Baltimore Jewish Home - 11-4-21

Page 56


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


NOVEMBER 4, 2021

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”


You know who also had coded statements like Brandon? ISIS, the Klan, Nazi’s... beginning to get the point? - Tweet by CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart referring to the tongue-in-cheek “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan that’s been making the rounds

A liberal journalist from NBC News invented “Let’s go Brandon” to cover up the actual words of the chant. So does that make her a Nazi? - One of many tweets in response

Wow, I see your point now thanks for setting us all straight. - Ibid.

As the World Series plays out this weekend between the Atlanta Braves and Houston Astros, the glaring lack of Black players on both teams, and MLB in general, is not lost on up-and-coming Black players. - @NBCBLK

Very original. I’ve never heard people on the Right described as terrorists or Nazis before. – Ibid.

You know who ELSE wore pants? - Ibid.

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M

– Tweet by NBC News

You might enjoy the game more if you counted the score instead of races. - One of many response tweets

There is also a lack of Amish people in @NASCAR.

First of all, I look better in high color, and… where is it written in the Torah that it has to be a black robe? - Judge Judy, in a recent interview, when asked why she no longer wears a black robe on the bench

- Ibid.

If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it. – Elon Musk tweeting in response to United Nation’s World Food Programme Director David Beasley calling for Elon Musk and other U.S. billionaires to donate $6 billion to solve world hunger

Please publish your current & proposed spending in detail so people can see exactly where money goes. Sunlight is a wonderful thing. – Ibid.

On the question of oil prices, economists say that when you raise the price of something, people will consume less of it, so why not allow even middle-class people around the world to pay more for gasoline in the hope that they would consume fewer fossil fuels and emit less? – A New York Times reporter to President Biden at the Climate Summit

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