Bali Advertiser: 27 July 2022

Page 20

Saints ofGolightly, Java some by George Quinn1st ofMarlboro 20 getBandit it”, the rest of theHolly newspaper provides first James England (1603-25)Man... not only fulminated against people are eating. The more expensive the cigar, the more Goodbye Goodbye Are You Planning To Build? - This Take Great rateThe long form and investigative journalism covering the noxious weed butgood cutCare off thetohead of the man who itsmall stank. Since my late 40s I’veinvested smokedinvery little and not at Building Permits fortunes for those who themreflecting at the right deserted streets, empty and closed may beofactually an extentmausoleums for those who The Acne Guide To Cats and Dogs From Your Roof When Islam first arrived in hotels Indonesia inRemoving thebusinesses 15th C., it The has published countless papers and articles his religion Java lives onnews in the venerable of 20 lifecame in general , beyond the financial. Since the FT brought it back from the Americas. It was the introduction of all in the past decade. One of the more solitary small pleasures I enjoy In this instance, I just adjusted my chair so I had my back to In the days when I smoked it was only two or three time. They may well continue to prosper and I would rechave become a familiar sight in Bali and other places lost their jobs and whose businesses have suffered since ready-packaged in a mystical doctrine that was decades-long travel and research in Java. legendary saints and spirit guardians who represent local, “Ark The ‘Erald Angels Sing” Reviews of English language books on Indonesia out well-known shoe/boot companies like Sagara, Jalan strength the tightly bound completion sapu lidi is will alsovary a symbol of *building Ridecome in permit style! IAhave across many sad overconstruction years of •Obtaining Site clearing and project setup and the of amount ofmany project to a are far to besettling obtained before of cigarettes, an IMB isof really aitspart of the for town planning It appears that IMB applications in someone Bali widely welcomed across Java. Though widespread traditionalist native faith with all mysticism and magic and ommend them to a long term investor, but for around world that rely heavily tourism for survival. there is a huge amount of pent-up demand goods, serthroughout the week is down to interest athe good read the man and instead resuming my reading, forgot about cigarettes day, unless I was drinking. Then I chain-smoked. content is the behind ahas pay wall and cases I on have no in which really kicked tobacco industry into the big Sriwijaya, Winson, Txture, Junkard and Santalum make luxury national unity. honest people who are building their dream home Foundations greater degree than heavy. if you use must smaller, more frequent Reviews of English language books on Indonesia any building inwet. Indonesia begins. building permit process. Permits are issued by the Dinas Tata Ruang “arranged” and “eased” through the system. This is not aI Have you The Balinese don’t like rain, they don’t I•the can’t count the number of times Iahave on abKota roof from the Hindu-Buddhist faith toby Islam was that matter, are very You It’s been anoticed? bit vary and don’t lock together quite asand well as they If you arehandbags building new house put athat waterproof obsession with places and the dead. For modern Quinn didn’t write thisthe brilliant discussion ofinsist pilgrimage starting from scratch the risks of short term losses are toofic Initially there was disbelief, then for aThe short time, hope thatis league, vices and holiday travel satisfied. Itclimbed may be hard to e Whatever with the Weekend FT in aof café serving half decent and fell into abe reverie upon life tobacco When they banned smoking inflight by the early 1980s cush ons asawhole we as househo dJava’s wares gobrackets a err Bandit Saints Java George Quinn w vapours hslightly n egra edholy e ecoil, rpopular cto mo ors -Japan cross be ween aamong cyc Q L ve hea th er cheaper theconversion weekday newspaper itself, it’s not worth my on a par with coal and transportation. By the foot ware that are quite in and the U.S. the case, paraphenalia in and around Since airfares are triple what they were a year ago, buses only to find that the builder has scarpered, the money • Structure payments. Passive House (Energy Efficient Housing) Goodbye Holly Golightly, Goodbye Marlboro Man... complete byeas the 1600s, the old belief systems did not also known an IMB Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan, ithaIndonesians, dan Pemukiman which means the Department ofwgutter Town good idea staff inofand government should. membrane under the roof tiles make sure the roof issaint local areess culture from the sterile confines a university office under barga ns heroes sbuild acc den ha nes ofor busses u a ofeet hrto high. Best tobecause upthe cash reserves in(ok, boring bank acthe pandemic would be short-lived. But soon reality in envisage right now, but could translate a renewed and a mo orcyc eveneration - aisthis ow he and rboots der erinto h Why ba rafrom fic othey voption. sisora doc ors or hea hlike consu aset ons drink rainwater and certainly don’t itwindows on their to find out why water coming in togrea findpilgrimages aspeed valley placed as close as 60 cms apart ok,departments two coffee. Apart the cringingly ghastly “How toas past decades. was happy. I no could stop smoking years at time. shoes enthusiasts. *Indonesian are interesting due to smoking *are Unsung has run out and there distinct dearth ofdescribed •over Floor slabs are now an attractive More accurately Are You Planning To Build? Take Great Care stumping up for a subscription. Fortunately for me the 1930s smoking cigarettes was the social norm. It was affected us. When I first started smoking I went Building Permits Leaking Roofs Bandit Saints of Java by George Quinn disappear. Buddhism and Hinduism had a presence on consc ous Javanese shoppers are a ways parked a ong he specifies the approved initial design of the building but it Planning and Settlements. With the IMB certificate comes have a tendency to move on and a holder of an arranged central to their Islamic identity and the practice of their religion towering bookcases but actually lived the experiences e or On mo or zed b kes you can eas y peda uph A In fact it has been so wet that the ducks have all had new properly installed. The Acne Guide To Removing Cats Dogs From Your Roof do no necess a that e wiring herapy aGolightly, med ca procedure? Have When Islam first arrived in situation Indonesia inof the 15th it a boom has published countless papers and articles reflecting his The religion of and Java lives on instyles. the venerable mausoleums of counts before risk. Once adequate are and many this could go on forever. for Bali and other popular destinations in the next Goodbye Holly Goodbye Man... and doors, electrical isornowhere to be seen and •theWalls Construction tend to use areserves rigid construction, shapes and required toatmake Rev ews o magazine Eng books on ndones Spend it”, the supplement written byC., FT Trouble was taking - companies easyonto quit, easy start. I more never liked “luxury buses traveling west out Bali have toilets, heads. Itcoaches,” isdespaired something tosh doanguage with picking up evil spirits on between twooMarlboro roofs which is lower inThe theskill middle than the you imperialists, don’t you get ato life, aand metric one that Java for 1000 and their influence survived in road ouin ssuddenly de *Pwhy e find Susu sman astaff sma cake popu ar Ba se ecinstance, on eb kes and escoo ers can be seen n whole he Setos up-market, weekend print edition is usually on atduck Periplus and catered to almost everywhere. The Benson & Hedges in their red and gold tin, One of the more solitary small pleasures I aenjoy In this I just adjusted my chair so I had my back In the days when I smoked it was only two or three you ever r years ed o nether con ac abuildings doc or bysale e still ephone? Thank u permitted ythat adopts a tolerant, understanding and humanistic reported his book. Only a on the spot would be able came ready-packaged in a mystical doctrine that was decades-long travel and research in Java. legendary saints and spirit guardians who represent local, also continues through the life stating what the a metal plate rather like a car number plate to be mounted IMB may new have arrived and start to “Ark The ‘Erald Angels Sing” Are You Planning To Build? Take Great Care seals fitted to their regions. A leaky is very 2. When installing roof tiles the spacing of the lathes that there is some really effective ventilation where the • Roof and ceilings approach. They will set milestones and pay only when the in place you can turn to investing again. But now there is real hope that the nightmare is coming to couple of years. Building Permits Leaking Roofs a• The sturdy boot byand hand takes at least five years to learn and Wardah cosmetic products are cheaper but just as reclining airline-style seatscontempt and include snacks hacks with leaden wit and obvious for their One way or an another, smoker or not, tobacco affected usr end all.of smoking and around food so after agood meal Acne Guide To Removing Cats Dogs From Your Roof IAcomfortable have come across many sad cases over years of Site clearing and project and the amount ofmany project completion will vary to (and aItwas far When Islam first arrived in Indonesia in the 15th C., has published countless papers and articles reflecting his religion of Java lives onsetup inaDon the venerable mausoleums souven rin ssuch cheaper owas buy alighting-up he the ac inch ory se on Ja an Ba showroom nfaith Denpasar orge oand ask he y to many rites, symbols, customs and traditions such as building permit has to be obtained before construction ofitaapproach. Obtaining IMB is really part of the town planning It appears that IMB applications in Bali are aThe grow ng number o ndones an phys c ans are us ngread soc it’s way from the sky. Which reminds me, I picked up an end where the water is supposed to run out. is, join the real world....... I do like though. is widely welcomed across Java. Though widespread traditionalist native with all its mysticism magic and throughout week is settling down to a good the man and instead of resuming my reading, forgot about cigarettes day, unless I drinking. Then I chain-smoked. The author argues that many Javanese are able describe in rich detail the packed, fetid atmosphere building can be used for. Here we look at what the IMB is, at the front of the building. check the records. roof should be. • Windows and doors milestone is achieved. For example they may only pay for unhappy duck you know. support the tiles is often not as accurate is it should be and If you have a leaking roof make a note of where the drips bookshops around Bali. world stank of it. We did, so did our clothes and our homes. Balkan Sobranie Black Russian or enticingly foreign like Bandit Saints of Java by George Qu nn end. For sure itbyis; it passenger is just matter of how soon. What has the process ofamanager making boot takes 2-3 days. *Indonesians as more expensive brands like Caring Colours by Pass ve House ssolitary aaAngels des gn concep wh ch s home ed Its o• legendary dthis rec on bu advertisement, djust ngaspirit aces and he p acemen omy wback ndows exp ana on o nsuand a on R500 Vaeach ues a*Pusa ong wPernak h afrequent splace o k and meals. Every isTw given ao blanket and pillow. One of-noticed? the more small pleasures Iapp enjoy In instance, Iand adjusted my chair so I had to safe) Inbig the days when Iheavy. smoked itImust was only two or three honest people who are building their dream Foundations greater degree than if you use smaller, more came ready-packaged in a mystical doctrine that was decades-long travel research in Java. saints guardians who represent local, Nangka n Denpasar a Rp1 Pern “Ark The ‘Erald Sing” readers definition themselves possessing no aroma and its an ever-present factor in no loss in restaurants. In fact reserve a special and he p u or a horough s o wha needs o be med a espec a y b ogs and er o er a w de d vers y the wayang theater forms and architectural features like Goodbye Holly Golightly, Goodbye Marlboro Man... any building in Indonesia begins. The building permit is process. Permits are issued by the Dinas Tata Ruang Kota “arranged” and “eased” through the system. This is not a Have you The Balinese don’t like rain, they don’t I can’t count the number of times I have climbed on a roof conversion from the Hindu-Buddhist faith to Islam was that matter, are very You insist that brackets It’s been acome bit wet. vary slightly and don’t lock together quite asand wellmodern as they ofthe If you are building aarchitecture. new house aearly waterproof obsession with places and theupon dead. For Quinn didn’t write this brilliant discussion ofput Java’s pilgrimage to stay strong inholy Islam while honoring their semi-divine tombs and the details ofathing Though not ayou Muslim with the Weekend FT asupposed café serving half decent vapours and fell into aderab reverie life tobacco When they banned smoking inflight by the 1980s •as Electrical Installation roof when every part of the roof completed and IA have across many sad cases over the years of •Ob Site clearing and project and the amoun o pro ec comp eis on was vary ohas ahas how you apply for one, the you will need and evil spirit the other day, iton was to be gin and tonic such well isn’t it. Even it’s name aarI aand result some designs of roof tiles won’t properly. are. Ifappears they are next to wall or inapp the ridge then may consider the Caterpillar the ultimate high-quality boot. *The Martha Tilaar. *Teh Botol Less Sugar is not and is bu d ng perm has oinis be ob ahscarpered, ned be ore cons ruc on o he atoo nor ng an MB sof rea ysetup aits par oreading, heseat own p ann ng ha MB ca ons nace Ba are Another danger is that of investments offering ‘guaranteed’ changed is the rapid production ofof highly successful vacIt’s not soon to for the recovery! only to find that the builder has the money •the Structure payments. house cons ruc ndocuments order oThough drama ca ygood reduce widely welcomed across Java. widespread doors has aplan cons e mpac on how much hea yp ca Rproportioned ues ormany cons ruc on ma er acigar she nsweet our recen n Cek ng vva age near Pasar Sukawa ssettling pwhen oother buy traditionalist native faith with all mysticism and magic and throughout the week settling down to a read the man and instead resuming my forgot about cigarettes day, unless I was drinking. Then I chain-smoked. Gauloises and Gitanes. Then down to done ma n enance and o ge he eb ke ready or he o re ab e non-d agnos c hea adv ce and even ve-cha the split gate that reflect Java’s ancient past. style of their own and in need being told “where to complete by the 1600s, the old belief systems did not our lives. The habit has been around a long time. King in hell for the affected swine who light a also known as anfirs IMB orved Ijin Bangunan, dan Pemukiman which means the Department ofeums Town good idea the staff government departments should. membrane under the roof tiles and make sure the roof is Indonesians, saint veneration and local pilgrimages areoRoof culture from the sterile confines of asma university office under honest who are building their dream home Foundations grea er degree han you use er more requen Enquiries follow only tothey reveal that the 8 ghastly teams of workers •Documents Plumbing Installation been inspected and passed. who are known as the Nine Saints (Wali Songo). himself, he isabecause as informed about the nuances of Javanese The Acne Guide To Removing Cats and Dogs Your When snoticed? am arr nMendirikan ndones abu n 15 h C has pub shed coun ess sin and athey cinsist es eflec ng hno s to The eslabs gannua on othe Java ves on ntogether he vene abboot, eTa drink rainwater and certainly don’t like ithe on their to find out why water is coming to find amauso valley gutter are placed as close as 60 cms apart (ok, ok, two coffee. Apart from the cringingly “How toit sancestors over past decades. was happy. Iper could stop smoking for years at afeet time. has run out and there is a distinct dearth of windows Floor any bu dpeople n acountries beg ns The dto ng perm most popular Santalum boot is the Service very similar more refreshing than Teh Botol sweetened tea, process Perm snspec areneed ssued by he D nas a Ruang Ko some notes about compliance with building regulations. “arranged” and “eased” hrough he sys em Th sPu shsold you Remember that the drawings and of your Have you The Balinese don’t like rain, they don’t I•the can’t count number of IFrom have climbed on asmuch roof conversion from the Hindu-Buddhist faith Islam was that matter, are very You must that brackets brace e s10% kbuilding nds o ar and decora ons *Ba na It’s been a bit wet. vary slightly and don’t lock quite as well as they If are apape new house put a waterproof My next door neighbour started behaving quite odd. have to wait for dry weather before can be properly requ red on Se s in Ba does serv ce ca ooa returns obsession with holy places and dead. For modern Quinn didn’t write this brilliant discussion of Java’s pilgrimage of annum or more. These are often in the cines in sufficient numbers in like the US and the serv ces ong housands ohas o owers who ques ons no amoun o energy bu d ngs need oask keep hem com oritus abcentral e•Planning rom he sun rays a bu dtimes ng wthe absorb and how ar cyou e htendency ps www mrfix ba com nsu aspecifications on-and-r-va ues mmynaI the FT in a café serving half decent vapours and fell into aWith reverie upon life and tobacco When they banned smoking inflight by the early 1980s Iwith suspect itWeekend was andones particularly evil batch of Arak. “Arak Gutters come in asswill round semi circular section and square rather nice ring to it.and Iheavy. don’t really like centimetres very disappear. Buddhism and Hinduism had a presence on On but one occasion, seated at a table on the deck Senior Service or Players and a spell rolling specifies the approved initial design of the building but and Settlements. the IMB certificate comes have a to move on and a holder of an arranged to their Islamic identity and the practice of their religion towering bookcases but actually lived the experiences only to find that the builder has scarpered, the money • Structure paymen s get it”, the rest of the newspaper provides some first In fact it has been so wet that the ducks have all had new James 1st of England (1603-25) not only fulminated against people are eating. The more expensive the cigar, the more properly installed. One of the more so tary sma p easures en oy n h s ns ance us ad us ed my cha r so had my back o n he days when smoked was on y wo or hree that came and went over the 14 months the project • Ceramic wall and floor tiling came ready packaged n a mys ca doc r ne ha was decades ong ave esea ch n Java egenda y sa n and sp gua d ans who ep esen oca Islam as any practicing Indonesian ulama. Often Quinn was and doors, electrical wiring ishea nowhere to be seen and • Indonesians, Walls Construction companies to aobut more rigid Spend it”, the magazine supplement written by FT Trouble was easy quit, easy start. Idepar never liked complete by the 1600s, the old belief systems did not Bu eimperialists, eng Nor Ba s he barga puse ace buy amous a so known as an MB npicking Mend rup kan Bangunan dan Pemuk man wh ch he Depar men onds Town Average cos obe mode sitmeans s around Rp20 uinclude aw W hthe an to the Viberg service boot. *Bandung Collection shops, found everywhere, which isfor no longer bottled in glass inone plastic good dea because he snotes atend nremain governmen men s should. membrane under the roof tiles and make sure the roof is saint veneration local pilgrimages are culture from the sterile confines of anato university office under heads. Itosuddenly isnu something to do with evil spirits on abou rnyears on ch dren scertainly h don’t d e sexua hup between two roofs which is lower in the middle than at you why don’t you get life, ayears metric that building submitted the IMB on file and at any He has started collecting animals. Two 3. practice on houses inand Bali does not the sealed. Ifin leaks are into centre of the roof moving tiles of bonds or-book. structured backed by building UK to meet entire populations. This means that more As a prelude to the planning would be well worth reviewing drink rainwater and they like ithorses, onhea their to find out water is coming in to find a valley gutter are placed as close as 60 cms apart (ok, ok, two feet to coffee. Apart from the cringingly ghastly “How to ve The a m stheir oor reduce energy consump on by Java for 1000 and influence still survived in over past decades. was happy. Ihun could stop smoking for at aprojtime. coo ng can harnessed rom preva ng By form has run out and there is a distinct dearth of windows •Standard Floor slabs that adopts awhy tolerant, and humanistic reported his Only aI’ve man on the spot would bestart able also continues through the buildings life stating what the a metal plate rather like aunderstanding car number plate to be mounted IMB may suddenly find new staff have arrived and to w de ytheir we comed across Java Though w despread dragged on for left because they hadn’t been paid. Sadly • Ok now the final stage is to manage Payment Process. seals fitted to their nether regions. A leaky duck is a very 2.Painting When installing roof tiles the spacing of the lathes that ad ona s na ve a h w h a s mys c sm and mag c and throughout the week s sett ng down to a good read he man and ns ead o resum ng my read ng orgo abou c gare es day ess was dr nk ng Then cha n-smoked attack” is of course the name of a condition not a drink. box gutters. Two sizes are available in both the round and much, in fact I hate the horrible little things but we must there is some really effective ventilation where the • Roof and ceilings approach. They will set milestones and pay only when the rate long form and investigative journalism covering the noxious weed but cut off the head of the man who it stank. Since my late 40s smoked very little and not at the only tall, fair-skinned outsider granted as a matter of The pilgrimage sites, which Quinn calls the new heathen Ba nese c ve co ee * ndones an our s s buy Sen man of the Starbucks in Renon Plaza, engrossed in own in 60s. By the mid 70’s I had pretty much disappear. Buddhism and Hinduism had a presence on ns a men paymen p an you can dr ve away or as e as hacks with leaden wit and obvious contempt for their One way or another, smoker or not, tobacco affected us all. smoking in and around food so lighting-up after a meal was cho es ero or d abe es bu a so abou deeper med ca ssues spec fies hedogs, approved n Bangunan a des gn o he bu ngby bu P ann ng and Se emen s sells W hahigh he MB cerof fica ereligion comes have a endency o move onend and a ho der arranged central to their Islamic identity and the practice theirware in sizeable city in Bali, quality shoe at ects. which an- compan unnatural flavour. Teh Kotak, on the other towering bookcases but actually lived theoacompared experiences In fact it it”, has been so wet that the ducks alldseen had new properly installed. The IMB or Ijin Mendirikan To get an itauthor is necessary to submit a pile time inimparts the future they may be pulled out and many rites, symbols, customs and traditions as two cows, two cats - we strange really they are all use of sarking or underfelt as waterproof membrane around may be sufficient BUT be very careful who gets and doors, electrical wiring is nowhere to besuch and •every Walls Cons ruc on es oama more rliked gfor The danger them failing and your losing your capisupplies can now be directed to like Indonesia mistakes of the past relating to either one’s work, proSpend the magazine supplement written FTany Trouble was easy to quit, easy to start. Ipan never it’s way the sky. Which reminds me, Ihave picked an end where the water is to run out. is, join the real world....... Id do like the inch though. Itthat ofrom 90% care uIMB ytwo cons hese ac ors nJavanese he budocuments dthan ng des gn The Pass ve House and Trop ca Coca es Have you no ced? The Ba nese don ra hey don can coun number oaas mes have cit of mbed on a roo convers on rom he Htheir ndu Buddh s what ake hevil onha sup was ha ma er very heavy You mus ns sace ha stoisd approach. The argues that many are able to describe in such rich detail the packed, fetid atmosphere heads. is something to do with picking up spirits on between roofs which is in the middle atand the you imperialists, don’t you get life, metric one obsess on w hhe ho yng psupposed aces and he dead Fo mode n courtesy Qu nn dhave w eof hwhy sse bis an scuss on ouse Java sThe g the mage pleonexia isIttwo alive and well in the construction industry and •brought Drainage Before any payment the project is inspected and building can be used for. Here look at IMB is, the front of the building. check the records. roof should be. •at Windows and doors milestone is achieved. For example they may only pay unhappy duck you know. support the tiles isder often accurate is should be If you aare leaking roof make a note of where drips wgeneral th the Weekend FT nbu acountries café serv ng fam decent he vapours and e nnot ounderstanding rever ewas upon e and obacco When hey banned smok ng nfl gh by he ear ybracke 1980s brand co ee wh ch smade anew he ow pr Ba nese Java for 1000 and influence still survived in Rp400 000 down Address Jlower Teuku Umar 216 Dauh Pur adn priority place in the inner sanctum. Key-keepers landscape of Indonesia, are not your usual shrines but fusions Tanya Dok er (Ask he Doc or) and K kDok er ethe peop efor send life in , years beyond the financial. Since the FT it back from the Americas. It the introduction of all in the past decade. that adopts a tolerant, and humanistic reported in his book. Only a man on the spot would be able a so con nues hrough he d ngs e s a ng wha he a me a p a e ra her ke a car number p a e o be moun ed MB may sudden y find s a have arr ved and s ar local prices. hand, is packaged in paper, thus has a more natural taste readers by definition themselves possessing no Its aroma and its advertisement, an ever-present factor in no big loss in restaurants. In fact I reserve a special place Arak does have it’s uses though it is very good seals fitted to their nether regions. A leaky duck is a very 2. When installing roof tiles the spacing of the lathes that square section and the size you chose is dependent on the move on. I stopped using bone to bang in a nail a long a good read trying to control the flyaway pages the wayang theater forms and architectural features like settled down to Benson & Hedges gold or Marlboro there is some really effective ventilation where the • Roof and ceilings approach They w se m es ones and pay on y when heo will include following: the building. in pairs. Itnk has been a from bit of aand bother their amorous comp eother enwa by he 1600s he ong dnbe sys ems d d no under the tiles. onto your roof. are too high. Worse still are the many scams you find which have lagged the more advanced nations. fession or business. We would never learn if we didn’t make hacks with leaden obvious contempt for their One way or another, smoker or not, usaall. smoking in and around food so lighting-up after meal was to stay strong inthe Islam while honoring semi-divine of tombs and the details ofaop architecture. Though not awill ndones ans sa n vene acom on and oca pseat g mages e tal cu uroof ewell om he snext eodeto owelcome apa ve sand ydone. oera fice unde •as Electrical Installation the when every part ofnk roof is completed and has ma or energy sav ngs are made contractors know that the owner Mr and •rthat Water Supply payment made according to the actual work You will how you apply for one, the documents you will need and hemse ves pre er us dr kop su (adu co evil spirit the day, itwit was supposed to be gin and tonic many rites, symbols, customs and traditions such as such proportioned thing isn’t it.un Even it’s name has a a result some designs roof tiles won’t properly. dr ra er and hey cer athough, yha don ke on he are. If they are wall or in the ridge then you may Kauh Denpasar ebu 0361-474-8205 Hours 9aaffected am-6 pm oWindows find ou why wa er sof ng ntobacco o their find va ey gu er are p aced as ccou ose as 60 cms apar (ok ok wo ee oor coffee Apart the cr ng yeabuilder, ghast y “How to over pas decades was happy sconfines smok ng or years aaed aMuslim me ques ons abou hea haverage prob ems are answered by it’s way from the sky. Which reminds me, I interest picked up an end where the water is supposed to run out. is, join the real world....... I the do like the inch though. Itee) is without exception made him feel were lavish of holy ground, the focus of memorable stories and objects approach. The author argues that many Javanese are able to describe in such rich detail packed, fetid atmosphere bu d ng can be used or Here we ook wha he MB s a he ron o he d ng check he records and is also more eco-friendly. The Pucuk is yet another roof should be. • and doors m es one s ach eved For examp e hey may on y pay content is behind a pay wall and I have no in cigarettes, which really kicked tobacco industry into the big unhappy duck you know. support the tiles is often not as accurate is it should be and If you have a leaking roof make a note of where the drips the split gate that reflect Java’s ancient past. style of their own and in need of being told “where to our lives. The habit has been around a long time. King in hell for the affected swine who light a cigar when other dwayang sappear Buddh sm and H ndu sm had afeatures presence on IMB stands for Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan which literally Enquiries follow only toforms reveal that the 8ement teams of workers Plumbing Installation been inspected and passed. ••Documents A land certificate including the relevant survey plan. ancestors who are as the Nine Saints Songo). himself, he is as informed about nuances of Javanese cen aso o he sitsknown am cneed den yit. and he punderestimate ac ce(Wali obefore he ehow g onin on owe ng bookcases bu ac ua ythe ved he expe ences cleaning carburettors. roof area that will flow into Don’t behaviour is me awake all night. He got two time ago.) Mrs Nicefriendlypeople, are easy prey for their games. need an engineer to go through the bill of quantities and readers -keeping by definition themselves possessing no Its aroma and advertisement, an ever-present factor no big loss in restaurants. In fact I reserve a special place of my newspaper I was enveloped in a cloud of the Internet. Beware of cold calls. They are now illegal mistakes it would be helpful to identify these facLight, which was when I finally graduated to tipped ke Warkop Ba s cheapes co ee ha s m xed w h ground the theater and architectural like The or g na dea o Pass ve House was o use na ura The pass ve house concep was or g na y conce ved n some notes about compliance with building regulations. you will Remember that the drawings and specifications of your genera prac oners and spec a s s usua y w h n 24 hours My next door neighbour has started behaving quite odd. have to wait for dry weather before they can be properly Spend t” the magaz ne supp wr tten by FT Troub e was easy o qu easy o s ar never ked to stay strong in Islam while honoring their of tombs and the details architecture. athe Muslim their responses tothe his innumerable and sometimes religious devotion. Hundreds of these places of worship, •as Electrical Installation he roo when par o he roo sThough enot and has heads swas hover ng othe do w hit’s p ck ng ev spfirst r and s on be wo roo sfloor wh ch s roof ower n he m dd esemi-divine han athehe in you mper aeating. scase, severy why don you ge a ecomp acentimetres me rand cedone ha but I weekday suspect it1000 aday, particularly evil batch of Arak. “Arak come inacleaning awith round semi circular section and square rather nice ring to it. Iof don’t really like very how you app ysome or one he documen s to you w need *Gutters Multipurpose tool more pleasant alternative. *Bango brand kecap manis (sweet spirit the other it was supposed be gin and tonic such thing isn’t it. Even it’s name has aween result some designs of tiles won’t seat properly. are. Ifwell they next to a wall or in the ridge then you may Java or years and he r ancient nfluence sup surv ved nofWe the newspaper itself, not worth my league, on awall oil, coal and transportation. By Whatever paraphenalia in around getevil it”, the rest of the newspaper provides some 1st of England not only fulminated against people are The more expensive the cigar, more that came and went 14 months the project •James Ceramic and tiling ha adop spar ofor eon: an unde saround and and human s c in epo ed nthe hproportioned sare book On ywhole a man on he spo wou d be ab eof Islam any practicing Indonesian ulama. Quinn was Lambs to the slaughter comes to mind. also need to add check each line item to the percentage corn and ed rbeen ce They are no ond oOften rea co ee kea Q Good The Wet means “permit to establish a building” commonly known An ijing Kavling (permit to subdivide) ifng one is needed. split gate that reflect Java’s This isas what has happening in and around Singaraja style of their own and in need of being told “where toing lives. The habit has been athat long in hell for the affected swine who a when other rabbits a couple of weeks ago and now has Standard practice is(1603-25) for ridges to be heavily concreted Many roof tiles in Bali are very because the has Op ma med ca exam na ons canno be carr ed3,726 ou onofthe ne many countries but they are impossible to control due to aStandard world. Typical have means such as or ng he bu dpast. ng n he mos building submitted for the IMB remain on file and atwas any 2pandemic-free nsu asense ed Enve ope Nor hern Europe where he aassess m sfragile olight keep bu d ngs warm Hethe has suddenly started collecting animals. Two horses, 3.ancestors practice on houses inmistakes Bali does not include the sealed. Ifhe leaks are in centre of the roof moving tiles hacks w th eaden w ten and obv ous contempt for r•4. Enquiries follow only tos reveal that the 8he teams of workers •our Plumbing Installation been nspec ed and passed One way or ano her smoker or no obacco amight ectime. ed usKing a provocative smok ng ndr and around ood so gh ng-up acigar er aons mea who are known as the Nine Saints (Wali Songo). himself, is as informed about the nuances of Javanese smoke. I was partly aware that a dapper cigarettes. Like publishing, the British and many cats and dogs will fall out of the sky in a particularly questions. His respect (dare I say reverence?) big and small, sprawl across Java as well as Indonesia’s outer many r es symbo cus oms and rad ons such as some no es abou comp ance w h bu d ng regu a ons Documents you w need Remember ha he draw ngs and spec fica o your soy sauce) is preferred by many over the ABC brand. My next door neighbour has started behaving quite odd. have to wait for dry weather before they can be properly way rom he Wh ch nds me p cked up an end where he wa er s gues supposed o run ou dragged on for left because they hadn’t been paid. Sadly •the Painting Ok now the stage isI to manage Payment Process. sstank. oerners ninnice he rea wor dthe ke he nch hough s at attack” is of course the name of Fortunately arem condition not a drink. box gutters. Two sizes are available in both round and much, fact Imy hate horrible things we app oach The au ho acut ha many Javanese aItosquare ewas ab e completion. orather desc be nfinal such ch de aup he packed ecentimetres d total abut eof rate long form investigative journalism covering noxious weed off the head of the man who itWes Since late 40s I’ve smoked very little and not mos ylow because oexpensive slittle hthe gh cos M dd e cmust ass Isit”, suspect itand asky particularly evil batch of Arak. “Arak Gutters come in abut round semi circular section and the only tall, fair-skinned outsider granted as amosphe matter The pilgrimage sites, which Quinn calls the new heathen ring to it. don’t really like very stumping up for awas subscription. for me the 1930s smoking cigarettes was the social norm. smoking affected us. When Ido first started smoking I(often went This is totalled to give you the financial To keep mosqu oes rom ay ngof eggs add a the hand u neem so doc ors w no make d agnoses as hey wan omade get the rest of the newspaper provides some first 1st of England (1603-25) not only fulminated against people are eating. The more the cigar, the more as abut “Building Permit”.It is an approval from the government •into Correct land for the building that is planned. in recent months where authorities have them hopping around all over the place. that came and went over the 14 months the project •James Ceramic wall and floor tiling place, only small amounts movement in documents the house ease today ofres making international calls. thouclay fired at temperatures using wood The IMB or Ijin Bangunan To get an IMB itzoning is necessary to submit a pile of time ingas the future they may be pulled out and compared to Islam any Indonesian ulama. Often Quinn was two cows, two dogs, two cats -and strange really they all use ofaroma sarking orbroom as a waterproof membrane around may be sufficient BUT be very careful who gets advan ageous d rec on absorb ng or sh edon d ngare he suns by harness ng he suns rays and reduc ng hea ng cos stiles readers -Mendirikan by defin tcollecting on themse ves possess ng no sinclude: and sunderfelt adver semen an ever-presen ac orne n the no bbeen oss npracticing auran sahe nlocal ac reserve aLiterally spec adevout pabeen ace he wayang hea er orms arch ec ura ea ures ke for the old Sufi saints are equal in ardor to any Islands. Visiting them has become normal in modern Java bu d ng subm ed or MB rema n on fi e and any pleonexia is alive and well in the construction industry and • Drainage Before any payment is made the project is inspected and The sapu lidi is a made from middle dried ribs/veins He has suddenly started animals. Two horses, 3. Standard practice on houses in Bali does not include the sealed. If leaks are in the centre of the roof moving Indonesian man in his early thirties had arrived American tobacco barons exercised dual dominion o s ay s ong n s am wh e hono ng he sem d v o ombs and he de a s o ch ec u e Though no a Mus m Have you also noticed, the Balinese don’t have gutters. fertile wet season. You should also make sure the You must plan the slope of a gutter along with the ndones ans dr nk he Kop Bubuk Banyua s brand rom eaves o sma pond or poo s Neem eaves w he p s op courtesy a priority place in the inner sanctum. Key-keepers landscape of Indonesia, are not your usual shrines but fusions Such cases are common in Bali and inevitably the “builder” • Architect’s Fees (10%?) value of the construction that has been completed. bear any ega ab y Symp oms o a d sease m gh be life in general , beyond the financial. Since the FT brought it back from the Americas. It was the introduction of all in the past decade. ev sp r he o her day was supposed o be g n and on c such we propor oned h ng sn Even s name has a weekend print edition is usually on sale at Periplus permitted and catered to almost everywhere. The whole up-market, Benson & Hedges in their red and gold tin, dragged on for left because they hadn’t been paid. Sadly • Painting Ok now he fina s age s o manage he Paymen Process Arak does have it’s uses though it is very good for square section and the size you chose is dependent on the move on. I stopped using a bone to bang in a nail a long attack” is of course the name of a condition not a drink. box gutters. Two sizes are available in both the round and much, in fact I hate the horrible little things but we must rate long form and investigative journalism covering the noxious weed but cut off the head of the man who it stank. Since my late 40s I’ve smoked very little and not only tall, fair-skinned outsider granted as a matter ofat The pilgrimage sites, which Quinn calls the heathen to aMB building. Drawings of the buildings that comply with local carrying out checks to make sure that houses have IMBs, will include the following: of people in the UK have lost their savings or penbuilding. ••will Keeping inadequate cash reserves crack the concrete. less than 800 degrees). To get effective fusion ofYou in build pairs. Itsp been ausbit of acats bother their amorous under the tiles. onto your roof. he ga edogs, ha reflec Java sthough, anc pas sty ehas of the rMend own and n need of ng to d “where our The hab has been me Ko ngsa sands nmse he or he a ed neBUT who gh awork ccareful gar when osilica her rays and or ng na ura ven abeen on o they regu a e allto he nsu on preven sunderfelt he passage oan hea nnew o odocumen orher ou contractors know that the average owner builder, Mr and •that Water payment made according to the actual will Javanese and serve to assuage those who interminable wait The or n rdescr kan Bangunan To ge an MB sfocus oface subm a harm p seong o me nexception he uas ure may be pu ed ou and compared o (lidi) of either coconut or areca palm fronds (sapu) tied together two cows, two two -put strange really are ances oSupply swhich who areally e necessary known as he Naround ne Sa na Wa Songo use ofaves sarking or as awon waterproof membrane hthe he spaymen nec ohey med abou he nuances odone. Javanese SBe ngara aworshipper. The upper cssw ass avors he Kop Ba Cap Kupu around may be sufficient be very who gets mosqu oes rom breed ng bu pond m sread hey are be ng bed hrough ve-cha orroof ema has been paid more than the work he has completed. He • Structural Engineers Fees without made him feel welcome and were lavish of holy ground, the of memorable stories and objects pleonexia is alive and well in the construction industry and • Drainage ore any made he pro ec s nspec ed and andThe sat down at an adjoining table, down content is behind a pay wall and I have no interest in cigarettes, kicked tobacco industry into the big over the world when it came to international logic is, in fact, sound. Get the water off the downpipe can take a full sized cat. placement of downpipes. A slope of 1% to 2% is fine (as courtesy apast priority in the inner sanctum. Key-keepers landscape Indonesia, are not your usual shrines but fusions bu suspec aare par cu arfinancial. y ev ba ch o sign Arak “Arak Gu ers come nyears a round sem crelevant rcu ar on and square ra her nbuilding ce rconcep ngdecade. oplace don rea y to ke cen me res very bookshops Bali. stank of it.17 We did, so did our clothes and our homes. Balkan Sobranie Russian or enticingly foreign like life in general ,wwas beyond the Since the FT brought it1s back from the Americas. It on was the introduction of sions all inago.) IMB stands for Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan which literally •Not A land certificate including the survey plan. building regulations. that the usage matches the IMB and also that the cleaning carburettors. roof area that will flow into it. Don’t underestimate how behaviour isaround keeping me awake all night. He got two before and during this pandemic through succumbing time ••world having longer term financial investments that can be Mrs Nicefriendlypeople, easy prey for their games. need an engineer to go through the bill ofcen quantities and An enterprising bloke down our street aher new up Arak does have it’s uses though -has itprov is very good for square section and the size you chose isysec dependent on the ideally you need toBlack get up over 1,000 degrees. As aspace result move on. IDun stopped using a expens bone bang in a nail a long get t” the rest of the newspaper des some first James o Eng and (1603-25) no uythicknesses m na ed aga ns peop ethe are ea ng The more ve he gar he more empera ure h n a bu d ng bu d ng hrough roo wa s floors w ndows and doors The who e s o crea e a se con a ned now averaging to go on the haj to Mecca. The Kupu Bo a a brand s am as any p ac c ng ndones an u ama O Qu nn was ha w nc ude he o ow ng he bu d ng crea ures Frogs zards and fish espec a ap a fish w to form a hard broom. Different lengths and of in pairs. It has been a bit of a bother though, their amorous under the tiles. onto your roof. a ques on nd ca es he need or ur exam na on will have worked out that by running off now he will end up Construction Tax (10%) If you look at the sample file you will see that there is a in their responses to his innumerable and sometimes of religious devotion. Hundreds of these places of worship, know that the itself, averageit’s owner builder, Mrmy and league, • holy Water Supply paymen made accord ng ofeel he ac ua work done You w thecontractors weekday not worth on aand par with oil, coal and transportation. By the Whatever the case, whole paraphenalia inwere and around without exception made him welcome and lavish ofStructural ground, the focus of memorable stories and objects Lambs to the comes to mind. We also need to add on: check each item tove assess the percentage of content isthe behind atop, pay and Ifor have no interest in cigarettes, which really kicked tobacco into the big his straight coffee, opened his lap and positioned so Ithe never really got into American means “permit to establish awall building” commonly known •4. An ijing Kavling to subdivide) ifsindustry one is needed. This isago.) what been happening in and around Singaraja Gauloises and Gitanes. Then settling down to rabbits a couple of weeks ago and he has 3,726 of Standard practice is for ridges to be heavily concreted Many roof tiles in Bali are fragile because the has arate sslaughter onewspaper course he onow aproject cond on no awill dr nk box ers Two ses zes are ava ab eca ndout bo he round and much ha e he horr b e climbing eerna bu we mus IMBs are important, very important. services drawings to make that the building taxes have been paid. Do not doubt ong form and nvest gat ve ourna sm cover ng he nox ous weed bu cu oQu he head ohsure he man who such calls. Many were fortunate in that they could claim swriter’s ank S nce my a 40s smoked eit and no an liquidated in an emergency ifng cash runs outside his shop: onto ground and organise itfor to run away Poor waterproofing ofadded end walls where the roof meets tiles break easily and someone around on your he on ybrands, aeng ayline sk nned ou svery de g an edIngs as areverence?) ma e othe The pgu mage wh ch nn he hen long as you have enough brackets to keep firmly in on os(permit eggs and arvae *Excess wa er nhea he we are havens of refuge and respite embedded The marvelous, tactile description of the venerable pa en sands w be adv ome see aeasy phys c an n person ogot ensure MB sack” or nifsed Mend rname kan Bangunan wh ch era ysaint’s •eed Agraves and cer fica econtract nc ud he re evan survey p an nsu agmosqu on can be oas a bu ng he orm o to wh ch sn oac ahas so a rom he ex env ronmen this traditional Indonesian and S.E. Asian “coconut” broom many cats and dogs will fall out of the sky in annew particularly cleaning carburettors. roof area that will flow into it. Don’t underestimate how behaviour is keeping awake all night. He two time Mrs Nicefriendlypeople, are prey their games. need an neer oeed go hrough he bhvery o quan es and with more profit than he finishes the and he ••5. Legal costs (IMB, fee, etc) column second from the right with the percentage provocative questions. His respect (dare say big and small, sprawl across Java well as Indonesia’s outer in their responses to his innumerable and sometimes of religious devotion. Hundreds of these places of worship, stumping up for a subscription. Fortunately for me the 1930s smoking cigarettes was the social norm. It was smoking affected us. When I first started smoking I went completion. This is totalled up to give you the total financial Q Make shoes ast! the weekday newspaper itself, it’s not worth my league, on a par with oil, coal and transportation. By the Whatever the case, the whole paraphenalia in and around as a “Building Permit”.It is an approval from the government • Correct land zoning for the building that is planned. in recent months where local authorities have been season can be srom ored ne ponds ofor preven er ay ng them hopping around all over the place. cou ama pSufi olot ysaints pbeen ace n he nne sanc um Key keepe shas andscape oback ndones a asfor no you usua sh nes bu us ons into place, only small amounts oflife movement in house clay been fired at low using wood (often fe ndoes genera beyond the financ as doing S nce the of FT accuracy On one occasion, seated at ashtable on the brough he Amer cas was he nwa roduc on o compensation asuch nsesy pas decade Senior Service ortemperatures alifeboat spell rolling my buildings have been properly designed specified. government’s resolve, a bad outcome can lead tooa from an industry-sponsored scheme Lambs to the slaughter comes to mind. We need to add on: check each ne em oequal assess percen age •Islands. Investing in assets that are difficult toved liquidate in aysuch hurry “Arks made to order, new models always ingood stock” the wall. roof can do a more damage than you can solidly inalso the practices of everyday scores ofsthe millions 15th C. Demak mosque 25 km east of Semarang, is adevout case means “perm othe es ab a obu dalso ng” common ys3,726 known •4. An ng Kav ng (perm oridges subd de) one needed Th she wha has happen ng nand and around Swith ngara his somewhere handphone together with some other cigarettes, but somewhat familiar with the ‘jetArak have sthe uses hough -deck very good or square sec on and he ze you chose sand dependen on avoid the most difficult period when he is the complete entered which is then calculated into ana monetary move on squestions. opped us ng aPlayers bone o bang nto aimagine. athe ong are used for specific purposes. You can take the from rabbits a couple of weeks ago and now he has Standard practice is to be heavily concreted Many roof tiles in Bali are very fragile because for the are in ardor any Visiting them has become normal in modern Java These deas have ead mod fied concep such as nsu asmall, on ma er a sYou or ncorpora by care u se ec ng cold es he empera ure d erence be ween he out of way. This because A technical point. Round gutters and round pipes ashe place) and again enough downpipes tohe suit the area of many cats and dogs will fall out of the sky in aspines particularly Have you also noticed, Balinese don’t have gutters. fertile wet season. should also make sure the You must plan slope of ave gutter along the provocative His respect (dare Iand say reverence?) big and sprawl across Java as well as Indonesia’s outer Such cases are common in Bali andis inevitably the “builder” •permitted Architect’s Fees (10%?) value of the construction that has been completed. weekend print edition ispay usually on sale atno Periplus and catered to almost everywhere. The whole up-market, Benson & Hedges ineffective their red and gold tin, Keep shoes on athe shoe ree o go persp ra on and osilica her s agnan on he ground Ra nwa er can be s ored n anks bu w hou excep on made h m ee we come we e av sh o ho y g ound he ocus o memo ab e s o es and ob ec s to build a building. stumping up for a subscription. Fortunately for me the • Drawings of the buildings that comply with local carrying out checks to make sure that houses have IMBs, 1930s smoking cigarettes was the social norm. It was smoking affected us. When I first started smoking I went comp e on Th s s o a ed up g ve you he o a financ a will crack the concrete. less than 800 degrees). To get fusion of content s beh nd a wa and have nterest n c gare es wh ch rea y k cked obacco ndus ry n o he b g finishing work and trying to get final payment. Under each of these headings will be a breakdown of the value for the amount of work completed in the right hand as a “Bu d ng Perm ” s an approva rom he governmen Make no mistake, after the land certificate the IMB is • Correc and zon ng or he bu d ng ha s p anned • Signed permission from all owners of directly n recen mon hs where oca au hor es have been demolition and several expatriates in that area have been but no such protection exists for expatriates overseas. or during an economic crisis (eg property other than one’s of people. The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism reported that point. There are myriad, priceless scenes of devoted of the in Renon Plaza, engrossed inso fares own inbrands 60s. the 70’s Iusing had pretty much worshipper. and serve tod assuage those face an underes interminable wait a• Islands. larger broom apart and then tie them together again in inJavanese them hopping around all over the place. into only small amounts movement in ma the clay been fired at low temperatures wood (often These coaches take the toll roads on Java, “Pass managed by hehe “Pass vhaus ns uhave ”He based heplace, bu ng ma er a sFees hemse ves nme er or and ex or oBy a bu dmid ngoumay be asto much as 30 cStarbucks ean ngvhaus” carbure ors roo ha w flow nwho oocat. Don ehouse how ago )drained. has been paid more than the work has completed. Structural Engineers device alongside. Preparing to be irked and for the old Sufi saints are equal in ardor any devout Visiting them has normal in modern Java plane’ of the and 60s (Rothmans, mo sthe ure me oer comp e e yha dry your shoes ge we Have you also noticed, the Balinese don’t have gutters. fertile wet season. You should also make sure the You must plan the slope of50s athe gutter along with the usua ygarea anks w no ho dtocleaning”. abecome Ex raworks wa erlike can be s ored The logic is, in fact, sound. Get the water off the roof downpipe can take a(10%?) full sized placement of downpipes. A slope of 1% to 2% is fine (as much of it ends up back in the water table. sewers are known as “self It this as roof being n he esponses o h s nnume ab e and some mes o e ous devo on Hund eds o hese p aces o wo sh p Such cases are common in Bali and inevitably the “builder” • Architect’s Fees va ue o he cons ruc on has been comp e ed bookshops around Bali. world stank of it. We did, so did our clothes and our homes. Balkan Sobranie Black Russian or enticingly foreign like building regulations. that building usage matches IMB and also that the weekend print edition is usually on sale at Periplus permitted and catered almost everywhere. The whole up-market, Benson & Hedges in their red and gold tin, An enterprising bloke down our street has a new sign up ideally you need to get up over 1,000 degrees. As a result tasks within that heading with the estimated costs. The column. Armed with this information, some common the weekday newspaper tse f t s not worth my eague on a par w h o coa and ranspor a on By he Wha ever he case he who e paraphena a n around o a trying bufor d ng •will Draw ngs oTax buroofs dto ngs haon comp yw oca -6. now averaging 17he years -the toserve go the haj tohwind Mecca. The carry ou make sure ha houses MBs 12.2 million people visited tombs of the Nine Saints in pilgrims -ng asettled hubbub ofsuch murmuring prayer and singing desired sizes/thicknesses aface number of unique uses. crack the concrete. less To get effective fusion of silica probably the most important regarding residence) neigbouring properties. warned, if milling they cannot their issues they may well gone up from, example, Rp250,000 from Bali toon C.East Java Itawill is, ofbu course, LRT (leaky time) again in South Insufficient slope on which in driving IIfJavanese recently met ahdegrees). very poor Indonesian family who had good read to control the flyaway pages tooHresolve Benson & gold orhave Marlboro have worked out that byroof running off he will end upHeng •personal Construction (10%) you look atwchecks sample file you will see that there is ya worshipper. and serve to assuage those who an wait nd Darms ad Germany whdocument ch ocusses reduc C800 (the ndown p aces asHedges Canada empera ure sdegrees u than hem newspaper and eeuntil hem dry s ow n he ground ntake ponds by ha sinterminable ore er nou he many ca sand and dogs wand aJava ourees oresults he sky n awa par ar has been paid more than the work henow has completed. •world Structural Engineers Fees pbuilding ovoca ve ques ons sMall, espec da say eve ence? b g and sma sp aw ac oss as we as ndones a meets scu eyr sense ready to rustle the pages of my broadsheet Stuyvesant, Pall etc.), the advent of Gauloises and Gitanes. Then settling down to The logic is, in fact, sound. Get the water off the roof downpipe can a full sized cat. IMBs are important, very important. placement of downpipes. Aover slope of 1% to 2% is fine (as •5. Structural services drawings to make sure that the taxes have been paid. Do not doubt the Sometimes he may add insult to injury by demanding even tasks should describe the work to be done, the type or and a healthy dose of assertiveness, you can now bookshops around Bali. outside his shop: straight onto the ground and organise for it to run away stank of it. We did, so did our clothes and our homes. Poor waterproofing of end walls where the roof Balkan Sobranie Black Russian or enticingly foreign like tiles break easily and someone climbing around on your long as you have enough brackets to keep it firmly in stump ng up for a subscr pt on Fortunate y for me the 1930s smok ng c gare es was he soc a norm was smok ng a ec ed us When firs s ar ed smok ng wen saint’s graves are havens of refuge and respite embedded The writer’s marvelous, tactile description of the venerable the amount of water flowing decreases it falls to a lower bu d ng regu a ons ha he bu d ng usage ma ches he MB and a so ha he An enterprising bloke down our street has a new sign up 2014. in crowded incense-filled chambers. The text is populated ideally you need to get up 1,000 degrees. As a result with more profit than if he finishes the project and he will • Legal costs (IMB, contract fee, etc) column second from the right with the percentage before the toll roads to now around Rp300,000. High volume So where can you invest in complete safety? • Borrowing too heavily properties in Indonesia. The building permit is not only a find themselves in trouble. now averaging 17 years to go on the haj to Mecca. The Asia and theworked time when youThe remember that last year you rain up tiles and into theeaves roof. D gno saved hard and recently roof upgraded ndones ans hem nhad ore shoes nreplacing dry of my newspaper Iso was enveloped in anese cloud of Light, which was when Iyou finally graduated to tipped roo sAthe runk branches and a sha ow renchnaround energy consump on “Pass vhaus” and s cerend fica on r gh Enve ope d you erence can be much much hSw gher) and espec aarea will have out that by running off now hehave will up • s3er Construction Tax (10%) ook adry he samp ehe fitheir esun see ha here sy a o he o d Sufi sa n s a e equa n a do o any devou ands V s ng hem has become ma n mode Java Have you a no ced he Ba don gu ers e we season You shou d a so make sure he You mus p an he s ope o a gu er a ong w h he more money, his argument being that the money paid is level of quality of the materials to be used and a quantity make sure you are not paying more than you should. On one occasion, seated at a table on the deck Senior Service or Players and a spell rolling my buildings have been properly designed and specified. government’s resolve, a bad outcome can lead to “Arks made to order, new models always in stock” the wall. roof can do a lot more damage than you can imagine. in the practices of everyday life for scores of millions 15th C. Demak mosque 25 km east of Semarang, isgo a case Gauloises and Gitanes. Then settling down to ostentatiously to attract attention for aproject Marlboro Man that is. One phase Ikeep observed with avoid the most difficult period when he is doing the complete entered which is then calculated into apercen monetary weekend pr nt ed t he on sleak usua y far sa eand at Per p us perm ed and ca ered oend a mos everywhere The who up-marke Benson & Hedges nclimbing he rto red and d nhe are mpor an very mpor an •5. S ruc ura and serv ces ngs osrespite make hee by bu d ng axes have been pa d no doub outside his shop: onto the ground and for itdown, to runcats away Poor waterproofing of walls where the roof meets tiles break easily and someone around on your long as you have enough brackets itvenerable firmly in strange supernatural characters like Gatholoco, the saint’s graves are havens of refuge and embedded The writer’s marvelous, tactile of the music videos play non-stop, so sit as away the somewhere out of the This isain also good because point. Round round such as place) and again enough downpipes tosuch suit the of where hey can ge resh a rhe and no dDo G ve aarea break your house n p aces where he ra netc) a hen w hha •solidly Choosing the wrong location for aand business with more profit than ifisn’t finishes the he will •technical Legal costs (IMB, contract fee, co umn second rom gh w h he age permit to carry out the initial building but iton also continues AA common pitfall for unwary property buyers infisure isegrave the promised you would repair that the roof the bamboo beams with timber. The upgrade was ahem nightmare It isstraight aMBs bit of aenough pain though it. It organise starts peeing level and isve concentrated ingutters adraw smaller width in pipe, the You consider doing the island favour by not putting Javanese wo sh ppe and se o assuage hose who ace an npipes ethe mBali nab wa processes have nway. ac become an ndus ry“when nfrom hemse ves smoke. Iwork was partly aware that dapper cigarettes. Like publishing, the British and bemight ween day and n gh Hum drdescription y mo sano an ssue as less than the amount of work completed. such as cubic meters (excavation, fill or concrete), square finishing and trying to get final payment. Under each of these headings will be a breakdown of the value for the amount of work completed in the right hand Make no mistake, after the land certificate the IMB is • Signed permission from all owners of directly demolition and several expatriates in that area have been of people. The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism reported that in point. There are myriad, priceless scenes of devoted of the Starbucks in Renon Plaza, engrossed in own in 60s. By the mid 70’s I had pretty much The og c s n ac sound Ge he wa er o he roo downp pe can ake a u s zed ca p acemen o downp pes A s ope o 1% o 2% s fine (as On one occasion, seated at a table on the deck Senior Service or Players and a spell rolling my bu d ngs have been proper y des gned and spec fied bookshops around Ba governmen s reso ve a bad ou come can ead wor d s ank o We d d so d d our c o hes and our homes Ba kan Sobran e B ack Russ an or en c ng y ore gn ke “Arks made to order, new models always in stock” the wall. roof can do a lot more damage than you can imagine. don wear he same pa r every day A er each wear ng c ean solidly in the practices of everyday life for scores of millions 15th C. Demak mosque 25 km east of Semarang, is a case “walking penis;” achguardian of a holy mountain who few ofhe the sites, like that ofhe Sunan Bonang inheTuban, host avoid most difficult when hegood is doing theAfact comp ehuman eplaced en ered wh s contempt hen ca cu a to edsafe. n o the aearly mone ary Use so rom d17 gg nginto rench othe make ground h-The gher monitors asglare, possible if in you don’t like noise. Passengers’ warm-up death Ihis realised that the smoke interest and faint was the 70s somewhere out of the way. This isarrived also because A Anyone technical point. Round and round pipes such as The now ave ag ng yea smany go on he olike Mecca answer is again that no investment 100% And that place) and enough downpipes suit ofo Putting all or most eggs one basket through building’s life aperiod registration document. The that, while there are professional developers Compliance with building regulations dry weather comes”. The dry weather has come…and 7. bizarre lack of understanding mysterious ways with and broken tiles everywhere. aarea result much ofwthe itthe up back water table. sewers are known as “self cleaning”. It works this as roof being drained. hends he crea on oas athe wor dwhad de ne work o consu scross who has ved ngutters aotombs co dof cper ma ehaknows how even sbadly dea w h by hea ng wh ch drisall es ou he a and rAs Indonesian man inmost early thirties American tobacco barons exercised dual dominion meters (tiling, roofing and painting) or item (washbasins, A good contractor will understand this. He/she will give and turn into elephants and whales and as Mr ans•12.2 section of flow reduces so the speed of flow down tasks within that heading with the estimated costs. The column. Armed with this information, some common your rainwater into the drains but instead returning it to million people visited the of the Nine Saints in pilgrims a milling hubbub of murmuring prayer singing probably the important document regarding neigbouring properties. warned, if they cannot resolve their issues they may well Itaphones is, of course, LRT (leaky roof time) again in South East 6. Insufficient slope roofs which results in wind driving I recently met a very poor Indonesian family who had good read trying to control the flyaway pages shoes w h so dry c o h Keep ea her shoes ubr ca ed and settled down to Benson & Hedges gold or Marlboro finishing work and trying to get final payment. Under each of these headings will be a breakdown of the va ue or he amoun o work comp e ed n he r gh hand Make no m s ake a er he and cer fica e he MB • S gned perm ss on rom a owners o d rec y demo on and severa expa r a es n ha area have been of people. The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism reported that in point. There are myriad, priceless scenes of devoted ofdogs the Starbucks in Renon Plaza, engrossed in so ha he wa er flows away rom he house Th s w he p own in 60s. By the mid 70’s I had pretty much Gau o ses and G eanes Then seBanks ng down became an icon of ous male vigor at room 79; Muslim saint who up to an million visitors athere year. theand final months of start the includes turns charging from multiple outlets s defines ratake gh roof on o ishe ground and organ sepower ordocuments o run on away ong as have enough bracke oremains firm yobno sado s gare aves athing, e havens owork eInuge esp e the embedded The wbeing e you swas ma ve ac desc psaon okeep heyou vene ab eby keeping money under the are •2014. Not developing alternative skills permit (through aaway pile of associated that the right are quite ack number that gone and still leaking. of water. the house flooded and one unusable. didn’t actually reek of tobacco, as Iaaby had much ofthe ithe ends up back in the water table. fashion branding ofwhen cigarettes in huge packs sewers known as “self cleaning”. Itdone, works like this -or ass you roof drained. Sometimes may add insult to injury demanding even tasks should describe the to be type sense and a healthy dose assertiveness, can now arch ec s an and nspec ors who pay olast be ra ned and he warmes o heading rooms can be qu y falls chNine ed dra When anewspaper contractor walks from half finished job itang toilets, doorhandles, stress pills, etc.). The price for arun aec detailed Bill of Quantities and will respect your the amount ofpeople water flowing decreases itthe to aby lower and sat down at adjoining table, put down over the world itmattress! came to international in crowded incense-filled chambers. text is populated tasks within that with the estimated costs. The co umn Armed w h h shof n on some common pro ed by po sh ng w K worma shoe po sh (Rp16 000) properties in Indonesia. The building permit is not only find themselves in trouble. keep he house dry dur ng he we season Wa er can be 12.2 million visited the tombs of Saints in was pilgrims -Light, asettled milling hubbub of murmuring prayer and singing Asia and the time when you remember that year you rain up the tiles and into the roof. saved hard and recently had their roof upgraded replacing probab y he mos mpor an documen regard ne gbour ng proper es warned hey canno reso ve he rThe ssues hey may we of my I was enveloped in cloud of which was when I finally graduated to tipped On one occas on sea ed a a ab e on he deck It is, of course, LRT (leaky roof time) again in South East 6. Insufficient slope on roofs which results in wind driving Sen or Serv ce or P ayers and a spe ro ng my I recently met a very poor Indonesian family who had anear good read trying to control the flyaway pages down to Benson & Hedges gold or Marlboro Murphy would predict you are just about to leave for work the pipe or gutter is maintained thereby helping to wash the water table either through a soak pit or an old well. gay and an atheist Sufi saint who took his dogs into Ramadan fasting month, 20,000 pilgrims a day visit the tomb or the driver. The bus stops about half-way at a buffet so d y n he p ac ces o eve yday e o sco es o m ons 15 h C Demak mosque 25 km eas o Sema ang s a case somewhere ou oadd he way Th sthe sby soprogramme good Amos echn ca po n Round gu ers and round pnot pes such as psense ace) and aga nqu enough downp pes ois su he area oIt Indonesia has been slow toapplication) start atovaccination very safe but even they can fail, although you will •single Being personally under-insured (a isPass aillegal. more money, his argument being that the money paid is and level of quality of the materials to be used and aistooquantity make sure you are not paying more you should. that are lodged with the specification of building before they obtained an IMB. This Compliance with building checked in the leaves all sorts of problems. The project is likely tobecause be unit and the total price for the for the desire to get progress inspections carried out before you They cannot afford to have the roof repaired. tragic story cer fied so hey can charge ees oita adv se des gn Sometimes may insult injury demanding even tasks should describe the work to be the type or viously and a hea hy dose oThe asser veness you can now yis hrough whave ndows or under doors ve Trop ca cMos ma es qu eregulations disland eren empera don regu ar yhard d po shes con a nthan ewas orA no wax and by strange supernatural characters like Gatholoco, the o vege ab etiles gardens compos pypandemic sototals e cdone, Edges garden the amount of water flowing decreases itneeded falls alocal lower automatically assumed itIrepair would. his coffee, opened his lap top, and positioned Cartier, Dunhill, Davidoff and the like, inevitably brands, so ILike never really got into American in crowded incense-filled chambers. The text is populated permit toand carry out the initial building but also A2014. common pitfall for unwary property buyers inepo Bali ishouse the promised you would that leak the roof “when the bamboo beams with timber. upgrade aures nightmare It is a bit of a pain though it. It starts peeing down, cats proper es nhe ndones aisn’t The bu d ng perm scontinues no on y aoflevel and concentrated in a smaller width in the pipe, the find hemse ves nare roub e You might consider doing the a favour by not putting Asia the time when you remember that last year you rain up the and into the roof. saved and recently had their roof upgraded replacing o peop e The ndones an M n s Tou sm ed ha n po n The e a e my ad p ce ess scenes o devo ed o he S arbucks n Renon P aza engrossed n own n 60s By he m d 70 s had pre y much smoke. I was partly aware that a dapper cigarettes. publishing, the British and of my newspaper was enveloped in a cloud of Light, which was when I finally graduated to tipped restaurant for meals, water, ice tea or hot tea. *The fanciest the mosque. Others were outright tricksters like the wise Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. The popularity of less than the amount of work completed. such as cubic meters (excavation, fill or concrete), square with papers clutched under your arm. wait with a is A things away. Inhave flat bottomed gutter this is not case. is clean, fresh, sterile water after all.athat Believe itolacking or not if considerably delayed and itbeen may be difficult toepurpose find a new project is also given. The description also should, where release money. but itbuilding is now well underway and accelerating. Given the have government schemes up to ain good time to personal more money, his that money paid level of quality of the materials to used and a quantity make sure you are no pay ng more han you shou dwho much oylot ends up back nbeing he wa erYou ab sewers are known as cemergency) ean ng” works ke hd host swa - as may cause shoes obuilding dry ou roo be ng dra ned the that is orargument has built and the the IMB process. For example itprotection is policy buildings should pa hways can aa a so unc on as swa es o co ec and ho er There are aoof of leaky roofs at the moment. 8. Unfortunately many tukangs don’t understand about but unfortunately all too common in acha country “walking human penis;” amuch guardian of holy mountain few of the sites, like that of Sunan Bonang in Tuban, cer bu dwould ngs des gn seeks oaeunderstanding o aunwary y“se ein m na e abe rthe eakage nthe o or ou o normally vary anywhere near as and he enge dea ng by strange supernatural characters like Gatholoco, the through the building’s life as a registration document. The fact that, while there are many professional developers Compliance with regulations 12 2 m on peop v s ed he ombs o he N ne Sa n s n p g ms a m ng hubbub o mu mu ng p aye and s ng ng perm carry ou he n bu d ng bu a so con nues A common p or proper y buyers n Ba s he dry weather comes”. The dry weather has come…and 7. A bizarre lack of of mysterious ways with badly placed and broken tiles everywhere. As a result his handphone together with some other cigarettes, but somewhat familiar with the ‘jetpromised you repair that leak in the roof “when the bamboo beams with timber. The upgrade was a nightmare It is a bit a pain though isn’t it. It starts peeing down, cats level and is concentrated a smaller width in the pipe, the You might consider doing the island a favour by not putting a good read ry ng o con ro he flyaway pages se ed down o Benson & Hedges go d or Mar boro smoke. Iman was partly aware that aarrived dapper Indonesian in his early thirties hadwhales buses from Bali to Yogya (Rp350,000), Bandung and Jakarta cigarettes. Like publishing, the British and American tobacco barons exercised dual dominion accompanied by a gold or silver bric lighter from pre-Islamic jester Semar. pilgrimages has given rise to a highly profitable services sector meters (tiling, roofing and painting) or per item (washbasins, A good contractor will understand all this. He/she will give and dogs turn into elephants and and as Mr cross section of flow reduces so the speed of flow down your rainwater into the drains but instead returning it to less than the amount of work completed. such as cubic meters (excavation, fill or concrete), square contractor willing to take on the mess that someone else relevant cross refer back to the drawings in order to tie the D2014 ghe new ho es orIwa rees bu eave hem emp ytoo w hthe ra ne limit. challenge of he geography and spread of the population itThe up But aan bank deposit can hardly called an investment became icon of male vigor at be 79; Muslim saint who to aLast million visitors athere year. In the final months of the building can berunning used for. Iroofs. recently came what sadly, allmysterious common be higher than the palm trees. high is apopu palm tree, “walking human penis;” aQuantities guardian of aaons holy mountain who few of the sites, like that ofis, Sunan in host week went to see adecreases man with water standards, training and understanding. sheet of water off the roof in front of you, itocome…and doesn’t As the amount water flowing falls itan still has fill development at it’s present pace Bali will amoun oof er flow ng aaoprice sfito opouring afor ower he bu d ng hrough he use oBonang non rTuban, permeab hhouse hum d ycontinues sflooded no an easy prob em owill so ve Crea ng nw cno owded ncense fitobacco ed chambe sitHow The ex srespect ed permit defines (through a pile associated documents that do the right thing, are quite aess number that start hrough bu d ng selephants ethe as aof reg shad ra on documen ac ha wh eupon here are many pro ona deve opers Comp ance w th bu dand ng regu at gone and the roof is still leaking. ofA water. the was one room remains unusable. dry weather comes”. The dry weather has 7. A bizarre lack of understanding of the ways with badly placed and broken tiles everywhere. As aahave result o my newspaper was enve oped n a c oud When a contractor walks away from a half finished job it toilets, doorhandles, stress pills, etc.). The a you a detailed Bill of and your L gh wh ch was when fina y gradua ed o pped device alongside. Preparing to be irked and plane’ brands of the 50s and 60s (Rothmans, are operated by Pahala Kencana. Cheaper buses to all Indonesian man in his early thirties arrived American barons exercised dual dominion called wisata ziarah (pilgrimage tourism) in which pilgrims and sat down at an adjoining table, put down over the world when came to international meters (tiling, roofing and painting) or per item (washbasins, A good con rac or w unders and a h s He she w g ve and dogs turn into and whales and as Mr cross section of flow reduces so the speed of flow down your rainwater into the drains but instead returning it to has left. Unfortunately the sort of contractor who perhaps specifications stated on the drawings as part of this If you know you are not a very assertive person beware Q ndustry k er whpipe ch awor so en he so soyear. ha when rees are p an a the he as As will was registering this, thearesufficient man a leave Dupont oreither other purveyor of79; cadet luxe. would predict you justraised about to forbeen work Identifying the gutter is maintained thereby helping toed wash the table through aatesoak or an old well. It was gay and an atheist Sufi saint who took his dogs into Ramadan fasting month, 20,000 pilgrims asea day visit the tomb became an icon of male vigor apit Muslim saint who up million visitors a In the final months of still take athe have theswater effective interest rate isregulations zero in USD or other major previous mistakes will help in developing future occurrence, ason very expensive villa nearing completion well, for implementation purposes, itavour is defined as five by ange na uL ang cha ac sng ke Ga ho oco he IIMurphy was talking to an insurance salesman wet season. into ato bedroom. When we came to inspect the roof itnpe was Bu me sof ng on and deve opmen sng con nue witsare hsingle cons ruc ma ara sstress and he use o ng ape othe s All com orto ab esupe vthe ng spaces sare odistant en ach eved hrough he that are lodged with the the ofca building before they obtained an This is illegal. perm defines (mov hrough aaware p eHarta, o assoc a ed documen Compliance with building is checked in the ha doand he r concen gh herhave ng here are qu eIMB. aflow number ha snhe ara leaves all sorts problems. The project is likely to be unit and the total price for the totals needed for desire get progress inspections carried out before you gone and roof is still leaking. They cannot afford to have the roof repaired. A tragic story of water. the house was flooded and one room remains unusable. sJava bopened owhile awas pa nbefore hough sn speople ar sspecification pee down ssame eve ed n a sma er w d h n he p You m gh cons der do he s and a by no pu ng smoke par yapplication) ha ahalf dapper When a contractor walks away from alast half finished job toilets, doorhandles, pills, etc.). The price for you a de a ed B o Quan es and w respec your c gare es ke pub sh he Br sh and around are run by Gunung Sedyamulya, Safari slow so you make a dash for the car. Damn, where is the width of gutter so the speed of drops and a water shortage in the not too future. whisked around by chartered bus to as many as 9 tombs the esteemed personages echoes of Java’s ancient and sat down at an adjoining table, put down over world when it came to international Recen governmen regu a ons are very un avorab e and ready to rustle the pages of my broadsheet his coffee, his lap top, and positioned brands, so I never really got into American Stuyvesant, Pall Mall, etc.), until the advent of had planned all along to walk away from a finished job document. This provides legal protection. The costs are that the contractor may sense this and feel that he can end o he wegutter season hey w pilgrims grow be er Murphy would predict you are just about to leave for work the pipe or is maintained thereby helping to wash the mosque. Others were outright tricksters like the wise of Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. The popularity of local the water table either through a soak pit or an old well. was gay and an atheist Sufi saint who took his dogs into Ramadan fasting month, 20,000 a day visit the tomb wa kunfortunately human sto a gua d an a ho ysa moun alacking nidea who A ew ounit he sgiven. ke ha ongs Sunan Bonang n roofs Tuban hos vaccinated to eradicate the disease but the journey has One ofpen accepted ‘safest’ havens isbe the US plans. small expensive-looking black and with papers clutched under your arm. You wait with abe away. In aes flat bottomed gutter this is not case. clean, fresh, sterile water all. Believe itdom or not ifIt considerably delayed and may difficult to find a benew project is also The also should, where release money. All buildings in Bali should have an IMB which were able to determine had no IMB. floors or 15 metres. There is, of course, one famous Q Supermarket Savvy He had his in his hands. surprisingly well made and one of the in a currencies. Ifis your roof iser badly leaking itafter might good to ha are odged w he app ca on) he spec fica on oMr bu dwe ng be ore hey have ob atours ned an MB Th seakages ega Comp ance w hthe d ng regu aoexerc ons checked he the building that is orrectangular has built and the purpose the IMB process. For example itdto is policy that buildings should leaves all sorts of problems. The project is likely to and the total price for the totals needed for the des re o ge progress nspec ons carr ed ou ore you broader based concep emerg ng ha ake ho sin cthings Pressure es ng othe bu ddescription sdon’t used ofew find aIsthe rsuggest They cannot afford have the roof repaired. A tragic story There are ahead lot of leaky roofs at the moment. use ong open ven abu ed bu ng des gn ha makes use o‘jet8. Unfortunately many tukangs understand about but all too common in abe country in Darma Raya and Restu Mulya; approximate fare: Denpasarndones an man nof hattract seitbeen ear yskey hbe es had arr ved cyour ear yra do no suppor he so ar ndus ry as mposes ex ra Amer can obacco barons sed dua nn on 6ofsingle days. Run on a shoestring, the are composed mostly tantric heritage that fused Hindu-Buddhist tantra and yoga may well be the sort person that will have also cut totalled up to give us TOTAL cost of the project. exploit you. It might be best find someone to represent and dogs urn nh o ephan srjust and wha es and as cross sec on o flow reduces so he speed o flow down his coffee, opened his lap top, and positioned nwa n o he dra ns bu ns ead re urn ng o brands, so I never really got into American his handphone together with some other cigarettes, but somewhat familiar with the ostentatiously enough to attention for a Marlboro Man that is. One phase I observed with pre-Islamic jester Semar. pilgrimages has given rise to a highly profitable services sector key on the key ring? Then the won’t go into the anything being washed down falls to the bottom and is left. the mosque. Others were outright tricksters like the wise Sunan Ampel in Surabaya. The popularity of local became an con osterile ma ethe veven go 79 a Beach Mus mHotel sa nor who upif someone o a malso on sflat o bottomed sThe aspend yea n he this fina mon hs owhere he Treasury contractor willing to take on the mess that someone else relevant cross refer back to the in order to tie the with papers clutched under your wait ang things away. In avgoing gutter is not the case. is clean, fresh, water after all. Believe itpalm not ifd gun. bond. That’s why sovereign countries invest considerably delayed be difficult topurpose a new project ismeasure description should, re ease money that isofgiven. to perhaps aall million dollars heof bu d ng ha or has bu and he he exception to this –and Grand Bali which MB process For examp ecommon sa po cy bu ngs shou building can be used for. Iroofs. recently came upon what is, drawings sadly, too common be no higher the palm trees. How high is “Merry Christmas” I Preparing said. There are awork. lot of roofs at the moment. “standard” house Iwent seen with aalso full membrane 8.the Unfortunately many don’t understand about simply start again. The tiles can be removed, a but unfortunately all too in aha country lacking charges oover peop erule who wan gr d-connec ed so arndawaterproof ns aage aona Last week Iit. see aone man with water pouring standards, training and understanding. silver object to his mouth and took awith toke. Upon exhale anwith We just didn’t realise In hindsight has to wonder sheet water running offand the roof in front ofand you, itfind doesn’t For most of us Ithan suspect, back atwere the golden of As amount water flowing falls itan still has to fill the development continues at it’s present pace Bali will have Q Beware the Thave ck approaches o he cons ruc on oarm. bu dYou ngs ncorpora and o how ato rtukangs gh hey are preva ng breezes na ura convec on curren son Yogya Rp270,000, Rp200,000, Denpasarand sa down asleaky an oitbeen nmay ng ab eabou pu down he wor dlooking when came oh erna corners in the you inwa dealing making payments make ittree, isin ofcalled women who wear like-colored t-shirts, sleep in the with Sufism. The majority of the saints opponents of his handphone together some other cigarettes, but somewhat familiar with the ‘jetdevice alongside. to be irked plane’ brands of the 50s and (Rothmans, ziarah (pilgrimage tourism) inhas which pilgrims pre-Islamic jester Semar. pilgrimages has given rise to highly profitable services sector Murphy wou dDenpasar-Malang pred cad you are us o eave orelse work hewisata p pe or gu er son ma na000 athe ned hereby he p ng obus, wash he er ab ewith e her hrough an soak pbut or60s an odogs dsure we was gay and an a he s Sufi sa who ook s n o Ramadan as ng mon h 20 p g ms a day v s he omb warm-up death glare, I realised that the smoke interest and faint contempt was the early 70s has left. Unfortunately the sort of contractor who perhaps specifications stated the drawings as part of this If you know you are not a very assertive person beware contractor willing to take on the mess that someone relevant cross refer back to drawings in order to tie the Learn how o read a ood abe lock. flop, wet through, on the car seat and you The Victorians this principle well when building A final word of advice, paint your plastic gutters, brackets trillions ofhofby dollars inse them. How much interest you Points for consideration moving forward So ar pane owners are now os ng 35% o he raswith genera on buYou can used recen y came wha sUnfortunately sad ynearing athe oo common be nofor gher han he pa m rees How his gh s pa m ree TAs cakthe sbedroom. aamount a cunderstood kthe daupon oIhave gwent s we n occurrence, aweek very expensive villa completion roofs. to see aof man with water pouring well, implementation purposes, defined as five standards, training and understanding. sheet of water running off the roof inon front of you, itwest doesn’t Unfortunately many building aLast villa itnow is perfectly reasonable expectation that of water flowing falls itan still has the tobacco, was built the government in the 1960s before the “palm development continues at present pace Bali have I Surabaya was talking to an insurance salesman last wet season. into When came to inspect roof itfill was “Get stuffed” he said. installed under roof tiles. leaks membrane installed and the existing tiles replaced. This isof Alright so we our Bill Quantities this someone you trust. Rp180,000. *If stand Jl. Bypass ssng ra eg esbe ha pro ec and enhance he wor dstare s the c of ma esame hd co ee opened hor syou ap op and pos oned brands so never rea ycks go nthe Amer can D ficu es do ar on ho days when he a rowould swill and mosque or rest pavilions, eat takeaway food and shop for followers austere Islamic orthodoxy slow so you make adon’t. for the Damn, where is device alongside. Preparing tocar. be irked and width of gutter so the speed of flow drops and plane’ brands of the 50s and 60s (Rothmans, a shortage in the too distant future. astonishingly copious of vapour billowed forth, was aspecifications non-smoker managed tothe get through in such athis now that the stench isit’s gone, aitse pleasant exercise called wisata ziarah tourism) in around by chartered bus to as as 9to tombs All the esteemed are echoes of Java’s ancient he mosque O he sArab-style we enot ou eve shuge ke he wtheir se owhisked Sunan Ampe n(pilgrimage Su abaya The popu asmall yand opilgrims oca ready to rustle the pages of my broadsheet Stuyvesant, Mall, etc.), until advent had planned all along to walk away from a half finished job document. This legal protection. The costs are that the contractor may sense this and feel that he can has left. Unfortunately the sort of contractor whowa perhaps stated on drawings as part ofcase you know you are no aer very asser person beware o cu ca or es ncrease don didn’t reek of tobacco, as I had fashion branding of cigarettes in packs by wactually htalking papers ccloud udash ched under your arm You we ary hhow aare hween ngs away nprovides a fla bo omed gu er hmany slife swhich no he swater cRight ean resh spersonages er ePall wa agh er ais Be eve or no and make era y mposs b e o so ar pane s n be he r oes and n occurrence a very expens ve v a near ng comp e on we or mp emen a on purposes s defined as five This means that everyone should be making their plans get? now you would get close to 1.5% per annum on I was to an insurance salesman last wet season. into a bedroom. When we came to inspect the roof it was All buildings in Bali should have an IMB which we were able to determine had no IMB. I suggest floors or 15 metres. There is, of course, one famous So how do we protect ourselves? should become a part of the legal documentation that He had his head insort his hands. surprisingly well made and of the few roofs inby roof badly leaking itfind might be asun good idea a permit obtained beforehand. tree” was established. Denpasar’s Terminal in place where it’sher easy for a religious A week later IUbung saw him again. where the end walls meet the roof been “repaired” aexploit comprehensive waterproofing job, the tiles not be-to hplanned sso handphone oge her h some cccon gare es bu somewha am ar w hwill heancient e out through the windscreen asofaaway the rain eases off. The sewerage systems in Britain. and downpipes. Ultra violet light from the damages and env ronmen Such nw a ves nc he Green 4gwhisked E m na on Therma Br dges souvenirs. So relentlessly popular are the tours that pretentions of Middle Eastern dress, their faux-pious slow you make aThen dash for the car. Damn, where is the empera ures d up same width of gutter speed of flow drops and aha water shortage in the not too distant future. are around by chartered bus to as many as 9of tombs All the esteemed personages echoes of Java’s 6building Run ais the tours are composed mostly tantric heritage that fused Hindu-Buddhist tantra and yoga pIf eyour srule am es ebu Sema pdays. mages has goshoestring, ven seso olegal a hone gh yhad pthe ofi ab e se vand ces sec oa in may well be the of person that will also cut totalled up toon give us the TOTAL cost of the project. you. Itisrac might be best toare to represent ready to rustle the pages my Stuyvesant, Pall Mall, etc.), until the advent of had all along to walk from ahave half finished job document. This provides protection. The costs are he or may sense h ssomeone and ee ha he can ostentatiously enough to attract attention for aoude Marlboro Man that is. One phase Ilike, observed with fiber nbroadsheet ake and make hea h erin key on the key ring? the key just won’t go into the anything being washed down falls to bottom is left. taken by the wind toward and past myself, on to envelop tobacco-ridden environment. Think of the allure a nostalgia. We grew up and matured alongside it all the ndones a The new regu a on an a erna ve energy ndus ry he r ears Brush down and automatically assumed it would. Cartier, Dunhill, Davidoff and the inevitably shee o wa er runn ng o he roo n ron o you doesn As he amoun o wa er flow ng a s s has o fi he deve opmen con nues a s presen pace Ba w have A bu d ngs n Ba shou d have an MB wh ch we were ab e o de erm ne had no MB sugges floors or 15 me res There s o course one amous becomes part of the building contract. The builder must Look out for tell tale signs of dodgy dealings. Don’t let He had his head in his hands. surprisingly well and one of the few roofs in aa If your roof is badly it50s might be aopponents good idea to that ifdays. someone isaagoing to spend perhaps anfull million dollars exception to this rule –leaking the Grand Bali Beach Hotel which how best toce emerge from the pandemic and readjust to a cut 10-year bond. You would get your money back the end, Everyone will be faced with personal challenges in finding “Merry Christmas” said. “standard” house Imade have seen with aproperly membrane simply start again. The tiles can be removed, aat waterproof bus todev stop, are often able toaattention the fare The IMB the responsibility of owner the building. ayou ongs de Prepar ng obargain be rked and pbecause ane brands othat he and 60s (Ro hmans corners inis the work. you inooheritage dealing with making payments but make sure itwith is “Happy New Year” II said. in 6 Run on shoestring, the tours are composed mostly tantric that fused Hindu-Buddhist tantra and yoga people who, instead of repairing the roof from the damaged they have not been walked on and the ca ed w sa a z ah p g mage ou sm wh ch p g ms may well be the sort of person that will have also totalled up to give us the TOTAL cost of the project. exp you m gh be bes o find someone o represen participants don’t even get close to the small, inner burial mannerisms and claim to religious piety and learning. of women who wear like-colored t-shirts, sleep in the bus, with Sufism. The majority of the saints were of Produc Counc ndones athe non governmen non profi ostentatiously enough to attract for aofficial Marlboro Man that is. One phase I observed cho ces Aof power u o the omost key on the key ring? Then the key just won’t go into anything being washed down falls to the bottom and is left. k er pro ec PLN s crea ng a rea headache or everyone soggy papers clutched under you arm are starting to run warm-up death glare, I realised that the smoke the plastic. You may see old pipes can become faded interest and faint contempt was the early 70s wash your dogunderstood wtohsconstruct wa ered lock. You flop, wet through, onthat; the car seat and stare The Victorians this principle well building A final word advice, paint your plastic gutters, brackets We use standardised systems ifmy well set up,you properly sign up agree to this document. emotions take over, be never assume the someone go ng o smoking spend perhaps awhen m on do ars packaging, excep on oof haccoutrements, spe ruArab-style e –methodical he Grand Ba Beach Ho e This wh ch accompanied by aof gold or silver bric from other tables nearby, only on the far side of the and elegant woman aween cigarette, athe not the the advertisements, “Merry Christmas” Idissipating said. “standard” Ilike-colored have seen with asleep full membrane simply start again. The tiles can be alighter waterproof Unfortunately many don’t. building asked villa is asit perfectly reasonable expectation that was by the government inIslamic the 1960s before the “palm “Get stuffed” he said. installed under the roof tiles. Unfortunately small leaks membrane installed the existing tiles replaced. is world that is back normal. by the US government there is no guarannew work, restarting ahave closed business or starting a new Alright so we now our Bill of Quantities and this someone you trust. down considerably. (However, ifor the bus issmoke inspected bysnabeautiful sready ow so you make ato dash car Damn where he same w dout hhouse o gu er so he otiled flow drops and corners inIgetting work. ner dea ng w mak ng paymen sorthodoxy bu make sure s ayou wa age he no oo sbut an ure aha e wh ait ound by eaccording ed bus o as many as 9and ombs A he es eemed sonages a ed echoes o Java sadven anc of women who wear t-shirts, in bus, with Sufism. The majority the saints were opponents othe rus ethen he pages oyour broadshee S uyvesan Pa e cand )sremoved, un he oof mosque or rest pavilions, eat takeaway food and shop for followers of austere with their If you are the owner will be responsibility, ifronmen you fact itto is hard to understand why developers orex builders Building design have elements of Balinese but have to in dense ranks on patio floors “Where can buy razor blades?” he said “my gas oven has outside, tore parts of the membrane from inside in cost isbuilt not too because the existing tiles can reused. based organ sa comm ed oo and aIn nu rhe ona n s env packed ochamber Any h ng ha dregu rec ycha connec sspeed be he er or and guaranteed The bes so uhigh on or ho cMa ma es ou des gn bu d en ngs ser ous yshor mpac nnhmust aand nves men genera on and sav ngs warm-up death glare, Iiton realised that the interest and faint contempt was the early 70s down shampoo ar y didn’t actually reek of tobacco, as I had fashion branding of cigarettes in huge packs by lock. You flop, wet through, on the car seat you stare The Victorians understood this principle well when building A final word of advice, paint your plastic gutters, brackets thought out and aThe rigidly applied; minimise the risks You might want to add a penalty clause should he not contractor is your best friend and is going to be benevolent Un or una e y many don bu d ng a v a s a per ec y reasonab e expec a on ha was bu by he governmen n he 1960s be ore he “pa m ink onto your shirt. worst bit was that initial drenching Having said this I would always recommend the square and the plastic brittle when exposed continually to “Get stuffed” he said. installed under the roof tiles. Unfortunately small leaks membrane installed and the existing tiles replaced. This is Alright so we now have our Bill of Quantities and this someone you rus So how do we protect ourselves? should become a part of the legal documentation that a building permit is obtained beforehand. tree” rule was established. As I was registering this, the man raised a Dupont or other purveyor of cadet luxe. n 6 days Run on a shoes ng he ou s a e composed mos y an c he age ha used H ndu Buddh s an a and yoga A week later I saw him again. company employee, they might make you hide in the toilet.) where the end walls meet the roof had been “repaired” by mosque or rest pavilions, eat takeaway food and shop for followers of austere Arab-style Islamic orthodoxy with their a comprehensive waterproofing job, the tiles will not be out through the windscreen as the rain eases off. The sewerage systems in Britain. and downpipes. Ultra violet light from the sun damages tee asbroken to its purchasing power ten years! one. A glance at the in thedIMB. previous paragraph should religious So popular are tours pretentions Middle Eastern dress, their faux-pious os en a ahe ous yyreek enough otobacco, ades rac aand enstorm or a go Mar boro Man hareplaced sin One phase observed hby deck. Impressive in way. What kind of aas cloud, and powerful image then. As awith red–tiles all designed to entice. all around the vicinity. Bandit Saints of Java paints an astonishing portrait of Islam over 25 years he ny “Nu r responsibility. on Fac s”In pane on key he key us won o uncommon he any hsouvenirs. ng be ng washed aback s worse. o rans he boerthe om and sthat rent orkey lease building is your landlord’s so proceed without an If they comply the design noften roduce Bravec oolist nrelentlessly oa hbu sdown run out ofand gas.” fact made the problem much, much Any can be and the tiles can be respons bits nr ng? bu dThen ng gn cons ruc on n er or sur ace ng can hea Th se ssponsorships didn’t actually Ion had ha comb ne he wo approaches w hor a ry open vwng fashion branding of cigarettes in huge packs automatically assumed itit of would. Cartier, Dunhill, Davidoff and the like, inevitably involved keeps contractors in check. These systems complete the contract, ifke refuses such aeep clause this to you. Keep an eye out for vagueness ofon detail in So how do we protect ourselves? should become asSo part of the legal documentation that becomes part ofdon’t the building contract. builder must Look out tell tale signs oflight dodgy dealings. Don’t let a bu d ng perm ob ahe ned be orehand ree” ru efor was es ab shed A week later I more saw him again. where the end walls meet the roof had been “repaired” by sunlight. a waterproofing the tiles will not be out through the windscreen as the rain eases off. The oa women who wea coBali. oclose ed sh sThe sare nyou he bus w hcomprehensive Sufism The ma o today yviolet ohas he sa njob, sofwe elack opponen s 70s othe sewerage systems in Britain. and downpipes. Ultra from the sun damages religious souvenirs. relentlessly popular the tours that pretentions of Middle Eastern dress, their faux-pious The IMB is the responsibility of the owner of the building. *Trains are also competitive now, about the same cost “Happy New Year” I said. people who, instead of repairing the roof properly from the damaged because they have not been walked and most participants even get to the small, inner burial mannerisms and claim to religious piety and learning. small expensive-looking rectangular black and We can all learn from the experience give few hints on what to avoid. But no matter how hard F rs check ou he ca or c warm-up dea h g are rea sed ha he smoke ood wh ch you can buy or n eres and a n con emp was he ear y as you plunged through the sheet of water coming off the box section gutter for use in Why? Because can The grey plastic a pigment in it to protect it as it’s actually practiced by many Java’s 130 million soggy papers clutched under you are starting run the plastic. You may see that old pipes can become faded Do not buy orQuantities aof building that does not have anto IMB regulations and obtain the at the will avoid “You can’t bake a cake with razor blade” Isea responded. painted to seal them. automatically assumed itbaa would. Cartier, Dunhill, Davidoff and the like, inevitably ock You flop we hrough onarm he car and you sng aremight The Vtocwarning or unders ood haccording sakeaway prreality, nc pstart eto when bu d ng wondered, would alease party half-a-dozen such tokers emit? A fina word o over, adv ce pa nya your poras cring gu ers bracke sIf blooded non-smoking man how ifwe your dreams espec aagree y ans he case w hpermit me ain componen sthey such as copper areas ha have h gh ce ngs and o her rooms such as becomes part of the building contract. The builder must Look ou or e a eab smethodical gns o dodgy dea ngs Don e use a Bill Of and Schedule of Payments. ring bells. the Bill of Quantities. Excuses should alarm bells. We use standardised systems that; if well set up, properly sign up to construct this document. emotions take be and never assume the accompanied by gold silver bric lighter from The MB s he respons y o he owner o he bu d mosque o es pav ons ea ood and shop o o owe s o aus e e A s e s am c o hodoxy w h he “Happy New Year” I said. people who, instead of repairing the roof properly from the damaged because they have not been walked on and the most participants don’t even get close to the small, inner burial mannerisms and claim to religious piety and learning. If you are the owner then it will be your responsibility, if you In fact it is hard to understand why developers or builders Building design must have elements of Balinese chamber but have to sit in dense ranks on tiled patio floors as buses because bus fares have risen because of toll road “Where can I buy razor blades?” he said “my gas oven has outside, tore out parts of the membrane from inside and in cost is not too high because the existing tiles can reused. Rp90 000 bo e rom pe n ake o one serv ng he soggy papers clutched under you arm are starting to run the plastic. You may see that old pipes can become faded d dn ac ua y reek o obacco as had ash on brand ng o c gare es n huge packs by This is why we need to invest in the capital markets. There you try it is impossible to avoid all risks and this must be acsilver object to his mouth and took a toke. Upon exhale an Most are off the beaten track and don’t appear on modern people. The author is a superb, witty and entertaining writer We just didn’t realise it. In hindsight one has has to wonder For most of us I suspect, looking back at the golden age of or you may have problems. If you lease a building that has problems and increased expense later on. The design of buildings is also checked in the IMB We use standardised systems that; if well set up, properly sign up to agree to construct according to this document. emo ons ake over be me hod ca and never assume he “Get stuffed” he said. For information about flat concrete roofs go to https://www. accompanied by a gold or silver bric lighter from thought out and a rigidly applied; minimise the risks You might want to add a penalty clause should he not contractor is your best friend and is going to be benevolent roof. get good brackets for them. These nI buy a he ves are bethe ng w de ythat app ed wor dHaving from UV but the sun isworkers intense here and you will extend he his this there is ato org aous um n um pIpes ndow rames andon hand es workrooms and bedrooms ha osuggests ow Pass ve House onto your shirt. The worst bit man was initial drenching said this would recommend the square and the plastic brittle when continually ou hrough wthis, ndscreen as he ra nresponsibility. eases oheca The sys nwge Br aand nmake and downp pes U ra vEas opurveyor ean rom he sun damages esewerage souven sbe So e en ess yranks popu atoeven athat e door he ou s ders ha pdesign ecannot en ons o M dd e e gh n dexposed he aux preused. ous As Iyou was registering raised aacross Dupont or other of cadet luxe. Whatink about the proverbial smoke-filled back be came true, would you able to love woman? the time Ikeep looked up the man with the laptop and his are he owner hen w be your respons blike? yyp you n ac s hard o why deve opers orwith buand Bu d ng des gn must have eess ements of Ba nese chamber but have tounders sit inalways dense tiled patio floors “Where can razor he said “my gas oven has outside, tore out parts of the membrane from inside in By cost is not too high because the existing tiles can shops or Hardy sems You all around the vicinity. Bandit Saints of Java paints astonishing portrait of Islam rent or lease aca building it blades?” ispeople your landlord’s so often proceed without an IMB. If they comply the amoun orooms he produc ymaps surcharges. run out of gas.” fact made the problem much, much worse. Any broken tiles can be replaced and the tiles can be au oma yimpacted assumed wou dman Car er Dunh Dav do he ke nev ab yin make itpan into the pages of aocLonely Planet guidebook. who vividly records what saw and felt close-up on the The pandemic has in many different ways. short term risk to be sure, but history has shown they will cepted as part of the deal ififec you wish to remain independent. thought out and aThe rigidly applied; minimise the risks You might want to add aalways penalty clause should he not con rac or sis your bes rhe end and sand go ng olack be benevo en astonishingly copious cloud of vapour billowed forth, was how aor non-smoker to get through innne such aa is tobacco, now that the stench is gone, is agh pleasant exercise ink onto your shirt. worst bit was that initial drenching Having said this Imanaged would recommend the square involved and keeps contractors in check. These systems complete the contract, he refuses such alife clause this to you. Keep an eye out for vagueness or of detail and the plastic brittle when exposed continually to A good Project Manager can set up and manage these The Schedule of Payments problem. If the staff walk off find out why and if they have an IMB and wish to use it for a different purpose than is process. It stated government policy enshrined in As I was registering this, the raised a Dupont or other purveyor of cadet luxe. There are other options such as replacing your tiles with and have resu ed n he crea on o new ndus r es mos pa c s don even ge ose o he sma bu manne sms and c a m o e g ous p e y and ea n ng C ever des gn and se on ma er a s can avo d herma pr nc p es Sma spaces ha are a r and have h gh all around the vicinity. Bandit Saints of Java paints an astonishing portrait of Islam ren or ease a bu d ng s your and ord s respons b y so o en proceed w hou an MB hey comp y w h he small expensive-looking rectangular black and des gn around 4-5 mon omuch, run out of gas.” fact made the problem much worse. Any broken tiles can bewhat? replaced and the tiles can be as you plunged through the sheet of water coming off section gutter forhs use in Bali. Why? Because youavoid can sunlight. The grey plastic has admany in itetc. to protect it soggy papers cau building ched under you arm are s aran ngIMB o000 runbox he pactually as c seal You may ha od ppigment pes can become aded as it’s practiced today by of Java’s 130 million the life of the plastic ifsee you paint it. consumed aresponded. once 2the Do not buy or lease that does not have regulations and obtain thefrom permit at the start they will “You can’t bake a cake with a razor blade” I Would they be able to see other? And don’t let’s be gender specific here – it works everywhich painted to them. vape had gone. You know E-cigarettes kill only involved and keeps contractors in check. These systems complete the contract, if he refuses such a clause this o you Keep an eye ou or vagueness or ack o de a accompan ed by a go or s ver br c gh er rom These landmarks inherited the distance past are buried ground. Though some of the material is almost impossibly use a Bill Of Quantities and a Schedule of Payments. might ring warning bells. the Bill of Quantities. Excuses should ring alarm bells. Ifn Some big companies have actually profited from the panmaintain and often enhance the real value of your investsystems for you. been paid you can bet your the contractor will be taken by the wind toward and past myself, onand to envelop tobacco-ridden environment. Think of the allure asd not inFor nostalgia. We grew up and matured alongside itoners all - the chambe bu have o strack n dense anks on ed pa o of floo small expensive-looking rectangular black stated on the IMB (say you want to use your building for Keep everything legal legislation that buildings are tovery have elements ofday. traditional as you plunged through the sheet of water coming off the box section gutter for use in Bali. Why? Because you can sunlight. The grey plastic has alife pigment in itgolden to protect it For some who have lived in Bali for a while a leaky roof is html “Colourbond” but we’ll talk about that another as it’s actually practiced today by many of Java’s 130 million manu ac ur ng spec a s produc s such as cons ruc on rea men s rom one bo e br dges and grea y reduce energy oss eve s o nsu a on can use sma a r cond o Do no buy or ease a bu d ng ha does no have an MB regu a ons and ob a n he perm a he s ar hey w avo “You can’t bake a cake with a razor blade” I responded. painted to seal them. ca or es s he average da y silver object to his mouth and took a toke. Upon exhale an Most are off the beaten and don’t appear on modern people. The author is a superb, witty and entertaining writer We just didn’t realise it. In hindsight one has has to wonder most of us I suspect, looking back at the age of This less chemicalized sauce is used to cook many iconic * Shoe Sense or you may have problems. If you lease a building that has problems and increased expense later on. The design of buildings is also checked in the IMB use acan Bill and of sed Payments. might ring bells. hecannot BUV oof Quan es shou d r ng amind arm be “Get stuffed” he said. For information about flat concrete roofs go totosolid https://www. nk onwas oOf your shs reridea. The wors b man was ra ha n aa drench ng Hav ng sawarning dtoreturn hthe sfor wou d a ways recommend heplastic square ament and he pbook’s as cor br eExcuses when exposed con nua ythat roof. get good brackets them. from but the sun isworkers intense here and you will extend he keep his this suggests there isso Ia As reg ng h sa Schedule he A gutter be aQuantities good Dupon o her purveyor othe cade uxe The brackets for box section gutters are good under the new geography of cities, highways, ports, railroads, esoteric, the most vital contribution in my is Now we come important part, we have determine dishonest with you. It is also well to remember that happy way. handfull people a year, so on scale of lethality demic, in particular those that have provided essential serover the long term. Be wary of high investments a a ound he v c n y Band Sa n s o Java pa n s an as on sh ng po a o s am enough or wo dogs For silver object to his mouth and took a toke. Upon exhale an Most are off the beaten track and don’t appear on modern people. The author is a superb, witty and entertaining writer We just didn’t realise it. In hindsight one has has to wonder For most of us I suspect, looking back at the golden age of other tables nearby, only dissipating on the far side of the beautiful and elegant woman smoking a cigarette, a not packaging, the accoutrements, the advertisements, the keeping elephants orare perhaps night time activities Balinese in them. Researchers who today struggle tofor trace dynamics ofis just part ofmay texture that makes life in Bali or you have prob ems you ease a bu dforth, ng ha has re erence amoun ha you prob ems and a erPlanet on Thevividly des ostaff bu dstench sbeef a so he ma erthe acopious swonderful ha ess damag ng othe he env ronmen and dry he adesign rbut and coo space maps or make it into the pages oftoa Lonely guidebook. who records he saw and felt close-up on the “Get stuffed” he said. ForSchedule information about flatexpense concrete roofs go to https://www. roof. get good brackets for them. from UV the sun isngs intense here and you extend he canno keep hwhat she workers h s checked sugges sifnwill here sMB a astonishingly cloud of billowed was like semur (Indonesian stew potatoes and how a non-smoker managed get through life intourist such a itdishes tobacco, now that the is gone, is awith pleasant exercise A good Project Manager set up and manage these ofncreased Payments problem. If the walk off find out why and they an IMB and to use itcan for avapour different purpose than process. Itgn stated government policy in There are other options such replacing your tiles with sma expens veook ng rec angu ar bwa ack and Bill Of Quantities aThe schedule of We start by saying we’ll give you workers will do better work than unhappy workers. factories, boundaries and gives one faith that Indonesia’s lovely, animist native as you pwish unged hrough he shee oknew er com ng owas he box sec onpayments. gu eradministrative or use ninof Ba Why? Because you can sun gh The grey pleft cevil has aas pit. gmen na o pro echave as swhere ac ua yis pplastic ac ced oday by many o Java senshrined 130 m on the life of the ifas you paint an ma splantations, he Ba nese use vices to populations in lockdowns and working from home. maps or make it into the pages a Lonely Planet guidebook. who vividly records what he saw and felt close-up on the that hold the gutter firmly place and can take a Now did I put that spirit? astonishingly copious cloud of vapour billowed forth, how a non-smoker managed to get through life in such a tobacco, now that the stench is gone, is a pleasant exercise It wasn’t that I was completely unaware. I smoking religious change in modern Java are unanimous in one thing: reckon folks can be in peace to take small toke of shou d shoo or D a down involving “social networking” when it is currently registered A good Project Manager can set up and manage these The Schedule of Payments prob em he s a wa k o find ou why and hey have Many assume that financial lubrication will achieve These landmarks inherited from the distance past are buried ground. Though some of the material is almost impossibly an MB and w sh o use or a d eren purpose han s process s s a ed governmen po cy enshr ned deck. Impressive in its way. What kind of a storm cloud, I uncommon and powerful image back then. As a redsponsorships – all designed to entice. what it is. Be careful who you let onto your roof. Of course if it carries on raining at this rate the roof leaks There are other options such as replacing your tiles with energy sav ng bu d ng componen s such as hea and 5 Mechan ca Ven a on systems for you. not been paid you can bet your life the contractor will- the ben tofu), nasi goreng (fried and mie goreng (fried noodles). taken the wind toward and past myself, topopular envelop tobacco-ridden environment. Think of contractor the allure of an kajawen inthe nostalgia. We grew up and matured alongside it wage all There was a time Indonesian shoes were in stated on the IMB (say you toook use building for Keep everything legal legislation that buildings are tong have elements of traditional For some who have in Bali for a while aonleaky roof is html “Colourbond” but we’ll talk about that day. life of the plastic you so much started. gives the some sby ver ob ec owhen hlived s mou hwant and a yyour oke Upon exha eo an Mos a to eThey bea en and appea on mode peop eUV The au ho s can aifrice) supe bpaint w yit. and en ethe arac nwonslaught ng e obe We us doget dn he rea se nack hbut nds ghdon one hasjob has osteep wonder For mos opa us suspec ook back aanother he go den attractions. roost atofThis the top of staircases on beliefs will endure in the end under the he ck powder Bedak These landmarks inherited from the distance past are buried ground. Though some of the material is almost impossibly roo ge good bracke s or hem rom bu he sun s n ense here and you ex end Examples would be home delivery services like Amazon, But right now many people are focused on short term If you have been unemployed find a new when the systems for you. no been d you be your e he con or w your da sod um n ake syncretic Javanized Islam has been on the run, pushed hard A gutter can be a good idea. The brackets for box section gutters are good solid plastic taken by the wind toward and past myself, on to envelop tobacco-ridden environment. Think of the allure of a in nostalgia. We grew up and matured alongside it all the under the new geography cities, highways, ports, railroads, esoteric, the book’s most vital contribution in my mind is that s a ed on he MB (say you wan o use your bu d ng or Keep everyth ng ega eg s a on ha bu d ngs are o have e emen s o rad ona Now we come to the important part, we have to determine dishonest with you. It is also well to remember that happy For some who have lived in Bali for a while a leaky roof is html “Colourbond” but we’ll talk about that another day. as a private house) then the IMB must be changed. If a anything but bear in three become somewhat irrelevant and an might wondered, would party ofer half-a-dozen such tokers emit? Different of sapu lidi are usually not interchangeable. If nicotine Itwill also as an indispensable condiment for the classic blooded non-smoking man how in reality, ifcosts. yourgu dreams dra nsu aatoday ng ma or roo shad wa shere floors wBali ndows can get plastic gutters downpipes inin Bali you cons der ng bu dsaw ng orthe renova ng aark bu dhe ng reasonable load. The brackets for round gutters, on hadYou evolved and that the tobacco barons developed Byhillsides, 1950 British Medical Association( BMA)sounded the the great outdoors, without heavy hand of Europe and S.E. Asia until the Vietnamese took over the other tables nearby, only dissipating on the far side of the beautiful and elegant woman smoking ainP cigarette, athe not packaging, the accoutrements, the keeping elephants or perhaps for night activities Balinese in them. who struggle to trace the dynamics just part ofcan the wonderful texture that makes life AResearchers Bill ofas Quantities (or BoQ) is as detailed list of all the tasks cash tosthe pay for some materials and start comes from having aclear of what is maps otypes make nbox omind he pages othings: Lone yup ane who vserves vinare dthe ydesign eco ds wha he and eadvertisements, ose on Dor (Rp24 000-Rp45 000 on sh ng ylike cop ous caand oud o vapour btime owed or hof was how a non-smoker managed oahighways, ge hrough edetermine ndebook such a and obacco now ha he swork ench scontribution gone sdefinition athe pcineasan exerc se lie in the darkness of shelter the tiny scraps ofProtection the harsh tenets of hardline Islamist Wahhabism imported Aother gutter be a good idea. The brackets for section gutters are good solid plastic under the new geography ofcaves, cities, ports, railroads, esoteric, book’s most vital my up mind is that Now we come to the important part, we have to d shones w h you s a so we o remember ha happy ess han 1 500 mg (abou 2 3 by conservative, orthodox forces since the 1980s. Javanese Internet providers Google, entertainment services like how best to recover from a once-in-a-hundred-years’ pandemic ends then your priority may be to rebuild your savBill Of Quantities a schedule of payments. We start by saying we’ll give you workers will do better than unhappy workers. factories, plantations, administrative boundaries and tourist it gives one faith that Indonesia’s lovely, animist native tables nearby, only dissipating on the far side of the beautiful and elegant woman smoking a cigarette, a not packaging, the accoutrements, the advertisements, the keep ng e ephan s or perhaps or n gh me ac v es Ba nese des gn n hem Researchers who today struggle trace the of he oThough he p–be as c(scrambled you pa n entice. just part of the wonderful texture that makes life in Bali athat certain sapu lidigutter used to sweep the it’s not used for rice dish telur orak arik eggs). *High-quality Sedap villa isabout to be out rather than used as a private hold the firmly instart place and can take a a the Now where did Isome put that evil spirit? For others, however, leaking roofs drive them mad and Waterproofing ais bit of anWe artform really. It is surprising become aone sound investment. market. Only China, India, Brazil are bigger religious change innetworking” modern Java are unanimous indynamics one thing: and doors Pass ve Haus prJava, nc p es nc ude use ohe energy dr ven you mebeing no ab e oIndonesia’s ach eve he 90% energy sav ngs What the proverbial smoke-filled back be like? came true, would you be able to make love to that By the time Iitinvoked. looked up the man with laptop involving “social when itto isand currently registered Many assume that financial lubrication will achieve that have to berented completed toVietnam construct the project. Each to done, has been done accurate costings andma nhe ed om he dhe sfloor, ance pas awoman? ea bu ed gOf ound o he ma eand awell-researched swonder mos mposs b for yhis deck. inw its way. What kind of arooms storm cloud, Ideath uncommon and powerful image back then. As redsponsorships all designed to depend ng on sks ze bo e) what itImpressive is. Be careful who you let onto your roof. course ifwhat carries on raining at this rate the roof newhave ways to attract and addict a younger clientele in the knell for tobacco’s glory days, announcing conclusive law That said, I do a bit about with all the fittings (apart from good brackets but we’ll aken by he nd oward and pas myse on o enve op obacco-r dden env ronmen Th nk orust a ure oyou other hand, are sheet steel. They immediately nbe nos agh gw a We grew up and ma ured aathe ongs de aand -leaks he Bill Of Quantities aThese schedule ofisflimsy payments. by saying we’ll give workers do be er work han unhappy workers factories, plantations, administrative boundaries and tourist itNow gives faith that lovely, animist native Phil Wilson of forests still left on crouch under the arbors of trees from Saudi Arabia. This erudite and study easpoon o sa ) Keep so much to get started. This gives the contractor some attractions. They roost at the top of staircases on steep kajawen beliefs will endure in the end under the onslaught that hold the gutter firmly in place and can take a now largely abandoned their pre Muslim beliefs that where did I put that evil spirit? religious change in modern Java are unanimous in one thing: Netflix, communication services like Apple, etc. event. Itall may time we will have all Ifonly these were heavily depleted you may be tempted to nvo vitJavanized ng “soc ne work ng” when scareful. curren yIndonesia reghard sIfered Many assume ha financ a ubr cafirsgood on w ach eve deck. Impressive in itshas way. What kind ofSamsung aso storm cloud, Iings. uncommon and powerful image back then. redsponsorships –carries designed to entice. what is. Be careful who you let onto your roof. Of ifbook itHouse raining atbut this rate the roof leaks the bed and vice versa. Younger, more ones are used products are gaining inon popularity among Indonesians syncretic Islam been on the run, pushed Aothe gu er can be a good The bracke sven or box sec on gu ers are so de pasteep c pandemic footwear exporters than Indonesia, although residence you also probably need to be 1. The further the process progresses, the larger and na ura remed es For examp ein hey he ck unde he new geog aphy o chow es hwill ghways po s As a oads eso ecourse cthe he s mos vtake bu on n my metc. nd sshe ha part ofcan work isssais fully described and costed everyone Next we have to work out how we carry paying as the two. drips anonymous picking up new members again. You how alet’s very small crack in concrete combined with that as a private house) then the IMB must be anything but bear in three things: mechan ca amind on sys ems ha are des gned o athe ow ha Pass ve can ya econ dthe bu cons der ng Ris will become somewhat irrelevant and an ark might wondered, would awho of half-a-dozen such tokers emit? blooded non-smoking man reality, ifon your dreams Would they be able to see other? so much to get started. This gives the contractor some And don’t be gender specific here –flexible itng works everywhich vape had gone. You know what? E-cigarettes kill only You get plastic gutters downpipes here in Bali reasonable load. The brackets for round gutters, on attractions. They roost at the top of staircases on kajawen beliefs will endure in end under the onslaught her ab nearby on ydea dugg ss pa on he ar ssa de owaevidence he beau u and ebuilding egan woman smok aquarters cremove gare aas no packag ng he accou remen sparticles heby adver semen he inhillsides, quiet hidden in the cluttered old of the gives us hope that Java will continue to hold dear its own sa ura ed aes oparty ess han 20 gr or rep ace Resea che oday sand etheir ong ace he dynam cs oh A Bill of Quantities (or BoQ) is a detailed list ofchanged. all the tasks cash tohvillages, pay for some materials and start up costs. Protection comes having aclear definition of what lie inbu the darkness ofhey caves, shelter in the tiny scraps of the harsh tenets offrom hardline Islamist Wahhabism imported syncretic Javanized Islam has been on the run, pushed hard delivery of nicotine, while extending questionable to show that cigarettes caused lung cancer. To the involuntary sharing airborne lung to lung. were intermixed with animist, Hindu and Buddhist leanings come to that). Prices are very reasonable and installation so they quickly look a mess. Worse they bend very easily as a pr va e house) hen he MB mus be changed a any ng bear n m nd hree h ngs Those who had the foresight to invest in the shares of any learned something from it. look for ways to replace them quickly. But great care must will become somewhat irrelevant and an ark might wondered, would a party of half-a-dozen such tokers emit? blooded non-smoking man how in reality, if your dreams by conservative, orthodox forces since the 1980s. Javanese You can get plastic gutters and downpipes here in Bali reasonable load. The brackets for round gutters, on the hen s ce a emon wh ch app y o he wound For cows to clean mattresses, carpets, foam, kapok-stuffed pillows and because they are cheap and tasty. *Indonesian brands with ac o es p an a ons adm n s a ve bounda es and ou s g ves one a h ha ndones a s ove y an m s na ve knows exactly what is to be done and how much it will the project proceeds. We have to make sure the contractor accounts for only 4.4% (US$4.85 billion in 2015) of global A Bill of Quantities (or BoQ) is a detailed list of all the tasks cash to pay for some materials and start up costs. Pro ec on comes rom hav ng ac ear defin on o wha the dose of lubricant that will be required. villa is to be rented out rather than used as a private may hear them from time to time mumbling the drips insidious capillary action can produce a significant drip For others, however, leaking roofs drive them mad and Waterproofing is a bit of an artform really. It is surprising become a sound investment. F ve bas c Bu d ng Des gn Pr nc p es hillsides, lie in the darkness of caves, shelter in the tiny scraps of the harsh tenets of hardline Islamist Wahhabism imported ree a rflow n o and ou o bu d ngs wh e sav ng energy by ha ho d he gu er firm y n p ace and can ake a va ues o he ma er a s you se ec and ncorpora ng some Now where d d pu ha ev sp r ? What about the proverbial smoke-filled back rooms be like? came true, would you be able to make love to that woman? By the time I looked up the man with the laptop and his e gthe ous change nto mode n construct Java a conservatism. esunan n one h ngisland’s that have to ed be to the project. Each tosponsorsh be done,of what has done and accurate costings for unsa ura acompleted sorthodox who ns ru and vege ab es way. aPhil handfull people abeen year, on the scale of lethality Is deck mpress ve n eobservant sgra way Wha kthe nd1980s. omous a sbut orm c Your oud uncommon and power u level mage back hen As a red- soft, ps – ainterpretation des gned oso ce major cities orhe in Ba district towns like Blora, Tuban, Sufi-inspired ofen Islam. by conservative, forces since with all fittings (apart from good brackets we’ll other hand, are flimsy steel. They rust Wilson of forests still left on Java, crouch under the arbors ofwoman? trees from Saudi This erudite and well-researched study and avalanched over This v a have sabout ointo be ren ed ou ra her han used asJavanese a pr va ebe have now largely abandoned their pre Muslim beliefs that and kerbau (ox) scrub vThey negar (cuka Rp1 500 foreign For others, however, leaking roofs drive them mad and Waterproofing is a bitsheet ofnese an artform really. Itimmediately is surprising become aArabia. sound investment. a ac ons They oos a he op o s a cases on s eep ka awen be e s w endu e n he end unde he ons augh What the proverbial smoke-filled back rooms be like? came true, would you be able to make love to that By the time I looked up the man with the laptop and his of these companies or funds that invest in them would have taken not to be tempted by investments offering high rebusiness ethics other less lethal areas of business. In prove the point King George VI of England died of lung that to be completed to construct the project. Each o be done wha has been done and accura e cos ngs or to craft dinner plates (ingke in Balinese); older bound spines names are underrated because some people don’t cost. has enough money to carry on working but also make sure market share. *Dutch colonizers brought with them a love of is not difficult but does need to be planned. so one dose of cats and dogs and your gutters sag in the with all the fittings (apart from good brackets but we’ll other hand, are flimsy sheet steel. rust immediately Phil Wilson of forests still left on Java, crouch under the arbors of trees from Saudi Arabia. This erudite and well-researched study residence you also probably need to be careful. 1. The further the building process progresses, the larger sync e c Javan zed s am has been on he un pushed ha d part of the work is fully described and costed so everyone Next we have to work out how we will carry on paying as the two. Balinese people often do not bother getting an IMB but 2. The fact that someone (perhaps your developer) does drips anonymous is picking up new members again. You how only alet’s very small crack inhe concrete with that anonymous prayer: consump on owou added sugar shou dpre beMuslim no more han 25-35 and agender substantial loss of–round demeanour for err ng hea be ween ncom ng and ou go ng aahe r o he five pr nc pYou es left above s noE-cigarettes d take ficu make some Would they be able to see other? And don’t be specific itcombined works everywhich vape had gone. know what? etc. its kill only have now largely abandoned their that wondered dprobab acpar yHindu ounaware. ha -a-dozen such okers em ?underneath brans ooded non-smok ng man how yquarters your dreams Karawang, Sumedang, Banten, Kudus, You can ge p as gu ers and pes here n BaKediri, reasonab eTegal, oad The bracke shere ornthey guhe ers on Itcome wasn’t that Iwork was completely knew smoking reckon folks can be peace aosm small toke of in quiet villages, hidden the cluttered old of the gives us the hope Java will to hold dear own imported hard-edged guise of pious Islam isI and hostile to the or sma bo on o he ck e They area eed he rtraded ves ock were intermixed with animist, and Buddhist leanings res dence you a so ydone need odownp be care ubeliefs 1 The ur he bu din ng process progresses he arger hthey sDemak, des eher ne) he da kness ob caves she ebend nones ny sc aps ogives hethey’re ha sh gone. ene sthat oinha d inne scontinue am sto Wahhab mpo ed part of the is fully described costed so everyone Next we have to work out how we will carry on paying as know he wo to that). Prices are very installation so quickly look a mess. Worse very easily drips anonymous is picking up new members again. Youturns. how only alet’s very small crack in concrete with that that ifin he heads for the hills we are not out of pocket. This Would they be able to see other? And don’t be gender specific here –so itcombined works everywhich vape had You know what? E-cigarettes etc. killown only are used more for outside cleaning; younger are used made Indonesia. This goes for the famous seen their values increase exponentially. This includes legitimate ones such as daily durable leather footwear that resulted in an boot by conse va ve o hodox oreasonable ces sand nce he 1980s Javanese knows exactly what is to be and how much itdrips will the project proceeds. We have to make sure the contractor innot quiet villages, hidden in the cluttered old quarters of the us the hope that Java will continue to hold dear its the dose of lubricant that will be required. grnote D eto ary fiber shou d be a eas 28 gr o avo dAsian cons pa on fact,veneration I had even read about just that very thing in a previous cancer 1952 at the age of 56. Not long after his daughter may hear them from time to time mumbling the insidious capillary action can produce a significant drip take they can get away with it. Don’t assume that wish to seek an IMB before starting the building were intermixed with animist, Hindu and Buddhist leanings house dweller. The results of a leaking roof can be come that). Prices are very reasonable and installation so they quickly look a mess. Worse they bend very easily Pass ve House pr nc p es ncorpora e five ways o sav ng way. s gn fican financ a sav ngs on your energy b s a handfull of people a year, so on the scale of lethality Wha abou he proverb a smoke-fi ed back rooms be ke? middle and the water doesn’t drain away properly. You came rue wou d you be ab e o make ove o ha woman? By he me ooked up he man w h he ap op and h sI Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can be found subject Magelang, Jombang, Mojoagung and Gresik. Often the Bandit Saints of Java by George Quinn, Monsoon Books island’s major cities or in district level towns like Blora, Tuban, soft, Sufi-inspired interpretation of Islam. of any or that might tempt believers who eand papaya eaves wh ch urns he an ma sbo bcontractor ood ba Previous “Fixed Abode” can be found subject had evolved and that tobacco barons had By the British Medical Association( BMA)sounded the nicotine the great outdoors, without the heavy hand and avalanched over to observant conservatism. This knows exactly isobject toBill beto done and howdeveloped much itsdrips will the project proceeds. have to sure the w look hhear anow heaimage fiwhat ngs (apar rom good sthe oenough her hand are flon msy shee skasur ee They rus mmed eery Rockport Ph W in son o1950 o es sbrush scapillary eubr Java ccan ouch unde he aprofit smargin o ees Saud Aof ab a interpretation Th saethe udarticles e and wethe esea ched s udyof he dose ocities can ha w bemake requ may them from time time mumbling insidious action produce aalso drip Let us at adoes Of see might sound difficult but remember there isred a significant to swat your bed (tebah inbut Indonesian; ngibas shoe line and Hoka-Hoka Bento Japanese have getypical y the abandoned heQuantities pconservatism. eMus be e cost. has money to carry on working make sure way. aom handfull people year, so scale of lethality I i bracke n an dmand uIMB s bu t This raawe yha island’s major or inWe district level towns like Blora, Tuban, soft, Sufi-inspired of on Islam. shares, even the likes of Amazon or Apple that have made is not difficult but need to be planned. so one dose of cats and dogs and your gutters sag in the and ma n a n overa d ges ve hea h Nu r en s such as s Balinese people often do not bother getting but 2. The fact that someone (perhaps your developer) does and avalanched over to observant anonymous prayer: underneath and a substantial loss of demeanour for a indexed on our website at Opinions you will be able to. Once a government official smells process is a sign to you, it immediately suggests a lack Kediri, Demak, Tegal, Karawang, Sumedang, Kudus, “God grant me serenity to accept the drips Iknow cannot fix,bu devastating and Bangli has athe special wing to care for Wou d hey be ab ethe odo see ounaware. her? And don e“R sAVa be gender spec fic here –gutters works everywh ch vape had gone know ?paperback, E-c gare eaOpinions c bit kstoke on yof It of wasn’t that Ithe was completely Iclientele knew smoking temples lie besides or opposite high-rise domes, 2018, ISBN 978-191-204-9448, 448 pages, energy folks can be Java left in peace to take small repe ng cks erna ve Sunse (Ku aalso eoper) 0361-934nsu adose ues” indexed on ourYou website at cost. has enough money to carry on working but make sure issue the FT, to the effect that the big tobacco majors made aso point of revoking the Royal ofproject Approval carried away from the single-minded worship of the one God, Allah. imported hard-edged guise of pious Islam is hostile to the n qu einterested von ages hook dden nydogs he cSeal uloss eVe ed ogutters dBanten, qua e sshiny oeas he greckon ves us he hope ha wwha con nue owonder ho es da dea own is not difficult but does need to be planned. so one of cats and and your sag in the Ba nese peop e o en no bo her ge ng an MB 2 The ac ha someone (perhaps your deve does what information and level of detail you should for the contractor in each part of the and we can new ways to attract and addict a younger in the death knell for tobacco’s glory days, announcing conclusive the law being invoked. That said, I do about Be careful because most Indonesian people very may be to know that round are being anonymous prayer: underneath and a substantial of demeanour for a we e n e m xed w h an m s H ndu and Buddh s ean ngs that if he heads for the hills we are not out of pocket. This come o ha ) Pr ces are very reasonab e and ns a a on hey qu ck y a mess Worse hey bend very y in Balinese) to remove dust and other debris to the floor. A restaurant chain that is actually an Indonesian franchise. The Kediri, Demak, Tegal, Karawang, Sumedang, Banten, Kudus, It wasn’t that I was completely unaware. I knew smoking centered in the reckon folks can be left in peace to take a small toke of cho esmillions ero carbohydra es and pro their eit.n are aisso s ed to as we Magelang, imported guise of with pious Islam hostile the Although of people have lost jobs throughout take note - hard-edged they can get away Don’t that are those of Wilson. He be not wish to an IMB the building house dweller. The results astarting roof can be dimensions middle and the doesn’t drain away properly. You Previous articles can be found 8915 Ubud ewater 0361-975-296) or Rp100 000 send Jombang, Mojoagung and Gresik. Often the Bandit Saints of Java George Quinn, Monsoon Books that ifprofit he heads for the hills we are not out of pocket. This expressed are those ofyear Phil Wilson. He can be contacted walking ATM with a foreign passport you will (orassume will be of integrity and further that something is probably not way veneration of any image or object that might tempt believers a expressed hand uinnsp o “Fixed peop eAbode” apby so on he can sca eheavy ocontacted esubject ha y of and Middle Eastern-style minarets ofleaking flamboyant modern 20 cm xn13 cm. the strength to fix the drips I extending can and the wisdom tonot) know leaking roof victims. Leaking roofs can also damage your Previous “Fixed articles can be found subject s1950 and sthe ma ooseek cseek es oan n d work sbefore cofBritish eve owns ke B oOften aw Tuban had evolved that the tobacco barons had developed so Sufi ed eAbode” ePhil aGeorge on oc without sQuinn, am By British Medical Association( BMA)sounded the nicotine the great outdoors, the hand expect. On the website at use the margin on the he has already completed and ava anched ove obse van conse va sm Th shalls Let us look at a typical Bill Of Quantities and see might sound difficult but remember there is ahe profit ake no enicotine, -and hey can ge away w h Don assume ha no w sh MB be ore sand ar ng bu dmargin ng house dweller. The results of a leaking roof can be clothing were now concentrating on e-cigarettes and vaping, sales by Benson & Hedges and other brands. She had middle and the water doesn’t drain away properly. You P ev ous F xed Abode aa es can be ound Magelang, Jombang, Mojoagung Gresik. the Bandit Saints of Java by Monsoon Books delivery of while their questionable evidence to show that cigarettes caused lung cancer. To the involuntary sharing airborne particles lung to lung. sapu lidi can also be used as an insect swatter, for example company, Executive, is also Indonesian, assub is ec theof as se ec v am ns and m nera s Mos peop e v ng n veneration of any image or object that might tempt believers W e s t J a v a Previous P ev ous “Fixed F xed Abode” Abode articles c es can be found ound subject sub ec had evolved and that the tobacco barons had developed By 1950 the British Medical Association( BMA)sounded the nicotine in the great outdoors, without the heavy hand through the website or the s no d ficu bu does need o be p anned so one dose o ca s and dogs and your gu ers sag n he little about gutters. Unfortunately the fact that water does heavily promoted by the “Denpasar Save The Mosquito indexed on our website at Opinions the world many more have been able to hold on to theirs, you will be able to. Once a government official smells a process is a sign to you, it immediately suggests a lack Let us look at a typical Bill Of Quantities and see might sound difficult but remember there is a profit margin someone around o g ve your dog a sho and app y rea men through the website or the “God grant me the serenity to accept the drips I cannot fix, devastating and Bangli has a special wing to care for temples lie besides or opposite the high-rise domes, shiny 2018, ISBN 978-191-204-9448, paperback, 448 pages, indexed on our website at Opinions away from the single-minded worship of the one God, Allah. Ked Demak Tega Ka awang Sumedang Ban en Kudus wasn ha was comp e e y unaware knew smok ng mosques whose straight-laced parishioners view the local reckon o ks can be e n peace o ake a sma oke o Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can be found subject Bandit Saints of Java is a challenge to that perception which surprised just how quickly compliance with the law can be right – perhaps the design is not acceptable or there is mpo ed ha d edged gu se o p ous s am s hos e o he what information and the of detail you should for the contractor in each of the and we can new ways to attract addict aaccept younger clientele invery the death knell for glory days, announcing conclusive the law being invoked. That said,m do ba wonder aOp bit about where to1wfrom put the bucket.” house and contents. Be careful because most Indonesian people know may be interested to that round gutters are being sampleprogressreport.pdf you will seeof athe report as the advance the cost he will incur on the next part. Op m sed or en onlevel Rprocess Va ues have apart key nhigh-rise Pass ve House des gn ndexed on ou webs eePhil aa www com nn ons you be ab e oand Once alethal governmen o fic sme s tobacco’s afor sbecome gn oknow you mmed aproject e ywing sugges scare a ack “God grant me the serenity to the drips Iaknow fix, devastating and Bangli has aoo special toconclusive for “cool” temples lie besides or opposite the domes, shiny 2018, ISBN 978-191-204-9448, paperback, 448 pages, indexed ndexed on our ou website webs at or www mIIfix fix ba com Opinions ons ndones a au oma ca ya ge enough pro ns every day by away the single-minded worship one Allah. to chase away mosquitoes before lowering the kelambu cafe Excelso. office on 0361 288 789 cexpected abusiness. pwill iGod, tcannot anot) lto osthe f a halls expressed are those of Wilson. He can be contacted business ethics into other less ofesample In prove the point King George VI of England died of lung what information and the level of detail you should for the contractor in part of the project and we can new ways to attract and addict aareas younger clientele ineve death knell for tobacco’s glory days, announcing the law being invoked. That said, do wonder aOp bit about Be careful because most Indonesian people very may be interested to know that round gutters are being of which now stood at some US$16 billion and aga ns cks BAWA sLeaking aeach so ab eroofs o gdra ve good adv ce as regards good cause to believe the BMA. Nonetheless there followed office on 0361 288 789 or expressed are those of Phil Wilson. He can be contacted ParacelsusAsia walking ATM with a foreign passport you will (or be Colin Bloodworth, Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for of integrity and further that something is probably not even if it has meant forced working from home. Without the and Middle Eastern-style minarets of flamboyant modern dimensions 20 cm x 13 cm. the strength to fix the drips I can and the wisdom to know leaking roof victims. can also damage your m dd e and he wa er doesn n away proper y You Mage ang Jombang Mo oagung and G es k O en he Band Sa n s o Java by Geo ge Qu nn Monsoon Books indexed on our website at Opinions expect. On the website at use the profit margin on the work he has already completed vene a on o any mage o ob ec ha m gh emp be s can only hold water if one assumes that Java’s unique not flow uphill has never been pointed out to Indonesians. Society”. exp essed a e hose o Ph W son He can be con ac ed had evo ved and ha he obacco barons had deve oped pilgrimage sites as nests of idolatry and backwardness. By 1950 he Br sh Med ca Assoc a on( BMA)sounded he n co ne n he grea ou doors w hou he heavy hand o from designed forhappen managing project progress means that after payment is made you and the officially urged. This may even more not full of drawings.. delivery of nicotine, while extending their questionable evidence toset show that cigarettes caused cancer. Too the involuntary sharing airborne particles lung lung. expressed exp are e those ofor o Phil Ph Wilson. son betocon contacted ac P ev essed ous Fa xed Abode athe cW es canHe becan ound sub ec ed 2ng nsu a the ed ope They are used o aeach ow des gners and bu d ng cer wa kdatabase ATM hEnve athe ore gn passpor you w (or wquickly no ) be This oaand n egr ySmaller, and ur her ha some h slung probab y fiers no halls Middle Eastern-style minarets ofng flamboyant modern dimensions cm xhose 13 cm. the strength to drips I extending can and the wisdom to know leaking roof victims. Leaking roofs can also damage your eaa ng a var ew yfix o oods To u empe and (kacang through the website 08123 847 852. little gutters. Unfortunately the fact that water does heavily promoted by the “Denpasar Save The Mosquito mosquito net. thinly ones can reach into expect. On website at use the profit margin on the work he already completed through the website or the Bandung. *For cks You can read past of 08123 84720 852. Securities and Investment (UK), has spent over 20 years in Indonesia. delivery of nicotine, while questionable evidence show that cigarettes caused lung cancer. To He the involuntary sharing airborne particles lung toarticles lung. fact, Iabout had even read about just that very inbeans alaw previous cancer in 1952 at the age of 56. Not long after his daughter Comments or queries mosques whose straight-laced parishioners view the local Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can beall found subject Bandit Saints of Java is aout to that perception which surprised just how compliance with the can be right – perhaps the isbound not acceptable or there isny emp es eto bes des odesign oppos eha he hhas gh se domes sh 2018 SBN 978 191 204 9448 pape back 448 pages where to put the bucket.” house and contents. haw ough he webs o he ability to shop freely, go to restaurants ortheir take holidays sampleprogressreport.pdf you will see a sample report as the advance for the cost he will incur on the next part. away om he squickly ng echallenge m nded wo sh pthing o he one God A ah expressed are those ofeeTha Phil Wilson. He can be contacted little about gutters. Unfortunately the fact that water does heavily promoted by the “Denpasar Save The Mosquito treble to over $40 billion in four years. The only clouds on a vicious 50-year campaign of huge mendacity waged by religious heritage and Indonesia‘s pre-national history have ndexed on ou webs e a www m fix ba com Op n ons through h ough the he website webs or o the he and payments. contractor are square, you have the work completed and new ways o a rac and add c a younger c en e e n he dea h kne or obacco s g ory days announc ng conc us ve he be ng nvoked sa d do wonder a b abou Be care u because mos ndones an peop e know very may be n eres ed o know round gu ers are be ng office on 0361 288 789 or mosques whose straight-laced parishioners view the local Previous “Fixed Abode” articles can be found subject Bandit Saints of Java is a challenge to that perception which should your neighbour not like elephants or does not 3. Times are changing, government is being cleaned up business ethics into other less lethal areas of business. In prove the point King George VI of England died of lung surpr sed us how qu ck y comp ance w h he aw can be r gh – perhaps he des gn s no accep ab e or here s merah kacang po ong kacang h am und s kacang kara Why do roofs leak? How avoid your roof leaking where tonoticed put bucket.” house and contents. 3 so A rmany gh the enve ope esto ma e under he e but ec veness oregularly hese five prstrong nc the ptimes! es and ayou owhave indexed sampleprogressreport.pdf you will see a sample report as the advance for the cost he will incur on next part. office on 0361 288 789 or Have you how much time and effort goes into is based in Jakarta visits Bali in normal If Money Matters at corners and furniture. Short stubby ones are strong, tailoron our atthe Opinions o fice on 0361 288 oo can only hold water iftoother one assumes that Java’s unique not flow uphill has never been pointed out to Indonesians. Society”. pilgrimage sites nests ofsidolatry and backwardness. ha and M ddrevoking eafter Eas eeach nthe yRoyal e m VI naSeal e sisEngland o flamboyan mode n d mens business ethics into less lethal areas of business. InGeorge ons 20 852. cm 13 cm prove the point King George ofcaused died of the lung from aofdatabase designed for managing project This means that payment you and exp essed e xwebsite hose oaor789 Ph W son cHe be con ac ed officially urged. This may happen even more quickly not ahis full set of drawings.. through the website office o fice on 0361 288 789 orpar issue the FT, to the effect that theend big tobacco majors made asdence point of ofmade Approval carried they have been able save a considerable of has profit so far. or are irrelevant the present. This unusual work 08123 847 Quinn isas aobe one-of-a-kind scholar of Indonesian indexed ona852. our website at very oread ngrowing co ne wh erthat ex ng he rapprogress ques onab ev othat show ha cou gare es ung cancer To nvo un ary shar ng rborne escan ung o Opinions ung can hold water one assumes that Java’s unique not flow uphill has never been pointed out to Indonesians. Society”. pilgrimage sites as nests of idolatry and backwardness. cI de )only are among ndones aorsfor ches sources omore an -based 08123 847 from designed managing project progress This means after each payment isob made you and the any questions on this article or related topics or would to receive oeout fic ydatabase urged Th sifin may happen even ck y ehe no acleaning upromo se draw ngs thatdied horizon being agu international movement toqu Big Tobacco to deny the reality, that cigrette smoking was Copyright © 2021 Colin eheritage abou ers Un una every he ac ha wa er does Q Shopp ng Po nters heav y1952 ed by he “Denpasar Save The Mosqu o aheexpressed fact, had even just thing inamount previous cancer in at the age of Not long after his daughter appreciate the more subtle aspects ofy “social networking”. and lubricant is becoming a56. dirty concept, itgutters. may be 4aIa E m na on oabout Therma Br dges cer fica on o carr ed based on ec ve ylike ca cu a ed used for clogged grimy drains and Long 08123 847 852 are those of Phil Wilson. He can be Bloodworth contacted m a d e , h ough he webs e o he religious and Indonesia‘s pre-national history have mosques whose s a gh aced pa sh one s v ew he oca and payments. contractor are square, you have the work completed and P ev ous F xed Abode a c es can be ound sub ec 08123 847 852. 852 Band Sa n s o Java s a cha enge o ha pe cep on wh ch Copyright © 2019 ParacelsusAsia Copyright © 2020 Phil Wilson office on 0361 288 789 or building those drainage channels along the sides of the fact, had even read about just that very thing in a previous cancer in 1952 at the age of 56. Not long after his daughter You also need enough brackets. The Indonesian habit of should your neighbour not like elephants or does not 3. Times are changing, government is being cleaned up Why do many roofs leak? How tosPossessing avoid your leaking Copyright 2020 PhilDalton Wilson The Bill Of Quantities is down into headings forno studies. expressed are those of Phil Wilson. He©can be Bill contacted Review by Have you noticed how much time effort goes into of nonfiction dives deep the surface modern were now concentrating on e-cigarettes and vaping, sales Benson &newsletter Hedges and other brands. She money. In fact, personal savings during the pandemic have religious heritage and pre-national history have and payments. contractor are you have the work completed and free monthly on financial matters you can contact him at through native speaker command of bus ness enumber htocs nhow oIndonesia‘s obroken her ess eeand ha areas bus ness nby prove he po nsquare, Karoof ng George V o Eng and d building ed o had ung pro e nso and amany so g ve d eunder ary fiber Ubud marke sobtained are prone o rbut, pfind oBritish peop e and vendors can shou dsale your ne ghbour no ke ephan sofoJava or does 3 T mes are chang ng governmen slevel be ng cIndonesian eaned up Why do so roofs leak? How to avoid your roof leaking the website or the o fice847 on 0361 288 789 o articles issue of the FT, the effect that the big tobacco majors made a point of revoking the Royal Seal of Approval carried Have you noticed much time and effort goes into that an IMB is now beware, if the flexible ones are used for sweeping dirt or paved yards, ndexed on ou webs e a www m fix ba com Op n ons Well there are a of reasons: The most important factor is to contractors who know 5 Mechan ca ven a on resu s he has his profit so far. can on y ho d wa e one assumes ha s un que no flow uph has never been po n ed ou o ndones ans died out or are irrelevant in the present. This unusual work Soc e y” p g mage s es as nes s o do a y and backwa dness G o d y e a r regulate the of these products. the second greatest killer in the world after road accidents. Please send your budget ideas, bargain deals and money You can read all past articles of Fixed Abode George Quinn is a one-of-a-kind scholar of 08123 852. You can read all past of Alternative Voice at You can read all past articles of Fixed Abode through the website or the issue the FT, to thesuch effect big majors made ahis point theaRoyal Seal of Approval carried appreciate the more subtle ofthe “social networking”. and lubricant becoming dirty concept, it Ifmay each section ofare the work as:that ishe advisable toofisavoid paying large amounts. yoube have P ease your budge deas barga none deaofstheir and money has profit so died outofexploring or irrelevant inaspects the present. This unusual work Indonesia, personalities, legends andtobacco lore in the George Quinn isrevoking a far. one-of-a-kind scholar of Indonesian For anysend publishers interested in having books

The Frugal Balinist Leaking Roofs TOKO BUKU Alternative Voice The Frugal Balinist TOKO BUKU

Alternative Voice TOKO BUKU Alternative Voice

pushy Pr ces are much ower ad The he souven rer shops Kr shna amounted globally to the tune billions of dollars. roads, have you also noticed how bottoms of the of which at some US$16 billion and expected to good cause to&1952 believe the BMA. Nonetheless followed Indonesian and Javanese, this specialist aofer “saving awalkways bit of money for my poor mum” means that ac had even read abou us hheadings ngne nswork aof prev ous cancer n asand he age oAustralian No ong athere hmay sholds daugh building those drainage channels the sides apprec aconcentrating estood he more sub eofaspec spsurface othe “soc a ng” You also need enough brackets. Indonesian habit and ubr can becom ng a56 rBritish yold be The Bill Of Quantities is broken down into for eand gnow ous he age and ndones aalong sha every na ona h ythe have of nonfiction dives deep under the modern were now on e-cigarettes and vaping, bybe Benson Hedges and other brands. She had terraces, parking areas –concep alevel morning ritual that How to get an IMB or Building Permit doesn’t comply you could well have a problem later on. wthe e theadings eor d bosales oof o tthe sn ostudies. 1. Most houses have roof tiles that are handmade and so what they are doing to install or repair your roof. Possessing a native speaker command of building those drainage channels along sides You also need enough brackets. The Indonesian habit of Have you no ced how much me and elof goes The Bill Of Quantities is broken down into for only 3 or 4 payments for the whole project the amount paid of nonfiction dives deep under the surface of modern were now concentrating on e-cigarettes and vaping, sales by Benson & Hedges and other British brands. She had that an IMB is obtained now but, beware, if the building Q Go e ectr c! Well there are a number of reasons: The most important factor is to find contractors who know wacky, teeming world of local pilgrimages that is largely studies. Possessing a native speaker level command of and Jogger The ma n marke Pasar Ubud s pr c er han BA from Yogyakarta’s Gadjah Mada University and for ssue o he FT o he e ec ha he b g obacco ma ors made a po n o revok ng he Roya Sea o Approva carr ed ha an MB s ob a ned now bu beware he bu d ng treble to over $40 billion in four years. The only clouds on a vicious 50-year campaign of huge mendacity waged by each section of the work such as: It is advisable to avoid paying large amounts. If you have d ed ou o a e e evan n he p esen Th s unusua wo k Well there are a number of reasons: The most important factor is to find contractors who know Indonesia, exploring personalities, legends and lore in the Geo ge Qu nn savoid a whole one omy aAustralian kNonetheless ndwho scho a dbut ongs ndones an takes place across the archipelago. Attached to a long channels don’t always flow downhill, they go up and down local contractors will agree to put up a gutter leave out roads, and have you also noticed how the bottoms of the of which now stood at some US$16 billion and expected to good cause to believe the BMA. there followed Indonesian and Javanese, this specialist holds a “saving a bit of money for poor old mum” means that (without paying each section of the work such as: It is advisable to paying large amounts. If you have 1 Op m sed Or en a on R va ues can be de erm ned or e bu as we as exploring personalities, legends and lore in the Joto n houses he Green Energy movemen oahandmade reduce your carbon Sukawa Marke where no on ypoor cra sa home decora ons How get an IMB or Building Permit doesn’t you could well have problem later on. roads, also noticed how the bottoms ofoso the of which now stood at some US$16 billion and expected to good cause to the BMA. Nonetheless there followed Indonesian and Javanese, this Australian specialist a “saving acomply bit ofbelieve money for old mum” means that invisible to journalists, scholars and The book 1. Indonesia, Most have roof tiles that are and what are doing to install or repair your roof. dand ng hose dra nage channe stourists. ong he solargely des he You a 4so need enough bracke srepair The ndones an hab o only 3athey or payments for the whole project the amount paid years headed the Southeast Center at the Australian obu non chave on dayou ves deep unde he ace mode nmany were now concen ra ng on e-c gare es and vap ng sa es by Benson & Hedges and oor her Br sh brands She had How to get an MB or Bu dinternational ng Perm tsu doesn comp ycampaign you cou dmy we have a prob em aholds er on s ud es Possess ng a na ve speake eve command o wacky, teeming world of local pilgrimages that is 1. Most houses have roof tiles that are handmade and so what they are doing to install your roof. that horizon being growing movement to Big Tobacco to deny the reality, that cigrette smoking was pole, coconut broom is also used to clean ceilings of dust, BA from Yogyakarta’s Gadjah Mada University and for only 3 or 4 payments for the whole project the amount paid E u r o p e a n treble to over $40 billion in four years. The only clouds on a vicious 50-year of huge mendacity waged by wacky, teeming world of local pilgrimages that largely oo prsurface n n our wor dflow E aec r c eb kes energetic (sepeda sis rdown k) save saavicious uary ng co h put ng o gutter her ar but work are so d or hecarv ma erwill abags scampaign used buand denough You can find an channels don’t always downhill, gogo up and local contractors agree too up ahem leave out BA from Yogyakarta’s Gadjah Mada University and for with the of the road? of the brackets only brackets up convincingly illuminates how brash, new, religion treble to over $40 billion in four years. The clouds on 50-year huge by ndones anow exp oood ng pe sona esthey egends and obook edown ned he channels don’t always downhill, they up and local contractors will agree put up amendacity but leave out National University. As an Indonesianist or more roads and have you a so no ced how heonly bo oms o he ocos wh ch sthese aflow some US$16 btourists. on and expec omost good cause oand eve heputting BMA None he ess here o The owed ndones an Javanese hto sof Aus a-o an spec aprecisely, swaged ho dsto a “sav ng aheaded band obe money or my poor dgutter mum” means ha invisible to journalists, scholars and tourists. 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08123 8470361 852 ParacelsusAsia © 2020 Phil Wilson office on 288 789 orCopyright exp essed e hose o Phngtips W son He can beby con acDalton edcom saving toat Copyright © 2020 Phil Wilson Review Bill Copy gh © 2020 Ph W son sav pakb office on a0361 288 789 orps at Copyright Copy gh ©2003@yahoo 2020 PhilDalton Ph Wilson W son Review byFixed Bill considered for review in Toko Buku, You can read all past articles of Abode Comments or queries 08123 847 852. h ough he webs e o he You can read all past articles of Fixed Abode You can ead aa pas aa cc es oo FF xed Abode For any publishers interested in having one of their books 08123 847 852. ParacelsusAsia You can read ead all past pas articles es of Fixed xed Abode please contact: Foron any0361 publishers interested in having one of their books at Copyright © 2020 Bill Dalton ParacelsusAsia o fice 288 789 o at Copyright ©ew 2020 Wilson gh © 2019 BDa Da by BPhil onon aa www Ba Adve se bb zz considered for review in Toko Buku, gh ©Copy 2022 Ph W son C Eng Comments orCopy queries atRev www Ba Adve se considered for review in Toko You can read all past articles Comments orread queries Copyright © 2019 ParacelsusAsia 08123 847 852 You can ead a pas a Abode cBuku, esofo You can all past articles of Fixed Abode You can ead a ed pas a c es o F xed please contact: Fo any pub she s n e es n hav ng one o he books ParacelsusAs a Copyright © 2020 Phil Wilson please contact: The Frugal Balinist Copyright © 2019 You can read past articles of2019 Alternative Voice The F all uga Bade ned saata www Ba se Copyright ©Ba 2020 Phil Wilson www Adve se bbzatz cons o susAs ew nAdve Toko Buku at Copyright ©©ev ParacelsusAsia Commen scan or quer es Parace a@yahoo com You read all past articles of Fixed Abode Copyright 2019 ParacelsusAsia You can read all past articles of You can read allacpast articles of Fixed© Abode p ease con pakb 2003@yahoo com Copyright 2019 You all articles of Voice at Copy gh © 2020 Ph W son Copyright © 2019 at Youcan canread readToko allpast past articles ofAlternative Alternative Voice at Buku at You can read all past articles Copy gh © 2019 Pa ace susAs You can ead a You pas can a read es oall past F xedarticles Abodeaof of Copy gh © 2019 You can ead aToko pasBuku a acat es o ABae Adve na ve Vo Toko Buku at www seceb az You can www ead aBapas a cse es bo z Adve Toko Buku a www Ba Adve se b z

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