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Support families in need in Bali with a water filter to help them save money and improve their health in this time of crisis. Social Impakt a a a o an a on a a n a o n n a a n o o o a a nn a a o av on an ov a . o no C I -19 o o o a o n a av o o an v oo av a a . a no o an o a J. a an No. 1 o o an 0 1 o a n an v Ho n 2 20 nn 22 av2 1 a 0 1a n . a ann 1o a o n a . o ov n o a I a o v a o an an a o a n n a o v a n a .

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C/Ho/G-20 Nov. 19

C/Ho/G-20 Nov. 19 to see many Centre that provides educational activities for local the local people in how Balidensity haveworks lostand their favorites of course was the volcano. students every afternoon from Monday to Friday. With a jobs andteam livelihoods have happy when theirdisappeared. volcanoes eventually motto of Learning by Doing the education anything that they don t understand abo encourages students to express their opinions andare ideas There no tourists anymore families C/BT/I-12 Feb 20 they can ask questions on the online and to actively participate in creating solutions for struggle to make endsthemeet and every day during week at 14.00 or throug environmental issues around them such as waste management. Since 2017 activities ranging from literacy penny saved makes a huge difference. and numeracy activities science and conservation So karate join the lessons cooking gardening Balinese dance and movement Social Impakt English have all attracted a number of students who enjoy launched to give access to clean and affordable drinking water to the the variety of topics and the opportunity to learn with their friends. underprivileged families in Bali. How do they reduce physical contact with Students Make a positive impactstudents on income andtake health and donate there is no the weekly lesson plans at small amount. Thank you the offor ce your every support Sunday and please share on your their Visit week our s social media and with and yoursubmit friends. crowdfunding page: previous homework. The Foundation also keep in ll their at-home activities count towar touch through a Whatsapp v Available for NetflixIG: bloomerskids_fashion records. If they do a daily task that ha group - not only with v Fiber optic ready* speed up to Mbps them they are counted as present . students but150 also with For size and stockit don t come to the Learning Centre atte parents. This is to make v TV Channel (optional) monitored through their homework an By:toJeroen van Overbeek easier share information v Available for expanding local: area covered by repeater, very keen to keep their own records Whatsapp 0821 4600 3066 and updates with parents active in supporting by taking the weekl Thus lack of physical external access point (optional) submitting the homework each week to contact doesn t mean that www. v Radio frequency ready (no cables and easy installation)of activities or enqu documentation activities should be for information. Thank you parents for you postponed *depending on location The students also receive re ection Keeping the students busy and happy in their new method encouraged to do a short meditation of learning has been a task for the education team. They morning and before they sleep. They le have to ensure that students are still able to partake in

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Sustainable and Practical: All-Terrain Bamboo Wheelchairs Lead Contamination in for Soil Soil rote ting lant rom e tt/ Improving tta Sustainable and Practical: Bamboo Wheelchairs rotelacks ting lant rom e All-Terrain tta from bamboo Indonesia services and infrastructure people made sourced from the slopes of Mount with disabilities. This means that many children and Agung in Ben village. The wheelchair is protected with Lead Contamination in Soil Soil i rote Dr ris, hat a good lant article on soilrom testing thank you. adults, and particularly those living in villages environmentally-friendly and sealant to ensure that Lead infrom the soil presents alacquer risk itfrom is either inhaled orofand ingested. whereby the ants protect theif sap sucking bugs even ello arden Doctor ting ewhere t/ Improving tta Indonesia lacks services and infrastructure for people made bamboo sourced the slopes Mount

ello arden Doctor theproblem rough terrain is not suitable for planted normal wheelchairs, My is alla the plants thatthat I’ve whether from with disabilities. This means many children and Two weeks ago, couple of little white ower bushes Two weeks ago, couple ofour ourTo little white owerthis bushes are con ned toaatheir homes. try to rectify dire i Dr ris, hat good article on soil testing thank you. adults, and particularly those living in villages where cuttings or seed start off ne and grow, but won’t ower by our swimming pool which are in circular potters ello arden Doctor by our swimming pool which are inraised raised circular potters situation, Eco Bali, a I’ve supplier of sustainable the rough terrain is not suitable for normal wheelchairs, My problem isand all Living the plants that planted whether from or set fruit, after a short while stop growing and started yellowing and slowly wilting/dying. eeEast fertili ed Two weeks ago, couple of our little white ower bushes products made from natural ingredients, and Bali started yellowing andoff slowly wilting/dying. fertili ed are con ned toatheir homes. To try to rectify this dire cuttings or seed start ne and grow, but won’t ower become retarded. I have fertilised with cow poop and thinking it would help but instead they appear dead. Bamboo Bikes, which falls under the East Bali Poverty by our swimming pool which are in raised circular potterse situation, Eco Living Bali, a supplier of sustainable thinking it would help but instead they appear dead. or set fruit,with andno after a shortI really while am stop growing ande chemicals difference. at ajoined loss as what Projectyellowing that helps isolated communities, forces noticed ants going to and from forming highway products made from natural ingredients, andae East Bali started and slowly wilting/dying. fertili ed noticed ants going to and from forming a highway become Irst have fertilised withgoing cow poop and to do neretarded. t. Any ideas please. I’m now to try your to make the very all terrain wheelchair inbale. Southeast Bamboo Bikes, which falls under the East Bali Poverty between two potters in front of our big This thinking it would help but instead they appear dead. e between two potters in front of our big bale. This chemicals with no difference. I really am at ajoined as what testing suggestions. Many thanks, Asia. The prototype, which was Andrew. ready inloss March this Project that helps isolated communities, forces afternoon II removed aa and small bromeliad looking plant noticed ants going to from forming a highway afternoon removed small bromeliad looking plant to do ne t. Any please. I’m going to try your year, took around eight weeks tonow produce. to make the veryideas rst all terrain wheelchair in Southeast growing underneath one of the thinking between two in front ofower our bushes big bale. This growing underneath one of the ower bushes thinking testing suggestions. Many thanks, Andrew. Asia. prototype, which was ready in March this Dear, The Dr. ris, potters I’ve read that living near heavy traf c and the ants could be attracted to the sap of the non ower afternoon I removed a small bromeliad looking plant As the parents of a disabled child, the issue of access has the ants could be attracted to the sap of the non ower year, took around eight weeks to produce. main roads increases the risk of lead contamination in the beenDr. dear to surprise the ofof the founders of Eco Living Bali, bush. To our we revealed aa EAP of little growing one the ower bushes thinking bush. Tounderneath our surprise we revealed EAP oftraf little mini Dear, ris, I’vehearts read that living near heavy c mini and soil and is it bad for vegetable gardening hat are the Brad and Twone The inspiration for an all-terrain As the parents of aattracted child, the issue of access has . . cm snails with adisabled skinny yellowish brown cone the ants could beMoreland. toofthe sap ofinthe non ower main roads increases the risk lead contamination in the cm snails with a long long skinny yellowish brown cone risks or ways to make edible garden this situation wheelchair came whenan the duo heardofof the plight of a been dear to the hearts of the founders Eco Living Bali, bush. To our surprise we revealed a EAP of little mini shell I think perhaps the ants are loving the snail poo soil and is it bad for vegetable gardening hat are the shell I think perhaps theLombok ants are loving the Ward, snail poo Thanks in advance, an. 12-year-old boy in North from Duncan the Brad and Twone Moreland. The inspiration for an all-terrain .Founder cmorsnails with a long skinny yellowish brown because Iof that the only 22 planters that had ants risks ways to make an edible garden in this situation because I found found that the only planters that hadcone ants Classroom ofthe Hope, organization that helps wheelchair came when duo an heard of the plight of a shell Iin think perhaps the antsin. are loving the snailathan poo Thanks in advance, an. going had the snails ne planter more to provide access to education for children in have developing The soil isthem where a good garden starts, and if you poor going in them had the snails in. ne planter more 12-year-old boy in North Lombok from Duncan Ward, the countries. “Nasrudin hisyou standard wheelchair inants the because I found that lost the only 2 can planters thatmain hadfactors the other. soil you likely be limited in grow. The Founder of Classroom of what Hope, an organization that helps the other. 2018 earthquake and had to drag himself through the dirt to to provide access to education for children in developing The soil is where a good garden starts, and if you have a poor going in them had the snails in. ne planter more than that affect soil quality for growing owers, fruits and vegetables getyou to likely school. We decided that we had toThe help himfactors get a countries. “Nasrudin lost his standard wheelchair in the soil be limited in what you can grow. main the other. depend on whether it isIndonesia’s sandy which little will mean it tends dry Being unfamiliar with critters and land Being unfamiliar with Indonesia’s little critters andofto wheelchair that and would withstand the rough terrain the 2018 earthquake had to drag himself through the dirt to that affect soil quality for growing owers, fruits and vegetables too quickly, ifII itneed ishow clay which means there is less aeration compositions some guidance for the best step compositions need some guidance forhelp the best village, andorthat’s the idea of an all-terrain wheelchair get to school. We decided that we had to him get a depend on whether it is sandy which will mean it tends to dry Being unfamiliar with Indonesia’s little critters and land and a tendency to waterlog. forward to keep my garden thriving. The issue has forward to keep my garden thriving. The issue was born,” says Brad. wheelchair that would withstand the rough terrain of just the too quickly, or if it is clay which means there is less aeration compositions I itself need some guidance for theto best step begun show be severe and deadly our begunto to show itself to beidea severe and deadly to our plant village, and that’s howto the of an all-terrain wheelchair and aborn,” tendency waterlog. After numerous brainstorming sessions, the teamhas decided forward to says keep my thriving. The issue just Rejuvenating aDDto poor soil is more involved then pouring fertiliser was Brad. family Egarden ET RID ESE SNAILS/ANTS family E ET RID TT ESE SNAILS/ANTS to build their prototype materials thatcow areour easy to over the Natural fertiisers such as dung and begun to show itself to befrom severe and deadly to plant AND SA E RR ARDEN R M MA A MASS IN ESTATI ESTATI AND SA Eground. ARDEN R MASS IN N source and arepair in isIndonesia. Thethen wheelchair frame, After numerous brainstorming sessions, the team decided Rejuvenating poor soil more involved pouring fertiliser chicken manure be worked insuspects compost over family D need E to ET RID Talong ESEwith SNAILS/ANTS Attached isseat, some evidence ofthe the and theare Attached is some evidence of and the crime backrest, foot restsuspects and rear basket all tolaminated build their prototype from materials thatcow aredung easyand to over the ground. Natural fertiisers such as time to gradually improve the soil, otherwise try raised garden AND SA E R ARDEN R M A MASS IN ESTATI N scene. Thank you so much for your time Looking scene. Thank youinsoIndonesia. much forThe your time Looking source and repair wheelchair frame, chicken manure need to be worked insuspects along compost over beds with whole new imported’ soil for rear anwith instant solution. Attached isaseat, some evidence of the and the crime forward to your reply forward to your reply laminated backrest, foot rest and basket are all time to gradually improve the soil, otherwise try raised garden scene. Thank you so much for your time Looking etfrom from Seminyak’ et Seminyak’ beds with whole new imported’ soilisforsometimes an instant an solution. As for lead contaminated soil which issue in forward toa your reply urban areas, replacing the soil or amending it is also the et from Seminyak’ Thanks for for the the interesting interesting question question -- II think think you you have have two Thanks As for leadIf contaminated soil which is sometimes an issue in solution. you live near main roads, industrial areas or old separate unrelated unrelated issues issues going going on on with with the the ants ants and the separate urban areas, replacing the soil or amending it is also the buildings would an sweet. elevated level you of lead insee your Thanks foryou the interesting question think have two snails. Ants go afterexpect anything Whenever you snails. Ants go after anything sweet.- IWhenever you see aa solution. Ifunrelated you live near main roads, industrial areas or the old soil. separate issues going on with the ants and large population population of of ants ants in in and and around around your your plants plants its its large buildings you would an sweet. elevated level of lead in your snails. Ants afterexpect anything Whenever a usually an go indication that you you have have an aphid aphidyou or see scale usually an indication that an or scale soil. A recent Australian study led by RMIT University, Melbourne, large population of ants in and around your plants its insectinfestation. infestation.So Sowhilst whilst it’s it’s not not the the ants ants that that are are causing causing insect found that 20 of ediblethat home gardens contaminated with usually anproblem, indication you have are anit, aphid or scale the initial they can exacerbate which I will get the initialAustralian problem, study they led canby exacerbate it, which I will get A recent RMIT University, Melbourne, levels of lead exceeding the safety guidelines of 300 mg/kg insect infestation. So whilst it’s not the ants that are causing to a bit later. towhereas a bitthat later. found 20 of background edible homelevels gardens contaminated areare usually in theI range the initial natural problem, they can exacerbate it, which will with getof levels of lead exceeding the safetyinguidelines of 300 amg/kg 15-40mg/kg. The gure is worse Sydney, where similar toAphids a bit later. and scale scale insects insects are are tiny tiny bugs bugs usually usually only only aa few few Aphids and whereas natural background levels are usually in levels the range of study found 40 per cent of vegetable patches had of lead mm in in size. size. Aphids Aphids are are commonly commonly green green to to brown brown and and mm 15-40mg/kg. The gure is worse in ISydney, where a similar that exceeded the safety can imagine that Aphids and scale insectsguidelines. are tiny bugs usually onlyainsects asimilar few camou age themselves very well, whereas scale camou age themselves very well, whereas insects study found 40 per of vegetable hadscale levelscrowded of lead statistic plays out cent across gardens inpatches most cities mm in size. areas commonly green to and brown and generally willAphids show up up white, beige beige to brown brown in colour. colour. generally will show as white, to in that exceeded theworld safetyover. guidelines. I can imagine that a similar urban areas the camou age themselves very well, whereas scale insects Thesebugs bugscleverly cleverly reside reside on on the the undersides undersides of of the the leaves leaves These statistic plays out across gardens in most cities and crowded generally willgo show uptheir as white, beige to brown colour. so they can about business of sucking outinthe fresh urban areas thelead world so they can of go about their business sucking out- the fresh High levels remain thethe soilundersides inofurban areas result These bugs reside on thethe leaves sap from thecleverly leaves in secret, placing the plantof under severe sap the leaves in secret, the plant severe fromfrom toxic metal toplacing paint and petrolunder for decades. so theyadding gothe about their business ofthe sucking out the fresh stress -can essentially they are stealing plants nutrition. By High levels oftolead remain in soil indue urban areas - the result stress -close essentially they are stealing the plants nutrition. By Living main roads is the an issue to lead accumulation sap from the leaves in secret, placing the plant under severe the time that you’ve realised this, the plants could be from adding the toxic metal to Vegetable paint for should decades. the time that you’ve realised this,and thepetrol plants could be in soils from traf c pollution. gardens be stress - essentially they aremoved stealing thethe plants nutrition. By dead and the bugs already onto next victim. Aphids Living close mainalready roadsbusy ismoved anroads issue to next lead accumulation established from -due atthe least 20victim. to 80 Aphids metres dead and thetoaway bugs onto the time that you’ve realised plants could be and scales can rapidly decimate this, plantsthe and their populations in soils from traf care pollution. gardens should be away, lead levels usuallyVegetable elevated directly to main and scales can rapidly decimate plants and theirnext populations dead and the bugs already moved onto the next victim. Aphids can explodeaway into from plague likeroads proportions in just a matter of a established busy - at least 20 to 80 metres roads. can explode into plague like proportions in just a matter of a and can rapidly decimate plants and their populations fewscales days. away, lead levels are usually elevated directly next to main few explode days. into plague like proportions in just a matter of a can roads. In addition - generally the older the house, or any other building few days. As the bugs consume the lead-based sap, the excrete a sweet honeydew’ forthe thatbugs matter containing paint,a then thehoneydew’ more lead As consume the sap, the excrete sweet waste by-product, and ants absolutely love it. So ofbuilding course, In addition generally the older the house, or any other found in the surrounding garden beds. Most often areas most waste by-product, and ants absolutely love it. Sohoneydew’ of course, As the bugs consume the sap, the excrete a sweet they move in to consume it for them it’s like the sugar pot for that matter containing lead-based paint, then thedue moretolead affected are under the dripline of the eaves the they move in to consume it absolutely - for them love it’s like theofsugar pot waste by-product, and ants it. So course, has been left out in the garden. From here a symbiotic found in the and surrounding gardenpaints beds. throughout Most oftenthe areas most weathering runoff of leaded seasons. has been left out in the itgarden. From herethe a sugar symbiotic they moveare in to consume - for them it’s like pot relationship develops bugs anddue thetoants, affected under the between dripline ofthe the eaves the relationship develops between the bugs and the ants, has been left out in the garden. From here a symbiotic weathering and runoff of leaded paints throughout the seasons. relationship develops between the bugs and the ants,

Ben and Twone’s hearts, they do not make any pro t from this venture. As such, Eco Living Bali urgently requires ingestion. Please behearts, careful when renovating your home. funding toyou build more wheelchairs. Each wheelchair Anywhere have ant problems getsome some chalk andHave start Ben and Twone’s they do not make any pro Anywhere you have ant problems get chalk andt from start sponsor will receive a certi cate and a photo of the athis professional remove aking exterior lead-based paint to venture. As tosuch, Eco Draw Livinga circle Bali urgently requires drawing barriers the ants. around an ant and drawing barriers to the ants.when Draw a circle around an antHave and wheelchair their helps to build. Those who ingestion. Please becontribution careful renovating your home. funding to build more wheelchairs. Each wheelchair prevent future contamination. watch what what happens suggestion thatyou youdraw draw chalk Anywhere youentire havewheelchair ant I’m problems get some chalk and start suggestion that sponsor an will their name or logo sponsor willhappens receive aaking certi catehave and a photo ofchalk the awatch professional remove I’m exterior lead-based paint to lines around your pots to stop the ants migrating back and drawing barriers tocontribution the ants. Draw a ants circle aroundThose an ant who and placed on the chair. lines around your pots to stop the migrating back and wheelchair their helps to build. prevent future contamination. forth,draw draw chalk barriers wherever you don’t want them. Of watch what happens I’mwherever suggestion that you draw sponsor anchalk entire wheelchair will have their name orchalk logo forth, barriers you don’t want them. Of course, after rain or every few days you may need to re-apply. placed on the chair. lines around your to few stopdays the you antsmay migrating and course, after rain orpots every need toback re-apply. forth, draw chalk barriers wherever you don’t want them. Of It’s kind kindafter of amusing amusing when you rst start experimenting with course, rain or every few days you may need to re-apply. It’s of when you rst start experimenting with this.The Thechalk chalkdeterrent deterrentisisalso alsouseful usefulininthe thehome homeas asaagood good this. way tostop stop thementering entering thehouse house forexperimenting examplethrough through It’s kind of amusing when you rst start withaa way to them the for example crack in the wall. Just draw a circle around the crack this. The chalk deterrent is also useful in the home as a good crack in the wall. Just draw a circle around the crack ororaa barrier linewherever wherever theyare arehouse entering. way to stop them entering the for example through a barrier line they entering. crack in the wall. Just draw a circle around the crack or a barrier they are entering. As for forline thewherever snails, well well makes sensethat thatthey theywould wouldbe be As the snails, itit makes sense hiding around bromeliads or strappy type leafed plants. Snails hiding around bromeliads or strappy type leafed plants. Snails As the snails, wellaadark itdark makes that they would be arefor molluscs andlike like moistsense environment forprotection protection are molluscs and moist environment for Nengah Macika’s Story hiding around bromeliads or strappy type leafed plants. Snails and to toavoid avoiddrying dryingout. out.They Theywill willhide hideunder underleaf leaflitter, litter,dark dark and Macika wasand a healthy babymoist until environment three monthsfor ofprotection age when are molluscs a keeps dark places andcover coverlike that keeps themmoist. moist. places and that them he developed high fever and suffered several seizures. Nengah Macika’s and to avoid drying Story out. They will hide under leaf litter, dark Since then, growth and mobility been Macika was a Macika’s healthy baby until three months ofhave age when places andHe cover that keepsyou them moist. The snails in the pictures have sentlook look likeseizures. decollate The snails in the pictures have sent like decollate affected. is also and struggles to communicate he developed highnon-vocal feveryou and suffered several with (Rumina his family. Until 2004, the East Bali Poverty snail (Rumina decollata) withwhen the conical shell. They are snail decollata) with the conical shell. They are Since then, Macika’s growth and mobility have been Project monthly parent-baby health posts in The snailsestablished inso the pictures you have sent look like decollate affected. He is also non-vocal and struggles to communicate omnivores, they will eat plants and other snails. IfIfthere omnivores, so they will eat plants and other snails. there neighboring Cegi, there were no health facilities near Ben with his family. Until 2004, when the East Bali Poverty snail (Rumina decollata) with the conical They are are brown snails totoeat alternatives this are no no browngarden garden snails eator orother othershell. alternatives this village, established where Macika lives. Inparent-baby 2005, the East Baliposts Poverty Project monthly health in omnivores, soto they will eat plants and other snails. If there snail is going eat your plants and they can cause serious snail is going to eat your plants and they can cause serious Project found a volunteer professional therapist neighboring Cegi, there were no health massage facilities near Ben are notrained brown garden snails toisis eat or pellets, other alternatives this damage quickly. The snail though not my damage quickly. Theeasy easy snail pellets, though not my who Macika’s parents to give himEast daily massages, village, where Macika lives.xxIn 2005, the Bali Poverty snail is going to eat your plants and they can cause serious but he has shown little improvement. While Macika’s preferred choice, especially if you have children and pets preferred choice, especiallyprofessional if you have massage children and petstoto Project found a volunteer therapist damage quickly. The easy x isrough snail pellets, though not my mobility remains restricted, his new all-terrain bamboo who trained Macika’s parents to give him daily massages, consider. Laying down aa dry mulch such as jagged consider. Laying down dry rough mulch such as jagged wheelchair means that he can now get around more freely. but he has shown little improvement. While Macika’s preferred choice, especially if you have children and pets to bark bark mulch mulch isis one one way way to to deter deter snails snails ororeven evencrushed crushed mobility remains restricted, his new all-terrain bamboo consider. Laying down a dry rough mulch such as jagged eggshells or eggshells orshell shellgrit gritmulch, mulch,as asthey theydon’t don’tlike liketotocrawl crawlacross across wheelchair means that he nowsnails get around more freely. bark mulch is one waywhich tocan deter orlike even crushed the sharp jagged edges probably feels razor blades the sharp jagged edges which probably feels like razor blades eggshells or shell mulch, as they don’t like to crawl across to their delicate slimy exterior. to them themand and theirgrit delicate slimy exterior. the sharp jagged edges which probably feels like razor Byblades Anita Copyright © 2019 Bali Advertiser to them and their delicate slimy exterior. Snails Snails prefer prefer cool, cool, dark, dark, moist moist places places totohide hideout, out,so soby by You can read all past By articles of Anita creating these locations in the garden you can locate creating these locations in the garden you can locatethe the BA Feature Article at Copyright ©to2019 Advertiser Snails prefer cool, dark, moist placesterracotta hideBali out, so bya snails pots are snails and anddispose disposeof ofthem. them. Upturned Upturned terracotta areof a You can read all past pots articles creating these locations in the garden you can locate the good snail trap, check every few days and you’ll nd them BA Feature Article at good snail trap, check every few days and you’ll nd them snails and dispose of Orange them. Upturned terracottahalves pots are a congregating congregatinginside. inside. Orangeor orany anyother othercitrus citrus halveswith with good snail trap, check every fewknown days and you’ll nd them the pulp scooped out is another trap method. the pulp scooped out is another known trap method.Leave Leave congregating inside. Orange or any slightly other citrus halves with them them face face down downininthe thegarden gardenbed bed slightlypropped proppedup upwith with the pulpgap scooped out is another known trap method. Leave aasmall for the snails to enter. Finally, the snail beer small gap for the snails to enter. Finally, the snail beertrap trap them face down in the garden out. bed slightly propped up with isisthe theeasiest easiestway wayto totake takethem them out.AAcontainer, container,jar jarororaaplastic plastic abottle small gapinfor the snails to enter. Finally, the snail beer trap bottle cut cut in half halfand andthen thenplaced placedininthe thegarden garden lled lledwith withaa is the easiest way to take them out. A container, jar or a plastic cup of beer is irresistible to snails and slugs. Dig it in level cup of beer is irresistible to snails and slugs. Dig it in level bottle cutsoil in half and can theneasily placed in thethey garden lledyeast. with a with the so they enter love the with the soil so they can easily enter they love the yeast. cup of beer is irresistible to snails and slugs. Dig it in level with thecan soil so theybe canremoved easily enter the yeast.of Snails easily using they the love combination Snails can easily be removed using the combination of methods - hand picking, trapping, barriers, and bait/pellets. methods - hand picking, trapping, barriers, and bait/pellets. Snails canhabitats easily can be removed using combination of Modifying help prevent snailthe plagues by removal Modifying habitats can help prevent snail plagues by removal methods hand picking, trapping, barriers, and bait/pellets. of hiding places such as thick clumps of vegetation, empty of hiding places such as thick clumps of vegetation, empty Modifying can help prevent snail dry plagues by removal pots lyinghabitats around and by using a rough mulch. lying around andas bythick using a rough mulch. empty ofpots hiding places such clumps of dry vegetation,

whereby the ants protect the sap sucking bugs and even it withstands weather conditions. Theprotected decision was Agung Ben village. wheelchair is with Lead in in the soilrough can also beother absorbed by vegetables grown in transport them around toThe sites to to send send the honeydew transport them around to other sites the honeydew also made to use mountain bike wheels suitable for steep or environmentally-friendly lacquer and sealant to ensure that Lead in the soil presents a risk if it is either inhaled or ingested. it. Children who play in the-the garden are also at risk. production into overdrive it’s an ant farm of a different type whereby the ants protect sap sucking bugs and even into overdrive - it’salready an ant afarm ofsupply adecision different type uneven terrain. “Asalso there of metal itproduction withstands weather conditions. The was Lead in the soilrough can beisabsorbed byshort vegetables grown in that you won’t like transport them around to other sites totosend honeydew wheelchair parts in Bali, we wanted nd the anfor alternative that you won’t like also made to use mountain bike wheels suitable steep or it.If Children who play in the garden growing are alsovegetables at risk. living near main roads, consider in raised solution,terrain. and owners an we nd production intoas overdrive aneco antstore, ofsupply awanted different type uneven “As there-of isit’s already afarm short of to metal garden beds lled with clean imported soil and compost. Limit a sustainable solution. As bamboo is found in abundance in If you ever see ants crawling up and down stems and across wheelchair parts in crawling Bali, we up wanted to nd an alternative that you won’t like Ifliving you ever see ants and down stems and across Ifsolution, near main roads, consider growing vegetables inbe raised potential exposure by avoiding plants known tocould lead Bali and throughout Asia, a ringing bamboo wheelchair be and as owners ofbe an eco store, we wanted to nd leaves alarm bells should as it’s the rst sign that leaves alarm lled bells should beimported ringing as thecompost. rst sign that garden beds clean soil and Limit easily repaired bywith a bamboo artisan ait’s village,” Brad says, such as low-growing leafy vegetables like lettuce, aaccumulators sustainable solution. As bamboo is in found in abundance in have a problem. Ants are typically found onand the across ground Ifyou you ever see ants crawling up and down stems you have a problem. Ants are typically found on the ground adding that wheelchair hasplants to be custom made potential exposure by avoiding known be to lead as well as rooteach vegetables including carrots, onions,to turnips and Bali and throughout Asia, a bamboo wheelchair could bet and will only inhabit plants there as is ait’s a honeydew honeydew source, leaves alarm bells should be ififartisan ringing the rst sign that and will only inhabit plants there is source, the bene ciary’s easily repaired byrequirements. a bamboo in a village,” Brad says, accumulators such as low-growing leafy vegetables like lettuce, radishes. As a general rule, the worst affected vegetables are which means either aphids or other types of scale insects you have a problem. Ants are typically found on the ground which means either aphids or other types of scale insects adding that each wheelchair has to be custom made to as well unwashed as root vegetables including carrots, onions, turnips andt either or unpeeled root vegetables. Up bene tomoved date, Eco Living Bali Bali Bamboo Bikes have in. A quick check of East the growing tips source, and the and will only plants if and there isaffected agrowing honeydew the ciary’s requirements. have moved in. A quick check of the tips and the radishes. As ainhabit general rule, the worst vegetables are have means fundedofeither and built three bamboo wheelchairs. The rst undersides foliage will likely reveal the bugs. They say which aphids or other types of scale insects undersides of can foliage will likely reveal the bugs. Theycould say either unwashed or unpeeled rootalthough vegetables. Leafy greens be affected much of this wheelchair, or the prototype, is currently display in the Up tomoved date, Eco Bali and East BalionBamboo Bikes have in.smoke ALiving quick check of theleast growing tipsplants and the where there’s smoke there’s re, well where there’s ants on where there’s there’s re, well where there’s ants on possibly be surface borne dust. The affected are Eco Living Bali shop in Kerobokan. The two other have funded and built three bamboo wheelchairs. The rst undersides of foliage will likely reveal the bugs. They say your plants you probably have a sap sucking insect problem. Leafy greens be affected much ofwe this could your plants you probably have aalthough sucking insect problem. those that produce fruiting parts -sap whether not consider wheelchairs have been handed over toor in need. wheelchair, orcan the prototype, is currently onthose display in the where there’s smoke there’s re,The well where there’s ants on possibly be surface borne least affected plants are Nasrudin, who was thedust. inspiration behind the project, them fruit’ or vegetables’. very little danger ofother lead Eco Living Bali shop inThere’s Kerobokan. The two received the second wheelchair, while the third wheelchair your plants you probably have a sap sucking insect problem. those that parts - whether notand wein consider wheelchairs have fruiting been tomatoes handed over toor those need. toxicity in produce anything from to papayas pumpkins wasall donated to 15-year-old Nengah Macika, the of lead one Nasrudin, who was the There’s inspiration behind thesonproject, them fruit’ vegetables’. very little danger of and fruitor trees in general. of the East Bali Bamboo Bikes craftsmen Ban Village. received second wheelchair, while thefrom third wheelchair toxicity in the anything from tomatoes to papayas and pumpkins “Wedonated have a togrowing list of underprivileged children and was 15-year-old Nengah Macika, the son of one and all fruit treesgood in general. Plants areinfairly at keeping leadwho out ofrequire themselves in most adults BaliBamboo and Lombok of the East Bali Bikes craftsmen from Banall-terrain Village. circumstances, but we if the vegetables are covered in soil,toormake even wheelchairs, and are seeking funding “We have a growing list currently of underprivileged children and Plants are good at keeping lead out themselves in most an invisible layer ofand dust settles on fruit orof leafy greens, you may them,” says Brad. “We are initially only targeting Bali and adults infairly Bali Lombok who require all-terrain circumstances, but if the vegetables are covered in soil, or even be consuming lead from the soil in that way. All fruit and Lombok, however, we plan to expand to other islands soon wheelchairs, and we are currently seeking funding to make and then hopefully thethe rest of Asia.” an invisible layer offrom dust settles on fruit or leafy greens,to you may vegetables taken garden should betargeting washed remove them,” says Brad. “We are initially only Bali and be consuming from the in that way. islands All fruitsoon and Lombok, however, we plan to soil expand to other all traces of soillead before consumption. As the issue of access for people with disabilities to and then hopefully thethe rest of Asia.” vegetables taken from garden should be washed is to close remove all traces of with soil before consumption. A good diet adequate amounts of calcium and phosphorous As the issue of access for people with disabilities is close to has been shown to reduce absorption of dietary lead. Similarly, Athose good same diet with adequate of calcium phosphorous two nutrientsamounts help reduce lead and uptake in plants. has been shown to reduce absorption ofalso dietary lead. Similarly, Seaweed and spirulina when eaten have been demonstrated those two nutrients help reduce in plants. to bindsame heavy metals and remove themlead fromuptake the body. It’s not Seaweed when eaten been demonstrated clear fromand thespirulina studies whether you have havealso to eat them concurrently to bind metalscontaminated and remove foods them from theevery It’s and not with theheavy potentially or just clear thebe studies whether you haveon toeverything. eat them concurrently then from - so to safe just put spirulina with the potentially contaminated foods or just every now and then so tosoil be will safebe justliving’ put spirulina onorganic everything. Any -good lled with matter. Organic matter also helps bind the lead up in the soil, rendering it less Any good soil will beSo, living’ lled with organic available to plants. get composting, and matter. adding Organic it to the matter also helps bind the lead up in the soil, rendering it less garden beds. Besides reducing lead uptake, it is also the key available to plants. So, get composting, and adding it to the solution to a poor soil, producing healthier and more productive So rst,beds. to getBesides to aphids scales you garden reducing lead uptake, itinstant isneed alsoto the keya plants. Otherwise a and clean soil for anwill x check and So rst, to get to the theimport aphids and scales you will need to check the undersides of the leaves. In the initial stages hosing with solution to a poor soil, producing healthier and more productive fresh start. the undersides of the leaves. In the initial stages hosing with So rst,jet to getwater to theimport aphidsa and scales youan will need tox check plants. Otherwise clean for instant and to a a fast fast of the leaves could be a jet of water underneath underneath thesoil leaves could be enough enough to the undersides of the leaves. In the initial stages hosing with fresh start. rid a small infestation, but as your plants are dying and the Irid don’t think that there is a need to worry excessively about lead a small infestation, but as your plants are dying and the ainfestation water leaves couldwith be enough to isjust severe its probably best to spray an organic infast the jet soilof-is beunderneath cautious, bethe alert infestation severe its probably bestnot to alarmed spray with an organic rid a small infestation, but as your plants are dying and the Ipesticide don’t thinksuch that there is a need to worry excessively about lead as white oil or neem oil that is available at pesticide such as white oil or neem oil that is available at infestation isjust severe its centres. probably bestnot to spray with an organic in the soil -and be plants, cautious, be alert alarmed hardware garden Wash your edible mulch your soil, and work in compost hardware and garden centres. pesticide such as white oil or neem oil that is available at and organic matter which will help to bind any lead, reducing hardware and garden centres. Wash your edible mulch and worksoil in compost As ants mayplants, be on the your deal,soil, protecting, transporting the the bioavailability but in also improving the overall health at As the ants may be in on the deal, protecting, transporting and organic matter which will you helpshould to bindprobably any lead, reducing and farming the bugs around deter them the same time. and farming the bugs around you should probably deter them As the antsgenerally may be in on improving the moist deal, conditions, protecting, transporting the bioavailability but don’t also the overall soil health at also. Ants like keep the soil also.farming Ants generally don’t like moist conditions, keep the soil and the bugs around you should deter them the time. On same a nal note Old-school paints wereprobably up to 50 lead and around your plants well-watered directly to the root-zone so around your plants don’t well-watered directly to thekeep root-zone so also. Ants like moist soil evendon’t with generally neweroff layers painted over conditions, the top, the levelsthe of lead you wash the pesticide. you don’t wash off the pesticide. On nal note Old-school paints were walls up to of 50 and around your plants well-watered directly to the root-zone so pots lying around and by using a rough dry mulch. left acontained on the interior and exterior old lead buildings Dr. ris ris Dr. even with newerto layers painted over the theon levels lead you wash off thehigh. pesticide. are don’t still likely be safe level of lead in of food is Here’s another tip. Plain old The chalk used totop, write chalkboards arden Doctor Doctor ontact: ontact: gardendoctor gardendoctor Dr. ris Here’s another tip. Plain old chalk used to write on chalkboards arden left contained on the interior exterior walls ofhow old buildings measured parts per million so it’s easy to see is all that’sinneeded to keep and the ants away. Ants willdisturbed, not walk arden Doctor ontact: gardendoctor Dr.r. ris ris Copyright © © 2019 2019Dr. ris is allstill that’s needed to keep the ants away. will walk are likely to be high. The level ofAnts lead inornot is Copyright r. ris Here’s another tip. Plain old chalk used toas write on chalkboards crumbling, scraped, sanded or safe aking paint can be afood major through a line of powdery material such chalk dust talcum arden Doctor Doctor ontact: ontact:You gardendoctor can read all past articles of arden gardendoctor Copyright © 2019 r. of ris through a line of powdery material such as chalk dust or talcum You can read all past articles measured indirect parts per million so it’s easy to see how disturbed, is all that’s needed to keep the ants away. Ants will not walk source ofTest contamination whether from inhalation or powder. it and see arden octor octor at You can read all past articles arden at Copyright © © 2019 2019 r. r. ris risof powder. Test it and see Copyright crumbling, scraped, sanded or aking paint can beoratalcum major C/Bm/I-29 Jan 20 through a line of powdery material such as chalk dust C/Bm/I-6 Nov 19 arden You octor canatread read all past past articles articles of You can all of source ofTest direct contamination whether from inhalation or powder. it and see arden octor at arden

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NC/Ho/I-26 Feb 20

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ba boo o e o e o e o Mo n e on n onnoBena oa e. a o en oeebe ae a nao ee an oo en en a a- een an eaaano be o en ee b a ene on a on. o o ae n e en a e a an onoen o ea e e on. I on o .e e e en on a a o o a on e o o e ao . n a ea n b eeneee abne oo ee o M. T I o a o E L B ne en e a n. e e a ea a o o ea en e a o an o n. E B ee a a n Ba e an e o n an a e na e .O B B E B P o on an a o ne o an e o o e e an e o n P a a nab e o on. ba boo o n n ab n an e n S Ba an o o a a ba boo ee a o be .I A . T M ea e a e b a ba boo a an n a a e B a a . a n a ea ee a a o be o a e o I bene a e e en . BALI ADDRESS : JL. BY PASS NGURAH RAI NO. e176 - SANUR T R 0395 PHONE : +62 823 3988 2460 e a en o a : 0361 ab e - 449 e |. PAK e oRONALD a e a been ea o e ea o e o n e o o n Ba o ae o n Ba an a Ba Ba boo B e JAKARTA ADDRESS : JL. IR. H JUANDA NO. 9 REMPOA CIPUTAT TIMUR one an e n 5692 a an on| PAK o aanSAID an - ee: +62 aan 813a8545 e n7546 e an b ee ba boo ee a . e IB ao an a a PHONE o Mo o ean a. -o7471 oe : 021 a ee a o eC/Ho/G-11 o oMarch 20e en on a n e o ee ena e aeee - ooen e b e a oo aea o e e e oo e. 12-aea o-o b boe nn No o boa e o o a n ea an a o n Ba o n e obo an. e o o e on be ae. o C aa oo o Ho e an a on o a e n o ee a a e been an e o e o o e n nee . IFo on eene o ee ano an ea n o a e n a on be n e oe aoba o. ee a a e a o ee a ae on n oan a en on neone oo no Na o n e . Na n o an a ee a n e e e e e e on ee a e e ee a ea o e a oe a e e a e n-o 201 o o ee ea o a ona e o 1 - ea -o Nen a Ma a e on o one o ea e a a o a a eo be e o oo . e e e a e a o e e a o e a Ba Ba boo B e a en o Ban a e. a e o eantique . n e items: e old e ene a iron on a n a Special ee a a o an esafes, o e a n boxes, o e radios, e a efans, a o clocks, n o n e e e en an n en on en o an o o an be o lamps, bed, a e anporcelain a o & e Van ea oDer an a Pol - e acabinets, n ee aChinese a n Bafurniture an o bo o e e a -e an a e an be o e one o e an n en e an a bo n a B a . ee a an e a e en ee n n n o a e from a n Europe en . & China. e a Ba . e a e n a on a e n Ba an Foo an e e n e o b a n o n e on e ea e e boe on e ae n ea an o ee nanon o ao e an o oon So bA n aeno oe e. F ae a o en ea e oo e o ae a a a e ea o an e ea e o e aa.n o e an e a n In one a. e ee a a e e / an a e n. I e o ae P o a beSo e R ea R 1 So Fa naoe nee o a een oo e oe an ea ba ea ba e a e a o eoa e ab bee a e ae ne o a e . Gene eo en oo o an n a . a a n o b ea e a a o ea o o o a n . en a o e o o / o o . e e P oo en n N e a an ea n o an a e/ o o o o I a a be o a e a e a e o a be o e e a n e a ea a o n en o an . o eE eo e e an o an e e e on a o an o . Fo na e a a on o b ea a o . I e o en n a a o e a a e o o o o e e a ea o an a e n ea e e n en e ne AN I UE I E S E BUa OUR an o o e o . e be a o o e an o an e a n nee . e oa a e a o n o o an a e o o o . an n a a ab e a o o an e ea ee G o e e no n a a -b ea e a e ea e e en e e ne a e en o n an o on e ea e a o .I o a e e e ea an no e o . a on o e .G o e e a G

D . T



Ben an one ea e o no a e an o o en e. o n Ba en e e n n o b oe ee a . a ee a on a eo bea ee an oa o on o e e ne o a n e ee enee ee a en e a on e ab e ob enon ee e eo b a e. aoe e a eo o ane en an e ee a e aene na ooe o oe o be oneen e o a. ean a e on e a . o an e ab e ne a n n o e ne e. on o e a e e o nee o a e e o o o a e oo ea ee e be o n e oo e n e o e . I o b e a e ea n e o nn o n e e en n o e a n an ab o b e o e o ee e e . I been a n n on a e e a a a . a e n ea n e o nn en n e en on e e a n e ab e a ene a e an a n on e a o o on a e n bo be o e an a e - e na e o e o o o . C/BM/I-12 Feb 20


ao a be o e a e e o en e e e a n n e be on on o b e. a e a e Ne o eM. Ne e eS o e o e an oneo e een Ma a a a ea bab n ee on o a e en ea b a e a an one e. an ea en e a an e e eo e e e an ee e ea e e . a e o o ea on e o e a . n e en Ma a o an ob a e been a e e . He a o non- o a an e o o n ae Mo e aa n o. abo o ao n n 200-6 en . eo ee a Ba e n ao e e on oon n oa en -bab a e a ea e on a oe an ab on e ba I on Ce b e one e o e e no en ea e aa . aBen n ne . bo e enea anabee ea e eoMa an a ee . In e200 n ea a Ban ooe e o bo e e o an ao o en een o e o onao . a a e e a o a ne Ma a a en o e a a a e b e en e a e e oa n oe a eo ea en n . e aee Ma ea e a o ob e ane ae n ee e ea e . ne a - e a n ba boo ana ee a ean a e an no e ao n o e ee . .e o n ba . o // .ea ba o e o e .o // .ea ba ba boob e . o D.K G





By n a

Copyright © 2019 r. ris Copyright © 2019 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of You can read all past articles of arden octor at BA Feature Article at C/Ho/G-1 Jan. 20

C/Ho/G-11 Sept. 19

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Read more at C/B /I-2 Jan 20

NC/N C/B/F-2 /I-6 Jan No 20 1

Bali House & Home

Alternative Voice




ori on are A out to E


Capacitor The Serfs Are Revolting capacitor is a clever little device that collectsThe electrical In Search of The Perfect Bali AAvocado Don’t Chuck energy then, when it has enough, it releases it in a zap of Stone – Eat It… extra energy. Very useful as ice breakers at parties,

Common Problems The most common problem we nd with water pumps is “cycling” (often known as the “Balinese water torture”) the pump continually switching itself on and capacitors are used to give a burst of extra energy to get off. This is usually caused by leaks in the water system things going. They are widely used on pumps, air (such as running toilets), badly set pressure switches conditioners and uorescent lights. On electric motors, they or by damaged pressure tankthrow bladders. Next, the quarters into a give an extra burst of power to overcome friction and start powerful blender and process them turning. Normally cylindrical about 2 cms diameter For a list of water pump and howivide to solve intoproblems a ne powder. the and 8 cms long with a wire coming out of one end the them see the article at results into two each being capacitor is usually mounted inside a small cover on the water/water-systems/water-pump-problemenough for one serving and outside of the electric motor. solving-220.html either use or store in the Pressure Switches Plumbers and Electricians refrigerator. Now you have the Many of the water pumps we use have two pressure While problems in your basis waterfor system canthe result in high making smoothie switches which sense the water pressure in the pipes and water bills, they can also leave you with very high of your choice, but be aware usually possessed of remarkable but not always tasty switch the pump on and off. electricity bills. Finding and solving such problems Frederich’s great, great, great, great, that the of avocado seed powder healing properties. In the case of the avocado and its stone, may require a combination both plumbing and grandson’s, cousin’s, uncle’s, husband’s, is quite bitter due to two its Normally the water in your household water system is electrical skills and an understanding of how the which are in fact botanically classi ed as a nut, the stone is great, great, grandson, Cornelius Women of any nationality can join the social group with tannins, and choose the other pressurised. If you turn on a tap, the pressure in the system interact. a large smooth oval of a rich Pump, brown colour. As noted, seedsin Archibald was tinkering around charitable purpose, Bali International Womens Association. is released, this releases the water pressure on a pressure ingredients of your smoothie are powerful entities, enough life and a old packing Frederich’s garden shedpower one inday switch which then switches the water pump on. The pump Such problems are elping the women and children of Bali since 1974, BIWA accordingly. when heand came for a very small space to move feedacross worlds.aIndesign which case, will run until you turn the tap off and the pressure of the often beyond the carefully curates rotating and vets the recipients funds raised. water of pump which the avocado stone is ancentrifugal emperor among seeds withold a water in your pipes increases back to a to maximum ability of the average Monthly luncheons arehad thethoughtfully backbone of Fred putBIWA aside(the untilrafthee numinous presence all of its own when contemplated for pressure at which point, the pressure operates a second tukang who may tend ther methods include was andnews invented about some the 2 prizes alone are electric the stuff motor of legend), switch to turn the pump off. We can adjust the settings of to react to the any length of time.centuries If you’re in any doubt about this, instead later. BIWA’s social welfare activities is spread instantly through Cutting the seed into small these switches to increase or decrease the water pressure individual symptoms of throwing the stone away, next time just set it in a bottle private social media. The BIWA Secretary can be called in your pipes. rather than looking at pieces and letting them dry. This pump has ofbecome ubiquitous or container with the bottom eighth it resting ain water and or WhatApp’d at 62 819-9985-5686 the MEP systems as a ou can then convert the design. It has an inlet and an outlet pipe see the result. of digestive Pressureissues, Tanksincluding dysentery and gastric ulcers. whole to track down and uses a rotating wheel (an impeller) pieces into powder by crushing or any other appropriate Today, avocado seeds are used to ensure healthy overall Most pumps have a steel pressure tank attached which has the cause. Failed with ns or vanes which uses centrifugal method. Before too many days have elapsed something remarkable digestive air inside it, the through air beingthe contained a rubber bladder. attempts can be both function potent in concentration of force to throw the water outwards with Water is not squishy like air and so the tank performs two frustrating and starts to happen. The top of the stone splits and a bud it can push Shop it along pipes. ave you eversuch set force foot that in the Smile With its antioxidants and bre, supporting your gastrointestinal tract functions, it stores pressure so the pump doesn’t need to Another expensive. way to consume the seeds is run them through a appears which begins to grow straight upward day by day. This clever device is used these days to mow down crowds growth and maintenance of healthy gut bacteria. distinctive red sign, these are arguably Bali’s greatest thrift via the switch on and off all the time and it provides an air cushion juicer and add the resulting nut butter to an omelette of of serfs when they severely lacking in the gruntle After eight inches orare soare ofthere shoot a rich green appear Previous “Fixed Abode” shops, and they to fund Proleaf ectwill Senyum. in the water system to absorb shocks when taps are eggs and anycan other department andshoot become somewhat revolting. on top. And the continues upward. all has a rather articles be ingredients found subjectyou care to add. This way That’sacharitable foundation which has Itbeen working for Encourages weighton loss suddenly turned or off. Pressure tanks vary considerably you get an agreeable naturalat avor without having to indexed on our website wonderful zen-like aesthetic (beats the of ce bizzy Lizzy many matching in size from small ones that simply protect the pump to very Water years, pumps successfully are little heroes in our Indonesia’s homes, theymost are w w w . m r f i x i t b a l i . c o m .with one or other form of disguise the seed avor usually anytime). Invery theory at least, you canwith re-potattention it in youroften garden can instore large seeds volumes of supports pressurised skilled low-or-no-income sameones brethat found avocado that generallycraniofacial reliablesurgeons working without for Thelarge Opinions expressed are those of Phil Wilson. He can be sugar. water, very useful if you have an unreliable electricity supply. and areon now on youradults) way your own hydroponicchildren (and some who arevery in desperate need of healthy digestion also helps you maintain a healthy weight. years end. They are to inexpensive but an essential contacted through the website or the of ce on 0 1 2 sourced avocado Good luck with that.other component in theorchard. systems that removal, make our and lives comfortable. facial reconstruction, growth similar The high bre content provides a feeling of fullness and 9 or 0 12 2. To learn more about pressure tanks go to xitbali. n Search of the perfect ali vocado Of course, these days pumps are driven by electric motors satiation surgery. you don’t get the same urge to eat as much and com/water/water-systems/water-pressure-tanks-111.html and, in addition to the rotating impeller, have several Copyright © 2019 Phil Wilson educes in ammation as often. They also help to control your blood sugar levels. additional components to improve their performance: You caninread allcolumn past articles of Fixed Abode A year or so back this I wrote about the Smile Shop Ubud at Jl. NyuhKuning, Pengosekan- With stable blood sugar levels you are much less likely to at astonishing rise and worldwide popularity of the Avocado Ubudopen every day fromof10 am - 4 avocado seeds give into food cravings during the day. The powerful combination antioxidants pear’. In that piece I noted that you needed to buy your is responsible for a lot of major medical bene ts beyond the avocados here in Bali with care. The imported ones were Smile Shop Sindhubene at Jl. ts. Pantai No. 3, Sanur,open manifest nutritional It is Sindu a remarkably effective Skin support on wills, land, and and business usually very expensive usually delicious inmatters, texture andat Monday to Saturdaycontaining from 10 amhigh - 4 pm. anti-in ammatory, concentrations of or followthepeoplesLC avor. owever on occasion you would get a dud, catechins and procyanidins antioxidants that reduce the The powerful cocktail of antioxidants combined in an at facebook. Subscribe to all Another resource for similar home situations is Srikandi blackened, part-rotten, or hard andthe onlyannouncements softening when iton Smile Shop anau uyan at Jl. anauBuyan No. 27 B, in ammation associated with pain, swelling, stiffness and avocado seed is exactly what your skin needs to become Instagram at srikandi.dv.campaign and donate to Srikandi ustice, where women can obtain the legal help they Sanur, open Saturday - 4 pm. is went direct to black and rotten. The Bali avocado, which impaired jointMonday function.toThis heroicfrom pair 10 of am antioxidants supple antioxidants rebuild get collagen repair at need, and get clear. out ofThe abusive relationships, day care for was much cheaper, invariably had a watery texture and also what strives mightily to ensure heart health and cells damaged by free radicals and generally makes your their children, and obtain safe places to stay. Srikandi is This is also a great place to give away your gently used lacked much of the avor of the imports. Presumably this optimum blood circulation. skin look and feel healthier. elp go viral the international signalfor “I need help” so clothing, unwanted but functional small furnishings (objets sponsored by the People s aw Centre, rst of its kind in had to do with climate and elevation. owever on occasion that women and children will all learn it (illustration). Teach Bali,where the general publiccan obtain free legal advice. d’art, lamps, I had been lucky and been able to buy Bali avocados just Fights cancer kitchen ware), for a very good cause. Processing the the vocado Seedof the uta ina huana it to your staff and tell them to teach it to their friends. A Both are under umbrella Volunteers are always needed to put in some time at the as good as any import. good start to getting literate in help. Foundation, BB, which is getting great allies in local and shops. Tell a friend Recent research has shown that extracts from the avocado aving learned something of BB’s the bene ts of the Indonesian government. chairman, Ni avocado Luh Arie If anybody can shed any light on why this is, and where one seed have what’s called an pro-apoptotic in uence on seed youSukasari, might be known wondering how accessichardson, them. As it has is, Ratna to all astoSari Subscribe at can nd the good Bali avocados, they would be rendering a leukemia cells, meaning that the extract caused leukemia they seed something is hard and very like many ovaloids, hard to bust into. created special, and both her splashy signal service both to this correspondent and the cells to die while leaving healthy cells healthy and stable. The rst stepand is toinformative remove thelegal seedseminars from theare surrounding fundraisers becoming community. For this reason, avocado seeds may provide an important indispensable. esh by cutting the avocado in half by cutting around the way to ght or reduce the risk from other cancers also. By enee elchert horpe An under-the-radar charityof enormous helpf to women seed, twisting and separating the segments. Use a sharp The Srikandi help hotline and WA is 62 819-4977-8670 preading art news a e comments and suggestions by ParacelsusAsia who suffer from domestic violence is the safe house heavy knife and with care whack into down into the seed mproves digestion Comments or ueries Paracelsus sia Thetwist center 61 Pandu Street, alung,board North email mala.arts.bali it outatusing the edge of a cutting orKuta, similaralso to ali other and aby ouse, at 61 43 831 0866 or and features a small thrift store. Copyright © 2021 A A Art Culture Find out more at dislodge the seed from your knife. Then carefully cut it into Copyright © 2020 ParacelsusAsia You can read all past articles of A A Art Culture at Avocado seeds have long been used in their native quarters, which is now quite easy to do., where you can also donate. You can read all past articles of Alternative oice at Connect up for those great Peoples Law Centre seminars homeland of Mexico and Central America to treat a range

It’s not all blogs and grog in any Bali expat’s life, and if you have recently begun a long stay visa, you are probably Frederich Ebenezer Pump was a clever man. The nding out that community is everythingto local culture. chairman of the Upper Wallop Serf Club, he invented a This aspect of Bali living can be enjoyable lling. If device consisting of a pipe with a pistonand andful operated While the esh of the avocado is indeed packed full you choose wisely. by a handle which enabled the serfs to draw water from with nutrients and healthy fats, you may be surprised wells. What’s that Balipercent offers soofmany choices in culture, to learngreat that isover the total antio idant Used alland over the world the which village pump has been charity, thein environment, categories where you the nd concentration avocados, is what essentially centreexpats’ of community lifegive-back since time immoral.What Often the many go-to and activities. better makes them the superfood they are, is am packed into place where important matters of local interest are timeseed. to nd a new way to lend a hand, than now, while Bali the discussed but also where young damsels meet dirty old shakes off its two-plus years ofthe public health restrictions men under cover of darkness, village pump has been Everyone is geared up to make Bali better thanrather ever. Itthe is worth a secondoforsongs longer look at subjecttaking of a plethora (mostly of this the bawdy Check out these suggestions. variety). wonderful appearing object. The pit or stone of any fruit is

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word word for for eat eat is is ngamah. ngamah. umrah umrah words words are are used used when when participants participants of of equal equal social social status status are are conversing. conversing. It It re re ects ects intimacy intimacy and and informality informality among among its its users. users. lus lus words words are are

Education & Family

pitu pitu (seven) (seven) and and sia sia (nine) (nine) are are more more widely widely used used than than a a number number of of words words for for those those numbers numbers listed listed in in the the Ordinal Ordinal Numbers Numbers section section of of the the ppendices. ppendices.

TOKO BUKU Everyday Balinese By I Gusti Made Sutjaja

The The dialogs dialogs are are presented presented twice twice in in two two different different speech speech levels consisting of almost entirely different words. levels consisting of almost entirely different words. Depending Depending upon upon whom whom you you are are talking talking to, to, separate separate vocabularies vocabularies are are used used in in Balinese. Balinese. The The rst rst version, version, denoted denoted ,, represents represents the the lumrah lumrah or or common common tongue. tongue. The The second, second, denoted denoted B, B, is is alus alus or or re re ned ned Balinese. Balinese. There There are are actually actually six six different different speech speech levels levels from from the the highest highest alus alus singgih singgih used used to to address address priests priests and and rajas rajas down down to to the the lowest lowest forms, forms, Bahasa Bahasa Kasar Kasar (common (common languages), languages), which which includes includes not not only only lumrah lumrah but but the the andap andap and and wake wake everyday everyday languages languages used used all all over over Bali Bali by by children, children, young young people people and and for for some some reason reason by by the the inhabitants inhabitants of of northern northern Buleleng Buleleng District. District. Each Each lesson lesson on on food, food, greetings, greetings, shopping, shopping, money, money, nding nding your your way, way, etc. etc. contains contains a a list list of of words words in in both both lumrah lumrah and and alus alus forms, forms, followed followed by by their their Indonesian Indonesian and and English English translations. translations. In In these these sections, sections, you’re you’re able able to to compare compare the the different different words words and and expressions expressions of of the the two two speech speech levels levels in in column column format. format. These These vocabulary vocabulary lists lists repeat repeat and and reinforce reinforce the the words words and and expressions expressions used used in in the the dialogs. dialogs. The The most most dif dif cult cult part part of of learning learning Balinese Balinese are are the the different different speech speech levels, levels, even even though though they they follow follow much much the the same same grammatical grammatical rules. rules. The The differences differences lie lie in in word word choice. choice. For For example, example, there there are are three three different different words words for for eat, eat, depending depending upon upon the the circumstances circumstances and and who who you you are are addressing. addressing. In In the the most most re re ned ned language language (alus), (alus), itit is is ngerayun. ngerayun. In In the the second second level level (lumrah), (lumrah), itit is is ngajeng. ngajeng. In In the the lowest lowest speech speech level, level, the the word word for for eat eat is is ngamah. ngamah. umrah umrah words words are are used used when when participants participants of of equal equal social social status status are are conversing. conversing. It It re re ects ects intimacy and informality among its users. lus words intimacy and informality among its users. lus words are are


"Quality "Quality education education in in a a caring caring community." community."

Reviews Reviews of English language books on Indonesia Reviews of of English English language language books books on on Indonesia Indonesia

Everyday Everyday Balinese Balinese is is a a concise concise and and user-friendly user-friendly guide guide to to the the Balinese Balinese language language targeted targeted to to anyone anyone who who wishes wishes to to learn learn colloquial colloquial Balinese. Balinese. There There are are 23 23 lessons lessons (not (not exercises) exercises) in in this this course course book, book, each each with with a a dialog dialog that that centers centers around around daily daily life. life. These These realistic realistic beginner beginner conversations conversations are are a a great great way way to to learn learn Balinese Balinese as as it it is is really really spoken. spoken. Though Though tending tending to to be be a a bit bit dry, dry, the the dialogs dialogs are are easy easy to to follow follow and and cover cover realistic realistic situations. situations.

Copyright Copyright © 2019 Copyright © © 2019 2019 You You can read all past articles of You can can read read all all past past articles articles of of Toko Toko Buku at Toko Buku Buku at at

72 72 'Outstanding 'Outstanding Cambridge Cambridge Learner Learner Awards' in the past 9 years Awards' in the past 9 years

a Though Balinese Balinese is is dif dif cult cult to to learn, learn, ifif you you are are highly highly motivated motivated a ss ss o o cc ii a a tt e ed d w w ii tt h h Though distance distance and and formality formality and and apply apply yourself, yourself, you you are are able able to to master master at at least least a a working working among among users. users. If If you you knowledge knowledge of of the the language. language. The The best best and and easiest easiest way way is is to to talk talk with with a a friend friend or or engage engage in in conversation conversation with with Balinese Balinese with with the the aid aid of of Everyday Everyday ss ii b b ll ii n ng g ,, yy o ou u u u ss e e Balinese. Balinese. This This holistic holistic approach approach of of actively actively going going into into the the eld eld lumrah and when you and learning with the people is highly effective if it’s done lumrah and when you and learning with the people is highly effective if it’s done on on speak speak with with someone someone a a daily daily basis. basis. ou ou need need only only to to commit commit to to learn learn a a minimum minimum you you know know but but not not number number of of words words each each day, day, always always taking taking note note of of the the way way to to closely, closely, you you also also use use pronounce pronounce each each word. word. For For example, example, the the words words Dija? Dija? (From (From lumrah. lumrah. But But ifif you you talk talk where?) where?) sounds sounds similar similar to to Kija? Kija? (Where (Where are are you you going?) going?) but but to a priest or to a priest or a a high high their their meanings meanings are are quite quite distinct distinct from from each each other. other. government official, government official, P S A P LL A AC C EEto Sshow AR R EE LL II M M II T T EE D D ,, you you use use alus alus to show Not a dauntingly thick Not a dauntingly thick book, book, the the page page design design is is neat neat with with a a A P P L Y N O W ! A SPii P LeY clean NOW ! rr e n e ss p pe e cc tt .. S n cc e serifed typeface that’s easy to read. There are clean serifed typeface that’s easy to read. There are no no Westerners Westerners mostly mostly pictures pictures or or photographs photographs cluttering cluttering the the pages. pages. The The book book has has deal deal with with young young hotel hotel a one-page pronunciation guide in the front and a one-page pronunciation guide in the front and a a handy handy ss tt a a ff ff ,, w wa a rr u un ng g 20-page 20-page dictionary dictionary at at the the end end arranged arranged alphabetically alphabetically by by proprietors, proprietors, transport transport Balinese, Balinese, followed followed by by Indonesian Indonesian and and English English translations. translations. providers, providers, villagers villagers but but not not mayors, mayors, rajas, rajas, For For anyone anyone who who is is going going to to spend spend any any length length of of time time on on Bali Bali judges, judges, etc., etc., they they or or who who is is keen keen on on really really connecting connecting with with the the people, people, Everyday Everyday should should put put the the emphasis emphasis on on mastering mastering lumrah lumrah because because it’s it’s Balinese Balinese is is a a worthwhile worthwhile investment investment that that will will pay pay for for itself itself time time easier to learn, you can use it everywhere and easier to learn, you can use it everywhere and everyone everyone and again in the quality of your experiences. and again in the quality of your experiences. understands understands it. it. Westerner Westerner will will even even be be forgiven forgiven for for using using lumrah lumrah when when addressing addressing royalty. royalty. On On the the other other hand, hand, not not every every Everyday Balinese our Guide to Speaking Balinese uickly Everyday Balinese our Guide to Speaking Balinese uickly Balinese Balinese understands understands the the alus alus speech speech level. level. and and Effortlessly Effortlessly in in a a Few Few Hours Hours by by II Gusti Gusti Made Made Sutjaja, Sutjaja, Tuttle Tuttle ublishing 2009, ISBN-9 -0 0-0 ,, 192 pages, ublishing 2009, ISBN-9 -0 0-0 192 pages, The The book book is is not not without without its its inconsistencies inconsistencies that that confuse confuse alus, alus, dimensions 1 . cm x 20. cm. dimensions 1 . cm x 20. cm. lumrah and other speech levels. In esson , be lumrah and other speech levels. In esson , be is is referred referred to to as as a a common common Balinese Balinese word word meaning meaning meat meat (be (be pusihpusih- sh sh be be celeng-pork celeng-pork be be siap-chicken, siap-chicken, etc,). etc,). et et in in esson esson ,, the the table table of of animal animal names names indicates indicates that that be be is is a a high high Balinese Balinese word. word. In In one one lesson, lesson, cicing cicing (dog) (dog) is is classi classi ed ed as as common common but but in in another, Review another, it’s it’s considered considered high high Balinese Balinese katak katak (frog) (frog) is is listed listed as as Review by by Bill Bill Dalton Dalton both For any publishers interested in having one of both alus alus and and lumrah lumrah words words but but actually actually the the more more common common For their books For any any publishers publishers interested interested in in having having one one of of their their books books considered lumrah considered for review in Toko Buku, considered for for review review in in Toko Toko Buku, Buku, lumrah word word for for frog frog is is dongkang. dongkang. In In esson esson ,, paek paek sajan sajan is is please contact: Jl. Bang, please contact: Book OnlineTour today! more nem pleasean contact: Jl. Pucuk Bang, Banjar Tangtu Jl. Pucuk Pucuk Bang, Banjar Banjar Tangtu Tangtu more usual usual than than paek paek pesan. pesan. Sik Sik (one), (one), dua dua (two), (two), nem (six), (six), Book an OnlineTour today! Kertalangu, Denpasar pitu used a Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar 80237 80237 pitu (seven) (seven) and and sia sia (nine) (nine) are are more more widely widely Kesiman used than than a Enrolment +62 811 6190 Copyright © Enrolment +62 811 399 399 6190 Copyright © 2019 Copyright © 2019 2019 Email: Email: number of words for those numbers listed in the Ordinal Email: number of words for those numbers listed in the Ordinal You can read all past articles of You can read all past articles of You can read all past articles of Phone: Phone: +62 361 461 874 Phone: +62 +62 361 361 461 461 874 874 Numbers Numbers section section of of the the ppendices. ppendices. Toko Toko Buku at Toko Buku Buku at at


C/E/G-22 May 19 C/E/G-22 C/E/G-22 May May 19 19

C/E/I-29 Jan 20 C/E/I-29 C/E/I-29 Jan Jan 20 20

PRESS PRESS RELEASE RELEASE et ee on Bali School Results Class hesIsland Sho usti in oIBDP n BIS i tual niofe 2020 sit ai Bali Island School T is Bloodchool Drive Island School pleased to congratulate the anur, Bali 3 epte ber 2 e2Successful sland Bali Island School isOrgani pleased toBali congratulate the held its rst irtual niversity air on 2 th epte ber members of the Class of 2020 for their excellent results. and Flu accinationSanur, Bali, November 10, 2020 The members of the Class of 2020 for their excellent results. 2 2 . pproxi ately universities were in attendance. BIS annual blood drive and the Flu vaccination offerings -- 100 pass rate 100 held pass were onrate the BIS Campus on October 2

th and

November 2nd, 2020. -- 2. 2. average average score score t Bali Island School, we acknowledge the importance of -- 12 12 out out of of the the 1 1 students students received received 2 2 additional additional points. points. community (TOK/EE) (TOK/EE) not only the school community but also beyond the school walls. In this quarter, our T Head School Mr. Wyncoll said, strong Head ofed School Mr. Garth Garth Wyncoll said, nother nother strong organiof 2 events dedicated to healthcare. These were set of results -- well earned - through a cult set results well earned a dif dif offering cult period. period. the of blood drive as well as -athrough u vaccine that Thank Thank you you to to our our IBD IBD Coordinator Coordinator and and Secondary Secondary occurred at the BIS Courtyard. rincipal rincipal for for their their strong strong leadership, leadership, to to each each D D teacher teacher

We alsoniversity, give back S donating for funds Emory otherwise not considered. was a greatby opportunity me Emory niversity, Sto theItcommunity to explore different programs by of universities raised to ourthe chosen charities. nderoffered the cloud Covid-19, fromBIS all over the world, as niversity, it exposed me towere the multitude Manchester K Manchester Metropolitan niversity, K the TMetropolitan stood strong and proudly able to of paths that I could take once I’ve graduated. The workshops organi e a successful u vaccine with 1 people keen to I attended were hosted by the niversity of Essex and St. Edinburgh Edinburgh Napier Napier niversity, niversity, K K receive vaccineI and recentwith blood drive saw over 0 Thomastheir niversity. also aspoke representatives from the niversityeager of Sydney, Iowa Stateto niversity, niversity participants to give blood support the wider Hult Hult International International Business Business School, School, K K of Glasgow, niversity of Toronto, and the niversity of community. demonstrated a sense of pride and British Columbia. My impressions of these universities commitment towards the care and School wellnessof others, irginia Commonwealth niversity rts, irginia Commonwealth School ofofthe the rts, were wonderful as everyoneniversity I talked to was incredibly kind atar says Ibu Jinae Harrington, T chairman. atarhelpful. lthough the fair was very early in the morning and in their time one, they were all enthusiastic in letting me niversity of know all that I wantedustralia, to knowustralia about their respective niversity of Western Western ustralia, ustralia universities and answered all of my questions to the best of their abilities, said idlji, Grade 11 student at BIS.

for for your your attention attention to to individual individual student student needs needs and and your your THE SHOW M ST GO ON That was our motto for strong approach to teaching and learning, and nally to strong approach to teaching and learning, and nallythis to year’s irtual niversity Fair. nd go on it did the list of the the rest rest of of the the BIS BIS faculty faculty and and staff staff for for your your assistance assistance in in schools participating this year was larger than ever preparing preparing our our students students for for the the demands demands of of the the D D before. BIS hosted more than 0 participating program program niversities, with students joining from all around Indonesia. Students from our sister school, SM , and Our graduates were to across the Our graduates were accepted accepted to universities universities Canggu Community School joined as well. across the globe. globe. Here Here is is a a selection selection of of their their acceptances acceptances

National National Kaoshiung Kaoshiung Normal Normal niversity, niversity, Taiwan Taiwan

Students chose from thirty-two workshops and had an niversity Netherlands niversity of ofto msterdam, msterdam, Netherlands opportunity meet individually and in small groups with university representatives. niversity niversity of of Melbourne, Melbourne, K K IThe havearent-Teacher not really decidedssociation on which university I want to attend ( T ) has a tradition of once I’ve graduated, nor do I have an exact idea of what niversity of urich,Swit erland of urich,Swit a niversity strong presence since erland its inception at BIS. This has I want to study. lthough, I do know that I am interested been very successful funds for the students. in degrees like E, in orraising multidisciplinary social science ork ork niversity, niversity, Canada Canada programs similar to it. big positive of the fair was that it introduced me to various universities that I would have

BIS BIS is is an an IB IB World World School, School, fully fully authori authori ed ed by by the the International Baccalaureate to deliver the rimary ears, International Baccalaureate to deliver the rimary ears, Bali ears sland chool (for erly Bali Middle and rogrammes from reschool Middle ears and Diploma Diploma rogrammes from nternational reschool to to

Curtin Curtin niversity, niversity, ustralia ustralia RMIT, RMIT, niversity niversity Editor Editor s s otes otes

Grade 12. a International Schools and chool) an is based in anur, Grade 12.isBIS BIS isinternational a Council Council of of school International Schools and Western of Colleges Western ssociation of Schools Schools and Colleges accredited, close to ssociation enpasar, Bali. ts 2 and students areaccredited, re- - 2. The BIS t, irtual niversity offers great non-pro operates under Indonesian law. insight into the non-pro operates under Fair Indonesian t is the t, ost established B orld law. chool in Bali. different opportunities offered by each university for prospective students. BIS’s goal is to prepare our students or or further further infor infor ation ation on on B B online online learning, learning, for entry intoIB theWorld niversity that will BIS is an School, fullyprovide authorieach ed student by the new new protocols protocols and and expectation expectation with the best t and a life of learning after graduation. C/E/G-22 May 19 C/E/G-22 C/E/G-22 May May 19 19

International Baccalaureate to deliver the rimary ears, https // // Middle ears and Diploma rogrammes from reschool bis/home to Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and Website http // Website // Western http ssociation of Schools and Colleges accredited, non-pro t, college-preparatory, and operates under or or ore ore infor infor ation, ation, contact contact Indonesian law. r. r. arth arth yncoll, yncoll, ead ead of of chool, chool, hone headofschool hone (( 2) 2) 3 3 2 2 headofschool s. aniel, d s. ilik ilik aniel, d issions issions (( ad issions ad issions Editor s otes

2) 2) 3 3

2 2

Bali sland chool (for erly Bali nternational chool) is an international school based in anur, close to enpasar, Bali. ts 2 students are re- - 2. t is the oldest international school based in Bali. BIS is an IB World School, fully authori ed by the International to globally-minded, deliver the rimary BIS engagesBaccalaureate and empowers con ears, dent Middle ears and Diploma rogrammes from reschool learners to reach their best potential. t BIS it is our to Grade 12. BIS is a Council of International Schools and mission tossociation create an active, and creative, andaccredited, respectful Western of Schools Colleges learning community. non-pro t, college-preparatory school, and operates under Indonesian law.

See: BIS engages and empowers globally-minded, con dent learners to reach their utmost potential. t BIS it is our mission to create an inclusive, active, creative and respectful learning community. See http // C/E/I-29 Jan 20 C/E/I-29 C/E/I-29 Jan Jan 20 20

Education & Family


C/E/G-12 Feb. 20

C/E / -2


C/E/G-20 Nov. 19

C/E/I-20 May 20

C/E/G-25 March 20

Body & Spirit



ind hange hen to orr IfPlanning not Immortality what about The 120 Club? for the End of Your Life

How often do you walk into a room and wonder why ho will end uouwith your ooks tchotskes, you’re there focus hard, grit and youryour teeth, and try My good friend in you 2005change aged your gadgets your toolsdied when to remem er, and utAlexander comegarden u Everett lank. ou retrace your 85 on his ranch in Oregon. It wasn’t really a ranch, yourscosmic address aton the end of your ack, life it dawns ste and somewhere that journey more Ark.wanted Alexander just to hang on youlike whyanyou to go to liked the room in out rst with animals, certainly not eat them. Hewas an lace. A niggling thought knocks on the inside of It’s probably the easiest and least onerous part of your educationalist and an English eccentric much your head, I ho e I’m not losing my memory . estate planning to make a list of all your possessions and in uenced y udolf teiner and Huxley’s erennial decide who will get the stuff you have accumulated all these ou start to that words escape youin- the words 0s or hiloso hy,notice who decam ed to Oregon years. that ill Junior get you yourknow. pornoTry movie collection our names you ecoming you a know leading gure inas you the might, ersonal daughter might likeup. some jewellery or family heirlooms can’t dredge them Then sometime later, or in the develo ment movement that ecame o ular at that maybe your best your gadgets wee hours the friend morning, theappreciate elusive intoor time. As a of young man would he had een criword ledpops y olio your head completely garden tools.unannounced, ouhave have made ast He illspontaneously. and Testament ut claimed to curedyour himself. was, he told elief That oods you. Nope, de nitely not getting Good. takes yourluI’m estate, possessions and me a mem er ofcare the of20 , all ofyour whom committed dementia.’ nancial accounts and settles your preferences. Or does it themselves to live to e over 20 years old. Alas, Alexander didn’t make it. He died 35 years ou’ve just short been Estate aged 85,lanning which is res ecta le. using an object, like your favorite pen, glasses, oris Somewhere around the age of 18 oryour 19 ourof bodies cease Planning for the dissolution and distribution your estate when your developing and frombut that moment on thea various body not that cumbersome you need tokeys, take few things into attention springs to clocks that comprise is us,property start their account, especially if what you have or aremoseless foot in two something else and countdown esides to our the eventual demise. How countries. bequests and provisions your last whenon it snaps back, long wetestament last from should that point on depends will and appoint anyou executor who will life take can’t for the good of luck, our genes, our lifestyle and how care administrative and nancial matters such of you nd theas much money weand have. The process doesn’tyour liquidating bank investment accounts, pension darned thing. ouor usually start to manifest visibly until look our high low retirement accounts, ensuring your assets go to and the proper mid-30s or so and, given good genes, thenIt you bene ciaries, paying any debts orand taxes. couldlook also psychologically we don’t usually high start and to low again. include selling your home or terminating your lease. And feel old until our early 70s. you stumble across it, right Sometime during the day, with foreign rights and restricted in Indonesia, be sure where you’dproperty laid it down, wonder if you’re getting you don’t leave behind a can of worms your executor will Alzheimer’s. Here’s what we’re all up against: have to deal with. If ithronic isn’t enough that we doubt our own brain function, we In ammation hear morelittle andinmore stories about or memory loss. Evenorif read you have the way of assets possessions, And there’s a good reasonwill for because that. There aredie nearly 5 you should have a simple if you intestate Aging people suffer an epidemic of outward million people worldwide with Alzheimer’s and related the legal system in your location decide who gets your in ammatory diseases such aswillarthritis, dementias, and unless a cure is found, that number but chronic in ammation also damages assets, no matter how massive or meager. Things are more could easily triple by 2050. brain cells, arterial walls, valves and complicated if you are theheart parent or guardian of a minor other structures in the body. Heart child, informally adopted or attack, sponsored childand and hat’shave thean Difference etween Dementia stroke, heart valve failure, and Alzheimer’s Al heimer’s Disease there’s no document stating what you want to bequeath have orall linked to the them whobeen will care for them afterchronic your demise. y the Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability in ammatory cascade. same token, are you making some provisions for your - a decline severe enough to interfere with the functioning faithful may lose jobs and probably have ano of dailystaff life.who Dementia is their not a disease, but rather Glycosylation retirement or nancial cushion to fall back on symptom, much like a fever is not a disease but a symptom of illness. Diabetics age prematurely, but even non-diabetics suffer Another thing to consider is to make sure that your will does from this chemical reaction, where protein molecules Some diseasesthe with dementia as ciaries a symptom, as not contradict account bene namedsuch on your bind to glucose vitamin molecules forming and non-functioning thyroid problems, de ciencies, depression retirement accounts, life insurance policies and the like. structures. Glycosylation most evidentut dementia in senile can be reversed if diagnosedisearly enough. The personstiffening listed asofthe ciary and on each of those thebene arteries, degenerative isdementia, most commonly associated with Alzheimer’s. policies will get the money even if your will says otherwise. diseases of the eye. Make sure your ciary designations up to datethat and Alzheimer’s is bene an incurable terminalaredisease sync with any other provisions you have made. It damages theDe brain, breaking down the physical Methylation cit legal connections thatthe arebene necessary newaccounts. information,ou pays to review ciariestoonstore all your retrieve old information, feel able to Our not cellular DNA requires constant action for may be ready to die and incompassion, fact enzymatic may yetbe have a long reason, and to problem solve. It progresses relentlessly, maintenance and repair. Aging cripples methylation bout of life ahead of you but remember that things change, until nally, if something else doesn’t get the person, metabolism causing DNA damage that can manifest as people come and go in your life and situations alter. e sure they die of starvation because the brain can no longer cancer, liver damage and brain cellwill. degeneration. these changes are updated in your communicate to the body the need to swallow. Mitochondrial Energy De y now you’re in your seat wondering Including your probably will, makesquirming a listletion of critical documents that the what the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is perfectly will’s executor will need to settle are yourThis estate like your The cellular energy powerhouse, themore mitochondria, normal. Studies show bank that people are afraid of insurance policies, and investment account requires a complexthan series of chemicals to maintain getting Alzheimer’s cancer. At least you have a statements, credit and debit cards, pension and tax chance cancer. critical with functions such as transporting nutrients through documents and pertinent information like your Social

en arning igns Security or National Insurance numbers and make sure you the and purging of toxic tell cell yourmembrane family carers where tothendcell them. This debris. includes According to the or American Alzheimer’s Organization, there Mitochondrial depletion lead to congestive heart failure, passwords so your accounts can be accessed. Other are 10 warning signsonline of possible Alzheimer’s Disease. All muscle and neurological disease. of theseweakness, characteristics may not be the present. It of takes only practical directivesfatigue should address paying any taxes one toutility suggest trip to a geriatric neurologist. due, bills,a recurring payments or donations. Any time Hormone Im alance a major change occurs in your life, make sure your will and . Memory oss that Disru ts Daily ife - not being able last directives re ect it. to remember new forgetting important dates Trillions of cells in information, the human body are synchronised to or events,byasking the same questions over and over. In function chemical signals called hormones. Aging End of life references contrast, a typical age-related change would be forgetting creates hormonal imbalance that can lead to depression, names or appointments but disease remembering them later. In osteoporosis, coronary heart and loss of libido. other know that you’ve Nowwords, that theyou estate portion of yourforgotten. bounty is settled, have you givenalci a thought Excess cation to the other end-of-life decisions you 2. hallenges in lanning or say, ro of lem olving losing need to make while still, as they sound and competent the ability to do simple math, solving problems, organizing mind ions hat are about drawing up a and ivingout illofthat will instruct Calcium transported into cells through things, keeping track of recipes or monthly bills. Some your nearest and dearest how you want to be cared calciummay channels into the membrane. Aging disrupts thisfor people experience changes in their ability to develop when you are no longer in a position to verbalise coherent process andathe result is excess in the of thea and follow plan or work with calcium numbers. In cells contrast, typical age-related change would be important making occasional thoughts emember are very instructions brain, heart valves andthere arterial walls that can lead to errors whento balancing aofcheckbook or adding numbers. arteriosclerosis andend Alzheimer’s. in regards your life preferences that up simply do not belong in a ast ill and Testament since that document will 3. Dif culty om leting amiliar asks - sometimes not be read until after your death. people have trouble driving a familiar route or forgetting the rules of a game. My husband, ob, was in year ve of Alzheimer’s when he went out to do grocery shopping and didn’t come home for four hours. He was so scared when he found me again, he was shaking. The car was strewn with open maps he couldn’t make heads or tails of. A natural age-related change would be missing a street or freeway exit, but knowing you have. Or you may occasionally need tech help with your computer. . onfusion with ime or lace people with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, places or seasons. Sometimes they forget where they are or how they got there. One night, ob and I were in bed. He started to get up. here are you going, I asked I have to go home to my wife, he said. I am your wife. He sheepishly replied, Oh and crawled back into bed. A natural age-related change might be forgetting someone’s birthday but guring it out later. 5. rou le nderstanding isual Images and atial elationshi s - for some people, having vision problems is a sign of Alzheimer’s. They may have dif culty reading, judging distance and determining color or contrast, which atty Acid Im alance may cause problems with driving. A natural age-related change could be visual changes due to cataracts or other The body requires essential fatty acids to maintain cell eye problems. energy output. Aging causes alterations in the enzymes required to convert dietary fats eaking into speci fatty acids the .The ro western lems with ords inthat or c up riting -Advance people way effect to doof isacid to imbalance draw an body requires. The fatty manifests with Alzheimer’s may have dif culty following a Directive, and binding document that outlines your as irregulara legal heartbeat, joint conversation. They stop in the degeneration, middle and arelow not energy, be sure wishes if you become incapacitated due to illness or injury. hyper-coagulation, drymay skin struggle and a host of other how to continue. The with words,conditions. forgetting It names sets forth the speci c lifesupporting the of things. I started to notice that or ob prolonging used the measures likeof applied -or not-name. like resuscitation word thing’ you a lotwould instead the object’s He would DNA Mutation say, Pass that thing to stir stuff with, when what or CP , orme whether to end all this life-saving measures. our he wanted was abespoon todown stir his iced tea. A natural age-to wishes should written and the document given Numerous synthetic and natural compounds mutate related change would becancer sometimes not nding the right cellular DNAmost and cause to form. cells the people likely to be closecells at the time of Aging your demise. word or temporarily forgetting a word. lose DNA and the result is outheir should notgene leaverepair thesemechanisms agonizing decisions to others. DNA genetic damage causes cells totype proliferate out wish of These instructions should include the of care you . Mis lacing hings and osing the A ility to etrace control, turn intowith cancer cells. to medical team and the hospital to end te have, s - i.e., athe person Alzheimer’s mightyou putwant things in strange They things andhere not inbeIndonesia able to up in. places. If you wish to may be anlose organ donor Immune nd They may accuse others of stealingNational from them. youthem. canDysfunction register with omite Transplantasi (the This was a biggie for us. I would nd towels rolled up(with National Transplant Committee) or the Eye ank ank For a variety ofbathroom reasons, I’d thesearched aging immune loses things from the for. In system his mind, ob Mata Indonesia) ahead of time and stipulate that in your was packing to be ready to travel because traveling its ability to attack bacteria, viruses and cancer cells.was In directive.

C/HE/U-15 Jan 20

such a big part of our life together. A natural age-related our instructions should also indicate your wishes for change would be occasionally misplacing something but aging humans, excessive levelscremation of dangerous cytokines preferred last rites,steps burial, or repatriation being able to retrace to nd it. are produced that cause the immune system to turn on its preferences, appoint a funeral service and a trusted host and create auto-immune diseases,, such as allergies, relative or friend who agrees to take care of all that. Also lupus, anemia, disease arthritis. 8. Decreased or behind oorheart udgment don’t forget to rheumatoid leave a list of familyand andpeople friends with you Alzheimer’s might experience changes in judgment or want noti ed. Next of kin’ may not be near if you have Non Digestive EnThey yme may Im alance decision-making. be duped into giving money family in another country. Indonesian Immigration and to telemarketers or pay less attention to grooming or your consulate also need to be informed. keepingcellular themselves clean. A natural age-related change Internal functions depend on multiple enzymatic might be occurring making a with bad decision from time to time, like reactions precise timing. Aging causes And now for the big caveat: emember that every country buying something you need. enzyme disturbances indidn’t the brain and liver, which result in has itsneurological own norms diseases and regulations it comesorto severe such aswhen Parkinson’s durable health careloss. and appointing a Activities health care proxy. . ithdrawal from ork or ocial -a person persistent memory Impaired liver function results inIf with Alzheimer’s may start to remove themselves from you plan to die in Indonesia you are well advised to inform toxic damage to every cell in the body. hobbies, social work projects sports.survey They yourself of the activities, practices here. In fact, or a quick may have trouble following T programs. A natural ageamong a few ali lawyers reveals that unfortunately, the Digestive En yme De cit related change might be sometimes tiring of work, family Indonesian law system does not recognise a iving ill. and social situations and needing more alone time. The aging pancreas digestive However, you canoften drawfails uptoasecrete privateenough statement letter enzymes, while the aging liver does not secrete enough regarding your medical directives and wishes on how 0. hanges in Mood and ersonality sometimes bile acids. The results are the chronic digestive problems medical personnel should treat you in case of a lethal people with Alzheimer’s become confused, suspicious, many as they age. depressed, fearful, or face anxious. They may be your easilywishes upset condition. This statement letter only indicates with when are out of their comfort zone. and others does not havethey the strong enforcement capacity like aA normal change mightthese comematters from developing Excitotoxicity will. It age-related behoves you to discuss with your speci c ways of doing things and becoming irritable when private physician now and see where you stand. that routine is disrupted. The aging brain loses control of its release of neurotransmitters such as Inhen the to end it doesn’t really matter or does it to you Get Hel glutamate and dopamine, and this results in devastating brain cell damage and Statistics claim that nearly half of people age The Alzheimer’s Organization suggests that55if and youolder or a destruction. loved one a has these characteristics to getforit don’t have will.any I betofthe percentage is even higher checked out,a sooner rather than later. not having iving ill. et irculatory Deit is citimportant to document your end-of-life preferences and communicate those to It’s important to nd a specialist who understands the your family and/or the people that likely totobe near you Microcapillary oware of misinformation blood the brain, elder brain. ob and I were given by a at that crucial time. Putting a plan in place for things like and skin because is impaired asdidn’t a partknow of psychiatrist andeye neurologist they medical care and funeral arrangements helps ensure that normal aging. The result is that disorders much about dementia. oth said they hoped their brain upon be your death, your wishes out macular and of the eye (such ascarried cataract, would in as good a shape as are ob’s when they werethat his degeneration, glaucoma) are the age. This plunged us back into denial and kept usNo.1 from family squabbles are avoided over your dead body. In getting early on.arrangements, age-related degenerative Major terms help of funeral you disease. can leave the and mini-strokes are common problems arrangements to a competent service like Antara angsa The next time you go into a room and forget whytoyou’re associated the Funeral Services. Expats with in circulatory ali concur de theycitare very there, or a good friends’ name escapes you, or you brain. good and take care of the details. misplace your glasses for the umpteenth time in a day, just chalk ittress up to natural age-related changes Oxidative Don’t wait put retrace your affairs order.the Now, whilename you are unless you to can’t yourinsteps, friend’s not still hale and come healthyback and but still the have control of your only doesn’t Free radicals are unstable molecules that have been person looks unfamiliar, and of you’re belongings and the execution your last wishes, is the implicated in most associated with aging. sure someone stolediseases thosein missing best time to put some order your end of life preferences. Antioxidants have become popular supplements to glasses. Don’t wait untilfree-radical-induced life’s inevitable loopscell throw you a curve and protect against damage, but few beat you to it. people combination of antioxidant Susan’stake book the ieceproper by iece: ove in supplements needed tosdo any the and of Alzheimer is available Ubud’s Ganesha ook Store, Threads of ife, or on Amazon. By Byusan Ines Wynn By Tereba hari hari ByBy Adrian The Boomer Boomer Corner Corner isis aa column column dedicated dedicated to to people people over over The The Boomer Corner is aa column dedicated to over over The Boomer Corner is column to people people over 60living living inBali. Bali. Itsmandate mandate is to todedicated cover topics, topics, practicalities, 60 in Its is cover practicalities, practicalities, 60 living mandate isis to cover topics, 60activities, living in in Bali. Bali. Its Itsconcerns mandateand to coverrelated topics,practicalities, issues, events topracticalities, senior life life in in activities,issues, issues, concernsand andevents events relatedtoto senior activities, concerns related senior inin activities, issues, concerns and events related to senior life lifein Bali.We Wewelcome welcomesuggestions suggestionsfrom fromreaders. readers. Bali. Bali. We welcome suggestions Bali. Weus welcome suggestionsfrom fromreaders. readers. E-mail E-mail us atat : E-mail E-mail us us at at :: Copyright 2020 Boomer Corner Copyright 2019 Boomer Corner Copyright ©©©© 2019 Boomer Corner Copyright 2019Boomer Boomer Cornerof Copyright © 2019 Corner You can read all past articles You can read all past articles of You can read all past articles ofof You can read all past articles You canatread all past articlesof Boomer Corner Boomer Corner Boomer Corner at Boomer BoomerCorner Cornerat

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Post T a mati St

The recent events in ew ealand, I am sure, have brought memories ooding back to many who have been involved in similar mass casualty events. The ongoing damage to those who are exposed to this kind of trauma, either as part of their work commitment, or as someone that has been thrown into an unfortunate circumstance by fate, is often unseen, but the effects no less devastating. I recently spoke to an old friend who I remember as being such a wonderfully positive and happy person. She was the smile on a cloudy day, the life of the party. That was until she became a 911 operator, and after 5 years of service found herself thrown into the depths of TS to the point that she could not function let alone smile.



exposure therapy. E posure therapy. This behavioral therapy helps you safely face both situations and memories that you nd frightening so that you can learn to cope with them effectively. xposure therapy can be particularly helpful for ashbacks and nightmares. One approach uses virtual reality programs that allow you to re-enter the setting in which you experienced trauma. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing E DR . M combines exposure therapy with a series of guided eye movements that help you process traumatic memories and change how you react to them. ou may try individual therapy, group therapy or both. Group therapy can offer a way to connect with others going through similar experiences.

ost-traumatic stress disorder treatment can help you regain a sense of control over your life. The primary treatment is psychotherapy, but can also include medication. Combining these treatments can help improve your symptoms by: Teaching you skills to address your symptoms Helping you think better about yourself, others and the world earning ways to cope if any symptoms arise again Treating other problems often related to traumatic experiences, such as depression, anxiety, or misuse of alcohol or drugs ou don’t have to try to handle the burden of TS on your own. PSYCHOTHERAPY Several types of psychotherapy, also called talk therapy, may be used to treat children and adults with TS . Cognitive therapy. This type of talk therapy helps you recogni e the ways of thinking cognitive patterns that are keeping you stuck - for example, negative beliefs about yourself and the risk of traumatic things happening again. For TS , cognitive therapy often is used along with

HE SO EO E YOU LO E HAS PTSD The person you love may seem like a different person than you knew before the trauma - angry and irritable, for example, or withdrawn and depressed. TS can signi cantly strain the emotional and mental health of loved ones and friends.

iagnosis of TS re uires exposure to an event that involved the actual or possible threat of death, violence or serious injury. our exposure can happen in one or more of these ways: ou directly experienced the traumatic event ou witnessed, in person, the traumatic event occurring to others ou learned someone close to you experienced or was threatened by the traumatic event ou are repeatedly exposed to graphic details of traumatic events for example, if you are a rst responder to the scene of traumatic events ou may have TS if the problems you experience after this exposure continue for more than a month and cause signi cant problems in your ability to function in social and work settings and negatively impact relationships. TREAT E T

Don t self medicate. Turning to alcohol or drugs to numb your feelings isn’t healthy, even though it may be a tempting way to cope. It can lead to more problems down the road, interfere with effective treatments and prevent real healing. Break the cycle. hen you feel anxious, take a brisk walk or jump into a hobby to re-focus. Stay connected. Spend time with supportive and caring people - family, friends, faith leaders or others. Consider a support group. Ask your mental health professional for help nding a support group, or contact veterans’ organi ations or your community’s social services system.

EDICATIO S Several types of medications can help improve symptoms of TS : Antidepressants. These medications can help symptoms of depression and anxiety. They can also help improve sleep problems and concentration. Anti an iety medications. These drugs can relieve severe anxiety and related problems. ou and your doctor can work together to gure out the best medication, with the fewest side effects, for your symptoms and situation. COPI


If stress and other problems caused by a traumatic event affect your life, see your doctor or mental health professional. ou can also take these actions as you continue with treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder: ollow your treatment plan. Although it may take a while to feel bene ts from therapy or medications, treatment can be effective, and most people do recover. emind yourself that it takes time. Learn about PTSD. This knowledge can help you understand what you’re feeling, and then you can develop coping strategies to help you respond effectively. Take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, exercise and take time to relax. Try to reduce or avoid caffeine and nicotine, which can worsen anxiety.

emember that you can’t change someone. However, you can: Learn about PTSD. This can help you understand what your loved one is going through. Recognize that avoidance and withdrawal are part of the disorder. If your loved one resists your help, allow space and let your loved one know that you’re available when he or she is ready to accept your help. Offer to attend medical appointments. If your loved one is willing, attending appointments can help you understand and assist with treatment. Be willing to listen. et your loved one know you’re willing to listen, but you understand if he or she doesn’t want to talk. Try not to force your loved one to talk about the trauma until he or she is ready. Encourage participation. lan opportunities for activities with family and friends. Celebrate good events. ake your own health a priority. Take care of yourself by eating healthy, being physically active and getting enough rest. Take time alone or with friends, doing activities that help you recharge. Seek help if you need it. If you have dif culty coping, talk with your doctor. He or she may refer you to a therapist who can help you work through your stress. Stay safe. lan a safe place for yourself and your children if your loved one becomes violent or abusive. There are now some excellent private mental health services on the Island which I would be happy to share with you via email - balikim2000

Kim Patra is a quali ed Midwife & Nurse Practioner who has been living and working in Bali for over 30 years. She now runs her own Private Practice & Mothers & Babies center at her Community Health Care of ce in Sanur. Kim is happy to discuss any health concerns that you have and may be contacted via email at, or of ce phone 085105-775666 or Copyright 201 Kim Patra ou can read all past articles of Sickness & in Health at www.Bali

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Restaurant & Food


Update Update Update that are p eed etarian ea mint,pen Green aand alinese rom Malaysia a in onya asweet sa,et esoy Sardinia Café is so irta, different fromitamarind the rest, itclams, is operated ser ice he men opens with an edible bo et of and and ser ser ice icesambal he hemen men opens opens with with an edible edible bo bo et of of and and cocon ttser ser ed with tt rab rab on rice ddballs are the andcocon cocon trely ser with erre tGreen rab onrice ricewith ddballs ddballs are arethe the Han is aGan orean resta rantclams, on Jlnsalad, Raya empe Colo-Colo, rilled soya bean c an rd a spicy Fantini inot ri ed iowith de on Si ily ntrée aco oo eberry, Gan irta, ewers, tamarind salad, oo ooSan eberry, eberry, Gan irta,sssand ewers, ewers, tamarind clams, salad,

Lo ore, famo resta rant fast trac the Lo Lo aaa ore, ore, bbb dddsssfamo famo sssresta resta rant rantisis isfast fasttrac trac inin in the the S leads the way in the b d food and be era e reco ery post way of life, afer all members of their staff ha post postCC C I II way wayof oflife, life,afer aferall allmembers membersof oftheir theirstaff staffha ha eee t the nction of en ose an and od ndah on Jln / recei ed their 2nd accinations with celebratory dinner recei recei ed edtheir their2nd 2nd accinations accinationswith withaaacelebratory celebratorydinner dinner Gede Rai it is one of fo r new resta rants to open d rin or ccordin to their international chef, lasmei er, their ccordin ccordin to totheir theirinternational internationalchef, chef, elel el eee lasmei lasmeier, er,their their since the pandemic the others bein lo rish, I y and b d ew appiness 1 -co rse astin Men wor s the oceans, ew ew appiness appiness 1 1 -co -co rse rse astin astin Men Men wor wor s s the the oceans, oceans, Cinnamon it presents a ality offerin of temptin dishes he and with the land, oca ore farm ss ppliers ppliers dd rin rin the dry and and with with the thefast land, land, oca ore oresssfarm farm ppliers rin the thedry dry all day brea can oca be standards s sch as od on oast, s season where there less rain and lots of nshine he season season where where thereisis isless lessrain rainand andlots lotsof ofsss nshine nshine he he lorentine or a there Messy melette omelette with m shrooms, Lantern does sian food bri Itbri ishter located on Jln Raya fr its are sweeter and the owers hter hli htin this, fr fr its itsare are sweeter sweeter and andstreet the thebacon owers owers hter i ii hli hli htin htin this, cherry tomatoes, cheese, bitsbri and herbs from the this, etiten et heir men offers many reat ideas for snac man os, lobsters, passion fr its, and other prod cts to create man man os, os, lobsters, lobsters, passion passion fr fr its, its, and and other other prod prod cts cts to to create arden ll day snac s incl de nion Rin s and Chic en create inins whilst sippin ,feels li htliweet f ll and meals imple snac s incl aamen men that liliorhter hter and more plant-dri en ors a men that that feels feels hter and has more plant-dri plant-dri en ende ors ors Mains are many o has rhas ormore elly, isherman saaatheir tew, ailable on ednesdays, rsdays, ridays, and ailable ailable on on sorand ednesdays, ednesdays, hhhdone rsdays, rsdays, ridays, ridays, and and reat Crispy elly ites,Garden in tamarind with Grilled ctop the Medley of arden at rdays, the ew appiness Men feat res animal atetables, rdays, rdays,he the the orean ew ew Chic appiness appiness Men featyres res animal eat herbs, and owers byfeat classical rench coriander en Inspired inMen s are tan andanimal tasty, proteins with e etarian options a ailable on re est he proteins proteins with with e e etarian etarian options options a a ailable ailable on on re re est est he he ar o illo , eef Chee s sliced and ser ed with mash, a to ch of hai with the ish Ca es and andan Chic en aspara s and carrot chips special for the e etarians is their cost of all 1 -co rses is Rp 1,2 0,000 per person, pl s ta cost cost of of all all 1 1 -co -co rses rses is is Rp Rp 1,2 1,2 0,000 0,000 per per person, person, pl pl s s ta ta and a co ple of local dishes ate abi and i er rawns in

noodles in cocon trice miles prawns, ca es, tof and sa ce, nast broccoli In apresented pleasant chan for b ed, in front crispy nast rti m lea es presented on massi eebed bed of crispy crispy nast rti rtiand m mlea lea eswith presented on onsh aaaemassi massi bed of of boiled ee ser s iced he 12 r slow coo ed is iswild a lar parho in area Great anded taste owers lower ower ersion 2200al is ser ed on wild wild owers owers lower lower ower ower ersion ersion 2 0isietnamese iseser ser edon onho aaablbl bl eaee stando t, is and eefsolely han owers sowers are sed that ambrosial hai plate and is almost solely he arieties wild owers plate plateand and isalmost almost solely owers he hefor arieties arieties ofof ofwild wild owers owers a presented apresented on from sainin enida becomin a pop destination for a are presented ario ssways ways fresh, pic led, coo ed, fried, are are in ario ario sslim ways fresh, fresh, pic piclar led, led, coo coo ed,fried, fried, Masaman the M is so th Minced chic en ed, with holy wee end away from heir owhai resta offers alsfresco omb cha, em lsion inf sion, and more his is followed by omb omb cha, cha, em lsion lsion inf inf sion, sion, and and more his hisis isfollowed followed by basil ser edem with riceali and a fried emore , thatrant is antern taby e dinin oest erloo in watermelon the ocean atthat Gamat ay, soslow-roasted rela in , ocal aahar har of fresh watermelon has been slow-roasted a har est of offresh fresh watermelon that has has been been slow-roasted inin in on theest classic hai ra ao that rom India, there is a eef seafood res ht on their men with ,with s cherry the name s ests this the en erni ht and paired cherry tomatoes brined the the ooo en enfeat ooo erni erni htand and paired paired with cherry tomatoes tomatoes brined brined indaloo and a aal from the north or dessert, what better elhotel resta rant tepectedly to the Maori c sa ltsa of in tomato dashi he res an ne pectedly meaty, ory in inwisstomato tomato dashi dashi he heres res ltltpays ltisis isan antrib ne ne pectedly meaty, sareory ory than a ealand Cocon t and andan Cr me r lee meaty, ew perience that still mana es to resemble watermelon or eee perience periencethat thatstill stillmana mana es esto toresemble resembleaaawatermelon watermelon or or the carni ores, caref lly selected animal protein res lts the thecarni carni ores, ores,caref caref lly llyselected selectedanimal animalprotein proteinres res lts ltsinin inaaa Folk is el on Jln ey incr central d yet offers a chnit el dish sin beef heart, cr sted ocalab and chnit chnit eldish dishMon sin sin beef beeforest heart, heart, cr sted stedinin inbocalab ocalab oooi iiand and swimpits bar here fee if the yo intend to swim fried its own fat oof ffentrance rther enli en the festi ities, the fried friedinin in itsown own fat fatisoan rther rtherenli enli en en thefesti festi ities, ities, the the incl towelrant andhas a lat er one for aed s with nbed area ofand p oca ore Resta rant has been andali ed with owers and oca ocades ore oreaResta Resta rant has been been andali andali ed with owers owers and to persons incl des plates of snac s he resta rant has adorned with spray-painted accents to remind eryone that adorned adornedwith withspray-painted spray-paintedaccents accentsto toremind remindeee eryone eryonethat that been times are chan times timesoperati are arechan chanfor inin in ite some time b t to the rear of it has been added this pool bar area what sed to be one of the Stard pop lar an bistro, open at the moement Stard Stard pas tttisis is aaapop pop lar lar an rrrbistro, bistro, open open aterse the themoement moement many operatin by an aris he food is diat smoothie between 12 00 and 00 m Mainly local isine with between between 1200 00 and and p 00 00pppin m msandwich Mainly Mainlylocal local isinewith withaaa bowls, c 12 min spiced mp and cacc isine wide ariety sprin lin of international dishes as seen by the locals sprin sprin lin lin of of 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beefwith withscallions, scallions,red redchilli chilliand and inin in er eralso alsowith with R Itser is fo in malas II and dweet in by othe ossian ineeeis a eppanya ied and Japanese resta rant e alalan fried sson on top ser ed on steamed rice he weet oo rrr fried fried smen on top top ser ednd on on steamed steamed rice rice he hein weet tart with aspo traditional ostomers pen or eaweed alad rom the lan ais en byMiso its the be ery dish yo choice of chic en thi h, fish or por with dish dish is iseyo yo rrr choice choice of ofcchic chic enathi thi h, h,food fish fishm or orst por por with with canpapri bepecial a yonion, Gy seeds on almon or and lac traditional on eef, hsesame rsdays aree, and those Geor ian mber, papri a, seeds and sweet and ccceppan ccc mber, mber, papri a, a,onion, onion, sesame sesame seeds and aaasweet sweet and epper of tea rom the itchen lac Cod, i er rawns, so sa ce, also with an ee on on top of steamed rice se so somplin rrrsa sa ce, ce,also alsowith withan anepop on top of ofsteamed steamed rice rice se se s, hin ali lso lartop is the obiani pie , twoooothin na i abaya iC ormi anisis straditio al oie Gras with salad ats of oofsssashi, special awar mi traditio nal alinese id special special awarC C mi isanaatraditio nalbread alinese alinese salad id layers of awar Geor ian nlea ened nal at ha esalad a mi of t re id of ai on and ori or ctop s with miso, honey and s id in o red bean and herbs sandwiched inside before ba in in the nish a Chocolate arfait with blac apple and berry id el o en Geor ian olma is so different from all the Gree and Middle astern ariations inish with b d ine Cl b has been in e istence for 20their years,homemade he st l ncheon willclairs be held the new tea sensational a hty ris Chocolate withathot thyme franchise in an r on riday st 12 w t pre drins startin at 12 0 p m he co rse l ncheon, wine pairin s, raw will Herb Library on Jln Jembawan, bwith d, speciali es in cost Rp 1,100,000 incl si e Itis ironic that Roland, who la nched food, b t there are other options rea fast can be a healthy the cl b bac in his ama days will be in char e of the itchen anana moothie with strawberries, and ranola for this e ent he menowl is Cana é elsh Rabbit on Ciabatta added hiteonat oasted orrid e,rown b t there e eep dishes if bread, , or eefa atar readare and ried yoonton want lled to be more traditional, melettes or oached, with with Chic en hrimps, er ed with sweet Chili ce antini S aro ki ran ee rain iantoast o Starter ma shrooms added r ocado onCm lti with a riental ealadon with ressin poached topJapanese he so ps offer a bi ran e of dishes

Ga pacho, aory Carrot is e with er, tche rmeric, with diced ried marinated with ime, Chili Golden ried Rice, Crispy or ried Rice, an Golden Golden ried Rice, Rice,Crispy Crispy or orin Coriander ried riedalan Rice, Rice,al, che che an an enc renCla and cocon tan , lan entil or mp in Gai and Ginntrée er abi en i and Sa i mil non arlboro Chic en oodle and attempt hai, ad hai Gai chic en Chic Chic oodle oodle andan an attempt attempt atat at hai, hai, ad ad hai hai Gaichic chic en en 2alads, a hty ri snoodle or ribdishes with fresh Corn interestin olenta rice and and some owls nti al no ellow albe endo aIrish r b entina ain ra ie elly is ali one only Irish bb ItItIteisis inside ra ra ie ie nin elly elly is is ali alicocon sssone oneand and only only Irish isinside inside asi tand rice, ne bihoon, etable Co e seasonal Imported eef let topped with Garlic tter the ali ynasty otel with its own special front entrance, the the rali ali ynasty ynasty Grilled otel otel with with its itscocon own own special special front front entrance, entrance, noodles, reens with t, fermented soybean accompanied with Con t with Mashed potato Jln arti la aa ot content sellin that special Jln Jlne bacem, arti arti aaa la la aa aa nion ot otcontent content with stst st sellin sellin that thatspecial special ca sa ory corn ca e with tomato sambal condiment , e drop, er a kGG Saltra aro a S ha ira aro a S eet Irish drop, inness, they also ha other beer specials Irish Irish drop, G inness, inness, they theyalso also ha eeeother other beer beer specials specials endin Me rown rice, tomato coriander salsa, o r tortilla, anilla Ice on rownies d free sted anana ets of intan rost one et one for free eat bbb ccc ets ets of of intan intan ,a,, rost rostbbb yyywith one oneCinnamon et et one onefor for free oeat eat refried bean, sliced ocado, icama, broccoli orets,oo fetta chips nriched with spresso sa ce whilst yo sip they also offer special Rp 0,000 ood Men whilst whilstyo yo sip sipthey theyalso alsooffer offeraaaspecial specialRp Rp 0,000 0,000 ood oodMen Men coti a andinfo sweet corn Richard on the cob on- e2 dishes contact lewellyn 21 1 incl 029de ii eeemore Irish m sic ery day from 00 till 00 only adds to ior Irish Irishm m sic siceee ery eryday dayfrom from 00 00till till99900 00 only onlyadds adds to to athe Chic en eriya i, dan es ni, yam ambal Matah, atmosphere eat the tra ban and isit Ireland the theatmosphere atmosphere eat eatthe thetra tra elel elban banand and isit isitIreland Ireland and Sao a is in it na alah Manis intn ,


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an, on Jln Raya enestenan dishes plant eee tttisis is eee an, an,on onJln Jln Raya Raya enestenan enestenan lllllldishes dishesplant plant Malaysia, and it is the y y isshi fo nd on ln M nd Can and is the based shi o, baRolls emp ra nion, M shroom or based based shio, o,il,il, il,baRolls baRolls emp empCat ra rab ,enion, nion, M M shroom shroom or st i e t n a m e sor e home Chef Robinm -sweet orant cher all mp ,,or or mo ed Capsic m with sweet potato crisp mp mpof inin in,Canadian or mo mo ed edCapsic Capsic miltea with with sweet potato potato crisp crisp resta that I pen had the and broccoli ac with ocado, capers and dill More and andbroccoli broccoli , ,,ac ac frfrfrbe ititittoast with withaamany a ocado, ocado, capers capers and anddill More More day, brea fast can ways rench, adillocado, fort ne to isit heir bstantial er style meals he eriya sess bstantial bstantial are their their er style style meals he hepresents eriya eriya i ii plant or are eare stheir , or e rrrser the s meals al waychef with roasted anoi Jac pict red with lett ce, im chi, tomato,crisp Jac Jac frfr fr itititorpict pict red redrowns isis iswith with lett ce, im imon chi, chi, tomato,crisp traditional and otic potatoes ash actlett allyce, made sitetomato,crisp r yoe can spinach, chipotle mayo and tartar sa ce chnit rorth er spinach, spinach, chipotle chipotle mayo mayo and and tartar tartar sa sa ce ce chnit chnit elel el rcan r er er dishes from both ha e moothie owls of oodness ater dinin is with carameli ed pineapple, red cabba e, onion ra is is with with carameli carameli ed ed pineapple, pineapple, red red cabba cabba e, e, onion onion ra ra y and o th ietnam commence with a cold Green ea so p made with cocon yllty and tartare he est consists of shiita patty, iceber and andtartare tartare he he i ii est estconsists consistsof ofaaaare shiita shiita eeepatty, patty, iceber prefectly e iceber ec ted, water, followed by na acos or na artare wrapped in elett ence, theshallots m ch mali aper Rolls, which are ce, shallots and pic les, tomato sa ce hey en offer lett lett ce, shallots and andned pic picRice les, les,tomato tomato sa sa ce ce hey hey eeeprepared en enoffer offer rice san shi-style omethin different acon Roll or fresh ld notcrispy pre-prepared and ii as as he hai and spicy base topped with eee an anto i order as as he hethey hai haisho and and I II be aaaspicy spicy base basetopped topped with with a ac , p lled ac fr it tossed with sa ce, refri erated,cashew, th s tastin liled e plastic heir star sesame entree isoil the m shroom, cashew, pic ies, coriander, sesame oil m m shroom, shroom, cashew, pic pic led led eee ies, ies,coriander, coriander, sesame oil , ,, coleslaw, herepict is also ids Men Man and Ililiier cashews rawn alad red a, tho h the yy ocado aaa osteen hhht tyta aaapppoooland simple ones are to be missed either erfect prin Rolls, with ser esnotRefreshin ly different not arella, tomato, not notsmall arella, arella, tomato, tomato, ietnamese style, are presented with mint lea es and lett ce basil, arlic oil basil, basil, arlic arlic oil oil for ott th n ears n l al to, M ininroll ddebefore ee aalways aa dippin M Maaaiyo i ininnsssatoiCafé ncccl llindhas S been aa pop lart bspot this ietnamese dish incl des minced beef mi ed with arlic M shroom chnit el M M shroom shroom chnit chnit el el it mo ed to Jln nset from its ori inal e ian location, b t and simple spices, wrapped into wild betel aannndddshallots cc fha frfsome rr ieititt followed aits aaa JJJaaacand Middle lea cesstomers also nown as piper-lolotinleadro es es , rolled p li e astern ci ars, tea here are tea tea here here are are cand isine accompanies the shisha pipes Mara the rilled o er hot charcoal here they are also the best isersion also many small also also many many small small traditional to start, f ll ofsede order etables yoplate, r choice that i ha e so e erptasted If conf the and starter with sssnnnaaaccc sss ww weeeeeet tt a little e or erythin that isbroth hard into to not orderyo is their of chicofen lamb in he a main ery spicy which dip otato ed es with otato otato ed ed es es with with special c reast stewed in amarind, an ama in dish ish the reat re-ba ed bread, or for the health conscio s there aa tomato tomato sambal, ain tomato sambal, sambal, ill is wonderf l b t so stron on taste it is best only ordered is the thic so p horbat das he ha iya is the star Ca liflower Ca Ca lentil liflower liflower to be shared ietnamese c rries are ery li ht on the chilli, so of in the mains, a amb coo ed in yo h rt amb Mandi in s, nion pp han in s, s, nion nion o different from theoo phai ones, almost fra rant, and not to be a dish from emen, combinin rice a n d i n t e r e s t i n ais a n n d d i n i n t e t e r r e e s s t i t n i n missed ery trip to , it is strai ht to with ao meat am for me brea fasts brea brea fasts fasts

By ByGerry GerryWilliams Williams For Formore moreinformation informationsee seeour ourwebsite: website: Williams By Gerry Williams By Gerry GerryWilliams Williams

see our website: For more information see our website: For Formore moreinformation informationsee seeour ourwebsite:

C/R/I-29 Jan 20

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by professionals which isl probably waseincl of Can heir all-yo from Rp des etables, rice and sa ces ll wat wat abo eeone eeelocal etables, etables, rice rice and and-can-eat sa sa ces cesmen wat , ,,isis iswhy hihi hi119,000 hhhitabo abo nnn inin in i, rstand , both imchi, and rice, here also premi the to open atce the eachwal be btime sym each, and open for brea fast and nch bbare is dinner time each, each, and open open for forett brea brea fast fastand andl ll nch nchbMall t ttitititand is isdinner dinner time pac a itites incl de asty irloin and antai elly beef boy lfront o i when eethat most asty appetisers yo can en oy with when when itein cels cels most most asty appetisers appetisers yo yo can can en en oy with with it ated acels prime position facin ta, at the l o i /b l o i / bool-G ee from b lo i p l o i yo pre-dinner martinis incl de their almon Rillettes crisp yo yo rrrpre-dinner pre-dinner martinis martinis incl incl de detheir their almon almonRillettes Rillettes crisp crisp entrance, it offers simple Italian and International, snac s, literally reinin meat , is aaro orean-style rilled or sprin roasted dish wonton s wrapped aro nd c red salmon, sprin onion wonton wonton s s in wrapped wrapped aro nd nd c c red red salmon, salmon, sprin onion onion and li ht meals, at ery b d et prices Comfort food at made of mayonnaise thin, marinated slices of meat, most commonly ,sweet beef sriracha mayonnaise and dill or allo mi cheese with sriracha sriracha mayonnaise and and dill dill , ,,or or allo allo mi mithey cheese cheese with with sweet sweet comfort prices pen early for brea fast offer anbris s rilled on a barbec e or on a sto e-top riddle , irloin or et chilli, cr shed chilli a es and oli e oil ein seaside yo chilli, chilli, crcr shed shedchilli aatoes es and and oli oli eeoil oil e ein ein many seaside seasideyo yo enedict that ischilli trc ets its name nli so s are fre ently sed of beef for the dish he dish ori bo inated pect many seafood dishes on the men and there are eee pect pectmany manyseafood seafooddishes disheson onthe themen men and andthere thereare are ItItIt ersions on offer elsewhere thro ho t ali n lish m f ns from northern areas of the orean enins la, b t is a ery can be simple ish Chips, John ory llet beer batter, can canbe besimple simple ish ish Chips, Chips,John John ory ory llet lletinin inbeer beerbatter, batter, pop split lar dish o th topped orea, where it can from be fo the nd anywhere are andintoasted, with ham pi not a mint pea ree, tartare and hand chips stran rawn mint mintpea peappp ree, ree,tartare tartareand andhand handccc t ttchips chips, ,,stran stran eee rawn rawn from pscale rants to local s spinach permar ets eforefrom coo in pretend hamresta and some n lish borrowed the, Caesar, rilled prawns Caesar, Caesar, rilled rilled prawns prawns the meat is marinated to enhance itse a sor and tenderness with lorentine, and perfectly poached rm white, soft yol tossed with cr nchy lett ce tossed with with cr nchy nchy lett lett ce ce a mi t re of , sesame oil, arlic, stossed ar, soy sa cr ce ro nd blac liberally co ered with a thic tastyww hollandaise sa itith eeceer, thhscallions, ccc rrreeedd d ein , ,,simply hhheeerrrbbb pepper, and other in redients s chwias onions ein Italian the pasta and as in oo iteto nnsss,are ,, cccae aapppcellent, cccrrrota toon eeerrrsss aaannn ddd orood m shrooms, especially or mats dd pppaaarrrm m eeedselectin mee esssaa annnyoooorrr fact yo can create yo r own sisshhhaaaby all of ddaaarrrddred ssst ta taannndpict d pppaaannn---ssseeeaaarrreeeddd fa o rite in redients for the toppin arram ndi, herb-cr sted arram arram ndi, ndi, herb-cr herb-cr sted sted seared na and seafood seared seared na na and andseafood seafood alternati es Grilled Chic en alternati alternati es esGrilled GrilledChic Chic en en rreast, e r eaasst ,t , I Italian tI at al ilai ann oomato ommaat ot o M M Meeeaaat tb tbbaaal lllslss ooorrr GG Gnnnooocccccchhhi ii art ine early, between art art fofo fo ine ineearly, early,between between 00 and 00, and sa 00 00 and and 00, 00, and and sa sa eee when happy ho 111 , ,, when when happy happy ho ho rrr prices also eist for some prices prices also also eist eist for for some some wine and coc tail items wine wineand andcoc coc tail tailitems items

C/R/G-11 March 20


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C/NV/U-27 Feb 19

Local News Bali’s Ngurah of Rai, Incheon collaborate to Hundreds of foreign nationals leave Bali Baliboost amid air undreds foreign nationals leave amid travel confidence coronavirus outbreak coronavirus outbreak

Hundreds of of foreigners foreigners departed departed Bali Bali over over the the weekend, weekend, Hundreds some with with chartered chartered flights ights organized organi ed by their their respective respective some governments, following following flight ight cancelations cancelations across across the the globe glo e governments, amid the the COVID-19 I -1 outbreak. out reak The he Ngurah gurah Rai ai Immigration Immigration amid of ce said said in in aa statement statement that that over over 200 foreigners, foreigners, office consisting mostly mostl of of German erman nationals, nationals, boarded oarded aa chartered chartered consisting erman Airlines irlines flight ight on on Saturday aturda headed headed for for Frankfurt, rankfurt, German while over over 400 4 passengers consisting consisting of of mostly mostl French rench while passengers nationals headed headed to to France rance with with atar atar Airways irwa s on on the the same same nationals da In In addition, addition, Austrian ustrian Airlines irlines also also reportedly reportedl carried carried day. over 200 passengers passengers back ack to to Austria. ustria over I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Airport

oreign missions missions in in Foreign State-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I (API) have has Indonesia Indonesia have announced its collaboration with South Korea’s activelIncheon used Intersocial actively used social national Airport Corporation (IIAC) regarding thetoimplementamedia assist their media to assist their tion of the safe corridor initiative (SCI) atrespective I Gusti Ngurah Rai citi ens respective citizens. International Airport in Bali. s fewer ights As fewer flights ecome availa le become available AP I president director Faik Fahmi said in due a statement that the to global glo al travel due to travel cooperation signed on Sept. 10 aimed restrictions, to boost confidence their restrictions, their among the public to travel by air as well as boost the country’s efforts include efforts include tourism economy. Incheon is thehome world’s assistingand those seeking to return return to first nd airport availa tole assisting those seeking to home to find available receive the Airport Council International’s Airport Health Acights I utu ur a harma, a spokesperson from the flights. I Putu Surya Dharma, a spokesperson from the creditation. regional office of ce for for the the Ministry inistr of of Law aw and and Human Human Rights, ights, regional told Nusa usa Bali Bali yesterday esterda that that between etween March arch 1 1 and 26,, told The SCI is an alliance of airport managements initiatedand by the nearl 254,000 4, foreign tourists tourists have have left left the the island. island However, However, nearly foreign IIAC that aims to maintain their members’ operational relithe same same period period also also recorded recorded over over 169,000 1 , foreign tourists tourists the foreign ability through implementation of several health and security arriving in in Bali, Bali, he he added. added Travelers ravelers from from Australia, ustralia, Russia ussia arriving criteria, and help the aviation industry recover by building a and the nited tates topped the list of visitors and the perception United States topped the service list of visitors. positive among airport users. IIAC president and CEO Bon-Hwan Koo said Ngurah Rai was chosen as ast week, week, American merican and and Australian ustralian citizens citi ens in in Indonesia Indonesia were Last the first airport to implement the SCI program because it were was ordered to to leave leave the the country countr amid amid the the novel novel coronavirus coronavirus ordered one of the biggest airports in Indonesia and the most visited out reak, wherein wherein officials of cials also also cited cited evidence evidence of of Indonesia’s Indonesia s outbreak, airport by Korean tourists. current medical medical capacity, capacit , among among other other things, things, to to urge urge current immediate action ome foreigners have decided to e immediate action. Some foreigners have decided to extend As part of the collaboration, the IIAC will assess Ngurahtend Rai their stay sta in Indonesia, Indonesia, it seems, seems, as evident evident packed their in it as packed airport on inventory management, trained human by resources, immigration of ces across across Baliprevention last week. weekandIndonesia’s Indonesia immigration offices Bali last health communication, epidemic protocolss irectorate eneral of Immigration has swiftl responded to Directorate General of Immigration has swiftly responded to and procedures such as competence related to departure and the spike spike in visa visa extension ewell, tension re uests, and eligible eligi le foreigners foreigners the in requests, and arrival. If all goes the IIAC will issue an SCI certificate unaapproval le to to return return to airport their home home countries due to toofCOVID-19 -1 unable to their countries due and for the to become a member theI SCI. are being eing given given an an automatic automatic extension e tension for for their their stay sta are permitsconfident coconuts 1 4 prevention health protocols permits. ( 01/04/2020) “We’re ourcom COVID-19 that have been implemented in all our airports, including NguHundreds Indonesian cre by members rahNo Rai, will fulfillofthe criteria required the SCI Large-Scale Social Restrictions policy for guidelines. Baliing ust incertification from Ital will skithenuarantine after testing The SCI complement the World Travel & yet, provincial government says negative COVID-19 Tourism Council’s Safe Travel for stamp that we already received,”

ollow us for more happening info

said “All these efforts aim to says convince theyet public that AP The Faik. Bali provincial government it has to consider ver Indonesian crew mem ers from the Iimposing airports have implemented global-standard protocols Large-Scale Social Restrictions health (PSBB) policy, plendida cruise ship reportedl todid not undergo uarantine 25 Marchabout 2020 - 07 April 2020 and encourage customers] nocentral longer worry dowhich requires[our approval from the government, to upon arrival ( at gurah ai International irport despite ing air travel.” 15/09/2020) curb the spread of COVID-19 here, claiming that it has alhaving own in from enoa, Ital on onda night f cials ready implemented said all of them tested negative for the novel coronavirus, KEMBALI20: Kevin similar steps to an Kwan, Oka Rusmini, Eka Kurniafter rapid tests that were conducted the airport awan, and other great speakers youatshould see during extent. ‘Rebuild Bali’ virtual festival s soon as arrived the were checked of cers from Speaking to the KumpThere’s no Health denying that our world looks starkly different today the yesterday, ort aran re-uthorit and followed with rapid tests compared to last year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t engage he results were gional secretary ofnegative and the didn t have to e in uarantined, thought-provoking discussions from the comfort Ida Bagus gurah rda,safety who and heads Bali the adminisof ourBali homes amid this pandemic, right? province s anpower genc , told ompas esterda here tration, Dewa were 1Indra, Indonesian crew mem ers in total who oarded a Made said Well, for those of us whofrom were looking to the ight with atar irlines enoa toforward enpasar, via Ubud oha that the provincial Writers & Readers Festival (UWRF) or Ubud Food Festival (UFF) government is open to implementing PSBB, should risks of in 2020, their organizers have created a virtual alternative this s toreported the novel coronavirus on the island continue escalate and ompas, the crew require a stricter approach. mem ers had also undergone a health “Here in Bali we are already enforcing strict limitations. amination Substantially we have preceded thise PSBB policy,while but in enoa, after formally and according to the [new] government regulation which the were of course we haven’t,” Indra said. declared health permitted to PSBB is designed to limit mobility within and a region,essentially return to Indonesia one of the countries hardest imposing the same Ital socialis distancing measures that hit have the coronavirus pandemic, over affected 1 , con already been seen in parts ofwith Indonesia by thermed viral cases andthough more than , deaths Indonesians coming disease, this 1includes additional measures and from enforcement. I -1 hot ones, which includes Ital , are su ect stricter year, titled KEMBALI20: Bali Health Festival, which take to health screening A Rebuild the ort uthoritwill upon place from hould Oct. 29authorities to Nov. 8. nd that the are e hi iting arrival The policy includes shuttering of all businesses and services earl s those mptoms of I -1 , theand willalsoe obanning served appat a except deemed essential, The full lineupfacilit and programs for the event, which is set to government for two weeks n the other hand, based together motorcycle pickingelements up passengers, mean“bring thetaxis mostfrom successful of UWRF and those who doonly not e hi it earl s mptoms are and advised to ing they to featuring transport goods deliver UFF,” was are announcedallowed recently, some pretty exciting self- to uarantine for the same period food customers. speakers including renowned Singaporean-American writer behind Crazy Rich Asians,Indonesia’s own literary stars Eka Kurniesterda , implementation oordinating evelopment and ulture The official regional governments awan and Dee Lestari, and Human notrequires to mention talks that are closer ffend urged Indonesians overseas to toinister submit relevant data and reports regarding COVID-19 to home for uhad thoseirof us in Bali, ranging from flourishing citizen sta in the countries in which the are living he government spread in to their area tolocal thefolklore. Health Ministry, among other journalism preserving said there are will no plans arrange repatriation, things, which assesstothem andtheir decide on whetherut orthat not With over 60 digitalThe sessions across 11Indonesia days, youis are quite thegrant willapproval. e provided with supplies currentl to process has been criticized for being spoilt forbureaucratic. choice, so arrivals Coconuts is here with rundown of the overly anticipating mass of Bali Indonesians a aroad, particularl sessions that, intoour humble shouldits not miss out those seeking leave alaopinion, sia as ityou enforces movement . ( on during Kembali Indonesia’s capital which number control order ,Jakarta, as well20/09/2020) as crew has memtheershighest of international of confirmed COVID-19 cases, become the cruise ships looking to return home isas set sometocruise lines halt country’s first region enforce PSBB. of thise their operations or to theofficially latter, their return willAslikel afternoon, the cityai,reports cases of the through gurah uhad1,395 ir said,confirmed adding that there are coronavirus, 133 deaths and 69ers recoveries. a out 11, including Indonesian crew mem a road s of Latest Updates on Visa and esterda afternoon, Bali has recorded 1 positive Stay Permits Service in the Bali,Ifor-1itscases part, has so far reported 43 confirmed his includes two deaths of foreignCOVID-19 nationals New Normal cases, including 19 recoveries and two deaths of foreign and four recoveries coconuts com 1 4 nationals. ( 07/04/2020)

22 Indonesia to temporarily temscreening oraril ban ban all foreign foreign arrivals transits to to curb curb further furt er spread s read of of coronavirus coronavirus Bali adds stricter measures for arrivals, visitors transits Indonesia to all Bali open will to domestic tourism the time being, as J will remain Indonesia will temporaril all visits and transits JAKARTA -- Indonesia temporarily banan allfor visits and transits by officials announce stricter screening measures for incoming visiforeign nationals to country the countr to the cur further the further foreign nationals to the to curb spreadspread of the tors following a surge in COVID-19 cases on the island. coronavirus. “President (Joko) sees that oursees current policy to of the coronavirus resident Joko that our needs current be madeneeds stricter.toWe e have decided that all visits and tranpolic made stricter e have decided that sits by foreign nationals Indonesia willBali temporarily be banned,” “I think wouldtowant to open fortotourism without all don’t visits and we transits foreign nationals Indonesia will Foreign Minister Marsudi told reporters after ministemporaril e Retno anned, oreign inisterCoordinating etnoa virtual arsudi told limits, so we will be placing limitations,” Minister ters’ meeting with President Joko Widodo on Tuesday (March 31). reporters after a virtual meeting resident for Maritime Affairs andministers Investment Luhut with Pandjaitan saidJoko on idodoHe onreaffirmed uesda several arch those 1 withthat Friday. aspects Bali Governor Exceptions to the ban include work permits as Wayan well Koster had previously suchthat as proper limitations relias diplomats, Ms Retno announced, added, stressing healthonprototo the include those with permits as gious ceremonies andan other crowded gatherings, and the reincolsceptions will still apply. President Joko said before the work ministers’ meeting well Indonesia as diplomats, s up etno stressing that proper that is stepping measures limit mobility among its statement of prior restrictions onadded, publictoactivities. health protocols still appl resident Joko said spread efore also the citizens within thewill country, but threats of coronavirus come from meeting overseas. MrforJoko specifically thatreduced, the epiministers that Indonesia isout stepping up measures to “So tourism activities thepointed next two weeks will be Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan centres of ilit the among pandemic have shifted to the United States and Eulimit mo its citi ens within the countr , ut threats [but] not entirely closed like before. So that the economy can rope. of coronavirus also come from from overseas still move,” Luhutspread said, adding that visitors outside rofJoko Bali pointed out speci call that the epicentres of the pandemic are subject toJakarta mandatory tests.of the country’s coronavirus In Indonesia, is therapid epicentre fromideal Jakarta, the crews epicentre of the the countr s ships, out reak, return “The condition to suppress of COVID-19 cases have shifted to the nited tates and urope 11,838 Indonesian working for number 80 cruise as per data crisis, accounting for nearly half of the 1,414 confirmed cases. There home be he government isclose preparing regulations that would gathered so far,” Ms Retno added. would under lockdown, Bali temporarily, limit people’s are 122 deaths121 from Covid-19,COVID-19 the disease caused by the coronaviBali reported additional cases yesterday, bringing make it possi le for Jakarta other only coronavirus red ones In Indonesia, Jakarta isthe the epicentre of the countr s coronapermitting leaving and the house for very important rus, in Indonesia in South-east Asia. Stay in has the movement, the provincial tallysotofar, 7,749. highest The popular holiday destination She said the government is implementing proper health protocols at to e put under an area uarantine , a term o servers see as virus crisis, accounting for nearl half of the 1,414 con rmed purposes, such as looking for food, medicine, and the likes,” know with ae-mail alerts. “Practically surge all nations put following in place limits recorded significant this have month, the airports, seaports, border check points on these returning countrye uivalent cases here are 1 caseload deaths ovid-1 , the dependdisease on the flow of travellers with varyingfrom (degree of) strictness Ngurah a lockdown, which would stop ows of people on Monday said Indonesia needs stronger measures loosening ofthe restrictions and tourist attractions returning to norgoingMr in Joko and out caused coronavirus, Indonesia thecountry,” highest in men. ing on the respective situationinand conditionsoinfar, each Ms to limit mobility after receiving reports that thousands of workers in mal operations in July. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika, virologist and Retno said. sia ta in the know with e-mail alerts outh-east racticall “Poorer members of the public would have to be given assisand its surrounding areas have returned to their home towns professor Udayana previously that Bali Jakarta oordinating maritime affairs and investment minister uhut all nationsathave put University, in place limits on thesuggested ow of travellers tance, and the government would need to provide the necessary after losing most or all of their income amid the coronavirus outought to temporarily and be placed under lockdown, much Their policies alsoclose Indonesians living overseas, many and aitan said in a video message on uesda that the with var ing have degree ofimpacted strictness depending on the respective break. support.” ( 22/09/2020) logistical of whom have recently returned home or are preparing to head like it did at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak. government would take the decision within this week, situation and condition in each countr , s etno said home. According to Ms Retno, the two largest groups of homebound stressing however Indonesia would use the term lockdown There have been concerns of a spread of infections as people from Indonesians are Indonesian migrant workers from Malaysia as well Over 73,000have people Bali furloughed, laid off due to COVID-19 crisis Jakarta, the epicentre of the country’s outbreak, return home. The heir policies alsoin impacted Indonesians2,500 living overseas, as Indonesians working as crews on cruise ships. is preparing regulations that wouldemergenc make it possible for Indonesia would also issue a presidential decree man of whom have recentl returned home or are preparing government Jakarta and other coronavirus zones to 73,000 be an put annual under anudget “area that are would allow the government to have to head home to twos groups etno, has the been two largest groups here to report that red more than people have “The inflow traffic ccording from these far larger than “We quarantine”, a term observers see currentl as to aif the lockdown, de citfurloughed. of larger than per cent allowed the of homeMsound Indonesians are of Indonesian migrantof workers Over 2,500 were laidequivalent off. Inot figure pannormal,” Retno said. “In terms size, the number Indone- been which would stop flows of people going in and out. ( e isting laws these so that it couldwill spend more to deplo cash, from living alaand sia working as wellinas Indonesians on demic sians Malaysia exceeds working 1 million. as Andcrews there are continues numbers also increase,” Koster said. 01/04/2020) especiall to the poorest population in the countr his cruise ships e emption would appl for three ears, efore a normal Kosterspread added that Bali’s tax revenue from hotels and restauBali plans to hold Nyepi-like observance to curb COVID-19 threshold of per cent would e reinstalled for annual he in ow traf c from these two groups has een far larger rants saw a significant decline, with the example of Badung udget ear than normal, Majelis s etno saidAdat, In terms of si e, village the num er of Bali province’s Desa or traditional council, regency, where popular tourist spots Kuta and Seminyak is loIndonesians living and in ala sia e ceeds 1later million says there are plans to working hold a Nyepi-like observance this cated, being one of the worst affected. inister ri ul ani is currentl making her calculation nd there are 11, Indonesian working for cruise month as part of an effort to curb crews the spread of COVID-19 on Theinance governor saidthe that Badung earns IDR200 hat if we give ottom 4normally per cent or between per cent direct ships, as per data gathered so far, s etno added the island, with the final decision set to be announced tomorbillion (US$13.4million) and IDR400 billion, but had only recash handouts It is eing thoroughl calculated, r uhut row. revenue Joko of around IDR6onda billionthat (US$403,000) before said resident said on over the past eight he said the government is implementing proper health ported Atuh beach in Nusa Penida, this beach is usually a busy beach in Nusa Penida reopeninguses of Bali domestic atourism on July 31, da s The alone, had to transported out 14, people protocols at airports, order check points on these The council’s chief, Idaseaports, Panglingsir Agung Putra Sukahet, told July. was perceived on thattowns, front, as the regency in reater Jakarta ackastohelpful their home mostl in est returning countr that men nothing r Joko saidforIndonesia Tribun yesterday hasonbeenonda decided the time however, revenue of around IDR11.5 lastprovinces month. Java, entral Java, og akarta and billion ast Java needs stronger tobeen limit mo ailitmeeting after receiving More than 73,000 measures people have duringfirst. the CO- reported being, as authorities would need tofurloughed hold reports crisis that thousands of workers Jakarta and lost its surrounding VID-19 in Bali, with another in 2,500 having their jobs, thers taken trains and ships he added areas have returned to their towns after losing most or Bali has had taken the the biggest economic hithome, in Indonesia from hese the “We decide 8. If home it’s outbreak going to happen wetowill issue as thewill fallout of on theApril coronavirus continues take its are mostl with dail -rated workers such as push-cart food sellers, all their income amid the the coronavirus out reak the central bank reporting a contraction of an of official circular from traditional village council,” Agung pandemic, toll on people’s livelihoods this year. in what is termed the informal of quarter the econom Putra was quoted as Koster saying.reported the latest estimates over 10.98 percent in the province for thesector second of this Bali Governor Wayan straitstimes com 1 4 here have een concerns of anumbers spread ofwill infections as people the weekend, warning that the likely increase as year. ( 20/09/2020) Thepandemic observance, the goeslocally on. referred to as sipeng, will only mandate people home for three and andemic Bali sthat e usastay Duaatim roves safetconsecutive measuresdays amid will not follow the exact same rules as the Balinese Day of important to inform the general public way ahead of the ac‘COVID-19 is real’, govt says as public denial persists Silence, according to reports. tate-owned enterprise Indonesia ourism evelopment tual dates. So it doesn’t seem so abrupt.” “So will there be I by the is implementing safet help provision of food from the government?” A orporation recent survey Health Ministry has measures found thattomany Ordinarily, Nyepi encourages self-reflection byand prohibiting acstop thedospread of I -1 COVID-19 at touristexists destination hemany usa citizens not believe that that tivities such as lighting a fire, rdita, working, and traveling orofgoing ua in Bali I usti gurah managing director he “Those who have plenty of money from monthly salary have have challenged the call to adhere to health protocols, the naout, others. The news planned sipeng, however, only usaamong ua, told ntara a letterwould had een it good as they can simply stock up, but what can we do when tional COVID-19 task force hasagenc said. that In response, the task prohibit people from leaving their homes. hand saniti ers and we depend on daily income. If it were to happen for four days sent to them to provide force hastenants, formedurging so-called “behavioral change” units. They please think it further wisely.” regularl spra disinfectant in pu lic areas, including consist of members of the community, the military andtoilets, While official details haveand notshuttle been announced, news oflocal sippra rooms, ooths uses administrations anditsseek to raise publicmedia, awareness about the eng quickly made rounds on social showcasing diAs of yesterday afternoon, Bali confirmed eight additional dangers of COVID-19. vided opinions among local residents. Prompted by concerns his is in accordance with a circular letter from Bali s provincial cases of COVID-19, bringing the island’s total to 43. This inover COVID-19,onsom e are supportive ofsanitation the initiative, while administration improving hhead giene and to com at National COVID-19 task force are Doni Monardo said thedaily ini- cludes 19 recoveries and two deaths of foreign nationals. others question how people toare meet the virus, he said enants at heexpected usa ua alsotheir re uired ( 07/04/2020) tiative would be tested first in Jakarta, a hotbed of coronavirus needs should observance place. agree, but to check the the temperature of take all staff and“I visitors and it’s to contagion, before being brought to other regions. routinel clean their sites crisis center has een set up for 4 percent since e ruar e hope the pandemic will Thousands of workers in Bali unpaidofleave, more laid off At least five behavioral change unitson consisting a total hundreds of 100 guests, with services that include deliver to the nearest end soon and tourism in Bali can improve, said rdita Doni did[innot reveal the detailsmuch of the Health survolunteers have been deployed in fivehundreds subdistricts of the capital “Everywhere Indonesia] is pretty facing theMinistry same condiLocal authorities in Balicheck-ups are reporting of workers having ally.” hospital and routine with health agencies tion.he We don’t know the when this will Indonesia end,” Ida Bagus Oka Dirga, who lost their jobs dueabout to the COVID-19 and subsequent cited during meeting. has recorded nearly to inform people the virus andoutbreak reinforce theitsneed to ad- vey n uesda , Bali said. declared a state of emergenc imposing heads the agency, impacts on the protocols. tourism industry, while thousands more have been 10,000 and 252,923 total cases as of Tuesday. here to health rdita added he without usa pay. ua s emplo ees have een stricterfatalities measures on visitors in an effort to cur the spread of instructed to staythat at home working from home from arch 1 , e cept for securit and He added in Badung, more to than 6,000 workers 78 comI -1 that as cases continue clim with local from transmission “If some people deny the presence of COVID-19 [and neglect “If the initiative works, we een will develop in other regionsgear as panies have been instructed at home and given between 50 cleaning staff, who have e uippedit with protective detected ith the status, to thestay resort island will tighten checks measures], transmission will continue,” Doni said. Some to 70 percent of their minimum salary. well,” Doni said during a meetingmeasures with the while Houseon of dut Represenand follow ph sical distancing s of health at entrance gates and enforce a 14-da self- uarantine for all citizens, includingthepublic figures, have endorsed tatives arch on ,Tuesday. the occupanc rate at he usa ua had dropped Indonesian people entering the hotels island akartapost com 1will 4 burden “Right now, with the empty, of course workers conspiracy theories about the pandemic. ( the operational cost. That’s why they have instructed them to stay “COVID-19 is real and has claimed nearly a million of lives glob- 23/09/2020) home. However, we do hope they won’t be laying off [these work-

Den asar ma or urges cit residents to sta at ome amid coronavirus outbreak

ers],” I Made Badra, who heads the Tourism Agency in Badung, told Tribun.

New Road From Gillimanuk Tocit Denpasar TotoStart Construction In 2021 he Bali a orToll of enpasar esterda urged the s residents refrain from returning to their hometowns and sta at home Bali hotels roll out cheap promos or shut to survive coronavirus outbreak instead, as part an in effort cura new the Bali spread I -1Gilin The Construction will of start 2021toon toll of Road from Bali Provincial government also has a plan to build another limanuk has announced. Bali I to amMengwi asking (Denpasar), all residentsGovernor living in Koster enpasar for the time toll road that would connect Mengwi and Blahbatuh, Gianyar in The Bali Hotel Association (BHA), whose members include general The central Government is planning to to build toll road in the eing do not go an where, including go another to our hometown, future. of over 100 four-star and five-star hotels and resorts in managers Bali through Works. It’s in told line with President staDenpasar, at our Ministry respective homes instead to reak the chain on Bali, said that most accommodations and restaurants in Bali have In as many Of as Public 2,975 workers were to stay at home Joko for53uoted Indonesia development by building Minister of Public Works, Basuki Hadimuljono said IWidodo’s -1 , as state news agenc ntara Indonesia opted to temporarily close for at least one month. without pay spread, whilevision another workers were laid off, the city’s spokesquality transportation infrastructure. The road connect Giliman Gede Rai told Kompas, adding that thetoll workers were from 37 manuk and Mengwi, congestion that vehicle different companies. an of those who to livesolve in enpasar hailproblems from different parts traffic been facing years. of thehas island and evenfor the countr ith the social and ph si“It’s because there is a lack of guests and hotels are not operating,” cal distancing advisor in place and the option to return to Gedecurrent Rai said. from the ferry to Denpasar The is 127 ,km their famil road homes might make sense nanciall of and cialstakes fear aitminimum of 3.5 hours if traffic is ok. of contri ute to further I -1 Formight the time being, authorities inspread Denpasar are reportedly planning The newprotection toll road strategy will be 95 andworkers, the construction will be dia social forkm these including through Invided in 3government’s different stages. The first stage to be built is from donesian pre-employment cards, which was launched ccording to enpasar government s, there are currentl Pekutatan Soka which is aim 20 to kmaidlong, because it’sunemployed the most last The cards, which seekers and people under monitoring in the cit job , along with two patients congested area.them Theaccess secondand stage is from Soka to Mengwi, and workers, grant funding to various trainings. under servation two more who have tested positive for the lastoone is from and Gilimanuk to Pekutatan. the numbers novel coronavirus cross Bali, the total where num some er of of posiThe are even higher in Badung regency, the tive I -1 cases stand at 1 as of esterda afternoon, island’s most popular hotels and restaurants are located. An official “The first stage of construction can be started in 2021, so the from the regency’s Industry and Manpower Agency told Tribun yesincluding twoPekutatan deaths ofto foreign nationals, while a total 141 toll road from Soka and will be completed in of 2022. terday thathave 198 workers have been laid off as of April 4,per most of patients een placed under o servation, as data This would have a big impact for a better logistic distribution whom were employed in the tourism sector. from the provincial government across Bali,” said Governor I Wayan Koster.

that the total cost is estimated around IDR 14 trillion (USD 950 “At this and time,will almost all hotels restaurants in Bali are closed million) be fully fundedand by private investors.

temporarily for one to two months, as we monitor the most up to

date situation,” BHA chairman Madeinvestment, Ricky Darmika Putra the told They’re quite confident about I their because state news agency Antara yesterday. lane has a high traffic rate with many trucks and cars, giving a high Return to circulating information that many hotels in RickyInternal also responded Rate (IRR) forsale, theclarifying that those reports are false. In addiBali are up for project. “We will tion, he explained how hotels that are still open have less than 10 percent occupancy also provide a sepa-rates, while most restaurants have cut their opur success in erationalmotorbike’s hours short.reaking the chain of coronavirus spread rate re uires discipline lane, and we’ve al-and cooperation from ever one, not onl the Meanwhile, someutother attract potential government, the puarelicstill in seeking heedingtothe instructions ready prepared thealso hotels customers, and are rolling out cheap and suggestions from of cials, ai promotions antra said on astlong-term week, a regulation for that.” stays. One example ispositive Lv8, a hotel located in Canggu, which offers nurse who tested for I -1 reportedl went Basuki added. (Thea one-month stay fee starting from IDR8million (US$481). For perhome to21/09/2020) anan normal regencdaily , prompting offrom cialsIDR800K-1 to trace milher spective, thea hotel’s rate ranges close( contacts immediatel lion. 07/04/2020)

Community Info

Part 5 of 7 (See all Community Info at

Nederlandse Ondernemers Borrel Bali (NOBB) oin our monthly informal social and professional networking event for Dutch enterpreneurs on Bali. Share experiences and expand your network while enjoying a nice drink. For information contact . Pondok Pekak Library & Learning Center - Ubud Extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction books in English, Indonesian & other languages. Excellent reference section on Bali and Indonesia. Courses/classes in Indonesian Language, Balinese art and music. pen air space for reading, meetings, events. Great place to meet other people, exchange information, or just relax and read. Food and drinks available. Located on the East side of the football field, l. Monkey Forest, Ubud. Phone: 03 1 9 19 or WhatsApp 0823 3911 201 E-mail : . Project Karma Project Karma, established in 2015, is a non- for- profit organization whose sole purpose is to combat child sexual exploitation though-out Indonesia and SE Asia. ur mission is to rescue and rehabilitate these children from situations of sexual slavery and abuse by bringing legal action to their abusers. Project Karma also creates and delivers awareness and education programmes to the local communities of Bali and helps to build links between them and the local low enforcement. They also provide temporary accommodation and councelling to these rescued children. For further info please contact au or our website Facebook Rotaract Club of Bali-Ubud Rotaract clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. Rotaract’s 1 5,000

members are young men and women ages 18 to 30 who serve the needs of their communities, widen their personal and professional contacts, and increase their understanding of the world. Rotary International provides the administrative support that helps Rotaract clubs thrive. Contact : rotaract or .

to do with Rotary worldwide and our own projects supporting local schools for health, hygiene and water, other programs. We welcome all guests the hotel charges Rp 5,000 for attending and that includes snacks and tea/ coffee . ou must RSVP to to ensure seating.

Rotary Bali Kuta Rotary is an international organization of service clubs for men & women that fosters leadership & responsible citizenship, encourages high ethical standards in business and promotes international understanding and peace. For more information contact Barbara 081 239 28 0 or email: al@ , you can come to our weekly meeting the 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month at 12:30 at Kantor KCB Tours & Travel l Raya Kuta 12 .

Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak The Rotary Club of Seminyak is the largest English-speaking club in Bali. Rotary is an organisation of business and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. If you would like to attend a luncheon of the Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak, guests are welcome to visit us on any Wednesday at 12:00 at The Trans Resort Bali, alan Sunset Road, Kerobokan, Bali Please see our calendar for the weekly program / any changes: .

Rotary Club of Bali Lovina The Rotary Club of Bali Lovina is an English-speaking Club with enthusiastic members from several countries. ur club holds weekly meetings every second Wednesday from 10.00 am till 11.00 am in the Bayu Mantra Bungalows in Anturan, Lovina. We are involved in projects primarily aimed at assisting the less fortunate people of Buleleng Regency orth Bali . As the only club in Buleleng we have a1 lot of ground to cover so we are always looking for new members For further information and contact details please visit our website: www. r find us on Facebook at

Rhesus Negative Blood Group Bali International Medical Centre will keep record of all persons with Rhesus egative Blood Group, negative Rh Factor , who are residing in Bali. If you wish to register yourself please call 1 2 3, or fax 3 5, or e-mail : .

Satyagraha Ashram oga for children and adult. Satyagraha Ashram, a non profit institution provides: oga for: Children: Sunday 1 pm - 2 pm, Adult: Daily. Weds, Friday 8am - 9:30am. Tues, Thurs, Friday: 5 pm - pm. Sat: pm - 5:30 pm, Teacher: By Rotary Club of Bali Ubud Sunset Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset meets at the Maya Ubud Resort appointment. Herbal Class: By appointment. l. yuh every Monday at 5:30 PM for fellowship eating and chatting Kuning, behind Pura Puseh, Ubud. Ph. 9 1 99. http:// and - PM for our weekly meeting, where we discuss things .

COMMUNITY INFO is free for all non profit activities, groups, etc. For your group to be listed here contact: Bali Advertiser Tel. 755 392 or email : Please notify our office for any corrections or changes. Let’s keep this up to date!





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a lucky draw raffle. Prizes include a weeklong ecotourism outing to the rain forests of East Kalimantan, the chance to win a minivacation at a lovely villa in Ubud, restaurant vouchers, and more. Participants will also learn about three of RCBUS’ humanitarian projects and have the opportunity to talk with those participating in these projects, including those benefiting from these projects. Those attending will also meet representatives of our Roatract Club, a dynamic group of people between the ages of 18 and 30, interested in meeting the needs of their communities while improving their leadership skills.


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RCBUS belongs to Rotary International, one of the premier service organizations worldwide, with 1.2 million members and over 35,000 Rotarian clubs around the world. The mission of Rotary International is to ‘provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.’ Fundraising for these causes is often an essential part of a Rotary Club’s projects, as critical services and infrastructure require money. A huge thank you to

Photo from Bogies for Bali 2021, Handara Golf & Resort, Bali

Sponsored by Rotary Club Bali Ubud Sunset [RCBUS] and Sababay Wineries, Bogies for Bali is a day and a half of fun for you. This annual fundraiser allows RCBUS to fund three humanitarian projects in Indonesia designed to boost local economies, provide clean water sources, and protect the environment. This is your invitation to come and join the fun at Bogies for Bali 2022. A shotgun tee-off begins at 8 AM on Saturday 10 September at Handara Golf & Resort Bali, a world -renown golf course. It is noted for its challenging, impeccably manicured course and its breathtaking, setting in the mountains of Bedugul. Use your golfing prowess and make a hole-in-one to win a BMW GS310 motorbike or stays in one of several resorts. Following 18 holes of good-natured golf, all participants will enter the 19th Hole, an awards luncheon where the trophies for best players will be presented and the holes-in-one winners will be announced. Those in attendance will be able to join in an active live auction for amazing prizes and

Festivities begin on Friday evening, 9 September, for those participants who arrive on the night before the golfing event. Handara was kind enough to extend special rates to those people who wish to play golf on Saturday morning, but do not wish to make a long drive before tee-off time. All those participants will be treated to a delicious BBQ dinner at Breeze Terrace prepared by Handara’s talented chefs. This enchanting outdoor buffet will include a variety of grilled meats and seafood, grilled vegetables, salads, and extra tasty desserts. To ensure that a good time is experienced by everyone, the BBQ will be accompanied by a bonfire, a putting contest, and a chipping contest. Funds raised at this event support three of our humanitarian projects: 1. Sewing for Living, an award-winning project which teaches Balinese women to sew using sewing machines and to crochet, enabling them to work from their homes to support their families 2. Water projects in and around Seraya Village, East Karangasem, where we, in collaboration with international Rotary Clubs and Balinese businesses such as Kasih Ibu Hospital, provide water tanks which allow families access to clean water without having to walk hours to clean water supplies 3. The Long Sam Project, an environmental effort that works to preserve the rain forest and its animals while building the economies of local Dayak villages

The title sponsor for Bogies for Bali 2022 for their generous support! Members of RCBUS are friendly people of action. If you are considering joining RCBUS and would like to attend a meeting to see what we are all about, please contact Marion Hook at for more information. If you are interested in Rotaract, please include the word Rotaract in your subject line. We meet every 2nd Monday and every last Monday of the month at Wedja Restaurant in Mas. If you would like to join this dynamic group of people from four different continents who love Bali and work to help the people who live here, information to do so can be found at http://

Copyright © 2022 Rotary News You can read all past articles of Rotary News at




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en is not a apanese in ention it originated in ndia ith the practice of en uddhism hich came to apan ia China. he term en as actually deri ed from the Chinese Chan. Ho e er, the apanese ere uick to put the re ecti e and meditati e philosophy to practical and ef cient use. hey fashioned the concept of aizen translated as good change -incorporating the basic principles of en uddhism on a practical le el. aizen is used to impro e and inno ate your daily tasks and routines. Postapan became a manufacturing po er horse, building a strong economy based on ery ef cient production methods coupled ith a humanising philosophy applied to their ork force. oyota as one of the spear headers of this mo ement hich recognised moti ation, appreciation of orker s efforts, team ork and team participation in the manufacturing process and management decision making as critical underpinnings of their competiti e success strategy. hat philosophy as directly responsible for impro ing ef ciency on the factory oor, reducing aste signi cantly and gaining orkers cooperation and pride in their obs. nstead of meting out old-fashioned reprimands or punishment for orker errors, company management empo ered their employees to stop production to x errors and pro ide management ith suggestions and insights to impro e ef ciency and reduce aste. aizen encourages a team approach to sol e problems and meet challenges by the simple application of implementing small impro ements o er time resulting in substantial ad ances in the long run. t s the most astute encapsulation of the ork smart, not hard principle.

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and o to o


steps to apply the aizen method and impro e your producti ity etermine here your time and energy is asted by keeping track of your daily acti ities, interruptions and do ntime for about one eek and ferret out the unnecessary time asters. f you ha e routine tasks to accomplish, e aluate hether they can be made more ef cient by applying standardised processes like templates, optimised ling systems, set times for emails and phone calls. f you ha e many meetings to attend, decide hether your presence is essential if not delegate or minimise the amount of participation. Start ith small steps to make your ork more producti e and ef cient. f you are o er helmed by a task at hand it s far easier on your stress le el to break it do n in manageable parts. o 5 minutes instead of an hour and repeat e ery day until the task is nished. or instance, a long report can be ritten in stages instead of all at once. imit your asted time on distractions like social media. Make time to e aluate hat orks for you and hat doesn t. ocus on things you can impro e. f you re stymied or hit a snag, become frustrated and distracted, slo do n, pause a moment and ask yourself hat can be impro ed or changed to make it smoother or better. eekly re ie s to e aluate your progress and accomplishments help you prioritise and re-shift your focus. ake stock of your high and lo points and ask yourself hat you can impro e or inno ate. Another apanese en practice is the esoteric abi-Sabi, a concept that is dif cult to translate. abi refers to rustic simplicity, humility, li ing in tune ith nature and appreciation of the uirks and anomalies hich add uni ueness and elegance to an ob ect or experience. Sabi is more about accepting the passage of time and the beauty, e en imperfect, of aging. ogether, the ords con ey a feeling of harmony and serenity, e en melancholy, in hat is uncomplicated, unassuming, mysterious and ephemeral. abi-Sabi is a concept you ill encounter most often in design and home decorating. t is intrinsically linked to minimalism, a trend that celebrates clean, uncluttered spaces here decor is reduced to its essentials. A trend that is de nitely rooted in en uddhism.

ollo ing oyota s lead, other companies follo ed suit and kaizen became a popular and accepted practice not only in apan it migrated to other countries like the USA and urope. n essence, it re olutionised all types of industries and organisations, blue collar and hite collar alike. aizen is not a rigid system or one that is only applicable to business or industry. his concept translates ell to personal ork and producti ity it can effecti ely streamline the ay you ork and impro e your chances at success. t is exible, adaptable to your o n personal style, preferences and personality. ou can take the bits and pieces that ork for you and discard, adapt or impro e the ones that don t. t can be clothed in a mantra like ust 5 minutes at a time or ork 1 better today that keeps you moti ated it can be applied to your e eryday life acti ities. f you ha e days here your time seems to be pilfered a ay by distractions, interruptions, bad moods or too many meetings, there is help. Use some of the follo ing

Characteristics of the abi-sabi aesthetic include asymmetry, authenticity, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural ob ects and processes. t includes the acceptance of transience and imperfection. A great example of that is intsugi, translated as golden oinery, the centuries-old art of repairing broken pottery ith a special lac uer dusted ith po dered gold, sil er or platinum.

n essence abi-sabi can be applied to your lifestyle and not ust your decor by celebrating humble and authentic materials and experiences, a oiding clutter and feeling unencumbered, seeking simplicity ithout sacri cing beauty. mbrace emptiness and solitude to inspire and re u enate yourself. Anchor yourself in nature and its authentic colours, moods and openness. Open your indo s, door and mind to the outdoors and let the natural light and natural agrances seep in. Closely aligned ith the concept of abi-sabi and minimalism is the onMari method, the art of de-cluttering and organising de eloped by Marie ondo, a apanese organising consultant ho insists you should only o n and keep the things that spark oy . ondo s method, again, is based on the traditional apanese en approach to spare aesthetics. t takes the typical tidying-up to a hole ne le el and, in doing so, it aims to culti ate a lifestyle that encourages one to cherish the things that bring true oy. es, it is minimalism, albeit ith a heart. Marie has ritten a best-selling book, he ife-Changing Magic of idying Up and Spark oy, to explain her method. She also appears on Net ix and is becoming a celebrity orld ide ith a big fan base. Her motto is idy your space, transform your mind. his translates into a philosophy of discarding the things in your home and your life that do not bring oy to you. Marie ad ises to start ith an exercise in imagining hat kind of home you ould like to li e in and the lifestyle you ant. his ill set you on the path to start a radical decluttering of your possessions and only keep those that t into your imaginary life. t s uite simple actually ith each item ask yourself if it sparks oy. f yes, you get to keep it if no, you discard it mercilessly. hat means getting rid of piles of stuff and Marie says you need to do it in one fell s oop, not room by room but by category like clothes, books papers, photos mementoes. ou e en ha e to pare do n your storage only keep hat you lo e to see and use. A pared-do n home e uals a tidy, clean mind, according to Marie, and she promises it ill transform your life. ou can learn all about it on or on acebook at and nstagram at mariekondo. Ho e er, if onMari does not appeal to you and your closets are bulging and in need of a bit of decluttering, you can apply the aizen babysteps method and do a bit of frock curating in 5 to 15 minute inter als on a daily basis. o encourage yourself to repurpose those satin harem pants ith price tag still attached you bought 20 years ago. t s an illusion to think they ill be back in style one of these days. f you are a skilled hoarder, the onMari philosophy of drastic paring do n ill be a challenge. Minimalism is an ac uired taste and to some people it feels cold and impersonal, almost too testosterone- lled. ike a lot of people, like the li ed-in look ith plenty of o ers and chotskes , piles of books and magazines and soft cushions to in ite relaxation and re u enation. After all, if they bring oy, ould Marie ondo not appro e .

By nes


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C/U/G-12 Feb. 20

C/U/G-15 Jan. 20

C/U/G-25 March 20

Kulture Kid Kulture Kid KultureKid Kid Kulture

Rocking and Rolling with Kaja-Kelod, Kangin-Kauh t alihat adition ge Do hild in –the ali Dead ta oten tanding tillting ea ning a elan The ancient Balinese GPS

I n ha e e an ne n he r ha a ne e c re n e. here are a br ch h reraar ner ence cea en ar an errec era ne arnnen can nera In 200 In arc eha he n ea acr ne e c he nce nere an. eee hher reee anab e na ca ea ree r enban nn ear ean a ne I haechan he he.enIn rehe abe be n a en bha a he a ecea a hane a naa ra a re eener aar a ra n / ebe ehena er ahan h. In n r a n re en e e er ae r en r e rr hear.e In are n eacher an nar aca e e e aecen a ch enren er na he r cre a nanceer. r n Chr a a a r hanch e ha c an aa er n n e b n he r n a e r e ne h n ran aa ee aba n ca r h a h n ea an .H er h h nc rrec . erha e he he aea canha a bec .e h han ebe enenrh ar ca e e b e r he h ne ree a na ac ha er h rea ah nea e hab ah er eacher a -cen r cereHcre n -a ae ne ee her e e enheh r h re rh ere he er ara h e e b ar nhe a near. aa ec n er b han en b ere ae . n he r ea n c nce aa nen ecc ncere ba ba e e e c nebaarc nehere c e a n a crec nna. crec nn ere ba he a e cre a n er ha e r he a h e he ra e ar ar n 500 he ra H nh r har b ae re n ha enc ra e crea an e n hr b rah na cc rrence . eIn a ne a an ea hnar ace r ech e er a a er . e e rarea ee e aHc n a ca re ea en na ar chMan ren are rr n b c. In a h e an a c ec hn cI er e acrenbe a e a ae r ee aarhn en n he a hn care na anere ea an haen n enranaberearere.nI he enn nc er r nc aI ence erc e n r en ran n n an a e a ar e a rehen e ab h I a n han n a he er r c e an r e a n he 1a a0 hen here a ran ne e. aa hc ra c r n he n an an ab n ance a c ha her hearer a . n ce a e n br n a aa b a carr e b e20 rM b rn b a bh hhr an n e nba h n ha h n n e r an r e b e e a n- are abec he a ne e ah ch an a n. be er n are n n hree a n eera ecrecn nan r hen n arr a he r e. he rea ha e er h n chan e I n a n ab n ra Inrea ere n en h a cen r a a n ac e c n r n ch ren ra e ar .a a a. C n er e erre he er n c a a area beca e a rec n rnc anre he en r c n rene an rc ra ebeher. e I. e c e acr aane an han r n en ab a ar c ar he aI ae h ch e ra h ca h a c n eereber a er an enaa a ana ere ber h r n he 1be 0 a nch ren nc r ra e n an en e r b ehb ne er an en re r bne rha e ha ern r haa he naea ehe anee he r he r -carr r beca ear ne . He rac che n I an er n a ha eahan. erha aha a ch ereaebeen eIn re eer be ber ne aa aa eh en ae eere ear.a. rra a he rcha en er be enannn he I h recehene he be r ere . I ann aan ere ner . rhe a e e n r en hen e . her rec n are an he n ac e n n ab G an Man acc r n c ra e ar en a n e e ere en e h ec hn n er he r en hea re e an caar rca .C. ean ra a n e h ereecan er e ne he her rnc rhcre h.n 600 aIn re he a eearehan hn na an hn eare h n c n ran r er n he r a nher1n /a 6 Cc n Mc a c ann c er r Cana a anha reh enc e cheehe er an here rar re c h raer hen e . anc a rh ener here re n a ee. are e anec h aa bee reb a neh ne hhar hee rh n ae n Uber hc. ner e a ech ren e ah e an n earh ch a hahe aan e he e enc ra aanaan ch an a er earr h e e heen ar ne hc cha aneen henr hen n a e nan a r a bhhere an nbaha b hen-rare b nanranerbe e here nce bre Ie ee erba ee aan nhe e e nca arec a a nhhe be h een er ncr eebaanh he re enne e bran Hhe ne e n . c h. In anbr ab ca e Gr a Men. He c a e he r e a b be ne e. ha h r beca e a rea a rac n a a n n a n a er h ch e In ere n en h ba e n archae ca e ence n ac ee ha h ha nce ahe ha eerbeen he nr n . a a her han I e ec e . n r n re nce he eaareear n er ehan he n nher a c a ar re hen a aan an n eab rec n enece a ar reache he ear ne en r a n I nee ean n ar ba ance e an c n n e a n . e chan e ere n b here arener he ch .an n Hhe n c .neI ennare ane a en enan e e ch ara eren he er I cnah nn n ahear a ba r h are nM a ahern nha rhar aea ear re H n be e an n n 1 5 ha he re n ha ne e a here a n r e en he a a n a a an n r n a a e ba e an r he ea are n n n r e ar aran a e a a n ee n can he n n n. In a he n ea re n e e r ban ar cere n e b a arch n a eae e an ban car er ern e be c en ane an hen e.n ence an erhe ana eenre nena abe H n acce a a rec an n ee he a an her re en n r h an he ea n he h h e er are n an her ar a can be er n I a. aa 10he e e b hane ha a r aan a c e a -han he e ac echn ha eneeran a an Ina aer. nean er h e eren r erea ne een an h h n ran are rne a aace nenhec . Gne en araaa e an r he n he r ahea an b e-hea e r c e n e are ee n re an re rea n an na ee an ra ehe cre hea n nr h. er h he a h nc e . ne e ece nha nrhaa ane eh een anreere en can c ea nre e a a n he er . In ac an na an a c n an n he e . I c n an hear er are e a hen n he er re ca e e c a aren are en a n r a e eacher ha hr h he r he can ee eren ec a her n ne er nc n he re c n ne ch a Can a Meran an I a e re I a e a ea he be nn n ha n ber a h he J ne . en h h r a c en c n e he e rec n ee a e aba an Hare r hna an he r ea an be e are e en e bec be re he er ca e na re n ace re ea e he b e r he r naenr ena ere an a e n be re be cre a e . re a en b r er n n a n rea . M n ha a e n re n n a ne e ba e he r e ar n he e en n he 21 cen r . I ea n ann a re M ree-n ar ne e n ne er ereen nan h ear earn n ecan be enc ne ra e ar c he I an . In he ne eh era a a ne ee eer er nha eh ree er e ence ar nhanhe e c ncea . n he nece car a Ihan c ece ec a ren.ecner ha ra n ha e chan e an h . an a a a r h rare an bea h n r. By VaughanHatch Hatch By ByVaughan Vaughan Hatch

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C/He/I-26 Feb 20

Local News -

Hundreds of foreign foreign nationals leave Bali Bali amid Hundreds of nationals leave amid Bali Immigration denies over five-hour lineup coronavirus outbreak coronavirus at Ngurah Raioutbreak Airport

The Bali Immigration denied that a lineup of nearly hours Hundreds of foreigners foreigners departed Bali over over the five weekend, Hundreds of departed Bali the weekend, occurred at the immigration check area of Ngurah Rai Internasome with chartered flights organized by their respective some with chartered flights organized by their respective tional Airport. following flight cancelations across the globe governments,

governments, following flight cancelations across the globe amid the the COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak. outbreak. The The Ngurah Ngurah Rai Rai Immigration Immigration amid office said in a statement that over 200 foreigners, office said in a statement that over 200 foreigners, consisting mostly mostly of of German German nationals, nationals, boarded boarded aa chartered chartered consisting German Airlines Airlines flight flight on on Saturday Saturday headed headed for for Frankfurt, Frankfurt, German while over over 400 400 passengers passengers consisting consisting of of mostly mostly French French while nationals headed headed to to France France with with Qatar Qatar Airways Airways on on the the same same nationals day. In In addition, addition, Austrian Austrian Airlines Airlines also also reportedly reportedly carried carried day. over 200 200 passengers passengers back back to to Austria. Austria. over

Foreign missions missions in in Foreign Indonesia have Indonesia have actively used used social social actively media to assist their media to assist their Head of the Immigration Office at the Ngurah Rai Checkpoint, respective citizens. respective citizens. Bali, Sugito, tendered the clarification on Monday in response to AsNightmare fewer With flights As fewer flights the blog article “Bali Airport Has Become A Up become available become Powell, available To Five Hours Immigration Lineups!” by Sebastian pubdue to to global global travel travel lished on Saturday, July 29. due restrictions, their restrictions, their “He (Sebastian Powell) arrived on Friday,efforts July 29, 2022, from efforts include include Bangkok, and landed at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport at assisting Thailand, those seeking seeking to return return home to find find available assisting those to home to available 2:43 p.m. local time. He then (underwent) the health document flights. I Putu Surya Dharma, a spokesperson from the flights.procedure) I Putu Surya Dharma, a spokesperson from the (check and went to the BRI counter to obtain a Visa regional office for the Ministry Ministry of Law Law and and Human Human Rights, Rights, regional the of on Arrival office (VOA),”for Sugito expounded. told Nusa Nusa Bali Bali yesterday yesterday that that between between March March 1 1 and and 26, 26, told nearlydata 254,000 foreign touristscrossing have left left the island. island.Sugito However, From of theforeign immigration application, renearly 254,000 tourists have the However, vealed thatperiod Powellalso underwent immigration examination at the same same period also recordedanover over 169,000 foreign foreign tourists the recorded 169,000 tourists 3:47 so the total time taken, from disarriving inlocal Bali,time, he added. added. Travelers from starting Australia, Russia arriving Bali, he Travelers from Australia, Russia embarking the plane, health inspection, and VOA payment, to and the the United United States topped the list list of of visitors. and States topped visitors. completing the immigration checkthe took around 54 minutes. Last week, week, American andof Australian citizens in Indonesia Indonesia were Last American and Australian citizens in “Along with the expansion immigration policies in line withwere the ordered into tothe leave the country country amid the novel novel coronavirus ordered leave the amid the increase number of countries subject to Visacoronavirus on Arrival outbreak, wherein officials alsoexemption cited evidence evidence offor Indonesia’s (VOA) and the granting of (visa facility)of countries outbreak, wherein officials also cited Indonesia’s in the Southeast region,among the number flights to and the current medicalAsian capacity, among other ofthings, things, to urge urge current medical capacity, other volume of passenger arrivals to Bali have have decided increased,” Sugito immediate action. Some Some foreigners have decided to extend extend immediate action. foreigners to stated. their stay in Indonesia, it seems, as evident by packed their stay in Indonesia, it seems, as evident by packed immigration offices across Bali last week. Indonesia’s

immigration offices across Bali last week. Indonesia’s Thus, the increase in the number of flights has made internaDirectorate General of of Immigration has swiftly swiftly responded responded to to Directorate General Immigration has tional flight schedules quite hectic. the spike spike in in visa visa extension extension requests, requests, and and eligible eligible foreigners foreigners the

unable to return return to their hometocountries countries due to to COVID-19 COVID-19 “This certainly has to thetheir potential cause overcrowding in the unable to home due arrival area during he stated. are being being given peak an hours,” automatic extension for for their their stay stay are given an automatic extension permits. ( ( 01/04/2020) 01 04 2020) permits.

However, Sugito emphasized that despite the likelihood of overcrowding in the Ngurah Rai Airport arrival area, the immigration of Indonesian crew members ying No undreds Large-Scale Social Restrictions policy for Bali just checks can continue to run smoothly. in from Italy skip uarantine after testing yet, provincial government says negative for COVID-19 “We have taken anticipatory steps to handle the potential of overcrowding of passengers during peak hours by increasing the The Baliofprovincial government says it has yetarea, to consider number With 25 crew counters in the arrival can Over 300officers. Indonesian members from thewe MSC imposingthe Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy, complete inspection of 1,500 passengers per hour,” he reSplendida cruise ship reportedly did not undergo quarantine which requires approval from the central government, to marked. upon arrival at Ngurah Rai International Airport despite

curb the spread of COVID-19 here, claiming that it has alhaving flown in from Genoa, Italy on Monday night. Officials ready implemented said all of them testedKuta negative for thieves the novelexhibition coronavirus, Police give alleged street similar steps to an after rapid tests thatatwere conducted atMemorial the airport. of shame Bali Bombing extent.

“Asa soon they arrived they checked officers from In bid toas theft onwere the streets ofby Kuta, police in Speaking todiscourage Kumpthe yesterday Port Health Authority and followed with rapid tests. aran yesterday, reBali decided to exhibit five alleged thieves who The results wereofnegative and [they] didn’t have to be gional secretary were recently apprehended for stealing valuables, mostly quarantined,” Ida Bagus Ngurah Arda, who heads Bali the Balifrom adminisphones, foreigners. The five suspects who were exhibprovince’s Manpower Agency, told Kompas yesterday. There tration, Dewa ited by the Denpasar Police at the Bali Bombing Memorial on were 316 Indonesian members in total who boarded a Made Street Indra, yesterday said crew Legian were identified by their initials IGE flight with Qatar Airlines from Genoa to Denpasar, via Doha. that the (32), IKR provincial (30), IWJ (25), IKB (25), and IWG (26). All are government is open to implementing PSBB, should of residents of Karangasem and were accused theft in risks As of to reported the novel coronavirus on the island continue escalate and Kompas, the crew require stricter approach. IGE and a IKR reportedly snatched a cell phone belonging an members hadtoalso Australian national who was walking backundergone to his villa aonhealth Aug. “Here in Bali we are already enforcing strict limitations. 3, while IWJ and IKB stole a phone belonging to another AusSubstantially we have preceded thisexamination PSBB policy,while but tralian traveler on July 27. A solo thief, IWG snatched a phone in Genoa, after formally and according to the [new] government regulation from an Indian tourist who was walking on a street which theyin Kuta. were of course we haven’t,” Indra said. Under Indonesian law, each suspect may face up tohealthy seven declared years bars to forlimit theft. Denpasar Police Chief Bambang and permitted to PSBB behind is designed mobility within a region,essentially return to Indonesia. is distancing onethat of the hardest by Yugo Pamungkas told Italy reporters lawcountries enforcers decided to imposing the same social measures that hit have the acoronavirus pandemic, 105,000 confirmed hold press at the site,over as well as “showcasing” already beenconference seen in parts ofwith Indonesia affected by the viral cases and more than 12,000 deaths. Indonesians coming the criminals there, as a strong warning against theft in and the disease, though this includes additional measures from COVID-19 hot zones, which includes Italy, are subject area. stricter enforcement. to health screening by the Port Health Authority upon arrival. Should authorities find that they are “We want to show people that happened in Kuta The policy includes shuttering ofwhatever all businesses andexhibiting services early of areas COVID-19, they becases observed at a except those deemed essential, and also banning appand thesymptoms surrounding in relation towill theft with tourgovernment facility for two weeks. On the other hand, based from picking upconduct passengers, meanists as motorcycle victims, we taxis agreed that we will a firm and those who doonly not exhibit symptoms are and advised to ing they are to transport goods deliver measured action,” heallowed said. early self-quarantine for the same period. food to customers. It should be noted that, in Indonesian police lingo, “firm and Yesterday, Coordinating Human Development and Culture The official implementation requires regional measured action” refers to shooting criminals ongovernments the spot. Minister Muhadjir Effendy urged Indonesians overseas to to submit relevant data and reports regarding COVID-19 Furthermore, police displaying criminals in press conferences stay in the countries in which they are living. The government in their area to the Ministry, among other isspread the norm in Indonesia, but Health suspects are usually afforded said there are will no plans arrange their repatriation, but that things, which assesstothem on to whether not the opportunity to obscure their and facesdecide in order protector their they willapproval. be provided supplies. Indonesia is for currently to grant The with process has been criticized being identity. Not only were the five suspects in this press conferoverly bureaucratic. anticipating mass arrivals of Indonesians abroad, particularly ence unmasked, this was also a rare occurrence in which the those seeking to leave Malaysia as it enforces its movement press conference took place outside of a police station. Indonesia’s which the highest number control ordercapital (MCO),Jakarta, as well as crew has members of international of confirmed COVID-19 cases, become the cruise ships looking to return home isas set sometocruise lines halt The press conference tookofficially place justenforce a day after a clip of showcountry’s first region PSBB. this their operations. For to the latter, their return willAslikely be ing locals “sweeping” the streets in the area for cases any susofindiafternoon, the city 1,395 the through Ngurah Rai,reports Muhadjir said,confirmed adding that there are viduals went viral over the coronavirus, 133weekend. deaths and 69 recoveries. about 11,000including Indonesian crew members abroad. As of The video was a follow up from another video showing a male yesterday afternoon, Bali has recorded 19 positive foreigner almost his reported phone swiped while hanging out Bali, for its part, having has far 43 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Thisso includes two deaths of foreignCOVID-19 nationals with his including friends on 19 Kuta’s Poppies and Streettwo went viral last Friday. cases, recoveries deaths of foreign and four recoveries. ( 01 04 2020) nationals. ( 07/04/2020)

22 Tourism Minister Denies ban Baliall Streets Are Covered In Cow Dungfurther After Attack Aussie Senator Indonesia to temporarily temporarily ban all foreign arrivals transits to curb curb further spread From of coronavirus coronavirus Indonesia to foreign arrivals, transits to spread of Indonesia’s Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno has condemned JAKARTA Indonesia will temporarily ban all visits and transits the comments of anwill Australian senator suggested that JAKARTA -- Indonesia temporarily ban allwho visits and transits by Bali’s streets areto fullthe of country cowcountry dung. by foreign nationals to the to the curbfurther the further foreign nationals to curb spreadspread of the coronavirus. “President“President (Joko) sees(Joko) that oursees current to of the coronavirus. thatpolicy our needs current Pauline Hanson, abe controversial political in Australia, be madeneeds stricter.toWe have decided that all visits and tranpolicy made stricter. We figure have decided that addressed parliament Indonesia’s current outbreak of sits by foreign nationals to Indonesia will temporarily be banned,” all visits and transits about by foreign nationals to Indonesia will foot andMinister mouth Retno disease. Her speech, peppered with herminisusuForeign Marsudi told reporters after a virtual temporarily be banned,” that Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi told al expletives, suggested streets are filled with31). cow ters’ meeting with President JokoBali’s Widodo on Tuesday (March reporters a virtual ministers’ meeting with President Joko dung that after people are walking through constantly. Widodo on Tuesday (March 31). Exceptions to the ban include those with work permits as well While foot and disease can be transmitted through as diplomats, Ms mouth Retno added, stressing that proper health protomud and dung infected with thethose virus, Bali’s streets are far Exceptions to the ban include with permits as cols will still apply. President Joko said before the work ministers’ meeting from covered in cowMsdung. Agricultural authorities inproper Bali, well as diplomats, Retno added, stressing that that Indonesia is stepping up measures to limit mobility among its along with farmers and rural communities are working hard health still apply. President Joko said spread before also the citizens within thewill country, but threats of coronavirus to curb protocols the outbreak. come from meeting overseas.that Mr Joko pointedisout specifically that the epiministers’ Indonesia stepping up measures to centres of has the among pandemic shifted to the States and Eulimit mobility itshave citizens within theUnited country, but to threats Australia implemented new screening measures prerope. of coronavirus spread also come from overseas. Mr Joko vent the virus from reaching Australian pastures and has launched an AUD 14 million package. Indone- licly condemned Hanson’s comments and denied any accurapointed out specifically that support the epicentres ofWhile the pandemic In Indonesia, Jakarta is the epicentre of the in country’s coronavirus to Jakarta, her statements. He reposted a comedy skit made by sia’s differ many ways from cy from the crews epicentre of the outbreak, return havepractices shifted tofor thekeeping United livestock States and Europe. 11,838 Indonesian working for country’s 80 cruise ships, as per data crisis, accounting for nearly half ofconcern the 1,414 confirmed cases. There Australian-Indonesian digital creator Damian Hoo. Australia’s and there has been that the local response home. The government is preparing regulations that would gathered so far,” Ms Retno added. arethe 122outbreak deaths from the disease by the coronavito is aCovid-19, little slower than caused ideal, Hanson’s commakewrote it possible andsenator other coronavirus red zones In Indonesia, Jakarta theas epicentre of the country’s ‘What for an Jakarta Australian @senatorpaulinehanrus, in have Indonesia so far,isthe highest in South-east Asia. in the Uno ments been received not only misguided butStay ascoronabaseShe said the government is implementing proper health protocols at to be put under an “area quarantine”, a term observers see as virus crisis, accounting for nearly half of the 1,414 confirmed son said is not based on facts. I firmly and straightforwardly knowand withoffensive. e-mail alerts. “Practically all nations have put in place limits less airports, seaports, borderBali, check on returning countryequivalent to a lockdown, which would stop flowsofofIndonepeople you to never insult thepoints icon andthese the heart cases. There are 122with deaths Covid-19, the dependdisease tell on the flow of travellers varyingfrom (degree of) strictness men. Mr onI’dMonday Indonesia needs stronger measures like tosaid thank Mr. Damian Hoo (@hooingoingtourism. in Joko and out. In her Hanson said in ‘ and Bali is not like other caused by respective the coronavirus, Indonesia soinfar, thecountries… highestMs in sia’s ing on speech, the situation condition each country,” to limit mobility after receiving reports that thousands of workers in theworld) an Australian citizen who directly broke the Senacattle sh*t theStay ground, walke-mail in thatalerts. sh*t,“Practically that sh*t Retno said. on South-east Asia. in thepeople know with Jakarta and its surrounding areas have returned to their home towns tor’s statement. Bali has now risen and the work field has isallthen bought back on their clothing and on their person and Coordinating maritime affairs and investment minister Luhut nations have put in place limits on the flow of travellers after losing most or all of their income amid the coronavirus outcreated again. Do not disturb the calm, let alone our back into thishave country’. She posted a snippet of her speech on been Their policies alsoof) impacted Indonesians living many Pandjaitanrecovery said in with a video message with varying (degree strictness depending onoverseas, the respective break. untrue speech.’ on Tuesday that the her Instagram page andreturned the posthome has been commented onhead by economic of whom have recently or are preparing to government would take the decision within this week, situation and condition in each country,” Ms Retno said. over people, are condemning her achome.35,000 According to Ms many Retno, of thewhom two largest groups of homebound stressing however Indonesia would useinfections the termaslockdown. Minister Uno went on to of write in a of more informal tone ‘Hey, There have been concerns a spread people from cusations. Many simply laugh at her misidentifying Bali as a Indonesians are Indonesian migrant workers from Malaysia as well FYI Bali the is not a country..must not have been an IPS [social Jakarta, epicentre of the country’s outbreak, return home. The Their policies have also impacted Indonesians living overseas, country, since is an island of Indonesia. as Indonesians working as crews on cruise ships. kid. time issue check Mr Google. Thank youdecree suksgovernment isNext preparing regulations that wouldemergency make it possible for Indonesia would also afirst presidential many of whom have recently returned home or are preparing science] One suchhome. commenter wastoMarvin Sulistio, news anchor for ma’. Jakarta and other coronavirus red zones to be put under an “area to head According Ms Retno, the abeen two largest groups “The inflow traffic from these two groups has far larger than that would allow the government to have an annual budget Metro TV who wrote ‘Pardonare meIndonesian Madame senator, it’s quarantine”, a term see– currently as equivalent to a lockdown, deficit of larger thanobservers 3 per cent not allowed by the of homebound Indonesians migrantthink workers normal,” Ms Retno “In terms of size, the number Indone- While is video is flows targeted to discredit Hanson’s statements, it not appropriate tosaid. mention nor judge Bali based on of whatever which would stop of people going in and out. ( existing laws – so that it could stand spendinmore to deploy cash, from Malaysia as well as Indonesians working as crews on sians living and working in Malaysia exceeds 1 million. And there are is not advisable to intentionally cow dung in Bali at sources you recalled before. We welcome you to Indonesia- 01/04/2020) especially to the are poorest the country. This cruise ships. time. Travelers beingpopulation reminded toindisinfect their shoes especially the city of Bali, to experience the true value of my this exemption would apply for three and years, before a normal traveling home to Australia if they are unable to hometown. In addition to calm the fiasco-Bali is not a coun- before Bali plans to hold Nyepi-like observance to curb COVID-19 spread theirofshoes it isbebeing advised travelers threshold 3 perthroughly cent would reinstalled forthat 2023 annual “TheIndonesia inflow traffic from twocountry groups and has been far larger try, is and we these love our its cities. Each clean their shoes behind. These simple precautions help supand single of them’. budget year. than normal,” Ms Retno said.Adat, “In terms of size, village the number of leave Bali every province’s Majelis Desa or traditional council, port the efforts already being undertaken by Bali’s agricultural Indonesians living and in Malaysia exceeds 1later million. says there are plans to working hold a Nyepi-like observance this sector to halt the spread of the virus in cattle. The Indonesian Minister for Tourism Sandiaga Uno pub- “(Finance Minister) Sri Mulyani is currently making her calculation. And there are 11,838 Indonesian working for has 80 cruise month as part of an effort to curb crews the spread of COVID-19 on ships, as per data gathered so far,” Ms Retno added. the island, with the final decision set to be announced tomor- What if we give the bottom 40 per cent or 20 per cent direct Bali Airport Implements Screening Measures For Monkeypox cash handouts. It is being thoroughly calculated,” Mr Luhut row. said. President saidallon Monday that overthethe past of eight She said the government is implementing proper health Denpasar Class I Joko KKP and airlines to anticipate spread the days alone, 876 buses had transported about 14,000 people protocols at airports, seaports, border check points on these monkeypox virus. The council’s chief, Ida Panglingsir Agung Putra Sukahet, told returning countrymen. Mr Joko Monday saidforIndonesia Tribun yesterday that nothing hasonbeen decided the time in Greater Jakarta back to their home towns, mostly in West toldCentral local reporters ‘Currently, there several issues that Java, Java, Yogyakarta and are East Java health provinces. needs stronger measures to limit mobility after first. receiving He being, as authorities would need to hold a meeting reports that thousands of workers in Jakarta and its surrounding have become the world’s concern, such as [foot and mouth disease] and Monkeypox. We certainly continue to coordinate intensively with Others had taken the trains and ships home, he added. These areas have returned to their towns after losing most or relevant “We will decide on April 8. If home it’s going to happen we will issue stakeholders such as the Port Health Office (KKP), the Agriare mostly daily-rated workers such as push-cart sellers, all of their income amid the coronavirus outbreak. an official circular from the traditional village council,” Agung cultural Quarantine Center, and the National Disaster food Management in what is termed the informal sector of the economy. Agency (BNPB)’. Putra was quoted as saying. There have been concerns of a spread of infections as people ( 01 04 2020) The observance, locally referred to as sipeng, will only man- Heryudhitiawan explained the new screening measures in place. He said his teams are ‘supporting facilities to prevent the transmission date people home for three consecutive and Bali sthat The Nusastay Duaatimproves safety measuresdays amid pandemic of these diseases such as placing thermo scanners at the door of will not follow the exact same rules as the Balinese Day of arrivals important inform the publicdisinfectant way ahead of theat acand to departures, as general well as laying carpets evSilence, according to reports. tualentry dates. doesn’t seem so abrupt.” “So will there be andSo exitit of the passenger area’. State-owned enterprise Indonesia Tourism Development ery Corporation (ITDC) is implementing safety measures to help provision of food from the government?” Ordinarily, Nyepi of encourages by prohibiting ac- The new screening measures cause minimal disruption to passenstop the spread COVID-19 self-reflection at tourist destination The Nusa gers’ experience at Bali Airport. Heryudhitiawan confirmed that tivities such as lighting a fire, working, and traveling or going “Those who have plenty of money from monthly salary have Dua in Bali. I Gusti Ngurah Ardita, managing director of The these measures are precautionary and that there have been no speout, among others. The planned sipeng, however, would only it good as they can simply up, but what can we do when Nusa Dua,has toldimplemented Antara news agencymeasures that a letter Bali Airport screening to helphad haltbeen the cial policies or warnings putstock in place regarding Monkeypox. He prohibit people from leaving homes. transmission of Monkey Pox. Thetheir virus has not been in Bali, we depend on daily by income. it were towehappen fortofour days his statement sayingIf‘However, continue strive to sent to tenants, urging them to provide handdetected sanitizers and closed but as cases slowly increase worldwide, are keentoilets, to be ensure that passengers pleaseservices think it so further wisely.” can fly healthily and safely’. regularly spray disinfectant in publicauthorities areas, including proactive in halting any have potential spread. While official details notshuttle been announced, news of sip- According to the World Health Organisation Monkeypox can be pray rooms, ATM booths and buses. eng quickly made its rounds on social media, showcasing di- transmitted from human to human as a result of close contact with As of yesterday afternoon, Balisaliva) confirmed additional The Head of the among Bali Provincial Health Office, Dr. I Nyoman Gede respiratory secretions (breath and as welleight as close contact vided opinions locala circular residents. Prompted by provincial concerns “This is in accordance letter fromhave Bali’s cases ofinfected COVID-19, bringing the island’s total to 43. This inAnom, confirmed to localwith reporters that his teams coordinated with the skin lesions and blisters caused by the virus. over COVID-19,onsom e are supportive ofsanitation the initiative, while administration improving hygiene and to combat with I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport and the Denpasar Class cludes 19 recoveries and two deaths of foreign nationals. question how people are toare meet Iothers Portvirus,” Health Office on the 6that August 2022.Dua The meeting led daily to a The installation of07/04/2020) disinfection mats at Bali Airport is a simple but the he said. Tenants Theexpected Nusa alsotheir required ( needs should observance take place. “I visitors agree,screening but shared understanding as to the of importance ofand increased to check the the temperature all staff and it’s to effective way to reduce the risk of foot and mouth disease spreading measures which has led to the installation of screening tools to de- across borders. Foot and Mouth disease is a virus that affects aniroutinely clean sites. in A crisis center has been set up for 30.45 percent since February. “We hope the pandemic will Thousands oftheir workers Bali on unpaid more tect any potential monkeypox cases arriving in Bali. leave, hundreds mals with laid clovenoff feet, like cows, pigs, goats, and sheep. Officials in guests, with services that include delivery to the nearest Australia end soonareand tourismthat in Bali can said Ardita. concerned thepretty virusimprove,” could facing cause AUD 80 billion in much the same condiLocal authorities in Balicheck-ups are reporting of workers having “Everywhere [in Indonesia] is hospital and routine withhundreds health agencies. The Manager I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Heryud- damages to theknow agricultural sector found onBagus Australian shores.who tion. We don’t when this will ifend,” Ida Oka Dirga, lost General their jobs due toofthe COVID-19 outbreak andHandy its subsequent hitiawan, also that his teams have coordinated withbeen the On Tuesday, Bali said. declared a state of emergency by imposing heads the agency, impacts on theconfirmed tourism industry, while thousands more have Ardita added The without Nusa Dua’s instructed to staythat at home pay. employees have been stricter measures on visitors in an effort to curb the spread of working from home from March 16,hike except for securityuntil and 2023: Komodo National Park price postponed Official | Coconuts He added that in Badung, more to than 6,000 workers 78 comCOVID-19 as cases continue climb with local from transmission panies haveWith beenthe instructed at home and given between 50 cleaning staff, who have been equipped with protective gear detected. status, to thestay resort island will tighten checks Park. sitesalary. famous for its dragons in the park to 70 National percent of theirAnother minimum and follow physical distancing measures while on duty. As of modo at entrance gates and enforce a 14-day self-quarantine for all Rinca Island. The park also includes 26 smaller islands. March 26, the occupancy rate at The Nusa Dua had dropped ispeople entering the hotels island.empty, ( 01will 04 burden 2020) “Right the of course workers For thenow, timewith being, Sony said, domestic travelers can still pay

the operational cost. That’s they have instructed them to stay IDR75,000 (about US$5) perwhy person to enter Komodo Island and

home.coronavirus However, weinternational do hope they won’t be off to [these workDenpasar mayor urges city residents to stay at home amid outbreak Padar Island, while travelers arelaying required pay double

The Mayor of Denpasar yesterday urged the city’s residents to refrain from returning to their hometowns and stay at home instead, as part of an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Bali. “I am asking all residents living in Denpasar for the time being do not go anywhere, including to go to your hometown, stay at your as respective [instead] to told break on In Denpasar, many as homes 2,975 workers were to the staychain at home COVID-19 , as 53 quoted by were statelaid news agency without pay spread,” while another workers off, the city’sAntara. spokes-

Gedethat Rai some told Kompas, adding workers were(rememfrom 37 Inman a move might say not isthat not the really surprising different companies. ber the of Borobudur temple the proposed price hike forparts KoMany those who live saga?), in Denpasar hail from different modo National bethe postponed until nextthe year amidand brouhaha of the island Park and will even country. With social physi“It’s becausethe there is a lack of guests and hotels are not operating,” surrounding police. cal distancing Gede Rai said. advisory in place and the option to return to

their family homes might make sense financially, officials fear

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) provincial government’s Tourism Agency it might contribute to furtherinspread of COVID-19. For the time being, authorities Denpasar are reportedly planning Chief Zeth Sony Libing told reporters yesterday that the proposed a social protection strategy for these workers, including through Inentry fee of IDR3.75 million (US$250) – which would be forlaunched an andonesian government’s pre-employment which According to Denpasar government’s,cards, there areonwas currently 96 nual pass – originally into effect Aug. 1 has last month. The cards,scheduled which aimtotocome aid job seekers and unemployed people under monitoring in the city, along with two patients been postponed until Jan. 1 next workers, grant them access and year. funding to various trainings.

ers],” I Made Badra, who heads the Tourism Agency in Badung, told that amount. Tribun.

Sony explained that President Joko Widodo himself suggested the Bali hotels roll out cheap promos or shut to survive coronapostponement, while the agency also took in advice from various virus outbreak figures in NTT’s West Manggarai Regency. Separately, Tourism and Creative Ministerinclude Sandiaga Uno The Bali Hotel Association (BHA), Economy whose members general said in his weekly briefing yesterday thathotels the government managers of over press 100 four-star and five-star and resortswill in keep on accommodations a solution to simultaneously ensure thathave ecoBali, on saidworking that most and restaurants in Bali opted recovery to temporarily close for at least onedragons month. could go hand in nomic and conservation of the hand. “At this time, almost all hotels and restaurants in Bali are closed temporarily one to two we monitor the most upand to As previouslyfor reported, amidmonths, ongoingas protests from local guides date situation,” BHAfollowing chairman Madefee Ricky Putra told tourism associations anIentry hike Darmika for the two main isstate of news agency AntaraPark, yesterday. lands Komodo National the House of Representatives (DPR) asked the central government to reconsider the plan. Ricky also responded to circulating information that many hotels in Last week, Dede Yusuf, the deputy chairreports of DPR’s Commission Bali are up for sale, clarifying that those are false. In addi-X overseeing tourism affairs, said parliament was never consulted tion, he explained how hotels that are still open have less than 10 about theoccupancy new pricerates, policy,while which covers the islands of cut Komodo and percent most restaurants have their op“Our success in breaking the chain of coronavirus spread Padar. erational hours short.

under observation and two more who have tested positive for requires discipline and cooperation from everyone, not only the An op-ed featured on The Conversation stronglytothe criticized Komodo Meanwhile, some hotels are still attract potential government, butother also the public in seeking heeding instructions customers, and are rolling out cheap promotions on long-term National Park’s management, highlighting the park’s and suggestions from officials,” Rai Mantra week, a stays. One Lv8, a hotel in Canggu, which ed tourism, minimum measures, and neglect of offers locals nurse whoexample testedisconservation positive for located COVID-19 reportedly went a one-month stay fee starting from IDR8million (US$481). For main perwho depend on community-based tourism, after their previous home tothe Tabanan regency, prompting officialsIDR800K-1 to trace milher spective, hotel’s normal daily sources of income, agriculture, wasrate set ranges aside infrom favor of the growing close( contacts immediately. lion. 07/04/2020)

the numbers novel coronavirus. Across Bali, the number of posi“The NTT provincial government is giving atotal dispensation ofof five The are even higher in Badung regency, where some the months, [in other words] the old to enter and tive COVID-19 cases stand atprices 10 as of yesterday afternoon, island’s most popular hotels and restaurants areKomodo located.Island An official Padar Island are deaths stillIndustry in effect,” he Manpower said. from the regency’s and Agency Tribun including two of foreign nationals, whiletold a total of yes141 terday thathave 198 been workers have been off as of April most of patients placed underlaid observation, as 4,per data whom were employed in the tourism sector. Komodo Island and Padar Island are the two biggest islands of Kofrom the provincial government.

tourism industry.







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Alternative Voice ost in a



ea of Anomie

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ay you live in interesting times , runs the apochryphal hinese curse. hatever the source, e all get the meaning ell enough. n act, the closest the hinese have to this saying is ...better to live as a dog in a time o peace, than a human in time o ar . Not uite the sa e thing at all.

degree. And not only that, the pace of this evolution has become turbo-charged. We hold the solution to our existing problems and any other problems we may create for ourselve in our own hands. We have or can nd the solutions, if only we have the will and the foresight. That’s a big if... but it’s do-able.

Whatever the case, we are living at a time of unparalleled wealth, scienti c, educational and medical advancement in a world, which in relative terms, has never been so peaceful. And yet there is a great sense of unease abroad in the world today. Why is that?

Nationalism has had a bad rap over the last 150 years, being blamed for an awful lot of bloodshed. And it’s true. Nevertheless, until nations can devolve suf cient power to their citizens allowing the state to progressively cede powers to larger groupings, leading eventually to some form of federated world government, we shall need to make do with them as best we can.

Another big reason for it is inequality. The world may be richer than ever before but most of us struggle increasingly hard to even maintain our lot. Something is amiss. We know the globalisation of markets has created enrormous wealth for the few but we now see that this wealth does not lter down to the rest of us, although we are the ones who paid for it. Not only does globalisation only enrich the few but we now know that even when it works, it is economically unsustainable to the extent that it becomes a threat to world peace, as nations seek to protect themselves from its malign effects.

And beyond this there lies one other cause for such existential unease. What of our post-human future? Certain of our most admired scientists and thinkers seriously warn us of the possibility that the human race can be subsumed or destroyed by our computers. Either that or an advanced cyber-human elite will lord it over us as a subclass of awed original humans in service to them. That is... if we have not been made redundant’ and cease to be. None of this is writ in stone, but be in no doubt, it is a real possibility. That said, in a very short time, some 150,000 years, we humans evolved culturally and socially to an extraordinary

Take war, for example. Throughout the 20th Century our world was militarised as never before. If a country was at war it meant every able man or woman was conscripted to ght or work in factories. Not only that, all civilians including children and the aged were targets too. Today the concept of the nation in arms no longer works. People won’t do it any more. The state must now rely on a small number of paid volunteers to bear arms plus technicians to man the fearsome arsenals they maintain. That people are patriotic is not a bad thing, when it means love of country and one’s community. Being patriotic no longer means that you have to buy into someone telling you to hate, ght and kill somebody you don’t know and who never did you any harm.

The obvious reason that springs to mind would be global warming. I think most of us get it that unless the problem of climate change is effectively addressed very soon, and as yet there’s no sign of that , we will be facing an uncomfortable future.

As a result political populism is alive and well, playing to the lowest common denominator in a race to the bottom. It is hard to see hope for improvement from our politicians of any stripe, in thrall as they are to the seriously rich. How can we look to them when we see all the promise of technology for a better world is co-opted and turned against us?

see to that, but both can be overcome.

For any of this to come to pass it is necessary for us to believe it can be done and to take what action we can to make it happen. What we do may or may not amount to very much, depending upon circumstance and inclination. The rst step is to think it through, coming to the realisation that something of the kind is badly needed and take it from there.

One thing is for sure, if we are to succeed, we are going to have think big and not allow vested interests to stand in our way. And, for that to happen we have to re-assert the rights of the commons. Re-invigorate the concept of citizenship, with it’s rights and obligations. We need to order our societies to honour those who serve the community, not those who enrich themselves at its expense. There is already enough talent and wealth in the world for all its people to be housed, educated and cared for medically throughout their lives. It would certainly help if there were fewer of us and there are non-dictatorial ways for that to happen naturally. People could enjoy as much leisure time as they work, in other words the sale of labour would not be a necessity. Government would be devolved as much as possible so communities would regulate themselves to a far greater degree. There can still be wealthy people, but no one need be disadvantaged by them since ultimately wealth and property would revert to the commons. Organising societies in such a way is not idle utopianism. There is nothing impossible about any of it. That does not mean it will be easy to do. Custom and vested interests will

There is enormous power in the weight of a consensus whose time has come. Taking an interest and informing yourself on the issues involved will almost certainly lead you to connect with other people, who are also thinking along these lines. This helps lessen the feeling of powerlessness that can so easily overwhelm us. If you have a vote, use it. No need to agonise or play politics. It is very simple. Go single issue. Just make climate change or homelessness the sole criteria and vote for whoever’s going to really do something about it. If enough of us do that the pols will take note and things will change. It’s true, we get the politicians we deserve. At the end of the day, there is no opting out. Each of us is here for the duration. One way or another, we’re involved.



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For SaleSale; Midea -monitor Chest Sale : ;Used black I pad Moving PC Freezer 100 l 32GB WDH mini, WiFi ONLY. AOC 19 inch. Very good 64;47;80cm good 3.000.000 condition Good condition condition. Price Rp. 11,6 million all normal working; IDR. Contact Alison mio via (nego). iPhone 5S comes idr Please Kindly Check On-: WhatsApp or local phone Site Tepi Sawah Area with Bebek box only. Please WA for 62-0813-3779-5632 -details Peliatan Ubud. Contact 081 2381 5292. Weem 081 123Away 3172.: Does Free / To Give anyone haveSale: any useFishing for old Garage For Sale ; New Optimum handphones, computers, equipment complete with Aria Energy Cooker KTW cameras, electronic gadgets bag. Rp.double 400.000. Samsung 1324M, burner with & accessories, electric, elecvitro andgrey touchcolor, panfridgeceramic 1 door, tronic cables & connectors? el, 230V, price IDR need functioning, to replace some the door Some not. 3,000,000, detail pls contact rubber use seal.forRp. 400.000. Could spare parts. Eko M - whatsapp 08214 WA 0878 5365 3684. Canon printer IP2770, good 7780 827 email mynameicondition. Rp. 500.000. For Sale; Electronic receiver Epson printer dot matrix LXMarantz made in Japan, For Sale Rp. ; Used600.000. TL-MR3020 300-II, All type SR 9600 good Portable 3G/4G Wireless N prices are negotiable. Can condition used) ask Router and(rare Netgear Rangesend WPN824N picture as requested. 2.800.000 rupiah. Feature Max - wireless Contact 08123815292. FM radio, ampli er, home router - WA 802.11b/g/n, like Bukit Ungasan. cinema. for new, pricePlsforcontact both IDR 350,000, please contact Eko picture ph/WA 0819 9960 M Whatsapp 2879. Denpasar. For- Sale; Toilet0821 Toto 4778 wall 0827 email mynameisechom@ hanging, white color, For Sale; Yamaha AX500 condition like new. made in Japan, sales Rp.850.000. Toilet only. For Sale; Yamaha AX500 1.750.000. Please contact made in Japan, sales Contact 0813 4748. 0819 9960 28793863 for picture 1.750.000. Please contact Nodetails. photos.Denpasar. Kerobokan. ad 0819 9960 2879 for picture ad details.LED Denpasar. For TV HP Samsung For Sale; Sale; Printer Desk40” (Model : UA40EH5000MJet Ink Advantage 2135”. For Sale; LED TV Samsung XXD) and 1 set Home Print, copy,: UA40EH5000Mscan. Good con40” (Model Theatre Panasonic Model XXD) and 1 set Home dition. Rp.450.000. Call: SA-XH330. Kebo Iwa area. Theatre Panasonic Model 0878 1405 0607. Denpasar Barat. Contact SA-XH330. Kebo Iwa area. 0818 0563 8108. Denpasar Barat. Contact For Sale; 0818 0563 Canon 8108. Ixus 980. For Samsung Notebook 14.7Sale; Megapixel. SD HC 9 (foldable) 9.000.000 For Sale; Samsung Notebook Card 4GB. 3Rpspare akku. negotiable. Intel i3 2.40 9 (foldable)Best Rp 9.000.000 Charger. condition. GHz, RAM 8GB DDR4, negotiable. i3 SSD 2.40 $90. PleaseIntel contact 081 256GB, included GHz, RAMS-Pen 8GB DDR4, SSD 2395 1444. (stylus), pen & touch included capable, 256GB, S-Pen free laptop If interested (stylus), penbag. & touch capable, For laptop Sale; Aowa induction don’t hesitate to Ifcontact me free bag. interested through +62 878 6103 don’t hesitate to contact me cooker &here cooking equipment 9648. (WA available.) through here +62 878 6103 set. Rheem electric rapid 9648. (WA available.) hot water system 125 lt. For For Sale; 2 webcameras photos & details contact WA For 2 as webcameras (MS Sale; and HP) new. For 0878 6116 3056. (MS andRp. HP) asSanur. new. For 300.00 Please contact 300.00 Rp. Please contact 081 2395 1444. Denpasar. 081 Denpasar. For 2395 Sale;1444. Coffee machine For Sale; Canon Ixus 980. from Europe. Rp. 250,000. For Sale; Canon Ixus 980. 14.7 Megapixel. SD WA me 08193 300 1547.HC 14.7 Megapixel. SD akku. HC Card 4GB. 3 spare Card 4GB. 3 spare akku. Charger. Best condition. For Sale ; Best New Optimum Charger. condition. $110. Please contact 081 $110. Please Cooker contact KTW 081 Aria Energy 2395 1444. 2395 1444. 1324M, double burner with vitro ceramic and touchunder panFor Sale; GoPro2 For Sale; GoPro2 under water camera price with lotsIDR of el, 230V, water camera with lots of accessories. For whe whole 3,000,000, detail pls contact accessories. For whe whole lot $M 130. Call Michael Michael 081 Eko$ - Whatsapp 08214 lot 130. Call 081 2395 1444. 1444. 2395 7780 827 email For Sale; Sale; Canon Canon Under Under For water Housing Housing WP-DC27. WP-DC27. water For Sale As new. ; Used 40m TL-MR3020 waterproof. As new. 40m waterproof. Portable Wireless N 500k Rp.3G/4G Pls call Michael 081 2395 1444. Router and Netgear RangeMax WPN824N - wireless For Canon Ixus router Sale; - 802.11b/g/n, like 275HS. 12x Optival Zoom. new, price for both IDR Full HD Wi-Fi. Very good 350,000, please contact with Eko condition. comes M - Whatsapp 4778 charger. 1.5 mio 0821 Rp. Please call 081 2395 1444. 0827Michael email mynameisechom@ Denpasar. Denpasar.

For Sale; Sale; Informa iron and/ Sale; 3 2 new round For seats jacuzzi glass dining table. garden lights diameter 20cm pump 1500W lter Hayward. 150x90cm. Good condition, hallogen, black color, never Sale for USD 2,000. Like already use, new disassembled. price each new. Contact Agus 700rb. Please Kat at0813 081 US$330, now WA Rp. 1.2 million 2386 6868 for more info and 3852 each.4225. Include transformer. pictures. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For Sale; Intelligent Voice. For Sale; Informa 4-door Passief 4 ohm 60 watt with wardrobe. For Sale;290x59.5x220cm. New original mounting bracket. Bought Good condition, already diskarcher terrace cleaner incl. for Rp.5.2 parts. million. Sell for assembled. Please WA Kat all original Parts No. K Rp. 3.5juta. You testinfo in 081 2386 6868 forcan more 004111 Never used. This is and pictures. Lovina. Photos a additional part toavailable. the high pressure cleaner machine. Whatsapp 0813 3739 8257. For SalePh : Sulawesi Rp.1,5jt. 0813 3863Ebony 4748. chest L. 125 cm W. 50 cm H. For Sale; 2 lawn mowers, 1 60 Price : 3 jt Java Please WA Forcm Sale; Antique bench is 5 years jt,9046 one isfor 1 me +62 old 8231.25 3889 fullyat restoration 2m long. year old paid 5jt sell 3.25jt photos Very nice wood carving, very WA 859 6426 good+62 condition. Rp.1518. 5 jt. Tlp For Sale; Antique bench 0813 3863 4748. Java No photos. fully Sale. restoration long.y For White2mUWin Very nice motorbike. wood carving, very For Sale; Old wood carving electric 50km good condition. Rp. 5 jt. Tlp diver. Size kmph. very decorative. range/60 Portable 0813 4748.toNo300.000 photos. Price 3863 100.000 charger included. Only one Rp. No photos. Call 0813 year old. 12 wood juta. Contact For carving 3863Sale; 4748.Old Kerobokan. me on WhatsApp +62 857 diver. Size very decorative. 3896 2585 or email Price 100.000 to kuerten300.000 For Sale; Plexi glass writing Rp. No photos. Call 0813 table modern designs. Size: 3863 W 1,34748. m X DKerobokan. 0.7 m. I bring it fromSale Europe new. Price 850 For ; Stanley London For Sale; Plexi glass writing Euro. Now: 3,5 Jt. Tel 0813 1917 brass sextant. For pics table designs. Size: 3863 modern 4748. Kerobokan. and pls0.7call W 1,3price mXD m. IMichael bring it 081 2395 1444. from Price free 850 For Europe Sale; new. 4 used

For skate shoes, Sale Roller :Rarity 1 new go For Sale; Sale; 70racing year old good EZ Still for the kart w/condition. Honda 275cc motor. Bezar Compass. in kids tocondition. learn to roller skatePhotos contact 081collec756 good For size 28, for 4-5 year 2 tors only. Sanur. Please 7630. wheels that convert to norMichael 081 2395 1444. mal sport shoes-blinky lights Quick Fire Sale: 3 X Evinrude with pink/black color. AweEtecSale; Yr 2013 300HP - 2Bag. Unit For Golf Travel some for the kids around the 900 hrs good condition. 1 This Dunlop bag is( OBO). made house. Rp. 100,000 Unit baru < 50 hrs, need from whatsapp: heavy-duty0812 polyester Pics 4651 services. IDR 220 Juta.3887 WA oxford, tough enough to 4976 Eng.or 0813 +61 477788421. Jakarta. 4167 Eng/Indo. protect your clubs whilst traveling. Universal size ts Mares Cruise Backpack Pro For Sale; Surfboard, all clubs, shoes, andshaped balls, by Hallbag of Fame surfer and diving for sale. 128 ltr quality wheels makes your USA surf almost champion, capacity, new,Rocky little trip more comfortable. Two SzabosingleRpn 1.100.000, 9foot long use. Price: carryingEpichandles only board. shape, perfornon-negotiable. Contact WA Rp250,000 to sell. WAperfor: 081 mance designed with 081 2370 7276 for picture or 2391 1499 (English) 0821 mance n. Includes NEW 9ft details. Canggu. leash. Never broken and in 4574 4219 (Indonesia). Photo good shape. Fastest longavailable. For sale: Surfboard- shaped board on island of Bali. Purby Hall of Fame surfer and chased inRp. the50,000 classic, origiFor total for USASale: surf champion, ROCKY nal, Rocky Surf and Sport 200 keychains. Boxn of9foot 200 SZABOsingle surf shop in San Clemente, oatable basketball and soclongboard. shape, Ca. Total Rp.Epic 14.5 million. cer keychains. Whatsapp performance designed This is a classic original.with For pics : +62 813 3887 4167. performance n. Includes picwhatsapp me at 0812 NEW 4976 9ft orleash. never 4651 email: islandFor sale-and F36050 Telescope. broken in good shapeExcellent for kids. fastest longboard on Brand island For Sale; Classic new in box. Rp. 50,000. of Bali. Purchased in7’6”ft the handcrafted thruster surfWhatsapp 0813 3887 4167. classic, original, Rocky Surf board-shaped by legend and Sport surf shop in San surfer / surfboard shaperFor Sale; Ca. Pottery Wheel Clemente, Total 15.5 mil Mark Ellis. 7.5mil rp includes rp. This is a CLASSIC Machine. New. 350W , board cover. Original Clark ORIGINAL.basin For pic me Washable withWA Pedal foam. Never broken.Fastest at 081246514976 or Wheel email: EU Plug big wave gun 220V. on Bali.Perfect Diameter: 24cm. Rotation for Bali’s big reef breaks.

For good Sale;Child Rarebicycle, Mod Seiko For sale: Sale; Kitchen Aid Artisan condition. For children 5-9 kinetic watch mixer mod. 5M42-Ocake /dough in apple years Sell No. for 700.000 E50B5old. serial 70008. green. Almost new Rp 8.5 This watch one of the rst (nego). Canissend photos by million.Contact: JBL Boombox bluekinetic model 250818 years 0688 ago. WA. tooth speakers Rp 6.5 million. Water resistent till 100m. 1419 or normabora@ Price 2.5 jt. 0813 3863 WA +65 9634 8103. 4748. No photos. Kerobokan.

For as Sale: Sleep mask in For Sale; Sale;Baldacci Sofa Books mattress new. The Innocent, The beautiful velvet. Brand shampooblue cleaning machine. Fallen, The Finisher, The new. at NeverNever used.used. Sale Bought price milWinner,The Target. Memory Bali Airport for Rp205,000. lions under our purchase Man. The Excape. Last Deluxe quality. price. Clean yourStill villainorbox. hoMile, The Forgotten, The Travel Blue brand. SellThe for tel sofas and mattresses Guilty, No Man’s Land, Rp100,000. Can send even your customer transFix, End Game, The Hit, photos by us WA. SMS or Evil, WA port vehicle seats and they Deliver from Redemption, are ready to useOne in oneGood hour 081 2398 8979. Sanur. Deed, Control, in mostTotal cases. Spare Long parts Road to Mercy. All for old Rp and Sale; chemicals diversey For Rarityfrom 7019 year 1.2 mio. Fix. Pls contact readilyCompass. available.Still Was IDR Bezar in good Michael 081 2395 1444. IDR 35,000,000 condition. For now collectors 25,000,000. Contact Wapp only. Sanur. PleaseXmas call For Sale; Unusable 0822 2590 0900. Michael 1444 gift box 081 of 2395 oatable sports ball keychains. Team disFor Sale; Sale:no Excellent recently For Baldacci Books as banded, longer need. Rp. serviced Samsung 299,000rp total for 250 new. The Innocent, black The two-doorTheWhatsapp freezer/fridge. keychains. : The +62 Fallen, Finisher, Price3887 Rp4167 6Target. juta. Memory Please 813 Winner,The contact WhatsApp: Man. Theme on Excape. Last For Sale;2806 Stanley London +62 821 1534 or email Mile, The Forgotten, The 1917 brass sextant. For pics Guilty, No Man’s Land, The and price pls call Michael Fix, 2395 End 1444. Game, The Hit, 081 A Bali Collectible for sale! Deliver us from Evil, Remember Pedro and the Redemption, One Siphon Good For Sale; Lacor Flying cream Piano whipper Restaurant? crema 0.5 Deed, Total Control, Long A professionally framed liter photos & RoadNew,1.2jt to Mercy.For All 19 for Rp poster designed by Pedro: details contact WA 0813 1.2 mio. Fix. Pls contact Solidarity3598 withor Burma 3735 email Michael 081 2395 1444 Budhha Peace. Poster is (chefpassione32@gmail. com). behindDenpasar. glass in a gold For Sale; Stanley London frame 58cmx77cm. In great 1917 sextant. Forsale! pics A Balibrass Collectible for condition. Price 1.5 juta. and price pls call Michael Remember Pedro and the Photos available by WA. Flying 081 1444 SMS2395 or Piano WA 081Restaurant? 2398 8979. A professionally framed Sanur. poster designed by long Pedro: For Sale: 20 meter reSolidarity with Burma tractable hot dip galvanized For Sale; Amethyst Cathedral Budhha Peace. Poster is antenna alongspecimen with the a most mast beautiful behind glass in a gold steps. Price:purple Rp. 950.000. with dark crystals. frame 58cmx77cm. In great Call Kadek 0812 77 This mineral would look condition. Price 1.546juta. 5504, . available great as a centerpiece for Photos by or WA. SMS or WA 081Height 2398 8979. a collector. 9.5” Sanur. For Sale Width : 14 pieces meter (24cm), 10.5”(1 (27cm), /Depth 10mm2 each) current 5.5” (13.5cm), Weight For Sale;(16.5lb). Rarity 70Reluctant year old distribution COMB BUSBAR 7.5kg Bezar Compass. Still inpanel good Schneider for Electric sale of only Rp6,100,000. condition. For collectors WhatsApp : bought 081 2391 1499 connection, 150.000 only. Sanur. Please call (English) per piece0821 / 4574 selling4219 at Michael 081 2395 1444. (Indonesia). Photo RP100.000 per available. piece. 08123822412 / ebaroiller@ Various (Mixed Ads) Looking For

Notice Notice Subscribe to Bali Advertiser Subscribe Bali Advertiser for one toyear for only for one year Rp560,000. That’sfor26 only big Rp560,000. That’s big issues delivered by 26 courier to yourdelivered door anywhere in issues by courier Bali for only Rp. 21,500 to your door anywhere in each Call Rp. our of21,500 ce at Bali issue! for only 755 390 or e-mail us each issue! Call our of ceat: at or 755 390 or e-mail us at: visit our website to subscribe or now. Guaranteed delivery! visit our website to subscribe now. Advertiser Guaranteedcon delivery! Bali rms all free Private Classi ed ads. Bali Advertiser all When you sendcon an rms ad, we will contact you. If we are free Private Classi ed ads. unable to contact When you send anyou ad,then we your ad is not printed. will contact you. If we are unable to contact you then Check out the new Search your ad is not printed. tool on our Private Classi ed Ads website page. Check outeasily the new Search You can search for tool on our Private any item you are looking for. Classiin ed Ads website Type your search andpage. click. You can easily search for any item you are looking for. Computer Type in your search and click. For Sale; iMac 27” LED 16,9 Private Classi ed Ads widescreen, never beed used, $2,225. For Sale; Abought unique specimen Toshiba iPod dock. Sony/ of rock found in Madagascar DVD/VCD is sometimestraveling referred tosize as ocean This Lumix piece player. Jasper. Panasonix has green, grey, pocket camera. Forsalmon, photos and milky white colouration. and details contact WA 0878 The white and grey orbs 6116 3056. Sanur. surround a beautiful opening containing green crysFor Sale; latitude has 6540e tals. This Dell specimen a laptop, 15.6, i5-4300M, 64 highly polished front, back, bit, 2.6 GHz,Size 320 GB 8 and base. 7” HDD, (18cm) long, 3” (7.4cm) 1/2” GB RAM, Intel wide, VGA 54600 (14cm) high, 4lbs HD, full HD,DVD RW,(1.8kg) brand weight. Reluctant sale of new battery, too conditions, only Rp5,300,000. IDR 3.900.000. Call What0881 sApp : 081 2391 1499 (Eng0308 9325. Legian. lish) 0821 4574 4219 (Indonesia). Photo available. Building Equipment For Sale; Polygon Quatro cubic bicycle. (alutech 7005 UlFor Sale; Black granite many tralite) 16 gears, soft saddle, small pieces possible used whitewall tyres. All in perfect for oor or wall. for all condition. PhotoPrice available Rp 200.000. Telp 0813What3863 on WA. Rp1,500.000. sApp 0812 3911 499 4748. For Sale; For Sale; Golf Toiletball Toto nding wall glasses, these fashionable hanging, white color, condition glasses allow the player to like new. Rp.850.000. Toilet highlight a white ball if it’s in only. Contact 0813design, 3863 the rough. Unisex 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. lightweight, specially treated UV-coated blue lens, comes with safety pouch. perfection Kitchen condition. Photo available WA. Half price, Rp450,000. For Sale; 0812 Aowa3911 induction WhatsApp 499 cooker & cooking equipment set. electric rapid hot For Rheem Sale; Panasonic cordwater 125 landline lt. For less 2system handset phone &system with WA call photos details contact block,6116 and3056. answering 0878 Sanur. machine, easy to read LDC screen. new condition For Sale;As All ceramic dishes, Rp290,000.0819 WhatsApp 0812 phone/WA 3919 1992. 3911 499 Sanur.

For Sale; Canon For Sale;Samsung Canon Ixus Ixus 310 310 For Sale; Notebook HS. HS. Full Full HD. HD. 12.1 12.1 Mega Mega 9 (foldable) good Rp 9.000.000 pixels. pixels. Very Very good condition. condition. negotiable. Intel i3 akku 2.40 Comes with one Comes with one spare spare akku and charger. 1.5 mio GHz, RAM 8GB DDR4, SSD and charger. 1.5 mio Rp. Rp. Contact 2395 1444. 256GB, 081 S-Pen included Contact 081 2395 1444. (stylus), pen & touch capable, For Sale : 2 webcameras For Sale : bag. 2 webcameras free laptop If interested (MS and HP) as new. For (MS and HP) toascontact new. For don’t hesitate me 300.00 Rp. Please contact 300.00 Rp. Please contact Michael. 081 2395 1444. through here +62 878 6103 Michael. 08123951444. Denpasar 9648. (WA available.). Denpasar

Euro. Now: Jt. Tellights, 0813 standing big3,5 garden 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For Sale; 2 webcameras different types. Approx H: 68cm,and newHP) priceas280$ (MS new.each. For For Sale; 4 used free Very good working condition. 300.00 Rp. Please contact standing garden tolights, Now2395 Rp.big 350.000 Rp. 081 1444. Denpasar. different types. H: 450.000 each. TelpApprox 0813 3863 68cm, new price Kerobokan. 280$ each. 4748. No photos. For Sale;working GoPro2 under Very good condition. water camera with to lotswith of Now Rp. 350.000 Rp. For Sale; Sun lounger 450.000 Telp 0813 3863 accessories. whe whole wheels, each. madeFor from synthetic 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. rattan color : brown/beige. lot $ 110. Call Michael 081 Good condition w/ adjustable 2395 1444. For with backSale; rest.Sun Notlounger the cheap wheels, made from synthetic version. New 3,8 mill, now For Sale; Canon Ixus 310 rattan color0813 : brown/beige. 1,8 million. 3863 4748. HS. HD. w/12.1 Mega GoodFull condition adjustable pixels. Very good condition. back rest. Not the cheap 2 lawn mowers for sale, 1 is Comes one version. New 3,8spare now 5 years with old 1.25 jt,mill, oneakku is 1 and charger. 1.33863 mio4748. Rp. 1,8 0813 yearmillion. old paid 5jt sell 3.25jt Contact WA +62 081 859 2395 6426 1444. 1518. 2 lawn mowers for sale, 1 is 5 years jt, one is For Sale; suar tables &1 2 For Saleold2: 1.25 2 webcameras year old paid IDR 5jt 6jt sell(ONO), 3.25jt suar benches (MS and HP) as new. For WA +62 859 6426 1518. & 2 4 teakwood cupboards 300.00 Rp. Please contact pandora teakwood chests. Michael. 2395 For Sale; 081 2 suar tables1444. & 2 All excellent condition. For Denpasar. suar benches IDR 6jt (ONO), photos & detail contact WA 4 teakwood cupboards & 2 0878 6116 3056. pandora For Sale; teakwood Samsung chests. Galaxy All condition. For Poolexcellent Light perfect Led warm white Note 10.1, condition photos & detail contact WA Hardly used. Rp. 500,000. with S Pen versatility, comes 0878 61162590 3056. WA 0822 with charger,0900. headset, cover/stand, and original For Sale; SG2000 Ultra box, only. Rp500,000 sonic wihydrotherapy home ONO. WhatsApp 2391 spa, (SHIANJI),: 081 second, 1499 0821 Rp 4574 bought(English) in Singapore 14 million, sale for Rp 9 million. 4219 (Indonesia). Photo For photos contact WA 0878 available. 6149 7232. Denpasar. For Sale; Informa 4-door For Sale; Stavolt automatic wardrobe. 290x59.5x220cm. voltage regulator brand: Good condition, already disMatsumoto / Japan, stavolt assembled. Please WA Kat 3000VN. New price after 081 2386 6868 for more info discount Rp. 3.800.000, and pricepictures. now: Rp. 950.000. Very good condition. Telp 0813 3863 4748.Symon Kerobokan. For Sale; oil painting. Original Symon Give Pet painting of aAway Buddha head in green with orange back Looking forGilt loving and stable ground. gold frame home for 2 young, healthy 83cmx90cm. Perfect condition. female local dogs. Great About 20 years old. dispositions. Great with Attractive painting. Attractive people and others dogs and price. Canadopt send both photos by cats. May or just WA. or WA9915 081 1528. 2398 one. SMS Call 0812 Canggu. 8979. Sanur.

Dimensions 11” xSuitable 19” x 13.5” CCW and CW. for For xschool 2.5”. Looking WA 0812 and 4651 4976 teaching Potters. Rp. 4.500.000,- WA. 0812 396 4253, or emailKiln raiindra@ Wanted : Pottery Gas or Looking For 3813 electric. WA +62813 0226 warrenandrobbin@ Looking For : Used / old For Sale; 2 suar tables & 2 dio CB transceiver or any suar benches IDR 6jt (ONO), ham radios. contact Bad backyears of sur &Adi ng. 4 teakwood cupboards 2 Dharma 0851 0085 2778 or Looking for stretch buddies pandora teakwood chests. email adidharma70@gmail. especially if you know how. If All excellent condition. For com. stretching at sunset at the photos & detail contact WA beach sounds good to you 0878 6116 3056. 0813 3739 contact John Looking For ; Aattextiles/fabric 9791 (not WA-normal pulsa) supplier who produces modern Foremail Sale; Ultra or meSG2000 at batik prints on (islandsurf bamboo sonic hydrotherapy home fabric or organic cotton. spa, (SHIANJI), Preferably based insecond, south Are you about to ship a bought in Singapore Rpetc. 14 Bali. Ubud, Denpasar container overseas, million, email sale for Rp 9heading million. Please (bexsolomon@ for the east coastWA of 0878 US/ For photos contact Canada? If you have space 6149 7232. Denpasar. available for a suitcasea Looking For; Original copy of and/or box of miscellaneous For Sale; 1x Lost Guide2 xtospearguns. Bali Lombok items, please contact me! Cressi by Comanche Rail 110 written Michael . Wiling to WA 0821 4783 5711 to pay RpMuzzle 50 000. speargun If signed Closed rp 100spear 000. to with @IDR1,900,000 Looking ForRare. : the Difrstcult HunCall 0822 4072 1415. &nd.1games x CRESSI Geronimo ger book in english Elitemy Memotico 115 Anybody with reel for daughter. Looking For ; An Australian and without and selling please letspear me know. Shepherd or up to/ Thank 082145763675 rubber you @puppy IDR2,900,000. one dog.condition. Alternatively, Both year in good 081 golden husky puppy. 1988 6984 (Daniel). Please contact any info CB by Looking us for for : Old Radio transceiver, or other HF Raemail (contact@miakovacevic. For sale: Child bicycle, good dio. Call 085100852778 adi com). condition. For children 5-9 Dharma, sanur years old. Sell for 700.000 (nego). Can send photos by Painting Painting WA. Contact: 0818 0688 1419 Sale; or normabora@ For Symon oil For Sale; Symon oil painting. Original Symon painting. Original Symon painting of a Buddha head in painting of a Buddha head in For Sale; Beauty Bed green with orange back green with orange back suitable for Spa, Massage, ground. ground. Gilt Gilt gold gold frame frame Clinic, etc. Brand New, still 83cmx90cm. 83cmx90cm. Perfect Perfect condition. condition. fully covered. 190x80cm. About 20 years old. About 20 years old. Perfect condition. 3,5jt. Attractive painting. Attractive painting. Attractive Attractive Whatsapp Picphotos 081 1303 price. Can send by price. Can for send photos by 7686.SMS or WA 081 2398 WA. 8979. Sanur.

For Sale; BeautyDiffuser Bed For Sale: Nebulizing For Sale; for Antique travel trunk, suitable Spa, Massage, for essential oils. Electric more then 100 years old. I Clinic, etc. Brand New, still model with wood base. bring from nice Europe. Size: fully covered. 190x80cm. W=90cm H=60cm D=55cm. Hardly used. Works perfect Perfect condition. 3,5jt. Very decorative good and very nice forand essential Whatsapp for Pic 081 condition. Price 2,5 Jt.1303 Tel oils. Original price 1 juta. 7686. 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. Sell for Rp500,000. ComFor Sale; travel trunk, plete withAntique box and Can For Sale; Palm tree more then 100 years old. Pakis Saji, it’s more unusual send photos by WA. SMS orI bring from Europe. Size: than normal WA 081 2398 palm 8979. tree. Sanur.(1 W=90cm H=60cm D=55cm. item). H 2,50m diameter the Very decorative good top leafs like and umbrella, For Sale ; Baldacci as diameter 3,00m2,5Books included condition. Price Jt. Tel new. The Innocent, The Fallen, roots. It’s very Kerobokan. decorative 0813 3863 4748. price : Rp. 850,000 Tlp. The Finisher, The Winner, 0813 3863 4748. For Palm tree name The Sale; Target, Memory Man, Pakis Saji, it’sLast moreMile, unusual The Escape, The For Sale; Newpalm menstree. watch than normal (1 Forgotten, The Guilty, No breitling crosswind special item). H 2,50m diameter the Man’s copy, Land,not The Fix, End crono original. Incl top leafs like umbrella, original box and manual Game, The3,00m Hit, Deliver us diameter included book. Price Rp. 1.5 jt Tlp from Evil, Redemption, One roots. It’s very decorative 0813 3863 4748. Good :Deed, Total Control, price Rp. 850,000 Tlp. 0813 3863 4748. Long, Road to Mercy, A Minute For Sale; 1 old Tau-Tau original to Midnight,from Saving Sulawesi Faith. All For Sale; New mens watch approx. 80yrs For more 21 for Rp 1.2 old. mio. Fix. Pls breitling crosswind information call 0813special 3863 contact Michael 081 2395 4748 (no SMS). Kerobokan. crono copy, not original. Incl 1444. original box and manual

For Price Sale; Rp. Cappucinno book. 1.5 jt Tlp coffee powder 3 Import For Sale ; A very 0813 3863 4748. in 1.modern from Malaysia, rst quality. 1 translator that will translate pack Sale; including 15 Tau-Tau sachets For 1 old 30 different languages via each 40gr.from Shop price Rp original Sulawesi bluetooth now to your phone. 202.000 Rp 70.000. approx. 80yrs old. For more Just download app-very 0813 3863 4748.the Kerobokan. information call 0813 3863 easy to use. Only Rp500,000 4748 (no SMS). Kerobokan. For Flying soon? One costSale; new 1,5mill. WhatsApp set eye covers and ear plugs : 081 2391 1499 (English) For to makeSale; your tripCappucinno easier. Top coffee powder 3 in 1.(IndoneImport 0821 4574 quality never4219 used. Bought from Malaysia, rstPaid quality.Rp 1 sia).Bali Photo available. at Airport. pack including 15 200,000. sachets 440,000 sell for Rp each 40gr. Shop price Rp Sleep easyFlying with the eyecovFor Sale; soon? One 202.000 now Rp both 70.000. ers and ear plugs, top set eye covers and ear plugs quality3863 and4748. in newKerobokan. condition. 0813 to make yourLuggage trip easier. Top Free Digital Scale quality never used. Bought if you buyFlying tahe eye covers For Sale; soon? One and earcovers plugs! send at eye Bali Airport. Paid Rp set andCan ear plugs photos WA. or Top WA to makeby your tripSMS easier. 440,000 sell for Rp 200,000. 081 2398 8979. Sanur. quality never used. Bought Sleep easy with the eyecovat Bali Airport. Paid Rp ers and Sale: ear plugs, both top For 440,000 sell for RpNebulizing 200,000. quality and new condition. Diffuser forin essential oils. Sleep easy with the eyecovElectric model withScale nice Free Digital Luggage ers and ear plugs, both top wood base.tahe Hardly covers used. if you buy quality and in neweye condition. Works perfect and very nice and ear plugs! Can Scale send Free Digital Luggage for essential oils. Original ifprice you buy tahe eye covers photos by WA. SMS or 1 juta. Sell WA for and ear plugs! Can send 081 2398 8979. Sanur. Rp500,000. Complete with photos WA box andbyall.WA. CanSMS sendorpho081 2398 8979. Sanur. tos by WA. SMS or WA 081 For Sale: Sleep mask in 2398 8979. Sanur. beautifulSale: blue velvet. Brand For Nebulizing new. Sale; Never used. Bought at Diffuser forUnusable essential oils. For xmas Bali box Airport for Rp205,000. gift of model oatable Electric withsports nice ball keychains. Team wood Deluxe base. quality.Hardly Still inused. box. disbanded-no longer need. Works perfect and very nice Travel Blue brand. Sell for Rp. essential 499,000 total Original for 20 for Rp100,000. oils. Can send dozen. Whatsapp : +62 price 1 juta. Sell 813 for photos by WA. SMS or WA 3887 4167. Complete with Rp500,000. 081 2398 8979. Sanur. box and all. Can send phoA Bali Collectible for sale! tos by WA. SMS or WA 081 Remember Pedro and sea the For Sale; king conch 2398 8979.ASanur. Flying Piano Restaurant? shell. This was a sand dwellA professionally framed For Sleep in ing Sale: creature. A bymask predator poster designed Pedro: beautiful blue velvet. Brand feeding on with sea urchins. Solidarity Burma new. Never used. Poster Bought at Budhha Peace. is Weight 1,8kg, Size approx Bali Airport for Rp205,000. behind glass a gold 23 x 18 cm. Only in Rp110,000. Deluxe quality. Still In in great box. frame 58cmx77cm. WhatsApp 081 2391 Travel Blue:Price brand. Sell1499 for condition. 1.5 juta. (English)available 0821Can 4574 4219 Rp100,000. Photos by send WA. (Indonesia). Photo available. photos SMS or WA SMS orby WAWA. 081 2398 8979. Sanur. 081 2398 8979. Sanur.

Various (Mixed Ads) For Sale; Asian antiques Please can someone help us from over Asia (Japan, nd a all large whiteboard for our teaching venue in a antiques poor vilChina, Khmer Thai, For Sale; Asian lage near Lovina. Please Indonesia, from all overetc). Asia Cabinet, (Japan, phone 6328 6584. Thai, China, 0878 Khmer statue paintings, textile, Indonesia, etc).etc.Cabinet, Buddha statue, Private We need paintings, books for poor kids statue collection, bought textile, when to learn environmental issues Buddha statue, etc. Private travelling. No reproduction. in Bahasa Indonesia collection, bought please when. Phone 0878 6328reproduction. 6584 (Lovina Contact 0813 3863 4748. travelling. No area, please ).3863 4748. No No photos. Kerobokan. Contact 0813 photos. Kerobokan. Looking For; Homeschooling For Sale; Single and double group is looking for students For Sale; Soft toys, books sofa recliner, teak massage to join a small groupitems (10) and many more bed, stools, lockers and many of kids homeschooling in the (ONO). All items are rarely more. spa in We Kuta. Very Tanahlot all used. Ex Forarea. photos & are details doing Acellus Academy online. cheap price. All in good conWA 0878 6116 3056. Sanur. If you Please are interested please dition. Whatsapp me call 0821 4593 4107. For Sale; 1 cashier table, 0878 6223 2832 for more de-5 salonand mirror, tails photo.2 ceramic hair Wanted; chair for wash, 3Kneeling cupboard, 12 of ce. Please emailtub,to massage beds, 3 bath 2 Garage sale; Kids water heater, AC 2toyspk, rock1 pk. er/slideTwo 0020. toys Kuta. in oneWA 081 1175 Looking A full toddler set of great forFor the: small adult golf clubs withsold bag. For Sale; 7S, in guys. Rp.iPhone 150,000 total Good condition. Contact locked condition, black color (OBO). Little guy slide, happy Paul 0812 3911, E: Rp. 3with million. iPhone time this and great6 for a 32 GB black colour Rp 3 pool. Rp. 250,000 (OBO). million. Invicta watch for Toddler - clean man Rppotty 2,5 trainer million. CTS and ready go- has removGivetoAway Pet Timepieces watch with gold around with a black able potty bucket for ezleather clean. Puppy Rp for Adoption. Kintamani strap 1,5 OBO. million and 60,000rp total Pics Disney minnie mouse black Mix puppy,0812 male,4651 2 months whatsapp: 4976 and watch with diamonds old, white grayish brown. Contact Eng.or 0813 3887 4167 Eng/ around rp 1 million. Call / WA 081 835 1233. Indo 0878 6120 2818


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Call 0361-755 392 Or our representative:

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Real Estate












* Long Term Rentals *

Tabanan Banjar Batan Wani Desa Kukuh Size 35 are Perfecteac location building yourCottage private villa frontfor and ceanor ie Price Rp. 80 million/are (nego)

illa and lat

ocated in



ombo .

at app/te t/call 281291 8111 or emailme bruce ideoutlombo .com 0859 6905 7546 (owner) NC/RE/F-9 Oct 19


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NC/RE/U-29 Jul 20

NC/Re/P-2 Nov. 18










C/RE/I-11 March 20

House Rent FOR For SALE Muding, Kerobokan 2 units Ruko, land size 2 Are, Price Rp. 4 billion (nego). bedroo (2 AC No 1 108 an)Panjer, 2. bathroo . Address3Jl. Tukad Pakerisan South Denpasar.

ull urnished, upstairs balcon , garden, Contact 081 2388 9191 undercover o street parking 2 living areas, separate dining. aundr ith achine, ull e uipped kitchen, i and Indovision available. the onth or up to 3 onths ith possible e tension. Close to S school, 1 in to era a, Canggu and Se in ak. E ail or

ore in o and photos

ruma tenangbali NC/RE/U-30 Jan 19 NC/RE/U-29 Jul 20

Real Estate


Real Estate


NC/RE/U-26 Feb 20

JIMBARAN and forfor sale,rent hook 12 position, Land are. located road Bypass LocationinJl.main By Pass Ngurah gurah Rai imbaran, are. Rai Kedonganan. 25mt8from Price Rp. 2.2 billion/are JIMBARAN Benoa Square. Contact: (nego). Please call 0813 081 2383 4011. [9001] 38 2420. and for sale, hook position,

Land for rent 12 are. located in main road Bypass Location Jl. By Pass Ngurah gurah 8 are. Land forRai saleimbaran, 2 are located Rai Kedonganan. 25mt from Price Rp. 2.2International billion/are closed to Asian Benoa Square. Contact: (nego). Please call 0813 School Jimbaran. 081 2383 4011. [9001]Contact 38 2420.

081 2394 8595. [9014] Land for sale 2 are located closed to Asian International 2School Storey Jimbaran. house on 340 sqm Contact land for sale closed 081 2394 8595. [9014]to Four

Season Hotel Jimbaran. Sea 2 Storey house on16.500W. 340 sqm view. Electricity land forline, salePDAM, closed building to Four Phone Season Hotel Jimbaran. Sea license. Owner certi cate. view. Electricity 16.500W. 4Phone bedroom + servant room. line, PDAM, building Call 081 2394 8595. license. Owner certi cate. 4 bedroom + servant room. Call 081 2394 8595.


F r sale 00sqm land TABANAN House for located good for rent villa at House for Tabanan. rent Sanggulan 2 a anan Selemadeg Tibubeneng - located orth Sanggulan 1 Tabanan. 2 Berembeng, land area freebedroom. 1 Kuta. ousebathroom. land bedroom. 12. bathroom. 1 deal hold 5400m living roomat and 1 location garage. 335sqm Kedonganliving room and 1resort garage. to make a health or an Kuta. 300 sqm land On On land land 1,25 1,25 are. are. Building Building 2 large luxury villas, close at Temukus Singara a. 80m2. Electricity 1300 80m2. Electricity 1300 watt. watt. to the sea. 0813 Price 385 100k Contact Deep well. Deep well. Gazebo. negotiable. Please contact 2431 Mountain/ & & 0812 rice eld eld 388 view. Mountain rice view. 0813 3809 9318, or email 3319. Monthly or yearly. Contact: Monthly or yearly. Contact: pauline 081 2394 8595. [9013] 081 2394 8595. [9013] TABANAN Land for sale located in Banjar forBeringkit Belayu. Land sale located in Size 6,5 Beringkit are. Price Rp. 100 Banjar Belayu. million/are (nego). Perfect Size 6,5 are. Price Rp. 100 location for building your million/are private villa.(nego). Please Perfect contact location for your owner 0859 building 6905 7546. [9015] private villa. Please contact owner 0859 6905 7546.

Land for sale in Tabanan, riverside 2,8 hectares. Price 10 juta/are. Ph/WA 0813 Land for sale in Tabanan, 3866 2420. [9015]

riverside 2,8 hectares. Price For juta/are. sale or lease. Land 40 10 Ph/WA 0813 are. Road access, rice eld 3866 2420. view. Suitable for villa. Call 0859 6905 7546.

For sale or lease. Land 40 Land for sale in Tabanan, are. Road access, rice eld BanjarSuitable Batan for Wani view. villa.Desa Call Kukuh. Size 35 are, perfect 0859 6905 7546.

location for your building or your private villa. Price Rp Land for sale 70 million / in areTabanan, (nego). Contact Batan owner Wani 0859 Desa 6905 Banjar 7546. Size 35 are, perfect Kukuh.

location for your building or For rent house, minimalist your villa.400 Price Rp style.private Price Rp. million. 70 million / are (nego). Garage, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, Contact owner 0859 6905 kitchen. Location in Banjar 7546. Anyar, Kuwum Marga Tabanan. Please call owner

For house, 0859rent 6905 7546 minimalist (bahasa). style. Price Rp. 400 million. [0340] Garage, living room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen. Location in Banjar Anyar, Kuwum Marga Tabanan. Please call owner 0859 6905 7546 (bahasa). [0340]



es shop/ villas pro ect F ne r ensui Big gallery House at Jalan Puri Land eau ifor ul sale office for rent forWalking sale are (100 for distance to 320sale. sqm on 1main road in Canggu people. Nusa Dua for Gg10-15 3 A12, land sqm) inbud. Dalung, Kutaceiling, Utara. Beach. Luxury fully Masigh R 2 150,000,000/net 1are storey, electricity 5 meters road access, close furnished, swimming pool, renovated, includes parking per ully furnished, 2200,year. PDAM, price 1,7 bar, EGIAN ANGGU terrace, car electricity, parking. UBUD to villa complex, google map location Amaly KUTA NUSA DUA including electricity, internet billion nego. Contact 0822 Land sisui e 8. Are. 30 years Gallery. Available until une Price 410 million ne es5Rp villas pro ect dedicated Mbps, FPDAM. r en Big shop/ gallery and for sale30 in Canggu House for sale lease. Contact WA 089 2023. Cheap price. 3665 2873. [151]at Jalan Puri Land for sale 1main are Please (100 for sale. Walking distance to (nego). Call 0821 4614 2343. 320 sqm on road Tiying Tutul. Si e 4are, cleaning, air conditioned, Nusa Dua Gg 3 A12, land fully 42Beach. 7155. sqm) in Dalung, Kuta5303. Utara. contact 0812 Luxury 3957 Masbud. igh ceiling, perfectenclosed, location for fully and your 3 1are 2 storey, electricity swimming pool, 5 meters road access, close renovated, includes parking building private villa. price Price furnished, call booths. Monthly bar, terrace, car electricity, parking. 2200, PDAM, price 1,7 to villa complex, google map location Amaly NEGARA SEMINYAK Rp 525 million/are (nego). SANUR si Price e 8. 5Rp Are. 30million years available. Contact Gika Land billion Contact Gallery. Available until une PDAM. 410 Contactnego. owner 081 0822 2393 lease. Contact WA Please 089 GIANYAR 2023. Cheap price. 0819 1 9[151] 1017. 3665 3009.2873. (nego). Call 0821 4614 2343. Good investment opportunity. Villa for rent, Jl. Dewi Saraswati contact 42 7155. 0812 3957 5303. Villa 3 bedroom bathroom Reduced Price! 3 Land for III no 11 Seminyak, 2 oors, Land for sale in Saba NEGARA SEMINYAK swimming pool 100 sale inSANUR Negara (westmeters Bali). 2 bedroom + shower, Gianyar 770m2. Located in Smallinvestment orGIANYAR big plot in frontery of from Mertasari beach. bathtub hotJl. cold water, 1 Good opportunity. Villa for rent, Dewi Saraswati the roadside, very strategic Villa 3 bedroom 3 bathroom beach or close to the city. Reduced Price! Land for III no 11toilet, Seminyak, oors, Land quiet for area buttoinKasih close to guest fully 2furnish, sale Saba location : Rp. 2.6 km Ibu swimming pool meters sale in Negara (west Bali). Starting 70100 million/are. 2 + shower, 770m2. Located in livingbedroom room, TV cable, Gianyar everything Rp. 150,000,000 hospital, + plot 15 minutes Small or big instrategic front2368 ofto from Mertasari beach. ery Road access. WA 081 bathtub hot cold water, 1 the roadside, very Wi-Fi, AC, kitchen set, pool, quiet year long lease, available for beach or to the city. Sanur, +close 10 minutes to butto close to guest toilet, fully furnish, location : 2.6 km Kasih Ibu 6123 area (Indonesian) or 0821 Starting Rp. 70 million/are. garden,room, villas area. hospital, Ubud, close to Saba beach negotiable price. All rooms living TV cable, everything Rp. 150,000,000 + 15 minutes to 4600 access. 3066 (English). Road 081 2368 Contact owner Ph/WA 0812 Sanur, +conditioner. 10 WA minutes to Wi-Fi, AC, kitchen set, pool, and Keramas beach. For year lease, available for with long air 6123 (Indonesian) or Please 0821 close to Saba beach garden, villas area. Ubud, 3676 2607. [013] negotiable price. All rooms details contact Jack at 4600 3066 (English). Cheap land for sale 11 are contact 2 8133 9578For 87 Keramas beach. Contact owner Ph/WA 0812 and with air conditioner. Please or call price 80 jt/are in Palasari, or emailland p pearson@hotmail. details contact Jack at 3676 2607. [013] Cheap for sale 11 87 are contact 8133 9578 Villa for rent near Canggu 0813 37562behind 1687. located catholic or call com. price 80 jt/are in Palasari, or email p pearson@hotmail. beach, bedrooms, 3 bath 0813 church, road wide 9catholic meters. 3756 1687. Villa for4 rent near Canggu located behind rooms, 4 private pool, 600 com. beach, bedrooms, 3 bath Call / WA 0813 3866 2420. rooms, private 600 m2 land, fully pool, furnished, m2 land,staff, fully furnished, included house keeper included staff, house keeper and security, $3900 per and security, $3900 per month nego. nego. Call Call +62 +62 857 857 month 3870 8855. 3870 8855.

BUKIT BUKIT Land for rent in main street Land rent in main street of Balifor cliff, size 20, 47, 50 of Bali cliff, size 20, 50 are, price starting Rp. 47, 5 mill/ are/year. location, are, price Strategic starting Rp. 5 mill/ close to Strategic Pandawa location, Beach, are/year. GWK & Uluwatu. Contact close to Pandawa Beach, 0812 381 5292. [9003]

GWK & Uluwatu. Contact

[9003] 0812sale 381 35292. For storey villa with ocean view in Bukit Ungasan. 198m2, For sale 3 288 storey/ villa with facilities : 3 bedrooms, 3 ocean view in Bukit bathrooms, parking, large Ungasan. 288 Asking / 198m2, garden, kitchen. price facilities : 3 bedrooms, Rp. 3.5 Billion. Contact 0813 2366 6541 orparking, (anggaw83@ bathrooms, large [003] garden, kitchen. Asking price

Rp. 3.5 Billion. Contact 081

House use for for sale sale in in cluster cluster 2366 6541 Building or (anggaw83@ complex. 50m2, complex. Building 50m2, [003]2 bedrooms, landsize landsi e 100m2. 100m2. 2 bed1 bathroom, kitchen, living rooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, room, 2 small roominfor of ce living room. electriciHouse for 2200W sale cluster use sale electricity, in garage. cluster or 2200W ty, studio. smallfor garden, complex. Building 50m2, small garden, garage. Close complex. Building 50m2, nfurnished.Close to landsize 100m2. 2 bedrooms, to Dreamland, reamland, Pandawa landsi e 100m2. Pandawa 2 bed1 bathroom, kitchen, living beach, Nirmala supermarket. beach, irmala supermarrooms, 1tobathroom, kitchen, Reason sell : move room, 2 small room formillion of to ce ket. Price Rp. 550 living room. 2200WRp. electriciother city.2200W Price 800 (negotiable). or visit WA or studio. electricity, ty, small garden, Contact garage. million (negotiable). 081 2381 5292. small garden, WA 0821 4600garage. 3066. Close nfurnished.Close to

to Dreamland, reamland,

Pandawa Pandawa

beach,forNirmala supermarket. Land sale 3 plots land (2 beach, irmala supermarunits 365m2 1 unit 650m2) Reason to & sell : move to ket. Price 550 million located in Rp. mainroad other city. Price Rp. Goa 800 (negotiable). or visitGWK WA Gong and facing million (negotiable). Contact statue. Please 081 2381 081 WA 0821 4600 3066. 2366 6541 or (anggaw83@ Land for sale 3 plots land (2 units 365m2 & 1 unit 650m2) located in mainroad Goa Gong and facing GWK statue. Please contact 081 2366 6541 or (anggaw83@

church, road wide 9 meters. Call / WA 0813 3866 2420.

DENPASAR DENPASAR DENPASAR DENPASAR Villa for2rent Renon. For sale sale 2rent units Ruko, land Villa for ininRuko, Renon. 55 For units land bedrooms, 44 bathrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, size22are, are,price price Rp.44billion billion size Rp. swimming pool, 22 Tukad living (nego). swimming pool,Jl. living (nego). Address Address Jl. Tukad rooms, semi furnished, Pakerisan No 108 Panjer, rooms, semi furnished, Pakerisan No 108 Panjer, bar, dining Contact area, South open Denpasar. bar, area, South open Denpasar. balcony, cardining park.Contact Land 081 2388 2 9191. 2 balcony, 2 carnice park.area. Land 081 2388 9191. . ery 320m 2 Rp. Price 115nice million/ . ery area. 320msale For hook land in year. irecthook owner diin Pidada, Denpasar 3,8 are, Price Rp. 115 million/ For sale land 0813 3732 2547, email price 800 juta/are. Call year. irect owner di Pidada, Denpasar 3,8/ WA are, d enn y a r3866 m a n2420. d@hotmail. +62 813 0813 3732 2547, email price 800 juta/are. Call / WA com. d+62 e n n813 yfor a r3866 msale. a n2420. d Located @hotma House Jl.i l . com. Iwo Denpasar. Kebo 2 storey, furnished House fully for sale. LocatedonJl. land 145m2, 170m2,2 Kebo Iwo building Denpasar. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, storey, fully furnished on pool, shower, carport. One land 145m2, building 170m2, gate system. Road 7meter. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Call 081 2394 8595. pool, shower, carport. One KEROBOKAN gate system. Road 7meter. KEROBOKAN Call 081 2394 8595.

Villa for sale, location Br. use Kerobokan. for in Furnished house rent for rent8,5 Semer, Land Kerobokan, Salak Kerobokan 2 Gunung bedrooms, 2,5 are, 2 oors, 2 swimming KEROBOKAN street, Bali Arum bedrooms, bathrooms, 2 3 storey. L/B pool. WA 081 2394 8595. 3 bathrooms, 2 storey 150/100sqm. Walk-in robe, Villa for sale, location Br. 70 sqm Glass joglo balcony large garden. ensuite, A/C, garden, carport, Furnished house for renton use for rent in Semer, Kerobokan. Land 8,5 Jalan hot Mertanadi for Real 300sqm. funiture, oven, water, security in Kerobokan 2alf bedrooms, 2,5 Kerobokan, Gunung Salak are, 2 oors, 2 swimming estate agency nearlygarden, free for A/C all room, the complex, walking distance bathrooms, 2 3 storey. L/B pool. rental WA 081 2394 8595. street, Bali laundry Arum bedrooms, some work. E-mail carport, room,: to ATM, GP, minimarkets. [019] ( 150/100sqm. Walk-in robe, 3 bathrooms, 2 storey hot security, Email near Rp water, 82 million/year. 70 sqmA/C,Glass joglo on ensuite, garden, carport, international school, balcony large garden. (kerobokanhouse@gmail. Best investment, the rst Jalan Mertanadi for Real minimarkets. Rpthis 90 mill/in com). oven,inPhotos hot water, security 300sqm. alf funiture, ever the island, smart estate agency nearly free is for year Email a ar Anwar username app-controlled home the complex, walking distance A/C all kerobokanhouse. room, garden, fPhone a a r r0818 rrental @ the h0552 o work. thearth m 3079. a i l E-mail .c m. : some located at ofo the to ATM, GP, minimarkets. carport, laundry room, vibrant neighbourhood of Phone 31 4 444 07. ( [019] Rp 82 million/year. hot water, security, near Canggu, Bali. Surrounded Villa for sale, locationEmail Br. by lush Kerobokan. green paddy elds, (kerobokanhouse@gmail. international school, Semer, Land 8,5 Best investment, the rst this is the perfect home and are, 2inPhotos floors, 2Rp swimming com). minimarkets. 90 mill/ ever the island, this smart retreat created to rejuvenate pool. WA 081 8595is username kerobokanhouse. app-controlled home year Email a2394 ar Anwar your soul. More info WA 0813 3722 3874. located fPhone a a r r0818 rat @ the h0552 o thearth m 3079. a i l . cofo the m.


vibrant neighbourhood Phone 31 4 444 07.of Canggu, Bali. Surrounded Villa for sale, location Br. by lush Kerobokan. green paddy Semer, Landelds, 8,5 this is the perfect home and are, 2 floors, 2 swimming retreat created to rejuvenate pool. WA 081 2394 8595 your soul. More info WA 0813 3722 3874.

NC/RE/U-26 Feb 20

NC/Re/G-4 Dec. 19

House for sale in cluster complex

NC/Re/G-4 Dec. 19

House for sale in cluster complex In Bukit Ungasan In Bukit Ungasan

Negotiable price Contact : WA 0821 4600 3066

Building 50m2 Building 50m2 Landsize 100m2. Landsize 100m2. 2 bedrms, 1 2 bedrms, bathroom 1 bathroom Kitchen, livingroom. Kitchen, livingroom. 2 small room 2 small room (office or studio). (officeelectricity or studio). 2200W 2200W electricity Small garden. Garage. Small garden. Close to : Garage. Dreamland beach Close to : Pandawa beach Dreamland beach Nirmala supermarket Pandawa beach Reason to sell : Moving to other city. Nirmala supermarket Reason to sell :

Negotiable price Moving to other city. LAND FOR: WA SALE NEGARA (WEST BALI) Contact 0821IN 4600 3066

NC/Re/P-20 Nov. 19


NC/Re/P-20 Nov. 19


50+ are in front of the beach. Take all or half. Starting price Rp. 50 million/are. 50+ are in front Road of access. the beach.

Take all or half.

Whatsapp: Starting 081 2368 6123 price Rp. 50 million/are. (Bahasa) 0821 4600 3066 Road access. (English)

Whatsapp: 081 2368 6123 (Bahasa) 0821 4600 3066 (English) NC/Re/P-11 March 20

NC/Re/P-11 March 20

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