentes said. photo |


1. DINNER IS SERVED: Sophomore Kai Hall serves the ball against the Anderson Trojans on Aug. 24. The Knights took the second set, 25-13, but lost the match, 2-1. Photo by Gregory James. 2. RELIABALL: Freshman Jenevie Anderson assists teammate Mya Yost during a 2-0 win over Rockdale on Aug. 28. ”Running to get it passed over to the other side was tough because of how intense the game was.” Photo by Maeve Walsh. 3. CONSCIOUS DIVE: Selena De Jesus Leyva dives to keep a point alive in the Knights’ 2-1 victory over Crockett on Sept. 14. ”No one was going for it, so my first reaction was to try to throw myself to hit it.” De Jesus Leyva said. Photo by Bella Kisler. 4. GROUND UP: During the Knights’ 2-1 road loss at Anderson on Aug. 24, sophomore Samantha Wilson hits the ball over net. “I’m thinking of where I want the ball to land on the other side of the court,” Wilson said. Photo by Selena De Jesus.

On this day, freshman photoj student Risa DarlingtonHorta was announced as a winner in the first ATPI social media photography contest of the school year.



Page by M. Olson, C. Montes De Oca and T. Jones

ADVISER: Dave Winter



Blue Brigade and cheer seniors begin to decorate the night before the game. Photo courtesy of Karel Tinkler.

all in

a day’s work a breakdown of Taco Shack game day

6 p.m. Blue Brigade prepares for the game. Photo by Greg James.

5:30 p.m.

6 Gunjan Sharma Ahmed Sheik Joshua Shoen Ryan Shook Dominic Siegling Blue Brigade Rodrigo Silvestreand Vences cheer meet early in Jakob Simpson

the morning to finish decorating. Photo by Nancy Honeycutt-Searle.

7:30 p.m.



‘ p.m.

3:30 David Soh Adrian Solano Diego Solano Gregorio Solis VivekThe Somarapu band and color Grace Sorensen guard perform their Tucker Sorenson halftime routine. Photo by Dave Winter.

9:30 p.m. Rolando Soto Aashiyana Southwell Lucyjean Spears Connor Speck Rishabh Srinivas Alexander St. John Camden Stabeno

photo editor | jordan moore

“After four years of college, four years of medical school, five years of residence training and over 20 years of surgical practice, I still remember his class and some of his dry sense of humor.” —Mark Thomas


12:29 p.m.

their routine before the first pep rally of the year. Photo by Dave Winter

crowd for the game. Photo by Gabby Sherwood.

The Knights run out to start the game. Photo by Dave Winter.


Students show their school spirit on Hawaiian Shirt Day. Photo by Timsha Henry.

Kaleigh Simpson 5:30 Sivakumar a.m. Sairamana Brooklynn Skeem Peyton Sloan Hunter Snider The band performs at the Tiago Soares pep rally to rev up the Daniel Soh Cheerleaders practice

4 p.m.



photo editor | carolina gomez 12 Trinity King

1. BANNER OF PRIDE: Junior Cole Davis runs the flag at the beginning of the Taco Shack game. Photo by Dave Winter. 2. ALL IN LINE: Striking connor melcer | tenth their final poses, senior Ellie Stites “We had to boil the water and junior Lilly Brown end their before we used it, which was performance at the Taco Shack kind of annoying.” Bowl with the rest of Blue Brigade and the band. “While I was performing, I didn’t think much of the fact that it was my last Taco Shack. Instead of thinking of it as my last game, I saw it more as a normal thing. After we won I realized that it was my last time here and it felt a lot cooler” Stites said. Photo by Stella Shenkman. 3. PLAY RIGHT: mauricioIT trevino | eleventh “It’sSophomore nice of the school to beand Mati Currie providing water. I’m honestly junior Isabelle Gomez play their more willing to get water since at instruments during halftime theTaco school is providing it.” energy Shack. “I love the that both schools have at Taco Shack and both the McCallum and Anderson bands play a lot of fun music” Currie said. Photo by Dave Winter. 4. SHOW YOUR SPIRIT: The student section cheers during the Taco Shack game against Anderson. “It was really cool to be | faculty of the up front forlinda thehengst first game “It’syear,” an eye opener really. I senior Robert Gossard said. haven’t realized how much Photo by Dave Winter. water I truly used until now.” 5. PINKIES UP: McCallum students and cheerleaders hold pinkies as they sing the school song. Photo by Dave Winter. 6. photo OH editor SAY| gabbie CAN YOU SEE: dorvee Before the game, sophomore page design | jihee kim Connor Boggs and junior Simon Royder stand for the national anthem. Photo by Dave Winter.



band performs for family, friends

The science department observed Mr. Lehman’s 82nd birthday with cake candles and a birthday serenade.



p.m. The football team leaves the field with a victory. Photo by Dave Winter. 11 p.m.



Page by R. Jones, N. Cirkiel and L. McGeady

look confident and act confiden need to do it right otherwise yo not doing your job.” Photo by E Lynch

WHAT MAKES UP THE SUNCOAST SYMPHONIC BAND? snow problem Plowing the snow, Zachary Hirsch ‘21 becomes his


15 Bass Clarinet 1


3 Tenor Sax

8Alto Sax



own boss. Hirsch realized this goal and reached it during the winter. “I run a snow plow service,” Hirsch said. “Unlike most jobs, plowing is only when it snows. It’s nice, except in the middle of the night when you have to work.” Photo by Bryce Thompson

1Baritone Sax



DIAmonD In THe roUGH Devoting time to his new business BCDLuxury, Oluwadamilola Omole ‘20 works on the go. Omole created the online company to sell personal accessories. “I’ve always wanted to own my own business,” Omole said. “This is a good first step to gaining experience at a young age.” Photo by Bryce Thompson


1French Horn


Team members give their signatures to prepare for theatbig league Performing with other schools the Candlelight


Processional, an annual event held in Epcot at Walt Disney World Orlando Resort, the members of chorus had a night to remember. Dena Wolfs (10) said "I really loved it. I loved spending time with my friends, getting to see the Lashawn (11)crowd was different parks and singing in frontEason of a huge Runner back & Cornerback photo by Katelyn Allen such a great experience.”

Mitzseen Joseph (12) Defensive End & Tight End


"I chose Wofford becuase of the academics, and I have a chance to excel in football."

Tyler Lewis (11)

SPREADING CHEER Before the chorus began singing at the annual Holiday Concert, their conductor Mrs. Stephanie Nixdorf talks about(11) the hard work they have been doing in preparation Aaron Adams Running Back &for Cornerback the show and their events in the future. photo by Erica Stanley

Defensive Tackle & Offensive Guard

UT Chattanooga

GOLDEN moment

Riviera Beach, Florida

Brown describes ADVISER: his 30 Krinke years at‘20 Suncoast as “working with company Bunch-O-Scrunch with Amanda and Stephanie Russo Abigail Vogeler ‘19. “We all make the scrunchies home,” fine kids at at Suncoast…they’re the best in PUNT TEAM Paul McCue (11) sendsHansen the ball to the opposing said. “It’s really casual, which has made itHis fun.” Photofor becoming a the world.” passion REPRESENTATIVE: team. After Mitzseen Joseph (12) scored a by Bryce Thompson teacher came around his college days touchdown, the punt team took to the field to kick Stephanieband Sherman the ball towards the opposing team."I'm a soccer as he held many leadership positions and sImple Using his skills, Joseph Anderson ‘19 player, so I'm more skilled in kickingsolUTIon than the was a natural at teaching other peers while by Caitlynwith Walker an iPhone. Anderson’s business others," Paul said. photo tinkers idea came in school at FAMU where he was the drum to light during the CEO class at Wright Technical Center. RUN! major. which really To score a touchdown,“I Corey Gonsalves (10) takes took CEO and learned about profitability off with the ball while passing two opponents. Yet, helped,” Anderson said. “Tech Fix is a mobile product repair he was tackled. "I've been playing football for a business.” Photo MARCHING ALONG while so I'm used to being tackled," Corey said. by Bryce Thompson

"I decided to commit to UTC junior year because when I visited knew it was the place I wanted to be."

photo by Mia Pastore


photo by Duane Long

"I am excited to play next year because it has always been a dream of mine to play college football."

ONE FOR THE TEAM Receiving a pass from the quarterback, student lifeDerek Snap of SucceSS Giovanetti (9) catches the ball to get closer to a first down. The JV Team competed against Seminole Ridge in a tough game even though they lost. "Football is my hobby, and even though the team may not be the best, we try our best to play with everything we have," Giovanetti said.


photo by Duane Long

competition at Work

CLAIRE THOMPSON "I'm beyond excited to dance on the TCU Showgirls dance team! It was honestly a last minute decsion. I'm greateful I have a great community of girls I know going into college. I cant wait to perform at all the sporting events and appearances!"

“I want to own a photography business. If I can make money photo by Cristina Piland doing what I love and make myself a name doing it, it would be a win-win situation.” PRACTICE PERFECT Photo by MAKES Bryce Thompson Getting ready and reaching for those perfect notes for Autumn Schmidt ‘22

the first pep rally of the year, Alex Spencer (9) plays on his trumpet and performs music for the Chargerettes.

GOLDEN moment

photo by Tess Romine

year since I had to recover from my injury

TAKE CHANCES After being blitzed at, quarterback Alex Baron (12) runs the ball to score a first down. The game against Seminole Ridge was intense leaving the score 24-0 in favor of the Hawks. "Games like these leave the team upset, but it's always a lesson to be learned," Alex said. photo by Duane Long

go through physical therapy. I was finally QUALITY QUARTET Buffalo, Minnesota to play, and it felt good to come back." Four seniors sing together as the "Barbershop Quartet" at the Holiday Concert. James Seton, Joel Hein, Max Ian Goodman (11) ADVISER: Fonrose and Sebastian Quintero performed "The Longest Time" by Ryan Billy Joel, filling the crowd with joy for the McCallum holiday season. photo by Erica Stanley



To start a new play, center Aidan Timmins Brentwood, Tennessee (10) sets the ball into position. The JV team played against Palm Beach Lakes

needed to get a touchdown to tie the ADVISER:and score. "We played hard and together, and that's what matters the most," Aiden said. Anna Kathryn Berkompas photo by Caitlyn Walker



page by Caitlyn Walker & Quiana Icon

Populus: Signing Day \ 273


256-257 PACKAGES

"I chose UVA becuase it was the best place for me to challenge myself both acadmically and athletically. I was accepted to be apart of the honors college, Charlottesville is full of beautiful places to run, and the school also has a really great social atomosphere!"

Performing in the homecoming parade, Khadijah Belot (9) plays the tuba in the blazing heat. Joined by the rest of the band, members marched around the school parking lot hyping students up prior to the pep rally.

CHARGER SONIC SOUND Suncoast's superior-rated band plays at the "During pep rally the on summer of my freshman yea was outsongs practicing with the team when ri the last day of Rebound Week, performing popular before such as "Mo Bamba" by Sheck Wes and "Best Part"the by school year started I tore my A I couldn't play my freshman or sophomo Daniel Caesar. photo by Tess Romine



JAMMIN' OUT AT JAMBOREE The Chargersonic band competes against other schools all across the county at the Battle of the Bands.

photo by Katelynn Allen LET'S GO CHARGERS Assisted by the cheerleaders, the team breaks through the banner to start the game. As a way to have the crowd engaged, the team started this tradition a few years back. "Even though a Kayli Hansen ‘19 keeps up with current hair sCrUnCH ITit's Up small part of the game, it helps when the crowd Band directorbegan Mr. Ernest trends,(11) scrunchies being the newest fad. Hansen her cheers for us," Jeffery Frederick said.



Alex Baron (12)

Quarterback & Linebacker


what a

n o both nderella ly we s and redible of y stage

MOMENT I related to my character a lot actually. Ella is all about showing everyone, no matter who they are, kindness, and I want to do that as well. Jordan McCaslin ( 19)

and sners

ADVISER: Shana Gilley

The people I got to share the stage with was my favorite part. The fairy godmother, Hayley Vantine, was the most inspirational person. Aidan Endy ( 21)

“ It's

- Kate Clark, Form II

Spread by Kylie Fuller


Photo by S. Gilley

Kylee Davis

a family."


The transformation scene in It s Possible , where everything transformed into life and color was the coolest part of the show for me. Hayley Vantine ( 19)

Enjoying time with the squad during football season.

special that

I'm learning to build a home, a core part of

Photo by S. Gilley

Alyssa Coleman

ADVISER: Nureen Patel


REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Photo by S. Gilley

s, Kylie

Dallas, Texas

Weatherford, Texas

Madelyn Klaudt

lillian Lofton

Honestly, I have no clue [what

The IT football game.

Stunting andmy favorite part was]. The show Football was really cool because ofseason. the being part of the team. costumes and set, but also because of how inclusive it was with the ensemble. Audrey Randall ( 21)

Photo by S. Gilley

Photo by S. Gilley





Photo by S. Gilley

Practice Makes Perfect Theatre students Breanna Sarslow ( 20) and Ethan Sebree ( 21) perform monologues after the International Thespian Society Induction Ceremony.

Photo by S. Gilley

Your School

( 21)] kills feel like part of me,


ho .

Photo by S. Gilley


Cheerleaders share their favorite bows

I love the Cinderella bow because it is sparkly and goes with all the uniforms. -Jessica McCue, 8


The Black Beauty bow because it gives our uniform that extraelseoomph. I think that working with someone If I work alone, it allows me to is more beneficial for -Taylor me, so we canSales, move at8 my own speed. Sometimes help each other out on the problem. others can slow me down.

is my favorite Do you prefer to work alone or with someone else? I prefer to work alone because

it s a lot easier to get all of my Olathe, Kansas work done at my own pace. Kaylee Brown (7)

Alexis Hernandez (8)




In my opinion, ratios are really hard to understand like you get certain numbers and I don t get how to get answers. Michael Hernandez (6)

What s was your most struggled topic in math this year that you plan Neuburger to overcome? Alexis Redfairn-

Spring show.

Shea Donaldson

REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker McKinley White

Karter Sanamo

ADVISER: Melissa Erker

Taylor Sales -4 8 2 -12 2 football night -4 -1 6 The When we played game. the game where we made up counts of a dance. Ogunyemi

Math Genius?


Being the only eighth

Thomas Osborne (7)

I like the Cheer Glitter bow because it says Cheer on it and it looks nice. -Summer Wright, 8 Karter Sanamo

Working with another person so if I don t get it, maybe the other person could help me out with it. Clare Cullen (6)

Dividing bar graphs because it is really challenging, and sometimes I am not able to solve it. Ashley Lemus (7)

Adding and subtracting integers because I don t know if the answer will be positive or negative. Jullian Byrd (7)


Summer Wright

Performing at camp. -7


YEAR SECTION PAGE NO ................ in Interactive 2018.2019 theClassroom

Katy, Texas ADVISER: Candice Thomas REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Greetings from the

c l a s s

t h e o f


Congratulations to our beautiful daughter! We are so thankful that God blessed us with you, Alyssa. You are an amazing girl with a big heart and a strong mind. You have grown in so many countless ways and we were always amazed with your creative ways as a little girl and the way you would make things work. We are so very proud of your hard work and determination! Remember to always believe and

The clubs fair was held on Sept. 26 in the cafeteria, featuring 33 clubs.

follow your dreams. You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it! May God Bless you, protect you, and guide you with every step you take. We love you very much!

Love, Mom, Dad, & Ethan

“I like Trading Card club because I can play trading cards with my friends.” Jackson Shouba (6)

WATCHING st iconic b members m popular “Monster” practice deo that and over “Practicing the moves he people nals who’ve es,” Aliya he only with are med by t their entire keep trying ly we get t that it dle schoolers Lakshmanan

Austin, Texas ADVISER: Missy Sharpe

“I like Craft Club because I get to make cool crafts and I like being creative.” Kayla-Rae Tesheira (8)

A laptop- it brings me absolute happiness. It lets me be very creative in any way I can. Technology is the future, and there is no way to deny it. Robert Angel (10)

I chose a processor because it s the brain of the computer. The processor in my phone is faster than most computers. I couldn t imagine the evolution of the technology that s A new kind of event took place on Oct. 13 soon. Dhruv Patel (9) coming

A Cutting Edge HACKATHON

at Pearson Ranch Middle School, attracting hundreds of students and volunteers to participate in the first ever CodewizardsHQ Hackathon. The goal of the Hackathon was to connect middle school and high school students from Round Rock ISD across different coding experiences to local CodewizardsHQ mentors and to have each group of students choose a project to solve a real-world problem. “We worked on a way to track calories in meals per day,“ Mark Menezes (8) said. “You would input what meal you ate and then it would ask how many of those meals you had.“


Clinton, Tennessee


Clubs / Clubs Fair / Hackathon

Thomas Rabalais

HALLOWINNING Halloween is a great holiday for students


to express themselves and have fun. I was a vampire, and I really enjoy Halloween because costumes and makeup have always been a passion of mine, said Acelyn Dick (11). People can find Abby costume inspiration in unique ways. Ethan Horne (11) Reese I liked shares how he finds his costume inspiration: Students prefer PCs the movie Beetlejuice and I had a personal experience over Macs with him at Orlando studios in Florida, so it inspired me. Kaylee Adkins (11) embraces her creative side by doing a different makeup look for the holiday: I painted my face as a skeleton for Halloween which was really fun, but very time consuming. Halloween gives me a really good opportunity to be creative. Like everyone else, Cameron Castleberry (10) enjoys getting Halloween candy. William Johnson (12) said, I dressed as a horse because I ve had therapeutic horse riding since I was six years old, and I find them calming.


ADVISER: Jen Clotfelter

REPRESENTATIVE: Katiehome Welch for a family Finished

1. Annika Kanda (6) 2. Ryan Tang (6) 3. Left to Right: Mark Menezes (8), Brady Richards (8), Ninaad Patil (8), Prithiv Premkumar (8), Adam Menezes (6) photos by Elie Soloveichik


ADVISER: Pete Wise


I chose Apple s Mac because they are newer and better. In my opinion, PCs are a lot older and harder to use. Brandon McGhee (9)

Elizabeth Rathbun

REPRESENTATIVE: Cameron RyanReed Almon

Jacob Rathbun

escape Allison Renegar

travel Ashlee Reuter

Try these on your next trip

When I travel I always take dress clothes with me cause you never know. Sheev Patel (12)

My essential travel items are my phone, my headphones, and barbeque chips. Kaylee Castleberry (12)


60 The number of


When I travel anywhere I always take pistachios with me just incase I get hungry along the way. Eilam Clayman (12)

I chose PCs because they are more convenient for most people, and, in my opinion, they are cheaper. Emily Hembree (10)

The number of Saturdays spent PCs have Microsoft Office, which is useful in building with Habitat for Humanity

many different ways. On the other hand, Safari on Apple Macs is completely useless. Josh Carney (12)

The number of minutes spent packaging food to break the record

Six students share where they Seniors 047 travel for Thanksgiving I go to Georgia for Thanksgiving. While I m there I hangout with my family and go to the mall. I have a really fun time walking around and seeing different parts of the city. Briana Phillips (12) I go to India for Thanksgiving. While I m there I have a really fun time riding camels, chilling with the fam, and eating dank Indian food. Rushabh Patel (12) My dad, stepmom, step sister, and I go to my aunt Gina s to eat. While we eat we watch football and chat. After we eat we all hangout in the garage and get caught up on what we need to. Jaiden Meneghello (10) We go to my grandparents to talk and cut up and spend time together for Thanksgiving. Melanie Humphrey (11)

The number of world record particI chose PCs because I always use them the ipants most. I am taking Engineering 1 with Mrs. Freyre, and we are using a Windows computer to assemble vehicles using Auto walls painted Desk Inventor. Thor Williams (9)


Luke Revere

While traveling,, I take my Carolina Panthers hat with me just incase it is windy or too sunny. Jupiter Jones (9)


I go to my grandmother s house in Norris to eat and play board games with my little cousins and sibilings. I love spending time with my family. Wyatt Larue (12)

258-259 PACKAGES


Friendswood, Texas



“French club is an interesting club were we can hang out with friends and learn about the French culture.” Zamanethzie Granados (7)


g the first Alliance the rcle to talk unter in their A, meets bonding ircle.’ “Doing ’s voice is ncluded,” really nice atter who you everyone you always e where you


Sometimes I go to South Carolina for Thanksgiving. My mom and grandma make dessert and turkey, so we sit down to eat the dinner that they made. Finally, we all lay down and take a power nap for a while and then wake up to spend some more time together. Parker Meldrum (10)

Not all sides are created equal

Couples Austin, Texas ADVISER: Haley Gluch REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Early homecoming week features student dress up theme days Sept. 10-14 Vine Makayla Louis (12), Taliyah Williams-Moore (11), Morgan Hogan-Smith (11), Aleta Lobo (11), Trinity Williams (12), Amy ArceRogel (11), Alyssa Gomez (12)


Allen Tran (11), Christina Fuller (11), Brian Nguyen (11), Alejandro Lopez (12), Julio Zarate (12), Carlos Ordaz (11), Amy Ngo (12), Thy Do (12), Vanessa Mendoza (12), Proma Saha (12), Trinity Williams (12), Kristi Thai (12)


Leslie Heredia (12), Evatica Agundis (12), Fatoumata Fofana (12), Brianna Lopez (12), Kawther Salih (12), Donte Miller (12), Alyssa Gomez (12), Anastaicia Trigo (12), Alexander Castro (12), Caleb Green (11), Xochitl Morales-Gomez (11)


Chibuike Aguoru (12), Tima Shabani (12), Enrique Bibb-Serrano (12), Mikayla Monroe (10), Isaiah Mitchell (12), Joseph Mayang (12), Jamyah Crumble (12), Daniela Garrido (11) a, Stephanie Celestino (11), Jennifer Ponce (10), Yesica Rostro (9)


Ethan Gonzalez (12), Jocelyn Rodriguez (12), Jeffrey Ward (12), Anastacia Trigo (12), Beatrice Ocampo (12), Unique Johnson (12), Itzel Luna (9), Zoey Sifuentes (10), Ayden Sanchez (12)

When my dad came back to America after he was deployed to Kosovo.

The most exciting thing was getting into company at Young Actors Theater. Isla Wedge, 5th

Aria Douglas, 10th



Emma Grace Bass

Anchor Club (11-12), Dance Marathon (9-12, Exec. Committee 12), Green Club (11-12, Treas. 11), HOCO Court (9,11,12) MCSC (9), Mu Alpha Theta (11-12), Music Club (12), NHS (11-12), Red Cross Club (10-12), Span. NHS (9-12), Strategy Gaming Club (1112), Writing Club (10-12), YB Journ. (12)

Emma Grace Bass Kristen Becker Chloe Breed Dylan Burhans

Kristen Gardiner Becker

Photo by Shreejwal Dhakal

22> 22 >

The Woodlands, Texas

Anchor Club (11-12), French Club (9-12), NFHS (9-12), NHS (11-21), V Soccer (9-10), V Swimming (10-12, Capt. 12), YB Journ. (10, photographer)


Chloe Sutton Breed Hal

Anchor Club (11-12), Equestrian Club (9-11), NFHS (9-11), NHS (11-12), Venture Club (12), YB Journ. (12)

Helen Bradshaw Position: Vice-President Years at Maclay: 4 Fun Fact: I used to have an Instagram semi-famous hedgehog named Calico.

Tallahassee, Florida ADVISER: Deborah Mayer REPRESENTATIVE: Marvin Mayer

$15 $10

"These overalls are "I got these from my favorite pants from store, Buffalo Urban Exchange. They Outfitters. They have great quality were in the sale second hand section, so they clothes for amazing were only $10. I prices, and I've love the mixture visited 6 different of contemporary Buffalo Exchanges and vintage in this in 6 cities." outfit." Cody Paddack

Ezi Emenike



"I love to wear bodysuits, specifically "I always wear turtlenecks, under my patterned dresses when it shirts. This gets cold. I got one is from Goodwill. They this one from Depop for only have great $8!" prices!" Jackson Hugill

Lucy Smith

$75 $50

"This sweatshirt was $75, but I tend to save up my money to buy clothes I really want instead of buying a bunch of cheaper clothes." Tyler Woodruff

“I bought this 'GRL PWR' shirt because it supports the Me Too movement! It's from Rebecca Minkoff." CAmille Larocca

Photo by Tima Shabani

Maya “Positive people Ausley give off good vibes.” -Gabriella Martinez (10) Position: President Years at Maclay: 6 Fun Fact: I'm a vegan and am striving to slow human-induced climate change.

Fashion Forward

Students share their favorite style trends and how to be fashionable on a budget


to. Jacob Faulkner, 11


GAVIN HICKEY [III] “I like how we have more organized sports this year. In our schedule, I like Venice, that we spend two periods playing sports that we love to play.”

"What impacted me "I thought it was Students that read Red Kayak by Priscilla most was that she put interesting that she Cummings share their thoughts on the so much research to get began as a school book and what impacted them about her her books done and they newspaper writer to a presentation.. turn out to be a great successful author." Ryan Fang Jackson Farragut Owen Forsthoffer book." Jonathan Devon Yost, 9 Green, 9


ADVISER: Faith Nellis

"I thought it was funny "I liked how she went that she writes best in the out into the world to mornings." gather information from Douglas real people, rather than Schapley, 9 reading books about it or gathering informationOWEN FORSTHOFFER [III] from the web." “The game really changes in Third Emma Form. It’s not just that classes get Theis, 9 harder; you also have to balance



sports. But you figure it page out, atby: least Glenda Holton you hope you do.”

John Paul Jacob

Jason Jander

antman – 3% who is your favorite MARVEL iron man – 10%

Bear Januszewski


black panther – 13% Irving, Texas

captain america – 13%

Michael Peterman Owen Putnam Rafael Ramirez Submitting college applications, enjoying off-campus lunch Run. It has always looked like so much fun as past Seniors ADVISER: and writing the ever-so-famous Capstone; this sums up the life have run down the halls,” said Ethan J. Lee (12). The Seniors count down the minutes until, on one of their last days of of a Senior in just a few actions. Fr. Raphael Schaner It’s finally Senior year, the year that is full of lasts. It’s their school, they get to run down the hallways in their personallast full year at home and their last year to learn how to do ized and cut-up uniforms. Graduation is the biggest moment REPRESENTATIVE: their own chores including laundry, washing dishes and cook- for Seniors at the end of the year. They get to walk across the Catherine stage and finally receive a diploma after years and years of ing their own meals. It’s the last year for Seniors to come to Iden this campus in their uniforms for classes. While nervous for hard work and studying. It’s a bittersweet moment for both the the future, many Seniors are really excited for what’s to come. students and the family and friends of those graduating. While Lane Twyman (12) said, “I’m really excited to see what’s in Seniors’ friends and family are excited that they have graduatstore for the upcoming years and to be able to do all the fun ed, leaving PCA starts a new step in life. It is a new chapter in Aidan Ryan activites as aSmith Senior. I really lookSporl forward toJonathan spendingZabolio this last every Senior’s life and a time to look forward to a new season. The road to getting to college can be stressful, but all Seniors year as a Senior with all my friends.” There is a lot of excitement that happens during all of the feel the excitement and anticipation of beginning a new chapSenior activites. Many Seniors look forward to the Senior ter in their lives. They understand that though looking at the Run and of course, Graduation. “I am so excited for Senior skyline can be scary, they must trust God for what is

dr. strange – 18% thor – 20%

spider–man – 23%


FEARSOME FIVE Patrick Garda, Sean Comstock, Brian Rehagen, Billy Gordon, and Rodrigo Navarro [all III] strike their most intimidating pose during ten–minute break.

things g to do before



WAIT FOR IT... John Paul Jacob and Jonny Sanford [both III] wait for the bus while they partake in deep discussions of life.

Madeleine Rhodes (12)

Ryan Fang educates his make a Senior chant fellow third formers Santiago

Barajas and Jason Jander befriend underclassmen on the latest sci–fi book he

sing the school song checked out from the library.

go all out for dress up days

Senior Run

lead a family group

perform in the musical wear a Senior shirt

Form III by J Rehagen & Br R



go to Awaken finish Capstone

pull an all-nighter

go on a mission trip

Plano, Texas

try out for a team

wear Crocs on Spirit Day Lily Hill (12) Avery Donohue (12) Logan Doyle (12)

ADVISER: Aubrey Pasant

go to San Antonio

go to Homecoming sit in the front row at Chapel


get a Homecoming mum/lei

cheer in the student section



Page by Sabeen Toranian and Jenna Gile

260-261 PACKAGES

Photo by Tima Shabani

competing, having to get back into shape and be okay with my progress." Any athlete can tell you that recovering from an injury takes

which was disappointing, but I’m just happy to be running," Atkinson said. story by sid boyd

heidi nielson10 first at districts first at regionals


fourth at state


Katy, Texas

"The The season has been great, Nielsen said. "Two "Tw girls went to state and the team placed fo fourth at districts. Hopefully we can do even better next year."

ADVISER: Katie Spurgin REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

ed larsen


ADVISER: Ed Larsen

at Bear Boyd10 line.

REPRESENTATIVE: ed larsen Lisa Schwartz


Carrollton, Texas

Sophie pace cross Park.


FASHIONABLE FEELINGS A photo shared on the @ HebronHighfashion Instagram of sophomore Danielle Golden. Golden said she likes to express her feelings through fashion.

Students share their trendy old-school fashion pieces

FASHION comebacks

CHUNKY SNEAKERS (Owned by An Nguyen, 12) Chunky sneakers such as FILA Disruptors and Balenciaga FW17’s are back on trend. Popular in the 90’s, these elementary school kicks have now transformed into a high fashion item.

Photo Credit Ulfa Fassy

AVIATORS (Owned by Vincent Nguyen, 12) Old-school dad glasses are coming back and this time the younger generation is sporting them. Aviators truly are as hipster as past fashion gets.

FANNY PACKS (Owned by Leanna Ayyash, 10) A funky way to carry almost anything, these zippered, belted pouches saw an appearance in the 80’s and are making a strong re-appearance in the twenty-first century.

MOM JEANS (Owned by Renee Rosselot, 10) These 80’s classics have made a comeback. Pair with a cute crop top or a tucked in shirt and it is now a trendy, modern look.


then and now:

SCRUNCHIES (Owned by Olivia Pfeiffer, 10) A popular hair accessory in the 80’s and 90’s, teenagers choose these bold and colorful hairties to tie up their locks once again.


deconstructing fashion. Comparing trendy outfits of Hebron students from 2000 to fashion trends of 2018 Coleman Moore

IN 20 YEARS “I’ll be a ultrasound technicians and travel around the world doing missionary trips.”



Sebastian Castellino,10

Candice Sullivan


Janiyah Harris, 12



Coach Steve Henderson gives directions to his team during a time out


l or a nument. uch an

"During a time out we just focus on what the other team is doing and make adjustments that will give us the best chance of winning."


steve henderson

Seventh graders travel to Savannah, GA to experience culture and team building

photo by Layla Mathews

photos by Maya Collins

Brendan Boddy (7)

Fresh sugar cane syrup tasting made by locals in Savannah.

offensevs defense Players on the Varsity Team focus on both the defensive and offensive aspects of the game as installed to them by Coach Henderson

believe it or not

As he celebrates a basket against rival MCC, Tyrel Harris (12) looks up to the scoreboard mid game en route Watt to a 20 (7) Alana point win over MCC. "The main goal for the Archery lessons team this season is to win Districts and make it to the final four," Harris said. photo Kayla Burge andbytarget

pital photo "What g was the k taking always were mories,"

In the paint,practice Davarion with Marvine (11) goes towards the trying anhoop Olympian to score a lay-up. "This year I have really improved on listening to the archer. coaches better," Marvine said. photo by Caroline Layman

drive to score

ts, eitzer n about s. "My Museum t in bout it for

photo by Megan Mullen

“Coach henderson always says defense is the most important game, and when we play good defense it helps our offense by letting us get out our transition." Preston Milo (12) Javaris Johnson (11)


photo by Caroline Layman


Marley Kellar (7)

Senior leads Juggling team in pointslessons


with rings,

ide of nd her ory e there. ing can ntal berty, life,

Senior Dru balls and Nickson (12) clubs leads the team followed by a in points with performance. 21 a game along with 7 rebounds. Dru will be attending Embry Riddle next fall continuing his basketball career.

Jennifer Heredia

Melbourne, Florida ADVISER: Sarah Tricano Antwan Freeman (10)

Preston Milo (12)

photo by Megan Mullen

photo by Caroline Layman

Believe it.


REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

journalism students travel to the windy city to learn more about their elective

In early November, Journalism students from Newspaper, Photo, and Yearbook classes took Remember when the temperatures to Chicago to attend the dropped toPress -50C and -27F? During National Scholastic Association Journalism January 31st and February 1st, Chicago Conference. Students attended about was sessions colder than parts of Antarctica their respective interests and the North Pole! wonand awards for exceptional photography, design, and Youskills. know what that means writing

Chicago, Illinois ADVISER: Suzanne Duran


Guadalupe Hernandez What's the tea sis?


262-263 PACKAGES


student life Trips

Daisy Hernandez



Canoga Park, California ADVISER: Ken Coleman


PEPSI Random favorite


Awesome questions to ask your friends.


Hu An Sh

Add yreouher re pictu

Ethan Abello (6) and Kevin Pineda (6)

Spenc Brayden Mad


things about me

1. My food is __________________________________________. 2. I know how to _______________________________________ AND ____________________________________ but not at the same time. 3. My color is _________________________________________. 4. I feel most comfortable wearing _________________________ _____________________________________________________________. 5. The coolest thing I did this year was _____________________ ______________________________________________________________.

Nad Magdal Cha


1. If you could go on


Danna Espin Dea

anywhere, where would you go?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Believe in haunted houses?

yes, scary!

no, it’s totally fake!

A J Jenn

3. Which would you swim in? the ocean (sharks?)

a lake (snakes?)

a pool (boring?)

4. If animals could talk which do you think would be the







5. If you were FAMOUS, what would be your stage name?

Matthe Sam Brand

___________________________________________________________________ Name

1. If you could go on


anywhere, where would you go?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Believe in haunted houses?

yes, scary!

Noah F Co

no, it’s totally fake!

3. Which would you swim in? the ocean (sharks?)

a lake (snakes?)

a pool (boring?)

4. If animals could talk which do you think would be the







Dre Luk Kenn

5. If you were FAMOUS, what would be your stage name? ___________________________________________________________________

Join the Club 1. If you could go on

E Nata Jac



anywhere, where would you go?

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Believe in haunted houses?

yes, scary!

no, it’s totally fake!

3. Which would you swim in? a pool (boring?)

a lake (snakes?)

the ocean (sharks?)

Making the Choice rudest?

Ja Valerie Garci Hanna

4. If animals could talk which do you think would be the



didSWANS you choosePIGS your club?

5. If you were FAMOUS, what would be your stage name?

"I thought it was easier

Diego Giro

Friday clubs give students the opportunity to find a new hobby, make some ___________________________________________________________________ new friends, than last year because I and enjoy some much needed down time. knew what to expect Name

My club



and what clubs to chose." 84 People- 6th Grade & Coke or Pepsi: Friend Quiz Created by Naomi Vega

-Sydney Foltz (8)

"I still just go for it

because I never know Round Rock, Texas

Alexandra Pena (8)


Jaycee Pate (6)




ADVISER: Tanya Henslee


Austin, Texas


what to pick."

Mayumi Burks (6)

Jake Gibbons (8)

ADVISER: -Gabriella Donovan (7) Vicki Felkel REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens "I chose the clubs that I knew were more relaxing and less intense." -Skye Fisher (8)



WORDS OF WISDOM C-team kneels while the coach gives a speech. Huddles allow us to refocus and listen to the coach. Everything he says goes to heart, Thomas Seely (8) said.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT At football practice, Brayan Perez (8) prepares to throw a football to his teammate. I m not nervous for our first game, I just think it will be slightly challenging. This year we can only get better, said Perez.


AT THE TOP During the activity Camille Torrence(6) tries to stand on the desk, so more people can fit on the desk. I enjoyed it because we got to be active instead of taking notes and sitting the whole time, said Torrence.



Hunter Doyle Anna Duarte Shyla Dudley

Spencer Duncan Brayden Dyniewski Madelynn Earl

Nadine Earley Magdalynn Easley Chanel Embra

Danna Espinosa Lopez Dean Faccone Kai Farkas

Nights in Shining


Before the game I like to eat Skittles and hot fries. -Braden Williams (8A) Oreos and Chick-fil-a. -Thomas Wood (8B)

Luke Ford Noah Fortenberry Cole Franklin

Drew Franklin Luke Franklin Kennedy Fuller


MATTHEW HARWELL (8) I m compassionate because if I ever see someone having anxiety, I go comfort them and try to make them laugh, Harwell said.

Caitlin Graham REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

By Mackenzie Patterson-Golbow and Isabella Guerra

said like a Pisces, born TRUE PISCES between February

Matthew Fletcher Samuel Flores Brandon Foerster


POINT OUT While her class demonstrates the population of the United States Amanda Morley(6) explains the difference between the population of the United States and Australia. My favorite part was when we all crammed onto one desk because we had to use strategies. There were Katy, Texas even some people on top of the desks. It was ADVISER: hilarious, said Morley.


19 and March 20, are known for being compassionate, intuitive, and selfless. Represented by a fish, they are very emotional in the world around them. However, they can also be lazy and pessimistic.


Aiden Felker Jaiden Fike Jenna Fleming

THE AFTERMATH After doing the project By Rheilyn Cox-Rodabaugh Caden Davis(6) explains the difference in WHAT ARE YOUR GOOD LUCK RITUALS? populationsI do from different squat jumps before every game to bring good luck -Jackson Spence (7B) countries. My least The B team gets together before the game and we pray. -Joshua Ruiz (8B) favorite part was when we had to cram onto the same desk because everyone WHAT SONG GETS YOU FIRED UP BEFORE A GAME? was running into each Remember the Name by Fort Minor gets me pumped up for a other trying to get in, said game. -Juan Cordero (7A) Davis. Lucid Dreams by Juice Wrld always gets me excited for a game. -Stephano Monge (7B)

Emily Furrer Natalie Galicia Jacob Gandy



EMMA AVERY (8) I am lazy unless I m really motivated to do something, but if I do not want to do it then I won t, Avery said.



SHIVANI BAKER (6) I m selfless because I m always in a helpful mood for anyone who s struggling, Baker said.

Mini Maroons go door to door collecting candy from the teachers

NATALY BITTENCOURT MARTINEZ (7) I show I am imaginative randomly at home with little things that just come out, Bittencourt Martinez said.

JUNE HOLBROOK Daughter of English teacher Katie Holbrook

By Parker Ledford




Jamil Garba Valerie Garcia Candray Hannah Gardner

Cade Culbertson11 sits quietly in his chair as he waits to scare any guest brave enough to enter the annual haunted house. Culbertson worked the clown room, which was filled with polka dots, streamer, and dolls to make the experience that much scarier. "It's fun working in the haunted house because you can scare the people that aren't expecting to get scared," Culbertson said. Photo by Canyon Schultz

Austin, Texas ADVISER: Jena Weber

Diego Giron Cisneros Sahil Goel Mikaela Gomez

REPRESENTATIVES: Stacy & Mickey Mehrens link crewHALLOWEEN


Getting crafty, Ashley Berlin11 makes ghosts Students get revved for the day with caffeine

"I get the passion tea lemonade from Starbucks multiple times a week because of how sugary it is. The taste is refreshing, and it gives me my necessary dosage of caffeine for that day." Jillian Etheredge11

with other Link Crew members. Link Crew decorated the Maroon Room for a Halloween party that they hosted. "It was doing a bunch of Halloween ativities "I get an iced fun coffee "I go to Starbucks 3x interacting with the SCORES kids in a from Starbucksand every a week and get a social environment," Berlin said.

B day because that's Caramel Macchiato when I have allGetting of mytheir handswith 10 triple shot dirty, aLuke Potts and 10 boring classes so Arnold carve of espresso and Hailey pumpkins at thea the coffee pulls me Halloween party. The students carved hazelnut pump. It gives pumpkins and participated in various other through. I love this me a huge caffeine activities. cool and that Link Crew drink because it's "It wasrush helps mecame get to us to have a party," Potts said. cold and sweet." all my work done on Amber Harrison11 time." As fast as he can, Matthew Beck11 races12 Isadora Ashworth a friend in a cup stacking competition.

ARTHUR BURNHAM Son of art teacher Abby Burnham

Many different games were played at the Halloween party. "I got to know a lot of these kids that I usually don't get to hang out with. I got to meet new people. All of the kids in scores were really nice," Beck said.

Laughing all the way, Ana Alejo12 gets wrapped in toilet paper during the zombie game. “It was actually really fun. We played musical chairs, and everybody brought something to eat. We made them goodie bags,� Alejo said. Photos by Sirena Gatica

Kyle Farris Jackson Fasse Melissa Faz Mariagracia Ferrer Andrew Fisher Hayden Fisher Hector Flores Don Juan

RYDER HARRIS Son of ASL teacher Jennifer Harris

264-265 PACKAGES

"I usually buy a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks a few times a week. I like how sweet it is." Chloe Goodman11

"I get an Iced Vanilla Latte from Coffee Bean two to three times a week. It helps to give me the caffeine rush that I need to get through the day, but it's not too sweet." Skyler Russell11

LILLIAN BURNHAM Daughter of art teacher Abby Burnham


advertisements / page by chloe farlow seniors

HANNAH WHITTINGTON Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight. Hannah, We are so proud of you and the beautiful young woman you have become. Your kind, loving, and caring ways make people feel so special and loved. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Always put God first and everything else will fall into place! We love you, Mom, Dad, Brooke, Lindsey, & Abbey

Katy, Texas


ADVISER: Katie Moreno REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

This sweater was from a show I used to watch as a kid and I just thought it was really funny.”

- Keearah Kyles, 9

Pflugerville, Texas

M. Thomas

ADVISER: Kari Riemer

AUM unes

like Winter because it’s ds in one class mbined so really loud liked playing ecause I’m an everyone st the whole ause a piccolo pitched than ery instrument.” th Lorber , 11-

beth Lorber, 11 astian Carmona,

I wore it to show school spirit and to show I’m for the Hendrickson Hawks.”

I wore this because I am a yoga teacher and I thought it was funny.”


- Melia Ringgold, 10

- Sarah Smith, Faculty

Fleetwood, Philadelphia I was going for a ugly sweater contest in FCA. I really like the sweater but I only wear it at Christmas.”

- James Jones, 11

December 10-17 2018

ADVISER: Sara Sanocki REPRESENTATIVE: Matthew McLaughlin


Matthew “Getting to perform with my team for the first time this year wasLamas Lapomarel exhilarating,” Peyton said. “I love performing for people Jahmal whoJuliana Lara Jordon Larco appreciate and enjoy dance.” Tien Le Autumn Lee With her Variations teammate Lauren Anderson (11), move with Lisa Winders (11) does partner work to a funky tune. MUSIC When preparing for the show, she was pushed to her limits and had to overcome obstacles. “This was such a fun and energetic dance to do,” Lisa said. “I love dancing with myElijah Lee Shayna Lehman teammates and getting to see all the hard work pay off.” IN’ ate, sa ars ave tes ball E\ nd on.” lty

all in one FRIDAY Night Lights Miami, Florida

falling into


ADVISER: Varsity football tackles the season EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES?

Paul Lennon Jason Leon


With the first year in the new stadium underway, the varsity football team gained their first win against Arlene Huffman Jesuit which sparked the players’ motivation to continue the streak. In the rain or shine, the players REPRESENTATIVE: showed perseverance and the mindset to display to the other teams what being a Bronco is all about.

Stephanie Sherman

Kenny Leonidas Ariana Lester


fall KICKER’S POINT OF VIEW Before going into the game, senior Blake Post smiles for the camera. “Kicking has taught me how to appreciate the little things and to always be mentally and physically ready,” Post said.


Photo By Laney Skidmore

Shakira Lester Ray Levine

"I was so young when I started that I don't know life without it. I've always been in love with it." DANIELLE DONAHUE (12) Hanan Levis-Betancou

LET EM’ RUN As they come out of the bronco, seniors Joe Pousard and Tristan Lamb put on their game faces. “Being in the football program has helped me become a more focused and organized individual,” Lamb said. “The team has helped me become the best player I can be.” Photo By Laney Skidmore


Matias Levy


“They’re important because it’s nice to do something besides schoolwork.”

story TIME

Collin Drake, 10

Photo By Brooke Brown

Alongside elder members of Variations, Sierra Taylor (11) poses for the Bollywood dance. She was determined to nail the choreography after going through hours of rehearsal. “I wanted to be involved in more Sethsaid. Granberry, 11 Justin Dawson, 11 tell a story activities,” Sierra “Dance allows me to Photo create and Photo By Laney Skidmore By Laney Skidmore with my body through movement.”

Nick “King Slime” Pogacnik, 12 Outside Linebacker & Tight end

Name Game

Ben “Benny D” Dodson, 12 Outside Linebacker

“All my slimes call me King Slime because I am the father of slimes.”

“The boys call me “Benny D” because in middle school they called me Benny and my last name is Dodson.”

Cam “Predator” Maddox, 12 Middle Linebacker

Nate “Enforcer” Jackson, 12 Safety “I got the nickname “Enforcer” by my style of play every night. You can see me on the defense enforcing our ‘MTH’ mentality that we play by.”

“My coaches call me “Predator” because when I am on the field I am tough and the other team fears me. I am always in their head.”

RS ylor play lize ates ng.”

Luke Reber, 10

Photo By Bekah Welty

Cody “The Juice” Marshall, 12 Outside Backer

“I am called “The Juice” because when the team is down, I provide the hype needed to get through the adversity we’re faced with.”

McKinney, Texas ADVISER: Catherine Faught REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden


“I love getting a good dig because it gives our setters and hitters a chance to put away the ball.” -PJ Marano, 11

“I like the competitive nature of playing back row, and I love it because you get to contribute to the team, passing’s the most important part.” -Makenna Kelty, 12

“Being a DS feels good, I lead the team in defense, and I keep the ball in play. The team makes me a better person by cheering me up.”


-Darian Markham, 11

CAN YOU DIG IT? Before the ball hits the ground, senior Andie Baldridge makes a dig. Baldridge committed to Marist College in New York. “Being a senior on varsity is intimidating, but also makes you feel like a leader,” Baldridge said. “I bring 100 percent

“It’s really fun to play DS, and you’re the first person to play the ball in the rally. As a senior, you have to be a leader, and you have to be very vocal on the court. -Kinley Schnell, 12

266-267 PACKAGES

Photos By Laney Skidmore and Bekah Welty

pray forCHECK the pets REALITY every batch


ADVISER: Lindsey Shirack REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

192 9

Every time we have a sale, I imagine making a couple cupcakes and a few cookies, then I read the recipe and realize I need like 20 pounds of flour and eight pounds of butter.

Austin, Texas


Phil Brual12

s t u den t s




lbs of butter/shortening

7 lbs of cake flour 2 lbs of cocoa powder 6 lbs of coconut

forward to the “bakeI look sale because the

week of baking for it is fun and we get to work together as a team and create pastries for the school. It's a good time.

Maria Demopoulos12



s creatures. Thus, blessing of the animals became a tradition dedicated to showing animals the admiration they deserve.

get out of

DODGE yee-haw

Alyssa Norman [2022]

ANNUAL DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT CANCELED Spread by Mariah Barsotti & Grace Conlan

Dodge, duck, dip and dive: third year in a row,” Horner said. LOWER SCHOOL CELEBRATES COWBOY DAY these are words of wisdom from “Our team was entirely athletes so students who’ve competed in the we all had a drive to compete. We Cowboy Day is a annual dodgeball tournament. wanted to continue our tradition Parish lower May 2018’s tournament was of creativity and have fun with it.” coordinated by social studies The dodgeballschool tournament tradition teacher Alejandro Garcia and held started as a prom where fundraiserevery dozens of students competing for in 2006, with up to 70 teams kindergartner the title of victory. competing every year. dresses up in "For people who wanna “It was organized, and it was best cowboy play dodgeball, it’s kind of like clean fun until lasttheir year when a throwback to elementary days people lost control, people attire. orand cowgirl when you could play dodgeball started getting ugly to one The kids spend with your friends, have some fun another," Garcia said. "People the whole day Asher Coats-Lenling [2031] with it,” Garcia said. "It had been lost track that we were playing a doing such a fun and no problems kind game- they got too seriousdifferent and it of event, until this year when it was crazy." activities that real just didn’t work out.” Having had a low at lifeturnout cowboys After 12 years with no the tournament, Garcia theorized would do such as problems, the games came to that something similar to the play with a halt as arguments over the Homecoming dance, which hadanimals, referee's calls escalated into been cancelled forbull-ride, five years, and they fights. The tournament was would happen to dodgeball. even end the day canceled, leaving team “Nacho “At this high school, with we’ve one giant Libre” as victors. As part of the had a lot of fun stuff that has feast, yum! team, graduate Madi Horner come and gone because people competed to make theOliver most of stopped caring,” Garcia said. Ella Khodaparast [2031] Bahr, Jack Ray, Audrey her last high school moments. “Sometimes you have to cancel Shapira, Sarah Beth Cutshaw [2031] “Going on our third year of something, bring it back a few competing in the dodgeball years later and say, ‘Oh this is new tournament, we wanted to, of and fresh again,’ and be excited course, win best costume for the about it again.”

Dallas, Texas ADVISER: Shastan Kuschke REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Britton Henard [2031]

photos courtesy of Mrs. K. Lee

MASK on, graduate Avery Schmidt hypes up her team in a huddle before their

game. Schmidt and her team dressed as Nacho Libre and won best costume. “Going into the tournament we just wanted to get past the first round and of course we wanted to have a ton of fun with it since it was our last time,” Schmidt said. “To get motivated for games, we would just really pump ourselves up and hype up way more than we deserved.” Photo by Skylar Linscomb



Dena Carroll Administrative Assistant Johnny Chain Academy, Soccer Marilyn Charlton Counselor Theresa Christal Media Specialist Ken Corum, Ed.D Math

what s your



Attendance Staff Recalls Funniest Tardy Excuses Kansas City, Missouri ADVISER: Cherie Burgett

Graphics by

Jeanine Felten Karen Bruscato

REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker Haley Anne


how many Cougars does it take to put on one halftime show?



color guard


numbers of students enrolled in each secton







College Station, Texas BAND

ADVISER: Teresa Laffin

Drum Majors: Will Sewell, Paige Nielsen, Jasmine Windon. Flute: Andrea Alexandri, Sasha Allen, Sheridan Allen, Paulo Cataquis, Jenna Garcia, Anika Gutierrez, Sophia Harding, McKenzie Quarles, Cynthia Rodriguez, Alaina Tortorice. Tenor Sax: Siddhi Desai, Sirr Mena, Paige Nielsen, Trei Parker. Tuba: Glen Gordon, Brody McLemore, Paul Nwora, Tyler Ozelton, Hunter Tortorice, Giosue Velazquez. Bari Sax: Cristian Gutierrez, Katie Schulte. Percussion: Parker Fox, Paige Green, Kaylee Guzman, Ethan Jurkowski, Chase Martin, Roslind Martin, Dylan Michalski, Lilli Schmitt, Ethan Sewell, Joshua Sewell, Will Sewell, Mark Simmons, Ellie Simpson, Ryah Smith, Luke Yelverton, Jasmine Yonan. Clarinet: Alyssa Bermudez, Grady Broadnax, Taylor Cox, Sabrina Delos Santos, Gwyneth Gravador, A.J. Hollister, Abby Jacobson, Kyle Lumbo, Geneva Moh, Rebekka Ortega, Yna Santiago, Wesley Thomas, Haley Thompson, Alina Williams, Jasmine Windon. Trumpet: Matthew Bowen, Tate Haugvoll, David Krail, Caleb Kugler, Jonathan Matthews, Holden Meador, Kapella Peddicord, Aidan Porciello, Gabriel Ramos, Dylan Schuele, Jameson Storts. French Horn: Carel Arcilla, Liliana Barbosa, Jackson Buck, Abby Cawthon, Jacob Rangel. Colorguard: Zoe Bodine, Cecily Castillo, Madelynn Castillo, Jocelyn Clark, Mallory Dadivas, Yaa Dapaah, Jade Escobar, Almeara Follosco, Kayla Frietsch, Ava Harding, Bain Hebert, Oluchi John, Camryn Jumper, Carlee Klevens, Sophia Le, Caitlin Longworth, Victoria Miller, Jobelle Navarro, Madison Simpson, Jeslyn Stiranak, Ellie Sykes. Bass Clarinet: Sakshi Desai, Alina Gboboh, Cael Jurkowski, Marielena Medina, Ethan Schuele. Trombone: Jacobi Adelizzi, Xavier Galarza, Matthew Hooper, Joycelyn Sagastizado, Matthew Salas, Raylee Schobel, Kemari Tinsley-Smith. Alto Sax: Spencer Choate, Julian Flores, Daniel Garza, Sophia Lynch, Dorian McGhee, Leandro Ospina, Sean Richard, Carlos Salazar, Matthew SOPHOMORE SENIOR Andrew Lee, Segura, Nhi Tran. Euphonium: Jason Gordon, Aaron Hart, Matthew Nattier, Celso Pacheco, Marcel Perez, Liam Rogers, Daniel Sanders. Directors: Amy Bennett, Israel Hernandez, Ronnie Pruitt, David Reynolds, Aaron Sanderson. Guard Staff: Guillaume Eek, Erin Hicks, Shannon Kelly, Ashley Yen. Tech Staff: Ethan Ahmad, Madison Biedler, Spencer Everson, Amber Hendrix, Ethan Masters.


Madalyn Stapp,

Eliza Roeth,

Samantha Bradford,


Elizabeth West Paige Seele, Madison Lamb L Maddie Cruz, AND




summer strutters


4. Reviewing moves they’d just learned at line camp, senior NATALIE LANCASTER and junior SKYLAR DRAPER work to perfect their performances. “We have a lot going on during football season with multiple performances every week,” Lancaster said. “Summer practice gives us a chance to get ahead and prepare for the upcoming season.” photo by megan kersten

a first-year guard

5. On Aug. 23 freshman JORDAN HESTER participates in a Color Guard summer camp to prepare for the upcoming school year. “We were working on second movement, but overall camp was super fun and a great way to bond and see how much we’ve improved,” Hester said. Color guard practiced six hours a day in August until school began. photo by tanner rich

Fulshear, Texas



McKenzie Quarles

“I was the president for two clubs, TSA and ASL Club. I loved being the president for both my clubs. I’ve been in these clubs for a while now and being able to lead my members to improve as a club or in TSAs case, to improve in the competitions we do. It’s an honor to be given the position that I have.”

4 Magali Sanchez

“I was the president of the International Club. Things that we would do is have luncheons, play games, and meet new people. Being the president made me be more positive and socialize with others more.”

Saudatu Taylor

“It was fun being the president of the African Student Association. It was cool that I started something. When I transferred from my old school, they had it so I thought I would start it here.”

ups to start off their day at band camp. “We

were playing our warm ups to help with our REPRESENTATIVE: technique for pep rallies and competitions said. The on,” sophomore Cindylater Moye drumline practiced in August for six hours a day LACEY SPILLER

Monday-Friday until school began. photo by megan kersten




ADVISER: bringSanford the beat back Megan 7. On August 16, the drumline plays warm



cheering in july

6. Striking a classic pose, senior LOGAN JAMES participates in a follow up practice on July 23 after the July 16-19 cheer camp. “The most valuable part of cheer camp was learning to be a leader,” James said. “As a team, we had a lot of time to eat together, work together and get to know each other.” Cheer trained for approximately 65 hours over the summer. photo by hannah west



Littleton, Colorado ADVISER: Julien Bouquet REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

268-269 PACKAGES

Abriana Hernandez

“Being the president of Student Council was a crazy and fun experience. It was mind-blowing being able to lead the school’s largest club. I loved working with all the students and doing different projects like homecoming and volunteer work. Since it was the first year to have officers, I hope I was able to set standards and make an impact.”


By Kevin Vu

1 minute apart

3 minutes apart

We ve been through everything together. It is kind of fun and pretty cool to think about.

Being a twin is annoying because you have to share everything. Michael Spurgeon10

Kaylin Livingston9

Shane Spurgeon10

Kamryn Livingston9


THE BECKHAMS 3 minutes apart

Even though we are completely opposite, we fit together perfectly as a pair.12 Rachel Beckham

I have a best friend by my side 24/7.

Camryn Peacock11

Makayla Beckham12

Jessieville, Arkansas THE BEUCHATS


We have some good Erinsome Radke days, bad. We had to share a lot of REPRESENTATIVE: stuff growing up.12

I don t know what it s like not being a twin.

Sarah Beuchat

Katie Greenwood

When people find out we are twins, they don t believe us.

1 minute apart

Charlie Davis [10] competes in long jump with record of 20 feet and 7 inches. "We had a really young and small team, but it will change next year," Davis said. (photo by Madison Cummings)

Katie Beuchat 12

Kelvin Lee

With the saxophones, Tolulope Abidoye11 plays “Finesse” by Bruno Mars. “I felt out of breath because I was already tired from playing right after the game and it was even worse because 4 minutes apartI had to run back out there and get my instrument,” I like having a Abidoye said. “Butsibling I havethat to do s what I my age. have to do.” 11



Cathryn Jardet10.





10 . .Casey . . . . Jardet ....

Cody Jardet

someone to do stuff with.

20 minutes apart ADVISER:



Kelvin Lee

After the Homecoming Game halftime show, Alexander Lopez09, Tommy Nguyen09 and Fernando Perez11 showcase their trumpet chant: R-i-c-h-e-r, 30 minutes apart R-i-c-h-e-r, R-i-c-h-e-r highItand mighty we are, Always is kind of hard because to we are first and never last,you wehave the best pick out separate high brass. “Each section in band has to personalities. 11 make up theirCaroline own chant,” said. PeacockNguyen “Doing the chant wasItpretty is nicehype right to have after performing.”

describe being a triplet in one word


It s a rollercoaster; sometimes we are close and at other times we aren t.

To be honest, I don t really like her. It just happened.


Brian Barbo10

It s kind of annoying.

Timmy Barbo10


. ....


Knoxville, Tennessee



Ben Seaman12





Musical Motivation THE LIVINGSTONS


It is nice to have him around.

Gabe Corum 11




Caleb Bassett12 Drake Bassett12

Brooklyn Caballero12 Zach Caballero12

Scoring another touchdown forHoward the 12 Tucker Howard12 Thomas seniors in the Homecoming game, 11 Danielle Williams12 Leo Williams Frankie Chen12 celebrates.“I got through 11 four defenders and ran Adrianna about 60Sonenshein yards Avery Sonenshein11 to the touchdown line. I thought of a 11 Tyson Adams11 Adams celebration in my head Tori before getting to the line and decided Casey to do Bowen a jelly11 Katie Bowen11 layup through the goal post,” Chen said. “We set a goal of 50 points Jesus Macedo11 Roberto Macedo11 1 minute apart around the end of the game and sadly 10 It s fun sometimes Noah Fraser10 Amelia Fraserthe we missed it by one point. I ended because you re not 10 alone. It canwith alsotwo be touchdowns game I was Isaiah Wilhite10 Isaac and Wilhite annoying because very proud of myself for that.” — Danny Le9 you re never alone. Nathaniel Barbour Nicholas Barbour9 Aiden Yarbrough9 During the game, Guiselle Rubio12, Phat Andrew Lenz9 Madison Lenz9 fun, David but weDuong12 chase HoIt12s and after have to share 11 Kaitlyn Vu as she carries the ball, hoping everything. 9 to score a touchdown. “When I had the Hannah Yarbrough ball, I was like, ‘Aw shoot, I have the ball, I have to score now,’” Vu said. — Kevin Vu MULTIPLES

Kevin Vu

During the halftime show, Miguel Cervantes11, Eric Le11 and Dylan Marasigan11 perform “Finesse” by Bruno Mars as they move to the song. “Since a lot of non-band kids think that Kerr doesn’t have a marching band, we showed them that we do march and that we have moves as well,” Le said.




Bristan Corum

Safari Reflect

ADVISER: Stephanie Crichton

Houston, Texas ADVISER: Laura Negri REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Kevin Nguyen

Clearwater, Florida ADVISER: Aliberto

21 Kylie

REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis As f en12 cele play was me “I actually talk to people and I’m a lot more outgoing and comfortable. If I had been in a regular high school like Elsik or Hastings, I feel like I would’ve gotten in trouble of some sort.” — Jameelah Parada11

there’s an



“I enjoy Snapchat because I talk to all of my friends on there.”

"Pinterest is great because I find a bunch of relatable memes and I like making boards to express myself."

Tristan Villegas, 9

Kyra Miller, 9


"I like Twitter because my friends are on there and I like to stay updated on sports and people in my life."

Students describe favorite apps that consume their time


"Netflix is my favorite app because it has a good variety of movies and I love movies."

Luke Giebelhaus, 9

Mason Callow, 10




by the

"Facebook, because I get to connect with friends and family that live far away and play games against them."


Sheyenne Kelch, 9


Leander, Texas INSTAGRAM

ADVISER: Mikyela Tedder

“With Instagram, I get so lost in it. I just keep scrolling and can't stop. Next thing I know, 30 minutes has passed.”

Hayden Asbury, 11

REPRESENTATIVES: Morgan Tuggle & Jim Anderson DISCORD

“I like this app because it makes it easier to collaborate with all of my gamer friends.”

Jimmy Nguyen, 10

"I like the Chick-fil-a app because I can order faster and I can get a lot of rewards from it."

Dylan Schaible, 10


"Spotify is great since I am obsessed with music, and I really like that it creates playlists for you, such as the end of the year rewind."

Emma Isbell, 9

Lila McPherson, 11


“VSCO cam is my favorite app because you can really be yourself and no one will judge because they're just creating.”

"Starbucks lets me order before I am there so I can get in and out quick, and since I can pay on my phone, it's super convenient."

“I use SoundCloud because I like listening to my music since it helps me with things like school and stress."

Summer Hasfurter, 11

Sydney Carreon, 11

BUZZFEED "Buzzfeed is cool because you get to do quizzes and I like to read the news on it. It's just a lot of fun."

Julia Graham, 10

Emily McBee, 11

Varsity placed at the NTCA Coppell and Wakeland


"I like Fortnite because it's easier to play on the phone compared to anywhere else. Plus, the skins are cool and I like making them dance."

Ethan Parodi, 9



KICKIN’ brass

upperclassmen create a welcoming environment

At the beginning of the school year, band upperclassmen hoped to welcome the newcomers with open arms. For those in the mellophone section, that meant spending time with the freshmen and bonding during practices. “Us upperclassmen in the mellophone section really wanted to be more welcoming to the freshmen and be closer as a community,” junior Micheal Violante said. “I think this year, we have all become more supportive of each other.” molly b. photo

MARCHING to their own beat drum majors possess unique skills

Frisco, Texas ADVISER: Kim Breen dena a. photo

dena a. photo

Senior Patrick Lin broke down what made him want to purse being a drum major and what it takes. “ What made me want to be a drum major was the many band students who have made a great impact on me since I was in middle school, and I wanted to give back to others,” Lin said. One cannot become a drum major without patience, communication skills and hard work. “I became the drum major once the directors chose me to be one through an audition process,” Lin said. “Becoming one definitely takes a lot of commitment and knowledge in order to take care of its many responsibilities. Drum majoring takes serving others, discipline, humility, and pride in delivering a great show.”

JV placed at the NTCA Coppell High School




BEGINNINGS to endings





seniors and freshmen look back on the year

color guard

For junior Jill provided a un so outstandin do we have so this year but o The show for t show this yea “It includes so show before.” Shows, both can be nerve-r show takes a l nerves is defin Shumway said performing ha outcome of ou Shumay to con memories. “I’v of the best peo member of the so many amaz teammates th


Sophomore Maddie Mic during a halftime perfor conveying the message a great importance. “Wh I think about all of the pe and conveying the mes Michael said. “I also thin time on the field with m guard team grew in num were able to have a JV a we gained so many peo auditions,” Michael said people enjoying our act

Senior Kennedy Williams (left) first joined the drum line her freshman year. This being her final year in marching band, Williams reminisced on her time in band. “The thing I’ll miss the most is the social part of it,” Williams said. Senior Molly Lammes takes a look back on the moments she will miss the most. “I think I will miss all the early morning contests where we leave before the sun is up or when we had rehearsals in the rain when it’s absolutely freezing,” Lammes said. As some come to their final years, others still have a journey ahead with the program. “My favorite thing about band is that I get to hang with my friends,” freshman Carlos Martinez-Castello (left) said. “Throughout the program, I hope to get my P.E. credit as well as become a better saxophone player.” Dena. A photo dena a. photo

Stormy. M photo

stormy m. photo


standout 031

dena a.

“The dynamic of color guard has been different, which has changed the way we practice and perform.” Junior McKenna Hale

Roseburg, Oregon ADVISER: Mary Eckman REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Fusco

270-271 PACKAGES

emily v. photo


“YouTube is my favorite app because I love watching videos, especially David Dobrik.”

& COUNTING years

Softball celebrates their 40th anniversary. Braden s Hope; we raised $1,300 towards research for childhood In 1978, Winnetonka introduced cancer. We had cookies with each San Antonio, Texas softball to female students. This player s number on them. Then we year, the team celebrated the 40th played a game. All the alumni ADVISER: anniversary. During a day late last softball players were there and Velisa Jewett spring, softball mom Kim Komar, watched us beat Northtown. coach Marc Asquith and For the past 40 years, softball REPRESENTATIVE: Winnetonka s Data Coordinator has been an activity for girls to Kathi Hopkins Pamela Wiltfong, met to make the participate in and it s been a way to 40th anniversary a special event create new relationships with and to give back to the community. others. We did a lot for the 40th It s important because it s been anniversary, senior Maddy Gianello a way for students to be involved said. We had a pancake breakfast and make friends for almost half a fundraiser and a silent auction for century, senior Eden Viles said.

We have some staff in the office that played on the team when it first started which is amazing. Wilftong was a pitcher for the girls softball team from 1978 to 1980 and was part of the state softball team. Any time you have a chance to celebrate girls women sports we should do so, Wiltfong said. Programs come and go, so for softball to still be an opportunity for high school girls is something to be celebrated. We should never forget where we started and how far we have come.

By Kelsey Cowden

THEN: Softball used to be a spring sport. NOW: Softball is a fall sport.

then now


Alumni softball player Pamela Wiltfong [Nelson] pitches a softball. Wiltfong and her teammates played the game without face protection. Photo from Winnetonka 1980 yearbook.

Kansas City, Missouri ADVISER: Shannon Le Grand





Senior Eden Viles pitches a softball at an opponent during a game at the softball field against Grain Valley on Sept. 27. Photo by Kelsey Cowden.

Alumni softball player, Debbie Harper, swings a bat. Photo from Winnetonka 1980 yearbook.

Sophomore Alyssa Dunaway bats with her face protection on during a game at the softball field against Grain Valley on Sept. 27. Photo by Kelsey Cowden.

THEN: No face protection. NOW: Face protection.



84 -

Junior Kaley Kumpf prepares herself to catch a softball during a home game against Grain Valley on Sept. 27. Photo by Kelsey Cowden.

how do ho d you o go be beyon ond?


Staying true to what makes me happy, Serenity Dean, 9

Harrisonburg, Virginia ADVISER: Mary Strickler REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup


asked for it What is your favorite element?




Olivia King, 9

Evelyn Sprague, 9

Mary Elizabeth Vaugh, 9

Maya Waid, 9

Josh Engle, 9


Jorge Kofi Darko, Rodriguez, 9 9

Jadon Biller, 9

84 - Spring - Band - Spread by Meagan Coger and Ava Mayhew

Musician Spotlight Band members share some insight about the instrument they play by Meagan Coger

>Annie Barnes, 7 Bass Clarinet

I think the bass clarinet says that I am unique because it is an instrument that very few have heard of.

>Andrew Swafford, 7 Trumpet

The trumpet plays the melody the majority of the time. It also has lots of solos and just the right tone for bugling as well.

Pearland, Texas ADVISERS: Julie Pasha & Mara Williams REPRESENTATIVE: 1 David Miller

French Horn

I had a choice between french horn and bassoon. I chose the horn because bassoons have so many keys and the horn only has three valves and a trigger.

>Taryne Duraso, 7


Well to be honest, it was the only instrument I could play when I originally tried out for an instrument. I would love to learn how to play other instruments like the flute.

ags flying high >Vikram Evans, 8 Flute

>Kayla Hughes, 7 Euphonium

color guard wins best guard overall at the 'bands of america' contest

My favorite song was Japanese Pictures, because it was a challenging song that allowed every instrument a part to be heard. The flute has a beautiful sound in the song and demonstrates both harmony and complexity.

>Ana Budimlic, 8 Bassoon

I chose to play bassoon, because not many people know what the bassoon is, and I was intrigued. I like that my instrument can produce full, resonant sounds.

I chose this instrument because if I could play the euphonium, I can play multiple other instruments. I have a diversity that others don t have.

>William Dean, 8 Trombone

Q&A "Color guard has taught me patience, flexibility, and has given me a great work ethic." - Ida Eastham (12)

I always liked the sounds the trombone produces. It s the only instrument in our band with a slide and I think it shows my taste in music.

"Color guard helped me branch out within our school. I was nervous about high school, but guard helped me get out there and be less nervous for a new chapter in my life." -Layla Fetsko (10)


Robinson, Texas ADVISER: James Jenkins REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Q: How has color guard helped you grow?

"Through color guard, I've grown to work with people and be more interactive." -Caitlin Phillips (11)

Ashleigh Faught (12) smiles as she poses at the end of the second movement of the marching show. She was given the title "co-captain" and was a part of the color guard leadership

272-273 PACKAGES

>Isaac Fernandezlopez, 8

the Paradise Valley District Meet, the JV team rests and congratulates each other for taking second place with a score of 56. Ben Akers



ANDREW PFUTZENREUTER Training • “It’s basically like, you’re training with your family, it’s like that kind of relationship.” Pre-Race • Before each race the entire team eats pasta dinners together. Best of the Best • His best time was in the Cross Country Festival with a time of 17:28.

Disney Days of Hartfield MONDAY Twin Day

Tammy Nguyen

Katie Long 12 and Brooke Hodges 12 are dressed as Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus on Monday of homecoming week. Katie said her favorite experience was when I pulled up in my car and I was jamming to Hannah Montana singing into my microphone.

CONNOR WHITT The Motivation • “It’s more of you’re tired and it’s more of a mental game to run but when you’re done it’s like, oh my gosh, I did that.” The Bad • People need sleep, and Whitt does not like to get up early, but he says it’s worth the run. Fast 5k • With a time of 19:08, Whitt set a new personal best.

By Katelyn Burnham Photo Credit Ciera Garrett and Kathryn Moss


College & Career

Avery Dallas 8, Laya Hutton 8, Emma Dearmon 8 ,and Lauren Adams 8 smile for the camera during career day on Tuesday when students dressed as their dream occupation. Avery said, I do not see myself being a doctor but dressing up with my friends was a lot of fun.





Jen Litt

By Hyacinth Sephton Pictured Jacey Callender 11 and Darbie Fowler 12 Photo Credit Ciera Garrett and Mattie Francis Powell


“My favorite elective is psychology because we learn about the mind and I have many friends in there.”

Hawaiian Day

While enjoying the homeroom activities, students show off their Ohana attire. Emilee Cummings 7, Abby Hervey 8, and Emma Simpson 8 took a break from class to celebrate Ohana day with games and food. Emily said her favorite part was, limbo and watching people fall.

-Matthew Lockwood, 11

Scottsdale, Arizona ADVISER: Lisa Baker

Sophie Spires

<Fall Sports •


By Jordan Chastant Photo Credit Kathryn Moss and Mattie Frances Powell


For Sleeping Beauty Thursday, students showed their Hartfield spirit by coming to school in their pajamas. Regan Henderson 10 said that , My favorite part of PJ day was having a valid excuse for sleeping in class. By Charleston DeVaughan Pictured Owen Makamson 8 and Jonah Caldwell 9 Photo Credit Kathryn Moss and Jordan Chastant

Flowood, Mississippi

FRIDAY Spirit Day

ADVISER: Lori Jones

For Spirit Day, Caleb Parten 10 plays a friendly game of corn hole with a friend. When I play corn hole, my mind is one with the game, said Caleb. By him playing corn hole, he got his mind ready for the homecoming football game against Saint Andrews that night.


By Olivia Sallis Pictured Mrs. Blair Rodriguez Photo Credit Ciera Garret and Kathryn Moss


Saint Peters, Missouri

m st my story

ADVISERS: Brooke Iadevito & Matt Whitehead

Morgan s parents got divorced when she was five. The hard part was when she was about 8. She stopped seeing her mom for reasons she does not know. Her dad basically raised her and her three sisters. I came to a brand new high school from a different district so that was stressful, but I made a lot of great friends.

Senior, Morgan Gentry



1. Discovering new things about the Middle Ages, senior Delany Rock learns about the Ancient Egyptians and how they spoke in hieroglyphics. Although she sees Social Studies as easy, she enjoys learning about past civilizations and cultures. Rock expresses, Learning about things that have happened in the past help you with what is happening in the future. 2. Always looking forward to what is to come in history, senior Sean Canoy loves to learn about different future desires religions and ways life.know It s difficult for Canoy to Lettingof students what FBLAto, exactly is, choose, but if he had learning about how people from sophomore Alyssa hundreds of years Anselmo ago influence modern day society has lists benefits of joining to be his choice. Canoy said, We (society) developed a business club. "I the world into what it is today by looking at what it was enjoyed the trip; we all got together as FBLA and we were before. explaining to incoming freshman as to 3. Contributing why to they theshould good vibes in the classroom, join our club," Anselmo said. Photo by Madeline Crouch sophomore Savannah Foster feels welcomed into Mr. Longo s class. She works hard to keep all the information inside her brain and to push through the struggles. Foster work, and repeat. stated, School, sleep, Cyber city Having kids sign 4. Gathering facts from two social studies classes, senior up on a clipboard, Katherin Coleman junior reflects Matthew on the past to figure out the Paul talks about future. Coleman speculated, If you ever wonder why AFJROTC. "We talked C-p-r your life is thetoway is, look will give the 8thit graders about in the past. HistoryGlancing at the crowd, junior the events we do and other to the Ancient Greeks Gabby Stratton tries to find She relates and you the answers. skills we learn in the class. We also had eager students who want to learn their warrior mind set. Coleman also CPR. "I wentabout with HOSA and I had them participate in a push up contest to likes to learn a lot of fun while I was there it was try and win some free way stuff," Paul said. are perceived the Vikings, especially the they so interesting tovs. be ablethe to teach young Photo by Madeline Crouch people to do CPR," Stratton said. way they actually were. Photo by Emily Nelson 5. Educating her students, Mrs. Munro teaches classes about religions, philosophy, and the middle ages. The artifacts she keeps in her room range from being 150 to 1,000+ years old and from her dad. Her dad collected artifacts and was very important in her life, so she decided to teach Social Studies to follow her dad s legacy of history. Munro stated, All I know is I don t know


089 08


Bellevue, Nebraska ADVISER: Stephenie Conley REPRESENTATIVE: Allison Schroeder


Mind at work Trying to figure out what he wants to build, sophomore Jayson Collins scans for ideas. "I like how we are always using technology in our class. We are able to learn how to build things and how to design things on a computer." Photo by Leslie Granados

walls up Listening to key instructions, senior Brandon Rynders gets ready to screw in walls. "They were teaching us about drywall and how to put it up. It was a really great experience that I enjoyed because I learned new things," Rynders said. Photo by Madeline Crouch


Journalism students promote their organizati

Marketing deca promotes

their club

get to know our




“I’m wearing this custom shirt with cut outs of the most unattractive pictures of Troye Sivan. One of my favorites meme faces is Frentus, who was born on photobooth in 2013.” Gabrielle Welkener, 11

Maryam Zaidi, 12 Anthony Booker, Falculty Rosey Fortenberry, Falculty

Juilanna Jones, 10

Vlada Gladun

ADVISER: Shetye Cypher REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

1. meaningful memories Holding up their clubs, the younger girls show their graditude to the seniors for their hard work. "I enjoyed playing with all the new girls this year Hannah Wilmes and all the memories that we made together throughout the season," senior Mya Walls said.

Alyssa Deranja “I first started to wear the suit to 5k runs for charity, but then last year, I wore it on Disney Day after asking Mr. Grisdale for permission. It’s kind of an annual tradition at this point.” Shaughnessy Dunn, 10

2. friendly rivalry Eyeing her shot at the last match, freshman Elizabeth Bigler remembers her friends from the season. "Playing everyone from other schools that ended up becoming my new friends at every match was really cool," Bigler said.


3. swing towards success Lining up with the hole, Madeline Beins focuses on her shot. The girls had a lot of fun this season making memories with their teammates. "Fifteen girls were riding on Jeffrey a golf cart trying to get Lewis back to the clubhouse and a lot of girls were struggling to stay on and some eventually fell off," Beins said.

80's day


character day



frat day


Paola mumsLemus-Aguilera & garters friday

meme day


I like Mrs. Moon because our class puts her through a lot, 3 but she just ignores us and pretends not to hear. senior Brian Shields

Chloe Hoersch

Antia Fuertes Bueno, 12 Brielle Wood, 12 Sophie Welkener, 9 Kelsey Davie, 9

Madison Aug, 12 Paige Olmen, 12

Bridget Lemp

Taylor Schroeter

“I stole my dad’s bomber, which he recieved for going to the state track championships in the 80’s, and wore my mom’s leg warmers. I feel like 80’s fashion is coming back, so it was hard for me to do an exaggerated costume.” Madeline Langan, 12

Emily Garcia


Julia Riley


Katy, Texas

Nicole Moore

Left Shark first rose to popularity during Katy Perry’s 2014 halftime NFL show performance of “Teenage Dream”. The backup dancer in the suit was seen awkwardly messing up the routine and quickly emerged as a trending topic on Twitter afterwards. Katherine Jensen, 12

“I really think people just didn’t know how to dress themselves in the 80’s. The point of 80’s fashion was to look so bad that they looked good.” Austin Bentley, 12


let's make Bailey JeffersThe mannequin head danceSkyler Todd became widely recreated after a duo posted a video of themselves

Summer practices were always dancing to “Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots. Well-known follow ups important because I wanted to bond include dances to a Wii song remix with as many girls as possible. A week and “JuJu on That Beat”. Aisha Sami, 11 into summer practices I had a chance to get to know one of the girls. I was talking to Charlotte Hoffmann and Ahren Kubiak, 12 IJay noticed of the freshman girls Matthew,one Falculty Ivan Dolotina, 12 standing off to the side. I decided to start talking to her just making her laugh and me and Charlee were just having a blast at practice talking to our new friend Elizabeth Bigler. I was “The spirit day theme technically didnʼt being bold just specify whichand 80ʼs to dressforced up for, sothem to I thought itʼdwith be funny to choose the make plans me that night, we all 1780ʼs. It took me five hours to handmake decided to from go to this dress the the era.” football jamboree Tubbs,junior 11 thatCaty night," Liliana Aguilar said. The banana suit was perhaps first

made popular after Onision on Katherine Linneman Youtube posted the “Banana Song” (I’m a Banana) in 2009. It has since gained almost 65 million views. Kamal Yazigi, 12


Lorraine Linson

4. the lower the better Waiting to set her ball down to take a shot, sophomore Mackenzie Dye focuses on the game. "My score keeps lowering which is good. It encourages me to do better," Dye said.

"effort 4

putting in O’Fallon, Missouri ADVISER: Stacie Wulfert

"My favorite memory of the season was making a hole in one. I also loved how at the matches I would meet different girls, some were especially positive and encouraging," junior Nicole McGinnis said.

"My most memorable match would "My season went great, but the be senior night because it was the people I played with made it last match I would ever play at our even better. We made so many home course and it was a perfect memories that I will never forget day and we all went out and had anytime soon," senior Charlotte fun as a team," senior Kiersten Hoffmann said. Oderman said.

274-275 PACKAGES


COVER S By capitalizing on first impressions, COVERS introduce and support the theme with: ■ Colors, graphics and/or textures ■ The year and name of the book ■ A spine with identifying information (school name, year, volume, city and state)

276-277 COVERS

■ A theme logo

Conroe, Texas ADVISER: Kara Gold REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Kingwood, Texas ADVISER: Michelle Valenzuela REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Dripping Springs, Texas ADVISER: Jessica Stamp REPRESENTATIVE: Morgan Tuggle

Maryville, Tennessee ADVISER: Holly Whitehead REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek

Lufkin, Texas ADVISER: Andy Adams REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

Austin, Texas ADVISER: Daniel Mutter REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

College Station, Texas ADVISER: Freda Carraway REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

Sugar Land, Texas ADVISER: Fay Mayo REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Katy, Texas ADVISER: Candice Thomas REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Friendswood, Texas ADVISER: Pete Wise REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

San Antonio, Texas ADVISER: Terri Real REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Houston, Texas ADVISER: James Ricks REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Crestview, Florida ADVISER: Kyla Scelzi REPRESENTATIVE: Marvin Mayer

Shepherdsville, Kentucky ADVISER: Abby Baylor REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Seminole, Florida ADVISER: Candace Gilbert REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

278-279 COVERS

Newnan, Georgia ADVISER: Kathi Wright REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

The Woodlands, Texas ADVISER: Mary Ann Widman REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Louisville, Kentucky ADVISER: Stephen Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Venice, Florida ADVISER: Faith Nellis REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Harrisonburg, Virginia ADVISER: Dr. Mark Rankin REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Dallas, Texas ADVISER: Tiffany Holmes REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Fort Worth, Texas ADVISER: Mallory Odom REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Renton, Washington ADVISER: Sara Dacus REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Arlington, Washington ADVISER: Anne Hayman REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Haines City, Florida ADVISER: Elizabeth Ervin REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Omaha, Nebraska ADVISER: Marsha Kalkowski REPRESENTATIVE: Allison Schroeder

Tallahassee, Florida ADVISER: Katherine Summerlin REPRESENTATIVE: Marvin Mayer

Burbank, California ADVISER: Rebecca Platner REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Corpus Christi, Texas ADVISER: Jeanette Krizak REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Bossier City, Louisiana ADVISER: Sandy Hahn REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn

Santa Rosa Beach, Florida ADVISER: Leslie Wood REPRESENTATIVE: Marvin Mayer

280-281 COVERS

Canoga Park, California ADVISER: Ken Coleman REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Studio City, California ADVISER: Mrs. Alexandra Pacheco-Garcia REPRESENTATIVE: Corey Mundwiler

Cypress, Texas ADVISER: Stacy Slaughter REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Houston, Texas ADVISER: Cindy Schulze REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Pflugerville, Texas ADVISER: Maisey Edwards REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Murfreesboro, Tennessee ADVISER: Belinda Juergens REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Gahanna, Ohio ADVISER: Laura Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes

McKinney, Texas ADVISER: Catherine Faught REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Lawrenceville, Georgia ADVISER: Adam Brown REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Anaheim, California ADVISER: Paul Chylinski REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

San Antonio, Texas ADVISER: Michelle Elizondo REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

New Braunfels, Texas ADVISER: Alyson Martin REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

Mission Hills, California ADVISER: Nick Sithi REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

Scottsdale, Arizona ADVISER: Matt Bohnert REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Littleton, Colorado ADVISER: Julien Bouquet REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

College Station, Texas ADVISER: Teresa Laffin REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

282-283 COVERS

Pearland, Texas ADVISER: Leslie Sanderson REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Lake Stevens, Washington ADVISERS: Barry Cogswell &

Julie Heneggeler


Houston, Texas ADVISER: Paula Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Kim Katopodis

Missouri City, Texas ADVISER: Taylor Barnes REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Prescott, Arizona ADVISER: Pam Willard REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Clarksville, Tennessee ADVISER: Pollyanna Parker REPRESENTATIVE: Stacey Trail

Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania ADVISER: Natalie Masinick REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin

League City, TX ADVISER: Katie Pace REPRESENTATIVE: Kim Katopodis

Nokesville, Virginia ADVISER: Lisa Eaton REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Suzanne Webb


Helena, Montana ADVISER: Megan Walsh REPRESENTATIVE: David Honnold

Wilmington, North Carolina ADVISER: Kylee Maarschalk REPRESENTATIVE: Kent Sutton

Lewis Center, Ohio ADVISER: Kari Phillips REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes

Oak Ridge, Tennessee ADVISER: Becky Byrd REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek

Gig Harbor, Washington ADVISER: Kim Martinelli REPRESENTATIVE: Talli Gonyaw

Houston, Texas ADVISER: Laura Negri REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

San Antonio, Texas ADVISER: Kristin Hale REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

284-285 COVERS


Houston, Texas ADVISERS: Susan Barthelme &

Houston, Texas ADVISER: Mary Nelson REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Delano, California ADVISER: Rosemarie Dao REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Prairie Village, Kansas ADVISER: Rachel Basden REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Weatherford, Texas ADVISER: Lesa Lynch REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Whitehouse, Texas ADVISER: Andrea Caldwell REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick

Pearland, Texas ADVISERS: Julie Pasha & Mara Williams REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Glen Rose, Texas ADVISER: Rachel Truss REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson

Bonney Lake, Washington ADVISER: Kristi Mileson REPRESENTATIVE: Talli Gonyaw

Saint Peters, Missouri ADVISERS: Brooke Iadevito &

Matt Whitehead


Red Lion, Pennsylvania ADVISERS: Megan Axe & Allyson Ayres REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Monmouth Junction, New Jersey ADVISER: Anna Lehre REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Morristown, Tennessee ADVISER: Jackie Cutshaw REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek

Jacksonville, North Carolina ADVISER: Polly Blake REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Topeka, Kansas ADVISER: Heather Hooper REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Louisville, Kentucky ADVISER: Katie Culver REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

286-287 COVERS


Katy, Texas ADVISER: Shetye Cypher REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

HONOR ABLE MENTION ■ Upholding traditions ■ Covering both group and individual experiences ■ Providing a historical record of the year ■ Reflecting the interests of the community


Accounting for 10 to 15 percent of Balfour yearbooks, HONORABLE MENTION books are recognized for:

A&M Consolidated Middle School

Alvin Junior High School

Banning High School

A. E. Phillips Laboratory School

American Institute of Monterrey

Barbers Hill High School

Abernathy High School

American School in London

Bardstown High School

Absegami High School

Anchored Christian School

Barnstable High School

Academia Juarez

Angleton High School

Bath County High School

Academy for Classical Education

Arbor Creek Middle School

Bavarian International School

Adrian School

Argyle High School

Bay Area Christian School

AFNORTH International School

Arlington Heights High School

Beckendorff Junior High School

Agua Fria High School

Arlington High School

Bedford Junior High School

Albemarle Christian Teaching Support (ACTS)

Armorel High School

Bell Creek Academy

Alcuin School

Ascension Academy

Bella Vista Middle School

Alexandria Middle School

Atascocita Middle School

Bellaire High School

Alief Early College High School

Atherton High School

Benton Academy

All Saints Academy

Auburn Middle School

Bentonville West High School

All Saints Episcopal School

Aylett Country Day School

Bergen County Academies

College Station, TX ADVISER: Ginger Daniel REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak Ruston, LA ADVISER: Nicole Postal REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp

Abernathy, TX ADVISER: Kaylie Hooten REPRESENTATIVE: Cynthia Smith Absecon, NJ ADVISERS: Lauren Irwin & Christine Cleary REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham El Paso, TX ADVISER: Gwen Romney REPRESENTATIVE: Roland Esparza Macon, GA ADVISER: Roban Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Massengill

Adrian, TX ADVISER: Emily Acevedo REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover APO, AE ADVISER: Alicia Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Burbach-Barker Avondale, AZ ADVISER: Allison Rai REPRESENTATIVE: Dale Whitmore Ruckersville, VA ADVISER: Tina Method REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Dallas, TX ADVISERS: Verna Salta & Stephanie Oddo REPRESENTATIVE: Hannah Davis Alexandria, AL ADVISERS: Brandi Tolbert & Ashley Crossley REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Houston, TX ADVISER: Shiney Abraham REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Winter Haven, FL ADVISER: Jeremiah Gonda REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Lauren McCauley REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Alvin, TX ADVISER: Natalie David REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL, MX ADVISER: Olga Guzman REPRESENTATIVE: Adrian Azpeitia

London, England ADVISER: Rhiannon West REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Burbach-Barker Bowling Green, KY ADVISER: Carly Carey REPRESENTATIVE: Garrett Milby Angleton, TX ADVISER: Missy Adams REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Carrollton, TX ADVISER: Jessica Wasiak-Burns REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden Argyle, TX ADVISER: Terra Lyon REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Sarah Vondra REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Arlington, TN ADVISER: Carl Pfeiffer REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Armorel, AR ADVISER: Deanna Carr REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Amarillo, TX ADVISER: Sunnye Jones REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover Humble, TX ADVISER: Keri Sullivan REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Louisville, KY ADVISER: Susan Smuskiewicz REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Warrenton, VA ADVISER: Donna Wilbur REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Millers Tavern, VA ADVISER: Carrie Fischetti REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Allen County Scottsville High School

Banning, CA ADVISER: Lisa Helmuth REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Mont Belvieu, TX ADVISER: Chelsea Carrell REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Bardstown, KY ADVISER: Amy Flanagan REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Barnstable, MA ADVISER: Kaitlyn Whidden REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial Owingsville, KY ADVISER: Kristal Robinson REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle Haimhasuen, Germany ADVISER: Kim Kermath REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Burbach-Barker League City, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Kerr REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Katy, TX ADVISER: Jami Ouellette REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Bedford, TX ADVISER: Susannah Keneda REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles Riverview, FL ADVISER: Suzen Ivy REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford Murrieta, CA ADVISER: Dana Hayes REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Bellaire, MI ADVISER: Nichol Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma Benton, MS ADVISER: Trish Anderson REPRESENTATIVE: Hunter Leake Centerton, AR ADVISER: Zachary Nidiffer REPRESENTATIVE: Leanna Kelpine

Hackensack, NJ ADVISERS: Rosalyn Kim, Emily Pagano & Evelyn Rios REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Bergen County Technical High School - Paramus

Scottsville, KY ADVISER: Lisa Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Garrett Milby

Paramus, NJ ADVISERS: Karen Waller & Patricia Wilson REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Alliance Marc & Eva Stern Math & Science School

Bailey Junior High School

Berkeley Springs High School

Alpha Omega Academy

Baines Middle School

Berry Miller Junior High

Alvin High School

Ballard High School

Bessemer Academy

Los Angeles, CA ADVISER: Jessica Berlin REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Huntsville, TX ADVISER: Kathy Davis REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Alvin, TX ADVISER: Jessica Tompkins REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Arlington, TX ADVISER: Amanda Holder REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Missouri City, TX ADVISER: Angie Roberts REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Louisville, KY ADVISER: Martha Stephens REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Berkeley Springs, WV ADVISER: Ron Bittinger REPRESENTATIVE: Doug Richardson Pearland, TX ADVISER: Cassandra Shuptar REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Bessemer, AL ADVISER: Dr. Sue Nelson REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Brandon High School

C. D. York Junior High School

Cincinnati, OH ADVISER: Margie Kessler REPRESENTATIVE: Angela Neal

Brandon, MS ADVISERS: Jessica Kidd & Emily Bethea REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Spring, TX ADVISER: Kathryn Bright REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Big Sandy ISD

Brandon High School

Caldwell High School

Binghamton University

Brazos Christian School

Calumet High School

Bishop Heelan High School

Breathitt County High School

Calvary Baptist School

Bishop Ireton High School

Brenham High School

Calvary Chapel Academy

Bishop Kenny High School

Briarcrest Christian School

Camden Central High School

Bishop Union High School

Briarwood School

Canadian High School

Blackwell School

Bridgeport High School

Caney Creek High School

Bluffton High School

Bridgeport Middle School

Canutillo Middle School

Bob Jones High School

Bridgewater-Raritan Middle School

Canyon Ridge Middle School

Boerne High School

Brownsboro High School

Cape Henlopen High School

Boerne Middle School North

Bryan High School

Carlisle Area HIgh School

Boerne Samuel V. Champion High School

Buckeye High School

Carlsbad High School

Boiling Springs High School

Bucknell University

Carol Morgan School

Bordentown Regional Middle School

Bullitt East High School

Cascade Middle School

Boswell High School

Burbank Middle School

Cass Technical High School

Bracken County High School

Burleson Collegiate High School

Cathedral City High School

Bradshaw Mountain HIgh School

Bushland Middle School

Cedar Cliff High School

Branchburg Central High School

Butler Intermediate High School

Cedar Creek High School

Big Sandy, TX ADVISER: Justin Eaton REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick Binghamton, NY ADVISER: Jennifer Keegin REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen Smith Sioux City, IA ADVISER: Emily Bonnema REPRESENTATIVE: Allison Schroeder Alexandria, VA ADVISER: Kaitlyn McNutt REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Jacksonville, FL ADVISER: Dawn Huskey REPRESENTATIVE: Claire Thompson Bishop, CA ADVISER: Kati Kress REPRESENTATIVE: Ashley Knudsen Blackwell, TX ADVISER: Kate Caraway REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander Bluffton, OH ADVISER: Kate Bauer REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Madison, AL ADVISER: Emily Polak REPRESENTATIVE: Chad Holland Boerne, TX ADVISER: Robin Anders REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Boerne, TX ADVISER: Gina Cowan REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Boerne, TX ADVISER: Robin Anders REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Boiling Springs, PA ADVISER: Dave Shields REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Bordentown, NJ ADVISER: Gilina Jokic REPRESENTATIVE: Lori Bass

Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Janet Harrison REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles Brooksville, KY ADVISER: Tracey Florer REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle Prescott Valley, AZ ADVISER: Cynthia Sobo REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside

Somerville, NJ ADVISER: Kathleen Gaston REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Brandon, FL ADVISER: Bernard Joseph REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Bryan, TX ADVISER: Ariel Owens REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak Jackson, KY ADVISER: Tiffany Combs REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle Brenham, TX ADVISER: Kim Lynch REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Eads, TN ADVISER: Sandra Longworth REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Houston, TX ADVISER: Cindy Price REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West Bridgeport, WV ADVISER: Brad Bonnenberger REPRESENTATIVE: Doug Richardson Bridgeport, WV ADVISER: Ashley Edgell REPRESENTATIVE: Doug Richardson Bridgewater, NJ ADVISERS: Kristin Knapp & Lori Macsata REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Brownsboro, TX ADVISER: Chad Wilson REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick Bryan, TX ADVISER: Rebecca Dominy REPRESENTATIVE: Lee Briggs Deville, LA ADVISER: Renee Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Lewisburg, PA ADVISER: Brent Papson REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Mount Washington, KY ADVISER: Larry Steinmetz REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Houston, TX ADVISER: Vanessa Carranza REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse Burleson, TX ADVISER: Stacy Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson

Bushland, TX ADVISER: Stephanie Fauss REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover Butler, PA ADVISERS: Darren Casher & Tracy Travaglio REPRESENTATIVE: Kasey Nicol

Caldwell, OH ADVISERS: John Crum & Jordan Blackstone REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Calumet, MI ADVISER: Karen LaCross REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma Lansdale, PA ADVISER: Linda Wolstenholme REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham West Melbourne, FL ADVISER: Michelle Glavish REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman Camden, TN ADVISER: Diane Ferguson REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Canadian, TX ADVISER: Michele Hagood REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover Conroe, TX ADVISER: Stephen Green REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Canutillo, TX ADVISER: Lisa Roskosky REPRESENTATIVE: Roland Esparza Austin, TX ADVISER: Jared Lichtenberger REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

Lewes, DE ADVISER: Gabriel Martinez REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham Carlisle, PA ADVISERS: Kate Muir & Amie Bantz REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Carlsbad, NM ADVISER: Elizabeth Burke REPRESENTATIVE: Roland Esparza Doral, FL ADVISER: Natalia Costales REPRESENTATIVE: Adrian Azpeitia Auburn, WA ADVISER: Alethea Dozier REPRESENTATIVE: Talli Gonyaw Detroit, MI ADVISER: Lauralyn Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Cathedral City, CA ADVISER: Marcela Nevarez REPRESENTATIVE: Frank Ortiz

Camp Hill, PA ADVISERS: Koren McKay & Julie Bowerman REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Egg Harbor City, NJ ADVISERS: Georgeann Schenker & Sandy Brown REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham


Bethany School

Cedar Park Middle School

Clairemont High School

Community Day School

Cedar Park, TX ADVISER: Nisa Sharma REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens

San Diego, CA ADVISER: Gary Jimenez REPRESENTATIVE: David Honnold

Pittsburgh, PA ADVISER: Vanessa Pfendler REPRESENTATIVE: Kasey Nicol

Cedar Ridge High School

Clay-Battelle High School

Concordia Lutheran High School

Centennial High School

Clear Brook High School

Cookeville High School

Center Hill High School

Clear Falls High School

Coral Glades High School

Central Dauphin HIgh School

Clear Springs High School

Corbett Preparatory School at IDS

Central High School

Clermont Northeastern High School

Cordova High School

Central Union High School

Clinton High School

Cornerstone Health + Technology High School

Challenge Early College High School

Clinton Township Middle School

Coyle & Cassidy High School

Chandler Park High School

Clute Intermediate School

Craigmont High School

Charles D Owen High School

Cody High School

Creekwood Middle School

Charlottesville Catholic School

Coffee County High School

Cresthill Middle School

Charlottesville High School

College Station Middle School

Cullman High School

Chattanooga Central High School

Collierville High School

Cumberland Valley High School

Cherokee County High School

Collins Riverside Middle School

Currituck County High School

Chino High School

Colorado School of Mines

Cy Lakes High School

Chinquapin School

Columbia High School

Cy Park High School

Choudrant High School

Columbus Tustin Middle School

Cy Ridge High School

Christ the King School

Comanche High School

Cy Springs High School

Christian Academy of Louisville

Communication & Media Arts High School

Cypress Falls High School

Round Rock, TX ADVISER: Tom Shands REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens Burleson, TX ADVISER: Laura Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn Olive Branch, MS ADVISER: Roben Nobles REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton Harrisburg, PA ADVISERS: Marc Vogle & Eli Nielsen REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Myrtle, MS ADVISER: Melissa Berretta REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson El Centro, CA ADVISER: Emilio Davila REPRESENTATIVE: David Honnold Houston, TX ADVISER: Pablo Victor REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Harper Woods, MI ADVISER: Kimberley Ireland REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Black Mountain, NC ADVISER: Taylor Redd REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek Charlottesville, VA ADVISER: Michael Bruscia REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Charlottesville, VA ADVISER: Hannah Helm REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Harrison, TN ADVISER: Shawn Seals REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Centre, AL ADVISER: Stephanie West REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Chino, CA ADVISER: Breanne Lerma REPRESENTATIVE: Carla Gonzalez Highlands, TX ADVISER: Aby Cisneros REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse Choudrant, LA ADVISER: Kathy Lowery REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp Tampa, FL ADVISER: Victoria Thaxton REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Louisville, KY ADVISER: Stephen Krebs REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Blacksville, WV ADVISER: Christie Dawson REPRESENTATIVE: Doug Richardson Friendswood, TX ADVISER: Kat Dotter REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon League City, TX ADVISER: Catherine Roth REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye League City, TX ADVISER: Erin DiNardo REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Batavia, OH ADVISER: Bernadette Wayne REPRESENTATIVE: Angela Neal

Clinton, NY ADVISER: Mindy Pavone REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen Smith Clinton, NJ ADVISER: Lisa Waddell REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Clute, TX ADVISER: Andrew Meraz REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse Detroit, MI ADVISER: Jennifer Weaver REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Manchester, TN ADVISER: Andrea Freeze REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston College Station, TX ADVISER: Shannon Gallion REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak

Collierville, TN ADVISER: Lindsay May REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Northport, AL ADVISER: Debbie Graff REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Golden, CO ADVISER: Zachary Orlove REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun West Columbia, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Kincannon REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Tustin, CA ADVISER: Steven Dunmeyer REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

Comanche, TX ADVISER: Mark Parker REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Detroit, MI ADVISER: Corey Stokes REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest

Tomball, TX ADVISER: Sarah Styf REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Cookeville, TN ADVISER: Vicky Brummitt REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Coral Spring, FL ADVISER: Kristen Edwards REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman Tampa, FL ADVISER: Joyce Swarzman REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Cordova, AL ADVISER: Grace Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Detroit, MI ADVISER: Carlotta Prince REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Taunton, MA ADVISER: Anne Molloy REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Memphis, TN ADVISER: Jason Kelly REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Kingwood, TX ADVISER: James Jackson REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Highlands Ranch, CO ADVISER: Debbie DeLong REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun Cullman, AL ADVISER: Denise Burroughs REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Mechanicsburg, PA ADVISERS: Gregg Lucas & Shaun Bollinger REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Barco, NC ADVISER: Brenda Jones REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez Katy, TX ADVISER: Lacey Gilmore REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Cypress, TX ADVISER: Butch Stephens REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Houston, TX ADVISER: Rebekah Vest REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Cypress, TX ADVISER: Michael Damante REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Houston, TX ADVISER: Amber Jennings REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Duchesne Academy

Emily Gray Junior High School

Houston, TX ADVISER: Jill Hess REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Tucson, AZ ADVISER: Brittany Baechler REPRESENTATIVE: Dale Whitmore

Dalhart Junior High School

Dulles Middle School

Emma Sansom Middle School

Dallas International School

Duluth High School

Empowerment High School

Dallas, TX ADVISER: Zan Keith REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Mehrens

Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Felicia Blair REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Duluth, GA ADVISER: Amy Reagan REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Danbury High School

Hemet, CA ADVISER: Cheri Lopez REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Day Middle School

Temecula, CA ADVISER: Allison Cooper REPRESENTATIVE: Carla Gonzalez

DeKalb County High School Smithville, TN ADVISER: Debi DePriest REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Delaware Valley Friends School Paoli, PA ADVISER: Hallie Ciarlone REPRESENTATIVE: Lori Bass

DeSales High School

Louisville, KY ADVISER: Emily Reed REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

DeSana Middle School

Alpharetta, GA ADVISER: MIchelle West REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Desert Hot Springs High School Desert Hot Springs, CA ADVISER: Victoria Meza REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

DeSoto Central High School Southaven, MS ADVISER: Lauren Springer REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

DeSoto Central Middle School Southaven, MS ADVISER: Jessica Hughes REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Detroit School of Arts

Detroit, MI ADVISER: Willow Riopelle REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest

Dixie Hollins High School

Saint Petersburg, FL ADVISER: Teresa Zemaitis REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Double Springs Middle School Double Springs, AL ADVISER: Beth Gilbreath REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Downing Middle School

Flower Mound, TX ADVISER: Kayla Mick REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Dublin Jerome High School

Dublin, OH ADVISER: Carrie McJunkin REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes

DuBray Middle School

St Peters, MO ADVISER: Dr. Tim Jamieson REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Houston, TX ADVISER: Shontoria Walker REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse

Ensign Intermediate School

Danbury, TX ADVISER: Maria Urban REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

Dartmouth Middle School

Gadsden, AL ADVISER: Stacy Yates REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Newport Beach, CA ADVISER: Sarah Grenier REPRESENTATIVE: Susie Bretting

Eagleville School

Eagleville, TN ADVISER: Sara Beth Lewis REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Early College High School

Costa Mesa, CA ADVISER: Jessica Wurn REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

East Chambers ISD

Winnie, TX ADVISER: Carla Gardner REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Garrett

Ecorse High School

Ecorse, MI ADVISERS: Danielle Washington & Scout Moore REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest

Edgewood High School

Edgewood, TX ADVISER: Mitsy Swift REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn

Edgewood High School

West Covina, CA ADVISER: Jessica Meyerhofer REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Episcopal School of Jacksonville Jacksonville, FL ADVISER: Leah Glotzbach REPRESENTATIVE: Claire Thompson

Escanaba High School

Escanaba, MI ADVISER: Tammy Wiles REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma

E. T. Richardson Middle School Springfield, PA ADVISER: Katie Stewart REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham

Eugene Ashley High School Wilmington, NC ADVISER: Martha Heise REPRESENTATIVE: Kent Sutton

Excel High School

South Boston, MA ADVISER: Shirley Garcia REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Exeter Township Senior High School Reading, PA ADVISER: John White REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin

Edinburg High School

Edinburg, TX ADVISER: LaMonica Tamez REPRESENTATIVE: Adrian Azpeitia

Edison High School

Fairfield Area High School

Edison Intermediate School

Faith Christian Academy

Edna ISD

Faith Training Christian Academy

El Campo High School

FAME Academy at Brookhill

El Rancho High School

Fayette County High School

Elizabethton High School

First Colony Middle School

Elizabethtown High School

Florence High School

Elkins High School

Forest High School

Edison, NJ ADVISER: Michele Witkowski REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Westfield, NJ ADVISERS: Cecilia Valdes & Debbie Vezos REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Edna, TX ADVISER: Andrew Wallace REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz El Campo, TX ADVISER: Meagan Hogg REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Pico Rivera, CA ADVISER: Kristie Wickline REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Elizabethton, TN ADVISER: Daniel Proffitt REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch Elizabethtown, KY ADVISER: Donnie Swiney REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Missouri City, TX ADVISER: Nathan Nigrelli REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Fairfield, PA ADVISER: Marcie Kozack REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Hurt, VA ADVISER: Ruth Anne Adams REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Leesville, LA ADVISER: Sharon Hardwich REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Athens, AL ADVISER: Tricia Biggs REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Fayette, AL ADVISER: Wendy Canterbury REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Dawne Sanders REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Florence, MS ADVISER: Dre’ Helms REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden Ocala, FL ADVISERS: Recia Smith & Michelle Havens REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford


Dalhart, TX ADVISER: Haley Nelson REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover

Forest Lake High School

Glades Day School

Hamilton Middle School

Forsan High School

Glen Rose High School

Hanford West High School

Fort Bend Christian High School

Goliad High School

Hardin County High School

Fort Bend Christian Middle School

Gonzales High School

Harrison County High School

Fort Settlement Middle School

Goodpasture Christian School

Harrison Junior School

Founders Academy

Goodson Middle School

Hartselle High School

Fowlerville High School

Goose Creek Memorial High School

Hastings Middle School

Fox High School

Gorzycki Middle School

Hays High School

Foxborough High School

Grace Christian School

Helena Middle School

Friendswood Junior High School

Grace Prep Academy

Henley Middle School

Graham High School

Henry Clay High School

Granada Middle School

Henry F. Moss Middle School

Grant High Scholl

Henry Middle School

Granville High School

Hewitt-Trussville Middle School

Groom High School

Highland Middle School

Grove City High School

Highland Park Senior High School

Gruver School

Highlands Ranch High School

Forest Lake, MN ADVISER: Maria Kaiser REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson Forsan, TX ADVISER: Suzanne Kirkland REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Tony Slate REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Linda Wright REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Angela Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Schertz, TX ADVISER: Megan Seibert REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Fowlerville, MI ADVISER: Michelle Hardenbrook REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma Arnold, MO ADVISER: Lindsey Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin Foxborough, MA ADVISER: Ellen Pillsbury REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial Friendswood, TX ADVISER: Toni McAfoos REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Belle Glade, FL ADVISER: Shelly Burch REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman Glen Rose, TX ADVISER: Connie McCormick REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Goliad, TX ADVISER: Christy Zillig REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech Gonzales, TX ADVISER: Jami Owens REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Madison, TN ADVISER: Dana Brimm REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Cypress, TX ADVISER: Zac Heyer REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West Baytown, TX ADVISER: Kristin Jaso REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse

Austin, TX ADVISER: Josh Keller REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens Alexandria, LA ADVISER: Connie Chambley REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Arlington, TX ADVISER: Stephanie Hall REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Bluefield, VA ADVISER: Katie Chaffin REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Gaither High School

Tampa, FL ADVISER: Seppie Slonena REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Galax High School

Galax, VA ADVISER: Jillian Gravely REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Ganado High School

Ganado, TX ADVISER: Christy Janssen REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

Garden of the Sahaba Academy

Boca Raton, FL ADVISER: Nadirah Bessee REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

General Brown Junior-Senior High School Dexter, NY ADVISER: Casilda Peckham REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen Smith

Gentry Junior High School Baytown, TX ADVISER: Tara Fountain REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse

Whittier, CA ADVISER: Michael Lawrence REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Dry Prong, LA ADVISER: Sarah Clarius Handorf REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Granville, OH ADVISER: No’el Fortner REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Groom, TX ADVISER: Jacob Workman REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover Grove City, OH ADVISER: Heather Sayre REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Gruver, TX ADVISER: Kimberly Irwin REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover

Savannah, TN ADVISER: Amy Adkisson REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Cynthiana, KY ADVISER: Paula Rainwater REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Harrison, OH ADVISER: Lesley Fette REPRESENTATIVE: Angela Neal Hartselle, AL ADVISER: Dyroma Burroughs REPRESENTATIVE: Kelly King

Upper Arlington, OH ADVISER: Elizabeth Egbert REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Buda, TX ADVISER: Laura Fleming-Holcomb REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens Helena, AL ADVISER: Beth Sartain REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Crozet, VA ADVISER: Chris Booz REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Lexington, KY ADVISER: Tommy Craft REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Bowling Green, KY ADVISER: Jessica Herrin REPRESENTATIVE: Garrett Milby

Cedar Park, TX ADVISER: Serena Slocum REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens Trussville, AL ADVISER: Bethanne Crawford REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Libertyville, IL ADVISERS: Jennifer Croner & Sara Raymond REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick St. Paul, MN ADVISER: Dr. Keri Schultz REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson

Highlands Ranch, CO ADVISER: Alex Odice (Malach) REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun Tuscaloosa, AL ADVISER: Jonny Davis REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Richmond, TX ADVISER: Mari Ferguson REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Pulaski, TN ADVISER: Jamie Bedingfield REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Hanford, CA ADVISER: Lori Bilderback REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Hillcrest High School

George Bush High School

Giles County High School

Cypress, TX ADVISER: Kim Lloyd REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Hamburg High School

Hamburg, AR ADVISER: Jennifer Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp

Hilliard Davidson High School

Hilliard, OH ADVISER: Heidi Burke REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes

Hillsdale College

Indian Ridge Middle School

John Paul II High School

Hillsdale College - Senior Edition

Indian Springs High School

John T. Hoggard High School

Hokes Bluff High School

Industrial High School

Holy Cross High School

Ingleside High School

Katy High School

Holy Rosary School

International Sch of Zug & Luzern

Katy Taylor High School

Holy Spirit Catholic High School

Iola High School

Keller High School

Homewood High School

Island Trees Memorial Midle School

Keswick Christian School

Hillsdale, MI ADVISER: Maria Servold REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma

Hokes Bluff, AL ADVISER: Michelle Bishop REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Louisville, KY ADVISER: Olivia Schum REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Memphis, TN ADVISERS: Jennifer Dunn & Ann Douglas REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson Tuscaloosa, AL ADVISER: Robin Ball REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Homewood, AL ADVISER: Melissa Dameron-Vines REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Davie, FL ADVISER: Samantha Didier REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman San Bernardino, CA ADVISER: Jessica Evanson REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Ingleside, TX ADVISERS: Robin Palmer & Jessica Conway REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech Switzerland ADVISER: Meryl Siggs REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Iola, TX ADVISER: Sofi Teston REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak Levittown, NY ADVISER: Maureen Martin REPRESENTATIVE: Neil Sanders

Houston High School

Germantown, TN ADVISER: Andrea Cox REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson

Houston Middle School

Germantown, TN ADVISER: Devon Pohlman REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson

Hueytown High School

Hueytown, AL ADVISER: Whitley Berryhill REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Huffman Middle School

Huffman, TX ADVISER: Valerie Bardwell REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson

Huntingdon Area High School

Huntingdon, PA ADVISERS: Mary Ann Buckley & Erin Schaeffer REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin

Huntsville High School

Katy, TX ADVISER: Johanna Schneider REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Katy, TX ADVISER: Stace Hitt REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Keller, TX ADVISER: David Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn Saint Petersburg, FL ADVISER: Jennifer Ryan REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Kinder HSPVA

Houghton, MI ADVISER: Rebecca Keyes REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma Houston, TX ADVISER: Heidi McCurdy REPRESENTATIVE: Hal Schmidt

Wilmington, NC ADVISER: Beth Swindell REPRESENTATIVE: Kent Sutton

Vanderbilt, TX ADVISER: Lisa Bullock REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

Houghton High School

Houston Christian High School

Plano, TX ADVISER: Kristy Rodgers REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden

Houston, TX ADVISER: Lynley Cardenas REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Jackson County High School

McKee, KY ADVISER: Jamie Coffey REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle

Jackson County Middle School McKee, KY ADVISER: Roxann Vaughn REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle

Jacksonville High School

Jacksonville, NC ADVISER: Keely Liquori REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Jasper High School

Jasper, TX ADVISER: Keith Hale REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Garrett

Jefferson County North High School Winchester, KS ADVISER: Cindy Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Kingwood Middle School

Kingwood, TX ADVISER: Trisha Hamilton REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson

Kinkaid Middle School

Houston, TX ADVISER: Jeff Dietrich REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Knight High School

Palmdale, CA ADVISER: Brianna Roa REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Knox Central High School

Barbourville, KY ADVISER: Sherry Faulkner REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Kreps Middle School

Hightstown, NJ ADVISER: Tamika Diaz REPRESENTATIVE: Lori Bass

Jefferson Township Middle School

Oak Ridge, NJ ADVISERS: Jaclyn Sabella & James MacDermid REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Jefferson West High School

L. D. Bell High School

Jehue Middle School

La Joya Community High School

Ider High School

Jersey Village High School

La Vernia High School

I. M. Terrell Academy for VPA & STEM

John I Leonard High School

Labelle High School

Independence High School

John Jay High School

Lake Country Christian Academy

Huntsville, TX ADVISER: Lisa Black REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Meriden, KS ADVISER: Lisa Sage REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker Colton, CA ADVISER: Steven Lane REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Ider, AL ADVISER: Beth Anderson REPRESENTATIVE: Chad Holland Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Ebony Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Thompson’s Station, TN ADVISER: Laura Kim REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Houston, TX ADVISER: Margie Comstock REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Greenacres, FL ADVISER: Jeffery Coriddi REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman San Antonio, TX ADVISER: James Butler REPRESENTATIVE: Betty Cruz

Hurst, TX ADVISER: Cindy Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles Avondale, AZ ADVISER: Heather Eaton REPRESENTATIVE: Susan Fearnside La Vernia, TX ADVISER: Morgan Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins LaBelle, FL ADVISER: Sara Childers REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Stacy Gamez REPRESENTATIVE: Alicia Waterman


Hillsdale, MI ADVISER: Maria Servold REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma

Lake Creek High School

Leonard High School

Magnolia Junior High School

Lake Highlands High School

Lexington High School

Magnolia West High School

Lake Jackson Intermediate School

Lexington School

Mahtomedi High School

Lake Linden-Hubbell High School

Liberty Junior High School

Mahwah High School

Lake Oswego Junior High School

Lincoln Middle School

Mance Park Middle School

Lake Stevens Middle School

Lincoln Middle School

Manhattan Beach Middle School

Lake Travis High School

Linda Jobe Middle School

Maple Lake High School

Lakehill Preparatory School

Linden Hall School

Marana Middle School

Lakenheath Middle School

Livingston Academy

Marian High School

Lakes International Language Academy

Logos Preparatory Academy

Mariner High School

Lakeside High School

Loma Alta Middle School

Marion County High School

Lakeville North High School

Los Alisos Intermediate School

Marion Senior High School

Lakewood High School

Loudon High School

Martha Layne Collins High School

Lamar High School

Loudoun County High School

Martin L. King, Jr. Senior High School

Lancaster Baptist High School

Lydia Patterson Institute

Martino Junior High School

Montgomery, TX ADVISER: Susan Poppell REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Dallas, TX ADVISER: Jordan Grinnell REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden Lake Jackson, TX ADVISER: Angela Brod REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse

Lake Linden, MI ADVISER: Heather French REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma Lake Oswego, OR ADVISER: Heather Nelson REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Fusco

Lake Stevens, WA ADVISERS: Sarah Hirsch & Julie Danner REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead Austin, TX ADVISER: Russell Henry REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens Dallas, TX ADVISER: Sacha Troxler REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden APO, AE ADVISER: Heather Pope REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Burbach-Barker Forest Lake, MN ADVISER: Melissa Navratil REPRESENTATIVE: Heidi Schahn Atlanta, GA ADVISER: Heather Hoyne REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays Lakeville, MN ADVISER: Amy Clark REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart

Saint Petersburg, FL ADVISERS: Jade Shiver & Kathleen Tobin REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Houston, TX ADVISER: Cynthia Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Lancaster, CA ADVISER: Amy Houk REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Leonard, TX ADVISER: Nancy Longino REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden Lexington, TN ADVISER: Gerrianne Mayfield REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton Lexington, AL ADVISER: Jodi Killen REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail New Lenox, IL ADVISERS: Kim Glavin & Christina Lavin REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick Hawthorne, NJ ADVISER: Kaitlyn Mele-Casapulla REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Ypsilanti, MI ADVISER: Dianna Hinderer REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Mansfield, TX ADVISER: Rachel Dearinger REPRESENTATIVE: Kimberly Ferguson Lititz, PA ADVISER: Margaret Rhoades REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Livingston, TN ADVISERS: Sara Greenwood & Lora Clouse REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston Sugarland, TX ADVISER: Pamela Samuels REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

San Antonio, TX ADVISER: Michelle Wilson REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Mission Viejo, CA ADVISER: Mary Bolton REPRESENTATIVE: Susie Bretting Loudon, TN ADVISER: Kim Callais REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch Leesburg, VA ADVISER: Shawn Simms REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup El Paso, TX ADVISER: Mario Ayala REPRESENTATIVE: Roland Esparza

Lausanne Collegiate School

Magnolia, TX ADVISER: Melinda Savoy REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Magnolia, TX ADVISER: Frances Packman REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Mahtomedi, MN ADVISER: Craig Mickelson REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson Mahwah, NJ ADVISERS: Jason Nahum & Elissa Cording REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Huntsville, TX ADVISER: Shelley Petkovsek REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Manhattan Beach, CA ADVISER: Taylor DiBernardo REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Griffith

Maple Lake, MN ADVISER: Jean Elsenpeter REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart Marana, AZ ADVISER: Michael Hall REPRESENTATIVE: Dale Whitmore Bloomfield Hills, MI ADVISER: Molly Varbedian REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Cape Coral, FL ADVISER: Mike Chessnoe REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Guin, AL ADVISER: Amber Beckon REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Marion, VA ADVISER: Kristin Untiedt-Bennett REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch Shelbyville, KY ADVISER: Courtney Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Detroit, MI ADVISER: Monique Guest REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest New Lenox, IL ADVISERS: Diane Baker & Sarah Kosek REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Maryville High School

Memphis, TN ADVISER: Michael Naya REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson

Maryville, TN ADVISER: Morgan Petree REPRESENTATIVES: Ben Smith & Katie Welch

Leesville High School

Macario Garcia Middle School

Mason High School

Legacy Christian Academy

Madison Christian School

Massanutten Military Academy

Lehigh University

Magnolia High School

McAdory High School

Leesville, LA ADVISERS: Nancy Scogin & Summer Peters REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Andover, MN ADVISER: Andy Anderson REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart Bethlehem, PA ADVISER: Jessi McMullan REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Sandyia Payton REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Groveport, OH ADVISER: Ryan Pettit REPRESENTATIVE: Angela Neal Anaheim, CA ADVISER: Liliana Mai REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

Mason, TX ADVISER: Kelly Guice REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander Woodstock, VA ADVISER: Bria Bryant REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Mc Calla, AL ADVISER: Anthony Cooper REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

McAllen High School

Minneapolis Roosevelt High School

Nelson County High School

McAllen Memorial High School

Missouri University of Science & Technology

Nevis High School

McCamey High School

Montgomery High School

New Bern High School

McCullough Junior High School

Monticello High School

New Braunfels High School

McDonald Junior High School

Montverde Academy

New Caney High School

McGill-Toolen Catholic High School

Montverde Academy Lower School

Newark Charter High School

McKamy Middle School

Moreno Valley High School

Nolan Ryan Junior High School

McMeans Junior High School

Morristown East High School

North Arlington Middle School

Mechanicsburg Area HIgh School

Morton Ranch High School

North Bullitt High School

Memorial High School

Mounds View High School

North Kansas City High School

Memorial Middle School

Muhlenberg College

North Plainfield High School

Memorial Middle School

Mulberry Middle School

North Plainfield Middle School

Mercy Academy

Mumford High School

Northbrook High School

Middle Tennessee Christian School

Muscle Shoals Middle School

Northern Cass School

McAllen, TX ADVISER: Kelsey Martin REPRESENTATIVE: Adrian Azpeitia

McCamey, TX ADVISER: Amy Acosta REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander The Woodlands, TX ADVISER: Lori Reichardt REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Katy, TX ADVISER: Kerrie Hall REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West Mobile, AL ADVISER: Lindsay Koen REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Flower Mound, TX ADVISER: Sue Warriner REPRESENTATIVE: Hannah Davis Katy, TX ADVISER: Casi Corbin REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Mechanicsburg, PA ADVISERS: Jess Atkinson & Leigh Ann Chow REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Port Arthur, TX ADVISER: Maiya Turner REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Bryan Hackensack, NJ ADVISER: Jacleen Rizzi REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Houston, TX ADVISER: Stephanie Aguirre REPRESENTATIVE: kathleen west Louisville, KY ADVISER: Beth Turpin REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Murfreesboro, TN ADVISERS: Leigh Ann Nichols & Nicole Leyhew REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Minneapolis, MN ADVISER: Joey Salzer REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson Rolla, MO ADVISER: Katelin Eagan REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Montgomery, TX ADVISER: Dayna Lawson REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Charlottesville, VA ADVISER: Beverley McCaskill REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Montverde, FL ADVISER: Catherine McKinney REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis Montverde, FL ADVISER: Catherine McKinney REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis Moreno Valley, CA ADVISER: Teresa Espinosa REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Morristown, TN ADVISER: Cathy McClellan REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Katy, TX ADVISER: Lauren Duhon REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Arden Hills, MN ADVISER: Ingrid Kleinjan REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson Allentown, PA ADVISER: Donna Fahringer REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick Mulberry, FL ADVISERS: Lesley Smith-Hayes & Sarah Titak REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis Detroit, MI ADVISER: Bret Vincent REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest Muscle Shoals, AL ADVISERS: Amy Stutts & Chris Porter REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Middleton High School

Bardstown, KY ADVISER: Dan Bradley REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Nevis, MN ADVISER: Lynn Gustafson REPRESENTATIVE: Heidi Schahn New Bern, NC ADVISER: Deanna Sumner REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez New Braunfels, TX ADVISER: Amanda WImmer REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins New Caney, TX ADVISER: Eric Russell REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak Newark, DE ADVISER: Frank Cucciare REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham Pearland, TX ADVISER: Maria Carlo REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

North Arlington, NJ ADVISERS: Michelle Keeler & Juliann Sedlock REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Shepherdsville, KY ADVISER: Anne Tilford REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins North Kansas City, MO ADVISER: Mary Prichard REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

North Plainfield, NJ ADVISER: Jennifer Kittle REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk North Plainfield, NJ ADVISERS: Thomas Bailey & Krista Daniskas REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Houston, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Thorpe REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Hunter, ND ADVISER: Margo Walter REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson

Northern High School

Tampa, FL ADVISER: Christian Hines REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford

Dillsburg, PA ADVISER: Jennifer Brink REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Middletown Area HIgh School

Natchitoches Central High School

Northern Highlands Regional High School

Mildred ISD

Navarro High School

Northland Christian High School

Millsap High School

Navasota High School

Northpoint Bible College

Mineral Wells High School

Nederland High School

Northside Christian High School

Middletown, PA ADVISER: Dana Schlader REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Corsicana, TX ADVISER: Tara Ayers REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick Millsap, TX ADVISER: Christy Beynon REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles Mineral Wells, TX ADVISER: Angie Cryer REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Posey

Natchitoches, LA ADVISER: Erin Spears REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard

Seguin, TX ADVISER: Jessica Limmer REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins Navasota, TX ADVISER: Dara Schmidt REPRESENTATIVE: Tisha Nowak Nederland, TX ADVISER: Brian Hillsten REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Garrett

Allendale, NJ ADVISERS: Doreen Albano & Mary Lardiere REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Houston, TX ADVISER: Karen Stork REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Haverhill, MA ADVISER: Dr. Patrick Gallagher REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial Saint Petersburg, FL ADVISER: Bethany Sweeney REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson


McAllen, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Rodriguez REPRESENTATIVE: Adrian Azpeitia

Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Palm Beach Day Academy

Northwood Middle School

Parkside School

Natchitoches, LA ADVISER: Kenneth Burns REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard Renton, WA ADVISER: Sara Dacus REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Palm Beach, FL ADVISERS: Tracy Kramm & Erika Handley REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman Peru, IL ADVISER: Julie Jenkins REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Pascagoula High School

Pascagoula, MS ADVISER: Karly Richardson REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Oak Grove High School

Bessemer, AL ADVISER: Lydia Sebert REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Oak Harbor High School

Oak Harbor, WA ADVISER: Jana Jansen REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Oak Hills Junior High School

Montgomery, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Spell REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Oak Ridge High School

Orlando, FL ADVISER: Ron White REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Lunsford

Oakcrest High School

Mays Landing, NJ ADVISERS: Jason Thomas & Margaret Csaszar REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham

Oakland High School

Murfreesboro, TN ADVISER: Jennifer Snow REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Oldham County High School Buckner, KY ADVISER: Erin Sanford REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Olive Branch High School Olive Branch, MS ADVISER: Mandy Shackelford REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Olympia High School

Orlando, FL ADVISER: Michael Cacciatore REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Oregon Trail Middle School

Olathe, KS ADVISER: Kathy Olson REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker

Osakis High School

Osakis, MN ADVISER: Kyle Kostrzewski REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson

Osceola Fundamental High School Largo, FL ADVISER: Rhonda Deatley REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Our Lady of Prompt Succor School

Alexandria, LA ADVISERS: Ashley Green & Patricia Upton REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Leopard

Franklin, TN ADVISER: Megan Stitt REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Palisades Charter High School Pacific Palisades, CA ADVISER: Rick Steil REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Griffith

Quibbletown Middle School

Piscataway, NJ ADVISERS: Maribel Hernandez & Carleigh Zielinski REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Patrick Henry High School Glade Spring, VA ADVISER: Michele Duncan REPRESENTATIVE: Katie Welch

Paul Duke STEM High School Norcross, GA ADVISER: Lauren O’Connor REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Peachtree Ridge High School Suwanee, GA ADVISER: Natalie Christopher REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Pearland High School

Pearland, TX ADVISER: Michelle Robinett REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Pecos High School

Pecos, TX ADVISER: Krystle Ramirez REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alecander

Pepperell High School

Lindale, GA ADVISER: David Mowery REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Phoenix Military Academy

Chicago, IL ADVISER: Katie Fernandez REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Pin Oak Middle School

Bellaire, TX ADVISER: Autumn Beckman REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Piney Grove Middle School Cumming, GA ADVISER: Kimberly Zimmerman REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Pioneer Junior High School Upland, CA ADVISER: Allyson Crawley REPRESENTATIVE: Susie Bretting

Pioneer Valley Regional School Northfield, MA ADVISER: Aimee Brown REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Piscataway High School

Piscataway, NJ ADVISER: Sarah Coppola REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Ponderosa High School

Parker, CO ADVISER: Patty Hayes REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

Port Neches- Groves High School Port Neches, TX ADVISER: Michael Tobias REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Garrett

Page High School

Princeton High School

Princeton, MN ADVISER: Jade Joseph REPRESENTATIVE: Heidi Schahn

Post Oak School

Bellaire, TX ADVISER: Monica Lundeen REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Presentation Academy

Louisville, KY ADVISER: Melissa Fette REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Red Oak High School

Red Oak, TX ADVISER: Mallory Lozoya REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn

Ridge Point High School

Missouri City, TX ADVISER: Dani Hunt REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

River Oaks Baptist School

Houston, TX ADVISER: Jan Edwards REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Riverdale High School

Murfreesboro, TN ADVISER: Caron Peck REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Riverview School

East Sandwich, MA ADVISERS: Lauren Spencer & Meghan Hammond REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Riverview School G.R.O.W

East Sandwich, MA ADVISERS: Lauren Spencer & Meghan Hammond REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Riverwatch Middle School Suwanee, GA ADVISER: Linda Scheaffer REPRESENTATIVE: Tara Hays

Riverwood Middle School

Kingwood, TX ADVISER: Scott Adley REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson

Roane County High School

Kingston, TN ADVISER: Catherine Cheatwood REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek

Robert E. Lee High School - Baytown Baytown, TX ADVISER: Katie Dean REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse

Rockport-Fulton Middle School Rockport, TX ADVISER: Lacy Seibert REPRESENTATIVE: Robyn Stech

Rogers School

Florence, AL ADVISER: Michelle Cabler REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail

Roosevelt Middle School

River Forest, IL ADVISER: Amy Rains REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Rosary High School

Aurora, IL ADVISER: Faith Etheredge REPRESENTATIVE: Brad Nemsick

Rose Hill Christian School

Ashland, KY ADVISER: Danna Powers REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle

Ross Sterling Middle School

Seattle Waldorf School

Seattle, WA ADVISER: Karin Swanson REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Bradenton, FL ADVISER: Kathy Campbell REPRESENTATIVE: John Pantelis

Royal Valley High School

Sevier County High School

Southside High School

Russellville High School

Shadow Creek High School

Southwest Christian Academy

Ruth Musser Middle School

Shelby County High School

Southwestern High School

Sheyenne High School

Space Center Intermediate

Shikellamy High School

Spring Hill High School

Shiner High School

Spring Woods High School

Silsbee High School

Springstead High School

Sipsey Valley High School

Springville High School

Solanco High School

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School

Somerville High School

St. Croix Preparatory Academy

Souderton Area High School

St. Francis Episcopal School

South Christian High School

St. Louis Park High School

South Dade Middle School

St. Mark Episcopal School

South Orange Middle School

St. Mark Lutheran School

South Plainfield High School

St. Mary’s Episcopal Day School

South Plainfield High School

St. Paul’s Episcopal School

South Plantation High School

St. Philip’s Episcopal School

South River High School

St. Stephen’s Episcopal School

Hoyt, KS ADVISER: Stephanie Switzky REPRESENTATIVE: Whitney Baker Russellville, AL ADVISER: Dr Anna Kay Holland REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Rancho Cucamonga, CA ADVISER: David Peltz REPRESENTATIVE: Susie Bretting

Sevier, TN ADVISERS: Stephani Clabo & Valarie Deckard REPRESENTATIVE: Amanda Zientek Pearland, TX ADVISER: Melissa Brubaker REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Shelbyville, KY ADVISER: Aaron Bissmeyer REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

West Fargo, ND ADVISER: Elsie Peterson REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson

Saint Andrew’s School

Boca Raton, FL ADVISER: Cindy Newnam REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

Saint John Paul II Catholic School Houston, TX ADVISER: Shari Hiltbrand REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Saint Mary’s School

Raleigh, NC ADVISER: Colin Murasko REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Saint Xavier High School

Louisville, KY ADVISER: Rick Mattingly REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Salyards Middle School

Cypress, TX ADVISER: Justin Lamarche REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

Sam Houston Middle School

Amarillo, TX ADVISER: Jackie Mercer REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover

Sam Rayburn High School

Pasadena, TX ADVISER: Crystal Sliva REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

San Antonio Academy

San Antonio, TX ADVISERS: Priscilla Power & Natalie Boch REPRESENTATIVE: Kathi Hopkins

San Antonio Christian School San Antonio, TX ADVISER: Carmen Garcia REPRESENTATIVE: Betty Cruz

Santa Fe High School

Santa Fe, TX ADVISER: Chelsey Cox REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller

Scott County High School

Georgetown, KY ADVISER: Leslie Murphy REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins

Scotts Hill High School

Reagan, TN ADVISER: Cindy Landry REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Scottsboro Junior High School Scottsboro, AL ADVISER: Jennifer Sanders REPRESENTATIVE: Chad Holland

Seabrook Intermediate

Seabrook, TX ADVISER: Robin Holk REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Sunbury, PA ADVISER: Pete Solomon REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Shiner, TX ADVISER: Janette Berkovsky REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Silsbee, TX ADVISER: Michele Drake REPRESENTATIVE: Jenna Garrett Buhl, AL ADVISER: Jerrod Newell REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Quarryville, PA ADVISER: Stacey Shelton REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Somerville, NJ ADVISER: Michael Skomba REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Souderton, PA ADVISER: Cheryl Boyda REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham Byron Center, MI ADVISER: Amy DeVries REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma

Homestead, FL ADVISER: Margaret Lerner REPRESENTATIVE: Andriana Babikian South Orange, NJ ADVISER: Ashley Corino REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk South Plainfield, NJ ADVISERS: Kayla Bryant-Khanutin & Andrea Garcia REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk South Plainfield, NJ ADVISER: Sarah LiVecchi REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Plantation, FL ADVISER: Ingrid Molina REPRESENTATIVE: Andriana Babikian South River, NJ ADVISER: Christopher Matts REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Southeast High School

Southside, AL ADVISER: Katie Carter REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Houston, TX ADVISER: Alicia Boras REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Hanover, PA ADVISER: Tammy Fritz REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Houston, TX ADVISER: Shannon Coppock REPRESENTATIVE: Cindy Moye

Columbia, TN ADVISER: Amy Reece REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston Houston, TX ADVISER: Michael Cram REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Spring Hill, FL ADVISER: Maritza James REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Springville, AL ADVISER: Celia Jeffers REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail The Woodlands, TX ADVISER: Cristofer Mattern REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Stillwater, MN ADVISER: Britta Voorhaar REPRESENTATIVE: Heidi Schahn

Houston, TX ADVISER: Stephen Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

Saint Louis Park, MN ADVISER: Julianne Herbert REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart Houston, TX ADVISER: Sharon Bukaty REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Houston, TX ADVISER: Lynn Borman REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Tampa, FL ADVISER: Jean Bauer REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Mobile, AL ADVISER: Irene Holbrook REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Coral Gables, FL ADVISER: Luisa Lignarolo REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman Austin, TX ADVISER: Elizabeth Zepeda REPRESENTATIVE: Stacy Mehrens


Humble, TX ADVISER: Jari Salisbery REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson

St. Thomas High School

Tay Junior High School

Katy, TX ADVISER: Heidi Bruce REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West

St. Louis, MO ADVISER: Myra Miller REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin

Station Camp High School

Temecula Middle School

Thompson High School

STEAM Academy

Temple Christian Academy

Tidehaven High School

Stephen F. Austin High School

Temple High School

Tidewater Academy

Stephen F. Austin State University

Texas City High School

Timbercrest Middle School

Stevenson Middle School

The Altamont School

Timothy Christian School

Stockbridge Valley Central School

The Awty School

Tomball High School

Stockdick Junior High School

The Blake School

Trafton Academy

Strake Jesuit College Preparatory School

The Buckley School

Tri County Academy

Stuttgart High School

The Emery/Weiner School

Trinity High School

Summer Creek High School

The Ensworth School

Tri-Valley High School

Summit Christian Academy

The Midland School

Tucker Creek Middle School

Summit High School

The New Mexico School for the Blind & Visually Impaired

Tulpehocken Area High School

Houston, TX ADVISER: Will Nash REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West Gallatin, TN ADVISER: Suzanne Highers REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston Lexington, KY ADVISERS: Sarah Merlin & Allison Parks REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Sugar Land, TX ADVISER: Shaun Moore REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon

Nacogdoches, TX ADVISER: Rachel Clark REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn Houston, TX ADVISER: Kathy Janes REPRESENTATIVE: Abby Paysse Munnsville, NY ADVISER: Amanda Ingalls REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen Smith Katy, TX ADVISER: Sara Brownlee REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen West Houston, TX ADVISER: Marilyn Othon REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

APO, AE, Germany ADVISER: Shana Blankenship REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Burbach-Barker Houston, TX ADVISER: Elizabeth Soloman REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Yorktown, VA ADVISER: Susan Spaulding REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Spring Hills, TN ADVISER: Britt Safstrom REPRESENTATIVE: Stacey Trail

Swansboro High School

Swansboro, NC ADVISERS: Ellen Sheehan & Rich Levey REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez

Sweeny High School

Sweeny, TX ADVISER: Windy Byrd REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz

Sylacauga High School

Sylacauga, AL ADVISER: Pam McTier REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Temecula, CA ADVISER: Jen Prato REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez Fort Worth, TX ADVISER: Jan Stephens REPRESENTATIVE: Alicia Waterman Temple, GA ADVISER: LaToya Thomas REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail Texas City, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Kunard REPRESENTATIVE: David Miller Birmingham, AL ADVISER: Kimber Williams REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Houston, TX ADVISER: Sean VonFelden REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Minneapolis, MN ADVISER: Kali Olson REPRESENTATIVE: Shannon Hart Sherman Oaks, CA ADVISER: Mr. Benj Hewitt REPRESENTATIVE: Corey Mundwiler Houston, TX ADVISER: Kathrine Gilmer REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Nashville, TN ADVISER: Whitney Earhart REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston Somerville, NJ ADVISERS: Carla Larsen & Colleen Furnari REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

Alamogordo, NM ADVISER: Carla Gonzales REPRESENTATIVE: Roland Esparza

The Nueva School

San Mateo, CA ADVISER: LiAnn Yim REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz

The Pine School

Hobe Sound, FL ADVISER: Steve Naumann REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Sherman

The Roeper School

Birmingham, MI ADVISER: Linda Vernon REPRESENTATIVE: Ramonda Hollenquest

The Woodlands College Park High School The Woodlands, TX ADVISER: Jennifer Walton REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver

Tamaqua Area High School

Theodore Schor Middle School

Tampa Preparatory School

Thomas Jefferson High School

Tamaqua, PA ADVISER: Lori Remmel REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Tampa, FL ADVISER: Chelsea Daubar REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson

Piscataway, NJ ADVISER: Alissa Berse REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk San Antonio, TX ADVISER: Melissa Carroll REPRESENTATIVE: Betty Cruz

Thomas Jefferson School

Alabaster, AL ADVISER: Jennifer Nichols and Gidget Gray REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Bishop & Chris Nail El Maton, TX ADVISER: Beth Foley REPRESENTATIVE: Lauren Schwartz Wakefield, VA ADVISER: Ashley Jones REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Woodinville, WA ADVISER: Karen Goodrow REPRESENTATIVE: Kerri Smead

Piscataway, NJ ADVISER: Barb Nelson REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Tomball, TX ADVISER: Jerry Fordyce REPRESENTATIVE: Mary Beth McIver Houston, TX ADVISER: David Goldburg REPRESENTATIVE: Lisa Schwartz Flora, MS ADVISER: Madyson Giddy REPRESENTATIVE: Hunter Leake Louisville, KY ADVISER: Tony Lococo REPRESENTATIVE: Becky Goins Hegins, PA ADVISER: Amanda Wagner REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin Havelock, NC ADVISER: Kathi Finley REPRESENTATIVE: Izzy Hernandez Bernville, PA ADVISER: Ashley Gassert REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin

Tupelo High School

Tupelo, MS ADVISER: Shari Chumley REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

Turner School

Burneyville, OK ADVISER: Shane Wolfe REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover

Tuscaloosa County High School Northport, AL ADVISER: Paige Cooper REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Tyrone High School

Tyrone, OK ADVISER: Kristi Banning REPRESENTATIVE: Cheryl Schoonover

Union Grove High School

Gladewater, TX ADVISER: Sandy Spears REPRESENTATIVE: Jayme Quick

Watertown High School

White Station High School

Los Angeles, CA ADVISERS: Mona Cravens & Scott Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Anderson

Watertown, NY ADVISER: Jessica Hayden REPRESENTATIVE: Kathleen Smith

Memphis, TN ADVISER: Dave Pentecost REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson

University of Virginia - Engineering

Weatherford Christian School

William Allen Middle School

Upper Cape Regional Technical High School

West Collierville Middle School

Willowrige High School

Urban Pathways School

West Fargo High School

Wilson Central High School

West Johnston High School

Wilson High School

Valor Christian High School

West Lake Middle School

Windsor High School

Verona High School

West Mesquite High School

Winfield City Schools

Vinton County High School

West Monroe High School

Winnsboro High School

Virginia Military Institute

West Orange High School

Winston County High School

Vivian Field Middle School

West Orange- Stark High School

Woodcreek Middle School

West Ouachita High School

Woodrow Wilson Middle School

Charlottesville, VA ADVISER: Will McDevitt REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Bourne, MA ADVISERS: Michelle Bourke & Bill Callahan REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial Pittsburgh, PA ADVISER: Jennifer Mack REPRESENTATIVE: Kasey Nicol

Weatherford, TX ADVISER: Abby Hamessley REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Collierville, TN ADVISER: Ashley Jack REPRESENTATIVE: Jeremy Jackson West Fargo, ND ADVISER: Jeremy Murphy REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson Benson, NC ADVISER: Brad Deen REPRESENTATIVE: Kent Sutton

Highlands Ranch, CO ADVISER: Natalie Jackson REPRESENTATIVE: Rob Rathbun

Verona, NJ ADVISER: Thomas White REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk Mcarthur, OH ADVISER: Candice Walton REPRESENTATIVE: Jenny Hohn-Holmes Lexington, VA ADVISER: CSM Suzanne D. Rubenstein (Ret) REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup Farmers Branch, TX ADVISER: David Ruppersberg REPRESENTATIVE: Hannah Davis

Humble, TX ADVISER: Linda Fruge REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Mesquite, TX ADVISER: Judy Babb REPRESENTATIVE: Catherine Iden West Monroe, LA ADVISER: Carly McDuffie REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp

Winter Garden, FL ADVISER: Kimberly Poor REPRESENTATIVE: Steve Ferguson Orange, TX ADVISER: Meri Elen Jacobs REPRESENTATIVE: Lee Briggs

West Monroe, LA ADVISER: Candyce Traxler REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp

Walker Valley High School Cleveland, TN ADVISER: Nicole Gober REPRESENTATIVE: Ben Smith

Wall High School

Wall, TX ADVISER: Stephanie Strange REPRESENTATIVE: Monique Alexander

Walsingham Academy

Williamsburg, VA ADVISER: David Cutting REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

Walton Verona High School

Walton, KY ADVISER: Jamiee Sampson REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle

Walton Verona Middle School Walton, KY ADVISER: Amy Clancy REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Brunelle

Warren County High School Mc Minnville, TN ADVISER: Monte Childers REPRESENTATIVE: Josh Houston

Wasco High School

Wasco, CA ADVISER: Danny Eusebio REPRESENTATIVE: Karina Lopez

Washington School

Greenville, MS ADVISER: Laura Smith REPRESENTATIVE: Karen Loden

Moorestown, NJ ADVISERS: Kim Martin & Kate Fisher REPRESENTATIVE: Carolyn Oldham Houston, TX ADVISER: Cicely Edmond REPRESENTATIVE: Ryan Almon Lebanon, TN ADVISER: Janie Johnson REPRESENTATIVE: Stacey Trail Portland, OR ADVISER: Keith Higbee REPRESENTATIVE: Matt Fusco Imperial, MO ADVISER: JoAnn Marty REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Bardin Winfield, AL ADVISER: Karla Stovall REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore Winnsboro, TX ADVISER: Andrea Underwood REPRESENTATIVE: Debbie Vaughn Double Springs, AL ADVISER: Paula Harris REPRESENTATIVE: Jay Elmore

Houston, TX ADVISER: Stephanie Cox REPRESENTATIVE: Stephanie Hinson Edison, NJ ADVISER: Meghan Makowski REPRESENTATIVE: Sharon Bodnarchuk

West Point High School

West Point, VA ADVISER: Mary Ellen Borinski REPRESENTATIVES: Tami & Scott Stalcup

West Ridge Middle School West Monroe, LA ADVISER: Wendi May REPRESENTATIVE: Carrie Culp

West Union Attendance Center Myrtle, MS ADVISER: Karen Taylor REPRESENTATIVE: Scott Sitton

West York Senior High School

Yorba Linda Middle School Yorba Linda, CA ADVISER: Catherine Hinson REPRESENTATIVE: Amber Elder

York Catholic High School

York, PA ADVISERS: Tracey Nagley & Heather Hardiman REPRESENTATIVE: Matt McLaughlin

York, PA ADVISERS: Nicki Stiger & Kirsty Houck REPRESENTATIVE: Ed Patrick

Westlake Academy

Westlake, TX ADVISER: Amy Cain REPRESENTATIVE: Milani Arguelles

Westport Junior Senior High Westport, MA ADVISER: Sheldon Thibodeau REPRESENTATIVE: Jamie Marcial

Westwood High School

Ishpeming, MI ADVISER: Sabina Villar REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Talsma

White Bear Lake High School White Bear Lake, MN ADVISER: Suzanne McDowell REPRESENTATIVE: Kerry Nelson


University of Southern California



Abilene High School........................................... 191, 248 Academy of the Holy Names........................................ 6 Airline High School.............................................. 177, 281 Akins High School............................................... 134, 218 Alamo Heights High School........................... 205, 206 Albemarle High School...................................... 194, 241 Aledo High School................................................. 8, 255 Alief Kerr High School............................. 239, 270, 285 Allen High School....................................................... 200 A&M Consolidated High School.................... 254, 278 Anderson County High School................. 10, 133, 259 Ann Richards School..................................................... 12 Aransas Pass High School..................... 172, 225, 226 Arcadia High School...................................................... 14 Arlington High School.................... 135, 168, 220, 280 Assumption High School........................................... 287


Austin High School..................................... 16, 224, 265

Battlefield High School............................................... 179 Baylor University............................................................ 18 Bellaire High School................................... 20, 128, 252 Bellevue East High School....................................... 274 Benton High School.................................................... 179 B. F. Terry High School............................................... 255 Big Spring High School.............................................. 245 Bishop Alemany High School.................................. 283 Bonney Lake High School........................................ 286 Brentwood Academy......................... 131, 157, 207, 257 Bridgeland High School.............................................. 22 Brock High School...................................................... 286 Brookwood High School............................................ 169 Buffalo High School......................... 132, 157, 208, 257 Bullitt Central High School........................................ 279


Burbank High School.................................................. 281

Cambridge High School............................................. 185 Canterbury School....................................................... 156 Canyon High School.......................................... 139, 283 Canyon Vista Middle School........................... 160, 259 Carlisle County High School..................................... 137 Carnegie Vanguard High School............................ 282

Cedar Park High School.............................................. 24 Central High School................................................... 243 Cesar E. Chavez High School.................................. 286


Chapa Middle School......................................... 26, 230

George Ranch High School....................................... 144

Christ Covenant School............................................. 227

Georgetown High School.......................................... 184

Cibola High School..................................................... 248

Glacier Peak High School........................................... 46

Cinco Ranch High School......................... 28, 166, 262

Glenda Dawson High School.......................... 231, 283

Cinco Ranch JR. High School..................................... 171

Glen Rose Jr. High School........................................ 286

Cinco Ranch Junior High School............................ 265

Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science & Technology............................................... 282

Cistercian Preparatory School........ 163, 213, 214, 261 Claudia Taylor Johnson High School..... 30, 142, 272 Clear Lake High School......................... 236, 253, 284 Clearwater High School............................................ 270


Clements High School............................................... 278

Hardin Valley Academy...................................... 48, 270

College Station High School................. 234, 235, 283

Harrisonburg High School.............................. 249, 272

Connally High School................................................ 260

Hartfield Academy.............................................. 144, 274

Conroe High School.................................. 198, 199, 278

Harvard-Westlake School.......................................... 282

Crosby High School...................................................... 32

Hebron High School.......................................... 168, 262

Cy-Creek High School...................................... 130, 205

Helena High School.................................................... 285

Cy Fair High School........................................... 199, 252

Hendrickson High School......................... 50, 231, 266

Cypress Creek High School....................................... 34

Heritage High School................................................. 278

Cy Woods High School.............................................. 282

Hewitt-Trussville High School................................... 155

Cy-Woods High School............................................... 174

Hill Country Christian School............................. 52, 135


Davidson Middle School........................................... 279 Deer Valley High School............................................ 183

Dickinson High School................................................. 161 Dripping Springs High School................ 129, 152, 278

Dr. Kirk Lewis Career & Technical High School... 286

East Bernard High School.......................................... 154 East Central High School................................. 160, 279 Eastern High School.................................................. 280 Eastland High School.................................................. 210

Episcopal School of Dallas......................................... 36 Etiwanda High School.................................................. 38

Faith Baptist Schools......................................... 264, 281

Fleetwood Area High School................................... 266 Flour Bluff High School..................................... 226, 281 Fort Zumwalt East High School............. 188, 274, 287 Fort Zumwalt North High School.................... 186, 275 Fort Zumwalt South High School.................... 145, 187 Fort Zumwalt West High School....................... 40, 246 Foster High School............................ 42, 170, 221, 222

Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy.... 54, 219, 220, 263 Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy Lower School.... 188


Horizon HIgh School........................................... 56, 274 Hudson Bend Middle School........................... 58, 264

Indian Hills Middle School......................................... 286 Inglemoor High School................................................ 60 Iowa Park Middle School............................................ 176 iPrep Academy................................................... 235, 253

Jacksonville High School................................ 207, 208 James Bowie High School................................ 62, 268 James Madison University............................... 182, 280 Jefferson County High School................................ 209 Jessieville High School..................................... 237, 270 Jesuit College Preparatory...................................... 280

Katy Junior High School......................... 158, 258, 279 Kelly High School........................................................ 263 Kelly Lane Middle School........................ 173, 230, 282 Kingwood High School..................................... 150, 278 Klein Cain High School.............................................. 240

Francis Howell North High School........................... 44

Klein Collins High School............................................ 64

Friendswood High School.............................. 259, 279

Klein Forest High School............................................. 211

Fulshear High School........................................ 175, 269

Klein High School......................................................... 201 Klein Oak High School................................................. 66 Krum High School........................................................ 174

Tomball Memorial High School.................................. 114

Prairie Trail Middle School......................................... 172

Tom C. Clark High School....................... 137, 232, 283

Prescott High School............................... 236, 237, 284

Tompkins High School................... 185, 245, 275, 287

Prestonwood Christian Academy.......... 165, 216, 261

Topeka High School.......................................... 146, 287


Loara High School....................................................... 283


Louis Brandeis High School..................................... 285

Rock Canyon High School.......................................... 90

Lufkin High School...................................................... 278

Rocky Heights Middle School................ 175, 269, 283

Vandegrift High School........................................ 118, 141

Roseburg High School................................................ 271

Venice High School.................................. 212, 261, 280

Lake Stevens High School........................................ 284 Lamar Consolidated High School............................ 167 Landmark Christian School........................................ 281 Langham Creek High School.......................... 159, 279 Leander High School.................................................... 68 Leon High School......................................................... 281 Liberty High School........................... 70, 242, 243, 271 Lindale High School................................................... 254 Little Rock Central High School................. 72, 128, 151


Maclay School...................................................... 161, 260 Marian High School..................................................... 281 McCallum High School....................................... 74, 256

Prince of Peace Christian School.................... 164, 214

UNC Yackety Yack........................................................ 213

Red Lion Area HIgh School...................................... 287

University High School............................................... 190

Rice University....................................................... 86, 143

University of California, Los Angeles............ 153, 204

Richland High School................................................. 232

University of Miami....................................................... 116

Ridgeview Middle School........................ 88, 223, 264 Robinson High School..................................... 244, 273

Rossview High School............................................... 284

Veterans Memorial High School............................... 178

Rouse High School............................................. 194, 271

Victory Lakes Intermediate School......................... 284


McHenry High School........................................ 181, 202

Sacred Heart Academy...................................... 147, 192

McKinney Boyd High School................. 229, 267, 282

Saguaro High School................................................. 283

Vista Ridge High School................................... 120, 225

Weatherford High School................................. 159, 258

McMillen High School................................................ 238

San Elijo Middle School............................................... 92

Western Albemarle High School.............................. 193

McNeil High School................................. 154, 204, 256

Santa Fe Trail Middle School.................................... 258

Westwood High School.............................................. 122

Medina Valley High School...................... 171, 222, 223

Schuylkill Haven High School.................................. 284

Whitehouse High School.......................................... 200

Memorial High School.................................................. 76

Seaside Neighborhood School................................ 281

Whitehouse Junior High School.............................. 286

Miami Palmetto Senior High School...... 78, 228, 267

Seminole High School...................................... 162, 279

Wimberley High School.......................... 152, 202, 203

Minnetonka High School................................... 181, 247

Seven Lakes High School...... 94, 136, 227, 228, 266

Winnetonka High School................................. 124, 272

Morristown West High School................................. 287

Shawnee Heights High School.................................. 96


Shawnee Mission South High School.... 98, 138, 233 Siegel High School..................................................... 282 South Brunswick High School................ 147, 166, 287

New Hanover High School....................................... 285

Southwest Mississippi Community College.......... 201

North Carolina State University................................. 80

Southwestt Onslow High School............................ 287

Northgate High School.............................................. 279

Staley High School.................................... 102, 140, 269

Northwood Middle School....................................... 280

St. Andrew’s Episcopal School................................ 278 St. George’s Independent School........................... 253 St. John’s School................................................ 142, 285 Stratford High School................................ 151, 198, 252

Oak Grove High School............................. 82, 129, 203

St. Thomas’ Episcopal School................. 100, 134, 216

Oak Mountain High School................................ 217, 218

Suncoast High School..................... 104, 132, 209, 257

Oak Park High School....................................... 180, 238 Oak Ridge High School.................................... 156, 285 O’Fallon Township High School................................ 211


Olentangy Orange High School..................... 241, 285

Texas A&M University.................................................. 195

Osbourn Park High School.............................. 189, 247

Texas Christian University................................ 215, 280 Texas Tech University.................................................. 106 The Columbus Academy........................................... 282 The Hockaday School....................................... 108, 258

Parish Episcopal School............................................ 268

The John Cooper School............................................ 110

Patriot High School..................................................... 284

The Kinkaid School..................................................... 255

Pearland Jr. High School West.................................. 183

The Woodlands High School....... 162, 163, 260, 280

Pearland Junior High School West............... 273, 286

Thornton Middle School............................................ 284

Peninsula High School............................................... 285

Thrall High School.............................................. 140, 233

Peterson Middle School...................................... 84, 145

Thrall School................................................................... 112

302-303 INDEX


Portola High School............................................ 146, 190



The 34rd edition of Yearbook Yearbook was produced on Apple® MacBook Pro® using Adobe® Creative Suite® software. The 304-page, full-color book was submitted as press-ready PDF files with a press run of 4,700. The 2020 Yearbook Yearbook showcases 2019 yearbooks. The Best of represents less than 1% of Balfour customers, with Featured yearbooks representing 4% & Honorable Mention Yearbooks representing 11%.


The cover is Softouch laminate, spot UV gloss and embossing. The endsheets are 100# Anthem/Maxcote Plus Matte Cover Stock. Inside pages are 9 x 12, 100# Anthem/Maxcote Matte Text Stock with Smythe binding and gold & black headbands. Typefaces are from the Proxima Nova family. Send inquiries regarding Yearbook Yearbook to mike.cobb@balfour.com


The Yearbook Yearbook is made possible through the combined effort of many talented and caring individuals. Heartfelt thanks go to our selection committee who worked painstakingly while keeping a sense of humor throughout the process. It’s clear the roots of your dedication run deep. Oscar, thank you, as always, for your outstanding design and production work. It’s an honor to watch you outdo yourself every year. Judi and Julia, you bring invaluable experience to the table; your genuine enthusiasm for teaching and for scholastic journalism informs the copy in this edition. And finally, a sincere thank-you to Tony Greer for retrieving hundreds of [not small] digital files from our archives, and to Shelby Richardson and Mike Cobb for helping with myriad details. ■ The Balfour Marketing Team





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