Magic wave edition 137

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Rip Curl School of Surf as an official organizer of ISA Coaching & Instructing

YOU NEVER SURF ALONE Without limits… Patience has its limits sometimes, and for us surfers who have been used to wait patiently and share our passion for more than 16 years, this new digital era is not easy to get used to. But that’s what makes the adaptation process so magical. I always enjoyed the dateline moments before printing, the fix schedule and the monthly publication running no matter how. But the advent of online media and a digital Magic Wave @ changed all that, making the strict monthly printing protocol obsolete and leaving me with a feeling of grogginess in front of such an amazing novelty. Magic Wave hadn’t been online since 2012, when our domain and hosting expired, and so much has happened since, from the many contributions to the magazine from my Swiss friend Oli, to the arrival of Marthin the web

Cyril - Contributor

Junizasa - Intern Contributor

expert from Nias and brother of my long time friend Dolin. It’s our common passion that kept Dolin and I in touch via Facebook, and that led to where the new Magic Wave stands today. Hopefully with our online publication we’ll be able to reach again half of the 120 countries listed on Google. The use of Whatsapp and Instagram has also changed the way the redaction team of Magic Wave works, and made possible the conclusion of advertising deals by communicating via social media. Still, nothing will replace a meeting when a physical and psychological contact happens between the people, and no social media will be able to top that. Net surfing from smartphones opens new possibilities for Magic Wave, Magic Ink, and Magic Bar (in the works, for the Bartender community), and we’re looking forward to find the right individuals to handle Magic Ride as well as Magic Wall. Let the magic begins…again!

Wayan - Editor

Santika - Intern

Piping - Chief Editor

Sarah - Intern

kita dan memlalui media Facebook semua ini bisa berlangsung dan semakin indah

Tanpa batas Kesabaran itu ada batasan nya, dan ini sudah biasa pada kita para pesilnacar ombak menanti dan berbagi selama lebih dari 16 tahun bukan lah hal yang sederhana. Disinilah letak dari magical itu sendiri Hal yang selama ini aku nikmati adalah dateline, selama ini kita selalu teratur dengan jam tayang, yakni terbit sebulan sekali. Suka tidak suka ini harus di rubah dengan ada nya media ONLINE magic wave nyaris sebulan sudah berjalan, seperti anak SMA saat pertama kalidi belikan motor oleh orang tua, agak minder dan sedikit grogy menerima keindahan ini, saat terakhir web kita habis masa kontrak nya di tahun 2012 banyak cerita yang menghiasi perjalanan web Magicwave, dari Oli, teman di swiss sampai sekarang datang tokoh web asli Pulau Nias. Sebut saja Martin, adik nyadolin jumpa tanpa sengaja saat kita pertama jumpa di bali. Aku dan Dolin menjadi sahabat gara2 kesamaan

semoga saja dengan media online ini kita bisa kembali lagi merebut pasar 64 negara dari 120 negara resmi yang di catat oleh Om google ada juga kisah lucu dengan hadir nya whats app dan Instagram, kerja redaksi magicwave bisa lebih indah dan bisa mendapat kan hal2 positive yang selama ini tak pernah terbayang kan, seperti deal iklan yang bisa kita lakukan dengan mudah di media social. Namun jujur perjumpasn fisik masih sangat memberikan arti yang mendalam. Sentuhan soul yang tak akan pernahtergantikan dengan kekuatan media social yang ada Surfing di internet yang memakai fasilitas handphone membuka peluang baru, dan ini sangat di rasakan baik magicwave/magic ink/ magic bar yang sedang berproses buat komunitas bar tender, untuk sementara waktu kita masih menanti orang yang tepat untuk di kursi magicride maupun di kursi magicwavall well, lets make magical happen with our smile salam Anak Pante

Marthin- Management, Online Editor

Nimas - Marketing

Jack - Editor

Saka - Intern

Andra - Intern

Kristin - Intern

Dedik - Photographer

Andi - Intern

Tidak adanya peraturan yang tepat dan kesempatan yang tepat bagi pelatih lokal dapat membahayakan reputasi selancar Bali-Indonesia dan lebih lagi akan menempatkan pengunjung pada risiko. Dengan sertifikasi ISA (International Surfing Association), dapat dipastikan semua pelatih memiliki standar kualitas dan standar keselamatan yang lebih tinggi. Bagaimana seharusnya, belajar berselancar membutuhkan pelatih yang baik dan bersertifikat di Bali dan seluruh Asia. Tidak ada program instruktur selancar / pelatihan

lainnya yang tersedia dan diakui di seluruh dunia, selain sertifikasi Pelatihan ISA ini.

The absence of proper regulation and the right opportunity for localsurf coachesis harmful to the reputation of the Bali-Indonesia surfing community and more so puts visitors at risk. With ISA (International Surfing Association) certification, it can be ascertained that all coaches have a standard of quality and higher safety standard. How it should be, learning to surf requires a good and certified coach in Bali and throughout Asia. There is no other surf instructor/coaching program available that is recognized and accepted worldwide, only the ISA Coaching certification. Because of the background above Rip Curl School first time conducted ISA Surf Level 1 Instructor Symposium in Bali at May 2015. The ISA, the Rip Curl School of Surf, and the Asian/Indonesian Surfing Championships got together and created the “ISA International Surf Instructor Symposium”, the goal of which was to provide the participants with the opportunity to complete the requirements needed in order to receive the highest international standard available for surf instructors, the ISA Surf Level 1 instructor certification.

surfing together, having been trained by instructors that not only know how to teach surfing properly but also know how to assess wave and beach conditions and perform rescues to save lives when necessary. It was the first step for Rip Curl School of Surf in establishing a permanent ISA training centre in the South East Asia, and working closely with the local government and the surfing community to bring standards and eventually regulations to the surf school industry; something that we all know is very much needed here and throughout the Asian region.

And also to define and set a standard for safety and quality for all surf schools, surf guides, and surf camps to follow. All levels of surfers in the water should be able enjoy the sport of

Karena latar belakang di atas Rip Curl School pertama kali mengadakan Simposium Instruktur ISA Surf Level 1 di Bali pada bulan Mei 2015. ISA, Rip Curl School of Surf, dan Asian/Indonesian Surfing bersama-sama menggagasi “ISA International Surf Instructor Symposium”, Tujuannya adalah untuk memberi para peserta kesempatan sertifikasi .

The second ISA symposium was held on May 2016. It is not only ISA Surf Level 1 Instructor Symposium, but also Flat Water SUP Instructor Symposium. All participant from several country stoked on this second ISA Instructor & Coaching Program in Bali that we named ISA International Surf & SUP Instructor Symposium. For this year, June 2017 Rip Curl School of Surf will add new program from them who already have their Certification of ISA Surf Level 1. Yes, there will be ISA Surf Level 2 this year on third ISA Coaching & Instructing Program.

Wayan Ompong Budayasa Sementara saya mengunjungi Pantai Cucukan untuk bertemu Dewa Telaga, saya juga bertemu dengan surfer lainnya, dan saya merasa bahagia saat dia bersedia memberi saya beberapa informasi tentang hidupnya sebagai seorang surfer. Dia bernama Wayan ” Ompong” Budayasa, seorang surf guide dan instruktur khusus untuk wisatawan Jepang, dia berasal dari pulau Nusa Lembongan, namun telah lama menetap di Sanur. Dia mengatakan bahwa berselancar tidak hanya penting baginya, tapi juga penting bagi generasi penerus. Ia merasa senang bila anak - anak muda lokal mulai belajar berselancar, karena ia ingin mereka bersenang-senang di waktu seng-

gang mereka dengan olahraga ini sekaligus menghasilkan pendapatan sebagai surf guide ataupun sebagai instruktur. Surfing adalah hidupnya. Alasan yang paling penting adalah dia suka berbagi pengalamannya dengan generasi penerusnya sehingga dia bisa memberikan pengetahuannya sehingga mereka dapat mempertahankan budaya selancar Bali. Ketika dia masih muda dia sempat mengikuti banyak kompetisi selancar dan dia memenangkan beberapa dari kompetisi itu.

Story By : Sarah Krause

Dewa Telaga mulai berselancar di usia 20 tahun. Kini ia sudah dikenal di pantai Cucukan sebagai salah satu peselancar terbaik. Dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia berselancar hingga 4 hari dalam seminggu di waktu senggangnya. Selain pekerjaannya sebagai penjaga pantai, ia juga merupakan instrukur dan guide selancar bagi wisatan asing. Di pantai Cucukan banyak turis yang datang dari Jepang. Dewa Telaga selalu berdoa sebelum berselancar.

Setiap orang memiliki cara sendiri untuk tenang dan hanya memikirkan ombak, papan selancar dan dirinya sendiri. Disisi lain berselancar berarti, berhubungan dengan orang lain dan Anda bisa berteman. Inilah alasan mengapa ia sangat menyukai selancar. Baginya juga penting berpikir bahwa berselancar hanya untuk bersenang-senang, mungkin karena itu hingga saat ini ia tidak pernah ikut kompetisi berselancar.

When I’ve visited Cucukan Beach, I’ve met an interesting man. His name is Mr. Telaga. He works at Cucukan Beach as a lifeguard and he also enjoys surfing a lot in his free time. As I’m working for Magic Wave, I was interested about his job and his life as a surfer. So I asked him a few questions to get to know more about him:

she rides the waves. To avoid that getting hurt on the reef you can use reef boots or even a helmet if you want to be safer. Then catch your waves without thinking about the reef below. Just lay down on your board, take a deep breath and then do it! Mr. Telaga for example always prays before a surf session. Everybody has their own trick to keep calm and stay focused. After I learnt surfing a couple of days before I felt that it’s a difficult sport. You have to concentrate on what are you doing, you have to go step by step because otherwise you will fall down.

Mr.Telaga started surfing by the age of 20. Now he is already known at Cucukan Beach as one of the best surfers. I wanted to know how many times he goes surfing during the week, because he works at the beach so it might be boring for him to see the ocean every day without being allowed to surf. He told me that he surfs 3 up to 4 days a week in his time off. Besides his job as a lifeguard, he is also a surfing instructor for Japanese tourists. At Cucukan Beach a lot of the tourists are coming from Japan. Since he started surfing he learned a lot about this sport. He knows the fun part and the risky side of it. I wanted to know what was the most dangerous for somebody who just started surfing. He told me that Cucukan Beach can be dangerous because it”s a reef break. Even good surfers can hurt themselves there. So everybody has to be cautious while he/

Name Age From Style

: Dawa Telaga : 35 : Cucukan : Backside

You need to have a good balance too. But what else is important if you are a beginner just like me? Mr.Telaga gave me some advices to make it easier for a beginner. First you have to be a good swimmer and you need to have a good stamina. This is mandatory if you want to start surfing. But it’s also important to try it because it’s not only about the sport in general. Surfing means, connection with other people and you can make friends. This is the reason why he loves surfing that much.

Dewa Telaga “Cucukan Beach

Story By : Sarah Krause



For Komang Swasta back in 2011, becoming manager of the Bamboo Bar and Grill, next to Waterbom Park, was an achievement. 32 staff members, from waitresses to bartenders, are under his daily supervision. He is passionate about his job, and especially enjoys meeting and entertaining his customers. His career as a bartender started back in 2005. 2 years later, he moved to Dubai where he worked for 4 years, and participated in some bartending flair competitions, getting the first place prize during one of these contests. Komang’ strong point lies in his ability to properly handle the bar’s marketing strategy, constantly keeping an eye on the current prices, the competitors, and generally paying a lot of attention to the details. Furthermore, in order to make sure that the operation is running flawlessly, a daily briefing is organized to reinforce the team spirit of the staff. Apart from managing the bar, Komang also acts as a representative of the Asian Bartender Association, and enjoys surfing, singing on stage, photography, and creating cocktails. He has created 6 drinks, the most famous one being the Ocean Breeze; that one in particular is most appreciated by the Bamboo Bar customers, since its creation back in 2007. That year, a group of tourists from Netherlands literally fell in love with the Ocean Breeze, coming back to Komang one night after another to taste the uniqueness of his cocktail,


something they couldn’t find anywhere else. All kinds of events are organized by the bar on a routine basis, like the Beer Drinking competition. That event successfully gathered more than 200 participants, guzzling beer to the sound of the music played by a live DJ. Such a happening hasn’t take place again, as Komang is more focused on mixology and flair events at the moment. And talking about flair bartending, Komang will host his first Flair Competition on May 20th in Ubud, a contest that will run from noon until late, with 40 bartenders attending the event. Even though Komang is a busy man, he still puts his family at the top of his priorities. Family and, a few years ago, surfing as well. Up to this day, surfing remains a passion for Komang. He started surfing in 2003, and for the next 4 years was getting wet as often as he could. Unfortunately, due to his duties as a bar manager, going surfing became less and less frequent the last few years, and Komang switched to boxing, an activity that he can practice more easily according to his busy schedule. A funny thing is that Komang admits he learnt a few boxing tricks by watching some Youtube videos.

People Who Surf


KOMANG SWASTA Story By : Sarah Krause

Edit By : Sarah Krause Shille is one of the local girls in Lombok who has fallen in love with the sport of surfing. She enjoys the surf lifestyle and its community. She moved from Bali to Lombok a couple of years ago. Her first surf in Lombok was back in 2008. She fell in love with Lombok’s waves and nature, and decided to settle in South Lombok, as a base to start her new journey and fulfill her passion for surfing. She developed her passion by building a community in Bali with local surfer girls called Indo Surf Chick. They give surf lessons, provide accommodation and surf guiding. Shille surfs 3 to 5 hours every day, sometimes longer if the waves are really good. In Lombok she built another group of surfer girls called Lombok Surfer Girls.

Her mission is to inspire and support the local girls and travellers, who are coming to Lombok to enjoy the waves and to show them the beautiful side of Lombok. Shille’s dream is to teach young kids about the beach, the nature and the eco-system. She wants to collaborate with Kimen, a local legend, to organize surfing contests for women. Her plan is to make people socializing through surfing and its lifestyle, not only the locals but also the travellers, who are coming to Lombok for surfing. Shille truly is a dedicated surfer, she loves the feeling of being in the ocean, able to catch the waves and ride them to the shore line. She sets her alarm early in the morning to get up by sunrise and enjoy empty line ups as often as possible. For her, life is good when you go surfing!


The Magical Trip Story By : Sarah Krause

The island of Nias, located in North Sumatra, is a surfer’s heaven, especially the South Nias area with its world-class wave at Sorake Beach and about 9 other awesome spots in the vicinity.

Bali) joined forces, Magic Wave acting as a medium to establish a bridge between the surfing communities and the government officials in the various provinces of Nias and Indonesia.

On May 7th 2017, Magic Wave and the Nias community organized the Nias Bali Sunset Gathering on Kuta Beach.

In order to build and develop the tourism industry, and particularly its surfing aspect in Nias, the Nias Surfers community living and working in Bali expressed their wishes, critics and advises toward the Nias government:

Magic Wave, initiator of the event as the only Surfing Community Newspaper in Indonesia, and the Nias Community living in Bali, comprising the NBFC (Nias Bali Family Care) and the IKNB ( Ikatan Keluarga Nias di

Pri Waruwu (IKNB Chairman): “The Region-

al government should allocate and increase the funding of the local tourism industry, so there are finally some well needed improvements”. Mrs Idam: “Stop the excavation of the sand from Lagundri and Sorake beaches, in order to maintain the beauty and the natural balance of the area”. Yasniar Gea: “Please pay attention to the young, gifted and talented Nias surfers so they are able to get into surfing contests and bring a better living to their families”.

Albertus Wau: “The government should be more concerned with, and take care of the beach in Nias, and hopefully the cooperation between Magic Wave Bali and the Regional Government becomes reality”. SiowerWau: “The Tourism Board should play an active role in building the Surfing industry in the Sorake Beach area”.(MW)

It was Thursday night, than the team of Magic Wave and Magic Bar went on a trip to Lombok, an Island which is located to the west of Bali. It took us 4 hours on the ferry, before we arrived at the beautiful green island. Around lunch time we woke up from our rest we took, as we arrived early in the morning and went out to grab something to eat in a Warung nearby. From this place we had a beautiful view to the Beach and on the other side to the mountains which were over and overcast with plants.

After we’ve finished lunch we were able to explore the beach for taking some pictures and got to know new people. The Magic Wave team started to take some nice shots of surfers and we enjoyed to watch them riding the waves. We spent there a couple of hours before we went back to our homestead for that night. We were sitting around and had a good time before we went on a meeting with the head of Balimoon in the Metropolis Club at 10 p.m. The next morning we were discussing about our day ahead. The morning was planned with

some free time and in the afternoon we wanted to go to Kuta/Lombok to meet some friends. Unfortunately one of our team members had an accident, and we had to call the ambulance. She was taken to a clinic and got checked, after a couple of hours, luckily she already felt better. It was already around 6 p.m. as we decided that she will stay at our homestead with another team member, meanwhile the others went on the trip to Kuta/ Lombok. It was a 1.5 hour scooter drive before we arrived at the Gecko Restaurant where we used to meet our friends.

At the Gecko we had a nice talk and I’ve got the chance to interview the local legend Mr. Kimen. Mr. Kimen is an interesting person. He is a legend surfer but since he had an accident he can’t go surfing. He is also really talented in singing and at this evening he rocked the stage for at least ten songs and it was exciting to listen to his band. We’ve started the next morning with a delicious coffee and we felt the warm sun at the terrace. Around 10 o’clock we started off to cruise around Kuta/Lombok, to meet one of the locals living in a village nearby.




Name : Firman Ardiansyah Nickname : Firman Age : 13 years old Surfing since : 4 months Hobby : surfing and football Favourite Surf Spot : Serangan Beach Dream job : Surf Guide

Name : Indra Raditprasetia Nickname : Indra Age : 12 years old Surfing since : 3 months Hobby : surfing Favourite Surf Spot : Serangan Beach Dream job : Surf teacher

Name : Ajik Sulaiman Nickname : Ajik Age :13 years old Surfing since : 4 months Hobby : surfing Favourite Surf Spot : Serangan Beach Dream job : Surf teacher

Name : Dimas Alfian Nickname : Dimas Age : 14 years old Surfing since : 5 months Hobby : surfing Favourite Surf Spot : Kuta Beach Dream job : join the Army

Name Age From Style Surfing since Future plan Hobbies

: Dewa Ayu Mas Saraswati : 11 : Cucukan : Frontside : 2 years : she would like to be a chef somewhere in Bali : Surfing, playing Basketball

Name : Muhamad Abdul Rozak Nickname : Rozak Age : 13 years old Surfing since : 1 month Hobby : surfing, eat, sleep Favourite Surf Spot : Serangan Beach Dream job : Doctor

Name : Alfin Kurni Awan Nickname : Alfin Age : 6 years old Surfing since : 2 months Hobby : surfing and play with kite Favourite Surf Spot : Kuta Beach Dream job : Teacher


Name : Sultan Alam Akbar Nickname : Sultan Age : 13 years old Surfing since : 5 months Hobby : surfing Favourite Surf Spot : Kuta Beach Dream job : Surf Guide

Nama Panggil Tempat Tgl lahir Hobi Favorite surfer Cita” Umur

: yuatus la aka : Utus : Buho buho 20/08/2003 : surfing : kelly : pro surfer : 14

Name : Faizal Umasugi Waraulo Nickname : Faizal Age : 15 years old Surfing since : 6 months Hobby : surfing Favourite Surf Spot : Serangan Beach Dream job : Surf teacher

Nama Panggil Tempat Tgl lahir Hobi Favorite surfer Cita” Umur

: Yanwar ambari : Ali : Buho buho 19/01/1999 : surfing : kelly : pro surfer : 18

Nama Panggil Tmpt tgl lahir Hobi Cita” Umur

: Romi Dounsen Rwinoo punyia : Romi : Buho buho 13/05/1998 : surfing Favorite surfer kelly : TNI : 19

Nama Panggil Tempat tgl lahir Hobi Favorite surfer Cita” Umur

: jembris hihika : jembris : sangowo 01/01/1999 : surfing : john john florence : pro surfer : 18

Nama Panggil Tmpt tgl lahir Hobi Favorite surfer Cita” Umur

: Rein wilston dehe : wels : Buho buho 28/07/1998 : surfing : kelly : TNI : 19

Nama Panggil Tempat tgl lahir Hobi Cita” Umur

: Febianus Patty : febi : Buho buho 14/06/1999 : surfing : pro surfer : 18

Name : Dewa Gedewintara Age : 14 From : Cucukan Style : Frontside Surfing since : 3 years Future plan : he would like to work on a ship as a chef Hobbies : only surfing and he wants to keep on going surfing. He also would like to travel to Australia to participate there in a surfing contest, when he is older.

Nama Panggil Tmpt tgl lahir Hobi Cita” Umur

: jonwel s pinoa : soni : tobelo 21/11/2001 : surfing : jadi direktur : 16



Story By : Sarah Krause Kartini, the most famous Balinese woman who has been fighting for women rights in 19th century. She is the symbol of a woman hero. In honour for her, Bali is celebrating her birthday every year with the so called the Kartini event at the 21st of April. At this day women are going to surf in traditional clothes. We as the Magic Wave Team wanted to make a Kartini Event at Indopurejoy at Kuta/Beach, one day before Kartinis birthday, so at the 20th of April. The reason for that was, that we wanted to be the first ones, who can talk about Kartini of 2017 as we knew everybody else would be celebrate it one day later. To prepare the event we had a press conference on the 18th of April, where we present our event to the public media. Two days later it was the time to start the event. We were at the beach around 8 a.m. to prepare the last things there. Around 8:30 a.m. the first surfer

girls arrived and they got ready for their moment; they dressed up in traditional clothes. Around 9 a.m. there were already a mass of media, waiting for the event to start. The first action was a photo shooting of the participants. After that everybody headed down to the ocean and the girls went out on their boards. It was the first time for me to see such an event and I can imagine how difficult it is to surf with a traditional Balinese dress, but the girls handled it really good. They caught the waves, they stand up and they ride the ways like how they normally do. Unfortunately this was everything. We have been at the beach until late afternoon but no other woman went out to surf at the Kartini Event. I was honestly disappointed as I thought that the event will be a “big thing� and in the end it was just another day at the beach.

Kartini, wanita Indonesia yang paling terkenal. Beliau telah memperjuangkan hak perempuan pada abad ke-19. Beliau adalah simbol pahlawan wanita. Untuk menghormati jasanya, Indonesia merayakan ulang tahunnya setiap tahun , yang akrab disebut Hari Kartini pada tanggal 21 April. Kami tim Magic Wave menyelenggarakan Acara Kartini di Indopurejoy di pantai Kuta, satu hari sebelum ulang tahun Kartini, pada tanggal 20 April, beberapa wanita akan berselancar dengan kebaya, salah satu pakaian tradisional wanita Indonesia. Untuk mempersiapkan acara kami mengadakan konferensi pers pada tanggal 18 April di Bliss Surfer Hotel, yang dihadiri oleh rekan-rekan dari media cetak maupun elektronik lokan dan nasional.

Ini adalah pertama kalinya bagi saya untuk menghadiri acara Kartini dan saya bisa membayangkan betapa sulitnya berselancar dengan pakaian tradisional Bali, tapi para wanita itu menanganinya dengan sangat baik. Mereka mulai bermain dengan ombak, mereka menangkap ombak dan berselancar seperti biasanya. Setelah mereka keluar dari air, media langsung menemui mereka untuk mendapatkan beberapa gambar bagus dan tentu saja untuk melakukan wawancara. Semoga di tahun-tahun mendatang bisa terselenggara Acara Kartini yang lebih besar dan meriah lagi. Dengan harapan dapat menginspirasi kaum wanita agar lebih percaya diri dan merasakan kesetaraan dengan kaum pria.

NEWS The Longboard Association of Bali, leaded by Agung Satria Ariawan is still really young, but they do care a lot about their 25 members and new-comers. Agung teaches the ins and outs, give tips and tricks and show the different styles of longboarding (downhill, freestyle, dancing).

Jenny Wilcoxen is one of the brave girls, who is not afraid of a changing skin colour while surfing. She thinks that surfing is a cool sport, which clears her mind. She hopes that in the future more girls will go surfing, because “If you never tried, you never know”.

David Sauer is a professional juggle artist from Hawaii. The originally in Chicago Born came to Bali to follow one of his biggest dreams which is to juggle with his self-carved, fired juggled sticks on a surfboard.

John Kia is the owner of the Tattoo Studio “Echo Beach Ink” in Canggu. He has been working as an artist for 7 years and his favourite styles are realistic work and traditional tattoos like line work...No worries!... Of course he can tattoo everything what the customer desires.

Lolak is surfing since 15 years and he changed his hobby into his job. Today he is working as a surf instructor in the Berawa area and he owns his own Surf School. The school is managed by his own but with some help of freelancer the business keeps growing.

Danu has been shaping for 7 years. He learned how to shape on his own by watching videos online, describing the shaping process step by step. He had experience with board materials as he was a ding-repair guy fixing broken boards, before starting shaping.

Dedik is a shaper since 2010. He shapes every kind of board for local and foreign customers. He provides surf schools with soft tops as well, getting big orders from these facilities, when they renew their stocks of learning surfboards.

Sairi has been shaping since 2008. Before learning with a master shaper for 2 years, he was working in a surf shop. Sairi surfs but like many shapers the work keeps him busy and he doesn’t surf very often.

Foto by : Erick Est

Sophia started surfing 4.5 years ago in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and even spent some time surfing the famous river wave, featured in some documentaries about river surfing, on the Eisbach in Munich. As she came here for holiday she surfed many spots in Bali, but the last one in Serangan remains her favourite playground.

In May the annual Tattoo Expo took place at The Bali Creative Industry Center in Denpasar. The event attracted an international crowd. It was definitely the place to be for all tattoo enthusiasts. It was 3 days of fun, diversity and a bit of pain, but the pain was worth it, as some of the pieces looked simply amazing.

The four surf instructors of Hobby Surf School are originally from Nias. They came to Bali a couple of years ago to find new job opportunities in the surfing industry. All of them are already surfing for a long time and show a lot of experience.

Art can be a really divertive representation, as you can paint, draw or built something, there are many different kind of art but I never saw this sort, which Mr. Dede does. He chose to make art out of adhesive tape. The idea came from when he was still young, as by this time he used to play with adhesive tape at the windows.

The famous Balinese band “The Hydrant” got the chance to fly to Europe for the next couple of weeks to spread their Rockabilly skills of singing and dancing combined with the tropical Balinese flavour. Completely in the sense of Rockabali they music becomes something unique, which will be a welcome change for the European fans, compared to a standard Rockabilly band.

Jambul is a famous surfer from Kedungu Beach. He has been surfing for about 10 years now and he works as a surf instructor. He learned surfing at the Beach where he also teaches now, so he has a very good knowledge of the spot.

The Kartel, opened 2.5 years ago a few hundred meters from Batu Bolong Beach, is a Surf Shop and a Café, owned by Australian native Scott Harrison. High quality surfboards well designed and made to last, and a tasty coffee, is what draws the keen surfers to The Kartel in search of high-octane coffee and a magic board.

Samo a surfer from Nias has been living in Bali since 2009. He is working as a surf instructor and loves to ride the waves around Canggu, Uluwatu and Kuta. Even if he lives in Bali now, Nias is still his favourite place to surf. Nias is blessed with beautiful environment, a megalithic culture and perfect waves.

Hot Banana is located in the heart of Kuta, near the beach. Its manager Amrulloh, also known as Ikal, has been working there since the beginning in 2001.Hot Banana is also designing two own brands called: Jetstar and Elevation.

More and more people would like to eat organic food, especially athletes, who need to keep their bodies fit. Every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Samadi Market is taking place in Canggu. The Market concept is all about organic food. The farmers attach great importance to fresh products without chemicals. You need to visit!

Bali is an attractive country in many different ways. That’s the reason why many tourists come here every year, especially for surfing as the conditions in Bali are very constant. You can find a diversity of surfspot from Beginner to Pro-level.


Bapak Benny Yerisetouw, Kepala Bagian Pemasaran (Promosi ) Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Jayapura. Sharing sore itu dimulai tentang apa itu surfing. Karena mengenai olahraga yang satu ini memang masih sangat baru di Papua dan belum banyak yg tahu. Dan selanjutnya kita banyak bicara tentang apakah bisa surfing di Jayapura? Bapak Benny bilang akan melaporkan kepada kepala Dinas dan dalam minggu depan (antara tanggal 12 – 17 Juni) bersama tim akan turun langsung ke lokasi dan mengadakan survey untuk pengembangan. Percakapan yang ditemani kopi susu manis ditutup manis juga dengan penyampaian akan dibantu beberapa unit papan selancar untuk anak – anak local latihan. Dan juga untuk disewakan kepada pengunjung. Harapan : Objek Wisata pantai pasir 6 ini dapat dikembangkan lagi khususnya untuk surfing, ada pelatih yang datang untuk melatih anak – anak local/masyrakat sekitar pantai. Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar pantai lewat penjualan makanan dan minuman ringan serta accessories dsb. Kedepannya akan ada shaper local Papua dan akan muncul atlet - atlet surfing dari Papua. Amien.

21 years old Imran surprised on Kartini Day with an awesome voice. The traveller from Malaysia is making music on the street since 2008 and besides his talent of being a musician he also loves to cycle. His dream is to go on a cycling tour for 3 months, down in New Zealand.

An exploration to the small Island Nusa Penida will definitely worth a visit. It doesn’t matter if it Broken Beach, Angel’s Billabong, Kelingking Beaqch, Crystal Bay or Atuh Beach, each spot convinces with a unique shape.

The Asian Surfing Tour of 2017 made their first stop in Bali. The event, which is sponsored by REnextop, a Chinese extreme sport company, will keep on moving for the next stop to Japan, Taiwan and the final will be taken place in China.

Due to the 13th anniversary of Rip Curl, a surfing contest will take place from the 10th of July until the 10th of August at Padang Padang. 8 Indonesian and 8 international surfers will show their best of surfing to win the Rip Curl Cup of 2017. How the Bali Government support the surfer community At a discussion between the “Forum Diskusi Peduli Bali (FDPB) and Magic Wave at Kubu Kopi, some news will delight the surfer community. The government is willing to help the surfers and beach boys to present themselves and their products as well as to support the surfer community itself. Prerequisite is that a surfer Association is build. For the future Magic Wave will help as a bridge for a better communication between the community and the government.

Brazilian young surfer Mateus Herdy visited Indonesia after he successfully participated at the SA Open in South Africa. Herdy is known for his good knowledge about the waves and about surfing. Therefore the 16 year old talent got much attention worldwide. Close to Sanur Beach a unique homestay found its location. The EES Bed and Breakfast offers a skate school as well. Everyone is welcome to skate in the cozy bowl and of course to enjoy great food and stay overnight if the skate session takes too long.

Healthy juices and smoothies are the best thing on a hot day. Especially many tourists in Bali enjoy the fresh drinks after an exhausting day. On the juice Bar at Legian Beach is one of the places who sell the healthy and delicious drinks. Not only many tourist like their concept, many surfers also stop-by to get new energy for the next round of surfing.

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Well-known surf school Odyssey was celebrating their 14th anniversary. The annual event has been taken place at Café La Pasion in Uluwatu. All staff members were invited to bring their family and friends to celebrate another successful year of the business. With great food and drinks and much fun while dancing and watching movies the Odyssey’s management floor wanted to say thanks to their staff for the support and for their efforts to let the surf school grow from year to year.

Hafi Boardshaper Hafi shapes on his own facility since 2002. Various shapes, ranging from fish, fun boards, soft tops, stand-up paddle boards and rescue boards are available from the stock or by custom orders. He also created a board specially designed for disabled people.

Dolin is living in Nias and he has been surfing already for a long time. He tried surfing because he had the surf spot right in front of his door and he saw the people going surfing every day. He only surfs for fun so he never participated in any competition but still surfing is like a spiritual healing to him and he enjoys riding the waves.

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