Selamat Hari Raya
NYEPI Tahun Baru Çaka 1938 9 Maret 2016
Photo Copyright Jean-Michel Gallet
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Woman’s leather clutch purse. High quality bought at Paragon in Bangkok. Brand Flynow complete with cloth safe keeping bag. Black outside with brown interior. Magnet snaps to close. Like new. Paid over Rp1 juta. Sell now for Rp 300,000. SMS 081 239 88979. Sanur/Kuta. [018]
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For Sale; Dr. Proctors Advanced Thinning Hair Treatment 2 Oz, Prolongevity Ltd. 2 bottles, new unopened, imported from the USA. Check the Internet for information on Dr. Proctor. Original price $39 each. Sell both for 1 juta. SMS only to 081 239 88979. Sanur/Kuta. [020]
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C/Ho/I-23 Dec 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Women or kids wetsuit size XS, 6mm, trouser + jacket. Good condition 350.000 Rp – Please ask for picture. Inspect in Serangan. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [063] For Sale; Windgenerator AirX - Quiet, reliable power for sea and shore. year 2011, impeccable function, very good condition. They produce power 24 hours a day! Inspect in Serangan. Price: 650 USD. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [064] On the outskirts of every agony sits some observant fellow who points. C/CI/G-27 May 15
C/BT/G-20 Jan. 16
C/R/G-3 Feb. 16
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C/He/I-02 March 16
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02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/R/I-02 March 16
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NC/R/G-17 Feb. 16
NC/R/I-17 Feb 16
NC/R/G-2 March 16
BA Feature Article
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
BA Feature Article Feminism, Bali Style. By Ines Wynn To some people the concept of Balinese feminism may appear like a contradiction in terms. They look at the traditional patriarchal society of the Balinese, the apparent subservient role of females in this community and the anchored customs and traditions that are adhered to by the women themselves. But a closer look reveals a few currents running quietly and sometimes not so quietly underneath the fabric of communal life. To be sure, there are a lot of situations that indicate discrimination against women and the social-religious system as represented by the caste hierarchy can seem to be very rigid and resistant to change. But there is a wind of change that has been picking up some momentum ever since the improvement of the economic situation has put some freedom into the hands of women. These women are becoming increasingly aware and sensitive that their essential contributions to the family and the community are not being suf¿ciently appreciated. Their causes are being advanced by a few organizations as well as individual activists. Definitions and Perspectives- Many people equate feminism as a ¿ght for equal rights. We are used to this de¿nition of western style feminism and some Balinese feminists concur that there is basically no difference between western style and Balinese style of feminism. Both are concerned with the needs of women that are not satis¿ed and the push to change this situation. Where western feminism differs from the Balinese variety is that in Bali, women want to hold on to their customary traditions as this is the anchor in their lives. This creates tensions and the solutions cannot always be found in the same straight way as how western-style activists would solve this type of dilemma. Cok Sawitri, one of Bali’s most outspoken social activists who stridently refuses to be labeled as a feminist, staunchly ponti¿cates that there is no problem of gender inequality in Bali. “The only problem”, she says, “is how to explain the Balinese perspective on feminism in a language that modern intellectuals and activists truly understand. Because what we have here is actually a conÀict of perspectives.” She rede¿nes the actual meaning of the term in the framework of Balinese culture, by explaining that women have power in their society. Traditionally they have been the gatherers, nurturers and caretakers of the family unit. Women hold up half the sky and keep the universe in balance. Cok Sawitri is not convinced that Balinese women are oppressed and discriminated against. She observes that many impressions of this so-called oppression are taken out of context and judged by western standards. “Most women activists”, according to Cok, “don’t understand our cultural basis. They don’t understand our society, in which social system and religion are interrelated.” Cok Sawitri stresses that we have to accept that there are different perspectives on feminism. To her there is Western feminism, there is Eastern feminism, and then there is Balinese feminism. Imposing a specific perspective on an area with a different cultural background or generalizing and applying the standards of a different culture, misleads us to a foolish conclusion. Unfortunately, she says, doing so has become a major weakness of the women’s rights’ movement. Case in point, according to Cok, is how foreigners view the way that Balinese women are being discriminated against when a family’s inheritance is distributed in Bali. Though the law has recently changed to allow women a more equal share, Cok explains the reason that Balinese women were not formerly entitled to an equal amount of the family’s inheritance like their male siblings. In Bali, she claims, the distribution of inheritance is not solely about the distribution of family property or wealth. It is, ¿rst and foremost, the distribution of obligations and duties. Each family in Bali has an obligation to its ancestors, such as maintaining the family’s temple and
compound, to its clan, to its banjar and to its customary village. This is not an inexpensive affair, because maintaining a single temple, which also means providing money to ¿nance all the temple’s rituals and its renovation, cost a lot of money. Being a patriarchal society, in Bali it is the family’s sons that carry out these social and religious obligations and shoulder all ¿nancial consequences of those duties because a family’s daughter will leave her biological family and join her husband’s family once she marries. In this context, the perceived “inequality” in inheritance distribution is actually a simple method devised by our ancestors to ensure that the Balinese family would be able to carry out and ¿nancially sustain their respective obligations and duties. Another misconception is that Balinese women have no voting rights in a traditional community like the banjar. To which Cok responds that it is not the man who has the voting right but the family. One family is entitled to one vote. Moreover, decisions in traditional community organizations, such as banjar and customary villages, are usually made through consensus under the guidance of the elders and, in critical matters, with approval from the high priests and royalty. Voting rarely happens and is not popular among traditional communities because it tends to be divisive and disrupt social unity. As an ardent Balinist, Cok Sawitri is a ¿erce promoter of the preservation of the Balinese culture, traditions and customs. At the same time she is also recognized as an activist who works tirelessly for women’s empowerment and is pushing for stronger anti-violence legislation against women. To our western mind this stance may constitute a contradiction in terms. To her it de¿nitely is not. Women-friendly organizations. It is undeniable that there are many issues which affect Balinese women that are not dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. These range from social issues like abandoned women & children, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, to raising the political and judicial consciousness of Balinese women. However, there are a few organizations in Bali speci¿cally dedicated to these issues. In general, their goal is to improve the lot of women in and on the sidelines of the community. These organizations are led by local women with assistance from expats who function as advisers and their funding, in many cases, comes from donations, sponsorship and project assistance from the expat community. They are not the strident, in-your-face entities molded on western concepts of emancipation but a quiet, under the radar social welfare-oriented body that understands that modern Balinese women prefer to look to their own roots and Hindu religion to assert their sense of equality. One of these organizations is Bali Sruti which bills itself as the voice of women in Bali. This organization was established in 2004 by a dedicated team of professional Balinese and expat women. The team members are volunteers and include lawyers, an anthropologist, a public health expert, a gender expert, a journalist and junior assistants. According to their website, Bali Sruti considers gender inequality as a pervasive characteristic of all sectors of life in Bali due to four decades of gender biased development policies and a patrilineal kinship system. Bali Sruti is committed to scale down the present level of gender inequity and improve the quality of life of women in Bali. Their goal is to promote awareness on present issues relevant to women and children in Bali and empower the stakeholders – women, government institutions, CSO’s and NGO’s - to ¿nd suitable solutions based on the principle of gender equity. Their main objective is to increase political awareness among women. Therefore they are especially active around election times. They admit they have a formidable agenda and no of¿cial funding to implement their various activities and projects. They consider their main strength to be their wide professional network, giving them access to most local government agencies, government women’s organizations, local NGO’s and national organizations, political parties, and the media. Access to this network makes it possible for Bali Sruti to function as a provider of information on women’s and children’s issues. They have booked a few successes, but view their work, considering the intractable nature of Balinese society,
as long term. L B H - A p i k (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum) is a n a t i o n w i d e organization for women’s legal rights. The Bali Chapter is one of 18 branches and deals with many judicial problems, especially customary laws that discriminate against women. Most programs are administered out of Jakarta as their reach is nation-wide. However, the Bali chapter has its own projects which are speci¿c to Bali. They organize workshops and facilitate the interpretation of laws and regulations. For Bali, they have speci¿cally created a booklet which explains Family Law. The booklet gets distributed to all village heads. Various other projects focus on making women aware of their judicial rights and try to bring political awareness so the women have a more active vote in the issues that pertain to them. Yayasan Rama Sesana focuses on health and social welfare issues of women working in the traditional markets. The powerhouse behind Rama Sesana is Dr. Luh Putu Upadisari, better known as Dr. Sari, an advocate for women’s reproductive health and rights and their access to sexual information and contraception. In Bali, as it is the case in the rest of Indonesia, sexual and reproductive health is not a major priority project as far as the government is concerned. Few free or low-cost services are available to women, especially since traditional social attitudes, unfair laws and gender stereotyping prove to be a barrier to open communication. In 1999 Dr. Sari started an outreach program for women from lower social and economic strata who work and shop in the traditional markets like Badung market in Denpasar, Intaran market in Sanur and other local markets in different areas of Bali. In 2004 she founded Yayasan Rama Sesana and set up free clinics that provide reproductive health education, family planning, prenatal care and medical testing like pap smears, HIV and STD testing and treatment. The R.O.L.E. foundation, a wellknown humanitarian organization in Nusa Dua also deals speci¿cally with the plight of women on the margins of society. R.O.L.E. (Rivers, Oceans, Lands and Ecology) is a non-pro¿t whose aim is to improve the education, wellbeing and self-reliance of underprivileged people. Since 2007 R.O.L.E. has provided free and comprehensive educational programs including vocational skills training, women’s life skills, entrepreneurial skills education, and grassroots community assistance to help alleviate poverty and ensure environmental sustainability at the same time. The students come from disadvantaged, low-income and at-risk families from all over Bali and Indonesia and most of them are women. Besides the organizations that take a serious interest in women’s issues, there are a few social networks that regularly mount projects to support and sustain women’s lives. BIWA is the Bali International Women’s organization that frequently organizes fund raisers to bene¿t speci¿c women-oriented projects. Wahana Kria Putri is a Balinese foundation to bene¿t women and children who are victims of the unbalanced role between women and men in Balinese society. They organize seminars, workshops, skills training and micro ¿nancing to help women to equalize their rights and ful¿ll their dreams.
Continued on page 7 Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of BA Feature Article at
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
BA FEATURE Continued from page 6
Individual activists. Anyone working for or defending women’s rights and empowerment can be called a feminist. Most can be found among the educated women. In academic life women lecturers and docents have a unique access to the feminist pulpit. So do journalists, writers, doctors and social workers. Luh Putu Anggraeni has an active role in many organizations that deal with the plight of women and children. She focuses on fairness issues and seeks a realistic and progressive way to solve these problems.
Bali’s oral and literary traditions are no stranger to the feminist cause. Old folktales contain many strong female characters and their stories of survival in a male dominated society. While there is a fair share of victimized protagonists, there are also characterizations of strong willed women depicted as resourceful, intelligent, often cunning and manipulative. These women are often the power behind the throne and wield considerable inÀuence within the family and the community. While still operating in the straightjacket of their caste and communal values, these women ¿nd a way to attain the sort of freedom that allows them to direct the outcome of their aims. Though there are many well-meaning and caring organizations in Bali, it needs to be pointed out that the only organization not well represented in this pantheon is the Balinese government. By and large, caring about women’s issues seems to be a business relegated to private efforts and a few underfunded yayasans. It’s time the equation gets a bit more well balanced. After all, women hold up half the sky. Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of BA Feature Article at
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Other feminists like poet and novelist Oka Rusmini use the power of the pen to create awareness of the injustices embedded in the Balinese caste system which is still considered very important in Balinese Hindu society. Oka was born in the brahmana caste but is very critical of the way customary laws treat women, especially in the way they are expected to be subservient to their husbands and their husband’s family. She often writes about the condition of women and how they cope with strict societal codes, a rigid caste system, customs and traditions of the patriarchal Balinese family. Her work is known for breaking down taboos in women’s social lives. The characters in her stories are often controversial because they challenge various conservative Balinese cultural traditions that harm women. One of her best known novels, Tarian Bumi, translated into English as Earthdance, is an indictment of the gender discrimination and maltreatment of women within the brahmana caste.
NC/NV/U-2 March 16
NC/Ho/U-2 March 16
NC/Ho/I-02 March 16
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Local Beef 1 plate Rp.45.000 King-Crab/200g Rp.260.000 Octopus Rp.20.000 Squid Rp.21.000 Lobster Rp.56.000
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C/R/G-02 March 16
NC/E/G-2 March 16
Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/BS/I-8 July 15
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
Fashion Pathways to Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit By Michele Cempaka
Trust I have been contemplating trust, one of the five elements of intimacy. I see how my life and its unpredictable sources of income has been the greatest teacher of trust. Sometimes it’s easier than other times for me to fully trust, but when I do my life is truly magical. To trust is to let go – to surrender to the unknown. This can be quite scary for many of us as we have been conditioned to seek security through the predictability of our lives. Many people throughout the world work a nine to five job which provides them with a wage which they can depend on to pay their bills, eat, travel, etc. Often companies will even provide health insurance or other benefits such as company stocks or pension plans for their employees. There is a comfort in knowing that every month one will receive a set salary that can be relied upon.
her to become mistrustful and a bit lost. I shared with her a story of trust that I heard in a course that I did awhile back. A man name Lester Leverson who is the creator of the Release Technique™ wanted to test his theory that if you trust in life the Universe will conspire to give you whatever you require. Thus, he decided to take a trip across country without any money or credit cards in his pocket. He walked out of his New York City apartment not knowing how he would even get to the airport. After just a few blocks, he heard someone calling out his name, “Hey is that you Lester?”
In my case I don’t have any of this. Each month my income fluctuates up and down. Some months are much leaner than other months, some months I feel blessed with abundance. During the lean times is when my trust is most challenged. As a professional healer, I made a commitment to contributing to other people’s lives by facilitating healing and transformation to all those who seek out my assistance. It is a commitment that I do willingly, but requires that I trust that the Universe really does have my back.
“Wow, it’s great to see you! I’m really glad to run into you so I can pay you back that $500 I owe you,” said his friend handing over the cash. Lester thanked him and they chatted for awhile, and then he jumped into a taxi and headed for the airport.
When we live from the energy of trust, everything is possible. The doors open up in our lives with ease and we become a part of the flow. When we are functioning from mistrust the opposite occurs. Our lives become contracted and we are unable to access the limitless possibilities that are available to us. Just for fun try this experiment. Think: ‘I totally trust in myself and in my life.’ Really focus on this statement and repeat it several times. What does that feel like in your body? What thoughts are in your head? Most likely you will feel lighter and more expansive as though a door has opened up within you. Okay now let’s try the opposite. Think: ‘I don’t trust myself or life.’ Again really focus on this statement and repeat it several times. What does that feel like in your body? Does it feel much heavier? Can you sense a contraction in your body that wasn’t there before? Most of us have heard that you are what you eat, but we are also what we think. Masaru Emoto proved this with his water experiments many years ago. In 1994 he got the idea to freeze water and observe it with a microscope after showing the water pictures, playing music to water and praying to water. The results were that beautiful crystal formations occurred with the positive images and words. In contrast, when negative words or images were communicated to the water, the crystallization was ugly and disfigured. This experiment proved without a doubt that we are influencing and creating our bodies and lives with our thoughts. I had a young woman come for a session the other day and she said to me, “I’m a negative person. I always have negative thoughts. How do I change that?” She had lost her faith in life and was really depressed. Her partner had been unfaithful and the wounds from that experience had caused
Lester turned around to see a friend who he hadn’t met for over 25 years.
He got to the ticket counter and bought a ticket to Los Angeles spending most of the money he had left. When he arrived in L.A., he had no idea what he would do next as he had no hotel booking or even enough cash to get a taxi into the city. As he began walking to the baggage claim area, he heard a man calling his name. He turned around to see another old friend that he hadn’t seen for a few years.
C/G/G-30 Sept. 15
Lucy’s Batik unique -stylish - timeless
• wine bottle cases • coasters • paintings • pillow cases • carpets • scarfs • shawls • clothes • handbags • many more Jl. Raya Basangkasa No. 88 Seminyak, Kuta, Bali Tel. +62(361) 7951275 / 736098 +62 851 0095 1275 Fax. +62(361) 736098 NEW OPENING: Jl. Raya Seminyak No. 75 Seminyak Center C/G/I-19 August 15
“Hey Lester, what are you doing in L.A.?” his friend asked. “I’m just taking a trip across country,” replied Lester. “So where are you staying?” “I don’t know. I don’t have any plans.” “I’m leaving town for a business trip so why don’t you stay at my place? Here are the keys to my house and car. It’s parked in the long term parking lot A, number 10.” Lester thanked his friend and headed off feeling deep gratitude for his life. The story continues with Lester continuously being provided for, because he never stopped trusting that the Universe had his back. This is an amazing story of absolute trust. Lester is a wonderful example of how we can all choose to live from that space and create magic in our own lives.
Michele has lived on Bali since 2002. She is an Energy healer, Shaman, transformational coach, hypnotherapist & teacher who specializes in transforming people’s lives using a variety of tools. She receives direct transmissions from her guides, enabling her to offer her clients greater clarity about specific life issues and assist them with resolution. She offers private sessions, trainings & retreats both in Bali & abroad. For questions or comments about this column, please email: Copyright 2016 © Michele Cempaka
Jl. TEUKU UMAR 65 D (Simpang 6) DENPASAR Tel: (0361) 221663 Email : C/G/I-09 Dec 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
RETAIL THERAPY Fashion / Accessories / Beauty / Furniture Homes / Interiors / Artisans / Food
C/He/G-10 June 15
TAILORED, BY THE BALI TAILOR Customize your leather designs Leather is always a popular fashion item on any shopping list and the options are endless for clothing, bags, sandals & boots. Tailored is the newest leather boutique to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;up the antiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in showcasing prime leather pieces with distinctive edge. Located on -l %eraban, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really rather easy to Âżnd. :alN biNe up the narrow lane ne[t to 8ltimo restaurant on -l LaNsmana, continue till you come to -l %eraban where you turn right, pass Rizal Painting Studio & just a little way along youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll spot a palm tree loaded with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ready to picNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coconuts, you have now arrived at Tailored!
C/G/I-23 Dec 15
A boutique in all white that provides the perfect foil for a fashionable collection of contemporary leather pieces, blacN and tan seem to be all the go! 7ry the classic biNer style jacNet with individual trims in zips, tabs, studs, quilting & belts, along with any number of other jacNet styles or if you wish they will customize & maNe to order. Swatches for the type of leather & color selection available. <ouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Âżnd mini sNirts & vests, suits, pants & dresses aligned on racNs with a neat mi[ of tees & singlet dresses, choose from blacN, white or grey. The selection of bags is right on, from the perfect carry-all, a great tote, a box bag, choice of wallets, some with embellishment, plus a great leather belt with engraved silver bucNle. Love the short boots with zip, strap & bucNle sitting upon a stacNed wooden heel, perfect with your jeans + more styles to add to your collection. There are simple leather slides, sandals with leather ties, gladiator variations & sandals with rope soles. Tailored is one cool boutique offering a well-edited selection of leather woven items plus fashion accessories all with a fashion twist. 2nce you see, Nnow youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll buy - leather additions are great to add some pep to your existing wardrobe! And best of all, Tailored will come by to measure you up & then deliver Âżnished goods bacN or they will ship worldwide, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s real service! // Tailored -l %eraban , SeminyaN T + . . ( : ,nstagram #thebalitailor )acebooN thebalitailor
C/G/G-2 March 16
Body & Spirit Sale; German Books, hardcover and paperback, 120 books, novels, crime, sci-fi. Rp. 250.000. Please only sms in English or German. 0822 3650 9549. Jimbaran. [075] For Sale; 32inch Samsung tv and teakwood 180/200 bed. Excellent condition. For more info. Contact 0815 5889 5304 Kerobokan. [076] For Sale; Video transfer system from MiniDV and Hi8 to any form like: VCD, DVD, MP4, etc. Include MiniDV camcorder, Hi8 camcorder, cassette rewinder for both, computer with LED monitor. Rp. 5.000.000 Contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [015] C/He/G-3 Feb. 16
NC/He/G-2 March 16
C/He/I-17 Feb 16
C/He/G-2 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Body & Spirit
02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/He/G-2 March 16
By Kim A. Patra SRN/RM.
WHERE HAVE ALL THE VACCINES GONE? Vaccines are extraordinarily dif¿cult to get at the moment and no one seems to be able to tell me exactly why? I have been given a variety of excuses but the most plausible one seems to be that the two major distributing companies have undergone a merger and are not releasing stock until the books are complete. This has been going on for at least 3 months, so the excuse is becoming a little tired. One could perhaps understand if the vaccines that are hard to get were rare and unusual types such as Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, but this is not the case. Basic infant and childhood vaccines are on the absent list, and this not acceptable. At the time of the writing of this article, vaccines that are currently unavailable are: • Infanrix - Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Whooping cough) • Infanrix + Hib - Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis/polio + Hib (human infuenza type B) • Infanrix HEXA - Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis/polio/ hepatitis B/Hib • Pediacel - Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis/polio/Hib • Act Hib - Hib vaccine The abovementioned vaccines are the basic infant childhood vaccines. They have been out of stock for the past 3 - 5 months, with no ¿rm answer as to when supply will return to normal. • Engerix B - Hepatitis B vaccine adult & child doses • Havrix - Hepatitis A vaccine adult & child doses
• Twinrix - Hepatitis A & B combined vaccines, adult and child doses • Typhim -Typhoid vaccine • MMR - Mumps measles rubella vaccine • Varilix - Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine With the exception of the Varicella vaccine, the abovementioned vaccines have also been out of stock for 3 - 5 months. Apart from small batches of the varicella vaccine that are occasionally rationed out, this vaccine has been dif¿cult to come by for over 5 years. Why??? Parents are becoming to say the very least annoyed and concerned that their children are being left unprotected against diseases that can seriously affect their child. Whooping cough is a major concern, and we are already seeing outbreaks. Measles is highly contagious and kills over 30,000 children every year in Indonesia, and we can’t get the vaccine??
So what to do? • All of the above vaccines are imported. The imported vaccines are single-use, acellular vaccines. The acellular vaccines have less side effects. If you want to accept the whole -cell multi-dose local vaccine, this is still available at local clinics. Side effects could include local redness & fever. The effectiveness of the vaccine is comparable. • You could have the vaccines overseas is it happens to ¿t in with your travels. • You could bring vaccines from overseas if you have a doctor that is willing to prescribe the required vaccines, and you can transport them in a cold pack (not frozen). Use a thick walled Styrofoam cool box, place the cool vaccines in the box, insulate the box with blue gel packs, and then pack with ice (small frozen tetra packs of milk
or juice are ideal for this). Seal the box tightly until you reach your destination. This should maintain a stable cool temperature for at least 8 hours. Put this pack in your check-in bags as it is cold in the baggage area of the plane. Needles may also not be checked in. Any compromise in the cold-chain will render the vaccines ineffective. Make sure that you maintain the cold chain when you arrive at your home. It may be wise to take the vaccines directly to your clinic as they have fridges speci¿cally designed to store vaccines. See cdc/coldchain/protocol7.html for tips on how to pack heat sensitive medication. • And the last option is just to wait. However the longer the wait the more chance of being exposed to vaccine preventable disease. For those children that have commenced a vaccine schedule, and have been unable to maintain the schedule due to lack of supply, there may be a catch - up schedule advised. Talk to your doctor of child health nurse for this information. Kim Patra is a qualified Midwife & Nurse Practioner who has been living and working in Bali for over 30 years. She now runs her own Private Practice & Mothers & Babies center at her Community Health Care of¿ce in Sanur. Kim is happy to discuss any health concerns that you have and may be contacted via email at, or office phone 085105-775666 or CHC Bali
Copyright © 2016 Kim Patra You can read all past articles of Sickness & in Health at
Body & Spirit
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Alternative Voice
Authentic is the New Luxury
Luxe or cheap: Beware - it’s an ersatz world out there… The term ‘mass luxury’ is a contradiction. It makes no sense, except of course in marketing parlance, when it becomes potent. True luxury in the consumerist Edwardian sense- let’s say, comprising beautiful and supremely well-crafted objects of rare originality are probably something that common or garden millionaires today will never get to see.
require the aging process of Parmesan, making it cheaper to produce.
In 2012 the FDA found a major cheese manufacturer Castle Cheese Inc, of Philadelphia, was introducing unexpected substances into its parmesan cheese products and that their parmesan cheese products did not actually contain any parmesan cheese at all. The company ¿led for bankruptcy The alpha and omega of luxury goods available to the public the following year and its CEO may do jail time. in shops runs the gamut from that starter-for-one, the branded T-shirt, or box of chocolate trufÀes, through the As many long suspected, Castle’s foul play is less of an dinky single diamond Dior necklace, as uniform corporate outlier than an industry-wide norm. A new report by adornment, to the well-made Hermés handbag. Beyond Bloomberg News, which tested parmesan cheese bought at that - true couture disappears from sight, except in art books, various stores across the US, found many other brands museums and the auction room. advertised as 100 percent parmesan were nothing of the kind. There was a time however when well-designed manufactured and hand-made goods of genuine, if not lasting worth, were FDA’s guidelines are vague about the permitted level of generally made available at prices that were affordable to cellulose, an additive made from wood pulp. Cheese makers people, even of modest means. An era spanning the are allowed to use it to stop their product from clumping, mid-Victorian age to the mid-1970s. Sadly, the intrinsic worth which, per industry standard, is somewhere around 2 percent. of the product sold has now become so tenuously related to But many cheese makers are selling product that contains real value that the glaring anomaly has become the invisible more than ten times that amount. norm. Branding has now trumped the savings of mass production as the bene¿ts in late capitalism are no longer Bloomberg went on to ¿nd that some Parmesan contained passed on to the consumer. up to 20 percent cellulose, that in the case of grated Parmesan often less than 40 percent was actually a cheese Worryingly, the phenomenon now extends to the staple foods product at all. The report indicates that a ¿fth of all hard we eat. Italian cheese produced in the US are mislabeled and that most major cheese makers are lying about the protein content It must have been ten years ago or so ago that I remarked in their cheese, because they were using extra cellulose. on the price of some nuts to Ibu Susan, owner/manager of the Dijon deli, who The reason cheese makers cut knows a thing or two, who responded corners is simple: it saves money. darkly that “the days of cheap food are Making parmesan, romano, and other over”. And she was right. A fresh loaf hard Italian cheeses isn’t nearly as of good whole-wheat or rye bread in a cost-ef¿cient as making their softer Singapore supermarket can now set counterparts as the drying process you back US$9.00 takes months shedding moisture and weight. Depending on how long it sits, In Bali expatriates wanting to eat the the same amount of milk means a lot kind of diet they’re used to and which less cheese by weight than making have to be imported can expect to cheddar, swiss, or mozzarella. Adding pay a premium for packaged goods extra cellulose, swapping in a little-or considerably above that paid by their a lot-of another cheese, saves counterparts in Singapore or Hong commercial manufacturers millions of Kong. On the credit side, the fruit, the dollars. vegetables are cheap and to die for. Note though, that local substitution of The growing popularity of hard nutty goods intended for foreigners, like cheeses in the US, and the relative chocolate or cashew nuts, say, appear unfamiliarity there with the nuances of to cost just as much as imported their true Àavour, is making it easier packaged goods. That seems greedy for the cheating to go unnoticed. Last Parmigiano-Reggiano: King of Cheeses. Comes in to me as they don’t pay heavy shipping year the production of parmesan 38 Kilo (80 lbs) rounds and costs US$1,500 that’s or import taxes and why I won’t buy and romano production in the US $10.00 per 100 gm. Buy anything else with care, grate it yourself and, above all, don’t trust commercially grew by 11 percent and 20 percent, them. pre-grated parmesans or you may be eating sawdust. respectively. Then there’s cheese. In another time I ate quite a lot of it. However in Asia I seem to have lost the The problem, in many ways, is a global one. Increasingly taste, though I still enjoy real cheddar and on occasion a labels, supposed to allow customers to make more informed decent mozzarella. Which brings me to Parmesan… now decisions, are instead turning into advertising vehicles, about the only cheese I would not want to be without. bending the truth in ways neither consumers nor the governments can spot or keep up with. We all know, or should know by now, how often we are deceived by the people who process and sell us our food. It’s not just food labeling which has become a powerful We like to think the law protects us and that we have a right marketing tool, but the whole industry of blending and to know what is in the food we buy. Fact is, we are protected packaging, long the vehicle for other forms deceit way far less than we believe, mainly because of the hundreds beyond the cheese industry. Look no further than the olive of millions of dollars spent on legal obfuscation by food oil industry, fraught with fraud. And how much ¿sh-farmed manufacturers lobbying to keep us in ignorance. Not a year salmon you buy in a restaurant or a supermarket do you goes by without a major food scandal coming to light. This suppose is genuinely wild as claimed? year it’s the turn of Parmesan. When it comes down to it, none of the Parmesan being sold In the 1950s the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America is the real thing unless it is imported from Italy stipulated that parmesan cheese cannot contain more than and stamped Parmigiano-Reggiano. Just as Champagne 32 percent moisture, while it must have a “granular texture,” isn’t Champagne unless it comes from there. Doesn’t mean come with a “hard and brittle rind,” grate “readily,” and be you can’t ¿nd a decent sparkling white wine from elsewhere made from cow’s milk. Nowhere in the de¿nition is there nor a decent hard Italian style cheese. It just means the the suggestion that “wood pulp” would be an appropriate maker requires some scrutiny. In the case of parmesan – if ingredient. Nor does it say it’s acceptable to substitute less nothing else, avoid the grated kind. It might be Àavoured expensive cheeses, such as cheddar, swiss, and mozzarella. sawdust. What distinguishes one cheese from another are its ingredients and the process by which it’s made. Different cheeses carry different fat, moisture, protein, and salt contents. Parmesan is what is considered a hard Italian cheese, de¿ned by its low moisture, high salt, and medium fat content, as well as its long ripening process. Mozzarella, on the other hand, is high in moisture and low in salt. It also, like mass produced cheddar, swiss, and many other softer cheeses, doesn’t
Comments or queries Copyright © 2016 ParacelsusAsia You can read all past articles of Alternative Voice at www.
For Sale; HP color printerworks perfect- 200,000rp. (2) two teak wooden chairs, top quality-500,000rp each. day couch sleeper- great for kids or baby- 100,000rp. child trainer potty150,000rp. (2) two threehigh bookcases- 2 for 100,000rp. indo- 0812 4651 4976. English- 0821 4745 9912. Jimbaran or Legian area for pickup. [017] Tennis players wanted for social tennis weekly. Male or female welcome. Must be over 40 years old. Contact Alan on 0821 4794 3213 or email to <alanlockett453@>. [027] Express my feeling honestly and nonviolently with respect for myself and others.
For Sale; The strip-free Accu-Chek® Mobile-bloodglucose-meter-system. The Accu-Chek® Mobile system makes blood glucose monitoring easier & more convenient. 50 Strip Free tests on a continuous tape. Inspect in Serangan. Price: 200,000Rp. Contact <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/What’sApp: 0811 392 0106. [065] For Sale; iPhone 5 16gb like new condition. Great phone. Unlocked. Only selling because I have a new phone. 5 million. 0813 3731 1357. Sanur. [122] Adventures are to the adventurous.
C/He/I-25 Nov 15
C/He/I-02 Sept 15
Premiere Salon of the Nusa Dua, Bukit, Jimbaran Area
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Come see us at: Jalan Uluwatu II, Jimbaran (next to Circle K) Make your next appointment by contacting us at: 03618472103 C/He/G-23 Dec. 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Body & Spirit
C/He/I-25 Nov 15
C/He/G-2 March 16
C/Ns/G-20 Jan. 16
C/He/G-2 March 15
Body & Spirit
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Beauty & Health By Shari
UNAGI SPA & WELLNESS Unagi Spa & Wellness Center is a very new spa located tea body scrub and herbal body mask followed by a Àower on the edge of Seminyak. Unagi means ‘carver’ and is bath. They all sounded so good, but he encouraged me to have the Five Elements because it’s unique. home to a large handicraft company. The owner Pak Gede explained that his son likes the name and wanted to keep the same name for the new spa. In a way I guess you could say that the therapists carve and sculpt your body in treatments. This gigantic spa is two stories and houses twenty spacious couple’s suite treatment rooms, each with a shower and white marble bathtub.
I was escorted to the locker room to change into a kimono and slippers then led to a spacious treatment room. Soft music played in the background, the air smelled sweet with aromatherapy and a candle burned on the feature wall. A foot bath bowl was prepared for me as my therapist guided me to sit down and place my feet in the warm water with Àowers Àoating. She proceeded with the ritual of cleansing my feet with sea salt. Afterwards I lay face down on the massage bed ready for the magic to begin.
For Sale; Simple & easy sofabed 200 x 135cm. Ask for pictures. Price for fast sale: 800,000 Rp. Inspect in Serangan. <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [060] For Sale; Quigg watch & jewelery cleaner. Just add water. Price: 350.000 Rp. Inspect in Serangan. Contact <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [061] For Sale; KrisChef water heater, water-boiler from ACE 30 L, 220V / 2400W. Price: 350.000 Rp. Inspect in Serangan. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [049]
Moving Sale; Light motion Sola Photo 600 UW-Light. Never used plus adapter. 580$. 1 3mm oceanic wetsuit XL, as new, $ 80. 1 lady probe-wetsuit 3mm, as new. $ 80. 1 Scubapro Assend BCD XL, good cond. $ 200. 1 Tusa BCD lady size, v.g. cond., $ 170. Pls. contact Michael. 081 2395 1444. [067] For Sale; 4 used big garden lights, different types. Approx H: 68cm, new price 280$ each. Very good working condition. Price now Rp. 350.000 to Rp. 450.000 each. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [109] Embrace the spiritual belief of my heart in my own personal and reflective way.
She spent the next ten minutes gently pressing over my body to relax me. Then uncovering my body she applied a natural watercress body cleansing milk over my skin. After turning over she repeated the process on the front then covered me.
Plus there’s a reÀexology room, and complimentary sauna and indoor Aquatonic pool. Walking into the airy lounge, I was impressed with the clean new space around me.
Asking me to take deep breaths a warm herbal pouch was held above my nose to inhale the fragrant herbal fumes, furthering my relaxation. Next a spicy clay mask was applied over my skin and covered and left to dry. After a few minutes she peeled back the cover area by area and applied a warm spicy oil and rhymicaly massaged the muscles, gently scrubbing away the dead skin while detoxifying my body. A very nice sensation, different from a regular massage with oil.
My favourite colour turquoise is the main colour theme throughout the spa, immediately putting me in an amiable mood. I was quickly given a cold towel and a cup of hot tea An hour later after my whole body was tingling and relaxed by a very friendly staff member as I sat down. she guided me to the shower. Meanwhile a hot tub with First I asked for a tour of the humongous relaxation oasis. crystal sea salt awaited me. Sliding into the bath, I tried to The smiling receptionist guided me through the lower Àoor remember the last time I had a hot soak in a luxury bath. Too showing me the treatment rooms, reÀexology room and long, I decided. This felt wonderful. While I languished in proudly showing off the Aquatonic pool and sauna on the the water she brought in a teapot of hot ginger tea and served other side of the relaxation lounge. I love Aquatonic pools me a cup to sip while I soaked. I had half an hour of water and am happy to spend half an hour in one as the water jets bliss to indulge. When I ¿nally emerged from my little oasis pummel my muscles to a relaxed state. Upstairs also has I felt so relaxed, peaceful and healthy.
C/HE/U-20 Jan 16
several treatment rooms on one side of the building and for the near future will offer a large yoga room and ¿tness gym on the opposite side. Everything looks and feels brand new. After selecting the deep tissue massage I was escorted to a large locker room to change into a printed turquoise kimono and slippers. All of the kimonos and bed sheets are a brightly coloured turquoise print. Happy looking colours. After changing, my therapist led me to a treatment room. All of the rooms are designed for two persons, so I had plenty of space. Before beginning the treatment I was asked Using the Aquatonic pool was a different experience for me what kind of pressure I preferred. I was informed by the at Unagi. First they recommend spending 10-15 minutes in receptionist that this massage utilizes the therapist’s arms the sauna to heat up the body and relax and stimulate and elbows for maximum pressure. the blood circulation. After this walk across the room and step into the Aquatonic pool, which is ¿lled with cool water. Lying face down she began sliding her forearm over my body. I felt like a steamroller was working its way over my body, Positioning myself in front of one of the powerful water jets pressing out all of the tension from the muscles. Yes, the along the sides of the pool I enjoyed a good lower back pressure was strong but not painful. An hour later, I felt massage. Then I stood under one of the water spouts for like all the stress had been squeezed out of me, leaving me a stimulating shoulder and neck massage. You’re free to feeling completely relaxed. traverse between the sauna and Aquatonic pool as many times as you’d like. A few days later I returned for another Check out this wonderful new spa. treatment and met with Pak Made, the spa Unagi Spa & Wellness Center Jalan Teuku Umar Barat / manager, who set up Marlboro No. 379, Denpasar. the spa and trained the T: 0361-8476274/ 361-8476312. staff. He suggested E: that I have one of W: their specially designed two hour package treatments. After carefully going over the extended spa menu with a choice of Five Elements a Copyright spa inspirations 2016 For clinics and spas offering new treatments detoxifying treatment, Papaya & Clay body treatment to contact me for an upcoming story. improve the condition of the skin or Wine Exotic - Me for rejuvenation or a couples Spa Two-Gether Day for an You can read all past articles of Beauty & Health at authentic Balinese treatment of Balinese massage, green C/He/G-23 Dec. 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Body & Spirit
C/He/I-11 Nov. 15
C/He/G-23 Dec. 15
C/He/G-2 March 15
C/He/G-2 March 15
Body & Spirit
HECTOR’S Don’t Miss Saigon A few days gazing at the Saigon River from the 16th Àoor apartment of friends, enjoying the quieter street life of post-Tet Ho Chi Minh City, cruising on the Mekong, and briskly sampling the crispness of the mountain resort city of Dalat, 1500 metres above sea level, is a wonderful tonic. We had awarded ourselves the break, after several months of rather heavy duty, and it certainly paid off. It really wasn’t planned for this time just because it’s raining in Bali. No, really. You expect it to rain in the wet season and are apt to worry, or at least become disconsolate, if it does not. But it’s true that Saigon – that’s what everyone calls it – is 10 degrees north rather than 8 degrees south and that the seasons are reversed. So it was pleasantly dry and cool in Saigon, and a tad on the brisk side at Dalat. The brisk bit was rather nice. And that’s two more ticks off the bucket list, though they’re both such lovely places, and so ideal for people watching and gourmet munching, that they will almost certainly earn double ticks at least.
the presence in social media of emoticons reflecting the wishes of people who are (dare we utter this?) gay, lesbian, transgender and other things not prescribed in literature which post-dates Neolithic ignorance. The other was a plan by the social affairs minister to eradicate prostitution in Indonesia by 2019. On the Huh – What’s That Scale, the 1-10 measure that most suits rating the business of monumental stupidity, the outlawing of non-patriarchal emoticons rates only 1. It a mere midge-bite on the posterior of progress. Phone and Internet providers in Indonesia don’t want to upset the government and those who are (dare we utter this?) gay, lesbian, transgender or other things, won’t be too much discommoded. However, the ministerial plan to eradicate prostitution by 2019 is a proposal of such monumental stupidity as to rate a 9 on the HWT Scale. A 9 causes severe mirth, with dangerous belly laughs near the epicenter, and seriously undermines the respect that ministers and others in high places would otherwise be accorded.
Many years ago in New York, we saw the musical Miss Saigon. That was something that could easily have been missed, or so the critics and the audiences said. But Mistress Saigon, the city, has a different magic altogether, and certainly should not be missed.
A good universal rule for those who wish to be taken seriously is to avoid demonstrating that they are completely detached from reality.
Dined Out
We saw a priceless little meme recently, which featured a young woman in a position of extreme contortion on the Àoor, trying to reach the telephone from which a voice was saying “Yoga Help Line. How may we assist you?”
It was sad to see long-term Bali ¿xture and computer guru Ric Shreves leave the island for good last month. He’s gone back to the USA – to Portland, Oregon – to some useful things there. And he certainly goes with the good wishes of the Diary, if these should speed his passage and oil the wheels of resettlement. But it was ¿tting, we thought, that he should dine himself out, as it were. His last few days here were peppered with eating and drinking – modestly, we know – that should give both him and his friends here something to remember. He spent 12 years in Bali. That’s a long time by anyone’s measure.
Across the Line The Diary has Lombok connections, as some people know and one or two may have reasons to remember with an extra frisson. We do hope so. So we’re always interested in news from across the Wallace Line, that notional feature that so many people now crisscross regularly on fast boats from Bali. When we lived in Lombok we had the privilege of residing high on a hill just above the beach a little south of Sengiggi, with a fabulous view of Mt Agung, the lights of distant Amlapura, the islands of Nusa Penida and Lembongan, and the little rocky islets off Candi Dasa. It was almost like being home, even if home was across the water.
With a Twist
It’s a yoga thing, among other pastimes. Yoga is something that is said by its a¿cionados to get you past ego. That’s can’t be bad, though it has always escaped us why you need to physically contort yourself to achieve common sense. Never mind.
Upix Nail Extensions Professional Nail Tech Acrylic and Gel
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C/He/G-2 March 16
But as Deepak Chopra reminds us – something the Bali Spirit Festival’s blog post did too – “We must go beyond the constant clamor of ego, beyond the tools of logic and reason, to the still, calm place within us: the realm of the soul.”
It would have been fun to be there. But we were in Vietnam instead.
This year we’ll be turning out the lights at the villa of some friends, neighbours who are absent from Bali, so that we can dog-sit our favourite retriever while the staff is away. It will be a pleasant duty. Cindy will play ball, we know. That’s what she does. It’s only if you don’t throw the ball away again when she brings it back that you get a severe glance.
There have been two such outbreaks recently. One concerned
Wanted: A couch. Would like a three person size or bigger. 0813 3731 1357. [115]
How complex that all sounds. We’ve always managed with a nice glass of wine and some music to taste – Dvorak, perhaps, or if we’re feeling especially syrupy, Handel’s Water Music.
We were back home in Bali well before Nyepi. It wouldn’t do to miss it, since it is central to Balinese Hindu rites and customs and surely part and parcel of the reasons you live on the island. It’s also fun because it’s the only day of the year when PLN is willingly assisted by the whole population in the task of turning the lights out, a function that is widely believed to be the power utility’s secret core objective.
Below the thin but hot air of the truly manic stratosphere, however, there do exist occasions for comment that are invidious only on the Craven Scale. That’s the one where you say nothing for fear of upsetting not the horses, which anyway are predominantly a sensible species, but the occasional ass.
Say a blessing for greater understanding whenever I see evidence of crime, vandalism, or graffiti.
For Sale; Modem Huawei normal use to laptop or computer support windows Mac and can share wifi for use together conection GSM slim & simple with battery. Please call 089 7615 0778. Colour is silver & nett 500K. Denpasar. [114]
In a recent blog post on its website, the festival reminds us thus: “We all have one, that thing deep within that constantly begs to be satis¿ed. It is our ego, that place that houses our sense of self-esteem and self-importance. While recognising our own ego’s role in situations can be great, the act of its existence can really hinder our ability to live a happy and healthy life.”
Another West Lombok hill-dweller with a fantastic view, Mark Heyward, told us recently of an artistic occasion at The Studio, a Sunday Session on Feb. 28 at The Studio at Bukit Batu Layar, where artworks by Jakarta-based Sasak artist Saepul Bahri and Lombok resident Terry Renton were on show and original songs and performances pieces were provided by Ari Juliant and Heyward himself.
The hairy and wild-eyed, metaphorically speaking, exist on both sides of that divide. They are not to be borne, merely noted.
For Sale; SJCAM Full HD action camera, best GoPro 4 alternative. Sell with full accessories, underwater housing, bike, helmet, belt mounting. Bonus dock charger, spare battery, and selfie stick. Sell for Rp. 1.500.000. Contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [096]
For Sale; Polygon Premier 4.0 mountain bike,very good condition as rarely used, bought for 3.6mil selling half price 1.8mil. Contact 0819 9967 1267 for more info, can send pics via whatsapp or email. Denpasar. [038]
It made us giggle because we’re like that, and it also brought to mind the 2016 Bali Spirit Festival, due to take place in Ubud from Mar. 29-Apr. 3.
The Diary, being now of somewhat mature age, might have to make that journey via the hospital were he to attempt to return to the manipulative delights of yoga, which brieÀy formed an ephemeral moment in his youth.
Much is made, by westerners whose days are spent in detecting invidious cultural insensitivity in the attitudes of other westerners, of the need to comprehend essential differences between societies.
For Sale; Canon SX280HS pocket camera with great zoom and features and HD video, wifi, black colour. Rarely rarely used. Sell for IDR 1.750.000 free 16GB SD card. Contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [095]
C/He/I-15 April 15
It was fun sometimes too, to imagine the Wallace Line out there in mid-strait, the notional point at which Australasian Àora and fauna ¿nally cease and the Asian ecosystem takes over completely. On full moon nights in particular, the mid-strait eddies looked suitably, if fancifully and perhaps spookily, appropriate.
Um, Yes … Well, Actually, No
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Nyepi Duties
C/He/I-03 Feb 16
Our villas are so close that we can keep an eye on ours, at least while it’s light, and theirs is higher up the hill so that we’ll be able to see all the lights that are not there, in panorama as it were, as well as all the residual lighting that must remain on. There’s a ¿ne view of the airport from their swimming pool (another neighbour’s garden greenery blocks that view from ours). That might be fun.
Email Hector at or tweet with him on Twitter @ scratchings. Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of Hector’s Diary at C/He/I-23 Dec 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Body & Spirit
C/He/G-6 Jan. 16
C/He/I-17 Feb 16
C/He/G-17 Feb 16
C/He/G-2 March 16
Bali House & Home For Sale; Hyaluronic Joint Complex, by Source Naturals. Have 2 bottles imported from USA. One bottle 120 tablets. Original price $45. Sell for Rp.650,000 One bottle 60 tablets. Original price $25. Sell for Rp350,000. SMS 081 239 88979. Sanur/Kuta. [021] For Sale; Perfusia-SR, 120 Vcaps, by Thorne Research. [L-Arginine]. Have 1 bottle imported from USA. Original price: $35. Sell for Rp. 475,000. SMS 081 239 88979. Sanur/Kuta. [022]
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
For Sale; Ex restaurant/shop equipment close out sale. Kitchen, music, shop display, shelving, hangers, ikat fabric/m, cushions, beeswax candles, musical jewellery and more. Quality items at second hand prices. <> for details. [101] Are you leaving Bali? Need to sell your stuff? I need just about everything! Please contact me with pics and prices! Yes please include prices <hapysingledad@>. Sanur. [102]
For Sale; Sheet set 100 % cotton:1queen fitted sheet 160 x 200 x 35 cm, 2 pllow cases 50 x 70 cm, 2 bolster cases 100 x 38 cm, new, never used, still in the original packaging. 580.000 rupias. For pictures contact 0818 0566 2911 Legian. [025] For Sale; Clearing and downsizing house. Lots of bedding items covers, sheets pillows comfort pillows. Loads of pillow cases etc. mostly new, All good quality and good pricing. Sorry no photos. Worthwhile your coming to Sanur. Call 0819 9957 1288. [006] For Sale; Gift vouchers. I’m leaving Bali so cannot usebest international medical spa on Bali-value is 1mil rp for all treatments, packages and massages- sell 50% off. I’ve got 3 vouchers so great gifts for family and friends or girls’ beauty day. English and Indonesian 0812 4651 4976. [039] For Sale; 2 new racing go karts w/ Honda 275cc motor. Comes with double storage rack on wheels. photos contact 081 756 7630. [123]
C/Ho/I-03 Feb 16
Jln. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Br. Pengubengan Kangin Kerobokan Bali, tlp +62 361-732242 Email: C/Bm/I-02 Sept 15
C/Ho/G-30 Sept. 15
C/Ho/I-17 Feb 16
Bali House & Home
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Sport quadcopter drone MJX X400, open youtube to see review. Mint condition, complete with original accessories and box. Sell because rarely used. Sell for Rp. 500.000, contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [097] For Sale; Home furniture for sell: Garden dining table with 6 armchairs 4.500.000 rupiahs, Chantal Boutemy +62 812 4675 8120, <>. France. [098] For Sale; Garden lounge setting 8 persons 8.000.000 Rp, garden round table 4 armchairs 2.400.000 Rp 4 garden light vases + 4 light stones Insenso 2.400.000 Rp TV large 1.500.000 Rp Led TV bedroom 2.000.000 Rp. A modern mirror wallchart nice decoration 1.000.000Rp and some more. Please contact me at +62 812 4675 8120 or <chantalabali@>. [099]
The products of Indolinen comprise high quality materials and are meticulously designed for luxury villas and elegant home furnishings in mind. Come and see our broad collection for yourself and discover which subtle touch suits you best.
Jl. Mahendradata No. 107 Denpasar Bali - Indonesia t. +62 361 488 429 f. +62 361 488 752
C/Ho/G-2 March 15
For Sale; Safety box electronic new with warranty ex hotel stock 36.5cm x 42cm x 20cm. Rp 1,200.000. Please contact: 0878 6094 3789. [124] C/Ho/I-20 Jan 16
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C/Ho/G-2 March 16
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02 March - 16 March, 2016
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NC/Ho/G-2 March 15
Bali House & Home
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02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
by Ibu Kat
GONE TO THE DOGS Hamish joined my household almost exactly 11 years ago. Rescued by BAWA, he was suffering a hideous case of mange which had eaten right through his skin and deep into his back. He was an agony of itches under the newly applied medication. He stank. He must have been frightened and disoriented in the noisy shelter yet when I knelt beside him and asked if he’d like to come home with me, he met my gaze with his epressive brown eyes, laid his head on my foot and gave a relieved sigh. He vomited in my lap all the way home, which was fortuitously not very far, and spent the balance of the day in a corner of the garden getting his bearings. By nightfall he’d worked his way around to the front of the house, too tired to introduce himself to the two female canines in residence. He was neither playful nor attractive, so they ignored him for days. Months of medication, nutritious food, herbal balms and love eventually revealed Hamish to be a fabulous dog - handsome, intelligent and social. But as he grew older and stronger he demonstrated the trait for which the Bali Heritage Dog is perhaps most famous. He loved - still does - to wander. On the principal that you can’t keep a good dog down, he was impossible to con¿ne from the beginning. It’s amazing how Hamish can lift his now-corpulent self effortlessly over walls and through bamboo thickets when on a mission. Neither two meter walls, locked gate or python-proof chicken yard could contain him. He magicked his way over, around, under and through every known barrier to visit his wide range of friends in several banjars. This was dangerous enough in the early days. Now the heavy traf¿c, dog poisoners, dog meat catchers and government culling teams make life on the streets much more hazardous. Sometimes he stays out very late and I wake to a sharp bark as he demands to be let in (although he can get out of the yard he hasn’t yet ¿gured out how to get in again). We’ve always had very strict rules about staying off the furniture which he scrupulously obeys. When a well-meaning guest invites him up on the daybed for a photo opportunity Hamish’s horri¿ed response is, “How can you ask me that! You know I’m not allowed on the furniture!” Butter wouldn’t melt in his muzzle. Then he will slink off to leap over the three intervening walls (one topped with another metre of wire), through a dense stand of bamboo hanging over the edge of a deep ravine, into the house and onto the beautifully upholstered daybed of my dear friend and neighbour J. Often with muddy paws. Long-suffering J has indicated in many ways over the years that she would deeply appreciate it if I would keep my dog to myself. God knows I’ve tried; my fences keep getting higher.
But not only does Hamish refuse to be con¿ned, he clearly considers J’s house an integral part of his territory which requires monitoring at least once daily. Since her Àoors are white and shiny and his paws are large and usually dirty, it is not dif¿cult to track these visits. J reports that every time I go out he arrives at her house within moments of my departure expecting (but rarely receiving) a warm welcome. His territory is large. Not only does he range over much of eastern Ubud, but he’s an active member of the banjar during ceremonies. Wayan Manis reports that he hangs out at the pura kitchen with the men of the banjar when a pig has been dispatched, watching them carefully to ensure they are preparing the lawar correctly and helping them keep the area tidy by consuming any wayward scraps. Sometimes he brings home a snack for later consideration; often this is a jawbone which scatters human-like teeth along the path. He is also happy to ¿nish up any nasi bungkus or other snacks which have been discarded by the hundreds of school children on the street. This accounts for his rotund pro¿le; the roamer is also a forager. It’s deep in his DNA. Frequently we’d lock ourselves into the house in the evening when the puppies’ collective energy levels became too high for our elderly nerves The DNA of the Bali Heritage Dog is pretty special. Bali is the only repository of the most unique and complex canine DNA in the world. The ubiquitous and often maligned Bali Heritage Dog is neither a mutt nor a mongrel, but the purest of proto-canines with a distinctive and valuable gene pool. Researchers at the University of California Davis believe that the Bali Dog may be the oldest dog on earth. Between 2000 and 2003 Dr Niels Pederson from the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at University of California Davis led a team that tested the DNA of 3,500 indigenous dogs from all over Bali in association with a professor from Udyana University. Bali has two unique indigenous dogs, the Bali Heritage Dog and the highland Kintamani. These dogs have been living on the island virtually unaltered for at least 5,000 years and genetic research reveals that the ancestry of the Bali Heritage Dog can be traced back some 15,000 years to before the last ice age. According to Dr Pederson, Bali’s dogs are the richest pool of
genetic diversity of all the dogs on the world. “This is only the true pure breed; its lineage goes all the way back to the ¿rst proto-dogs that evolved from the wolves. Their genes are highly valuable for further research.” The hard science is at ‘Genetic Variation Analysis of the Bali Street Dog Using Microsatellites’. Because the Bali Dog is so genetically diverse, it presents many different ear and tail types and colour variations. It may be golden, grey, black or white with black or brown spots or patches, or brindle. Genetic testing proves that regardless of the wide range of colour and markings, all these dogs share the same pure DNA pool. The Bali dog is a real character and the canine companion of choice for those who appreciate their unique bloodline and temperaments. They are clever and loyal; they learn quickly and are practically born housebroken. They don’t seem to have any genetic weaknesses and are of course perfectly adapted to the climate. Hamish has always gotten along with everyone, declining to engage in street ¿ghts or to be drawn into disagreements. But he is not patient with the young. I recently rescued two street puppies, something I swore I would never do. Puppies, at my age. What was I thinking? Hamish echoes this sentiment. For the ¿rst two months he tried hard to ignore them, growling when they jumped on him and leaving the room when they became too bouncy. Frequently we’d lock ourselves into the house in the evening when the puppies’ collective energy levels became too high for our elderly nerves. But I notice lately that he’s more tolerant, and allows them to follow him around the garden. Perhaps he is mellowing. Perhaps he realises that he is now the patriarch and will pass down his skills to the new generation... leaping tall walls in a single bound and dragging home pig jaws. It’s in his DNA. I’d better make the walls higher.
Ibu Kat’s book of stories Bali Daze - Free-fall off the Tourist Trail is available from : - Ganesha Books in Ubud, Sanur and Seminyak - Amazon downloadable for Kindle E-mail: Copyright © 2016 Greenspeak You can read all past articles of Greenspeak at
Bali Advertiser
Bali House & Home
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Antique dining table base teak wood, plate: white marble (215x115x72cm) with 6 teak chairs with armchest. 15 mio. Spanish wall (room divider) 3 parts black metal rattan (190x120cm), 500.000. Draft beer fridge with tab, oxygen and connector, 1.5 mio. Contact Murdita 0812 4636 7201, Mr. Joe 0822 3632 5335 email <j_schaefer@>. Denpasar. [029]
Home Décor
“Bringing Your Visions To Life” Fine Fabrics Window Treatments Curtain Rods & Accessories Window Blinds (wooden, roller & others) Wall Papers Prime Time Sofa &
For Sale; Measure accurately your power useage high accuracy single phase digital meters. Purchased in Australia for 3 juta each. For sale 2 juta each. 4 pcs available. Email <>. Mob: +614 0892 9721. [030]
Chairs Bean Bags Outdoor Fabrics (Sun Guard) JL. RAYA KEROBOKAN NO. 17. KUTA UTARA, KEC. BADUNG, BALI. 0361-731781
For Sale; Nitendo game NDS normal, include one cassette original comfortable for hobby game traditional. Nett price. Call 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [032] For Sale; Sling bag ori brand St. Dupont condition 80%, but still okay for use. Size 25cm x 20cm, for locking. Contact 0819 9976 2019 or for picture pin BBM by phone. Denpasar. [033] For Sale; DVD set The Walking Dead complete seasons 1,2,3,4. This is a box set, all original imported from England, Region 2. Perfect condition. Rp350,000. SMS to 081 239 88979. Kuta/Sanur. [019]
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
We now install 3M Safety & Security Window Films 3M Protection against: - Smash & Grab Theft - Street Crime - UV Damage - Natural Disasters
Price start from IDR 99,000/m2
3M window Films cut energy costs! Please contact: 3M Bali Solarist. Ruko Sunset Plaza No. 14 Tel: (0361) 8476792 Contact Person: Doni : 081999605609 (whatsapp) 53C83C12 (pin BB) C/Ho/I-03 Feb 16
C/Ho/G-8 July 15
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
C/Ho/I-18 March 15
Bali House & Home
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/Ho/G-13 May 15
C/Ho/G-3 Feb. 16
C/Ho/I-06 Jan 16
Brown Patch in Grass ‘Hi there, I saw an article that you wrote on overwatering lawns and got your email address from there. We have a problem with brown spot disease in our mutiara lawn in Ubud. Do you know where we could get help for this or where we could get a fungicide to stop the rampant spread through our lawn. Any ideas appreciated. Thank you. Craig Baird’ There are thousands of plant diseases caused by fungal infection. If your lawn is suddenly showing signs of circular patches of dead, brown or dying patches of grass, then the likely cause may be the lawn fungus disease commonly referred to as ‘Brown Patch’ by the fungus called Rhizoctonia. Brown patch is one of the most destructive of all lawn diseases. Under the right conditions it can destroy large areas of turf in a very short time, sometimes a matter of days. It attacks a wide variety of grass types, and especially likes lawns that are receiving large amounts nitrogen fertilizer. Brown Patch is most active and aggressive when the ideal growing conditions are satis¿ed - usually when excess water pools on the lawn for extended periods of time in combination with warm humid weather. This is de¿nitely a problem to watch out for during the tropical wet season! Brown Patch is characterised by circular or irregular brown patches of dying/dead lawn which can grow from the size of a small plate up to a few of metres in diameter. You may also notice a spotting or infected pattern on the grass blades or a generally dying/thinning out. The affected grass leaf blades exhibit a dark brown colour, an obvious sign of rot and also pull away from the stem with ease. Multiple circles of Brown Patch are common once the disease takes hold. There are some simple preventative measures you can take which can also cure the Brown Patch. Humidity and moisture control are at the core of the problem, you can’t stop the rain but you can reduce or stop watering the lawn altogether. If you do water, water only in the morning so that the grass has all day to dry out. Aerating the soil to improve drainage capacity is very important in cases of brown spot, as the disease is
caused by over saturation and humidity. You will often ¿nd that it may only occur in areas of the lawn that have poor drainage that are constantly damp. Aerate the soil in the affected areas to get the water moving, and then aerate the entire lawn to prevent future problems. This can easily be done with a garden fork. Before you reach for the fungicide try using cornmeal (Indonesian - jagung bubuk) - it is a well known organic remedy for this problem. Ordinary whole ground corn meal can be sprinkled over the affected areas or even the whole lawn. It will get rid of several types of lawn diseases and will also feed the lawn with nutrition at the same time. Corn meal can be applied any day of the year, rain or shine, day or night, hot or cold, before or after rain. A handful sprinkled per square metre of soil should be plenty. You should be able to buy it in large supermarkets, at the market or where animal feed is sold (the cheapest option). Make sure you use whole ground cornmeal, as opposed to gluten or regular corn meal which is just the starchy inside of the corn kernel and not effective for any of the plant uses. You can apply as a spot treatment or do the whole lawn as you may ¿nd the treated area will grow back greener than the surrounding area, replacing the ‘Brown Patch’ problem with a new case of ‘Green Patch’! If you have not used any chemical fungicide on the lawn recently, the corn meal should work to stop the disease. It works by growing a bene¿cial type of fungus (Trichoderma) that will consume the brown spot disease fungus. In many cases chemical treatment such as Daconil or heavy metal products like copper sulphate and other broad spectrum fungicides may or may not work to kill the disease but they will de¿nitely work to kill off the bene¿cial bacteria and fungi in your lawn soil. The cornmeal solution is safe for use around pets and non-toxic to humans. It is effective on many types of soil fungal diseases - try
sprinkling it around roses affected by black spot and fungus affected tomatoes. People have even successfully used cornmeal baths and poultices to cure fungal nail infections, eczema, dandruff and a long list of many other skin ailments. It can also be used as an effective alternative to chemicals to kill off algae in pools and ponds. One treatment is usually enough to control algae for several months. The cellulose in the corn meal helps bind excess phosphorus in water, balancing the water chemistry, killing off algae. The carbon in the cornmeal also allows the bene¿cial bacteria in the water to Àourish at the same time. For a small pond or water feature use a small amount (2 tablespoons) in a porous bag either Àoating or weighted down with a rock. Caution: any fast algae kill from any product can cause oxygen deprivation and result in ¿sh kill, so keep your air pumps running otherwise temporarily move the ¿sh to an alternate pond/tank. For larger ponds apply at a rate of 20grams per square metre of water surface area. Key steps preventing or treating Brown Patch: - Water only when necessary and only in the morning if possible - Aerate the soil and lawn to prevent further outbreaks - Stop fertilising until the lawn has recovered otherwise you will be feeding the fungus too! - Keep leaves and piles of garden cuttings off your lawn, they can promote fungus growth. - Keep a watchful eye on shady areas, especially when wet as these areas are ¿rst to show signs of brown patch or fungus. - Avoid walking over brown patches and affected areas. Wash mowers of clippings after mowing infected lawn. Fungal diseases can easily spread - Be patient give the cornmeal time to work, it may take a few weeks to notice results. If you can’t get your hands on the cornmeal you can try neem oil, which although organic is nevertheless still toxic, so handle with care especially around children and pets. Chemical fungicides often deliver poor results or may not even work at all. You may ¿nd that aerating the soil may solve the problem on its own. Otherwise use monthly treatments of cornmeal before and during the wet season as a preventative measure for Brown Patch disease, worst case scenario you will end up with a ‘Green Patch’ problem! Dr. Kris Garden Doctor Contact: Copyright © 2016 Dr. Kris You can read all past articles of Garden Doctor at
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Bali House & Home
For Sale; Computer cable 3 meters VGA M-M+1core, high quality and high speed for long distance transmission. New, never used, still in the plastic bag, 50000 rps Contact 081 8056 62911 Legian. [023]
“A Style To Remember”
Bali Bagus ❋ Homeware ❋ Tableware
For Sale; 2 small wooden stools, old, carved in the shape of sheep, cm 40x15 h15, one white and one brown, ethnic style, also nice for the garden 520.000 rps both. For pictures contact 0818 0566 2911 Legian. [024]
❋ Artwork ❋ Furniture ❋ Art Design M. 08113973088 / 0361 4721200 FB: balibagushomeware Pin: 58760B89 E:
For Sale; Ex Restaurant 1 wooden carts, showcase Sharp (Still guarantee). For pic and price call : 0361-773 688. [008]
C/Ho/I-11 Nov 15
C/Ho/G-20 Jan. 16
PT. LUMBUNG AYU Tropical Asian
Sunset Road No. 01X, Kerobokan-Bali, Ph.: 0361-732 538 Website: Email: C/Ho/G-3 Feb. 16
C/Ho/G-28 Oct. 15
C/Ho/G-2 March 16
C/Ho/G-2 March 15
Building & Maintenance For Sale; Terracotta ceramic roof tiles. High quality thick ceramic roof tiles. 1000 Plus pieces enough to comfortably cover a 5 by 6 meter enclosure! Call 0361-479 1457 or <sri@buysubliminal. com>. Gianyar. [079] For Sale; Adjustable dimmer, 5,600K daylight, 16:9 widescreen design, Runs up to 8 hours on 6 AA batteries. Great light but not what I needed. Sell for 1.15mill. Call 0361-4791457 or <sri@buysubliminal. com>. Gianyar. [080]
C/Bm/I-03 Feb 16
C/Bm/I-28 Oct 15
Design & Build Full Construction Services Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing
For Sale; Commercial A3 laminator (model Ibico IL-12 HR) can handle thick show board media, film laminating and all paper sizes up to A3. Bought overseas. Selling for Rp 4mill. Call 0361-4791457 or <sri@buysubliminal. com>. Gianyar. [081]
We Deliver High Quality Construction - No Damp Rise - Western Standards Electricity & Plumbing - Structurally Sound & Safe - High Quality Finishing & Craftsmanship
We Offer Fair & Protective Conditions - Detailed Quotes & Specifications - Guaranteed Price - Progress-based payments - Retention payment 6 months after handover - Up to 10 years warranty
For Sale; Fish tank and filter, offers, sms to 0818 0550 3090. Legian. [010] For Sale; Acrylic nail polish remover machine, offers, sms 0818 0550 3090. Legian. [011]
Call +62 812 3815 4049 - C/BM/G-14 Oct 15
C/BM/G-2 March 16
C/BM/G-17 Feb. 16
STONE & TILE FOR FLOORS & WALLS FACTORY SPECIALS Export enquiries welcome Visit our shop @ STILE WORKS Jl ByPass Ngurah Rai 515, Pesanggaran, Denpasar, Bali
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Cut Pebble Black C/BM/G-2 March 16
C/BM/I-02 March 16
Building & Maintenance
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/BM/U-1 April. 15
Say What?
C/Bm/I-03 Feb 16
C/BM/G-3 Feb. 16
My boss is always asking me when I can come and how long I can stay. She’s hard to say no to, and I end up promising more time than I want and sometimes missing out on other things I want to do. Complicating this, my parents don’t approve of my job and the amount of time I spend there. I get pressure from them to be at home and pressure from my boss to stay. I don’t want to let anybody down, but my boss can make me feel guilty in 5 seconds, and then I feel guilty when I phone my parents, and they want me home. I cannot please everyone or give everyone the time they want, and I often feel lost and exhausted. Please give me some advice on working out how to allot my time, and on saying no to people when they want more of me than I can give. Dr. ZZ: My best advice is to look for another job closer to home that pays you what you need. If you can find parttime work you like closer to home for enough money, then take it and give your old boss notice. Failing that, you may want to ask your current boss for more money. If I were you, I would do this whether or not I looked for a new job. Tell you boss you love working there, and because of the commute and the hours, you need more money to stay on. Then write down your schedule on paper for all to see, and stick to it without negotiation. As for guilt, you need to set boundaries and stop taking on the feelings of others to play over and over again inside your head. This is about learning to treat other people like adults, who are separate from you, and reminding yourself that you are adult and separate from them. Your boss can try to make you feel guilty, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel that way. If your parents call you at work and beg you to come home, simply limit their phone calls or tell them, “I am here now until the end of the workday. I will see you at home afterwards.” Stop framing yourself as victim between two authoritative poles, each of which wields the power of guilt over you. You have choices about whether you are at work or at home; start framing your life as a series of choices you make.
Jl. Raya Kerobokan
Jl. Umalas
Question: I divulged some details about my sex life to my older sister. She pressed for the information, and I complied because I hadn’t talked about any of this with anyone yet. As expected, she has been “jokingly” calling me a slut, talking to our other sister about it, and generally showing signs of never letting me live it down. I know I’m not a slut, and I haven’t done anything wrong - except for telling my sister about it. Now, I’m afraid of how this may play out.
• Wooden Blinds 25mm, 50mm, 35mm • Bamboo Blinds • Roller Blinds, Roman Blinds • Vertical Blinds, Aluminium Blinds • Exterior Blinds, Plastic Transparant • Curtain, Blackout, Sheer • Sliding Doors - Shutter Window • Natural Carpets ( Sisal, Seagrass, Banana Fiber, Pandanus ) • Sun Louvre - Awning • Magnetic Insect Screen • Umbrellas • Flooring, Decking • Folding Insect Screen Door
It’s all part of growing up. No choice you make will ever please everybody all the time. You need to make sure you are choosing to do what is best for you, and then communicate that clearly.
Question: I am a pembantu about 4 hours away from my home. This means I leave home and stay away for work. I spent a couple of years when I was younger living and working on the job full time, but now I’m in Denpasar, going to university, and I work only weekends and holidays. I’ve known my boss since I was a child. She’s a nice lady, who I’ve gotten close to over the years. I’ve learned a lot working there, but recently I have trouble balancing work and having a home-life.
25mm, 35mm & 50mm
Export Quality Wholesale & Retail
Jl. Raya Kerobokan 2X Mobile: 081 2366 5447, 085 100 849691 Email: Fax: 0361 731906 C/BM/I-02 March 16
Is there any way I can do damage control on this? I don’t want to bring this guy home to meet my family someday, for example, and have this be a subject of conversation especially since I should have left it between me and him to begin with. Yipes! Dr. ZZ: Your sister is a jerk. You trusted her with a confidence, and she violated your trust. Her behavior is showing you that you’re not that close. She’s trying to get you to feel ashamed about something that flat out isn’t shameful. If she’s threatening to tell your parents on you, that’s emotional blackmail. You are not obligated to disclose anything about your sex life to anybody – your parents included, but you may be able to take the thrust out of any punch your sister may throw by telling your mother and father that you met someone you really like and you’re dating. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy conversation. Just tell them you don’t know if it will turn out to be serious, but you really like this guy, and you’re having fun right now – just enough to let them in on this aspect of your life; so that they can draw their own conclusions or maintain a thin veil of parental plausible deniability about what you and he are doing with your time. If you ever bring your boyfriend around, and your sister starts talking about details you shared with her, the best thing to do is to ignore her and get on with whatever else you have planned for the day. Adulthood isn’t an award that other people give you. You have to take it and give it to yourself. Your sister’s quips are out of line. They will have less traction if you can rid yourself of the shame that society heaps on people about sex.
Copyright © 2016 Say What? You can read all past articles of Say What at
Dr. ZZ has a Ph.D. in Counseling and a doctorate in Natural Healing. Drawing on a background of over thirty years as a professional therapist, she offers self-help in the areas health, relationship and personal growth. All queries are answered by email and, if they appear in print, are subject to editing. Please email your questions to: <> All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.
C/Bm/I-03 Feb 16
AUSTRALIAN LICENSED BUILDER Design & Construction Building Consultant Building Report Interior Refurbishment Contract Administration Project Management Quality Control New Construction & Renovation Remedial Builder
C/Bm/I-27 May 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Building & Maintenance
If You Have a Problem with.....
“A Frog In Your Brick” A brick is a small rectangular block of ¿red or sun dried clay. It is a beautiful building material with warm colours, a natural appearance and, once built, it needs no ongoing maintenance. The use of bricks goes back thousands of years, probably since Adam was a lad (one has to wonder if the Garden of Eden had a brick wall around it but that would then raise the question - was Adam a brickie?). Some say that it was the arabs that invented bricks so they could “brick” their camels for particularly long journeys. Certainly the middle east has a long history of using bricks as can be seen in the 12th century Iranian Shibeli Tower. The Ancient Greeks used bricks and the Romans built brick buildings wherever they went.
The Strength of Bricks In Britain brick buildings are strong - hence the phrase “built like a brick shithouse”. The bricks tend to be very hard and dense and have been used for centuries as structural bricks ie the bricks provide the structural strength of buildings, they support roofs and Àoors and are used without any reinforcement. They were used to build large buildings, churches, factories and even tall factory chimneys. The victorian sewerage systems in major towns and cities were built from brick and still survive today. Of course all this is possible because the earth doesn’t move much for the people of Britain. Accrington, a small town in Lancashire, is known for making the hardest, densest bricks in the world. Accrington brick was shipped to America and used to build the foundations of the Empire State building. In Britain bricks are widely used for house building. Walls are usually built as double skin “cavity” walls (effectively two single thickness brick walls with a gap between them) . The cavity provides both thermal and sound insulation - particularly useful in brass monkey weather and for when Fred, next door, comes home from the pub at 2 o’clock in the morning, pissed and having emptied his pay packet into the urinal causing long suffering Ethel to vigorously deliver a “corrective educational conversation”. Of course Australians never get pissed, their bricks are mostly used for aesthetic rather than insulation purposes. An Australian friend of mine keeps a rubber brick next to his television for when brickheads make political speeches or his footie team loses. While some engineering brick is used for apartment blocks, industrial buildings and the like these tend to be used for cladding. The majority of bricks are used for housing and “brick veneer” (lovingly known as “brick venereal”) is a standard house building method. Houses have lightweight wooden wall frames which are lined on the inside with plasterboard (gyprock) and covered on the outside by a veneer wall of brick. For this purpose bricks don’t have to be very strong. Three things determine the strength of the brick itself. The clay mixture, the compaction and the ¿ring.
Average brick sizes The size of bricks is important. Bricks must be large enough to minimise the amount of work needed to build with them but light enough for a bricklayer to easily handle them. If you live in the East End of London bricks must be light enough to throw at passing cars but heavy enough to teach them a lesson. Over the centuries an optimal size of brick has developed which doesn’t vary much from country to country. A standard brick (when the thickness of mortar is included) is around 9” long, 4½” wide and 3” thick (yes we are talking in those strange measurement units related to the size of a Roman’s thumb!). Earlier bricks and traditional Balinese bricks tend to be thinner - about 2” thick
SIDOARJO : (62 31) 854 0567 (hunting)
7 (62 31) 854 0577
Jl. Muncul Kawasan Industri Benteng Tunggal Kav. E-1Gedangan - Sidoarjo 61254
: (62-21) 560 6688 : (62-21) 537 7619 : (62-21) 847 7032 : (62-21) 8795 2929 : (62-22) 250 6699 : (62-721) 489 274 : (62-31) 854 0567 : 085 100 600 143
7 (62 361) 725 137 7 (62 24) 86457583 SEMARANG SHANGHAI LEBANON JORDAN DUBAI
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: | | C/Bm/I-11 Nov 15
The ratio 6 : 3 : 2 is important. It gives numerous possible combinations of brick placements in relation to each other permitting considerable creativity in the shape and form of brick structures. In Indonesia bricks have been used for centuries. Here the strength of bricks varies considerably but, due to the risk of earthquakes, they MUST be used in combination with concrete columns and beams to provide structural strength. Around half a million houses collapsed in the 2006 Yogya earthquake. The cause - single skin brick walls built from weak brick with no reinforced concrete columns or beams. They were not strong enough to support the weight of the roofs - a bit of a wobble and down they came. If you are doing any building work it is a good idea to check the quality of the bricks before they are used, by the time they are hidden in a wall under layers of cement you have no way of telling how strong the wall is. It is important to ¿nd a source that supplies strong bricks with a consistent quality. Here in Bali bricks are produced in various parts of the island and vary considerably according to the quality of the clay used and the skill of the people making them. Unfortunately there are a few people around who are a couple of bricks short of a load and like to save a bit of money by adding “¿llers” (rice chaff, dog turds, etc.). The clay must be ¿ne grained and have the right combination of clay and sand, they should be dense with no air gaps and ¿nally they must be ¿red at suf¿cient temperature to fuse the silica. You can ¿nd nice rustic looking bricks but be careful, they will not be as strong as pressed bricks.
C/BM/M-23 Dec. 15
In small local operations bricks are stacked in wood ¿red kilns with airways through the stack to allow hot air to pass through. After ¿ring the bricks are sorted according to hardness as they are removed from the kiln. Those at the bottom will have reached a higher temperature and will be harder, those in the middle are general purpose bricks while those at the top will be softer and are often used for traditional building. In Bali you will see bricks used in some very interesting ways. Traditional Balinese building techniques use red bricks that are soft so they can be rubbed together (gossok) to get a very close ¿t. These are then cemented together using a thin cement and water paste making the joints between the bricks almost invisible. Using soft bricks also allows them to be carved easily. The best Balinese bricks I have come across are from Tabanan and from Tulikup (South East of Gianyar). In Tulikup you will ¿nd dozens of small family operated kilns. The earth in that area is particularly good for brick making but beware, like all handmade products the quality of the bricks varies according to the skills of the people making them. NC/BM/I-14 Oct 15
Manufactured bricks contain 50% to 60% silica (sand), 20% to 30% alumina (clay), 2% to 5% lime, up to 7% iron oxide and a little magnesia. In many places the local people simply use whatever is available to them (rice paper, bakso, elephant droppings). The resulting mixture has water added to make a soft mud which is formed into rectangular blocks and either left in the sun to dry or are ¿red in a kiln. Fine grained clays tend to be denser, it ¿res better and produces stronger bricks. To increase their hardness bricks may be formed in a press to increase the density and remove any small pockets of air from the clay before ¿ring. When ¿ring the clay needs to reach 900ºC to 1,000ºC so the silica will fuse together to give the brick strength. The colour of bricks depends on the chemical and mineral content of the clay and the temperature it is ¿red at. Iron gives bricks their red colour while yellow bricks have a lot of lime in them. Cooler temperatures produce red bricks, hotter temperatures progress through browns to greys. When built into a wall the wall strength is further determined by the shape of the brick (does it have a frog in it - a frog is an indent in the surface to help them “key” together) the strength of the mortar (how much cement is used - it needs to be 4 parts sand to 1 of cement) and the way the bricks are placed in relation to each other.
So how do you know how strong a brick is? The simplest test is to bang them lightly together - if they are properly ¿red they will give a ringing sound, if not suf¿ciently ¿red they will sound more like a pig falling out of a tree. You can try dropping them (better ask ¿rst or you might end up with a brick on your head) - a hard brick will be brittle and break cleanly. Look at the inside of the break and try pulling pieces out of it. If it is not ¿red properly you may ¿nd it will crumble and fall apart in your hands. I use a concrete hardness test hammer - not designed for the job but still very effective. Finally remember that understanding about bricks may save your life. If you want to avoid waking up in the night shitting bricks in fear of an earthquake make sure that your house has a bit of reinforced concrete to hold it all together although trying to persuade your builder might be a bit like banging your head against a brick wall. Phil Wilson Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can be found subject indexed on our website at¿ Opinions expressed are those of Phil Wilson. He can be contacted through the website or the of¿ce on 0361 288 789 or 08123 847 852. Copyright © 2016 Phil Wilson You can read all past articles of Fixed Abode at
Email :
C/Ns/G-13 May 15
Cargo & Export Looking for good quality ex villa/second hand furniture. Dining table, chairs, coffee table, sofa etc. Preferably modern style and dark wood. Must be in good condition. Please email <ninasiddle@>. [084] Wanted; Home gym. good condition; Jimbaran area; Phone 0821 4402 4742; email: <mervmcd@gmail. com>. [085]
For Sale; Shark SG7500W g a s o l i n e - g e n e r a t o r, 220V-50Hz-22 Amp, electric start - new battery. Output: 5 kW, max. 5.5 kW. Powerful & economical. On wheels. 2 power outlets. Price: 6,500.000 Rp. Inspect in Serangan. <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [062]
For Sale; Power charger Magsafe Apple original for Macbook. Call 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [003] For Sale; Cafe tables & chairs. 10 tables 8 square 2 round 10 chairs plus 5 wall bench seats. All offers consider. Contact 0813 5314 2488. [071]
For Sale; I have a used Bauer Mariner scuba diving compressor, personal use, not from a commercial set up. Buyer will have the option to get the compressor with gasoline engine or 3 phase electric motor. +62 813 3830 0679. Kuta. [086] C/CE/G-2 Sept. 15
Want to buy; iPod Classic 6th Generation 160GB in good condition. Please contact me if you have one second hand that you would like to sell. +62 812 3645 5025. Legian. [087] For Sale; Ladies gold watch, Louis Lauren, 23k gold plated, bought in Paris for 300 Euros, still in box, selling for 1.9 Juta. Contact Kevin on 0818 0531 8192. [088] For Sale; Black vinyl swivel office chair. High back. Good condition. 350.000. 081 999 494 232. Sanur. [016] Turn off anything that portrays or supports violence whether on television, in the movies, or on the Internet. C/CE/I-02 Sept 15
C/CE/G-13 May 15
Food Glorious Food Delicious International Dishes (Indonesian Language Version available at
By Ayu Spicy
- 1 block tempe cut into thick match stickes and fry until crisp - 1 branch of basil for garnish Direction: Heat a wok or pot and add the Thai curry paste. Stir for a few seconds and add 2 Tbl. of the coconut milk stirring
Lao Eggplant and Tempe Coconut Curry Serves 4-5 Ingredients: - 1 1/2 - 2 tsp. red or green Thai curry paste - 1 cup coconut milk - 1 tsp. salt - 2 tsp. sugar (palm or white) This is another recipe inspired by Tamnak Cooking School in Luang Prabang, Laos. It’s a flavorful vegetarian main course that we like served over multi grain rice that combines red, black and white rice together. I call it taxi rice because I bought it in a Bangkok taxi - the driver had a write-up and packages of this organic rice grown in his village. But use your favorite or even noodles to soak up the spicy sauce.
constantly. When it’s hot add the salt, sugar, soy sauce, eggplant pieces, lime leaves and the water. Bring to a simmer and cook until the eggplant is tender. Add the green beans, basil leaves and the remaining coconut milk. When the beans are cooked but still crisp add the fried tempe pieces and stir well. Taste for the salt and add more if needed. Pour into a serving dish and garnish with the basil branch.
- 2 tsp. soy sauce - 2 long purple eggplants - cut into 4 cm pieces and then cut these into quarters - 4 lime leaves, tear by hand into pieces - 2 cups water - 4 long green beans cut into 4 cm lengths or 12 regular green beans cut in half - 32 basil leaves, tear by hand into pieces
All recipes are available on the Bali Advertiser website in both English and Indonesian versions. You can easily copy and paste and print. Paste as unformatted text. Copyright © 2016 Ayu Spicy You can read all past articles of Food Glorious Food at
Bali Advertiser
Cargo & Export
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; BF Goodrich Mud Terrain TA - Off Road Tires 35” X 10. 5” for 15” rims. I only have 3 tires. Asking for all 3 - Rp. 750.000, -. Uluwatu/Jimbaran pick-up. <andreasmkuhn@gmail. com>. 081 139 3853. [013] For Sale; Lefthand Golf clubs iron set. Set of left handed Tommy Armour irons. 3-SW, 845FS, Irons only. Graphite shafts - used 3 month, rating 9 out of 10. Asking 2.5Jt. Email <andreasmkuhn@gmail. com> or 081 139 3853. [014]
C/CE/G-19 August 15
✔ International ✔ Domestic ✔ Local
For Sale; Canggu Club Gold couples membership for sale - nego price, much better than when bought direct at the club. Contact us by email or sms for more info at <marcel@bayucottages. com> / 0857 3769 7193. Denpasar. [009] Wanted; Very good Samsung Galaxy S4. Pls contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [066]
Both by Sea & Air
Being an optimist after you’ve got everything you want doesn’t count. C/CE/G-20 Jan. 16
A Blurb from the Kulture Kid!
PT. Prima Star Movers
Jl. Persada III No 1, Lingkungan Pengipian, Kerobokan Kelod, Kuta Utara, Bali - INDONESIA Phone: +62 361 474 1155 Fax: +62 361 474 1152
By Vaughan Hatch
Email: C/CE/G-20 Jan. 16
Trust our experience to manage your goods
- Dedicated and specialized warehouses for Air freight, Sea freight, Consolidation and LCL cargo. - A strong network of agents worldwide. - An unmatched warehousing capacity in Bali (+5000m2). - A large fleet of trucks. - Professional service and experience at your disposal.
We ship to the five continents. If you need to know about specific regulations when importing into your own country...: Aqis standard, fumigation, E.T.O treatment, Lacey act requirements. ISF form, phytosanitary inspection, BSC, DPI - COTECNA, BIC, kadin, etc, please come and see us or send your requests to:
I’ve never been in Bali for Nyepi – what should I expect? In my opinion, Bali’s world-famous day of silence, Nyepi, is possibly one of the most wonderful days of the year on this island. There should be no good reason to run away from it, locking yourself in some hotel resort simply to escape an experience that is “mildly quieter than New Zealand on a regular day” (As a Kiwi of 19 years living here, I can say this with ‘quiet’ confidence). It has to be admitted, Bali is a bloody noisy place especially if you live near a road – even if you don’t you’ll be hard pushed to find anywhere to stay where you never hear a motorbike, even at the West Bali National Park. After the apparent chaotic creativity of the ogoh-ogoh parade on Nyepi Eve, there are actual rules associated with the 24 hours of silence. These rules are more or less enforced depending on where you live. They are: no working including no ceremonies (amati karya), no ‘fire’ which infers lights too (amati geni), and no going out (amati lelungan). In theory, no one is allowed to leave their property except traditional security guards (pecalang), emergencies for medical reasons including births, as well as prayer sessions. This year, Nyepi coincides with a solar eclipse so more tolerance has been given to worshippers from other faiths to leave their houses for a determined period on the morning of Nyepi to worship. Unlike regular prayer sessions, calls to prayer using loudspeakers are strictly forbidden. While Nyepi is a time for reflection, for getting into a good book, going to bed early, and giving fasting a go (theoretically you shouldn’t cook), it can be hard to keep the kids (and the adults) off ‘the devices’. So, remember to shut your thick curtains tight if you really feel the urge to ‘break the boredom’ with a DVD all-nighter. A few years ago, you could still tune into TV stations but the government has cracked down on this. A word of warning, if you plan to supermarket shop or buy DVDs on Nyepi Eve, be wary that tons of Balinese also will be also stocking up (in reality, very few follow all the Nyepi rules), so plan your stockpiling a few days in advance.
Copyright © Kulture Kid 2016 You can read all past articles of Kulture Kid at C/CE/G-10 June 15
Business & Travel For Sale; Nice bunk beds paid 4.5 jt sell 2jt .I have another that I paid 7jt sell 3.5jt .Plus I have mattresses and bedding. Mattresses have never been pissed on and are very clean <hapysingledad@yahoo. com>. Denpasar. [103]
C/BT/I-18 March 15
For Sale; Baby high chair paid 850,000rp sell 400,000rp plus I have a baby stroller cost new 2jt sell 700,000 it looks used but everything still works like new. <hapysingledad@yahoo. com>. Denpasar. [104]
For Sale; Solid wood frame bed, 200*100cm, excellent condition, selling for 1.4 Juta. Contact Kevin on 0818 0531 8192. [089]
For Sale; Golf clubs, complete set, bag, accessories, left handed or right, Rp. 3,000,000, Sanur, 081 2380 1891. [106]
For Sale; Rarity. 70year old Bezar compass. Still in good condition. For collectors only. Sanur. Please call Michael 081 2395 1444. [068]
For Sale; Tv/video stand cupboard, brown colour, perfect condition. Selling for 490k, contact Kevin on 0818 0531 8192. [090]
For Sale; USB Boot osx Leopard and OSX snow leopard Rp 300.000 (upgrade your IMAC) sms 0896 3797 0620 Agus. Kuta. [100]
For Sale; 2 webcameras (MS and HP) as new. For 400.00 Rp. Please contact Michael. 081 2395 1444. Denpasar. [069]
For Sale; Child booster car seat ages 2-10. These seats save lives! And are the law in the west. Paid 500,000 sell 250,000. This seat prevents the seat belt from decapitating your child. <hapysingledad@yahoo. com>. Denpasar. [105]
C/BT/G-16 Sept. 15
For Sale; Baby stroller brand BabyDoes; ParadeX, Rp. 650,000. Excellent condition (like new). Please contact: Made - 0812 3613 9993, Kuta. [129] C/BT/U-16 Sept. 15
Ph. 081 338 311 979 081 805 413 878 JL. BY PASS NGURAH RAI - 1 km from Statue Dewa Ruci Just Before Mitra 10
C/Ho/G-13 May 15
Retirement Visa 55 Years & Above, 5 Years Stay
Travel Document Visa, Passport, Work Permit, Stay Permit
Airline Ticketing Domestic & International
Company License Foreign Capital Investment (PMA) Comanditer Veneescope (CV) Private Limited (PT) C/BT/G-6 Jan. 16
Office :
Bali : Jl. Gunung Salak #233 Kerobokan Kuta Phone : 0361 - 732600 0361 - 7433400 Fax : 0361 - 735325 0361 - 733990 Jl. Raya Nyuh Kuning Next to BCC Hotel HP. 081 139 7852, 081 238 72666 Jakarta : Jl. Cikoko Timur No. 36 Pengadegan Jakarta Phone : 021 79187190 Fax : 021 - 7983542 C/BT/G-11 Nov. 15
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
What’s so special about Sumba?
Siapa... ? by Bill Dalton
Sumba is a unique and magic island that is steeped in traditional tribal culture where ancient customs and traditions are still very strong. For thousands of years they have retained their wisdom and respect for the earth. It’s a culture where shamans are still connected with the forces of nature. As soon as I got to Sumba, I began documenting the tribal peoples with the help of the Sumba Foundation who made the connections and assisted me with the language so that we were able to understand and respect each other. Are you worried about what will happen to Sumba?
Suki Belaustegui: Documentary Photographer
The island has incredible human diversity. Many tribes live there in the traditional way. With investment and money coming in, it’s inevitable that in 50 years this will all change. In my work on Guardians of Time, I witnessed many tribes on the edge of vanishing as progress and money changed their lives radically. My aim is to take portraits and record tribal ways to help preserve what exists on Sumba now. It is the same for Bali. Recording the ceremonies and traditional ways before they disappear forever is very important.
Business & Travel
Our Services: VISA EXTENSION RETIREMENT VISA (MIN 55 YEARS OLD) WORKING VISA (KITAS) ARTIST VISA & MULTIPLE BUSINESS VISA SET UP COMPANY (PT & PMA) OFFICE : Head Office Jl Raya Semer No.26 Kerobokan Kuta Utara Phone/Fax : (0361) 736342 Branch Office Jl Legian No. 355 Legian Kuta Phone/Fax : (0361) 759255 Email : Website:
Contact Person : 081 2362 8737 or 081 2468 8357 C/BT/I-17 Feb 16
What is the focus of the Sumba book?
Since 1991, Suki Belaustegui has dedicated his career to portraying the world’s native peoples. Born in Argentina, he has traveled to 8 countries and lived in 25 indigenous communities over a period of 10 years while documenting Latin America. His book Guardians of Time (Revimundo 2003) captures the indigenous spirit of those regions. Suki has conducted workshops from Bhutan and China to Peru and Mexico. His striking images have been published in National Geographic, TIME, L.A Times, Newsweek and Travel & Leisure. He is currently working on Africa in the Americas, which documents the heritage of African people in the Americas. The photographer recently moved to Indonesia to begin work on the traditional peoples of Asia. His first project focuses on the indigenous people of Sumba in Nusatenggara. What do look upon as your mission in life? It is my contribution to humanity to work for the next 10 years among the minority tribes of Asia. I feel compelled to record their culture, traditions and way of life in order to help preserve their human experience in photographs. Ancestral knowledge is the medicine that will help save the human race and make for a better planet. These people hold keys to wisdom we need to hear. My photography helps them to express themselves. I will use Bali as my base for four months of year. The rest of the time I will be travelling and shooting with the intention of producing a book or several books. Why did you choose Bali as your base? I moved to Bali three years ago to continue my work as a photographer. I moved from Mexico where I lived for 20 years working as a freelance photographer documenting the life of native peoples. I was looking for new projects in this part of the world. When I realized that a strong culture with ancient traditions exists in Bali, I began to gather material. As a parent of a student at Green School, I volunteered to take students out on field trips to show them how to get in touch with the culture via a camera. My mission was to get them away from expat life and show them another side of Bali. What project are you currently involved in? I’m always researching new subjects and started a project in eastern Indonesia, a 2.5 hours flight from Bali. Sumba Tribal People is about the island’s native people. I was very lucky to make contact with some of the most remote tribes there whose culture is still very strong and has many parallels with South America tribes I have worked with. I know things will change fast on Sumba as modernization affects their lives. With my camera and my skills as a photographer I can at least preserve what is still alive.
My skills lie in portrait photography. One series of photos shows tribal people in front of their houses. I have been to death rituals and three pasola contests but images of those events will not go into my book. My book is not about those types of rituals but about the people. I interview them and try to find out what their values are and how they respect the earth. I learned about the power of the ancestors and the connection they have through the shapes of the roofs of their houses. The main question I always ask is What can they teach us? Many of the elders will die soon and it’s uncertain if the younger generation will continue the traditions. I hope that my work is one way to record this precious knowledge. What areas on the island did you visit? A guide from the Sumba Foundation led me to the remote communities of Rua, Pahola, Wanukaka, Lamboya, Patiala and Gaura along the southwest coast of West Sumba. It took weeks to connect with some of these people. I had to gain their trust first. Since I don’t speak the language, my guide helped me with translating. In Latin America I spoke Spanish, so my work there was much easier. I also needed permission to take a picture. He helped me with that, too.
C/BT/I-02 March 16
What’s your impression of the people you encountered? It’s like they are from another planet. Often there are challenging moments. In the evening I would be asked, “Do you want to eat chicken or dog?” I don’t want to offend them. When I’m with tribal people, you must respect their customs and their ways. When I hear the sound of an animal’s head being cut off, I wonder whether it’s chicken or a dog, which in our culture is a domesticated animal. Do you only produce photos for sale? I also conduct photography workshops, give lectures and hold exhibitions in museums and art galleries around the world in Bhutan, China, Bali, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Cuba. I teach the technique of telling a story through pictures, how to work in remote places and how to respect local traditions. For example, we don’t use long telephoto lenses and we also ask permission before taking a picture. I encourage my students to look into the eyes of the local people and to treat them with love, respect and dignity. In between workshops I continue to work on my various projects.
Our Office:
Komplek Komersial Istana Kuta Galeria Central Parkir, Patih Jelantik Street BW 2 No. 15 Kuta Bali 80361 P/F: 0361 769 102 | M: 087 761 190 258 E: / C/BT/G-25 Nov. 15
Where can people see your work? At I will be presenting a show “Documenting the Ancestral Wisdom of Tribal Asia” for one night this Friday, March 4th at Taksu Photo Gallery, Monkey F o r e s t 11 a i n U b u d , t e l : 0 3 6 1 - 9 7 2 5 0 0 , w w w. Reception will be at 6:30 pm. My talk will begin at 7 pm.
For anyone interested in being considered for Siapa, please contact: <> Copyright © 2016 Bill Dalton You can read all past articles of Siapa at C/BT/I-17 Feb 16
Education & Family Free: Private Classified Ads in Bali Advertiser. Put your free ad in the next issue. The easiest way to place your ad is at g Place An Advertisement page g Private Classified. You may also bring in, fax, or directly e-mail your ad.
C/E/I-17 Feb 16
For Sale; Motorbike gloves for men + women, leather/ synthetic, black. Ask for picture. 150k per pair or 250k Rp for both. Inspect in Serangan. <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sApp: 081 1392 0106. [056]
Notice: Bali Advertiser confirms all free Private Classified ads. When you send an ad, we will contact you. If we are unable to contact you then your ad is not printed.
For Sale; Handphone hp voice tab 7 in include casing,memori 16gb,fullset 1,1 million, naturgo@1300 min 100 pieces,handphone 4g lte andromax es fullset warranty 7 months 650rb, led watch@10rb, tshirt polo 40rb,dress polo 100rb, call 0813 3254 5411. [028]
For Sale; Charger laptop original ACER & ASUS & Toshiba. Call or SMS 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [005]
Enlarge my capacity to embrace differences and appreciate the value of every human being.
C/E/M-27 May 15
NC/E/G-25 Nov. 15
C/E/G-2 March 15
Bali Advertiser
SCHEDULE THAT Bali Wise Hat Party (4 March) Fund raisers are always worthy of support from the community and this event is in aid of the ROLE Foundation and their efforts to raise funds for marginalized women in the community. In a nutshell the ROLE Foundation support women’s educational projects to help women into work through training programmes. The community are invited to the Hat Party aimed at raising much needed funds. The evening begins with a cocktail reception with canapes followed by a three course dinner. A three stage show with live music will provide the entertainment for the evening. As the title suggests ‘Hats’ is the theme so guest must come with their favourite hat. Prizes will go to the best couples hat, crazy hat, cultural posh hat and Àora hat. It is a good excuse to pull out the hat you have always wanted to wear. This is in collaboration with international women’s day. I could go on for a long time about the achievements of women particularly who fought to secure women’s rights. It is quite easy to see the amazing women within the Bali community who are making a tremendous difference to the lives of so many. You know who you are and we must continue to support organisations who are working hard to make a difference to ensure women get the opportunities they deserve! Do contact Julie, secure your spot and come along for what is going to be a fabulous evening. When: 6.30 pm Where: Fairmont Sanur Beach, Jl Kasuma Sari, No 8, Sanur Contact: Julie –
Donald and Friends (Fridays) This looks like a great way to end the weekend chilling out with the sounds of an eclectic mix including Donald with the Saxophone and harmonica, Rico on the keyboard and guitar, Gede on the bass guitar and Marina Sidik as vocalist. From the Beatles to Ray Charles and beyond their sounds are classic favourites. Their music brings these sounds alive and it is always great to enjoy the talents of local groups. I reckon everyone should work a half day on Friday anyway or at least knock off early to enjoy Friday afternoons! When: 2 pm Where: Bungalow Living-Café, Jl Pantai Berawa 35A, Canggu Contact: 844 6567
Flirty Nights (7 March) These evenings are definitely worth a quick mention particularly for the ladies in the house. Mondays and Thursdays are Flirty Nights with a complimentary ¿rst drink crush cocktail upon arrival. The timing is perfect with panoramic sunset views across the Indian Ocean with special priced signature cocktails all evening long. The Asian inspired menu offers amazing dishes. Well worth a visit especially all day if you fancy a swim in the 25 metre long rooftop pool. Where: UNIQUE Rooftop Bar & Restaurant - RIMBA, Jl. Karang Mas Sejahtera, Karang Mas Estate, Jimbaran Contact: 8468468 ext 87
Mertasari Beach Festival in Sanur, Bali (26 & 27 March)
Education & Family
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Sony portable PSP, like new, slim, black color, normal, all original Sony. Serious call 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [001]
For Sale; Head adapter charger original for iPad Apple. Call or SMS 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [031]
For Sale; Sling bag brand Samsonite original, comfortable for trip or working. Phone 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [004]
For Sale; Italian books, many different writers; vendo libri in lingua italiana, scrittori e generi vari. Contact 0818 0566 2911 Legian. [026]
Festivals are always great and this is de¿nitely an event to schedule for the whole family. Cost: free Where: Mercure Hotel, Mertasari Beach, Sanur South Contact: 81238300182
Photo Exhibition (4 March) National Geographic photos are stunning, often breathtaking and provide images that capture the world’s attention. For one evening only you can enjoy National Geographic photographer Sebastian Suki Belaustegui’s work. ‘Documenting the Ancestral Wisdom of Tribal Asia’ is the title of the exhibition. After the initial reception, a photo presentation and talk will be given. The photographers for National Geographic often spend several months in harsh conditions taking pictures of their subject or subjects. It is incredible what goes on to bring these images to magazines and the screen. Bookings are essential by e-mail so do make a reservation for this one off event. When: 6.30 pm Where: Taksu Photo Gallery, 11A Monkey Forest Road, Ubud Contact:
C/E/G-2 March 16
Seminyak Language School Tlp 0361-733342/085338090697/081999493275 Since 2000
30% OFF
30% OFF
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (18 March) Following the success of wine pairing, the St Regis Bali Resort will host its very ¿rst Single Malt Pairing dinner at the Kayuputi Restaurant. Although a Canadian whisky was voted the best, Scotland is infamous for its Scotch and produces many fine Single Malt Whiskeys. Macallan Single Malt Whiskeys will be showcased. The Macallan distillery is one of Scotland’s ¿nest, opening in 1824 in Speyside and was one of the ¿rst to be licenced. A ¿ne cigar is a luxury for those who enjoy a cigar or two. Cohiba is one of Havana’s premier brands and Fidel Castro is known to have enjoyed this brand. For those who appreciate ¿ne malt whiskeys and a quality cigar this is de¿nitely an evening worth attending. It doesn’t end there as the Executive Chef Agung Gede has organized a scrumptious menu which I won’t mention here but is going to appeal for food lovers. It is a ¿ve course menu carefully prepared to match ¿ve of Macallan’s Single Malts. The evening continues after dinner with a vist to the King Cole Bar to enjoy a jazz band performance with Jimmy Rougerie. A Cohiba cigar and glass of Macallan will be given to each guest. The evening begins with a cocktail hour from 7 pm at the Kayuputi Bar. An outdoor break between two courses will allow guest to enjoy a cigar. Seats are limited as this is a very exclusive event so do call or e-mail as soon as possible to reserve your spot. When: 7 pm Cost: IDR2,600,000 Where: St Regis Contact: 300678
75% Conversation Jl.R. Jimbaran.1 Beside Mc. Donald
Jl.R. Canggu. 17 Around Bank BNI
Jl. Raya Seminyak. No. 7 In front of Bintang Market AV. E n g l i s h - D u t c h - G e r m a n - I t a l i a n GROUP CLASS : 07 March 2016 C/E/I-02 March 16
Smoqee Sports Bar (9 March) Over the years many venues have come along, most successful and are well established offering guests a variety of places to go to depending on their interest. There are various sports bars dotted around but I am sure another one will be welcomed for rugby fans, football fans and anyone interested in whatever sport. Jimbaran has plenty to offer but now residents and visitors can enjoy the only sports bar in Jimbaran, Smoqee. Whatever international game is on you can be guaranteed this will be on the menu! Do check it out as the latest rugby, soccer, tennis or cricket match is bound to be scheduled. This venue is de¿nitely worth checking out as it is stylish with panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. When: 5 pm Now open daily 17:00 - 01:00 am Where: Le Meridien Bali Jimbaran, Jalan Bukit Permai, Jimbaran Contact: 8466 888
Bali may boast many things and festivals are no exception. The Sanur and Nusa Dua Festival are cutting edge Bali and now here is another to pencil into your diary. This festival is all about culture, activities, food, fun and entertainment. Really when you think about it what makes a great event, good company, good food and a tipple and if you are thinking outside then good entertainment. Festivals always have something that appeals to everyone. This two day celebration includes free yoga, traditional and contemporary dance, activities for everyone, environmental awareness, beach and watersport activities. Festivals always end on a high note and a big concert on the beach is planned with Joni Agung and Fantuzzi. I have to say Indonesian bands are truly talented. Another bonus for Bali as this event won a tourism award last year! It Add Dawn to your mailing list and send her information on all is no wonder that year in and year out Bali wins awards! The up-coming events. Contact Dawn at <> Copyright © Bali Advertiser 2016 website offers in depth information about the programme. C/E/G-2 March 16
Education & Family
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
TOKO BUKU Reviews of English language books on Indonesia by Bill Dalton
Bali In My Dreams by Richard Mann With a keen eye for the unusual, the neglected, the underreported, and the owner of an idiosyncratic but genial style, Richard Mann has a knack for publishing books on refreshingly singular subjects on or about Indonesia. Under his 45-year-old specialty imprint Gateway Books, he has published more than 90 books on the country to which he has given half of his professional life. This indefatigable septuagenarian’s literary oeuvre ranges from flattering biographies of political figures like Tien Suharto, business publications on regional investment, guidebooks to the southeastern islands, the ¿rst guide to 12 of Bali’s most resplendent palaces, books on Bali’s museums and UNESCO World Heritage sites, a scholarly book on the long history of British involvement in Indonesia and an original history on Bali’s ¿rst settlers millennia ago. I had the privilege of introducing this one-man powerhouse at a literary soirée in Ubud a few years back. With a mischievous gleam in the eye and a Àair for public speaking, the crowd rippled with laughter as he wielded his gifts for wit and humor. In another example of his unique choice of an intrinsically fascinating and seldom written about topic, Bali in My Dreams is a cultural history of foreign artists, photographers, writers and scholars who are largely responsible for introducing Bali to the world during the ¿rst half of the 20th century when it the island was characterized as “the last paradise.“ It is fortunate that the author didn’t stay within the con¿nes of his subtitle “Forgotten Artists Who Introduced Bali To The World” because we do not want to read only about artists. Also included are a dozen literary celebrities who are better known for their chronicles of a pristine world before it was swept away by the cataclysm of WW II. The book opens with a discussion of the very beginnings of tourism in the early 19th C.: the making of early ¿lms about Bali, the opening of the ¿rst art shops and the arrival of the ¿rst European artists. Miquel Covarrubias and his wife Rose wrote and illustrated Island of Bali which remains to this day perhaps the most thorough and de¿nitive ethnographies of Bali ever written. K’Tut Tantri, the controversial author of Revolt in Paradise, wrote one of the most famous war stories of the modern era. Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson were the foremost anthropologists of their day. Walter Spies, contrary to what the subtitle implies, is far from forgotten. The best-known artist in the book, this talented German painter, ethnographer, choreographer, ¿lmmaker and natural historian has attained near mythical, demi-god status in novels, art books and cultural histories of the island. He was the arch doyen of expats on Bali in the 1930s that almost singlehandedly discovered and promoted the arts of Bali to the world. His ethereal, universally recognized “Landscape and her Children” (1939) depicting the Balinese countryside graces the book’s frontispiece. Vicki Baum’s claim to fame is her enduring classic Tale of Bali that tells the story of the Badung royal family’s annihilation in a puputan against Dutch invaders in 1906. Colin McPhee wrote Our House in Bali, an earthy and humorous book about pre-war life on the island penned by a talented musicologist who blended Eastern and Western musical styles. Louise Coke’s Our Hotel In Bali is about the beach cottages she and her husband opened on Kuta that helped launch the beach area into the age of tourism.
Several people were deservedly included by virtue of their skillful photography that recorded an agrarian feudal society that was about to vanish. German doctor Gregor Krause spent his spare time photographing Bangli in the early 19th century. Early hotelier Robert Coke, Bali’s ¿rst Western surfer, recorded images of Kuta Beach in the late 1930s. Though his exploits in the mid 19th C. were extraordinary, Made Lange was not an artist but a Danish trader and mediator between the Balinese princes and foreigners. T h e b r i l l i a n t W. O . J . Niewenkamp was afraid Western inÀuences would destroy Balinese art. This Dutch artist set out to record as much of the culture and historical sites as he could. Belgian A. J. Le Mayeur loved painting Balinese maidens and became a famous host of the rich and famous that Àocked to his beachside bungalow in Sanur during the interwar years. The prolific Australian artist Donald Friend campaigned for all new accommodation to be built based on local design traditions. Painter and bon vivant Theo Meier is credited with promoting Balinese interior and landscape design to the outside world. Artist Rudolf Bonnet virtually created Bali’s souvenir industry. Arie Smit started a new painting style known as the Young Artists School. Han Snel, who painted geometric images with subdued colors and ¿ne lines, loved to entertain at his house in Ubud, reputedly the town’s ¿rst real bar.
For Sale; Wood carving 4 pieces theme floral motif. L 1.80m, W 0.25m. Each one Rp. 290.000. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [111] For Sale; Toilet Toto wall hanging, white color, condition like new, 50% from new price. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [112] For Sale; Left over project. Black granite natural stone, mostly big size for wall and floor and other natural stone all different size. Very cheap. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [113] It is a good answer which knows when to stop.
For Sale; Shake & Take blender Rp. 150.000. Sony VCD/DVD/audio player Rp. 1 million. iPad 1 Rp. 1.500.000 (OBO). All in really good condition. Please text 0878 6116 3056. Denpasar. [118] Wanted; Skateboard for beginner. Please email: <consulti.ching@hotmail. com>. Ubud. [119] Wanted; Barrel and dumbell with good price call/sms 081 774 8887. Kerobokan. [120] For Sale; Daflon 500 Mg original from France price Rp 200.000 for 15 capsule. SMS 081 774 8887. Kerobokan. [121]
Willem Hofker’s idealized paintings contributed much to the image of Bali as an exotic paradise, the Dutch using some of his work on posters and KPM shipping ads to promote tourism. Painter and sculptor Emilio Ambron – as well as thousands of other early visitors – were attracted to Bali by the work of Gregor Krause whose photographs were published in 1912. Musicologist John Coast, author of Dancing Out of Bali, introduced Bali’s spellbinding performing arts to the West when he led a music and dance troupe to Europe and the United States in the 1950s. The select bibliography is a valuable reference and summary historiographical reading list of all the signi¿cant books published on the cultural, literary and artistic history of Bali. A list of websites gives access to 11 articles on individual artists and writers featured in the book. In the back matter are short descriptions of three art history museums in Ubud where ¿ne examples of paintings made by foreigners can be viewed. Sprinkled liberally throughout are black & white photos, thumbnail portraits and selected paintings: Le Mayeur on horseback on Sanur beach; John Coast with the leader of the Peliatan’s royal gamelan; Rudolph Bonnet posing with President Sukarno; Arie Smit alongside Suteja Neka, the founder of the Neka Art Museum; K’Tut Tantri and reporters; Mead and Bateson at work on their typewriters. One achingly nostalgic photo reveals enormous cumulus clouds billowing over a totally empty arc of Kuta beach with not a building or construction crane in sight, just one lone ¿shermen casting a net. Bali In My Dreams: Forgotten Artists Who Introduced Bali To The World by Richard Mann, Gateway Books 2015, ISBN 978-602-8630-27-6, 88 pages, paperback, bibliography. For any publishers interested in having one of their books considered for review in Toko Buku, please contact:
C/E/I-6 Jan 16
YAYASAN DOREMI Preschool (TK) - Primary (SD) - Middle (SMP) - High School (SMA) A Dynamic and Caring School for Children of Different Nationalities
OPEN HOUSE Friday, 4 March 2016 from 09:00 - 12:00
SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR THOSE WHO REGISTER AT THE OPEN HOUSE !!! Doremi Excellent School (DES) Phone: 0361-8956141 Jl. Tukad Badung 88, Renon Doremi Excellent School - DES
Copyright © 2016 You can read all past articles of Toko Buku at C/E/I-02 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Education & Family
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Excellent condition portable neck,shoulder and back massager that can be placed on any chair. Enjoy massage even while driving! Bought at Rp1,818,000 from ACE and sell for Rp500,000. Please SMS to 081 2394 5464. Sanur. [126] For Sale; Good condition Nintendo Wii with 2 sets of remote, nunchuk and some game disks like snow skiing and cheer leading at Rp. 1,200,000. Good entertainment for kids during Nyepi! Please SMS to 081 2394 5464. Sanur. [127]
C/E/G-2 March 16
For Sale; Imported Flybar Maverick Pogo stick with blue and red foam covered for safety. Suitable for kids between 5 to 9 years (80lbs). Bought at $49.99 and sell for Rp200,000. Please SMS to 081 2394 5464. Sanur. [128]
C/E/G-2 March 16
Looking for security? Complete 6 zone home security system, alarms, motion detectors, auto dialer, 35 window and door connectors. Sell $250USD 0361-479-1457 or email <>. Gianyar. [078] For Sale; Asian antiques from all over Asia (Japan, China, Khmer Thai, Indonesia, etc). Cabinet, statue paintings, textile, Buddha statue, etc. Private collection, bought when travelling. No reproduction. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [110] C/E/G-14 Oct. 15
C/E/G-28 Oct. 15
Selamat Hari Raya
NYEPI Tahun Baru Ă&#x2021;aka 1938 9 Maret 2016
Photo Copyright Jean-Michel Gallet
& +R * 0DUFK
C/E/I-09 Dec 15
NC/Ns/G-2 March 16
Education & Family
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Bali Advertiser
For Sale; Aluminium door and windows. Moving house and selling my windows / doors. 10 glass aluminium sets. 3 mts wide x 2.10 mt 8 mill. 3.9 mt x 2.10 mt 8.5 mill. 1.95 mt x 2.10 mt 4.8 mill. 1.75 mt x 2.10 mt 4.5 mill. 2.30 mt x 2.10 mt 6.5 mill (Concertina). 2.30mt x 2.10 mt 3.6 mill (2x fixed, 2x sliding). 2.60 mt x 2.10 mt 3.6 mill. 2.52 mt x 2.10 mt 3.6 mill. 2 x 2.35 mt x 2.10 mt 6.5 mill. Open to reasonable offers. Contact Iin 0813 3864 2957. Legian Kelod. [034]
C/E/G-2 March 16
Looking for cheap reliable motorbike, prefably automatic, if you are selling one can u please contact Nadia on 0819 9997 3313. [035] For Sale; Limar Italy ultralight cycle helmet, very comfortable and light only 200g, size L fully adjustable, as new condition, I bought in uk for 2mill will sell only 800thou. Tel/sms 0819 9967 1267 can send pics via whatsapp or email. Denpasar. [036] For Sale; Private collection of soft toys for children. Contact 0878 6116 3056. Sanur. [116] For Sale; Puppet comics (cerita wayang) hard cover in Bahasa. Mahabrata, Barata Yudha, Bhagawad Gita, etc. Please contact / text 0878 6116 3056. Denpasar. [117]
C/E/I-03 Feb 16
NC/E/I-02 March 16
C/E/G-30 Sept. 15
C/E/I-02 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Education & Family
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; Showcase/display cooler GEA type EXPO1000T (2 doors) in good condition works perfectly like new 99%. Dimension 115x70x210cm, Volume: 1000L, 5 Racks, 800W, Moveable. Will sell only 9.000.000. SMS/WA 081 2369 6969 E: <>. Denpasar. [040] For Sale; Android 4.2 Teclast 7â&#x20AC;? Tablet pc. dual core. 1.8 gb cpu, light, bright screen, front/rear cameras, games, videos, TV, headphones, case, charger, long battery life. perfect condition. Rp. 1 juta. 0822 3778 7379, <>. Ubud. [077] C/E/I-02 March 16
NC/E/I-29 April 15
C/E/I-02 March 16
Jl. Ra
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Bali Advertiser
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Jl. Raya Kesambi
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Jl. Pekand
Jl. Raya Semer
Jl. R
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1. Star Movers 2. Rin Beauty 3. Sunrise Consultant 4. Kibarer 5. Kevala Keramik 6. Star Apple 7. Tropical Pool 8. Bali Self Storage 9. Mas Tour 10. GA Building 11. BMS 12. Bali Bagus 13. Pro Education 14. Sandei 15. Umalas Kids Club 16. Sunrise School 17. Canggu Club 18. Semer Vet Care 19. Leolle 20. Sourcing Bali 21. Bayu Santero 22. Kapal - Laut 23. Canggu Pet Resort 24. De Lighting
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Restaurant & Food KOK TONG
KOPI Classical Taste from Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra
For Sale; Yanmar-marinediesel-engine TF300H-di 30HP. Simple-strong-reliable and good running marinediesel-engine modified with electric-start plus gearbox (3:1) and 4-meter shaft & propeller. Inspect in Serangan and Benoa. Price for the set: 19.9 Juta Rp <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [057] For Sale; 6 dive tanks in good condition. Price for one: 100 USD or 1.4 Juta or all 6 for 500 USD / 7 Juta Rp. Inspect in Serangan. <info@>. SMS/ What’sApp: 081 1392 0106.
Open 08.00 - 23.00 - Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
Jl. B
Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai Kuta No. 9 Ruko No. 5 Telp. 0361 - 8464748 Kuta - Bali Email:
For Sale; Dive-Compressor Bauer-Junior-II, gasolineengine, enclose 225bar pressure relief valve, year 2007, less than 160 workinghours, periodic inspections, impeccable function, good condition. Compressor + suction pipe + replacement filter. Price: 29 Juta Rp. Inspect in Serangan. <info@>. SMS/ What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [059]
C/R/G-23 Dec. 15
For Sale; English & German boat & yacht magazines & books. 2nd hand parts & accessories for boats & yachts. Rope & wires, electric & electronic and lamps & lights for boats. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [050] For Sale; Antique Teak wood sofa chair, size 80 cm long, 50 cm wide, 70 cm high rp. 1’1 mil IDR. Medium size 120 cm long, 50 cm wide, 70 cm high rp. 1,6 mil IDR. Very well maintained. Price negotiable. Picture available whatsapp 0852 3800 7282. Denpasar. [046] For Sale; Canon EOS rebel T6i 24 mp. only used 2 times. comes with 5 lenses. 55mm, 300mm zoom, 0.43 wide angel, 2.2 af lens and 650-1300 long range zoom lens. 12 mill firm 0812 3815 6747. Seminyak. [047] Stamp exchange. I have many worldwide postally used postage stamps to exchange. Please visit me to swap stamps. Tel 081 7472 8036. Denpasar. [045] NC/R/M-21 Jan. 15
NC/R/G-2 March 15
C/R/I-02 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Restaurant & Food
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale; New glass ex workshop assorted sizes of tempered and standard glass for door and window. complete list of sizes. Contact: 0361-847 2104. [098] For Sale; Assorted Bogonegoro teak wood and Sonokeling wood. Ex factory kiln dried. contact: 0361-847 2104. [125]
C/Ns/I-03 Feb 16
For Sale; Asus X453M laptop, rarely used. 1 y/o in super mint condition. Complete accessories as new. 14” LED, Pentium N3540 quadqore, 2Gb memory, 500Gb HDD, DVD SuperMulti, Win 8.1. Price IDR 3.5mill. Contact 081 2360 9966. Sanur. [107]
C/R/G-17 Feb. 16
Restaurant Review
By Gerry Williams E-mail:
Joglo on the Ayung! Kudus House s e r v e s Indonesian c u i s i n e . Fittingly it is housed in an antique joglo from Central Java that was transported in pieces to Bali and lovingly restored. 13 years ago at the then Begawan Giri I watched the joglo take shape and subsequently dined there only to marvel at David King’s mastery of the local cuisine, and developing it even further. David, straight from David Thompson’s famous Darley Street in Sydney, was the Exec Chef when Begawan first came to international prominence. Not much has changed. Though many chefs have since come and gone at what is now Como Shambhala Estate, the menu at Kudus House has barely changed. Although the heat has been turned down a little, as it is now subtle rather than full blown! Initially I was surprised at that but on reflection realized that with the very high profile guests at this resort, many of whom are on a wellness program, not all would appreciate the full fire of the Spice Islands. A more peaceful dining location would be hard to find. The joglo sits on the ridge, overlooking the sacred Ayung way down below. Faint distant shrieks from the white water rafters echo off the valley walls. Instead of a bread basket, as in western locales, a bowl of crisp fresh crudities [tomato, cucumber, pineapple, etc.] topped with thin, crunchy krupuk is placed on the table, accompanied by two sambal dips, one green and one red. Expecting a chilli blast from either or both I dipped hesitatingly only to discover a slightly sweet taste with just a small bite. This subtle use of the famed spices of Indonesia continued throughout the meal. Kuah Beh Pasih Lalah is similar to Thailand’s Yom Yum Goong in that is refreshingly hot and sour. It is in fact the spiciest dish on the menu, though still quite mild. When I see squid on local menus I sadly expect either a lump of rubber or plastic, often inedible. The squid in this soup was tender and tasty though still firm as it should be, perfect. Plump prawns and small slabs of reef fish were also added as well as cherry tomatoes, sprouts and lemon basil. Meat balls are found in almost every ethnic cuisine, but referred to by many different names and in varying serving styles. Italy [polpette], France [boulette], Scandinavia [frikadella], Australia [rissoles]. Spain [albondigas] and in funny England [faggots] are just some of the variations found in western cuisines. In Asia they are generally served on a stick, such as Tsukune in Japan and with a very sweet sauce in Thailand. Only in America are meat balls actually called meat balls! In Indonesia it is bakso, everybody’s favourite street food. At Kudus it is the Bakso Soup that catches the eye of any visiting local, not believing that what they buy on
the street for $1 can cost $20 here. Trust me there is no comparison other than by name. Balls of finely minced chicken meat float in a chicken broth, along with egg, glass noodles, spinach and celery leaf. Salads are an essential part of any Indonesian meal. Lawar is a Balinese staple often fiery with chilli but not so with this version. Chicken, grated coconut, long bean and kelor leaf are all finely minced and tossed in turmeric. Served warm it is a perfect salad, and can complement any dish. More exotic is the Crab & Green Mango also with grated coconut, lemon basil and a mild chilli lime dressing, quite an incredible balance of flavours. Como Shambhala mainly attracts the health conscious visitor, and the salads on the menu testify to this. The Karedok consists of cucumber, palm heart, jicama [Mexican yam bean], long beans, sprouts and crushed cashew nuts. The dressing is kaffir-lime. The Urab Nangka combines minced prawn with flaked jackfruit with a reasonably spicy coconut and lemongrass dressing. From the wok are Prawns [tossed with pineapple, torch ginger, tamarind and chilli], healthy Tempeh [with asparagus, mushrooms and sour plum sauce] or Mud Crab [with red onion, green papaya, turmeric and coconut sauce]. The Gulai Kambing is a cardamom scented lamb curry. The Rendang, from Sumatra, uses Wagyu sirloin which is grilled then served with that rich, fragrant sauce. Vegetarian dishes can be sweet and sour [jackfruit, boiled cashew nuts, sweet corn and lemon basil], traditional curry [tempe, pumpkin, spinach, eggplant and coriander or a sour curry of kingfish with choko, green chilli, eggplant and wing beans.
: Kudus House.
: Como Shambhala Estate Begawan, Ubud.
: 978.888.
: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Non-smoking area : Everywhere. Smoking area
: None, the estate is completely tobacco free.
: Hotel parking, very secure.
: Rp. 1.200,000 for two [+ drinks].
Credit Cards
: All.
: Indonesian.
: Limited.
: Unobtrusive.
: At peace.
: Location relaxed, flavours subtle.
Martabak was one of the stars of that original menu at Kudus, termed ‘Muslim pastry’ as it is called in Thailand where it originates from the southern border area with Malaysia. Thick, yet light and crunchy, the pastry is wrapped around either spiced chunks of seafood or vegetables and tofu [pictured]. Tuna Sambal Matah combines grilled flaked yellowfin tuna with Bali’s favourite sambal [lemongrass, shallots, torch ginger, apple eggplant and lemon basil]. The Lobster is from neighbouring Lombok, small and tender. The whole lobster is served, grilled after a galangal and coriander marinade. The Pepes Ikan uses kingfish, finely minced with Balinese spices, wrapped in banana leaf and grilled over embers. It is served with tomato and mushrooms. Accompanying is a sweet sambal of shredded cucumber and carrot in a sweet pickle which is also used with other dishes and Serundeng, a tasty combination of grated coconut, garlic, onion and chilli. Desserts are sweet, wonderful for those who like such things. Dadar Gulung are caramelized coconut and banana crepes topped with a coconut sorbet. Wild Tuber Dumplings are the size of peas, they sit in a bowl of fresh soy milk, alongside is a scoop of very unusual ice cream made with red bean. Quality food, served in a setting that has to be seen to be fully appreciated. Luxury at its best! The flavours are so subtle that they make eating at Kudus House a great introduction to Indonesian cuisine.
Copyright © 2016 Gerry Williams Reviews that appear in Bali Advertiser are based on actual visits to the establishments listed, without the knowledge of the restaurants, and are not paid for by the individual restaurants. Opinions expressed here are those of Gerry Williams and not necessarily those of Bali Advertiser. Gerry Williams attempts to write from a ‘typical’ diner’s perspective and, whilst quality of food is the most important criteria overall, value for money is the real measuring stick.
Restaurant & Food
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Update CasCades @ The Viceroy brought many quality guest chefs to Bali in 2015, they now continue that experience in 2016 wiith an incredible line-up. The first guest chef of 2016 was Andrew Walsh, now chef/owner of the highly acclaimed CURE in Singapore [ex Michelin starred restaurants in Dublin, London and New York]. Combining with CasCades own exec chef Nic Vanderbeekan they recently presented an amazing range of dishes to a packed restaurant. An amazing Foie Gras Brulee was topped with burnt cinnamon, followed by beetroot cured Salmon with pickled daikon and Yuzu Ponzu. A chilled Almond Gazpacho soup, pictured] was not as expected, the grape, burnt cucumber and crab salad was surrounded by a small pour of almond flavoured gazpacho, an interesting and unusual taste combination . This was followed by a large BBQ Scallop in a lemongrass broth with peanut granola. Main was a mix of cooked and raw prime beef in an oyster emulsion, studded with leek ash. A Basil Sorbet was the after dinner refresher, it had been combined with lemon curd and pieces of black olive. To finish was a signature dish from Andrew’s CURE restaurant, a simple but most unusual mix of chocolate pieces and orange. These guest dinners will continue throughout 2016. The next one will be held Saturday March 19 and takes advantage of famous Belgian chef Dennis Broeckx [from the acclaimed L’Epicerie du Cirque, in Antwerp] who will be in Jakarta for the visit by Belgium’s Princess, HRH Princess Astrid, before proceeding to Bali for this classic dinner. As a mark of acceptance by his peers, CasCade’s Nic Vanderbeekan will be alongside Dennis Broeckx, cooking for the princess. Soul in a Bowl is the latest strange name restaurant for Bali! However all on offer is exceptionally good. It is really 2 restaurants in one, a day time breakfast and coffee house and at night; tapas, entrees and mains. Upstairs is a cocktail lounge, a relaxed music scene. Breakfast is served all day [8.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m], the way it should be! The menu includes the basic healthy [Muesli with rolled oats, puffed rice, shredded coconut, mixed nuts, dates, flax seed, strawberries, mint, berry compote and vanilla honey yoghurt], traditional [build your own; Poached Eggs and sourdough with your choice of mushrooms, ham, bacon, asparagus, smoked salmon, feta cheese, corn fritters, etc.] and the more inventive [Ricotta Pancakes topped with compote of red dragon fruit and candied hazelnuts, candlenuts and pistachios]. Add to this with a great coffee from new Bali coffee entrant, Dimattina, straight from Melbourne’s Lygon Street [little Italy]. Dinner time can be Tapas for a variety of small tasty plates [Duck Spring Rolls, St Claire Oysters with cucumber, apple and chilli vinaigrette, Jerked Pork Belly, Jamaican style, Corn Fritters topped with roasted capsicum and feta, Tempura of Soft Shell Crab or Baby Burgers] A salad of Fennel and Apple or one of Baby Beets. An unusual entrée is the Grilled Scallop with shredded duck, candied chilli, radish and mirin dressing. Main can be Duck 3 Ways with grilled breast, raspberry flavoured spring roll and leg confit or that old traditional Italian favourite, Osso Bucco. Sanur is growing up, at last! La Plancha Mama is Mexican. Hidden away on Jln. Raya Penestenan, it has had quite an extensive fit-out but is yet another Ubud restaurant without parking. This road above Ubud has seen a few places moderately succeed and many fail. The specialty here is vegetarian versions of Mexican cuisine.
NC/NV/U-17 FEB. 16
Bali Advertiser
Bo & Bun is an Asian restaurant concentrating on Vietnamese cuisine. Small and cosy, it is on Jln. Raya Seminyak, between Jlns. Drupadi and Kunti. Their signature dish is that Vietnamese classic soup, Pho, which is probably the most popular street food dish in Vietnam; in the south eaten mainly for breakfast but in the north taken any time of the day. It is a noodle soup with beef and herbs done quite well here at Bo & Bun. The menu is a mix of Asian dishes, mostly Viet [deep fried or cold rice paper spring rolls, salads] and Thai [a very good Pad Thai, Chicken with chilli and basil and a variety of curries], plus many standards; Lemongrass Chicken or Pork Chop and an unusual Pork Belly sandwich [baguette].
Mangsi Coffee was one of the first specialty coffee houses to open on Jln. Hayam Wuruk, Renon. It was just a simple open space with round tables of natural wood offering local Arabica and Luwak coffee . It closed last year and has since upgraded to a small pleasant air-conditioned site 800 metres away on Jln. Merdeka. Mangsi is pure local with its Roti Bakar [chocolate, blueberry or peanut] and Pancakes [banana, chocolate, strawberry or blueberry]. The drink of choice here is resolutely kopi tubruk, equal parts sugar and finely ground coffee, often with spices added, stirred together with boiling water and left to settle to the bottom of a small glass. The spice of choice is generally ginger, but ginseng, clove, cardamom, turmeric, and tamarind are not unheard of. At Mangsi, they take pride in the special formulations of spice mixed into the coffee, striving for balance in flavor.
Fat Tony obviously eats his own hamburgers! Small, but very popular, not much bigger than a hole in the wall, Fat Tony’s is found on the extension of Jln. Melasti, Legian, just past Grandma’s on this one way street. Only open evenings, it offers a range of snacks and small meals but it is the hamburgers that most visit her for. Another page in Bali’s current hamburger revolution … they said in that old song, ‘everybody’s doing it!’, just that some do it better than others!
New Edition of Bali Advertiser
Mar 07 - Mon
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Mar 11 - Fri
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Mar 02 - Wed Mar 03 - Thu Mar 04 - Fri Mar 05 - Sat Mar 06 - Sun
Mar 12 - Sat Mar 13 - Sun Mar 14 - Mon Mar 15 - Tue Mar 16 - Wed Mar 17 - Thu Mar 18 - Fri Mar 19 - Sat Mar 20 - Sun
Simply Brew is just that, coffee and more coffee. A coffee house that does not even try
Mar 21 - Mon
to be a restaurant as well [muffins, cake and biscuits only, but they complement the coffee anyway]. So if you take your daily ritual cups of coffee seriously then this place is definitely worth a visit! Simply Brew is located on The Bypass in Sanur, close to Pizza Hut. Whilst I prefer my coffee black and straight, without any frills, those who enjoy more exotic variations are well catered for here. My Balinese friends are all in love with their Hazelnut Caramel Coffee Frappe, and I must admit that one of their Affogatos are easy to consume [even the coconut or rum combos].
Mar 22 - Tue Mar 24 - Thu
Golden Monkey will fill a big current hole in the available cuisine options of the Ubud
Mar 28 - Mon
area with classic Chinese cuisine. It is currently under construction in Central Ubud. Golden Monkey is to be operated by established industry professionals so its future quality level is without doubt.
Mar 29 - Tue
Gerry Williams For more information see our website:
Mar 31 - Thu
Mar 23 - Wed Mar 25 - Fri Mar 26 - Sat Mar 27 - Sun
Mar 30 - Wed Apr 01 - Fri
NC/R/G-2 March 16
Computer & Internet For Sale; Deep freezer, lift. Glass top. 60x65 GEA Rp 2.5 million. Contact. Barrie 0813 5314 2488. [072] For Sale; iPad Air 128gb in perfect condition. Bought in 2014. Comes with black carbon fiber case, charger and cord. 8.0 Juta. Michel in Ubud at 0896 4224 3854. [048]
For Sale; Profurl NC-42 classic sailboat-cruising mast-furler-assembly 10” diameter. It is in good condition. This assembly has good bearings and turns very smoothly. 14 Juta Rupiah. Inspect in Serangan. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [051]
For Sale; 2,5 meter Cholamark RIB with cover in mint condition plus 6HP Suzuki-4-stroke. Great little fiberglass rubber-duck 250x120cm, +/-40kgs. strong, light fiberglass-hull plus beach-wheels. Price: 21 Juta. <info@bali-sales. com>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [052]
For Sale; Luggage bag black – waterproof luggage roll for motorbikes. Polo from Germany. Great for travelling. 80cm long and 50cm wide. Inspect in Serangan. Price: 400,000Rp. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [053]
For Sale; One Sharp UX-23 faximile machine in good condition Rp 750.000,- (fixed price).Tel 081 7472 8036. Denpasar. [041]
For Sale; One children’s pushbike Wimcycle in good condition Rp 550.000,- (fixed price). Tel 081 7472 8036. Denpasar. [043]
For Sale; Canon Ixus 1086. 14.7 Megapixel. SD HC card 4GB. 1 spare akku. Best condition. $ 130. Pls contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [070]
For Sale; Jepara teak wood kartini chair in good condition. Rp 300.000,(fixed price).Tel 081 7472 8036. Denpasar. [044]
INTERNET ACCESS ??? For lease !! Internet with hotspot / Wi-Fi Cheap!! Guarantee money back! These machines ready to use & very simple, no need grid antenna, tower, phone cable, etc. Suitable for small office / home office, NetCafe, restaurant, villa, hotel, trading online, ticketing online, etc
Call: 081 337 400 999, 089 722 85 777 C/CI/I-02 Sept. 15
C/Ci/I-09 Dec 15
C/CI/I-17 Feb 16
C/Ci/I-02 March 16
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Computer & Internet
NC/Ci/I-02 March 16
SOCIAL MEDIA BYTES BY : LIZ AFAIK Finding Remote Work So you’ve recently moved to Bali. Or you’re taking an extended holiday and thinking about moving here. Or you already live here. There’s fiber optic cable now in Bali and good coffee. Surf, beaches and a relaxed, tropical lifestyle. A lower cost of living. All very appealing reasons to settle here for a while or longer. But how will you earn an income? Is your only real option to establish a business? Or could you work remotely? There are shared workspaces like HUBUD, Outpost and Creative Hub that offer hi-speed internet, a desk to work at, meeting space and office facilities. But how do you find those elusive remote jobs to fund your laid-back lifestyle? And, aren’t jobs like that, working from anywhere on your laptop, just for ‘tech people?’ With the rise of digital nomads – people working remotely online from home, co-working spaces or overseas – has come an increase in businesses finding ways to connect with remote workers or offer remote jobs. All types of jobs. With modern telecommunications and Internet technology, a host of jobs, from customer service, to marketing, to social media management, to legal services, to administrative and support services are increasingly, being able to be done effectively by remote workers. In 2012, a Virgin Media report stated that by 2022 over half of office workers in the U.K. will be working part of the time from home or remotely. The Guardian newspaper reported last year that a study by Office Angels found that as many as a third of workers in the UK will be working remotely by 2036. In addition, Stanford University research shows that remote workers are almost 15% more productive than their office-based counterparts, and businesses are taking note of this fact. In recent years, a new crop of sites has started to spread on the web: sites specializing in remote and freelance work. Here are some of the more popular of these specialized
online sites specifically targeted at telecommuting workers or people seeking to change their lives and work remotely: FlexJobs ( Flexjobs has a team of researchers who scour hundreds of online job resources daily, looking for jobs that meet their criteria: they are flexible – telecommuting, part-time or flextime or freelance contracts. The researchers then check the company offering the position to make sure they are legitimate. After this, they add the job to their site, together with a description of the company and other useful information about the position. Flexjobs works on a subscription basis, charging monthly or annual fees, and offer a money-back guarantee. The site currently lists over 28,000 roles from over 4,000 companies. Twitter: @flexjobs. Facebook: Flexjobs. We Work Remotely ( This site is exclusively for remote jobs. While many of the jobs are for programmers or system developers and administrators, We Work Remotely also offers a list of roles in Customer Service, Marketing and several other fields. Twitter: @weworkremotely Facebook: We Work Remotely. Working Nomads ( This site bills itself as offering ‘a curated list of remote jobs for the modern working nomad.’ While Working Nomads jobs are mostly tech and programming jobs, they do list customer services positions as well. Twitter: @workingnomads Remotive ( The name Remotive comes from a merger of ‘remote’ and ‘productive.’ This is another site that offers exclusively remote jobs. Categories range from programming and tech jobs to education, marketing, customer service; most of the jobs listed, however, are tech jobs. Twitter: @remotive. ( This site is also only for full or part-time telecommuting positions and offers jobs worldwide. allows job seekers to register their resumes online and companies to list jobs that are over 20 hours a week and last longer than 3 months. Jobseekers can then search and apply for jobs through the site. I found listings for Virtual Assistants, Call Center jobs, online teachers, graphic designers, article writing jobs and customer service roles. The site is free to use, for now, as the company is using the site to promote their software product, Time Doctor, a remote working tracking package. Facebook: Online Jobs SkiptheDrive ( This is a site exclusively for telecommuting or remote jobs, as you can tell from the title. SkiptheDrive pre-screens job listings and posts only those jobs that allow telecommuting or remote working. The site lists links to jobs in a wide range of fields, from marketing to insurance, to legal jobs, to education/teaching, administrative, consulting, call center, editing, social media and others. You don’t have to register for the site or pay fees. Twitter: @skipthedrive Facebook: Skip The Drive LLC Virtual Vocations ( This site is a small, family-run business that helps people find telecommuting jobs. Virtual Vocations uses researchers to comb through job boards, social media, websites, blogs and company listings to curate only those positions that allow for remote working. You can register for free and have partial access to their database of jobs or pay a monthly subscription fee and gain full access. The site also allows members to upload a portfolio to the site and provide this link to employers when applying for jobs. Twitter: @virtualvocation Facebook: Virtual Vocations You can also check out freelance, contract and project recruiting sites, such as: iFreelance ( Project4hire ( Behance ( Freelance Writing Gigs ( Upwork – this site formed from the merger of oDesk and Elance ( Freelancer ( So now that you have this list in hand, you have the perfect excuse to stay in Bali and work remotely. Email Liz at Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of Social Media Bytes at
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Pet owners: Please sterilize your dogs & cats to preserve the natural environment. nm
Pets To Give Away / Wanted / Lost / Found These ads are free. E-mail to:
Vaccinated, socialized kittens
& dogs. Vaccinated and
looking for loving homes. 0812 3848 5224. [003]
healthy. Free to good home.
Contact BAWA 081 138
adoption at BARC pet-shop.
9004. [002] Cute, smart, fully vaccinated
Wayan Doblet 085 6377
and sterilized puppies
4966. [004]
Pets For Sale
For Sale Line Ads Rp. 13.000 per word. Photo ads Rp. 535.000. All ads must be paid before printing. French Bulldog, Dachshund, Labrador. 0878 6000 6837. [005] Mini Snauzer puppies, Golden Retriver, Poodle, and Dogo Argentino. 081 1396 1688, 081 1396 7788. [006]
Domestic/International Pet
Sale 4 puppy PW corgi
Cargo. 0878 6000 6837. [007]
(male) and 2 Husky 3
Beagle puppies, certificated, tattooed,
Beagle 2 minipom pedigree. SMS/wa only 0877 6038
dewormed, healthy. 0812
3821 email: <clorindatjoenk@
3915 7576. [008]>. [009]
Bali Advertiser Telp: (0361) 755 392 [Hunting] Fax.: (0361) 764 191
Big Promo Car Rental & Motorbike; Matic & Manual w/ insurance. 0878 6117 5005. [001]
Selling fast! Taft. Machine 100% in well condition. Year 1986. Price Rp. 65 million. Contact now 0813 3833 1445. [004]
Looking for Jetski - <jorg.> 0819 1663 4665. [007]
puppies ready for adoption.
0361-975 038. [001] Beautiful pure Bali puppies
Cars - Motorcycles Watercraft - etc
E-mail : Make your ad online at
Suzuki Jimny Katana, Large wheels, AC & Power Steering, Roof Lights and Roof Rack: 59 Juta. SMSWhatsApp: 081 1392 0106. <>. Inspect in Serangan. [002] Daihatsu Taruna 2001 For Sale, silver body, power steering, power window, 7 seater. New license on August. Call 0813 3872 4288. [003]
We provide Car rental for Bali area. Please feel free to contact us at 0813 5308 0310. [005] Quick Sale; Chevrolet Spin LTZ AT/Triptonic metallic grey 2013. First hand, km 21.000. Very good condition, fully serviced and still under 1 year warranty. Price Rp 155 million (negotiable). Serious buyer only. Contact 0878 6116 3056. [006]
Motorcycle Suzuki Thunder 250cc Touring-Bike, Top-Case & Saddle-Bags, new-tires, chain and sprocket: 21 Juta. Honda Supra 125cc halfautomatic, Top-Case & Saddle-Bags, new tires & alu rims: 6,5 Juta. SMSWhatsApp: 081 1392 0106. <>. Inspect in Serangan. [008]
Line ads Rp 13.000 per word. All ads must be paid for before printing.
Bali Advertiser
Telp. : (0361) 755 392 [Hunting] Fax. : (0361) 764 191 E-mail : Make your ad online at
come here for a one night only affair isn’t too farfetched and the band do have a certain af¿nity with Bali. Here is a quote from founding member and bassist Steve Harris about his reaction to the 2011 Bail gig.
“When we found out we were due to visit Indonesia for the ¿rst time, the whole band were elated and not just because it’s such a beautiful part of the world that we can’t wait to get there! But also because we have so many loyal fans in Go check: for more information the region wanting to see us play live, we’re really looking on upcoming events and ticket sales. forward to the spectacular evening we have planned for them. We’ll be playing some songs from our new album and The Bali Reggae Star festival is showcasing all Indonesian many of the older favorites too.” Reggae artists, and is de¿nitely a more local style gig, with tickets priced at just RP 30,000! The headline lineup includes: If Iron Maiden does Joni Agung, Tony Q, Jeck Pilpil, Conkarah, Marapul, and many come here it will be more. one of the greatest
By Toby
Greetings live music a¿cionados and welcome to this Rastafari edition of Music Matters here in your local Bali Advertiser. The days are getting wetter the rainy season is in full swing, Valentine’s day the most commercial day on the planet, has come and gone, and Easter (not that it means as much over here as back home) is about to slap us in the face with a big chocolate covered rabbits foot! Yes the jury is out that 2016 has of¿cially started! Last year saw some pretty big festivals hitting Bali from Jazz, and Blues, to Electronica, and culminating in the climax of Aussie rock band Wolfmother gracing the stage at the Soundsphere festival in Jimbaran last summer. With so many festivals proving successful - this year promises to be even bigger with some festivals now adding an extra day and coming back bigger and quicker than ever. Now to business! The reason I’m calling this a Rastafari edition, and talking about large festivals is because I am reporting on the rarest of the rare, a reggae festival. The Bali Reggae Star festival is going to be held in a few days, this is the only reggae festival I have ever heard of. Usually as a rule reggae music is generally more in the background, a ¿ller between sets or a relaxing end of gig wind down, but here in Bali for one day only reggae is not the Àuffer but the full package! Held on Pantai Padang Galak in Denpasar the one day festival boasts a full line up, and a host of big name sponsors including (two of Indonesia’s biggest companies) Telkomsel and Bintang! The festival is being put on by Antida music productions, who are the same crowd behind the Ubud Village Jazz Festival, and Bali World Music festival. Antida are de¿nitely going from strength to strength here in Bali. The group now has their own personalized recording studio, where music can be (relatively) cheaply recorded and then distributed. They also produce and sell their own tickets to the events.
I have covered a gig with Tony Q before, his musicianship was fantastic, he was a true crowd pleaser and a great front man, the others we will see on the day, but for 30,000 a ticket it is a cheap little festival with some great reggae artists. Antida music is fast becoming a serious contender here in Bali, and is even getting acclaim abroad due to its ability to attract well known international artists to some of its main events, de¿nitely check on their website for more details. Now Chinese whispers are everywhere in this business, they call journalism the rumor mill, so when I hear a good rumor I go out of my way to prove one way or another if it is true or not. Well the rumor I heard recently is in May Bali might get an unplanned visit from one of the biggest stadium rock bands in the entire world! I am talking about Iron Maiden! Maiden are on a worldwide tour at the minute and will be playing sell-out tours in Australia during late April into May, and on Saturday 14th they are playing in Perth. Iron Maiden is no stranger to Bali, and has played here once before at the GWK in 2011 during the Final Frontier tour!
concerts in Bali’s history, and probably the last time the band will be playing in Indonesia as rumor also has it that this is their last goodbye tour and they will only be playing in the US after this. My advice is if you love Iron Maiden and really desperately want to see them live, then get a ticket to the show in Perth in May and avoid any disappointment if they fail to show up one night in Kuta drinking Jack Daniels and doing cameo Karaoke on the strip! With the 2015 release of their new album ‘The Book Of Souls’ Maiden’s farewell spectacular is one show on earth you de¿nitely do not want to miss! For more information on tour dates and tickets for Iron Maiden shows visit their of¿cial website or book direct from Perth Arena:
Ok folks that about wraps it up for this issue, If you do make it to Iron Maiden be sure to drop me a line beforehand, as I For those of you who live under will be there front and center screaming along to ‘The rocks IRON MAIDEN is an Trooper’ with the best of them! Well until I see you next time, international phenomenon in remember to keep it live and make it matter. the rock and metal world with career sales of over US$85 million, 16 studio albums, and a total 30 years at the forefront of Metal. They are a If you enjoyed this article or have any questions, concerns, or major inÀuence on many of if indeed you are the illusive Chris Curtis please don’t hesitate the successful bands who to drop me a line, here to the Bali Advertiser, or alternatively to have followed them and have my direct email address been an inspiration to many. Copyright © 2016 Tobias J Brown
The idea that they could sneak off after Perth and
You can read all past articles of Music Matters at
Bali Advertiser
BA Feature Article
02 March - 16 March, 2016
BA Feature Article Get Thee in the Path of the 2016 Total Solar Eclipse A spectacular and very rare event in Indonesia will occur on this coming Nyepi day. On March 9th a total solar eclipse will trace a path throughout Indonesia and be visible in many places. Though Bali is not in the direct path of the total eclipse we will still be able to view a partial eclipse starting at 7:22 am and ending at 9:42, with maximum eclipse at 8:27am. However, if you have a mind to experience the total eclipse, a short plane ride will put you right in the center of the totality path so it is de¿nitely worthwhile to investigate the possibility of seeing this, what for many people will be, a once in a life time event. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the sun and the earth, covering the disc of the sun completely for a very short time. This occurs when the diameter of the moon is larger than that of the sun and the moon is blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. The shadow of the moon, its umbra, is cast along a narrow path across earth’s surface, called the path of totality. Along this path which can be up to 155 km wide, the whole sky darkens and the region directly in the path is plunged into darkness. It is an awesome experience to see the moon moving slowly across the face of the sun, causing the sky to darken slowly, blocking out all light until there is nothing left to see but the beautiful corona that surrounds the eclipsed sun. Stars come out, the horizon glows with a 360-degree sunset, the temperature drops, and day turns into night. Birds and insects start behaving like they do at night time. A spectacular part of the eclipse is when, just a few seconds before totality, you can view the beginning of the sun’s corona which creates a brilliant diamond ring effect and marks the beginning of totality. It has a powerful effect on the senses. It’s one of the most goosebump-raising natural phenomena you can ever see on earth.
minute weather patterns and set sail to less cloudy skies. Less hefty on the budget is a self organized trip to one of the eclipse’s land locations. The Bangka/Belitung islands have the advantage of being away from the mainland and presumably have less cloud cover. They are only a few hours plane ride away from Bali. Also close is a Àight to Balikpapan which lies just within the totality path. The site south of Palu in Central Sulawesi needs a bit more planning as that location has been a draw for the eclipse chasers and will be overrun by scientists, photographers, astrologers, eclipse junkies and sundry spiritualists. Close by in Ngata Baru is the site of the 2016 Indonesia Eclipse festival, a gargantuan extravaganza offering music, dance, art, lectures and spirit moving séances that will undoubtedly attract a number of eclipse dancers, moon walkers, umbra mystics, astrologists and tarot diviners. The Path - The NASA website ( presents all the details of this awesome event. Check the interactive Google map showing the path of the March 09 2016 Total Solar Eclipse. The northern and southern path lines, the widest distance of the eclipse, are marked in blue and the central line in red. You must be somewhere between the blue lines of the path to see the totality phase of the eclipse. The eclipse is longest on the central red line. Nasa’s map shows a green marker labeled GE which is the point of Greatest Eclipse. The magenta marker labeled GD is the point of Greatest Duration where the total eclipse lasts the longest along the entire path, a total of 4 minutes and 9 seconds. You can be hundreds of miles away from the point of Greatest Duration and still enjoy totality lasting nearly as long as that at the GD point, as long as you stay within several miles of the central line. You will be able to see totality from anywhere in the path. The closer you are to the center of the path, the longer the totality.
In order to enjoy the spectacle of the total eclipse you have to be inside the path of totality. Outside of the path, like in Bali, you can see only a partial eclipse. The path is a dark band with a centerline which marks the point of maximum view. The closer you are to the centerline, the more totality you will enjoy. Where to see it - The total eclipse of March 9 2016 starts at sunrise over the Indian Ocean, makes landfall over Sumatra, continues across Indonesia to Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Halmahera in the Moluccas and then heads out over the North Paci¿c Ocean to end near the Hawaiian Islands at sunset. Given the wide sweep of the path, there are many eclipse viewing sites. The Bangka islands and Palembang in Sumatra offer the best westerly points. The line also crosses Kalimantan, between South and Central Kalimantan. It can be seen from Taman Nasional Sebangau, the town of Sampit and even closer to the line in Palangka Raya. In Central Sulawesi, the beautiful valley south of Palu, a region surrounded by mountains that protect the valley from the prevailing winds, creates a microclimate that reduces the buildup of clouds giving you a better chance to see an unobstructed eclipse. From there the eclipse moves to North Maluku and into the Paci¿c Ocean east of Indonesia. The maximum duration of the eclipse with a totality lasting 4 minutes and 9 seconds lies in the middle of the Paci¿c Ocean. To observe the eclipse at this location you need to be on a ship. An alternative and much more accessible location is North Maluku, between Ternate and Maidi. The eclipse has been a boon for the cruise industry plying Indonesian waters. Many of the local cruise operators have organized eclipse cruises, mainly in the totality path between Sulawesi and Maluku. Outside operators like TravelQuest, AstroTrails and G Adventures offer beautiful and expensive itineraries that combine the eclipse viewing with cultural and sightseeing tours. If money is not a deal breaker, these cruises undoubtedly offer the kind of once in a lifetime experience that will create lasting memories. Cruises have the advantage that they can access viewing spots in the cooler ocean where cloud cover is less than on land. They can also respond to last
Clouds and Rain - Choose a location with the best chance of a cloud-free sky during the eclipse. Good weather is the key to successful eclipse viewing - better to see a shorter eclipse from a clear sky than a longer eclipse under clouds. Since the eclipse occurs during the wet season in Indonesia there is a moderate chance of morning cloud along much of the path of totality. In the eastern portion of Indonesia the sun will be higher in the sky at eclipse time and so less likely to be blocked by any low-level clouds that might be present. The Molucca Sea has the lowest cloud cover along the Indonesian portion of the track and the highest frequency of sunny hours in March. The area south of Palu in Sulawesi bene¿ts from the lower cloud cover in the eastern part of the archipelago, where the eclipse track is moving into a drier and more stable air mass. In that valley the prevailing airÀow will descend from the surrounding mountains, drying the air column and suppressing the formation of clouds. Protect your eyes while viewing the eclipse. You cannot look at the sun directly without adequately protecting your eyes while any part of its bright disk is still visible. Proper eye wear is crucial or the damage to your retinas could be irreversible. This means you cannot use normal sunglasses, binoculars, your camera or a telescope to view the eclipse. The moon does cover quite a bit of the sun during the partial phases leading up to totality,
By Ines Wynn
but you have to use special solar viewing glasses, called eclipse glasses, to look at it during the partial phases. Only during the brief period of totality, when no bright part of the sun is showing, can you look directly at the totally eclipsed sun without any kind of ¿lters or glasses. During totality you can even look with binoculars. But as soon as you see the bright diamond ring effect again which heralds the uncovering of the sun and marks the end of totality you need to don the eclipse glasses again. If you are outside of the path of totality where the eclipse is always partial, you need to wear eclipse glasses at all times while viewing the eclipse. It’s only a few minutes, but the memory of it will last your lifetime. It is one of the most stunning views you will ever experience. Eclipse Myths and Magic – You can probably imagine the primordial fear and apprehension that prehistoric people must have felt in seeing the sun get swallowed up and day turns into night. It must have been a scary experience and primitive societies undoubtedly felt a sense of doom or interpreted the disappearance of the sun as an evil omen or the wrath of their gods. Maybe they even thought it marked the end of the world. Many cultures explain eclipses, both solar and lunar, as a time when demons or animals consume the sun or the moon. In Vietnam, people believed that a giant frog was devouring the Sun, while in ancient China, people thought a hungry celestial dragon was responsible. Korean folklore tells of the Sun being stolen by mythical dogs. In Europe, the Vikings blamed wolves for consuming the Sun. According to ancient Hindu mythology, the demon Rahu is beheaded by the supreme deity Vishnu as punishment for drinking the nectar of the gods. His head Àies across the sky and swallows the Sun. The ancient Greeks believed a solar eclipse was a sign the gods were angry, and that it heralded disasters and destruction. The word eclipse actually comes from the Ancient Greek word ekleipsis which means being abandoned. In parts of India, people do not eat during a solar eclipse and give away any food that lay uneaten. This comes from a belief that any food cooked while the eclipse takes place, will be poisonous and impure. A popular myth that still persists in some cultures is that pregnant women can be harmed by the solar eclipse, and as such should stay indoors during the event. It is claimed that if a pregnant woman goes out during an eclipse, her baby will be born blind or with a cleft lip. The Next One - There can be as many as seven solar and lunar eclipses around the world in any one year, but not all of them will be total. A total eclipse occurs on average every 18 months somewhere around the world. However, for it to occur in the same location is extremely rare – only once in every 375 years. This is why a total eclipse is considered to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. The next total solar eclipse occurs in August 2017 over parts of Oregon, Idaho and the southeastern Unites States. The next solar eclipse with totality over some part of Indonesia does not occur until April 20 2023 and only for a very short time, around 1 minute and 8 seconds, over West Papua. For the next total solar eclipse covering more of Indonesia you have to wait even longer, exactly 19 years, until April 20 2042 when you can see it over Sumatra and Kalimantan.
Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of BA Feature Article at
Ubud Area UBUD NEWS NYEPI SOLAR ECLIPSE This year’s Balinese New Year celebrations will be even more astonishing than usual as Nyepi Day itself, on March 9, coincides with a solar eclipse. In the days leading up to Nyepi, the island will be alive with preparations for the elaborate street processions that purify the island by frightening away low spirits. Wander through the back roads of any village this week, and you’ll see groups of local youth preparing the “ogoh ogoh” - giant demonic images – in the community centres. On Nyepi Eve, the men lift these enormous ef¿gies onto their shoulders, to parade them through the streets with torches, cacophonous marching gamelans, and ¿reworks, coming together in a ghoulish gathering. The following day is always extraordinary, one of peace and quiet, with locals and visitors con¿ned by law to stay inside their compounds with no lights, cooking or sounds to be heard outside. Except for emergencies, no one is allowed in the streets, and even the airport is closed, while the faithful fast and pray. Indonesia is considered one of the prime locales to view the phenomenon of the solar eclipse. Find yourself a very special spot to spend the quiet and view the heavens, or - for tours and advice on excellent sighting points - contact Bali tour specialists Danu Enterprises, or contact PYRAMIDS AND MOON The eagerly anticipated Pyramids of Chi complex is not fully functioning yet, but already the setting provides the perfect backdrop for spiritual sessions such as the recent Full Moon night, where visitors enjoyed a shamanic ceremony and joined in or just experienced the sounds of the beautiful gongs, powwow drums and didgeridoos. The delicious supper provided participants with samples of many of the foods that will be offered in the soon to be opened Pyramids Cafe. The Pyramids themselves are expected to arrive in Ubud in the next month or so. For information on future events, contact Peter McIntosh on Facebook or go to www. COWORKING INDONESIA Coworkers from more than 30 countries joined the second annual Coworking Unconference Asia last week, organised by Hubud, Bali’s ¿rst Coworking Space. Founded in 2012, and described as one of the world’s top coworking spaces by CNBC, Hubud and its community of more than 250 entrepreneurs, freelancers and creatives from 65 countries offer a glimpse into the future of work. With ten coworking spaces currently operating around the island, Bali has taken a lead role in coworking advocacy throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This year’s Coworking Unconference Asia provided an opportunity for leaders of the movement to help design the future of work, exploring how people might live, work and learn differently in the new “collaborative economy”. The Unconference – a word coined to differentiate it from a formal “talking heads” conference – included a Coworking Academy “how-to” workshop at Hubud, in Ubud, a Coworking Indonesia brainstorming on the future of work in Indonesia, at Kumpul Coworking Space in Sanur, and an island-wide excursion to visit the other spaces. For more info: www. or
Ganesha Bookshops Independent Bookseller in Bali since 1986
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MUSICAL THEATRE DANCING Sign up immediately – it will be the most fun you’ve ever had in a class! Whether you have been tapping your toes for years or have never heard of “jazz hands,” you will love it, learning an assortment of musical numbers from a wide range of shows, and enjoying a good aerobic workout at the same time.
Ganesha in Ubud:
Jalan Raya (near the Post Office), Ubud, Bali. Tel: (62 361) 970320
Ganesha in Sanur:
Jalan Danau Tamblingan 42, Sanur
Maestro Mario is a snazzy dancer and a superb teacher; he will use simple choreography to keep things light and easy as he teaches you how to soft shoe and Busby Berkeley your way through each session. Sundays 10-11am, March 6 & 13, Tuesdays 3-4pm, March 1 & 15, in Ubud Fitness’ Bottom Floor studio on Jalan Jero Gadung. Tuition: 100,000rp per class (including tax), come with a friend and pay 150,000rp for 2, or pre-pay 4 classes for 350,000rp. Pre-register to ensure yourself a place, by emailing: mario@, calling 0361 479 2782 or visiting the Ubud Musical Theatre Dancing FB Event Page. PASTRY CHEF TRAINING! Wow, I remember when we couldn’t buy ordinary bread in Bali, let alone the exquisite desserts of Room4Dessert up in Sanggingan or CarameL Patisserie on Jalan Hanoman. Now the Bali International Training & Development Center Foundation, located at Pantai Nyanyi in Tabanan, is offering Culinary Pastry School Training, with two months of international-standard training followed by a three-month work experience program. Thanks to the Centre’s academic af¿liation with Dusit Thani College in Bangkok, graduates will reach the ASEAN Common Competency Standard for Tourism Professionals. For those unable to commit to fulltime training, an alternative Pastry and Bakery Program is offered in 168 sessions, comprising weekends and a 16 days acceleration program. The sessions are grouped into two sets so that students have the Àexibility to continue the second of part the course later.
Books for Bali Project (est. 2004)
A special project to support literacy, learning and reading for pleasure in the local community. We donate books to local schools and libraries. Check in the store or on the website for more details.
Ganesha Bookshop Bali: Your Community Bookshop
C/U/G-19 August 15
ubud organic
Organic Farmer’s Market • vegetables • fruit • bread • cake • jam • honey • spices • herbs • tea • coffee • chocolate • spa products • seed and seedings • laundry soap • and more!
Saturdays still at Pizza Bagus (9:00am - 2:00pm) Now also on Wednesdays at Warung Sopa (9:00am - 1:00pm) check our site: Supporting local, commited, independent small organic growers & business C/U/I-30 Sept. 15
The sweet-toothed readers all sigh at this point please! LOVE AFFAIR WITH ASIA Sometimes the intensity of great photography astonishes me. The latest exhibition at Bridges Bali restaurant features a collection of compelling and inspiring images captured by professional photographer David Metcalf. Themed “A Love Affair With Asia”, this exhibition showcases 24 beautiful images of nature, people, and cultures across Asia. The collection is handpicked from literally thousands hundreds of magical photos, the reward for the photographer’s deep encounters with nature, culture and local people across Asia and especially Indonesia. Now the author of three cultural photography books, David is also a spokesperson for the indigenous Dayak people of Kalimantan, so he will donate 20% of sales proceeds to educational programs for children living in remote areas of Central Kalimantan. The exhibition runs until August 31. For more details, visit:
Bali Advertiser
Ubud Area
02 March - 16 March, 2016
C/NV/U-3 Feb 16
C/U/G-9 Dec. 15
Photography tips and tricks will be served up alongside a delicious array of Indonesian cuisine, as Sumatra-born Rahung Nasution and Founder & Director of the Ubud Food Festival Janet DeNeefe take guests on a culinary journey across the Flores archipelago, sourced from the clear blue waters below. “We’re
pleased to be
Sail through the Komodo Islands with celebrated culinary photographer Petrina Tinslay, cult-cooking hero Rahung Nasution and Ubud Food Festival Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe
w o r k i n g together with S e a Tr e k , Petrina Tinslay
As the much-anticipated 2016 Ubud Food Festival (27-29
A contributor for
May) draws to a close, a handful of food and travel
enthusiasts will set sail for the Komodo Islands with
celebrated culinary photographer Petrina Tinslay, Indonesian
including Vogue,
cult-chef Rahung Nasution and UFF Founder & Director
Travel + Leisure,
concept yet,”
Janet DeNeefe.
Conde Naste
Traveller and the
DeNeefe. “This
New York Times,
celebrated food
dream and we
© Summa Durie
Nasution to bring our most exciting cruise Janet
an © Summa Durie
can’t wait to see the beautiful images – and dishes – that
Petrina Tinslay will
come out of it.”
join guests as they trek, swim and
snorkel across one of Indonesia’s most coveted destinations © Summa Durie
and Rahung
by day, and host nightly photography workshops on deck by night.
From 1-7 June, the SeaTrek cruise will chart the terrain of
The cruise is the ¿rst partnership between SeaTrek Bali and the Ubud Food Festival, following successful collaboration with Ubud Writers & Readers Festival over the past two years, combining literature and the arts with stunning landscapes and world-class cuisine. Tickets can be purchased via the Ubud Food Festival or SeaTrek
the Lesser Sunda Islands, sailing past towering active
“This experience will offer a truly wonderful opportunity to
volcanoes and jungle-clad mountain ranges, stopping to
explore and discover the natural beauty of this very special
experience colourful marketplaces, quiet coastal villages,
region,” Tinsley said. “There will be so many chances to
Komodo dragons and a world of kaleidoscopic beauty
capture images of unspoiled landscapes and the wonders of
Indonesian cuisine.”
DrDental Care Liquid, Korean herbal to care your teeth and mouth. Order Now 0899 219 2628. [506]
Telkom Line For Sell. Land line and Speedy Internet. Pengubengan & Kerobokan area. Phone: 0812 3643 9456. [244]
Architect & Contractor, Design, Build & Renovation. 0823 2494 7689. [247]
Professional product photography is an investment in your brand and is a great way to increase customer confidence in the products you supply. If you have production in Bali I can photograph your products for your website or catalogue before they are sent to your country. <image@elemntsdesign. com>. [555]
Apple Pie. We make, we
L-Theanine, Asam Amino,
bake, we sell and deliver
only apple pies. Homemade.
Innulin & Mineral will be
Also can cater to cafe or
your best daily tea. Contact
restaurant. Visit our website:
0813 3722 3874.
Bouncy Castles Rental. 0822 4724 0361. [217] Studio Costumes Rental. 0878 6117 5005. [246] Freelance, Set-up accounting & tax. Email <>. [505] Problem with your monthly Phone Billing ? Premium Call by Indosat ready to save your billing upto 50%. 0813 3722 3874 or Email <sales.premiumcall@gmail. com>. [075] Driver with car (APV) available for tour or special event. Speaks English and Japanese. Call Ngurah at +62 813 3872 1947. [196]
Painting Lessons, Children & Adults. 081 856 3903. [249] Private Piano, Solfege theory of music. <music. childhood@gmail. c o m> . [2 5 0 ] Do you need an internal auditor for your business in Ubud or around? I will check transactions in and out, stocks, etc, and make financial report. Contact <karinasy@yahoo. com>. [251]
MASSAGE Balinese Massage (female) 081 238 000 589. [248]
COSMO SALON & SPA elf urs yo
H a i r & B o d y T r e a t m e n t s y r it and t Getting good reviews from our new products. Just se e f Try paramao oil for extra healing power with or your massage, or Nu Skin Galvanic Lift after your facial. Easy parking and daily specials at Little Cosmo (27 Tamblingan). Jl. Danau Tamblingan # 176 and # 27 Sanur 286330
Wood & composite decking specialist & carpentry. E: <woodworking.bali@> / 0819 9985 7305. [173]
WEB SERVICES Web-Designer. Design and develop your website with reasonable price but quality result, including hosting or domain name. Call 081 2386 6175 for appointment or visit the site : <www.thenbagus. com>. [554] Elemnts Design. We do it all. Website hosting, development of websites, creation of content, product photography for retailer catalogs, webshops and look books. <www.>. [557]
LANGUAGE Private Chinese Language. 0818 0556 0595 / 0813 3821 7788. [032] Learn Indonesian with Lidya. Private Tutor, contact +62 (0) 813 3744 1810/ <learnindonow@gmail. com>. Experienced in Teaching. [245]
InfinyCal, Frozen
POOL IONIZER ● ● ● ● ● ●
Kinds of nuggets, bitterballen, roti goreng (fried toast with variant fillings). Ready to deliver to your place in Bali. WA: 0818 0536 9219. Fb: I Froz Bali.
Always Clear and Clean Water ● No Salt Reduce the pump hour ● Environment Friendly Low Power (12 Vamp DC) ● Low Maintenance Safe for people, pets and plants Extend the life of the equipment, filters and other Reduce overall chemical usage (95% less chemical use)
Dave 081805537120
Calcium a Japanese food supplement is now available in Bali. This alkalis drinking calcium is the best way to detox and neutralized your body acid. This calcium will supply ion calcium to your
Matcha Tea is good for
blood cells are produced.
In addition, InfinyCal can
also detect your inner organ
is now available in Bali,
condition within 8 second
accurate result. Try it. Call
weight, anti
white kidney bean extract,
081 2394 8595. [567]
UPS & Stabilizers
Uninterruptible Power Supply
The Best Solution For Power System
Sales & Service Centre
Jl. Tukad Pule No. 23 Sesetan - Denpasar Telp. (0361) 232158, 227798, 234377 Fax. (0361) 232158 Email:
C/BS/U-23 Dec 15
C/CI/G-20 Jan. 16
International Medical / Life Insurance Group and Individual Scheme
More Choices with Many Providers Based in Jakarta and Bali
General cleaning I Windows cleaning I Floor polishing I Benches Bathub & Wash basin polishing | Toilet bowl cleaning I Kitchen detailling I Natural stone floor cleaning & coating | Mattress, sofa, Carpet refreshing I Timber sanding & finishing and......... ADA much more.
Contact: +6221 7692595
Ada Clean provides the right chemicals for ur property
Office 08123886072 / 08123940401 C/E/G-16 Sept. 15
Bone Marrow where the
cleansing, Private teacher Bahasa Indonesian for foreigner. 0813 3870 5158, <dwi.>. [074]
<>. [556]
everyday meals or snacks.
C/He/G-20 Jan. 16
C/Bm/I-10 June 15
C/BS/M-10 June 15
Starting package Rp. 1.850.000/static web incl. annual web hosting & domain name (space up to 250Mb)
Employment Recruitment & Distribution
Ph. 0361 8839741 / 0812 3671 1200 / 0878 7058 5122 E:
PT. Sumber Agri Sehat Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 17, Br. Taman, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara 80361. Bali - Indonesia For more info & appointment call 081 2386 6175
Fiber, C/BS/G-28 Oct. 15
NC/CI/P-11 Dec. 13
Babysitter/Nanny Driver Cook Gardener Housemaid Security
VISA service (extension, retirement, social, working visa) Car & motorbike rental Tour guide + driver
English/Indonesia speaking, live in & out, female & male Professional Service With Guarantee C/BS/A-8 July 15
: S E R V IC E S
Call (+62-361)
8476 071
081 338 144 117
Jl. Pengubengan Kauh No. 36 C Kerobokan, Kuta, Badung, Bali C/BS/G-02 Sept. 15
Im m ig ra ti o n S e rv ic e s cu m en ts ) (Vis as & Tr av el Do s A ll B u s in e s s e s n e L ic UD ) (P M A, PT, CV & C/BT/G-14 Oct. 15
Line ads Rp 13,000 per word. All ads must be paid for before printing.
Bali Advertiser
Telp. : (0361) 755 392 [Hunting] Fax. : (0361) 764 191 E-mail : Make your ad online at
C/Bs/I-20 Jan 16
Bali Advertiser
Business & Services
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Indonesian & English Courses Tutor :
Nika Wirawan, S.S., a university Lecturer with 10 years experiences in teaching Indonesian & English for private & companies. For free trial class, please contact:
Ph: 0878 616 37 555 E-mail:
Indonesian Language Educator and Translator
With overseas higher education qualification and teaching experience is now available to give Indonesian lessons. Contact: +62 897 864 4695
C/BS/U-30 Sept 15
Certified European Project Manager with own MEP/ Architect/Supervisor staff, very experienced, excellent reference list in Bali and abroad, offers you â&#x20AC;˘ Site Supervision or full PM Services - as requested â&#x20AC;˘ MEP & Architectural Design â&#x20AC;˘ Construction Drawings â&#x20AC;˘ Pre Purchase Check-Up on existing Structures
YOUR TRUSTED CONSTRUCTION EXPERTS Phone: +62 8113 92 93 93 Mail: C/Bm/A-14 Oct 15
NC/BS/A-2 Mar 16
Well established international Jewelry company selling large stock of unique stones and carvings at close out prices. Inventory includes Semiprecious stones, carved stone animal and faces, high quality blue labradorite in many sizes and shapes, turquoise, blue topaz, peridot, garnet, rainbow moonstone, rainbow obsidian, rhodochrosite, mother of pearl carvings, drusy, colored quartz doublets, cinnabar, mud beads, opals, and much more. Quantity inquiries for wholesale designers only.
â&#x2014;? â&#x2014;?
Please email: C/BS/I-08 July 15
C/BS/U-6 Jan 16
Working moms? No time to cook for your kids? No more worries! No more hectic! We make only home made frozen foods for your daily needs. Delivered to your door!
Chicken nugget Chicken chili cheese nugget Indonesian fried chicken Honey grilled chicken Chicken cordon bleu
Chicken karage Chicken schnitzel Spicy chicken wings Bitterballen Fried toast with variant fillings
No preservative. No msg added. See products and prices at Facebook: I Froz Bali Contact: 081805369219 NC/Bs/M-23 Dec. 15
NC/BS/I-02 March 16
C/Bm/I-05 August 15
C/BS/G-3 Feb. 16
C/BS/I-13 May 15
Bali Krisna Service Since 1999 Bali Krisna Service CV, has been the number one and most trusted domestic employee agency in Bali, specialising in housemaids, babysitters and nannies. We can provide domestic placement for â&#x20AC;˘ Babysitters â&#x20AC;˘ Housekeeping â&#x20AC;˘ Gardeners â&#x20AC;˘ Cooks â&#x20AC;˘ Cleaners â&#x20AC;˘ Security â&#x20AC;˘ And more English and Indonesian speaking, permanent or temporary, live in and out are available.
w w w. b a l i k r i s n a s e r v i c e . c o m Tel: 0851 0044 6932, 264738 Hp. 081 2365 4977 ~ 9am - 5pm C/BS/I-24 June 15
C/BS/I-02 March 16
C/Ns/G-24 March 10
NC/R/M-18 Feb. 15
& 1 &$ 2 +$ $5$183'(-& ,423 &. $04(/,$-3 $7 24/$1, 1*$3 1$23 41 -3
Open : 08.00 am - 10.00 pm
The Most Complete Supermarket in Ubud Jl. Raya Andong #14. Tel.973049, Fax. 978071 Ubud
3>E & %6 , )HE
NC/Ns/G - 27 July 11
Swimming pool always green?
Bagus Land Services We help you in making building permit (IMB) with fast and professional service. We guarantee you can have the certificate ready in 14 days. Our service is available in Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Klungkung and Tabanan.
Call the experts, Tropical Pool and Spa 289104 ( hunting ) or email :
OďŹ&#x192;ce Email Phone Address
From as low as Rp 550,000 per month we will maintain your pool. C/BM/G-1April 15
C/U/G-17 Dec. 08
C/BM/G-5 August 15
: Bagus Land Services : : 081 239 311 584 / 081 999 720 009 : Jl. Nusa Kambangan 126 Denpasar NC/BT/M-Sept. 3, 14
Local News IS Supporters Meet at Jakarta Mosques to Recruit Members An ABC film crew has captured IS teachings presented at sermons in several Jakarta Mosques. It is the first time a foreign film crew has been present at a meeting, which is understood to be part of a recruitment drive in the Indonesian capital. An ABC cameraman - an Indonesian national and Muslim gained access to the meeting at the As-Syuhada mosque and while attempts were made to stop him filming, what he managed to capture is clear. “They declare that territory as Islamic State where God’s law is upheld fully and where there isn’t any intimidation from foreign countries,” hard-line cleric Syamsudin Uba told the gathering. “And based on their sacrifice of their blood and wealth they declare an Islamic State.” He has previously been detained for his IS teachings but there are inadequate laws in Indonesia to stop his recruitment drive. Recordings from another camera filming at the meeting were later uploaded, as IS propaganda on YouTube. We, the mosque caretakers, didn’t know what the discussion was really about Mosque caretaker Tahmid said.
Clearly visible in the footage is the black flag often used by the IS militant group. During the filming another cleric urges his followers to travel to Syria for a better life. “When you get there soon, God willing, you won’t have to pay rent, you don’t have electricity and water bills,” he said. “You will get monthly food expenses, a monthly allowance, free health care and medicines.”
Seven Surabaya-Bound Flights Diverted to Bali Seven Surabaya-bound flights were diverted to Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali after Juanda Airport in Surabaya was temporarily closed Saturday (20/2). Juanda Airport in Surabaya was closed for nearly two hours after a Lion Air plane skid off the runway at the airport. The plane overran the landing strip at the airport at 11.08 a.m. local time, Legal and Communication Officer of state airport operator PT Angkasa Pura in Juanda Surabaya Airport, Liza Anindya said earlier in the day. “All passengers are safe. They all
The man even promised that interracial marriage would be tolerated there. Islamic State preaching’s have taken place at five Jakarta mosques. Farihin Kandai, a former member of Jemaah Islamiah who has served jail time for terrorism offences, said he was trying to have the IS preaching’s stopped.
have been evacuated from the plane,” he said. The evacuation of all 215 passengers was completed at around 12.00, he said. Because of the accident the airport will be closed until 15.30 p.m., Service and General Affairs Manager PT Angkasa Pura, Didik Tjatur P said in a written statement. “The airport is closed while airport authorities are removing the body of the plane,” he said.
“Security called me and shared their concern about ISIS supporters blooming in mosques across Indonesia,” he told the ABC. “Then they asked me to eliminate the activities.” But far from being eliminated, support is growing, and there is concern in the wake of last month’s terrorist attack not enough is being done to stop the spread of the IS message. (February 22nd 2016)
(February 20th 2016) Plastic Bag Charge Comes Into Force in 22 Cities Simultaneously As from Sunday, February 21, shoppers in 22 cities will have to pay for plastic bags they use to take home their purchases. Environmental Affairs and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya officiated the new policy which was simultaneously applied in 22 cities during the
U.S. Intelligence Warns SE Asia of Potential ISIS Terror Attacks
commemoration of National Trash-Free Day in the Hotel Indonesia Circle, here, Sunday (21/2). The central government is facilitating and supporting local administrations to reduce plastic trash by applying the pre-paid plastic bag system, she noted.The ministry has
The U.S. intelligence agencies have warned South East Asian nations about a possible terror attack in the region by
ministry then assured travelers to Malaysia that the security situation is under control.
Islamic State. The Australian government too has issued a specific warning about possible terror strikes in Malaysia. Intelligence agencies have reportedly informed regional
Thailand authorities have stepped up patrols and security checks in areas frequented by large groups of people and foreigners. Thailand’s military-run government has assured visitors that its security agencies have the situation under control. Australia on the other hand has issued a travel advisory, warning people of a possible attack in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. They indicated that Australian agencies have received specific information about a potential terrorist plot. The advisory said, “Terrorists may be planning attacks in and around Kuala Lumpur. Attacks could be indiscriminate and may target Western interests or locations frequented by Westerners.” It further recommended that Australians avoid travel to
We also acknowledge the fact that foreign missions are at liberty to provide their own assessment of the security situation in their host countries, albeit the fact that it may not be accurate or gives a true reflection of the situation.”
enthusiasts. Jumping into action mode, Malaysia almost immediately tightened its security situation. The Malaysian foreign
The Jakarta administration, for instance, has decided to charge Rp5,000 per bag in every shopping place, including in mini-markets and traditional markets. If the program is successful, the government will issue a ministerial regulation on this environmentally friendly policy. (February 21st 2016) Lawmaker Warns of Growing Cases of
After the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for a bomb and gun attack in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital in January, Malaysia has been on high alert. The nation even uncovered a series of alleged terrorist plots soon after. The security situation became more serious after Islamic State threatened revenge for the arrests of a growing number of its militants in Muslim-majority Malaysia in January. Reports cited the video of Malay-speaking militants who had warned on an IS-sanctioned website saying, “If you catch us we will only increase in number but if you let us be, we will be closer to our goal of bringing back the rule of khalifah [caliph].
Homosexuality and Bisexuality Lawmaker Mahfudz Siddik warned of growing criminality involving lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) in the country. The chairman of Commission I of the Parliament described the situation in the country as alarming with the LGBT phenomenon that needs serious addressing. Mahfudz cited the most recent case involving popular artist Syaiful Jamal, who was accused of committing sexual abuse with underage people of the same sex. “If we look closely into the indicators of the phenomenon, I fear Indonesia is entering a situation of emergency with the LGTB danger,” he said. Among the indicators is that the LGTB cases involve mainly public figures especially artists who are often seen as a role
We will never bow down to the democratic system of governance, as we will only follow Allah’s rules.”
the coastal region of eastern Sabah, where the beaches and islands are popular with foreign tourists and diving
Rp200 per bag, but many cities will charge much higher to encourage shoppers to bring their own bags from home.
The Ministry said in a statement, “It is nothing to be alarmed of and we will continue to keep foreign missions informed of security developments.
nations of a potential attack that has led to many of the nations increasing security.
suggested that a shopper should be charged minimum of
The Malaysian police had arrested seven Malaysian nationals accused of plotting to attack strategic locations across the country after which the revenge video was posted showing fighters from the so-called Katibah Nusantara (Malay Archipelago brigade).
model by their fans.The government and the Parliament and all elements of the community should be aware of the situation, and act collectively to cope with the problem, he said. “The mass media including the broadcasting service media and social media should restrain from spreading reports about the behaviors of LGTB,” he said. (February 20th 2016)
Bali Advertiser
Local News
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Police Arrest Suspected Members of Terrorist Group in Malang Police have arrested several people in Malang, East Java, who are suspected to be members of the terrorist group led by Santoso in Poso, Central Sulawesi. The suspected terrorist group members were caught while driving on Jalan Ngijo, Karangpolose, Malang district on Friday night (19/2). Malang police chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Yudo Nugroho Sugianto confirmed the arrest . According to information one of the people who were arrested is known to be a former civil servant of the Malang city administration. (February 20th 2016)
For Sale; Canon 16-35mm f2.8 Mark II L series lens, mint condition, perfect for landscape photography. complete with original box, hood, lens cap, bonus uv filter. Sell for Rp. 15.500.000. Contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [093] For Sale; Canon L Series Lens 70-200mm f2. 8 IS Mark II, mint condition. Ccomplete with box and original acc, bonus hoya uv filter. Sell for Rp. 20.500.000. Contact 089 8598 4567. Denpasar. [094]
Australian Man Arrested for Alleged Fraud and Embezzlement An Australian man has been arrested in Bali for alleged
Cultivate my moral strength and courage through education and creative nonviolent action.
For Sale; Javanese teak wood chair. Very good condition, selling for 590k, contact Kevin on 0818 0531 8192. [091]
So You Love an Alcoholic Take Courage; There Is Hope Hope for families & friends of alcoholics
AL-ANON FAMILY & FRIENDS GROUPS Seminyak, The Ruko, Jl. Drupadi II #80: Wednesdays, 5:00pm Saturdays, 5:30pm Ubud mainroad, Casa Luna / downstairs mid level: Mondays, 7:45am - Wednesdays, 7:45am Fridays, 7:45am - Saturdays, 10:30am Sanur, upstairs Putih Pino Cafe/Jl. Karang Sari #1 Wednesdays, 5:00pm
For Sale; Camera bag, holds 2 bodies, 3or4 lens, flash, etc. This bag I bought in London, I’m selling for 475k, contact Kevin on 0818 0531 8192. [092] For Sale; 2 new garden/ outdoor lights hallogen, black color, never use, new price each US$330, price now Rp. 1.2 million each. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [108] It’s the danger of the aphorism that it states too much in trying to be small.
Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser C/NV/U-14 Oct. 15
Is food a problem for you?
You are not alone. Overeaters Anonymous can help.
+62 821 4400 9924 Seminyak, The Ruko Jl. Drupadi II #80 Friday - 10.30 am Ubud mainroad, Casa Luna/downstairs mid level: Thursday: 9.00 am Saturday: 9.00 am C/NV/I-18 Mar 15
fraud and embezzlement over the sale of a land and villa development. Police say Eric Bevan Gillet was reported in 2014 by Balinese man I Ketut Sumadi for allegedly defrauding him 6 760 000 000 Rupiah (about $692 000) in a land and villa sale. “The victim reported that Eric failed to provide all the documents for the land and villa purchase,” said Bali police spokesperson Sri Harmiti. He said Mr. Gillet had been on the run since December 18 last year but was arrested at his home in Seminyak in February. “We will hand the case to the prosecutor on
C/NV/U-4 March 15
C/NV/U-17 FEB. 16
February 17,” Mr. Sri said. A spokeswoman said the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was providing consular assistance to an Australian man in Bali in line with the Consular services charter. “Due to our privacy obligations, we will not provide further information,” she said. (February 10th 2016)
BALI PINK RIBBON FOUNDATION Passengers on Air Asia Flight Arrive on the Gold Coast After 40-Hour Ordeal Passengers on a stranded Air Asia flight finally landed on the Gold Coast after 40 hours trapped in an airport security zone in Denpasar. Air Asia Flight D7206 from Kuala Lumpur to Coolangatta departed at 9.40pm on Monday (15/2) but was forced to divert to Bali after a passenger became seriously ill. A second departure for Australia was turned around after two hours when a second passenger told staff he needed urgent medical help. The problem escalated when passengers took matters into their own hands and booked other flights home, creating a discrepancy between the amount of people who came in on the diverted plane, and those who were waiting to fly out again, which caused complications under Indonesian aviation law. It also had a ripple effect for many who then missed connecting flights and lost accommodation. “They just left us completely in the dark until they were like, by the way, you’re actually staying here and we have no idea when you’re going back to Australia,” passenger Grace Harrison said. (February 17th 2016)
Is seeking for volunteers to help us with our regular programmes and events. We are a non-profit Foundation that aims to raise awareness of breast cancer and decrease the death rate to breast cancer in Bali local community. YAYASAN PITA MERAH MUDA BALI mengundang para sukarelawan untuk membantu kami dalam segala kegiatan kami. Kami adalah yayasan nirlaba yang mempunyai visi meningkatkan kesadaran akan kanker payudara dan mengurangi tingkat kematian akibat kanker payudara di masyarakat lokal Bali. Please reach us at below contact details to find out more : Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut :
Mentor Foundation (MMB) is an NGO based in Bali. Providing mentoring and education in personal money management for the local community. Our foundation has been operational since 2013 and is funded solely by our founder. We are seeking the public support to keep the foundation going as more local community are coming to us for assistance. Find out more about our foundation on Below are the following equipment needs to keep our foundation operational. (We would greatly appreciate donated items to be in working condition to save time and money):
IT :
1. Screens 2. Computers (Deskstop CPU or Laptop) 3. Gigabyte network Router and Wires 4. UPS(s) 5. Graphic Cards 6. Memory (RAM) 7. CPU + mainboard 8. Hard Disks (Internal or External) 9. Gigabyte network cards 10. Any mobile or smart devices Please Contact : +62831 1962 1913 (Rama) or +62821 4550 1899 (Gary Seah) Email : MMB Office address: Jl. Bumbak Dauh 71, Umalas, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia 80361 View Map <>
Bali Pink Ribbon Support Centre Jln. Dewi Sri IV no.1, Kuta, Bali Phone : +62 361 8496098 +62 851 0035 2299 Email Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-2 March 16
All ads published in the next issue. For sale ads must include location of item (s).
NC/E/U-3 Feb 16
Are you an expert on a topic of interest to BA readers? We are looking for one time Feature Articles. Contact Bali Advertiser with your idea. Look For The Next Issue Of Bali Advertiser On 16 March, 2016
Fax to: (0361) 764 191 or Bring to : Jl. Majapahit No. 46 Kuta For Sale Ads Location: (Kuta, Tuban, etc.) Place your ad on line 24 hours a day at Or you may email your ad to : <>
Color Ad Deadline Monday March 07 at 12:00 pm Black & White Ad Deadline Friday March 11 at 12:00 pm
Local News
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
pet care
Boarding Kennels vs Home Petcare: what to do with your pets while you are away Residents of Bali are a fairly international bunch of people and many are travelling frequently, either for work or pleasure. When you are away one of the things you need to plan is what to do with your pets while you are gone. Those who have villas with staff usually only need to worry about this during the Balinese holidays such as Nyepi and Galungan, when Balinese staff are off themselves. In this article we outline the options available to you as a Bali resident to keep your pet happy and healthy while you are away.
1. Boarding Kennels The advantage of a good boarding kennels is that your dog will be under constant supervision, will generally have a play area to get some exercise each day, and will have the chance to socialise with other dogs. Ditto for cats, which often have a communal playing area with toys etc. The disadvantages are that you usually have to drop off and pick up your pet, a kennels environment may be stressful for your pet, and there is the very real possibility of your pet catching contagious diseases. For dogs the most commonly encountered ones are Kennel Cough and ticks. For cats, cat Àu and Àeas are the greatest concerns. Good boarding kennels will usually insist that your pet has been fully vaccinated, and you will need to show the kennels your pet’s vaccination book before they arrive, to ensure infectious diseases are not brought into the kennel/cattery. For dogs this means the standard multi-vaccine (including parvo and distemper viruses) and also the kennel cough vaccine. These must have been given within the previous year. The kennel cough vaccine is separate to the standard multi-vaccine and you will have to ask your vet for this specifically as it is not part of the routine vaccination package. There are 2 types of kennel cough vaccine, a subcutaneous injection and an intra-nasal spray. The latter is thought to induce immunity faster (within 4 days of administration). Unfortunately since the vaccine is live, around 1 in 20 dogs actually develop a mild form of kennel cough from the vaccine itself. However it is not dangerous and usually the cough clears up in a few days. For cats, a necessary requirement is the standard multivaccine which protects against cat Àu and although not an entry requirement, it is also wise to apply a veterinary spot-on (e.g. Frontline, Revolution) just before the cat goes into the cattery so it doesn’t pick up any Àeas. Having a communal play area for dogs inevitably brings the risk of ticks transferring between dogs in the grassy paddock. Therefore if you are using a boarding kennels, just before leaving your dogs there you should apply a strong anti-parasitic spot-on to the back of your dog’s neck (e.g. Certefect, Frontline, Revolution, Advocate). Ticks can be a source of life threatening diseases such as Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis (commonly referred to as Blood Parasites) so it’s worth taking tick prevention seriously. There are a number of options for boarding kennels in Bali,
some of the more popular established ones include Bali Kennel ( Canggu Pet Resort ( and Bamboo Dog Hotel (
2. Veterinary Clinics The advantage of boarding your pet at a veterinary clinic is that he/she is under constant observation by vets, so any special requirements such as medications or bandage changes can be taken care of with ease. However the disadvantage is that your pet will be caged or at best in a walk-in kennel, without room to exercise or a larger area to poop and pee in.
For Sale; Tealight Candle Holders - 6.5 once glasses perfect for candles or cocktails. 150 left over from wedding. Get them while they last. Only Rp. 1,500 each. Call now 0361-4791457 or <sri@buysubliminal. com>. Gianyar. [082] Moving Sale; Teakwood wardrobe, teakwood cabinet, teakwood plus iron bed 180/200 Samsung 32 inch tv, bench 2 chairs plus coffee table teakwood set, microwave many cushion pillow, soft toys many other stuff for sale. All in excellent condition for more inquiry contact here 0815 5889 5304. [083]
By its nature a veterinary clinic has sick animals coming in and out daily, so there is a greater chance of your pet being exposed to contagious disease compared to a boarding kennels where all the animals are supposedly in good health. For this reason at Sunset Vet we generally advise that unless there are speci¿c medical reasons to do so, we do not recommend boarding your pet with us for anything longer than a few days, as they will be happier in a boarding kennel environment with more space.
4. Professional Home Petcare An alternative option recently launched in Bali is the home pet-sitting service Happy Tails (www. T h e H a p p y Ta i l s team arrange an initial consultation to customise their care package to your pets’ needs, and borrow a set of keys to gain access to your property. While you are away they visit twice daily to feed and give fresh water to your pet, and take your dog(s) for walks. Each visit is geo-logged by smart phone so you can see exactly what time the pet sitter arrived and left, and photos of your pet with a report are emailed to you daily or weekly as you prefer. The main advantage of this service is that your pets are not stressed by being put into a strange environment or through contact with other random dogs/cats. Also there is no chance of them picking up a contagious disease such as kennel cough/ticks (dogs) or cat Àu/Àeas (cats). A disadvantage is that for a single pet, the cost of home petsitting is marginally higher than boarding at a kennel/cattery. However if you have several pets the extra cost can be just Rp.20k per extra pet, so for multi-pet households this option has signi¿cant cost savings compared to putting multiple pets in boarding kennels.
Sunset Vet offers veterinary services via their Kuta (24hr) and Ubud (8am-7pm) clinics. For further information or to make an appointment call them on 0361754881 (Kuta) or 0361975296 (Ubud), or visit or sunsetvetbali Copyright © 2016 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of Sunset Vet at
For Sale; Women motorbike trouser size XS, with knee protection, synthetic, black/ Grey, POLO-Pharao, German Import, Inspect in Serangan. Price: 350,000Rp. Contact <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [055] For Sale; Large brand new domestic steamer imported Rp 500,000. In Sanur 0819 9957 1288. [007]
C/NV/G-02 Sept. 15
The therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel
3. Phone a Friend Leaving your furry friend with one of your human friends to look after is a popular option for those on a tight budget or those lucky enough to have friends who don’t mind having your dog/cat move in with them. Perhaps you have a reciprocal arrangement with a friend whereby you each look after the other’s pets while you are away. The downside of this is that you are either putting a friend out of their way if they have to come to your place several times a day, or you are moving pets to an unfamiliar environment where they may not be at ease.
For Sale; Women Motorbike jacket size 6, synthetic, white/black, Rainbow collection. Inspect in Serangan. Price: 250,000Rp. <>. SMS/What’sApp: 081 1392 0106. [054]
C/NV/I-02 Sept. 15
Mentor Foundation (MMB) is an NGO based in Bali. Providing mentoring and education in personal money management for the local community. Our foundation has been operational since 2013 and is funded solely by our founder. We are seeking the public support to keep the foundation going as more local community are coming to us for assistance. Find out more about our foundation on Below are the following equipment needs to keep our foundation operational. (We would greatly appreciate donated items to be in working condition to save time and money):
Media : 1. Armchairs 2. Small coffee table 3. DSLR (capable to shoot 1920x1080 video) 4. Kit lens (18-55 f3.8-f7.1) 5. One fix lens (18 or 22 or 35 or 50mm f1.4 or 1.8 or 2.2) 6. Shotgun mic with diffuser 7. Portable audio recorder 8. Tripod 9. Deskstop computer 10. Digital Audio Work Station 11. Headphones 12. Studio monitor or speakers 13. Long XLR cable 14. Short XLR cable 15. Mic stand 16. Studio mic 17. Pop filter 18. Reflection filters 19. UPS
Please Contact : +62831 1962 1913 (Rama) or +62821 4550 1899 (Gary Seah) Email : MMB Office address: Jl. Bumbak Dauh 71, Umalas, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia 80361 View Map <> NC/E/U-3 Feb 16
Bali Advertiser
Local News
02 March - 16 March, 2016
This fortnight leads us into eclipse season with the New Moon in Pisces and a Solar Eclipse on the 9th. Mercury also enters Pisces on the 5th and joins Neptune and Chiron, both transiting this sign long term and the South Node of the Moon. Mars moves into Sagittarius and is set to do an about face in mid-April and returning to the sign of Scorpio at the end of May. It will move forward again in August when it joins up with Saturn at 9 degrees of Sagittarius. Jupiter in Virgo will also return to its January position after completing its retrograde period at the same time. This eclipse will set in motion a time of service orientation and a review period that will end a particular cycle in August. The New Moon chart shows Pluto harmoniously linked to Jupiter and so we have a willing transformation taking place. There’s a willingness for people to help each other to grow and evolve; recognizing the work that is required to do just that. A stellium in Pisces which includes the Sun/Moon conjunction, Mercury, Neptune, Chiron and the Moon’s Node alludes to a Karmic retribution taking place. Jupiter and the Moon’s Node are the counter balance or opposed to these Pisces Planets and show us a more stable way of moving forward and with discernment, rather than self-sacrifice. Saturn is harmoniously linked to Uranus and this bodes well for radical shifts in awareness, purpose and direction. This cycle up to August will be a very emotional time. NEW MOON 18 Pisces 56 March 9, 2016 9:54 a.m. SOLAR ECLIPSE
You may well have a renewed sense of faith occurring around this New Moon which could well lead you into a different work situation. If you are planning to study or become a teacher yourself, you will have the confidence and bravado to do so and if your vocational commitments are leading you through a deeper transformation of your own health issues, then this is a good thing. It’s just possible that your passion may involve work within the healing arts. This fortnight appears to be a time of deep inner reflection and possible solitude, making retribution within your own emotional self or conversely helping others in institutional settings. Venus is moving into that super romantic sign of Pisces this fortnight and Mars the more adventure loving sign of Sagittarius. It’s a great opportunity to add some colour and playfulness to your relating and get creative around your future aspirations together. This New Moon Eclipse marks the beginning of these projects and the necessity to merge financially and resourcefully to bring them to completion. You have hidden strengths and an emerging self who is willing to take more responsibility in roles of authority. Use these next few weeks to boldly move forward and this will set in motion the next series of changes and chain of events. You carry within you innovative new ideas for community and relating and this is potentially the time to begin the next platform of presentation. There’s a solid grounding and sense of purpose emerging through you. You may meet some influential people within the more spiritual or esoteric world that can help you re-align yourself with a more ancient past or ceremonial remembering. Your family also play an important role, as does your ancestral lineage and bloodline connection. Transformation is profound and yet has more a sense of ease to it now, as opposed to the pressure you’ve felt over the last months and even years. You are feeling more on track and in alignment.
This month may just see you working a little more for love than profit as your generous and compassionate natures are activated by the New Moon. The service axis of Virgo and Pisces also has you seeking out moments of solitude to give deeply to yourself and rejuvenating both your physical and emotional bodies. As you continue your deep soul work on the inner plains a solid foundation is building on the physical. There’s a great deal to be shared on the practical level and yet it is being communicated in more playful and expansive rather than contracted ways. Your primary relationships are keeping you delightfully invigorated and challenged. This communal expansion continues as the New Moon highlights your personal role in the ever evolving group dynamic. Your own communications are precise and directed and bearing in mind the good of the collective and your willingness to play a pivotal role is apparent and your value system is continuing to expand and the change of perspective on particular topics will be channelled through your day to day work environment. You are a radical at the best of times and now you truly shine in your eccentricity, bringing home ingenious ways to evolve through the current challenges and embracing change with an ease of authority and maturity.
For Sale; Plastic chair 3 pcs, good quality, brand Rovega like new 99%, never use, color sky blue, for @ 175.000 Rupiah or all 500.000 Rupiah, for picture can add pin bbm or call 0819 9976 2019. Denpasar. [002] For Sale; Michelin Cross Terrain 265/65 R17 tires for sale. Set of 4. Fits any Fortuner, Hilux, Ranger, etc. Tires did only run 100km. Asking Rp. 3Jt for all, Jimbaran or Seminyak pickup. <andreasmkuhn@gmail. com>. 081 139 3853. [012] For Sale; One LPG blue gasbottle 12 kg Rp 400.000,(fixed price).Tel 081 7472 8036.Denpasar. [042]
For Sale; Cafe small electric appliances, microwave 600.000 / toaster 550.000 / small oven 850.000 / small bar fridge 1.500.000. Contact Barrie 0813 5314 2488. [073] For Sale; Old collections of photograph album from 19th century. Dutch documentary of South African native tribes and colonials. Printed in circa paper. Interested party email to <antok_256@>. Denpasar. [074] For Sale; Denon MC3000 DJ Controller, as new condition as only used 3x, I bought new at 8mil will sell half price 4mil. Contact 0819 9967 1267 for more info, can send pics via whatsapp or email. Denpasar. [037]
C/NV/U-29 April 15
As emotional outbursts occur in and around the home you are compelled to look for a solution within the larger framework of your life. It appears that you are being directed towards your life’s work and vocational matters that could well arise through your strong connectedness to early childhood emotional development. Taking an authoritative stance and possibly defending children will come more easily than you had anticipated. Your finances will also benefit from the decisions that you make now, although there is no hurry as you weigh up the pros and cons of future actions. A lot hangs in the balance as you go through this process over the coming months.
These eclipses are always powerful for the Cancer native, being the moon ruled creature that you are. This one highlights the spiritual and/or religious side of your nature and the connections you have to foreign countries and people. There’s so much learning going on for you at this time and a movement towards the people and the places that are shaping your future. Your everyday work concerns are motivating and inspiring you to commit to a higher purpose and this is creating the radical shift in perception required at this particular time. The next few months will continue the theme of travel, higher learning and a faith filled life.
As you bring all your higher minded ideals into a practical framework this month it will probably be easier to channel information or use your intuition to convey your message. It’s a good time to market yourself, your products and your services, keeping in mind the manifesto of your ambition. There is a power source available to you as you set your mind on study or broadening your repertoire and it is no doubt driven by the need for success. It’s a good idea to harness energy when it’s available to you, rather than use it to self-sabotage or negate your motives. Use your intention to create harmony through dedication.
The Sun is in Pisces and for a moment will be hidden by the Moon and this is your opportunity to reset. If your life’s direction has felt a little off course and you simply need to re-align yourself with more commitment to your own personal desires and aspirations, then this is the time to do it. Your psychic abilities and intuition are currently off the rector scale and this brings with it a strong requirement for solid boundaries and value structures. Get really practical about your needs and wants as opposed to financial obligations and future goal orientation. Your global connections and higher minded thinking is prompting you to mature.
This is the time to bring a higher love to planet earth and to convey its message of unfolding evolution and revolutionary changes through the way that you communicate. The global community is asking for these advocates of change to step forward now and perhaps you are one of those willing to take on the responsibility. Your values are based more on collective mind consciousness than an individualized model and yet you also see the necessity to support at the individual level and accept every situation. As your own life path opens up before you, a personal healing around intimacy ensues. This is a more private area of your own transformation.
Mercury joins with all the other Pisces planets and brings a more emotional edge to all of your communications. There will be ample opportunity for you to assist and support those closest to you, over the coming months and yet it continues that you must take good care of yourself and your own needs. Learning to prioritize and discern is a crucial exercise for you as you find your own direction to take, particularly around family and children. Nurture is required for yourself and those you love. There’s quite a revolutionary transformation taking place as you open to this next phase of your life’s adventure and the fun it brings.
With so many planets lining up in your sign this birthday, you are sure to be of divine service this coming year. Your one-on-one relationships are helping you to heal any self-loathing issues that could be still lurking in the shadows. Whichever way you look at it, it is a profoundly healing year ahead. As your willingness shines through to take on the new responsibilities afforded you around the sharing of resources, opportunities continue to flourish. Communal and group activities will the platform from which you launch this next phase of your life’s purpose or undertaking. It is through your daily work that you find a deep sense of fulfilment.
Follow daily updates on my facebook page vibhutianjali Copyright © 2016 Vibhuti-Teri Norris You can read all past articles of Horoscope at C/NV/U-23 Dec 15
The Frugal Balinist *Miracle in a bottle. For organic gardeners, creating a living soil rich in nutrients is a time consuming process. Getting the right balance of nutrients and acidity is vital when growing fruit, vegetables and Àowers. Dewa Pupuk Liquid Fertilizer is made from organic materials and is rich in nutrients, amino acids and microorganisms, which eliminate the need for other supporting products such as chemical fertilizers. This environmentally friendly liquid fertilizer improves plant quality by accelerating the seed germination process making plants more resistant to pests. Not only is it able to increase your crop productivity but also give you a high quality crop faster. Easy to use, simply mix the fertilizer with water and spray it on your plants. Available at Kopernik’s Tech Kiosk in Ubud for Rp185,000/1,000 ml bottle. For bulk orders, order beforehand.
+ No Woman = No Problems. *Only a pea size worth of toothpaste on a toothbrush is necessary for best results. *Soda can tabs with holes in them are actually meant as straw holders. *This month state electrical company PLN has reduced the cost of electricity for low power consuming households and middle-sized businesses. *No need to Àoss all your teeth; Àoss only the ones you want to keep; Àossing is also important for gum health and will make your mouth feel fresh. A new study has shown that Àossing even plays a role in preventing heart disease. *Based on the 193 UN member countries, “The Passport Index” ranks passports by how many countries will let you in without a visa: UK & US passports rank No. 1, Indonesia passports rank No. 60. *Use Skype and Viber to cut costs of making phone calls overseas. *Take advantage of catch up television services like BBC iPlayer, Dank or ValleyPBS rather than signing up for expensive TV packages like Indovision. *Download a budget-tracking app which helps you set both long and short ¿nancial management goals; BUDGT calculates your income verses your outgoings and lets you know how much you’ve got to spend each day. *Sometimes it can be a better deal to book a return fare and then not Ày the return leg. *Thrift is of great revenue.
*Uber, Part I. Pros: Ride-on-demand Uber ( cities/bali) beats regular taxis with their greasy yukkie interiors hands down: cheaper, faster pickup, nicer and cleaner cars, less chance of rip-offs, no need to haggle over price. Uber cars in Jakarta are grimy and small, but the ones in Bali are newer and better. This more convenient cashless alternative is available and not only at the airport but everywhere on Bali. If taking the toll road, the toll fee is charged to your account, so no need to pay separately. The prepaid taxi’s at the airport are scandalous, charging a Rp200,000 fare for what would be a Rp75,000 Uber ride. Standard Uber fares: pickup Rp7000, distance Rp3000/km; time Rp400/minute (Rp24,000/ hour). Inform the drivers which terminal to pick you up at or where you are (Solaria, Alfamart, etc.). If you use a promo code when signing up, your ¿rst ride up to Rp75,000 is free. Cost from airport to Benoa is only around Rp43,000 for possibly a high end Innova with no toll road charge; by contrast Golden Bird is Rp215,000 and small metered taxis Rp200,000. That’s why 90% of tourists use Uber. Uber drivers tend to be local, not out-of-towners who don’t know their way around and need to use GPS. Sometimes drivers will even waive the cancellation fee if it’s too macet or if they miss a critical turn down a one-way street. Uber drivers are also quite willing to negotiate a Àat off-the-books fee and take you on an all-day tour.
*Minitips. *Ubud’s dozens of massage parlors offer massages starting at Rp60,000; Sedona Spa, 20 m north of Bintang supermarket, offers wonderful 1.5 hour Balinese massages for Rp150,000; *Alcoholic drinks on Bali are pricy and will often set you back the same price as a full meal; save big by ordering water or soft drinks. *Photo-hosting service Flickr offers an insanely generous 1 TB of free space to all users. *If you think it’s a fair price, pay it; it’s not worth squabbling over small amounts like an extra Rp10,000 (less than a dollar!). *If you buy multiple items, you should be able to negotiate a lesser price. *Bintang supermarket has the cheapest natural soaps in Bali. * is a free Balinese-English-Indonesian wiki resource dictionary for de¿nitions, word usage, sample sentences, translations and more which was developed and edited by a team of experts. *Be wary of getting a Henna tattoo on Bali; a toxic chemical known as phenylenediamine-PPD is often used, causing scarring and adverse skin reactions with hospitalization. *Thrift is of great revenue. *Natural peanut butter should be stored upside down which mixes the oil better for easier stirring. *Nggak Punya Uang + Nggak Punya Pekerjaan + Nggak Punya Wanita = Nggak Punya Masalah. No Money + No Job
*Cheap travel by sea. PELNI, Indonesia’s national shipping company, connecting all the main islands from Sumatra to Papua on a bi-weekly or monthly schedule, is necessary for routes where Àying is not practical or available. PELNI is the least expensive way to see this huge watery nation’s most remote corners. The Ambon-Banda haul is a prime example, given the unreliability and infrequency of Merpati Àights. Board several hours early to stake your territory on the open deck to avoid hot crowded spaces and not wind up sleeping in corridors or under a stairway for several days. Lay out your mat amongst the goats, chickens and merchandise and stretch out. Don’t go barefoot when walking about! Another option is to take refuge in your car on the lowest deck. Take your own food and drinks as the food on the boat sucks. Buy snacks, drinks, water, nasi campur meals before embarkation instead of buying onboard where the victuals are overpriced (unless you buy from one of the roaming independent vendors). Recently they’ve done away with 1st- and 2nd-class, but passengers are still able to rent a room from the ship’s crew - though the next morning you might ¿nd him sleeping on the Àoor! Comfortable no-smoking VIP lounges, usually located in the more scenic front of the ship, offer wide adjustable airline type seats which cost just a little extra if not at all. The downside is the non-stop karaoke music blasting out over crackly poor quality speakers. By the end of the trip, the decks are a pigsty. People throw stuff on the Àoor and the toilets are dirty and smelly. Having said all of that, PELNI is perhaps the best way to capture the vast archipelagic nature of Indonesia. PELNI is the “real” Indonesia. *Travel tips: Even though the latest research asserts that weekends offer the best fares, Àiers who spot a good deal, say on Thursday, shouldn’t wait until Saturday to buy it with the hope that the price will tumble even further. If you ¿nd a good deal, grab it regardless of the day of week! *Like the massively useful towel in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a soft, cotton sheet or 2-m-long, 1-m-wide sarung/kain (Rp40,000) has enormous practical survival value while traveling. It works as a breathable barrier between you and unclean beds, blankets and pillows to shield you against allergens, harsh detergents, lice and bedbugs. Wrap it around you for warmth. For buses, trains and planes use it cover the headrest. In iffy accommodations use it as a cover against
mosquitoes. If you get hot, soak the sheet in water to cool you down. Use it as a pillow. There’s no emotional connection, so at end of trip just discard it or give it away.
Sanur Beach Market sign
*Toko of the Month. For hassle-free bargain shopping in Sanur, head to Tootsie’s, a new shop that sells handbags, shoes, jewelry, quilts, sunglasses, table runners, clothing for adults and kids…and much more. Located behind Tootsie’s Bar and Café in Sanur, the easiest way is to go down Jl. Pantai Sindhu (east), turn left at the beach and it’s 100 m further on the path that runs parallel to the sea. Canvas (colored V shoes) cost only Rp100,000; other shops charge as much as Rp150,000. The glass-fronted shop is air-conditioned and nicely set out. It’s not huge but has a good selection and prices are very good. In fact, you can use them as a guide for other non-¿xed market shopping, e.g., Roxy/Quicksilver/Billabong jumpers $10Aus, Vans $10Aus, Nikes $15Aus, Sunglasses/ hats Rp25,000. PLUS sizes also available. If Tootsie has not got what you’re after, she will get it in for you. Address: Tootsie No 28, Sindhu Beach Market, Sanur, tel: 0361-285-184. Note: The shops surrounding Tootsies now have also become ¿xed price. *Mold, Part I-construction. There isn’t a house in Bali without mold, tiny organisms with thread-like roots. While some molds are safe, like those used to make Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Brie cheeses, most are unsafe, as they can contain isteria, brucella, salmonella and E. coli. Living in the midst of these molds and their musty odors in your house can cause breathing problems, coughing and allergies. The best time to stop mold is during construction. Though put up in Bali’s humid climate, most buildings aren’t designed for optimum ventilation or with proper water/damp proo¿ng in the foundations so moisture seeps up from the foundation. Mold will continue to grow if the inside of the walls are wet. The only way to totally remedy existing mold is to knock down the entire building and start over. During construction not enough time is given for the walls to evaporate moisture under the right conditions. No water sealers are applied, no primers are used as undercoats and poor quality paints are used. Moisture trapped in the concrete walls and crevices can produce areas of mold which is especially common after the raining season or if the building is near a river or constructed over a previous rice ¿eld. If you have a mold problem, open all doors and blinds to create a through draft/cross ventilation. Sunlit air maximizes airÀow. Fans running day and night also help. Strip the peeling paint from walls and moisture spots (including cracks between the tiles of kitchen walls), give them an acid wash, then repaint over bare concrete walls with an anti-fungal water proof paint. Indonesians swear by elastics-based No Drop anti-fungal/ moisture sealer paint that is used in bathrooms, asbestos sheeting, roof beams and gutters, outside walls and pipes that comes in 16 colors and costs Rp46,200 1kg, Rp175,500 4kg and Rp802,000 20 kg. Repeat the process every 6 months if necessary.
Please send your budget ideas, bargain deals and money saving tips to Copyright © 2016 Bill Dalton You can read all past articles of The Frugal Balinist at
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URGENTLY REQUIRED With a 20 year long history in pearling, Atlas is a global leader in ecopearling and one of the top producers of the highly sought aŌer silver and white South Sea pearl, commonly known as the queen of all gems. Atlas South Sea pearls are harvested from five pearl farms extending through the Indonesian archipelago to West Papua. Atlas has established and secured a solid and direct relaƟonship with leading global retailers and supplies major brand names and fashions houses on FiŌh Avenue, New York and Place Vendome in Paris. Atlas pearls and jewellery are available at our showroom in Bali: Seminyak as well as North Bali, and for the more adventurous, at Punggu, Flores and Alyui, West Papua.
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C/Es/G-2 March 16
A well established expat company is looking for a Web
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Looking for Accountant &
Pulau Weh, Sabang, Aceh.
Barista & Waitress for Cafe
Competitive salaries. Please
in Petitenget. Please call
send your CV to <gianluca.
0819 9901 4912. [889]
Local Experience in managing stock and inventory Computer and admin skills Please email CV with photo to: NC/Es/2 Mar 16
HOTEL MANAGER>. [843] Production
Spanish Teacher for 6 year
needed in Bali for garment
Lead, supervise, and direct the operations and
child needed, 2x week offer
financial activities of the hotel. Manage staff, activities,
monthly rate. <jorg.starke@
Indonesian. Fluent English
<fikamurasaki@gmail. Needed:
com>. [890] New Spa & Salon opening
<ennymei@>. [884] Amazing wanted
Retreat -looking
Leader an
Requirements: •
Bachelor’s degree preferred. 3-5 years of management experience, preferably in both Hotel and F&B
operations, plans,
Female / Male, age at least
20 years old, high school
assurance programs, and long-range planning.
reservations and daily operations
for Kedungu beach villas
repairs, quality
Command of the English language both written
experienced Retreat Leader
the relevant field at least 1-2
and verbal is essential. Computer and internet
to join our award winning
years or without experience
team in Canggu. Seeking
but willing to be trained,
a native English speaking
working hours 9am - 6pm,
Generous remuneration based on skill and experience.
female who has a passion
Monday - Saturday. Send
Loving family atmosphere. Possible profit sharing.
for leading women on their
resume and recent photo
wellbeing weeks. Experience
in yoga, food and customer
com> or bring the CV during
service is a must. Please
the interview. Contact HP:
<baliretreatrole@>. [869] NC/Es/2 Mar 16
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: General Manager (Expat/Local) - Yogyakarta - Java Hotel Manager - Jakarta - Java Regional Revenue Manager - Ubud - Bali Director of Sales & Marketing (Expat/Local) - Bali Director of PR & Marketing (Expat) - Bali Assistant Director of Human Resources - Bali Assistant Sales Manager - China Sales Office Food & Beverage Manager (Expat) - Philippines Human Resources Manager - Yogyakarta - Java Assistant Director of Human Resources - Bali Talent Acquisition Manager - Corporate - Bali Learning & Development Manager - Nusa Dua - Bali Rooms Division Manager/Director of Rooms - Bali Executive Sous Chef - Jakarta - Java Director of Engineering - Jakarta - Java Engineering Manager - Bali
of social media marketing
Butlers, Security, Gardener Due rapidly growing Company we looking for a new posiƟon:
in education is preferable.
0813 3786 4447. [886]
Must have excellent written
1. Place your ad at for the quickest service.
Vice Principal, Director of Study,
English, Send
081 2394 8595. [418] Looking
primary teachers, fluent in
[891] NC/Es/2 Mar 16
Seeking Full Time Female Graphic Designer. For women-only business and villa. Must be based in Bali, near Seminyak preferred. Knowledge of brand design, marketing and marketing material creation is required. Competent in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and/or Photoshop. Send Resume, References and sample of work to <jiwadewi@gmail. com>. [892] Looking Secretary M a r k e t i n g . <prohouseconcept@yahoo.>. [902] Position: Personal Assistant/Receptionist. Looking for a switched on, energetic, person to join our team! Essential skills are fluent written and spoken English, ability to organise, able to set schedules and meet deadlines. 5+years previous experience in this role essential and knowledge of accounting/ finance industry, marketing and social media management preferred. Please contact Ayu at <Anugerahbisnisabadi@>. [895]
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
SJV Bali is a custom FF&E
Private villa at Petitenget
area looking for a Villa
hospitality, residential and
corporate projects
maximal 30 Years Old. Have>
Min. 3 Years in the same
seeking for HR Manager,
field. Please send your CV
and recent photograph to
Manager, Office Manager/
Male/Female>. [899]
Accountant and 3D Designer. Send your CV to <stephanie.
Retiree Hotelier wanted as
Consultant for local hotel
com>. [896]
Jewellery project looking
to : <Ayuwapa@hotmail.
for Designer. Experience is
relevant but not essential. Drawing
person. Ubud area. Send
Selling. Salary 6 million fix
your CV and portfolio to
+ commission. Pool suplies
product.>. [901] Research Graphic
Media Planner. Send your
M a r k e t i n g .
<indianaryder@>. [904]>. [902]
Apparel Shop inside the
resort in Nusa Dua looking
chocolate business: <http://
for: 1. Manager Boutique>. [903]
English-Chinese (Mandarin)
emails. Please send CV to
Japanesse Kindly
and the
<> Call 081 629 555 3. [898]
<>. [905]
NC/Es/2 Mar 16
Stenden University Bali is looking for a
Stenden University Bali is looking for a
Stenden University Bali is looking for
Marketing Officer (Bali – fulltime)
Marketing Coordinator (Bali - fulltime)
Module Coordinators / Lecturers (full-time)
Stenden University Bali is looking for a marketing coordinator with will be responsible for our marketing/communications department, primarily related to student recruitment.
Stenden University Bali, one of the international branch campuses of Stenden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) is looking for module coordinators / lecturers, who will coordinate one or more academic modules of their bachelor’s programmes ‘International Hospitality Management’ & ‘International Business Administration’ and give lectures related to these topics.
Stenden University Bali is looking for an (Indonesian) marketing officer with strong sales skills. The successful candidate will be responsible for the recruitment of high school students for our bachelor programmes. He/she will be part of a marketing team and will be working under the supervision of a marketing coordinator. The position is fulltime (40 hours weekly). Your responsibilities • Visit schools, education fairs and other events (mostly throughout Indonesia) to attract potential students; • Inform potential students and their parents about the study possibilities at Stenden University Bali by one-on-one student counseling (face-to-face, e-mail, telephone) or by giving presentations to groups; • Participate in all other marketing activities of the team, ranging from the organization of promotional events, maintenance of website, social media activities, writing newsletters and press releases, maintain press contacts, develop promotion materials and advertisements, etc. Your qualifications • Minimal in possession of a bachelor degree in marketing or a business related field; • Excellent command of English (spoken and written); • International study and/or working experience would be advantageous; • Several years of experience working in a marketing or sales position (with clear track record). Experience in education promotion / education marketing is a plus; • Sales driven mentality;
This is an exciting time for Stenden University Bali; in line with ambitious plans, we are currently seeking a marketing coordinator to deliver commercially-focused marketing plans principally based on market research. The focus includes student recruitment, online/ offline advertising and the delivery of professional services, with the emphasis on ROI. With the support of a small marketing team, your responsibility will span all aspects of marketing new/existing products, the programme portfolio and pricing, through to school events and content generation in support of brand awareness and profiling. You will have experience across the full marketing mix with particular emphasis on the delivery of integrated, measureable solutions in the digital and social media space. You will promote creativity and innovation whilst ensuring quality, consistency and efficiency in all areas of the marketing activities. In return for your expertise, we offer a stimulating & entrepreneurial environment, competitive terms and the opportunity to make a real difference. Profile of the desired candidate • Minimal in possession of a relevant Bachelor degree (or higher); • Excellent command of written and spoken English; • Relevant work experience in marketing; • Excellent organizational skills; • Independent, pro-active, flexible, creative; • Willing to make a long term commitment;
Stenden University Bali Stenden University Bali was established in 2009 and has an international work environment, career development opportunities for its employees and opportunities to travel internationally. The university is part of Stenden University in the Netherlands, which furthermore counts other campus sites in South Africa, Thailand and Qatar.
Stenden University Bali Stenden University Bali was established in 2009 and has an international work environment, career development opportunities for its employees and opportunities to travel internationally. The university is part of Stenden University in the Netherlands, which furthermore counts other campus sites in South Africa, Thailand and Qatar.
Stenden University Bali currently offers two fulltime Bachelor programmes: ‘International Hospitality Management’ & ‘International Business Administration’ as well as exchange programmes and short courses for the industry (
Stenden University Bali currently offers two fulltime Bachelor programmes: ‘International Hospitality Management’ & ‘International Business Administration’ as well as exchange programmes and short courses for the industry (
Application procedure Send your CV and a brief motivation letter (in English) by March 20th, 2016 to Ms Rani Kusumo, Assistant General Manager (rani. You will be notified after the application deadline and documents check concerning possible interview dates.
Application procedure Send your CV and a brief motivation letter (in English) by March 20th, 2016 to Ms Rani Kusumo, Assistant General Manager (rani. You will be notified after the application deadline and documents check concerning possible interview dates.
Position • Coordinate and organize several academic modules, in close cooperation with module coordinators of the main campus in the Netherlands; • Provide lectures according to the subject(s) of expertise; • Organize evaluations of the modules and improve the modules based on this; • Act as a personal coach for students; • Coordinate various academic projects (or participate in projects); • (possibly) Carry out research. Profile • In possession of a Master’s, -or PhD degree, preferably in business administration, finance, economics or hospitality; • Excellent command of written and spoken English (Minimum score: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 550 paper based); • 3 years of relevant work experience in the field of knowledge; • Preferably teaching experience; • Excellent organizational skills; • Independent, pro-active, flexible, culturally sensitive; • Willing to make a long term commitment. Stenden University Bali Stenden University Bali was established in 2009 and has an international work environment, career development opportunities for its employees and opportunities to travel internationally. Application procedure Send your CV and a brief motivation letter (in English) by March 20th, 2016 to Ms Rani Kusumo, Assistant General Manager ( You will be notified after the application deadline and documents check concerning possible interview dates. NC/Es/2 Mar 16
Bali Advertiser
+62 813 3872 1947. [584] Male
A rare opportunity for an experienced chef that has experience in fast paced operations in Asia.
The ADOK will be responsible for the day to day operations and management of the kitchen for a new Berawa Beach Club located with multiple outlets.
and graphic design also photography. Able to operate Photoshop and Coreldraw.
Female Freelance Yoga Teacher. Speak English. Flexible time. 0821 4604 4216. [893]
Prefer freelance job. Please
Female seeking job. Villa Manager / Spa Manager. Good English, good CV. 0821 4604 4216. [894]
Experienced Cook looking
Female looking for part-time job as data entry, personal assistant job. Speaking and written English. If possible work from home. Based in Bukit Jimbaran. E-mail: <> or SMS only 081 2381 5292. [818] I’m a male looking for anykind of job. I can speak English, basic computer, have experience in food & beverage service at one of biggest hotels in Denpasar. Please contact me at 0852 3710 1393. [123]
email: <thenbagus@gmail.
The candidate must be self motivated and result orientated.
com> or text 081 2386 6175. [630]
Applications to:
for job. Good for Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese food. Contact: 1867.
NC/Es/2 Mar 16
Young Architect looking for
1. Place your ad at for the quickest service.
job : (architecture, interiors, 3D, IMB, construction, & supervision)
2. You may also email, fax or post your ad into our office and we will email, fax or telephone you with the price. You may also visit our office to place your ad.
7954. [906] Male
3. Ads looking for work are charged at Rp. 18.000 per word.
and graphic design also photography. Able to operate
4. Ads looking for employees are charged at Rp. 20.000 per word
Photoshop and Coreldraw. Prefer freelance job. Please
5. All ads must be paid before printing. All payments must be made at our office or by money transfer to our bank.
email: <thenbagus@gmail. com> or text 081 2386
6175. [630]
Jl. Batu Belig
To: Denpasar
a Jl. Lesmana
24 51 39 38
S un
y bima
Jl. Plawa
Jl. Nakula
ble Dou
43 35
min Jl. Se
Jl. K 45
m B onjo l
To: Denpasar
P e t i t e n g
36 a y a
Mertan adi
30 29 56
1 2
Jl. Patih Jela n
n opie
Jl. Mataram
Jl. M ajapahit
egia Gan
a Jl. R
Gang Popies II
16 28 Bali Advertiser
Jl. Setia
Jl. Pantai Kuta
49. Indolinen 50. Lucy Batik 51. My Island Bali 52. Stone Craft 53. Folk Art Gallery 54. Bali Interio 55. Rosada 56. Wakasaya
ttim Jl. Pa
ya L
ntik Jela 14 atih Jl. P 4 19 18 6 5
Jl. Raya Kuta
Jl. Melasti
Jl. Sunset Road
rtana di
Jl. Yudistira
Le aya Jl. R
i ew Jl. D
1. Anemalou Villas 2. Rejuvie Aesthetics & Anti-Aging 3. Grand Lucky Supermarket 4. Alabaster Lighting 5. Okusi Assoicates 6. Concord Services 7. Horas 8. KCBJ Tour & Travel 9. Siloam Hospital 10. Bali Kristalmedic 11. ARC Anti Aging Beauty Clinics 12. BIMC Hospital 13. Frangipani 14. Indo - Ned 15. Tan’s Bakery & Pastry 16. PT. Sarana Filtra 17. Global Chiropractic 18. Bali Chiropractic 19. Hegar Sumber Kreasi 20. Brighton Paradise Property 21. Wax Haus 22. 3M Bali Solarist 23. Baliquesse 24. Neela Furniture 25. Desjoyaux Swimming Pool Builder 26. Channel One 27. Wave Hunter 28. Moores Rowland 29. Sunset Pilates 30. Palloma Hotel 31. Global Expat 32. Sara Klinik 33. Xclusive Property 34. Bali Realty 35. Cocoon Spa 36. Exotiq Seminyak 37. Paradise Property 38. Bali Chiropractic & Pilates 39. Glo Day Spa & Salon 40. Manik Salon 41. The Breezes 42. AVB 43. Nagajayata 44. Sempoa 45. Bali Expat Services 46. Lumbung Ayu 47. Superior Property 48. Bali Catering
Japanese. Call Ngurah at
s Jl. Ba
Bali Advertiser
event. Speaks English and
t Ku Pantai . l J
Needed experienced Realtors within expatriate communities, earn up to 90% commission and profit share. Keller Williams Realty 0812 8100 2525. [912]
We are a growing company engage in Villa Management, are currently looking for a Manager, Supervisor Area, Butler, Reservation, E-Commerce. Have at least 2 years experience in same field. Send your CV to <info@balicoconutliving. com>. [914]
Assistant Director of Kitchen (ADOK) Expatriate Position
available for tour or special
Hotel General Manager, 9ys Indonesia, Branding – Opening – Operation, speaks fluent Bahasa, excellent references, looking for a new executive challenge. Pls contact: <germanhotelgm@>. [075]
Looking for Hairdresser & Reception. Send CV <Estheticdayspa79@>, tlp (0361) 735593. [910]
Luxury Nail Salon urgently seeking Operational Manager. Solid education and professional background with min 3 years experience, highly motivated, working with deadline, fluent in English. Also open for expat. Send resume to <info. hrd@p u t r i b i n t a n g g r o u p . c o m > . [9 1 3 ]
k an g
Hiring In-house female help. For private villa (European Owner) in Uluwatu. English is required. Some housekeeping & western cooking experience needed. Contact 0819 0608 7982 or email to <hhvrecruitment@>. [909]
Luxury Nail Salon in Seminyak urgently looking for Male/Female Therapist experienced in Manicure and Pedicure preferably with experience in Gel Polish, Nail Extension, Nail Art, and Waxing. Send CV to <info. hrd@putribintanggroup. com>. [865]
Hiring In-house couple. For private villa (European Owner) in Uluwatu. English is required. Some housekeeping & driving for male, housekeeping & western cooking experience for female. Contact 0819 0608 7982 or email to <hhvrecruitment@gmail. com>. [908]
(Cari Kerja)
Jl. Raya
Baby Carer/Housekeeper required in Ubud. Must have excellent English. Good Salary for the right person. Ph 0858 5743 1429. [907]
(Cari Tenaga)
Bali Hai Cruises is looking for an experienced Japanese Sales and Marketing (Available For Japanese Expats Only) familiar with sales call, sales reports, target and strong in Japanese market, please email your detail CV to : <martin@balihaicruises. com>. [911]
02 March - 16 March, 2016
12 To: Benoa Sanur
MK 200116/I
Real Estate In a sea of legal uncertainty, think of us.
Spend Nyepi at Sea Breeze Candidasa and get 25% discount on all rooms. Price includes breakfast and tax. Call us: 0812 1085888, 0812 3767 8789, <info@>, <www.seabreezecandidasa. com>. [0630]
Dikontrakan tanah 4,5 are. Lokasi Tabanan Tanah Lot. Cocok untuk villa development. Call 0813 3761 8511 / 0819 1619 8031. [9447] House with land for sale. Located in Jl. Gunung Agung 88 Tabanan. Land 900m2, building 77m2. Hak Milik certificate. Price Rp. 5,5 Billion (nego). Contact 0852 2212 0341. [9707]
Land for sale only for serious buyer. Location in Nyanyi Beach - Beraban - Tabanan. Close to Tanah Lot temple. 30 are, mainroad access, 500m from the beach. Price Rp. 600 million/are (fixed price). Call 0819 1619 8031. [0522]
Advisors to the International Community
The ultimate in elegant, secured, full-recourse, land acquisition instruments, of permanent duration. All in English, certified by Indonesian lawyers. See us: Bali Safe Harbor Co. Ltd. 12, Jl. Gunung Payung, Kutuh Ungasan Tel./fax +62-361/772-690 & Tel. +62-81-2382-3697 (24/7)
PH : 081338232015 NC/RE/U-17 FEB. 16
Land for sale Nyanyi Beach (main street). 70 mtr from beach, 11 are. Direct owner. Call 081 895 7082. [0633] For sale: Margarana (freehold). We’re selling a beautiful plot of land (2300m2) due to second investement. Conveniently located amidst beautiful rice fields between Ubud and the beaches around Tanah Lot. Asking Price 40.000.000,- per are. It has to go this month. Make an offer! Contact: <>. [0645]
NC/Re/G-5 August 15
“Find The One That Means Home To You”
Managed Villas for Sale - Fully furnished, 7 units villas + Private Swimming Pool each, consist of 28 luxury bedrooms with western standard, available for 23 Years Lease Hold and 15 Years Extension Option. High Occupancy and You can expect that the Return on Investment (ROI) should be below 10 years. The Villas sold including it’s business Permits. This is a truly ready made business for sale, don’t miss out.
-Ria Farmer-
Bedroom Bathroom Pool size Building Size
: 28 : 28 : 21 m2 : 173 m2
Location Land Title Land Size Price
: Kuta and Seminyak : LEASEHOLD/HGB : 2400 m2 : IDR. 32,000,000,000
This prime Villas has spacious parking space and 24 hours security in place and located in the heart of Seminyak, with Famous Businesses near by, e.g. Warisan Restaurants, Cafes, Five stars Hotel and just few minutes drive to Seminyak Beach, while Bali Airport is just 25 minutes drive. All are within near by the location is such that if affords privacy.
Jl. Raya Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 264, in front of Pizza Hut Sanur Contact: [P] +62 -812-3952-8899 [E] [W]
Start your Own Hotel Project at Best Location in Seminyak, Bali, as the building permit/Architect Drawing in place You can start the construction for 44 suites and 7 units villas with private pool. The property is located in the trendy and popular area of Bali, Seminyak. It is strategically located in Jalan Saraswati with a total area of 2,265 sqm. Available for Lease Hold for 27 years long and extendable. It’s 7UXO\ YHU\ ÁH[LEOH WLPH WR PDQDJH \RXU RZQ KRWHO DQG VWDUW UHFHLYLQJ Fast growing business income, The vacant land is situated at a prime area, where there are numerous other luxurious and exclusive villas already in operation for commercial use. It is, however, still privately isolated, away from the main road, adjacent to Bali Dream Villa. Some of the popular villas nearby include Astana Kunti Villas, Bali Swiss Villas and The Kozy Villas. PRICE: Rp. 13.650.000.000 & 5H * 0DUFK
NC/Re/G-2 March 16
NC/Re/I-02 March 16
LEGIAN - 696
FR((+OLD 3 B(DROO0 9ILLA FOR L(66 T+A1 LA1D 9AL8( Perfectly located traditional style villa steps from ³(at 6treet´ :ell presented maintained by the sole and current owners Attractive option to develop into 2 villas or apartment complex Price IDR 8,500,000,000 Land Area 450 sqm Ownership Freehold Build Area 220 sqm
Brand new modern style villa, sold fully furnished equipped Two spacious living areas, overlooking the pool garden Fully equipped (uropean kitchen with quality appliances 6uperb opportunity as a holiday rental villa in a sought after locale Price IDR 3,375,000,000 Land Area 220 sqm Ownership Leasehold 21,5 yrs Build Area 300 sqm
UMALAS - 1172
6tunning designer villa with rental license at an unbeatable price Three king sized bedrooms all with large robes and ensuite baths 0anicured lawns surround the villa with clever tropical planting Five minutes away from 6eminyak, cafes, international schools Land Area Build Area
700 sqm 341 sqm
TABANAN - 1166
Price IDR 3,700,000,000 Ownership Leasehold 25 yrs
0odern designed beachfront property with stunning interiors In¿nity pool surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens and lawn 6et in 100m2 in Balian famous for its surf and beautiful scenery Rare beachfront villa, perfect for your home or holiday investment Land Area Build Area
1,000 sqm 525 sqm
Price IDR 8,000,000,000 Ownership Leasehold 23 yrs
0odern and spacious design multi level villa, 100m from the beach Three large bedrooms and a huge master bedroom all with en suites Part of a secure villa complex with paved access and 24h security A beautiful beachside residence or a perfect holiday rental villa Land Area Build Area
450 sqm 400 sqm
Price IDR 6,000,000,000 Ownership Leasehold 26 yrs
LEGIAN - 707
0odern designed 2 bedroom apartment with quality ¿nishing +uge relaxing deck area with stunning panoramic ocean views Resort facilities including spa, pool, security, restaurants, bars The most affordable apartment in this sought after area Price IDR 4,300,000,000 Build Area 200 sqm Ownership Leasehold 33 yrs
CANGGU - 1042
A beautiful, freehold villa in a private, secure area of &anggu Large swimming pool with deck, gardens and relaxing gazebo Indoor media room, service area, huge terrace with ocean views Only ¿ve minutes drive to echo beach and &anggu¶s, cafes/ bars Land Area Build Area
350 sqm 300 sqm
Price IDR 5,500,000,000 Ownership Freehold
SANUR - 1167
The only plot of cliffront land in this famous surf and yoga area 200m of cliff frontage with amazing panoramic views of the ocean All amenities onsite, great access, perfect for a resort, complex Priced to sell, cliff front, ocean views, unbelievable opportunity
Absolute gem, beachside 6anur, perfectly presented maintained (legantly furnished decorated, a quiet private sanctuary Pleasant modern tropical living spaces looking out to the pool Absolutely the best deal in 6anur, superior quality, long lease
Land Area
10,600 sqm
Price IDR 300,000,000/are Ownership Freehold
Land Area Build Area
BALIAN - 1004
660 sqm 250 sqm
Price IDR 5,400,000,000 Ownership Leasehold 39,5 yrs
GIANYAR - 1171
6tunning ¿rst rate beachfront property in a magical setting Ocean view 0aster bedroom, ¿tted with large garden bathroom Fabulous ocean views upon entering manicured lawns, in¿nity pool Four generous guest bedrooms, each with its own en suite robes 6pacious open plan living spaces overlooking the gorgeous vista First rate waterfront property, only 20 mins to 6anur, 50 mins to airport Land Area 1,200 sqm
Build Area 320 sqm
Price IDR 18,280,000,000
Ownership Freehold
BALIAN - 1004 BRAWA - 774 BALANGAN - 998
Beachfront, 14.5 are, wide frontage, paved access, surf break nearby, IDR 375,000,000/are Beachfront, freehold, 3,890 sqm (38.9 are), direct access to main road, IDR 160,000,000/are )reehold, 1,900 sqm (19 are), rice ¿eld views zoned residential, IDR 400,000,000/are Freehold, 800 sqm (8 Are), 300m to the beach, IDR 17,400,000,000 Ocean views, freehold land,1,390 sqm (13.9 are) IDR 220,000,000/are, best priced in the area Absolute beachfront land, 2,530 sqm (25.3 are), freehold, IDR 650,000,000/are Rare leasehold land in Jl. Petitenget, 856 sqm, IDR 22,000,000/year 30 years+ext 200m of cliffront / ocean view land in Balian, 10,600 sqm, freehold land, IDR 230,000,000/are Only 300m to the beach, leasehold 26.5 years, 500 sqm (5 Are), IDR 8,500,000/are/year Freehold land Balangan, 5,000 sqm,ocean views and access to beach, IDR 22,100,000,000
C/Re/G-2 March 16
Real Estate
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
Puri Sambadha, Canggu area. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, garage, quiet and cozy area, 1300 watt electricity, newly renovated. IDR 20 million/year minimum 2 years. Please contact 081 93620 2170
No broker/agent
UBUD Tranquil Studio Villa For Rent. En-suite bathroom, spacious bedroom, kitchen, terrace, garden, Wi-Fi, hot shower. Stunning rice paddy view, 3mins to Bali Buddha. Apr.8th-Aug.8th, Rp.18mil. Owner +81 80 1167 0761, <>. [0634] Beautiful Modern Guesthouse in panoramic rice paddy for lease. Independent new 3 rooms, each has bedroom, bathroom, terrace, kitchen, AC, Wi-Fi, all equipped and furnished in 4are. 3 mins from Bali Buddha. 675mil for 12 yrs, +81 80 1167 0761, <internationaltemple@hotmail. com>. [0635] New houses for rent, air conditioner, hot water, swimming pool, located in Jalan Raya Sanggingan, 11 minutes from Ubud Central, 3 minutes from Supermarket. Please contact 081 734 2002 or email <ketutbudiningsih@yahoo. com>. [0643]
JIMBARAN Place for rent 70sqm in Jl. Bukit Permai (Four Season street Muaya Beach) opposite of The Le Meredien Jimbaran. Suitable for toko, cafe, restaurant. Very good location. Rp. 6 mill/month. Call 085 6370 0988 or 0819 1651 2526. [7485] Land for rent 12 are in Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai about 200m from Benoa Square, mainroad access, prospective area for your business. Rp. 25 million/are/year (nego), max 25 yrs. Call 081 2383 4011. [5803] House for sale located in Kori Nuansa Selatan. Type 30/100. Call 081 2394 8595. [0244]
C/Re/I-02 March 16
C/Re/G-02 Sept. 15
NC/Re/U-2 March 16
Over contract â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Warung/small restaurant. Completely furnished, expat style, 26 seats, rent 25 mill/year, compensation payment 65mill, location: Warung Bla...Bla - Jl.Bunutsari - near Jl. Pada Timur - near Megasari Bungalows. Contact Holger 0813 3877 4209 <go_on@> or Dyah (manager) 0812 4674 185. [0612]
HOUSES FOR SALE In Taman Griya Jimbaran 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen. 2200W electricity. Freehold. Type 75 with 1.83 are land. Close to Club Jimbaran, restaurants, supermarket. Rp. 1.6 Billion (nego) In Dreamland Bukit Ungasan 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen.Freehold. Need to do some finishing. Total land 1.65 are. Close to all amenities, beaches and club. Rp. 1.9 Billion (nego)
SMS/text only: 08123815292 NC/Re/P-20 Jan. 16
For rent - Garden Villa 4 bed 1 bath, 10 minute walk to the best beaches, off Jalan Legian. 1-6 year prepaid contracts only. Unfurnished. Rp60 Juta/Yr. Ferdy 0821 4712 2223. <>. [0613]
NEGARA Good investment opportunity. Land for sale in Negara area (west Bali). More than 10 are available in front of the beach or close to the city. Starting price Rp. 40 million/are. Road access. Please call/SMS 081 2368 6123 (Indonesian) or 081 2389 5551 (English speaking). [9663] House for sale in Negara (west Bali) right in the middle of the city. Direct owner. 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, big garage, 2 living rooms, family room, kitchen, well. Reason to sell: want to build a small house. Rp. 900 Million (nego). Call 081 2368 6123 (Indo) or 081 2381 5292 (English). [9664]
KEROBOKAN House for rent, 2 bedrooms ensuite bathroom, livingroom, gazebo, modern kitchen, PDAM, electric 5000 watt, phone, garden. Nego price. Contact 0851 0147 4790. [9872] 4,2 milyar nego! 2 lantai, LT:118, LB:185, 3 kamar tidur, pool, taman, sumur bor, garase. Jl. Baliku 1, Banjar Semer, hub: 081 2397 2137. [0192]
2 Fabulous rentals units. East wing 3 bedrooms with rooftop views of Jimbaran Rp. 95 mill/year. Garden unit 2 bedrooms Rp. 65 mill/year. Close to the GWK, great location but quiet. Contact 0851 0088 9803. [0637]
For rent min. 2 years homestay in Marlboro Kerobokan. Area 3 are, two floor, 8 rooms included bathroom, full furnished, AC, TV, hot water, free Wifi, office, garden, parking. Web <>. Call 081 2363 0309 / 0819 1665 9151. [0492]
House for sale Cabana Village Jimbaran, two storey modern minimalist, nice compound, good investment, 3bedrooms+1studio room, remote garage, fixed furniture, swimming pool, closed Jimbaran Beach. Call Melaleuca Group 288 802/ 0852 5399 3736. [0639]
New homestay at Batu Belig for rent monthly or yearly. Furnished, TV, AC, hot water, swimming pool, Wifi, garden, car parking. 5 mnt to beach, strategic location. Call owner 0813 3735 4687. [0620] Make offer villas from 75.000 US Dollar. Villa with private pool. 5 minutes from Seminyak. 3 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, garden. 15 - 25 years lease. Villa White: <www.>. 0878 6103 3141 / 0818 0530 4513 / <>. [8008]
House for sale, walking distance to white sand beach Jimbaran, closed Four Season Bali - Land 310m2, contemporary building 170m2. Contact 0813 3890 7399. [0641] House for rent in Goa Gong (Jimbaran Hill, behind Udayana university) 100m2 land, 2 bed, 2 bath (1 w/hot water), car port, fully furnished in a relax neighbourhood. 75mil/1 year or 135mil/2 year. Negotiable. Call or SMS owner directly 081 1398 5690. [0648]
Beautiful 4 bedroom house! Fully furnished, complete kitchen, fiber optics Wifi, cable TV, AC in all rooms, swimming pool, garage and extra carpark, nice frontyard, very secure with cctv. Ready to move in! 175million/year for the full 4 years. Please contact Pedro on 0813 533 79785 or <>. [0629]
Homestay for rent behind Udayana University Jalan Bukit Dharma Raya no. 3 Jimbaran. 2 storey, 6 rooms include bathroom & small kitchen & 1 pavilion. 3,5 Are, fully furnished, AC, garden, parking, very good view. 0361 241 208, 0812 3603 7388. [0649]
Very quiet & nice place to stay with large swimming pool. IDR 5.5 million/month for studio & IDR 10 million - IDR 15 million/month for one bedroom villa. Call 0813 3806 2085 (Gusty) Kerobokan. [0490] Need an affordable office space in quiet bumbak area? We are developing 3 spaces to be ready in July 2016, size in average 12 square meters. Starting price $500/month. Nested in 1500 sqm villa with swimming pool, including shared high-speed internet connection, monthly payment. CP: Erlen: +6281 986 2887 or <>. [0658]
Room for rent in Jimbaran Jl. Poh Gading (behind KFC Jimbaran). Room size 8x4.5 mt with bathroom, spring bed, AC, small kitchen, parking, electricity 2200 W using token. Rp. 17 million per year. Please call 0877 1199 8887. [0602] NC/Re/I-02 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Real Estate
02 March - 16 March, 2016
For Sale: 3 bedroom 3 bath swimming pool 2 car garage 1 km from beach, toll road, Golf and shopping. Free hold, direct owner 081 756 7630 / 081 735 0877. [0478]
Land for sale located in Jl. Pantai Lebih Gianyar. 1 are. Good for ruko. Call 081 2394 8595. [0258] Land for sale at Temesi Gianyar 1.5 Are, 2 kavling left, road access 8 mtr, asphalt road. Close to Marine Park and Komune Beach. Only 10 minutes to Ubud. 0813 3833 1445. [0563]
LOMBOK Lombok Kebun Estate. 2 Lots 10 are & 14 are. Incredible ocean views. Above Sheraton Senggigi. Gated private estate. U/g power, water. 180 Million/are. Reduced for quick sale. Owner phone: 0813 3864 6615. [0603]
Dijual rumah di Perumahan Nuansa Tjampuhan II No. 16. Rumah 1 Lantai, 2km. tidur, 1km. mandi, LT/LB 200/54m2. Fasilitas: carport, garden, garasi, PAM. Harga 900.000.000. Jl. By Pass I.B. Mantra, Denpasar - Gianyar- Bali. Hubungi: 0878 6134 1056 a/n Ngurah Budiastika. [0652]
Gili Trawangan, leasehold business for sale 10 years, with option to extend. Upmarket holiday rental. Walk in business. Great lifestyle. Good income. Close to best snorkeling beach. Email: <>. Telp: +62 812 3745 4444. [0624]
Dikontrakkan rumah 3kamar tidur, 3kamar mandi, pool, dapur. LT/LB 380/115 lokasi Nuansa Tjampuhan, Saba Timur No.II c. harga 95jt/th. jl. By Pas I.B. Mantra, Denpasar-Gianyar-Bali. Minat hub. 0878 6134 1056 a/n Ngurah Budiastika. [0657]
DENPASAR Kost exclusive, strategic location. Facilities: AC, LCD TV, hot water, refrigerator, kitchen set, full furniture, back terrace, carpark. Casa Nemo; Jl. Palapa 11 Gg. Nemo No. 4 Sesetan Denpasar. SMS/ WA 0821 4708 4100. [8830] Land for Sale: Jl. Sekar, Kesiman, Kertalangu. Close to Ayung River. 2.5 ara. Price for one ara Rp. 700.000.000. Call Bahasa or English 0813 3872 1947. [0197] House for rent, 2 storey, living room, kitchen, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, garage, nice quiet area, unfurnished, Perumahan Lembu Sura. Rp. 35 juta per year. Call owner 0815 5846 0954, 0859 6905 7546. [9595] Land + house 2 are for sale in Denpasar, Jl Cokroaminoto Gang Swari C. Central location, access road. Please contact 081 2389 3200. [0130] House for rent located in Tukad Badung. 0812 3646 6176 or 0877 6118 0842. [0146] For rent house in Denpasar, Jl. Gunung Resimuka I/10 Perumnas Monang Maning. Rp. 17 million per year min 2 years. 1 livingroom, 1 kitchen, garage, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, PDAM water, 1300 watt. Strategic location, walking distance to shop/supermarket. Now is renting until April 13, 2016. Ready to occupy April 15, 2016. Has to be seen in the location. Contact owner 0815 5846 0954, 0859 6905 7546. [0383]
BUKIT NC/Re/P-2 March 16
LAND FOR SALE Jl. Sekar, Kesiman, Kertalangu. Close to Ayung River. 2.5 ara.
Price for one ara Rp. 700.000.000. Call Bahasa or English
Dreamland - 3 storey new house for sale/rent - 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom, pool, fully furnished, rooftop entertainment area, great views. Sell US$ 290,000. Rent Rp. 150 mill/yr. Phone +62 877 6161 1531. Email <dwayu.92@gmail. com>. [9743]
0813 3872 1947 NC/Re/M-30 Sept 15
Near Dreamland new 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for sale/rent. Pool and entertainment area. Fully furnished. Open plan living. Sell US$110.000. Rent Rp. 100 mill/year. Phone +62 877 6161 1531. Email <dwayu.92@gmail. com>. [9744] House for sale, freehold, Land 160 / building 117, 2 floor, 3 bedrooms (all aircon), 2 bathrooms, semy furnished, balconies, quiet environment , secure & exclusif area with lots of greenery arround, 500 M close to Dreamland beach, to Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;port 20 minutes drive, located at Cluster Sahadewa II blk D2-2, Pecatu Indah Resort, South of Kuta, bargain Aud $ 220,000, direct owner (+62) 812 700 4177 / (+62) 812 3719 6010. [0638]
House for rent. 1 are, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, livingroom,family room, terrace, garage, electricity 1300, water. Minimum 2 years, 20 mill/year nett. Jln. Pulau Moyo, Perumahan Nuansa Kori Pedungan Blok IV nmr 18. 0812 3892 3918, 0819 1657 0014. [0581]
Warehouse for lease or for sale, 550m2 for 13yr, 2 storey very strong steel construction. Great location with spacious parking area in Jalan Pulau Moyo Denpasar. For more info and details please call 0822 4741 4597 or email to: <>. [9592]
Houses for sale. In Taman Griya Jimbaran, 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen. 2200W electricity. Freehold. Type 75 with 1.83 are land. Close to Club Jimbaran, restaurants, supermarket. Rp. 1.8 Billion (nego). Also Dreamland Bukit Ungasan, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen. Freehold. Need to do some finishing. Total land 1.65 are. Close to all amenities, beaches and club. Rp. 1.9 Billion (nego). Text only 081 2381 5292. [9663] Affordable price private luxury villa located in Dreamland Pecatu Indah Resort New Kuta Beach, Uluwatu, 5x5 & 4x3 & Goa Gong Ungasan 3x1, 3x2, 24 hrs security. Short term / long term. <>. Whatsapp +62 816 815 654. [0610]
House for rent, rural environment, ricefield view, 4 are, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garden, good price. Rent 5 - 10 years. Contact 0813 3746 6900. [0491]
For sale land 126m2 in Gunung Talang Denpasar. Strategic location. Hook position you got two access road. Contact 081 834 4870 or email <>. [0621]
Villa for sale. 2 bedrooms, 3 bathroom, nice quiet area in Ungasan, 2 level building, 200sqm, land size 400sqm. Call Made 081 2387 7599. [8733]
Private sale by owner/builder on the Ayung River near Sanur. Quality construction by owner-engineer to Australian standards. 12 Are, freehold land. Featured in 2 architectural books. Details at Call Lucy: 0815 85117108 / Steve: 0813377553571
House for rent in Bukit area, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. 2 floor, 1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, fully furnished, nice view with sharing swimming pool. Please contact: 081 139 8039 or 0813 3831 9191. [0644] Land for sale 20 are full view Airport & Ocean @ Bukit Jimbaran; back of Maxone htl; freehold; paving block access road; PDAM water; expat area; surrounding of villas. CP: 081 139 5387. [0655]
C/Re/I-20 Jan 16
C/Re/G-17 Feb. 16
Real Estate
Bali Advertiser
02 March - 16 March, 2016
OTHERS Land for sale. Jalan Raya Blumbungan, Sibang Kelod Badung. Surya Usada complex. Size 9,5 Are, 6 mtr road, 10 meter asphalt road. Price 250 juta/are nego. HP. 0812 3611 4343 / 0813 5320 9800. BBM 51E9324D. [9525] Land for sale Beraban, Selemadeg (10m. from Tanah Lot) front road, power available, 800 mt. from beach, ocean view. 20 ares in 2 lots. Call for meeting Wayan: 081 2397 8469 Google location: <https://goo. gl?maps?tFhHbJiC7f32>. [0626]
SEMINYAK Villa for yearly rental in Legian and villa for 25 yrs lease in Seminyak. Only 5-10 mins to the beach by motorbike. 3 bedrooms AC with ensuite bathroom, furnish, private pool. Call 0819 9915 8596. [9543] House for rent Seminyak near Warisan and AIS. land 198m2, 2 storey, 3 Bedrooms, 1 maid room. Good for Family, Quiet, Secure and near to everywhere in Seminyak. Call 081-2364 1119. [0614]
C/Re/G-6 Jan. 16
3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom fully furnished villa behind Red Carpet Bar Seminyak, available for a 5 month rental from March 1st. Price is $1500 per month. Ketut 0819 1619 7310 or <>. [0615]
Large brand new 2 story building with 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. Built as like hotel. Unfurnished with pool, on 4 are land on Jl. Batu Bolong.
Villa close to Seminyak, big garden, pool, staff included from March to August. Price 15 juta month. Robert 081 2381 8183 or <>. [0633] For lease house at Gn. Salak with 1 bedroom, AC, shower in bathroom, pool, Wifi, furnished minimal 5 years lease or more until 29 years lease. Also another info for rent 2 bedrooms villa at Batu Belig. And villa for rent and 2 bedrooms at Seminyak. Please call Bertha 0819 1675 5819, <>. [0650]
400 juta one year. 350 juta per year for 2 or more years.
House for sale freehold. Land size 129m2. 2 and 1/2 house storey with gazebo upstairs. 3 bedroom all with AC and 3 bathroom with hot water. Living room + guest toilet. And car port for 1 car. In Kunti II Jalan Gunung Athena gang Gunung Kidul no. 22 Padang Sambian. Price Rp. 1.5 M (nett). Direct owner +62 812 4878 8699. [0651]
Call Ketut for more info 085 2539 05840
C/Re/I-02 March 16
NC/RE/M-25 Nov. 15
Real Estate Bali The Villa Legian-400sq/m freehold-Capital growth +Income LARGE CHOICE OF ABSOLUTE BEACH FRONT AND 180 DEGREE OCEAN VIEW LAND RIGHT AROUND THE ISLAND Properties include over 1 kilometre of coastal frontage north east Bali or the last lot at Amed on the beach with all permits in place, choice of lots at Ketewel, looking over the surf break at Medewi and land at Batu Bolong, Berawa, Cemagi and Canggu, all these properties are either beach front or have uninterrupted views of the ocean. 081999971591 /
From 2,000,000,000 IDR
$210,000 Au
$150,000 US
Located in a quiet lane which runs between Jalan Legian and Jalan Padma Utara in the heart of Bali tourist area. 5 min stroll to legian & 66 beach, close to shops, restaurants and spas. Private swimming pool for each villa and tropical gardens are hidden privately behind stone walls. The villas can open up to create a huge 8 bedroom group booking complex or can be used as two very private villas of 3 & 5 bedrooms. This is the ideal Villa for a family holiday with investment. Offering stable income plus capital growth potential. 20 min from airport, IMB, Pondok Wisata, garage. Owner has been achieving 75% occupancy which gives better than a 10% gross return on Investment. 081887822 /
13,000,000,000 IDR
$1,345,000 Au
$963,000 US
Email : Web : Phone: (0361) 475 2046
Health Retreat and Detox-Amed area Established and fully equipped detox retreat with villas that have the Bali sea virtually lapping at the door. A quality development for sale well below full market value for a quick sale. Situated on 2,000 sq/m of freehold land with 4 high quality bungalows/villas, restaurant, managers residency with administration offices and consultation/therapy rooms, yoga and meditation joglo, infra red sauna, herbal steam sauna and other specialised detoxification equipment. There are many special features built into and incorporated with this development that make it a very special place for realigning and cleansing the body and soul. For full listing details contact our office. 081999971591 /
8,550,000,000 IDR
$850,000 Au
$610,000 US
The Elysian Villa - Urgent Sale Amazing value for an amazing Villa. Located in the heart of Seminyak in one of the highest rated villa complexes. One bedroom with quality throughout, these villas do not become available often. If its luxury, style and quality that are important to you a better value villa will be hard to find. Current lease to 2033 with an extension currently being negotiated. Buy now and reap the rewards.
081338470067 / 1,639,500,000 IDR
$169,000 Au
$122,000 US
Furnished Apartments in Poppies 1 Choice of two studio apartments in a fully managed development 20 year lease with very low maintainence and service fees. Unlimited owner occupancy, ideal Bali home or investment/holiday. Very genuine sellers that will meet the market. Owners have full use of all facilities including roof top pool, room service and restaurant.
081338470067 / 857,300,000 IDR
$87,500 Au
$62,500 US
ELDERS BALI BUSINESS BROKER Our business broker will be available to meet for a confidential discussion during the first week of March. If you have been considering the sale of your business or have been trying to sell without success contact our office to arrange an obligation free appointment. Peter has the experience and expertise to present and promote your business to achieve a sale.
All advertised properties are for sale in Indonesian Rupiah, currency conversions correct at time of calculation but are only provided as a guide
Elders Bali : Jl. Patih Jelantik 57, Legian Kelod - Kuta- Denpasar - Bali 80361 C/Re/G-2 March 16
Bali Advertiser
Real Estate
02 March - 16 March, 2016
2 & 4 bedrooms villa for rent (daily / monthly) in Canggu. Close to Canggu Club, Berawa & Ecobeach. Fully furnished, pool, etc. Call: 0816 865 097 / +614 1098 4086 / 0813 1845 5725 / 0821 1788 8293 / 0813 1119 3337 (Bahasa). See: <>. <www.villashanticanggu. com>. <>. <>. [9792]
Dijual Rumah kos 4 kamar luas tanah 2 are. Siap huni, fasilitas PLN, PDAM, SHM. Lokasi Baktisrage Singaraja. Contact info Suci 08 1834 7022. [7486]
For rent large brand new 2 story building with 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. Built as like hotel. Unfurnished with pool, on 4 are land on Jl. Batu Bolong. 400 juta one year. 350 juta per year for 2 or more years. Call Ketut for more info 0812 4643 0183. [0286]
Villa & Residence for rent daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Available 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms, fully furnished, hot & cold water, cable TV, swimming pool, parking lot, free Wifi, 5 minutes to the beach & international school. Call 081 238 735 174 / 081 138 5315, email <juarez@balileisurems. com>. [9778]
For Sale Villa with Pondok Wisata in Canggu: Complete going business with constant guest arrivals. 5 Star Trip Advisor rating. 5 bedrooms, 5 bath, spa room, theater room, western kitchen, pool, staff accommodation, full staff including private chef. 10 ara, IMB, etc. 13M [IDR 13,000,000,000]. Call or SMS Dewa +62 852 5390 5840. [0414] Villa for rent. Located close to Canggu Club. 2 floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, swimming pool, kitchen. Call 081 2394 8595. [0396] Luxury villa for sale or lease hold, 1200 sqm, large garden, swimming pool, 5 bed rooms with semi-open bathrooms, staff accommodation, full staff including private chef, 5-star rating and superhost on AirBnB. Call owner +62 896 718 76 668, email: <>. [0513] Land for sale at Berawa, close to Berawa Beach and land for sale at Tibubeneng, ricefield view, villa area, 500 mtr to main road. 0813 3833 1445. [0564] Yearly rental 2 bedrooms / 2 bathroom house in quiet villa area, newly renovated with AC and semi furnished, price 65 million nego. Call Ibu Ketut 0812 3756 3780 or email <>. [0616] For Sale Rp. 3.2 Bill / Rent yearly, 2 storey new, unfurnished beautiful villa at quietly Pererenan, Canggu. Land 2.74 Are / building 2.9 Are (IMB) with big 3 bedrooms, + 3 ensuites bathroom / AC & WH. Open living kitchen, small garden, pool and garage. Rp. 150 mill/yr or Rp. 130 mill/yr/ for 2 years. Price included staff. Must see. Inspection 081 7996 5168. [0617]
“Villa Bottswana” Tanah Lot. 17 ara, 2 story, 3 ensuite beds with 1 Large up-stairs 120m2 suit. Large 120m2 living/dining room, Teak Kitchen, Separate staff area with kitchen and 4 beds. A 2 bedroom Guest house on 350m2 with separate certificate. A 2nd separate office 50m2. 2 car, 4 bike garage. 10,000w LPG genset. 6m by 5m by 1.8m swimming pool. Safe western area. Will include 2 small access blocks for land behind villa with IDR 1,000,000,000 value. 5 min Tanah Lot temple/Nirwana Golf course, 25 mins Canggu, 1 hr airport. Can include a Nirwana Corporate Membership in deal, or sell separate for USD 42,500. IDR 8,500,000,000. Also selling separately a property PMA company for IDR 600jt Sara 0812 4634 1777 C/Re/I-02 March 16
For Sale Villa with Pondok Wisata in Canggu: Complete going business with constant guest arrivals. • • • • • • • • • • •
5 Star Trip Advisor rating 5 Bedrooms 5 Bath Spa room Theater room Western kitchen Pool Staff accommodation Full staff including private chef. 10 ara IMB, etc.
14.4 are of absolute beachfront land at Pantai Purnama (Ketewel). Unobstructed views of Nusa Lembongan. Hak Milik title. Beach access. Rupiah 850 million per are ono. Email <> or call/text +65 9730 3945. [0591] Beach Apartment at Alit Beach Bungalows for rent top floor furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, elevator, swimming pools, tennis court, Japanese restaurant, plenty of trees. US$14500 per year. Call/sms 0812 3676 9881, <>. [0600] For rent; Luxurious 3 brm villa. Fully enclosed with many high quality fixtures and features. A few minutes walk to supermarket, beaches and restaurants. Priced well for quick tenancy. 285million per/yr. Contact <villafaith15@> or 0877 6130 3332. [0611] One room bungalow for rent in Sanur. 22 square metres, fully furnished, fridge; bathroom with shower and toilet, AC, cable TV, Wi-fi. 18 square metres covered terrace to the garden. Call Beji tel. 281 977 or 081 2362 8005. [0623]
13M [IDR 13,000,000,000]
Call or SMS Dewa +6285 2539 05840 NC/RE/M-9 Dec. 15
For Sale freehold land of Umalas - Tegal Cupek. 3 Kav @ 3.5 Are Rp. 180 mill/are (ready to build). Hotels and villas area. Serious only. Ph. 081 7996 5168. [0618]
Land for rent 7 are for 25 years, 18 mill per are per year. Jl. Duyung Gang I no. 14 Sanur. Good for villa, nego price. CP 081 2392 9967, email <yani.lostinparadise@yahoo.>. [0625] Studio apt, spacious, popular complex, near KFC, short/ long term guests, furnished, AC, h/w, cable TV, Wi-fi, pool, wkly service, parking, rp 4,250,000pm, plus elec. <www.>. Dayu 0852 3796 4565. [0628] Residential houses, villas and lands in Sanur area for short and longterm or sale. For any request and appointment please call Murniati Agustina 081 2396 6744 or e-mail to <>. <www.>. [0393]
For Sale freehold land #1 of Echo Beach. 12.25 Are, main road, 150 mtr from beach. Serious buyer only. Don’t tell that you someone if you don’t have properties at Echo. Fix price USD 1.1 million. Ph. 081 7996 5168. [0619]
House for sale freehold to foreigners. 3.7 Are near international hospital. 3 bed, large lounge, kitchen. Ph/fax, Wifi, aircon, filtered water. 2 story, skygarden. Quiet offstreet, parking, fruit trees. $299 AUD. 0853 3858 2499. No agents. [0636]
Two lands freehold for sale Canggu. Ideal Villa, at 250M from Jln Batu Bolong: 4,5 Are 3.600.000.000IDR & 4,35 Are 3.480.000.000IDR. Electricity and foundations ok. Contact owner 0819-166-10765 or <expatindo@gmail. com>. [0622]
Studio/storage property for sale. The building currently used as a photo studio over looking an undisturbed rice field view with Sanur beach in the distance. Land 4 are. Rp 1.5B ONO 085 6376 2239. [0642]
Nice view land at Canggu (Tiying Tutul). 900m² (9 are) and 1700m2 (17 are) in Batu Bolong Canggu. Email <>. Contact: +62 81 139 6407. [0099] 4 Bedroom Villa for rent, walking distance to Echo Beach, available for yearly rental with reasonable price, contact us at <> +62 819 3303 1707 more option at <>. Fb balicoconutliving. [0627]
Office space for rent. 3 years left, size 3.4 x 8m with glass, AC and strategic location close to beach, villas, restaurants, bank in Jl. Danau Toba Sanur. Price Rp. 180 million (nego). Contact 081 1397 9879. [9737]
NC/Re/I-02 March 16
Main road extremely rare land forsale/freehold 20.5 on corner off 2 main roads, opposite Mercure Hotel, strategic last year 2.3 per are. Cepat dijual 1.3M per are serious enquires never this again. <>. 0813 3779 0232. [0646] Tropical Living 4 Bedrooms 4 bathrooms Bali Style Villa. Western designed and built. All amenities available. Large swimming pool and extensive tropical landscaping. USD 27,500 per year. 0811 39 7056. [0647]
Land for lease, just 1 million/100 square meters. Good view. Call 0813 3882 3889. [0631] Villa Sale/Rent at Pererenan/Canggu. Building 315m2 / 7.35 are, furnished, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, living, dining, kitchen, maidroom etc. Garden, large pool & ponds. 30 mins from airport, 10 min Canggu Club. Call 081 895 7082, 0813 2509 5697. [0632]
Villa for sale at Sanur area, 400M2, 2 storey. Near to the beach and to Mc Donald, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 5 bed rooms (2 bed rooms with balcony), 2 bath rooms, swimming pool, laudry room, garage, garden, access road 4 meters, the property is in villa area. Price IDR 6.900.000.000 nego. Please contact 0361 282 585 or 0851 0080 0721. [0653]
New 3 bedrm Villa for sale, western style, semi-furnished, solarhart hotwater, borewell, AC’s, 5500W, parking 4 cars, pool, mature garden, 10 mins Canggu club/school, 15mins Echo beach. Call Ana 0812 3630 5235 or email <chuantik@>. [0640]
Studio appartement for long term rental. 14m pool, Wifi, cable tv, high design standart, quiet but strategic, 4.5 Jt./ month, 0813 1742 9900, <>. [0656]
Beautiful Villa from Rp 150mil/pa. L Village 5min from Canggu & Echo Beach. 3bedrooms, 3bathrooms, fully furnished, private pool, car port, living room, kitchen, 24hr security. Call/WA: +62 81 2362 7734, <rahayu.niwayan@>. [0654]
8are land for lease in Sanur area. Max 35 years, already have building with swimming pool. Price Rp. 65 million per year. Reasonable price. Very good investment. Please contact 0852 3796 4565 or e-mail: <dayuekawidiani@>. [0659] NC/Re/G-2 March 16
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