BA_19 December 2018

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19 December 2018 - 01 January 2019


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Published by : PT. CITRA BALI PARIWARA License: SIUPP No. 1593/SK/MENPEN/SIUPP/1999 General Manager: Made Wardiyasa | Office Manager: Ratih Utari Printed By: PT. Temprina Media Grafika Jl. Imam Bonjol 129 Tegal Besar, Jember Nothing in Bali Advertiser can be reproduced in whole or in part, either in print based media or in internet based media, without the written permission of the publisher. Bali Advertiser is not responsible for the content of any advertisement. Opinions expressed in any article are that of the writer and not the opinions of Bali Advertiser.

Copyright © 2018 - all rights reserved

C/H o/I-24 O ct 18


Social Media Trends for 2019

By L iz

F o r th is c th a t a re g w ill b e m e n jo y e d re a d e rs o to th a n k a n d s u p p r u n n in g . w o rd s .

o lu m n , r o w in g y la s t c o m in g n s o c ia a ll m y o rt o v e I th a n k

I w s tr S o u p l m re a r th y o u

ill ta k e a lo o k a t s o c ia l m e d ia tr e n d s o n g e r – o r e m e r g in g -- in 2 0 1 9 . T h is c ia l M e d ia B y te s c o lu m n . I h a v e w ith to p ic s th a t w o u ld a p p e a l to e d ia a n d th e o n lin e life . I w o u ld lik e d e r s fo r th e ir fe e d b a c k , q u e s tio n s e fo u r y e a r s th is c o lu m n h a s b e e n a ls o fo r ta k in g th e tim e to r e a d m y

For this column, I turned to two of my favorite Internet and marketing sites (H ootsuite, Business2Community) to see their predictions for social media trends in this coming year. H o o t s u i t e is a social media management site that offers tools for aggregating and managing social media channels for business and non-profits. Hootsuite recently conducted a survey of over 3,000 clients to determine what trends will be influencing social media in the coming year. They found that top trends will be: R e b u ild in g c o n s u m e r t r u s t o n l i n e . People are q uestioning the security, transparency and accuracy of information from social media companies. Think Twitter’s fake accounts or acebook’s epidemic of fake news. In fact, according to Hootsuite’s study, of people no longer trust social media companies. Going forward, brands will need to focus on transparency and meaningful engagement with consumers, if they are to be trusted. Creating communities and carefully researching content will be the ways that smart brands can re-engage with their critics. S n a p C h a t S t o r i e s . These short-lived videos that disappear after a certain period of time will become the primary way that people share events and stories online in the future – more than W hats App, more than Instagram and more than acebook. Hootsuite’s blog said that disappearing ‘ S tories feel real, immediate and intensely personal.’ In other words, more like real life, and less like social media. In c r e a s e d s o c ia l m e d ia a n d o n lin e a d v e r tis in g b u d g e t s . Brands are seeking to find better, more impacting, ways to put their message or story in front of consumers, and will continue to pay more to do so.

B o o s tin g a n d w id e n in g th e u s e o f s o c ia l c o m m e r c e . S ocial commerce is when a product or service is bought as a direct result of social media ads or messages. In the past, businesses have found it difficult to gauge how social media impacted sales, as much buying still took place off-line or through websites. W ith new tracking and selling technology acebook’s arketplace or Instagram’s shoppable posts -- users can now buy directly through an app or social media site, and sellers can clearly see how much of their sales happen via social media. T h e r i s e a n d r i s e o f m e s s a g i n g a p p s . The way consumers spend their time online is changing – they are moving away from social media channels and spending more time using messaging apps, such as W hats App, W eChat or Facebook essenger. ccording to Hootsuite’s survey, of consumers would prefer to use messaging channels to communicate with business, instead of social media. Businesses that make greater use of online messaging will see a greater trust from consumers, according to H ootsuite. B u s i n e s s 2 C o m m u n i t y is a site that watches business, digital, technology, marketing and finance trends. They’ve put together a list of the top trends they see coming next year and include: G e n e r a t i o n Z c o n s u m e r s . Generation or Gen , as it’s often called – are those people now in their teens and early twenties. They are beginning to emerge as an influential force online and in terms of their consumer choices and habits. Gen ’s are digital natives they’ve grown up online and they social media for everything from communicating to shopping to making political decisions. They are financially and socially conservative, preferring to save money, work for themselves, become entrepreneurs and not take financial risks. They do not trust easily having been influenced by the Global Financial Crisis and the epidemic of fake news. A u g m e n t e d R e a l i t y ( A R ) will become increasingly popular. AR is the interactive experience in which things or places in the real world are augmented’ by computer-generated perceptual information to form a hybrid experience for users that combines both on and off-line worlds. Think ok mon’s popular GO !

Social n uencers. Brands will continue to expand their use of social influencers. These are people active on social media, often bloggers or Instagrammers, who have large followings and can inspire trust and loyalty in a brand’s products among their followers. Companies will often pay social influencers directly to post Tweets or Instagram photos that promote their products. Influencers are also invited to live events, paid to attend conferences and given products or services for free. s influencers are often called on for comment by conventional media, their influence can extend far beyond their own social media circles. L i v e S t r e a m i n g . Companies are increasingly using live video as a marketing tool. V ideos on social media have more engagement than any other type of content. W atch the trend of live streaming video streaming continue to grow. I would like to leave you with my thoughts about using social media and having an online presence in the digital age. Hopefully, you’ve read my past columns about how the Internet and digital devices are affecting all of us or how we can use them to improve aspects of our lives. The digital era – the Internet Age – is here to stay. H umankind is heading down a path that will likely lead to human/tech augmentation, bioengineering and AI algorithms that make more and more decisions affecting our lives. In short, we will be – we already are living in a science fiction world. e can be alarmed or informed – hopefully, you will be the latter. Like climate change, we ignore history unfolding before us at our own peril. I’d like to leave you with a book recommendation that may help give you a broad look at where humankind may be heading with all our digital devices, Big Data, AI, robots and hi-tech. The book is essons for the st entury, by Y uval Noah H arari. Y ou should also read his other book H omo Deus, which is a more in-depth and broader look at our possible human-tech future. Thanks for reading my column and stay informed. E m ail L iz at L izinBali@ gm Copyright © 2018 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of S ocial M edia Bytes at


S anur Kerobokan Jimbaran Lovina Lombok Email

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C/G/I-07 Nov 18

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Š2018 Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved.

C/BT /G-5 Dec. 18

NC/E/I-19 Dec 18

C/BT /G-19 Dec. 18


Climate Change - What Will be The Cost?

MONEY MATTERS A t th e m o re

tim e th a n

o f w r itin g , th o u s a n d s 1 9 0

o f d e le g a te s

c o u n tr ie s , in c lu d in g

s o m e

4 5 0

And what, if anything, can we do to stop it? By Colin Bloodworth

fro m

the ones to suffer most from the effects of climate change.

into contact. I did this myself recently when meeting

fro m

S ome small nations may even disappear off the face of

with the head of an investment house managing over a

In d o n e s ia , h a v e g a th e r e d a t C O P 2 4 in K a to w ic e , P o la n d ,

the earth. But the four countries that would not accept the

billion dollars of investor assets. I told him my clients had

to p r o d u c e a r u le b o o k to m a k e g o o d o n th e p r o m is e s

welcoming of the report are among the richest. T his tells us

a preference for funds and companies with strong

m a d e o n r e in in g in th e e ffe c ts o f c lim a te c h a n g e a t th e

much about the level of moral leadership in each of those

Environmental, S ocial and Governance (ES G) policies. I

P a r is s u m m it in 2 0 1 5 . T h e o u tlo o k is g r im ; s c ie n tis ts


am sure he will have passed this on. If everyone does the

h a v e d e te r m in e d th a t v o lu n ta r y n a tio n a l c o n tr ib u tio n s

same the message will eventually get through to the poli-

m a d e a t th e P a r is s u m m it w o u ld h a v e to b e tr ip le d if

S o

th e

s u r v iv e ?

w o r ld

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w e ll b e lo w



th e re

n o th in g

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p la n e t

cy makers in companies.

hen they see that their behav-

iour is going to be reflected in their bottom line they will

d e g r e e s , p r e fe r a b ly n o h ig h e r th a n 1 .5 d e g r e e s .

act. It is disheartening to see the efforts of so many dedicated

T he cost to the planet of global warming is going to run into

and highly qualified people treated with contempt by those

trillions of dollars. It’s not j ust the immediate impact on

who put self-interest before the interests of the world and the

those affected by unprecedented storms, droughts and

future of our grandchildren and generations to come. If the

wildfires but also the knock-on effect to national economies

world survives, history will not be kind to those whose greed

right down to individuals in terms of the cost of food, loss of

or insecure need for popularity drove the world in the wrong

j obs and q uality of life.


W h a t e ls e c a n w e d o a s in d iv id u a ls ? lenty for example rite to your political representative such as member of Congress, M ember of Parliament etc. T o ensure your letter is read and responded to keep it polite, short and

But dissenting countries or individuals apart there are still

to the point. I have found this works

many things that people of goodwill can do to help pull the

If you are buying oil company shares or just fuel for your

earth back from the brink of extinction. et’s examine these.

car, choose a company like Shell that has declared its proactive policies towards change. (But also monitor them to ensure they keep their word. unish them if

C h a n g in g th e p o litic a l s c e n e

they don’t.) As individuals we may seem helpless against the forces of

If you have a savings plan or portfolio, enquire about

profit and self-interest. But through collective action, rogue

funds that invest in sustainable energy.

governments can be overturned and replaced by more

include alternative energy funds and specific

xamples limate

responsible ones. T his is where the power of the vote

Change funds. T hese funds will invest in companies

comes in, backed by more involvement in discussions and

that follow good ES G practices and innovative products like electric cars.

campaigns that can bring about change.

Install solar panels to generate your own electricity.

In the local world of Bali possibly fewer people are conscious as to what is happening because it has not yet

S hareholders can change the culture of large corporations

If you are a teenager or a millennial’ give your elders a

been hit by disasters of the magnitude of the recent

by forcing them at their annual meetings to adopt changes.

hard time for allowing the world to deteriorate to its present state in the name of progress. Y ou might

alifornia wildfires or the severe floods that have hit many

good example recently is that of the giant oil company

parts of the world. Bali, like the rest of Indonesia and

S hell, which has yielded to investor pressure by setting

other countries bordering the ring of fire’ periodically

carbon emissions targets and are to link executive pay to

suffers other disasters which are not man-made. There is

how quickly it generates revenue from clean energy sources.

nothing you can do to prevent volcanic eruptions and

T he Church of England, being a maj or investor, played a

earthquakes although much can be done to reduce their

part in bringing about this change. As did managers of large

Apart from the obvious need to ensure you have a safe

impact. O n the other hand there is much that can be done

funds, persuaded by their investors.

and secure home in a flood-free and landslide-free loca-

succeed in shocking them into action. F in a lly , w h a t c a n y o u d o to p r o te c t y o u r s e lf?

tion, spare a moment to consider your future financial

to prevent climate change. S o while you may be j ust a member of a religious group or

needs. T here is a good chance that the repercussions of

agreed that climate

hold a savings plan or portfolio with a financial institution you

climate change, unless they are radically reversed, could

change has been brought about by human actions and can

can make your opinions known to your local leader or in the

leave you seriously short of money in later life. S ave more

only be reversed by a sustained global effort. It came as a

case of investments your adviser or the administrators or

and save longer; once your livelihood has gone it is too

shock therefore that the

customer relations representatives with whom you come


Scientific opinion is almost

countries could not agree on a

final statement welcoming’ the findings of an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Four countries refused to accept the wording: the United S tates, R ussia, S audi Arabia and Kuwait. T here is no doubt that the poorer people in the world will be

Colin Bloodworth, Chartered M em ber of the Chartered I nstitute for S ecurities and I nvestm ent ( U K) , has spent over 20 years in I ndonesia. He is based in Ja ka rta but visits Bali regularly. I f you have any q uestions on this article or related topics you can contact at : colin.bloodworth@ ppi- or + 6 2 21 25 9 8 5 087 .




You can read all past articles of M oney M atters at Copyright © 2018 Colin Bloodworth

C/Ho/G-24 Oct. 18


Petitenget to Pererenan If you live, work, have a business or just have some exciting news about this area then we want to hear from you!

It Takes a Village To Raise A Child seen as a sign of shame. Many women and young girls do not possess adequate knowledge about contraception and reproductive health, a situation often resulting in unwanted pregnancies, abortions and ultimately, child abandonment. Bali Mother and Baby House offers a safe house for neglected pregnant women and abandoned babies, along with a help line and a consultation room for women and teens, free day care for babies and children of registered as the Yayasan Sahabat Anak Bali (YSAB) in 2012, this underprivileged single mums and education for women and haven for mothers, future mothers, babies and children works teens. Their consultation room functions as a safe place to closely in conjunction with the National Commission for Child share and raise awareness about reproductive health and contraception. Protection and The Indonesian National Police. Scared teen mothers to be, desperate family circumstances and shame, crime, abuse and childhood neglect are but a few of the unfortunate factors prompting the establishment of the Bali Mother and Baby House. Officially created and

Opening in response to increasing reports of abandoned newborns, neglected children and illegal child adoption and trafficking, the Bali Mother and Baby House believes every child has the right to a safe childhood and is making good on its mission to protect children in Indonesia from crimes the likes of exploitation, violence, pornography, abandonment and trafficking.

While circumstances leading up to the abandonment of any baby or child may not always be clear what will never be a chilling certainty is the number of babies left to die and never to be found.

The goal of the Bali Mother and Baby House is to rescue and save the lives of any babies at risk by encouraging Child abandonment and neglect is often something that is a result desperate mothers to safely surrender their babies if and of fear, circumstance, assault, lack of education, marital situations, when they feel there is no alternative, with or without even lack of awareness and finance. Finding themselves in identifying themselves. desperate situations emotionally and physically, some women Over the course of the last few years, this haven has been a make the difficult decision to abort their pregnancy or, if left too determining factor in some incredible and positive outcomes late, abandon their babies as (like some other conservative Asian for children at risk but obviously this care comes in at a cost. cultures) children born out of wedlock or deformed children are Monthly fees to maintain the centre along with the basics to

Canggu News submissions for future editions are welcome to be emailed to: If you are submitting information about a future event, please be sure to provide accurate details regarding time and place and include pictures where relevant.

continue to care for the house’s precious ‘tenants’ (including two gorgeous newborn arrivals) totals nearly IDR20 million per month, an amount that is funded largely from donations and fundraising events such as the recent Carols by Candlelight at The Garden. If ever there was a time to give a little more to those who need it most it’s Christmas! If you’d like to contribute to this incredible and heart warming cause you can support Bali Mother and Baby House by becoming a regular sponsor of their safe house or assist by way of a personal donation to the account listed below. Check out the latest news about the Bali Mother and Baby House on their Facebook or Instagram pages: @balimotherandbabyhouse Account Name :Yayasan Sahabat Anak Bali Bank : Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Account No. : 0368.01.001359.30.5 Swift Code: BRINIDJA

Beating the Battle of Holiday Boredom


enjoy the discounted rates……along with a little peace and Camp fees also include a snack and lunch and some special extras when you sign up for a whole week! Choose the quiet! Prices per day start from IDR400K for Finns Gold and Platinum weekly camp option and enjoy the fifth day for free along members up to IDR600K for non members or weekly rates from with a complimentary pair of Bounce socks (compulsory wear Organised to coincide with the bulk of the Bali and Australian IDR1.6 million to IDR 2.4 million respectively (Finns Social and during trampolining activities) as well as a free Bounce Board Session voucher to be used at a time of your choosing. school holidays, this year’s Junior Sports Academy Christmas Social Plus members are also eligible for a discount). Vacation camps include a whole variety of activities to encourage Week one of the holiday camps commences on Monday, The three week program commencing December 17 until everything from outdoor play, sports, arts and crafts - any December 17 through to Friday, December 21 with a program January 5 is now open for enrolment to all children aged 6 opportunity to get kids off their screens, out of the house and that incorporates tennis, parkour, soccer, tenpin bowling and over. Without the sole focus on sports, this December/ engaging with their peers. and trampolining as well as water slide fun at Splash and an January holiday program is aimed at getting out, keeping The Junior Sports Academy is based at Finns Recreation Club; a opportunity for campers to try their hands at traditional Balinese active and above all, having fun! Sign your kids up for venue that ensures children are safe, secure and supervised for arts and crafts. Weeks two and three of the holiday program will JSA Holiday Camps by emailing: the duration of the camp’s daily activities from sign in at 9.30am run Monday through Saturday as Tuesdays for both weeks are .For a detailed outline of each day’s program head to until pick up at 2pm. Choose to drop in for the days that suit you public holidays (Christmas Day and New Year’s Day) and camp https://www.jsabalicom and click on the green ‘holiday camp’ tab. and your family’s schedule or sign the kids up for a full week and will not operate on these days. Happy kids means happy holidays……. for everyone! But don’t wait for the whining to start. Win the war on holiday boredom before it even begins by signing the kids up for JSA Holiday Camps this December and January.

New Year’s in Bali just went next level - Finns’ NY Festival way to wind up the year and kick start a new one! Don’t miss the chance to adios another rotation around the sun and bring in 2019 at Bali’s biggest New Year’s party. Purchase your Finns Music Festival tickets ASAP and don’t forget, Finns Gold and Platinum members are eligible for 30% discount on selected tickets and Lifestyle and Social members 10% off. For detailed information regarding pricing and inclusions for all entry options head to: new-years-music-festival/

NYE | 31 DEC


Those looking to welcome January 1 with their best buddies might opt for the Party Booth or VIP Double Day Bed entry each catering for up to six people and including a bottle of Moet Chandon to help get the party started. The Party Platform is already sold out for New Year’s Eve but New Year’s Day is still available for you and 14 of your friends. Complete with First and second release tickets have sold out so don’t delay any dedicated security and your own waitstaff, you’ll have a bird’s further, now is the time to buy before you find yourself minus eye view of all of the stage and pool action without ever having admission and mighty sad ‘cos you’re missing the party! to leave your elevated podium! This year’s event spans two days with the 18+ only, New Year’s Day two is an all ages affair and perfect for the whole family to Eve line up featuring Martin Solveig, Roger Sanchez, Robin see the likes of Clean Bandit, The Broods, Khalid, Robinson and Schulz and more. There are still a variety of entry options to suit The Rubens among others live on stage! all tastes, groups and budgets from General Admission right up to the Platinum Penthouse tickets which includes 3 hours of free Make the most of the New Year celebrations for 2018, join the flow beverages and canapes in the exclusive upstairs Penthouse. fun for the full festival and save when you buy a two day pass. Penthouse guests enjoy access to all VIP areas and may just have That’s two entire days of first class, international musical acts live on stage at Bali’s best beach club destination…Not a bad the chance to rub shoulders with a few celebrities. With less than a month to go until we drop the ball on 2018, if you still haven’t secured a spot for New Year’s celebrations it’s time to act fast! Finns have taken cork popping partying to the next level this year with their two day, New Year’s Music Festival and tickets sales have certainly moved into top gear


Body & Spirit


C/H e/I-19 Dec 18

C/H e/G-19 Dec. 18

C/He/G-29 August 18


BOOMER CORNER D u e to th e a d m ir a tio n T a rg a ry e n , th e la te s t h th e ir h a ir g g ir ls w ith F ifty S h a d W h y w o u ld

p o p u la o f th e M th e s ilv a ir fa s h re y . T o v a r io u s e s o f G y o u w a

r ity o f G a m e o f o th e r o f d ra g o n s e r -h a ir e d b e a u ty io n a m o n g s t y o u m e it lo o k s a b it s h a d e s o f g re y r e y th a t h a s in s n t to g o g re y s o

T h ro n e s a , Q u e e n D a p e r h a p s in n g e r la d ie s o d d to s e e . (O r p e rh a p ir e d th is y o u n g ?

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I’ve noticed more and more famous actresses and singers who have gone grey. H elen M iran, Emmylou H arris, Diane Keaton and Jamie Curtis to name a few. M ost males have wisely gone grey naturally like George Clooney and R ichard Gere, still looking handsome and sexy. T hat is for men who have been lucky enough to keep their hair. Probably not many people have celebrated their sixtieth birthday without having a single grey hair. For those of us who started going grey when we were much younger, by the time we hit sixty our hair is pretty much grey or white. T here comes a time when we need to make a decision to stop colouring our hair and go “ au natural” or continue colouring. Just think of how much money we can save during a year. Colouring your hair with a professional stylist can be expensive, and although less expensive, home bleaching and colouring treatments can cause damage to our hair.

Gracefully Going Grey By S hari

my best friend who has been bleaching her hair platinum and keeping it cut in a pixie cut told me that she was j ealous of my natural silver hair, that she was paying a lot of money to get the same colour. S he suggested that I stop colouring my hair a light golden blonde and keep it natural. H owever, I wasn’t ready to give up colouring my hair, thinking that it would make me look older. But a year ago while watching a T V program I loved one of the character’s platinum hair with a bright blue streak on the side. T his inspired me to make the transition, which could be done in one step of lightening all my hair and letting it grow out naturally. M y hair dresser also gave me a very good cut that is flattering in a controlled messy look. I do love the blue streaks which I think make me look funky and young looking. I often get compliments on my blue hair.

For advice on this tricky subj ect I went to M ax at S poiled H airdressers, primarily because M ax is one of the most distinguished and experienced ex-pat hair dressers on Bali, with years’ experience tending to tropical hair of all styles, colours and conditions. H e explained that the transition from dark hair to grey is the most difficult, taking about six months, and you need to be committed to this decision. Using a combination of gradual highlights and low lights to blend in the hair, and slowly move lighter takes time. It’s vital to have a great cut with a shape and style and going shorter to make the change more natural and stay beautiful.

Unfortunately my hair began going grey when I was twenty five, a trait that runs in my family. But luckily being blonde made it easier to hide the grey. A few years ago

S ome people are lucky and have a sexy looking silver streak in their hair, rather than the usual grey temples. But when your hair is 50% grey it’s time to consider going grey gracefully or continue colouring. Unfortunately with the hair growth in these areas, your hair will need to be retouched every three to four weeks to avoid having unflattering grey or white roots. T his means colouring your hair approximately twelve to eighteen times during a year. T his can cut into your pension drastically, especially here in the tropics where hair (and nails) grow faster than cold climates. M ax mentioned to me that men look great going natural when the grey starts and are less in need of the colour appointments, but he does have a number of dapper male clients who come in and have subtle cover up with their regular cuts.

C/He/G-7 Nov. 18

S poiled H airdressers in Umalas have a special package for ex-pats to help you with your grey growth maintenance if you choose to stay colouring your hair, offering a package for six sessions of roots colour, wash and blow dry for 2.4 million. T his will save you a considerable amount of money and keep your hair looking great. H e can also assist with long term planning for a grey transition that will take away the stress of managing it alone.

Because grey hair tends to thin out and become coarser as you age, it’s important to treat your hair with kindness and keep it moisturiz ed. Using a good salon conditioner is a must, being careful to not apply too much and (very) gently combing the conditioner through the hair for an even distribution before thoroughly rinsing. M ax suggests adding a little cider vinegar to some mineral or bottled water for a final rinse to remove the hard water scale from you hair, leaving it soft and shiny. Using a diluted purple shampoo is also important to keep your grey hair from going brassy. S poiled offer three brands – Alfaparf M ilano with ever Brass and Grey ride. They also have the S chwarz kopf S ilver shampoo. Don’t worry - you won’t look like your grandmother who had purple hair, but will have soft and manageable hair with a beautiful shine. If you’re thinking of going grey gracefully then see M ax for a consultation. H e’s already helped many expats with the transition to age gracefully, and even enj oy it! Spoiled Hairdressers. CNR J l. Umalas Dua & Lestari, U m a l a s . w w w. s p o i l e d h a i r d r e s s e r s . c o m . F B Spoiledhairdressers I nstagram. T: 6 2-3 6 1 -8 4 7 51 4 1 O pen Tues to Sat. T he Boom er Corner is a colum n dedicated to people over 6 0 living in Bali. I ts m andate is to cover topics, practicalities, activities, issues, concerns and events related to senior life in Bali. W e welcom e suggestions from readers. E - m ail us at : Baliboom ers@ gm Copyright © 2018 Boom er Corner You can read all past articles of Boom er Corner at

C/He/G-7 Nov. 18


Beauty & Health T h e re d iffe r tre a tm v a c u p re s t re d u c lifte d

’s e n e u

a r e la tiv e ly n e w c t fro m th e o th e rs n ts s u c h a s fa t fre m r o lle r m a s s o th e ra p y d e to x h o tio n , in te n s iv e b o d a rm .

lin . T e z a g t b y w

ic in h is o in g , 3 e , m o d y ra p p

S e m in y a k n e s p e c ia D s lim m in u s c le s w ra p s , s u i n g , B r a zi

th a t l i ze s g , th t im u p e r lia n

Freezing Fat By S hari

is a little in b o d y e r m o lift, la t io n , c e llu lite b u tt a n d

T hey also provide the usual services of facial treatments, Botox and fillers, platelet rich plasma, threads lift and wellness packages of V it C inj ection, V it B inj ection, Kenacort inj ection, Glutathion inj ection and M esotherapy fat burner and laser hair removal. Preparing for the upcoming holiday season, desiring to look my best and slim what should I do? R ather than go for liposuction, which is invasive and expensive, I opted for the fat freez ing treatment. T his is a non-invasive body contouring treatment used to reduce fat cells through freez ing. It involves a controlled application of cooling within the temperature range of +5 to -11degrees Celsius.

asked what part of my thighs I wanted treated and pointed to the outer thighs. S he then took two more anti-freez e cloths and smoothed them over my thighs. Now it was time to kick-start the big machine. S he adj usted the settings and took one of the large rectangular cups attached to the hose and placed it over my abdomen. Pressing it into place she pushed a button on the machine and immediately I felt the tissue sucked into the cup q uite strongly. S he adj usted the tissue at the sides and pushed it into the cup. It wasn’t really painful but the pressure was strong. T hen she repeated this process on each of my thighs. T he discomfort was tolerable. W ithin a couple of minutes I could feel heat in the cups and wondered about this. I was expecting it to be cold right away. S he told me that the treatment would last for 50 minutes. I wondered if I could handle the discomfort for 50 minutes.

H owever, it’s not instant like liposuction but it gradually breaks down the fat cells which are eliminated naturally from the body. And it’s permanent. T he process continues working for three months but visible results are usually evident after 45 days. T his is perfect for areas that you have stubborn fat that’s been nearly impossible to shift. Doing a hundred situps a day and still have that bulge of belly fat? T his is the solution. T wo areas can be treated at the same time in only an hour. I was escorted upstairs into an all-white room with a treatment bed and a large strange looking machine with four hoses sticking out of it. After donning a smock the therapist measured the areas of my body that were going to be treated. T his would be compared with the same measurements a few weeks later to see the results. T hen she asked me to lie down. I was going to have my abdomen and thighs treated. After pulling up the smock to uncover my belly she opened a sealed package and unfolded a large wet cloth and began laying it over my belly. I asked what it was and she told me that it was anti-freeze . R aising my eyebrows in surprise, thinking that you used anti-freez e in cars in cold countries. S he smiled and explained that it would prevent the skin from freezi ng and damaging it. T hat sounded like a good thing. After this she

Gradually the warmth turned cold. Looking at the clock I realize d I had 45 minutes to wait. Distraction. T hat’s what I needed. I asked for my phone and opened the S crabble program. Good old S crabble could keep me distracted. As I played I noticed the discomfort in my body less and less. I could feel a deep cold in the tissues now. I could handle this. After all, I wasn’t really in pain. I had endured far more uncomfortable treatments that were q uite painful. O n a scale of 1 to 10, this was maybe a 2. t the end of fifty minutes she checked my skin and turned off the machine. Carefully removing the cups one by one, the tissue below felt strange, cold and sort of numb. T hen she removed the anti-freeze cloths and wiped off the skin. T hen she began massaging each area. T his actually felt more painful than anything else up to this point. “ rink liters of water to flush out the toxins and fat.” she instructed me. “ nly today? r every day?” I asked to be sure. “ very day is better.” She advised. “ an I have massage?” “ h yes. assage is good.” I was now allowed to get up and dress. M y inner tissues felt cold and a little numb with an achiness. But everything was fine. The skin was a little red but it faded very quickly. After I walked home I began drinking glasses and glasses of water until I felt q uite full. It’s recommended to have two or three treatments to achieve your best silhouette with permanent fat loss. T he second and third treatments should be performed 45 days apart. Although the fat loss will continue for up to four months, visible results will be shown after 45 days.

C/H e/I-26 S ept 18

I returned for a second treatment 45 days later. T he same therapist accompanied me upstairs to another treatment room. After undressing she began taking my measurements on the same locations as the previous time. I was very pleased to see that I had lost 12 centimeters on my abdomen and thighs. I guess that’s why my shorts were feeling looser. T he only place that there was no change was on the upper abdomen. I now knew that this treatment really does work. T his session she attached a fourth suction cup over my upper abdomen. S he hadn’t placed one there the previous visit. Now I had two cups on my abdomen and one each on an outer thigh. I also liked the fact that this room had a large mirror facing the bed so I could see what was happening. It looked strange to watch the tissue being sucked up into the cups and held there. T his session was more comfortable than the previous one.

For permanent fat loss go to T he Body Lab. Jl. R aya Basangkasa 10, S eminyak. T : 0361-737052 E: W : FB: @bodylab.bali

Copyright spa inspirations 2018 F or clinics and spas offering new treatm ents contact m e for an upcom ing story. S pa.inspirations@ gm You can read all past articles of Beauty & Health at G et a copy of S hari’ s book T he S pa G uru’ s Hom e S pa of hom e spa recipes from Bali available on Am azon as e- book or hard cover.

C/H E/U-07 Nov 18


T h e R o t a r y C l u b s o f B a l i and the B a l i R e d C r o s s B l o o d B a n k are working together to increase the awareness about the severe shortage of R h N e g a t i v e B l o o d types here in Bali. These are much less prevalent in Asian populations (0.3%) vs. European populations (10%). If you have R h N e g a t i v e B l o o d and would be prepared to help save a life, please contact the B a l i R e d C r o s s B l o o d B a n k office today at 0 3 6 1 - 2 2 7 2 2 4 .and one of their mobile units will visit you at your home/ office hotel for your generous donation.

* Please note - the staff is professionally trained to International Standards and always uses new disposable needles. In addition, the Blood Bank is currently expanding its present list of R h N e g a t i v e B l o o d donors. If you are living in Bali and would be willing to have your name placed on a ‘ confidential list’ for emergency cases, please call 0 3 6 1 - 2 2 7 2 2 4 . Help SAVE a life TODAY by sharing this information with your friends, colleagues and customers.

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/Ns/I-23 Dec 15

C/H e/G-5 Dec. 18

C/H e/G-19 Dec. 18


C/He/G-21 Nov. 18

S ay What? Q u e s t i o n : I’m a single dad who married his high school sweetheart. As a conseq uence, I have dated very little. S o now I’m divorced, and I am thrust adrift into the dating scene – in Bali of all places. T he dating part comes easy; being a gentleman and forming relationships has gone well for me. I get that part. M y q uestion is about when it’s okay to introduce someone new to my son. I have been extremely cautious about keeping him out of any of my relationships thus far. But, now I have met a woman, who I think has some serious potential to be around for a while. I don’t want to put either her or my son in a problematic situation. S he knows I have a son and often asks about him and how things are. W e have been seeing each other for about a month and have been much more involved than I have been with previous relationships. S he comes from a background of school counseling, so she’s probably better at this than I am. But I haven’t wanted to saddle her with the responsibility of answering this q uestion. T hanks!

D r. Z Z :

I know that this is not about the number of days on the calendar for you, and more about the fact that you feel as if the woman you are dating will stick around for a while and be a positive influence in your son’s life. It also largely depends on your son as much as it does on the woman and/or on your relationship with her. R egardless of any background she may have in counseling, she is not going to know better than you, the parent, because this is a decision that needs to come from your heart. T hat said, it is probably not a terrible idea to say to her, “ I’m thinking of introducing you to my son, W hat do you feel about that? ” and get her opinion as your girlfriend about whether she thinks it’s time.

By D r. Z ae

T he fact that you are being so thoughtful about this is wonderful I’m fairly confident you’ll make a reasonable decision. O bviously, you don’t want to act from a place of heartfelt ineptitude, but unconditional love (i.e., love without expectations) is generally a failsafe guide.

Q u e s tio n :

For a few years, I have had a long-distance, not 100% platonic relationship with a man I met online. I was married when we first met, and he’s made it clear from the start that he wants only to be friends. I’m fine with that though I still have feelings. H e supported me through my divorce, and I supported him through various personal crises. W e have emailed each other back and forth, watched movies together and sent each other photos etc.. Everything has been great. T hen, about 4 months ago, he moved back to an area where he has a wider circle of friends, and suddenly he was not there for me so much. I got clingy and depressed as I perceived him to be drifting away. It was difficult to break the habit of messaging him daily or every-other-day. O nce I realize d what I was doing, I managed to stop pestering him and asked a few times how much space he needed. All he would ever say was a variation on “I’m fine, nothing has changed. Y ou’re being overdramatic.” M eanwhile our actual conversations grew shorter, colder and increasingly rare. H e still contacts me occasionally, but I want to know how to repair and disentangle our friendship without risking a breach of his invisible boundaries. I’m afraid I’ve lost too much goodwill to even try testing the limits.

D r. Z Z :

Y ou don’t have to be a mind-reader. Just take your friend at his word (“I’m fine, nothing has changed. Y ou’re being overdramatic.” ) Y ou didn’t cause the distance between you; you didn’t do anything wrong; you don’t have

to check in and atone, worry or apologize . In fact, he specifically does not want to talk about the nature of your relationship or your anxiety about it. T he more he has to reassure you that he’s not annoyed, the more apt he is to become secretly annoyed, and the more loudly he will protest that he’s annoyed. Y ou are not wrong to pick up on the diminished contact between the two of you because, as you pointed out, something has changed; he moved back to a town where he has a larger circle of friends and a more active social life. Long distance friendships are genuine; but, when people are deciding how to allocate limited time and attention in day-to-day life, proximity generally wins. It is not surprising that part of his moving and reinventing of self is making a conscious decision to move beyond your formerly shared, romantic, not-exactly-sexual past to actively putting his energy into a life closer to home. H ow to “ repair and disentangle” the situation? T ake him at his word that nothing is wrong. S omething, however, has changed about his priorities and about how much time, attention and effort he is putting into your friendship. H is actions speak loudly here, and your instincts are sound. Continue your self-monitoring strategy of pulling back on communication and letting him initiate contact. Put a moratorium on any conversations about the state of your friendship and send no emotional emails. Your romantic feelings are definitely at play here, and you’re understandably missing your daily j olts of attention and affection. W hether this is a breakup or not, to you it feels like one. S o, treat it as such, mourn the loss of your closeness privately, and then take all the energy you are putting into this not-so-active friendship and put it into being awesome someplace else.

D r. Z Z has a P h.D . in Counseling and a doctorate in N atural Healing. D rawing on a back ground of over thirty years as a professional therapist, she offers self- help in the areas health, relationship and personal growth. All q ueries are answered by em ail and, if they appear in print, are subj ect to editing. P lease em ail your q uestions : ( All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.

Copyright © 2018 S ay W hat? You can read all past articles of S ay W hat at


Letters To Bali Advertiser The Cup Runneth Over!!! It is that time of year where we see rubbish again on S anur Beach. BUT we can’t ignore it , and it is something we can do something about. T he one thing that we see every time, is the PLAS T IC CUPS of W AT ER that are given to guests etc. All these plastic cups end up on our beach, along with noodle cups, lots of single use plastic bags and water bottles, and everything else you can think of. And it has to S T O P.


S T O P using these cups. BUY a 5 gallon bottle of water, and paper cups and let people be part of the solution NO T part of the problem. W e don’t want to drink from these plastic cups, because not only does the water have a funny taste, but depending on how long it sits in those cups it becomes toxic. T he plastic straws are all over the beach and end up back in the environment.

IG: bloomerskids_fashion For size and stock Whatsapp : 0821 4600 3066

If you had a self serve station then we would be able to fill up our own reusable water bottles. S aves you cleaning up the plastic left as rubbish, and it would save you money. Y our customers would appreciate your efforts.S topping the use of plastic bags is going to help, BUT the real problem is the single use plastics. T hose little coffee sachets, shampoo, detergent etc that get used all the time, as always on the beach or floating in the water.

NC/G/P-7 Nov. 18


Do not sell plastic bags to people who “ forget” or simply “ do not care enough’” to bring a reusable shopping bag. It only encourages them to not care. M ake them take it all out in their arms, you can be sure that next time they will bring a bag.


F o r le a s e !! In te r n e t w ith h o ts p o t / W i-F C h e a p !! G u a ra n te e m o n e y b a T h e s e m a c h in e s r e a d y to u s e & v e r y s im p a n te n n a , to w e r, p h o n e c a b le , S u ita b le fo r s m a ll o ffic e / h o m e o ffic r e s ta u r a n t, v illa , h o te l, tr a d in g o tic k e tin g o n lin e , e tc

T he warungs can buy a bottle of coffee and serve from that. O R , make a big thermos of coffee and serve from that. Please don’t use those individual sachets. Don’t wrap everything in plastic at the supermarket. W e do not need to have everything wrapped in plastic sitting on a S tyrofoam plate. AGAIN, everything that is single use.

S ometimes when you see a problem you have to say something. Now, people are unwrapping the fruit and veggies and leaving the plastic in the shops. A silent but effective message. Plastic hides imperfections in the product. Display fresh and we choose and put into PAPER bags. S T O P throwing your rubbish in the water channels. S T O P j ust dropping plastic on the street when you finish with it. ST dumping truckloads of rubbish on the sides of the roads or into the river system, because you are polluting the environment for profit, and, because it is not only illegal but environmental vandalism. S T O P IT ! ! ! T his is a beautiful island and we need to protect it.

i c k ! le , n o n e e d g r id e tc . e , N e tC a fe , n lin e ,

T his is how it has to be if we want to help BALI rid itself of this insidious problem. EV ER Y O NE has to be involved and vigilant . If you see something that is not right, record it and send it to your local T V station. Y our children inherit this mess and it needs to S T O P NO W ! ! ! H ave a lovely rubbish free day Gia

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Restaurant & Food

NC/R/U-19 Dec 18

NC/R/G-19 Dec. 18

C/R/I-7 Nov 18

By Gerry Williams

Update La Mien is one of the many budget-priced eateries on Jln.

Aperitif @ The Viceroy is a nostalgic visit for any of us who were lucky enough to have experienced 20th century fine dining at any of the great restaurants of Europe. It is all here at its decadent best, chandeliers and all. The only thing missing is the cigars with the cognac after the meal [but the cigars can still be enjoyed out on the terrace]. The evening begins at the cocktail bar for pre dinner drinks whilst plucking snacks from the canapé tree before proceeding to the impressive dining room for the 8 course degustation dinner special by their talented Belgian Chef Nic Vanderbeeken. Highlight of the meal for me was the Venison Wellington with foie gras, kale and a mushroom rendang sauce. Cut at the table by the chef [pictured] and placed inside the ring of black truffle mash potato, honshimeji mushrooms and nasturtium leaves brings back memories of many Christmases in Europe during the game [gibier] season. Aperitif, the ultimate in fine dining! Biku on Jln. Petitenget, holds its popular annual Prince and Princess Day, Friday January 11, 2019. Hosted and organized by Fairy Poppilina it features non-stop entertainment for the children who are all served Biku’s famous Kids High Tea [Rp. 75,000++ each] consisting of finger sandwiches, scones and cup cakes served with fruit juices. This special session is from 4.00 - 5.30 p.m.

Goutama, in Ubud [a pedestrian only walkway]. La Mien is one of the best. It is operated by the Ryoshi Group, enough said! Ramen noodles are the main attraction. They are available in a selection of build-yourself options [a small bowl of noodles, add your broth of choice and then your topping]. Normal size traditional portions are also available from the a la carte menu [topped with slices of pork confit] as well as many other standard dishes from the popular Ramen Boy outlet on Sunset Road [another great cheap eatery]. These include starters Sesame Chicken & Cold Noodle Salad, Siu Mai, Zangi and Katsu Curry. There is also a special Curry Udon [chicken or beef], those popular Gyoza [pork or vegetarian], Hiyashi Chuka, and Chicken or Beef Terriyaki. New product on the menu here is their VEGAN ‘Hot Dog’. The vast majority of tofu produced and sold in Asia is GMO [genetically modified], but not so from Ryoshi. They only use the more expensive organically grown soy beans [from Lombok] and then prepare their tofu using the age-old Japanese method of doing same. Experimenting with different overnight marinations they discovered one that leaves the tofu stick tasting like a Frankfurt, hence the VEGAN DOG. Vegan [plant based] is becoming the cuisine of choice for many health conscious diners.

Jollie Kitchen is a new Middle Eastern restaurant on Jln. Kartika Plaza in front of and a part of the Paradiso Hotel. Bathinjan bil Humus [mixed vegetables with curry sauce, topped with feta], many Kofta [minced meat]; bil Sanayah with potato curry, Labanieh with bread and garlic sauce, or Mixed Kebabs [both kofta and sheesh kebabs]. Mains include Shawarma [lamb or beef], Djaj Mahwi [BBQ chickcn leg with fatoush salad and potato or a fusion mishmash of Spaghetti and chilli tuna, Rista bil Sammakh. Sangsaka is new on Jln. Pangkung Sari, Kerobokan, with chef Kieran Morland presiding over the woks, and already becoming very popular. Start with Udang Woku [charcoal prawns with vermicelli and komangi] or Gurita

Kalio [wood roasted octopus] then Ikan Kalap [Red Emperor, Clams, lemongrass, calamansi] Pipi Sapi Andaliman [glazed beef cheek, tomato, chilli] or Celeng Siobak [suckling pig, rose apple, star anis]. Or you can enjoy 9 dishes in 5 separate servings for Rp. 550,000 ++ p.p..

Mozaic restaurant and Owner/chef Chris Salans pays tribute to iconic French chef Paul Bocuse, who recently passed away, with a commemoration dinner, Friday January, 4, 2019 at his MOZAIC Ubud restaurant. Paul Bocuse cook books are found in many great restaurant kitchens around the world. Many of his recipes are featured in this 6 course dinner: Oeuf De Poule Au Caviar & Bisque De Homard, [Egg, Caviar with Blini and Lobster Bisque], Homard en Salade a la Francaise [Lobster Salad “a la Francaise”], Rouget en Ecailles de Pomme De Terre Croustillante [Red Mullet Dressed in Crusty Potato Scales], “Triu Normand” Granite Au Vin Rouge [Red Wine Sorbet], Canard A La ’Orange [Duck in Fresh Orange Sauce], Filet of Beef Rossini, Sauce Périgueux [Wagyu Beef and Foie Gras in Black Truffle Sauce], Moelleux Au Chocolat, Creme Glace Vanille [Chocolate Moelloeux, Fresh Vanilla Ice Cream]. The cost is Rp. 1,250,000++ p.p. [wine pairings also available]. Prior booking essential. Ubud Taliwang is just an open wantilan [with parking]

opposite the Pertamina station on Jln. Raya Pengosekan, Ubud. Taliwang is the national dish of Lombok; baby chickens or as they are called there Kampung [village] Chickens, are grilled or baked, sometimes with prior marination and sometimes just with accompanying sauce which is usually a nice fiery Sambal Ulek which is made from fresh hot red chilli (chopped, but seeds left in them), ground to a paste. Other ingredients can include garlic, salt, shallots and/or tamarind. Many pakets and combinations are available, all very budget priced. For more information see our website:


C/He/G-21 Nov. 18

NC/R/I-19 Dec 18

C/R/G-7 Nov. 18


Restaurant Review Odette is a surprise! A clean modern stylish fit out that you would more expect to find in Seminyak rather than in the up-country wood carving village of Mas. Not only that, there is also a relaxing garden courtyard down below where you can also dine.

Whilst Odette is a popular place to visit just for a coffee and cake or pastry from their in-house bakery it is also offers many snacks and full meals for anytime dining. For snacking there is their Quick Bites menu headed by very tasty Mini Burgers, chicken and cheese in brioche buns [one is never enough].. Chicken Fingers with basil sauce are another option as are the more common onion rings or Vietnamese spring rolls. Breakfast/Brunch is a popular time here with many egg dishes, some standard, some less common. I like the Middle Eastern Shakshuka; eggs poached in a hearty tomato ragout with either your choice of beans [pictured] or minced beef, which comes with two large slabs of toast, very good for dunking. Their Eggs Benedict are poached eggs with mushroom and water spinach, add bacon or smoked salmonThe English is very complete; eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, smoked tomato, grilled pumpkin and toast. There is a Breakfast Bruschetta; scrambled egg whites and bacon with a basil, parsley and cashew sauce. The New York style Reformer consists of scrambled egg whites, feta, red spinach, walnuts, tomato and mashed avocado with sourdough toast.

Surprising! By Gerry Williams An alternate Benedict is with blue cheese and mushrooms. The super healthy option is their Pink Dragon Smoothie, red dragon fruit, grapes, strawberries, banana and granola with coconut flakes and dried fruits;


: Odette.


: Jln. Raya Mas, Mas, Ubud.

Lunch begins at 11.30 and includes soups, Pumpkin or Chicken & Mushroom and a variety of salads; Chicken Caesar, Grilled Pumpkin, or a Feta and Watermelon. Their ‘Thai’ Beef Salad is with rice noodles.


: 972.161.


: 09.00 08.00pm. daily.

Sandwiches range from a Vietnamese style Banh Mi with sweet chicken to the usual Club. Also a Tuna Melt, Smoked Salmon [cream cheese, onions and chives], Chicken [mozzarella and pesto] and BBQ Pork Rib [oven baked with coleslaw and BBQ sauce]

Smoking Area

: Garden area.


: Off road, at front.

Mains can be international or local. There is Jerusalem style Polenta. It is very creamy with asparagus and button mushrooms added, topped with truffle oil and parmesan. An unusual dish is their Duck and Waffle, a Belgian waffle topped with duck that has been cooked in an orange reduction. Chicken Parmigiana is pan fried breaded breast with a tangy tomato salsa or Chicken can be grilled in citrus and served with couscous and vegetables.

Non-smoking Area : Inside in air-con.


: Rp. 250,000 for two [+ drinks].

Credit Cards

: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX.


: International, local.


: Local [by bottle only].


: Ubud friendly.


: Relaxing.


: Good food, great value!

The steak is 150 gm Sirloin [from OZ] with either Salad & Chips or Mash & Veg. The Pasta is Spaghetti, A standard Bolognese or with Chicken and Mushrooms. A touch of Mex, are their Tacos, chicken, shredded duck or prawn. Where would any 2018 menu be without some Burgers. Not to disappoint there is the normal beef version with caramelized onions and cheese, a less than normal chicken and raisin coleslaw and a very unusual Prawn and grilled Pineapple. On the local menu is the ODETTE Nasi Campur, rice and a selection of small chicken and vegetarian dishes. The Nasi Goreng adds chicken to the fried rice as well as a fried egg on top. Overall this restaurant is a very pleasant surprise, particularly in such an area of very local warungs all just serving crispy duck. Quiet, stylish and very professional and more amazingly all at almost warung prices….well done!

Reviews that appear in Bali Advertiser are based on actual visits to the establishments listed, without the knowledge of the restaurants, and are not paid for by the individual restaurants. Opinions expressed here are those of Gerry Williams and not necessarily those of Bali Advertiser. Gerry Williams attempts to write from a ‘typical’ diner’s perspective and, whilst quality of food is the most important criteria overall, value for money is the real measuring stick. Copyright © 2018 Gerry Williams

NC/R/I-19 Dec 18


BUSINESS NEWS Congratulations on the Grand Opening of

Sidewalk Jimbaran Mall Sidewalk Jimbaran Jl. Raya Uluwatu 138A Jimbaran. Badung - Bali

on December 20, 2018 Bali Advertiser Management & Staff NC/Ns/U-19 Dec 18

C/R/G-19 Dec. 18

Nom de plume

Environmental education was always a vital part of the school’s program but the Green Rangers program differs from the ongoing program in the sense that; it is a training program for a specific group of children to become environmental activists and it also accepts students from other schools to join into the program.

For twenty years now the school has worked on a mission to develop environmental consciousness among the students. Children are taught to love and respect our planet. The school believes it is necessary environmental education is taught by example and not in theory alone. At Window to the World they do not advocate a particular viewpoint or course of action. The environmental education rather teaches individuals how to weigh various sides of an issue through critical thinking and to enhance students’ own problem-solving and decision-making skills. The relationship between humans and the environment has always been an important part of Balinese culture but unfortunately the pressure on the environment is growing

NC/NV/U-19 Dec. 18

Green Rangers

Occasional Articles From Our Readers

The Window to the World school in Lovina, north Bali has launched a new, extensive environment program called Green Rangers. The Window to the World school is a nonprofit school combining education renewal and teacher training with supporting education for the under privileged. The school opened its doors twenty years ago.

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rapidly. It is therefore the Window to the World school has started an environmental program called ‘Green Rangers’ which is reaching out beyond the school doors. The response from other schools to join into the program is overwhelming. It shows the growing concern about the garbage situation. The students commit to become, so called “Green Rangers”. They are divided in Junior Rangers and Senior Rangers depending on their age. They start with a six month training program to become green activists. The objective of this project is to: 1. Create awareness among students, teachers and parents 2. Train Green Rangers in setting up and maintaining sustainable garbage management systems using the Window to the World garbage and composting system as an example. 3. Understand the Reduce- Reuse-Recycle principle and making it the daily routine. 4. Develop understanding that managing garbage is firstly a personal commitment and secondly, a commitment for life. Once the first group of Green Rangers has been trained, they will be encouraged to share the skills they developed with their own schools and families. The Rangers will invite them to the Window to the World school to learn about garbage separation and composting and join into workshops. The program is packed with activities, hands on learning, field trips and discussion time. The team leading the Green Rangers took ample time to prepare the program and

travelled the area visiting garbage collecting points, like; separation stations, the landfill in Bengkala and garbage banks. The Green Ranger leading team found many people working in various initiatives, private as well as governmental, committed to working for a cleaner environment which happily joined the green forces. The project coordinator for the training of the first group of Rangers is Damian Krings who receives help from Rotary Club Euskichen, Germany. Other partners are; True Scuba, NMS Bali, RefillMyBottle, The Adirama Hotel Lovina, Cok Fendi, POKMASWAS, Bank sampah Kaliber and Bank sampah Kasih Lestari. You can follow the Green Rangers via the school Facebook Page: For more information on the Window to the World school go to: or send us an e-mail: Written by: Conchita de Jong. Founder Window to the World school


Business & Travel

Fascinating Rhythms, Paddyside By Renee Melchert Thorpe Cheers! Mojitos and Bintang and soda water are in our glasses, each catching a gleam of sunset. I’m in a small crowd of NGO workers, musicians and entrepreneurs. Tattered scarecrows, more sculpture than agricultural aid, hold vigil over the vast green padi behind us. This is the accommodation and performance space Omah Apik, and another magical night of music and performance is about to begin. Once a year, architect and activist Etha Widiyanto hosts a 2-day festival of inspiration and creativity. It’s her Festival Tepi Sawah, 3 years new, assisted by sound engineer and music impresario Anom Darsana, and jazz great Nita Aartsen. It’s a happening of art, dance, indigenous music, and jazz; with cultural workshops, craftsmen, and more. Fine for families, the festival buildings buzz with hands-on activities, refreshments (one year a food truck was dishing Balinese tacos), virtuoso performances, and breathtaking jam sessions. Half the fun is exploring Etha’s beautiful structures (like her massive old teak joglo with a floor of salvaged wood), and its exquisite surrounds. You can even book a room at Omah Apik and stay right within the grounds. On facebook, Omah Apik Pejeng Bali has the link to reserve. Next festival is slated for July 6 - 7, one so good that I want to tip you off now. It’s a stone’s throw from Ubud (and truly rural), in the storied village of Pejeng. Already confirmed are Kids of Kupang / Jakarta Big Band, wunderkind puppetmaster Cilik Narend, Papua dancers, and crowdpleasing Jogjakarta songstress Endah Laras. Workshops: Made Taro and Clean Bali Series, master dancer and musician I Made Bandem, Sumatran filmmaker Erik Est, and photographer Vifick Bolang. Year-round, Etha stages music events called Fascinating Rhythm on at least one Monday evening per month, with January 7th up next, 7-10pm. Past FR events have

featured Mbira music from Zimbabwe and a world class jazz bassist from Italy. These evenings include a little tutorial or informative intro to the instrument, but mainly it’s a whole lot of great music in a fun space. Subscribe to Omah Apik updates with What’s App on +62 8123909334. ***************************************************************** What a year for culture it’s been! Take poet Saras Dewi, who wow’d Ubud’s writers festival with her tuak song. Watch this space for upcoming news about this dynamic activist/singer/philosophy professor. Artists had a hand in community building, like mental health reformer Budi Agung Kuswara (Kabul), whose stunning cyanoprint series, Anonymous Ancestors, are included in Art Bali’s Celebration of the Future exhibition, now through 15 January at the AB BC Building smack next to Nusa Dua’s Bali Collection shopping mall. Art Bali? Apa itu? In October while diplomats were convening in Nusa Dua, government body BE KRAF baptised a pavilion-like exhibition space with Beyond the Myths, a Bali-centric show of celebrated local greats like Ashley Bickerton, Yoka Sara, Agung Mangu Putra, and I Nyoman Erewan. Curator Rifky Effendy used the big white cube’s surrounds for eye-catching installations to punctuate the statement that Bali is on the world art map. Connect with for exhibitions throughout the year. ***************************************************************** Regionally, it’s art biennale time, so if you’re traveling, google these hot art and culture spots: Kochi Biennial on now, through 29 March. Malabar Coast and art: unbeatable combo.


Thailand Biennale Krabi on now, until 28 Feb 2019. Taiwan Ceramics Biennale through 3 March 19 (tour de force clay works) 12th Shanghai Biennale on now, through 10 Mar 2019 Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT8)

Australia Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art now through 28 April 2019 Taipei Biennial through 10 March 2019 India Art Festival 17 – 20 Jan Mumbai (check out the pavilion for independent artists) Indiaartfair 31 Jan – 3 Feb New Delhi Singapore Art Week 19 – 27 January 2019 (when the city comes alive with events and fun) Art Stage Singapore 25 – 27 Jan Singapore’s Bicentennial 28 Jan - 24 Feb (includes a festival of Asian Horror Films)! Now and in the new year, look for these local art and culture events: Indigenous Movie Nights at Paradiso, Ubud. Organized by David Metcalf, of the Indigenous Festival at ARMA. Next screening mid-January: check or 085737614050 for info. Denpasar 2018: Jingga show continues til 7 January. CushCush Gallery, Gang Rajawahli 1A, Jl Teuku Umar, Denpasar. What’s App for hours: 081805542430 PLUS: CushCush stages children’s workshop Make Your Own Charcoal (charcoal drawing sticks) 17 January: What’s App Nike at 089664772657. X Jam street art event, in the big skate park behind the Allcaps Store, 23 December, Jl Raya Canggu 18A Call 085737614050 for details. Please send (with plenty of lead time) your art & cultural event announcements to Have a creative new year! Spreading art news? Make comments and suggestions by email: Copyright © 2018 MALA Art & Culture You can read all past articles of MALA Art & Culture at

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Local News


P lans afoot to charg e tou rists for w aste manag ement solid waste management (SWM) services are determined to a large extent by the amount of funding available for the collection, transport, disposal, and recycling of wastes and effective SWM requires adequate funds to cover a range of activities involving designing and building recycling centres, landfills, and other facilities such as buying collection vehicles, compactors, and other equipment. Operating SWM services are substantial, and have been estimated to account for 20%-50% of municipal expenditures. A number of Pacific Island countries, including the Marshall Islands, the Cook Islands and Palau already charge visitors fees to assist in covering these costs.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, is working on plans to charge visitors coming to tourism destinations across Indonesia, including Bali, a waste management tax according to local newswires. Waste management, especially plastic waste management, is a growing global problem and one that Indonesia is keen to address. Gapura Bali recently reported Bali’s political will was turning green and the island was set to ban plastic bags in 2019; one of a number of green initiatives aimed at creating a cleaner and healthier environment for visitors and residents alike. But there is a cost for doing the right thing. The idea of charging visitors to manage the trash they leave is not new. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

These new rules are being targeted to be enforced by February 2019. Bali’s new Governor, I Wayan Koster is also planning to charge an additional levy on visitors coming to Bali to preserve Balinese customs and culture. When combined these new taxes could mean an additional USD 20 on transportation and/or lodging prices for foreign visitors. [Gapura Bali December 5, 2018]

A family home in Batubulan, Gianyar, collapsed into the river below at 6:30am on Saturday morning, killing a mother and three children and seriously injuring the father. The foundations of the house, which was perched above the ten-meter-deep Tiyis River, had become unstable due to heavy rainfall. Following the incident, a joint team of regional police, search and rescue teams, Gianyar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and Gianyar Military District Command arrived at the scene of the landslide on Jl. Pratu. The evacuation effort was underway by 8am, deploying around 350 personnel equipped with heavy equipment, hammers and chainsaws, reported Nusa Bali.

One of the witnesses to the whole event was the children’s grandmother, Ni Nyoman Martani, 53, who had been outside making her daily religious offerings at the time of the disaster. She said she knew something was awry when she

Koster explained that the advancement of Bali’s culture forms the first dimension of his vision and mission for the development plan for Bali 2018-2023. Adding: “The richness of Bali is its unending culture. For that reason, it must continually be exposed and protected.” Koster outlined some of the work programs included in his vision of “Nangung Set Kerthi Loka Bali” (“Safeguard the Sanctity and Harmony of Bali’s Nature and Culture). “One of the programs I have introduced is the use of the Balinese language and Balinese traditional costumes on Thursday of each week at all government agencies and offices in Bali,” Koster explained. In the future, Koster hopes that Bali’s development will be based on its culture and “local wisdom.” Adding: “I want the culture of Bali to become the Island’s main commodity in

RACQ LifeFlight’s executive manager of Air Ambulance Jets, Tim Healee, said the flight back to Australia would be undertaken at a low level due to the man’s condition. “In this case, we’re flying the aircraft at a lower altitude, which means that we can keep the cabin at a sea-level pressure, which helps reduce the pressure changes on the patient,” he said. “We carry a doctor and a nurse and they’re very experienced both in emergency and high acuity medicine, so basically it’s like a flying intensive care unit.” [Sydney Morning Herald November 30, 2018] Denpasar calf- slasher seized by police Thirty-three year old Balinese man I Gusti Made Susila has been arrested for Monday’s mindless knife attack on Denpasar schoolgirl Anak Agung Pratama Dewi. The assault, which took place in an alleyway off Jl. Gunung Penulisan in Denpasar, occurred around lunchtime on Monday as the teen was walking home from school. “The perpetrator followed the victim, his head and face covered with a helmet and a mask. When nobody was around, he pulled out the knife and cut the victim’s legs until she was injured,” recapped an official in a report by Kumpuran.

felt the garage door vibrate, “I thought it was an earthquake,” she explained. “I immediately shouted into the house to try and wake up the children and grandchildren, but before I had finished speaking the house had plunged into the river,” she told Nusa Bali. The night before the accident, Martani claims to have had a strange feeling, saying that one of the children had been unusually agitated and unwilling to sleep. Incidentally, local residents living around the Tiyus River have long suspected the waterway to be haunted. According to a different article in Nusa Bali, the riverbank has been the scene of many strange sightings, including several of Kuntilanak, the long-haired ghost who is believed to have died in childbirth according to Javanese folklore. The sole survivor, I Made Oktara Dwipaguna, is currently receiving treatment at Sanglah Hospital. The hospital’s PR officer, Dewa Ketut Kresna, said that staff had received the patient at 10:20am on Saturday morning, commenting to Nusa Bali, “His condition is currently stable. He has undergone surgery for abdominal wounds and there is a fracture in his arm. There are also injuries to his face, arms, and legs.” [Coconuts Bali December 11, 2018]

A Culture Census for Bali in 2019 Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster has announced plans to create Provincial regulations preserving Balinese culture. By elevating cultural conservation to the level of a provincial law, Governor Koster says a pillar of the Island’s economic development can be promoted and protected. As reported by NusaBali, the Governor told the Bali Cultural Congress meeting in Denpasar on Tuesday, December 4, 2018: “Bali is not like other regions that have natural wealth that will disappear over time if continually exploited. Bali, on the other hand, has a culture that the more it is used and shared, the more it will continue to blossom and develop. Therefore, I want to protect Bali’s culture under the law.”

A Queenslander suffering from serious head injuries after falling off a motor scooter in Indonesia will be flown home by an RACQ LifeFlight jet. Emergency medical retrieval experts had landed in Bali to help the injured man after the Air Ambulance Challenger 604 jet was called to Indonesia on Thursday night. The man remains in a serious condition after he fell from a motor scooter in the early hours of Sunday morning. He and his parents were set to be taken to Queensland and were expected to land in Brisbane on Friday night.

Viva report that Minister Luhut believes the cost of levies for handling waste will be pegged at around USD 10 for foreign tourists and around USD 1 for domestic tourists. Koster’s Cultural Tax may double this, but both have yet to be confirmed and ratified by their respective government bodies. According to Bertigar the legal umbrella for the levy is being prepared and reviewed and will appear later as a Presidential Regulation (Perpres).

M other and three children killed in B ali landslide

Sadly, the outcome of the search uncovered the bodies of four people, named in the same report as Ni Made Lintang Ayu Widmerti, 31, and her three children, Ni Putu Deta Vania Larasati, 6, I Made Adin Radita Paguna, 3, and I Nyoman Ali Anggara Paguna, 2. Six-year-old Ni Putu Deta Vania Larasati, a student of Denpasar Elementary School, was the first victim to be found dead. In the hours to follow, her three-year-old brother was discovered in a sleeping position, curled up around a bolster. “At first we found a pillow. When we pulled the victim’s body appeared,” said Ketut Gede Ardana, Head of the Denpasar Search and Rescue Office, to the source. The youngest casualty, a toddler, was found about a meter away from his mother’s body. The father, I Made Oktara Dwipaguna, 30, was the only family member to be recovered alive, despite being buried under a pile of rubble, as confirmed by Gianyar BPBD chief Anak Agung Oka Digjaya in a report by Kompas.

Seriously injured Queenslander to be flown from Bali in ‘flying ICU’

order that we are no longer completely dependent of the tourism sector. In this way, we can develop other sectors, such as agriculture.”

Susila quickly fled the scene after the attack. Police have since discovered his jacket and mask, dumped at the Batanta Dam after the crime was committed. Shocked and wounded, the sixth-grade student was helped back to her home in Jl. Imam Bonjol by local residents. ”The victim told me that before being slashed, a man riding a Yamaha Jupiter motorbike with small frame and dark skin had twice teased her,” said an unnamed source to Kumpuran. The incident was reported by Dewi’s parents on Monday. Having secured the knife, helmet and motorbike as evidence, police arrested Susila at 3:30pm yesterday at his place of work on Jl. Majapahit, Kuta, reported Bali Post. [Coconuts Bali December 5, 2018] In the dark from time to time until January 2019 Bali’s power grid was reduced by 125 megawatts (MW) on Tuesday, December 4, 2018, due to maintenance being carried out at the Steam-Powered (PLTU) Electrical Generating Plant in Celukan Bawang. NusaBali reports quoted the general manager of PT Indonesia Power in Bali, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Sabawa Putra, who confirmed maintenance was under way on Network Units I, II and III that will cause power limitations from time to time until early January 2019.

Separately, Koster is recommending that a culture census be carried out in 2019 to create an inventory of all aspects of Balinese life connected with Balinese culture. The Governor wants a comprehensive inventory of dance forms, gamelan, statues, significant architecture, textile weaving, performing arts and alike. With a comprehensive inventory of cultural assets in hand, Koster said a corresponding map can be created that will enhance the welfare of the Balinese people. The proposed census can involve active contributions by places of higher education and university students doing work experience. By encouraging the use of Balinese costumes every Thursday and also for those employed on the organizing committees of national conferences held in Bali, Governor Koster is certain the local textile and fashion industries can be stimulated and the related products can be sold at higher rates. Koster is also seeking that office sign boards and road side banners can also incorporate the use of Balinese script. This will encourage the use of the Balinese language and create future employment for young Balinese who have mastered Balinese. [ December 9, 2018]

With the maintenance underway at PLTU Celukan Bawang, the electrical supply for all of Bali will be reduced by 125 MW or 10% from a total normal supply of 1,228.7 MW. The remaining supply of 1,103 MW is perilously close to the nighttime peak consumption level of 900 MW. The State Power Board (PLN) in order to prevent blackouts is asking the public to conserve the use of electrical power through early January 2019, especially between the hours of 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm. PLN is also pledging to do all possible to accelerate the completion of routine maintenance at PLTU Celukan Bawang. [ December 9, 2018]

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C/H o/G-19 Dec. 18


Ode to the Throne

GREENSPEAK A s 2 0 1 8 r o lls to a c lo s e , o u r th o u g h ts o fte n tu r n to g r a titu d e . L e t u s c o n s id e r a n d g iv e th a n k s to th a t u n lo v e d a n d u n lo v e ly ite m o f p o r c e la in , th e to ile t. W e a s s u m e th a t it w ill a lw a y s b e th e r e , c le a n a n d fu n c tio n in g a n d d is c r e e tly d is p o s in g o f o u r e x c r e tio n s . T h is fu n d a m e n ta lly im p o r ta n t a r tic le is ta k e n c o m p le te ly fo r g r a n te d u n til s o m e th in g g o e s w r o n g (u s u a lly v e r y wrong) or we find ourselves without access to one in tim e o f u r g e n t n e e d .

By I bu Kat

them across R aj asthan by train. I cast my memory back to the chaotic platforms and the very high steps up to the railway carriages. I reminded her that our q uartet included a person with a spinal fusion, one with a replaced hip, one who habitually carried a walking stick and one with very short legs (me). I described my memories of the loos on Indian trains a few decades ago, which required a fine sense of balance and considerable preparation and nerve. T rouser legs were rolled high before entering the chamber. T aking position over the small hole in the floor that opened directly onto the railway track, one adj usted to the violent j arring of the train while hanging on tightly to the wall with one hand and managing trouser fastenings with the other, meanwhile holding the loo paper between the teeth. M any visitors had missed the hole altogether. T hings may have changed; Indian train toilets may now be safe and clean. But we decided to hire a car instead, with a driver who would scout the loos in the petrol stations. I d e s c r ib e d m y m e m o r ie s o f th e lo o s o n In d ia n tr a in s a few decades ago, which re uired a fine sense of b a la n c e a n d c o n s id e r a b le p r e p a r a tio n a n d n e r v e

Like so many tamu now retired in Bali, I backpacked around S outheast Asia in the 1970s and 80s. T his experience provided a very broad education in accepted hygiene practices in the developing world. I’ll never forget my disbelief, when asking for the toilet in a tiny hamlet in M alaysia, on being invited with a vague gesture to avail myself of the hinterland behind the guest house. It was my first intimation that not everyone had a nice porcelain throne. I was very naï ve. O f course I was already aware that not all toilets were designed for sitting, but had never really considered the complete absence of sanitary facilities. In fact open defecation, as it is now officially called, is still the only option for about million people ( figure) or 12 percent of the global population. In Indonesia this number is about 30 million, considerably more than the population of Australia. A lot of this activity takes place on beaches, as I’m reliably informed by intrepid friends who visit the less-visited shorelines of the archipelago. S ome are not so very distant. T hink Amed, where a friend who rents a beachfront villa has to place her feet carefully as she makes her way along the beach on her early morning walk. W hen I was planning a trip to India recently for four semi-septuagenarians, a younger friend urged me to take

In some places human waste is recycled. V isiting Goa in 1990 I learned that pigs were an important part of the food chain. Back yards were fenced and each held an elevated structure that was in fact an outhouse reached by a short ladder. T he family pig, which lived in the yard, would closely observe visits to this structure so it could position itself strategically beneath and consume the payload as it was delivered. And yes, pork was widely eaten in Goa, although not by me. A few more stories like this, including many about the dangers of trekking through miles of human waste in Nepal, causes me to regard my own toilet with increasing affection. The first flushable toilet was described in by Sir ohn H arington, an English courtier and godson of Q ueen Eliza beth. H owever it was almost 300 more years before the concept was perfected and marketed by a gentleman by the name of T homas Crapper in 1880. Y es that really was his name, get over it. T he design has not changed much since its invention, except for the cistern. T his was originally a large tank mounted high on the wall behind the loo that was flushed with a chain the water flooded down with an alarming roar. Gradually the cistern was contained behind the toilet itself and flushes became much less dramatic. The apanese have brought the loo to a fine art form. isitors to apan are often intimidated to find a range of buttons on or near the loo lettered with apanese characters there are no subtitles. If brave enough to experiment one discovers a warm j et of water aimed at one’s nether regions (adj ustable

C/H o/I-26 S ept 18

for gender) followed by puffs of warm air to dry said region, ending with your choice of flush volume. efinements to this throne of thrones include a lid that opens automatically when you enter the room, a heated seat and a selection of music to discreetly mask any unseemly noises. At the other end of the hygiene spectrum are the hills and fields of the simple and very poor people of Sumba. or over 10 years I’ve been writing about Proj ect H ope S umba (PH S ), an excellent NGO active in S umba Barat Daya, one of the poorest areas of one of Indonesia’s poorest islands. O ne of their proj ects is to provide materials for toilets, which the villagers construct themselves. A new proj ect for PH S is to provide toilets for 300 families, nearly all subsistence farmers, in the remote desa of W ee R ame in W ewewa T engah. About half the population has only elementary school education and most have no regular income. T he desa was chosen by PH S because of the cooperation of the kepala desa, and the intelligence and motivation of some of the very physically disabled people there. A priority is to construct toilets for families with disabled children but it’s necessary to also provide them to ordinary families to prevent j ealousy and for general community hygiene. T he tested and well accepted toilet design includes two chambers; when one is full the contents are left to become compost. Building materials in Eastern Indonesia are more expensive than in Bali due to high transport costs. T he total of purchased materials for each toilet is about R p 1.6 million, with the villagers providing all the local materials and labour. T his isn’t a lot of money to most of us but makes a huge difference to a desperately poor family. lease donate to Yayasan Haripan Sumba, Bank B I, nit aytabula aikabubak, account number . T hink of it as your toilet tithe as you enj oy the largesse of the holidays. M ay your 2019 be a year of health, contentment, prosperity and sharing those great gifts with the less fortunate.

E - m ail: ibuka tbali@ gm Copyright © 2018 G reenspeak You can read all past articles of G reenspeak at Ibu Kat’s book of stories Bali D aze - F ree- fall off the T ourist T rail and R etired, R ewired - L iving W ithout Adult S upervision in Bali are available from Ganesha Books and on Kindle

C/H o/I-19 Dec 18



By I nes W ynn

A grab bag of cultural, culinary, travel and leisure events to mark on your calendar

T he latter part of this month will turn out to be one of the busiest and most fun filled times of the year. R ight along with Christmas comes the 3-day Balinese festival of Galungan, followed by the endof-year celebrations. W e’re in for an exciting and action-filled time. any hotels, restaurants and beach clubs are organising special dinners and entertainment to help you celebrate Christmas and New Y ear’s Eve. For the Auld Lang S yne regulars there are many festive offerings to choose from. Y ou can opt for a gala dinner with live entertainment at 5-star venues, enj oy spectacular beach front fireworks at midnight or dance the night away at Bali’s trendy nightclubs. W hatever you choose to do, be safe and rock in the new year in style. H appy H olidays!

E x h ib itio n o f S u m b a Is la n d Ik a t – N o w F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 9

th ro u g h 1 5

T he S aravasti Design S tore located at the Padma R esort in Legian has a special exhibition, W hisper on the Grassland, of the traditional textiles of S umba Island, East Nusa T enggara. S umba ikat is prize d for its exq uisite heirloomstyle textiles made following centuries-old weaving traditions and natural dying techniq ues handed down through the generations. Like elsewhere in Indonesia, S umba ikat is worn for sacred rituals, birth, marriage and death rites. Beautiful motifs woven in rich colors and uniq ue designs pay homage to human, animals, and plant themes. Besides the sumptuous textiles other East S umbanese crafts and photography will be on display. W hen W here Cost

: O pen daily until February 15 2019. : S aravasti Design S tore - Padma R esort Legian : free

B e te ln u t F ilm : D a V in c i C o d e – 1 9 D e c e m b e r ven if you have read the book, you gotta go see this film of a murder inside the Louvre and clues in Da V inci paintings leading to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years, which could shake the foundations of Christianty. S tarring T om H anks and Audrey T autou. Directed by R on H oward. W hen W here Cost

: W ednesday 19 December at 7:30 pm. Doors O pen 7pm : Betelnut, Jl R aya Ubud : min. 2 x R p30k vouchers for your F& B consumption

G a lu n g a n – T u e s d a y th r o u g h D e c e m b e r

T h u rs d a y 2 5 to

2 7

T he twice yearly festival of Galungan commemorates the celebrated battle of good over evil and is one of Bali’s most colourful celebrations as every street in Bali is decked out with soaring bamboo poles called penj ors. T he penj ors are decorated with typical products celebrating the harvest and some get q uite fanciful with neon lights and moving widgets and gadgets. W hile Galungan is decidedly a very Balinese observance, it is a great opportunity for taking a ride or walk through the streets to gawk at all the splendidly decorated penj ors.

B e te ln u t F ilm : T h e B e s t Y e a r s o f O u r L iv e s – 2 8 D e c e m b e r T his 1947 classic is still very appealing as it follows the story of three W orld W ar II veterans who return home to small-town America and discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed. Each of the veterans faces a crisis upon his arrival, and each crisis is a microcosm of the experiences of many American warriors who found an alien world awaiting them when they came marching home. M yrna Loy, Dana Andrews and Fredric M arch are starring in this marvellous film. W hen : Friday 28 December at 7:30 pm. Doors O pen 7pm W here : Betelnut, Jl R aya Ubud Cost : min. 2 x R p30k vouchers for your F& B consumption

B a za

a r a t O ld M a n ’s C a n g g u B a li – 2 9 D e c e m b e r

T his funky baza ar at O ld M an’s is becoming a monthly event. Featuring home goods store M ACH Astore with an eclectic mix of beautiful and creative home decoration and fashion stuff at a very competitive price. Browse the offerings of cushion covers, carpets, tote bags, shoes, etc. Y ou can check their catalog and photos for more detail or message them on Facebook.

W here Cost

: Grand ballroom at M ulia H otel, Jalan R aya Nusa Dua : Limited tickets, dining and accommodation packages available M ore info : Email or phone +62 361 301 7777

M e k o te k a n R itu a l – 5 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 9 T he M ekotekan R itual is part of the traditional Kuningan festival activities in the village of M unggu, M engwi. Kuningan follows 10 days after Galungan and falls on 5 January in the new year according to the traditional Balinese calendar. T his ceremony is an enactment of the end of the Blambangan war, fought sometime in the 17th century between the kingdom of M engwi and East Java’s Blambangan kingdom. Legend has it that the M ekotekan ritual was conducted to welcome the kingdom’s soldiers back from the battlefield after fighting the Blambangan battle. O n their way to M engwi they passed M unggu village, where local residents cheered them as the winners of the war. T he tradition involves men carrying long wooden poles which they stack to form a huge pyramid. S ome men will climb the pyramid to “ face off” with each other whilst cheered on by the onlookers. T his ritual is an important cultural event for the village of M unggu. V isitors are welcome to watch the proceedings, though they are not invited to participate as it is considered disrespectful to the Balinese people.

W hen : S aturday 29 December from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm W here : O ld M en’s at the end of the Batubolong road, Canggu beach

M u lia C ir c u s A c r o b a tic a – 3 0 D e c e m b e r A spectacular world-class professional acrobatic circus show all the way from R ussia is performing at the M ulia Grand Ballroom in an exciting display of live acrobatic performances, graceful theatrical aerial ballet dance and entertaining clown acts. T he show promises to be thriving entertainment for families and friends. Children at all ages are welcome to attend. W hen

: S unday 30 December from 3:00 to 6:00 pm

W hen W here

: S aturday 5 January from 2pm onward : Jalan R aya M unggu-Kapal, M unggu V illage, M engwi indorat2@

S end em ail to: gm to list an upcom ing event. Copyright © Bali Advertiser 2018

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n 18


Drips Anonymous By Phil Wilson Don’ t get me wrong, I hav e nothing against water, in f act I q u ite like it. Bu t it is sneaky.

Our waterpoofing “expert” decided to put a layer of cement on t op of t h e r oof . It cr a ck ed a n d t h e r oof s t i l l l ea k ed .

W e w ou l d b e a b i t s t u f f ed w i t h ou t w a t er w ou l d n ’ t w e? F or I st a r t w e w ou l d a l l b e a b i t s m a l l er , a b ou t 90% s m a l l er i n f a ct . W e’ d b e a b i t d i r t y a s w el l w i t h ou t a s h ow er ever y n ow a n d t h en a n d w e w ou l d cer t a i n l y h a ve d r y m ou t h s . No cu p s of cof f ee t o s t a r t t h e d a y , t h er e w ou l d b e a f ew d i ve op er a t or s ou t of w or k a n d t h e b ea ch w ou l d b e r a t h er b or i n g . W or s e t h e u n d er a r m d eod or a n t i n d u s t r y w ou l d st r u g g l e t o su r vi ve.

H e t h en d eci d ed t o p u t a cor r u g a t ed p l a s t i c r oof on t op of the concrete. It was too flat, water got under it and it didn’t w or k .

So why is it sneaky? Well it has a way of finding every tiny h ol e a n d cr a ck a n d g et t i n g t o p l a ces w e d on ’ t w a n t i t . Er i c nk ow s a b ou t w a t er . H e h a d a b i t of a p r ob l em . H e i s a g r a p h i c a r t i st w i t h r a t h er a n i ce s t u d i o a t h i s h ou s e. H e ca l l ed m e on e d a y . “ H el p ” h e s a i d ” I’ ve g ot w a t er coming out of my light fittings and dripping on my work benches!” He went on to say that one light fitting had set on fire. W h a t a m es s ! A b ove h i s b en ch es w er e a s er i es of l i g h t s fixed into a concrete ceiling. Water was dripping from m ost of t h em . In on e cor n er b l a ck s m ok e m a r k s t r a i l ed a cr oss t h e cei l i n g f r om a m el t ed b l ob of p l a s t i c. Ra t h er f r i g h t en i n g . Eric’s concrete roof was flat. (Now why was it that our a n cest or s i n t h ei r w i s d om d eci d ed t h a t r oof s s h ou l d b e sl op i n g , w a s i t so t h ey l ook ed p r et t y ? – I f or g et b u t I d o kn ow t h a t t h e sl op i n g r oof w a s t h e t h i r d g r ea t i n ven t i on a f t er t h e w h eel a n d t h e b ot t l e op en er ) . Er i c’ s r oof w a s l ea ki n g .

: Jl . B y : Jl . U m : Jl . B y : Jl . Ra : Jl . Ra : t r evor

Now Eric had been a good looking man with a fine head of dark wavy hair (it’s true, he showed me the pictures), well h e w a s t i l l h i s r oof s t a r t ed l ea k i n g . A s a t t em p t a f t er a t t em p t f a i l ed h e s t ea d i l y b eca m e a s h a d ow of h i s f or m er s el f . H e aged, his eyes stared vacantly and his fine head of hair w a s g on e, t or n ou t i n d es p er a t e f r u s t r a t i on . H e t w i t ch ed a n d m u m b l ed i n coh er en t l y a b ou t t h e d a y s of h i s y ou t h w h en r oof s w er e s l op i n g a n d d i d n ’ t l ea k . S n ea k y s t u f f t h a t w a t er . We all know that it likes to go downhill and find the lowest p l a ce i t ca n b u t i t a l s o l i k es t o g et b l ow n s i d ew a y s b y s t r on g w i n d s a n d , even w or s e, b el i eve i t or n ot i t l i k es t o g o uphill if it can find a narrow crack or something porous t h r ou g h t h a t s t r a n g e p h en om en on ca p i l l a r y a ct i on . Ca p i l l a r y a ct i on i s t h e r ea l l y s n ea cl i m b f r om t h e g r ou n d u p y ou r d a y s h ou s es i n m a n y cou n t r i es h t o s t op t h e w a t er r i s i n g . B u t a d a w el l d es i g n ed a n d p r op er l y i n s t a B u t m or e of t h i s a n ot h er t i m e.

k y b i t t h a t a l l ow s w a t er t o l i vi n g r oom w a l l s . T h es e a ve a d a m p p r oof cou r s e m p p r oof cou r s e m u s t b e l l ed i f i t i s g oi n g t o w or k .

Waterproofing is a surprisingly difficult skill. Simply squirting a bit of silicone into any orifice you can find might stop a noisy dog from barking but fixing a leaky flat con cr et e r oof r eq u i r es f a r m or e s u b t l et y . A l s o i t i s n ot ver y ef f ect i ve t r y i n g t o b l ock w h er e i t i s com i n g ou t - i t i s important to find out where and how water is getting in in the first place. Finally it is important to get the right m a t er i a l s a n d h a ve t h em p r op er l y a p p l i ed . Er i c i s a h a p p i er m a n n ow . H i s h a i r t h e ey es d on ’ t s t a r e a s m u ch . H e h s el f h el p p r og r a m ca l l ed “ Dr i p s A n on r oof vi ct i m s m eet t o s u p p or t ea ch b et t er ea ch d a y a n d i f a l l g oes w el l h t o f a ce a g l a s s of w a t er a g a i n w i t h ou

Pa s Ng u r a h Ra i 15 1, S a n u r . Ph on e : a l a s K a n g i n No. 1/3 , U m a l a s. Ph on e : Pa s Ng u r a h Ra i 4 8, K ed on g a n a n . Ph ya Lovi n a . Ph on e : 0819 3 6 6 2 4 4 4 5 ya S en g g i g i K M 6 , Pa sa r S en i S en g g i g @ d p s. cen t r i n .n et .i d

i s g r ow i n g b a ck a n d a s b een a t t en d i n g a y m ou s ” w h er e l ea k y ot h er . H e i s g et t i n g e m a y s oon b e a b l e t g oi n g i n t o s p a s m s .

If y ou a r e h a vi n g p r ob l em s w i t h l ea k i n g con cr et e r oof s you can get full information here: https://www.mrfixitbali. com//roofs-and-gutters/flat-concrete-roofs-235.html

Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can be found subject indexed on our website at www.mrfixitbali. com. Opinions expressed are those of Phil Wilson. He can be contacted through the website or the office on 0361 288 789 or 08123 847 852.

Er i c’ s r oof h a d on l y on e s m a l l d r a i n a n d over h a n g i n g b r a n ch es d r op p ed l ea ves a n d b l ock ed i t f r eq u en t l y l ea vi n g a n i ce p l a ce f or m os q u i t oes t o b r eed . T h e con cr et e r oof

He called a Tukang who came to fix it.

S a n u r K er ob oka n Ji m b a r a n Lovi n a Lom b ok Em a i l

F i n a l l y h e p u t cor r u g a t ed a s b es t os on t op of t h e p l a s t i c which broke, flattened the plastic and made things even w or s e.

l ook ed l i k e i t h a d b een p u t i n p l a ce b y a d r u n k en b a k er who couldn’t find his rolling pin. Worse, it had holes drilled t h r ou g h i t t o p u t t h e w i r i n g t h r ou g h . Not a g ood i d ea on a flat roof. Capillary action was sucking the water from the r oof a n d i n t o cr a ck s a n d w i r i n g d u ct s .

Copyright © 2018 Phil Wilson You can read all past articles of Fixed Abode at

289 104 73 6 897 on e : 704 4 78 i . Ph on e : 03 70 6 92 091 C/Ho/G-20 June 18

C/BM/G-7 Nov. 18

Jl. Gunung Athena no.33, Seminyak - Bali (62 361) 738 833, email: : kayutagtag W: :kayutagtag

C/Ho/G-10 Oct. 18

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C/CE/G-20 June 18

C/CE/G-19 Dec. 18

Kulture Kid The Balinese Addiction to Water Wrapped in Plastic By Vaughan Hatch

Perhaps the hottest topic in the media in Bali today is plastic waste: the beaches, rivers, rice fields, forests, mountains, parks, roadsides, soil, temples, banjar, public spaces, universities, schools, households, ceremonies, festivals, events, government offices they’re all overflowing with it. This non-biodegrable, un-recycled, often unrecyclable toxic waste is mostly single-use plastic. “Toxic???” you squeal, “Surely not?”. Yes. Based on recent and ongoing scientific research, consuming anything in single-use plastic has a health risk associated with it: the most shocking (for those who read, care or who are even C/CE/I-07 Nov 18



vaguely interested) results were about micro-plastics in “mineral water” (I use quotes because a lot of mineral water worldwide is in fact not mineral water, well not with any extra minerals added at any degree). These results were widely published, appeared on news networks worldwide, and were shared extensively on social media. As usual, after the storm passed and people’s short memories regenerated new synapses, little is mentioned about it today – in fact, if anything, consumption worldwide particularly in developing countries of water sold in single-use plastic is on an exponential rise. Great for these water companies that are not only raping the world’s finite water resources, but who are also contributing significantly to global climate change due to the


transportation required to access, distribute, filter, package and recycle (if it ever happens) the water and the packaging. Not to mention the water wasted when packaged water is only partly consumed and then discarded.

FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT PHONE : +62 361 725162, +62 361 8474236 FAX : +62 361 725162 MOBILE : +62 81 138 8884 E-MAIL :

Today we have a nation addicted to single-use plastic that I see started with the packaging of water, well at least this product (access to which should be a human right and not something that is bought and sold in my opinion because after all we cannot live without it) would have been the easiest to market as a healthy solution as opposed to plastic bags C/CE/G-7 Nov. 18

which may have been introduced around this time also. The conviction culturally in Bali is that packaged water is not only healthy, but it also reflects social status and is the proper way to serve guests. This has been extrapolated to other types of food and drink – today it is extremely unusual to be a guest anywhere where one is served something that is not wrapped in single-use plastic. Not only is this extremely concerning in terms of the plastic waste it creates but it is also potentially detrimental to one’s health and of course an expensive way to live for people in a developing economy. How did Bali end up in this tragically avoidable situation? In the next issue I’m going to talk a bit about the emergence of packaged water in Indonesia and how it possibly could have been avoided.

Copyright © Kulture Kid 2018 You can read all past articles of Kulture Kid at C/CE/G-9 May 18

Education & Family


TOKO BUKU eviews of

I A m W s o c ie ty th e m . T h id d e n w a y th e

o m a n h e o n y a

a n d t w e , re

I Am Woman R eview by Bill D alton

nglish language books on Indonesia

is a b o u t h e p a tr ia r c o r ld o f In d a n d w r itin a b le to e m

w o h a o n g a e r

m l c e s n d g e

e n o n ia p fr

ta k in g a v e n tio n s t n w o m e n u b lis h in g o m th e ir h

s ta h a t is a s to id in

n d a g a in s t o p p re s s e s la r g e a n d r ie s is o n e g p la c e s .

The stories are fictional works but nevertheless speak to the truth and have a basis in fact and lived experiences. lthough not all the stories are written by women, the protagonists are all women. ll are socially or culturally constrained in some way by the structural injustice of adat customary law, by their sexuality, by their working environment, by their obligation to raise children and by their marriages. ost find ways to circumvent or overcome these constraints and exert their own individuality. The victories are not always occasions for grand celebration indeed, they are not necessarily obvious to anyone but the woman herself, but each victory represents a significant step on her road to emancipation.

It’s no secret that prostitution is widespread in Indonesia as a result of women seeking better paying sources of income. This equali ation of women in Indonesian society has resulted in a multitude of risks such as the ever-present threat of HI . In the story “ waiting Silence,” the transvestite narrator has turned her potentially vulnerable position into one where she can exercise autonomy and not allow others - for example, a pimp or rival sex worker - to make key decisions about her working life. In “ Good an,” li and her co-sex workers perceive themselves to be free and untrammeled, working as they do at the high-end of the prostitution business. or them, their emancipatory action is to refuse to tread the same path as their friend is, who has traded the precarious freedom of life as a prostitute for a life in which she is financially comfortable yet completely beholden to the man who has taken her as his second wife.

s she does in almost any discussion of women in Indonesia, aden jeng artini ( ) makes her presence felt throughout this volume. The Indonesian feminist movement itself is considered to date from the start of the th century with the writings of artini, the daughter of a avanese aristocrat. The artini ideal is at the heart of uti ijaya’s story called simply “ artini” in which the male protagonist is forced through a chance meeting with artini and subsequent arguments with his exasperated wife and feisty teenage daughter, to confront his own prejudices about the place of women in society, which he concedes are based on a mythologi ed and glorified version of the artini story.

The stories about migrant domestic workers are the most poignant in the book. ured by the prospect of making fast cash, whether it be alaysian ringgit, Saudi real or Hong ong dollars, the young women who take the long journey from their villages to an often-unknown overseas destination are assigned to an employer they know nothing about. arni, the main character in “ orcelain Spoon,” thought that luck was on her side when she arrived in Singapore and discovered to her relief that she would not be living in a high-rise apartment and one day “float away.” ver the years, hundreds of Indonesian and ilipina maids have fallen to their deaths from high-rise apartments while hanging out laundry or cleaning windows. “ o Going Back to Saudi rabia” as well as the unnamed protagonist in “I ant to Go Home” are melancholy tales about migrant workers who are terrified of being sent home as it would symboli e failure and a significant loss of face. hile many migrant workers are free to go home regularly and shower their families with money and gifts, they do not reveal to their loved ones the dark side of life in foreign lands where, unprotected by the law, workers may be subject to rape or physical and emotional abuse.

The obligations of adat law often fall more heavily on women than they do on men, in particular with regards to marriage. The poignant tale of asni, the nine times divorced protagonist of “The oman from ount ntang,” is testament to the patriarchal nature of the institution of marriage. arrying a series of slea y men in order to please her father, the na ve and ignorant asni is little more than an object to be bought and sold. s shown in the story, “In emoriam The owager mpress,” women can also exhibit power in the name of a adat law. ike T u H’si, the tyrannical concubine of the emperor of the in dynasty, the dowager empress in this story is a powerful matriarch who commands unswerving respect from her five children and their offspring. Terrori ing them all by forcing them to conduct their lives according to strict adat laws, the only escape for her granddaughter, the narrator, is to leave her place of birth and cross the Sunda Strait to ava to begin a new life. urther east in the archipelago, the seven-year-old Balinese girl in “Bunga” challenges the rigidly enforced rules governing Balinese dance, but is shunned by the caste conscious adults of her village who fear contamination on account of her being fatherless and having a prostitute for a mother.

from a brutal and loveless marriage into a loving lesbian liaison with her lover ini. In order to come to terms with this daring new love, the protagonist an must relive an earlier lesbian love affair with a woman named orena. hen the relationship was discovered, an was confined to the family home until a suitable husband could be found. This treatment of an after her affair with orena was considered the only way to “cure” her. The family’s shame is palpable in this story, although it is expressed through actions rather than words.

The claims of the protagonist of “The Good but vil en” about the goodness of her husband belie the physical beatings he repeatedly dishes out to her. This is a universal tale of domestic violence, whereby a woman is so blinkered to her husband’s malevolence that she will use any reason to justify it and hence to justify continuing to live with him. Such persistence in remaining in a destructive marriage is also seen at its extreme in “ y ather,” where the narrator, who has fled to akarta to escape her oppressive and patriarchal Batak childhood ( children, most of them boys, still sponging off their parents) returns periodically to face her mother’s tears and accusations towards her father. “Saga” is an exuberantly sexual tale of one woman’s escape

C/E/I-07 Nov 18

I m oman is a treasury of inspiring stories about powerless women who resourcefully negotiate their complex circumstances. s deliberate political statements, they represent a wide spectrum of women’s experiences. In the face of enormous barricades placed on them by tradition, religion, marriage, work and family, these women make pragmatic appraisals of what is possible. ather than accepting disempowerment, we witness women who are able to carve out special, successful and ingenious outcomes for themselves, all revealed in the dramatic and eloquently expressed stories in this thin volume.

F or any publishers interested in having one of their books considered for review in T oko Buku , please contact: pakb ill2003 @ . Copyright © 2018 You can read all past articles of T oko Buku at

C/E/G-26 Sept. 18


C/BT /G-19 Dec. 18

C/E/I-04 July 18

C/E/G-5 Dec. 18


R O TA R Y NEWS Libraries for Literacy O n b e s c e n

e o f o u r m e n to w o r h o o ls (S D ) jo y a b le r e a

a jo r k a th ro d in g

p ro t im u g h m a

je c p r th te r

ver the past few months we have been following up at some of the schools that have received assistance through our library programs. Through surveys, school visits and discussions with staff and students, it is apparent that there are still further needs in improving literacy at these schools. The otary lub of Bali ovina is attempting to find funds to provide each of five needy S with approximately p , million worth of library books. To this end, we have applied for a istrict Grant to assist us to meet this goal in .

As possibly the smallest R otary Club in Bali, in one of the poorest regencies in Bali, our own financial and workforce resources are limited. Yes, this is a cry for help If any other clubs, individuals or companies would like to assist us to fulfil and perhaps extend our goals, please get in touch

ts o v e r th e la s t fe w y e a r s h a s o v in g lite r a c y in e le m e n ta r y e p r o v is io n o f a c c e s s ib le a n d ia l.

e have worked with other otary lubs in the past on this project, most notably the otary lub of enwick ( estern ustralia). They provided funds for several thousand dollars ( ustralian) worth of library books, donated to a number of Sekolah asar in the Buleleng area.

lso needed are materials for covering books, library cards, stamps and so on. e will also be trying to find funds to continue the ongoing in-service education of staff from these schools. In particular, we aim to assist the teachers in integrating the wider reading materials into their curricula.

Contact current

person: chair

ducation onchita can



T he the

ommittee is e ong. You her


details on our website, http://www.j epunsegara. com rotaryclubbalilovina e have also worked closely with the ondok Baca oundation to equip libraries and train librarians at two locations in Buleleng.

Keith F letcher Vice- P resident R C Bali L ovina

ne of these ondok Baca is situated at indow to the orld School, in ovina, and the staff there have been providing additional training to teachers from local S in the use and care of school library books.

Copyright © 2018 R otary N ews You can read all past articles of R otary N ews at

Montessori School Bali : An Amazing Education From Birth To Adolescence alm, peaceful, tranquil These words are often used to describe the atmosphere of School Bali ( SB) classrooms.


bservers see children going about their day, choosing for themselves what they will do, managing their work and social engagements, and doing complex tasks both on their own and with their peers, often without a teacher in sight. They also comment frequently on how respectful the children and teachers are with each other. The ontessori method of education, devised by Italian physician aria ontessori to follow the needs of the individual child by carefully observing them, has been around for more than a century. This year, ontessori School Bali celebrated the th anniversary of its founding here in Bali. The school opened its purpose-built classrooms on expansive, park-like grounds in anggu last year, and now offers authentic ontessori programmes for children aged six weeks of age through to adolescence. ll of the school’s lead guides, or teachers, are trained by the ssociation of ontessori Internationale, the highest possible qualification for a ontessori teacher to hold. SB had humble beginnings back in , in a house on Seminyak’s alan aksmana then surrounded by rice paddies, with one preschool class of children. attalia Sinclaire, a committed ontessorian who established the school, saw how well the programme was received in the community and a second preschool class opened in . rom there, the school grew steadily, becoming the first international school in Bali permitted to enrol Indonesian students, and adding lower primary and upper primary classes. This academic year, an dolescent rogramme for to year olds was added. Baby and e programme allows babies to experience a ontessori environment with a carer, while a new Toddler rogramme has proved so popular it can now only offer places on a waiting list from anuary. hat’s so special about the ontessori approach to education? Several elements are worth noting ixed-age classrooms with peer mentoring student choice of activities freedom of movement and respectful relationships. Students emerge from a ontessori education with academically sound fundamentals, plus strong skills when it comes to crucial traits needed in today’s world like being innovative, creative, socially at ease and leaders. hy choose ontessori? Because you want an education that will serve your child well in a rapidly changing world. ast ontessorians include Google founders arry age and Sergey Brin, ma on founder eff Be os, obel-pri e winner Gabriel Garcia arque , ulit er-pri e winner nthony oerr, and chef and author ulia hild. ome see for yourself what words you would use to describe

ontessori School Bali’s classrooms.

E m a il c o n ta c t@ m o n te s s o r ib a li.c o m o r W h a ts A p p + 6 2 8 1 2 8 5 0 0 4 5 7 9 to m a k e a n a p p o in tm e n t to o b s e r v e o u r c la s s r o o m s a n d e n r o l y o u r c h ild . C/E/G-5 Dec. 18




C/E/G-19 Dec. 18

C/E/G-21 Nov. 18

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C/E/-19 Dec 18

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Y e s s u b s c r ib e to th e p a p e r e d itio n o f B a li A d v e r tis e r a n d g e t y o u r p a p e r d e liv e r e d to y o u r h o m e b y J N E c o u r ie r – a n y w h e r e in B a li.

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Photo Copyright Jean Michel Gallet

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Photo Copyright Jean Michel Gallet

T h e p r ic e o t h a t ’s 2 6 b ig is s u o n ly A B a li b

f e s R a r

O N is p 2 g a

E Y E A R o R p 5 6 0 ,0 0 1 ,5 0 0 fo r e in if th e r e

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A d v e r tis e r, th a t w o rk s o u t to s u e ! a s o n e .

A v o id r u s h in g to g e t a c o p y e v e r y tw o w e e k s a n d s u b s c r ib e n o w . S it b a c k a n d r e la x a n d le t o u r o w n p r iv a te c o u r ie r d o it fo r y o u ! Y o u r p a p e r d e liv e r e d to y o u r h o m e !


Address: Jl. Tukad Badung No. 88, Renon Denpasar 80226 Ph. (0361) 895-6141

0852 3826 7805 C/E/I-05 Dec 18


Ubud Area

C/U/G-24 Oct. 18

C/U/G-21 Nov. 18

Uff19’S ‘Spice Up The World’ Theme: A Feast of Ideas to Make Indonesian Food Go Global Ubud, INDONESIA From 26–28 April, 2019, Indonesia’s most outstanding chefs, producers, restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, food photographers, storytellers, scientists and activists will converge in Bali for the Ubud Food Festival Presented by ABC (UFF). In its fifth year, Indonesia’s leading culinary event will celebrate the nation’s diverse cuisines and exciting gastronomic scene with food lovers from near and far through the theme ‘Spice Up the World’. While other Southeast Asian food cultures such as Vietnamese and Thai are adored internationally, Indonesian cuisine is far behind. But this is changing. Indonesian restaurants are opening their doors on foreign soil more rapidly than ever before. Hungry for new flavors, the culinarily curious are seeking out Indonesian food’s intriguing complexity. Food trucks specializing in Indonesian street eats are delighting foodies from Melbourne to Manhattan. In Jakarta and Bali, local establishments are lifting regional dishes to world class standards. The playful and invigorating theme will explore the most effective ways to make the food of Southeast Asia’s most populous nation ‘go global’. From spotlighting international best practice and individual success stories, to championing

local heroes elevating Indonesian food to new heights, to breaking down boundaries to foreign exposure, UFF19 will serve up a feast of ideas to spice up the world with Indonesian food. “Since our inaugural year, sharing Indonesia’s extraordinary cuisines and fascinating culinary cultures has been at the heart of the Ubud Food Festival,” commented UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe. “We know Indonesian food isn’t as well-known overseas as the cuisines of its Southeast Asian cousins, but this won’t be for long! The ‘epicurious’ with adventurous palates are starting to be enticed by the strong aromas, captivating cross-cultural histories, and fiery flavors. “This is why, for our fifth year, we chose the theme Spice Up the World – to show food lovers across the globe that it’s time they added some Indonesian dishes to their list of favorites, and through this, learn something about Indonesia. Food is, after all, the easiest way to access a culture,” DeNeefe continued. Sharing the Festival’s passion for celebrating Indonesian food at home and with the world, the UFF is proud to announce that ABC, one of Indonesia’s leading food brands, will be its Presenting Partner for a second year. Dhiren Amin, Head of Marketing, Southeast Asia at Kraft Heinz ABC, commented, “We are thrilled to be the UFF’s Presenting Partner for 2019. As a home-grown Indonesian food brand, ABC is committed to supporting Indonesia’s culinary scene.

C/U/G-26 Sept. 18

“Our continued partnership with the UFF is testament to our passion for popularizing Indonesian cooking, and the many dishes that deserve to be known and loved internationally. In addition to our shared vision, the Festival’s theme ‘Spice Up the World’ is a natural extension of ABC’s dedication to Indonesian sambal. If there is one thing that unites Indonesia’s diverse cuisines, it is sambal,” Amin concluded. “We are extremely excited to have ABC back with us for a second year,” commented DeNeefe. “Our shared vision and passion makes our partnership enduring, and we extend our sincere thanks to everyone at ABC for their continued support, which will help us deliver our best and spiciest Festival yet. “We are once again looking forward to welcoming food lovers from across the archipelago and beyond for our fifth year, and we hope you’re ready to help us spice up the world with Indonesian food!” DeNeefe concluded. UFF19 runs from 26-28 April, 2019. First program announcement will be made in mid-February, with the full program live and tickets on sale in late February. Ubudfoodfestival | @ubudfoodfestival| #UFF19 #ABCUFF19

Copyright © 2018 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of Ubud Writers & Readers Festival at


It’s through the cracks that light gets in U BUD NEWS By Ines Wynn

Mental illness is an insidious and progressive disease, especially when it is not properly diagnosed and treated or, as happens so often in Bali, the people suffering from psychopathic conditions are considered to be living out their due karma and must bear their lot. Hence these people are typically hidden from public view as much for their own safety and that of their family and community as to hide the shame of having a karma-heavy relative reside in the family unit. Even in current times, many of these cases are not treated properly and you often hear horrid stories of people being chained up to prevent them from wandering or worse, from hurting themselves and their immediate caregivers. Stories of being chained up for 20 years or more are not rare. Clearly, the stigma attached to this disease is heavy and shameful to the people afflicted and their families. These unfortunates are mostly found in remote regions and among impoverished families. But not always. Even among the better off or educated families, their mentally challenged relatives are not always treated better. In part this can be attributed to the fact that historically, professional psychiatric care in Bali has not been widespread and people with mental issues were typically treated – very unsuccessfully at that – by local shamans and the village balians or healers. Psychiatric care is a specialty health service. Sadly, in the past few young medical students would choose that field and therefore, competent psychiatric care was, for a long time, unavailable or very restricted. You could say that in terms of mental health services, Bali has long lived in the dark ages and has only in recent times been waking up to the reality that mental illness should be treated like any other physical disease, out in the open, by competent doctors and with effective therapies. From slow beginnings that knowledge is now rapidly expanding and coming into the light of day. Unfortunately there are still some places in Bali where that realisation has not yet taken a secure foothold or is at best just slowly creeping through the cracks. Many Balinese people, especially among the older generation, still accept mental health issues fatalistically as a karma disease and few believe in successful treatments and rehabilitation of mental health patients. Fortunately there are some NGOs in Bali who have been aware of that arrears for many years and seek out and treat people with mental health problems and psychiatric conditions. One of these is Yayasan Solemen Indonesia whose Outreach team has made it a point to seek out the hidden cases and tear away the ignorance that keeps people shackled and away from competent medical care.

Solemen has booked some dramatic successes and shared a few of their cases. Caged Made, as he came to be known at Solemen, is a poster child for the successful rehabilitation of mental illness. The Solemen Outreach team first met Made in 2014 when he was shackled in a dirty cage with no running water, a bare cement floor and no facilities whatsoever. At 45, he had a 10-year history of mental illness that was eventually diagnosed as Schizophrenia. Although he had no history of physical violence he was caged because he went around his village asking for cigarettes while holding a machete so the community was concerned he might become violent and pose a threat to their safety. Solemen arranged for medical assessments and began treating him. Made received medication and psychiatric care by Solemen’s partner and volunteer psychiatrist dr. Gusti Rai. At the same time the team renovated his house, released him from his cage and began taking him on socialisation trips with his family. In 2016 and 2017 Made had a number of relapses with hallucinations and began wandering the streets again looking for cigarettes and displaying some violent behaviour. As a result he was admitted at a mental health facility in Bangli, his medication was reassessed and increased. After his release he was put under observation to ensure that his medication was taken correctly. Currently Made receives ongoing assessments and periodic revaluations of medications and living conditions. Made appears to be doing well now but must continue regular mental health assessments.

better shape thanks to frequent monitoring visits by the team and squeals with delight when she spots them coming into her compound. These stories are attention-grabbing because their recoveries were swift and the Before and After situations are remarkable. It took a relatively straight forward and focused approach to make an enormous difference in the quality of the lives of these two people. More people like Made and Ketut are being helped thanks to the Solemen CSR partnership programme and the generous efforts of Solemen corporate sponsors like Finn’s Beach Club, the Hard Rock Hotel and the Bali Dynasty Resort who underwrite medical care and treatments. CSR programmes such as these create wonderful opportunities for small NGOs such as Solemen to enable the work they do with the disadvantaged in Bali. It allows them to seek out the people who are most in need, yet are most likely to be bypassed by existing programmes. They are the people who slip through the cracks. And there are many of them, mostly in remote, impoverished areas or from families or communities who don’t want their misery or poverty exposed and try to keep their suffering loved ones hidden and hence removed from a treatment system they do not trust or simply do not know about. Doctors, hospitals and medical attention cost money and that can be reason enough for impoverished families to abandon all hope for treatment for their loved ones. They simply do not have money and therefore cannot afford to seek treatment. They rely instead on local healers (balians) or shamans and hope for the best. While these balians can help in many cases, some diseases or conditions, like mental health issues, are too complex for their skills. Mental illness does not have to be hidden. Each affected person, like all people, has a right to competent and dignified treatment because each person is unique in their own right and mental health rehabilitation can make a huge difference in their lives. Today, a lot more is being done in Bali to treat these patients and thanks to organisations like Solemen and their CSR partners, the cracks are widening and letting more light seep in.

Other cases may not be as dire as that of Made but can still be heart-breaking. Like that of Ketut, a women in her mid-thirties with serious mental development issues and suffering from Schizophrenia. She was living in her family’s compound in a dirty and dilapidated shack, could not tend to her own needs or personal hygiene and spent her days grovelling around in the dirt or the mud crying and in utter disarray and confusion. The Solemen Team took charge of her rehabilitation by getting her condition assessed, upgrading her sleeping and living quarters, providing her with clean clothes and bedding and putting her on medication and better nutrition. Today, Ketut is in much

The Solemen corporate sponsorship programme is an impressive opportunity for the Bali business community to join Solemen’s efforts to let the light of understanding, empathy, healing and rehabilitation bring succour and help to the people who need it.

Copyright © 2018 Bali Advertiser You can read all past articles of BA Feature Article at

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C/U/I-28 Feb 18

Business & General Ads


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business partners to expand their operation in Rusia and India. Serious contact 081 C/H e/I-07 Nov 18

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LANGUAGE Bahasa class, English class and translation services. For free trial class please contact 0831 1504 1037, (Madejuliarta330@gmail. com). [006]

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C/H o/G-7 Nov 18


C/H o/I-07 Nov 18

Bali Krisna Service

S ince 1999 Bali Krisna S ervice CV , has been the number one and most trusted domestic employee agency in Bali, specialising in housemaids, babysitters and nannies. W e can provide domestic placement for B a b y s itte r s ousekeeping ardeners ooks leaners Security And more English and Indonesian speaking, pemanent or temporary, live in and out are available.

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Swimming pool always green? all the experts, Tropical Pool and Spa 28 104 ( hunting ) or email : From as low as Rp 0,000 per month w e w ill m a in ta in y o u r p o o l. C/G/I-7 Nov 18

C/BS /I-19 Dec 18

C/BM/G-07 Nov18

Need a Chef for a Special Occasion?

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C/BS /U-7 Nov 18

NC/ES /U-21 Nov 18

J ANAR WEDA ARC H IT EC T URE Assists y ou for y ou r : 1. Architecture and 3D drawing 2. Detail Engineering Design (DED) 3. Legal Permit (IMB) 4. Engineer’s Estimate (RAB) P lease C all / WA: H p: 0821447 347 68, 0823807 5 5 3 NC/BS /L-07 Nov 18

C/BS /G-07 Nov 18





Marketing staff wanted. Must have worked as Marketing with references from prior work. Must speak English. Position will be with an Advertising firm in Bali. Indonesian citizen only. Good salary and commission. Reply to : (balipromotion1995@gmail. com) with application letter, copies of references and copy of highest schooling degree. [050]

Looking for Manager, Warehouse stock control, SPG, for Boutique Nusadua, good English, French, Chinese, Retail experience, Responsible, accurate, details, hard working. E-mail : (assistant@balibaci. com). [001]

Expat Hotel Consultant, opening / operation / rebranding, bisa Bahasa Indonesia, hourly or monthly fee. (hotelconsultantbali@ [248]

(Cari Karyawan)


OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT POSITION (Cou ples Pref erred / No Child ren) l l l l l l

M u st b e F l u en t com m u n i ca t i n g i n B a h a sa In d on esi a Exp er i en ce i n H osp i t a l i t y M a n a g em en t a n d Cu st om er S er vi ce F ood & B ever a g e / Ch ef exp er i en ce a d va n t a g eou s W i l l i n g t o l i ve a n d w or k i n a r em ot e l oca t i on ccustomed to Indonesian Culture assionate about Surfing A va i l a b l e f or i m m ed i a t e st a r t

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NC/Es/ 19 Dec. 18

Looking for Experienced position for swimwear manufacture : 1. Pattern maker salary until 7 million. 2. Sewer salary until 4,5 million. 3. Inventory staft salary until 3-3,5 million. Please contact Kadek at (kadek@trendstudiobali. com). [006]

(Cari Karyawan)

PT. Fillyboo Garment Bali looking for experienced Sample Manager for Garment Production. Indonesian citizenship, senior experienced, speak English, basic computer, active & work dedicated person. We are also looking for Sewer and Embroidery workers. Please send your CV to: (putrifillyboo@gmail. com). [003]

Shop Assistant required for fashion boutique in Seminyak. Must speak fluent English, have a happy nature and experience in fashion. Please contact 081 2393 2061. [005]

Health and wellness organization seeks local, reliable and design orientated Marketing assistant that is fluent in english. Please visit: ( job-opportunities). [004]

Admin Assistant needed for a fast growing boutique healthy grocery store in the Canggu area. Apply if you have good English, computer skills (Excel), accounting experience, attention to detail and are organized. E-mail your CV to: (alivefoodstore@gmail. com). [004]

Sales Person/PA. Full-time position. Must speak good English, be flexible, enterprising and autonomous. Experience in the food industry would be appreciated. Please send updated CV and pm for more details. Contact 0819 9956 2269. [006]


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Senior European Hotel GM, energetic, strong, skilled, 10 years SE-Asia, available for new executive assignment: (europeanhotelgm@gmail. com). [247] Female looking for part-time job as data entry, personal assistant job. Speaking and written English. If possible work from home. Based in Bukit Jimbaran. E-mail: ( or SMS only 081 2381 5292. [818] Female looking for part time or permanent job as PA. Speak and written English, many years experienced in cargo company as customer service and personal assistant. Contact 0852 2212 0341. [011] Female looking for job. Experienced as income auditor, head store, credit support admin. English speaking and computer literate. Please call me at +62 853 3918 4577. [002]

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NC/ES /I-19 Dec 18

MARKETING STAFF Must have worked as Marketing with references from prior work. Must speak English. Position will be with an Advertising firm in Bali. Good salary and commission. Indonesian Citizen only. Reply to: with application letter, copies of references and copy of highest schooling degree

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: inf o@ b aliad v ertiser.b iz NC/Es/ 24 O ct . 18

Private Classified Ads H o u s e h o ld For S ale; 2 new round garden lights diameter 20 cm hallogen, black color, never use, new price each US $ 330, price now R p. 1.2 million each. Include transformer. T el: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For S ale; New original karcher terrace cleaner incl. all original parts. Parts No. K 004111 Never used. T his is a additional part to the high pressure cleaner machine. Price R p. 1,5 j t. Phone : 0813 3863 4748. For S ale; 2 new garden/ outdoor lights hallogen, black color, never use, new price each US $ 330, price now R p. 1.2 million each. T el: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For S ale; Antiq ue Java bench fully restoration 2m. V ery nice wood carving, Long, very good condition. Price R p. 5 j t. T lp 0813 3863 4748. No fotos. For S ale; O ld wood carving diver. S ize very decorative. Price 100.000 to 300.000 R p. No photos. Contact 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For S ale; 4 used free standing big garden lights, different types. Approx H : 68cm, new price 280$ each. V ery good working condition. Price now R p. 350.000 to R p. 450.000 each. T el: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For S ale; Plexi glass writing table modern designs. S ize : W 1,3 m X D 0.7 m. I bring it from Europe new. Price 850 Euro. Now: 3,5 Jt. T el 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For S ale; R ustic standing teak shelves L= 120cm, W = 45cm, H = 150cm price 3 million. T eak shelves L= 110cm, W = 45cm, H = 130cm price 2 million. T eak shelves L= 140cm, W = 45cm, H = 142cm price 2.2 million. S M S / W A +62 859 5379 2910, e-mail (indiego_ dk@ Denpasar.


V a r io u s

( M

ix e d

A d s )

For S ale; Asian antiq ues from all over Asia (Japan, China, Khmer T hai, Indonesia, etc). Cabinet, statue paintings, textile, Buddha statue, etc. Private collection, bought when travelling. No reproduction. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. M oving S ales; T able, cabinet, chairs & textile cheap price. Please call & send whatssapp : H p. 0819 9985 5686. L o o k in g

f o r

ooking or T flat screen min 40” -50” not so old and good condition. For private. T el. 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. W anted old kerisses and spears (T ombak/ T ongkat). Ubud. Badminton: Looking for players who are interested to j oin a badminton group playing doubles every friday at 6 to 8 pm in Gelogor Carik .M edium or good badminton skills are req uired. Contact: sms 081 1396 6692. Denpasar. W anted. T wo second hand Lenovo T hinkpad T 420 or T 430. icore 5,W indows Prof. 7. Best condition. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444 (whatsapp).

E le c t r o n ic s For S ale; S tavolt automatic voltage regulator brand: M atsumoto / Japan, stavolt 3000V N. New price after discount R p. 3.800.000, price now: R p. 950.000. V ery good condition. T elp 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan or Sale GS wifi - ink 3g R outer Umts / H sdpa + 4 Port Utp. Business solution -Internet services Broadband 3.5G - BIZ Z D-Link DIR -451. 400.000 O BO . S M S /W A +62 859 5379 2910, (indiego_ dk@ Denpasar. For S ale; V oltage regulator (servo motor type stavol). Capacity 1000 V A/1 PH , Amps 5A/1PH . Protects your electronics from voltage spikes. A must have if you live in Bali. Price: 500.000 O BO . S M S /W A +62 859 5379 2910, (indiego_ dk@ Denpasar. For S ale; Ezvi z action camera 4K, with built in IS . Like new condition, rarely used, complete with waterproof housing and original acc, mounting and remote controller. S ell for R p. 1.000.000. W hatsapp 089 8598 4567 for more info. Denpasar. M oving S ale; Light M otion S ola Photo 600 UW -Light. Never used plus adapter. 300$ . Pls. contact M ichael. 081 2395 1444.

So You Love an Alcoholic Take Courage; There Is Hope Hope for families & friends of alcoholics


For S ale; 2 pcs j ewellry table display. Custom made from M erbau wood, T op glass anti reflection. Si e x cm. h.80cm. Call or W A 081 139 3315 for inspection. For S ale; M agnifying mirror, BR O T , vision chrome, wall mounted, for villa / hotel, M ade in France, call or W A 081 139 3315 for inspection.

or Sale owepro flipside 300 AW II camera backpack camo edition. Like new condition, used only once, it is too big for me. S ell for R p. 1.450.000, whatsapp 089 8598 4567 for more info. Denpasar. For S ale; Canon Ixus 275H S . 12x O ptical zo om. Full H D W i-Fi. V ery good condition. Comes with charger. 2 mio R p. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444. For S ale; Canon Ixus 310 H S . Full H D. 12.1 M egapixels. V ery good condition. Comes with one spare akku and charger. 2 mio R p. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444. Liguaphone Bahasa Indonesia learning kit comprising 5 audio tapes and easy follow text books (2). Includes tape player price reduced to sell R p 1,400,000 pick up from Pak Jim S anur 0813 3771 9983. For S ale; 126 point portable LED light for photo or video shoot with camera hot shoe mounting. Good condition, powered by 6 pcs AA batteries. S ell for R p. 300.000. W hatsapp 089 8598 4567 for more info. Denpasar.

W heelchair electric complete with battery for charging..will go 20 kilometers fully charged. Never used. Consider swap for Invalid S cooter in good condition. Email (Balicrisiscare@ For S ale; Ethernet adaptor, PCI LAN 10/100 fast LAN Card. 100.000 each, O BO . S ms/wa +62 859 5379 2910, (indiego_ Denpasar. For S ale; GoPro2 underwater camera with lots of accessories. For whe whole lot $ 150. Call M ichael 081 2395 1444. For S ale; 5 M AGINO N, IPC100AC surveillance cameras. New. Just brought them from Germany. 1/5” M egapixel, 9 infrared-LEDs, Complete with cables. Never used. W as Euro 60 each. ill sell for uro (fix). ls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444.

For S ale; S amsung Galaxy note 10.1. M odel number GT - N8010 memory 16GB, R am 2 GB, S creen 10.1” O nly R p1,000,000. W hatsApp 0857 3814 2449. Photo Available. For S ale; 2 W ebcameras (M S and H P) as new. For 400.00 R p. Please contact M ichael. 081 2395 1444. Denpasar. For S ale; V ideo camera the smallest video camera in the world. S anyo full H D 1920 x 1080, 10 mega pixel, 5 x zo om - it’s a dual camera photo and video. Excellent q uality reproduction. Includes all cables, 2 batteries and a carry case. New condition. O nly R p1,500,000. W hatsApp 0857 3814 2449. Photo Available.

For S ale; Canon Ixus 980. 14.7 megapixel. S D H C card 4GB. 3 spare akku. Charger. Best condition. $ 130. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444.

For S ale; Lenovo tablet 2 M onths old Lenovo T BX 103F android top q uality. H ardly used. Bought as present now not wanted. 16GB memory, can take up to 64GB. R am 2GB, S creen 10.1” selling cheap only R p1,500,000. W hatsApp 0857 3814 2449. Photo available.

For S ale; Desktop computer, Pentium dual - core 2.70 ghz, 1GB R AM , H D 250GB, 17” Benq LCD, logitec keyboard & mouse. R p. 1.700.000 nego. T ext message or W A 0859 53 79 2910. (indiego_ dk@yahoo. com). Denpasar.

For S ale; Play station II (manufactured in Japan, best q uality). R uns on 110 volt, so will need a stafold, memory card, original j oysticks. Excellent condition. 900.000 nego. S M S /W A 0859 5379 2910.(indiego_ dk@yahoo. com). Denpasar.


Seminyak, Just For Today Building, Jl. Drupadi II #80: Wednesdays, 5:30pm Saturdays, 5:30pm Ubud - Jl. Dewi Sita, Cafe Wahyu Wednesday 7:45 am - 8:45 am S pace for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser C/NV /U-07 Nov 18

For S ale: R eceptionist desk and cabinet, As new, excellent condition, good price. W hataspp for Pic 081 1303 7686. S eminyak. For S ale; 2 PC Lite ikelite underwater lamps. As new. 30$ each. 1 S un Light S L6 UW Kinetics 25$ . Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444.

For S ale; Canon under water housing W P-DC27. As new. 40m waterproof. 500k R p. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444.

Bali Advertiser


Bali Advertiser


Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser C/NV /U-07 Nov 18

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NC/NV /U-10 O ct 18

37 s

For S ale; R are M od S eiko kinetic watch mod. 5M 42-O E50B5 serial No. 70008. This watch is one of the first kinetic model 25 years ago. W ater resistent till 100 meter. Price 2.5 j t. T el: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For S ale; New mens watch automatic stainless steel incl stainless steel strap. W ater resistant 300 meter. Brand Carruci. S ize : 42 mm incl manual book in German/ English, box, guarantee paper. Never used. New price in Germany 8 50 Euro. Now 2,95 Jt. T el 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For S ale; New mens watch O mega S eaM aster professional crono very good copy not original, incl 2 original box and manualbook. Price complete R p 2.5 j t T lp 0813 3863 4748. For S ale; New mens watch breitling crosswind special crono copy, not original. Incl original box and manual book. Price R p. 1.5 j t T lp 0813 3863 4748. For S ale; 3 old silk ikat from Laos, natural color, very good condition, price R p. 4.5 j uta each. Call 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For S ale; Antiq ue travel trunk, more then 100 years old. I bring from Europe. S ize : W = 90cm H = 60cm D= 55cm. V ery decorative and good condition. Price 2,5 Jt. T el 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. For S ale; 1 old T au-T au original from S ulawesi approximately, 80 years old. For more information please call 0813 3863 4748 (no S M S ). Kerobokan. For S ale; T ree name Pakis S aj i it’s like a palm tree but more unusual size . (1 item). H 2,50m diameter the top leafs like umbrella, diameter 3,00m. It’s very decorative price : R p. 850,000 T lp. 0813 3863 4748. For S ale; Attention Audiophiles! R are CD collection. All original high q uality ’s. Hard to find titles. 200.000 per CD, or take all at a discount. S M S /W A +62 859 5379 2910. Email: (indiego_ Denpasar. For S ale; Baldacci books as new. T he Innocent, T he Fallen, T he Finisher, T he W inner,T he T arget. M emory man. T he Excape. Last M ile, T he Forgotten, T he Guilty, No M an’s Land, T he Fix.All 12 for R p 1.2 mio. Fix. Pls contact M ichael 081 2395 1444. For S ale; S tanley London 1917 Brass sextant. For pics and price pls call M ichael 081 2395 1444.

For S ale; R osetta stone language learning DV D (2 dvd’s) W indows only, learn more than 30 languages. German, French, S panish, Indonesian, English, Japanese, Chinese, R ussian, many more. Excellent system for learning languages. price: 500.000. S M S /W A+62 859 5379 2910, e-mail (indiego_ dk@ Denpasar. For S ale; Product photography fabriq ue light dome tent 60x60x60cm. Good condition, comes with 4 colour backdrops, white, black, red, blue. S ell for R p. 300.000, W hatsapp 089 8598 4567 for more info. Denpasar. For S ale; T ag H euer eye glasses frames. New in box. O riginal item imported from US A but never used. Fit man or woman. ark ed flexible bows with silver titanium half rim frames. S earch Ebay for T H -7201. T his might show a different color but the ones for sale are red. Can send photos by W A. Asking R p1 j uta. 081 2398 8979. East Denpasar / Kuta. For S ale; R arity. 70 year old Beza r Compass. S till in good condition. For collectors only. S anur. Please call M ichael 081 2395 1444. M NC Nirwana Bali Phil M ickleson Championship Golf Course Bali. Golf S ocial Individual M embership for sale. $ 25k before T op-Up. 35% Discount or 55% more for New membership price. S erious enq uiries e-mail : (kanthaka-bali@hotmail. com). T abanan. For S ale; O riginal H oya H D filter protector mm, made in Japan. M int condition, perfect for protecting your expensive lens without degrading image q uality. S ell because my lens already sold. S ell for R p.350.000. W hatsapp 089 8598 4567. For S ale; S troller dual tandem city select 4 wheel, blue color j ogger. S uitable from birth to 15kg or 3-4 years old. First through doors. Ideal for shopping, isles with large under seat basket, sun canopy, harnesses, rear brake, adj ustable seating, etc. Imported from US A. Cost new R p. 14 million, sell for R p. 8.8 million nett. For pictures contact Bety 0812 3736 4355. S anur. For S ale; Pelican case 1610. Like new. Black. Good price. call or whatsapp 087 8622 5228. Denpasar. Adult tricycle for sale; S anur area. Good condition Idr 2,500,000 Photo on application. T el / W A: 0813 3 1 0 2 8 6 2 4 o r emai l ( d i s a b l e d b a l i @ hotmail. com) Att. T homas.

S p o r t

B u ild in g

Japanesse shinai for kendo, for men, good condition, 300k idr, contact sunj oto, 0877 6572 9143. Denpasar. R ecurve bow, 60 cm limbs rucika, 40 cm, middle grip, with seil, 3 new arrows and target pad, R p. 350.000. Contact S unj oto, 0877 6572 9143. Denpasar. For S ale; Judo / j iuj itsu gi for people 170-185cm tall, very strong q uality 850000rp whats app 0819 3300 1547. S anur. For S ale; W etsuit for diving or surfing or swimming mm size xl bare 700.000rp whats app 0819 3300 1547. S anur. For S ale; Bicycle for woman united 1,2 j uta whats app 0819 3300 1547. S anur.

E q u ip m

For S ale; Black granite many small pieces possible used for floor or wall. rice for all R p 200.000. T elp 0813 3863 4748. For S ale; T oilet T oto wall hanging, white color, condition like new. R p.850.000. T oilet only. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. For S ale; Personal vaping eq uipment. Authentic tesla nano steampunk 120w Kit (M od + R DT A) silver color. O nly R p 550.000. For photo W A: 0878 6076 6900. Kerobokan. For S ale; H eavy duty and good q uality exterior wall light. only R p.200,000. W hatsApp 0857 3814 2449. Photo Available. G iv e A w a y

P a in t in g For S ale; S ymon oil painting. O riginal S ymon painting of a Buddha head in green with orange background. Gilt gold frame 83cmx90cm. Perfect condition. About 15 years old. Attractive painting. Attractive price. S M S or W A 0812 398 8979. East Denpasar. K it c h e n For S ale; Deep freeze r S harp, 3 j t. call/W A 081 139 3315 for inspection.

e n t

- P e t

Dog adoption! I like to adopt a clean western breed dog ! Goulden ret. W eimarener, pointer, etc. I have a big garden and I like to walk the dog everyday. T lp. 081 3386 34748.

T h e th e r o f o n e a a n o th e p

a p e u t d d ic t r is w a r a lle

ic v a lu e h e lp in g ith o u t l

C/NV /U-07 Nov 18

Is food a problem for you? You are not alone. Overeaters Anonymous can help.

S e m in y a k , J u s t F o r T o d a y B u ild in g , J l. D r u p a d i II # 8 0 Friday - 10.30 am Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser C/NV /U-21 Nov 18

Beautiful Angora female cat approx 13 months cat ,very lovable,beautiful nature cute furball,needs a new loving home....H as already had first abies Inj ection and de -sexed ,Free to good home whatsapp +62 878 6207 9604.

C/BT/U-07 Nov. 18

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser

P e r s o n a l It e m

PT. Sumber Agri Sehat Jl. R aya Kerobokan No. 17, Br. T aman, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara 80361. Bali - Indonesia

w w w .fr e s tiv e .c o m

C/NV/U-7 Nov. 18


Cheap Shopping Centre & Family Recreation ALAMAT Jalan Raya Uluwatu Ungasan (dibelakang Nirmala Supermarket Ungasan) Telp (0361) 9190737 info : 081999575581 NC/Ns/G -07 Nov 18







N E G A R A - S A N U R TA B A N A N - N U S A D U A P L A Z A C/Ns/G-07 Nov 18

Open : 08.00 am - 10.00 pm

T he M ost Complete S upermarket in Ubud Jl. R aya Andong # 14. T el.9 7 3 0 4 9 , Fax. 978071 Ubud C/U/G-07 Nov. 18

C/NV /U-7 Nov 18

Real Estate





Studio deluxe Kuta town houses payed 120,000 oss 30 year lease. Sell 25 for 80,000. Top location. Price live in or put in KTH rental pool +62 813 3789 1071. email: (ajhannila@yahoo. com) [005]

2 villas for sale leasehold in Drupadi - Seminyak. Fully furnished, swimming pool, 2 bathroom, 2 bedrooms at (Drupadi), + 22.5 years at Rp. 2.39 billion. Tegal Indah +14 years at Rp. 690 million. Please call 0896 6642 7155. [1610]

Land for rent in main street of Bali cliff, size 56 are, price Rp. 8 mill/are/year. Strategic location, close to Pandawa Beach, GWK & Uluwatu. Contact 0812 381 5292. [9003]

UBUD For sale in Ubud. Resorts with 7 villas and 19 joglo (25 rooms) with 2 restaurants, 2 swimming pool, garden and good location. Contact e-mail : (belacasa_deoro@ [002]

CANGGU Canggu, Jl Padang Linjong, land 7 are, ideal for cafe/ guesthouse / studios, 24m frontage, 10 year lease extendable, 1.2 km from Echo Beach, 160,000USD. Whatsapp 0821 4411 9409, ( No agents. [003]

JIMBARAN Land for rent 12 are. Location Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai Kedonganan. 25 meters from Benoa Square. 25juta/ year/are. Contact: 081 2383 4011. [9001] Land for sale 2 are located closed to Asian International School Jimbaran. Contact 081 2394 8595. [9014] 2 Storey house on 340 sqm land for sale. Located closed to Four Season Hotel Jimbaran. Sea view. Electricity 16.500W. Phone line, PDAM, building license. wner ertifi ate. bedroom plus servant bedroom. Call 081 2394 8595.

NEGARA Good investment opportunity. Land for sale in Negara area (west Bali). More than 10 are available in front of the beach or close to the city. Starting price Rp. 80 million/are. Road access. Please call/SMS 081 2368 6123 (Indonesian) or 0812 3888 0606 (English).

OTHERS Hot Sale - Nusa Penida. 8 container bedbunk, 975m2 land. 100m from beach. IDR 3.8 Billion and 14 container bedbunk, 3500m2 land. Seaview. IDR 4.7 Billion incl. multi purpose container (kit hen afe offi e . Termite and earthquake proof. 0813 3854 9888. Sumbawa land sell off!!! m w m BF surfing wave Rp45jt/are. 1,200m2 w m surfing wave. Rp50jt/are. 1Ha ocean view behind Lakey Rp10jt/are. 2.4Ha hill great views of peak Rp10jt/are. 1,350m2 w/40m beach front. Rp25jt/ are. 2,000m2 periscopes 20m BF. Rp 60/are. E-mail : ( Call +62 81 2380 2310.

For sale 3 storey villa with ocean view in Bukit Ungasan. 288/198m2, facilities : 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking, large garden, kitchen. Asking price Rp. 3.5 Billion. Contact 081 2366 6541 or (anggaw83@ [003]

TABANAN House for rent located Sanggulan Tabanan. 2 Bedroom. 1 Bathroom. 1 Living room and 1 Garage. On land 1,25 are. Building 80m2. Electricity 1300 watt. Deep weel. Gazebo. Mountain ri efield view. Monthly or Yearly. Contact: 081 2394 8595. [9013]

C/RE/G-7 Nov 18

Land for sale located in Banjar Beringkit Belayu. Size 6,5 are. Price Rp. 125 million/are (nego). Perfect location for building your private villa. Please contact owner 0859 6905 7546. [9015] Balian-beach / sale Villa. Surf paradise retirement, prime location, 150mt from beach. 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, swimming pool, furnished, AC, indovision, hotwater, internet. Freehold 500m2 land 100% privacy. Info WA +62 812 3614 4771 / email: (mperezsup@ [004]

C/Re/G-19 Dec. 18

For sale or lease. Land 40 are. oad a ess, ri e field view. Suitable for villa. Call 0859 6905 7546.

GIANYAR HOUSE FOR SALE Jl. TPA Temesi, Gianyar - Bali LT : 100,2 / LB : 60M2 PAM, PLN 1200VA, Garage, certificate SHM The price Rp. 450.000.000 (nego) C/RE/I-7 Nov 18

LANDÂ FORÂ SALE Tabanan Banjar Beringkit Belayu Size 6,5 are Perfect location for building or your private villa Price Rp. 120 million/are (nego)

0859 6905 7546 (owner)

For inspection, please contact owner : Pak Dewa 0857 3939 9888 / 0816 472 7456 NC/Re/P-2 Nov. 18

NC/RE/L-07 Nov 18










C/Re/P-19 Dec. 18

R U T N ABAN A S AN Thousands of people read the Bali Advertiser Real Estate Section Is your company ready for more business? Advertise in the next issue and get more business!

NC/Re/P-19 Dec. 18











NC/Re/P-19 Dec. 18

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