Baltimore Jewish Home - 1-5-23

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HONORING: Drs. Sam & Lorna Durso HONORING THE BJSZ KOLLEL MEMBERS: Annual Campaign: SUNDAY & MONDAY JANUARY 8-9, 2023 RSVP Deadline: January 10, 2023 WWW.BJSZDINNER.COM R’ Yehuda Leib Birnbaum, R’ AJ Esral, R’ Nosson "Nate" Miller, R’ Mordy Pollock, R’ Zvi Spiegel Special Event: MOTZEI SHABBOS JANUARY 21, 2023 - 8:00PM - 8:30PM RECEPTION HAVDALAH SHABBOS JANUARY 20-21, 2023 Special Shabbos Celebration: SHABBOS WITH YEHUDA GREEN RAISING $130,000 Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion 6602 PARK HEIGHTS AVE, BALTIMORE, MD 21215 | 410.764.6810 READ MORE ABOUT OUR HONOREES ON PAGE 22. A PICTORIAL REVIEW BJSZ honors Rabbi Rose OCA Day of Service
3 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM mordechai Baruch and Chanie Bernstein Gobbie and Shayna Cohn Michael and Linda Elman Howard Tzvi Friedman Shuey and Adina Goldstein Chaim and Hali Gottesman Shulie and Avigayil Hochman Ed and Robyn Ho man Simcha and Leah Kossman Dovid and Shani Listhaus Jason and Shani Reitberger Azi and Riki Rosenblum Eli and Ronnie Schlossberg Elliot and Yael Schwarzenberger Shuie and Elise Steinharter Dovid and Gali Wealcatch Generously Provided by

Dear Readers,

It always struck me as odd that Reuven, the firstborn son of Yaakov, forfeited some of the benefits that were due to him as the bachor. It’s well-known that both the Kahuna and Malchus were rightfully his, however, because he was “Pachaz Kamayim,” rushed like water, and haphazardly made crucial decisions in critical moments, he relinquished them to Levi and Yehuda respectively. However, if you follow Yehuda's history, you find that he was involved in questionable situations, such as Yosef being thrown into the pit and the story of Tamar. Yet, he still merited that the kingship stemmed from him!

Rashi in this week's parsha, Vayechi, explains that it was humility that distinguished Yehuda for consideration as the “King.” Yes, there may have been a couple of incidents where the wrong decisions were made, but he had admitted his transgressions. He understood that a leader has to have humility. This was in contrast to Reuven who repeatedly made rash choices. A leader can’t make rushed determinations, and a leader certainly can’t repeat errors. To be a ruler you need to make

crisp judgments, and if you err- you must own it.

Leadership is no different. The most respected President, Rabbi, CEO, and yes, parent, are not afraid to take charge. They don’t bow to popular opinion and they express their ironclad edicts as they help navigate their subjects to the proper ways. And when it’s the wrong directive, they’re the first to stand up, take responsibility, and get things back on track. Chaos ensues when you either have a leader who’s incapable of providing leadership with sound discretion, or is unable to take responsibility for critical decisions regardless of the outcome.

The Baltimore Jewish community is blessed to be led by Rabbonim and lay leaders who are well respected by the general community. Decisions are not made carelessly and are initiated with our best interests in mind. They deserve the respect they’ve earned and we should value and appreciate their important role.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Shabbos!

Aaron Menachem

4 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their parent company or affiliates, and may have been previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or another medium. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. Contents COMMUNITY Around the Community 6 2022 Pictorial Review 8 Community Calendar 44 Weekday Minyanim Guide 45 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman 40 PEOPLE 613 Seconds 21 FEATURE 2022 Year in Review 53 HUMOR & ENTERTAINMENT Centerfold 64 Notable Quotes 66 Kids Coloring/Donut Contest 84 LIFESTYLES School of Thought 46 Mental Health Corner 48 A Boost Of “Inspiration” NEW! 50 Tech Triumphs 52 Dating Dialogue 70 Forgotten Heroes 75 My Israel Home 77 Common Cents 78 In the Kitchen 80 Your Money 82 Life Coach 83 NEWS Israel 24 National 32 That’s Odd 36 For ad submissions please email 443-990-1941 |
SEND YOUR NEWS TO BJH! Send us your: community events, articles & photos, and mazal tovs to to be featured in coming editions! IMPORTANT NUMBERS Police & Fire 911 Hatzalah 410-358-0000 Shomrim 410-358-9999 NWCP 410-664-6927 Chaverim 410-486-9000 Misaskim 443-265-2300 Chesed Fund 410-340-1000 CONTACT INFORMATION Moshe Meir Rubin PUBLISHER Berish Edelman LAYOUT Yitzy Halpern MANAGING EDITOR Michael Czermak ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AMF Creative DESIGN Aaron Menachem COPY EDITOR
5 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM CELEBRATING THE Torah, Chesed, and Greatness of the Persian Community & COMMUNITY TOGETHER Join your Rebbeim and Chaveirim for a Yarchei Kallah and Dinner MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2023 23 TEVES 5783 RENAISSANCE BALTIMORE HARBORPLACE HOTEL 202 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore The Hekmatjah Braum Family Community Leadership Award In memory of Mr. Michael Hekmatjah Braum Rabbi David Zargari Rabbinic Leadership Award Representing the Rabbinic Alumni of the Persian Community HONORING 89th Annual For Reservations, Ads and Donations: | 443-548-6087 st a i m a n . c o m st a i m a n . c o m st a i m a n . c o m st a i m a n . c o m st a i m a n c o m st a i m a n c o m

WITS Celebrates Inauguration of New State-of-the-Art Science Labs

On Motzaei Shabbos, December 17, Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary & College (WITS) inaugurated its new State-of-theArt Science Facility, “The Ben and Zelda Cohen Charitable Foundation Science Labs”. The inauguration ceremony brought together donors and community supporters for an evening of celebration and hakaras hatov Rabbi Hauer shared Divrei Torah and bracha, as well as a powerful observation of the importance and great benefit of providing a college level program infused with Torah values. He was followed by Mr. Shlomo Spetner, Chairman of the Board, who shared words of appreciation and a brief history of WITS. An exquisite array of hor d’oeuvres and desserts were served while students led attendees on campus tours. The evening ended with a video presentation with alumnae and current students thanking the community for their support.

The project, managed by Mr. Gil

Horowitz, includes a physics lab, a biology/chemistry lab as well as a prep room, and an associated corridor. Each lab is designed with twenty-four stu-

dent workstations, as well as a teacher’s demonstration table.

“Incoming students have expressed a significant interest in pursuing careers in physical therapy, occupational therapy, dental hygiene, nursing, and pre-medicine,” said Dr. Leslie Klein, Academic Dean of WITS. “All of these degrees require students to have access to science laboratories and the equipment they contain is essential to a successful education.” In the past, students at WITS (formerly Maalot) were required to travel off campus for their labs.

Certified Nurse Practitioner and alumna, Elisheva Badian shared,“Back in 2014,WITS did not have a lab as part of its campus facility. I had to travel to multiple college campuses for different lab classes. It was very inconvenient, took up a lot of time, as well as the challenges of being in a secular environment.”

“We are so thankful to have our own state-of-the-art science labs on campus,” added Dr. Klein, “The opportunities that this affords our students are endless. Now our students can be taking high-level science courses, doing advanced laboratory course work on our campus using the most modern state-of-the-art-equipment.”

Sara Baila (Lazar) Englard, 2018 alumna and Medical Laboratory Scientist shared, “This new milestone for WITS is incredible. Not only the con-

venience of having it in-house but also because it opens up the opportunity for students who aren’t specifically looking to go into the science field. A student can now decide to take a lab class on a whim and realize they really like science. This could make a big impact on their future.”

For twenty-five years, a quarter of a century, WITS/ מכון אור יהודית has been an integral institution in the Baltimore community, fulfilling an important need. With an all-star team of Rabbanim and Mechanchos, students are given the strong השקפות and knowledge for the next stage of their lives.

“The new labs are a piece that completes the puzzle. Now our students can complete their total BA degree at WITS, allowing us to fulfill our mission of providing frum women with a valued centered education in a positive and safe environment,” said Rebbetzin Rosenbaum, Menaheles.

WITS would like to thank the Ben & Zelda Cohen Charitable Foundation, Mr. John Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Spetner, The Charles Crane Family Foundation, The Usdan Family, as well as all the donors, community supporters, staff, faculty, alumnae, students and families, who have contributed to the two new beautiful science labs. For the women of this community, you have turned a dream into reality.

Please send your resume to rdanziger@ta mudicalacademy org Please send your resume to slewis@talmudicalacademy org Hiring! We are Elementary School Office Benefits! Join our Team! NEW! P a r en t / F a cu l ty R e f er r a l Bonu s c o m pe ns a t io n f o r r e f e r r n g a po t e n t i a l e m pl o y ee t o TA w h o i s h i r ed a n d r e t ai n ed r est r i c t o n s a ppl y ) S p ecia l E du c a tion Teacher F T/ P T FT/PT Office/Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Co mp etiti v e Co m pens a tion Q u ali f ie d Tu ition Re du ction f o r P a r ents C a f eteria Plan f or Vision, Dent al a n d D e p endent C a r e Disabi it y & Li f e I ns u r ance Pla ns, G r oup Dental Plans Hi g hly S u bsi d i z e d J CC Me m be r shi p s War m, f rien d y an d f r um w orkin g e n vi r onment On - site Child a r e P a r ent F r ien d y Ho u r s ! E n jo y bein g on y o ur ki d s sche du le s
8 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
Israel’s 88th Annual Dinner
BJSZ honors Rabbi Rose OCA Day of
10 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
TI Kol Hanearim Program Viznitzer Rebbe Shabbos Menucha RAJE Journey to Auschwitz YGW 58th Annual Banquet Ahavas Chaim Ahavas Chaim Shabbos with Nissim Black Chayeinu Connection & Appreciation Dinner Mercaz Siyum on Seder Moed
11 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM THE MOST MAGNIFICENT !COOKBOOK EVER Years in the Making — 13 Celebrated Authors 20 ’REBBETZIN ESTHER JUNGREIS !FINAL MESSAGE FOR US !Learn to Live Your Life to the Fullest ,LOVE FOR TORAH, TALMIDIM AND ALL OF KLAL YISRAEL The Profound Impact of Rav Elya Meir Sorotzkin A STUNNING VISUAL TRIBUTE TO ל”קוצז RAV CHAIM KANIEVSKY Richly Illustrated Stories of His Life, Wisdom, and Guidance !SIX YEARS IN THE MAKING A New Collection of Stories from Rabbi Paysach Krohn THOUSANDS ARE …BEING INSPIRED ”!I have never read a book like this“ Something for Everyone Fallstaff Shopping Center 6830 Reisterstown Rd Baltimore Maryland 21215 Phone: (410) 358-2200
12 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
Suburban Groundbreaking YTS Zeidy Day
Yeshivas Toras Simcha Zeidy Day BCL Boys Purim at the Zoo with imadi Mercaz Daf Yomi Trip to Israel Shoresh Fundraiser Aish Kodesh Hachanas Sefer Torah Derech Chaim’s Ora ViSimcha Event

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Today, it ' s up to you.
14 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
Kehillas Meor HaTorah Siyum HaShas OCA Parent & Staff Melava Malka TI Siyum Hadoros Derech Chaim Matzah Baking JCSL Returns for a 4th Season Ner Israel Hachnasas Sefer Torah
15 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
OCA Celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut TA Grandparent’s Day Kehillas Ohr Yisrael Hachnasas Sefer Torah Chanukas Habayis of NCSY’s Baltimore Office Ner Israel Yarchei Kallah OCA Hachnasas Sefer Torah
16 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
TA Hadran Aloch Shoresh’s First Music Festival BJSZ Siyum Mercaz Daf Yomi Holds Siyum on Yevamos Bike4Chai Biker Cholim JCNSL Star-K Summer Kashrus Training Program Sefer Torah in Memory of WWII Veterans
To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
Chai Lifeline Lazy Sunday Mercaz Siyum on Kesubos Suburban Siyum on Mesechta Kesuvos PIkesville’s 28th Annual Tour de Court Tiferes Yisroel Hachnasas Sefer Torah TAG Expo Hershey Park Chol Hamoed Fun JCFL
18 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM To be included next year, remember to send your pictures to IN REVIEW
2 Members of the Baltimore Jewish Community Appointed Police Chaplains Mercaz MS Night Seder Mercaz MS Night The Great Community Challah Bake Kesser Torah Chanukas Habayis Beth Tfiloh’s Tribute to Cantor Albrecht Toras Simcha Chumash Mesiba BY Impressions Auction



Genetic hearing loss is prevalent in newborns of all Ashkenazi and Sephardi backgrounds, even in families with no prior history.

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mately 13 years ago when my husband started working for a DC-based law firm, Ifrah Law. Prior to moving to Baltimore I taught 8th grade in Brooklyn, and, since our move here I’ve been teaching 8th grade Limudei Kodesh in Bais Yaakov. The field of education has always been my passion and I truly enjoy working with children and helping them grow in their love for Yiddishkeit.

How and when did Tiferes Golda start?

In June 2021, we found ourselves in a difficult situation when we were informed that our daughter’s school felt that they couldn’t accommodate her learning challenges and she couldn’t return for the upcoming school year. There were also a number of other girls faced with a similar problemthey all had learning challenges and did not have a Jewish school to attend for the upcoming school year.

While searching for an appropriate alternative, we reached out to Ichud (which runs special education pro-

out to us because they heard about the creation of this program and offered to host our initial class in their schoolthis generous offer was the beginning of a tremendous amount of support from Bnos Yisroel that helped transform Tiferes Golda into the success that it is today.

In September 2021, Tiferes Golda launched its inaugural classroom, located on the Bnos Yisroel campus, with seven students.

What services does Tiferes Golda provide?

Tiferes Golda is a specialized educational program for girls in the lower elementary grades within a mainstream school environment. Utilizing a centers-based approach, the girls work in small groups based on their skill in each subject. The therapies (e.g. speech, occupational therapy) are incorporated into their individualized schedules. Tiferes Golda also provides social skills classes and special classes to give the students a well-rounded experience and critical life skills. We

even though Bnos Yisroel hosts our program, none of the current students come from Bnos Yisroel.

What is special about Tiferes Golda?

Every person who walks into the classroom is amazed at the professionalism and love that is given over to the girls. The girls feel successful and happy, without any feeling of failure because they are unable to learn like everyone else. Going to therapies is “all in a days work”, so the girls don’t feel different when they are receiving the necessary interventions.

Bnos Yisroel hosts us in the most incredible way. Through Bnos Yisroel, we are included in school activities, trips, specials like STEM and Art, and our girls truly feel so happy being part of the Bnos Yisroel family.

Tell us about the upcoming Causematch:

Special Education is a critical field that, if done properly, can yield excellent results. Our staff is experienced,

class requires a large budget to properly staff and run the program with its special curriculum and tools. Therefore, we are having a CauseMatch campaign on January 24-25 and we are reaching out to the entire community because we cater to the entire community. This can only be done with YOUR help!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

As a community, we need to be there for each other. Our program is unique in that the students come from across the breadth of our community. We currently have eight students on a second grade level, and, we hope to start our next class in the near future. We hope that you will partner with us so we can continue to be there for all the children of the community.

Your donation ensures that Tiferes Golda can be a place where every child who needs this environment can continue to grow and blossom in the most beautiful way. Please look out for our CauseMatch and we look forward to partnering with you!

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Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Moves Forward Together

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion is one of the largest shuls in Baltimore, serving the entire community. At BJSZ, we’re devoted to creating a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can grow and thrive together, just as we have been doing for over one hundred years. Because we believe that for us to move forward, we have to do it together. This year, our honorees, Drs. Sam and Lorna Durso and our wonderful BJSZ night kollel, reflect this aspect of our community. Diverse, warm, committed, excited to share what they love about Torah and yiddishkeit – people who we are proud to count as members of our mission.

Like any shul, we need the support of the community – our community – to keep this special place thriving. We’re reaching out to all of you to help us continue moving forward, together. Join us, and keep our shul going for decades to come. Donate now, and insure we keep going for the long haul, until moshiach greets us, Amen!

What do you love about BJSZ/ what makes BJSZ special.

Early in our move to Baltimore, we became devoted members of Bnai Jacob and later Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion under the inspirational leadership of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hauer. Now under the leadership of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rose, BJSZ continues as a dynamic, warm and welcoming synagogue with something for everyone across the generations. We are committed to its vision as a spiritual home for individuals and families from diverse backgrounds who are committed to chesed, unity and spiritual growth.

Tell us a little about your family, your chesed and how you wound up in Baltimore.

Our family started out in Columbia, SC where we became involved with many activities in the Jewish community including founding an Orthodox synagogue, Russian Jewish resettlement, establishing the Columbia Free Medical Clinic and kiruv activities with Chabad of South Carolina. In 1996, we moved to Baltimore for the high quality of Jewish education for our two daughters. In Baltimore our family has been involved in providing Shlach Manos, letters of caring and tehillim to Israeli soldiers, and the Chaffetz Chaim Foundation. Lorna, a school psychologist, recently retired from the Baltimore County Schools where she had the privilege of consulting with teachers and parents of children attending Jewish days schools in the county. Sam, Professor and Executive Vice Chair for the Department of Medicine at Johns Hopkins, mentors and advises young men and women interested in careers in health professions.

Why should people support BJSZ’s campaign.

In many ways Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion represents the unique character of the Baltimore Jewish Community – looking out for its members and reaching out to Jews at home and around the world.

What does BJSZ do for the community?

It is a place for continuous learning and shiurim from early morning to late at night, and it is the home for the Women’s Institute of Torah Seminary and College, and Women’s Institute of Torah and the vibrant BJSZ Night Kollel. In addition, many of its members are active in national and international leadership of Jewish organizations.

Anything else you want to tell the readers?

We are grateful to Hashem that our children and grandchildren live in the Baltimore and Silver Spring communities, and that we are able to play active roles in their lives and Jewish education.

The BJSZ Night Kollel

Tell us about the BJSZ Kollel

The BJSZ night Kollel is a small group of devoted Bnei Torah who are committed to creating a Torah atmosphere within the shul through a combination of chavrusah learning, shiurim, and writing. Members of the Kollel are available to learn with members of the community in various capacities including on a one-on-one basis or in small groups.

What makes the BJSZ Kollel special?

The BJSZ Kollel is comprised of members who each bring a unique ability to help ignite the passion of Judaism by way of individual or group learning in all Torah subjects including Halacha, Hashkafa, Midrash, Tefillah, Mishnayos, and Gemara.

What attracts the Kollel to BJSZ?

BJSZ provides a beautiful and spacious Beis Midrash with a large collection in its library and the opportunity to learn, teach, and write on a wide range of Torah subjects. The


How does the Kollel impact the broader Baltimore community?

The BJSZ Kollel is open to the entire community and provides an opportunity to learn and explore a variety of Torah topics in a warm and vibrant Torah atmosphere.

Anything else you want to tell the readers?

Each of the different learning programs and shiurim run by the Kollel leave a strong, positive impact on the Shul. Each member of the Shul and community is invited to come join the Kollel for any of the learning opportunities the Kollel provides or to join in the various learning programs, which are also often accompanied by refreshments.

Drs. Sam and Lorna Durso interactions between the Kollel members and members of the Shul greatly enhances both the members of the Kollel and the Kollel’s impact on the Shul. Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Campaign will be January 8-9, 2023 and donations, journal ads and reservations to the Special Event on January 21, 2023 can be made at Journal deadline is January 10, 2023.

Ben Gvir Visits Temple Mount

acknowledged the kingdom’s “special role” at the site in the countries’ 1994 peace treaty — castigated Israel over the minister’s visit.

“Jordan condemns in the severest of terms the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and violation of its sanctity,” the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Ben Gvir did not enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He made a 15-minute visit to the Temple Mount compound around 7 a.m. — during the time Jews are allowed to enter the site. He had visited on numerous previous occasions, but Tuesday’s trip carried more weight as it was his first as a minister. It was also the fast of the Tenth of Teves.

After the visit, a spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Israel said the status quo must be maintained at holy sites and that Jerusalem understood Washington’s position on the matter.

The UAE, a country with whom Israel has normalized ties, condemned the visit. Saudi Arabia did as well, as did Qatar, Egypt, and Turkey, among other countries.

In Israel, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef criticized Ben Gvir for the visit.

Approximately 73,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel during 2022, compared to 25,000 last year, 80% of them coming from Russia and Ukraine.

Israel’s new government faced a wave of international condemnation on Tuesday after National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir paid a short morning visit to the Temple Mount site.

Jordan, which views itself as a custodian of the Temple Mount — a status Israel does not recognize, though it

Israel’s ambassador to Jordan, Eitan Surkis, was called into Jordan’s Foreign Ministry offices for a dressing-down, according to Hebrew media reports. Surkis told the Jordanians that Israel remained committed to the status quo, that there had not been any violations of the agreement, and that Israeli ministers have visited the site in the past.

“As a minister representing the government of Israel you should be acting according to Chief Rabbinate instructions, which have long forbidden visiting the Temple Mount,” Yosef wrote in a letter to Ben Gvir.

Yosef called on Ben Gvir to stop doing so “in order not to mislead the public.”

After visiting the site, Ben Gvir said, “Our government will not surrender to threats from Hamas.

“The Temple Mount is the most important place for the people of Israel. We maintain freedom of movement for Muslims and Christians, but Jews also go up to the site, and those who make threats must be dealt with, with

The Hamas terror group had warned that a visit by Ben Gvir to the site would be a “detonator,” and vowed

Israel captured the Temple Mount and Jerusalem’s Old City from Jordan in the 1967 Six Day War, almost two decades after Amman conquered it during the War of Independence in 1948. However, Israel allowed the Jordanian Waqf to continue to maintain religious authority atop the mount.

Jewish Agency data for the period between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, 2022, shows that 37,364 immigrants arrived from Russia; 14,680 from Ukraine; 3,500 from North America, with assistance from Nefesh B’Nefesh; 2,049 from France; 1,993 from Belarus; 1,498 from Ethiopia as part of Operation Tzur Israel; 985 from Argentina; 526 from Great Britain; 426 from South Africa; and 356 from Brazil. Final totals for 2022 will be available after the year concludes.Bottom of Form

9.5 Million Strong

Israel’s population increased by 2.2% in 2022 to a total of 9,656,000, according to Central Bureau of Statis-

Of the country’s residents, 7,106,000 are Jews (73.6%), 2,037,000 are Arabs (21.1%), and 513,000 are of

The population increase dwarfed the 1.8% growth in 2021, with the difference being attributed in part to a larger number of immigrants in the

“It was a dramatic year that emphasized the value of mutual responsibility among the Jewish people, and during which the Jewish Agency helped strengthen the resilience of Jewish communities, empowered weaker populations in Israel, brought tens of thousands of olim, saved lives from all over Ukraine and brought them to a safe harbor in Israel,” said Jewish Agency chairman IDF Maj. Gen. (res.) Doron Almog.

Overall in 2022, approximately 204,000 persons were added to the Israeli population, including 178,000 infants (74.8% born to Jewish mothers, 23.8% to Arab mothers), while more than 52,000 persons died and approximately 4,000 Israelis left the country for at least 12 months. (JNS)

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The Week In News

The charedi population in the Holy Land has risen to 1.28 million, or 13.5 percent of the 9.45 million total national population, according to an annual statistical report released early this week.

The data from the Central Bureau of Statistics data showed that with the charedi population’s current growth rate of 4% — the highest of any group in Israel — by the end of the decade, it will constitute 16% of the total population.

Over 40% of those 1.28 million live in two cities, Jerusalem and Bnei Brak. Another 7% live in Beit Shemesh. Others live in areas like Modiin Illit, Beitar Illit and Elad, or in small enclaves in big cities like Ashdod, Petah Tikva, Haifa, Rehovot, and Netanya.

Other findings note that the charedi population tends to be poor and has a strong sense of community and charity.

The incoming government has proposed a broad range of measures to benefit the Haredi population, including increasing stipends for yeshiva students.

Between 2014-2021, the IDI found, the number of men studying in yeshivas and kollelim grew by 46%, to a total of 138,367.

Dermer Sworn in

role of foreign minister, appears set to be given super-charged responsibilities in his new post, with Israeli media reporting that he will essentially serve as Netanyahu’s point man with Washington, focusing on advancing normalization with Saudi Arabia.

Dermer, who had a contentious tenure as ambassador during Barack Obama’s presidency, now will seek cooperation with the administration of President Joe Biden, who served as Obama’s vice president.

In a discussion with JNS this past June, Dermer urged the Biden administration to confront Iran as a means to brokering an Israel-Saudi Arabia normalization deal. Speaking at the Tikvah Fund’s annual Jewish Leadership Conference in New York City, Dermer expressed confidence in an expansion of ties between Israel and Gulf Arab states, “because of the fundamentals that are bringing us closer together. And those fundamentals are the huge instability that you have in the region, the fear and common danger of Iran, the common danger of Sunni radical forces like ISIS and other forces in the region. And also the understanding that the United States has withdrawn largely, certainly militarily, from the region.” Bottom of Form

He also cited Gulf states’ appreciation for Israel’s technological advancements, “so to the extent that you have Arab leaders who are concerned about the future of their countries, their national security, their national prosperity, then they should move towards Israel. What I’d like to see is the American administration help facilitate that.”

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer was sworn in Thursday as strategic affairs minister. Dermer, a confidante of Prime Minister Netanyahu and known as “Bibi’s Brain,” is set to resurrect a ministry closed down by the previous government.

While the vaguely-titled Strategic Affairs Ministry has been utilized to advance a host of issues since its creation in 2006, it has been used most extensively in recent years in the service of combatting the BDS movement.

Dermer, who was in the mix for the

Claiming Biden would be worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize should a normalization deal come to fruition, Dermer was clear to JNS that he believed Washington’s posture towards Tehran was key.

“They have to get their policies right. And first and foremost, that means to confront Iran, and not appease Iran,” he said. “If you have an administration that is appeasing Iran, you are shrinking the space for the Arab leaders to move into an alliance with Israel. If they’re confronting Iran, you’re creating that space. And they have every reason to be confrontational with them, given what Iran has done and continues to do.”

Those comments came before full-

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Tehillim Kollel will recite the entire sefer Tehillim and daven for you at the tzion for 40 days and beseech the yeshuos you and your family desire.

The Shatzer Rebbe's Promise Brings Back the Children

Ari couldn’t take it anymore. He tried everything in the world; still his children were distancing themselves both from him and from a Torah lifestyle. Sadly, his wife had left Yiddishkeit and she took the children along with her. A messy divorce followed. Ari fought passionately for rights to the children, hoping to be able to raise them as Torah-true Yidden. But it looked like a lost battle. He exhausted thousands of dollars in court, but those involved in the case were skeptical that he would succeed.

The date of the final court case neared. Ari already did everything possible in the technical realm, he now sought to garner spiritual assistance. Having heard of the Shatzer Rebbe’s promise to help anyone who

undertook a kabbalah at his kever, Ari decided to sign up for Tehillim Kollel. Ari knew that the ehrliche Yidden who recite the entire Tehillim at the kever every day of the year would be the right messengers for his important request. Ari undertook to say the brachos with kavanah every day and he carried out his kabbalah in all sincerity.

A few days later, the judge announced his ruling. Despite the dire predictions of the experts, pointing in the opposite direction, Ari was granted the rights to his kids! With deep appreciation, Ari accepted his opportunity to raise his children in an ehrliche environment.

The remarkable promise yielded a remarkable yeshuah.

718.705.7174 Call Today and be Helped! ל"‘‘צז ץאשמ ק"הרה „"סב at the kever of 40 DAYS OF TEHILLIM in London תבט ב"כ טייצראי
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all were Switzerland, Germany, and Canada. The U.S. was in fourth place, followed by Sweden, Japan, Australia, the UK, France, and Denmark to make up the top ten.

UN Condemns Israel More Than Others

15 anti-Israel resolutions last year, versus 13 resolutions criticizing other countries, according to a tally by the pro-Israel monitoring group UN Watch.

Russia was the focus of six resolutions condemning its invasion of Ukraine. North Korea, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, Iran, and the U.S. were hit with one resolution each.

Saudi Arabia, China, Lebanon, Turkey, Venezuela, and Qatar, which have poor human rights records or were involved in regional conflicts, were not hit by any resolutions criticizing them.

the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The resolution promoted by the Palestinians passed by a vote of 87 in favor, 26 against, with 53 abstentions.

The resolution, titled “Israeli practices and settlement activities affecting the rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories,” calls on the Hague-based ICJ to “render urgently an advisory opinion” on Israel’s “prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory.”

outlet, Deputy Minister of Science and Education Mukhtar Mammadov has been appointed as the country’s first ambassador to the Jewish State.

“Congratulations and good luck to the first Azerbaijani ambassador to Israel!” tweeted George Deek, Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan, upon news of the announcement.

The year 2022 saw the United Nations General Assembly pass more resolutions critical of Israel than against all other nations combined, furthering observations that there is an ongoing lopsided focus on the Jewish state at the world body.

The General Assembly approved

Since 2015, the General Assembly has adopted 140 resolutions criticizing Israel, mainly over its treatment of the Palestinians, its relationships with neighboring countries, and other alleged wrongdoings. Over the same period, it has passed 68 resolutions against all other countries, UN Watch said.

In the 193-nation assembly’s most recent anti-Israel resolution on Friday, it approved a call for the International Court of Justice to weigh in on

Other anti-Israel measures in the past year focused on the “occupied Syrian Golan,” Palestinian refugees, nuclear proliferation, pollution in Lebanon, settlements, and the stalled peace process.

Azerbaijan’s First Amb. to Israel

Azerbaijan appointed its first ambassador to Israel last week. According to Azerbaijan’s state news

Born in 1983 in Baku, Mammadov worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2013. This included his work at the Azerbaijani embassy in Belgium from 2009 to 2013. Since 2013, under the Ministry of Education, he has been head of the international cooperation department. In April 2021, he became the Deputy


Minister of Science and Education. In this capacity, Mammadov supervised projects of innovative cooperation with Israel in the field of science and education.

Mammadov is fluent in Russian, English and Turkish.

“I warmly congratulate my colleague Mukhtar Mammadov on being appointed as the first ambassador of Azerbaijan to Israel,” tweeted Mammad Talibov, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and Honduras. “I wish you the best and greatest success in your endeavors and in your new role.”

The announcement comes after Azerbaijan announced in November that it would open an embassy in Israel. Former Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz visited Azerbaijan in October to discuss policy and foster defense cooperation.

Last April, Azerbaijan opened a tourism office in Israel for the first time and signed a cooperation agreement. The month also marked the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Both Israel and Azerbaijan see Iran as a threat. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Israel buys 40% of its oil from Azerbaijan and supplied 27% of Azerbaijan’s major arms imports from 2011 to 2020, including 69% from 2016 to 2020. (JNS)

died this weekend at the age of 93.

Walters began her national broadcast career in 1961 as a reporter, writer and panel member for NBC’s “Today” show before being promoted to cohost in 1974. In 1976, Walters joined ABC News as the first female anchor on an evening news program.

en who had looked up to her throughout her career, Walters said they were her legacy.

Barbara Walters Dies

At that network, Walters launched “The Barbara Walters Specials” and “10 Most Fascinating People” before becoming a co-host and correspondent for ABC News’ “20/20” in 1984. Along the way, she interviewed every U.S. president and first lady since Richard and Pat Nixon.

For more than five decades, Walters was in Americans’ home, speaking through the TV screen with world leaders and celebrities. Most recently, she launched “The View,” a daytime talk show with a panel of women. She left “The View” in 2014.

“How do you say goodbye to something like 50 years in television?” she said in conclusion. “How proud when I see all the young women who are making and reporting the news. If I did anything to help make that happen, that is my legacy. From the bottom of my heart, to all of you with whom I have worked and who have watched and been by my side, I can say: ‘Thank you.’”

Walters was married four times; she had one daughter, Jackie, whom she adopted with her husband Lee Guber.

Journalist Barbara Walters, known for her interviewing prowess,

“I knew it was time,” Walters told CNN’s Chris Cuomo at the time. “I like all the celebration, that’s great, but in my heart, I thought, ‘I want to walk away while I’m still doing good work.’ So I will.”

Looking upon the numerous wom-

Walters was born in Boston. Her father was a nightclub owner and so Barbara had plenty of contact with celebrities and was not fazed by them. She earned She her college degree from Sarah Lawrence College.

Some of Walters’ most famous interviews included a historic 1977 joint sit-down with Egypt’s Anwar Sadat and Israel’s Menachem Begin.

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Drink More Water

We’ve been told to drink eight cups of water to maintain optimal health. But now scientists are saying that drinking enough water is really important to stay healthy.

According to a National Institutes of Health study published this week in the journal eBioMedicene, drinking enough water is also associated with a significantly lower risk of developing chronic diseases, a lower risk of dying early, or a lower risk of being biologically older than your chronological age.

“The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life,” said study author Natalia Dmitrieva, a researcher in the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a division of NIH.

Learning what preventive measures can slow down the aging process is “a major challenge of preven -

tive medicine,” the authors said in the study. That’s because an epidemic of “age-dependent chronic diseases” is emerging as the world’s population rapidly ages. And extending a healthy life span can help improve quality of life and decrease health care costs more than just treating diseases can.

About half of people worldwide don’t meet recommendations for daily total water intake, according to several studies the authors of the new research cited.

“On the global level, this can have a big impact,” Dmitrieva noted. “Decreased body water content is the most common factor that increases serum sodium, which is why the results suggest that staying well hydrated may slow down the aging process and prevent or delay chronic disease.”

Our serum sodium levels are influenced by liquid intake from water, other liquids, and fruits and vegetables with high water content.

More than 50% of your body is made of water, which is also needed for multiple functions, including digesting food, creating hormones and

neurotransmitters, and delivering oxygen throughout your body.

The National Academy of Medicine (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine) recommends women consume 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of fluids daily, and that men have 3.7 liters (125 ounces) daily. This recommendation includes all fluids and water-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and soups. Since the average water intake ratio of fluids to foods is around 80:20, that amounts to a daily amount of 9 cups for women and 12 ½ cups for men.

New U.S. Citizens Hit High

Across the country, naturalization ceremonies are making a comeback after a long hiatus caused by Covid-19 lockdowns that suspended public gatherings, shuttered immigration offices, and put thousands of citizenship applications on hold.

Nearly 1 million immigrants became citizens in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the most in almost 15 years and the third-highest number ever, according to a recent Pew Research analysis, demonstrating the increasing effect of immigration on who lives and works in the United States — and who votes.

The total number of people seeking to become citizens is not reflected in the year-end data and is actually much higher because of the pileup of applications. Some 670,000 naturalizations are still pending.

The Biden administration has taken several steps to streamline the process, such as simplifying forms and redirecting interviewees from cities whose immigration offices are stretched to those that have capacity. That has helped reduce the backlog of pending applications from more than 1 million in December 2020.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that handles the applications, also announced recently that it would soon conduct a trial of a redesigned naturalization test intended to be more fair and consistent. For the oral assessment, candidates will be asked to describe three photographs of everyday activities, the weather or food. The goal is to test ordinary use of English, rather than to

rely on complex questions whose answers may differ considerably based on immigrants’ personal histories and countries of origin.

The Biden administration initiatives are a reversal from those of the Trump administration, which increased scrutiny of applications and made the citizenship test more cumbersome and challenging

But that administration’s immigration posture backfired, awakening many longtime legal residents to the fact that a green card does not shield them from deportation. And many felt compelled to seek citizenship in order to cast a ballot.

Immigrants who demonstrate continuous permanent lawful residence in the United States for at least five years, or three years if married to a U.S. citizen, are eligible to apply for citizenship. They must pass background checks, submit a bevy of supporting documents and pass civics and English tests during an interview.

Newly minted voters could be crucial in states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona, whose large naturalized-citizen electorates have been influential. Many more permanent residents in such battleground states are likely to naturalize in coming years. (© The New York Times)

Kaptur is LongestServing Woman in Congress

Most of us have never heard of Rep. Marcy Kaptur, but on Tuesday she made history by being the longest-serving woman in congressional history.

The Ohio Democrat won her 21st term in office in November, after fighting off a challenge from Republican J.R. Majewski. The 76-yearold lawmaker first won election to Congress in 1982.

Former Sen. Barbara Mikulski (DMd.) previously held the record as the country’s longest-serving woman in Congress. Mikulski retired in 2017 after serving in the House and Senate for a combined 40 years.

There were 23 women in Congress when Kaptur began her tenure in the House four decades ago. The 118th

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Congress includes a record 149 female lawmakers.

In 1983, the year that Kaptur was first sworn in, Microsoft introduced its first computer mouse, “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” was a box office blockbuster and then-President Reagan and Soviet leader Yuri Andropov were co-named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” — before the recognition was changed to “Person of the Year” in 1999.

While acknowledging that “America is becoming more and more representative” in a recent interview with the Associated Press, Kaptur said that her gender didn’t have anything to do with her decision to first run for office.

“I always say I ran as a person from the working class,” she said.

Migrants Flood FL Town

north of Havana and is known for its crystalline waters and coral reefs. But over the past few days, the islands have become a different kind of refuge.

In addition to the 300 migrants who arrived on the archipelago, more than 160 other migrants have arrived in other parts of the Florida Keys over the past several days, according to the local and federal authorities. Officials did not specify countries of origin but said in a statement that the park and region had recently “seen an increase in people arriving by boat from Cuba.”

The influx of migrants began around New Year’s Eve, authorities said, and come amid a surge in seaborne migration. In the one-year period ending in September, the U. S. Coast Guard apprehended more than 6,000 Cubans, compared with close to 840 migrants the previous year, the authority said in a recent statement.

The archipelago temporarily closed starting at 8 a.m. Monday, so that authorities and medical workers could evaluate, care for, and transport the migrants to Key West, park officials said. The park’s own responders would provide food, water, and basic medical attention to the migrants un-

ture to support them,” he said, adding that local, state, and federal authorities were coordinating to get food and water to the archipelago, which is usually staffed by just a few rangers.

Federal authorities said the migrants would be removed from the islands and processed to determine their legal status to remain in the United States or to be repatriated to their country of origin. (© The New York Times)

Other historic items sold at the auction include outlaw Jesse James’ attributed Smith & Wesson Schofield revolver and holster, which fetched a guns-blazing $152,750.

Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War presentation carbine only sold for $105,000, which Kolander said “seems like a steal.”

Sounds like a big shot.

A Familiar Ring

$1M for Teddy’s Gun

Shaina Day lost her engagement ring more than two decades ago. She had left her rings on the counter and, when cleaning up, ended up throwing the ring down the toilet.

Teddy’s Roosevelt’s gun is gangbusters.

The former president’s iconic Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 Single Action Revolver sold for a whopping $910,625 in Rock Island Auction Company’s December Premier Auction.

Joel Kolander, interactive production manager, noted that this price is historically high for a collectible firearm. He also described the iconic gun as being in “fantastic condition” even though it’s well over a century old.

“We’re thrilled any time a gun approaches that million-dollar mark,” he said of the collectible.

The Smith & Wesson was first presented to Roosevelt on May 12, 1898, the same day he left for San Antonio to train the Rough Riders. Even though the intention was to carry this revolver into war against Spain, documentation from Roosevelt’s bodyguard revealed that the president instead kept the gun on his bedside table. As such, the revolver became known in the White House as a “nightstand gun.”

Frantic, Shaina, who was newly engaged, said she climbed down into the septic tank at the home of her in-laws with a hose to suck everything up. Once she did that, she pumped it through a hose over a window screen and into a 55-gallon drum in hopes of catching the lost ring.

But the ring was not to be found – until now.

A few weeks ago, her in-laws decided to have their toilet replaced. When the plumber removed the toilet, the ring dazzled in the excess water that had been dumped out.

Her in-laws decided that Shaina would appreciate being gifted her long-lost ring.

Last week, when Shaina was unwrapping gifts, she and her husband Nick found a small, ceramic toilet figurine in a small box. Inside the mini commode sat Shaina’s sparkling ring. The couple was surprised and so happy to be reunited with the sentimental piece of jewelry.

“That just is absolutely amazing that it’s just been sitting there, because we had just thought it was gone. It was never coming back. It’s hard to believe,” Shaina said.

The ring itself was broken, although the diamond was intact. They have since repaired the ring.

The couple said that it is “now more meaningful than ever.”

That has a nice ring to it.

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“Not again Mommy, it’s too much!” My heart broke for my 9-year-old son, Shloimy. We had been studying for his spelling test for 40 minutes already and he was still having difficulty with most of the words. I had just asked him to give it another try, but he was tired and frustrated. Honestly, I didn’t blame him. Tonight it was spelling, last night it was math, and a few nights ago it took me hours to help him complete a short reading assignment. He was tired of having to put so much more time and effort into tasks than his friends and was beginning to hate school. I had to hold back tears when he asked me last week “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I

Help for Visual Processing Disorder

have an easy time learning like the other kids in my class?”

My husband and I tried our best to boost his self-confidence. We made a point to praise his efforts and every small success, and we made sure he engaged in extracurricular activities in which he excelled. But it simply wasn’t enough. Most of his day is spent at school and the hours spent reviewing and completing homework when he got home were taking their toll.

One day, having just gotten off the phone with yet another one of Shloimy’s teachers who was concerned about his school performance, I called up a friend of mine in New Jersey whom I knew had been through similar difficulties with her daughter in the past. My friend divulged that a Physio-Neuro Therapy program called Neurolinks had helped her daughter tremendously. Talking to her reminded me of an ad I had seen

for a Physio-Neuro Therapy program right here in Baltimore! I immediately called the number on the ad and spoke with Michal, the Director of NeuroClics. She explained that the program she offers is the same program that is very popular in New Jersey and New York, and that it is offered in many other states as well. Michal took the time to explain in detail how the program works to treat the underlying cause of learning difficulties, rather than fixing difficulties with temporary band-aid solutions.

I told Michal that Shloimy has difficulty reading and spelling simple words, has difficulty keeping his eyes on the place when reading or copying notes from the board, sometimes mixes up letters, numbers, or symbols, and often forgets things easily. I shared that we often needed to review the same information for several consecutive nights, as if it was new information each night. After assessing Shloimy, Michal was able to describe specifically how the exercises in the program would work to improve the way he is able to take in and understand information. She explained that many of the symptoms Shloimy was exhibiting were consistent with visual processing disorder, and that people

with this disorder often have difficulty processing and retaining information that is presented visually. She described how the exercises would work to help Shloimy learn to focus his eyes on the visual information for greater lengths of time and would train him in creating and preserving a stronger mental picture for improved recall. Additionally, because the exercises are arranged in a step-by-step manner, Shloimy would begin to foster self-confidence as he masters each exercise. Michal was also careful to tell us that the program would require consistent effort, but would ultimately result in learning that is easier and more enjoyable.

With nothing to lose, we decided to give it try. Now, after 6 months of hard work, we are so happy we did! Shloimy now goes off to school with a smile on his face. Every minute of hard work we invested has paid off! I am forever indebted to my friend for telling me about this amazing program and to NeuroClics for helping my son feel good about himself again! 443-464-0808 |

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Torah Thought Ani Yehudi!

Whether it be Jew, Jude, Zhid, Juif, Yahud or Yid, all these terms of ‘endearment’ stem and evolved from that proud appellation, Yehudi.

The blessing of Yaakov to Yehuda begins, התא הדוהי — Yehudayou, ךיחא ךודוי — your brothers shall acknowledge, ךדי — your hand will be at your enemies’ nape; your father’s sons will prostrate themselves to you.

The Targum Yerushalmi reveals that the recognition and admiration for Yehuda would be displayed by Jews forever being identified with Yehuda’s name, thus being known for all of eternity as, םידוהי, Yehudim, i.e. Jews.

The Targum Yehonoson Ben Uziel ascribes this tribute to Yehuda in merit of his having unhesitatingly confessed to his dubious role in the episode of Tamar, where she disguised herself as a harlot hoping to entice Yehuda into a union with her, after the deaths of her first two husbands, the sons of Yehuda. At first, before realizing he was the actual father, upon discovering his daughter-in-law was pregnant Yehuda called for her death. After she silently displayed the articles he himself had given her as collateral for his promised payment for her services, he realizes it was he that actually impregnated her. Yehuda publicly admits his role ignoring the consequential disgrace he would certainly suffer after revealing his folly.

So is that it? We are forever called Yehudim to commemorate this character trait of unabashed honesty and taking responsibility for our actions even in the face of dire consequences? Certainly this is an extraordinary and admirable attribute, but is that the sum

total of what it means to be a Jew?

Chanaya, Mishoel and Azarya, those courageous young men who willingly submitted to be thrown into a fiery furnace rather than bow down to the statue Nevuchadnezzar erected, are referred to as ןיאדוהי, Yehudim. The Talmud asserts that anyone who is הרז הדובעב רפוכ, repudiates idolatry, is called a Yehudi. Mordechai who refused to bow to Haman, who carried an idolatrous image upon him, is lovingly known as Mordechai HaYehudi. Similarly, Bisya the daughter of Pharaoh, who went down to bathe in the Nile, to effect a conversion to Judaism and a rejection of her father’s pagan ways, is also called הידוהיה, the Yehudiyah.(גי הליגמ.)

It would then seem that we have an additional connotation to the title ‘Jew’ that relates to the denial of idolatry. In what way though does it connect to Yehuda? Nowhere is there any record in the verse of his negation of idol worship.

Truth be told, the Midrash reports that Yehuda burned the wagons Pharaoh had dispatched to fetch his father’s family because they had idolatrous images engraved on them. (ר"ב ג דצ)

The question still begs: is that our claim to fame, that we disbelieve in idolatry? A gentile can also disavow the worship of idols. Not only can he but he must, as it is one of the seven Noachide precepts. Does that then qualify him as a Jew?

Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar said in the name of Chilfa ben Agra who said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri: He who rends his garments in his anger, he who breaks his vessels

in his anger, and he who scatters his money in his anger - regard him as an idolater, because such are the guile of the evil inclination: Today he says to him, ‘Do this’; tomorrow he tells him, ‘Do that,’ until he bids him, ‘Go and serve idols,’ and he goes and serves them. Rabbi Avin said: What verse intimates this? “There shall be no, לא רז — strange god in you, nor shall you worship any foreign deity” (אפ םילהת י), who is the ‘strange god’ that resides in man himself? Say, that is the evil inclination. (הק תבש:)

The renowned Baal Mussar, Rav Shlomo Wolbe, presents an eye-opening and profound understanding of this passage.

What the Talmud is teaching us, he suggests, is that the service of strange gods in actual practice starts with the service of the strange god within the person himself. He who is controlled by his evil inclination is estranged from himself, and eventually loses control over his life and self-identity.

There is alienation in every flawed trait. Someone who is jealous of others sees good only in others, but the good within him he denies or belittles it, and he becomes so estranged from himself that his spirit wanes. The lust for money, pleasure and honor remove a person from the world; from one’s true inner world. Estrangement is especially evident when experiencing anger. After a person’s anger subsides, he often describes how during his time of anger “he was simply not himself”, while he was angry, he turned into someone else.

The instincts and reactions that operate within a person are not his true self. His ‘inner’ and ‘true’ world reveals itself through self-awareness, transparency, balance and contemplative choice. The patterns of behavior that are formed by evil inclinations

and forceful impulses constitute activity that is estranged from the person’s self.

When a person is estranged from himself, his interpersonal relationships are also estranged and alienated, and he cannot form an honest and healthy connection with another person.

Rav Wolbe however reveals the ultimate fatal consequence of this unhealthy emotional state: it affects our personal relationship with G-d. A person finally becomes estranged from G-d as well, and goes off to ‘serve foreign gods.’

When a person finally ‘finds’ himself, Rav Wolbe assures us, he will discover a magnificent world of ‘friendship’. We are after all one large family with ‘One Father to all of us’. The world was created to express and sense the warmth of that Unity that brings it all together. The moment we discover our true selves is the moment alienation is replaced with closeness and love towards one another and an exquisite awareness of the inviolable bond that exist between us and the Creator.

The greatness of Yehuda wasn’t necessarily his willingness to risk his skin and reputation by confessing. Rather it was the moment when it became clear to him he had previously miscalculated in handling his responsibility to Tamar, he reacts immediately, not out of obligation, not from sensitivity to her plight, but simply because it was the right thing to do. One who lives totally in touch with himself and his connection to G-d and His Torah reacts instinctively to do what is objectively right.

The great commentators, Rav Yaakov Zvi Mecklenberg and Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, both explain that

(ח טמ תישארב)

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ATE TOO MANY DONUTS OR LATKES? 01/20/23 Sadkhin-NewspaperAd1-2023.pdf 1 1/3/2023 2:01:49 PM

the word האדוה, that we translate as thanks, praise or admission, is more closely related to the root הדי, to extend oneself outwardly, similar to a די, the hand, the instrument of used in literally giving of oneself totally in greeting another. האדוה, is the humble submerging of ulterior motives and instincts, and radiating in outward devotion to the task and mission at hand.

The Malbim teaches that the word דוה, literally splendor, refers to an inner invisible radiance that projects outwardly enveloping all those in its influence.

Yaakov asserts: התא הדוהי, Yehuda -you, perhaps to emphasize his appreciation of that sterling quality of his being in tune with his true self. He then continues: ךיחא ךודוי, your brothers shall acknowledge you, accenting the theme of Yehuda’s capacity to shine his inner radiance in creating that bond that is natural to people who are not alienated from themselves. Finally:

ךדי— your hand will be at your enemies’ nape, doesn’t refer to his physical prowess in overpowering his enemies, but rather his ‘די’, his powerfully magnetic and inspiring personality can capture the hearts of his enemies, who are compelled to retreat from their evil intentions.

)א דק םילהת ,גי גל םירבד םיבלמ(

Yehuda is indeed the first to be רפוכ הרז' הדובעב’, to abnegate the worship of ‘alienation’, that found its ultimate expression in his illustrious spiritual descendants who mastered the ability to respond with that same level of ‘inner radiant devotion’ to the will of G-d, that won them the coveted title, ידוהי, Yehudi!

These seeds of greatness were actually planted much earlier.

Leah after mothering the fourth of the tribes, Yehuda, expresses םעפה הל טכ םש( 'ד תא הדוא), “This time let me gratefully praise G-d”.

The structure of the phrase seems odd. Don’t we offer praise דל’, unto G-d, not simply ד תא’, praise G-d?

The Midrash wonders why she first waited to praise G-d until now and explains that she realized she now received more than her fair share, since if the twelve tribes would be distributed evenly among the four wives of Yaakov she would only merit three accordingly.

Perhaps what Leah discovered was her true self. Until now she struggled with the challenging emotions that erupted from the tensions between her and Yaakov. Often these emotions would stir her to self-doubt and began to plant seeds of alienation. When she realized that each individual is unique in their relationship with G-d, each with varied missions and tests, and there isn’t an equal distribution of responsibility to be measured and weighed one against another, she had

a epiphany. She came to the realization if one is happy and secure with oneself, without any need for adulation from others, merely living with the excitement of one’s role in manifesting G-d’s unity in the world, one will live in divine peace and comfort.

Leah wasn’t merely ‘praising’ or ‘thanking’ G-d, she was being תא הדוא ד’, radiating that exquisite self-confidence that comes from the awareness of the special role we play and the inspired connection to G-d we each have, that literally gave off a דוה, a joyous radiance of godliness, that bore Yehuda who would convey this special quality that is indeed what makes us into true Yehudim.

May we each merit rediscovering our true identity and exulting in a life that expresses in every moment, Ani Yehudi!

You may reach the author at:

Torah Thought O u r t e a m i s p r o f i c i e n t i n a l l a r c h i t e c t u r a l s t y l e s , f r o m f r e n c h c o u n t r y t o u l t r a - m o d e r n a n d e v e r y t h i n g i n b e t w e e n .
43 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM TOGETHER, WE EDUCATED The Associated supports Jewish education inside and outside the classroom and provides funding to Jewish day schools for scholarships - making tuition more affordable for families. Together, we ensure that Talmud Torah is supported in our schools. Join us and plant a passion for learning now and into the future. Corporate Sponsors for The Associated’s Annual Campaign: BGE • Capital Funding Group • Len Stoler Automotive • MileOne Autogroup • Trius Lending Partners | Brown Advisory • MedStar Health • Miles & Stockbridge • M&T Bank • PNC Bank • PSA Insurance & Financial Services • Truist | Advance Business Systems • Alliance Material Handling • Eastern Savings Bank • First National Bank • Hoffman & Co. • Merritt Properties • MOI • RBC Wealth Management • Residential Title & Escrow Company • Schoenfeld Insurance Associates • ShopRite • SOS Technology • T. Rowe Price • Venable LLP • WesBanco
44 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM Coloring Corner Submission Due Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Teves/ShevatJanuary/February 2023 Community Calendar To have your future event listed in the Community Calendar please contact Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Teves 8 Teves 9 Teves 10 Teves 11 Teves 12 Teves 13 Teves 14 Teves 15 Teves 16 Teves 17 Teves 18 Teves 19 Teves 20 Teves 21 Teves 22 Teves 23 Teves 24 Teves 25 Teves 26 Teves 27 Teves 28 Teves 29 Shevat 1 Shevat 2 Shevat 3 Shevat 4 Shevat 5 Shevat 6 Shevat 7 Shevat 8 Shevat 9 Shevat 10 Shevat 11 Shevat 12 Shevat 13 Next BJH Issue Next BJH Issue תשרפ אב 4:40 PM 4:47 PM 4:54 PM 5:11 PM 5:44 PM 5:50 PM 5:57 PM 6:05 PM 6:12 PM יחיו תשרפ תומש תשרפ אראו תשרפ חלשב תשרפ 5:03 PM Zmanim are courtesy of MyZmanim and are for the 21209 area. Jewels Night out Shidduch Center Event see page 39 Jewels Campaign see back cover Ner Israel Annual Dinner see page 5 BYHS Production see page 7 BYHS Production see page 7 Shearith Israel Campaign see page 2 BJSZ Campaign see cover BJSZ Shabbos Celebration see cover Mordechai Shapiro ConcertNCSY see page 3 WIT Melava Malka WIT Scholar in ResidenceMrs. Shira Smiles see page 27 שדוח שאר

Baltimore Weekday Minyanim Guide

Shacharis Mincha

Neitz Beit Yaakov [Sefaradi] M-F

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek M-F

Ohel Yakov S-F

6:00 AM Shomrei Emunah Congregation M-F

6:10 AM Agudath Israel of Baltimore M, Th

6:15 AM Kol Torah M, TH

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah M-F

Shearith Israel Congregation M, TH

The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel M, TH

6:20 AM Agudah of Greenspring M, TH

Agudath Israel of Baltimore S, T, W, F

Arugas HaBosem (Rabbi Taub's) S-F

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation M, TH

Kehilath B'nai Torah M, TH

Shomrei Emunah Congregation S, M, TH

6:25 AM Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation T, W, F

The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel T, W, F

6:30 AM Agudah of Greenspring T, W, F

Chabad of Park Heights M-F

Darchei Tzedek M-F

Kehilath B'nai Torah T, W, F

Khal Bais Nosson M-F

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek M-F

Kol Torah T, W, F

Ohr Yisroel M-F

Shearith Israel Congregation T, W, F

Shomrei Emunah Congregation T, W, F

6:35 AM Aish Kodesh (downstairs Minyan) M, TH

Ohel Moshe M, TH

6:40 AM Aish Kodesh (downstairs Minyan) T, W, F

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation M, TH

6:45 AM B”H and Mesivta of Baltimore (Dirshu Minyan) S-F

Beth Abraham M, TH

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

Ner Tamid M-F

Ohel Moshe T, W, F

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim M-F

6:50 AM Agudath Israel of Baltimore M, TH

Ahavat Shalom [Sefaradi] M, TH

Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh M, TH

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation T, W, F

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh M, TH

Derech Chaim M-F

Kol Torah M-F

Ohel Moshe S

Ohr Hamizrach [Sefaradi] M-F

Shomrei Emunah Congregation M, TH

The Shul at the Lubavitch Center M, TH

6:55 AM Beth Abraham T, W, F

Kol Torah M, TH

7:00 AM Aish Kodesh (upstairs Minyan) M-F

Agudath Israel of Baltimore S, T, W, F

Ahavat Shalom [Sefaradi] T, W, F

Arugas HaBosem (Rabbi Taub's) S

Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh T, W, F

Beth Tfiloh Congregation M-F

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh T, W, F

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek S

Kol Torah T, W, F

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah S, M, TH

Ohr Hamizrach [Sefaradi] S

Shearith Israel Congregation S, M, TH

Shomrei Emunah Congregation T, W, F

Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh M-F

The Shul at the Lubavitch Center T, W, F

Tiferes Yisroel M-F

7:05 AM Machzikei Torah (Sternhill's) M, TH

7:15 AM Kedushas Yisrael S

Kol Torah S

Machzikei Torah (Sternhill's) S, T, W, F

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

Ner Israel Rabbinical College S-F



Shearith Israel Congregation T, W, F

Shomrei Emunah Congregation S

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim S

The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel S Tzeirah Anash M-F




Agudath Israel of Baltimore M, TH

Kol Torah M-F

Shomrei Emunah Congregation M, TH

AM Agudah of Greenspring S

Agudath Israel of Baltimore S, T, W, F

Ahavat Shalom [Sefaradi] S

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim S-F

Bais Hamedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore S-F

Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh S

Beit Yaakov [Sefaradi] S

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation S

Chabad of Park Heights S

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh S-F

Darchei Tzedek S

Kedushas Yisrael M-F

Khal Bais Nosson S

Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Mechina) S-F

Ohr Hamizrach [Sefaradi] S-F

Shomrei Emunah Congregation T, W, F

Mincha Gedolah

Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/Tzemach Tzedek

12:30 PM Kol Torah

1:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore 10055 Red Run Blvd Suite 295

Milk & Honey Bistro 1777 Reisterstown RD 1:25 PM Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim

1:45 PM Ohel Moshe

2:00 PM Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Big Al @ The Knish Shop Party Room Market Maven

Reischer Minyan 15 Walker Ave 2nd Floor

Snider Law Firm 600 Reistersown Rd 7th floor

2:30 PM Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh

Ner Israel Rabbinical College

Tov Pizza Mincha Minyan

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh

Mesivta Shaarei Chaim (Etz Chaim Building)

Shearith Israel Congregation

3:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

3:05 PM Kedushas Yisrael

8:55 PM Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh

9:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh

Beit Yaakov [Sefaradi]

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

Shomrei Emunah Congregation

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim

9:20 PM Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek

Kol Torah

9:30 PM Agudah of Greenspring

Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Kedushas Yisrael

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

9:45 PM Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim

Kollel Erev Birchas Yitzchok (Luries)

Machzikei Torah (Sternhill's)

Yeshiva Tiferes Hatorah

9:50 PM Aish Kodesh

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh Ohel Moshe

10:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Darchei Tzedek

Kehilath B'nai Torah

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah


AM Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation M-F

Talmudical Academy S-F

Darchei Tzedek M-F

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

Mesivta Kesser Torah S-F

Mesivta Shaarei Chaim S-F

7:50 AM Derech Chaim S

Ner Tamid S Ohel Moshe M-F

3:15 PM Hat Box

4:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah


Aish Kodesh

Agudath Israel of Baltimore Agudah of Greenspring

Before Shkiah


AM Agudath Israel of Baltimore S-F

Beth Abraham S

Darchei Tzedek S

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek S

Kehillas Meor HaTorah S Ohel Yakov S

Ohr Yisroel S

Pikesville Jewish Congregation S

Shearith Israel Congregation S

Shomrei Emunah Congregation S-F

The Shul at the Lubavitch Center S

Tiferes Yisroel S

Tzeirah Anash S

Yeshiva Tiferes Hatorah S-F

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim Darchei Tzedek Kehillas Meor HaTorah Kehilath B’nai Torah

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah

Ner Tamid Ohel Moshe

Shearith Israel Congregation Shomrei Emunah Congregation

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel The Shul at the Lubavitch Center

Ohr Yisroel

Shomrei Emunah Congregation

10:05 PM Kol Torah

10:10 PM Ner Israel Rabbinical College

10:15 PM Derech Chaim

Khal Bais Nosson

10:30 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

11:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

Agudah of Greenspring - 6107 Greenspring Ave

Agudath Israel of Baltimore - 6200 Park Heights Ave

Ahavat Shalom - 3009 Northbrook Rd

Aish Kodesh - 6207 Ivymount Rd

Arugas HaBosem - 3509 Clarks Ln

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim - 3120 Clarks Ln

Bais Hamedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore - 6823 Old Pimlico Rd

Bais Medrash of Ranchleigh - 6618 Deancroft Rd

Beit Yaakov - 3615 Seven Mile Ln

Beth Abraham - 6208 Wallis Ave

Beth Tfiloh Congregation - 3300 Old Court Rd

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation - 6602 Park Heights Ave

Chabad of Park Heights - 3402 Clarks Ln




AM Kehilath B'nai Torah S

Kol Torah S

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

AM Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim S-F

AM Agudath Israel of Baltimore S-F

Beth Tfiloh Congregation S

Machzikei Torah (Sternhill's) S-F

Ohel Moshe S

Ohr Hamizrach [Sefaradi] S

Shomrei Emunah Congregation S-F

Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh S

8:45 AM Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

9:00 AM Aish Kodesh S

Agudath Israel of Baltimore S-F

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim S

Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation S

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah S

Shomrei Emunah Congregation S-F

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim S-F

9:15 AM Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F

9:45 AM Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah S-F


6:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

6:30 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore 7:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah 7:15 PM Shomrei Emunah Congregation 7:30 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah 7:45 PM Talmudical Academy

Ohel Moshe

8:00 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim

Mercaz Torah U'Tefillah

Pikesville Jewish Congregation 8:10 PM Kol Torah

8:15 PM Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek

Shomrei Emunah Congregation 8:30 PM Agudath Israel of Baltimore

Ahavat Shalom [Sefaradi]

Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah 8:45 PM Darchei Tzedek

Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Mechina)

Ohr Yisroel 8:50 PM Mesivta Shaarei Chaim (Etz Chaim Building)

Community Kollel Tiferes Moshe Aryeh - 3800 Labyrinth Rd

Darchei Tzedek - 3201 Seven Mile Ln

Derech Chaim - 6229 Greenspring Ave (Weekday)

Kedushas Yisrael - 6004 Park Heights Ave

Kehilath B’nai Torah - 6301 Green Meadow Pkwy

Kehillas Meor HaTorah - 6539 Pebble Brooke Rd

Khal Ahavas Yisroel/ Tzemach Tzedek - 6811 Park Heights Ave

Khal Bais Nosson - 2901 Taney Rd

Kol Torah - 2929 Fallstaff Rd

Machzikei Torah - 6216 Biltmore Ave

Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah - 6500 Baythorne Rd

Mesivta Kesser Torah - 8400 Park Heights Ave

Mesivta Shaarei Chaim - 3702 Fords Ln

Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah - 7000 Rockland Hills Dr

Ner Israel Rabbinical College - 400 Mt Wilson Ln

Ner Tamid - 6214 Pimlico Road

Ohel Moshe - 2808 Smith Ave

Ohel Yakov - 3200 Glen Ave

Ohr Hamizrach [Sefaradi] - 6813 Park Heights Ave

Ohr Yisroel - 2429 Lightfoot Dr

Pikesville Jewish Congregation - 7644 Carla Rd

Shearith Israel Congregation - 5835 Park Heights Ave

Shomrei Emunah Congregation - 6221 Greenspring Ave

Shomrei Mishmeres Hakodesh - 2821 W Strathmore Ave

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim - 7504 Seven Mile Ln

Talmudical Academy - 4445 Old Court Rd

The Adas: Chofetz Chaim Adas Bnei Israel - 5915 Park Heights Ave

The Shul at the Lubavitch Center - 6701 Old Pimlico Rd

Tiferes Yisroel - 6201 Park Heights Ave

Tzeirah Anash - 6706 Cross County Blvd

Yeshiva Tiferes Hatorah - 6819 Williamson Ave

continued For edits or additions, email For sponsorship opportunities, email

School of Thought

Q:Dear Etti, The teacher convinced me. Reading is important. Okay. I personally am not a reader, but I hear the benefits. They help children grow, learn so much more about life, explore concepts and places and situations they otherwise would not have been exposed to. But, as I said, I am not a reader. So how do I get my children to become readers?

-Not a Reader, but Willing to Become One

A:Dear Not a Reader, You read my column, so you must be at least an occasional reader! Which is good, because modeling a love for reading is an important step.

Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Ed.D. is the author of Taking Back Childhood. She writes that part of enjoying reading is fluency and confidence but says the teaching part should be left to the teacher. “Parents shouldn’t be the ones reinforcing lessons or obsessing about fundamentals,” Dr. Carlsson-Paige writes. “They should simply be reading with their kids—that’s it.” So reading should be fun, and light, and make you laugh and gasp in delight.

“If we treat books like they’re magical, kids will grow up believing that too,” says Shanna Schwartz, who is the lead senior staff developer at Columbia University Teachers College Reading and Writing Project in New York City.

So make reading fun!

Read interesting and fun books to your child/children. I used to read Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and Pippi Longstockings to my kids, and my husband read The Gordian Knot to them when they were older, voices and all.

The best time to read to them is at night before bed, when the excitement of the day is waning. The dishes can wait. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents start reading out loud to their children from the time they are born and continue through kindergarten. I believe children should be read to as long as they are interested! Dr. Barry Zuckerman is a professor of Pediatrics at Boston University and says that reading with your kids is “one of the most pleasurable activities that you do with your child – there’s physical closeness, but it’s probably the most unhurried time that children have with their parent, and it is focused on them.” So read a little every night, and watch bedtime become the favorite time of day! (Obviously some nights won’t work out, but try to minimize those occurrences so

your children feel prioritized.)

You can build a library; you can add one new book every week. Too expensive? Make going to the library part of your weekly routine. Many communities have a Jewish library. Find out where it is and what their hours are. Many neighbors have books. See if anyone would allow you to borrow a few books at a time. (It’s also a great chance to teach responsibility; show children how one cares for another person’s property and be ready to replace a book that the toddler tears up.)

Reading should be fun, and light, and make you laugh

Play story building games in the car, or when sitting in the doctor’s office. Say a line, and have your child say the next. These games hone imagination and might inspire your child to be a writer, not just a reader.

Don’t forget to stop and answer questions and discuss what is on a page if there is a picture. Let your child choose the pace of how much you read, within reason. Remember that toddlers might want the same book over and over. It is comforting for them, even if it is boring for you. Toddlers also have a short attention span. Older children might want you to read a long chapter all at once, something that is not realistic and is unnecessary. Find good places to stop and leave them wondering what might happen next.

Let your children draw connections to their own lives. The self-to-text connection is a way to really connect with the book and with you as you recall events and create new memories.

Audio books are fabulous as well. Children love listening to a story being read as they follow along, and some books now come with a USB or CD just for that purpose. The library has audio books for the sight-impaired, and I believe anyone can borrow them.

Recording makes reading extra fun, too. Have your child create an audio book! The added incentive is having that audio book years later for the child to marvel at how cute he was when he was younger.

Don’t forget to make reading Hebrew enjoyable as well! Children who are comfortable reading Hebrew do better in school, have more self confidence (teachers call on students to read pesukim and read from stories all the time, so being able to read with confidence is confidence-building!), and are more likely to be able to pick up a sefer and look something up.

Some families read from Tehilim each night, and celebrate as they complete a Yom, with a Siyum after completing the Sefer. A school in Detroit has the first and second grade children read Chumash every night, with no translation, just to build fluency. They celebrate the “Melech” or “Malkah Bereishis,” Shemos… and present the ones who finish the whole Chamisha Chumshai Torah with a gift.

Children are surrounded by text and will read cereal boxes and store signs and become fluent from exposure. Hebrew, on the other hand, is not ubiquitous, and so fluency is harder to reach.

Make sure someone is reviewing pesukim every night (it is HW, after all) and check fluency. Contact your child’s Hebrew teacher if you are concerned and get your child the Hebrew reading help when they are young and willing, before they are embarrassed and self-labeling.

Welcome to a world where reading is magical and creates bonding time.

Have fun!


Mrs. Etti Siegel holds an MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience. She is an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenirer. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal for Jewish Day School leaders. She will be answering your education-based questions and writing articles weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at

and gasp in delight.
47 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM Withpackageeitherpurchase Shabbos Meals $110.99 per package -feeds 6made easy 508 REISTERSTOWN RD. 410.484.5850 WWW.KNISHSHOP.COM SHABBOSDinner 2Challahs • 2Dips • 7pcGefiltaFish 2qtChickenSoup • 6MatzohBalls 6pcsRoastedorBBQChicken Rice,RoastedPotatoes,PotatoKugel,orFarfal RoastedVegetablesorGreenBeans 2ParveSalads(1lbeach) (Coleslaw,PotatoSalad,CousCous,CucumberSalad, IsraeliSalad,BabyCornSalad) Salmon Appetizer • $5 pp Turkey Salad • $11 / lb (min. 1 lb) London Broil • $9 pp Brisket and Gravy • $9 pp Glazed Corned Beef • $9 pp Salmon Wellington • $14 pp Grilled Chicken • $5 pp Pastrami & Kishka Stuffed Chicken Breast • $10 pp 8x5 Yapchick • $14 8x5 Apple Cobbler • $12 Cookies • $8 / box SHABBOSLunch 2Challahs • 2Dips • 2qtChulent 1lbLiver&1lbEggSaladorGefiltaFish 1/2lbPastramiCornedBeef,RoastBeef, orBrisket 1/2lbTurkeyPastrami,Salami,BolognaorTurkey (Gourmet,Classic,Honey,Smoked,orMexican) 6-8PiecesGrilledChickenStripsorShnitzelFingers 8x5Kugel (Potato,SweetNoodle,orYerushalmi)2ParveSalads(1lbeach) (Coleslaw,PotatoSalad,CousCous,CucumberSalad, IsraeliSalad,BabyCornSalad,ChickpeaSalad,Quinoa,CornSalad, GardenSalad,orCesarSalad) WITHIN ERUV


Nagging is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “constantly harassing someone to do something”. This is often the go-to approach that people use to get their spouse to do something that they are resisting. The stereotype in our culture is that of a nagging wife, but in reality both genders engage in nagging. One thing that we can all agree on is that nagging does not seem to work too well. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of this approach and some possible alternatives.

For the purposes of illustration, let us use a real-life example. Shimon, a middle-aged man, has lived many years with the typical Western diet, which includes foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt. On an average day, he would consume about 3500 calories. On Shabbos and Yom Tov, the numbers were even higher. Additionally, besides walking to shul, Shimon does not engage in that much physical activity. His doctor informed

him that he is at risk for developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and if he wants to remain healthy he must significantly modify his diet and lifestyle. Lifestyle changes, especially eating habits, can be extremely difficult to change. Devorah, his wife, was very concerned and tried her best to encourage him to change his habits. She grew increasingly frustrated after her constant reminders to eat a healthy diet were consistently ignored. Shimon and Devorah had fallen into the nagger-naggee dynamic.

Here are some of the reasons why Devorah’s nagging did not work:

· Devorah’s nagging put her husband on the defensive. Even though Devorah meant well, Shimon’s subconscious psyche felt this as a personal attack. This triggered the fightor-flight system which caused Shimon to dig his heels in even more. This was not a conscious decision on Shimon’s part; it is just human nature.

· The nagger-naggee dynamic closely resembles a parent-child re-

lationship. When a marriage morphs into this kind of a dynamic, then the problems created may reach well beyond an unhealthy lifestyle.

· As Devorah’s pleas fell on deaf ears, Devorah felt resentment. Shimon sensed that resentment, which drove a wedge between them. With feelings as these permeating their relationship, it became even harder for them to work together.

What are Devorah’s options? How can she communicate her concern and encourage her husband without her efforts backfiring? Here are some ideas:

· Keep conversations about this topic brief. When it gets too long, it starts to feel like a lecture.

· Show your appreciation. This is one of the basic principles of behavioral psychology. Rather than punishing with negative feedback, you should reward with positive feedback. On days that he does embrace healthy habits, be sure to express your appreciation. Amazingly, appreciation that she expresses for anything works! If she lavishes praise on him for tak-

ing out the garbage, he is more likely to want to make her happy by eating a healthier diet.

· Set a good example for him. The more that you embrace healthier habits, it has the chance of influencing him.

· Don’t say, “You never…” or “You always…” Sentences that begin with those words almost always feel like a personal attack.

· Try to brainstorm with him in a way that he feels that you are trying to figure out a solution together.

Persistence without patience and wisdom results in nagging which usually does not work. However, persistence that is combined with patience and wisdom has at least a fighting chance.

This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Baltimore branch of Relief. He can be contacted at 410-448-8356 or at yslansky@

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Mental Health Corner

In our interconnected world, the power of the media cannot be overestimated. Internet websites, social media, radio, newspapers, and magazines increasingly control the fate of politicians and governments, world finances and morality. In the chareidi world, the messages conveyed by religious media can shape and strengthen emuna, enrich charitable efforts, and ferment new shul and yeshiva policies. Therefore, it was a great privilege to interview the highly influential Rabbi Eli Paley, owner of Mishpacha Media Group and publisher of the Mishpacha Hebrew and English weekly magazines.

Eli Paley is a businessman and social activist. He is chairman of the Paley Family Foundation which supports and promotes Torah Centers and social initiatives in the Charedi community. A member of the Jewish Funders Network, he is active in several philanthropic organizations.

We discussed the Mishpacha’s origin, the challenges he is faced with policy decision making, and the overall goals he hopes to attain through the publication.

Eli was born in in the Mattesdorff neighborhood in Yerushalayim. His great-grandfather and grandfather arrived in Eretz Yisroel in 1925 to establish the Slabodka Yeshivah in Chevron. Later his grandfather became the assistant to Rabbi Herzel, the chief rabbi of Israel.

Eli himself is an alumni of Chevron yeshiva. When he married his wife, a graduate of Michlala in Bayit Vegan, his dream was to continue learning. However, a few months after his marriage, his brother mentioned a new monthly publication called Mishpacha was looking for someone to work as a distributor in Yerushalayim for a day and a half once every 5 to 6 weeks. With flex hours like that, Eli took the job, earning twice as much as he would be for an entire month in a kolel. Financially independent, he continued to learn diligently.

His father, Rabbi Yehuda Paley, bought the Mishpacha Magazine business. To help his father, Eli got involved in the editorial angle of the magazine figuring out how it could make a unique contribution to the field of journalism. He left learning to pursue his new mission to inspire and influence the Chareidi community. It is that idealism that still drives him in his work so many years later.

While Mishpacha is well-received around the world, the goal of Mishpacha is to serve, elevate and be the voice of the Chareidim, particularly in Eretz Yisroel. The real customers are not the advertisers but the audience. Mishpacha seeks to portray an independent voice which is unaffiliated with any political party. In the early years, in the chareidi world of pollicization, this was perceived as a weakness. However, the years have passed, and this freedom has become one of the most salient factors of its success.

Mishpacha was the first Charedi publication to give the same respect to the Sephardi and Ashkenazi societies, attempting to create a sense of unity. Over time, this adherence to equality and ahavas Yisrael became the secret to the business’ success.

Mishpacha’s quest in elevating frum society is done through sincere, honest writing. Mishpacha does not engage in pretending that society is perfect. While recognizing the great achievements and accomplishments in the frum world, Mishpacha will tackle even unpleasant issues, albeit in an extremely sensitive way.

The topic of poverty among Charedim and the poor economic situation in the Israeli community lay heavily on Eli’s heart. As part of the solution, Eli started the Charedi Institute of Public Affairs to engage with the government with hopes to resolve this in a way that will allow the Charedi society to retain its Torah values.

While American Jews may have difficulty in relating to the issues overseas, Eli, as a born and bred Israeli is certainly in touch with the masses. He recalls the issue he faced during his kolel years when distributing the magazine. The government regulation forbid a yingeman from receiving Kollel benefits if he had any other source of income. Therefore, he was forced to register his side job under his wife’s name, a desperate solution used by many. In his publication, he attempts to broker a better solution.

Another example of difficulties that Israeli chareidim face is the draft. Mishpacha discussed population statistics -- one out of four children is Charedi– and how the army and Charedi society can possibly reach a solution.

The paper is faced daily with Hashkafa decisions that have far-reaching effects on our society. The issue of printing pictures of women in the magazine has been debated back and forth in many forums. When Hilary Clinton was running for President, Mishpacha shocked many readers by publishing a blurry photo of Donald Trump and Hilary on the cover. “We just wanted to see how people would react,” Eli confides.

The office did receive some complaints, but the Gedolim the magazine consults advised them to include her since there was a real possibility Hilary would indeed become president. However, in Israel, an anti-Mishacha publication blasted Mishpacha , claiming they were breaking the rules of modesty and Torah by publishing a picture of Hilary Clinton.

This became a real issue because it was very hard for Eli to justify in his mind why they could not print modest pictures of women, particularly considering how hard it seems to be to explain to ba’alei teshuvah why women are “ignored.” In order to make Mishpacha, often one of their first exposures to Yiddishkeit, more palatable, Eli is comfortable with his decision.

He’s on a big mission: to expose our brothers to true Torah values, and he bears the responsibility seriously. He often employs a different way of thinking, a creative model, a stretch and a twist, that can support our lifestyle while at the same time show that we care about the Israeli economy, security, and its welfare system. “Instead of just complaining about why we are not understood,” Eli explained during the interview, “we must ask what we can do in this field. While we have to make sure that our kids are not too exposed to the big world, the (outside) world exists, and we have to face reality and come up with practical solutions. “

Rather than hiding his head in the sand, he is ready to take on the problems in our neighbourhoods and cities, working with the authorities instead of against them. Slowly, he believes, we will be able to build better trust.

Eli is proud that Mishpacha does not try to be sensationalist. Rather he makes an effort to keep his editorial policies responsible and sensitive. “If you’re going to do it le’shaim shamayim” Eli ended, “you’ll have disyata d’shmaya to do it right.”

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As told to Rebbetzin Sara Gross

I Could Live Without

My smartphone was my most important possession. I couldn’t go anywhere without it, and I mean nowhere. It held all my information, email, WhatsApp, calendar, recordings, photos, and banking! I run multiple businesses, assist coordinating events and family parties, and am involved with a number of chesed organizations all from my precious smartphone. I would hear comments of how dangerous smartphones were to productive and growing people, and I would sigh with regret. I truly agreed

My Smartphone

but I kept my embarrassing answer to myself. “Yes, I think I would rather my phone than most of my possessions.”

Then I decided to try it out. Could I do it? Could I live without my smartphone and use a computer for all my needs instead? I tried it and struggled for a few weeks. Then I started feeling freedom like I haven’t felt in years. I had control over my personal time and my response time. I was not beholden to anyone, and it felt great. I was present in whatever I was doing! After a few

if somebody offered me a very large sum of money to take my phone back, I wouldn’t do it. I do not ever want to go back to being a slave to my smartphone again even for all the money in the world.

drivers being distracted by texting while driving. When you take your eyes off the road to use your phone, it can take up to 27 seconds for your eyes to recover and reorient to the road and for the mental distraction to end per the AAA.

-As told to Rebbetzin Sara Gross

To share a tech triumph or story of chizuk, please email Techtriumphs@

This is a service of TAG Baltimore.

Tech Triumphs

Many hoped that 2022 would bring in a year filled with clarity and calmness. But this year proved to be its own rollercoaster, with twists and turns, ups and downs. As we take a look back, we endeavor to walk you down memory lane and give you a glimpse of the year that was. But, after much thought, we decided not to focus on the challenges that we endured. Instead, we tried to give you a brief overview, TJHstyle, of what took place the past twelve months and bring a smile or two to your face as you remember that there were some interesting, exhilarating, momentous, and even confusing events that made up the year 2022.


Bronco Bling

Walmart heir Rob Walton and his kids purchased the Denver Broncos football team for $4.5 billion , making it the most expensive U.S. sports franchise sale ever. Rob Walton, who is the eldest son of Walmart founder Sam Walton, is now the wealthiest NFL owner, with an estimated worth of $60 billion. The late Pat Bowlen, whose family was on the receiving end of the sale, paid $70 million for the team in 1984.

Chief Twitt

The One

Called “The One,” this 105,000 square-foot Bel Air mansion sold for a measly $141 million to an undisclosed bidder at a Los Angeles auction. Seems expensive? Well, that depends on how you look at it – in 2015, this 21-bedroom and 49-bath hilltop estate had a list price of $500 million. The steep discount price came after the mega-mansion’s developer, Nile Niami, ran into financial issues with this property and was forced to go to auction.

After a several months long saga, Elon Musk coughed up $44 billion to purchase Twitter. That’s a hefty chunk of change for an impulse purchase, even for someone like Elon Musk, who is worth close to $156 billion. In a series of missteps, Musk committed to buying Twitter (tip to you mega-moguls: when making a $44 billion purchase, don’t waive your right to due diligence). With his back against the wall, rather than continue to fight it out in the courts, Musk dove in head first, completed the purchase, and became the self-proclaimed “Chief Twitt.” In that role, over the past month, Musk flung open the curtains of Twitter and showed the world how the deep state, big media, and social-networking companies work hand-in-hand to control the political narrative. For how long will Musk, who also heads Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink, continue to hold the reigns of the little blue bird? Well, last week, he ran a poll asking whether he should step down as head of Twitter. 57.5% of the 17 million respondents said that he should step down. Not to worry, though. Many of those respondents may be the very bots Musk is trying to eradicate.

Car Smash

On May 5, a 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé smashed a world record when a British car collector, on behalf of an unnamed client, paid a whopping $143 million for it in a Sotheby’s action. It is one of a total of two vehicles of its type ever made. The Mercedes company still owns the only other 300 SLR, if you are interested.

The Art of the Matter

Andy Warhol’s Shot Sage Blue Marilyn was sold in a Christie’s auction for a staggering $195 million . Paul Cézanne’s La Montagne Sainte-Victoire fetched a cool $137,790,000. Overall, Christie’s sold a record-breaking $8.4 billion in art this year. Included in that was the $1.6 billion generated by the sale of the art collection of the late Paul Allen, Microsoft’s co-founder.

ThaT Sold For WhaT

Israel/Turkey Relations

In March 2022, President Isaac Herzog became the first Israeli president to visit Turkey in 15 years, as the two countries restored relations four years after the countries expelled each other’s ambassadors. Although Turkey is sympathetic to Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization, it has mutual energy interests with Israel. Perhaps even more importantly, both countries are threatened by Iran’s presence in Syria. “Our common goal is to revitalize political dialogue between our countries based on common interests and respect for mutual sensitivities,” said President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. Before then-Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid visited Turkey in June, Turkish authorities uncovered a plot and arrested five Iranians planning a terrorist attack on Israelis visiting Istanbul.

India: BridgeSuspension Collapse

Days after reopen I ng following renovations, on October 31, a 230-meter-long pedestrian bridge collapsed in Gujarat, hurling hundreds into the water below, resulting in 134 deaths. Live video reports depicted the chaos in the immediate aftermath, with survivors clinging to anything they could grab and crowds on shore doing all they could to help in the rescue. Footage leading up to the collapse shows the bridge shaking violently under the weight of the hundreds of sightseers that came to the recently opened attraction.

Iran: Protests Erupt

a fter a 22-year-ol D woman was severely beaten and killed in September by Iranian police for not wearing her hijab correctly, Iranians took to the streets by the thousands to protest the radical and repressive regime. To date, the Iranian authorities have killed more than 450 protesters and have detained close to 20,000 people. The Iranian government recently executed two protesters in Tehran for “waging war against G-d” and hanged their bodies from high cranes for all to see. Many more are facing the death penalty. Although U.S. Pres. Joe Biden has not called for regime change in Iran, the White House did not disavow a recording of Biden recently telling an Iran dissident – off the cuff – that the nuclear deal with Iran “is dead, but we are not gonna announce it. Long story.”

Afghanistan: Taliban and Earthquakes

In Dece M ber 2022, Afghanistan’s brutal Taliban regime instituted a total ban on all female education. Women will no longer be allowed to work in schools, and even young girls will not be permitted to attend elementary school. The U.S., which dramatically fled Afghanistan in August 2021, criticized the Taliban’s decision. As if the brutal regime of the Taliban is not bad enough, on June 22, Afghanistan was hit with a massive earthquake that killed over 1,000 people and destroyed nearly 2,000 homes. The Taliban’s tight control over the country complicated the international community’s ability to assist in the recovery.

War in Ukraine

a fter a Months-long buildup of Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, on February 24, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin sent in his forces to topple what he claimed was a “Nazi regime.” According to reports, Putin believed that his army would overrun Ukraine in a matter of days. But the Russian army turned out to be a paper tiger, and ten months into the war, the Ukraine army is on the offensive and driving Russia out of the disputed land it controlled even before the war began. According to Ukrainian officials, 40,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed or wounded; 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed; and approximately 14 million Ukrainians have been displaced. Estimates regarding Russian soldier deaths are at odds – according to Ukrainian officials, close to 100,000 Russian sol-

...2022 global maP.........................................................................................................

diers have been killed; Russia, though, claims that it has lost 6,000 soldiers to date. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy – who wears a signature green polo and green army pants, even at the White House – spoke in Congress last week and requested that the U.S. provide additional funds beyond the $50 billion it has already given to the war and humanitarian efforts.

China: Xi Jinping Tightens Control:

break Ing w I th preceDent, Chinese President Xi Jinping secured a third term as leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) this year, leading many to believe that

he will rule for life. It is feared that Jinping, who has purged the CCP of all opposition, is following in the footsteps of authoritarian Mao Zedong, who ruled over China with an iron fist for over 30 years until his death in 1978. In a rare public display at the October ceremony of the closing of the last CCP Congress, right before Jinping was voted in for his third term, former Chinese President Hu Jintao, 79, seated near Xi, was suddenly forcefully removed from the dais and the room. No explanation was given for his removal, although he was seen in public at the beginning of December.

Despite Jinping’s tightening grip, thousands of Chinese citizens took to the streets of Beijing and other cities in early December, demanding Xi’s resignation over the draconian Covid restrictions – known as “Zero-Covid” – still in place. The protests were sparked by a deadly fire that killed ten people in the Xinjiang region which had been under a Covid lockdown for more

than three months. Reportedly, the victims could not escape their apartment complex because the government blocked the exits as a Covid precaution. Although the government has responded to the protests by easing some Covid restrictions, police are now using cellphone data to track down and arrest protesters.

South America: A Pink Tide

Much l I ke I n the u. s., in Latin America, there is a sharp divide between the right and left, with power often shifting between the two. Recently, there has been a sharp turn to the left – referred to as a “pink tide” in South America – with the left winning elections in Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Colombia. Among those who took power this year is new Chilean President Gabriel Boric, 36, who supports boycotting Israel. But the crown jewel for the pink tide was the narrow October defeat of right-winger Jair Bolsonaro after his first term as president of Brazil by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the leftist Worker’s Party. The new president served as president from 2003 to 2010 and subsequently served time in prison over a corruption scandal.

Bolsonaro claims that his defeat by a margin of less than two percentage points is illegitimate. This has resulted in an eruption of protests in Brazil, which is Latin America’s biggest economy. Although Bolsonaro challenged the results in court, he appealed to his supporters to protest peacefully. He declared, “Our methods can’t be the same as those used by the left, which always harmed the population, such as invasion of lands, disrespecting property and impeding the right to come and go.” After Brazil’s highest court dismissed Bolsonaro’s election fraud claim, he promised to cooperate with the transition of power.

Antarctica: Famed Shipwreck Found

More than a century after becoming trapped and sinking in the ice of the Weddell Sea, one of the world’s most famous shipwrecks, the Endurance , was located 9,869 feet underwater. The find was made using drones in an area deemed to be the “worst portion of the worst sea in the world” by Endurance ’s Captain Ernest Shackleton, who, along with his crew of 28 men, survived the wreck by camping out on the sea ice until they were rescued.

...2022 global maP.........................................................................................................

$965 million + $45 million

The amount conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, owner of Infowars, was ordered to pay to parents of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting who sued him for claiming that the shooting never happened and that the assault was staged. The first trial in Texas resulted in the chump change verdict against Jones of $45 million. The second trial in Connecticut is where the high rollers table was, with the jury returning a whopping $965 million verdict against Jones. It probably didn’t help that Jones, who recently hosted Jew-hater Kanye West on Infowars, called the Connecticut judge a “tyrant” while the trial was taking place.

Jones has filed for bankruptcy and has quipped, “Do these people think that they are actually getting any money?”

$17 billion for what?

Total amount spent on the 2022 midterm elections. The Georgia senate race was the most expensive, with a total of $215,421.232 spent between the winning Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock and Republican candidate Herschel Walker. (Warnock raised $150.5 million; Walker raised a measly $58.3 million.) The second most expensive race was in Pennsylvania, where Democrat John “Big Sweatshirt” Fetterman spent $73 million to defeat TV doctor Mehmet Oz, who ran as a Republican for this race.

62 = $360 million

Don’t get the math? On October 4, Yankee slugger Aaron Judge surpassed Roger Maris’ 61-year-old mark of 61 home runs in 1961 (yes, the irony – 61 – is noted). On December 7, Judge, the American League MVP this season, agreed to a new 9-year $360 million contract with the pinstripes. The math did not work out quite as well for Cory Youmans, the lucky Dallas man who caught the ball. After turning down a $3 million private offer for the ball shortly after catching it, the piece of memorabilia sold at auction for “a measly” $1.5 million.

49 days to the Omer…I mean of Liz Truss

When the hard-partying British Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned in July 2022 due to one too many scandals, Liz Truss, 47, became the UK's new prime minister. She promised to “ride out the storm.” Perhaps an omen, two days after her meeting with the ageless and seemingly healthy Queen Elizabeth, the Queen suddenly died. No, Truss didn’t kill her, but it was hardly a good start to her reign. It quickly became apparent that Truss was in over her head, leading the Economist to declare that Truss would only remain in office as long as the shelf-life of a head of lettuce. Well, it turned out that the lettuce lasted longer than her – literally; The Daily Star live-streamed a head of lettuce sitting on a table, and it was the clear victor. Truss has earned the distinction as Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister and the only one to lose to a head of lettuce.

+10–1 = ripple

Although waves tend to ebb and flow, the red wave that was supposed to hit in the mid-terms should have reached tsunami levels. Pundits predicted that Republicans would gain 30 to 50 seats in the House and 5-7 seats in the Senate. But Republicans woke up the morning after November 8 wondering what happened. Although they gained 10 seats to squeeze out a majority in the House, they lost 1 seat in the Senate. Not to worry, within one week of the staggering Republican disappointment, savior Donald Trump – whose chosen candidates for the Senate mostly lost and who encouraged his supporters not to vote for candidates that didn’t want to focus on 2020 election fraud – announced that he is once again running for president and will “Make America Great Again, Again.” Sigh.

5 in 4 for a 6th term

On November 1, after five elections in a span of just four years, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, recaptured his former post for a sixth term. Running a brilliant campaign that coalesced all the right-wing parties, Bibi’s camp won 64 seats out of the 120-seat Knesset. Netanyahu delivered on his brazen promise to his rival Naftali Bennett to whom he wrote, “Be right back!”when Bennett dethroned him a bit more than one year ago. Even after winning the elections, though, the work was not done yet – the political wizard still had one more Jujutsuian task: satisfying the various faction leaders so that they agree to form a coalition. On December 21, after weeks of negotiations, Bibi reached a final agreement with the multiple parties and tweeted: “I’ve done it.”

58 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM ...2022 by the numbers...............................................................................................

8 billion of us

According to the U.N., on November 15 , the world reached a record population of 8 billion. While

to surpass that in 2023. The U.S. population is currently 335.7 million, but with the

$229 billion and still no beer

The dizzying amount that Qatar spent to host the 2022 World Cup. The tiny, gas-rich Middle Eastern country, with less than 500 thousand citizens, spent 12 years preparing to host the soccer World Cup by building 7 new soccer stadiums, an entire train system, numerous hotels, and many hospitals. Despite all of the amenities, the approximately one million fans who attended the games could not enjoy the simplest pleasure of all: a cold one while watching the game. A mere two days before the games began, Qatar reversed course and banned all sales of beer or other alcoholic beverages at the games. Although FIFA, soccer’s governing body, was caught FIFAFLat footed by the decision – especially since Budweiser paid $75 million to be the official sponsor of the games – it’s not like they were able to skip town and glay the games at Gan Soccer or something like that. Budweiser captured the moment best by tweeting moments after the announcement: “Well, this is awkward…”

FIFA was more diplomatic by assuring that sales of non-alcoholic Bud Zero was still being offered at the stadiums. If you are unsure what Bud Zero is, you are in good company…along with the rest of the universe.

23 at 45

After 22 seasons as the preeminent quarterback in the NFL, Tom Brady, who was the 199th pick in the 2000 draft, announced his retirement from the NFL on February 1. Not to worry, the plan was for a seamless transition to the broadcast booth where Brady was set to make $315 million. “I played for the name on the front of my jersey and the name on the back of my jersey,” Brady noted in his retirement message. “I love you all. Thank you ALL for making this incredible journey possible,” he added. But, within 40 days, Brady announced that he had “unfinished business” on the field and was returning for his 23rd season. At 45, Brady, who has an NFL player record of 7 Super Bowl rings, is now the oldest player in the league by 5 years.

$1.7 trillion behemoth

In their final act before the new year, Washington politicians passed a whopping nearly two-trillion-dollars federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Of the funds, $772.5 billion are for non-defense, domestic programs. By comparison, the entire federal budget in 1960 was $92.5 billion, and in 1980, it was $579 billion. Eighteen Republican senators joined Republican Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell in supporting the mammoth budget. The bill includes close to $800 million for migrant services. The 4,155-page budget also has more than $5.4 billion set aside for politicians’ pet projects. Your tax dollars hard at work.

$16 billion to zero

Wild-haired Sam Bankman-Fried, affectionately known as “SBF” or “King of Crypto,” started and ran the crypto trading platform FTX. At its peak, last spring, SBF had an estimated value of $26 billion. He donated $160 million to Democrat politicians in the past and promised to donate a billion to them this year. The 30-year-old was living the high life in the Bahamas along with his cadre of crypto billionaires. But everything came crashing down in November 2022, when there was a selloff at FTX, and the trading platform could not come up with the money. His company went bankrupt, and SBF’s worth went from $16 billion to zero in one day. However, that was only the start of his problems. On December 12, SBF, who had a Whatsapp chat with his inner circle called “Wire Fraud,” was indicted on numerous federal charges, including wire fraud (maybe he is not such a genius after all). His former girlfriend, who ran the fund that allegedly was used to siphon money out of FTX, and another high-level former FTX executive both quickly flipped and pleaded guilty to federal criminal fraud charges, thus tightening the legal noose around SBF. If convicted of all charges, SBF faces up to 115 years in prison.

59 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM ...2022 by the numbers...............................................................................................
China still has the world’s largest population (1.426 billion), India is expected open Southern border, that will likely continue to rise dramatically.

Get a LIV!

Golf star Phil Mickelson and 16 other professional golfers were suspended in June by the PGA after they played for LIV Golf, the Saudi Arabia funded start-up golf tour competing with the PGA. PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan accused the players of turning their backs on the PGA and violating a regulation that prohibits them from competing in non-PGA events. LIV Golf hit back, stating, “This certainly is not the last word on this topic. The era of free agency is beginning as we are proud to have a full field of players joining us in London and beyond.”

It’s hard to blame the golfers for joining LIV Golf – it has been handing out money like drunken sailors. Phil Mickelson was given a reported $200 million to play in LIV events. Tiger Woods was reportedly offered $800 million from the oil-rich country but turned it down. LIV Golf is certainly playing a “long game” – tickets for their tournament this summer in Bedminster, N.J., were selling on the secondary market for as low as $1.


A Bounced Ball:


tennis great Novak Djokovic showed up in Australia in January 2022 to try and win his 10th Australian Open, authorities detained and then deported him. His crime? Refusing to get the Covid vaccine. Australian authorities ruled that since he is a celebrity who is an anti-vaxxer, he could be seen as an icon for those opposed to getting the jab. Djokovic remained holed up in Australia’s immigration detention hotel for 10 days while fighting the decision. When an Australian court ruled against him, he was deported back to his native Serbia and banned from entering Australia for three years. However, the Australian government has since reversed that ban and announced that the 21-time Tennis Grand Slam winner will be allowed to participate in the 2023 Australian Open, despite still not getting the Covid vaccine.

On April 20, months after Covid had waned and further evidence came out that flimsy, bacterial-infected masks were not of much use in the first place, a federal judge tossed the Biden administration’s mask mandate on planes. Jubilant videos of passengers ditching their facial diapers mid-flight quickly went viral. Some videos even showed flight attendants making joyous announcements about the end of the mask mandate. However, it was hard to discern whether those flight attendant announcements were sincere or merely an effort by these members of the “mask politburo” to blend back into normal society now that they could no longer wield their “Excuseme-Sir-fix-your-mask” powers.

Roe v. Wade

overturned: On June 24, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, overturned Roe v. Wade, which conservatives for decades have been arguing was a faulty ruling in the first place. The real drama, though, began several months earlier when, in an unprecedented Supreme Court leak, the text of the decision overturning Roe was disclosed to the media, resulting in vile protests by the left, fulfilling Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) warning to conservative Supreme Court justices in March 2020 when he declared, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Several weeks after the decision was leaked, police arrested a man outside Justice Kavanaugh’s home with a pistol, extra ammunition, and tactical gear. He admitted that he was there to assassinate the Supreme Court justice and that he also intended to kill two other conservative justices.

Royal Flush:

People in England love the British monarchy so much that they even love their new King – hardly a lovable fuzzball. Even more beloved are Prince Williams and Princess Kate, who was recently bestowed with the honorary title of Colonel of the Irish Guards by her father-inlaw. But two people whom Brits can do without are Harry and Meghan. Since accusing the Royal Family of harboring racist animus against her (she is a white actress, but her mother is black), things continued to go south, even after the couple gave up their royal duties and jumped across the pond to live like regular people…in their $15 million Montecito estate in California. Meghan and Harry’s recent Netflix documentary contains numerous accusations against the Royals, including a contention that Harry’s only sibling Prince William (with whom he seemed to have a close bond before marrying Meghan) bullied him and is not as good of a guy as he seems. Well, the Brits are not hearing of it. According to a recent survey, nearly 80% of Brits have a favorable view of Prince William and Princess Kate. Only 33% have a favorable view of Harry; his wife Meghan is even less beloved, with only 25% having a positive view of her. This is beginning to look like, “You didn’t quit; you’re fired!”

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Liz Cheney was resoundingly defeated in Wyoming’s GOP primary this year after serving three terms in Congress. Voters’ discontent with Cheney began after she pivoted from her conservative values and became singularly focused on tearing down President Trump, likely due to his criticism of her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. Liz served as the co-chair of the January 6th Committee, which just wrapped up its hearings after voting to refer criminal charges against Trump. Although many in the Republican Party no longer back Trump, Liz Cheney was undoubtedly an imperfect messenger – many consider her father to be a warmonger who pushed Pres. George W. Bush to invade Iraq based on false pretenses, resulting in the loss of thousands of American soldiers. Trump’s loose lips and jittery Twitter thumbs pale in comparison.

Terrorist Eliminated

It was curtains for terrorist leader Ayman al-Zawahiri this summer when the senior al-Qaeda leader went onto his balcony in his home in Kabul. A drone strike precisely eliminated the man who had a $25 million bounty on his head. “I authorized a precision strike that would remove him from the battlefield, once and for all,” U.S. President Joe Biden said after Zawahiri was killed. The terrorist had helped to found the Egyptian Islamic Jihad militant group and ultimately rose the ranks of the terrorism elites to become Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man. The “operational brains” behind the 9/11 attacks in 2001, his bloody fingerprints were on other horrific attacks around the world, including attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in which 223 people were killed. On the run for many years, Zawahiri would produce videos urging his followers to kill and attack infidels. He ultimately found refuge in Taliban territory, but that is where the terrorist leader met his ultimate end.


Hefty Pink Slip:

After two years of running Disney into the ground, the company in November fired CEO Bob Chapek. During his reign, Disney lost 27% of its value, and the one-day admittance fee to Disneyland jumped to $180 (never mind the mortgage needed to buy drinks in the park). Even worse, Disney became the face of woke corporations, with Chapek as its proud Woke Captain. While Disney forcefully condemned Florida schools for not teaching deviance to kids in kindergarten, Chapek refused to comment on real issues, such as human rights atrocities in China. Not surprisingly, the new woke movies that Disney put out mostly bombed because they stink. Even so, Disney had to pay $44 million in severance to Chepak. No doubt that, as a wokester, he is sharing that money with the underprivileged…yeah, right!

May Be a No Go, Joe:

On August 24, President Joe Biden unilaterally canceled student loans for individuals making less than $125,000 or households making less than $250,000. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the plan would cost about $400 billion over the next three decades. Looking for a giant eraser to take away those thousands you owe for going to college?

You and 26 million other people may have to wait a bit longer. The plan was quickly challenged as unconstitutional and was blocked in several courts. The Supreme Court is set to hear the case in February and will likely issue a decision in June.

Kanye Canned:

After a drawnout mental breakdown, Kanye West was finally given the boot by most of his partner companies after he made vile, Jew-hating comments. The singer is estimated to have lost $1 billion – although he claims it was $2 billion – when he was dropped by Adidas, Gap and other brands he had partnerships with. Although cancel culture is a dangerous trend, when someone praises what Hitler did, that may be one of the few times that being canceled is warranted. In the aftermath of his comments, West was shunned by nearly everyone, except former President Donald Trump, who hosted him at Mar-a-Largo. It’s safe to say that these two self-proclaimed geniuses did not have a very nuanced conversation about repercussions.

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Independent counsel Ken Starr, whose investigation into the Clintons began in 1994 and continued until then-President Clinton’s impeachment in 1998, passed away this year at 76. Although he will forever be associated with his investigation of the Clintons, his other notable accomplishments include, at age 37, becoming the youngest person ever to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In his memoir, Starr lamented the Clinton saga and noted, “[M]uch of the drama was tragically unnecessary, in my view, a self-inflicted wound by a talented but deeply flawed president who showed contempt for the law, the American people and the [people] he had used… Yet ultimately, much of the nation readily forgave Bill Clinton and instead blamed the prosecutor: me.”

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts lamented the passing of his mentor, saying, “Ken loved our country and served it with dedication and distinction. He led by example in the legal profession, public service, and the community.” When asked by CNN to comment on Starr’s passing, Bill Clinton had difficulty concealing his contempt:

“I read the obituary, and I realized that his family loved him, and I think that’s something to be grateful for. And when your life is over, that’s all there is to say. But

I was taught not to talk about people that, you know…I have nothing to say except that I’m glad he died with the love of his family.”

Mikhail Gorbachev,

the Sovi et leader who presided over the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, died on August 30 at 91. Loved by the West and reviled by many in Russia – including Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin, who did not attend the funeral – Gorbachev was remembered by U.S. President Joe Biden as “a man of remarkable vision.” Gorbachev, who was in power for six years, is largely credited with Russia’s “glasnost” policy which allowed oppressed Russian Jews access to Jewish books and eventually to emigrate. This policy came after U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan encouraged Gorbachev to change the Soviet Union’s anti-Semitic ways. At one meeting, Reagan famously said to Gorbechev, “I’m not trying to tell you how to run your country, but I realize you are probably concerned that if you allow too many of the Jews who want to emigrate from the Soviet Union to leave, there’ll be a ‘brain drain,’ a loss of skilled people from your economy. But did it ever occur to you, on this whole question of human rights, that maybe if the Jews were permitted to worship as they want to and teach their children the Hebrew language, that maybe they wouldn’t want to leave the Soviet Union?... Perhaps if they were allowed to reopen their synagogues and worship as they want to, they might decide that they wouldn’t have to leave and there wouldn’t be that problem of a brain drain?”

On July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the longest-serving leader in modern Japan, was fatally shot while campaigning at a railway station. The 41-year-old assassin who used a homemade gun was reportedly not motivated by politics but was upset that Abe filmed an advertisement on behalf of a church that he had a grudge against. The assassin told police that he was upset with the church because his mother had donated more than $700,000 to it, bankrupting the family.

Queen Elizabeth,

Britain’s longest reigning monarch, died at 96, on September 8. During her 70 years on the throne, she lived through the tenure of 14 U.S. presidents and 15 British prime ministers. She also sat for more than 200 official portraits, visited 120 countries, sent more than 300,000 congratulatory cards to people celebrating their 100th birthdays, and owned more than 30 dogs. Although she was a larger-than-life figure, the Queen famously said, “It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

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Vin Scully

“Hi everybody, and a very pleasant good evening to you, wherever you may be.” Dodger fans heard this greeting when tuning into Dodgers games, starting in Brooklyn in 1950 and continuing all the way until 2016 in Los Angeles. Scully’s 67 years in the booth made him the longest-tenured broadcaster with a single team in professional sports history. During this time, Scully served under nine different Dodger owners, called 21 no-hitters, was the announcer for 6 out of 7 Dodger World Series championships, and worked another 34 seasons after he was already inducted into baseball’s Hall of Fame.

The iconic broadcaster, who died at 94, was forthcoming about what made him so good at what he did. “The game is just one long conversation, and I’m anticipating that, and I will say things like ‘Did you know that?’ or ‘You’re probably wondering why.’ I’m really just conversing rather than just doing play-by-play,” he explained. “I never thought of myself as having a style. I don’t use keywords. And the best thing I do? I shut up.”

In his last broadcast in 2016, Scully noted, “Don’t be sad because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”

Orrin Hatch

Wearing a mezuzah around his neck was maybe the most overt way that Senator Orrin Hatch could profess his love for Israel and the Jewish people. “It is difficult for me to express the profound reverence I have for the Jewish people,” the Mormon from Utah said in a May 14, 2018, speech on the floor of the Senate. “As a symbol of my respect, I wear a mezuzah around my neck. I have done so every day for the past almost four decades — actually, more than four decades.” Hatch was the longest-serving Republican in the history of the Senate; he had retired in 2019 after serving for seven terms. While in the Senate, Hatch made his love for Israel known. He had traveled many times to the Holy Land and declared the U.S.-Israel bond to be “unbreakable.” Hatch died in April of this year at the age of 88.

Actress Liz Sheridan

– Jerry Seinfeld’s “mom” – played the role of a doting Jewish mother who “kvelled” over her son while at the same time being so disappointed that he was not yet married…and maybe not marriage material after all. From her home in Del Boca Vista, Jerry’s mom – along with her husband, listening in on the phoneline between Condo Board meetings – would call Jerry to make sure that he was eating enough, sleeping enough, and was doing OK while living on his own in the big city. Her loving nature produced a joyfully neurotic son who never did seem to get married and who lived his life juggling between his equally neurotic friends and his tall-haired neighbor who would constantly lean on him for things like…everything. Sheridan passed away on April 15 at 93.

Her onscreen counterpart, actress Estelle Harris, also died this year at 93. (That's about all they had in common. She never cared for Jerry's mom too much.) George Costanza’s “mom” can certainly take half of the blame for producing such a man-child like George. The truth is, George never stood a chance – George’s mom’s screeching, which was only outmatched by his father’s yelling, would leave any person growing up in that claustrophobic Queens home very emotionally and psychologically scarred. No wonder George couldn’t hold down a job, whether laboring on the Penski file or working for the New York Yankees.

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A tale of two mothers:

TJH Centerfold

Talk About luck…

(As reported in the Daily Telegraph, England)

Frane Selak, born in 1929, is a Croatian music teacher who used to be famous for his numerous escapes from fatal accidents:

In January 1962, Selak was on a train that derailed and plunged into an icy river, killing 17 passengers. Selak managed to escape with minor injuries.

In 1963, Selak was flung out of a plane when a door flew open. Nineteen people died but he was thrown clear of the crash and landed in a haystack.

In 1966, he was riding on a bus that crashed and plunged into a river. Four others were killed, but Selak managed to escape unharmed.

In 1970, he managed to escape before a faulty fuel pump engulfed his car into flames.

In 1973, another of Selak’s cars caught fire, forcing fire through the air vents. He suffered no injuries except the loss of most of his hair.

In 1995, he was hit by a city bus, but once again, suffered minor injuries.

In 1996, Selak escaped when he drove off a cliff to escape an oncoming truck. He managed to land in a tree and watched as his car exploded 300 feet below him.

To top it all off, in 2003, Selak won $1,000,000 in the Croatian lottery!

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Sadie visits her husband Yankel in the rehab and Yankel promptly says, “Sadie, I want to transfer out of this facility to another place.”

“Why? Is the food that bad?” asks Sadie.

“The food is fine. I can’t kvetch,” says Yankel.

“Is it the room?” asks Sadie.

“No, the room is beautiful,” says Yankel, “I can’t kvetch.”

“What about the staff? Are they not treating you well?” Sadie wonders.

Yankel replies, “They are the best staff possible. They treat me so well. I can’t kvetch.”

“So why do you want to be transferred?” Sadie asks.

Yankel replies, “Because I can’t kvetch!”


Bobblehead Trivia

In honor of National Bobblehead Day on January 7, let’s see how much you know about bobbleheads!

1. The first recorded instance of bobbleheads being used to promote a sports team was in the 1920s by what team?

a. Yankees b. Dodgers c. Red Sox d. New York Knicks

2. According to Guinness World Records, Phillip Darling holds the record for the largest private bobblehead collection. How many did he have as of 2015, when he earned that distinguished record? a. 2,396 b. 5,555 c. 17,230 d. 100,340

3. In 2011, the White Sox gave out bobbleheads of Roger Bossard. What was his role on the White Sox?

a. Groundskeeper (Known as the “Sodfather”) b. 50-year owner (Known as “The Boss”) c. Long-time third base coach

Riddle Me This

(Known as “3B”) d. Winningest White Sox pitcher (Known as “Mr. Heat”)

b. NY Giants c. San Francisco Giants d. Dallas Cowboys

6. Where did bobbleheads originate, in the early 17th century?

4. One of the only two surviving bobbleheads representing the 1961-1962 New York Yankees – a generic Yankees player – sold for how much in 2015? a. $3,000 b. $15,000 c. $60,000 d. $1,200,000

5. Which team has done the most bobblehead promotions to-date? a. NY Mets

a. Egypt b. Ireland c. China d. England Answer 1-D 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-C

Wisdom key

6-7 correct: You definitely have your own bobblehead. Don’t believe me? Look in the mirror and nod your head up and down really fast. Come on…don’t be shy! 3-5 correct: You need a little more head and a little less bobble. 0-2 correct: You are about as smart as a bobblehead!

Spelled forwards I’m what you do every day, spelled backward I’m something you hate. What am I?

Answer: Live


Notable Quotes

“Say What?!”

No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game – but how? This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome… which suddenly seems so irrelevant.

- Tweet by Fox sports host Skip Bayless after Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin’s on-field cardiac arrest, resulting in widespread condemnation

I don’t get the rage. Are people not understanding his tweet? Because the way I understood it is, and you know, (Roger) Goodell from the second that tragedy hit is like, “What do we do? What do we do? This is such a huge…game. What do we do? What do we do?”

The way I read Skip’s tweet is, you know, they’re doing that, and it doesn’t matter. It’s suddenly totally irrelevant. Sports playoffs, none of it matter. People are acting like he tweeted, “Roll him off the field and get going again.”

- Barstool Sports president Dave Portnoy

People think I’m being catty for saying this: it’s like, there were 10 years where I couldn’t stand my husband. And guess when it happened? When those kids were little.

- Former first lady Michelle Obama in a recent interview

For 10 years, while we’re trying to build our careers and worrying about school and who’s doing what and what, I was like, “Argh, this isn’t even!” And guess what? Marriage isn’t 50/50, ever. Ever. There are times, I’m 70, he’s 30. There are times, he’s 60, 40. But guess what? Ten years. We’ve been married 30. I would take 10 bad years over 30 — it’s just how you look at it. People give up — “Five years; I can’t take it.” - Ibid.

If you want to drain the swamp, you can’t put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise.

- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) explaining why he refused to vote for Rep Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to be Speaker of the House

They’re viewing [Gov. Ron DeSantis] as the grown-up version of Donald Trump and because of that reality, when he runs – because I believe he will – he’s not the easy target Trump is. You wanted Trump gone, not just because of his behavior, his perpetual lies, and all of this other stuff. You wanted him gone because of the policies. You wanted him gone because of how he reshaped the courts! You used his behavior to pull it off. You don’t get to do that with DeSantis. At least not based on what we know about him as of yet. That’s why I say, be careful what you wish for.

- Sports commentator Stephen A. Smith


I don’t know where she gets her information from. But if she has to still rely on a book like that, something tells me she’s not in the meetings, so she doesn’t know, so she has to rely on what other people write for her to say.

- Former White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush Ari Fleischer swiping at the current holder of the job, Karine JeanPierre, who uses a big binder to answer questions

College is supposed to be a place where you explore, and you have an opportunity to discuss certain things so that you can determine which way you’re going. And basically, what’s happening is people are being shut down. And it doesn’t have to be the government that shuts down your freedom of speech, you know, big tech, social media, college professors can shut down your speech.

– Dr. Ben Carson, talking about woke culture on Fox News

I voted for the omnibus and I’m proud to support it…but I don’t know exactly what every other member of the Senate has put in the bill.

- Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” admitting that he doesn’t know what was in the $1.7 trillion bill that he was proud to support

In the U.S., Sam Bankman-Fried is persona non grata. But in interviews across the Bahamas, residents say that his crimes were hardly comparable to the gang violence of the island and expressed fears of economic fallout if crypto investors don’t return.

- The New York Times being sympathetic to Sam Bankman-Fried, whose crypto exchange lost $16 billion of people’s money due to SBF’s alleged fraud

I was speaker and minority leader under President Bush, under President Obama, under what’s-his-name.

- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali) in her farewell address as Speaker of the House

Hi Scott. My name is Scott Stallings as well and I’m from GA. My wife’s name is Jennifer too! I received a FedEx today from the Masters inviting me to play in the Masters Tournament April 6-9, 2023. I’m (100 percent) sure this is NOT for me. ... I play but wow! Nowhere near your level.

- Instagram direct message sent to golfer Scott Stallings from another Scott Stallings who had erroneously received the golf player’s Master’s invitation in the mail


You think of an idea, and you immediately think: “Oooh, is that going to get me into trouble?”

- Monty Python’s John Cleese talking about how wokeism killed comedy

There are people sitting there who are deliberately waiting for the thrill of being offended.

- Ibid.

I’m not so sure that the wokes would ever laugh at themselves, no matter how hilarious they are.

- Ibid.

The short are also inherent conservationists, which is more crucial than ever in this world of eight billion.

- From an essay in Sunday’s New York Times titled, “There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short”

The future I envision is different: I want my children’s children to know the value of short. I want them to call themselves “short drinks of water” with “legs for minutes.” While one yells, “I’m the shortest,” I hope the other will bend his knees to gain an advantage, shouting, “No, I’m the shortest!”

- Ibid.

For those of you asking, yes, there will be a Fetterman in shorts today, but it’s not me.

- Senator John Fetterman (D-PA), in a tweet with a photo of himself on the first day of the job wearing a suit instead of his usual sweatshirt and shorts. His children in the photo with him are wearing wrinkled button-down shirts; one of them is wearing shorts

I’m kinda bored.

- Tweet by recently retired football great Rob Gronkowski

Happy New Year!! Boom!

- The taunting message on a drone rocket that Russia fired into Kyiv

The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness

- Title of an article in Time magazine that claims that exercise stems from racism

First, math was a tool of white supremacy. Now, it’s exercise. Pretty soon, food is gonna be a tool to continue systemic racism oppression.

- Tweet by former heavyweight boxer Ed Latimore


Dating Dialogue What Would You Do If…

Dear Navidaters,

I’m at a loss for words and hoping you can help me.

My oldest brother (32 years old) was dating a girl seriously. We were all hoping this was it for him. My parents have never been happier and the whole house was more b’simcha the last few weeks when we had a simcha to prepare for. Now, out of the blue, the girl broke up with him. Our family is beside themselves.

She had come to our house a few times, and I really connected with her. I want to reach out to her and ask what happened. I want to tell her how we all feel and ask why she suddenly left my brother. It left us all in pain, and as his younger sister, I myself don’t feel closure and even more so my brother. Is this OK for me to do or is it a dumb move? Please print this question.

Thanks, Ella

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Be Our Guest

The Panel

The Rebbetzin

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. Ella, you are a really close family and you all feel your brother’s pain at being dropped without an explanation. I’m sorry for all of you and that you feel a lack of closure.

His feelings, however, come first. His relationship with the young lady ended, seemingly abruptly. It was between the two of them and doesn’t involve the rest of the family directly. It could be that words were shared, and you are not privy to them. You don’t know and your brother may not be sharing all the details and content, because he is disappointed and hurt. It’s not about your pain and hurt, but it’s about his pain and hurt.

Family members should be supportive of him and privately encourage him to talk to her, a mentor, a therapist, or

a dating coach. He needs his family behind him, but he needs to take the steps to resolve his feelings after the breakup, even if it means reaching out and calling her. It’s up to him to do that, and good support will help him take that step. His siblings should not be getting involved, in my opinion, unless they were the shadchanim or the people who introduced them originally.

Supporting your brother is your goal. Be understanding. Give him space if he needs it. Don’t step into the current situation which may indeed need help but not intervention from siblings.

The Shadchan

Michelle Mond

Oh, Ella, my heart breaks for you and your family right now.

There truly is such a thing as a broken heart, and you are too young to be experiencing it. When one is in simcha mode, it is comparable to flying high. From the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep, you have a bubbling feeling within you with this secret you will soon be able to share with the world: your brother is going to be a chosson! To have this bubble burst in such a sudden and confusing way is very painful.

I know you want to take things into your hands. I know you want answers. I wish I had the answers you seek. Sometimes, the answers we seek are not meant to be disclosed. In the story of Yosef, which we read more of in this week’s parsha, we learn this lesson well. Yaakov Avinu thought his beloved son was dead for so many years. Why was he kept in the dark? Why did all of these things have to happen to Yosef? What we know is that Yosef needed to be ex-

Healing Laugh

actly where he ended up. The decision of Yosef’s brothers affected his entire family.

So, too, here, with your brother’s story. We do not know why the girl he was almost engaged to broke up with him so suddenly. What we do know, and must find solace in, is the fact that all of this has been pre-ordained – and for a reason. Every single date one goes on brings them one rung in the ladder closer to their bashert. Massive disap -

After a very disappointing breakup, many find their bashert shortly after.
Using Humor to Cope with Stress
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pointments like this so often allow the hurt single to take an elevator ride up to the top.

I have seen this happen so many times with the singles I have helped. After a very disappointing breakup, many find their bashert shortly after.

For now, be there for your brother in all the ways you can. You know him the best. Does he love board games and coffee? Movie and popcorn? Karaoke and dance party in the living room? Show him how loved he is, and it will give him the confidence to move on and date the next one, hopefully his bashert. My heart and tefillos are with you guys! Hugs.

The Single

portant that he feels the support of his family along with encouragement and compassion.


i Ella, That is so, so difficult, and my heart really feels for you and your family. I’m concerned that your brother doesn’t have closure since this is more difficult for him than any of you. In my opinion, there are no “rules” when it comes to pain and closure needed. I highly recommended that your brother takes any steps necessary to increase closure.

In regard to your own closure needed, I don’t think it’s sensitive for you to reach out without asking your brother first. Right now, it’s super im -

Pulling It All Together

The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists

The Zaidy

It’s understandable that you wish to satisfy your curiosity, but it’s likely that your brother understands the reason for the breakup and chooses not to share that information with you. So, my initial reaction was, “Don’t meddle in your brother’s personal life.”

But, perhaps you have goals that are worth pursuing. Is it your goal is to get the couple back together again? Or, perhaps, is to find out why his girlfriend dumped him and help your brother avoid those behaviors in the future?

Those are worthwhile

goals. So, you may wish to call her. Then, perhaps on the phone, or perhaps over a coffee, tell her that you enjoyed meeting her, that you want to make sure that she’s OK, and that you had been hoping to welcome her as a sister. See what she says.

I’m really curious. Please write back to us and let us know what happens.

D ear Ella, Your family is devastated in the wake of this sudden and shocking breakup. From your email, it seems like not only was your brother very much in love with this woman, but you and your family were very pleased with her and the wedding gave everyone a sense of joy and purpose. I am so sorry you and your family are in pain from this loss.

In my humble opinion, if you developed a relationship with her, it is fine to reach out but not to ask what happened. Asking her what happened is unfair to her, as it will put her on the spot and make her deeply uncomfortable. I think you need to respect her privacy. You can, however, reach out and tell her how

you feel or felt about her and that you are absolutely devastated that she will not be joining your family. You can express your warm feelings for her and wish her well. That would be appropriate closure for you that will likely ultimately make you feel as good as you can in this awful situation.

I don’t believe that closure in this situation is learning about what happened or asking her for her reason for breaking this off. Relationships are personal, private, and so layered and nuanced that only the two people involved in it can really begin to under -

stand. She would be giving you her account, or bits and pieces of it, likely to not hurt your feelings because she doesn’t want to say anything negative about your brother. Or, she would tell you her side and throw your brother under the bus. If she truly did break up with your brother out of the blue and did not have the courtesy of a conversation with him, I don’t see why she would be willing to have one with you. Finding out what happened is in your brother’s court, not yours.

Breaking up with someone without the courtesy of what happened typically happens for a few reasons:

1. The person is completely immature or selfish.

2. The person has debilitating anxiety and cannot deal with the conversation so he/she avoids it altogether.

3. This is not actually what happened, and it is the account of the person who was broken up with.

4. The relationship grew abusive or dangerous and the person breaking up had to make a clean cut.

Sometimes in life, it really feels as though finding out why will be helpful. And sometimes it is. But most of the time, finding out why leaves us with more questions and feeling even more unsatisfied because of half-truths and human perspective.

Take care of yourself during this difficult time. Focus on your healing and being there for your brother through his breakup.

for writing in! Wishing you and your family all the best.

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

Thank you
Sincerely, Jennifer
But most of the time, finding out why leaves us with more questions and feeling even more unsatisfied because of halftruths and human perspective.

Forgotten Her es Fighter Pilots in the Pacific

Aerial combat came about during World War I when pilots began to experiment with different methods to take down enemy airplanes. Grappling hooks, grenades, and handguns were all used to varying success. It was a French pilot who was the first to use a machine gun on a plane in battle, but there were design defects that hampered its effectiveness. Aircraft manufacturers and designers came up with planes designed to fight in battle without jeopardizing the plane or the pilot. Fighter pilots were trained in air-to-air combat and are highly regarded within the military community. Here are some notable World War II fighter pilots and their stories while fighting the Japanese in the Pacific.

Marine fighter squadron VMF-214, known as the Black Sheep Squadron, was commissioned in 1942 and became famous under legendary commander Gregory “Pappy” Boyington. The Idaho native had been with the Marines since 1935, and in 1941, he resigned from the Marines to join the American Volunteer Group (AVG). Known as the Flying Tigers, the AVG began flying missions in China two weeks after the Pearl Harbor attacks, and Boyington scored two kills in the air before rejoining the Marines.

In his Vaught F4U-Corsair, Pappy became an ace while leading his squadron in the skies over the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. Boyington was later shot down and spent the rest of the war in a Japanese POW camp. Altogether, he had 26 kills (some records show 28 kills) to his credit and received the Medal of Honor.

While the lack of military discipline

tactics was to circle around an enemy airfield waiting for a large enemy force to come up to meet them where they would be waiting in ambush. In addition to shooting down enemy planes, the squadron also accounted for cargo ships and troop transports and destroyed several enemy installations. The squadron still is active and in 2022 transitioned to flying the F-35B Lightning II fighter.

force covers, fighter sweeps, strafing missions, and patrols. As a member of a division of four planes acting as a task force cover on September 18, he daring [sic] maneuvered his craft against thirty enemy dive bombers with fighter escorts and, pressing home his attack with skill and determination, destroyed two dive bombers and probably a third.”

He later shot down five Mitsubishi A6M Zeros, and the next day, he strafed an enemy airfield leaving eight destroyed Japanese planes burning. In 1948, Magee decided to join the fledgling Israeli Air Force even though he wasn’t Jewish. The fighter ace was assigned to the 101 st Squadron, flying S-199 fighters from Ekron Airbase. Magee returned to the U.S. without seeing action in the Israeli War of Independence.

in the squadron was appalling to some spit-and-polish officers, the results achieved in battle are very impressive even by World War II standards. The Black Sheep Squadron shot down 203 Japanese planes, with nine pilots attaining the status of ace (at least five enemy planes shot down). One of their

One of the other aces in the Black Sheep Squadron was Chris Magee from Omaha, Nebraska. He shot down nine enemy planes. His Navy Cross citation shares some of the details: “Displaying superb flying ability and fearless intrepidity, First Lieutenant Magee participated in numerous strike escorts, task

Early World War II fighter planes were limited in range and could not escort bombers on long-range missions. The introduction of the North American P-51 Mustang fighter changed the way bombing missions were planned. The P-51 had a range of over 1,600 miles and could go much further with external fuel tanks. A pair of Jewish P-51 pilots from the 78th Fighter Squadron, 15 th Fighter Group were credited with flying the last combat mission of World War II.

Japanese Emperor Hirohito had just accepted the Allies’ terms for unconditional surrender, but the flight crew did not hear the alert telling them that the war was officially over.
Jerry Yellin flew the last World War II mission in the Pacific Members of the Black Sheep Squadron

Captain Jerry Yellin was born in Newark, New Jersey, and started his fighter pilot career in P-40 Warhawks and P-47 Thunderbolts. On a training mission, the engine on his P-40 quit, and he was forced to parachute into the Pacific off the coast of Hawaii. Yellin was eventually rescued, and he was soon training to fly Mustangs. In March 1945, he landed at a recently captured airfield on the hotly contested island of Iwo Jima. His first combat missions were in support of the ground troops still fighting on the island and included

strafing and bombing entrenched Japanese positions. In April, he flew the first long-range fighter mission over Japan and was noted for his exceptional flying skills. Yellin is credited with shooting down a Zero while escorting B-29 bombers on one of his 19 very long range missions.

First Lieutenant Felix Phillip Schlamberg from Brooklyn, New York, was Yellin’s wingman in another P-51 on August 14, 1945. Japanese Emperor Hirohito had just accepted the Allies’ terms for unconditional surrender, but

the flight crew did not hear the alert telling them that the war was officially over. After completing their mission over an airfield, the pair flew into cloud cover, but only Yellin emerged. Schlamberg and his plane were never found, making him one of the last casualties of the war.

Yellin wrote books on his World War II experiences after his discharge a few months later. Both pilots were awarded the Air Medal. Yellin was also the recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross. World War II fighter pilots were

needed in large numbers to fill the tens of thousands of fighter planes rolling off the assembly lines. These pilots will be remembered for their sacrifices and bravery, while being an important asset in bringing the Axis powers to the surrender table.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

Boyington briefing members of his squad Chris Magee, left, with Pappy Boyington

My Israel Home Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous – and Generous

My company’s Netanya maven, Ruthie Yudin, texted me from Dona Gracia Street in Netanya. Googling the street name, she was blown away by Ms. Gracia’s life and wrote: “Her story must be told!”

Although streets in Tiberias and Haifa are also named in her memory, I was surprised that Dona Gracia’s accomplishments are unfamiliar to most people, as her biography reads like a best-selling novel, replete with espionage, adventure, intrigue, and highstakes finances.

In the 16th century, Ms. Gracia, affectionately known as La Senora, was the richest Jew in the world. She viewed her financial strength as a responsibility and expended considerable funds and leveraged her vast network of powerful connections to save thousands of persecuted Jews during the Inquisition. Let’s investigate the life and times of this heroic, trailblazing woman.

Dona Gracia Mendes was born in 1510, almost two decades after her family fled Spain to Portugal in 1492. Just a few years later, it was decreed in Portugal that all Jews should be expelled or forced to convert. These converts, who continued to practice Judaism secretly,

became known as “Marrano Jews.”

At the age of twelve, Dona’s parents revealed to her the family’s secret, and she began to learn Jewish customs. Six years later, she married her uncle Francisco Mendes, whose real name was Tzemach Benvenisti. He was born into an affluent family that dealt in silver, gems, and spices. In addition, the family’s Mendes Banking House was the world’s second largest bank, with branches in commerce hubs across the globe. Tzemach passed away nine years after they wed, and Dona Gracia, at the tender age of 27, was left with a huge fortune and a vast business empire.

Dona Gracia expanded the family’s trading enterprise and purchased a fleet of ships to distribute the spices. Her strategy to control the global movement of cargo was a precursor to Amazon, which came to the same realization and has acquired shipping companies and cargo planes.

Gracia’s activities were extremely unusual, as a woman living in the 16th century was only permitted to independently manage her life if she had the status of “widow.” Before marriage, a woman legally belonged to her father, and during marriage, she belonged to her husband.

This brilliant woman understandably was not going to relinquish her vision and control of her empire and therefore never remarried.

During the Inquisition, a period infamous for the severity of its persecution of Jews and Muslims, Gracia was on the move for many years – residing in Portugal, London, Antwerp, Venice, Ferrara, and finally Istanbul – staying one step ahead of the authorities who wanted to confiscate her assets. Always focused on the community’s needs, Gracia operated an extensive network of agents who clandestinely aided the Marranos as they fled the Inquisition, and Bank Mendes’ global branches secretly assisted them to transfer money and not lose their assets.

In Ferrara, Gracia began to live a publicly Jewish life and devoted significant time and resources to address the needs of the Jewish world. One interesting example of her creative generosity: with the invention of the printing press, she established printing houses that published the Bible and other holy books, as a corrective to the book burning of the Christian Inquisition.

A few years later, Ms. Gracia moved to Istanbul, where the Sultan welcomed

the Jews and allowed the Marranos to practice Judaism openly. She began to be called by her Hebrew name, Hana Nasi, and opened synagogues and Jewish schools and supported Jewish scholarship.

Towards the end of her life, Gracia appealed to the Sultan to lease her cities in Israel, and he consented to lease her family the city of Tiberias and several surrounding villages. She spent large sums of money to create a community, which served as a refuge for Jews who were persecuted in Spain and Portugal. Unfortunately, this project was shortlived, and the community petered out after only one generation.

Dona Gracia passed away in 1569 at the age of 59. Her life’s work underscored her courageous and inspirational devotion to Judaism, and her legendary personality epitomized triumph and hope over adversity and despair.

Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (, a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at

An Israeli stamp depicting Dona Gracia

Common Cents

Turning Money Plans into Money Action in 2023!

Arecent study published in The Ascent revealed interesting trends with regard to financial related new year’s resolutions.

According to the report, 66% of Americans plan on making a financial resolution for themselves in 2023. Having a plan is important, but a plan without action doesn’t deliver results. Let’s explore some actionable strategies for the new year that can make a real difference!

Start by setting specific, achievable, and measurable financial goals. Personal financial advice is personal! This article won’t be able to give you the exact answer for your situation, but it should help you with applying the concepts to your financial life.

Manage Cash Flow: Cash Flow is the foundation of your financial plan so tracking what comes in and what goes out is critical. You can automate this task so that it doesn’t become overly burdensome. There are plenty of free (or cheap) online budgeting apps, as well as spreadsheet templates to help you reach this goal. At Northbrook Financial, we task all clients to complete a monthly categorization of cash flow within our online and mobile app. Tracking cash flow monthly is a critical financial guardrail - and like any habit, once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature and part of being a responsible adult!

• Specific: Manage personal cash flow on a monthly basis

• Achievable: Utilize an online app or spreadsheet and categorize every item that comes in to your accounts (inflows) and every item that goes out (outflows). Set a notification to do this within the first week of every month for the prior month’s activity.

• Measurable: Complete for one year so you can see how your cash flow fluctuates over time. If you are cash flow positive, congratulations! Now set up an automatic transfer to an investment account then go out and treat yourself to something nice - you earned it!

Pay off personal debt: High-interest debt, such as credit card debt,

can be a significant drain on your finances. Balance transfers to 0% APR cards is one way to help slow the bleeding, but living without credit card debt must be a priority goal and one you strive to reach ASAP in 2023 and beyond.

• Specific: Payoff credit card debt

• Achievable: Login to your account and make a payment right now (in any amount). Once you have made one payment, set up a recurring transfer from your bank account to the credit card account and focus on paying off your balance as soon as possible.

• Measurable: Write down your total outstanding credit card balances as of the beginning of this year and then on 12/31/2023 and calculate how much debt you have paid off. When the year-end balance gets to $0 - do a little dance, treat yourself to something nice, then divert that monthly transfer that previously went to pay down debt to a savings or investment account to keep building wealth!

Save for emergencies: It’s important to have an emergency fund in case of unexpected expenses, or to seize opportunities. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. For example, let’s say you spend about $5,000/month on expenses and you want to build a 3 month emergency fund. Take the following steps:

$5,000 x 3 = $15,000. This is the goal!

Open a high yield online savings account (you can currently earn ~4.0% interest compared to ~0.03% in a traditional bank account).

Divide $15,000 by 12 ($1,250) and schedule an automatic monthly transfer from your checking account to your high yield savings account.

Since interest will immediately start earning on your monthly contributions, you will more than meet your goal before the year is over.

• Specific: Build an emergency fund

• Achievable: See steps a - d above,



and do it!

+ Savings/Investment > Cash Spending

• Measurable: Calculate your total savings account balance today and then again on 12/31/2023.

If it is higher by at least your emergency fund goal - congratulations!

Invest for the future: Consider investing in a retirement account, such as a 401(k) or IRA, to save for your long-term financial goals. You can also invest in a taxable brokerage account for general wealth building and shorter term goals. The most powerful part of a successful investment strategy is time. The earlier you start, the higher your probability of success will be. Remember to align your investments with your goals. If retirement is 30 years down the road, don’t freak out about the drop in stocks this year - view it as a buying opportunity! If you need to save for an upcoming expense: new car, house, wedding, Bar Mitzvah - keep your money in safer investments such as Government bonds, high yielding CDs, or savings accounts. The accounts you chose to invest in are important, so do your research and/or speak with a certified tax or financial planner.

• Specific: Contribute to an investment account

• Achievable: Set up an automatic transfer either via payroll deductions or an automatic transfer from your bank account to an investment account. Fit this into your cash flow management plan.

• Measurable: Calculate the balance in all of your investment accounts today and then again on 12/31/2023. If the balance has increased, congratulations - you have built wealth!

Just this past week my wife and I were reviewing our cash flow app together, and she found $70 in monthly subscriptions that we were not even using anymore. We canceled and will enjoy the $70 back in our pocket every month! I encourage all of you to put plans into action this year by writing down your plan, tracking it, and measuring the outcomes every year. I look forward to hearing about all the personal financial goals you will crush in 2023!

The decision to start saving and investing is yours, but the “how” can be hard. We suggest speaking with a “fee only” financial planner operating as a fiduciary - having a CPA or tax background is a huge plus. Email to schedule a free financial planning consultation with our team.

Elliot Pepper, CPA, CFP®, MST is Co-Founder of Northbrook Financial, a Financial Planning, Tax, and Investment Management Firm. He has developed and continues to teach a popular Financial Literacy course for high school students.

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In The K tchen

Orange BBQ Chicken

This weekend, I was home for the long holiday weekend, and I was playing around with some ideas for chicken recipes for Pesach. I know people don’t usually look this far ahead to Pesach in January, but when the ball drops, I hear the crack of the matzah! I use this time to develop new and interesting Pesach recipe ideas (which also happen to be gluten-free). I hope you like this one, and I love hearing your feedback. Note: this dish can be served year-round; don’t wait for Pesach!


2 tablespoon olive oil

8 pieces chicken bottoms

1 large onion, diced

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1 jalapeno pepper, sliced

1 cup orange marmalade

1 cup barbecue sauce

1 14 oz. can crushed tomatoes

1 large orange cut into ½ moon rings

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

◦ Salt and pepper


1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Place chicken in a large baking pan and season on both sides with salt and pepper. Set aside.

3. Sautee onion on medium-high heat in large pan until translucent and add 1 teaspoon kosher salt.

4. Add garlic and jalapeño and sauté for 2 minutes on medium low.

5. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes on low, uncovered.

6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

7. Pour sauce over chicken and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, uncovered.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two

Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

with Naomi
81 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM 6307 Pimlico Rd | Baltimore, MD 21209 | 410-218-5124 | Dr Ariela Taub & ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Cross Keys Pediatrics

Your Money Nanny Cam Reporting

In 2005, Carol Aebersold and her daughters introduced the world to the “Elf on a Shelf.” Every day for a whole month, the elf hides in a different spot in the house to see who is being good. At night, he flies back to the North Pole to deliver his intel. Fans praise the Elf as a playful new tradition. Critics dismiss him as “just another nanny cam in a nanny state obsessed with penal codes” that conditions kids to accept surveillance. The elf has thus come to occupy the intersection of an unlikely Venn diagram with two circles labeled “wholesome holiday fun” and “snitches get stitches.”

As for Uncle Sam, however, he has to find other ways to hold the naughty accountable. Sometimes, that’s easy. Take Sam Bankman-Fried, for example, the MIT math major who wants us to believe his crypto exchange lost billions because of “poor internal labeling.” He spent the holidays this year in an ankle monitor facing heat from a whole alphabet soup of agencies: the DOJ, the SEC, the FTC, the CFTC, and even the FEC. (At this point, we’re half-expecting the Fish & Wildlife Service to pile on, too.) Who needs an Elf on the Shelf for that guy when his top lieutenants have already

pleaded guilty and promised to testify against him?

Sometimes, though, Uncle Sam needs more help. So, he sets up third-party reporting tools to help monitor us. That’s especially true with taxes. Every year, employers and businesses issue millions of W-2s, 1099s, and K-1s. Every one of those forms is an Elf on the Shelf, help -

Venmo, CashApp, and Zelle. How can the IRS track all of that revenue? Current law requires “third-party settlement organizations” to issue 1099-Ks reporting payments when a taxpayer exceeds both $20,000 and 200 transactions.

However, the American Recovery Act of 2021 dropped that threshold to just $600, with no minimum number of

to defend it at an audit!

Fortunately, last week, the IRS announced they would delay the new rule for a year, to “help reduce confusion during the upcoming 2023 tax filing season and provide more time for taxpayers to prepare and understand the new reporting requirements.” But really, that’s a cry for help. What they want is for Congress to raise the threshold to a more reasonable level. There were bipartisan efforts to make that change in the $1.7 trillion legislation Congress just passed to avoid a government shutdown. Sadly, none of that last-minute scrambling made it into the final bill.

ing ferret out naughty little stinkers who don’t report their income. But now the IRS has announced a bit of relief from one such requirement, which had threatened to upend tax time for millions of gig workers and side hustles.

Technology has made it easy for taxpayers to sell billions of dollars of products on e-commerce platforms like eBay and Etsy. They send billions more in payments through digital wallets like

transactions. The change was projected to raise just $8 billion in revenue over the next 10 years – truly a drop in the bucket next to the overall $7 trillion “tax gap” of revenue the IRS expects to miss out on over the next decade. It would mean gazillions of new forms clogging mailboxes. And it would be all too easy for platforms to label personal transfers as taxable income. Just imagine using Venmo to split a brunch bill, then having

As the Elf on the Shelf heads back to the box in the garage, we see a welcome breath of common sense to ease us into 2023. We wish you and your family a happy new year, and we’ll be here to help with all the new rules Uncle Sam might bring!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

Just imagine using Venmo to split a brunch bill, then having to defend it at an audit.

Life C ach Cafe Olé

Ihave been having it out with Starbucks for years. I am not really a coffee drinker, but, hey, who doesn’t go to Starbucks once in a while?

So what’s my issue with Starbucks? I just don’t want to be controlled by their language culture.

I refuse to be all mixed up. I don’t want to call something that’s small tall because it isn’t! Something medium-sized isn’t “grand,” either. And what about a large cup, “vente,” what is that supposed to mean?

I have a hard enough time figuring out what I want to order or remembering to actually describe its size. So how can I justify that they want me to talk a language that doesn’t have anything to do with the size or drink I’m ordering? Give me a break!

I’ll let you in on a little secret – till this day, when I go there, I order a small, medium, or large drink – and believe it or not, they actually know exactly what I’m referring to!

And then I feel a little put off because they want my name on the cup in order to deliver my order. With a name like Rivky that adds extra confusion, so I just say “Rikki.” Which, actually, doesn’t necessarily quench my thirst because I’m not sure it’s the authentic me drinking my drink.

iced coffee. So what was the fun?! OK, I did add vanilla-sugar-free syrup so it kinda worked… After all, I’m only human! Starbucks somehow has lasting power. And I’m wondering: is it the coffee or another reason?

Now, I know some people go there and follow the ordering rules, of course.

stores are everywhere.

And some people go because they can also sit there and work, even if they purchase nothing.

And finally, I think they go there because the place actually gives out the bathroom code without an interrogation.

All and all, I’m not really that anti-Starbucks. After all, they do serve me even though I don’t follow their ordering rules. So even though I can’t use my given name when I get there, they do let me be my philosophical self. And that feels pretty good! Add a little ice, halfand-half, and whipped cream to that, and they get me time and again.

When I was really fit, I used to at least enjoy the place more. I would pound Frappuccinos. But speaking of pounds, then the pounds sort of snuck up on me, so I changed over to thin, plain, boring,

That’s probably because they are real coffee lovers, so getting the coffee is more important to them than taking any kind of philosophical stand.

But I think it’s also because these

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at

Which, actually, doesn’t necessarily quench my thirst because I’m not sure it’s the authentic me drinking my drink.
to The Candy Store Win $10 HEY KIDS! Take a picture with your artwork and submit it to to enter a raffle for a chance to win $10 to The Candy Store! See your picture in print the following week! Two winners • every week • Submissions due Sunday, January 15th Download extra coloring sheets from
85 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM CONGRATULATIONS TO LAST EDITION’S RAFFLE WINNERs! MORE SUBMISSIONS Tova Rus Lieder, 7 Rumi Friedman, 6 Shlomo Wecker, 9 Moishe Simcha Saull, 10 Michal Hamaoui, 5 Mendy Stein, 4 Malky Lazarus Ilana Leipnik, 8 Eliana K, 3 Chava Yonteff, 6 Ben Golfeyz, 5 Avi Greenfeld Note: Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your artwork for another chance to be featured!


6 Sholom
Paige Zecharya Horowitz, 8 Yosef Cohen,
Yehoshua Shitrit,
Shayna Goldsmith, 7 Shalom Ahron Weiner Sarah David, 13 Rikki Goldfeiz, 7 Peretz Yehuda Mandel, 7
Pearly Kiewe, 6 Naftali Shitrit Michoel Slepoy, 9 Leba S. 10 Leah M. Goldie Katz, 5 Elisheva Labowitz, 7 Elazar Shitrit David Goldfeiz age, 8 Chayala horan Chaya Mark, 10 Atara Ament, 7 Aryeh kushner, 7 Anna P. 7
Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your
to be
Ahuva Shames, 9 Note:
artwork for another chance
87 THE BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME JANUARY 5, 2023 WWW.THEBJH.COM EVEN MORE SUBMISSIONS Donut Contest Winners Donut Contest Winners Yael Price, 7 Neima Shifteh, 9 Shmuel Finkel, 14 Ahava Topas, 7 Moshe F, 8 Shira F, 11 Tehilla Gross, 12 Sarah David, 13 Shoshana Gross, 14 Ephraim Grayman, 8 Yael Gabay, 11 Moshe Shifteh, 13 Aryeh Kushner, 7 Yardena Rabenstein, 8 Shaya Kates, 10 Miriam Gross, 9 Shayna Glaser, 16 Miryam Hamaoui, 13 Racheli Finkel, 8 Atara Lopin, 10 Dave Wetnin, 14 RUNNERS UP! Note: Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your artwork for another chance to be featured!
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