Body & Spirit
Refl ections two decades of tourism IfPlanning not Immortality what about The 120development Club? foron the End of Your Life
Who will end up withEarth your is books and your tchotskes, The history of Planet the history of mankind’s My good friend Everett died in 2005 aged your gadgets garden tools when you migrations andand asAlexander ayour reader of this article you arechange most 85 on his ranch in Oregon. It wasn’t really a ranch, your acosmic at the endI am of your likely recent address migrant yourself. sure life? that everyone more like an Ark. Alexander just liked to now hangliving out who eventually turned into a migrant and is with animals, certainly not eat them. Hewas an here, came once before as a tourist. It’s probably the easiest and least onerous part of your educationalist and an English eccentric much estate planning to make a list of all your possessions and influenced by Rudolf Steiner and Huxley’s What remains rather odd is that people who try Perennial to make a decide who will get the stuff you have accumulated all these Philosophy, who decamped to Oregon in the 1960s permanent move from a poor country to a wealthy nation years. Will Junior get your porno movie collection? Your are called refugees. There was a time in when someone who becoming a leading figure the personal daughter mighttolike some jewellery family left one country settle in another wasorcalled anheirlooms; emigree. development movement that became popular at that maybe your best appreciate your to gadgets Nowadays, casefriend suchwould a person is allowed a time. As ainyoung man he had been crippled byenter polioor garden tools. You have made Last Will Testament? country, he is called an immigrant. but claimed to have curedyour himself. Heand was, he told Good. That takes of your estate, possessions and me a member ofcare the 120 Club, all ofyour whom committed As we all know attitudes towards immigrants do differ. In financial accounts and settles your preferences. Or does it? themselves to live to be over 120 years old. Alas, civilized countries with leaders like Trudeau or Merkel, Alexander didn’t make it. He died 35 years short immigrants are notisbyrespectable. definition evil people but welcomed. Estate Planning aged 85, which In the country that has telephone code number one and a leader who is married to a recent immigrant, all newcomers Somewhere around the age of 18 or 19 ourofbodies ceaseis Planning for the dissolution and distribution your estate from countries where people are killing each other are by developing and frombut that moment on thea various body not that cumbersome you need to take few things into definition criminals and therefore unwelcome. clocks that comprise is us,property start their account, especially if what you have or aremoseless foot in two countdownBesides to our the eventual demise. How countries. bequests and provisions your last long wetestament last from should that point on depends on who will take will and appoint an executor good of luck, our genes, our lifestyle and how care administrative and financial matters such as much money we have. The process doesn’tyour pension or liquidating bank and investment accounts, usually start to manifest visibly until our retirement accounts, ensuring your assets go to the proper mid-30s or so and, given good genes, beneficiaries, paying any debts or taxes. It could also psychologically we don’t usually start to include selling your home or terminating your lease. And feel old until our early 70s. with foreign property rights restricted in Indonesia, be sure you don’t leave behind can of worms your executor will Here’s what we’re all upa against: have to deal with. Chronic Inflammation Even if you have little in the way of assets or possessions, you should have a simple will because if you die intestate Aging people suffer an epidemic of outward the legal system in your location decide who gets your inflammatory diseases such aswillarthritis, but chronic inflammation also damages assets, no matter how massive or meager. Things are more Yet when someone from a wealthy country makes a move brain cells, arterial walls, valves and complicated if you are theheart parent or guardian of a minor to a lesser developed nation, we now refer to him as an other have structures in the body. Heart attack, child, an informally adopted or sponsored child and expat. The implication is that the move is not permanent. stroke, no heart valve failure, and Alzheimer’s there’s document stating what you want to bequeath Someone living -ex patria-outside of his native country may have orall linked to the them whobeen will care for them afterchronic your demise. By the one day return to his ‘homeland’. inflammatory cascade. same token, are you making some provisions for your You maystaff havewho metmay expats thisjobs island continuously faithful loseon their andwho probably have no Glycosylation go back and on cushion tourist visa this retirement or forth financial to falland back on?routine does indeed offer them the opportunity to regularly go shopping Diabetics age prematurely, but even non-diabetics suffer for booksthing unavailable locally.In case you Another to consider is to make sure thatare youranwillexpat does from this whererecently proteinyou molecules boomer whochemical moved toreaction, Bali relatively may be not contradict the account beneficiaries named on your bind tothere glucose molecules non-functioning unaware used to be a time forming that visa on arrival meant retirement accounts, insurance like. structures. Glycosylation isin Indonesia. mostpolicies evidentand in the senile that one could stay sixtylife days The person listed as the beneficiary on each of those dementia, stiffening of the arteries, and degenerative policies willofthe get the money if your willwas says otherwise. Those were days that theeven North of Bali thriving with diseases the eye. surestream your beneficiary designations to date and aMake constant of backpackers. Manyare of up these foreign visitors hadany already Pangandaran on the SouthIt sync with otherbeen legal toprovisions you have made. Methylation Deficit coast andthe to Yogyakarta and probably planning paysoftoJava review beneficiaries onwere all your accounts. You tomay continue to go to Lombok and Flores. Most objected Our not cellular DNA requires constant action forif be ready to die and in fact enzymatic may yet have a long you would them preferred use the term maintenance and repair. Aging cripples methylation bout of lifecall ahead oftourists. you butThey remember thattothings change, ‘travelers’ and most carried Bill Dalton’s “the Indonesian metabolism that can manifest as people come causing and go inDNA yourdamage life and situations alter. Be sure Handbook”. When you could spend sixty days in the country cancer, liver damage and brain cellwill. degeneration. these changes are updated in your it was perfectly possible to go on a five or six island ‘tour’
through the country. Mitochondrial Energy Including your will, make Depletion a list of critical documents that the will’s will to need to settle your estate likeYusril your All that executor was brought an end in February 2004 by The cellular the energy powerhouse, the mitochondria, Mahendra, time bank Minister and Human insurance atpolicies, andof Justice investment account requires a complex series of chemicals to sixty maintain Rights. He was the one who engineered the statements, credit and debit cards, that pension anddays tax critical functions such as transporting nutrients through were reduced to thirty. In the years that followed there was documents and pertinent information like your Social
or National Insurance make sure you aSecurity lot of handwringing about thenumbers fact thatand that there was a the and purging of toxic debris. tell cell yourmembrane family or carers where tothe findcell them. This includes decrease in foreign arrivals to Indonesia and the number of Mitochondrial lead to congestive heartMalaysia. failure, passwords your online accounts can be accessed. Other tourists wasso sodepletion much lower than in Thailand and muscle weakness, fatigue and neurological disease. practical directives should address the paying of any taxes This me torecurring a few ofpayments particular or aspects of Indonesian due,brings utility bills, donations. Any time Hormone Imbalance governance. Once a problem has been identifi the a major change occurs in your life, make sure your ed, will and answer is usually to organize a conference with delegates last directives reflect it. Trillions of cells in the Government human bodyMinistries are synchronised to from several different participating. Long introductions and many repetitions will be recorded function by chemical signals called hormones. Agingas End-of-life preferences ‘brainstorming’ andimbalance after manythat lunches and dinners later the creates hormonal can lead to depression, fi nal outcome coronary will be a “Joint osteoporosis, heart Action diseasePlan”. and loss of libido. Now that the estate portion of your bounty is settled, have you given ameetings thought everyone to the other end-of-life decisions After these goes home with feelingsyou of Excess Calcification satisfaction, because something hasofbeen achieved. At the need to make while still, as they say, sound and competent same there are feelingsup of the time has mind?time What about drawing arelief, Living Willofthat will instruct Calcium ions are transported into and because out cells through come to forget about the problem for a while. your nearest and dearest how you want to be cared calcium channels into the membrane. Aging disrupts thisfor when you longer in a position to in verbalise process andare theno result is excess calcium the cellscoherent of the The name and the scope of the responsibilities of the thoughts? are very brain, heart Remember valves andthere arterial wallsimportant that caninstructions lead to Ministry of Tourism have changed several times. At one arteriosclerosis andend Alzheimer’s. in regards your of life preferences that simply do not point it wastoTourism, Post and Telecommunications. Then belong in a Last Will and Testament since that document for quite a while it became the department of Tourism will Art not be read until after your and Culture. Currently it isdeath. the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. What never changes is the fact that when it comes to foreign arrivals the Department sets targets. If at the end of the year the actual arrivals turn out to be higher, we slap each other on the back because the targets were achieved. If at the end of the year the reverse is the case, and the predictions of the Department turned out to be wrong,we commiserate because it means we did not meet the target. Yet that still is no reason to worry. We will organize new brainstorming sessions and see if we should perhaps change the slogan or the tagline. Incidentally, another Indonesian idiosyncrasy is that official results never come in a rounded figure. It is not good governance to tell the world that we reached 78 percent of the target. It is more correct to report that the figure was 77.68 percent.
Your instructions your wishes the for Komodo Airport in should Labuan also Bajo,indicate East Nusa Tenggara, aging humans, levelscremation ofhotspot, dangerous cytokinesan preferred last excessive rites, burial, or repatriation main entryway to a fast-growing will become are produced that cause immune systemand to turn on its preferences, appoint athe funeral service a trusted international airport in June. host and create auto-immune diseases,, such as allergies, relative or friend who agrees to take care of all that. Also lupus, heart and arthritis. Whether these new flbehind ight destinations have the capacity to don’t anemia, forget to rheumatoid leave a listdisease of family and friends you handle a major infl ux of tourists, is anybody’s guess. want notified. ‘Next of kin’ may not be near if you have Non-Digestive Enzyme Imbalance family in another country. Indonesian Immigration and your consulate also need to be informed. Internal cellular functions depend on multiple enzymatic reactions occurring with precise timing. Aging causes And now for the big caveat: Remember that every country enzyme disturbances in the brain and liver, which result in has itsneurological own norms diseases and regulations it comesorto severe such aswhen Parkinson’s durable health careloss. and Impaired appointing a health care proxy.inIf persistent memory liver function results you plan to die in Indonesia you are well advised to inform toxic damage to every cell in the body. yourself of the practices here. In fact, a quick survey among a Enzyme few Bali Deficit lawyers reveals that unfortunately, the Digestive Indonesian law system does not recognise a Living Will. The aging pancreas digestive However, you canoften drawfails uptoasecrete privateenough statement letter enzymes, aging directives liver does and not secrete regardingwhile yourthe medical wishes enough on how bile acids. personnel The resultsshould are thetreat chronic problems medical you digestive in case of a lethal many face as they age. condition. This statement letter only indicates your When Indonesia shows progress, it is more oftenwishes a fruit and does not have the garden strong enforcement like a that was grown in the of its vibrantcapacity private sector Excitotoxicity than that planted these in a Government will. something It behoves youwas to discuss matters withPark.A your case inphysician point is Go-Jek, start-up company that private now andthe seelocal where you stand. Therivals aging loses control dared to challenge likebrain Uber and in the courseofofits the release of neurotransmitters such asin past year has made a greater contribution to In the end it doesn’t really matter - or does itchanges to you? glutamate and dopamine, this results the life of ordinary Indonesians than their and Government. in devastating brain cell damage and Statistics claim that the nearly half of people age front 55 and older In early December company made the page of destruction. don’t have a will. I bet the percentage is even higher for the International New York Times as follows : “The not having main a Living YetDeficit itsummon is important company’s appWill. lets you a car to or document motorbike Circulatory your end-of-life those to driver who could preferences just give youand a lift,communicate sure — but who could also bring you takeout, shop for groceries or deliver your family and/or the people that are likely to be near you Microcapillary flow of blood to the brain, a present to someone across another Go-Jek at that crucial time. Putting a town. plan inWith place for athings like eye and skin is impaired as part of app, Go-Life, you can hail someone to come cut your hair, medical care and funeral arrangements helps ensure that normal aging. The result is that disorders give a massage, clean your bathroom orout change uponyou your death, your wishes and your that of the eye (suchare ascarried cataract, macular car’s oil. And with the money you keep in Go-Jek’s digital degeneration, No.1In family squabbles are avoidedglaucoma) over your are deadthe body. wallet, you can pay your electricity bill, buy mobile data age-related degenerative disease. Major terms of movie funeral arrangements, youapp.” can leave the and book tickets — all within the and mini-strokes are common problems arrangements to a competent service like Antara Bangsa associated circulatory deficit to very the Funeral Services. Expats in Bali concur they Makarim, are Go-Jek’s founder and chiefwith executive, Nadiem brain. goodturned and take of theinto details. who hiscare start-up a company valued at three billion dollars was recently commandeered into the Oxidative Stress appointed as Minister of Education and Government Don’t wait to and put your affairs in order. Now, while you are Culture of still hale the andRepublic. healthy and still have control of your Free radicals are unstable molecules that have been belongings and the execution of your last wishes, is the implicated in refugee most diseases associated with Iaging. As a climate to this wonderful country harbor best time to put some order in your end of life preferences. Antioxidants popular supplements to absolutely nohave desirebecome to ever return to my homeland. With Don’t wait untilfree-radical-induced life’sI inevitable throw you a curve and my retirement visa feel like aloops local.cell protect against damage, but few beat you to it. the proper combination of antioxidant people take
As far as I know the most recent action plan for the development of tourism is now four years old so it is not polite to start asking about its implementation. It was Fatty AcidinImbalance hatched February 2016 under the name TEN NEW BALIS. The plan foresaw the creation of ten new tourist The body requires fatty acids to maintain cell destinations across essential the country. energy output. Aging causes alterations in the enzymes required convert dietary fats intowere specific fatty acids(North the The ten todestinations earmarked Lake Toba The requires. western way effect to(Bangka doofthat isacid to imbalance drawTanjung up an Advance body The fattyBelitung), manifests Sumatra), Belitung Lesung Directive, legal and binding document thatlow outlines your (Banten), Islands Borobudur Temple as irregularaSeribu heartbeat, joint(Jakarta), degeneration, energy, wishes if you become incapacitated due to illness or injury. (Central Java), Mount Bromo (East Java), Mandalika hyper-coagulation, dry skin and a host of other conditions. supplements needed to do any good. It sets (West forth the life- Komodo supporting or (East prolonging Lombok Nusaspecific Tenggara), Island Nusa Tenggara), Wakatobi Park Sulawesi), measures you would National like applied -or(Southeast not- like resuscitation DNA Mutation and Morotai or CPR, or (North whetherMaluku). to end all life-saving measures. Your By Willem Loots By Ines Wynn wishes should be written and the document mutate given to Numerous synthetic anddown natural compounds By Shari Shari ByBy Adrian When I DNA worked a tour in the late eighties taking cellular andas cause totime form. Aging cells the people most likely to cancer beleader closecells at the of your demise. The Boomer Boomer Corner Corner is over groups of DNA Dutchgene tourists through Indonesia, wethe already had The is a a column column dedicated dedicatedtoto to people peopleover over The Boomer Corner is lose and result is over Youtheir should not leaverepair thesemechanisms agonizing decisions to others. The Boomer Corner is aa column columntodedicated dedicated to people people over 60 living living in Bali. Bali. Its practicalities, in Its mandate mandate is is to cover cover topics, topics, practicalities, Lake Toba, Borobudur and Mount Bromo included on the 6060 practicalities, living in Bali. Its mandate is to cover topics, practicalities, DNA genetic damage causes cells to proliferate out of 60activities, living in issues, Bali. Itsconcerns mandateand is to coverrelated topics, practicalities, These instructions includetours the type of care wish in activities,issues, issues,concerns concernsand and events events related to to senior senior life life itinerary and usuallyshould these guided ended with you stays on activities, related ininin activities, issues, concerns and events events related to to senior senior life lifein control, i.e., turn into cancer cells. Bali. We welcome suggestions from readers. to have, the medical team and the hospital you want to end Bali. We welcome suggestions from readers. Bali and Lombok. Bali. We welcome suggestions Bali. Weus welcome suggestionsfrom fromreaders. readers. E-mail at :: E-mail usatat up in. If you wish to be an organ donor here in Indonesia E-mail us :: E-mail us at Immune Dysfunction can register with Komite National (the Ityou used to take about four hours Transplantasi to drive from Medan airport Copyright 2020 Boomer Corner 2020 Boomer Corner Copyright ©©© 2019 Boomer Corner to Toba. Since 2017 Committee) there is an orinternational airport on National Transplant the Eye Bank (Bank Copyright 2019Boomer Boomer Cornerof Copyright © 2019 Corner read all past articles You can read all past articles For a variety of reasons, the aging immune system loses You can read all past articles ofofof Samosir, the island in theoflake, ve times that a week Air You read all Youcan canat read allpast pastarticles articlesof Mata Indonesia) ahead time and and fistipulate in your Boomer Corner Boomer Corner at its ability to attack bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. In Boomer BoomerCorner Cornerat Asia operates a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur. Similarly, directive.
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