From the general manager
Welcome to our August edition of Community Connect, which is absolutely packed full of project updates.
One recently completed project is the Wardell Wharf restoration. It is fantastic to see the wharf looking so fresh and I am sure it will be well-used by locals and visitors alike. The Wonderful Wardell event held at the end of Richmond Street was a huge success and I look forward to seeing how the upcoming revitalisation works will transform this area into a community green space. Check out pages 4-5 for all the details.
Construction of the new permanent roundabout at the intersection of Byron Bay Road and Byron Street in Lennox Head is another much-anticipated project. Funding has been secured, so stay tuned to Council’s website, social media platforms, and enews for updates. Visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/community-newsletter to sign up.
Of course, there is plenty more on the horizon. In June, Council adopted a $78 million capital expenditure budget. Over the next 12 months, projects will include the upgrade of Sharpes Beach car park, duplication of Fishery Creek Bridge and Canal Bridge, improving the resilience of Ross Lane, upgrading the Alstonville Cultural Centre, and building a new pump track at Kingsford Smith Reserve.
I look forward to the redevelopment plans for the Alstonville Cultural Centre progressing. The new community hub will feature a library, refurbished sports court, and multipurpose hall, providing much-needed facilities for the Alstonville and Wollongbar community.
The Alstonville community will also soon be enjoying a new dog agility park. Local dog owners and their pups are invited to the official opening of the Alstonville dog park at Gap Road on Saturday 10 August at 9.30am. See page 28 for details.
Last but not least, a reminder that the Local Government Elections are on Saturday 14 September 2024. Inside you will find information about enrolling to vote, checking enrolment details, and how to nominate as a candidate.
Paul Hickey
Shire Council acknowledges that we are
on the land of the Bundjalung people. The Bundjalung are the traditional owners of this land and are part of the oldest surviving continuous culture in the world.
Flat Rock Tent Park new managers
There’s no denying that Flat Rock Tent Park is a nature lover’s paradise.
You could spot a pademelon one day, a swamp wallaby the next, or chill out with the serene spoonbills. Flat Rock itself is a unique tidal platform that is home to many unique marine animals. At low tide the rock pools are an explorer’s delight, making the beach popular with families.
New park manager Brent Wells is a Northern Rivers local, avid explorer and nature photographer. He has plenty of cherished childhood memories spent at the camp with family and friends, surfing, fishing, and playing. So when Ballina Shire Council advertised the tender to manage the iconic Flat Rock Tent Park, it made perfect sense for Brent to jump at the opportunity.
“This place is all about making good memories with family and friends and seeking adventure. That’s why I’m so excited to be here at Flat Rock where people can connect with nature and truly unwind through an authentic camping experience,” says Brent.
The vibe at Flat Rock is spacious, calm, and low-key. It is one of only a few campsites left on the NSW North Coast that still allow campfires. So many special memories are made toasting marshmallows and telling stories under the stars.
Brent and his wife Liz share a passion for adventure, exploration, and conservation. With their three kids, they know exactly how stressful camping can be. One day they asked, ‘What happens if it didn’t have to be?’ The seed for their business, Live 4 Adventure, was sown.
Since coming on board as manager, Brent is now offering bell tent hire to Flat Rock Tent Park customers. There are many tent sizes and configurations to choose from, including fully furnished glamping options. Brent is most excited to be able to offer 5-metre bell tents for hire, which are wheelchair friendly.

“Our aim is to make camping accessible to everyone,” he says. “By hiring a tent you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on gear if you only go camping twice a year and you can also get to know what you like.
“We’re also really lucky to have excellent clean and modern amenities here at Flack Rock Tent Park including toilets, showers and disabled facilities with a separate baby’s bathroom.”
There’s also a spacious undercover camp kitchen which is the social hub of the park and a great place to whip up a delicious camp meal and make new friends.
Flat Rock Tent Park really does offer an old-fashioned camping experience combined with the convenience of modern amenities.
Visitors can escape the hustle and bustle while being just a 5-minute drive from either Ballina or Lennox Head.
Whether you bring your bike and enjoy the shared path that runs from the park, along the beaches and rivers; spend hours watching the dolphins and whales frolicking offshore; learn to surf, visit the local markets, hire a boat or charter, or giddy up for some beachside horse riding, there’s something for everyone.
Join us under the stars for an authentic camping experience, get your campfire stories ready and book your getaway by calling 02 6686 4848 or online at flatrocktentpark.com.au
Wonderful Wardell event a success
The end of Richmond Street came alive with music, creativity, art and food last month during the Wonderful Wardell event.
Thank you to all the volunteers, event organisers and facilitators who worked so hard to make this free community event such a success.
Ballina Shire Council would also like to thank everyone who attended and made this event so special. Your participation and enthusiasm truly brought Wonderful Wardell to life.
It was a fun and playful day with a range of activities and workshops that were well attended by the community.
This event was funded by Transport for NSW as part of their Open Streets program.



Stage one of the Wardell Village Revitalisation project is starting soon.
A key outcome of the Wardell Village Centre Revitalisation Master Planning process is to develop a ‘Community Green Space’ at the end of Richmond Street in Wardell.
The master plan was adopted in November 2023 after extensive community engagement including a community-led design charette.
The project will see the western end of Richmond Street transformed into a multipurpose, car-free space to sit in the village. Removable bollards will enable this space to be opened up to hold small community markets and other events that support social and economic recovery and activation.
The works will include:
Shared (pedestrian priority) zone and reduced traffic speed
Streetscape paving at the intersection of Sinclair Street and Richmond Street
New street furniture, wayfinding lighting and interpretative signage
Formalised car parking on a grass surface at the eastern end
Landscaping includes protection of fig trees and native vegetation
Drainage improvements
Public and community inspired art.
Jointly funded by Ballina Shire Council and NSW Government’s Local Government Recovery Program

To view the adopted master plan visit yoursayballina.com.au/ wardell-village-centre

Wardell Wharf rejuvenated
Repairs to the flood-damaged Wardell Wharf and extensive rock armouring work on the riverbank are now complete.
The project included:
Repairs to the damaged boardwalk and wharf piles
Repairs to the timber decking
Installation of rock armouring along the riverbank.
The timber seat from the Wharf is being renovated offsite and will be returned to site.
This $1.5 million reconstruction project was jointly funded by the Australian Government and NSW Government. The project includes $1.03 funding by NSW Public Works Advisory and the NSW Reconstruction Authority under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Plans underway to duplicate Ballina Bridges

Ballina Shire Council is undertaking preliminary investigation works at Fishery Creek Bridge, on River Street, and Canal Bridge, on Tamarind Drive, as part of the plan to duplicate both bridges.
The project involves raising portions of the roadway on sections of River Street, between Teven Interchange and Ballina Island, and Tamarind Drive, between Ballina Island and the Cumbalum Interchange.
Duplicating the existing bridges and raising these sections of road will improve evacuation options during flooding events and build a more resilient road network.
The Evacuation Route Raising (including bridge duplications) project will be completed across three years and has been funded with $40 million from the Australian Government through the Emergency Response Fund administered by NSW Reconstruction Authority’s Northern Rivers Recovery and Resilience Program 2022-2023.
The team will now focus on developing a design and construction expression of interest and hope to have a contractor engaged by early 2025.
For more information and to register for project updates visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/majorprojects


Located adjacent to the Byron Bay Road/Hutley Drive roundabout in Lennox Head, the new RFS facility is now complete and operational.
This project has included:
New water, stormwater, sewerage, and electricity connections
Construction of a standard RFS Brigade Station, including parking bay for two fire trucks, laundry, accessible toilets and shower facilities, lunch, storage, office and IT rooms
Parking aisle along the eastern perimeter of the site connecting Byron Bay Road to a newly developed driveway access off Hutley Drive
Car parking, including disability parking spaces
Footpath connecting pedestrians from Byron Bay Road to the shed
New fire hydrant adjacent to the RFS shed to refill appliances.
This project was jointly funded by Council, NSW Rural Fire Service, and the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Grant.

Concept Design
Fishery Creek Bridge, River Street
Concept Design Canal Bridge, Tamarind Drive

Ballina Shire Council has started works to complete the final stage of the Lennox Village Vision project.
This stage of works will involve converting the former Rural Fire Service (RFS) site on the corner of Park Lane and Mackney Lane into a new public carpark.
The works will include:
Demolition of the RFS shed
Reconfiguring the existing carpark and construction of additional carparks
Installing motorcycle parks, accessible car park and bicycle hoops
Constructing a new shared path along Park Lane and Byron street (directly adjacent to the carpark)
New landscaping.
Nearby residents and businesses can expect general construction noise and traffic control at times. Works are expected to be completed by September (weather permitting).
Once complete the new car park will make it easier for people to access local businesses and attractions. This will boost economic activity and support the growth and vitality of our community.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/lennox-villagevision

Ballina Shire Council is continuing plans to construct a permanent roundabout at the intersection of Byron Bay Road and Byron Street at Lennox Head.
The new roundabout replaces the existing T-intersection and temporary structure, improving traffic flow and safety and will include:
Concrete kerb and medians
Asphalt pavement
Shared path connection for pedestrians and cyclists
Pedestrian refuges
Street lighting.
Council will provide further information to local residents and road users once a start date is confirmed.
This $1.45 million project is proudly funded through the Australian Government Black Spot Program.
Subscribe to Council’s eNews for project updates at ballina.nsw.gov.au/enews

prosperous economy
The upgrade of Main Street and The Avenue intersection in Alstonville is nearing completion.
Funded through the NSW Government’s Get NSW Active program, this upgrade includes:
New pedestrian crossing with street light
Raising the asphalt road surface
New kerb and gutter
Extended median strip along Main Street to improve vehicle turning lines
New accessible carparking space
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/Alstonville-IntersectionUpgrade

Works are underway to repair rock revetment walls that were damaged during the 2022 floods.
The works involve removing and replacing additional rocks along the south bank of North Creek between Missingham Bridge and Meldrum Park and on the banks of Regatta Avenue. The North Creek works also include widening and replacing the shared pathway. Parts of Commemoration Park, Meldrum Park and Regatta Avenue are closed during the works with pedestrian detours in place. Please follow onsite signage.
This project is funded by NSW Crown Lands and Ballina Shire Council.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/MajorProjects




Council is nearing completion of road safety upgrades on Ross Lane.
The sealed shoulder and clear zone widths were less than desirable and had contributed to vehicle collisions.
The safety upgrades included: widening the shoulder clear zone improvements chevron alignment markers improved curve signage non-skid road surface treatments super-elevation curve improvements painted and raised median.
This project was funded by Transport for NSW’s Safer Roads Program.

In 2023 Council was announced as a successful grant recipient under the Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Program (RRTRP) to raise a section of Ross Lane and improve flood resilience.
For more information visit nswroads.work/rrtrp subscribe to council’s eNews
Keep up to date with council projects. ballina.nsw.gov.au/eNews
This project is in early planning stages and is separate to the road safety upgrades mentioned above. The RRTRP program strengthens the regional transport network’s capacity to withstand natural disasters.

prosperous economy

The Tamar Street Bus Interchange Upgrade in Ballina’s CBD is well underway.
The new design aims to improve traffic flow within the interchange and increase passenger comfort and accessibility. Works are expected to be completed by late October 2024.
The project includes:
New bus shelter and covered walkway
Two bays for buses to pick up and drop off passengers with improved bus entry into the interchange
Separate taxi zone
Improved stormwater drainage
Widened walkways for pedestrian safety and accessibility.
During construction, a temporary bus and taxi zone is located nearby in Tamar Street (at the front of 76 Tamar Street - Barker Ryan Stewart).
The entry to Wigmore Arcade and carpark is open throughout the project, however due to the construction zone, parking spaces within the carpark area are reduced.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/Tamar-Street-BusInterchange
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund.

The Burns Point Ferry closes for scheduled maintenance each month.
Regular maintenance is important to ensure a reliable ferry service for visitors and locals. Scheduled maintenance will occur from 9am – 1pm on:
Tuesday 13 August 2024
Tuesday 10 September 2024
Tuesday 8 October 2024
Tuesday 12 November 2024
Tuesday 10 December 2024
The Burns Point Ferry operates continuously from 5.30am to 12.30am daily.
For updates on the ferry status and road closure information visit livetraffic.com.au
For ticket information visit ballina.nsw. gov.au/burnspointferry


Playgrounds in Ballina Shire are renewed in accordance with the Playground Upgrade and Management Plan. Council’s budget for playground upgrades over the next four years can be found in Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
To find a playground near you visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/playgrounds

New playground for Fitzroy Park
The new Fitzroy Park playground in Wardell is now open for the community to enjoy.
Set amongst Wardell’s native Coastal Cyprus, this site is part of a special protected vegetation community type found locally in a few remnant pockets.
This vegetation provides a unique aesthetic with substantial dappled shade, which suits the ‘Nature Play’ theme requested by the community.
Key playground design features include:
Raw timber multi-play fort structure ‘Skysurfer’ and basket swing
Restored timber bench seats, made from decommissioned shire bridges
Improved turfed areas and landscaping.
The playground currently has some temporary fencing installed to allow plants a chance to fully establish.
This playground upgrade follows recent improvements to the tennis/multicourt facility and public amenities at Fitzroy Park.
To find a playground near you visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/playgrounds
engaged leadership

Look out for Fire Ants

Biosecurity Emergency Orders are in place for Wardell.
Red Imported Fire Ants (solenopsis invicta) swarm agressively, stinging over and over causing severe reactions, and rarely, fatalities. They form super colonies, killing off native plants and animals and damage ecosystems beyond repair.
NSW DPI, the National Fire Ant Eradication Program and Ballina Shire Council are working together to keep fire ants out of NSW.
Advantages of the preferred option when comparing options against the criteria, included:
• Improving safety at the Ballina Road intersection, by permanently removing the right turn out onto the highway
In May 2024, Transport for NSW published the consultation summary report in response to the display of the preferred option for the upgrade of the Ballina Road and Bruxner Highway intersection at Alstonville.
• Minimal environmental impacts, including no impacts to nearby waterways
• No travel time impacts to vehicles using the highway
• Fits with longer term highway planning
The proposed design improves safety at the Ballina Road intersection by: Improving right and left turn lanes from the highway onto Ballina Road and permanently removing the right turn out of Ballina Road onto the highway
• No property acquisition
Fire ants could be moved in hay, potted plants, soil, sand, mulch, turf and on agricultural machinery. A Biosecurity Emergency Order is in place with restrictions on the movement of fire ant carrier materials out of the Wardell control area while the ants are controlled.
Dark reddish-brown with a darker brown-black abdomen
As part of the assessment process, detailed traffic counts and modelling were carried out to quantify the potential impact of the proposed changes on the internal Alstonville network.
Providing a new westbound on-ramp at Ellis Road onto the Bruxner Highway, utilising the existing overbridge at Wardell Road for motorists travelling towards Lismore
Transport for NSW will continue to work with Council and the community to ensure the project delivers the best possible outcome for road users and the community. There will be future opportunities for the community to provide feedback on the project as planning progresses.
Traffic modelling showed an additional 54 vehicles in the morning peak and 24 trips in the afternoon peak that would be redirected through Alstonville from the Ballina Road intersection. Of these, only a small proportion of about 15 trips in the morning and 13 in the afternoon would travel through Alstonville’s main street. There would be negligible impacts from this minor diversion of local traffic through the Alstonville network.
Timing for construction has not been confirmed and is subject to project approval.
This report provides a summary of the feedback provided during the community consultation period.
For more information about this project visit transport.nsw.gov.au/ projects/current-projects/bruxner-highway-and-ballina-roadintersection-improvements-alstonville
Not all the same size in the one nest (between 2-6mm long)
Aggressive, swarming out of the nest if disturbed or poked with a stick.
Think you’ve spotted fire ants? Call the NSW Biosecurity Helpline 1800 680 244 or report online at dpi.nsw.gov.au


Council seeks to diversify housing options at Wollongbar
Council is looking to improve diversity in the residential housing market and has commenced the design process for medium density housing options on Council-owned land on Dundee and Elsa Avenues in Wollongbar.
The Wollongbar Housing Project aims to address the growing housing needs of our community, promoting diversity, sustainability and inclusivity in our region.
Concept designs have been developed by a local consultant that include a mix of one, two, three, and four-bedroom dwellings to provide quality accommodation that meets the needs of our community.
Stage One concept designs reveal an initial layout of five lots, delivering a total of 15 dwellings and 17 garage spaces.
The proposed mix of housing includes:
2 x four-bedroom duplexes
9 x three-bedroom townhouses
1 manor home including 1 x one-bedroom unit, 2 x two-bedroom units and 1 x three-bedroom unit.
The project is in the concept design stage with many decisions yet to be made by Council including design, planning approval and selection of construction partners. Community feedback on the concept designs will be presented to Council to ensure the project meets community expectations.
For more information visit www.YourSayBallina.com.au/WollongbarHousing-Project
engaged leadership
Council meetings at a glance
A great number of items and issues get discussed at Council meetings. Here are some items discussed at the Ordinary Council meeting on 25 July 2024.
Council discussed the concept plans for Sharpes Beach Car Park upgrade, including a potential modified design to include additional car parking spaces. Council endorsed option 4 and will now progress to detailed design.
Council allocated $77,000 in donations to community groups and $18,000 for capital works assistance for sporting groups. This annual support program gives community and sporting groups the resources they need to thrive and make a positive impact on the lives of our residents.
Council considered a request from the NSW Reconstruction Authority to extend its lease of the Wollongbar Sports Field to allow additional time to support the transition of remaining residents of the pod village into alternate accommodation. Council offered a six month extension of the lease.
Council discussed changes to the Ballina Shire Australia Day Awards categories, introducing a new category for Citizen of the Year, and adjusting the age categories for Young and Senior Citizen of the Year to better reflect community demographics.
To view the full agenda and minutes visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/ agendasandminutes

New Master Plan for Newrybar village
Ballina Shire Council will soon ask Newrybar residents to share their vision for the village centre.
A community engagement process will commence in the coming months to help Council develop the Newrybar Village Streetscape Master Plan
Established in the 1880s, the hamlet of Newrybar is one of the region’s earliest colonial settlements. This project aims to engage with the local community and stakeholders to realise the potential of the hamlet whilst maintaining the “quiet rural atmosphere and historic old-world charm” which are the distinguishing features the community have previously identified they want to retain.
A consultant will be engaged to conduct community consultation and explore, through a collaborative design process, the issues and opportunities and prepare design options for the public domain.
Stay tuned to Council’s website, eNews and social media for updates.

The current Alstonville Cultural Centre includes sport, recreation, and library facilities.
Since its construction in the early 1980s, the Alstonville Cultural Centre has not undergone any major renovation or modernisation.
In 2021 Ballina Shire Council endorsed a concept design to refurbish the Centre, including a new library annex.
In 2022 Council tendered for and engaged an architectural consultant to provide a detailed design and engineering specifications, and costs to restore the centre, including a two-storey library extension.
The consultant submitted a Development Application (DA) on behalf of Council that was on public exhibition in November 2022. Council obtained development approval in 2023 and will soon seek tenders for construction of the project.
The refurbished centre will include:
Two-storey library with lift access
Air conditioning in the renovated multi-purpose hall and foyer
Sports storage and umpires change room
Building facelift with a new office, reception, and kitchenette
For more information visit www.yoursayballina.com.au/ alstonville-cultural-centre-upgrades

Careers with Council

From engineering and environmental science to arts administration and aviation, the opportunities with Council are diverse!
Currently we are advertising the following roles: Business Systems Support Officer Coordinator Business Solutions Executive Assistant - General Manager and Mayor Heavy Plant Mechanic Welder / Metal Fabricator Visitor Services Officer
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/careers
New flight paths into Ballina
Planning is underway to establish a controlled airspace around Ballina Byron Gateway Airport in 2025 to support the growth of air traffic in the region.
This may result in changes to flight paths in your local area.
Pilots flying into Ballina Byron Gateway Airport currently selfoperate in uncontrolled airspace. The change to controlled airspace

Online session
New flight paths into Ballina
If you are unable to attend an in-person session, Airservices Australia will be hosting an online session:
Thursday 15 August 7pm - 8.30pm
controlled airspace around Ballina Airport in 2025 to support the growth of air traffic in the region.
Register to attend at engage. airservicesaustralia.com/ ballina-controlled-airspace
This may result in changes to flight paths in your local area.

Community drop-in sessions
View preliminary design information and speak to Airservices Australia staff at the following community drop-in sessions:
Monday 5 August 2024 4pm - 7pm Ballina Surf Club
Tuesday 6 August 2024 4pm - 7pm Lennox Head Community Hall
Wednesday 7 August 2024 4pm - 7pm Woodburn Memorial Hall
Thursday 8 August 2024 4pm - 7pm Goonellabah Community Centre
Friday 9 August 2024 4pm - 7pm Alstonville Anglican Parish Hall
Noise Concerns
Scan the QR code for more information.
Scan QR code for more information
For information and to subscribe to updates, visit:
engage.airservicesaustralia.com/ballina-controlled-airspace communityengagement@airservicesaustralia.com
Saturday 10 August 2024 9am - 12noon Coraki Youth Hall
Airservices Australia manages complaints and enquiries about aircraft noise and operations through its dedicated Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS).
The service is the Australian aviation industry’s main contact point for the community on aircraft noise and related issues. Complaints and enquiries help identify issues of community concern and opportunities for delivering noise improvements for communities.
For more information visit airservicesaustralia.com
How to lodge a noise complaint
Complete an online form at airservicesaustralia.com
Telephone 1800 802 584 (freecall)
Write to Noise Complaints and Information Services, PO Box 211, Mascot NSW 1460.

Resource Recovery Community Grants
Have you got an innovative idea to reduce waste or improve resource recovery in our shire?
Ballina Shire Council is looking to invigorate and recognise community resource recovery efforts with our Resource Recovery Community Grants.
Up to $50,000 is available per annum and we’re looking for projects or initiatives that:
If you or your organisation have an idea about how to minimise waste and improve resource recovery in Ballina, we want to hear about it!
We encourage ideas big or small and reward innovation from our community members.
For assessment criteria and to apply visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/ ResourceRecoveryGrant
Keep saying NO to single use plastics
Here are some simple ways to switch from single-use to reusable:

Small steps make a big difference!
BRING Keep a reusable cup in your bag, car, or at your desk. Use a mug, jar, or travel cup made from insulated steel, glass, or ceramic.
BORROW Encourage a mug library at your workplace or local café.
STAY Take 10 minutes to dine in and enjoy your cuppa.
TAKEAWAY Keep a reusable cutlery set in your car or office, a glass or stainless steel container and a drink bottle.
EATING OUT Bring your reusable container for takeaways or leftovers.
AT HOME Ditch the plastic wrap and use a plate over dishes, beeswax wraps, old glass jars, or any plasticfree container.
SUPPORT Shop at stores with loose produce or visit local farmers markets.
RETHINK Do you need a bag for items like bananas or cauliflower?
CHOOSE Use lightweight, reusable produce bags for items that need a bag. Keep them in your shopping bag.
For more tips on reducing plastic waste visit plasticfreejuly.org
resource recovery centre

Local businesses reduce their water use
The Sustainable Water Partner Program is helping local businesses take action to reduce their water use.
Rous County Council in partnership with Ballina Shire Council, is working together with businesses to identify projects with dual benefits for both business operations and water sustainability by reducing demand on our region’s limited drinking water supply.
This year participating businesses received rebates totalling $30,000 with annual cost savings of $10,000 achieved by implementing projects that optimise their water use.
The Sustainable Water Partner Program can support your business to improve water efficiency, reduce costs and minimise your environmental footprint.
To find out more contact Rous County Council or visit rous.nsw.gov.au/ sustainable-water-partner-program
WATER talk

The Ripple Effect: Waterwise Schools Program takes off
Rous County Council with support from Ballina Shire Council is excited to launch the Ripple Effect: Waterwise Schools Program to empower our future generations to learn about and act to conserve water.
The program, which is offered freely to local schools, will see students across our region embark on a series of engaging lessons aligned with the Australian curriculum. Students will gain valuable knowledge about the importance of water conservation, the managed water cycle and how water gets to our homes and businesses, as well as practical skills and knowledge to make every drop count. The program builds on Rous’s existing schools outreach and water catchment trailer visits.
Grade 3 and 4 students at Alstonville Primary School were the first participants in the new program, learning about water as an essential but limited resource and experiencing hands on testing of their local waterway as an indicator of habitat health. Rous look forward to continuing to collaborate with Alstonville Primary to explore broader water conservation and education opportunities.
To get your school or community involved visit rous.nsw.gov.au/catchmentmodel-trailer

Water and Wastewater Projects
SKENNARS HEAD Pressure Reduction Valve
Water Main Replacement
TAP OFF AND TUNE IN for Water Night!

Will you turn the tap off on Water Night and tune in to the world’s climate change situation?
Held every year during National Water Week, Water Night is an annual event that aims to improve everyone’s water knowledge in order to help us all value water more.
This year, Water Night takes place on Thursday 24 October 5pm - 10pm Individuals and households are asked to turn off all taps and running water from 5-10pm.
All life on earth relies on water to survive yet only 42% of Australians consider tap water to be precious. Water Night improves water literacy and water awareness helping us all value water more, leading to long term behavioural change.
sign up and save the date to show your support!
To register and access resources, including kids’ activity sheets visit waternight.com.au

Access & Switchboard Upgrades WASTEWATER RELINING PROGRAM
KELLIE-ANN CR, LENNOX HEAD Recycled Water Booster Pump
Membrane Replacement
NORTH CREEK RD, LENNOX HEAD Pressure Zone Extension
LENNOX HEAD WWTP Chlorination Renewal
Water Main Replacement
BALLINA Recycled Water Main Replacement
FERNGROVE TO BALLINA WWTP Recycled Water Main Upgrade
Water Main Replacement
Our gutters and drains are all part of a large stormwater system. When it rains, stormwater runoff from our streets and homes can wash dirt, litter and other pollutants into our waterways.
In most cases stormwater is not treated, which means everything going down streets and gutters flows directly into waterways where fish, frogs and other precious aquatic animals and plants live. With your help, we can keep our precious waterways clean and healthy by stopping pollution entering our gutters and drains in the first place.
BIN IT Put litter in the bin.
Don’t park your car on the road if it is leaking oil.
SWEEP, DON’T HOSE Sweep gutters, footpaths and driveways.
Mow your lawn with a catcher to stop grass entering the gutter. PICK IT UP Pick up your dog poo and put it in the bin.
Wash your vehicles on the grass or at the car wash.
When cleaning your roof make sure water isn’t flowing into the roadside gutter.


Bulwinkle Park Environmental Education and Planting Day
Council’s Healthy Waterways Program, Richmond Valley Landcare and Alstonville High School recently collaborated to carry out an environmental education and planting day at Bulwinkle Park in Alstonville.
The aim of this collaboration was to share knowledge, encourage our next generation, and continue the rehabilitation of this special part of Maguires Creek.
Bulwinkle Park is located on the north-west outskirts of Alstonville and bounded by Maguires Creek to the west. It is approximately 50 metres upstream of Lumley Park, which is one of the remaining Big Scrub remnants of lowland subtropical rainforest. Bulwinkle Park has a current Vegetation Restoration Plan which can be found online at ballina.nsw.gov.au/councildocuments
We were lucky to have several inspirational environmental educators join us including the team from Big Scrub Regeneration who worked with students to carry out riparian plantings, OzFish who spoke with students on the importance of oysters in our ecosystem, Brendan Cox from River Ecology did water bug testing and Rodney Faulkner from Birdlife led a nature walk with students to talk about Rosewood Mistletoe as well as birds and their habitat in the area.
To end the day, a BBQ lunch was kindly prepared by the volunteers of Tuckombil Landcare and Lions Club volunteers.
Council’s Healthy Waterways Program continues to develop programs that increase the reach of education in schools on the importance of protecting the health of our environment and waterways.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/healthy-waterways

Lake Ainsworth improvements
Council will be starting a number of improvement works at Lake Ainsworth following the winter school holidays.
The works will include:
beach nourishment to improve erosion and beach access formalised access within the western foreshore
further revegetation of the western foreshore
asphalt resurfacing of carparking installation of additional footpaths. These works are actions of the Lake Ainsworth Coastal Management Program endorsed in 2020.
The works will take approximately three months to complete, weather permitting.
During this time parts of the reserve and beaches will be closed to the public but access will be maintained where possible.
This project has been funded by Council’s Healthy Waterways Program, the NSW Government’s Coastal and Estuary Grants Program and the Crown Lands Reserve Improvement Trust.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/healthywaterways LENNOX HEAD

Seven Mile Beach 4WD permits can be purchased in two ways:
1. At the automated kiosk located along Camp Drewe Road Payment by card only.
2. Use the EasyPark App
Download the app before accessing the beach, enter the location code (Seven Mile Beach is 40201), your registration number and choose your permit and payment option.
For more information phone 1300 734 070 or visit easypark.com.au
2024/25 FEES:

New 4WD policy aims to protect local environment
Changes to 4WD access at Lennox Head’s Seven Mile Beach came into effect on Monday 1 July 2024.
The changes promote safe beach access and seek to minimise impacts on key environmental attributes of the beach, dunes, and surrounding areas.
Due to increasing beach use and safety concerns, Council has also committed to phasing out 4WD access to Seven Mile Beach by 2028. This decision will help protect Seven Mile Beach’s natural environment, which is home to nesting sea turtles, shorebirds, and macroinvertebrates such as crabs, worms, and pipis.
Ballina Shire Council endorsed the new 4WD Beach Access Policy in November 2023. From 1 July 2024, one and 30-day 4WD passes are discontinued, leaving only 6 and 12-month permits available for purchase.
A comprehensive report on the Seven Mile 4WD Beach Access Policy revealed a 107% increase in the one-day permits from the 2021/22 to 2022/23 financial year. The total number of all types of permits sold in 2023 was 4,941, compared to 2,690 in 2022.
The surge in permit sales has been accompanied by concerns about conflicts with other beach users, including walkers, dog owners, and horse riders.
* EasyPark credit card surcharges apply
View the 4WD Beach Access at Seven Mile Beach policy at ballina.nsw.gov. au/4wds-on-beaches
The revised permit and policy changes were presented for a six-week community exhibition in February 2023, resulting in 268 responses reported to the Council for consideration.
Beach users can purchase a 4WD beach permit from the automated kiosk located along Camp Drewe Road or via the EasyPark App.
The beach access point is continually monitored via a 24/7 surveillance camera. Vehicles without a valid permit who access the 4WD track and beach may be issued a fine.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/4wds-on-beaches
healthy environment

Can I keep the home fires burning this winter?
The warmth and flames of a backyard fire pit or indoor wood heater can be enticing but the smoke and its contents can be harmful.
As temperatures drop and winter sets in, the incorrect use of wood heaters and backyard fires can seriously affect our air quality.
Wood smoke can cause breathing difficulties, especially for people suffering existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma, and for very young children and frail older people. We all have an obligation when burning to minimise air pollution and impacts on any person.
To help reduce smoke pollution this winter follow these simple steps:
Burn only dry, aged wood Unseasoned wood has lots of moisture, which causes a fire to smoke.
Never burn rubbish, driftwood or painted or treated wood These are sure to pollute the air and can produce poisonous gases.
Use plenty of dry kindling to establish a good fire quickly and keep the flame lively and bright Your fire should only smoke when you first light it and when you add extra fuel.
Check your wood heater chimney regularly If there is smoke coming from the chimney, increase the air supply to your fire.
Clean the chimney every year to prevent creosote build-up.
Make sure your heater is compliant with the Australian Standard (AS/ NZS 4013:1999).
Backyard fires are allowed but only for cooking or recreational purposes if you live in closely settled areas. Council’s Backyard Burning Policy which aims to minimise air pollution and unwanted smoke from backyard fires includes maps showing the restricted areas.
Let’s all work together to protect our families, neighbours, and environment.
For more information contact Council’s Public and Environmental Health Division on 1300 864 444 or visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/airpollution

Miconia weed found in Lennox Head backyard
Keep an eye out for the highly invasive Miconia weed.
Rous County Council was recently contacted by a Lennox Head resident after seeing a Miconia awareness advertisement on TV.
Weed Biosecurity officers confirmed the plant in the backyard of the residential home was Miconia calvescens (Miconia). The plant had been growing as an ornamental for years, and the landowner was unaware of Miconia’s classification as ‘prohibited matter’ in NSW. This classification is the highest biosecurity level and makes it an offence to grow or deal with this species.
The Miconia plant was flowering and developing fruit, which officers removed and destroyed. Miconia quickly forms monocultures, shading out competitors. A mature tree can produce up to five million seeds which remain viable for up to 16 years.
Despite efforts to eradicate Miconia in NSW, this invasive species continues to be a serious environmental and economic threat. If you see Miconia, please contact Rous County Council’s Weed Biosecurity Officers who will work with you to identify it, remove it and destroy it.
Contact Rous County Council on 02 6623 3800 or visit rous.nsw.gov.au

Council committed to climate change action
Ballina Shire Council is aiming for net-zero operational emissions and 100% renewable electricity by 2030.
Council’s Climate Change Policy sets emmissions reduction targets for the organisation. The recently adopted Corporate Emissions Reduction Plan (CERP) outlines the pathway to achieve the 2030 targets through short, medium, and long term actions.
Short-term actions include onsite solar and energy efficiency initiatives such as the innovative 5B Maverick solar systems installed at wastewater treatment plants. New areas of focus include accounting for emissions in purchasing and capital works projects.
Beyond internal operations, Council’s climate change policy also sets a framework for progressing climate action for community wide involvement. Initiatives include:
Annual Lennox Head Community Tree Planting Day in partnership with GeoLINK, enhances biodiversity by restoring native ecosystems with community involvement.
Koala Habitat Restoration Small Grants Program aims to restore up to 50 hectares of koala habitat on private land with funding allocated to 19 properties so far.
Resource Recovery Community Grants provide a total of $50,000 annually for projects that encourage recycling and minimise landfill waste.
Telegraph pole-mounted EV chargers will soon be installed near the Northern Rivers Community Gallery on Cherry Street in Ballina and in Ross Street at Lennox Head. This is part of a two-year trial in collaboration with the supplier, EVX and Essential Energy.
These initiatives highlight Council’s strong commitment to a sustainable future and driving positive change for both the environment and the community.
annual Lennox Head community tree planting day
solar panels installed at Alstonville Wastewater Treatment Plant
Biodiversity Strategy aims to restore koala habitat
healthy environment

Trades opportunities for local contractors
Ballina Shire Council will be going to public tender in September 2024 to contract a new Trades Services Panel from 1 January 2025.
The panel will provide Council with access to a wide variety of pre-qualified contractors to support its ongoing service and maintenance activities.
Submissions to the tender will be welcomed from suitably insured and qualified trades service providers including, but not limited to:
Builders, Plumbers, Carpenters, Painters/Decorators, Roofing, Concreting
Electricians (Level 1,2,3)
Demolition/Asbestos removal
Glazing/security screens, doors (automatic/roller)
Infrastructure repair and maintenance e.g. tensile shade equipment, synthetic sports surfacing and playground surfaces
Equipment servicing e.g. electrical, pumps
Metal fabrication
Supply/install/maintain solar PV equipment
Fencing – supply/installation/repairs/hire
Underground utility location.
The tender process can be daunting, particularly for small businesses. Our Procurement Team will look to deliver information sessions in August that will provide an overview of the tender process and the requirements of submitting a conforming tender.
Please register your interest by emailing procurement@ballina.nsw.gov.au and the team will provide details of available sessions.
In the meantime, all prospective tenderers should subscribe to our e-tendering portal via ballina.etenderbox.com.au to receive notifications of available tenders as they are published.
For more information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/tenders-and-quotations and Council’s e-tender portal ballina.etenderbox.com.au
Changes to management of noise complaints from licensed premises
The NSW government has revamped the management of noise complaints related to licensed venues, including pubs and clubs.
These changes, known as the Vibrancy Laws, took effect on 1 July 2024 and are part of broader reforms aimed at revitalising the hospitality sector in the wake of COVID-19. The new laws balance support for businesses with community concerns about noise and amenity.
Key features of the Vibrancy Laws:
Order of Occupancy The venue that was established first will be prioritised in noise disturbance complaints. This will prevent new residents restricting the entertainment options or operating hours of long-standing venues.
Lead Regulator Liquor & Gaming NSW will now serve as the primary regulator for noise complaints related to licensed premises. Local councils will still handle complaints about waste disposal, delivery services, and mechanical equipment like air conditioners.
Increased Complaint Threshold The number of individuals required to make a statutory noise disturbance complaint has risen from three to five.
Direct Resolution Required Individuals must first attempt to resolve noise issues directly with the licensed venue before escalating the matter to Liquor & Gaming, unless there is a valid reason for not doing so.
Development Consent Conditions: Previous noise-related development consent conditions for licensed venues may no longer apply.
For more information on the Vibrancy Laws visit liquorandgaming.nsw.gov. au/resources/vibrancy-reformswhats-changing
Simple steps to Register your Pet Microchip Register
visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/ register-your-pet Save money
Reduced registration fees for dogs desexed prior to 6 months of age and cats desexed prior to 4 months of age.

Dog’s Day Out! Gap Road Dog Park grand opening
10 AUGUST 2024
9.30am - 12 noon
Come along to celebrate the opening of the new off-leash dog park on Gap Road, Alstonville!
Dog owners and their pooches are invited to join us between 9.30am and 12noon on Saturday 10 August 10 2024, to unleash the fun and explore the new agility park.
Free activities include:
This new dog exercise area is also a direct action from Council’s endorsed Companion Animals Management Plan, which aims to create a safe, healthy and supportive environment for both animals and the community.
For further information visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/exercising-your-dog
This project was proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Ballina Shire Council.

subscribe to council’s eNews ballina.nsw.gov.au/eNews
Time to get poolside
The Alstonville Aquatic Centre and the Ballina War Memorial Pool are open and ready for you to dive in! Both pools are ideal places to exercise and catch up with friends and family.
Ballina War Memorial Pool & Waterslide
Lee and Vicki Fitzgerald | 02 6686 3771
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 5.30am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 5pm

Free Health Checks from MHERV
27 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2024
@ Fawcett Park, Ballina ‘Saving men’s lives’ is the catch cry of the Rotary Men’s Health Education Rural Van (MHERV), which is coming to Ballina in September.
The MHERV Project offers FREE 10-minute health checks covering blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes with immediate results. While the program was originally targeted to men, women are also encouraged to take advantage of the free screening.
The service is offered in a relaxed, confidential, and informal setting. The MHERV nurse conducts the tests and discusses any health concerns in the privacy of the consulting rooms within the van. MHERV screenings have saved lives and improved health outcomes for many men and women throughout NSW.

Opening Hours:
Saturday 7am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

For more information visit facebook. com/BallinaonRichmond

Find them on Facebook
Alstonville Aquatic Centre
Greg and Kelly Fettell | 02 6628 0826
Monday - Friday 5.30am - 7pm
Find them on Facebook
24hours day,sevendaysaweek16RiverStreet,Ballina 0266818699Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowisexperiencingdomesticviolence, callNSWDomesticViolenceLine 24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek 1800656463and1800671442TTY(Hearingimpaired) www.dcj.nsw.gov.au/children-and-families/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence
1800811811 www.dvconnect.org Telephonecounsellingandadvice 1800RESPECTNationalSexualAssault,Family&DomesticViolenceCounsellinghelpline 24hours day,sevendays weekforanyAustralianwhohasexperienced,or atriskof, familyanddomesticviolenceand/orsexualassault 1800737732 www.1800respect.org.au RelationshipsAustralia-NSW 1300364277 www.relationshipsnsw.org.au Mensline 24hours day,sevendays week 130078 78 www.mensline.org.au ChildProtectionHelpline 132111 www.facs.nsw.gov.au/families/protecting-kids Lifeline24hoursaday,sevendaysaweekcounsellingandsuicidepreventioncrisissupport 131114 www.lifeline.org.au BeyondBlue 24hoursaday,sevendaysaweekonlineandphonesupportforpeoplewithdepression andanxiety 1300224636 www.beyondblue.org.auMentalHealthAdviceLine 1800011511 www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth

community spaces
Sports at the

into the BISC
Keep the kids active and moving at the BISC.
Get them out of the sun (or rain) and come on in for some fun ball games.*
CASUAL FEES $7 or 3 MONTH MEMBERSHIP $75 terms and conditions apply
*subject to court availability - follow us on Facebook and Instagram for What’s On updates

Lennox Head Community Hall ready for hire
Need a venue in a great location, with ample parking and plenty of room to move? The fresh and modern Lennox Head Community Hall ticks all the boxes!
The Multipurpose Room is available for hire for workshops, training, functions, classes, community group gatherings and sporting club celebrations.
If you need to prepare your next batch of goodies for the markets, you run a home-based or online business, or you’re preparing for a community event – Lennox Head Community Hall has the perfect commercial quality kitchen for hire.
The kitchen features sparkling new stainless-steel benches and sinks, bar and servery area, commercial glass washer, gas cooktop and oven, microwave, double glass fronted refrigerator, zip boil tap, 30L urn, freezer, bain marie, and a separate storage room.
We welcome fitness passport holders!

Kitchen hire rates start at $19 per hour or $69 for a half day, based on the 50% not-for-profit discount, other rates apply for regular and one-off hirers.
To find out more visit communityspaces.com.au or call our friendly Community Spaces team on 02 6681 0500
Lennox Head Community Hall
near you? What's on
There are regular classes, live music, exhibitions and art workshops at venues near you.
For more information visit communityspaces.com.au

Friday 30 August 2024
6.45pm @ Lennox Head Cultural Centre
Papa Salt presents, in partnership with Firewire Surfboards and LE-BA a brand new take on the original surf classic, Birth of the Endless Summer is a new, full-length feature documentary revealing the hidden story behind filmmaker Bruce Brown’s The Endless Summer, which would become the most influential surf movie of all time.
Metz’s train-jumping, steamship-hopping tour, in the vein of On the Road and The Motorcycle Diaries, led to his discovery of ‘the perfect wave’ at Cape St. Francis, South Africa.
Tickets are on sale now - don’t miss this!

Sunday 4 August 2024 10am & 12pm @ Lennox Head Cultural Centre
Just like the cherished television program, this concert is thoughtfully paced for children, offering a perfect blend of lively tunes to dance to and quiet moments for pure observation.

Sunday 11 August 2024
8am - 12noon @ Lennox Head Cultural Centre
A market with stalls for new and pre-loved items such as clothes, furniture, books, art, décor, services, jewellery, cake and coffee!! Mumhub Collective supports mental health and wellbeing for women and especially mothers.

every 2nd and 4th Thursday 6pm @ Lennox Head Cultural Centre Meditate, explore and share together in a supportive community. Beginners and experienced meditators are most welcome. Meditation sessions run for 90 minutes. For more information contact Gabrielle on 0418 576 075 or Gowan on 0423 361 378.
current exhibitions
Exhibition Dates: 26 June - 18 August 2024

Scribbly Gums and Landforms Dianne Ingram
Dianne uses mixed media to describe and translate her love of Australian gum trees and bushlands. Often working plein-air and employing her distinctive mark-making techniques to create abstractions of the landscape. Dianne imbues her work with ambiguity and unconventional juxtapositions that invite the viewer to create their own interpretations and experiences of our shared environment.
Image: Dianne Ingram, From Meadow to Woodland, 2024
Fallen Jenny Kitchener
Working with printmaking, Jenny Kitchener presents a glimpse into what the future may hold for five Northern Rivers endangered or vulnerable animals. The focus is on five threatened local animals, selected from five major animal groups: the koala (marsupial); the jabiru (bird); Stephen’s banded snake (reptile); the green and golden bell frog (amphibian) and the birdwing butterfly (insect).
Image: Jenny Kitchener, Memorial, 2024
13th Annual Grace Cruice Memorial Exhibition BACCI
Presented by the members of the Ballina Arts & Crafts Centre Inc. (BACCI), this exhibition is a tribute to founding member Grace Cruice, showcasing works created by BACCI members over the past year. BACCI is celebrating 26 years of continued activity and continues to promote a friendly meeting place for artists and craft people from Ballina and surrounding districts.
Image: Lesley Ryan, Crosswind, 2024
2025-26 Exhibition Program APPLICATIONS NOW
NRCG welcomes exhibition proposals from artists, designers, curators, community and cultural groups in all art forms including but not limited to: visual arts, sculpture, craft, design, digital media, performance, installation/site specific works and cultural heritage that display innovative ideas and approaches to contemporary arts practice. We strongly encourage applications from First Nations artists, artists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, deaf and disabled artists and LGBTQIA+ artists. Please visit nrcgballina.com.au to apply.
Applications close 5pm Sunday 1 September 2024
Image: installation view of re-present by Lyndall Phelps, 2024, photo by Jaka Adamic Ryan

upcoming exhibitions
Exhibition Dates: 21 August - 13 October 2024 | Launch event: 5.30pm - 7.30pm Thursday 22 August 2024

Shaman Cola Nick Pike
Shaman Cola is a mixed-media exhibition exploring the artist’s ongoing fascination with the concept of the plastic shaman – self-proclaimed spiritual advisors or new age healers utilising social media as a platform for fame and fortune. The works explore inner worlds within the greater context of a shared space and intelligence.
Image: Nick Pike, Shaman Cola, 2023

Birds of a Feather Jenn Rowe & Laeten Taylor
These sculptures explore the complex relationships between humanity, technology, and the natural world amid growing concerns about environmental degradation and the delicate interdependence between humans and their natural environment. The artists symbolically and physically deconstruct and reconstruct using natural and human-made found objects, disrupting the natural (and unnatural) processes of decay.
Image: Jenn Rowe, banksia bird, 2024
thanks to our sponsors
The Ballina Shire Council and Northern Rivers Community Gallery gratefully acknowledge our exhibition sponsors: The Cellar and Pyewacket’s Traditional.

Towards a feeling Sam Holt
Exploring the endless myriad of opportunities that exist for any moment in time, this exhibition speaks to the transient relationship of our physical surroundings with our mental states. Holt employs photography to manipulate and collage memories. The works are printed, stretched, and then painted in oils, taking the documentation of the initial memory and abstracting it.
Image: Sam Holt, a lingered glance, 2024

Time & Tide Group Exhibition
Time and Tide reflects on contemporary printmaking with seven artists presenting significant early work from their archives in conversation with new work that responds to the theme Time and Tide. In the production of new work for this exhibition, each artist has observed where their new work echoes their old, re-examining the territory and material form of projects pursued across many years.
Image: Jan Davis, Horse, 1996

public programs

Weaving Circle II Jugan Dandii
Date: Saturday 10 - Sunday 11 August 2024
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Where: Ignite Studios - 60 Crane Street, Ballina
Ages: 16+
Cost: $240 (tools and materials included)
To book online visit nrcgballina.com.au or contact the Gallery on 02 6681 0530

Join Aunty Tania Marlowe and Debra Cole from local weaving collective Jugan Dandii to learn a variety of easy and simple basketry techniques whilst sharing yarns about connecting to community and country. Participants will be guided to make an individual basket or sculptural form from natural fibres, alongside an exploration of locally foraged materials such as vines, creepers and Bangalow palm that can easily be processed into forms suitable for woven art.
Creative Studios FOR RENT
Ignite Studios is currently accepting applications from artists, creative practitioners, and creative organisations looking for affordable studio space for a six or twelve month period.
Light-filled with wooden floors and utilising the original living areas of the beautifully restored and heritage-listed former Ballina Fire Station, the 14m2 studio is fully secure with lockable doors, air conditioning and 24-hour access. Rent is $130 per week.
Mayra Castro in Ignite Studios, 2024, Photographer Kate
Image: NRCG Weaving Workshop with Jugan Dandii, 2024, Photographer Kate Holmes
connected community
Connect. Discover. Escape.

SEW CAN I craft group doing great things for the community
Ballina Library’s craft group, Sew Can I, meets in the library every Wednesday morning from 10am until 11.30am. You can always tell when the group is present from the loud talking and raucous laughter emanating from the Reference Room, even with the door closed. The group, which is made up of mostly retired women, comes together to knit, sew, and crochet but also to talk, laugh and be around other likeminded people.
But there is also a serious side to the group which does wonderful things for the community. For instance, the group recently held a Knit-In in the library where members of the community were invited to knit squares for the Wrap with Love organisation. These squares will be put together to form blankets to help disadvantaged people across Australia and in war-torn areas in Ukraine and Syria.
The group also knits beanies and scarves for Bosom Buddies to help women with breast cancer keep warm as they undergo chemotherapy and for Mary’s Place, a drop-in centre located in Ballina, to help people in the community sleeping rough during our cold winter months.
Another worthy organisation receiving help from the craft group is Women Up North, a women’s refuge that serves the Ballina, Lismore and Byron regions. This group provides food, shelter and clothing to women and children who have been forced to flee their homes in a hurry with few or no possessions. Sew Can I are assisting them by making jumpers, beanies, booties, baby blankets and children’s
clothes, as well as knitted or crocheted bags to carry their possessions around in as they move from place to place. The group also makes trauma teddies for the Red Cross and is currently making blankets and knitted pouches for injured animals for the Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital
The ladies of Sew Can I also do lots of great things for the library. They recently made miniature pillows and sheets for the library’s Toy Sleepover, as well as knitted poppies for Remembrance Day and pompoms to decorate the library. There is also a wonderful tapestry hanging in the library’s Reference Room which was made by the group to commemorate the incredible resilience of the community following the floods of 2022.
Ballina Library would like to thank all the members of Sew Can I for the wonderful things they are doing for the community. You are doing an amazing job. We would also like to thank all those individuals, retail organisations and other groups who have provided generous donations of wool, blankets, knitting needles, gift vouchers and more to the group. Without your help, the fantastic achievements of the Sew Can I group would not be possible.
The group’s activities would also not be possible without the hard work and dedication of Ballina library’s tireless staff member Liz. We thank you.
Image: Sew Can I craft group meets every Wednesday morning in the Ballina Library.

Teven Tintenbar Country Fair
Teven-Tintenbar Public School facebook.com/TTPSCountryFair
Head to the hinterland and grab a bargain while entertaining the kids at the Teven-Tintenbar Public School’s annual Country Fair - bigger and better than ever!
Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping day with the Storm Swing, Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course, Wild West Jumping Castle, and Cup and Saucer.
Enjoy a day filled with exciting rides, great food and endless fun!
Visitors can try their luck at games, snare a bargain at the bric-abrac, toys and book stalls.
In addition to the delicious cake, home made goods and revamped fresh produce stall, there is a wealth of fresh lunch options courtesy of the school’s many gourmet cooks.
Set in beautiful grounds, and with some great musical entertainment on offer, it’s a guaranteed fun day out for young and old.

Rainbow Region Dragon Boat Regatta
24 - 25 AUGUST 2024
Shaws Bay, East Ballina rainbowdragons.com.au
Sit on the banks of Shaws Bay for a family friendly and alcohol-free weekend at one of the region’s most exciting sporting eventsDragon Boating!
An officially sanctioned Dragon Boats NSW regatta and proudly sponsored by Ballina Shire Council. There will be dragon boat racing on both the Saturday and Sunday with Community Team events on the Sunday along with a variety of novelty races.
Many dragon boat clubs from across northern NSW and SEQ come along to compete in the event. The regatta is free for spectators.
8.30am Saturdays 31 August - 21 September 2024
Learn the basics of paddling and discover the fun of being part of a competitive team sport by attending the Rainbow Region Dragon Boat Club’s four-week Introductory Program.
Experience the benefits for both your physical and mental health. Coaches will provide both group and one-on-one feedback to assist in developing your skills throughout each session. All ages and fitness levels welcome.
To enquire contact Carmel on 0402 235 602
subscribe to council’s eNews
connected community there are services and facilities that suit our needs
See page 6 on the flipside for other events across the Northern Rivers. Visitdiscoverballina.com.au for event details

Alstonville Quota Craft and Garden Fair
Alstonville Showgrounds facebook.com/quotacraftfair
The annual Alstonville Quota Craft and Garden Fair is on again this August at the Alstonville Showground and it’s sure to be a great weekend!
There’ll be something for everyone with a huge variety of craft and garden stalls from creative locals.
Enjoy entertainment from The Wildlife Twins and Garden Guru Phil Dudman.
For more information email craftfair.quotaalstonville@ gmail.com

Alstonville Agricultural Show
25 - 26 OCTOBER 2024
Alstonville Showgrounds alstonvilleshow.com
Alstonville Agricultural Society holds an annual agricultural show each year, promoting local produce as well as horses, stud beef, poultry and working dog trials.
The show offers activities the whole family will enjoy on Friday, Saturday and Saturday night.
Enjoy great food, entertainment, music, rides and animal displays!
Red Cross Exhibition
to 15 SEPTEMBER 2024
Crawford House Museum, 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville aphsmuseum.org.au
The latest exhibition at Crawford House Museum celebrates 110 years of the Red Cross in the Northern Rivers Area. The Alstonville and Wardell branches have continually served the area since 1914. Learn about how they have helped us in the past and what is planned for the future.
Nominations open soon!
Ballina Shire Council is on a mission to dive deep into our community and celebrate individuals and groups who make an extraordinary impact on our shire.

2024 Australia Day
In 2024, we had some amazing nominees and Lucy Trease was winner of our Young Citizen of the Year category.
Nominations are invited for those outstanding community members who may otherwise go unnoticed, individuals and groups who dedicate themselves to community-based activities, sports, the environment, or the arts.
The 2025 Ballina Shire Australia Day Awards are an opportunity to honour and recognise our unsung heroes. These are the exceptional individuals and groups who may not seek the limelight, yet their contributions are nothing short of remarkable. Community members are encouraged to nominate candidates who have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to making Ballina Shire a better place.
There are eight categories for nomination:
The 2025 Citizen of the Year is chosen from all of the nominees across the eight categories.

As Alstonville High’s 2023 School Captain, Lucy Trease embodies leadership and dedication. Alongside her studies, Lucy coruns a sourdough bakery with her brothers, providing bread to evacuation centres during the 2022 floods.
An active volunteer, Lucy readily volunteers her time to support younger students in debating teams and the Model United Nations Assembly. She has also coached her brother’s soccer team for seven-years and was actively engaged in school sports, particularly swimming.
Recognised as a NSW Woman of the Year Candidate in 2023, her contributions as a coach, mentor, and leader highlight her remarkable impact on her peers and local community.
Nominate online at ballina.nsw.gov.au/2025Awards or contact Council’s Communications Team on 1300 864 444.
Nominations close: Monday 1 November 2024
The other nominees for the Young Citizen of the Year Award were: Imani Hannaford and Tayla Kennedy.
Learn more about your 2024 Australia Day award winners at ballina.nsw.gov.au/ australiaday
Be Prepared for natural disasters
cut out and keep!
Together, we can prepare our community for natural disasters such as storms, fires and floods.
Download these four apps for weather warnings, hazard notifications, road impacts and help from emergency services.

Hazards Near Me
Receive notifications when a natural disaster is approaching
Live Traffic NSW
Plan ahead and see what hazards are impacting your route
Emergency Plus GPS function gives your precise location to emergency services
BOM Weather
Check for weather forecasts and warnings
To download the apps visit nsw.gov.au/ GetReadyNSW/Apps

SES 132 500
Ballina Shire Council 1300 864 444 or emergency after hours 02 6626 6954
Emergency Services
Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade Triple zero 000
Live Traffic NSW livetraffic.com.au
ABC North Coast FM 94.5 (National Emergency Broadcaster)
Paradise FM 101.9 ZZZ FM 100.9
Contact your sporting club.
bom.gov.au Bureau of Meteorology
Your local airline for flights to and from Ballina: Jetstar 13 15 38 jetstar.com
Virgin Australia 13 67 89 virginaustralia.com.au
Qantas 13 13 13 qantas.com
FlyPelican 02 4965 0111 flypelican.com.au
have a smooth journey with LIVE TRAFFIC NSW

Live Traffic NSW provides updates about traffic conditions across all New South Wales roads.
Live Traffic NSW includes road information about traffic flow, current hazards or major events such as floods, roadworks and traffic incidents. It can also help you plan your route and shows you estimated travel times, rest areas and traffic cameras!
For the latest traffic information download the Live Traffic NSW app or visit livetraffic.com.au
2024 NSW Local Government elections
Saturday 14 September 2024
Save the date
Save the date
2024 NSW Local Government elections
The 2024 NSW Local Government elections will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024. Key dates for the elections can be found on the NSW Electoral Commission’s website elections.nsw.gov.au
2024 NSW Local Government elections
Voting options include attendance in person on and before election day, postal voting and telephone assisted voting for electors who are blind or who have low vision.
2024 NSW
Saturday, 14 September
Local Government elections
Saturday, 14 September
You must lodge a nomination form either online or by obtaining nomination forms from elections.nsw.gov.au or the Returning Officer’s office and lodging with the Returning Officer.
Voting is compulsory
Saturday, 14 September
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge24 or call 1300 135 736
Local Government elections Save the date
Candidates must also complete and lodge a candidate information sheet and statistical information sheet.
Lodge your nomination
Voting is compulsory
Voting is compulsory
Saturday, 14 September
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge24 or call 1300 135 736
The NSW Electoral Commission strongly encourages you to lodge your nomination online.
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge24 or call 1300 135 736
If using paper nomination forms, you must lodge your nomination and deposit with the Returning Officer for the council area in which you intend to stand as a candidate. Returning Officer office locations can be found at elections.nsw.gov.au.
Nomination forms, grouping forms and nomination deposits must be lodged between Monday 5 August and 12 noon Wednesday 14 August 2024.
Voting is compulsory
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge24 or call 1300 135 736
Late nominations cannot be accepted.
Registration for electoral funding purposes
Prior to being nominated, candidates and groups wishing to accept political donations or pay for electoral expenditure must first apply to the NSW Electoral Commission to be registered for electoral funding purposes. Only once registered is a candidate or group allowed to accept political donations and pay for electoral expenditure.
Candidates and groups can apply to be registered through the NSW Electoral Commission’s online registration and disclosure system, Funding and Disclosure Online. Forms are also available by request email fdc@elections.nsw.gov.au or 1300 022 011.
Applications for registration for electoral funding purposes close on Wednesday 14 August 2024.
To learn more go to elections.nsw.gov.au/funding-and-disclosure
Residential roll
All voters on the NSW electoral roll as at 6pm Monday 5 August 2024 will be included on the residential roll for the election.
Australian citizens who are 18 years of age are entitled to enrol at an address in NSW at which they have resided for at least one month.
To enrol or to update your enrolment details, visit aec.gov.au or call 13 23 26.
Non-residential rolls
If you are an owner, rate-paying lessee or occupier of rateable land which is not your primary residence, you or a nominee may be entitled to be enrolled on the roll of non-residential owners of rateable land or the roll of occupiers and rate-paying lessees for this election.
Details of the eligibility criteria and enrolment claim forms may be obtained on Council’s website ballina.nsw.gov.au/2024-localgovernment-election
The claim must be completed and lodged with the General Manager of your council by 6pm Monday 5 August 2024.
If you were on a non-residential roll for the previous election, or if you need to update your details, contact the council to check that your enrolment is still current.
Compulsory voting
Voting in local government elections is compulsory for all voters on the residential roll.
Voting is not compulsory for voters included on the non-residential roll for a council.
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au
what ward are you in?
Email the candidate helpdesk at candidates@elections.nsw.gov.au
Saturday, 14 September
Call the candidate helpdesk on 1300 022 011
Voting is compulsory
If you are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, please contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). Choose your access option and ask for 1300 135 736.
Visit elections.nsw.gov.au/lge24 or call 1300 135 736 2024 NSW Local Government elections Save
If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450 and ask them to call the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736. check enrolmentyour details at check.aec.gov.au
Ballina Shire Council acknowledges that we are here on the land of the Bundjalung people.
The Bundjalung are the traditional owners of this land and are part of the oldest surviving continuous culture in the world.
council contact information
Ph: 1300 864 444
Email: council@ballina.nsw.gov.au
Web: ballina.nsw.gov.au
Street Address: 40 Cherry Street, Ballina
Postal Address: PO Box 450, Ballina 2478
Office Hours: 8.15am to 4.30pm Mon-Fri (excluding public holidays)
After hours contact: 02 6626 6954 Like us on Facebook
Meeting agendas and documents on exhibition can be viewed at council’s website ballina.nsw.gov.au

from the cooler Ballina coastline and head to the scenic hinterland for a drive to discover a warming food trail adventure this winter. Take a break Take a hinterland food trail this winter.
Our local cozy cafes and eateries create a perfect winter escape and make for delightful experiences.
Begin your adventure by catching the Burns Point vehicle Ferry across to South Ballina and enjoy the views of the Richmond River. Follow the river through to Wardell. Wardell is known for its landmark lift span bridge and as a great fishing location. Start your day with a delicious pie from the Wardell Café and Takeaway to warm your insides – you will be spoilt for choice by the different flavours.
Follow Tourist Drive 28 past green rolling hills to Summerland Farm, a 238-acre macadamia & avocado working farm in Alstonville’s hinterland. What better way to warm up on a beautiful wintry day than at Summerland Farm restaurant. The cozy country style venue uses seasonal produce in their menu or enjoy freshly baked scones for something light. Stock up on some fresh produce and local treats at the retail outlet.
As you continue along the hinterland drive to Alstonville you will be spoilt for choice – sit in at one of the quaint cafes along the main street, grab a pub feed at the local pub, spoil yourself with a delicious cake or pastry, savour a relaxing moment with a cup of coffee or enjoy takeaway fish and chips. Spend some time wandering through Alstonville village with gorgeous book shops, dress shops and heritage style buildings to admire.

To make room for some more treats, walk off lunch by taking a stroll along the viewing platform at Killen Falls. Heading north along Hinterland Way from Lennox Head, drop into Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and grab a few bags of different flavoured hot macadamia nuts to snack on before heading to Newrybar. A popular spot for foodies, renowned Harvest has a restaurant, deli, and heritage bakery. Choose from a delicious assortment of sandwiches, homemade salads, and pastries – using some produce grown in their garden including vegetables, herbs, edible flowers and fruit.
Heading out of Newrybar along Broken Head Road, stop in Zentvelds Coffee Farm and Roastery, a family-owned business that focuses on regenerative farming practices. With the beans grown, processed and roasted on the farm, Zentvelds Coffee offers a true ‘crop to cup’ experience. Indulge in a barista made coffee while overlooking the plantation or pick up some freshly ground beans to take home with you.
Along the drive from Wardell to Newrybar, make sure to stop in at some of the roadside stalls along the way to pick up fresh, local produce. Your belly will be full, your bodies will be warm and you just never know what you might discover in our hinterland villages.

Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Zentvelds Harvest
Summerland Farm
farm gate stalls
What's new?
It’s no secret that the Ballina Coast and Hinterland is home to an exciting and diverse range of experiences, attractions, and dining options. If you are looking to try something new, why not visit one of these recently opened businesses?

This new neighbourhood cafe and wine bar opens early August on the corner of Cherry Street in Ballina. Owned and operated by husband and wife team, Tim and Rhianne, the cafe will open from 7am - 3pm Monday to Friday with extended trading hours to come. You’ll find good tasty food, served generously with delicious breakfast, freshly made salads and made to order deli style sandwiches. Coffee from Byron based Beam roasters, plus wine and beer available to have in or take away.
34 Cherry Street, Ballina bertiesballina.com

Lehem Bread House
Lehem Bread House is a new bakery that brings high quality bread, baguettes, focaccia, croissant, pastries, cakes and sandwiches in a European and Middle Eastern style. Ideally located under the Ramada Hotel & Suites, grab your baked goods and sit down on the waterfront with a picnic and local brand Busy Bird Coffee to suit the Lehem vibe. Catering and wholesale services also available.
2 Martin Street, Ballina @lehem_breadhouse
Saltbush Bar & Grill
Ballina’s new waterfront restaurant features modern Australian cuisine with a Saltbush twist. Specialty items include award winning Wagyu and Black Angus Jack’s Creek steaks as well as fresh local seafood. Enjoy after-work drinks in the lounge bar or cocktails by the riverfront. Open seven days a week, Saltbush will also cater for weddings, events, and corporate functions in the Ramada rooms.
Martin Street, Ballina info@saltbushballina.com.au
stepin time back Take a

Whether you’re a local history enthusiast, a genealogist, or simply curious about the past, the museums in Ballina Coast & Hinterland offer a wealth of knowledge and a deeper understanding of the area’s rich cultural tapestry. Uncover the fascinating stories preserved within these remarkable institutions that offer a diverse and enlightening experience for visitors of all ages.
Ballina Naval & Maritime Museum
The Ballina Naval & Maritime Museum (pictured above) stands as a tribute to Australia’s naval history, showcasing an extensive collection of maritime artifacts, models, and memorabilia. The museum also offers a fascinating glimpse into the maritime heritage of the region. Highlights include detailed ship models, historical photographs, and interactive exhibits. Open 7 days.
Richmond-Tweed Family History Society
For those with a keen interest in genealogy and family history, the Richmond-Tweed Family History Society in Ballina is an invaluable resource. The society’s extensive archives include records, documents, and family histories that help visitors trace their ancestry and uncover the stories of their forebears. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
Ballina District Museum
Located at Pimlico, the Ballina District Museum provides an in-depth look into the local history and development of the area. The museum’s exhibits cover a broad range of topics, from the early indigenous inhabitants to the European settlers and the town’s evolution over the decades. Visitors can explore a variety of artifacts, photographs, and documents that paint a vivid picture of Ballina’s past. The museum is open Friday & Sunday.

Crawford House Museum
Crawford House Museum in Alstonville is a beautifully preserved heritage home that offers a window into the domestic life of the early 20th century. The museum is filled with period furniture, objects, and personal belongings of the Crawford family, providing an authentic glimpse into the past. Exhibitions are held throughout the year so there it is always showcasing something new. Open on Fridays and Sundays.
New Italy Museum
Situated at New Italy, the New Italy Museum celebrates the unique heritage of the Italian settlers who established the New Italy colony in the late 19th century. The museum’s exhibits tell the story of these resilient pioneers, highlighting their struggles and triumphs as they built a new life in Australia. Open 7 days.

What's on?
9 - 11 August 2024
Bangalow Showgrounds
Australia’s largest and leading regional celebration of storytelling, literature and ideas. The Byron Writers Festival line-up includes 140 predominantly Australian writers and thinkers who together challenge, entertain and share their stories, inspirations and insights. For more information visit byronwritersfestival.com
10 August 2024
Teven Tintenbar Public School
Enjoy a day filled with exciting rides, great food and endless fun! Visitors can try their luck at games, snare a bargain at the bric-a-brac, toys and book stalls. Food stalls and live entertainment make this a great family day out. For more information visit facebook.com/TTPSCountryFair
16 - 18 August 2024
The annual Bangalow Music Festival (BMF), owned, operated and presented by Southern Cross Soloists, is a major event in the Australian arts calendar presenting world-class chamber music performances. For more information visit southernxsoloists.com/bangalow
17 - 18 August 2024
Northern Rivers
Journey into the world of the handmade where ceramicists open their studios to visitors so you can meet the artists, discuss their work and processes and find out what inspires them to do what they do. Note the events schedule to organise your visit around demonstrations or artist talks. For more information visit northcoastceramics.com
For more information about What’s On and local events in the Northern Rivers visit discoverballina.com.au
24 - 25 August 2024
Sit on the banks of Shaws Bay for a family friendly weekend watching the Dragon boat racing on both the Saturday and Sunday with Community Team events on the Sunday along with a variety of novelty races. Many dragon boat clubs from across northern NSW and SEQ come along to compete in the event. For more information visit rainbowdragons.com. au/events/
24 - 25 August 2024
Quota Alstonville invites you to our Annual Craft & Garden Fair in August at the Alstonville Showground Apex Pavilion. Wonderful handmade crafts will be available for sale along with plants, guest speakers and gardening tips galore. Coffee, light refreshments and BBQ available. For more information visit facebook.com/quotacraftfair
7 September 2024
Guest chefs, live cooking demonstrations and local restaurants offering a selection of tasting plates. Regional brewers and distilleries selling a range of beverages and over 100 exhibitors showcasing food products, artisan breads, cheeses, homewares and gifts. For more information visit samplefoodevents.com/sample-food-festival/
5 - 6 October 2024
Alstonville Football Club hosts two days of competition for females aged 10 to adult culminating in finals to determine the Oceania Cup champions. Teams travel from around Australia as well as locally. A great spectator sport. For more information visit alstonvillefc.com.au

Sugar Beach Ranch
The Ballina Tourism Team caught up with local business owner Stevey to chat about what she loves about the Ballina Coast & Hinterland.
Sugar Beach Ranch is a 60-acre property in South Ballina designed with equine lovers in mind, offering equine therapy and horse retreats, venue hire as well as photo and location hire. Once home to the late CM Murphy OAM, a legend in the Australian music industry, Sugar Beach Ranch is now under the loving watch of his eldest daughter, Stevey Arena, her husband Nick and their two children, driven to keep Chris’s legacy alive and provide ever growing support to the community.
Where are your favourite places to go around the Ballina Coast & Hinterland?
We recently watched a production at Ballina Players which we loved. The kids always enjoy the Byron Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and in the summer the Ballina waterslides.
Where are you taking your visiting friends for somewhere to eat?
For groups we visit Jordan at Capiche in East Ballina and for dates with my husband we absolutely love Shelter in Lennox Head. We are always entertaining at the ranch and love to gather fresh produce from Brads Butchery and Northern Rivers Seafood Market.
What three things do you suggest to do while on the ‘southside’ of Ballina?
Firstly, you must start your journey by crossing the Burns Point Ferry, it’s a beautiful disconnect from the main town. Then drive to the ranch and explore natures playground, by camping or booking our bungalow and then enjoy an equine wellness experience with Maxime Willemstherapy and training and our resident horses. If you are a horse owner, you can bring your horse to the ranch and ride along the beach to the Ballina Beach Nature Resort for a coffee or a cocktail.
Create lasting memories and a bucket list experience by booking a whale watching tour from Ballina with Out of the Blue Adventures. These tours offer a remarkable opportunity to cruise our scenic coastline, spotting humpback whales, dolphins, and other marine wildlife. The knowledgeable crew ensures an educational adventure, enhancing your appreciation of these magnificent creatures. To book your tour, pop into the Ballina Visitor Centre or visit discoverballina.com.au