2025 Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association Directory

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Mediator | Arbitrator





Mediator | Arbitrator | Umpire






Message from the President


“Honor the Judiciary...Promote the Profession...Protect the Oppressed...”

Dear Colleagues:

It is my pleasure to present to you our 2025 Membership Directory. As president of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association, and on behalf of its Executive Council and staff, we are proud to make this tremendous resource available to our membership. The directory is the most efficient way to quickly learn contact information but also invaluable in quickly identifying a specialist in the particular area of law or topic you, your family, or clients may need advice. The directory is intended to be a ready reference for not only phone numbers and email addresses but also includes information about specialties, areas of focus, board certifications, attorney areas of interest, mediator areas of interest, and admission to practice in other states. Also, the directory includes information regarding ESRBA and your member benefits, additionally, published on our website (www.esrba.com.) more information including member spotlight, calendar of events, CLE schedule and library bank, Lawyer Referral Service, the Young Lawyers Division, the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Foundation.

ESRBA strives to provide the best service, benefits, and meaningful opportunities for professional development and networking. We are always open to feedback and suggestions on programs we can implement or expand. If there is anything I can do to improve your engagement with ESRBA please reach out to me – my contact information is in the directory – but for ease of reference you can reach me at joe.passeretti@gray-robinson.com or 448-239-6031.

We appreciate all of you, and we wish you all continued success in 2025.

Joseph A. Passeretti


Joseph A. Passeretti


Rebecca Gilliland


Stephen Luongo


Rachel Thomas



Christine A. Kelly


Kristina Cook

Patrick Jennings

Brenton Goodman

Alexis Mays

Michelle Nguyen

Shelby Savage

Jessica Scholl

Andrew Spencer

Angela Trawick

Aaron Watson



Alex Messmore

A Brief History of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association

The Florida State Bar Association, a voluntary membership organization, was founded in 1907. One of Pensacola’s most prominent attorneys of the day, W.A. Blount, was one of the founders. He became the fifth president of that association in 1911. Later, Mr. Blount became the first Florida lawyer to be elected President of the American Bar Association (1920-21).

In 1950, the Florida State Bar Association was succeeded by The Florida Bar. It was created by the Supreme Court of Florida as an integrated bar, membership in which is required as a condition to practice law in the state. Voluntary local bar associations have continued and they, as well as individual attorneys, now receive considerable assistance and encouragement from The Florida Bar.

The first local bar association for lawyers from Escambia and Santa Rosa counties was the Society of the Bar of the First Judicial Circuit. It was chartered as a non-profit corporation by order of then Circuit Judge, Thomas F. West, dated July 25, 1929, with the following officers:

President: Philip D. Beall, Sr.

Vice President: L.L. Fabisinski (Escambia County)

Vice President: R.A. McGeachy (Santa Rosa County)

Vice President: T.R. James (Okaloosa County)

Vice President: S.K. Gillis (Walton County)

Secretary-Treasurer: John M. Coe

These six, plus Purl G. Adams of Crestview, D. Stuart Gillis of DeFuniak Springs, and Sam Pasco of Pensacola were designated as the Executive Council. A total of 19 lawyers signed the Petition for Incorporation, one of whom was J. McHenry Jones, who was admitted to the Bar in 1923. The unique name selected for this early bar organization, The Society of the Bar for the First Judicial Circuit, attracted much statewide interest, and was frequently commented on favorably at legal meetings, in all sections of the state.

When the “Society” was chartered in 1929, there were probably fewer than 75 lawyers in the entire First Judicial Circuit. Law office locations were confined to the four county seats. With some irregularity, monthly meetings were usually held at rotating locations among the four counties.

The meetings were held with dinner, and included such locations as the old Florida Town Hotel, the Valparaiso Inn, the Walton County Country Club, and the San Carlos Hotel. Supreme Court Justices and other state officials were often available to be guest speakers at the dinner meetings of the “Society.”

The original 1929 charter of the “Society” provided for the non-profit corporation to exist for a period of 99 years. A later proposed amendment would have changed this to “perpetual existence.” The drafters of these charter provisions were dreamers whose dreams were not to come true. By 1971, there were two separate bar associations in the First Judicial Circuit, the Okaloosa-Walton Bar Association and the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association. The latter was chartered as a non-profit corporation on March 12, 1971. It was contemplated that the “Society” would continue in a less active role under a revised charter with quarterly, or at least annual, meetings for all of the members of these two offspring associations whose presidents would automatically serve as vice presidents of the continuing “Society.” After a few years, the “Society” ceased functioning.

Since its inception, the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association (ESRBA) has had strong leadership. That leadership has led to a Bar Association that supports approximately 600 members and is intricately involved in the community. The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association’s mission is to engender fellowship among members of the Association; to maintain standards of the Bar; to foster and uphold respect for the laws of the State of Florida and of the United States; and to disseminate among members information from time to time as to current events in legal circles.

The ESRBA publishes three publications in partnership with Ballinger Publishing: The Summation Weekly newspaper, The Summation Quarterly magazine and an annual membership directory. The membership directory includes current contact information for all Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association members, Courts, Clerk of Courts, and other useful law-related contact information. Association member updates are printed quarterly in The Summation Quarterly.

The Constitution enshrines our collective responsibility to one another, and the 2025 Law Day theme urges us to take pride in a Constitution that bridges our differences to bring us together as a united nation. Our civic lives tie us together as one “We,” whether through legislative efforts that serve the common good, through military service, or by working together, every day, to fulfill the promise of E pluribus unum, or “Out of many, one.” We will once again be celebrating our legal community with a week long event series, beginning with the LSNF’s Legal Clinic and our YLD’s Motion to Strike Bowling Mixer on Saturday, April 26th. Those kickoff events will be followed by our annual Judicial Reception (April 29th) and our Law Week Luncheon (May 2nd). We will be concluding our Law Week festivities with our traditional religious ceremony on Sunday, May 4th.

The ESRBA office is located at 260 S. Tarragona Street, Suite 160, Pensacola, Florida 32502. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. The office phone number is 434-8135. The general email address is esrba@esrba.com.

Member Benefits

Membership in the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association provides you with many opportunities to network with fellow attorney and judges, meet CLE requirements via live seminars and archived recordings, and engage with the community.


• Inclusion in this annual directory as well as our online Membership Directory, including photos and contact information.

• A complimentary copy of The Summation Quarterly magazine. Each issue of our magazine highlights members of our local legal community as well as providing updates and announcements for our membership. (A portion of dues is applied to a weekly subscription to The Summation Weekly newspaper).

• Members Save 40% on archived CLE seminars located in our CLE Library. We are always adding new seminars to our collection, visit cle.esrba.com to view our current offerings.

• Member-only rates on live CLEs, monthly meetings, special events, e-blasts and advertising in our publications. To advertise in our weekly newsletter or magazine, please contact Ballinger Publishing at (850) 433-1166.


Monthly membership meetings are normally on the third Thursday of each month at noon. The program consists of a short business meeting followed by a 20 to 30-minute presentation. Many times, CLE credit is available for attendance at some meetings. Join us each month for networking and a great lunch at V. Paul’s Ristorante on Palafox at 11:30am.

There are approximately 24 local CLE Live Seminars on various topics sponsored by the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association each year. Most of the seminars are recorded and available for download and purchase at cle.esrba.com. Member and nonmember rates are determined by the number of approved CLE credits.

The ESRBA offers email distribution services. For members, the cost for an “E-Blast” to fellow members is $195 plus tax and $250 plus tax to reach all area attorneys. For nonmembers, these fees are $295 plus tax and $350 plus tax respectively. An E-Blast a great way to announce new attorneys joining your firm, advertise furniture or space for sale, or celebrate accolades.

If your law practice could benefit from another source of potential clients, we encourage you to join the Lawyer Referral Service. For a small annual enrollment fee of $150, and a 10% referral fee, it is a cost effective and low risk means of generating more clients. The LRS

program is managed by the ESRBA staff and is promoted at key locations within the M. C. Blanchard Judicial Building, on our website, and in our publications, Summation Weekly and Summation Quarterly.

Enhance your online directory listing by making it a Premium Profile. Premium Profiles allow our members to highlight their area(s) of practice, board certifications and selected biographical information. We can also include links to your firm’s website or social media pages. Members enrolling in this program will have their enhanced profiles prominently placed on the ESRBA homepage. The fees for a Premium Profile are as follows, $100 for Profile with (2) areas of practice, and $50 for each additional area of practice or board certification highlighted.

The ESRBA offers a variety of Sponsorship Opportunities. The Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association (ESRBA) consists of more than 600 attorneys and judges. By becoming one of our supporters, your organization gains exposure and direct access to leading legal professionals. Your partnership also supports the community by promoting our mission to maintain high standards in Local and State Bar, to promote the rule of law, access to justice, pro bono resources, and a fair and impartial judiciary. For more information, contact Jeff Nall at jeff@esrba.com or call (850) 434-8135 ext. 3.


Our Member Benefit and Discount Program enables you, and your firm to take advantage of special pricing and discounts from national brands such as American Express, ODP Business Solutions, Priceline, and Verizon through a partnership with National Purchasing Partners as well as Gravity Legal, Digital Boardwalk, and Red Cave Law Firm Consulting. Visit esrba.com for a full list of available member discounts and benefits.

In addition to offering ESRBA members special pricing as an additional benefit, this program generates non-dues revenue for ESRBA, which helps keep membership dues as low as possible.

Business participation in the ESRBA Member Benefits & Discount Program does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by ESRBA.

2024–2025 Executive Council of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association

President Joseph A. Passeretti 448-239-6031

GrayRobinson, P.A. 601 S. Palafox Street Pensacola, FL 32502 joe.passeretti@gray-robinson.com


Rachel Thomas 850-444-3854

Carr Allison

201 E. Government St., Suite 121 Pensacola, FL 32502 rthomas@carrallison.com

Council Member

Kristina Cook 850-665-2800

The Cook Firm, PLLC 3182 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 kristi@thecookfirm.com

Vice President

Rebecca Gilliland 215-308-1515

Beasley Allen 301 Saint Louis Street, Mobile, AL 36602 rebecca.gilliland@beasleyallen.com


Christine A. Kelly 850-433-6581

Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon 30 South Spring Street Pensacola, FL 32502 ckelly@esclaw.com

Council Member

Brenton Goodman 850-435-7006

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 bgoodman@levinlaw.com


Stephen Luongo 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 E. Intendencia St., STE 400 Pensacola, FL 32502 sluongo@clarkpartington.com

Young Lawyers Division


Alexandra Messmore Zarzaur Law 850-444-9299

100 Palafox Place Pensacola, FL 32502 alex@zarzaurlaw.com

Council Member

Patrick Jennings


Legal Services of North Florida 1741 N Palafox St, Pensacola, FL 32501 patrick@lsnf.org

Council Member

Joe Kirkland


Nix & Kirkland, P.A. 6478 Highway 90, Suite A, Milton, FL 32570 jkirkland@nixandkirkland.com

Council Member

Shelby Savage 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 W. Main St. Pensacola, FL 32502 ssavage@twwlawfirm.com

Council Member

Aaron Watson


The Watson Firm, PLLC

350 W. Cedar Street, Suite 301 Pensacola, FL 32502 awatson@watsonfirm.com

Council Member

Alexis Mays 850-433-6581

Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon, 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 amays@esclaw.com

Council Member

Jessica Scholl 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland Maritime Place, 350 W. Cedar St., STE 100 jscholl@mhw-law.com

Council Member

Angela Trawick 561-625-6260

Rafferty Domnick Cunningham Yaffa 815 S. Palafox St. Suite 3 Pensacola, FL 32502 angela@pbglaw.com

Council Member

Michelle Nguyen 850-435-9919

The Family Law Team 900 N Palafox St Pensacola, FL 32501 mtn@thefamilylawteam.com

Council Member

Andrew Spencer 850-434-9200

Clark Partington 125 E. Intendencia Street, Suite 400 Pensacola, FL 32502 aspencer@clarkpartington.com

Executive Director

Jeff Nall


260 S. Tarragona St., Suite 160 Pensacola 32502 jeff@esrba.com

Presidents of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association


Rollin Davis 1981–1982




Barry W. Beroset 1982–1983









T.A. Shell 1971–1974
Donald H. Partington 1974–1975
T. Sol Johnson 1975–1976
H. Edward Moore 1976-1977
Roderic Magie
W. Spencer Mitchem
A.G. Condon
William H. Clark
Wilmer H. Mitchell
Robert L. Stone
Robert J. Mayes
Robert D. Hart
G. Edison Holland
Wright Moulton
Louis F. Ray, Jr.
Jefferey Cramer
Laura E. Keene 1991–1992
Alan B. Bookman 1992–1993

Robert R. Kimmel 1993–1994

Rick E. Scherling 1997–1998

Theodore W. Soule 2001–2002

William H. Stafford, III 2005–2006

Valerie E. Prevatte 2009–2010

Stephen H. Echsner 1994–1995

Michael J. Stebbins 1998–1999

Margaret T. Stopp 2002–2003

Lois B. Lepp 2006–2007

Thieman Greene 2010–2011

Sally Bussell Fox 1995–1996

Patricia B. Wright 1999–2000

Kramer A. Litvak 2003–2004

Allen W. Lindsay, Jr. 2007–2008

Eric D. Schurger 2011–2012


Mark A. Bednar 2000–2001

Charles F. Beall 2004–2005

Lisa N. Bernau 2008–2009


Wm. Douglas Marsh
Jeremy C. Branning

Presidents of the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association

Benjamin J. Stevenson 2013–2014

Garrett P. LaBorde 2021–2022

James M. Weber 2014–2015

Aaron T. McCurdy 2022–2023

Matthew C. Hoffman 2015–2016

Christine A. Kelly 2023–2024

Joseph A. Passeretti 2024-2025

Tiffany A. Sullivan 2016–2017
Jodi D. Dubose 2017–2018
D. Steve Traylor Jr. 2018–2019
Warren R. Todd 2019–2020
Heather Lindsay 2020–2021

2024–2025 Escambia Santa Rosa Bar Foundation Board of Directors


D. Steve Traylor, Jr. 850-429-2027


Borowski & Traylor, PA P.O. Box 12651 Pensacola, 32591

Board Member

Aaron T. McCurdy



McDonald Fleming 719 South Palafox Street Pensacola, FL 32502

Board Member

Stephen H. Echsner 850-202-1010


Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 E. Main Street, Suite 200 Pensacola 32502

Vice President

Jodi D. Dubose



Stichter, Riedel, Blain and Postler, PA 41 N. Palafox Street Suite 111, Pensacola 32502

Board Member

Mikaela Ziko



Luks Santaniello 300 N Tarragona St. Pensacola, FL 32501

Board Member

Shekka Drayton 850-438-1111


Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A. 307 S. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32502

Secretary & Treasurer

Cameron Gore



Baptist Hospital 1717 North E Street, Suite 320 Pensacola, FL 32501

Board Member

Heather F. Lindsay 205-223-3447


Board Member

Jeremy C. Branning 850-434-9200


Clark Partington 125 E. Intendencia Street Suite 400 Pensacola 32502

Board Member

Adrianna M. Spain



Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A., 307 S. Palafox Street Pensacola 32502

Board Member

John “Buz” Windham 850-982-3933

JohnFWindham@gmail.com 562 E. Romana St. Pensacola, FL 32502

Board Member

Chris Kelly, CIMA

The Kelly Group at Morgan Stanley

Board Member

Patrick Martin



Michles & Booth, P.A. 501 Brent Lane Pensacola, FL 32503

Board Member

Kasey Watson 850-595-4405


First Judicial Circuit Trial Court Administrator

190 W Government St., Floor 5 Pensacola, FL 32502

Board Member

Warren R. Todd



Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon 30 S. Spring Street, Pensacola 32502

ESRBA President Joseph A. Passeretti 448-239-6031


GrayRobinson, P.A. 601 S. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32502

2024–2025 Young Lawyers Division Board


Alexandra Messmore



Zarzaur Law P.A.

Past President

Brooke DiSalvo



US Attorney’s Office

Board Member

Haley Hadden 850-432-9818


Litvak, Bealsey, Wilson & Ball, LLP

Board Member

Lexie Fuller



Rembold Hirschman

Vice President

Alexander Shimek 850-361-4206


Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon

Board Member

Michelle Nguyen



The Family Law Team

Board Member

Mikaela Ziko 904-735-3010


Luks Santaniello

Board Member

Sara Papantonio



Levin Papantonio


Craig Wood 850-483-5921


Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

Board Member

J. Mitchell de Kozan 850-477-0660


McDonald Fleming, LLP

Board Member

Madison Leonard 850-202-8522


Moorhead Law Group

Board Member

Margaret Zinsel 850-432-2451


Beggs & Lane


Sara N. Davis



Clark Partington

Board Member

William Hahn



Carver Darden

Board Member

Kreg Jones 850-316-4490


Wicker Smith

Board Member

Madison Stacey 850-981-5500


Office of the State Attorney

Board Member

Rebecca Radd



Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon

Board Member

Carllee J. Godwin 448-239-6034


GrayRobinson, P.A.

Board Member

Gabriel Mueller 850-595-4200


Office of the State Attorney

Board Member

Blake Radford 850-438-4899


Taylor Warren Weidner Hancock & Barnes


Jeff Nall

434-8135, ext. 3


Stephen Hayward 434-8135, ext. 1

stephen@esrba.com Lawyer

Gabrielle Taite 434-6009 lrs@esrba.com

Website: www.esrba.com



Supreme Court of the United States

One First Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20543

Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice

Scott Harris, Clerk of the Court

Website: www.supremecourt.gov

U.S. Court of Appeal for the Eleventh Circuit (Includes states of Florida, Georgia and Alabama) 56 Forsyth Street, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30303

William H. Pryor, Chief Judge

James Gerstenlauer, Circuit Executive

David J. Smith, Clerk of the Court

Website: www.ca11.uscourts.gov

U.S. District Court

United States Courthouse, One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Winston E. Arnow Federal Building, 100 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Website: www.flnd.uscourts.gov


Honorable M. Casey Rodgers ....................................................................

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 437-7897

Patricia Romero, Judicial Assistant

Francie Berger, Term Law Clerk

Annette Williams, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_rodgers@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Allen Winsor, Chief U.S. District Judge.

111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Fax: 850-521-3650

John Scoggin, Term Law Clerk

Sean Collins, Term Law Clerk

Jaden Stevens, Term Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_winsor@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable T.Kent Wetherell, II

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL, 32502

Scott Davis, Term Law Clerk

Lauren Scribner, Term Law Clerk

Carolyn Valdes, Term Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_wetherell@flnd.uscourts.gov







Federal Courts


Honorable Robert Hinkle ............................................................................. 850-521-3601

111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Fax: 850-521-3610

Sherrye Stephens, Judicial Assistant

Megan Bradley, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_hinkle@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable William Stafford...........................................................................


111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Fax: 850-521-3618

Marilyn Holland, Judicial Assistant

Kay Judkins, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_stafford@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Lacey A. Collier ..........................................................................

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, 32502

Fax: 850-444-0177

Rick Jank, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_collier@flnd.uscourts.gov


Federal Courts


Honorable Miles Davis .................................................................................

100 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_davis@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Midori Lowry .............................................................................

401 Southeast First Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601

Fax: 352-380-2754

Laura Ericson, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_lowry@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Charles J. Kahn .........................................................................

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, 32502

Fax: 470-8148

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_kahn@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Charles Stampelos

111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Fax: 850-521-3630

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_stampelos@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Zachary C. Bolitho .....................................................................

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-437-7760

Carey King, Term Law Clerk

Hannah Wallace, Career Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_bolitho@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Hope Thai Cannon ....................................................................

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

David Ricci, Career Law Clerk

Joseph Seidler, Term Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-mail: flnd_cannon@flnd.uscourts.gov

Honorable Martin A. Fitzpatrick

111 North Adams Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Fax 850-521-3630

Caroline Johnson, Career Law Clerk

Brittany Fox, Term Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-Mail:flnd_fitzpatrick@flnd.uscourts.gov








Federal Courts

Honorable Michael J. Frank, Chief Magistrate Judge ..................................... 850-521-3621

100 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Jennifer Heemstra, Career Law Clerk

Virginia Tharp, Term Law Clerk

Proposed Order E-Mail:flnd_frank@flnd.uscourts.gov


Jessica Lyublanovits 850-470-8184

One North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 433-5972

Elizabeth Lawrence, Chief Deputy, Tallahassee Division 850-521-3517

Kimberly Westphal, Resident Deputy-in-Charge, Tallahassee Division .................................... 850-521-3515

Blair Patton, Resident Deputy-in-Charge, Gainesville Division 352-380-2401

M. Allison Hunnicutt, Resident Deputy-in-Charge, Pensacola & Panama City Divisions 850-470-8120


Jennifer Wood

Joan Wood ...............................................................................................................................

Michael Dupee

Laura Ericson

Jeanne Murray .........................................................................................................................


Heidi Doogan 850-470-8189

Julie Wycoff 850-470-8196

Dawn Savino ............................................................................................................................ 850-521-3674

Megan Hague 850-443-9797



Honorable Karen K. Specie ..................................................................................................... 850-521-5030

Lisa Murrill, Judicial Assistant

110 East Park Ave., Ste. 100, Tallahassee, FL 32301


Traci E. Abrams 850-521-5020

110 East Park Ave., Ste. 100, Tallahassee, FL 32301


100 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 ...................................................................... 866-639-4615

Travis Green, Chief Deputy Clerk

State Courts


Supreme Court Building, 500 S. Duval Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

Website: www.flcourts.org

E-Mail: supremecourt@flcourts.org

Chief Justice

Carlos G. Muniz

Clerk Of The Court


John A. Tomasino, Clerk of the Court ..................................................................... 850-488-0125


2000 Drayton Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950

Website: www.1dca.org

Chief Judge

Honorable Timothy D. Osterhaus

Clerk Of The Court

Kristina Samuels


M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, FL 32502

Website: www.firstjudicialcircuit.org



Pam Childers, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller ...........................................................850-595-4310 Website: www.escambiaclerk.com

Kasey Watson, Trial Court Administrator 850-595-4400

Escambia Circuit Judges - M.C. Blanchard Judicial Center

Honorable W. Joel Boles

Kimberly Eaton, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: kimberly.eaton@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4552


Honorable John F. Simon, Jr. ................................................................................850-981-5540

Jane Alford, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: jane.fillingim@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-981-5548

State Courts

Honorable Amy P. Brodersen 850-595-4464

Michelle Gibbs, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: michelle.gibbs@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0392

Honorable Jennifer J. Frydrychowicz

Hayley Faulkner, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: hayley.faulkner@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0451


Honorable Jennie Kinsey .................................................................................. 850-595-4442

Rachael McKinley, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: Rachael.mckinley@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0386

Honorable John L. Miller, Chief Judge 850-595-4351

Susy Carlson, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: susy.carlson@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0056

Honorable Stephen A. Pitre ............................................................................. 850-595-4439

Vanessa Barnett, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: vanessa.barnett@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4437

Honorable Linda L. Nobles 850-595-4459

Apryl Stone, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: apryl.stone@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4461

Honorable Coleman Lee Robinson ....................................................................


Branda Wright, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: branda.wright@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-3711

Honorable Jan Shackelford

Denise Moffitt, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: denise.moffitt@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4455


State Courts

Circuit Judges - Theodore Bruno Juvenile Justice Center (Divisions) 1800 St. Mary’s Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Honorable R. Todd Harris

Kristina Stefanko, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: kristina.stefanko@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-3711

Honorable Thomas Williams

Dawn Fallon, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: dawn.fallon@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0451


Magistrate Keith McIver

Lisa Hurst, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: lisa.hurst@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4438

Magistrate Sydney L. Taylor Hubley ....................................................................

Felicia Robb, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: felicia.robb@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-3246

Magistrate Michelle A. Inere (E)

Brittany Elliot, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: brittany.elliot@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-981-5531


M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 W Government St #4, Pensacola, FL 32502

Chris Ferry, Child Support Hearing Officer

Assistant: Felicia Robb

E-Mail: felicia.robb@flcourts1.gov


Santa Rosa County Courthouse 4025 Avalon Boulevard, Milton, FL 32570







Jason English, Clerk of the Court and Comptroller.................................................. 850-981-5570 Website: www.santarosaclerk.com

Brooke Jones, Court Operations Manager

850-623-3159 4025 Avalon Boulevard, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 983-0602

State Courts

Santa Rosa Circuit Judges (Divisions)

Honorable Darlene F. Dickey ................................................................................


Noelle Martin, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: noelle.martin@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-626-3483

Honorable J. Scott Duncan

Tressie Leatherman, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: tressie.leatherman@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-626-4268

Honorable Clifton Drake .......................................................................................

Cheryl Newsom, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: cheryl.newsom@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-626-4268

Honorable Steven Warrick

Tiffany Coulter, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: tiffany.coulter@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-595-4541

Honorable David Stevens ....................................................................................

Catia Heinz, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: catia.heinz@flcourts1.gov





State Courts


Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension

1940 Lewis Turner Boulevard, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

Brad E. Embry, Clerk of the Court and Comptroller 850-651-7200

Website: www.clerkofcourts.cc

Ursula Hall, Court Operations Manager 850-609-4700 Fax: 651-7725

Okaloosa Circuit Judges

Honorable John T. Brown ................................................................................... 850-609-5416

Donna Fought, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: donna.fought@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547

Fax: 850-609-3073

Honorable Lacey Powell Clark ..............................................................................


Amanda Bailey, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: amanda.bailey@flcourts1.gov

1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547

Fax: 850-689-4135

Honorable John Jay Gontarek ............................................................................


Cheryl Gary, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: cheryl.gary@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 101 James Lee Blvd., Crestview, FL 32536

Fax: 850-609-5028

Honorable Terrance R. Ketchel .......................................................................... 850-609-4700

Eileen VanBoxtel, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: Eileen.vanboxtel@flcourts1.gov

1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547

Fax: 850-651-7380

Honorable William F. Stone..……………………………………… ............................. ...850-609-4700

Frannie Natalie, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: frannie.natalie@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547

Fax: 850-651-7467

Honorable David J. Oberliesen..……………………………………… ........................ ...850-609-4700

Katie Guzman, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: katie.guzman@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 101 James Lee Blvd., Crestview, FL 32536

State Courts


Magistrate John Reed 850-609-4700

Jeannie Binsfield, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: jeannie.binsfeld@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547 Fax: 850-609-5410

Child Support Hearing Officer

Hearing Officer Mark Rubin....................................................................................850-609-4700

Angela Shaw, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: angela.shaw@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., FWB, FL 32547

Fax: 850-609-5410


Walton County Courthouse 571 Highway 90 East DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Crystal Sconiers, Clerk of the Court and Comptroller ..................................................................... 850-892-8115 Website: www.clerkofcourts.co.walton.fl.us

Kasey Watson, Trial Court Administrator .......................................................................................

Walton County Circuit Judges

Honorable Jeffery E. Lewis

Belinda Jones, Judicial Assistant

Email: belinda.jones@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-951-0557

Honorable J. Ryan Love .................................................................................... 850-892-8377

Candace Bearden, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: candace.bearden@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-892-8131

Child Support Hearing Officer

Hearing Officer Mark Rubin 850-609-4700

Angela Shaw, Administrative Secretary

E-Mail: angela.shaw@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Fax: 850-609-5410

Workers’ Compensation Court

Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims – Pensacola District

700 S. Palafox Street, Suite 305, Pensacola, FL 32502

P.O. Box 12267, Pensacola, FL 32581-2267

Fax: 850-487-0724

Honorable David W. Langham, Deputy Chief Judge


Honorable Jonathan Walker ..................................................................


Jeanette Randall, District Deputy Clerk 850-595-6310


County Courts


M.C. Blanchard Judicial Center

190 Governmental Center Pensacola, FL 32502 Website: www.firstjudicialcircuit.org

Pam Childers, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

850-595-4310 Website: www.escambiaclerk.com

Kasey Watson, Trial Court Administrator

850-595-4400 Fax: 850-595-0360


Honorable Barry E. Dickson, Jr. ...............................................................................


Robin White, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: robin.white@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-0383

Honorable Kristina Lightel ......................................................................................


Nekee Stallworth, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: nekee.stallworth@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4422

Honorable Scott Ritchie .........................................................................................


Samantha Epley, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: samantha.epley@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-595-4282

Honorable Kerra A. Smith ...................................................................................... 850-595-4430

Rhonda Kidd, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: rhonda.kidd@flcourts1.gov Fax: 595-4404

Honorable Charles Young

Jolie Warrick, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: jolie.warrick@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 595-4418


County Courts



Santa Rosa County Courthouse 4025 Avalon Blvd., Milton, FL 32570

Jason D. English, Clerk of Court .......................................................................................................850-981-5564

E-Mail: englishj@santarosaclerks.com

Tim Weekley, General Counsel

E-Mail: weekleyt@santarosaclerks.com



Honorable Jose A. Giraud 850-981-5544

Mary Miller, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: mary.miller@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-623-1696

Honorable Robert Hilliard ......................................................................................

Joni White, Judicial Assistant E-Mail: joni.white@flcourts1.gov Fax: 850-623-2802

Honorable Matt Gordon

Winona Smith, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: winona.smith@flcourts1.gov


Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547


Brad E. Embry, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller ..............................................................850-651-7200 Website: www.clerkofcourts.cc

Ursula Hall, Court Operations Manager 850-609-4700 Fax: 850-651-7725


Honorable Jack Schlechter


Tracie Fields, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: tracie.fields@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Fax: 651-7278

Honorable Angela D. Mason

Sherry Rosenthal, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: sherry.rosenthal@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse Annex Extension, 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Fax: 651-7249

Honorable Jim Ward................................................................................................


Trisha Barnes, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: trisha.barnes@flcourts1.gov

Okaloosa County Courthouse, 101 James Lee Boulevard, Crestview, FL 32536 Fax: 689-4135



County Courts

571 Highway 90, East, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Crystal Sconier, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller ............................................................


Website: www.clerkofcourts.co.walton.fl.us

Kasey Watson, Trial Court Administrator 850-595-4400


Honorable Kelvin C. Wells .........................................................................................


Tanya Schumann, Judicial Assistant

E-Mail: tanya.schumann@flcourts1.gov

Fax: 850-951-1425

Clerks & Courthouse Personnel


Pam Childers, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

850-595-4310 administration@escambiaclerk.com

P.O. Box 333, Pensacola, 32591 190 W. Governmental Street, Pensacola 32502

Telephone: 850-595-4310 Fax: 850-595-4316 Website: www.escambiaclerk.com

Brenda Van Brussel, Director of Operations .................................................................................. 850-595-0170 brenda.vanbrussel@escambiaclerk.com

Codey Leigh, General Counsel 850-595-4312 codey.leigh@escambiaclerk.com DEPARTMENTS:

/ Small Claims / Landlord Tenant

/ Passports 850-595-3930

Probate / Guardianship / Mental Health 850-595-4300

Public Records Center 850-595-4146

Tax Deeds 850-595-3793

Traffic Division 850-595-4360

Clerks & Courthouse Personnel


Jason D. English, Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court P.O. Box 472m Milton, FL. 32572

Jason English, Clerk of Court and Comptroller..............................

E-Mail: englishj@santarosaclerks.com

Tim Weekley, General Counsel..............................

E-Mail: weekleyt@santarosaclerks.com


Santa Rosa County Courthouse

6865 Caroline Street, Milton, 32570

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Civil and Criminal Courts Payments and Case Filings and Fees

Administration Center

6495 Caroline Street, Milton, 32570

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Administration, Finance and Official Records

South End Service Center

5841 Gulf Breeze Pwky, Gulf Breeze 32561

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Branch office offering Recording, Research, Payments and Filing of Court Cases and Fees

Public Records/Archives

6444 Open Rose Drive, Milton, FL 32570

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Maintains closed court files and offers public research area for historical records


Archives ...................................................................................................................................




Board Support Services 850-983-1928

Child Support 850-981-5550

Circuit Civil ................................................................................................................................... 850-981-5671

Clerk’s Administration 850-983-1973

Collections 850-981-5655 / 850-981-5639

County Civil .................................................................................................................................. 850-981-5567

Domestic Violence 850-981-5553

Family Law 850-981-5552

Felony ................................................................................................................................... 850-981-5577

Board Finance 850-983-1958

Guardianship 850-981-5584

Jurors .................................................................................................................................. 850-981-5642

Juvenile Dependency 850-981-5576

Juvenile Delinquency 850-981-5569

Marriage License .......................................................................................................................... 850-983-1966

Misdemeanor ................................................................................................................................ 850-981-5561

Navarre Beach Billing 850-983-1957

Passports 850-983-1981

Board Payroll ................................................................................................................................ 850-983-1964

Clerks & Courthouse Personnel


Criminal ............................................................................................................................. 850-981-5623

Traffic Infractions 850-981-5659

Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court – OKALOOSA COUNTY

JD Peacock, II, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

850-651-7200 101 East James Lee Blvd., Crestview, 32536 .......................................................... 850-689-5000 1940 Lewis Turner Blvd., Ft. Walton Beach, 32547 850-651-7200 Website: www.clerkofcourts.cc

Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court – WALTON COUNTY

Alex Alford, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

850-892-8115 571 U.S. Highway 90 East, DeFuniak Springs, 32435 Website: www.clerkofcourts.co.walton.fl.us

Trial Court Administrator, First Judicial Circuit Kasey Watson.............................. 850-595-4400

Carla Cooper-Kriegel, Administrative Assistant

M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, 190 Governmental Center, 5th Floor, Pensacola, 32502 Fax: 595-0360

E-Mail: kasey.watson@flcourts1.gov

Clerks & Courthouse Personnel

Clerks & Courthouse Personnel


Wednesday, January 1, 2025 New Year’s Day

Monday, January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Friday, April 18, 2025 Good Friday

Monday, May 26, 2025 Memorial Day

Friday, July 4, 2025 Independence Day

Monday, September 1, 2025 Labor Day

Tuesday, September 23, 2025 Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, October 2, 2025 Yom Kippur

Tuesday, November11, 2025 Veterans Day

Thursday, November 27, 2025 Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 28, 2025 Friday after Thanksgiving Day

Wednesday, December 24, 2025 Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 25, 2025 Christmas Day

Friday, December 26, 2025 Day after Christmas

Law-Related Numbers

Website: www.aaml.org


Honorable Stephen Pitre,


Logan F. Sliva, President Website: www.ndflbba.com

P.O. Box 1238, Crestview, FL 32536-1238

P.O. Box 1207, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435


City of Destin, 4200 Two Trees Road, Destin, FL 32541 Ft. Walton Beach ................................................................................................

P.O. Box 6944, Destin, FL 32550

Breeze ........................................................................................................

P.O. Box 640, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562-0640

5218 Willing Street, Milton, FL 32570

208 N. Partin Drive, Niceville, FL 32578 Pensacola............................................................................................................

222 W. Main Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Shalimar ............................................................................................................ 850-651-5723 2 Cherokee Road, Shalimar, 32579 Valparaiso .......................................................................................................... 850-837-5118

P.O. Box 6944, Destin, FL 32550 COUNTY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE

221 Palafox Place, Ste. 430, Pensacola, FL 32502 OKALOOSA COUNTY .......................................................................................

1250 N. Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, FL 32579 SANTA ROSA COUNTY ................................................................................... 850-983-1857

6495 Caroline Street, Ste. C, Milton, FL 32570 WALTON COUNTY ............................................................................................ 850-892-8110

161 E. Sloss Avenue, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Law-Related Numbers


Website: www.dcf.state.fl.us/regions/c1


Escambia County

160 Governmental Center, Suite 711, Pensacola 32502 ..........................................................


Okaloosa County

151 Eglin Parkway Northeast, Suite A, Fort Walton Beach, 32548 ........................................... 850-344-0193 728 N. Ferdon Boulevard, Suite #4, Crestview, 32536 ........................................................... 850-603-6010

Santa Rosa County 6557 Caroline Street, Milton, 32570 .......................................................................................


Walton County 79 North Davis Lane, DeFuniak Springs, 32433 850-892-8637


160 Governmental Center, Ste. 601, Pensacola, 32502 850-595-8057 or 850-483-6693

EMERALD COAST LEGAL AID (Formally Northwest Florida Legal Services) 850-432-2336

Douglas White, Executive Director

226 S. Palafox Place, 10th Floor Pensacola, FL 32502


1220 N. Fillmore Street, Suite 444, Arlington, VA 22201 Website: www.fedbar.org


Thomas S. Keith, Branch Chief 850-432-1418 3 W. Garden Street, Ste. 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Website: www.fln.fd.org/office.html#pensacola

FLORIDA ACADEMY OF PROFESSIONAL MEDIATORS 888-400-8789 Website: www.tfapm.org

FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS 850-385-5080 P.O. Box 1528, Tallahassee, FL 32302 Website: www.facdl.org

THE FLORIDA BAR ..................................................................................................................800-342-8060

Joshua E. Doyle, Executive Director 651 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399 Website: www.floridabar.org

FLORIDA BOARD OF BAR EXAMINERS 850-487-1292 1891 Eider Court, Tallahassee, FL 32399

Website: www.floridabarexam.org

FLORIDA DEFENSE LAWYERS ASSOCIATION ............................................................... 786-447-8469 5727 NW 7 Street, Suite 66, Miami, FL 33126

Website: www.fdla.org

Law-Related Numbers


218 S. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301

Website: www.floridajusticeassociation.org



Marcus Huff, Chair


850-561-5845 501 Commendencia St., Pensacola FL 32502


Casey Waterhouse, Chair .........................................................................................................850-561-5845

909 Mar Walt Dr., Ste 1011, Ft. Walton Beach FL 32547

GRIEVANCE MEDIATION & FEE ARBITRATION COMMITTEE ..................................800-342-8060

The Florida Bar, 651 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

E-Mail: saustin@flabar.org


Bryan Carter, Circuit Director ...................................................................................................


1800 St. Mary Avenue, Box 3, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 595-1158

E-Mail: bryan.carter@gal.fl.gov


ESCAMBIA & SANTA ROSA COUNTIES .................................................................... 850-434-6009 lrs@esrba.com 260 S. Tarragona Street, Suite 160, Pensacola, FL 32502


See “Legal Services of North Florida, Inc.” and “Emerald Coast Legal Aid”


See “Panhandle Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators”


850-432-8222 1741 N Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Website: www.lsnf.org

NAVY LEGAL SERVICE OFFICE 850-452-3733 121 Cuddahy Street, Suite B, Building 680, NAS Pensacola, FL 32508


Anna-Marie Forshee, President Website: www.fawl.org nwfawl@gmail.com


Caroline Peterson, President Website: www.nwfpa.com nwfpa.pres@gmail.com

Law-Related Numbers


Escambia County ................................................................................................... 850-595-4070

226 Palafox Place, 3rd Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Escambia County Civil Dependency 850-595-2371 223 Palafox Place, 2nd Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Santa Rosa County ................................................................................................ 850-983-0302

6491 Caroline Street, Suite 1, Milton, FL 32570

Okaloosa County ................................................................................................... 850-683-7530 1455 Ferdon Boulevard, Crestview, FL 32539

Crestview Office 850-683-7530 1455 Ferdon Boulevard, Crestview, FL 32539

Fort Walton Beach Office 850-586-7360 1804 Lewis Turner Boulevard, First Floor, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547

Walton County ........................................................................................................ 850-892-1042 757 Highway 331 South, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435 Leon County ............................................................................................................

227 N. Bronough Street, Suite 1125, Tallahassee, FL 32301


Sara Oberliesen, President 850-750-1779 sarah@svolawfirm.com PANHANDLE CHAPTER OF

Knowles, President


Law-Related Numbers


Bruce Miller, Public Defender, First Judicial Circuit Website: www.pdol.org


190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, FL 32502

P.O. Drawer 12666, Pensacola, FL 32574-2666


1800 St. Mary Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-595-0450


302 N. Wilson Street, Suite 310, Crestview, FL 32536

Fax: 850-683-5028


1-A 9th Avenue, Shalimar, FL 32579

Fax: 850-651-7356

SANTA ROSA COUNTY .........................................................................................................

5210 Willing Street, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-983-5236

WALTON COUNTY..................................................................................................................

732 Baldwin Avenue, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

Fax: 850-892-8093


ESCAMBIA COUNTY ..............................................................................................................

1700 W. Leonard Street, Pensacola, FL 32501


1250 Eglin Parkway, Shalimar, FL 32579


P.O. Box 7129, Milton, FL 32570


752 Triple G Road, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433











Law-Related Numbers


Ginger Bowden Madden, State Attorney, First Judicial Circuit

Website: www.sao1.co.escambia.fl.us


PENSACOLA, MAIN OFFICE ...........................................................................................850-595-4200

190 Governmental Center, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 595-4212


1800 St. Mary Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 595-0454

PENSACOLA, CHECKS DIVISION .................................................................................

1800 St. Mary Avenue, Suite 360, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 595-4619


3401 N. 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Website: www.gulfcoastkidshouse.org

SANTA ROSA KID’S HOUSE............................................................................................

5643 Stewart Street, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 983-4458






850-833-9237 ext. 225 401 McEwen Road, Niceville, FL 32578

Website: www.eccac.org


1-B 9th Avenue, Shalimar, FL 32579

Fax: 850-651-733


151 Cedar Street, Crestview, FL 32536

Fax: 850-689-5688


524 East Highway 90, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

Fax: 850-892-8083


6495 Caroline Street, Suite S (2nd Floor) Milton, FL 32570

Felony Fax: 850-981-5547

Misdemeanor Fax: 850-626-8721



651 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399

E-Mail: marmster@flabar.org





Law-Related Numbers

U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA 850-444-4000 21 E. Garden Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 434-9050

U.S. CITIZENSHIP & IMMIGRATION SERVICES .............................................................

800-375-5283 Website: www.uscis.gov


Christine Sutherlin-Ladwig, President 850-231-3315 christine@dunlapshipman.com


850-733-6952 Website: www.westfloridacollaborativelaw.com


Alex Messmore, President................................................................................ ............................. 850-444-9299 alex@zarzaurlaw.com

Abreu, Andrew M. .............................................................................. 850-436-7316

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-0223


Adams, John H. .................................................................................

Gray Robinson, P.A.

601 South Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32502


Alexander, Benjamin .......................................................................

Tidwell & Associates

811 North Spring St, Pensacola, FL 32501 balexander@emeraldcoasttitle.com

Allen, Robert C. .................................................................................

Robert C. Allen, P.A.

PO Box 1270, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-438-7009 robert@robertcallen.com

Allen, Dalton Riley ............................................................................

Gross & Schuster

803 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-433-1994


Anders, Marjorie M ........................................................................... 850-595-4238

Office of the State Attorney P.O. Box 12726, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-572-3939 marjyanders@gmail.com

Anderson, William D. ........................................................................

Daniell, Upton, Anderson, Law & Busby, P.C. 30421 Highway 181, Daphne, AL 36527

Fax: 251-625-0464 wda@dupm.com

Andrade, Alexander ......................................................................... 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar St., Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Andrews, Marisa .............................................................................. 850-623-3200

Willing Street Law

5218 Willing Street, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-623-0104


Andrews, Roy V. ................................................................................ 850-623-3200

Willing Street Law

5218 Willing Street, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-623-0104


Armstrong, Ashley M. ...................................................................... 850-977-3229


707 East Cervantes St., STE B #278, Pensacola, FL 32501 armstrong@armstrongfirm.org

Asmar, John F. ................................................................................... 850-483-5944

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox St., Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 john.asmar@csklegal.com

Aylstock, Johnathan F. ...................................................................... 850-916-7450

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 18 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-916-7499 jaylstock@awkolaw.com

Aylstock, Bryan F. .............................................................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-916-7499 baylstock@awkolaw.com

Baker, Quin ....................................................................................... 850-433-0888

Law Office of Quin Baker 321 North De Villiers St., STE 215, Pensacola, FL 32501 qbaker@quinbakerlaw.com

Ball, Braden K.....................................................................................850-432-9818

Litvak, Beasley, Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-9830 braden@lawpensacola.com

Ballack, James Taylor....................................................................... 850-434-6490

Attorney at Law 114 East Gregory St, Pensacola, FL 32502 jimballack.law@gmail.com

Banjanin, Thomas G. ........................................................................ 850-432-9360

Retired 3575 Hopestill Road, Pensacola, FL 32503 grandmaduck13@bellsouth.net

Barnes, Scott Charles ...................................................................... 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 West Main St., STE 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-438-4044


Barnett, Ryan M. ............................................................................... 850-434-5395

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A.

801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-0043


Barrows, Joshua C............................................................................ 850-483-5900

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox St., Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-6969


Bass, Mary Jane ................................................................................ 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Bates, Douglas Alan ......................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Bates, Philip A. ...................................................................................850-470-0091

Philip A. Bates, P.A.

25 West Cedar Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-470-0441


Batson, Susan Crockett .................................................................... 850-438-7501

Law Offices of Kimmel & Batson, Chartered 715 North Baylen Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-438-0118


Beall, Charles F. ................................................................................. 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar St., Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Beard, Amelia H. ................................................................................ 850-608-0112

Moorhead Law Group

6757 US Highway 98 W Ste 102, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Fax: 850-660-5340


Beasley, Robert O. .............................................................................850-432-9818

Litvak, Beasley, Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-9830


Bednar, Mark A. .................................................................................850-435-1025

Mark A. Bednar, P.A.

11 East Zaragoza Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7844


Bell, Ashley M.................................................................................... 850-939-0499

Thieman-Greene & Bell

1900 Highway 87, Suite J, Navarre, FL 32566 ashley@stglaw.net

Berens, Chloe E. ................................................................................850-316-4490

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32502


Bernau, Lisa Norris ............................................................................850-432-7077

Escambia County Housing Finance Authority

700 South Palafox, Suite 310, Pensacola, FL 32502 lisa.bernau@escambiahfa.com

Beroset, Barry W. ................................................................................ 850-438-3111

Beroset & Keene

1015 North 12th Ave, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-432-1919


Bixby, Micheal C. .............................................................................. 850-332-6945

Bixby Law PLLC

4300 Bayou Blvd., Suite 16, Pensacola, FL 32502 micheal@bixbylawfirm.com

Blackledge, Autumn Beck ................................................................ 850-466-3115

Autumn Beck Blackledge, PLLC

127 Palafox Place, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 aob@autumnobeck.com

Blankenship, Suzanne ..................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-433-7163 sblankenship@esclaw.com

Bolton, Stephen F. ............................................................................ 850-444-9298

Zarzaur Law P.A.

100 Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-696-1059


Bond, William A................................................................................. 850-202-8507

McDonald Fleming

719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-636-1853 wabond@PensacolaLaw.com

Bonham, David L. ..............................................................................850-435-9919

The Family Law Team

900 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-435-8834


Booth, John E. ...................................................................................

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC

438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-912-8449


Borowski, T. A....................................................................................

Borowski & Traylor, P.A.

4300 Bayou Blvd., Suite 14, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-429-7465


Bourn, Ashlyn E. ................................................................................

Schultz Law Group, P.L.L.C

2777 Gulf Breeze Pkwy., Gulf Breeze, FL 32563


Bowden, Lacie .................................................................................. 850-565-5128

Lacie Bowden Law

67 Bay Bridge Drive, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561

Fax: 850-565-5130


Boyles, Joseph W.C. .........................................................................

Boyles and Boyles, PLLC

212 West Cervantes Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-434-7898


Bradford, Bobby J. ............................................................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Bradley, Brent F. ............................................................................... 850-434-5267

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC

438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-6116


Brandt, Judson Clark ....................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Branning, Jeremy C. ......................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Brewer, John Troupe ........................................................................ 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340 tbrewer@clarkpartington

Bridges, Adrian R. .............................................................................

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Bright, Travis A. ................................................................................. 850-436-7000

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556 tbright@michlesbooth.com

Brightwell, William A. ....................................................................... 850-332-0003

Brightwell Law, PLLC

236 West Garden Street, Suite 3, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-332-0003 office@brightwell.law

Brodersen, Geoffrey ........................................................................ 850-409-6449

Emmanuel Sheppard and Condon 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 gbrodersen@esclaw.com

Brooks, Kenneth L. ........................................................................... 850-623-3605

Brooks & Associates

6867 Oak Street, Milton, FL 32570 Fax: 850-623-8990 dryflybrooks@yahoo.com

Bruni, Antonio .................................................................................. 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556 abruni@michlesbooth.com

Bubbett, Mary .................................................................................. 850-200-4594 Jackson+Jackson

1992 Lewis Turner Blvd, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 mjackson@jackson-law.net

Buchanan, Virginia M. ...................................................................... 850-435-7023

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-6023


Burke, Connor M. .............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340


Bush, Matthew A. ............................................................................. 850-202-8507

McDonald Fleming 719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-636-1853 mabush@pensacolalaw.com

Bush, Meredith D. ............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340 mbush@clarkpartington.com

Bushnell, Jennifer Lee ..................................................................... 850-466-2929

Jennifer Lee Bushnell, PLLC 1507 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 JLB@nwflattorney.com

Butler, Marilee L. ................................................................................ 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A. 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 mbutler@esclaw.com

Caldwell, Charles M. ......................................................................... 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe 125 West Romana Steet, STE 330, Pensacola, FL 32502 ccaldwell@lgwmlaw.com

Calvas, Isabella de Barros Vasconcellos ....................................... 850-483-5900

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A. 890 South Palafox Steet, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 isabella.calves@csklegal.com

Cameron, J. Rod ................................................................................ 850-995-8640

J.Rod Cameron, PLLC

5089 Highway 90, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-995-8672


Campbell, John A. .............................................................................850-316-4490

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-378-8017 jacampbell@wickersmith.com

Carbone, Matthew ...........................................................................

Moorhead Law Group

127 Palafox Place, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-477-0982


Cardoso, Ryan M. .............................................................................

Cardoso Law, PLLC

917 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-684-5585


Carter, Brian P. ..................................................................................

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Cash, Regina .....................................................................................

Luther, Collier, Hodges & Cash, LLP

401 Church Street, Mobile, AL 36602

Fax: 251-694-9392


Chase, James L. .................................................................................

Chase & Ralls, PLC

101 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-3708


Chavers, Matthew ............................................................................

Wade, Palmer & Shoemaker, P.A.

14 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-429-0871


Childers, Pam ....................................................................................850-595-4130

Escambia Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-595-4316


Childers Davis, Christa ....................................................................850-549-3812

Hightower Law Firm

125 West Romana Street, Suite 525, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-607-2663


Childs, Evin Dyess ............................................................................ 850-876-7806

Morgan & Morgan

220 West Garden Street, Floor 9, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-876-7846


Cobb, Adam C .................................................................................... 850-435-1615

Pensacola - Office of the City Attorney

222 West Main Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 acobb@cityofpensacola.com

Cobb, Jeremy ....................................................................................850-912-5255

Navy Federal Credit Union

Regulatory Compliance, Pensacola, FL 32526


Cohen, Joel M. .................................................................................. 850-748-5905

Joel M. Cohen, Attorney at Law 2172 West 9 Mile Road, Suite 154, Pensacola, FL 32534 jmcohenlaw@gmail.com

Coleman, Jerry P. ...............................................................................305-304-5199

10128 Gerald Coleman Lane, Elberta, AL 36530 jerry@jerrycolemanpl.net

Combs, Ashley ................................................................................. 850-595-4070

Regional Conflict Counsel 226 Palafox Place, Floor 3, Pensacola, FL 32502 ashley.courtney@rc1.myflorida.com

Condon, Thomas F. ........................................................................... 850-434-3571

The Law Office of Thomas F. Condon, P.A. PO Box 12431 Fax: 850-434-7366 tfc@tcondonlaw.com

Cook, Christine S. ............................................................................. 850-572-3443

Christine Sue Cook, LLC 1417 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Christine@divorcingwell.com

Cook, Kristina M................................................................................850-665-2800

The Cook Firm, PLLC 3182 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 kristi@thecookfirm.com

Copeland, Scot B. .............................................................................850-460-8000

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A. 195 Grand Blvd, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 Fax: 850-424-7999 scopeland@esclaw.com

Couch, Matthew McDonnell............................................................ 850-202-8522

Moorhead Law Group 127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 mcouch@moorheadlaw.com

Cozart, Stephen M. ........................................................................... 850-434-0003

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-0223


Craig, Andrew D.................................................................................. 85-483-5924

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502


Crawford, Christopher R. .................................................................

Law Office of Christopher R. Crawford 15 West La Rua Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-226-5725


Cromey, Carrie Vaughn....................................................................

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329


Daniel, J. Nixon .................................................................................. 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Daniel, John P. ................................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331


Dannheisser, Thomas V. ................................................................... 850-983-1857

Santa Rosa County BOCC 6495 Caroline Street, STE C, Milton, FL 32570 tomd@santarosa.fl.gov

Davis, Sara N. .................................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington 125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


de Kozan, J. Mitchell ....................................................................... 850-202-8507

McDonald Fleming

719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-636-1853


Dean, Shane M. ................................................................................. 850-433-3077

Dean & Camper, P.A.

119 West Garden Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 shane@deancamper.com

Dees, Robert A. ................................................................................. 850-439-0999

Robert A. Dees, P.A.

1620 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-439-9901 robert@robertdeespa.com

Delbosq, Susan ................................................................................

The Watson Firm, PLLC

350 W. Cedar St., Suite 301, Pensacola FL 32502 sdelbosq@watsonfirm.com

DeMaria, Kathleen K. ........................................................................ 850-434-2761

Coastal Probate, Trust & Elder Law 905 East Hatton Street, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-438-8860 kathy@kathleendemaria.com

Densmore, Kenneth John ..........................................................................................

Retired 5081 Avocet Lane, Pensacola, FL 32514 kjdensmore@cox.net

Didier, Terrie L. ................................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 tld@beggslane.com

Dimo, Pamela .................................................................................... 850-433-5461

Vernis & Bowling Attorneys at Law 315 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 pdimo@florida-law.com

DiSalvo, Brooke Ann ........................................................................ 850-444-4000

U.S. Attorney’s Office 21 East Garden Street, STE 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 brooke.disalvo@usdoj.gov

Dlubala, Erica Caitlin ......................................................................... 850-541-1252

Kenny Leigh & Associates 125 West Romana Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-226-7106 edlubala@kleighlaw.com

Dossett, Misty ...................................................................................850-438-1040

Dossett Law, Inc

401 East Chase Street, STE 105, Pensacola, FL 32502 misty@floridafamilypride.com

Drayton, Shekka C. .............................................................................. 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A.

307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Drlicka, Erick M. ................................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Drummond, Brianna .........................................................................850-266-2315

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Dubose, Jodi D. .................................................................................. 850-637-1836

Stichter Riedel Blain & Postler, P.A.

440 Bayfront Pkwy, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-791-6545


Duignan, Maureen ............................................................................850-293-1629

Retired 1811 East Avery Street, Pensacola, FL 32503 mdegs@bellsouth.net

Dunaway, William J. ......................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Eadler, Kent ....................................................................................... 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A. 501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Echsner, Stephen H. .......................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-916-7499


Echsner-Rasmussen, Alexandra Blair ............................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-916-7499


Elebash, William Lee ......................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331 wle@beggslane.com

Elliott, Amanda Lynch ........................................................................

My Pink Lawyer

111 South De Villers Street, STE B, Pensacola, FL 32502 amanda@mypinklawyer.com

Ellis, H.E. Ed .......................................................................................

Ellis Law, PLLC

5412 Highway 90, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-201-1866 hee@edellislaw.com

Ellis-Wiggins, Bobbie .......................................................................

4002 Coppertree Lane, Pensacola, FL 32504 9242743@gmail.com

Emmanuel, Robert A. ........................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A. 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-429-0492 rae@esclaw.com

English, Jason D.................................................................................850-981-5583

Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court and Comptroller 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32572 englishj@santarosaclerks.com

Ervin, Makenzie ................................................................................. 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe

125 West Romana Street Suite 330, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-777-3290 mervin@lgwmlaw.com

Etheridge, Randall J. ......................................................................... 850-433-3213

Law Office of Randall J. Etheridge 3 West Garden Street, Suite 516, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-433-3066 randy@rjelaw.com

Etheridge, Casey Jo .........................................................................

Office of the Public Defender PO Box 12666, Pensacola, FL 32591 casey_etherisdge@pd1.fl.gov

Etheridge, James ............................................................................. 850-595-4100

Office of the Public Defender PO Box 12666, Pensacola, FL 32591 jbe333@gmail.com

Ewert, Daniel M. ................................................................................. 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Farrar, Gregory P. .............................................................................. 850-434-8904

Farrar Law Firm & Mediation Group

109 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-8922


Farrington, William E. .......................................................................... 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A. 307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-8500 wef@wilsonharrell.com

Fayard, Gregory P. ............................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A. 30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163 gpf@esclaw.com

Fillmore, Richard Allen ...................................................................... 850-483-5931

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-6969


Finelli, Daniel Jason ..........................................................................

Soloway Law Firm 1013 Airport Boulevard, Pensacola, FL 32504

Fax: 850-471-3392 d.finelli@solowaylawfirm.com

Fisher, Bentley ................................................................................. 850-434-6090

Fisher & Fisher 508 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 bentley@jmarkfisher.com

Fisher, Bradley G................................................................................850-470-0100

Law Firm of Brad G. Fisher, P.A. 2401 Executive Plaza Road, STE 6B, Pensacola, FL 32504 brad@bradgfisher.com

Fleet, H. Bart .....................................................................................

Fleet & Smith

1283 Eglin Parkway, Suite A, Shalimar, FL 32579

Fax: 850-651-5006 bart@fleetsmithlaw.com

Fleming, Edward P. ........................................................................... 850-202-8507

McDonald Fleming

719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-636-1853


Folkes, Samantha ............................................................................. 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Forshee, Anna Marie ........................................................................ 850-444-3845

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Forshee, Preston Jeffery .................................................................. 850-444-1697

Regions Private Wealth Management

PO Box 12790, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-696-1846


Fountain, Kenneth R......................................................................... 850-939-3535

Fountain, Bridgford & Porath

2045 Fountain Professional Court, Suite A, Navarre, FL 32566

Fax: 850-939-3539


Fox, Sally Bussell ............................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163


Fraiser, John Jay ............................................................................... 850-696-1888

Moorhead Law Group

127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502


Fry, Megan F. ..................................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Fuller, Alexandria .............................................................................. 706-266-2135

Rembold Hirschman

2202 North West Shore Blvd., STE 200, Tampa, FL 33607 lfuller@therhlawfirm.com

Furman, Melissa Posey .................................................................... 850-429-7431

Furman & Furman Attorneys, LLP

P.O. Box 610, Loxley AL 36551 pseymelissa@mindspring.com

Gaddy, Jeff ........................................................................................


Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 jgaddy@levinlaw.com

Gaddy, Tara Thompson .....................................................................850-549-3812

Hightower Law Firm

125 West Romana Street, Suite 525, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-607-2663 tara@htowerlaw.com

Gallagher, John ................................................................................850-595-0206

Office of State Attorney 190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 jtgallag@bellsouth.net

Gann, Jared P. ....................................................................................850-332-6120

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A. 1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-332-6440 jgann@kirkland-mcghee.com

Gant, Frederick J............................................................................... 850-433-3230

Frederick J. Gant, Attorney at Law

322 West Cervantes Street, Pensacola, FL 32591 Fax: 850-434-8158 fjgant@yahoo.com

Garfinkel, Evan D. .......................................................................................................

1309 Upland Crest Court, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 edgarfinkel@gmail.com

Gavin, Clifton D. .................................................................................. 850-912-0717

Navy Federal Credit Union Regulatory Compliance, Pensacola, FL 32526 clifton_d_gavin@navyfederal.org

Garvin, Karin A. ..................................................................................850-437-5577

Karin A. Garvin, P.L. 1801 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-437-5250 kgarvin@kgarvinlaw.com

Geeker, Thomas ................................................................................ 850-322-0141


100 Southeast 2nd Street, Miami, FL 33131 tgeeker@lashgoldberg.com

Geeker, Van P. .................................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163


Geisler, E. Samuel ............................................................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kries & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Gerth, Jason C................................................................................... 850-876-7808

Morgan & Morgan

220 West Garden Street, FL 9, Pensacola, FL 32502 jgerth@forthepeople.com

Gibson, Michael ............................................................................... 850-995-8885

Michael Gibson P.A.

5412 Highway 90, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-995-9799


Gill, Jeffrey P. ..................................................................................... 850-433-5461

Vernis & Bowling of Northwest Florida, P.A.

315 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-0166


Gillespie, Robert Paul .......................................................................


State Attorney’s Office, 1st Circuit, Es

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Gilliland, Rebecca .............................................................................. 215-308-1515

Beasley Allen

301 Saint Louis Street, Mobile, AL 36602 rebecca.gilliland@beasleyallen.com

Gilmer, Rachael ................................................................................. 850-435-7159

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-6159


Glas, Barbara J. ................................................................................. 850-436-7303

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-0223


Glassman, John ................................................................................ 850-434-0663

John Glassman, P.A.

1127 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-435-8882


Godwin, Carllee J. .............................................................................

Gray Robinson, P.A.

601 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 carrllee.godwin@gray-robinson.com

Goheen, Nicole ................................................................................

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-432-2329 ngoheen@lsnf.org

Goldin, R. Douglas ............................................................................850-213-6490

Goldin Law, P.A. PO Box 1451, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 douglas@goldinlaw.com

Goldstein, Maury S. ........................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kries & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-916-7499


Gonzalez, Thomas F. ......................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 tfg@beggslane.com

Goodman, Brenton J. ....................................................................... 850-435-7006

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-436-6060 bgoodman@levinlaw.com

Goodman, Ross ................................................................................. 850-435-7124

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 rgoodman@levinlaw.com

Gore, Cameron Townes .................................................................... 850-748-4061

Baptist Health Care 771 Nagel Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-433-9599


Graham, Bridget E ............................................................................

Beau Powell P.A.

6827 Caroline Street, Ste A, Milton, FL 32570


Granger, Hannah M. ..........................................................................

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A.

1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-332-6440 hgranger@kirkland-mcghee.com

Green, Chelsie L................................................................................

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 cgreen@levinlaw.com

Green, Savannah T. ...........................................................................

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensaocola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-916-7499 sgreen@awkolaw.com

Griffin, Steven R. ................................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 srg@beggslane.com

Grimley, J. Michael ..........................................................................

Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC 21 East Garden Street, 1st Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-436-7099 mgrimley@gallowaylawfirm.com

Gross, Marcus Rhett .........................................................................

Gross & Schuster

803 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-433-1994 rhettgross@tagross.com

Gross, Terence A. ..............................................................................

Gross & Schuster

803 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-433-1994 tagross@tagross.com

Gross, Tyler A. ...................................................................................

Gross & Schuster

803 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-433-1994 tylergross@tagross.com

Guntner, D. Nicole.............................................................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kries & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Guttmann, Angela M. ....................................................................... 850-434-7445

Guttmann Law Firm

314 South Baylen Street, Suite 201, Pensacola, FL 32502 guttmanangela@gmail.com

Guttmann, Michael L. .......................................................................

Guttmann Law Firm

314 South Baylen Street, Suite 201, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-497-7096 legalguttmann@gmail.com

Guttmann, Stephen M. ..................................................................... 850-432-9759

Stephen Guttmann

314 South Baylen Street, Suite 203, Pensacola, FL 32502 guttmannsteve@aol.com

Hadden, Haley ..................................................................................

Litvak, Beasley, Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-9830 haley@lawpensacola.com

Hahn, William ...................................................................................

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-266-2301 hahn@carverdarden.com

Hall, Charles Philip ............................................................................

Phil Hall, P.A. 4300 Bayou Blvd., Suite 32, Pensacola, FL 32503 Phil@askalawyerfirst.com

Hall, Megan Marie ............................................................................... 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A. 307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-8500 mhall@wilsonharrell.com

Hamburg, Katarina .......................................................................... 850-436-7322

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502 krh@kubickidraper.com

Hancock, Brian D. ............................................................................. 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A., 1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-438-4044 bhancock@twwlawfirm.com

Hankins, Christi ................................................................................ 850-595-4970

Escambia County Attorney’s Office

221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502 cjhankins@myescambia.com

Harrell, Daniel E. ............................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340 dharrell@clarkpartington.com

Hatler, Ryan P. .....................................................................................

Hatler Law, PLLC

Post Office Box 829, Pensacola, FL 32591 ryan@hatlerlaw.com

Heath, Robert N. ...............................................................................

Robert Heath Mediation 6847 North 9th Avenue, Suite 363, Pensacola, FL 32504 Fax: 850-466-3933 robert@robertheathlaw.com

Hendrix, Hunter J...............................................................................

Autumn Beck Blackledge, PLLC

127 Palafox Place, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 hjh@autumnobeck.com

Hendrix, Michelle L. ........................................................................... 850-433-5461

Vernis & Bowling of Northwest Florida, P.A. 315 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-0166


Hernandez, Yasmin M. ...................................................................... 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe 126 West Romana Street, Suite 330, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-777-3290 yhernandez@lgwmlaw.com

Hiers, David W. .................................................................................. 850-287-0035

Davidson & Hiers, P.A. 1513 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-287-0039


Higdon, Hunter R. ............................................................................. 850-585-8858

Higdon Law, PLLC

PO Box 11954, Pensacola, FL 32524 hunter@higdonlawpllc.com

Higgins, Raymond F. ........................................................................ 850-434-6490

Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer

114 East Gregory Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Highland, Tabitha .............................................................................850-316-4490

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32502


Hightower, David E. ...........................................................................850-549-3812

Hightower Law Firm

125 West Romana Street, Suite 525, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-607-2663


Hill, Larry ............................................................................................ 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar St., Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Hill, Aliah T. ........................................................................................ 850-429-0755

Wade, Palmer & Shoemaker, P.A.

PO Box 13510, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-429-0871


Hodges, Lucian B. .............................................................................. 251-694-9393

Luther, Collier, Hodges & Cash, LLP

401 Church Street, Mobile, AL 36602

Fax: 251-694-9392


Hoffman, Brian W. .............................................................................850-266-2312

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Hoffman, Charles L. .......................................................................... 850-266-2565

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Hoffman, Linda A. ............................................................................. 850-266-2302

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Hoffman, Matthew C. ........................................................................ 850-266-2313

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Holck, Angela ...................................................................................

Legal Services of North Florida

1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32504

Fax: 850-432-2329


Holman, Justin Thomas ...................................................................

The Holman Law Firm

1940 St. Mary Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-435-9234


Holman, Stephen T. ..........................................................................

The Holman Law Firm

1940 St. Mary Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-435-9234


Holt, Edmund W. ...............................................................................

1017 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501 ewholt@outlook.com

Horky, Alan R..................................................................................... 850-483-5907

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-483-6969


Hoskin, Charles P. .............................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163 choskin@esclaw.com

Hual, Kristin D. .................................................................................. 850-595-4970

Escambia County Attorney’s Office 221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-595-4979 kdhual@myescambia.com

Huff, Marcus A. .................................................................................. 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331 mah@beggslane.com

Hughes, Johnathan ......................................................................... 850-429-0755

Wade, Palmer & Shoemaker, P.A.

14 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Huston, Gary W. ................................................................................

Gary W. Huston, PLLC

P.O Box 12751, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-378-8827


Ivey, Meagan ....................................................................................

Meagan Ivey Day, P.C.

P. O. Box 475, Jay, FL 32565


James, Charles F. ..............................................................................

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Janes, Christopher P. ....................................................................... 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Jennings, Patrick Watson ................................................................ 850-432-8222

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329 patrick@lsnf.org

Jensen, Bridgette M. ........................................................................

Office of the State Attorney

P.O. Box 12726, Pensacola, FL 32591 bjensen@osa1.org

Johnson, Bradley G. .......................................................................... 850-623-3841

Bradley G. Johnson, P.A.

Post Office Box 605, Milton, FL 32572

Fax: 850-623-3555


Johnson, Travis R.............................................................................. 850-985-2555

Gulf Coast Divorce, PLLC 25 West Romana Street, Pensacola FL 32502


Johnson, William K. .......................................................................... 850-436-7000

Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC

21 East Garden Street, 1st Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-7099


Jones, Angela J. ................................................................................. 850-995-1102

Locklin, Saba, Locklin & Jones, P.A.

4557 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-995-1103


Jones, Kreg M. ...................................................................................850-316-4490

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 407-649-8818


Jones, Robert L. ................................................................................ 448-239-6032

Gray Robinson, P.A.

601 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Joseph, Geoff ................................................................................... 850-602-4929

Law Offices of Daniel R. Sanders

1602 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-226-5725


Joyce, William .................................................................................. 504-427-4984

248 Sabine Drive, Pensacola Beach, FL 32561


Jurnovoy, Holly V. .............................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-433-6162


Kanis, Bret M. .....................................................................................850-549-3812

Hightower Law Firm

125 West Romana Street, Suite 525, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-607-2663 bret@htowerlaw.com

Kaplan, Nathan ................................................................................ 850-434-5267

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC

438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-6116


Katen, Samantha Margaret .............................................................. 850-916-7450

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Keene, Laura E. ................................................................................... 850-438-3111

Beroset & Keene

1015 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-432-1919


Keene, Ross A. ................................................................................... 850-912-4799

Ross Keene Law, P.A.

219 East Garden Street, Suite 302, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-257-7574


Keeton, Justin T.................................................................................. 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe 125 West Romana Street, Suite 330, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-777-3290


Kelly, Christine A. ............................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-433-6162 ckelly@esclaw.com

Kelly, Michael Brian .......................................................................... 850-483-5930

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-6969 michael.kelly@csklegal.com

Kilpatrick, D. Keith ........................................................................... 850-939-7722

Kilpatrick & Newlin, P.A. 9218 Navarre Parkway, Navarre, FL 32566 Fax: 850-936-9955 keith@kilpatricklawfirm.com

Kimmel, Robert R. .............................................................................. 850-438-7501

Law Offices of Kimmel & Batson, Chartered 715 North Baylen Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-438-0118 office@kimbat.com

King, Patrick Scott ............................................................................ 850-981-5500

Office of the State Attorney

6495 Caroline Street, Ste S, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-872-7763 pking@osa1.org

Kinsey, Roy M. ................................................................................... 850-434-5267

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC

438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-6116


Kirkland, Brian H. ...............................................................................850-332-6120

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A.

1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-332-6440


Kirkland, Joseph L. ........................................................................... 850-981-9959

Nix & Kirkland, P.A.

6478 Highway 90, Suite A, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-981-9962


Klotz, J. Christopher ......................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Kreis, Douglass A............................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


LaBorde, Garrett P. ........................................................................... 850-366-2376

Laborde Legal Group

21 South Tarragona Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 garrett@labordelegal.com

LaDouceur, Todd Michael ................................................................ 850-436-7000

Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC 21 E Garden Street, 1st Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-7099 tladouceur@gallowaylawfirm.com

Lama, Andre ..................................................................................... 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A. 501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556 alama@michlesbooth.com

Lauer, Kim ......................................................................................... 850-206-9977

Children’s Legal Services

160 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 kimberly.lauer@myflfamilies.com

Leigh, Codey .....................................................................................850-595-4312

Escambia County Clerk of Court PO Box 333, Pensacola, FL 32591 codey.leigh@escambiaclerk.com

Leonard, Madison ............................................................................

Moorhead Law Group

127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 mleonard@moorheadlaw.com

Leuchtman, Gary B. ............................................................................850-316-8179

Leuchtman Law

222 West Cervantes Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-898-3377 gbl@leuchtmanlaw.com

Liberis, Charles S. .............................................................................

Liberis Law Firm, P.A.

212 West Intendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-433-5409 assistant@liberislaw.com

Liebmann, Alexander J. ...................................................................

Liebmann Law 714 North Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 alex@liebmannlaw.net

Lindsay, Heather F. ...........................................................................

6361 Starhill Drive, Pensacola, FL 32570 hflindsay73441@gmail.com

Linne, William V.................................................................................

William V. Linne, Attorney at Law, PLLC 17 West Cedar Street, STE 3, Pensacola, FL 32502 blinne@linnelaw.com

Little, Debra D. ...................................................................................850-436-9515

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office

1700 West Leonard Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-436-9491


Litvak, Kramer A. ...............................................................................

Litvak, Beasley & Wilson, LLP 40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-9830 kramer@lawpensacola.com

Liu, Mary ............................................................................................

Aylstock, Witkin, Kries & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Locklin, Jack ......................................................................................

Locklin, Saba, Locklin & Jones, P.A.

4557 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-995-1103


Locklin, Oscar J. ................................................................................. 850-995-1102

Locklin, Saba, Lockin & Jones, P.A.

4557 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571

Fax: 850-995-1103


Lohr, David ........................................................................................

The Virga Law Firm

109 East Garden Street, STE B, Pensacola, FL 32502 david.lohr@thevirgalawfirm.com

Lojo, Alfred J......................................................................................

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340


Lojo, Corinne K..................................................................................

Neighborhood Advocacy Project

321 North De Villiers Street, STE 216, Pensacola, FL 32501 corinne@neighborhoodadvocacyproject.org

Longmire, Frederick V. .....................................................................

Assistant State Attorney, First Judicial Circuit

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-595-4221


Lovelock, Donovan J. ....................................................................... 850-434-0003

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-0223


Lovett, Glenn E. ................................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340


Lowenthal, Sheryl Joyce ................................................................... 850-912-6710

Sheryl J. Lowenthal, Attorney at Law 221 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-429-9758


Luna, Patrick ..................................................................................... 850-483-5900

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 pluna@csklegal.com

Luongo, Stephen .............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, Fl 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Lurton, Jack W. ................................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331 jwl@beggslane.com

Lusko, Justin ...................................................................................... 850-435-7188

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-6023 jlusko@levinlaw.com

Lynchard, Lane ................................................................................. 850-936-9385

Lynchard & Seely, PLLC

1901 Andorra Street, Navarre, FL 32566

Fax: 850-936-9578 lane@lynchardlaw.com

Lyons, Andrea C. ................................................................................ 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163 acl@esclaw.com

Madden, Ginger Bowden .................................................................. 850-595-4761

State Attorney

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 gmadden@osa1.org

Magaha, Zachary T. .......................................................................... 850-549-5885

Law Office of Zachary Magaha 812 North Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 ztm@zacharytmagahalaw.com

Mahoney, John .................................................................................. 850-201-0819

Averill Reaney Attorneys at Law 4290 Woodbine Road, Pace, FL 32571 jmahoney@arlawllc.net

Manning, A. Alan .............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Marks, Kristen P. ................................................................................. 850-439-1191

My Pink Lawyer

111 South De Villers Street, STE B, Pensacola, FL 32502 kristen@mypinklawyer.com

Marks, Thomas Andrew .................................................................... 850-439-1818

Marks Legal - My Arrest Lawyer

111 South De Villiers, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 888-439-1191


Martin, Patrick ..................................................................................

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503 pmartin@michlesbooth.com

Martinez, Julio ...................................................................................

MSPG Law Group

770 Ponce De Leon Blvd., STE 101, Coral Gables, FL 33134 julio@mspglawgroup.com

Massey, Matthew Paul ...................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 mpm@beggslane.com

Maygarden, Louis A. “Trip” .............................................................

Moorhead Law Group

127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502


Mays, Alexis L. .................................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163 amays@esclaw.com

McCranie, Weyman W. ...................................................................... 251-344-7744

Wright Green, P.C. 10381 Northhill Court, Mobile, AL 36695

Fax: 251-343-9629


McCurdy, Aaron T. ............................................................................

McDonald Fleming 719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-636-1853 amccurdy@pensacolalaw.com

McDaniel, Mary G. .............................................................................

MGM Law P.A. 4300 Bayou Boulevard, Suite 37, Pensacola, FL 32503


McDonald, Bruce A...........................................................................

McDonald Fleming

719 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-636-1853


McDonough, Hannah Blount .......................................................... 448-239-6060


601 S. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32502


McGee, David L. .................................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


McGhee, James A. .............................................................................

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A.

1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-332-6440


McGraw, Artice L...............................................................................

Artice McGraw, P.A.

820 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-438-2136


McKenzie, Gerald ..............................................................................

Law Office of Gerald McKenzie

P.O. Box 1542, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 888-735-0675


McKenzie, Therese Felth ................................................................. 850-432-2856

McKenzie Law Firm, P.A.

905 East Hatton Street, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-202-2012


McLeod, Bryan David ....................................................................... 850-483-5900

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-595-2378


McLeod, T. Michael ........................................................................... 850-444-4444

Mcleod and Thompson, LLP

400 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-444-4495


McNamara, Terrance ........................................................................727-405-4687

McNamara Law Group, P.A.

538 Windrose Circle, Pensacola, FL 32507


Mead, George R. Erick ...................................................................... 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7899


Meador, Ann E. ...................................................................................850-435-9919

The Family Law Team, PLLC

900 North Palafox Street, Pensacola FL 32501


Medley, Nicholas ..............................................................................

Medley Law Firm

714 North Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 nicholas@medleyelderlaw.com

Merritt, Lauren Ashley ......................................................................

Lauren A. Merritt, P.A.

105 South De Villiers Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-466-0956


Messmore, Alexandra .....................................................................

Zarzaur Law P.A.

100 Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-696-1060


Michles, Marcus J. ............................................................................ 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Miller, Bruce A. .................................................................................. 850-595-4100

Public Defender, First Judicial Circuit

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-595-0450


Miller, Caitlyn Prichard ...................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Miller, Douglas Grayson ....................................................................850-483-5910

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-6969


Miller, Douglas F. .............................................................................. 850-436-7304

Kubicki Draper, P.A.

125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-0224


Miller, Gregory R. ...............................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

4694 Cartlon Dunes Drive, Unit 4, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Fax: 850-469-3331grm@beggslane.com

Miller, Jerome ...................................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

500 Grand Blvd., STE 270, Miramar Beach, FL 32550 jjm@beggslane.com

Miller, Rachel M. .................................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-7163 rmiller@esclaw.com

Mills, J.J. “JJ” ..................................................................................... 850-864-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A.

400 Racetrack Road NW, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 jmills@michlesbooth.com

Minshew, Lisa S. ...............................................................................

Lisa S. Minshew, P.A.

433 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-5126


Mitchem, William H. .......................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 whm@beggslane.com

Mitkevicius, Josef A...........................................................................

Mitkevicius Law, PLLC

322 East Romana Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 joe@pensacola.lawyer

Monahan, Jeremiah C. ......................................................................850-483-5916

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A. 890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502


Monroe, John W. ................................................................................ 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-7163 jwm@esclaw.com

Moody, Thomas ................................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163 tmoody@esclaw.com

Moore, Vanessa Marie .....................................................................


Legal Services of North Florida

1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Fax: 850-432-2329 vmoore@lsnf.org

Moorhead, Stephen R. ..................................................................... 850-202-8522

Moorhead Law Group

127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-477-0982


Moretz, M. Austin.............................................................................. 850-436-7000

Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC

21 East Garden Street, 1st Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-436-7099


Morgan, Wanda J. ............................................................................. 850-390-7428

Wanda J. Morgan P.A.

128 John King Road., STE 14, Crestview, FL 32539 wanda@wandamorganlaw.com

Morock, Travis M...............................................................................

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-266-2301 morock@carverdarden.com

Morris, Brandon S. ............................................................................ 850-503-2626

The Morris Firm 816 East La Rua Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 morris@mfirm.net

Mott, Marie Brady .............................................................................. 850-221-2794

Attorney at Law 701 East Cervantes St., Pensacola, FL 32501 mariebmott@gmail.com

Mougey, Peter J. ............................................................................... 850-435-7068

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-436-6068 pmougey@levinlaw.com

Mueller, Gabriel Gustav ................................................................... 850-377-5225

Office of the State Attorney

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 gmueller@osa1.org

Murphy, Kelly D. ................................................................................ 850-438-4848

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Narramore, Walter ...........................................................................

U.S. Department of Justice

21 East Garden Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 walter.narramore@usdoj.gov

Nelson, Kevin D. .................................................................................

Regions Private Wealth Management

70 North Baylen Street, 5th Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502 kevin.nelson@regions.com

Nelson, Ronald L. ...............................................................................

Ronald L. Nelson, Attorney 517 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-8800


Nelson, William Lowell .....................................................................

Escambia County Attorney’s Office

221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502 wlnelson@myescambia.com

Nguyen, Michelle ..............................................................................850-435-9919

The Family Law Team

900 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-435-8834


Nicholls, Wesley G. ...........................................................................

Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel

P.O. Box 12273, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-595-0813


Nix, Julie K. ........................................................................................ 850-981-9959

Nix & Kirkland, P.A. 6478 Highway 90, Suite A, Milton, FL 32570

Fax: 850-981-9962


Northrup, Kristin Ann ....................................................................... 850-432-8222

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329


Novotny, Galen M. ............................................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163


Oberhausen, Dana ...........................................................................850-332-6120

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A.

1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-332-6440


Oberliesen, Sarah ............................................................................. 850-750-1779

Oberliesen Law Firm PO Box 434, Niceville, FL 32588 sarah@svolawfirm.com

Odom, Bradley S. .............................................................................. 850-434-3527

Odom Law Group, P.A.

1800 North E Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-434-6380


Odom, Ellen D. .................................................................................. 850-469-6362

Escambia County School Board

75 North Pace Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32505 eodom@ecsdfl.us

Olliff, Michelle A. ................................................................................ 850-751-1852

Navy Federal Credit Union Regulatory Compliance

5550 Heritage Oaks Drive, Bldg. 3, Pensacola, FL 32526 michelle_olliff@navyfederal.org

Onacki, Melissa Condon ................................................................... 850-701-0327

Legal Services of North Florida

1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329 monacki@lsnf.org

Orrantia, C.J. .................................................................................... 850-434-0003

Kubicki Draper, P.A. 125 West Romana Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-0223 cjo@kubickidraper.com

Ortiz, Colleen Cleary ........................................................................ 850-466-3267

Colleen Cleary Ortiz, P.A.

1600 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: (813) 200-2015 colleen@ortizlegal.com

Overman, Charles H. ........................................................................ 850-432-2336

Emerald Coast Legal Aid

Seville Tower 226 Palafox PL., 8th Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-1297


Palmer, Raymond B. .......................................................................... 850-916-1000

Palmer Law Firm

913 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Suite 41, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 ray@rplegal.com

Palmer, Robert C. ............................................................................... 850-741-3065

Palmer Mediations

3298 Summit Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-435-1074


Papantonio, Mike .............................................................................. 850-435-7165

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-7020


Papantonio, Sara .............................................................................. 850-572-3163

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 spapantonio@levinlaw.com

Parsons, Elizabeth A. .......................................................................... 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A.

307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-8500 eparsons@wilsonharrell.com

Partington, Bruce D. ......................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington 125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-7340 bpartington@clarkpartington.com

Passeretti, Joseph A.......................................................................... 448-239-6031

GrayRobinson, P.A. 601 South Palafox Street, Pensacola FL 32502 joe.passeretti@gray-robinson.com

Patel, Kishane .................................................................................. 850-739-3634

KJP Counsel 8180 Pensacola Blvd, Pensacola, FL 32534 kishane@kjpcounsel.com

Patterson, Christopher C. ................................................................ 850-595-4200

Office of the State Attorney

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 ccpatterson@osa1.org

Patti, Mary Ann ................................................................................ 850-437-3700

Mary Ann Patti, LLC

2005 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-437-3735


Paulos, Christopher G. .....................................................................


Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-6076 cpaulos@levinlaw.com

Peeler, R. Stan ................................................................................... 850-332-5555

Peeler Law Firm PLLC

15 West La Rua Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-378-0221 peelerlawoffices@gmail.com

Pendley, Madeline ............................................................................ 850-435-7013

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 mpendley@levinlaw.com

Penrod, Charlie ................................................................................. 850-474-2777

The University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway, BLDG 70, Pensacola, FL 32514 cpenrod@uwf.edu

Peppler, Charles V. ........................................................................... 850-206-9739

Schreiber ADR

281 Beacon Road, Pensacola, FL 32503 charliepeppler52@gmail.com

Peterson, Jason W. ........................................................................... 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340 jpeterson@clarkpartington.com

Pfeifler, Hannah Rogers .................................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kries & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Piedmont, Amy Glass ........................................................................850-432-9818

Litvak, Beasley, Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-9830


Pouchert, Jack .................................................................................. 850-266-2309

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Powell, Gillis (Beau) .......................................................................... 850-981-2400

Beau Powell, P.A.

6827 Caroline Street, Suite A, Milton, FL 32570 beaupowell@bpowelllaw.com

Powell, Robert J. ............................................................................... 850-202-8522

Moorhead Law Group

127 South Palafox Place, Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 rpowell@moorheadlaw.com

Preston, Andrea Renee .................................................................... 850-435-7000

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A

315 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 rpreston@levinlaw.com

Prettyman, Lori M. ............................................................................. 850-982-0719

Favor House

2001 West Blount Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 lori@favorhouse.org

Prevatte, Valerie .............................................................................. 850-444-7475

Valerie Prevatte, Attorney at Law

504 North Baylen Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2028


Prince, Jessica ...................................................................................850-316-4490

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 407-649-8818 jprince@wickersmith.com

Proctor, Mark J. .................................................................................. 850-435-7134

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-435-7020 mproctor@levinlaw.com

Puente, Anna Marie .......................................................................... 850-432-8222

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-2329


Puente, Laura LaBianca ....................................................................850-483-5921

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox St., Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502


Pugh, Natalie ..................................................................................... 850-273-1472

Children’s Legal Services

6557 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570


Pugh, Phillip A. ...................................................................................

Litvak, Beasley, Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, Suite 300, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-9830


Rabby, Christopher L. ........................................................................

Christopher L. Rabby, P.A.

445 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-437-9005


Radcliffe, Wanda W............................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Radd, Rebecca H................................................................................ 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-7163


Radford, Blake A. .............................................................................. 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A.

1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-4044


Rafferty, Troy A. .................................................................................. 561-516-5168

Rafferty, Domnick, Cunningham & Yaffa

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-6163


Ralls, Virginia Chase ......................................................................... 850-434-3601

Chase & Ralls, PLC

101 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-3708


Ramirez, Aida ................................................................................... 850-432-8559

Ramirez Hormaza Law Group

1622 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503


Ray, Louis F. .......................................................................................

Senior Lawyer

3413 Chantarene Dr, Pensacola, FL 32502


Reeder, H. Wesley ..............................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856 hwr@esclaw.com

Regan, Sharon D. ..............................................................................

Sharon D. Regan, Attorney at Law PO Box 13404, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-439-1002


Reid, Raven A. .................................................................................... 850-717-4308

Department of Children and Families 2415 North Monroe Street, STE 400, Tallahassee, FL 32303 raven.reid@myflfamilies.com

Remington, Scott A. .........................................................................

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Rettig, Gregory Kent .......................................................................... 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe

125 West Romana Street, Suite 330, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-777-3290 grettig@lgwmlaw.com

Reuter, Eric ........................................................................................ 850-595-4405

First Judicial Circuit Court

190 West Government Street, FL 3, Pensacola, FL 32502 eric.reuter@flcourts1.gov

Reynolds, Shelley Guy ..................................................................... 850-434-1330

Law Office of Shelley Guy Reynolds, P. A. 3 West Garden Street, Suite 403, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-972-8559


Richards, R. Jason ............................................................................ 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Richardson, Jennifer Shoaf .............................................................. 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856 jrichardson@esclaw.com

Ritchie, Chris K. ................................................................................. 850-436-7000

Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC

21 East Garden Street, 1st Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-7099 critchie@gallowaylawfirm.com

Roberts, Andrea Bryant .................................................................... 850-701-4233

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329 andrea@lsnf.org

Rogers, Alison Perdue...................................................................... 850-595-4970

Escambia County Attorney’s Office 221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-595-4979


Rogers, Randall Glen ........................................................................ 850-483-5909

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-438-6969 randall.rogers@csklegal.com

Rosenbloum, Louis K. ......................................................................... 850-475-1211

Louis K. Rosenbloum, P.A. 4300 Bayou Boulevard, Suite 36, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-475-1290 lrosenbloum@rosenbloumlaw.com

Rowe, Bradley H. .............................................................................. 850-483-5900

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 bradley.rowe@csklegal.com

Rowe, T. Shane ................................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856 srowe@esclaw.com

Ruebsamen, Carol A. ........................................................................850-470-0091

Philip A. Bates, P.A.

25 West Cedar Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-470-0441 cruebsamen@philipbates.net

Rushing, Robert S. ............................................................................ 850-266-2303

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-266-2301 rushing@carverdarden.com

Ryan, Aaron P. ....................................................................................850-777-3258

Hall Prangle & Schoonveld LLC

25 West Cedar Street, Suite 660, Pensacola, FL 32502 Aaron@HPSLaw.com

Ryan, Kayla N. ....................................................................................

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

890 South Palafox Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502 kayla.ryan@csklegal.com

Ryba, Gayle J. .................................................................................... 850-434-9299

Gayle J. Ryba, P.A.

224 East Intendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-9297 office@grybalaw.com

Saba, Daniel P. ................................................................................... 850-995-1102

Locklin, Saba, Lockin & Jones, P.A. 4557 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571 Fax: 850-995-1103 dsaba@ljslawfirm.com

Said, Tara L. ........................................................................................ 850-777-3322

Lloyd, Gray, Whitehead & Monroe

125 W Romana Steet, Suite 330, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-777-3290 tsaid@lgwmlaw.com

Salamone, Susan J ............................................................................850-469-3310

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331 sjs@beggslane.com

Sanders, R. Hadley .......................................................................... 850-466-8349

R. Hadley Sanders, PA 314 South Baylen Street, STE 112, Pensacola, FL 32502 rhs@hadleysanderslaw.com

Savage, Shelby ................................................................................ 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-438-4044 ssavage@twwlawfirm.com

Schernitzki, Rebecca ........................................................................ 850-701-4233

Legal Services of North Florida

1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-432-2329 rschernitzki@lsnf.org

Schofield, Michael J. ........................................................................


Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340 mschofield@clarkpartington.com

Scholl, Jessica ................................................................................... 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-435-7899


Schultz, Kerry Anne ........................................................................... 850-754-1600

Schultz Law Group, P.L.L.C

2777 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 kaschultz@schultzlawgrp.com

Schultz, Matthew D. .......................................................................... 850-435-7140

Levin, Papantonio, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr & Mougey, P.A 316 South Baylen Street, Suite 600, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-436-6140 mschultz@levinlaw.com

Schurger, Eric D. .................................................................................850-712-4148

Eric D. Schurger

P.O. Box 254, Gulf Breeze, FL 32562 edschurger@yahoo.com

Scott, Joanna T.................................................................................. 850-483-6665

Department of Children and Families 160 West Government Street, Suite 703F, Pensacola, FL 32502 joanna.scott@myflfamilies.com

Sebastian, Nathaniel ....................................................................... 850-434-6490

Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. 114 East Gregory Street, 2nd Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502 nathaniel.sebastian@qpwblaw.com

Seely, Sean J. .................................................................................... 850-936-9385

Lynchard & Seely, PLLC 1901 Andorra Street, Navarre, FL 32566

Fax: 850-936-9578 sean@seely-law.com

Sellers, David L. .................................................................................. 850-434-3111

David Lee Sellers

331 East Romana Street., Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-1188 david@davidleesellers.com

Shaffer, Christopher ........................................................................ 850-595-4970

Escambia County Attorney’s Office

221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502


Shaffer, J. Nevin ................................................................................. 850-934-4124

J. Nevin Shaffer, Jr., P.A.

913 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Suite 43, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561

Fax: 850-934-4143


Shell, Benjamin T. ..............................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Shell, Stephen B. .............................................................................. 850-266-2564

Carver Darden

151 West Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-266-2301


Sheppard, Julie ................................................................................ 850-202-4400


40 South Alcaniz Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-202-4440


Sherrill, Richard N............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-433-9599


Shimek, Alexander ........................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Shoemaker, Gregory M. ................................................................... 850-429-0755

Wade, Palmer & Shoemaker, P.A. PO Box 13510, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-429-0871


Simpson, David .................................................................................850-543-5601

Simpson Mediation Services

9 Meigs Drive, Shalimar, FL 32579


Skievaski, Kim A. ................................................................................ 850-434-3111

Sellers, Skievaski, Kuder & Smith, LLP

331 East Romana Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-1188


Sliva, Amy Logan .............................................................................. 850-438-6603

Sliva Law Firm, LLC

313 West Gregory Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-1985


Sliva, Logan F. ................................................................................... 850-438-6603

Sliva Law Firm, LLC

313 West Gregory Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-438-1985


Smith, Jerome G. ........................................................................................................

Attorney at Law

3003 East Blount Street, Pensacola, FL 32503


Smith, Mary Melissa ........................................................................... 850-434-3111

M. Melissa Smith, P.A.

331 East Romana Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Snyder, Molly .................................................................................... 850-595-4200

Office of State Attorney

190 West Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 mgsynder@osa1.org

Soloway, Daniel M. ............................................................................ 850-471-3300

Soloway Law Firm

1013 Airport Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32504

Fax: 850-471-3392


Spain, Adrianna M. .............................................................................. 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A.

307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-8500


Spear, Katie ........................................................................................850-733-7457

Dr. Katie Gilbert Spear, PLLC

113 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Spencer, Andrew McKinnon ............................................................ 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-433-9599


Spencer, Crystal Collins ................................................................... 850-912-8080

Spencer Law, P.A.

316 South Baylen Street, Suite 520, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-912-8028 crystal@spencerlawpa.com

Stallings, Michael T. ...........................................................................850-332-6120

Kirkland, McGhee & Gann, P.A.

1801 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-332-6440 mstallings@kirkland-mcghee.com

Stebbins, Michael J. .........................................................................850-450-0250

Michael J. Stebbins, P.L. 2671 Edmund Drive, Gulf Breeze, FL 32526 mjsteb@mjstebbins.com

Stella, Joseph .....................................................................................

Law Office of Joseph Stella 4280 Brookside Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503 joseph@jstellalaw.com

Stevenson, Eric D. .............................................................................

Fasig Brooks 815 South Palafox Street, Pensacola FL 32502 estevenson@fasigbrooks.com

Stewart, Dan ..................................................................................... 850-994-4887

Dan Stewart, P.A. 4519 Highway 90, Pace, FL 32571 dan.stewart@stewartlawfirm.com

Stillwell, Earlynn ............................................................................... 850-208-3533

Stillwell Law Firm, LLC 91 West Hood Drive, Pensacola, FL 32534 earlynn.stillwell@ninemilelaw.com

Stinson, Landon ............................................................................... 850-262-7927

Beacon Legal PLLC 350 West Cedar Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 landon@beacon.legal

Stokes, William D. ............................................................................. 850-434-9200

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340 wstokes@clarkpartington.com

Stone, Scott ...................................................................................... 850-434-5395

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A. 801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-0043 scott@whibbslaw.com

Strayhan, Harvey Lee ........................................................................ 850-608-0112

Moorhead Law Group

6757 US Highway 98 West, Ste 102, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Fax: 850-660-5340


Strom, Amelia ...................................................................................

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5857


Sullivan, Kimberly Speer...................................................................

Coastal Probate Trust & Elder Law

905 East Hatton Street, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32503 kssullivan@cptelegal.com

Sunnenberg, Karen .......................................................................... 850-432-3112

Karen Sunnenberg, P.A.

201 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 karen@sunnenberglaw.com

Sventek, Eric P...................................................................................

Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A.

601 North Baylen Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-469-1005


Taylor, Clayton E. ..............................................................................

Michles & Booth, P.A.

501 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-437-5556


Taylor, David B. .................................................................................. 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Taylor, Stephanie A........................................................................... 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-438-4044


Terhaar, John G. ................................................................................ 850-444-4878

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Terrezza, John Anthony .................................................................... 850-764-5291

Terrezza Law

PO Box 13301, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-344-9756


Thames, William K. ............................................................................ 850-433-5461

Vernis & Bowling of Northwest Florida, P.A.

315 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-0166


Thieman-Greene, Shari ................................................................... 850-939-0499

Thieman-Greene & Bell

1900 Highway 87, Suite J, Navarre, FL 32566

Fax: 850-939-0498


Thomas, Rachel L. ............................................................................ 850-308-0746

Carr Allison

201 East Government Street, STE 121, Pensacola, FL 32502


Thompson, Randle D. ....................................................................... 850-444-4444

Mcleod and Thompson, LLP

400 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-444-4495


Thornburgh, Daniel James ............................................................... 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Tidwell, Douglas D............................................................................ 850-434-3223

Tidwell & Associates

811 North Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-434-3822


Tillery Rothfeder, Stephanie ........................................................... 850-202-4470

Institute of Human and Machine Cognition 40 South Alcaniz Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-435-1700


Timothy, Elizabeth M. ........................................................................850-470-0091

Philip A. Bates, P.A.

25 West Cedar Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32591


Todd, Warren R.................................................................................. 850-444-4878

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Trawick, Angela Lynn .......................................................................


Rafferty, Domnick, Cunningham & Yaffa

850 South Palafox Street, 3rd Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 305-444-6773 angela@pbglaw.com

Trawick, John B. ................................................................................ 850-476-0495

John B. Trawick, PLLC

3298 Summit Blvd., Suite 5, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-850-7800 john@jbtrawicklaw.com

Traylor, Darryl Steve ......................................................................... 850-429-2027

Borowski & Traylor, P.A.

4300 Bayou Blvd., Suite 14, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-429-7465


Traylor, John Bennett ....................................................................... 850-595-4200

State Attorney’s Office

190 West Government St, Pensacola, FL 32502 jtraylor@osa1.org

Troxel, Theodore J. ........................................................................... 850-434-5267

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC 438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-6116 trox0201@comcast.net

Turner, Richard Hill ........................................................................... 850-434-5395

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A. 801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-0043 richard@whibbslaw.com

Ueberschaer, Thomas J. .................................................................. 850-434-8778

Thomas J. Ueberschaer, P.A.

601 North Baylen Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-469-1005 tom@ueberschaerlaw.com

Uniacke, Anna ..................................................................................... 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A.

307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 alu@wilsonharrell.com

Van Sickle, Russell F.......................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


VanFleteren, Haley ........................................................................... 850-434-3541

Moore, Hill & Westmoreland, P.A.

Maritime Place, 350 West Cedar Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32591

Fax: 850-435-7899


Vigodsky, Craig A. ............................................................................ 850-912-8520

Craig A Vigodsky, P.A.

221 West Cervantes Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 850-912-8540


Vinson, Robert A. .............................................................................. 850-750-4529

Varner Law

21 East Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502


Waddell, Amy Kicklighter .................................................................850-434-1659

Garden Street Communities

100 West Garden Street, Floor 2, Pensacola, FL 32504


Waddell, Jason A. ............................................................................. 850-434-8500

Waddell Law

4317 Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504

Fax: 850-434-0971


Wade, Linda H. .................................................................................. 850-429-0755

Wade, Palmer & Shoemaker, P.A. 14 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-429-0871 lwade@wpslawyers.com

Walborsky, Edwin ............................................................................. 850-434-5267

Walborsky, Bradley & Fleming, PLLC 438 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-6116


Walker, Stephen L. ............................................................................ 850-202-8527

Moorhead Law Group

Post Office Box 11964, Pensacola, FL 32591 swalker@moorheadlaw.com

Walters, Kenneth Jake ...................................................................... 850-812-5515

Litvak Beasley Wilson & Ball, LLP

40 Palafox Place, #300, Pensacola, FL 32502


Walton, Sarah S..................................................................................850-470-0091

Philip A. Bates, P.A.

25 West Cedar Street, Suite 550, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-470-0441


Ward, Austin R. .................................................................................

Ward Mediations, PLLC

707 East Cervantes Street, STE B #121, Pensacola, FL 32501 award@wardmediationspllc.com

Warren, J. Phillip ..............................................................................

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-438-4044 pwarren@twwlawfirm.com

Warren, Jill W......................................................................................

Autumn Beck Blackledge, PLLC

127 Palafox Place, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32502 jww@autumnobeck.com

Watson, Aaron L................................................................................

The Watson Firm, PLLC

350 West Cedar Street, Suite 301, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-607-2066 awatson@watsonfirm.com

Watson, Kasey Reaves .....................................................................

First Judicial Circuit Court

190 West Government Street, Fifth Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502 kasey.watson@flcourts1.gov

Weekley, W. Timothy .........................................................................850-981-5622

Santa Rosa County Clerk of Court and Comptroller 4025 Avalon Blvd, Milton, FL 32583 weekleyt@santarosaclerks.com

Weidner, Keith W. .............................................................................. 850-438-4899

Taylor, Warren, Weidner, Hancock & Barnes, P.A. 1700 West Main Street, Suite 100, Pensacola, FL 32503 Fax: 850-438-4044 kweidner@twwlawfirm.com

Welch, Gordon E. ............................................................................... 850-432-7737

Gordon Edward Welch, P.A. 201 East Government Street, Suite 138, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-433-6222 gordonwelchpa@yahoo.com

Wendel, Sarah .................................................................................. 850-432-8222

Legal Services of North Florida 1741 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-432-2329 sarawendel24@gmail.com

West, Stephen G. .............................................................................. 850-595-4970

Escambia County Attorney’s Office

221 Palafox Place, Suite 430, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-595-4979


Wheaton, Wyndi L. ...........................................................................

Wheaton Law Firm, PLLC

4513 Woodbine Road, Pace, FL 32571


Whibbs, J. Donovan .........................................................................

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A. 801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-0043 donovan@whibbslaw.com

Whibbs, Gregory Michael ................................................................ 850-434-5395

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A.

801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-0043


Whibbs, Suzanne N. ......................................................................... 850-434-5395

Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, P.A. 801 West Romana Street, Unit C, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-0043 suzanne@whibbslaw.com

White, Adam J. ................................................................................... 850-433-6581

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-434-5856 ajw@esclaw.com

White, Kathlyn M............................................................................... 850-202-8535

Coastal Probate, Trust & Elder Law 905 East Hatton Street, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32503

Fax: 850-438-8860


White, Stephanie S. ........................................................................... 850-610-4166

Berkowitz & White, PLLC

101 East Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 stephanie@fladoptions.com

White, Valerie .................................................................................... 850-316-4479

Wicker Smith

125 West Romana Street, Suite 202, Pensacola, FL 32502 vwhite@wickersmith.com

White, W. Douglas ............................................................................ 850-432-2336

Emerald Coast Legal Aid

Seville Tower 226 Palafox Place, 8th Floor, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-1297


Whittaker, Clay ..................................................................................850-696-1023

Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon, P.A.

30 South Spring Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-5856


Wiggins, Charles T. ............................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Williams, Rhett Joseph ....................................................................

Clark Partington

125 East Intendencia Street, Suite 400, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-7340


Wilson, Joseph Andrew ...................................................................... 850-438-1111

Wilson, Harrell, Farrington, Ford, Wilson, Spain & Parsons, P.A.

307 South Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-432-8500


Wilson, Stephen D. ........................................................................... 850-202-3342

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Windham, John “Buz” F. .................................................................. 850-982-3933

562 East Romana Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 JohnFWindham@gmail.com

Winn, H. Frank ................................................................................... 850-434-6214

H. Frank Winn, Jr.

P.O. Box 150, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-434-6290


Wise, Jena M. ..................................................................................... 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-469-3331


Witkin, Justin G. ................................................................................. 850-202-1010

Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC

17 East Main Street, Suite 200, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-916-7499


Wood, Craig R. ................................................................................... 904-353-6241

Boyd & Jenerette

201 North Hogan Street, Suite 400, Jacksonville, FL 32202 cwood@boydjen.com

Woodward, Douglas S.......................................................................

Woodward & Woodward

1300 Shoreline Drive, STE 203, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 dsw@woodwardfirm.com

Woodward, Tiffany T. ........................................................................ 850-517-4460

Woodward & Woodward

1300 Shoreline Drive, STE 203, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 ttw@pensacoladivorce.com

Woolf, Susan A. ................................................................................. 850-474-3720

Office of General Counsel, University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway, BLDG 10, Pensacola, FL 32514

Fax: 850-857-6058 swoolf@uwf.edu

Wyatt, Michael ................................................................................. 850-474-3420

Office of General Counsel, University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway, BLDG 10, Pensacola, FL 32514 Fax: 850-587-6058 mwyatt@uwf.edu

York, Lisa K. ......................................................................................... 850-474-1115

Lisa York Law, LLC

1600 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Fax: 813-342-7978 lisayork@lisayorklaw.com

Youtz, Nicholas J. ............................................................................... 850-608-0112

Moorhead Law Group 6757 US Highway 98 West, Ste 102, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Fax: 850-660-5340


Zarzaur, Joseph A. ............................................................................ 850-444-9299

Zarzaur Law P.A.

100 Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL 32502

Fax: 850-696-1060


Ziko, Mikaela ...................................................................................... 850-361-1515

Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo & Cohen

300 N Tarragona St., Pensacola FL 32501


Zinsel, Margaret ................................................................................ 850-432-2451

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331


Zoesch, John R...................................................................................

Beggs & Lane, RLLP

501 Commendencia Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Fax: 850-469-3331


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Non-Member Listings

Abdullah, Mildred M (850) 469-0627


Ackerman, David Barnet (850) 432-0900 ....................................... chris@davidackermanlaw.com

Adams, Mia Angela Niomi (850) 607-0966 miaangelaa@gmail.com

Adams, Kimberly Lambert (850) 435-7056 ................................................... kadams@levinlaw.com

Adams, R. Bradley (850) 378-1257 brad.adams@merakisolutions.com

Aghayan, Elizabeth Wedding (850) 252-7567 elizabeth.w.aghayan@gmail.com

Albrecht, D. Andrew (850) 595-4100 .......................................................... daalbrect22@gmail.com

Alderman, Mark Darren Philip (850) 595-4200 malderman@osa1.org

Allbritton, John Lewis (850) 384-0227 ............................................. john.allbritton322@gmail.com

Allen, Stacey H ............................................................................................ stacey_allen@bellsouth.net

Allen, Robert Charles (850) 438-6800 robert@robcallen.com

Alvoid, Richard Arlen (850) 857-1960 ........................................................................ visa@alvoid.com

Ambrose, Erin Michelle (850) 595-4200 eambrose@osa1.org

Amond, Elizabeth Ann (850) 595-4070 beth.amond@rc1.myflorida.com

Andrade, Jessica Clements (850) 982-3334 ...................... jessicaclementsandrade@gmail.com

Andrews, Ryan C. (201) 798-7100 randrews@grmdocument.com

Andrews, Ryan (201) 798-7100 ............................................................. ryanandrewslaw@gmail.com

Angelopoulos, Tracey L. (619) 665-3547 tangelopoulos@uber.com

Arnold, Christine Hammergren (850) 476-5100 carnold@landrumhr.com

Atkins, Timothy B (850) 437-7911 ............................................. timothy.atkins@morganstanley.com

Ausley, Matthew (850) 362-7228 matt@goodlife.legal

Austin, Mark Darren (904) 707-2466 ....................................................markd.austin@eastman.com

Baker, Quin (850) 433-0888 qbaker@quinbakerlaw.com

Baldwin, Timothy N. (850) 857-2463 timbaldwin@outlook.com

Barnes, Mason Reid (850) 595-4100 ....................................................... mason_barnes@pd1.fl.gov

Barnett, Sharon L (850) 316-7327 sharonleebarnett@gmail.com

Bartlett, Rebecca Lynn (850) 332-6434 ......................................................... rebecca@bartlett.legal

Bates, Lisa Littlejohn (352) 256-0755 lmlittlej@yahoo.com

Bayhi, Steve Renault (850) 444-8585 stevenaundre@gmail.com

Belcher, Mark Alexander (706) 957-0830 ............................................... markbelcher@yahoo.com

Bennett, Kristin K (561) 358-9849 kristin.bennett@tetratech.com

Bensinger, Eric Edward (850) 595-4405............................................ eric.bensinger@flcourts1.gov

Benson, Anna Holliday (850) 393-3884........................................................... hb@hollybenson.com

Beroset, John C. (850) 438-3111 john@berosetlawfirm.com

Berrigan, Thomas M (850) 595-4200 ........................................................................... berr5@aol.com

Bill, Michael Todd (850) 432-2222 mbill@flalawyer.net

Bleiler, Susan Ann (850) 712-4386 s.bleiler@bellsouth.net

Boles, B B (850) 432-2222 x105 ........................................................................ bboles@flalawyer.net

Boll, Robert Jeffrey (850) 695-2001 jeff@coastallandtitle.com

Bonham, David L (850) 972-8610 .......................................... david.bonham@thevirgalawfirm.com

Booth, Elizabeth Payne (850) 595-4100 elizabeth_booth@pd1.fl.gov

Booth, Elizabeth Payne (850) 809-3345 ebooth@morganlawgroup.net

Bordelon, John Stephen (850) 934-1000 .......................................... jbordelon@lawbordelon.com

Bouk, Winston Troy (850) 435-7155 tbouk@levinlaw.com

Bowden, Steven Wesley (850) 456-5779 ............................. bowdenlaw@pensacola-lawyer.com

Non-Member Listings

Brazwell, Chrisandra Simone Nash (850) 380-7903


Brooks, Kenneth Leonard (850) 623-3605 ..................................... kbrooks@brooks-warrick.com

Brown, Kathryn Marie (850) 595-8057 kathryn.brown@myflfamilies.com

Brown, Sean Patrick (850) 595-4100 .........................................................................................................

Broxton, Quentin (850) 866-8616 quebrox@yahoo.com

Bruckmann, Barbara Olson (850) 733-9240 bruckmannb@att.net

Bryant, Edward R (239) 253-0827 .............................................................. mycpalawyer@gmail.com

Buell, Lucinda Roberts (850) 434-6490 lucinda.buell@qpwblaw.com

Burns, Cierra Evon (850) 595-4200 ...........................................................................cburns@osa1.org

Burns, James Martinez (850) 457-6002 ................................................... jimburnsfllaw@gmail.com

Burns, Michael Andrew (850) 572-9187 mike@maburns.com

Burtt, Michael Scott (850) 469-1313 ................................................................. michael@burttlaw.com

Butler, Steven Edwin (850) 444-4046 steven.butler@usdoj.gov

Caillouet, Clyde C (850) 438-3097 clydecaillouet@gmail.com

Callahan, Elizabeth Crawford (850) 469-2459.......................................... liz.callahan@bhcpns.org

Campbell, Scott M. (850) 622-0102 scott@attorneysinflorida.com

Camper, Chad D. (850) 433-3077 ................................................................. chad@deancamper.com

Cangelosi, A Edward (850) 637-8650 ecangelosi@gmail.com

Caputo, Nathan Franklin (850) 501-1004 nathan@hercules-caputo.com

Carlson, Michelle Colleen (850) 304-7935 ..............................................mcarlsonlaw1@gmail.com

Carpenter, Brenda Elaine (850) 748-6988 bc0823@universalproperty.com

Carroll, Sandra Wallace (850) 981-3227......................................................sandra.carroll@gal.fl.gov

Carter, Daniel Burke (850) 595-4100 daniel_carter@pd1.fl.gov

Carty Hartjen, Nancy Lynn (850) 939-2032 nancy.hartjen@hartjenlaw.com

Cashwell, Patrece Candace (850) 432-9005 ........................................ cashwelllaw@hotmail.com

Castillo, Derrick A. (850) 595-4100 derrick_castillo@pd1.fl.gov

Champagne, Gerald E (850) 206-7275 .............................................. villachampagne@yahoo.com

Chancellor, Sherry Fowler (850) 436-8445 sherry.chancellor@yahoo.com

Chavez, Christina Jennai (850) 595-4200 cchavez@osa1.org

Chiesa, Gerard John (850) 483-6665 .......................................... gerard.chiesa@myflfamilies.com

Clark, James G. (850) 682-2757 jclark@Powelllawfirm.com

Cobb, Lauren (850) 432-1418 ............................................................................. Lauren_Cobb@fd.org

Cobb, Stephen G. (850) 651-6565 ................................................................... cobblawfirm@aol.com

Cobb, Jeremy (850) 912-5255


Coleman, Laura Spencer (850) 626-8520 .................................... lsc@lauraspencercoleman.com

Connors, Clayton M. (850) 473-0401 cmc@westconlaw.com

Corkill, Kimberly (850) 375-3475 kimberlyatlaw@gmail.com

Cosson, Caleb Ikeda (850) 633-4483.......................................................... caleb.cosson@gal.fl.gov

Couch, Mary Ann Lane (205) 521-8281 mary.ann.couch@usdoj.gov

Covell, Scott McNeill (850) 450-5645 .......................................................... covell.scott@gmail.com

Crawford, James William (850) 982-0553 jim@favorhouse.org

Crosslin, Greg D. (850) 650-7378 greg@Bug-Law.com

Cserep, Richard Duane (850) 610-3288 .......................... rickthelawyer@blackwaterlawfirm.com

Cummings, Teresa F. (850) 390-4040 tcummings@duttonlawgroup.com

Currey, Richard George (850) 595-4070 ................................... richard.currey@rc1.myflorida.com

Cusack, Patrick Michael (850) 324-3755


Cusack, Patrick M. (850) 324-3755 .................................................. Patrick@cusackmediation.com

Dannheisser, Matt E. (850) 434-7272 mdannheisser@dannheisserlaw.com

Davies, Robert Gardner (850) 444-4000 ................................................... robert.davies@usdoj.gov

Davis, Ronald Wayne (850) 595-4100 rwdlaw@gmail.com

Davis, Robert Brooks (850) 470-0211 rbdlaw1027@aol.com

de Jesús, Shannan D (850) 908-8101 ............................................... shannan.dejesus@bhcpns.org

De La Piedra, Jack Enrique (850) 733-9133


De La Torre-Otero, Prycilla (850) 595-8200 .............. prycilla.delatorreotero@myflfamilies.com

Dean, Shane M. (850) 433-3077 ................................................................. shane@deancamper.com

Dees, David Lamont (850) 968-5696 dfdees@cox.net

Demming, Jennifer D (850) 483-6624 .........................................................j_boddorf@hotmail.com

Dietzen, Amanda (850) 483-6664 amanda.dietzen@myflfamilies.com

DuBose, Jonathan Palmer (850) 287-0582 jon@duboseattorney.com

Dubyak, Jeremy Lucas (850) 262-8528 ................................................ jeremy@southtrustlaw.com

Duncan, Paige Allison (256) 668-2449 paige@paigeduncanlaw.com

Dunkerley, David Austin (850) 595-4100 ............................................. david_dunkerley@pd1.fl.gov

Durost, Katina La Trece (850) 595-3700 katina_durost@pd1.fl.gov

Durrani, Jan K. (850) 435-7145 jdurrani@levinlaw.com

Dyehouse, Sara K. (407) 836-2400 ................................................................... sdyehouse@sao9.org

Early, R Todd (850) 207-6938 rtoddearly@gmail.com

Eaton, Carolyn L. (850) 474-3420 ............................................................................... ceaton@uwf.edu

Edgar, Russell Graham (850) 316-7424 russ1edgar@gmail.com

Edwards, Julie M (850) 981-5600 julie_edwards@pd1.fl.gov

Ehrenreich, Lisa (954) 907-2674.................................................................. ehrenreichlj@gmail.com

Elliott, Kris (850) 677-0567 kris@elflaw.com

Ellis, Hubert Edward (850) 432-4143........................................................ eellis@staplesellislaw.com

Ellis, Samantha Diane (850) 452-3733 samantha.d.ellis6.civ@us.navy.mil

Elzweig, Brian Paul (850) 510-5252 belzweig@uwf.edu

Emerson, Adrienne Lacoste (850) 595-4200 ................................................... aemerson@osa1.org

Emmanuel, Karen O (850) 450-8345 karenemmanuel3@gmail.com

Enfinger, Austin Laverne (850) 776-1796 ........................................................ a.enfinger@gmail.com

Ericson, Laura (850) 470-8147 ...................................................... laura_ericson@flnd.uscourts.gov

Essary, Melanie Ann (850) 736-9119 melessary@aol.com

Etherton, Jessica H. (850) 444-4084 ..................................................... jessica.etherton@usdoj.gov

Evans, Vickie Arlesha Lafaye (850) 483-6713 vickie.evans@myflfamilies.com

Evers, Jacob Sean (850) 932-7733 jevers@everslaw.net

Falgout, Carly (305) 360-0981 ...................................................................carly@bearmediation.com

Farrar, Gregory Paul (850) 434-8904 greg@farrarlawfirm.com

Fernandez, Juan Antonio (850) 436-7000 ........................................ juanfernandez2@yahoo.com

Ferry, Nicole Kessler (850) 469-8118 nkf@ferryandferry.com

Ferry, Christopher Alexander (850) 469-8118 chrisferry@bellsouth.net

Fillingim, Regina Nichol (850) 549-5578 ........................................................ rnfillingim@gmail.com

Fisher, Sean Joseph (850) 361-1515 sfisher@insurancedefense.net

Fletcher, Arthur Lee (850) 462-2474............................................................afletcher@ahpartners.us

Flippo, Nicholas Chase (850) 595-4100


Frederick, Thomas Adler .....................................................................................taf0012@mix.wvu.edu

Furman, Melissa Posey (850) 429-7431 poseymelissa@mindspring.com

Garrett, Kari Lauren (850) 981-5500 ........................................................................ kgarrett@osa1.org

Gerth, Jason Clarke (850) 876-7808 jgerth@forthepeople.com

Gesellschap, Vickie Allene (850) 741-2510 vgesellschap@sniffenlaw.com

Gibbs, Kathy Ann Adams (850) 384-9173 ......................................... attorneykag@protonmail.com

Gibson, Adele Westmark (850) 595-4405 adele.gibson@flcourts1.gov

Gillespie, Robert Paul (850) 595-4200................................................................ pgillespie@osa1.org

Gilliam, Thomas J (850) 484-1500 ........................................................tgilliam@pensacolastate.edu

Gilmer, Carrie Willena (850) 595-4500 cgilmer@osa1.org

Goheen, Nicole Lane (850) 595-4070 ...................................... nicole.goheen@rc1.myflorida.com

Gooden, Cheryl A (850) 380-8519 cherylgoodenlaw@yahoo.com

Goodman, Marci Levin (850) 529-5295 marciross@hotmail.com

Goodrich, Doris B. (954) 881-8291 .................................................. dg1207@universalproperty.com

Gorday, Thomas Gary (850) 361-1515 ggorday@insurancedefense.net

Gordon, Amanda (850) 444-4000 .................................................................. tresducks@yahoo.com

Gordon, Matthew Dean (850) 595-4225 mgordon@osa1.org

Gordon, Charlotte Adams (850) 221-9405 charlotteagordon@aol.com

Gore, Thomas Allen (850) 595-4100........................................................... thomas_gore@pd1.fl.gov

Gramlich, Carolyn Mae (850) 208-3533 info@ninemilelaw.com

Graves, Vicki Sharron (850) 516-3609 .............................................................. vgravesesq@cox.net

Gray, Tyler Lee (850) 316-9100 tlgray@forthepeople.com

Green, Dennis David (850) 436-3559 dennis@lawofficeofdennisgreen.com

Green, Chelsie Lynn (985) 435-7076 ............................................................... cgreen@levinlaw.com

Green, Dennis David (850) 436-3559 dennis@lawofficeofdennisgreen.com

Griffin, Kyle Joseph (850) 876-7822 .................................................. kylegriffin@forthepeople.com

Griffith, Michael J. (850) 433-9922 mjgpa@att.net

Haight, Patricia (850) 341-0039 phaight@phaightlaw.com

Hall, Samuel Monroe (850) 436-4468 ......................................................... sammy7335@gmail.com

Hamlin, Paul John (850) 912-8530 phamlin@hamlinlawfirm.com

Hardin, Christine CeCelia (850) 432-5981.................................................... cchardinpa@gmail.com

Hargett, Dustin Brent (850) 912-0472......................................................... brenthargett@gmail.com

Hargraves, Matthew Joshua (423) 653-2643 mjh@hargraveslawfirm.com

Harper, Mary Catherine (850) 434-7012.............................................................. mc.harper@ml.com

Harper, Tristan Kent (850) 710-0242 tristan@strikelines.com

Harper, Louis Bo (850) 429-2027 bo@harperlawpa.com

Harrell, Charles Miner (850) 438-1111.....................................................................cmh@whsf-law.com

Harris, Alice Faye (850) 934-6554 alice@aliceharrislaw.com

Harscher, Dustin Storm (850) 400-1715 ................................... dustin@henderson-raybonlaw.com

Harshbarger, Ariele Lynn (850) 206-3718 ariharshbarger@gmail.com

Hausfeld, M. Kevin (850) 433-1212 kevin@kevininjurylaw.com

Heath, James (850) 837-5529 .............................................................. james@floridacoastlaw.com

Henderson, Tony Leon (850) 400-1715 tonyhendersonlawfirm@gmail.com

Hendrix, Penny L (850) 341-9754....................................................................... plhendrix@gmail.com

Hensel, Randall Joseph (850) 390-1266


Hercules, Brandie (850) 501-1004 ................................................... brandie@hercules-caputo.com

Hess, Nancy J (850) 444-4000 nancy.hess@usdoj.gov

Hester, Steven Paul (843) 218-5984 ............................................... steven.p.hester.civ@us.navy.mil

Hoffman, Philip Turner (850) 292-3960 pthoffmanmediations@gmail.com

Holck, Angela M (850) 483-6689 angela.holck@myflfamilies.com

Hook, Michael David (850) 433-0809 ..........................................................mhook@mhooklaw.com

Hovanesian, Archibald (850) 748-0300 hovanesian@aol.com

Howard, Edwin Beryl (850) 465-3445 .................................................. ebhoward@law.stetson.edu

Hubley, Sydney Lauren Taylor (850) 595-4497 ......................... magistrate.hubley@flcourts1.gov

Hudson, Hayden (850) 981-5500 hhudson@osa1.org

Inacio, Timothy James (850) 470-8152 .............................................. timothy_inacio@hotmail.com

Jank, Rick Martin (850) 470-8162 rick_jank@flnd.uscourts.gov

Jayne, Kenneth M. (850) 390-8452 jaynekenneth@yahoo.com

Jeffcott, Emily Catherine (850) 316-9100 ............................................. ejeffcott@forthepeople.com

Jesmonth, Richard Edward (850) 912-9491 jeslaw@rjesmonth.com

Johnson, Bradley George (850) 623-3841 ................ bradleyg.johnson@johnsongreenlaw.com

Johnson, Rodney Marcum (850) 994-1149 rodneyj@bellsouth.net

Johnson, Ronald W. (850) 438-1400 ron@rwj-law.com

Johnson, Christopher R (850) 433-8529 ................................................ crjohnsonlaw@yahoo.com

Jones, Julie Laura (850) 444-6686 julie.jones@nexteraenergy.com

Jones, Michael A. (850) 729-7440................................................................. mjones@destinlaw.com

Joukov, Artem Mikhailovich (251) 223-2702 amjoukov@crimson.ua.edu

Jurnovoy, Steven D. (850) 432-9110 steven@4-debtor.com

Kaatz, Kaylan Ellen (850) 281-2277 ............................................................. kaylan.kaatz@gmail.com

Kaden, Lawrence A (850) 380-4468 lawyerlarry@mchsi.com

Kaple, Joseph Kurt (720) 626-3226 .................................................................. jkaple@kaplelaw.com

Keefer, Kurtis Jay (305) 801-5701 kkeefer@keeferlaw.com

Kehoe, Michael William (850) 434-6490 michael.kehoe@qpwblaw.com

Kellar, Larry David (850) 748-4810 ................................................................................ ldklaw@cox.net

Kerr, Sarah Miller (850) 748-9507 sarahmillerkerr@me.com

Knittle, Steven Douglas (850) 999-3425 .................................................... private3311@yahoo.com

Kristofferson, John Robert (808) 281-9594 ...................................... john.kristofferson@gmail.com

Kvartek, John Michael (850) 912-6122 john@johnkvarteklaw.com

Kypreos, Spiro Theodore (850) 572-0716 ............................................ spirokypreos16@gmail.com

Land, Courtney B (850) 981-5625 courtney.land@flcourts1.gov

Langham, Pamela Evans (850) 341-1369 pam@langham.net

Langston, Yancey Frank (850) 939-4228 ........................................... yancey.langston@gmail.com

Larsen, Bradley Scott (615) 686-6894 bradlarsen8@gmail.com

LaRubbio, Jalen Andrew .................................................................................. jlarubbio@law.gwu.edu

Lawrence, Marcus Sexton (850) 452-2054 marcus.s.lawrence.civ@us.navy.mil

Lendermon, Jessica Amber (850) 595-4070 jessica.lendermon@rc1.myflorida.com

Leone, Carol Ann (619) 247-6868 .................................................................... cleoneesq@gmail.com

Lewis, Martin S. (850) 432-9110 martin@4-debtor.com

Linscott, Margaret Jo (850) 434-7122 ........................................... mlinscott@mcconnaughhay.com

Little, Robert Charles (850) 595-4200 rlittle@osa1.org

Lohr, David G (850) 565-3426 ........................................................ david.lohr@thevirgalawfirm.com

Longoria, Diane Marie (850) 434-6490 diane.longoria@qpwblaw.com

Love, J. Ryan (850) 444-4000 ............................................................................. ryan.love@usdoj.gov

Lowrey, Elizabeth Claire (555) 555-5555 abestchild@mchsi.com

Lufkin, Steven Paul (907) 795-0459 steve_lufkin@hotmail.com

Lynch, Carol M (850) 452-4828 ......................................................... carol.m.lynch1.civ@us.navy.mil

Lyublanovits, Jessica Jo (850) 470-8184 jessica_lyublanovits@flnd.uscourts.gov

Mader, Brenda Taylor (850) 332-8766 ..............................................................btmader@icloud.com

Magaha, James Walter (850) 438-6224......................................................... jwmagaha@gmail.com

Maling, Eunice Deborah (850) 983-0302 eunice.maling@rc1.myflorida.com

Malleck, Scott Alan (850) 435-4661 ........................ scott-malleck@pensacolaelderattorney.com

Mann, Thomas David (850) 435-7700 david@davidmannlaw.com

Marcille, Gregory Alan (850) 390-3420 gmarcille@cox.net

Marks, Susan Nicole Neeley (850) 434-7122 ................................. smarks@mcconnaughhay.com

Marks, Susan (850) 434-7122 smarks@mcconnaughhay.com

Mashlonik, James Leonard (813) 802-9155 ................................................ jlmashlonik@yahoo.com

Mayes, Jonathan Robert (850) 698-2992 j@mayessports.com

McBride, Megan Marie (850) 860-1677 mmcbride@cowperlaw.com

McCoy, Marci Joy (850) 595-4100 ............................................................... marci_mccoy@pd1.fl.gov

McDaniel, Robert (85) 043-2511 robmcdaniellaw@gmail.com

McDavid, Rudolph Marion (850) 439-3611 ...................................... mcdavidlawoffices@gmail.com

McDonald, Lindsay Marie (850) 982-0108 lindsay@favorhouse.org

McGraw, Andrew Edward (850) 595-4200 andyfsu03@hotmail.com

McKenzie, Allison Jean (850) 595-4200 .......................................................... amckenzie@osa1.org

McNair, Joseph Ross (850) 435-7400 joseph.mcnair@waverly-advisors.com

McNamara, Terrance Patrick (727) 415-4687 .................................................... tpmac@sprynet.com

McNamara, Laurie Hammers (727) 698-4983 mcnamaralh40@gmail.com

Meharg, Claire Elizabeth (850) 529-4985 claire.meharg@cprime.com

Melei, Steven Edward (850) 572-1407 .................................................. semlegalasst@bellsouth.net

Metts, Julia A (850) 435-7000 jmetts@levinlaw.com

Miller, Elizabeth Ann (850) 516-8766 .................................................................... millerjag@msn.com

Miller, Bruce Alan (850) 595-4100 ................................................................. bruce_miller@pd1.fl.gov

Mims, William Jemison (850) 542-4799 jemison@mims-law.com

Minchin, Jonathan Brock (850) 316-9075 ............................................ jminchin@forthepeople.com

Mitchell, Gene Edward (850) 232-5278 genemitchelllaw@icloud.com

Mitchell, William Rodger (850) 439-1300 wrm.home@gmail.com

Molchan, John A (850) 595-4200 ......................................................................... jmolchan@osa1.org

Moody, Thomas James (312) 606-7626 tjmoodylaw@gmail.com

Morris, Brandon Stewart (850) 503-2626 ................................................................... info@mfirm.net

Morris, Ralph Larry (850) 549-6440 lmorris@seamarge.com

Morrow, Anastasia Maria (850) 595-4100 stacy_hall@pd1.fl.gov

Morrow, Clint Brandon (850) 595-4070 ........................................ clint.morrow@rc1.myflorida.com

Mosley, Jason Royce (850) 696-1196 jmosley@mosleyestatelaw.com

Moulton, Mary Evelyn (850) 438-5655.................................................. marymoulton@forestar.com

Mueller, Catherine P (727) 403-8264


Murphy, Robert Patrick (850) 393-4481 .................................................... bmurphyesq1@gmail.com

Murrey, Sara Katherine (931) 309-7340 sarakmurrey@gmail.com

Myers, Alvin Bennett (850) 595-4611 ......................................................................... tmyers@osa1.org

Nalley, Ryan Scott (850) 981-5600 ryan_nalley@pd1.fl.gov

Narramore, Walter Edward (850) 444-4000 walter.narramore@usdoj.gov

Nelson, Kevin Don (850) 444-1697 ..........................................kevin.nelson@hancockwhitney.com

Nicholls, Wesley George (850) 595-4070 wesley.nicholls@rc1.myflorida.com

Niederlehner, Erich Mathes (850) 607-2222 ................................ erichn@gotdebtpensacola.com

Nigh, Daniel Arthur (850) 600-8090.................................................... dnigh@nighgoldenberg.com

Norback, Brian Matthew (850) 434-6490 brian.norback@qpwblaw.com

Nusser, Timothy John (850) 437-5555 .......................................................... nusserlaw@yahoo.com

O’Connell, Mary Erin Kathleen (850) 981-5600 mary_oconnell@pd1.fl.gov

Oleksyk, Kenneth John (850) 232-0783 kenoesq@bellsouth.net

O’Neil, Jonathan N. (904) 638-4235 ............................................. jonathan@woolseymorcom.com

O’Neil, Christine R. (850) 266-7552 christine@oneil.law

Oram, Albert F. (850) 898-1234 ..................................................................... bertoram@bellsouth.net

Orobello, Katlyn Ryan (850) 595-4100 katy_orobello@pd1.fl.gov

Ortiz, Nick Anthony (850) 308-7833 nick@nickortizlaw.com

Owens, James Sylivan (850) 572-2470 ................................................ james@jamesowenslaw.net

Palmer, Elizabeth Nicole (850) 293-2376 e.nicoleneff@gmail.com

Palmer, Brentt Earl (850) 432-2222................................................................. bpalmer@flalawyer.net

Panyko, John Alexander (850) 438-7272 john.panyko@gmail.com

Pape, Charles Camryn (850) 432-2222 cpape@flalawyer.net

Parker, Rebecca Kathryn (850) 595-0113 ......................... rebecca.parker@myfloridalicense.com

Parnell, Ralph W. (850) 529-8100 parnell@parnelllawfirm.com

Partington, Elizabeth Joyce (850) 572-5245 ............................................ beth-partington@cox.net

Patterson, Anne Angermeier (850) 595-4500 ampatterson@me.com

Patton, Allison Doneghey (850) 341-0209 allisondpatton@gmail.com

Payne, Tricia Helgesen (850) 434-6490 ............................................... tricia.payne@qpwblaw.com

Pedersen, Summer Lee (850) 261-1568 summer.pedersen2003@gmail.com

Penton, Christy M. (850) 780-3509 ....................................................................... christy@penton.law

Pino, Charles Thomas (352) 317-3889 ........................................................ charlie@charliepino.com

Pittman, Geoffrey Hilton Leon (850) 308-7100 gpittman@morganlawgroup.net

Ponson, Whitney Blair (850) 595-4100 ................................................. whitney_ponson@pd1.fl.gov

Powell, Alexandra N. (850) 485-1224 alexnpowell87@gmail.com

Preisser, Stephen Pierce (850) 637-0036 stephen.preisser@gmail.com

Preston, Amy Jo (850) 595-4100 .............................................................. amyjo_preston@pd1.fl.gov

Price, Robert Elliott (850) 805-7011 robert@kbaattorneys.com

Pride, Lauren (850) 316-8179 ........................................................................ lmp@leuchtmanlaw.com

Quinnell, Stephanie Jo (850) 432-4386 sjq@qlawflorida.com

Quinnell, Steven Edward (850) 432-4386 squinnell@qlawflorida.com

Ralls, John Greel (850) 324-1210............................................................... johnralls@rallslawfirm.com

Ramsey, Olivia (850) 595-4200 oramsey@osa1.org

Raybon, Lori M (850) 400-1715 .......................................................info@henderson-raybonlaw.com

Rebalko, Lee Anton (954) 234-5415


Reece, Kimberly A (850) 595-4100 .................................................................. kim_reece@pd1.fl.gov

Reed, Erica Ashley (850) 361-1500 erica.reed@hp.com

Register, Lennard Bernard (850) 444-4000 ................................................. len.register@usdoj.gov

Reid, Raven Ann (850) 595-4200 rreid@osa1.org

Reosti, Joseph Oreste (850) 776-4660 jreosti@gmail.com

Reynolds, Karl Jeffrey (850) 434-2522.............................................................. kjeffreynolds@att.net

Rhea, Warren Lee (352) 231-2579 wlrhea@gmail.com

Richards, Kelly Merritt (850) 595-4100 ...................................................... kelly_richards@pd1.fl.gov

Richardson, Janette Michele (850) 595-4100 ................................ janette_richardson@pd1.fl.gov

Richbourg, William Britton (850) 434-9993 wbrlaw@bellsouth.net

Richmond, Shannon Kay (850) 716-8124......................................................... shan.nate@gmail.com

Riley, Michael C (850) 602-1992 michael@mcrileylaw.com

Ringo, Ronald (850) 483-6706 ron.ringo@myflfamilies.com

Roane, Leonidas Leroy (850) 876-7811 .................................................... rroane@forthepeople.com

Robinson, Tracey Denise (850) 287-8859 robinsoncoffeelaw@att.net

Rodrigues, Melanie E (850) 595-3728 ............................................... melanie.rodrigues@gal.fl.gov

Rodriguez, Maria Georgina (850) 686-3747 rodmarlaw@yahoo.com

Rogers, Jennifer Trivett (850) 983-1100 jrogers@srso.net

Rollo, Michael Ryan (850) 438-8165................................................................. mrrollo@bellsouth.net

Ross, Ryan Evans (850) 830-9683 rross@gardenstreetcommunities.com

Roumbos, Peter Steven (850) 434-6490 ........................................ peter.roumbos@qpwblaw.com

Rowe, Bradley Herrington (850) 462-9520 browe@hpslaw.com

Runco-Miller, Kathryn (850) 995-1099 mill1099@bellsouth.net

Rushing, Robert Keith (850) 501-1327 ....................................................... rob@rushingpartners.com

Saggio-West, Katrina Marie (850) 595-3750 ksaggio-west@osa1.org

Sandell, Karl A (850) 983-1880 x2006 ....................................................................... karls@srcpa.org

Sanders, Daniel Robert (850) 426-8111 dansanderslaw@gmail.com

Sapp, David Allen (850) 475-0500 david@davidsapplaw.com

Satterwhite, Jill Yingling (850) 266-6092 ................................................ jsatterwhite@nwfllaw.com

Scarbrough, Melissa (850) 595-4100 melissa_scarbrough@pd1.fl.gov

Schill, Lawrence Clifford (850) 712-0471 ..................................................... schilllawfirm@gmail.com

Schiller, Joseph Alan (850) 291-0331 ........................................................ joeschillerlaw@gmail.com

Schillinger, Amanda (850) 287-7770 aschillinger15@gmail.com

Seacrest, William Alton (850) 545-7135 ................................................... bill_seacrest@yahoo.com

Segars, Leigh Ann (850) 712-1384 leighsegars@yahoo.com

Seitz, Edward G. (850) 433-2332 edseitz@hotmail.com

Sewell, James Carl (850) 712-0144 ...........................................................jcsewell001@bellsouth.net

Shea, Amy Cowardin (850) 595-4200 ashea@osa1.org

Shea, Jim A. (850) 252-3070 ................................................................................ jshea@milesadr.com

Sheehan, Donald Michael (850) 432-3034 palemoon@sprynet.com

Sherwin, Christopher William (850) 595-4200 csherwin@osa1.org

Shook, Jonathan Matthew (850) 934-0470 ....................................... mshook@adamshomes.com

Siedler, Sylvia (850) 595-4100


Siegfried, Sherry Lee (850) 452-8571 .......................................... sherry.l.siegfried.civ@us.navy.mil

Non-Member Listings

Simmons, Lonnie Lee (850) 474-0886 lonnie@lonniesimmonslaw.com

Simms, Megan Crenshaw (850) 474-3420 ...................................................... mcrenshaw@uwf.edu

Simpson-Robinson, Natasha Denise (850) 484-1370nsimpson-robinson@pensacolastate.edu

Skaff, Caroline Catherine (703) 463-6355 ..................................................... carolineskaff@aol.com

Skievaski, Janice Kelly (850) 380-6768 kellyski2010@hotmail.com

Slevinski Barr, Amanda (850) 525-4900 amandasbarr01@gmail.com

Slingerland, James Jeffery (850) 698-7993 .................................. jefferyslingerland@yahoo.com

Slowikowski, Carolyn Cortez (850) 436-8433 lynslow@aol.com

Smith, Matthew Allen (850) 316-9100 ........................................ matthewsmith@forthepeople.com

Smith, Donald Earl (850) 380-2024 ...................................................................... attydes@gmail.com

Smith, Amanda Chazal (352) 222-2080 amanda.chazal@gmail.com

Smith, Courtney Freeman (850) 332-8928 .................................. cs0207@universalproperty.com

Smith, Michael D. (850) 432-9850 mdscos@cox.net

Snowden, Katheryne Lee (850) 384-2976 nirvanabeaches@yahoo.com

Solomon, Stephanie Diane (850) 327-4339 .......................................... solomonjs@frontiernet.net

Spencer, Thomas Eugene (813) 244-2515 spencer067760@gmail.com

Stansell, Otho Bunyan (813) 220-9228 ........................................................ budstansell@gmail.com

Staples, Thomas Michael (850) 432-4143 tstaples@staplesellislaw.com

Staples, Thomas Craft (850) 432-4143 tcs@staplesellislaw.com

Staples, Bonnie Hanna (850) 595-4100 ................................................. bonnie_staples@pd1.fl.gov

Steenson, Anita Rene Flannigan (203) 874-8184 afs@ctlawgroup.com

Stefani, Diane (850) 712-1013 ................................................................... dianestefani27@gmail.com

Stephenson, W. Cameron (850) 435-7176 cstephenson@levinlaw.com

Stevenson, Benjamin James (702) 306-6708 box353@gmail.com

Stewart, Kristin Lee (850) 221-5562 ..........................................................kristinlstewart@gmail.com

Stokes, Ted Alan (850) 623-3260 tasatty@aol.com

Stone, Jeffrey Alan (850) 432-9296 ................................................................jeffreyastone@cox.net

Stopp, Margaret T. (850) 432-6336 mstopp@cox.net

Stull, Angel Nicole (850) 516-2316 astull.james@gmail.com

Sullivan, Tiffany A (850) 380-8838 .....................................................tiffany@tiffanysullivanlaw.com

Sumey, Jeffrey Michael (850) 981-5600 jeff_sumey@pd1.fl.gov

Talbert, J Andrew (850) 434-6490 .................................................................atalbert@qpwblaw.com

Talbott, Jeremiah J (850) 437-9600 ...................................................... jjtalbott@talbottlawfirm.com

Tarasova, Yevgeniya Vladimirovna (850) 981-5624 jennytarasova@gmail.com

Tatum, Scott Wolfgang (850) 983-0302...........................................scott.tatum@rc1.myflorida.com

Taylor, James C (850) 474-1030 jtaylor@tvm-law.com

Taylor, Bethany (714) 486-6703 bethany@bethanytaylorlaw.com

Tharp, Jeffrey Michael (850) 444-4000 ....................................................... jeffrey.tharp@usdoj.gov

Tharp, Virginia Elizabeth Wells (866) 563-4698 virginiatharp@gmail.com

Thomas, Bette Marilyn (850) 432-2341 .......................................................... bettemthomas@att.net

Thomas, Nicholas Manning (850) 595-4100 nick_thomas@pd1.fl.gov

Thompson, Robert Bryan (850) 983-0302 robert.thompson@rc1.myflorida.com

Thorp, Margery McGrew (850) 324-2088 ....................................... maggie@margerymthorp.com

Thorsen, E. Jane (850) 432-2857 jane@mckenzielawfirm.com

Unzicker, John Auld (850) 206-5688 ..............................................................jaunzicker@gmail.com

Non-Member Listings

Upton, Florence Rose (239) 935-9515


Ussery, Roger Brian (850) 384-0934 x1..................................................................... rbulaw@live.com

Venn, John Edward (850) 438-0005 johnevennjrpa@aol.com

Verschueren, Jason Paul (850) 595-4070 ........................ jason.verschueren@rc1.myflorida.com

Vigodsky, Michael Brett (850) 435-7015 bvigodsky@levinlaw.com

Wade, William Randall (850) 623-0003 tammy@wrwade.attorney

Waldron, Kyle Steven (850) 432-2222 ......................................................... kwaldron@flalawyer.net

Walker, Valerie A. (850) 941-6100 valerie43@cox.net

Walters, Kenneth Jake (850) 434-7122 ............................................................... jake4113@gmail.com

Walton, Garrett W (850) 554-6016 ............................................................ garrett@heronsforest.com

Wasden, Harold W. (251) 344-5151 bill.wasden@burr.com

Waters, Donna Sessions (850) 619-5807 ........................................................... donnalu@ymail.com

Wells, Vance Keith (850) 432-4444 vkw143@hotmail.com

Wells, Julie Comerford (850) 981-5500 jwells@osa1.org

Westmoreland, Harris Joyner ........................................................ harriswestmoreland@gmail.com

Wheeler, Thomas Ellis (850) 712-1530 wheelerpt@bellsouth.net

Whelan, David M. (844) 494-2536 ...................................................................... 2@davidwhalen.com

White, Christopher Dylan (850) 434-7122 cwhite@mcconnaughhay.com

White, James Porter (850) 123-4567 jwhite13@gmail.com

White, Frank Henry ......................................................................................... frankhwhite@yahoo.com

White, William Pierpont (850) 529-6295 whitebill@hotmail.com

Whittaker, Mark R (850) 456-5877 ................................................................................mrwlaw@att.net

Wilhelm, Gregory Boyd (850) 932-0300 defend@baybridgelaw.com

Williams, Adriannette Latriece (850) 273-8944 adriannettewilliams@gmail.com

Williams, Joyce Henderson (850) 595-4433 ........................... judgejoyce.williams@flcourts1.gov

Williams, Mary C (850) 776-0573 marycwilliams1121@gmail.com

Williams, Ledell (561) 812-1552 .................................................... ledellwilliams@forthepeople.com

Williams, A. Grady (251) 441-8229 bo.williams@phelps.com

Wilson, Cass L. (850) 292-4105 casslwilson@yahoo.com

Wise, Gregory Michael (850) 595-4100 ...........................................................greg_wise@pd1.fl.gov

Wolff, Zachary Alexander (850) 776-2660 zwolff@geico.com

Wood, Joan Marie (850) 437-7769 ....................................................joan_wood@flnd.uscourts.gov

Wright, Seth E (850) 207-0128........................................................... sethlawlaptop@peoplepc.com

Wymer, Felicia Jane (850) 434-7522 fwymer@eraclides.com

Young, Laura Dannheisser (850) 436-9597 .......................................... ldyoung@escambiaso.com

Young, Billy Richard (850) 432-2222 bryoung@flalawyer.net

Zimmerman, Damian (850) 426-9018 dzimmerman@forthepeople.com

Zimmern, Benjamin Joseph (850) 696-1119................................................... bzimmern@asilpc.com

Fields of Practice Board Certified

Appellate Practice

Beall, Charles Jr.

Rosenbloum, Louis K


Schofield, Michael J.

Business Litigation

Bates, Douglas

Powell, Robert J.

City/County/Local Governemnt

Bush, Meredith

Hual, Kristin

Civil Trial Law

Beall, Charles Jr.

Bolton, Stephen

Bradley, Brent F.

Drlicka, Erick M.

Gross, Terence

Heath, Robert N.

Janes, Christopher P.

Kirkland, Brian

Martin, Patrick

McLeod, T. Michael

Michles, Marcus J. II

Parsons, Elizabeth Thompson, Randle D. Wade, Linda Wiggins, Charles Zarzaur, Joe

Condominium and Planned Development Laws

Blankenship, Suzanne

Construction Law

Mays, Alexis Reeder, Wes

Criminal Trial

Beroset, Barry W.

Elder Law

Waddell, Jason

Intellectual Property Law

Shaffer, J. Nevin Jr.

Labor & Employment Law

Drlicka, Erick M.

Van Sickle, Russell

Marital & Family Law

Chase, James L.

Johnson, Travis R. Keene, Laura E.

Kimmel, Robert R.

Real Estate Law

Fountain, Kenneth Fox, Sally Hoffman, Brian W.

James, Charles F. IV

Moorhead, Stephen Shell, Stephen B.

Tax Law

Linne, William V. Litvak, Kramer

Wills, Trusts & Estates

Batson, Susan Crockett

DeMaria, Kathleen K. Leuchtman, Gary B.

Sherrill, Richard N.

Worker’s Compensation Law

Carter, Brian


Stillwell, Earlynn

Ryba, Gayle J.

Whibbs, Greg

Appellate Practice

Richardson, Jennifer Shoaf

Keene, Ross

Wilson, Stephen D.

Higdon, Hunter R.

McKenzie, Therese Felth

Johnson, Bradley G.

Scholl, Jessica


Bates, Douglas Fox, Sally

Garvin, Karin A.

Lyons, Andrea

Sliva, Logan

Sliva, Amy Logan

Business Litigation

Barnett, Ryan

Bates, Douglas

Bednar, Mark A.

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Elebash, William Lee

Ewert, Daniel M.

Goldin, R. Douglas

Hoffman, Brian W.

Mead, George R. II

Minshew, Lisa S.

Higdon, Hunter R.

Reeder, Wes

Zoesch, John R. III

Church Law

Emmanuel, Robert

Civil Rights Law

Mead, George R. II

Civil Trial Law

Barnett, Ryan

Folkes, Samantha

Bolton, Stephen Bridges, Adrian

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Hill, Larry

Fields of Practice Areas of Interest

Lama, Andre

Mead, George R. II

Murphy, Kel D.

Peterson, Jason W.

Schofield, Michael J.

White, Adam


Bates, Douglas Fox, Sally Lyons, Andrea

Commercial Trial Law

Mead, George R. II

Community Association Law

Blankenship, Suzanne

Construction Law

Bell, Ashley

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Emmanuel, Robert

Liberis, Charles S.

Mead, George R. II

Patel, Kishane

Regan, Sharon

Terhaar, John

Thiemann-Greene, Shari

White, Adam

Corporation & Business Law

Higdon, Hunter R.

James, Charles F. IV

LaBorde, Garrett P.

Liberis, Charles S.

Litvak, Kramer

Scholl, Jessica

Lovett, Glenn

Manning, A. Alan

Mead, George R. II

Terhaar, John

Criminal Law

Etheridge, Randall J.

Johnson, Bradley G.

Prevatte, Valerie

Rabby, Christopher

Reynolds, Shelley Guy

Whibbs, Greg


Carroll, David A.

Stillwell, Earlynn

Domestic Violence

Reynolds, Shelley Guy

Elder Law

Waddell, Jason

Sullivan, Kimberly

Glassman, John

Eminent Domain

Dunaway, William J.

Emmanuel, Robert

Minshew, Lisa S.

Reeder, Wes

Stokes, William P.

Terhaar, John

Employee Benefits, ERISA

Weidner, Keith

Employment Law

Radd, Rebecca

Richardson, Jennifer Shoaf

Barnett, Ryan

Harrell, Daniel E.

Mead, George R. II

Energy Transactions & Energy Regulation

Zinsel, Margaret

Griffin, Steven R.

Entertainment Law

Wilson, Stephen D.

Environmental & Land Use Law

Bush, Meredith

Dunaway, William J.

Mead, George R. II

Stokes, William P.

Estate Planning & Probate

Bednar, Mark A.

Brightwell, William A.

Sullivan, Kimberly

Chase, James L.

Elliott, Amanda Lynch

Glassman, John

Ivey, Meagan

Liberis, Charles S.

Linne, William V.

Litvak, Kramer

Lohr, David

Magaha, Zachary T.

Ralls, Virginia

Sliva, Amy Logan

Waddell, Jason

Whibbs, Suzanne

Winn, H. Frank Jr.

Federal Criminal Law

Prevatte, Valerie

Reynolds, Shelly Guy Rabby, Christopher

Forfeitures, Forclosures

Bednar, Mark A.

Lyons, Andrea


Wilson, Stephen D.

Government Contract

Mead, George R. II

Terhaar, John Zoesch, John R. III


Gant, Frederick J.

Hoskin, Charles P.

Leuchtman, Gary B. Litvak, Kramer

Sunnenberg, Karen

Health Law

Lovett, Glenn

Mead, George R. II

Spear, Katie Gilbert

Immigration and Nationality

Folkes, Samantha Ramirez, Aida


Reynolds, Shelley Guy

Prevatte, Valerie

Fields of Practice Areas of Interest

Insurance Bad Faith

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Warren, J. Phillip

Weidner, Keith

Insurance Coverage Disputes

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Green, Dennis D. Jr.

Hall, C. Phillip

Taylor, Clayton E.

Warren, J. Phillip Weidner, Keith

Insurance Law

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Hall, C. Phillip

Peterson, Jason W.

Taylor, Clayton E.

Warren, J. Phillip

Intellectual Property

LaBorde, Garrett P. Lovett, Glenn

Shaffer, J. Nevin Jr.

Wilson, Stephen D. Zoesch, John R. III

IRS Representation

Litvak, Kramer McNamara, Terrance

Juvenile Law

Prevatte, Valerie Reynolds, Shelley Guy

Labor & Employment Law

Mead, George R. II Richardson, Jennifer

Landlord/Tenant Law

Liberis, Charles S.

Hoskin, Charles P. James, Charles F. IV

Local Government

Mead, George R. II

Marital & Family Law

Higdon, Hunter R. Brightwell, William A.

Carroll, David A.

Chase, James L.

Gant, Frederick J. Holman, Justin T.

Holman, Stephen T.

Folkes, Samantha

Ivey, Meagan

Johnson, Bradley G.

Lohr, David

Lyons, Andrea

McKenzie, Therese Felth

Ralls, Virginia

Smith, M. Melissa

Spencer, Crystal Stillwell, Earlynn

Ryba, Gayle J. Welch, Gordon Edward Whibbs, Greg

Mass Tort Litigation

Trawick, Angela

Medical Malpractice, Plaintiff

Bridges, Adrian

Bright, Travis A. Jr.

Buchanan, Virginia

Janes, Christopher P. Michles, Marcus J. II

Rogers, John E. Zarzaur, Joe

Military Family Law

Cook, Christine S. Stillwell, Earlynn

Patent Law

Shaffer, J. Nevin Jr.

Personal Injury Trial Practice

Bolton, Stephen

Peterson, Jason W.

Radcliffe, Wanda

Zarzaur, Joe

Personal Injury, Plaintiff

Bolton, Stephen

Bridges, Adrian

Bright, Travis A. Jr. Buchanan, Virginia

Drlicka, Erick M.

Eadler, Kent

Gilmer, Rachael

Goodman, Brenton

Gross, Terence Hall, C. Phillip

Holman, Justin T.

Holman, Stephen T.

Janes, Christopher P.

Michles, Marcus J. II

Mills, John J. “JJ”

Murphy, Kel D.

Papantonio, Michael Peterson, Jason W. Radcliffe, Wanda

Rogers, John E.

Scholl, Jessica Stillwell, Earlynn Stone, Scott

Taylor, Clayton E.

Todd, Warren

Trawick, Angela Warren, J. Phillip

Weidner, Keith

Zarzaur, Joe

Probate Litigation

Bates, Douglas

Bednar, Mark A.

Glassman, John Hoffman, Brian W.

Hoskin, Charles P.

Peterson, Jason W.

Saba, Daniel

Product Liability

Peterson, Jason W.

Schofield, Michael J. Radcliffe, Wanda

Professional Licensing

Reeder, Wes

Real Estate Law

Bednar, Mark A.

Hoskin, Charles P.

James, Charles F. IV

Jurnovoy, Holly V. Liberis, Charles S.

Litvak, Kramer

Magaha, Zachary T.

Fields of Practice Areas of Interest

Manning, A. Alan

Moorhead, Stephen

Patel, Kishane

Regan, Sharon

Saba, Daniel

Scholl, Jessica

Taylor, David B. Turner, Richard

Real Property Litigation

Bates, Douglas

Bednar, Mark A.

Dunaway, William J.

Emmanuel, Robert

Fox, Sally Goldin, R. Douglas Hoffman, Brian W.

Hoskin, Charles P.

Lyons, Andrea

Mead, George R. II

Saba, Daniel Scholl, Jessica

Securities Litigation

Mougey, Peter

Social Security

Baker, Quin

Bruni, Antonio Carter, Brian Radcliffe, Wanda Whibbs, Suzanne

Sports Law & Licensing Wilson, Stephen D.

Tax Law

Chase, James L. Litvak, Kramer McNamara, Terrance

Trade Secret Law

Shaffer, J. Nevin Jr.

Trademarks & Copyright

Lovett, Glenn

Shaffer, J. Nevin Jr. Wilson, Stephen D. Zoesch, John R. III

Wills, Trusts & Estates

Brightwell, William A. Gant, Frederick J. Glassman, John Liberis, Charles S. Linne, William V. Litvak, Kramer Lohr, David

Magaha, Zachary

Ralls, Virginia

Saba, Daniel Sliva, Amy Logan

Sunnenberg, Karen Sullivan, Kimberly

Whibbs, Suzanne

Winn, H. Frank Jr.

Workers’ Comp.

Bruni, Antonio

Cameron, J. Rod

Kaplan, Nathan Murphy, Kel D. Whibbs, J. Donovan

Fields of Practice Certified - Areas of Mediation


Borowski, T.A. Jr.

Boyles, Joseph W.C.

Condon, Thomas F.

Drlicka, Erick

Fleet, H. Bart

Fox, Sally

Goldin, R. Douglas

Gonzalez, Thomas F.

Hatler, Ryan

Heath, Robert N

Hiers, David

Kirkland, Brian

Minshew, Lisa S.

Palmer, Robert

Peppler, Charles V.

Peterson, Jason W.

Reeder, Wes

Schofield, Michael J.

Thiemann-Greene, Shari

Traylor, Darryl Steve Jr.


Schofield, Michael J.


Keene, Ross A.

Gibson, Michael

Cook, Christine S.

Farrar, Gregory

Carroll, David A.

Peppler, Charlie V.

Vigodsky, Craig A.


Keene, Ross A.


Fox, Sally

Peppler, Charles V.

Ray, Louis F. Jr.

Reeder, Wes

Simpson, David A.

Aviation & Transportaion

Schofield, Michael J.


Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Fox, Sally


Fox, Sally

Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Goldin, R. Douglas Reeder, Wes


Condon, Thomas F. Schofield, Michael J.

Commercial Disputes

Condon, Thomas F.

Emmanuel, Robert A. Fox, Sally Goldin, R. Douglas Heath, Robert N. Borowski, T. A. Jr. Reeder, Wes Simpson, David A

Complex Litigation

Emmanuel, Robert A. Fox, Sally Reeder, Wes

Schofield, Michael J.

Construction Dispute

Emmanuel, Robert A. Reeder, Wes

Areas of Mediation Not Certified

Emminent Domain

Emmanuel, Robert A. Reeder, Wes


Condon, Thomas F. Drlicka, Erick


Condon, Thomas F.

Cook, Christine S.

Higdon, Hunter R.

Keene, Ross A.

Ryba, Gayle J.

Spencer, Crystal Vigodsky, Craig A.


Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Insurance Coverage

Heath, Robert N.

Peterson, Jason W.

Local Government

Peppler, Charles V.

Personal Injury

Condon, Thomas F. Drlicka, Erick

Gonzalez, Thomas Goodman, Brenton Heath, Robert N.

Peterson, Jason W. Schofield, Michael J.


Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Boyles, Joseph W.C.

Glassman, John Simpson, David A.

Products Liability

Peterson, Jason W. Schofield, Michael J.

Professional Malpractice

Gonzalez, Thomas Simpson, David A. Heath, Robert N. Schofield, Michael J.

Real Estate

Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Fox, Sally

Real Property Disputes

Borowski, T. A. Jr.

Boyles, Joseph W.C.

Condon, Thomas F.

Emmanuel, Robert A. Fox, Sally

Goldin, R. Douglas

Minshew, Lisa S. Reeder, Wes

Schofield, Michael J. Simpson, David A.

Special Master Fox, Sally

U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida

Reeder, Wes

Worker’s Compensation

Condon, Thomas F.


Barnett, Ryan

Beall, Charles F.

Blankenship, Suzanne

Borowski, Jr., T.A.

Bradley, Brent F.

Brandt, Judson C. Bridges, Adrian R.

Buchanan, Virginia

Cash, Regina F.

DeMaria, Kathleen K.

Eadler, Kent

Elebash, W. Lee

Forshee, Anna-Marie

Furman, Melissa Posey

Gant, Fred

Gilmer, Rachael Gonzalez, Thomas

Griffith, Michael J. Hall, C. Philip

Hall, Matthew B.

Hancock, Brian D.

Harrell, Daniel E.

Hightower, David

Hodges, Lucian B. Hoffman, Matthew C.

Ivey, Meagan

James IV, Charles F. Janes, Chistopher P.

Johnson, Travis R.

Klotz, Chris

Lindsay, Allen

Linne, William V.

Locklin, Oscar J.

Lyons, Andrea

Manning, A. Alan Matthews, Larry

McCurdy, Aaron T.

Mcghee, James A.

McGill, Gerald A.

Merritt, Lauren A.

Miller, Douglas Grayson

Miller, Rachel M.

Mott, Marie

Odom, Bradley S.

Pouchert, Jack

Rogers, John E.

Schofield, Michael J.

Fields of Practice Other State Admissions

Scholl, Jessica

Schurger, Eric D.

Shaffer, Jr., J. Nevin

Smith, M. Melissa

Spear, Katie

Stallings, Michael

Stevenson, Eric

Stokes, William D.

Thomas, Rachel

Trawick, Angela

Traylor, Darryl Steve

Turner, Richard

VanFleteren, Haley J.

Whibbs, J. Donovan

White, Kathlyn

Wilson, James M.

Wood, Craig R.

Woodward, Douglas S.

Zarzaur, Joseph A.


Carroll, David A.


Manning, A. Allan

Minshew, Lisa S.

Kanis, Bret M.

LaBorde, Garrett


DeMaria, Kathleen K.

Griffith, Michael J.

Rogers, John E.

Scholl, Jessica LaBorde, Garrett


Blackledge, Autumn Beck

Beroset, Barry

Keene, Ross A.

Welch, Gordon Edward

Kanis, Bret M.

Klotz, Chris


Nelson, Ronald

Glas, Barbara J.

Janes, Chistopher P.

Thomas, Rachel

Bates, Philip A.

Rogers, Randall Glen

LaDouceur, Todd Moretz, Austin


Keene, Ross A.

Rogers, John E.


Forshee, Anna-Marie

Hoskin, Charles P. Lowenthal, Sheryl J.


Warren, Jill

Parnell, Ralph W.

Bubbett-Jackson, Mary LaBorde, Garrett

Grimley, J. Micheal


Shepard, Julie Wilson, Stephen D.


Ryan, Kayla N.


Shepard, Julie Wilson, Stephen D.


Bush, Meredith

Dunaway, William J.

Griffin, Steven R.

Griffith, Michael J. Trawick, Angela

Hodges, Lucian B. Cash, Regina F. Klotz, Chris


Kanis, Bret M.

New York

Nelson, Ronald

DeMaria, Kathleen K. Ziko, Mikaela


Beroset, Barry


Minshew, Lisa S.

Tennessee Spear, Katie


Griffin, Steven R. Shaffer, Jr, J. Nevin

Ewert, Daniel M. Zoesch III, John R. LaBorde, Garrett


Granger, Hannah

Wyoming Ewert, Daniel M.

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Davis Bail Bonds

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Matt Howard Bail Bonds

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Bail Bonds

Matt McKeehan Bail Bonds, Inc. 2728 N. Pace Blvd. Pensacola, FL 32505 444-2663 623-2663

Sonny Reid Bail Bonds

Billy Clark 1901 St. Mary’s Ave. Pensacola, FL 32501 444-9052

Way Bail Bonds, Inc. 2600 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 4333-5717 983-2000

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