BA_23 May 2018

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23 May 2018 - 05 June 2018

Photo Copyright John Small


IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES Alternative Voice................................................... Bali Eats Update.................................................... Canggu News........................................................ Feature................................................................. Foor Glorious......................................................... Garden Doctor...................................................... Local News............................................................ Restaurant Review............................................... Rotary News.......................................................... Nom De Pume........................................................ Paradise in Sickness.............................................. Pathways to Healing............................................. Pet Care.................................................................. Schedule That....................................................... Siapa...................................................................... The Frugal Balinist................................................ Ubud News............................................................

17 22 8 34 12 25 35 23 28 31 18 20 11 32 4 6 15

For Sale; JVC Everio GZMS100U 35x Optical / 800 x Digital zoom SDHC camcorder w/2.7” LCD & Laser touch operation (silver). Never used. Excellent condition. Whastapp for Pic 081 1303 7686. Seminyak. [027] International Global Health is an international health solution created by a team of first responders with more than 100 years experience handling medical emergencies in Indonesia. Backed by Australia’s largest Insurer. This is the innovation in health Insurance you have been seeking. Call us 0361 737 317 and website (www. internationalglobalhealth. com). [007]

C/CE/G-30 August 17

Business Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 - 4:00 Jl. Majapahit No. 46, Kuta

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E-mail: Website: baliadvertiser @Bali_Advertiser Bali Advertiser

Published by : PT. CITRA BALI PARIWARA License: SIUPP No. 1593/SK/MENPEN/SIUPP/1999 General Manager: Made Wardiyasa | Office Manager: Ratih Utari Printed By: PT. Temprina Media Grafika Jl. Imam Bonjol 129 Tegal Besar, Jember Nothing in Bali Advertiser can be reproduced in whole or in part, either in print based media or in internet based media, without the written permission of the publisher. Bali Advertiser is not responsible for the content of any advertisement. Opinions expressed in any article are that of the writer and not the opinions of Bali Advertiser.

Copyright © 2018 - all rights reserved C/Ci/I-09 May 18

NC/R/I-09 May 18

4 Sharon Karyasa: Family Violence Trailblazer

serendipitous turn since then, in part because the truth is out there now as described in my memoir. Only recently I experienced another form of violence in Bali when I was shoved into a swimming pool at a five-star resort by a man who


Sharon Karyasa was born in Melbourne in 1964 to working


class parents. She had an idyllic childhood, full of love and


adventure. Sharon dreamed of becoming a journalist, but


evidently by for

my my This

ended up not going to university, making her dream

happened on a perfect

unattainable. But this didn’t stop her from becoming a

day in Paradise. It

writer. Sharon’s memoir Scarlett Voices in the Shadows


was initially self-published in Melbourne in 2016, then

violence against both

reprinted in Jakarta in December of that year when Periplus

women and men can

accepted the title for distribution. Sharon now lives between

happen anytime and

Australia and Bali with her Balinese husband Made.


Why did you decide to live and work in Bali?

How far-reaching is



Cars - Motorcycles - Watercraft - etc Big Promo Car / Bike Rental Matic & Manual 0878 6117 5005. [001] Line ads Rp 13.000 per word. Red Text Rp 20.000 per word. All ads must be paid for before printing.

Bali Advertiser

Make your ad online at


family violence? I had a healing in Bali that resulted in a pivotal turning point

C/G/I-22 Nov 17

in my life. I was visiting Bali in 2010 with my son on holiday.

There are no geographic or socio economic boundaries.

That year had been the most physically and mentally

Family violence is immeasurable. It’s a far bigger concern

challenging of my life. I had been diagnosed with third

than terrorism. I believe this is one of the most important

degree melanoma and had the stitches removed two days

discussions that we should be having. After I started the

before. The wound site had become infected. In addition, I

victims of violence initiative eight years ago in Australia,

had another injury to my arm as the result of a fall.

other countries have moved the clause forward. I understand that New York is looking at it closely. I was astounded when

Where did this healing take place?

a survivor stood up at my book launch in Melbourne in 2016 and thanked me for founding the initiative. She went on to

While we were visiting Batuan Temple near Ubud. An

say that she has used the leave that I fought for after she

elderly woman appeared from nowhere and asked if I

had been assaulted.

would like a healing. After praying she blessed us with holy water. My son had a black blood blister on the palm of his

How much do you deal with family violence in your

hand. After we left the temple my son told me the blister


had disappeared. It was at that moment that a miracle happened. As I blinked my eyes, water ran from them. It

Although a life changer, my attack was just one small part

wasn’t tears. The water flowing was holy water. I blinked

of the book that actually covers a variety of issues. The

again and I could see clearly. The following morning both

entire package will give women hope. As a woman, I

the wound site on my leg and the one on my arm were

struggled to fit into a patriarchal society that was considered

miraculously clean.

normal amongst my friends and family. I spent years

NC/He/U-23 May 18

rebelling against society, traveling and searching for Why did you write your memoir?

answers. My dependence on alcohol in later years resulted in low self-esteem. I became a survivor after my assault,

I wanted to share my journey in order to give hope. My

hence my involvement in advocating to empower survivors.

intention was to write an easy to read, entertaining (though

My book is a tale of empowerment.

sometimes shocking!) and enthusiastic story that would inspire people that things can get better. To keep battling

Do you support efforts against domestic violence

on and not cave in even when faced with horrendous


obstacles. I wanted to travel side by side with my readers, quietly whispering love and reassurance to keep on going,

Education is the key. I am thrilled that more women now

just as my shadow voices did to me. Then one day a light

have a voice and are finding the courage to stand up and

would shine at the end of the tunnel and that’s when real

tell their story. The #MeToo and #TimesUp campaigns,

miracles can happen.

have been phenomenal successes and catapulted the conversation about family violence onto the international

How did you get involved in advocating against family

stage. Last year I attended the premier of The Handmaids


Tale in Los Angeles and met the critically acclaimed author Margaret Atwood. The multi award winning series (based

My involvement resulted from what I feel was divine

on her dystopian novel) has highlighted a horrifying fictional

intervention. It started when I discovered a document at a

reality. The series graphically portrays a world in which

Geelong Women’s Network meeting. Written by Research

women are treated with intolerance and injustice. I also met

Assistant Ludo McFerran from the University of New South

with representatives at Los Angeles City Hall to discuss the

Wales, the document discussed how to adopt a clause into

family violence clause and its groundswell success. I

workplace agreements that would allow victims of violence

continue to scribe thought-provoking content on my blog. I

up to 20 days paid leave to get their lives back into some

believe that writing is my greatest weapon.

Email :

C/Ns/G-9 May 18

sort of order. I decided to implement the measure into my workplace at the Surf Coast Shire, a local government authority, in 2010. Today more than 1.6 million employees in Australia have access to paid domestic violence leave

Siapa... ?

by Bill Dalton

and this number is increasing. Do you feel comfortable talking about your experience with domestic violence? Yes! I want others to know how to recognize it and to stop it. In 2010, I was knocked out unconscious by an exboyfriend and held against my will. My life has taken a

For anyone interested in being considered for Siapa, please contact: <> You can read all past articles of Siapa at Copyright © 2018 Bill Dalton C/G/G-28 Feb. 18


The Frugal Balinist U.S. Citizens Corner. Low income U.S. vets and their families are eligible for a non-service connected supplemental tax-free monetary benefit under “Aid & Attendance” on the Veteran’s Administration website. You must be honorably discharged, over 65 and served at least 90 days during the Vietnam war era (but not necessarily in combat). The application process is easier if you work with your local Veterans Service Officer who can guide you through all the daunting paperwork - for example, getting a hold of your original DD-214 discharge paper. You need a U.S. residential address to receive VA mail and notifications. Fill out the initial application properly (otherwise it will bounce back and prolong the process) and submit it asap to get the ball rolling, i.e. your pension will apply retroactively. Even if it takes six months, you’ll get all that “back pay.” This is real! Do it! Get ready! Prices for rice, shallots, cooking oil, flour, milk, eggs, beef and chicken inevitably go up over the one-month fasting period leading up to Idul Fitri (Ramadan). Ticket prices on overflowing buses and planes will double. With hotel occupancy rates at 80% to 90%, room rates can easily increase by 100% during the unusually long weekend of Idul Fitri commencing Thursday 14 June when domestic tourists will be flooding into Bali, ferries from Java are packed and traffic congestion increases exponentially. Businesses will be closed, so change money and finish your orders. Residents should set aside Islamic holiday cash bonuses (THR), equal to one month’s salary, for every staff member (this is mandated by government decree). All Javanese workers return to Java to visit family, so get work done with your pembantu (maid), jok tukang (upholsterer), tukang kayu (carpenter) and with other tradespeople. Supermarkets such as Hardy’s, Ramayana, Robinson, Matahari and Carefour compete for customers by putting on Idul Fitri sales with discounts up to 50%!

C/Ho/G-11 April 18

Money Talks. Donating your time is frequently more valuable than donating your money. *When using an ATM, always cover your hand as you type in your PIN number. *Remove your ATM card quickly from the ATM’s slot or it will be declared invalid, resulting in you waiting in line at your bank to have your card reactivated. *Save money on quality used DVDs, bags, hats, shoes, books, jackets, jewelry, belts, skirts, dresses and baby clothes at Sanur’s Smile Shop, Jl. Pantai Sindhu 3, tel. 0361-233-758, 081-337-964-998. Open Tues-Sun. 10 am-5 pm. *It’s usually cheaper on Bali to rent a property through a friend than through an agent. *At Indonesian government offices, it behooves one to recognize coded messages. If you are repeatedly told “Come back tomorrow,” it means not enough money has been given over so far in various fees. *You don’t need a great deal of money to be a good father. With nets costing only Rp200,000 and rackets Rp150,000, what can be a cheaper and more delightful sport for a lawn or paved area than badminton? What does it cost to build a pillow fort in your living room on Sunday mornings? *Two all-pervasive rules of living in Bali: 1) Yang penting ada uang. “The important thing is money;” 2) Uang bicara. “Money talks.” New Car Reality Check. In April 2018, Consumer Reports published their Annual Reliability Survey of 640,000 vehicles that revealed that first-year or redesigned models are more likely than older ones to have a wonky engine, jerky transmission or high-tech features that fail outright. The CR study covered 17 trouble areas from nuisances such as squeaks, rattles and broken interior trim to serious problems such as major engine or transmission repairs. Previous surveys also consistently showed that better things often come to those who wait. Problems most often arise when automakers incorporate new technology into their cars. For the fifth straight year, Toyota brands sit atop manufacturer rankings for new-car reliability. Household Hacks. To re-stick a sticker on glass easily and quickly spray the back with WD-40. *Rule for storage water heaters: 50-liter tank for kitchen, 80-liter tank for bathroom, 100-liter tank for 2 bathrooms. *Dwellings should always be built with raised terraces around entrances to discourage snakes from entering living areas. *If you’re building, renovating or repairing, a crucial and hard-to-find glossary (with English translations) of Indonesian building terms can be found on Mr. Fixit’s website ( which will make it easier to communicate with a contractor or tradesmen. *Rooms on east side of house are warm and well-lighted early in the day, but will grow cooler as the day wears on, thus are well suited for bedrooms, kitchen and breakfast areas. *Hot season is ant season. Simple non-toxic methods of killing or repelling ants in the home is to form barriers to keep insects from crossing. Smear Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (Rp36m100/100 ml) around tops of pet food bowls and around edges of potted plant containers. Or place containers in a saucer or tray surrounded by a small amount of water. HealthWise. Range hood filters should be cleaned at least every three months. The fan should be able to efficiently suck up particular matter while cooking which is then vented outside. Particulates, which are major irritants, especially for allergy sufferers, are then prevented from collecting inside the house. Allowing grease to build up on range hood filters can also be a fire hazard. *The sweet potato (ubi) is one of the world’s most nutritious foods, providing more nutrients per farmed area than any other staple. *Cap Garuda Baking Powder (Rp4000) in a sachet has a peculiar taste; better to use Hercules baking soda in a small red and white can. *Scrubbing with dry salt a skin area infected by the toxin of poisonous caterpillars (ulat bulu) is the only effective way to ameliorate itching. *Effective anti-mosquito measures: wear long, loose, light colored clothes, use local brands of repellant Autan or Soffell and a fan or air-conditioning when sleeping. Anti-theft. Scammers will try just about anything to steal your money or your identity, so bogus credit card fraud

alerts are widespread. To combat cheating and fraud, registering your hand phone number is now required within 30 days of when your number was blocked. Now the authorities can trace calls from people playing hoaxes such as sending urgent messages that your child is in the emergency ward, your father is being held at the police station, notifications of winning a grand prize, a new car or motorcycle - all remedied or redeemed by giving your PIN, transferring Rp5 juta rupiah, sending an administration fee or buying phone pulses for the swindlers.

Sinar Photo. (, with branches everywhere in Bali, is a great

place to buy second-hand cameras, lenses and camera accessories. Give them a budget and what you need/want and their Live Chat service responds quickly. Often the money you spend on repair (such as replacing a LCD screen for Rp1 juta plus Rp300,000 for installation charge) you can buy a used camera in good condition. Their main shop is at Jl. Letda Made Putra, Komplek Pertokoan Udayana, Dauh Puri, Denpasar, tel. 0361- 254-322. Please send your budget ideas, bargain deals and money saving tips to Copyright © 2018 Bill Dalton You can read all past articles of The Frugal Balinist at

C/R/I-31 Jan 18

Lucy’s Batik unique -stylish - timeless


• wine bottle cases • coasters • paintings • pillow cases • carpets • scarfs • shawls • clothes • handbags • many more Jl. Raya Basangkasa No. 88 Seminyak, Kuta, Bali Tel. +62(361) 7951275 / 736098 +62 851 0095 1275 Fax. +62(361) 736098 NEW OPENING: Jl. Raya Seminyak No. 75 Seminyak Center C/G/I-16 August 17



For lease !! Internet with hotspot / Wi-Fi Cheap!! Guarantee money back! These machines ready to use & very simple, no need grid antenna, tower, phone cable, etc. Suitable for small office / home office, NetCafe, restaurant, villa, hotel, trading online, ticketing online, etc

Call: 081 337 400 999, 089 722 85 777 C/CI/I-14 March 18


C/CE/I-06 Dec 17

● ●

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Spa closeout... for sale Massage bed latex korea 25 pcs @1.9mill/pc can bargain for bulk, AC LG standing 2 pcs @4,5mill (need service), bonus foot bowl, trolly etc.. jimbaran. call / wa 0819 9992 5777. [034]

High End VGA Card Nvidia Quadro K4200 4GB 256bit Rp.4.300.000 second - hand 1 year used. The graphic card is in perfect working condition, haven’t been used much. Call / what’s app +62 819 1542 4562. [029]

Selling all furnishing in our house. Pictures: http:// Email: (sedonamailbox@ to set up an appointment for viewing and picking up of the items. Ubud.

Memory RAM Server PC DDR4 16GB 2Rx4 PC4 Total 64 GB Rp. 2.390.000. second hand, 1 year used. Price is per 1 RAM (16GB) piece. Call / what’s app +62 819 1542 4562. [030]

Export quality, Teka Parquet T&G engineered merbau (not craftwood) 15x127x2200. 97 packs. Total 130m2 50% off new price Rp. 30 juta firm. Wayan 0821 4499 4411. Sanur.[014]

Powercolor graphic VGA card radeon HD 5450 1GB GDDR3 AX5450 1GBK3 Rp. 290 000. Second hand, 2 years used. Call / What’s App +62 819 1542 4562. [031] C/Ho/G-23 May 18

Deep Cleaning Window Cleaning (max. 10m height) Bathroom Cleaning House Cleaning Plumbing Service Furniture Cleaning Mattress Cleaning

087.860.630.586 / 081.338.248.171 English - German - Dutch


C/CE/G-9 May 18

C/Ho/G-22 Nov. 17

Tuban Plaza No. 15

Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai Tuban - Bali 80361

Telp : (0361)759809 M : +62 855 141 7958 WA : +62 855 141 7957 Showroom Open 9am - 6pm

Monday to Saturday

We Close Sunday & Public Holidays NC/G/I-23 May 18



Petitenget to Pererenan

Time To Go Cash Free? #justtappit With the bass beat thumping and dance floor jumping, you fumble through the crowd and your pockets as you head toward the bar for your next beer, only to find your wallet’s gone walkabout along with your cash! What should you do? Just tappit of course!

Canggu News submissions for future editions are welcome to be emailed to: If you are submitting information about a future event, please be sure to provide accurate details regarding time and place and include pictures where relevant.

A relative newcomer to the Bali scene, cashless experience experts, tappit bring a wealth of expertise to the island with their radio frequency identification (RFID) technology that allows customers and venues to enjoy a cash, stress and worry free event. A simple and streamlined system, as customers arrive at a party, game or event they merely make their way to a tappit cashier booth to load up a wrist band or card with a monetary amount of their choosing, facilitating cash free purchases of F&B and more throughout the evening. No more worries about where to hide your wallet or missing out on the party as you wait at the bar for change!

from May 27th with Kelly Slater and the World Surf League Corona Bali Pro! Talk about versatility! tappit’s technology can be adapted to virtually any event, club, sporting pro or party to save on time, tedium and human resources, allowing guests and venue operators to keep a close track of their finances throughout an event. No need for customers to carry all of their cash with them while they hit the dance floor, or for venues to face the constant headache of filling change floats for their bars. Resorts and clubs can also streamline booking confirmations, tickets, admission passes, room key cards, bar tabs and bills with one item only - the tappit wristband or card.

Debuting in Bali at Bestival in 2017, more than 8000 partygoers went cashless for the entire festival. No strangers to major events such as these, tappit has delivered the cashless experience to various international venues and events the likes of the Dubai Rugby 7s, Creamfields Hong Kong, Old Boys Rugby 10’s in J-Burg and the Bury Football Club in the UK, with whom they recently secured a three year contract! Hot off the success of last month’s Rumours Party with Guy Gerber at Ulu Cliffhouse, this cash free movement is also making headway into the local island party scene with three major events in May alone! Earlier this month saw tappit facilitate cash free fun at the

If you live, work, have a business or just have some exciting news about this area then we want to hear from you!

recent Cinco de Mayo Reggaeton party at Motel Mexicola, they returned to Ulu Cliffhouse on May 19th for the much anticipated evening with DJ giant Carl Cox, then they plan to take it surf side to Kommune Resort at Keramis Beach

Eco friendly, time saving, worry and wait free, Bali businesses now have even more of a reason to ensure their customers’ experience is an enjoyable one and join the cash free revolution. Simplify the situation with tappit! For more information about tappit check out their website: or contact Maria Miranda: or +62 878 625 44 695

Cockroach Or Cane Toad? Origin Is On Again! grudge fest attracts some of the biggest crowds of any football competition. The series has become somewhat of an institution since the 80’s with this high profile battle between NSW and QLD for football supremacy developing into one of the country’s most prestigious sporting events. Stadiums are a sell out long before the first fan forces their way through the turnstile and televisions across the country are tuned to this on field battle, making Origin the most watched football in Australia. Being a Bali resident, there’s little to no chance of me ever getting a guernsey to attend a live Origin game, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show my colours and support for my home side from afar and that’s just what I’ll be doing come June 6th at Finns Rec Club! QUEEEENSLANDERRR!! Ok, Ok…. despite unveiling my allegiance to the Sunshine State and uncovering an upbringing as a ‘Cane Toad’, truth be told, I am getting a touch of Origin Fever with one of the year’s most watched football series about to commence again in June! And I can watch it all here in Bali, live, on screen, ….. at Finns! Excited much??? Whether you hail from the West Coast or Australia’s deep dark South, where the mere mention of Rugby League can be met with a casual shrug, there is no denying that the annual NRL State of Origin series is an exciting one. Oh come on all you AFL diehards…….. we know you watch it too! Regular season fixtures aside, this yearly, three match, footy

Committed to covering all of the Origin games in 2018, Finns is first choice for footy fans with over thirty television screens to ensure everyone can see the action. Set up your support crew outside at Bistro C to see the on field battle unfold on the big screen, or pull up a pew at the Sports Bar and be close to cold beer on tap in air conditioned comfort.

games of footy you’re likely to watch.

Join the crowd at The Sports Bar @ Finns Rec Club from 5pm, Wednesday June 6th for fun, a fair amount of good natured heckling and the first game of origin football for 2018 live from the MCG in Melbourne. Get there early to be sure of a bar stool The Sports Bar will be once again a blur of maroon and blue and bring your enthusiasm for a great night out. The second with supporters showing their state allegiance by the colour game is scheduled for June 24th with the decider on July 11th. of their clothes, hair and occasionally their faces! Whether you have no affiliation or affection for New South Wales or Will it be another Queensland whitewash? Or will the New South Queensland whatsoever, or any clue as to what a cane toad Welshmen make a comeback? The best way to find out is to or a cockroach has to do with football, (don’t worry, it’s an watch it with us at Finns! Check out the ‘What’s On’ segment on East Coast thing..) the State of Origin is up there with the best the their website to find out more about the 2018 State of Origin schedule:

Finns VIP – Doing it in Style

Bali may well be synonymous with beach clubs, boasting some world class spots from which to choose, but discerning travellers are now trending toward a more exclusive ocean front experience something Finns VIP Beach Club certainly promises to deliver. Located along Canggu’s stunning Berawa Beach, Finns Beach Club is already a popular fixture on the party scene and a must do destination for sun and surf lovers; its iconic bamboo structure a welcoming oasis from the heat. However, despite top billing in the Bali beach club stakes, Finns is aiming even higher! Gazetted for a grand opening this July, Finns VIP Beach Club will add an even more refined facet to fun in the sun. Looking for something a little more sleek and elite to suit your tastes? Step into the foyer of Finns VIP for a five star, hotel style experience where Finns VIP guests can enjoy exclusive facilities and ocean front views. Employing the existing structure of the original and opulent Semara Beach House residence, the ground floor will feature the Ocean Spa area boasting the best views from any pedicure chair

bar none! Cool down with a complimentary chilled towel and let your host assist you through personalised check in and acquaint you with the faciities as they guide you to one of a number of VIP areas. Choose chill time at the pool deck and gazebo area and take a dip in the pool when things start to heat up or head across to the Sandbar or Dining Terrace for a variety of vinos, signature cocktails and a bird’s eye view of the beach directly infront. Finns VIP offers you an opportunity to enjoy a luxe beachfront experience at a level above your average Bali beach club. Guests are guaranteed first class facilities and complimentary VIP services including locker facilities, free flow water, morning tea & coffee, afternoon snacks and exclusive access to spacious, private change rooms complete with showers and every amenity to make that effortless transformation from beach wear to evening bar attire. The expansive, lush lawn will be transformed every afternoon from 4pm for a Grazing on the Green experience. Enjoy a picnic basket full of grazing goodies, washed down with a chilled vino as you take in the action on the beach from your blanket on the lawn! As the sun starts to dip over the Indian ocean, make your way upstairs to the Rooftop Vodka Bar where you can enjoy Cocktails & Canapes at Sunset from 5pm daily. The Vodka Bar is also the perfect choice for pre dinner drinks, private parties or intimate evenings, with unbeatable views down toward the Bukit and back to Canggu. Those looking for an even more elite area to kick back, relax and even stay the night, can opt for The Presidential Suite. Oozing exclusivity and encompassing the entire upper floor of the original estate building, this two bedroom suite is the pinnacle in private

entertaining. A secluded retreat from other VIP areas, it affords guests absolute privacy, spacious and luxurious appointments and uninterrupted views of the beach club and beyond, complete with rooftop jacuzzi. With construction under way and on schedule, Finns is set to open the doors of their much anticipated VIP Beach Club from July 2018. In the meantime, get ready to pack your bags for your Bali holiday and stay tuned for further updates, this is a must include on all Bali bucket list’s as Finns is certainly set to raise the bar on Bali beach club chic.

Business & Travel Starting package Rp. 1.850.000/static web incl. annual web hosting & domain name (space up to 250Mb) For more info & appointment call 081338551818 NC/CI/P-7 June 17

For Sale; 4 used big garden lights, different types. Approx H: 68cm, new price 280$ each. Very good working condition. Price now Rp. 350.000 to Rp. 450.000 each. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [062] Pierre cardin classic jacket finest merino Imported woven fabric Rp.500.000. new 0877 4906 7242. Sanur.

Antique crystal sphere table light Rp.2 jt. Sanur. ( [018] For Sale; Printer Epson L360 Brand new, never used. Bought too many for office. Warranty Letter. Print, copy, scan. 2 million. Whatsapp for Picture 081 1303 7686. Seminyak. [026]

C/BT/G-15 March 17


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Bali Istana Kuta Galeria Central Parkir Kuta Jl. Patih Jelantik PM 1 No. 21, Kuta-Bali 80361 Phone : +62 361 769 102 Mobile : +62 821 6188 1767


Gelderland-Netherlands Koperlanslager 2, 6641 GS Beuningen Phone : +31 21 677 0324 Mobile : +31 630 368 263 Email : / C/BT/G-23 May 18

Crýstal picture stones Borneo 20 pieces upto 50 by 30 in size Rp. 2.2 jt but 1 jt will work 0877 4906 7242. ( Sanur. [020] Vintage all original pushbike phoenix constalation Rp. 2.5 jt ( 0877 4906 7242. Sanur. [021] For Sale; iPad Pro12.9 inch 256 GB wifi only, bought nov 2017 for 14.7 jt first hand use, perfect condition, still guarantee IBOX, complete box, free cover. price: Rp. 12 million 0852 4241 4888. Jimbaran. [022] Very special helmet for sale ! Nolan type N86 Kawasaki limited edition. Black metallic, mint condition. Please youtube for features. Only sell 2 mill negotiable. Call / WA 0853 4366 3323 Nuansa Bukit Taman griya Jimbaran. [023]

Retirement Visa

55 Years & Above, 5 Years Stay

Travel Document

Visa, Passport, Work Permit, Stay Permit

Airline Ticketing

Domestic & International

Company License

Foreign Capital Investment (PMA) Comanditer Veneescope (CV) Private Limited (PT)

Office :

Bali : Jl. Gunung Salak #233 Kerobokan Kuta Phone : 0361 - 732600 0361 - 7433400 Fax : 0361 - 735325 0361 - 733990 Jl. Raya Nyuh Kuning Next to BCC Hotel HP. 081 139 7852, 081 238 72666 Jakarta : Jl. Cikoko Timur No. 36 Pengadegan Jakarta Phone : 021 79187190 Fax : 021 - 7983542 C/BT/G-8 Nov. 17

For Sale; Brand new Sony DSC WX500 camera. 30x optical zoom lens. 18.2 MP Exmor R CMOS Sensor. BIONZ X Image Processing Engine. 180 degree tiltable LCD. Never used. Whatsapp for picture 081 1303 7686. Seminyak . [024]

C/Ci/I-27 Sept 17

For Sale; Tempered glass screen protector iPhone 6/6s Pro+ Brand New. Bought too many. Super strong 9 hardness just impossible to make scratches. Anti fingerprint. Guarantee Bubble Free. 49k. Seminyak. Whatsapp for Pic 081 1303 7686. Seminyak. [025] For Sale; Brand new computer IntelCore i3 2120 ASUS Seagate 500MB+Sta volt+Monitor+Keyboard+Mo use+UPS. Never used (bought too many for office). Rp. 5jt. Whatsapp for picture 081 1303 7686. Seminyak. [028]

C/BT/G-31 Jan. 18

Cocoon Medical Spa is proud to launch the Quanta Laser 3D Skin Rejuvenation. This laser from Italy, favoured by the world’s best models, is now offered in Bali. Get healthier, more beautiful skin at any age – for tiny Indonesian price. Please contact (info@; +62 81 1388 2240. [001]

C/BT/G-9 May 18

11 Vaccinating Your Pet Annually – Is It Really Necessary? Bali a high risk location for pets The life expectancy of pets living in Bali is significantly shorter than for pets living in Australia, USA or Europe. Even if we exclude the large population of stray animals and those loosely ‘owned’ by locals, and take as our sample group only those pets with responsible owners, this statement still hold true. Poisonings, road traffic accidents and the dog meat trade are three of the main threats. Also very prevalent though are infectious diseases and parasites.The viral diseases Parvo and Distemper are rife in the stray dog population, as is Panleukopenia virus in cats. Meanwhile the island is covered in ticks that act as a vector for the blood parasites Ehrlichia, Babesia and Anaplasma. So it’s not hard to see that danger lurks around every corner! What should I do routinely to protect my pet? Typically the vets at Sunset Vet recommend three basic preventative steps to minimise the risk to your pet from infectious disease and parasites. These are: 1. Vaccination – multi-vaccine yearly (dogs, cats), kennel cough yearly (dogs), rabies every 2-3 years depending on brand used (dogs, cats) 2. De-worming - using Drontal, Panacur or Canex every 3 months 3. Anti-parasitic - using either a monthly spot-on such as Revolution or Frontline, or an oral medication such as Bravecto or Nexgard. Bravecto is the weapon of choice at Sunset Vet as it provides 3 months of protection. Is vaccination absolutely necessary or just a way for vaccine companies and vets to make money? Firstly it must be made clear that at Sunset Vet we see initial vaccination as mandatory, not optional. Parvo and distemper (dogs) and panleucopenia (cats) are so rife here that unless your pet is living in a sterile bubble, they will usually encounter these viruses at some point, and if they are unvaccinated they will probably die. If they had just 1 of the 2 initial vaccines they also may die, but have a slightly better chance. This is not big pharma propaganda, as the Sunset Vet isolation room (where the parvo, distemper and panleukopenia patients are hospitalised) is full of unvaccinated animals, and we simply do not see these diseases in animals that are fully vaccinated. However the anti-vaccine lobby in veterinary medicine generally do not dispute the need for the initial vaccination course, rather the contentious issue is whether or not annual booster vaccinations are required or not. This is the issue for which there is legitimate debate within the pet owning and indeed scientific community. What is the recommended vaccination schedule? The initial vaccination course must be completed when you first vaccinate your pets and this is generally two multivaccine shots 2-4 weeks apart followed by a rabies vaccine. Sometimes the rabies vaccine and multivaccine are combined into the same shot (known as Eurican 7) for convenience though our experience suggests that separating them causes higher protective antibody levels. Once the initial multivaccine course has been completed, your dog/cat only needs an annual booster – or a blood test to check antibody level and then a booster if the antibodies are below the protective threshold. Are there adverse effects to vaccinations? Some in the veterinaty community have questioned whether over-vaccination could actually do harm to an animal’s immune system, and could even contribute to the development of allergic disease. Although this causality is unproven, it is definitely true that the incidence of allergic and other immune mediated diseases has increased over the years. However this could be due to other factors such as genetics or com-

mercial pet foods, we really don’t know why. Do all animals need annual vaccination? In a nutshell – no. Animals that have already received several booster vaccines MAY have a level of antibodies that is already above the protective threshold. The problem is that not ALL animals will do, and vets don’t know which ones will and which ones won’t unless they did expensive serology blood tests on all of those animals. As a result vets advise all animals receive booster vaccinations to be on the safe side, as in some countries a vet could be sued by an owner for not following the vaccine manufacturer’s guidelines if that pet were to go on and contract the disease in question. What is the pre-vaccination blood test? At Sunset Vet some of our customers have voiced concerns over annual vaccination and potential adverse effects for their dogs, so we now offer an optional in-clinic blood test where we are able to determine whether a dog has either protective, borderline or underprotective antibody levels for the main two diseases parvo and distemper viruses. A small amount of serum is required and the test takes an hour to run.


Our Services:

VISA EXTENSION RETIREMENT VISA (MIN 55 YEARS OLD) WORKING VISA (KITAS) ARTIST VISA & MULTIPLE BUSINESS VISA SET UP COMPANY (PT & PMA) OFFICE : Head Office Jl Raya Semer No.26 Kerobokan Kuta Utara Phone/Fax : (0361) 736342 Branch Office Jl Legian No. 355 Legian Kuta Phone/Fax : (0361) 759255 Email : Website:

Contact Person : 081 2362 8737 or 081 2468 8357 C/BT/I-15 Feb 17

What is Early Vaccination? Early vaccination can be given when your puppy/kitten is 6 weeks old under certain circumstances, such as when the pups or kittens are weaned too early so that they don’t get the protection of the antibodies in their mother’s milk. Early vaccination is also recommended if the pups and kittens have had contact with other unvaccinated animals, such as if they come from a market (typically the bird market in Denpasar). Which vaccines are essential? Multivaccine is essential as it protects your pet against fatal infectious diseases that are rife in Bali such as parvo and distemper (dogs) and panleukopenia (cats). Rabies vaccine is essential as Bali is not yet rabies-free and this fatal disease can also be transmitted to humans from dogs/cats.

C/BT/I-14 Feb 18

Kennel Cough vaccine for dogs is not essential as kennel cough is not a fatal disease. However it is recommended because kennel cough causes an unpleasant hacking cough and some boarding kennels will only accept dogs who have had this vaccine. Are vaccines guaranteed to protect my pets from these infectious diseases? No they are not, sadly. Vaccine failure occurs quite frequently in Bali. There are a number of possible reasons, one of them being that either the distributor or the vet accidentally (carelessly) broke ‘cold chain storage’. This means that the vaccine, which is highly temperature sensitive, may be deactivated if not kept in a refrigerated environment from manufacture right through to administration. There are other possible reasons for vaccine failure too such as giving the vaccine to an animal already sick with a weak immune system, or to an animal already infected with the virus but not showing symptoms yet (i.e. during the incubation period).

C/BT/G-13 Sept 17

Sunset Vet offers veterinary services via their Kuta (24hr) and Ubud (8am-10pm) clinics. For further information or to make an appointment call them on 03619348915 (Kuta) or 0361975296 (Ubud), or visit or www. or Instagram: sunset_vet_bali

Copyright © 2018 Bali Advertiser Yo u c a n r e a d a l l p a s t a r t i c l e s o f P e t C a r e a t w w w. B a l i A d v e r t i s e r. b i z C/BT/I-03 Jan 18

12 We had a block of Dijon’s marzipan in the freezer for what seemed an eternity. I thought I‘d use it for a strawberry tart. Then I came across the recipe that inspired this one. These brownies are a delicious departure from traditional ones. The next time we baked them, we made our own marzipan. It’s so easy and makes enough for several batches of these babies.

Marzipan Chocolate Brownies Makes about 24 brownies


- 3/4 cup butter - 1 cup dark chocolate chunks, just cut a block of chocolate with a sharp knife into various shaped medium sized chunks or use a cup of dark chocolate chips - 1/2 cup palm sugar, grated - 1/2 cup castor sugar, or lightly grind regular granulated Indonesian sugar in a spice grinder - 2 large eggs - 1 Tbl. vanilla extract - 1 1/2 cup white flour - 1 tsp. baking powder - 1/2 tsp. salt - 130 g marzipan or almond paste, cut into ½ cm x ½ cm squares (see recipe below) - 1 cup cashews or almonds, toasted

For Sale; New mens watch automatic stainless steel incl stainless steel strap. Water resistant 300 meter. Brand Carruci. Size: 42 mm incl manual book in German/ English, box, guarantee paper. Never used. New price in Germany 8 50 Euro. Now 3,95 Jt. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [070] For Sale; Stavolt automatic regulator 5000W. Servo motor control. Made in Japan. New price after discount Rp. 5.400.000, price now: Rp. 1.250.000. Very good condition. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [071] Bali Advertiser offers on-line media with our e-paper on our website.

IG: bloomerskids_fashion WA: 0821 4600 3066


Jl. Cargo Permai No 168X Denpasar Bali, Indonesia 80116 Email:


Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a glass or metal baking pan 20 cm x 20cm and line with baking paper. Put the butter and ¼ cup of the chocolate pieces in a small pot. Heat it slowly until the chocolate melts. Stir well and remove from the heat. Let it cool a bit. Then add the two sugars and stir with a whisk until well incorporated. Now add the eggs one by one, whisking well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and whisk again.

Bali Logistic & Relocation Services is a highly professional, efficient, effective relocations and logistics company in Bali, with 15 years of experience. Handling all logistics requirements, air freight, sea freight, land transportation and storage. C/CE/I-11 April 18

Add the flour, baking powder, and the salt. Stir until just mixed, being careful not to over mix. Stir in the marzipan, nuts, and the remaining chocolate. Put the batter into the prepared pan and bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until it is a little golden brown but the middle is still soft. Set aside to cool completely before cutting into bars or squares. Store in an airtight container. Enjoy the brownies! Homemade Marzipan Ingredients: - 1 1/2 cups finely ground almonds - 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar - 2 tsp almond extract - 1 egg white, slightly beaten Directions: Put the ground almonds and the powdered sugar into a food processor. Pulse several times until it is an even mixture. Sprinkle in 2 tsp. almond extract and turn the processor on again until the extract is evenly distributed. Add the egg white and process again. It should form a ball at this point. If it’s too sticky add 1 Tbl. more of ground almonds. Form into four cylinders or patties and wrap tightly in cling warp. Store in the fridge until ready to use. Any left over after making the brownies can be stored in the freezer for months.

Food Glorious Food

By Ayu Spicy

Delicious International Dishes

(Indonesian Language Version available at All recipes are available on the Bali Advertiser website in both English and Indonesian versions. Copyright © 2018 Ayu Spicy You can read all past articles of Food Glorious Food at

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-23 May 18

13 For Sale; A used kids bike model family fiber BMX 12 inch with training wheels. Suitable for kids 2 - 5 years old. Good condition. Rp. 350,00. Photos available. Contact Made. 0812 3613 9993. Kuta. [001]

Trust our experience to manage your goods

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Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 100 X, Denpasar - Bali Phone : (0361) 730 024 (hunting) Fax. : (0361) 730 382 Email : Website :

Ledger Nano S Hardware Wallet Bitcoin Etherium Ripple Rp. 2.400.000 new, still sealed in box. Ordered from France. Product sold out in asia so no other way to get it. Call / what’s app +62 819 1542 4562. [032] For Sale; Speargun. Andre gold 110, SS shaft. Excellent condition. Barely used. Inc carry case. Rp. 2.5 Juta firm. Call Wayan. Sanur +62821 4499 4411. [015] For Sale; Sony 20” monitor. Rated best. New; 15 juta, sell Rp.750. A few years old, but still good for a few more. See in sanur 0812 4674 9838 HP and WA. For Sale; Old Tau-Tau approximately, 80 years old. For more information please call 0813 3863 4748 (no SMS). Kerobokan. [076] For Sale; Bed electric 4 motor brand new. Suitable for clinic /spa. Bought too many for office. Good price. Whatsapp for Picture 081 1303 7686. Seminyak.

C/G/I-25 Oct 17




For Sale; 3 unit brand new stavolt atsugawa 1000 VA automatic AC voltage regulator. Bought too many for office. Rp. 250,000. Whatsapp for picture. 081 1303 7686. Seminyak.

C/CE/G-19 July 17

C/CE/G-17 Jan. 18

B a li A d ve r t is e r May 23 - Wed

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C/BT/G-23 May 18

Jun. 02 - Sat Jun. 03 - Sun Jun. 04 - Mon Jun. 05 - Tue Jun. 06 - Wed

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Jun. 12 - Tue Jun. 13 - Wed Jun. 14 - Thu Jun. 15 - Fri

 Idul Fitri Day. Bali Advertiser CLOSED


Sanur Kerobokan Jimbaran Lovina Lombok Email

: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 151, Sanur. Phone : 289 104 : Jl. Umalas Kangin No. 1/3, Umalas. Phone : 736 897 : Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 94, Jimbaran. Phone: 704 478 : Jl. Raya Lovina. Phone : 0819 3662 4445 : Jl. Raya Senggigi KM 6, Pasar Seni Senggigi. Phone : 0370 692 091 : C/Ho/G-21 June 17

Ubud Area For Sale; Canon Ixus 1086. 14.7 Megapixel. SD HC Card 4GB. 1 spare akku. Best condition. $130. Contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [010]

C/NV/U-28 March 18

For Sale; 2 PC Lite Ikelite underwater lamps. As new. 30$ each. 1 Sunlight SL6 UW Kinetics 25$. Contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [011]

Wanted; Samsung S4 galaxy. Best condition. Call Michael 081 2395 1444.[015]







For Sale; HP 250G6 laptop. Model 3168 NGW. HD 500 GB. 64 bit OS. RAM 4 GB. Windows 10 Home. 15” screen. Intel Celeron CPU. As new. 4.5 mio. Please contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [016]

Open : 08.00 am - 10.00 pm

The Most Complete Supermarket in Ubud Jl. Raya Andong #14. Tel.973049, Fax. 978071 Ubud C/U/G-17 Dec. 08

C/U/G-14 Feb. 18

C/U/I-28 Feb 18

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C/U/G-28 Feb. 18

NC/NV/I-09 May 18

UBUD WEAVING BETTER FUTURES Commitment works miracles, over time. Ask the 700 families living in Muntigunung on north Bali’s droughtprone mountain slopes, where eight months every year with no rain or other natural water sources make it challenging to survive. The Muntigunung Social Enterprise, formed by Daniel Elber and other big-hearted expats several years ago, has gradually built a sustainable water supply for most of the villages, with 80% now having access to toilets, and 80% government registered for access to health services. The villages are far from any tourism – and most of the malnourished villagers only speak a local dialect. In the past, the only possible income opportunity was travelling south and silently begging on the streets of tourism areas. Now more than 230 people have a sustainable job and income through a range of programs – from excellent walking tours to several handicraft and food production businesses. Some of the village women produce baskets from lontar leaves, using an attractive mix of this totally natural product with computerized embroidery or laser printing. Support them by ordering these, and delicious cashews, rosella products and local dried fruit, and exquisite and durable woven hammocks, available for sale on their website; GENUINE BALI HEALER Whether you are tourist or expat, an unexpected tumble is not an uncommon occurrence on the pot-holed streets of Ubud. So good news from one such, whose x-ray revealed a hairline fracture on a badly sprained wrist and fingers that wouldn’t move. The wrist was swollen and painful when she consulted Pak Nyoman at Iman Spa, who applied half an hour of gentle treatment followed by a poultice of stag horn fern leaf. Within a few hours the swelling had subsided, pain was much reduced and she could make a fist and move her fingers. Needless to say, she “highly recommends this lovely man for pains, sprains or joint problems of any kind. He’s a master body worker who incorporates energy healing and has a good understanding of traditional herbal therapies.” Address: 63X, Jalan Sri Wedari. Phone: 0361 971049. SHARING SUNSET CRYSTAL BOWLS Ubud continues to grow richer with the sacred sound healing programs that fit so well with this spiritual island. This month the Yoga Barn launches a Crystal Bowls sunset meditation with Shervin Boloorian; a perfect way to end the week, at 5.30 pm every Friday. The Yoga Barn’s tranquil spaces also offer the perfect setting for special Bali Healing Collective events, such as the Sufi Sacred Sound and Movement event, at 6.30pm on May 31, which will feature Shervin and several other resident musicians with visiting special guests. More info at Find the Collective’s acclaimed sacred world music albums, “Spirit Night By Candlelight” and “One with the Beloved” on ITunes, Spotify, Amazon and Bandcamp. The Healing Music Collective is planning its next European Tour in September-October – I think it’s their fourth year now – with various venues already confirmed in Switzerland, the UK and Holland. They’ll also be traveling to the Canary Islands, Spain and other parts of Europe. Check for tour updates. IDEP SUMBA SUCCESS Ubud’s internationally acclaimed environmental non-profit is celebrating the success of a sanitation project in the almost inaccessible villages of Kawangu and Watumbaka villages in East Sumba.



With open defecation still the only option for many remote villages, the building of 12 public toilets by Yayasan IDEP has made healthy sanitation possible for these villagers. Sponsored by tobacco PT HM Sampoerna through its Collaborative Habitat Advancement M a n a g e m e n t Program, the toilets were officially handed over to the villages in a big public event attended by all villagers and special guests on April 19. While in Ubud, you can visit the IDEP Foundation Site and Training Centre in Banjar Medahan, Desa Kemenuh, Sukawati; why not join staff and volunteers for IDEP’s free Garden Day, every Friday from 8.30-11.00am?

15 For Sale; 2 Pomare rattan chair big Rp 800.000, medium Rp 500.000. Buy two chair bonus 1 rattan table. Contact 0361 733219 or ( for the pic. [032] For Sale; 2 Manekin boy with stand new IDR 170K/ each Sale IDR 70K/each. Contact 0361 733219 or (store@linge-mimpimanis. com) for the pic. [033] For Sale; 1 Iron triangle shelves new IDR 1200K. Sale IDR 500K. Contact 0361 733219 or (store@ for the pic. [034]

For Sale; 1 Set CCTV + monitor + 4 camera new IDR 8000K. Sale IDR 4000K. Contact 0361 733219 or (store@linge-mimpimanis. com) for the pic. [036] For Sale; 1 Tlp-fax-fotocopy machine Panasonic KX/FP 342. Sale IDR 100K. Contact 0361 733219 or (store@ for the pic. [037] Wanted to buy; Exercise Bike, any-condition, can collect anywhere in Bali. I was Involved in motorcycle accident, both knees shattered. Need to start rehabilitation. Thank you for your help. Please email or text 0819 3606 8022.

More info: 0361 908 2983, or RAKA LUNCH SPOT Tourists have always headed to Jalan Raya Mas – it used to be the main road up to Ubud from the airport – to check out the modern and traditional art at several excellent art galleries. My sister and I will always remember the full-sized wood carving of the wirymuscled fisherman casting his net. A master carver had taken two years to create him from one piece of wood, and I swear we could see that fishing net still rippling as he cast it out along a horizontal plane! Tony Raka Gallery has always been a stop to recommend, with a constant procession of innovative exhibitions. Now he’s added a great little restaurant, with stunning décor, good staff, and food that’s more sophisticated than most Balinese-run tourist places. For example, apart from the unexpectedly delicious coffee, a friend says her vegetarian panini was the best sandwich she’s had in several years in Bali, “complex flavours and not sweet”, served with crisp, delicious French fries and sides of good mustard and gherkins. Open 7 days till 5pm. Jl. Raya Mas in Kedewatan (near a big bend). Phone 0361 781 6785. LEARN PERMACULTURE

C/NV/U-21 June 17

Ganesha Bookshops Independent Bookseller in Bali since 1986

Specialising in books on Indonesia New, Used, Rare, and Out-of-Print. Web: Email: Books, Maps, Cards, Old Print Posters & more

Ganesha in Ubud:

Jalan Raya (near the Post Office), Ubud, Bali. Tel: (62 361) 970320

Ganesha in Sanur:

Jalan Danau Tamblingan 42, Sanur

Books for Bali Project (est. 2004)

A special project to support literacy, learning and reading for pleasure in the local community. We donate books to local schools and libraries. Check in the store or on the website for more details.

30 Years Book Selling in Bali C/U/G-16 August 17

If you’ve ever considered studying permaculture, clear your diary for June 22-July 7, when Australian expert Nick Ritar, comes to Bali. Course participants in his long-awaited Permaculture Design Course will stay at Kul Kul Farm in brand new, solar powered bamboo yurts and learn the skills they need to create permaculture designs for both home and special projects. They will meet Balinese farmers, learning how to grow food, build up soil, raise animals and harvest rainwater sustainably – in fact, all the permaculture skills necessary to build a resilient community. Kul Kul Farm began only three years ago just walking distance from Green School, in Abiansemal, south of Ubud. They offer tours, short courses and workshops in bamboo building and permaculture, all bursting with practical knowledge and skills to help transform homes, communities and lives. Find Kul Kul Farm on google maps; entrance is via Green School security gate. More info on Facebook.



Body & Spirit For Sale; Black granite many small pieces possible used for fl oor or wall. Price for all Rp 300.000. Telp 0813 3863 4748. [066]

C/NV/G-30 Aug. 17

For Sale; Rare Mod Seiko kinetic watch mod. 5M42-OE50B5 serial No. 70008. This watch is one of the first kinetic model 25 years ago. Incl strap from naural rubber original from Breitling. Water resistent till 100 meter. Price 2.5 jt. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [067]

Axion100, DVD player / recorder for laptop, USB Connection Was Rp.500, sell Rp.250 see in Sanur WA / HP 0812 4674 9838. For Sale; 1 Rack stainless + 16 hock new IDR 925K. Sale IDR 700K. Contact 0361 733219 or ( for the pic. [035]

C/He/G-28 Feb. 18

DIY bottle cutter tool, for easy and quick presission cut, brand new condition, only 550k can send via gojek at extra. Location jimbaran. call / wa 0819 9992 5777. [033]

You are not alone. Overeaters Anonymous can help. Seminyak, Just For Today Building, Jl. Drupadi II #80 Friday - 10.30 am

C/NV/I-22 Nov 17


Looking For; LED TV fl at screen min 40”-50” not so old and good condition. For private. Tel. 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [068] For Sale; Stavolt automatic voltage regulator brand: Matsumoto / Japan, stavolt 3000N. New price after discount Rp. 3.800.000, price now: Rp. 950.000. Very good condition. Telp 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [069]

Is food a problem for you?

Hair Spa Beauty Bridal Barber Glo Day Spa & Salon, Bali’s leading spa & salon are located in Sanur, Seminyak, Canggu and Nusa Lembongan. Our stellar team of highly skilled technicians and stylists promise to exceed your expectations.

For Vanity and Sanity. Seminyak:

Kunti Plaza, Jl. Kunti No 119 Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia (+62) 361 738 689


Gopa Town Square, Jl. Danau Poso 57 Sanur, Bali, Indonesia (+62) 361 282 826


Jl. Subak Sari no. 88 Canggu, Bali, Indonesia (+62) 361 9348844

Nusa Lembongan:

Sandy Bay, Lembongan Bali, Indonesia (+62) 8289 7015600 C/He/I-25 Oct 17

C/He/G-23 May 18

17 Indo & Malaysia to keep Democracy alive in SE Asia? Age 92 - all ambition spent... can Mahathir be trusted?

In an extraordinary political upset earlier this month Malaysian voters succeeded in throwing out an entrenched and unpopular government from a party that has ruled uninterrupted for over 60 years, causing shock and joy in equal measure throughout the region.

twice-jailed progressive Malay politician, who has earned and been waiting in the wings for his turn at the helm for over 20 years. None of this would have been possible had not his former nemesis ex-PM Mahathir now aged 92, returned to the fray to lead the Alliance of Hope (Pakatan Harapan, PH) formed by Anwar’s party (People’s Justice Party, PKR), led by his wife Wan Azizah with their Chinese Democracy, never very well established in the first place, and Islamic allies from the DAP and PAS parties. is currently on the rails throughout most of Southeast Asia. The military predominates in Thailand and Myanmar, On election night 9th May, as it became clear Najib was strongmen call the shots in the Philippines and Cambodia, going to lose, feelers were put out to the army and the one-party communist states rule in Laos and Vietnam, an police seeking their support for the declaration of a State absolute monarchy in Brunei and an authoritarian regime of National Emergency. Opinion there was divided and the runs things with a firm hand in Singapore. That leaves election results allowed to proceed. Were it not for Mahaonly Indonesia, still on a more-or-less democratic path, thir’s support within UMNO and his popularity among rural Malays, who credit him with the modernisation of Malysia, now to be joined by Malaysia. it is unlikely that the Alliance of Hope would have prevailed For now the two Malay and the following morning nations, which together seen its leaders in jail. form the heart of ASEAN, bear the hopes of all those in the 10-country group who long for progress toward full and meaningful democracy in their countries. Government that truly reflects the interests of the many, not merely the prerogatives of the few.

Is it going to happen? There have been so many false dawns, why should it be any different this time? Whenever progress has been made in the past it is co-opted by the region’s ruling elites, who end up with the lion’s share of national wealth and owning the political process. In Indonesia the struggle for democracy has been in play since 1998 and can break either way. With the dramatic turnaround in Malaysia the game there has just begun. In both countries the problem and the solution are the same. Can the rampant corruption that bedevils both countries be contained and reversed and can the judiciary be made to uphold the rule of law? The election this May in Malaysia not only removed the corrupt administration of Prime Minister Najib Razak, a rule described by the UK’s Guardian newspaper as pure “political gangsterism”, but ended the rule of Barisan Nasional (BN), the coalition led by UMNO (United Malays National Organisation) in alliance with conservative Chinese and Indian parties since independence in 1957. It has paved the way for the return of Anwar Ibrahim, the

Najib Razak and his administration had not only engaged in serial corruption on a collossal scale, involving billions of dollars under investigation in both the US and France, but had also been implicated in at least three politically-motivated murders. He and his cronies in UMNO had everything to lose and without Mahathir’s intervention things could well have turned out differently.



The therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel

C/NV/I-30 August 17

For now Mahathir heads the country again, promising to stand down in favour of Anwar at some future date. Anwar’s wife is now Deputy Prime Minister and the Malaysian King is shortly to pardon Anwar and release him from jail, free resume his political leadership. The big question is... can the leopard change his spots? In the past Mahathir ran a regime that emasculated the judiciary, eviscerated the press, jailed political opponents and operated a system of money politics with its own share of fi nancial scandals. He never, however, brought the country into disrepute in the way that Najib has and he did preside over the modernisation of Malaysia.

C/He/G-14 Feb. 18

Having publicly acknowledged that he made mistakes in his day the hope is that a remarkably fit 92-year old Mahathir can hold the stage long enough for democracy to take hold and the rule of law restored. If he can, he will truly have earned his place in the history books twice over.

LLLLL Proof of Virginity...

Tell us where your Olives come from! Last month I shared where you might get a reasonably priced bottle of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). As I mentioned, finding an acceptable blended EVOO has got a lot harder thanks to the practice whereby most importers give only the barest information on what they’re selling. Enough to comply with the BPOM statutory requirements and no more. Nothing to support the claim the oil is EVOO at all.

Until suppliers do give us basic information I suggest avoiding any oil that does not clearly state where the olives are from. Interestingly, you can now buy genuine EVOO here while paying the same, or very little more, than buying the stuff from the usual suspects in stores.

As mentioned elsewhere you can get a beautiful EVOO This should be a concern since most major European olive oil majors have at one time or another lied about from Puglie sold in Massimo’s Restaurant in Sanur at the oil they claim to be EVOO. How then can we believe Rp.140K or 750mL (which works out at about Rp.185 p/ltr). Try also Australian EVOO. What I know now but didn’t then, their claims? was you can get a litre of Cobram’s Estate EVOO for as I recommend you only buy EVOO from suppliers who little a Rp.145K p/ltr at the Canggu Shop. To get that price provide provenance. That must mean knowing where the you need to order a 3 ltr can of it – but they will deliver it olives come from and that it is obtained by cold pressing free anywhere in Bali. (mechanical), not via chemical processing under high heat. In other words, we can all trade up if we want to and not take a spanking in our wallets. And, at the same time deFor blended EVOOs the only labels on offer here that liver a salutary consumer rebuke where it’s deserved. appear to go any way toward this are: What’s not to like in that? Santagata: 1 ltr at Rp.170K obtained from olives grown If anyone has any further useful information to add on the in the EU, blended and packed in Italy. subject I’d be glad if they e.mail me. Borges: 1 ltr at Rp180K, olives obtained from ‘under the Mediterrenean sun’, produced cold pressed in Spain from olives harvested in September, 2017. Bit of a weasel that ‘Mediterrenean sun’, which I take to mean countries such as Turkey, Algeria or Tunisia. Nothing necessarily wrong with that and since Borges is the only European label giving harvest date I’m inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Alternative Voice ParacelsusAsia

Comments or queries

Copyright © 2018 ParacelsusAsia You can read all past articles of Alternative Voice at C/He/G-20 Dec. 17


C/He/I-28 Feb 18

C/HE/I-8 Nov 17

OUTSMARTING JETLAG It’s the end of the school year, as well as the summer (or winter) holidays…depending on where you call home, so long flights and holidays are on the cards. There is nothing worse than flying half way across the globe only to fi nd you are flat on your back for the fi st few days of your trip…why? They call it “Jetlag”.

a new time zone, so help it with the transition by adjusting your sleeping patterns a few days before take-off.

What is jet lag?

2. SKIP MEALS ON BOARD According to research from Harvard Medical School in the US, your body clock temporarily resets when you forgo food, so avoiding in-flight meals en route to your destination (or for 16 hours, the experts suggest) can help you adjust to the local time faster. If you can’t go without food for that long, keep your meals light and sync them to the local eating times as best you can.

Jet lag, also called desynchronosis or flight fatigue, is a temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia, and other symptoms as a result of air travel across time zones. It is considered a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a disruption of the internal body clock. What are other symptoms of jet lag? Besides fatigue and insomnia, a jet lag sufferer may experience a number of physical and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, confusion, dehydration, headache, irritability, nausea, indigestion, difficulty concentrating, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, malaise (a general feeling of being unwell), and even memory loss. Some individuals report additional symptoms, such as heartbeat irregularities and increased susceptibility to illness. Children and babies can also suffer the same jet lag symptoms as adults. What increases the risk of getting jet lag? The main cause of jet lag is travel across different time zones. However, there are certain risk factors that may result in symptoms being more severe or longer lasting. • Travel across three or more time zones: Most people can adjust rapidly to a one or two time zone change. Three or more may cause more noticeable symptoms of jet lag. • Flying east. Travel from west to east causes travelers to “lose” time, and this can be a more difficult adjustment. • Age: Older adults may recover from jet lag more slowly. • Frequent travel: Pilots, flight attendants, and frequent business travelers who are constantly in different time zones may have difficulty adjusting. • Preexisting conditions: Preexisting sleep deprivation, stress, and poor sleep habits prior to travel can exacerbate jet lag symptoms. • Flight conditions: The monotony of travel, immobility and cramped seating, airline food, altitude, and cabin pressure can impact jet lag symptoms. • Alcohol use: Overconsumption of alcohol during long flights can also worsen the symptoms of jet lag. IS IT POSSIBLE TO AVOID JETLAG? There are several home remedies that can help with prevention of jet lag and easier recovery from the symptoms. The following are tips to help travelers to avoid or to minimize the effects of jet lag. 1. RESET YOUR BODY CLOCK Jet lag occurs when your body clock is quickly thrown into

You might not be able to match the times exactly, but even sleeping and waking an hour earlier or later can speed up the recovery time once you land.

3. UNPLUG IN THE AIR We’d never suggest you shun the in-flight entertainment, but be aware that exposure to blue light can further disrupt your sleeping patterns. Take advantage of the dark cabin and doze so when you arrive you can cruise through until bedtime. 4. SOAK UP THE RAYS When sunlight hits your eyes, it triggers a reaction in your brain that stops the production of melatonin (the chemical that makes you sleepy), so if you feel drowsy or irritable on arrival, head outdoors. Enjoy an al fresco brekkie, go for a walk, and wear a hat instead of sunglasses as they cut out sunlight’s stimulating effects. 5. SIP ON CHERRY JUICE Scientists at Northumbria University in the UK discovered that when people drink tart cherry juice, their body’s level of sleep-inducing melatonin significantly increases. So if you’re struggling to catch a few winks after a long flight, down a glass of the red stuff to promote a more restful snooze. Having said this, most flights do not offer cherry juice as a beverage and taking your own drink is generally forbidden on flights these days. Cherry extract is a good alternative. 6. HIT THE GROUND RUNNING A study in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity found that exercise can help make you more alert during the day, so boost your concentration with a run around your new surrounds or do sprints on the hotel treadmill to tire yourself out. 7. PUSH THROUGH To realign the systems that help you sleep, go to bed when the clock says, not when your body says. If it’s 10am when you arrive at your destination, for example, avoid the urge to nap until at least 6pm as this will only exacerbate your jet lag. If there’s no way you’ll survive without a little shut-eye, save your naps for after lunch and limit them to an hour. Food is also important in establishing sleep rhythms, so eat during wakefulness and try as best as you can to live like the locals. 8. WEAR COMFORTABLE CLOTHES On a long trip, how you feel is more important than how you look. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Avoid items that pinch, restrict, or chafe. When selecting your trip outfit, keep in mind the climate in your destination time zone. Dress for your destination. 9. BREAK UP YOUR TRIP On long flights traveling across eight, 10, or even 12 time zones, break up your trip, if feasible, with a stay in a city

about halfway to your destination. For example, if you are traveling from New York to Bombay, India, schedule a stopover of a few days in Dublin or Paris. (At noon in New York, it is 5 p.m. in Dublin, 6 p.m. in Paris, and 10:30 p.m. in Bombay.) 10. OIL UP YOUR FEET The strangest tip I’ve ever received for preventing jet lag is to rub a bit of sesame oil onto the soles of your feet and wear a pair of socks to help it absorb while you’re on the plane. Surprisingly, it works! 11. CAFFEINE Caffeine works for you & it works against you. Don’t drink it if you are trying to get some shut-eye, do drink it if you need a pick-me-up when you get to your destination. WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR JETLAG? The best way to treat jet lag is to take measures to prevent it. But you may still feel jet lagged when traveling across many time zones, even with some preventative measures. There are no specific medications for jet lag, only medications that may help you get to sleep more easily when you reach your destination, or that remedy some symptoms of jet lag. Melatonin is a hormone that plays a key role in body rhythms and jet lag. After the sun sets, the eyes perceive darkness and alert the hypothalamus to begin releasing melatonin, which promotes sleep. Conversely, when the eyes perceive sunlight, they tell the hypothalamus to withhold melatonin production. However, the hypothalamus cannot readjust its schedule instantly; it takes several days. A dose of melatonin that is between 0.3 mg-5 mg may be taken on the first day you travel at the time you go to sleep at your destination, and for a few days, if needed. Melatonin seems to be most effective when crossing five or more time zones, or traveling east. Melatonin should only be taken by adults. Do not drink alcohol when taking melatonin. Consult a doctor if you plan on taking melatonin. Prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) sleeping pills may help you reset your body clock to the time at your destination. Try not to use them if possible, but if your doctor has prescribed sleep medication, it may be taken if needed for up to two or three nights. Try not to take it for longer, as these medications can be habit-forming. Happy Travels ☺

PARADISE... IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH Kim Patra is a qualified Midwife & Nurse Practioner who has been living and working in Bali for over 30 years. She now runs her own Private Practice & Mothers & Babies center at her Community Health Care office in Sanur. Kim is happy to discuss any health concerns that you have and may be contacted via email at, or office phone 085105-775666 or CHC Bali

Copyright © 2018 Kim Patra You can read all past articles of Sickness & in Health at



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C/He/G-23 May 18

C/He/G-14 March 18


Conscious Partnerships Last night I was listening to John Gray who wrote the internationally acclaimed book: ‘Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus.” He was one of the speakers on the ‘Art of Love’ series that I spontaneously signed up for as I’m always keen to hear new perspectives on relationships and gain wisdom about conscious loving. Gray had such deep insights into the workings of conscious relationships and explained the beautiful dance that men and women do. He shared that long ago, men were the hunters and provided sustenance for their families, while the women stayed home and offered

So You Love an Alcoholic Take Courage; There Is Hope Hope for families & friends of alcoholics

AL-ANON FAMILY & FRIENDS GROUPS Seminyak, Just For Today Building, Jl. Drupadi II #80: Wednesdays, 5:30pm Saturdays, 5:30pm Ubud - Jl. Dewi Sita, Cafe Wahyu Wednesday 7:45 am - 8:45 am Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser C/NV/U-30 Aug 17

nurturing and support to the family by taking care of the household chores, the children and of course cooking nourishing meals. Life was much simpler then with easily defined roles for men and women. Everything changed with the onset of WWII when most of the men had to go off to fight in the war while the women were left behind to fend for themselves. Women had no choice but to enter the workforce, where they discovered a whole new way of life — a life of freedom and independence which tasted so sweet that it was no longer all that appealing to be a traditional housewife. Something began to shift in the consciousness of women around the world. The idea of ‘feminism’ which was once a speck of sand or a microscopic particle floating around in their consciousness, had now grown to the size of a seed that was continuously evolving and would eventually blossom into something totally different and magical. Women everywhere began to wake up, as they began to understand that their hopes and dreams could be realized — that their lives had actually been in large part influenced by social conditioning which wasn’t their truth. And so began the shift of consciousness about how women desired to be in partnership with their husbands or boyfriends. Many women experienced a deep yearning for more intimacy and connection; they wanted to be seen and heard by their partners in ways that they had never experienced before. The sexual revolution came next in the early 60’s and 70’s. We all know this story of burning bras, group sex, non monogamy and fighting for women’s rights. This came out of a reaction to all those centuries of female repression. This radical shift needed to occur in order to come back to the middle again. Now women are stepping into prominent roles in business, are financially independent, and know how to create an amazing life with or without a partner. There is no longer a need to have a man who will hunt for food or support them

C/HE/U-17 Jan 18

financially. Women instead are only choosing to be in relationships if the relationship will enhance their lives. This new paradigm is the beginning of ‘Conscious Partnerships.’ So what is a conscious partnership? This can be different for many women, but the essential ingredients are being with a partner that allows you to live your life on your own terms. A conscious partner will encourage you to fulfill your dreams and support you to be the best person you can be; he will not be threatened if you earn more money than he does or try to put you down so he can feel better about himself. As Gray said and I summarize: “A conscious man will know how to bring out the feminine aspect of a woman when she has swayed too far into her masculine side. Conversely, a conscious woman will bring out the masculine energies of a man when he has swayed too far to his feminine side.” There is a beautiful openness and vulnerability that conscious partners share which allows them to always honor one another and enhance each other’s lives. There is much more depth in a conscious relationship, because the man and woman are committed to full disclosure even when it is difficult to share certain feelings or desires which they know may upset or in some way challenge their partner. It takes a great deal of courage to fully embrace a conscious partnership. However, I feel that when we choose this path, we discover something so much richer which enables us to experience a truly fulfilling relationship which offers a much deeper connection with our partners and ourselves. C/He/I-20 Dec 17

Here are my top tips on what to look for in a conscious partner: 1. Someone who is curious about life and strives to learn and experience new things with you as well as on their own. 2. A partner who is really in to you and is interested in what you are creating in your life. S/he is the kind of person who loves to connect through soulful conversations. 3. Someone who is committed to their own personal development and understands that this is a lifelong endeavor. 4. A partner who is compassionate and empathetic — someone who will listen and stay present with you as you open your heart and share your dreams, cry or get angry. 5. Someone who is not defensive or wants to blame you when things go wrong. Instead, he has the capacity to pause and reflect on how the two of you can peacefully work though the challenge that’s currently arising in your relationship. 6. A partner who is able to live authentically, honestly and honorably. He strives to be the best person that he can be and treat others with kindness and respect. And it goes without saying that what we desire in another is only possible when we embody those qualities in ourselves.

P athways to Healing

By Michele Cempaka

the Body, Mind & Spirit

To all of you who have been following my column for a long time and for those who are new, thank you for your readership and for your willingness to open up to new and old ideas that have been presented in my past articles. I look forward to sharing more wonderful tools, interviews and insights with all of you in 2018 and beyond! For questions or comments about this column, please email: Michele Cempaka has lived on Bali since 2002. She has been initiated as a Shaman and Reiki Master. She is also a certified Hypnotherapist and Transformational Coach. She offers a variety of trainings and retreats both on and off Bali which focus on personal empowerment and healing. For more information about her upcoming programs, please visit: Copyright 2018 © Michele Cempaka

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-23 May 18

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Restaurant & Food Update

Gerry Williams For more information see our website:

Massimo has become a Sanur institution.

His Jln. Danau Tamblingan restaurant in Sanur is constantly full of diners, the gelato stand at front forever busy. However the eversmiling Massimo has never been one to rest on his laurels. Whilst other chefs in Bali excel in creating their new dishes, Massimo continues to explore and re-engineer old traditional ones. Now his Italian cheese production has been extended to include that very special Buffalo Mozarella [using the milk from a special small herd in Java]. A special entree now on the menu is just slabs of that so delicate cheese on slices of fresh tomato topped with basil leaves and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Italian is such a simple cuisine, but so wonderful. The new main is just as good, an old one from Roma. Fettuccine tossed with oxtail [pictured] that has been slow cooked for four hours. The pasta ‘al dente’ of course, perfect! But, as they say in the TV commercials….that is not all! The man never stops creating new things in his different food kitchens; this time it is a Chilli Jam to go with the wonderful ltalian cheeses. You get a small portion when you purchase cheese to take away but now many people are coming back for more, and buying jars of that Chilli Jam for other combinations at home.

Milk & Madu has been one of the successes of the Canggu area these past few years. Now it has opened in Jln Suweta, Ubud. Surprisingly it has opened in very large premises, an enormous glass house, north of Jln.Raya Ubud the line above where no western restaurant has ever before been successful. Perhaps the reason this lack of previous success is zero parking availability or maybe a lower quality of walk by traffic. Milk & Madu is just a few meters from the old Terazo which recently closed its doors. Buttermilk Pancakes are the American dream for breakfast, a dish that is not commonly available in Ubud, although the many egg options are likely to prove to be more popular. Brioche Burgers are another popular offering at Milk & Madu.

Tennis rackets head legend xl Mint Rp. 450.000 will pro 250 wide body mint Rp.250.000 0877 4906 7242. Sanur. [017] Golf Membership. New Kuta Golf. LIfetime, Transferable. Rp. 175 juta includes all transfer fees. Well below market price. Sms: 0813 5319 3490. Bukit [002] For Sale; 1 table rattan synthetic diameter 1 M + 4 chairs ( all white colour ) + 1 big ambrella diameter 2M x 2 M All for 3 million Rp. call / wa 081 774 8887. Sanur

PT. Sumber Agri Sehat Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 17, Br. Taman, Kerobokan, Kuta Utara 80361. Bali - Indonesia C/BS/G-8 Nov 17


Mac book air 13.3” 128 gb 8 gb ram backlit LCD new used 3 times comes with hard case office 365 nice carry bag & more sell 9 mill text 0812 3815 6747 for more info.[004] Surfboards from Hawaii 2 bushman 4 fins 6’-5” used once 4.5 mill 6’-8” new never in water 5 mill both made for big guy text 0812 3815 6747 for more information and pictures. Seminyak. [005] Moving Sale; Light motion sola photo 600 UW-Light. Never used plus adapter. 300$. Contact Michael. 081 2395 1444. [006] C/R/G-9 May 18

Golden Monkey, Ubud’s Chinese restarurant on Jln.Dewi Sita, now offers Chilli Crabs

every Wednesday night from 6.00 p.m. @ Rp. 225,000++. Other special offers include a 4 course dine-in lunch set menu that even includes one beer, for Rp.195,000++. The vegetarians of Ubud are not forgotten either, there is a special Happy Hour 2 for 1 offer on vegetarian dishes only, every afternoon between 3.00 and 6.00.

Warung Amphibia is classic Bali, of years gone by. Bamboo tables, plastic chairs and the fresh seafood all on display. You may pass it by if it was not for the fact that it is usually packed, maybe it is good? Yes it is, even as simple as it is, on the beachfront just off Jln Pantai Sindhu. Whilst the Jumbo Prawns are my thing it is obvious that it is for the Lobster that most of the regulars seem to some here, again and again. They also offer a variety of fish and crab. All are basted with a spicy sauce whilst being grilled over embers, the same sauce is served with the finished product. Nothing fancy, just plain fresh seafood, and all at reasonable prices. It works! Big Fish is soon to open on Jln. Danau Poso, Sanur. What is so complicated about a Fish & Chip Shop? So far many have opened in Bali over the years and all have been a disaster. Perhaps Big Dave will get it right? Ryoshi, in Ubud, has been closed for the month of May for renovations. Time flies, it is already 7 years since this classic outlet opened on Jln. Hanoman, after moving from its original location on Raya Ubud. Now it will have a new face, re-opening for June, and another busy high season. Who’s Who is a restaurant with a Belgian touch, and it is a little bit hard to find. Tom,

their Belgian owner/chef offers a mix of international and healthy dishes, a few of his favourites from all over the world as well as some ‘from home!’. Who’s Who overlooks rice paddies and is down a narrow lane beside the new Taco Casa close to Mamma Mia, off Jln. Raya Pengosekan, in Ubud. It is a welcoming place, totally non-threatening. It is the perfect spot for that anytime snack or a relaxed meal, away from the madding crowd. Start with a hearty soup; Pumpkin made with coconut milk and cream plus a touch of coriander, a traditional Green Pea, sour cream and crisp bacon or that great Thai soup Tom Kha Gai, one that sadly hides in the background behind its often murdered sibling, Tom Yum Goong. Tom Kha Gai is an ambrosial chicken soup made with coconut milk, lemon grass and coriander. Both the Black Tiger Prawn and the Smoked Marlin Salads make refreshing lunch time meals. Shoarma is an Arab dish that has become a standard part of the eating habits of both the Belgians and the Dutch, no doubt reflecting their immigration numbers from northern Africa. Here the meat shavings are chicken. Beef Stroganoff is of Russian origin but it gets a more Belgian treatment being made with black beer as are many great Flemish casseroles and stews. With reasonable prices [all mains less than Rp.100,000] you can afford to come here again, and again. They also stock Belgian beers.

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-9 May 18


C/R/G-9 May 18

Innovative Mexican! Aribar has followed the trend. Mexican cuisine was all the rage in Bali in the 1990’s but then almost disappeared [with the exception of good old TJ’s] over the past decade. Now they are re-appearing all over Bali, from Canggu to Ubud, and all points in between. Aribar is one of the better ones, operated by industry professionals rather than just enthusiastic hobbyists. Amazing good value as well! However what is interesting about this one is that many of the dishes, whilst following strict Mexican cuisine rules, are very different from what is available elsewhere. Located at the front of The Bali Garden Beach Resort the decor is typical Mex, as is the food, but with a few sly touches, here and there.

QUICK REVIEW often served in Bali restaurants as tough slabs of meat that are almost inedible. At Aribar the meats are slow braised for up to 4 hours, resulting in tender and tasty meat, but still at budget prices. Fajitas can be chicken, beef or vegetarian. All served on a flat piece of tortilla with bell peppers, onion, pico de gallo, guacamole and sour cream. Burritos [chicken, beef, pork or vegetable] are soft tortillas rolled around Mexican rice, re-fried beans, guacamole, pico de gallo. sour cream and shredded lettuce]. The Enchilladas are stuffed with chicken or beef and topped with a chilli tomato sauce. Salads can be the very Mexican. Avocado Chicken served in a tortilla bowl with marinated chicken tossed with avocado, lettuce, onion, tomato, fresh cilantro and honey lime mustard dressing. If you like Mexican cuisine then you like Tacos! Even those who are not that keen on Mexican still like Tacos! The Taco here is a crisp shell that does not shatter at first bite, although you can also order soft shell if you prefer?. Standard Tacos [beef or pork cheek] or something different, such as the Honey Lime Salmon ot even a Corn Taco. Sundays is Taco Day at Aribar with their special promotion of a board of 5 different Tacos for just Rp. 99,000++ [pictured].

Start with a variety of finger food. Corn on the cob is simply char-grilled, street style, but with cheese, chipotle [smokefried jalapeno chilli], mayonnaise and lime. The Chicken Wings are hot and spicy and of course there are Nachos, crisp tortilla chips topped with chilli con carne and cheese, served with guacamole, pico de gallo and sour cream. A surprise was the amazing little Corn Cakes, their centre is 100% corn, the patty crumbed and fried, topped with guacamole, pico de gallo [fresh uncooked salad mix of tomato, onion, peppers, etc] and a small slab of crisp pork belly. Sometime it is the simplest of dishes that can command your attention and stay in the memory….these I could eat all day.

The excellent tortilla Quesadillos can be stuffed with chicken, pork or just vegetables. Combined with a sauce with a bit of a bite, they are very good.

The Tostaditas [4 per serving board] include traditional and experimental. Vegetarian [sweet corn, black bean, cheese, jalapeno and salsa verde], Chicken [sautéed chicken, guacamole, red chilli, cheese, tamarind mayo] and Pork Cheek [slow braised with cilantro and jalapeno with chipotle mayonnaise].

Desserts are international apart from the Mexican Churros, served with cinnamon sugar, chocolate sauce on the side. The Kid’s Menu keeps them happy at a reduced price.

The unusual choice of meats, and their tastiest cuts, is a feature of the menu here. Local pork and goat in particular are


: AriBar


: Bali Garden Beach Resort, Jl. Kartika Plaza, Tuban. [South Kuta].


: 752.725


: 09.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. daily.

Non-smoking Area

: Yes [inside air-con].

Smoking Area

: Yes [covered side terrace].


: Yes.


: Secure in hotel parking,


: Rp. 400,000 for two [+ drinks]

Credit Cards

: All major cards.


: Mexican.

beside restaurant entrance.


: Good list.


: With a smile.


: A Mexican eating house.


: Great value!

Mains, if you can handle one after all the traditional starters, are fairly simple, Burgers [crisp fried chicken with pickled pineapple, fried egg and cheese] or Chicken & Lime Sliders. The Ribs are with their house special BBQ sauce. Rib Eye Steak is grilled and served with a jalapeno pepper sauce. Carnitas Tortas is sauteed pork with chipotle sauce, pineapple, refried beans and a fried egg on crusty bread and red mole sauce….I love it!

Mexican at Kuta prices rather than the trendy café ones, surprisingly cheap and from a very professional hygienic kitchen, all served with a smile …amazingly good value! Ariba, ariba!

Copyright © 2018 Gerry Williams Reviews that appear in Bali Advertiser are based on actual visits to the establishments listed, without the knowledge of the restaurants, and are not paid for by the individual restaurants. Opinions expressed here are those of Gerry Williams and not necessarily those of Bali Advertiser. Gerry Williams attempts to write from a ‘typical’ diner’s perspective and, whilst quality of food is the most important criteria overall, value for money is the real measuring stick.

Bali House & Home C/Ho/U-25 April 18

Metric as a Premium Cabinetry System manufacturer strive to create comfortable and attractive interiors for your home by integrating premium design and the best quality material that best suit with your modern lifestyle. Phone (0361) 282 862. [004]

For Sale; Suzuki marine outboard motor 150HP 4stroke 2 pcs counter set approx 3 years low hours well maintain. 200 mill for both purchase proof available. Suzuki 200 HP 4 stroke 3 pcs alreadu overhaul 125 mill/pc call / wa 0819 9992 5777. Denpasar. [035] For Sale; a pair of genuine leather boxing gloves, hand made in Thailand, size 8 (fits most ladies), red color, used only twice at Rp.450,000. Brand Fairtex. Please WA to 081 2394 5464 for photo. Sanur. [036]


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C/Ho/G-16 August 17



Jl. Tukad Pule No. 23 Sesetan - Denpasar Telp. (0361) 232158, 227798, 234377 Fax. (0361) 232158 Email: C/CI/G-28 March 18

If You Have a Problem with.....

Bali Island School (BIS) – formerly Bali International School - is the only school on the island authorized to offer the full International Baccalaureate Programme from Preschool to Grade 12. BIS offers small classes and excellent mostly expat teachers. Contact (; (www. [003] For Sale; Old wood carving diver. Size very decorative. Price 100.000 to 300.000 Rp. No photos. Contact 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [064]

Uninterruptible Power Supply

SURABAYA : (62 31) 854 0567 (hunting)

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BALI : 085 100 600 143 SEMARANG : 085 100 675 727


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: (62-21) 560 6688 : (62-21) 537 7619 : (62-21) 847 7032 : (62-21) 8795 2929 : (62-22) 250 6699 : (62-721) 489 274 : (62-31) 854 0567 : 085 100 600 143



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: | | C/Bm/I-08 Nov 17

C/Ho/I-23 May 18

C/Ho/G-27 Sept. 17

C/Bm/I-22 Nov 17


For Sale; GoPro2 underwater camera with lots of accessories. For the whole lot $ 150. Call Michael 081 2395 1444. [014]

C/BT/G-14 Feb 18

For Sale; 3 old Silk ikat from Laos, natural color, very good condition, price Rp. 2.5 juta each. Call 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [059]

Wanted 3/4 bed 120 wide Sanur 0877 4906 7242 ( Sanur. [056]

Swimming pool always green?

For Sale; Plexi glass writing table modern designs. Size: 1,3 m X 0.7 m. I bring it from Europe new. Price 850 Euro. Now: 4,5Jt. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [060]

Call the experts, Tropical Pool and Spa 289104 ( hunting ) or email : From as low as Rp 550,000 per month we will maintain your pool. C/BM/G-21 June 17

C/Ho/I-17 Jan 18

Bug off stingers! ‘I am currently in Bali and I leaned into a plant near The Baleka Resort. I believe I was stung by a bee or wasp, I went to a pharmacy and bought a small bottle of Bokashi oil and found it helped very much! Although my hand is swollen and hurts occasionally, I still don’t know what caused it. Paige’ By the sound of it, most likely a wasp or hornet sting of which there are many varieties, all of varying degrees of intensity but always painful sometimes bordering on unbearable. Dealing with insect bites and stings is a common problem faced when gardenening so it is always important to wear closed footwear, appropriate clothing such as long plants, sleeves and gloves. But even just strolling by can pose a danger as you have described. In fact, beestings and wasps scare me more than spiders or snakes, and along with ants are the most common insect dangers you are likely to encounter in the garden or out and about. It’s can be very unsettling being stung by an unseen insect. Typically snakes and spiders will leave two distinct puncture marks from the fangs and possibly draw blood, whereas an insect sting won’t. If you are having trouble breathing, heart palpitations, feeling faint or generally unwell get yourself straight to a medical centre or hospital as a precaution, plenty of people have been killed by a simple bee or wasp sting, and there are also plenty of lethal snakes going around. Bee, wasp, and ant stings and bites can cause terrible allergic reactions long after the initial pain has long worn off. If you’re like me you could be left with welts, a rash and itch that lasts for days, perhaps even weeks. What to do if you’ve been stung? Nothing is as effective the day after as it is immediately, so get to work straight away! Being allergic myself I can only tell you what works best for me. If it’s a bee firstly remove the stinger if it’s still under the skin. Ice - Icing the sting provides instant relief and is the best first course of action to immediately reduce the pain it may also help reduce any longer-term reaction, swelling, rash etc. Apply ice direct to the sting as soon as possible for 10-30 mins, anything frozen will do, a bag of peas even a wrapped icy-pole. Works well for marine stingers also. Baking Soda - Make a thick paste from baking soda and water, apply to the area and wrap up with a bandage. Having a bath in baking soda also helps by drawing toxins out of the skin.

Here’s another hack - if you ever have a troublesome splinter cover it with a thick paste of baking soda and water, leave overnight, later find the splinter tip protruding from the skin, easily remove with tweezers. If you’re ever covered in tiny grass ticks or nymphs too small to get with tweezers have a long bath in baking soda, it’ll draw them right out. Baking soda swells the adjacent skin cells forcing foreign materials out in the process. Pick it up in the supermarket, you can also use it to bake cookies and cakes, mix it up in organic pesticide or to kill plant fungus on leaves, even for cleaning around the house. It has so many uses entire books have been written about its versatility. I always keep some on hand - just be sure not to confuse it with baking powder which is an entirely different thing. Natural oils/ointments - Eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, or even cajeput oil from the melaleuca sold under names such as ‘minyak telon’ or ‘kayu putih’ are most effective to reduce itch and irritation. One of the best soothers I have found that simultaneously reduces itch, swelling and duration is aloe vera gel applied direct from the garden. I can’t vouch for aloe ointments as I’ve only ever used the real fresh stuff straight from the plant. Red tiger balm is also effective containing camphor, clove, mint, menthol and cajeput oil. Antihistamine - Take as soon as possible to head off the itchy rash that could possibly manifest in the following hours and days. If you take on day two it’s probably too late to have an effect. In my experience bees will never sting in anger, usually it’s because you’ve stepped on one while walking around bare foot or wearing loose footwear. If you were to say raid a bee hive though, then there’s a probably a good chance you’d get stung but generally out in the garden bees usually don’t present a danger. When they’re out swarming the dandelions, lavender or peppermint for pollen they’ll happily fly around and avoid you letting you go about your daily business. Wasps and hornets on the other hand are a totally different story. They come in many varieties, are territorial, can be particularly aggressive, and often seek you out - especially if you come into close vicinity of their nest, even a few metres will do. Usually you’ll get stung before you’ve even realised that there’s one nearby as they’re often hidden under vegetation. Wasps are terrible! Whereas a bee stings once and is done, a wasp attacks repeatedly, often they conduct a gang attack leaving you with multiple stings from multiple adversaries. They’ll chase you, they’ll aim for your eyes <wear sunglasses>, they’ll even sting you through a t-shirt - all this leads to you doing the crazy slap dance - it can seem hilarious to onlookers but not if you’re the target…which I often am! Paper wasps often build nests under the shelter of eaves, ceilings or around window frames, though their natural tendency is to construct a nest attached to trees and especially under the protection of large leaves. I have been stung a few times in exactly the way you have described, simply brushed by a plant unaware there was a nest hidden amongst the foliage. Hornets also get a dishonourable mention. Known to actively

seek you out, they’ll fly loops around your head, follow you, taunt you and generally get in your face - when they enter the house it’s like they don’t want to leave! I’m definitely not a fan of their capers, especially since they pack a very nasty sting. All this talk of painful insects reminds me of the famed entomologist Dr. Justin Schmidt, an expert in physical agony and creator of the Schmidt pain index, who has been documenting and rating bites and stingers since a young age. Here’s the scale: The index rates the intensity of pain caused by a sting from zero to four: 0. No pain - Oh, was that it? 1. Pain so slight as to constitute no real deterrent - Ouch! Interesting. 2. Painful - Hmmmm. That really hurts! 3. Sharply and seriously painful - Yeeeoooowww! OMFG! If I poke myself in the eye will it make it hurt less. 4. Traumatically painful - Oh dear God please let it stop. I promise I’ll change. He rates the paper wasp sting as a 3 out of 4 on the pain scale describing it as “Caustic and burning, with a distinctly bitter after taste. Like spilling a beaker of hydrochloric acid on a paper cut.” “Level four you don’t want to know,” he says. Topping the list at 4 out of 4 is the bullet ant which is described as “pain is so immediate and intense that it shuts down all illusions of life as normal. Imagine sticking a finger in a 240volt electrical socket.” The ‘bullet’ in the ‘bullet ant’ says it all! Still at the top of the list just beneath the bullet ant, just as excruciating though shorter lasting is the tarantula hawk wasp. Females use their venom to paralyse tarantulas and then feed off the offspring. The pain is described as “Blinding, fierce, shockingly electric. A running hair drier has just been dropped into your bubble bath.” Schmidt been stung more than a thousand times by over 100 different species – mostly accidental, but occasionally on purpose – a fine line between dedication and masochism? To read more on the amazing Dr. Schmidt follow these links.

GARDEN DOCTOR Dr. Kris Garden Doctor Contact: Copyright © 2018 Dr. Kris You can read all past articles of Garden Doctor at

26 For Sale; Swimming pool pump and filter. As new, it has never been used. For smaller pool, jacuzzi, splashpool, water tank etc. Bought at Tropical pool and spa. Attractive price. Call 081 7655 4814. Jimbaran. [043] Large garden umbrella 3m diameter. Wood/brass/ striped blue/maroon shade. Rp. 1.5 mllion ONO. Also included brand new spare teal green canvas shade. Buyer to pick up. For photo please whatsapp 0813 3780 4552. Uluwatu. [037] Big fan for indoor and outdoor with 60 liter watertank Rp. 2 juta. Call 0819 3300 1547. Sanur.[045]

C/BM/G-9 May 18

POOL IONIZER ● ● ● ● ● ●

Always Clear and Clean Water ● No Salt Reduce the pump hour ● Environment Friendly Low Power (12 Vamp DC) ● Low Maintenance Safe for people, pets and plants Extend the life of the equipment, filters and other Reduce overall chemical usage (95% less chemical use)

Dave 081805537120

e itiv pet ComPrice C/BM/U-14 Feb 18

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-23 May 18

C/Ho/I-13 Sept 17

C/Ho/G-9 May 18

Building & Maintenance BUILD & RENOV

<> WA/Call : 0821 4504 6809 NC/BM/L-23 May 18

For Sale; Fender Stratocaster black electric guitar (with free amp). Call 0815 5881 8655. [044]

For Sale; 2 new garden/ outdoor lights hallogen, black color, never use, new price each US$330, price now Rp. 1.2 million each. Tel: 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [061]

Swarovski necklace, silver chain, turquoise square crystal (code 1165901). 41cm in length. Genuine Swarovski item in original box. Unwanted gift. Rp. 900,000. Buyer to pick up. For photos WhatsApp 081 337 804 552. Uluwatu. [040] Wetsuit “Bare” brand, 5mm thickness ladies size UK 10 / USA 8. Full length. Back, wrist & ankle zippers. Very good condition. Rp. 450,000 ONO. For photo please Whatapp 081 337 804 552. Uluwatu. [041]

C/Bm/I-20 Dec 17

For Sale; Entire restaurant contents - high quality Teak tables, chairs, bar stools, furniture, paintings, decorations, lamps, stainless steel kitchen tables, kitchen equipment, fridges, freezers, plates, cutlery, glasses etc. Call +62 81 139 2026. Kuta. [042] Sanur Kerobokan Jimbaran Lovina Lombok Email

: Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 151, Sanur. Phone : 289 104 : Jl. Umalas Kangin No. 1/3, Umalas. Phone : 736 897 : Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 48, Kedonganan. Phone : 704 478 : Jl. Raya Lovina. Phone : 0819 3662 4445 : Jl. Raya Senggigi KM 6, Pasar Seni Senggigi. Phone : 0370 692 091 : C/Ho/G-21 June 17

Badminton; Looking for players who are interested to join a badminton group playing doubles every friday at 5 to 8 pm in Gelogor Carik . Medium badminton skills are required. Call / sms 081 1396 6692. Denpasar. [054]

NC/BM/P-23 May 18

Bamboo surfboard made in Bali. 6’-5” 4 fin fun board never been in the water. Bamboo over foam core. Great shape. 3 mill. text 0812 3815 6747 for info and pictures. Seminyak. [055] Baby car seat bought from Ace. Blue/green, Rp.600,000 Collapsible baby cot Graco brand, navy in carry case. Weighs 9.5kg. Rp. 800,000 . Both very good condition. Buyer collect for photos please WhatsApp 0813 3780 4552. Uluwatu. [039]

C/Bm/I-11 Oct 17

Wave Hunter Bali - We sell Kayaks, Stand up Paddle Boards, Paddles, Surfboard making supplies, Waterproof dry bags, Surfing equipment. (wavehunterbali@yahoo. [002]

C/BM/G-28 Feb. 18

C/Ho/G-23 May 18

28 For Sale; Blood pressure meter for wrist never used Rp. 300.000. Call 0819 3300 1547. Sanur. [048] For Sale; Stavolt automatic regulator 5000W. Servo motor control. Made in Japan. New price after discount Rp. 5.400.000, price now: Rp. 1.250.000. Very good condition. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [071]

NC/Bm/I-23 May 18

Are you looking for a school that provides a safe environment from nursery to twelve, active teaching both inside and outside the classroom? Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School (GMIS)! 0361 239 744/77. (www.gandhibali. org). [005]

C/Bm/I-31 Jan 18


OPEN : Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Jln. Sunset Road 888, Seminyak 80361 Bali Telp : 0361 - 934 6700 E-mail : NC/BM/P-25 April 18

C/BM/G-8 Nov. 17

CRITTER STORIES…AND THEN ON TO A BUBBLY BATH It struck us that we’ve been doing a LOT of projects that involve critters…mostly chickens, goats and pigs…so here’s a tour through these projects where critters are central. The overall aim of these projects is to provide sustainable income for poverty level families and communities. Wish us luck! On the Oink Oink front the pigs in the Tista, Karangasem project are doing just fine and busily making new piglets. Half of each new litter of piglets are being passed on to other poverty level families in the area and so the distribution chain continues. With a little luck and a lot of piglets, dozens of families will have new sources of income. Thus far only one of our little piglets has met an early end…a little accident when Mama pig rolled over. The pigs are only one of this multi-part project. Four poor families living in falling down hovels are getting new homes! Moving from dirt floors, leaking tin roofs, no kitchen and no toilet to simple but decent homes, beneficiary families are in bliss! And the John Fawcett Foundation checked the vision of the entire Tista population and distributed eye glasses and performed cataract surgeries where necessary. With careful management of funds, this project appears likely to have a fund balance so it will be wonderful to think of something more that can be done to further aid more needy families. We owe thanks to RCBS PE Erika, IPP Marie Francoise and a gaggle of RCBS members for their time and effort dedicated to this project. And of course thanks to our partners, RC Perth and their member Ray Della Polina,

RC de Manosque in France, RC Bali Ubud Sunset and of course our own club who contributed to this project. The bleating goats on the island of Nusa Penida continue to be healthy! We’re STILL hoping for more female kids to speed up breeding but the lone Billy Goat must have an oversupply of testosterone. The odds are still 2 for 1 with the boy kids leading. This is a great turnaround from our past experiences where no kids were being born and worse, goats were dying. Now the goats are being closely supervised by the Friends of the National Park Foundation and it shouldn’t be too long before kids will be distributed to local families and producing more goat progeny! For this project we owe thanks to RCBS Rotarian Peter Erni who raised ‘goat’ funds from Swiss Rotary clubs. RCBS Service Community Chair Anita Lococo has also given tons of hours to this fun project. The latest animal adventure brings us back to Karangasem where a pilot project is now beginning in Celuk. It’s clucking, cheeping and cock-a-doodle doos that greet visitors to this elderly poverty level household. Starting off with 20 hens and four roosters, we look forward to seeing the hens produce a dozen or so eggs a day… very saleable in the local market. Every precaution is being taken to keep these chickens healthy and they are all being immunized. Chicken feed for the first few months of the project will be given to the family. Based on projected egg production income, the family should be able to continue to buy feed on their own. Just in case…because we’ve seen projects where chickens

fail to deliver eggs (or worse yet, die)…a limited number of Kwir (sometimes called chicken-ducks) will be added to the chicken flock. Kwir also produce eggs and, if they become prolific breeders, are considered a tasty treat at the table…a definite money-maker for the family. (NOTE WELL…do not fall in love or give names to your Kwir! Sending them off for somebody’s dinner would break your heart.) We’re also told that Kwir will eat almost anything… including banana peels. Kwir breeders warn new owners to keep their Kwir out of the kitchen…they’ll go for your lunch! And finally, because success with piglets has been so good, a couple of piglets will be added to the menagerie mix. This pilot project is being closely watched with lots of involvement and tender loving care on the part of the project organizers, RCBS members Jeni Kardinal and Sally Bellmaine. Past Rotarian Ping is our man on the ground in Karangasem and Rtn Sue Bishop, Director Rumah Sehat is our banker. So after exposure to these various animal menageries, it’s time for a bubbly wash-up! If you’re a visitor here, you may sometimes wonder whether you should pocket your left over bars of soap rather than see them go to waste… but please do leave them behind. Internationally, over 540 hotels are now collecting those slightly used bars of soap. A project, aptly named Soap for Hope, shaves down the left-behind soap, sanitizes the soap chips and reshapes the chips into new and clean bars of soap. The soap is then distributed to low income families, orphanages and children at government schools… wherever it is needed. Last year Soap for Hope made over 24 million bars of soap! Here in Bali we’re very proud of our club President Alex Jovanovic, who is an ardent leader and supporter of this project. As the General Manger of the Trans Hotel and Resort, Alex happily contributes lots of left over soap. Yours in Rotary, Marilyn Carson

29 Bali Treasures, Drum Factory Ubud-Bali is ready to support you in retail and wholesale of metal sounds, djembe, hand percussion and kids percussion. Located on Raya Andong, Ubud (in front of Petrol station), find us on TripAdisor, googleMap, Instagram, facebook & youtube. [006]

ted s e r te n i y a s i s r to se i e t r v e a h dv A u i o l Ba t y a h in w Have a comment on a local issue? Write a short note to us and we will print it in Letters to Bali Advertiser Have a story to tell? Write to us and it could be printed in our

Nom de Plume

Have the interest to write a regular column? Contact us with your idea.

For Sale; Antique travel trunk, more then 100 years old. I bring from Europe. Size: W=90cm H=60cm D=55cm. Very decorative and good condition. Price 2,5 Jt. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [072] For Sale; New mens watch Omega SeaMaster professional crono very good copy not original, incl 2 original boxs and manualbook. The box a not a copy 100% original. Price 2,5 Juta. Compl, only the boxes 1,5 Juta. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [073] For Sale; New mens watch breitling crosswind special crono copy, not original. Incl original box and manual book. The 2 boxs 100% original. Price: 2,5 Juta complete. Only the boxes 1,5 Juta. Tel 0813 3863 4748. Kerobokan. [074]

The readers of Bali Advertiser want to know your thoughts. Get to work and write us now.

For Sale; Asian antiques from all over Asia (Japan, China, Khmer Thai, Indonesia, etc). Cabinet, statue paintings, textile, Buddha statue, etc. Private collection, bought when travelling. No reproduction. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [063]


NC/Ns/G - 27 July 11

C/E/U-28 Feb 18

All past articles appearing in Bali Advertiser are available on our website. Read more at NC/He/I-22 June 16

The Rotary Clubs of Bali and the Bali Red Cross Blood Bank are working together to increase the awareness about the severe shortage of Rh Negative Blood types here in Bali. These are much less prevalent in Asian populations (0.3%) vs. European populations (10%). If you have Rh Negative Blood and would be prepared to help save a life, please contact the Bali Red Cross Blood Bank office today at 0361-227 224.and one of their mobile units will visit you at your home/ office/hotel for your generous donation.

* Please note - the staff is professionally trained to International Standards and always uses new disposable needles. In addition, the Blood Bank is currently expanding its present list of Rh Negative Blood donors. If you are living in Bali and would be willing to have your name placed on a ‘confidential list’ for emergency cases, please call 0361-227 224. Help SAVE a life TODAY by sharing this information with your friends, colleagues and customers.

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/Ns/I-23 Dec 15

C/NV/U-1 Feb 17

Restaurant contents; Stainless steel kitchen tables, kitchen equipment, fridges, freezers, deep fryers, grill, vacuum pack machine, SAB coffee machine, plates, cutlery, glasses, teak tables, chairs, bar stools, furniture, prints, decorations! (nigel@tjsbali. com) or call +62 81 139 2026. Kuta.[051]

Education & Family

Books of interest hard cover & soft cover Sanur area. Email for photo of collection ( Sanur..[052]

For Sale; Backcover with chargingpad to make your samsung S5 wireless charging Rp. 400.000. Call 0819 3300 1547. Sanur. [046]

Antique pen & ink set golf Theme club & ball set in silver In original case Rp.800 000. For photo (ubudian@ Sanur. [053]

For Sale; Judo or jiujitsu gi (white jacket and trousers) for kids between 120-140 cm tall Rp.300.000. Call 0819 3300 1547. Sanur. [049]

C/E/G-22 Nov. 17

For Sale; Philips hair trimmer model 5450 wireless Rp. 450 000. Call 0819 3300 1547. Sanur. [047] Level for building Topcon auto level #AT-B4. in box still. comes with tri-pod and stick, new condition used 2 times.....2mill.Text 0812 3815 6747. Seminyak. [050]

For Sale; Rarity. 70 year old Bezar Compass. Still in good condition. For collectors only. Sanur. Call Michael 081 2395 1444.[007]

For Sale; Toilet Toto wall hanging, white color, condition like new. Rp.850.000. Toilet only without water tank. Contact 0813 3863 4748. No photos. Kerobokan. [065]

For Sale; 2 webcameras (MS and HP) as new. Rp. 400.000. Contact Michael 081 2395 1444. Denpasar. [008]

Garden chairs (reclining) made in Italy. Sturdy white plastic. Rp. 450,000 each. Buyer to collect. For photo please WhatsApp 081 337 804 552. Uluwatu. [038]

C/E/I-14 March 18

C/E/G-23 May 18


C/E/I-23 May 18

Nom de plume Occasional Articles From Our Readers

HELPING 72 EAST BALI CHILDREN STAY IN SCHOOL In classrooms across an impoverished mountain village in East Bali, stories are being re-written and futures are being rescued by children, especially girls, learning and preparing to lead their communities for a better life.

Jatituhu and Pengalusan are two of the most isolated communities in Desa Ban where the nearest government school is more than 4km away with no public transport. Before EBPP Schools started in Pengalusan (2000) and Jatituhu (2005), no children from the communities went to school. EBPP schools were the place they acquire knowledge and life skills to optimize their potential and empower them for an independent future - whilst at the same time teaching their illiterate parents. In recent years, we are very proud that more girls in both hamlets are staying on at school getting the education they need. Currently, we have 72 students in Jatituhu and Pengalusan of which 40 are girls! It is important to note that whether or not a girl stays in school has an astounding effect on not only her quality of life, but also on her family and the community as well. For girls in the most impoverished communities like Jatituhu and Pengalusan, the knowledge and skills they learn at schools can help them to get a better life, educate their own children and build a healthier family.

When East Bali Poverty Project was established in 1998, the poverty rate in Desa Ban was staggering. Thousands of families were living without access to clean water, sanitation, roads, schools, health facilities, and electricity. Children, girls in particular, were forced to share the heavy burden of poverty; most suffered from acute malnutrition and most were illiterate. Parents wished to send their children to school to get education. However, apart from most families struggling from day to day to put food on the table, there were no accessible government schools! When we asked the villagers “What is the most important assistance that EBPP could provide?” they requested, “Education for our children so they can lead us to a better life.” And with that, we started collaboration with the community to bring a lasting change to the most impoverished communities, most notably through education.

Balinese Dance, computer & financial literacy, reproductive health, and vocational training through EBPP EMpower programmes which started in 2015. This additional curriculum will arm the children with knowledge and skills to unlock more opportunities in the future. Your help is really needed so that these children can continue their education. To donate please visit our Global Giving campaign page at projects/support-our-education-today-for-a-brighter-future.

Continuing the much needed education for all of these children is especially crucial now after the Mount Agung volcano crisis. As you probably know, Jatituhu & Pengalusan Schools were suspended from 22nd September 2017 when the government ordered full evacuation of all 19 communities of Ban village and all others within 12km radius of Mount Agung crater due to the eruptions. All of our communities have finally returned home after evacuating for more than 5 months. However, most of them have lost their only saving, their cattle, of which they sold below the market price when they panicked during evacuation period.

However, we are currently facing a challenge. Since 2017, the previous donor of Pengalusan and Jatituhu schools could no longer continue providing financial support for the school operation. The annual costs/child is US584 which will be used to provide education which covers not only the national curriculum, but also lessons on art and traditional

Mount Agung is still on high alert and has frequent small eruption, the last being on April 30th. The communities realise that IF Mount Agung has a major eruption and they cannot go back to their homes, their well-educated children are their only hope to survive outside of their village! These 72 students represent almost 300 families in Jatituhu and Pengalusan who are looking to their newly educated children to rebuild their lives and lead them towards a better and more prosperous future. YOU CAN HELP!


SCHEDULE THAT Bali Banjar Culture Club (10 June) The theme of Bali Banjar Culture Club’s this week is ‘Watching Bali: readings from The Painted Alphabet and Other Works’ by Diana Darling. Many readers may have heard of the novel ‘The Painted Alphabet’ by Diana Darling which is often available in Periplus and other quality book shops. The book is based on an old Balinese poem, a tale of magic, depravity, spiritual ambition, sensuality and love. The Painted Alphabet is a story that collates mythic and modern times, a picture of Bali where witches coexist with tourists and talking animals. The novel is well worth reading and is also available on Amazon but not yet available on Kindle. Diana Darling is an American-born writer who has lived in Bali since 1980 and her novel was published in 1994. Diana Darling lives in Ubud with her Balinese husband and is a freelance writer and editor. She has written for a multitude of publications. This is a wonderful opportunity to listen to Diana Darling as she shares excerpts from her novel and other works that reflect an in-depth knowledge of Balinese culture and mysticism. It is not often an author shares his or her work and this is an ideal opportunity to meet one of Bali’s most prominent authors and find out more about Balinese culture. The Bali Banjar club meets on the second Sunday of the month at the Ayodya Resort. When Cost Where Contact

: : : :

7 pm free Ayodya Resort, Jl Pantai Mengiat, Nusa Dua 771102 www.ayodyaresort.bali

Notice: Bali Advertiser confirms all free Private Classified Ads. When you send an ad, we will contact you. If we are unable to contact you then your ad is not printed. Search all classified ads on line at www.baliadvertiser. biz. All classified ads are posted every two weeks and can be searched using our search function. Home page g Current Line Ads g Private Classified Ads. Easy to use and all ads complete on one page. Take a look. Bali Advertiser is available at hundreds of restaurants, supermarkets and shops, making it easy for to pick up a copy.

Free: Private Classified Ads in Bali Advertiser. Put your free ad in the next issue. The easiest way to place your ad is at g Place An Ad page g Private Classified Ads. You may also bring in or directly e-mail your ad. For Sale; Set dining table with 4 chairs size 120cm x 80cm. Synthetic leather. Minimalist style with tempered glass, black color. Price Rp. 1.5 million (negotiable). Very good condition. Pictures available. WA 0821 4600 3066. Bukit Ungasan. [005] Bali Advertiser is trusted by hundreds of businesses to bring customers to them.

Crafty Creatures Beer Garden Party (2 June) Craft beer is at the centre of this party along with, of course, some crafty creatures. Craft beer or microbrews as they are often known have become increasingly popular in the last few years. As a contrast to the big breweries, smaller breweries have popped up making beer using traditional methods of brewing. These craft beers are now popular in many countries and have made their place in Bali and you can taste a number of these at Hoi Polloi. Free craft beer tasting, free flow pizza, drink specials and giveaways will feature all evening long. DJ sets will entertain guests with funky music from the Swedish party monster. The first 50 guests will receive a free Polleeko draft pour, a craft beer from the USA. Hoi Polloi combines a casual beer garden, an air conditioned dining room and the first all craft beer tap wall in Indonesia, not just Bali! Balinese hospitality awaits with an exceptional menu and craft beers from California, Oregon and New Zealand. This is a party well worth attending! When : 7 pm – 11 pm Where : Hoi Polloi, Jl Arjuna (Double Six), Seminyak Contact : 934 3692

Extravaganza (2 June) Retro night is a journey back to the sounds of the sixties, seventies and eighties, awesome decades for music and musicians. Skal Bali presents its annual evening’s extravaganza with a live band and DJ as part of the entertainment. Skal is a professional organization of tourism leaders from around Bali promoting local and global tourism and friendship. ‘Doing business amongst friends’ is their slogan and lively monthly luncheons regularly attract 100 members and friends with opportunities to interact and expand their network of business partners. The extravaganza party is one of the highlights of the year and welcomes new members to join and network and make friendships with different people in the industry. Tourism touches us all in Bali in some way and this is an ideal opportunity to meet likeminded people who also like to have lots of fun as well as network. The price includes free beer, wine and cocktails until 10.30 pm from which time a cash bar will operate for the after party. There are over 100 raffle prizes and an airline ticket door prize so do bring your wallet. Best dressed will also win a prize and there are plenty of ideas for outfits from the past. All in all this is going to be a fun evening for those involved in the travelling industry. The website gives plenty of information about Skal and there is an opportunity to join.

C/E/G-23 May 18

Cost : IDR 750,000 (transfer) IDR 800,000 (door) Where : Ayodya Resort, Jl Pantai Mengiat, Nusa Dua Contact : 081 999 691981

Summer Tournament (9 June) The very mention of summer suggests that half of the year has almost gone! For the northern hemisphere June can be the hottest month while in Bali although hot, July and August bring respite from the heat as the winter invades Australia. Perfect weather for golfers and a perfect date! As well as the competition, a Bali national summer welcome drink, a summer barbecue and practice range balls are included. The prizes will go for best net team, best gross team and individual, longest drive, nearest to the pin and line, beat the pro, summer best dressed and lucky draw. The dress code is best summer attire with no tank tops or sandals. Cost Where Contact

C/E/G-23 May 18

: IDR1,400,000 : Bali National Golf Club, The Maj Nusa Dua, Kawasan Wisata, Lot S-5 Nusa Dua :

The Drop Festival Sideshows (1 June) Some top talents in the music business will be entertaining guests all evening. Australian rock band Dune Rats and DZ Deathrays will be the stars of the show. The Dune Rats originate from Brisbane, Australia, originally formed by Danny Beausa and BC Michaels. DZ Deathrays are a duo also hailing from Brisbane formed by Shane Parsons and Simon Ridley who released their first album in 2012. Energy, talent and fun are what this evening is about. If you haven’t visited this venue, it is definitely worth checking out and in the day time with glorious views of the ocean. When : 4 pm – 12 am Where : Ulu Cliffhouse, Jl Labuansait No 315, Padang-Padang, Kuta Contact : 081 338812502

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baliadvertiser NC/NV/I-11 April 18

Bali’s FuckUp Nights Celebrate Failure “Behind every failure, there’s a good story and a lesson learnt,” or so states the motto of FuckUp Nights Bali, an event that brings together four speakers who talk about their failed ventures and an audience ready to celebrate their so called fuck ups. Taking place four times a year in various locations around Ubud, FuckUp Nights, sometimes branded with the acronym FUN, aims to change the way that we view failure. “Failure is common for entrepreneurs, however, often only success stories get to be shared on stage. We believe that failure should be communicated and embraced, because they are a positive step everyone must overcome on the road to success,” says Vitto Christaldi, the Head of Learning and Experience at the Hubud Coworking Space in Ubud, the collaborative space behind the event in Bali. During the typical FuckUp Night, each entrepreneur has just seven minutes to present their story of a frustrated venture using up to ten images, which are projected onto a large screen for all to see. “The speakers tell us about their project, what went wrong, what they learnt and what they would have done differently,” says Vitto, adding that each presentation is followed by a Q&A session and the event finishes with a networking session. “We get all kinds of people from around the world telling their stories, from a guy who left his job for another job that did not exist, to a lady who was held in jail for a couple of days for shooting a documentary about a controversial issues.” The global movement, which attempts to change the conversation around what it means to succeed and fail, was born in Mexico, 2012, when a group of friends came up with the idea over a few glasses of mescal. The Failure Institute, a research arm of FuckUp Nights, was set up

two years later in 2014. The institute tasks itself with documenting and sharing cases of failure, and is the mastermind behind the FuckUp Book, which brings to light a collection of the best stories about business mishaps. According to Vitto, since the event’s inception, FuckUp Nights have taken place in 268 cities in 78 countries as far-flung as El Salvador, Paraguay, Greece, Poland, Namibia, Lebanon, Australia, and, of course, Indonesia. “We got in touch with the FuckUp Nights team in Mexico in January 2016, and they were as excited as we are to bring this event to Bali and Indonesia. Since then, we have organized ten FuckUp Nights,” Vitto says. While Bali has now heard its fair share of FuckUp stories, Vitto says that the most common themes for presentations include co-founders of a venture growing apart, businesses expanding too fast, and setting up community ventures without a business plan. One story that stands out to him, however, was about failed screenings of the film Fifty Shades of Grey. “The speaker organized two screenings of the film for 500 women to make some money before her trip to Bali. What seemed like a good idea at the time turned into a disaster when she upset Universal Pictures, which wanted to be paid tens of thousands of dollars for the screening, guests arriving to the event drunk, and sexy waiters and the Mr. Grey look-alike not being very sexy,” he says. “At the end, the event ended up costing the speaker more money than she actually made from the ticket sales.” So why are stories of failure so engaging? In our lives, we repeatedly hear stories of success—whether in mainstream media, social media or our personal lives—but we rarely hear detailed stories about how the person got to where they are. This makes us forget that success runs hand in

C/E/I-14 March 18

hand with failures and mistakes. Rather than focusing on how amazing the life of an entrepreneur can be, FuckUp Nights demonstrate that behind every successful venture is a string of failures that we can all learn from. “We always make sure that the stories are presented in a light and funny way. It is also our intention to make the audience look at failure as something to be appreciated rather than avoided. The audiences seem to love it. There is always a lot of laughter during the events,” Vitto says. As failure is still deemed to be shameful or embarrassing, it can be difficult to find people willing to open up about their experiences. As such, FuckUp Nights are a very welcome reminder that failures do happen and that they are an important part of the learning process. If we want to improve, and eventually succeed, we need to experience failure. “Failure is unavoidable, and most entrepreneurs will come across failures within their entrepreneurship journeys no matter how much they try to avoid them,” Vitto says. “So why not embrace them. After all, they are what shapes our success.” The next FuckUp Nights will take place on August 16 and December 6 (venues to be announced). If you are interested in attending or sharing your FuckUp story visit: For more information about FuckUp Nights as a global movement visit: To download the FuckUp Book visit: https://fuckupnights. com/fuckup-book

Local News

Bali put on highest security alert following bombing of churches in East Java

Following the terrorist bombing of three churches in Surabaya on Sunday, May 13, 2018, Police in Bali and related security agencies have tightened security precautions island-wide. reports that the Bali Police Command has placed the island on a “Siaga Satu” alert level – the highest alert level since Friday, May 11, 2018, following violent rioting and a hostage situation at the Brimob Detention Center in Jakarta. Following the Surabaya church bombings, security at church services, particularly in the southern region of the Bali was tightened. Police were also deployed in force at major tourist attractions. Police attending at the doors of churches in Bali are fully armed and wearing body armor. The official spokesperson for the Bali Police, Hengky Widjaja, recommends that the people of Bali remain both calm and alert. For the time being, he also urged the public to reduce activities in public areas. Police are also calling on the public to contact the police immediately whenever they confront suspicious situations or people. Police have increased patrols across the Island. Travel Warnings The Jakarta Post reports that while foreign governments have expressed condolences to the victims of the latest terror attacks no country has yet to issue an outright travel band to Indonesia. The European Union is warning its citizens to remain cautious and avoid traveling to certain areas of Indonesia. The Australian Smartraveler website is advising its nationals to “exercise a high degree of caution in Indonesia, including in Bali, Surabaya and Jakarta, because of the high threat of terrorist attack”. The United Kingdom has noted that while most visits to Indonesia remain trouble free is urging UK citizens remain mindful of possible security threats. Bali Air and Seaports Buttoned Down Separately, NusaBali reports that the three main gateways to the Island – Ngurah Rai Airport, the Port of Gilimanuk, and the Port of Padang Bai – are now under tight security protocols to prevent the movement of terrorist elements into Bali. 100 additional security personnel drawn from the police, armed forces and intelligence agencies are now deployed at Ngurah Rai Airport. Gilimanuk, Bali’s western seaport, went into a high state of alert with a large number of additional police on duty since last week following the takeover of the Brimob Detention Center in South Jakarta. With the report of the bombings in Surabaya, an additional 120 police personnel from the Jembrana Police Precinct were immediately dispatched to the Port of Gilimanuk where thorough searches of arriving passengers and vehicles are now taking place. A police spokesperson from Jembrana said police staffing at the port is now operating at a factor of 12 times normal levels. Police are also on patrol at local fishing ports on Bali’s west coast to prevent surreptitious infiltration of terrorist elements. Meanwhile, Bali’s eastern approach at the Port of Padang Bai is also now under intense security measures implemented by police and mobile brigade members. Police are verifying the personal identities, vehicle registrations, and goods moving in both directions between Bali and Lombok. [ May 13, 2018] Report blames coal-fired plant in Bali for pollution, loss of livelihoods Away from the frenetic tourism development that has taken over the beaches of southern Bali, the Indonesian resort island’s northern coast remains largely rural and agrarian. Per capita income here is lower than in the south, and authorities hoped for an economic revival with the construction of a coal-fired power plant, underwritten by Chinese loans. But the Celukan Bawang plant, completed in 2015, has instead been blamed by environmental advocacy group Greenpeace for polluting the local environment and depriving residents of their livelihoods. This is in addition to long-running disputes over the 40 hectares (99 acres) of land on which it sits. In a report published in April, Greenpeace quoted a number of residents and local officials it had interviewed in May 2017 and who were opposed to the power plant. It concluded that the plant was “destroying local livelihoods and threatening the health of nearby communities,” and that the interviews “revealed problems over land and compensation, the impact on the local economy, environmental degradation and health impacts caused by the power plant.” The 426-megawatt plant was built by a Chinese-Indonesian consortium that included China Huadian Engineering Co. Ltd, Merryline International Plt. and PT General Energy Bali, and received funding of $700 million in the form of loans from state-owned China Development Bank. It reportedly burns through 5,200 tons of coal a day, and can meet two-fifths of Bali’s power demand, according to Jian Fang Shuai, a director at Huadian. From the outset, however, the project has been opposed by residents concerned about pollution, waste, their livelihoods, and unresolved land compensation deals. A third of the plant’s site remains under dispute, according to Greenpeace. Ketut Mangku Wijana, a 56-year-old resident, was one of those interviewed who told Greenpeace he would not give up his land. He told the group that he did not sell his land to the plant operator because they could not agree on a fair price. “They have not been transparent since the very beginning and they also used a middle man to buy my land on the cheap,” he said. If the community had known the land would be used for a power plant, he added, “most of them would probably not have sold their land.” Karimun, 63, lives just 50 meters (164 feet) from where the plant’s smoke stacks stand today, with nine other family members. She complained of dust, fumes and liquid waste that she said she saw being dumped near her home. “I’m worried about my health,” she said in the report. “I’ve gotten sick, so have my grandchildren, usually from respiratory issues and fevers. But what can I say. The price is not right, so I don’t want to move.” The villagers interviewed by Greenpeace also said the power plant affected the local economy for the worse. Fishing is one of the main sources of livelihood in the area, but local fishermen are having to go further out to sea because catches closer to shore have declined. Eko, a member of a fishing cooperative in Celukan Bawang village, blamed coal freighters for damaging the coral reefs and driving fish away. The power plant has also necessitated the building of a dock for the ships, which Mulyadi, a district councilman, said had destroyed the coastal ecosystem. Also at issue is the plant operator’s promise to hire local residents. Agus Adnan, the Celukan Bawang village council head, said the number of positions being offered was too low. “The number of local residents hired to work at the plant does not compare with the level of grief they endured,” he said in the report. Nearly everyone quoted in the report complained of health problems. Emissions from coal-fired power plants can expose people living within the vicinity of such facilities to dangerous levels of microscopic particles known as PM2.5. Long-term exposure to such particulates can cause acute respiratory infections and cardiovascular disease. Other noxious emissions produced by coal-fired power plants include nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, and heavy metals like mercury. “Governments at all levels continue to ignore these impacts. The surrounding community is left alone to deal with the problems,” Greenpeace said in a statement on April 16. It has called on the district, provincial and national governments to monitor air quality and conduct periodic medical checks on the community living around the power plant; to monitor the environmental degradation caused by the plant and scrap a planned expansion; and to develop a national energy plan based on sustainable, renewable energy. Local officials, however, are skeptical. The environmental agency in Buleleng district, where the plant is located, told MongabayIndonesia that its own tests showed that water and air quality near the power plant were at acceptable levels. It said the pH of the seawater near the plant was 8.37, below the upper limit of 8.5. Meanwhile, six samples of seawater gave an average water temperature of 30.9 degrees Celsius (87.6 degrees Fahrenheit), lower than the limit of 35 degrees Celsius (85 degrees Fahrenheit). The agency also said it had examined the plant’s waste facility and concluded it was in line with official requirements. It has ordered the plant operator to submit an environmental report to the agency every six months, according to environmental agency chief I Made Gelgel. “It’s not about whether or not we believe [the Greenpeace report],” Gelgel said. “But we have to look at the report in detail: Who’s being poisoned? Where’s the proof?” [Mongabay May 14, 2018]

Australians warned about Bali travel after Indonesian terror attacks Australians travelling to Bali and other parts of Indonesia have been warned to exercise caution after recent bombing attacks in the country. At least 14 people have died since Sunday in separate bomb attacks on churches and a police station in Surababya, Indonesia’s second largest city. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has issued a travel warning urging Australians to “exercise a high degree of caution in Indonesia, including in Bali, Surabaya and Jakarta, because of the high threat of terrorist attack.” The holy month of Ramadan begins on Tuesday and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull urged Australians to take the threat of terror very seriously. “ISIS is still a very, very real threat and I want to say how much we condemn the shocking terrorist attacks in Surabaya,” he told reporters on Tuesday. However, many travellers remain defiant. Seven News spoke to several tourists at Perth Airport before they boarded a flight to Bali, who said they would not let terrorists change their holiday plans. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the use of children in the deadly blast at the police station was a horrifying new level of terrorism. “What was particularly horrific about the attacks over the weekend was the use of children in the terrorist organisation. We have not seen that in Indonesian attacks before and this takes it to a whole new horrifying level,” Ms Bishop told Sunrise on Tuesday. [The West Australian May 15, 2018] Indonesia volcano erupts causing airport closure and flight cancellations Thousands of travellers to and from Bali, Jakarta, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur have had their flights cancelled, delayed or diverted due to the eruption of Mount Merapi in central Java. The 9,610ft volcano, the most active in Indonesia, erupted at 7.32am on the morning of Friday 11 May. Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB) said “ash rain” had fallen, “especially in the south to southwest of the peak crater of Mount Merapi”. The organisation urged people in the vicinity of the eruption to remain calm, but to “use a mask when performing activities outside the home”. The airport at Yogyakarta, a city of nearly half-a-million people, was temporarily closed. Air Asia cancelled services from Bali, Jakarta and Singapore, while its departure from Kuala Lumpur to Yogyakarta was instructed to return to the Malaysian capital. Garuda, the Indonesian national airline, grounded 14 flights. In a statement, the carrier said: “The cancellation of flights to and from Yogyakarta is in line with the company’s commitment to prioritise the safety aspects of aviation operations, particularly considering the distribution of volcanic ash which is very risky to aviation safety. Garuda Indonesia will continue to monitor the situation and developments related to the activity of Mount Merapi.” In 2010, an eruption of the same volcano killed 347 people. There was widespread disruption to domestic and international flights. [Independent May 11, 2018] 103 alleged Chinese cyber fraud criminals arrested Bali Police made one sizable bust on Tuesday, arresting 103 alleged Chinese fraudsters at a house in Mengwi. The suspects, accused of cyber fraud, are now being examined at Bali Police headquarters over their involvement in buying data on the black market, police say. “They got their victims data by buying it on the black market,” Bali Police spokesman Anom Wibowo told Detik on Tuesday. According to Wibowo, the perpetrators would cheat their victims by impersonating officers from various government agencies. They knew how to change their phone numbers to resemble the numbers of different agencies in their home country, Wibowo said. While this work is similar to that of other groups busted in other Bali raids, Wibowo says this is a new case. “There is no connection with previous networks. This is separate,” Wibowo said. This bust was even bigger than one in January, where police secured over 50 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals in Denpasar, Nusa Dua, and Pecatu, says Wibowo. [Coconuts Bali May 2, 2018]

36 Wanted 2seater lounge cozy good quility 0877 4996 7242 ( Sanur. [057] Garage sale; I am moving and must sell my belongings. Beautiful solid teak furniture table, chairs, wardrobe, desk console bed and much more. Pictures available. Call + whatsapp Wiwid 081 2380 5181. Kuta. [058] For Sale; Baldacci Books as new. The Finisher, The Winner, The Target. Memory man. The Excape. Last Mile, The Forgotten, The Guilty, No Man’s Land, The Fix. All 10 for Rp 1.2 million fix. Contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [009] For Sale; 5 Maginon, IPC100AC surveillance cameras. New. Just brought them from Germany. 1/5� Megapixel, 9 infrared-LEDs, Complete with cables. Never used. Was Euro 60 each. Will sell for 55 Euro (fix). Contact Michael 081 2395 1444. [012] For Sale; Stanley London 1917 Brass sextant. For pics and price please call Michael 081 2395 1444.[013]

Space for this ad donated by Bali Advertiser NC/NV/U-25 April 18

Tap Faucets. 4x Chrome circular with lever on top for hot and cold access. 30cm Height standard hole and hoses into vanity. Cost 1.5Juta each new. Sell 1juta each or 2.5juta for 4. ( for photos. Denpasar.

KARTU CANTIK Call/WA 0823 1980 8080

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0823 4857 5757 = Rp. 1.5 Juta

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PET PARADE Pet owners: Please sterilize your dogs & cats to preserve the natural environment.

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SALE Mschnauzer, toypoodle puppies PUREBRED WA:087760382821 instagram:@clorindabeaglebali.

Beagle puppies for sale. 2 months old. text 0818 0559 1967 and 081 2391 7039.

Pets To Give Away / Wanted / Lost / Found These ads are free. E-mail to: Want puppy Rhodesian Ridgeback or Kintamani pure breed, pref. male. Contact 081 558 770838 or email (

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A leading English advertising media in Bali looking for a marketing representative for our company. Good salary, benefits and large commissions including renewals. Fresh graduate is welcome. Indonesian citizen only. Max 27yo. E-mail to: (balipromotion1995@gmail. com) with your CV / business background and salary expectation. [050]

Expat Hotel Consultant, opening / operation / rebranding, bisa Bahasa Indonesia, hourly or monthly fee. (hotelconsultantbali@ [248]

(Cari Karyawan)

NC/Es/23 May 18


POSITIONS AVAILABLE: General Manager (Expat) General Manager - Jakarta - Java

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Guest Relation needed for villa rental office in Seminyak. Male max 27years old. Good English communication written and spoken. Ms. Office. Salary starting Rp. 2.500.000. CV to : ( [005]

Please send your CV to For more jobs, please visit Jalan Setiabudi, Simpang Siur Square, Kuta 80361, Bali, Indonesia Phone : +62 (361) 754185 / +62 (361) 754186 C/Es/G-23 May 18

A leading English advertising media in Bali looking for:

A Marketing Representative for our company. Good salary, benefits and large commissions including renewals. Email to: with your CV / business background.

A preschool in Kerobokan is looking for experienced teachers & assistant teachers (Indonesian national). Send your CV to: (assistme01@gmail. com). [006] Sanur communications agency seeks Accountant & Web Application Developer. For details and to apply, go to: (https://bit. ly/2pjRaBp). [007] Urgently! An Export Fashion Jewelry Company in Denpasar Looking for : Sales for International Account & Purchasing, Good benefit. CV to : (hrd@ [009]

NC/Es/25 April 17

Need to advertise your business in Bali Advertiser??

Contact Ketut Brata on 081 2394 8595 or email NC/ES/U-1 March 17

Senior European Hotel GM, energetic, strong, skilled, 10 years SE-Asia, available for new executive assignment: (europeanhotelgm@gmail. com). [247] Female looking for part-time job as data entry, personal assistant job. Speaking and written English. Work from home. Based in Bukit Jimbaran. SMS 081 2381 5292. [818] Female looking for job as PA. Prefer around Canggu area. Speak and written English, many years experienced in cargo company as customer service. Contact 0852 2212 0341. [011] Freelance Architect looking for job 0896 2221 7954. [011] Experienced MaleSingaporean Teacher/Tutor. 0813 3727 0848. [010] Female, well-experienced in Merchandising fashion, sourcing, costing, handling bulk order. Please contact me at 0813 1926 9200. [004] Professional Accounting looking for job. Experienced in bookkeeping & tax report. E-mail : (madedewi83@ 0851 0314 1818. [001]


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C/BS/I-17 Jan 18

Kura Kura Resort Applications are now invited to apply for the position as

Operations Manager

Our resort consists of 22 rooms, 2 villas and 2 restaurants. Experience in F & B, Front office and guest relations is essential as is the ability to speak and write English. The successful applicant will need to reside on the island, Food & Accommodation are provided. Please send your CV to:

Business & Services

NC/Es/23 May 18



Car rental with driver. Arrange tour in Bali. Trusted driver and reasonable price. 0812 3888 0606 / website : (www.sewatransportdibali. com). [011]

Web-Designer. Design and develop your website with reasonable price but quality result, including hosting or domain name. Contact 0812 3888 0606. Website: ( [001]

Looking for investor, recently started Retail Building Material Distributor, based in Bali. Lets discuss the ROI. Kris 0821 4504 6809. [001]

LANGUAGE Interested in learning Indonesian?? Contact Lidya Private Tutor +62 813 3744 1810 / (learnindonow@ Experienced in teaching. Facebook: Learn Indonesian in Bali. [012] Translation Services. English  Indonesian Team of native Indonesian & native English speakers. ( phone/Whatsapp/Line: +62 821 4525 3433. [002]

BUILDING Build good kost kostan for you. Rp. 3.5million/m2. Call Micky 0821 4504 6809. [012]

FOOD Matcha Tea is good for loose weight, colonic cleansing. Contact 0813 3722 3874. [146] InfinyCal, Pearl Ionized Calcium a Japanese food supplement is now available in Bali. In addition, InfinyCal can also detect your inner organ condition within 8 second accurate result. Try it. Call 081 2394 8595. [567]

Real Estate Located in the quickly developing commercial sector of Canggu & Munggu on the main road to Tanah Lot. This space occupies 300 sqm of land, shared well water and 15.000 watt electricity, parking, wide street frontage and great exposure. The second floor is a beautiful original Joglo with a nice view out back. Both ground and second floors in good condition only needing minimal renovation.

Commercial IMB. Don’t miss out!

Call 088 8497 8198 For More Info

NC/RE/U-23 May 18



Amazing opportunity ! Freehold sale. 4 are land in Katik Luntung next to Penestanan. Incredible price for area. Walking distant to Ubud centre. Views of ricefields. Call indra: 0813 3956 0680 Email: (Jen [003]

Apartement for sale fully furnish new 51 m2, 2 bedroom only 850 million. Telepon, TV cable, PDAM, 4000 watt. Gallery ciumbuleuit apartement 1 unit 2611 swimming pool. Bandung certificate, close ITB Lembang. Good view, fresh place. Please contact 0812 3738 5791. [001]

SANUR New residance in sanur leasedhold 25th. 1br n livingroom fullyfurnished ,daily service. pool n wifi. Pls call 0813 3957 5995. [002] House for rent north sanur, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchenset complit furniture, 5 minute walk to beach.. more info contact owner, Mr. Bagus: 0851 0075 3382. [008]

DENPASAR Ruko / Shop for rent Jln. Malboro / Demak, Teuku Umar Barat Denpasar with IMB. 2 Level of building size 5 x 12 M2 / fl oor, 2 bathrooms, large parking, 2 minutes to KFC, Mc Donald, Gas station, 10 minutes to Seminyak Kuta / Kerobokan. Call owner: 0812 3873 5174. Email: (putubaliisland69@ [9016]

C/Re/I-28 March 18


Land For sale 2 are located Abianbase Buduk, Kapal Badung, House Complec Graha Santi. closed to Puspem Badung. Contact ‘081 2389 3200. [9016]


KEROBOKAN Beautiful villa, 5 rooms, pool 20 meter, jacuzzi, sauna, full furniture. 30 years. Rp. 5.5 billion. (Possible to rent, min 3 years)

NUSA PENIDA Wooden house, 1 room, kitchen, bathroom, pool, ocean views 1 Are, 30 years. Rp. 550 million.

BUDUK Villa Joglo, 3 bedrooms, 50% process. 21 years, possible to extent. Rp. 1 billion

SEMINYAK Office for rent. Rp. 7,5 million/month. Monthly payment is possible.

Please Contact : NC/RE/U-23 May 18

Land for sale. 1 hectare 8 are. Price per are 9 juta. Complete with certificate. Location Pupuan, Tabanan. Call 0819 1619 8031. [9011] House for rent located Sanggulan Tabanan. 2 Bedroom. 1 Bathroom. 1 Living room and 1 Garage. On land 1,25 are. Building 80m2. Electricity 1300 watt. Deep weel. Gazebo. Mountain & ricefield view. Monthly or Yearly. Contact: 081 2394 8595. [9013] Land for sale located in Banjar Beringkit Belayu. Size 6,5 are. Price Rp. 125 million/are (nego). Perfect location for building your private villa. Please contact owner 0859 6905 7546. [9015] Land for sale 2.25 are in Tabanan - Kuwum. Perfect location for boarding/private house. Access car road. WA/Call : 0853 3917 1724 (Bahasa).

JIMBARAN Land for rent 12 are. Location Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai Kedonganan. 25 meters from Benoa Square. 25juta/ year/are. Contact: 081 2383 4011. [9001] Land for sale 2 are located closed to Asian International School Jimbaran. Contact 081 2394 8595. [9014]

CANGGU House for sale in Perum. Canggu Permai. Land 120m2, full building, furnished. Price Rp. 1.4 Billion. Please contact 0852 2212 0341. [9014] House for rent in Perum. Canggu Permai, 2 storey, land 140m2, full building, furnished, 3 bedrooms, price Rp. 75 million per year. Please contact 0852 2212 0341. [9015]

NC/Re/G-25 April 18

Make your Real Estate Ad on line at

KEROBOKAN For rent two unit private room / as apartement, new building, full furnished and wife at jln munduk sari no: 6 Br. Semer Kerobokan, Kuta. Contact person Made Hp. 0878 6136 6610. [004] Cozy house for rent, kerobokan nice area, 2 storey w garden, fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom complete kitchen, AC, solar hart, good price for long term rent contact direct owner: 081 2390 3201, Email: (barsi_cilik@yahoo. com).[005] Nice luxurious private pool six bedroom [ 6 ] villa for long term rent location Umalas. Contact 0819 9945 7003. [007] To sale leasehold villa for 15 years in Perum. Tegal Indah Jl. Tangkuban Perahu. Price Rp. 870 million. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Wifi, parabola, pool, close to Depo Bangunan. Call 0896 6642 7155 or 0878 6103 3141. [1609] C/Re/G-20 Dec. 17



Land and villa leasehold for 24 years located in Drupadi Seminyak. Prime location. 2-3-4 and 8 are. Please contact 0896 6642 7155 or 0878 6103 3141. [1610]

Good investment opportunity. Land for sale in Negara area (west Bali). More than 10 are available in front of the beach or close to the city. Starting Rp. 80 million/are. Road access. Call/SMS 081 2368 6123 (Indonesian) or 0812 3888 0606 (English). [008]



Freehold. Fully furnished beautiful single level colonial style with distinct Javanese accents.

Land for rent in main street of Bali cliff, size 56 are, price Rp. 8 mill/are/year. Strategic location, close to Pandawa Beach, GWK & Uluwatu. Contact 0812 381 5292. [9003]


Lot size: 530 sqm. House size: 375sqm. 3 bedrooms, 1 maidroom, 4 bathrooms, 1 livingroom, spacious diningroom with en-suite kitchen, large pantry room, 2 storage rooms and 1 upstairs studio room. Facilities: swimming pool, gazebo, undercover parking, AC, water heater, WI-FI, TV cable. 5 minutes drive to Sanur beach. Price: USD 700,000-negotiable Contact: +62 878 6116 3056 NC/Re/P-27 April 16

House for sale in Bukit Ungasan. Close to Pandawa beach and Dreamland. Cluster and secured complex. 100 sqm land, 45sqm building. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen. Furnished or unfurnished. Garage, 2200W electricity. Price Rp. 800 million (nego). Please text only 081 2381 5292. [9006]


NC/Re/P-23 May 18

HOUSE FOR SALE Bukit Ungasan

Fast Sale 1 unit apartment with revenue until year 2019. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, direct pool. Prime location in Jl. Dewi Sri - Sunset Road. Contact WA 081 6485 5527. [1628] Modern, spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apartements near sunset road fully furnished, free wi-fi, cleaning service, pool, parking 50-100 m2 unit size, monthly price Rp. 4-8 million contact 081- 2384 7690, (www. [006]

Close Pandawa beach & Dreamland. Cluster and secured complex. 100 sqm land, 45sqm building. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms Livingroom, kitchen, small office. Garage, 2200W electricity. Price Rp. 800 million (nego) - NO AGENT PLEASE

Please text only 081 2381 5292

NC/Re/P-1 Feb. 17

NC/Re/P-11 April 18

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NC/Re/P-19 July 17




Price Title Bedroom Bathroom Lot Size House Size Furniture Inventory Location



: IDR 7,724,000,000 : Freehold :4 :3 : 750 sqm : 395,5 sqm : Furnished : Bukit


Price Title Bedroom Bathroom Lot Size House Size Furniture Inventory Location


: IDR 8,000,000,000 : Freehold :3 :3 : 414 sqm : 483 sqm : Furnished : Canggu



Price Title Bedroom Bathroom Lot Size House Size Furniture Inventory Location

: IDR 4,912,000,000 : Leasehold :4 :5 : 320 sqm : 242 sqm : Furnished : Canggu


This exquisite villa situated in the residential neighborhood of Umalas, known as the best tranquility and relaxing residential area for expat. Settled on a 700 sqm land with 349 sqm building size, the villa offers 3 en-suite bedrooms, spacious living room, dining area, office room facing the pool, modern kitchen, swimming pool and jacuzzi , gazebo, garden, and storage room. Located in Umalas 10 minutes to Seminyak beach and the most fashionable destination for fine food, drink and upper market nightclubs in Bali. This villa allow you to experience the peace and tranquility of Bali village life whilst remaining in close proximity to major tourist attractions and ensures a fabulous return on your investment. Price : IDR 4,075,000,000 | Location : Umalas


L-728 | Freehold 400 sqm | Nyanyi | IDR 425,000,000/ARE


Price Title Bedroom Bathroom Lot Size House Size Furniture Inventory Location

RV-2300 : IDR 4,209,000,000 : Leasehold :3 :3 : 325 sqm : 176 sqm : Furnished : Legian


L-578 | Freehold 200 sqm | Canggu | IDR 415,000,000/ARE

Price Title Bedroom Bathroom Lot Size House Size Furniture Inventory Location


PRESENTING PROPERTIES FROM US$ 100,000 TO US$ 6,000,000 Head Office : Jl Sunset Road 10X, Kerobokan, Bali Ph: +62 361 8475955 | Fax: +62 361 8475682 | Mobile/Whatsapp: 08113973555 |


: IDR 2,978,000,000 : Leasehold :3 :3 : 700 sqm : 184 sqm : Furnished : Canggu

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