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As the World Series plays out this weekend between the Atlanta Braves and Houston Astros, the glaring lack of Black players on both teams, and MLB in general, is not lost on up-and-coming Black players. - @NBCBLK
– Tweet by NBC News
You might enjoy the game more if you counted the score instead of races.
- One of many response tweets
There is also a lack of Amish people in @NASCAR.
- Ibid.
If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.
– Elon Musk tweeting in response to United Nation’s World Food Programme Director David Beasley calling for Elon Musk and other U.S. billionaires to donate $6 billion to solve world hunger
Please publish your current & proposed spending in detail so people can see exactly where money goes. Sunlight is a wonderful thing. You know who also had coded statements like Brandon? ISIS, the Klan, Nazi’s... beginning to get the point?
- Tweet by CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart referring to the tongue-in-cheek “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan that’s been making the rounds
A liberal journalist from NBC News invented “Let’s go Brandon” to cover up the actual words of the chant. So does that make her a Nazi?
- One of many tweets in response
Wow, I see your point now thanks for setting us all straight.
- Ibid.
Very original. I’ve never heard people on the Right described as terrorists or Nazis before.
– Ibid.
You know who ELSE wore pants?
- Ibid.
First of all, I look better in high color, and… where is it written in the Torah that it has to be a black robe?
- Judge Judy, in a recent interview, when asked why she no longer wears a black robe on the bench
On the question of oil prices, economists say that when you raise the price of something, people will consume less of it, so why not allow even middle-class people around the world to pay more for gasoline in the hope that they would consume fewer fossil fuels and emit less?
– A New York Times reporter to President Biden at the Climate Summit
Why is this night different from all other nights? Happy Hanukkah
- Inscription on a Chanukah pillow sold by Bed, Bath and Beyond, which was removed from inventory once the mistake was brought to light
As an experiment, I’d love for an @ SouthwestAir pilot to say “Long live ISIS” before taking off. My guess is that 1) the plane would be immediately grounded; 2) the pilot fired; and 3) a statement issued by the airline within a matter of hours.
-CNN analyst Asha Rangappa tweeting about a Southwest pilot supposedly saying at the end of an announcement, “And remember, let’s go Brandon” (Turns out that he said, “Let’s go Braves”)
So many people across the country are purchasing more goods online. Maybe some of it is from habits that developed during the pandemic when people weren’t leaving their homes. Some of it is because we’ve seen an economic recovery that has been underway.
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when asked about the supply chain problems
Words matter, and baseball “bullpens” devalue talented players and mock the misery of sensitive animals. PETA encourages Major League Baseball coaches, announcers, players, and fans to changeup their language and embrace the “arm barn” instead.
- PETA executive vice president Tracy Reiman
I know some people seem to not want to give up on the wonderful pandemic, but you know what? It’s over. There’s always going to be a variant. You shouldn’t have to wear masks … vaccine, mask, pick one. You got to pick; you can’t make me mask if I’ve had the vaccine.
- Bill Maher, HBO I went to get a haircut in Talpiot. I exited the barbershop, and I couldn’t even move. People were standing outside, the whole neighborhood crowded in, and people were shouting, people were crying, people were yelling. I don’t remember anything like this. And I’ve been around for many years… There is huge enthusiasm, and an enormous expectation that we will soon return to power.
- Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu at a Likud meeting
I apologize because some of you have heard this. When I was vice president, I used to like to take the train home because my mom was very sick and dying. And I’d come home every weekend. I’m getting on one Friday and then one of the senior guys on Amtrak, Angelo Negri, … walks up to me and he goes, “Joey baby!” He grabs my cheek. And I thought the Secret Service was gonna blow his head off. I swear to G-d, true story. I said, “What’s up, Ang?” He said, “Joey. I read in a paper. I read in the paper, you traveled 1,000 — 1,200,000 miles on Air Force planes.” Because they keep meticulous tabs of it. He says, “You know how many miles you travel on Amtrak, Joey? … 2,200,000 miles … So Joey, I don’t want to hear this about the Air Force anymore.”
- Story that President Biden repeated last week, for the 5th time since he became president (CNN has noted that Biden’s story is false. Biden’s mother died in 2010; Angelo Negri retired from Amtrack in 1993)
Unfortunately, we can’t counter a hypersonic missile launch with better pronoun usage.
– Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) at a Congressional hearing on diversity in the intelligence community imploring the intelligence community and military to stop focusing on wokeness and start focusing on the real threats facing America
Last night, an F.D.A. panel gave the green light to the Pfizer vaccine for kids between the ages of 5 and 11… Here’s how the vaccine will work: Older kids can get Pfizer, younger kids can get Moderna, and the middle child can get Johnson & Johnson.
— Jimmy Fallon
Some parents said that they aren’t sure if they’re comfortable giving their kids the vaccine, then they went back to feeding them Dunkaroos for breakfast.
— Ibid.
Every week Lapid drops a bomb and Naftali comes to the rescue. Every week, and no one knows. He did this like three times, with the Jordanians, with the Americans…and Naftali came to the rescue, unequivocally.
- Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked of Yamina, a close political ally of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, in a leaked recording criticizing coalition partner Yair Lapid Yeah, Facebook changed their name. In response, Spectrum was like, “We used to be Time Warner; people still hate us.”
— Jimmy Fallon
Companies often change their name to help their image and since it’s up for grabs, Johnson & Johnson is now Facebook & Facebook.
— Jimmy Fallon
They glorified Michael Jordan while not giving nearly enough praise to me and my proud teammates. Michael deserved a large portion of the blame [for that portrayal]. The producers had granted him editorial control of the final product. The doc couldn’t have been released otherwise. He was the leading man and the director.
- An excerpt from NBA Hall-of-Famer Scottie Pippen’s new memoir in which he rips on his teammate Michael Jordan’s documentary “The Last Dance”
Michael was determined to prove to the current generation of fans that he was larger-than-life during his day—and still larger than LeBron James, the player many consider his equal, if not superior. I was nothing more than a prop. His “best teammate of all time,” he called me. He couldn’t have been more condescending if he tried.
- Ibid.