Degree Shows 2007

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Degree Shows 2007 Committee

Mongkon Ponganutree ¡ß§≈ æß»åÕπÿμ√’ Pratarn Teeratada ª√–∏“π ∏’√–∏“¥“ Pirak Anurakyawachon ¿‘√—°…å Õπÿ√—°…凬“«™π Narong Othavorn ≥√ß§å ‚Õ∂“«√ Pongpon Yuttharat ªÕßæ≈ ¬ÿ∑∏√—μπå Santhida Jeerakul —≥∞‘¥“ ®’√–°ÿ≈ Sudaporn Jiranukornsakul ÿ¥“æ√ ®‘√“πÿ°√ °ÿ≈ Kanokwan Trakulyingcharoen

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Project Co-ordinators

Vilacini Chonchirdsin «‘≈“ ‘π’ ®Õπ‡®‘¥ ‘π Pripada Wattanapanee ‰ª√º¥“ «—≤πª“≥’ Kamonwan Ratchasaeng °¡≈«√√≥ √“™· ß Sunthorn Keeratayakom ÿπ∑√ °’√쬓§¡ Busadee Ngampakdeepanich ∫ÿ…¥’ ß“¡¿—°¥’æ“π‘™ Sarawut Charoennimuang »√“«ÿ∏ ‡®√‘≠„π‡¡◊Õß Saroj Kunatanad “‚√®πå §ÿ≥“∏‡π»

Book Design

Piyapong Bhumichitra

ªî¬æß»å ¿Ÿ¡‘®‘μ√ Kamolthip Kimaree °¡≈∑‘æ¬å °‘¡Õ“√’¬å

Degree Shows 2007 catalogue is published by Bangkok Design Festival Limited Edited & produced by Corporation 4d Limited Printed by Focal Image Typeface from Hass Unica and DB font Further details are available on © Copyright 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. While the Publisher has made every effort to publish full and correct credits for each piece included in this volume, error of omission or commission sometimes occur. For this, the Publisher is most regretful, but hereby disclaim any liability. Since this book is printed in four-color process, some of the images reproduced in it may appear slightly different from their original reproduction.

Contents What is Degree Shows? Statistics Architectural Design Interior Design Product Design Graphic Design Fashion & Jewelry design Shows Day List of Entries

4 6 10 30 48 66 86 110 114

What is Degree Shows? Who What When Where How?

“Where to go after the graduation?” is actually a FAQ about the truth to the new graduates for all this time. What also happens all the time is their disappearance after the graduation once they swim into the professional stream, especially the ones with charisma in school. It is so often that we would never know where they are and what they do, as sometimes, they just do appear in another field. This is no surprise. Most of their works during school year or even theses are not well publicized, so they are just simply not realized. There’s nothing better than trying to ignite and create movement as promoting the outstanding theses to the public to support both country’s education and the new graduates themselves. That comes the initial point of “Degree Shows” exhibition. From the objective above, this whole process is not intended to be a competition but rather selections of outstanding theses with interesting elements and design aspects, which could make a statement to the society, according to juries’s vision. Each year, the juries will be different group of knowledgeable experts with discrete experiences and perspectives to create diversified comments for each selective work.

Selection criteria was categorized into the following branches: 1. Architecture Design 2. Interior Design 3. Product Design 4. Graphic Design 5. Fashion, Jewelry And Accessories Design The participants’ qualifications are simply the undergraduate students who have completed their studies and thesis in 2006. Afterall, about 10 selected theses from each branch were exhibited at the Bangkok Design Festival 2007 that was held in October 2007, with certificates handed out to the participants on the opening day. Those selected thesis are also published as a book of their works, which are distributed to the public like the one you are holding now. Moreover, all submitted works were exhibited digitally. 4:5

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number of entries : 521 Architectural Design 89 projects (17.08%) Interior Design 118 projects (23.03%) Product Design 70 projects (13.44%) Graphic Design 181 projects (34.55%) Fashion & Jewelry Design 63 projects (11.9%)

Architectural Design number of entries : 89 number of projects selected : 8 8.99 %

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Interior Design number of entries : 118 number of projects selected : 7 5.83 %

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Call for entries: 1-31 August 2007 Jury Sessions: 10-23 September 2007 Selection Announcement: 24 September 2007 Shows: 12 - 21 October 2007

√–¬–‡«≈“∑’ˇªî¥√—∫º≈ß“π: 1-31 ‘ßÀ“§¡ 2550 §—¥‡≈◊Õ°º≈ß“π: 10-23 °—𬓬π 2550 ª√–°“»º≈: 24 °—𬓬π 2550 ®—¥· ¥ßº≈ß“π: 12-21 μÿ≈“§¡ 2550

Product Design number of entries : 70 number of projects selected : 7 10 %

“¢“ÕÕ°·∫∫º≈‘μ¿—≥±å ®”π«πº≈ß“π 70 º≈ß“π §—¥‡≈◊Õ° 7 º≈ß“π

Graphic Design number of entries : 181 number of projects selected : 8 4.44 %

“¢“ÕÕ°·∫∫‡√¢»‘≈ªá ®”π«πº≈ß“π 181 º≈ß“π §—¥‡≈◊Õ° 8 º≈ß“π

Fashion & Jewelry Design number of entries : 63 number of projects selected : 10 16.13 %

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Boonlert Hemvijitraphan Founder of Boon Design Rirkrit Tiravanija Artist Luke Yeung Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Architectural, Kasetsart University Jury members shared their comments and unanimously recommended select works that they considered as representing great potential emerging from our architectural design schools. Each project provided its own clarification of the process, from the beginning to the final presentation. Considering all the submissions, one may say that diversity of design and presentation can be found at this stage, however, we also saw from the different types of programming and processing, which is a very important basis, that more education in the field is needed. Museums, renovation projects, hotels and resorts are some of the examples that we have seen in the schools for decades, and this reflects the limitation of architectural education in this country. Another tiny significant detail for this kind of an activity is the way of presentation. The jury members found a number of submissions shrunk from their gigantic size of presentation board to an A3 size, according to the condition set by the Degree Shows. Unfortunately, some important messages in their work were absent just because of this kind of “too-easy-quality” in the way of presenting their projects.

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RENOVATED BUILDING PROJECT CONTEMPORARY ART SPACE @ THA PRA ARTHIT Jidanan Pisitmukda Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University Renovated Building Project Contemporary Art Space @ Tha Pra Arthit offers a way to refurbish and re-develop abandoned buildings, transforming them into architecture with value, substance and unique identities. Moreover, the new architecture will be useful to the community and create a bridge between architectural space and context. As a result, it will produce movement, fill the space with life, influence peopleรปs perspectives and hopefully make them see and understand the value of architecture.

12 : 13

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BANGKOK FOREST JATUJAK Pouriwat Chaimeesook Department of Architectural Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi Bangkok Forest Jatujak sited along the Wachira Benchathat Park (Suan Rot Fai) in Bangkok contains a concept that seeks to plant the seeds of conscience within human beings in order to increase their awareness and attention to the environment. The basis of this project is creating an underground passage.The form of the building borrows from the shape of a bicycle, which can be compared to the movement occurring in the Wachira Benchathat Park. When synchronized with the movement of activities and cycling along the pathways, the overall impression of the building is quite interesting to say the least. 14 : 15

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COLOR EXPLORATORY MUSEUM Chanon Petchsangngam Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University The Color Exploratory Museum came from the idea that aimed to use color as the main subject that would in turn lead to architecture. In addition to exhibiting the subject of color, the Color Exploratory Museum project also includes the architecture. The changing colors of animals by means of camouflaging and seduction are used as the main concepts for the architecture design. 16 : 17

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INSTITUTE OF APPLIED THEATRICAL ART Mechai Jaroenporn Department of Architectural Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi Institute of Applied Theatrical Art is inspired by temple festivals which contain the traditional stage performances that are increasingly harder to find these days. The intention is for it to be the center for all performances to be held at and allow the public to watch and learn about these traditional forms of art. Architectural elements are composed of upbeat rhythm to create a sense motion. At the same time, the impacts felt around the area were taken into consideration, requiring a degree of privacy and peace. 18 : 19

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PLACE OF CHILDHOOD Ekkarach Luksanasumrith Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University The Place of Childhood project located in Lumpini Park was born from a concept that draws from childhood memories. At its very origin, the questions posed include, apart from architectureûs main responsibility, what else can this piece of work convey? To what extent does it affect the audiences psyche, behavior or thinking? From studying the area that would be used for the architecture and from analyzing childhood memories, consideration, requiring a degree of privacy and peace.

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RATTANAKOSIN GATEWAY Manatspong Sanguanwuthirojana Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University Rattanakosin Gateway project organized along the Phra Pinklao is created to become a work of architecture along the edge of the old and new cities in order to distinguish each territory, acting as a gateway entering Rattanakosin Island. It also explains the organization and order of the island as well as its growth with regards to the townรปs history, told through a variety of components and communicated through an architectural system that illustrates the context of todaysรป urban society. It, moreover, enhances and reinforces the islandรปs identity, supported even further by the dissemination and accessibility of information. The exhibition and information point for tourists have been created to introduce these people to the island, informing them of what to expect prior to stepping through the gateway. privacy and peace. 22 : 23

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24 : 25

WOVEN BANANA NATURAL MATERIALS IN ARCHITECTURE Kanin Amboon Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University Woven Banana - Natural Materials in Architecture is a study of the qualities of banana fiber, which is the strongest and most flexible type of fiber from the tree trunk. Itûs also a study of weaving, which is a local expertise, passed down from generation to generation. The material was presented through a temporary, architectural format under the Young Architect Program of P.S. 1 MoMA in New York. The main concept aims to express all the advantages and potential of banana fiber.

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BANGKOK NATIONAL MUSEUM Rujamas Suchato Architecture Program, Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University The Bangkok National Museum is generated for finding the solution of systems of the old and new building lack any functional relationship due to separation of a number of levels between the two structures. The project focuses on the relationship of the two buildings, where there is no need for the two to be stuck together or any requirement to copy the old structure. On the other hand, the new building can bridge itself to the older one, complementing the functions of both sections. For example, the new building offers from a variety of angles, more views of the older building and also connects together all the scattered counterparts of the old building. 26 : 27

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28 : 29


Pitupong Chaowakul Director of This Design Vitoon Kunalungkarn Director of IAW Kris Kiattisak Architect, Founder of Ideal One Studio All seven selected works differ from one another, ranging from practicable designs such as the resort and the renovations of buildings to that of conceptual designs that aren’t as realistic or possible. Kris Kiattisak, one of the committee members stated, “In producing a thesis, I feel that it the last thing you’re able to do as you wish. Therefore, you must do what you like and are good at.” As Vitoon Kunalungkarn the third committee member added, “We shouldn’t be too harsh with judging at the Degree Shows, so as not to demotivate or discourage these students.” And finally, Pitupong Chaowakul’s concept, another committee member who asserted, “Interior design is not only responsible in beautifying, but it should also make a statement about the direction and movement of society.” this would be enough to close the session properly.

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32 : 33

CAVE NGA RESORT Methinee Rattanachai Department of In terior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University As the small-scale project is located on land that is incredibly uneven and sheûs given every single unit a circular form, blending in with the environment and connecting, as much as possible, with one another. The Fishing Bridge is used to connect each structure together and gave the interior a beautiful design, completely distinct from the surrounding landscape. Each and every function was taken into consideration, thus producing an interesting outcome.

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THE ANANTARA RESORT & SERENITY SPA Kan Sivapuchpong Department of Interior Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University çBalance, Vernacular, Sufficiencyé

34 : 35

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36 : 37

ESPLANADE CINEPLEX Khan H engsawad Department of In terior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University The root concept of the Esplanade Cineplex came from the need to fix the problem of interior flow and direction by designing a lounge area with no furniture but rather, arranged in this section are planes of varying gradations with curves that complement the lighting design, producing a remarkable effect.


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FREE MIND CENTRE Jessada Naprasertkul Department of Interior Architecture, School of Architecture, Assumption University The Free Mind Centre project comes from the introduction of a modern technology with the integration of natural material. The intention is to offer new activities that cater to people who need to relax and de-stress, particularly those working in the business district that must compete with one another on a daily basis. Illusion is introduced through various techniques. These three are combined to play with our five perceptions, tricking us to believe that weรปre actually in a particular place, as a result, this project is perfect for individuals who prefer not to travel far from the city and prefer a great degree of safety from activities that are supposed to relax and de-stress the self.

38 : 39

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40 : 41

INSECT MUSEUM OF THAILAND Worawut Angsupanich In terior Design Department, School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok University The Insect Museum of Thailand was designed to open opportunities for the public to imagine themselves as insects by using all five senses to perceive under the same context as that of an insect like see, smell, hear and feel the way an insect would. The point of this project is to allow people to have fun while participating in activities surrounded by a refreshing and light environment.


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LOVE IS : THE IDEA COMPLEX Tuangthana Charaswat Department of In terior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkutßs stitute In of Technology Ladkrabang Love Is: The Idea Complex shopping complex is an interpretation of Love Is Music Production. The most popular hit, Seasons Change served as the medium for all activities under the project. Boyd K osiyabong, the writer himself, wanted to share the lessons a father teaches, about the changes that must occur everyday and about the things we will see, both good and bad, as well as love and disappointment.

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42 : 43

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INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FOR MATICHON PUBLIC CO. , LTD Sutah Schonrungroj Department of In terior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University The interior architectural design project for Matichon Public Co., Ltd. was initiated from the need to fix the buildingûs main problem, which was its lack of common space needed to foster relationships and interaction between employees and individuals from outside. The common space, çRa Bian g K aowé is d esigned as a place where news is exchanged in a relaxed and informal manner and people from different departments are able to come to this are to share their views and opinions, further expanding on opinions and perspectives. As a result, a Matichon sub-community is formed, enhancing the companyûs role as the media and complementing their dependence on networks.

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46 : 47


Makorn Chaovanich Managing & Design Director of Cerebrum Design Kittiratana Pitipanich Design Advisory Department Director, TCDC Punlarp Punnotok Design Director of Pink Blue Black & Orange The direction of product designs this year looks to be quite interesting, as one notes from the jury panel members which include Punlarp Punnotok, Kittiratana Pittipanich, and Makorn Chaovanich. Design subjects ranged from modified versions of Thai modes of thinking to fit in with the modern day, innovative designs that build new knowledge through simpler techniques to that of new methods of teaching children. Providing an overall explanation of the 7 chosen pieces, the judges state, “More than half of the submissions either emphasized styling, form or color, and not too many of them touched upon thinking and conceptual approaches. On the contrary, the 7 works focused more on the foundations of design and function. We think that these individuals are talented and have produced interesting works of art”.

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55 : 51

ENJOYABLE GEOMETRY FOR KIDS Nuttapong Nutipanich In dustrial Design Program, School of Architecture and Design, King Mongkutßsniversity U of Technology Thonburi Enjoyable Geometry for K ids is created as a tool made for students to learn, play, and understand the fundamentals of geometry, but is also for teachers to prepare teaching materials easily, to teach in front of the class efficiently, and to evaluate studentsû thinking processes as well.


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GOLDEN BITE ›COOKWARE FOR THAI DESSERT Saranya Leardpoonvasin In dustrial Design Program, School of Architecture and Design, King Mongkutßsniversity U of Technology Thonburi Golden Bite is a set of kitchenware, offering chefs interested in Thai desserts another option. It provides a solution of complicated process involved in preparing all the ingredients of each dessert that greatly differ from one another. The preparation process is made easier through the use of this particular collection, making chefs feel less daunted with cooking Thai desserts.

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52 : 53

LIFEGUARD STAND DESIGN PROJECT Warin Thanathawee Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture,, King Mongkutรปs Institute of Technology Ladkrabang The project is produced to cater to travelersรป safety, installing one person on guard at each point. Its purposes are to prevent accidents from happening at the beach and also to serve as a first aid area for the injured. The lifeguard stand design is one of familiarity to most people, with recognizable features and its parts are environment friendly.

54 : 55

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DESIGN OF TOOLS FOR WOMENßS CLOTHING INSPIRED BY A BANANA LEAF DECORATIVE PROJECT Passorn Subcharoenphan Department of In dustrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkutßs stitute In of Technology Ladkrabang The purpose of this project is to learn about the shape, form, and use, as well as the foundational methods of decorating with banana leaves. Its aim is also to cover the Thai identity and introduce that to the younger generation, the older folks as well as foreigners. It isnût surprising that this piece of work has found a liking in many people.

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UNIT FOR CARING STREET PUPPIES Nucharin Wangphongsawat In dustrial Design Program, School of Architecture and Design, King Mongkutßsniversity U of Technology Thonburi Creating a proper living unit for puppies not only provides a well organized space for living, which can support both their physical and psychological well being, but, the unit can also provide more convenience for the caretaker while working.

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60 : 61

BANANA LEAF PACKAGING DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Somchana Kangwarnjit Department of In dustrial Design, Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkutßs stitute In of Technology Ladkrabang The project came from the study of packaging made from the Thai banana leaf and creating more varieties and options to the pattern of banana leaf packaging. Examples include ways to wrap K ao Tom Mut, Steamed Sticky Rice Pouches with Filling and other Thai desserts. The main purposes of the project are to preserve and expand upon the capabilities of packaging as well as encourage people to realize the use of natural materials such as banana leaves, which arenût hazardous to the environment.

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62 : 63

64 : 65


Krissana Tanatanit Design Director of Graphic49 Wit Pimkanchanapong Design Director of Duck Units Pichit Virankabutr Design Advisory Manager, TCDC The eight graphic design projects differed from one another in subject matter and media, ranging from editorial design, illustration animation and type design. From evaluating each design, noteworthy insights were gathered, revealing the conceptual depth and potential of graphic designers in our country. The judges for this event were Krissana Tanatanit, Wit Pimkanchanapong and Pichit Virankabutra. Commenting on the overall picture, they state, “From examining the submissions, it seems as though Thai kids aren’t too good at interpreting things with media. There’s often a problem with storytelling, whether it’s the graphic design group or animation. Regrettably, this factor reduces the value or the appeal of many works.

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5 5REASONS TO HUG BEFORE DYING Pailin Thawornwijit Department of V isual Communication Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts , Silpakorn University The work is created to express contradictory points that occur emotionally with the words çhugé and çdieé , offering a collection of reasons from numerous perspectives on why we should hug. The bookûs hand-made attribute further demonstrates the warmth and significance of the love given with the word, çhugé.

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫Àπ—ß ◊Õ 5 5‡Àμÿ” ≈∑’§Ë ≥ ÿ §«√°Õ¥°àÕπμ“¬Ø ‰æ≈‘π ∂“«√«‘®μ‘ √

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MR. JUNKY Kongkij Techaplalert Communication Design Department, School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok University The inspiration behind this project came from recognizing the negative impacts the body is subjected to from eating unhealthy foods. Foundational art practices were used for the design. Moreover, hot and cold primary colors of red (cells in Pan Panûs body), yellow (Mr. Junky) and blue (Pan Pan) are also employed to distinguish the 3 characters. With intentions to entertain and encourage kids and adults to consume healthy foods, simple shapes like circles, triangles and squares are brought to create the character designs.

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫·Õπ‘‡¡™—πË ‚∑…¢Õߢπ¡¢∫‡§’¬È « MR. JUNKYØ °âÕß°‘® ‡μ™“æ≈“‡≈‘»

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THE CRAYONรปS LAND, DIARY AND ILLUSTRATED BOOK Pankaew Koorutanapisan Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University The Crayonรปs Land, which is about the adventures of Yuka, the main character. Yuka enters a fantasy world and therefore must help the queen find the king in Crayon Land. This story is intended to help with childrenรปs imaginations in relation to the world of color. 72 : 73

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74 : 75

IN VISIBLE BANGKOK Thiyada Suchaoin Communication Design Department, School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok University In visible Bangkok (visible things within the invisible) is therefore a book of photographs that are categorized under the word °-√ÿ-ß-‡-∑-æ (Krungthep) in order to illustrate the things Bangkokians see and interact with everyday yet never come to realize their true significance.

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫‡√¢»‘≈ªá‡√◊ËÕߧ«“¡‰¡à‡ª –‡∫’ π√¬∫ ·≈–§«“¡À≈“°À≈“¬¢Õß°√ÿ߇∑æ ∏‘≠“¥“ ÿ‡™“«åÕπ‘ ∑√å

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Àπ—ß ◊Õ In V is ib le B angkok ( ‘Ëß∑’Ë¡Õ߉¡à‡ÀÁπ„π ‘Ëß∑’Ë¡Õ߇ÀÁπ) „™â¿“æ∂à“¬∑’Ë∫—π∑÷°‰«âπ”¡“ –°¥ ‡ªìπ§”«à“ °› √ÿ› ß› ‡› ∑› æ ‡æ◊ËÕ –∑âÕπ ‘Ëß∑’˧π°√ÿ߇∑æœ —¡º— ·≈–æ∫‡®Õ∑ÿ°«—π ·μà‰¡à‡§¬§âπæ∫ §«“¡À¡“¬∑’Ëπà“ π„®„πμ—«μπ¢Õß¡—πÕ¬à“ß·∑â®√‘ß

THE PROJECT OF VISUAL CULTURE PRESENTING THE CAUSE OF WOMENßS OBSESSION ON BEING THIN. Supicha Laochintanasri Communication Design Department, School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok University Influenced by the media, modern women long for the slender figures as portrayed by the media to be the ideal image of beauty so the book has caught the attention of a number of girls walking by because what it introduces is the visual culture that affects most women, causing them to believe that they should be thin. Additionally, information on real societal incidences is documented in order to allow the reader the freedom to reflect upon and interpret the situation on their own. never come to realize their true significance.

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫‡√¢»‘≈ªá‡°’¬Ë «°—∫ Vi s u a lCu l t u r e∑’¡Ë ” ’ ≈∑”„Àâ” ÀŸâ ≠‘߇°‘¥ ¡ÿ¡¡Õߧ«“¡§‘¥«à“μ—«‡ÕßμâÕß” Õ¡ ÿ晑 “ ‡≈â“®‘πμπ“»√’

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76 : 77

78 : 79

CONTEMPORARY BOOK DESIGN FOR NARIYA SATARN (HELL STAGE) Supichan Rojvanich Department of V isual Communication Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University This book came from the need to create a travel handbook to hell, in order to let people today find out what those who commit bad deeds must encounter by researching and collecting information from a variety of pictures with subject matters of the afterlife and hell. Those images are reinterpreted via virtual 3D images, demonstrating the mood, lighting, colors and shadows, offering readers a full experience.

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫Àπ—ß ◊Õ·≈–¿“æª√–°Õ∫√à«¡ ¡—¬ π√‘¬ ∂“πØ ÿ晑 “π ‚√®πå«≥‘™¬å

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A LITTLE PIECE OF MEMORY Sittisak Jiampotjaman Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University The 3D animatioon, A Little Piece of Memory, conveys a story of imagination in childhood that same forget and left it behind 80 : 81

‚§√ß°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫¿“æ¬πμ√å·Õπ‘‡¡™—πË 3¡‘μ‘ ‡√◊ÕË ß ª≈“¡’¢πØ ‘∑∏‘»°— ¥‘Ï ‡®’¬¡æ®¡“π

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82 : 83

TH AI TYPE FACE DESIG NFOR SOLV E TH E IN KJET PROBLEM Tanachot Sapruangnam Communication Design Department, School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok University Pim Dee [Good Type] is the design of a set of Thai characters with the aim to fix a common problem when typing small letters with inkjet printers. The outcome is a wider and fatter version of the normal Thai fonts where not every single line of each character must close. Moreover, by avoiding the use of any stanting is also a way to prevent any cutting off of the characters when printing.

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84 : 85


Pornpilai Meemalai Jewelry Designer and Lecturer Kornkrit Jianpinitnun Photographer Chai Jeamamornrat Owner of Headquarter In contrast to other branches, submissions in the fashion & jewelry design category numbered in the few. Perhaps this is due to the limited university programs specializing in these fields. Nonetheless, all submitted designs had interesting concepts and were very impressive. Of course, the 10 selected pieces were exceptional and stood out most, with remarkable choices of materials used and entertaining sources or inspiration. Despite drawing from abstract subjects, these students were able to translate these concepts into concrete and tangible products. Judges in this area included Pornpilai Meemalai, Kornkit Jianpinitnun and Chai Jeamamornrat . Offering their views regarding the designs this year, they expressed, “Many of the submitted works might’ve been good, but because the chosen ones had pretty remarkable presentations, it made it easier for us to understand them. Therefore, those who will be awarded in the years to come will be the ones who’ve tackled all issues and areas in a comprehensive manner, addressing the bigger scope.”

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88 : 89

FASHION DESIGN INSPIRATION FROM PERU Atthasorn Sriraksayothin Department of Fashion Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Rangsit University Neo-Peru occurs with fascinating civilizations of multiple tribes and peoples. The clothing collection is produced to suit for today and is unique, fashionable and can actually be worn. Geometric forms found in Peruûs architecture, the lines made by the Nazca Line and other features of this country were integrated together to create clothes that clearly demonstrate modern day Peru and as well as its conceptual origins.

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90 : 91

CARE OF LIF E Salisa Tanakitchumroon Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University The beginning of life is a seedling that is innocent before maturing into its full and blossomed self in an ecological system, like that of a gemstone. Seeds are physically beautiful, a gift of nature that rides along the waves of evolution. Additionally, embedded in its very potential is a subtle, yet bubbling beauty.

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AN INDESCRIBABLE FAMILIAR FEELING Mek Rattanakup Department of Fashion Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Rangsit University The project is generated for translating curiosity and interest of dejavu phenomenon into concrete form through the cloth. The numerous spiritual and scientific theories and explanations are employed as discipline to apply for creating clothing design. To convey the sense of çd ejavué, he ûs screen-printed patterns that vary and change, building a point of reference and contributing to the simple yet stylish clothing.

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94 : 95

BABY IN THE WOMB Nattakan Tantipolphan Department of V isual Art, Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot University From the experience in medical studies, Nattakan had the chance to dissect a human body in her gross anatomy class and was impressed by the complexities yet organized system of the organs. Complementing this fascination was her interest in Leonardo da Vin ciûs anatomical studies and drawings.

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96 : 97

FASHION DESIGN INSPIRATION FROM OP ART Parinya Sinrattana Department of Fashion Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Rangsit University Optical Art is a most interesting branch of art that is simple, yet playful. Its feature is its 2 D p roperty, but clever use of color, form and perspective can produce a 3 D e ffects. To produce this effect, lines, colors, shapes and varying perspectives are used to create a pattern on the fabric. More patterns are produced in order for the outfit to change from its normal state. The textile used leans towards the techno side, mixing in a substantial amount of synthetic fabrics. The artist uses a variety of sewing and printing techniques, in combination with other methods to produce the final results.

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SILHOUETTE OF RELATIONSHIP Korakoch Woramuksik Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University From ties with the museum set in the open (Suan-Kaew) of Silpakorn University, this accessories collection was born. The 4 features of the place, which consists of the music pavilion, the buildingûs walls, Suan Kaewûs space and the çChina box-treeé are used as key elements that emerges from the rays of light that interact with the shadows and the bright light produced at various times in the garden. These observations have been translated into accessories that assume simple shapes and contours and look like an architecture model, whereby all its qualities are fully achieved only when the rays of light and shadow come into contact with the brooch itself or the person wearing it. It changes according to the environment. 98 : 99

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RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BED AND JEWELRY Thunya Keeratipaibul Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University Relationships between Bed and Jewelry project is generated to the combination of (sewing) knowledge and skills in making jewelry. The work does not only introduces key elements of beddings and but also exposes the combination process of the structure in silver accessories.

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INSPIRATION FROM ANCIENT THAI BOAT Kanok Boonruean Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University The way of life of people and boats has created many stories that are told and passed down from one generation to the next generation, illustrating the relationship between human beings and boats. There is a boat that women prefer to use and one that men prefer to use, which are Moo Boat and Pai ma Boat. The different attitudes of using this mode of transportation lead to the inspiration to make jewelry for both sexes, which emphasize and bring out the features of women and men by using shape and form of the Thai boat.

102 : 103

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104 : 105

ATTITUDE WITH THE MISSING PIECE MEETS THE BIG O Juthamas Koontragul Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University Attitude with the Missing Piece Meets the Big O is inspired by a story about the travels of a missing piece regarding on self-dependence. Itûs identical to the principles of Buddhism that teaches all human beings to first be able to rely on the self before even thinking about depending on other people. The story is applied through creativity, which can be found in line of accessories that encourage positive thinking towards self-reliance.

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CHESS CHARACTERS OF THAI MINIATURES Ploypim Boonnum B A Degree in Jewellery Design Central St Martins College of Art &Design ( UAL) Because of interest in Thai porcelain, Chess Characters of Thai Miniatures is produced by integrating a number of these traditional Thai artworks into the game of chess, reinterpreting them into accessories such as rings and bracelets made from metal and ceramic that are equipped with new functions.

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B A Degree in Jewellery Design Central St Martins College of Art &Design ( UAL)

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106 : 107

108 : 109

110 : 111

112 : 113

Architectural Design Entries

Akapon Ratanajomnong Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ‡Õ°æ≈ √—μπ®”πߧå Akaradet Paratkhaw Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / U niversity Õ—§√‡¥™ ª≈—¥¢«“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Anek Bunnaruk Faculty of Industrial Education, K MITL Õ‡π° ∫√√≥“√—°…å §≥–§√ÿ»“ μ√åÕμÿ “À°√√¡ ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Anucha Siripornmongkon Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity Õπÿ™“ »‘√æ‘ √¡ß§≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Anukawee Kerdyam Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity Õπ√√¶ «’ ‡°‘¥·¬â¡ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Bennapa Janklab Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / ‡∫≠π¿“ ®—π∑√å°≈—∫ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Boonyakorn Wachiratianchai Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∫ÿ≥¬°√ «™‘√–‡∏’¬√™—¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Buttri Panichpairoj Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∫ÿμ√’ æ≥‘™‰æ‚√®πå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Chakis Thuranikorn Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ™“§‘» ∏ÿ√π‘°√ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Chatchai Jarukitjaroon Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ©—μ√™—¬ ®“√ÿ°®‘ ®√Ÿ≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Chawaree Chotimanwijit Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ™«“√’ ‚™μ‘¡“π«‘®μ‘ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Ekkapong Thongsuk Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ‡Õ°æß…å ∑Õß ÿ¢ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Ekkasit Cherdhiranyakorn Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ‡Õ° ‘∑∏‘ˇ ‡™‘¥À‘√≠ — °√ »‘≈ª“°√ / Ekkawat Bhandhasu Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ‡Õ°«—≤πå æ—π∏“ ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Hongte Sriprathum Faculty of Architecture, U rban D esign and Creative Arts, Mahasarakham U niversity å Õà ߇μâ »√’ª√–∑ÿ¡ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Jenjira Kongton Faculty of Architecture, Nares uan U niv ers ity º—߇¡◊Õß·≈–πƒ¡‘μ»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¡À“ “√§“¡ / ‡®π®‘√“ °Õßμ—π §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Jetsada Nareuchit Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity ‡®…˘ “ πƒ™‘μ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Jirameth Lekyim Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ®‘√‡¡∏ ‡≈Á°¬‘¡È §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Jirat Terdnueakao Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity ®‘√— ∞å ‡∑‘¥‡Àπ◊Õ‡°≈â“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Jirayu Sepattatima Faculty Of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity ®‘√“¬ÿ ◊Õæ—≤∏‘¡“ §≥– ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Julsamano Bhongsatiern Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / U niversity ®ÿ≈ ¡‚≥ æß…å‡ ∞’¬√ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Kamolchai Tangpareudpong Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity °¡≈™—¬ μ—ßÈ æƒ∑∏‘æˇ ß»å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Ketsara Kitisook School of Architecture, Assumption U niversity ‡°…√“ °‘μ ‘ ¢ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å / Krittaya Ieamsuttha Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity °ƒμ¬“ ‡Õ’¬Ë ¡ ÿ∑∏“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬Õ— —¡™—≠ / Montri Suanboon Faculty of Architecture, Sripatum U niversity §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / ¡πμ√’ à«π∫ÿ≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’ª∑ÿ¡ / Narute Pongchawanakul School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT π√ÿμ¡å æ߅噫π–°ÿ≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“ Nattajira Aniwatt Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ≥—∞®‘√“ Õπ‘«√√μπå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∏π∫ÿ√’ / Nattawat Jitsil Faculty of Architecture, U rban D esign and Creative Arts, Mahasarakham ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ≥—∞«—≤πå ®‘μ»’≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å º—߇¡◊Õß·≈–πƒ¡‘μ»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¡À“ “√§“¡ / Nattinee Ngambanjong Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ≥— ∞‘π’ ß“¡∫√√®ß §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Nicha Singhachong Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity ≥‘™“ ‘ßÀ™ß§å §≥– »‘≈ª“°√ / Nonthalee Sairching Faculty of Architecture, U rban D esign and ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Creative Arts, Mahasarakham U niversity ππ∑≈’ ·´à®ß÷ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å º—߇¡◊Õß·≈–πƒ¡‘μ»‘≈ªÆ Noparerk Lertjangcharoen Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity π惰…å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¡À“ “√§“¡ / Nut Ruangsorn School of Architecture and D esign, ‡≈‘»·®â߇®√‘≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / K MU TT ≥—∞ ‡√◊Õß Õπ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / Pacharin Kachanuban Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity æ—™√‘π∑√å §™“πÿ∫“≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Panu Chantana Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity ¿“≥ÿ ®—π∑π“ §≥– ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Pattana Sopon Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity æ—≤π– ‚ ¿≥ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Pichaya Nithipattrarattana Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity / æ‘™≠“ π‘∏¿‘ ∑— √“√—μπ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Piti Tangwitoon Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ªμ‘ μ—ßÈ «‘±√Ÿ ¬å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å / Pojamas Rodwan Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity æ®πå¡“» √ À«“π §≥– ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pollakrit Krityophas Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / 114 : 115

æ≈°ƒμ °ƒμ‚¬¿“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pongpai Apipan Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity ªÕß¿—¬ Õ¿‘æπ— ∏ÿå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Poom Srisalouy Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ¿Ÿ¡‘ »√’ ≈«¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pornthep Rojanakarnsakul Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity æ√‡∑æ ‚√®π°“√ °ÿ≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Pornthip Bumrungchartudom Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity / æ√∑‘æ¬å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rachawat Wongsaroj Faculty of Architecture, ∫”√ÿß™“μ‘Õ¥ÿ ¡ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rangsit U niversity √“™«—μ√ «ß»“‚√®πå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Rattanapon Monmahajinda Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity √—μπæ≈ ¡πμå¡À“®‘𥓠§≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å Rattawich Suppachaturat Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity √—∞«‘™≠å »ÿ¿®—μ√ÿ — ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Rutchanoophan Kumsingsree Faculty of Architecture, U rban §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / D esign and Creative Arts, Mahasarakham U niversity / √—™πŸæ√√≥ §” ‘ßÀå»√’ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å º—߇¡◊Õß Saksan Changsan Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ·≈–πƒ¡‘μ»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¡À“ “√§“¡ / ‡ ° √√§å ™â“ß “√ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sasicholwaree Sawatdisawanee Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity »»‘™≈«√’ «— ¥‘ «π’¬å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Sathika Chinawong Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity “∏‘°“ ™‘≥«ß»å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Sawitree Paisarnwattana Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / “«‘μ√’ ‰æ»“≈«—≤π“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sirichai Chaiya Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala U niversity of Technology Lanna ‘√™‘ ¬— ‰™¬¬“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ Siridesh Wangkran Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ‘√‡‘ ¥™ «—ß°√“πμå √“™¡ß§≈≈“ππ“ / Sirinthip Sinsangkeaw Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ‘√π‘ ∑‘æ¬å ‘π· ß·°â« §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Siwapong Thongjuer Faculty of Industrial Education, K MITL »‘«æß»å ∑Õ߇®◊Õ §≥–§√ÿ»“ μ√åÕμÿ “À°√√¡ ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√ Songwut Silarak Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity ∑√ß«ÿ≤‘ »‘≈“√—°…å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Sumeena Chongwatpon Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ÿ¡π’ “ ®ß«—≤πåº≈ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Suppalerk Aimkosa Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity of Technology Thanyaburi »ÿ¿ƒ°…å ‡Õ¡‚°…“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ Surawit Ngonchaiyaphum Faculty of Architecture, U rban D esign and Creative Arts, √“™¡ß§≈∏—≠∫ÿ√’ / Mahasarakham U niversity ÿ√–«‘∑¬å ßÕπ™—¬¿Ÿ¡‘ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å º—߇¡◊Õß·≈–πƒ¡‘μ»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Suwan Yingtaweewongwanich Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ¡À“ “√§“¡ / ÿ«√√≥ ¬‘ßË ∑«’«ß»å«“≥‘™ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Teerasak Janping Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ∏’√–»—°¥‘ˇ ®—π∑√åªß §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Thanarat Chuenjit Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∏π√—μπå ™◊πË ®‘μμå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Thanat Rattanasupa Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∏π— √—μπ ÿ¿“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thanin Sangsoi Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / ∏“π‘π∑√å · ß √âÕ¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Thanongsak Somboonkittikul Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ∑πß»—°¥‘ˇ ¡∫Ÿ√≥å°μ‘ μ‘°≈ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thapanat Sawettanakul Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ∞ªπ—∑ ‡»«μ∏π“°ÿ≈ Thitirat Muen-a-nan Faculty of Architecture, Sripatum §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / U niversity ∞‘μ√‘ μ— πå À¡◊πË Õπ—πμå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’ª∑ÿ¡ / Thosapond Chawarangpong Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala U niversity of Technology Thanyaburi ∑»æ√ ™«√“ßæß…å §≥– Tongjai Tetiwong School of Architecture, ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’√“™¡ß§≈∏—≠∫ÿ√’ / Assumption U niversity μâÕß„® ‡μμ‘«ß»å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬Õ— —¡™—≠ / Torsak Phokakulkanon F aculty of Architecture, R angs it U niv ers ity μàÕ»—°¥‘ˇ ‚¿§°ÿ≈°“ππ∑å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Tulchai Borsap Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity μÿ≈™—¬ ∫àÕ∑√—æ¬å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Wanchock Aonsuwan Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity «—π‚™§ ÕàÕπ ÿ«√√≥å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Warin Ruamsamran Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity «√‘π∑√å √«¡ ”√“≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Weerachai Supab Faculty of Architecture, Rangsit U niversity «’√–™—¬ ÿ¿“æ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Weeraporn Taksaseranee Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity «’√“¿√≥å ∑—°…‡»√≥’ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Witoon Kosanutham School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT «‘∑√Ÿ ‚¶ …“πÿ∏√√¡ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Worasumon Otrakul Faculty §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity «√ ÿ¡π ‚Õμ√–°Ÿ≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ /

Woravut Boonma Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala U niversity of Technology Lanna «√«ÿ≤‘ ∫ÿ≠¡“ Wuttiporn Timkum Faculty of Architecture, §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ √“™¡ß§≈≈“ππ“ / K asem Bundit U niversity «ÿ≤æ‘ √ ∑‘¡¢” §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Yosita Buasatian Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn U niversity ‚¬…‘μ“ ∫—«‡ ∂’¬√ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√

Interior Design Entries

Akepong Jaikwang School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ‡Õ°æß…å „®°«â“ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Am-on Onsrithong School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ‡Õ¡Õ√ ÕàÕπ»√’∑Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Anchisa Tanakulrungson School of Fine and Applied Arts, §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Anucha Rojwatkanchana Bangkok U niversity Õ—≠™‘ “ ∏π–°ÿ≈√—ß √√§å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õπÿ™“ ‚√®πå«≤ — πå°“≠®π §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Anuparp Krusuwan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õ“πÿ¿“æ §√Ÿ «ÿ √√≥å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Anupat Suppakijjanusan Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Õπÿæ—™ »ÿ¿°‘®®“πÿ —πμ‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Anut Jungthairungreang F aculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õπÿμ√ ®ß‰∑¬√ÿßà ‡√◊Õß §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Apichat Kositkulporn School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity Õ¿‘™“μ‘ ‚¶ …‘μ°ÿ≈æ√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Aunyanee Songkiatthana Faculty of De corative Arts, Silpakorn Un iversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Õ—≠≠π’ ∑√߇°’¬√μ‘∏π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Avika Siriwatanasakdikul School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity Õ«‘°“ »‘√«‘ ≤ — π»—°¥‘°≈ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Chaiwat Jaruwane School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ™—¬«—≤πå ®“√ÿ‡«ˆ§≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Chakapong Monkoltae School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / ®—°√æß»å ¡ß§≈·∑â §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Chalermsak Tantipanitkool Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ‡©≈‘¡»—°¥‘ˇ μ—πμ‘æ“≥‘™¬å°≈Ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√ Chanathorn Baanjonkan School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ™π“∏√ ∫√√®ß°“√ ≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Chanchanit Srisuwan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Chatchawin Mutjalinvimut School of Fine U niversity ©—π∑å™π‘μ »√’ «ÿ √√≥ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ™—™«‘π ¡ÿ®®≈‘π∑å«¡‘ μÿ ‘ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Chatree Nakyan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ™“μ√’ 𓧬“π §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Chatteera Limapongpas School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ©—μ√∏’√“ ≈‘¡“æß…å¿“ / Chayakorn Ruengchamroon School of F ine and Ap p lied Arts , B angkok §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Chotema Juntaraprasit Faculty of U niv ers ity ™¬“°√ ‡√◊Õß®”√Ÿ≠ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‚™μ‘¡“ ®—π∑√ª√– ‘∑∏‘ˇ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Eakchai Poldaeng School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ‡Õ°™—¬ æ≈·¥ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Hassaya Seangsawang School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity À— ¬“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Isariya Singhasurasak Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, · ß «à“ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Chulalongkorn U niversity Õ‘ √‘¬“ ‘ßÀ ÿ√»—°¥‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Jirayu Kumsup Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ®‘√“¬ÿ §ÿ¡â ∑√—æ¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Jirayus Sunantamongkol Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ®‘√“¬ÿ ÿππ— ∑¡ß§≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Ken Jidkongthai Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ‡§π ®‘μμå§ß‰∑¬ §≥– ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Kirin Chaichana Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Kittikorn Kanjanaprakasit School of Fine and Applied §‘√π‘ ™—¬™π– §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Arts, Bangkok U niversity °‘μμ‘°√≥å °“≠®πª√–°“»‘μ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Kittin Bunsak School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity °ƒμ‘π ∫ÿ≠»—°¥‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Kittisak Denphatcharangkul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity °‘μμ‘»°— ¥‘ˇ ‡¥àπ·æ∑¬å™√“ß°Ÿ√ Kornprom Balnalang School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity °√æ√À¡ ∫—≈π“≈—ß°å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Lalida Sotedee Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ≈≈‘¥“ ‚ μ¥’ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Lerdchai Mongkon School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ‡≈‘»™—¬ ¡ß§≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Mayteeya Teerajittanuwattana Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity‡¡∏’¬“ ∂‘√®‘μμ“πÿ«≤ — π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Natapong Naungjag Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ≥—∞æß»å ‡π◊ÕË ß®“° ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Natin Siriwatanajaroen Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity π∑‘π »‘√«‘ ≤ — π‡®√‘≠ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Nattapon Jirathitinan Faculty of 116 : 117

Architecture and Planning, Thammasat U niversity ≥—∞æ≈ ®‘√∞— μ‘ π‘ π— ∑å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß Nattawut Muadchana School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ≥—∞«ÿ≤‘ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Nicharat Chaisanguanjirakul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, À¡«¥™π– §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Silpakorn U niversity ≥‘™√—μπå ™—¬ ß«π®‘√°ÿ≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Nitchanun Na-rach Faculty of Architecture, K MITL π‘™π—π∑å ≥ √“™ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√ Nopparat Varrdhanabindu School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity πæ√—μπå ≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Nungthibodi Trichakraphop Faculty of Architecture, «√√∏π–æ‘π∏ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / K MITL Àπ÷ßË ∏‘∫¥’ ‰μ√®—°√¿æ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Nut Reungsorn School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT ≥—∞ ‡√◊Õß Õπ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Nutcha Intasorn School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / U niversity ≥—™™“ Õ‘π∑»√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Nuttawut Boonpraveat School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ≥—∞«ÿ≤‘ ∫ÿ≠ª√–‡«» §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Pacharin Kuljitchao Bachelor of D esign (Interior D esign), Raffles D esign Institute æ—™√‘π∑√å °ÿ≈®‘μ쑇™“«πå “¢“«‘™“Õ‘π∑’ Panika Putornjai Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, ‡√’¬ ¥’‰´πå ∂“∫—π ÕπÕÕ°·∫∫π“π“™“μ‘√“ø‡ø≈ å / Chulalongkorn U niversity ¿“≥‘°“ ¿Ÿ∏√„® §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Panomkorn Malakul na Ayudhya School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity æπ¡°√ ¡“≈“°ÿ≈ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ Panuwat Charoensukamnuai Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Parada Numthip Faculty of Architecture and ¿“≥ÿ«≤ — πå ‡®√‘≠ ÿ¢Õ”𫬠§≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Planning, Thammasat U niversity ¿“√“¥“ πÿ¡à ∑‘æ¬å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å Paranyoo Patkim School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ¿√—≥¬Ÿ ·æ∑¬å¢¡‘ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ / Parichart Jaturavit Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª“√‘™“μ »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Parichat Bouthongboon School of Fine and Applied Arts, ®“μÿ√«‘∑¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Bangkok U niversity ª“√‘©μ— √ ∫—«∑Õß∫ÿ≠ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Parkpoom Disnevath Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¿“§¿Ÿ¡‘ ¥‘ 𒇫∑¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Patcharee Meesamranras School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity æ—™√’ ¡’ ”√“≠√“…˘ √å §≥– Pattarapong Petchdakhul School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok »‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / U niversity ¿—∑√æß»å ‡æ™√¥“°Ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Patthawat Sukumanan School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ª∞«— ÿ¢¡ÿ “π—π∑å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Paweena Janyavuthisilp Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª«’≥“ ®√√¬“«ÿ≤»‘ ≈‘ ªÆ §≥– Pawinee Sumethsenee Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Phanthawee Suphachok Faculty of D ecorative Arts, ¿«‘π’ ÿ‡¡∏‡ π’¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Silpakorn U niversity æ—π∏ÿ∑å «’ ÿ¿“‚™§ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Phattrachon Chongprasit School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ¿—∑√™π¡å ®ßª√– ‘∑∏‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Phirada Khunchaleam Faculty of Industrial Education, K MITL ¿‘√¥“ ¢ÿπ·©≈â¡ §≥–§√ÿ»“ μ√åÕμÿ “À°√√¡ Picha Thadanit School of Fine and Applied Arts, ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Bangkok U niversity æ‘™“ ∏“¥“π‘μ‘ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Pichupa Sophanowong School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT æ‘™¿ÿ “ ‚ ¿‚≥«ß»å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Pison Kerdkhao School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity æ‘ ≥Àå ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / Pitsanu Doungratt School of Fine and Applied Arts, ‡°‘¥¢“« §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Bangkok U niversity / æ‘…≥ÿ ¥«ß√—μπå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Pitsanut Doungratt School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity æ‘…≥ÿ ¥«ß√—μπå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Piyapong Boonyarit School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ª¬–æß…å ∫ÿ≠ƒ∑∏‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Piyapong Ongsantiphap School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ª¬–æß…å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Piyasiri Jaronchipruck Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Õߧå π— μ‘¿“æ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Silpakorn U niversity ª¬»‘√‘ ‡®√‘≠™—¬æƒ°…å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pornpimon Sakkangwanchai School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT æ√æ‘¡≈ »—°¥‘°ˇ ß— «“π™—¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Prapai Ngamjaratsap Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / U niversity ª√–‰æ ß“¡®√— ∑√—æ¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Prapon Homklinkaew School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ª√–æπ∏å ÀÕ¡°≈‘πË ·°â« §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Preechaya Deemee Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª√’™≠“ ¥’¡’ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ »‘≈ª“°√ / Ratchasuwan Phaenprom Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity √—™ ÿ«√√≥ ·ºπæ√À¡ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Ratchawut Timjomnong School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok

U niversity √—™«ÿ≤‘ ‡∑’¬¡∑–πß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Rujiporn Saechour School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity √ÿ®¿‘ √≥å ·´à©«—Ë §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Rujirampai Mongkon Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity √ÿ®√‘ ”‰æ ¡ß§≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Rungrudee Toobuntherng School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity √ÿßà ƒ¥’ μŸ∫â √√‡∑‘ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Santi Sarasuphab School of Architecture, Assumption U niversity —πμ‘ “√– ÿ¿“æ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬Õ— —¡™—≠ / Sirada Juntakode Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »‘√¥“ ®—π∑‚§μ√ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sirada Kearwiboonwanich Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity »‘√¥“ ‡°◊ÕÈ «‘∫≈Ÿ ¬å«≥‘™¬å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Sirirak Soeiyongka Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‘√√‘ °— …å ‡ ¬¬ß§– §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Soontaree Uksarasai School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ÿπ∑√’ Õ—°…√“»—¬ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Suchart Phonghathaikunn School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ÿ™“μ‘ ºàÕßÀ∑—¬°ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Supachoak Praguyboontawee Faculty of Architecture, K MITL »ÿ¿‚™§ ª√–°“¬∫ÿ≠∑«’ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Supannee Leevivattanapornchai Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat U niversity ÿæ√√≥’ ≈’««‘ ≤ — π“æ√™—¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Supra Lertudomthana Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »ÿ¿√“ ‡≈‘»Õÿ¥¡∏π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sutthee Promarree Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »ÿ∑∏å∏’ æ√À¡Õ“√’¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Tajchavit Sibunruang Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏—™«‘∑¬å ’∫≠ ÿ ‡√◊Õß §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ »‘≈ª“°√ / Takamin Nimnuth Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ∂°“¡‘π∑√å π‘¡Ë πÿ™ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Tanapong Boripunt Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ∏πæß…å ∫√‘æπ— ∏ÿå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Thana Anan-acha Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ∏π“ Õπ—πμåÕ“™“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Thanakorn Chengaueng School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ∏π°√ ‡™’¬ßÕ÷ßÈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Thian Thanaratsutikul School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ‡∏’¬√ ∏π“√—μπå ∑ÿ ∏‘°≈ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Thippaya Tantipisanu Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat U niversity ∑‘欓 μ—πμ‘æ…‘ ≥ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ ∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Thitinan Boonrin School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ∞‘μπ‘ π— ∑å ∫ÿ≠√‘π∑√å §≥– »‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Veeranuch Bunnag School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «’√πÿ™ ∫ÿπ𓧠§≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Vorayot Veerapong School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «√¬» «’√–æß…å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Wachira Sopa School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «™‘√– ‚ ¿“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Walai Nawakunyinglerd Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity «≈—¬ π«§ÿ≥¬‘ßË ‡≈‘» §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Wanlop Tamtinthai School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «—≈≈¿ μ“¡ ∂‘πË ‰∑¬ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Warat Prapan School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «√—™≠å ª√–æ—π∏å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Warawoot Chuangchai Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat U niversity «√“«ÿ∏ ™à«ß™—¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√º—߇¡◊Õß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Warisa Saicharoen School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «√‘ “ “¬ ‡®√‘≠ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Wijitra Nawasithipat Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity «‘®μ‘ √“ ‡π“« ‘∑∏‘æ≤ — πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Wipawee Kearsirikul Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity «‘¿“«’ ‡°◊ÕÈ »‘√°‘ ≈ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Wiwat Wiwatkamolwat School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity «‘«≤ — πå «‘«≤ — πå°¡≈«—≤πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Yanarat Somkitroongroj School of Architecture, Assumption U niversity ≠“≥√—μπå ¡°‘®√ÿßà ‚√®πå §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬Õ— —¡™—≠ / Yossiri Wanapaisan School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ¬» ‘√‘ «π“‰æ»“≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Yupadee Suvisith School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity ¬ÿ楒

ÿ« ‘ …‘ ∞å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ

118 : 119

Product Design Entries

Amornthep Sirileartchanya School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT Õ¡√‡∑æ »‘√‡‘ ≈‘»®√√¬“ Anupol Yooyuen Faculty of §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / Architecture, K MITL Õπÿæ≈ Õ¬Ÿ¬à π◊ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Anusorn Cheewachatreekasem Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õπÿ √≥å ™’«™“μ√’‡°…¡ Apirat Kanha and Chatchai Wikaikul Faculty of Art and §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õ¿‘√∞— °—≥À“ ·≈– ©—μ√‰™¬ «‘°¬— °ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Arnon Kanjanapairoj Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õ“ππ∑å °“≠®π‰æ‚√®πå §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Chaisit Sangpitak Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ™—¬ ‘∑∏‘ˇ · ßæ‘∑°— …å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Chaitat Sukwarotai Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ™—¬∑—μ ÿ¢«‚√∑—¬ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Chanpim Khaosang Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ®—π∑√åæ¡‘ æå ¢“« —ß¢å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Chirada Thiptharanukul Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity ™‘√˘ “ ∑‘æ¬å∏√“πÿ°≈Ÿ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Chirapattra Charukalasa Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ®‘√¿—∑√“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Chonthicha Khunphuek Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit ®“√ÿ°≈— §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ™≈∏‘™“ §ÿ≥‡º◊Õ° §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Harit Julsukon School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT Àƒ…˘ å ®ÿ≈ ÿ§π∏å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“ Jindarat Apirukmontri Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ®‘π¥“√—μπå Õ¿‘√°— …å¡πμ√’ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∏π∫ÿ√’ / Jirayu Wannasil Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / U niversity ®‘√“¬ÿ «√√≥»‘≈ªÆ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Mintra Midkul Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity ¡‘πμ√“ ¡‘μ√°Ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Narhar Kantha Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity π√“≥å §—π∏“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Nattawut Sungkrom Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ≥—∞«ÿ≤‘ —ß°√¡ »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Nattawut Upaiboon Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity ≥—∞«ÿ≤‘ ÕŸ‰à æ∫Ÿ√≥å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Nut Piriyapon Faculty of Architecture, Oraphan Tepphan Faculty of Naresuan U niversity ≥—∞ æ‘√¬‘ æ≈ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity Õ√æ√√≥ ‡∑æ πí §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Pakorn Waiprasit School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT ¿“°√ ‰«¬ª√– ‘∑∏‘ˇ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈– Pasiri Charoenlap Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn °“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / U niversity ¿“»‘√‘ ‡®√‘≠≈“¿ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Paweena Pananusorn Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª«’≥“ æπ“πÿ √≥å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pisarat Kumsook Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan U niversity ¿‘…“√—μπå §” ÿ¢ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Pit Kullatat Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity æ‘™≠å °ÿ≈∑—»πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Piyakit Thitasongsup Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ª¬–°‘μμ‘ˇ ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Piyanuch Nachiangmai Faculty of Fine Arts, ∞‘μ–∑√ß∑√—æ¬å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Srinakharinwirot U niversity ª¬πÿ™ ≥ ‡™’¬ß„À¡à §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Piyaporn Uthanworapoajt Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ª¬æ√ Õÿ∑“π«√æ®πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Prinya Banchongwiwat Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / ª√‘≠≠“ ∫√√®ß«‘«≤ — πå §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Puntakarn Wungpaisarn Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ—π∏°“πμå «—߉滓≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rattana Thongngam Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Burapha U niversity √—μπ“ ∑Õßß“¡ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∫Ÿ√æ“ / Sakunith Vessapraweenwech Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity »°ÿπ™‘ ≠å ‡« –ª√–«’≥‡«™ Samaporn Jindapracha Faculty of Architecture, Naresuan §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / U niversity »¡“æ√ ®‘𥓪√–™“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬π‡√»«√ / Sant Utisanont Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity »“π å Õÿ∑»‘ “ππ∑å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Sassawat Chotpanich Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity »“»«—μ ‚™μ‘æ“π‘™ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Settapol Yamsawat Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‡»√…∞æ≈ ·¬â¡ «— ¥‘ˇ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Sirasin Tangprasert Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / »‘√»‘π μ—ßÈ ª√–‡ √‘∞ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sirinda Phongcharndech Faculty of Architecture, K MITL »‘√π‘ ¥“ æ߅噓≠‡¥™ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Siwapong Kijjaprasert Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »‘«æß…å °‘®®“ª√–‡ √‘∞ Songvuth Manachaiyarak Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ /

U niversity ∑√ß«ÿ≤‘ ¡“𖉙¬√—°…å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Soranon Boondate Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity √ππ ∫ÿ≠‡¥™ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Suchanat Chitthai Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ÿ™“≥—∞ ™‘¥‰∑¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√ Suknapa Tantipornanan Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ÿ¢π¿“ μ—πμ‘æ√Õπ—πμå ≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Sumeth Sreechan Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / U niversity ÿ‡¡∏ »√’®π— ∑√å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Supawinee Jarungkiatkul Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Thammasat U niversity ÿ¿“«‘π’ ®√ÿ߇°’¬√μ‘°≈ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Supawit Tanasinpaiboon Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »ÿ¿«‘∑¬å ∏π– ‘π‰æ∫Ÿ≈¬å ∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Surin Thongma Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / ÿ√π‘ ∑√å ∑Õß¡“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Suttikiat Palawatwichai Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ÿ∑∏‘‡°’¬√μ‘ ª“≈«—≤π嫉‘ ™¬ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Tanawat Matiko Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏π«√√∏°å ¡—μ‚‘ ° §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Tanun Niyomjit Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∏π—πμå π‘¬¡®‘μμå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Teerasarn Tarasap Faculty of Arts & D esign, Suan D usit Rajabhat U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / ∏’√»“πμå ∏“√“∑√—æ¬å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π¥ÿ μ‘ / Thanawatt Kaweetirawatt Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∏π“«—≤πå °«’∏√’ –«—≤πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Thanaworachate Ritthirongkarat Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏π«√‡™…∞å ƒ∑∏‘√ߧ√—μπå Thanyaporn Hetkhun Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / ∏—≠æ√ ‡Àμÿ§≥ ÿ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Usa Dethkitviriya Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õÿ…“ ‡¥™°‘®«‘√¬‘ – §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Vanida Yangmee Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity «π‘¥“ ¬—ß¡’ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Vijitra Rojbandit Faculty of Architecture, K MITL «‘®μ‘ √“ ‚√®πå∫≥ — ±‘μ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ Wanpansa Kaewnam Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / «—πæ√√…“ ·°â«πÈ” §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Warranan Palakawong na Ayuththaya Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity «√≥—𠪓≈°–«ß»å ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Wijittra Imvimol Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity «‘®μ‘ √“ Õ‘¡Ë «‘¡≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Wiwantorn Jantawong Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Worraman Khamphan Faculty of Fine Arts, «‘«√√∏√ ®—π∑«ß»å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Srinakharinwirot U niversity «√¡—πμå §È” πí §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Wutthisak Disariyakul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity «ÿ≤‘»—°¥‘ˇ ¥‘…√‘¬–°ÿ≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ

¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Graphic Design Entries

Alongkorn Ngamkanong Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity Õ≈ß°√≥å ß“¡‚¢πß Amornsak Jangsawangsri Faculty of Arts & D esign, Suan §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / D usit Rajabhat U niversity Õ¡√»—°¥‘ˇ ·®âß «à“ß»√’ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π¥ÿ μ‘ / Anurak Yoobumroung Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Õπÿ√°— …å Õ¬Ÿ∫à ”√ÿß §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Anusit Nakaprateep Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Õπÿ ∑‘ ∏å 𓧖ª√–∑’ª Anusorn Saephoo Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Õπÿ √≥å ·´àæŸà §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å Anusorn Wattana Faculty of Architecture, K asem ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Bundit U niversity Õπÿ √≥å «—≤π“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Apimongkol Yankittikarn Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õ¿‘¡ß§≈ ≠“≥°‘μμ‘°“πμå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Apittha Suksri Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat √—ß ‘μ / U niversity Õ¿‘…∞“ ÿ¢»√’ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Attachai Pattarapongkit Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Õ√√∂™—¬ ¿—∑√æ߻尮‘ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Bodthaworn Ritrudeekul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∫˘ ∂“«√ ƒ∑∏‘ƒˇ ¥’°≈ÿ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Boon Lertwilai Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity »‘≈ª“°√ / ∫ÿ≠ ‡≈‘»«‘‰≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Chaipat Patcharapan Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ™—¬¿—∑√ æ—™√“æ—π∏ÿå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Chaiyaporn Putatto Faculty 120 : 121

of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ™—¬æ√ ¿Ÿ∑μ— ‚μ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Chaiyut Boocha Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ™—¬¬ÿ∑∏ ∫Ÿ™“ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Chakrapan Sripew Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ®—°√æ—π∏å »√’º‘« Chanachai Sangpirote Faculty of Art §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ™π–™—¬ · ߉æ‚√®πå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Chanawee Chouncharoen Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ™π“«’√å ™«π‡®√‘≠ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Chantouch Anankeatkul Bachelor of D esign (Multimedia D esign), Raffles D esign ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Institute ©—π∑—™ Õπ—πμ凰’¬√μ‘°≈ÿ “¢“«‘™“¡—≈μ‘¡‡’ ¥’¬ ¥’‰´πå ∂“∫—π ÕπÕÕ°·∫∫π“π“™“μ‘√“ø‡ø≈ å / Chanunya Kongcharoon School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT ™π—≠≠“ §ß®√Ÿ≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ Chatchada Kongcharoon School of Architecture and ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / D esign, K MU TT ™—™˘ “ §ß®√Ÿ≠ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / Chatchai Ngamsirimongkhonchai School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT ©—μ√™—¬ ß“¡ ‘√¡‘ ߧ≈™—¬ Chatkeaw Budhai Faculty of §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ©—μ√·°â« ∫ÿμ√„Àâ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å Chattama Changpinij Faculty of Art and D esign, ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Rangsit U niversity ©—∞¡“ ™â“ßæ‘π®‘ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Chawapon Thangvongkased Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ™«æ≈ μ—ßÈ «ß…凰…μ√ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Cheunkamon Sabai Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ™◊πË °¡≈ –∫“¬ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å Direk Saibua Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Rajabhat U niversity ¥‘‡√° “¬∫—« §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Dudhathai Sangboonkerd Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¥ÿ®À∑—¬ · ß∫ÿ≠‡°‘¥ Isarapong Chueataew Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Õ‘ √–æß»å ‡™◊ÕÈ ·∂« §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Jantachot Wilaikasaem Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Rajabhat U niversity ®—π∑√å∑–‚™μ‘ «‘≈¬— ‡°…¡ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ Jaturon Noosang Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ®“μÿ√πμå ÀπŸ· ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡› / Jirapat Suaysom School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / ®‘√æ—≤πå «¬ ¡ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Jirapong Kusakul Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ®‘√–æß…å °Ÿ â °ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Jitrin Wiwathanakit Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ®‘μ√‘π «‘«≤ — πå∏π°‘® §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Kamolchanok Ungtrakul Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity °¡≈™π° Õ÷ßÈ μ√–°Ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ Kamolnet Trisupatsil Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn U niversity ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Kamolthip Kimaree Faculty of °¡≈‡πμ√ μ√’ æÿ ≤ — πå»≈‘ ªÆ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity °¡≈∑‘æ¬å °‘¡Õ“√’¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Kanapol Sirivadhanakul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥æ≈ »‘√«‘ ≤ — π°ÿ≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Kanin Tangked Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥‘π ·μ߇°μÿ §≥– ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Kanitha Meepueng Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, ¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ¢π‘…∞“ ¡’æß÷Ë §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Kanokwan Nimkate Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity °π°«√√≥ π‘¡Ë ‡°μÿ ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Kanpicha Thaworakorn Faculty of H umanities and Social §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity °—≠æ‘™“ ∂“«√°“√ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å Karan Taweekarn Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity °√—≥¬å ∑«’°“≠®πå §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Keerati Kitprasert Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai U niversity °’√μ‘ °‘®ª√–‡ √‘∞ §≥– ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Kiatipon Ngamkam Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, «‘®μ‘ √»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡™’¬ß„À¡à / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ‡°’¬√μ‘æ≈ ß“¡¢” §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Kiattikhun Sangkanakin Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ‡°’¬√쑧≥ ÿ ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Kittisak Chat-anan-chai Faculty of Art and D esign, —߶ “𓧑π §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Rangsit U niversity °‘μμ‘»°— ¥‘ˇ ©—μ√Õπ—πμ噬— §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Krisanachai Changthong Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity °ƒ…≥™—¬ ™à“ß∑Õß §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Kritanon Poonoom

Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity °ƒμ“ππ∑å ¿Ÿπà ¡ÿà §≥– Manutchanok Chiengtong Faculty of Art ¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¡π— ™π° ‡™’¬ß∑Õß §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Mattamon Nilsom Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ¡— ∞¡π π‘≈ ¡ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Mimphamon Samutkeeree Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¡‘¡È ¿¡√ ¡ÿ∑√ »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Nadda Thanatarn Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit §’√’ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity π—¥¥“ ∏π∑“π §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Nakkasit Chaiyawaranurak Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity π—§ ‘∑∏‘ ™—¬¬“«√“πÿ√°— …å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ /

Nareupon Noomthong Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity πƒæπ∏å πÿ¡à ∑Õß §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Nattakan Jamnongrit Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ≥—∞°“πμå ®”πߧåƒ∑∏‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Nattapon Tangsupakitwong Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ≥—∞æ≈ μ—ßÈ »ÿ¿ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Nattapong Chaiarwut Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit °‘®«ß»å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity ≥—∞æß»å ™—¬Õ“«ÿ∏ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Nattapong Jullapotee Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdej chaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ≥—∞æß»å ®ÿ≈≈–‚æ∏’ §≥– Nattaporn Nokjan Faculty of H umanities ¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ≥—∞æ√ π°®—π∑√å §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– Ngaosai Sanguankum Faculty of Art and D esign, —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Rangsit U niversity ‡ß“∑√“¬ ß«π§” §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Nisa Danpaow Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity π‘…“ ·¥π‡¿“«å §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å Nithina Takviriyanun Faculty of D ecorative Arts, ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Silpakorn U niversity π‘∏π‘ “ μ“°«‘√¬‘ –π—π∑å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Nittha Pruksacholavit Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity π‘…∞“ 惰…“™≈«‘∑¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Noppadon Sovachan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity πæ¥≈ ‚ «®—π∑√å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Noppadon Tiebpinyok Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity πæ¥≈ ‡∑’¬∫ªπÀ¬° §≥– »‘≈ª“°√ / Nuankanit Promjanya Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, »‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Chulalongkorn U niversity π«≈¢π‘…∞å æ√À¡®√√¬“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Nuttapon Boochakorn Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ≥—∞æ≈ ∫Ÿ™“°√≥å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Nuttapon Ngamboonsin Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ≥—∞ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Oranun Sukasam Faculty of Fine Arts, æ≈ ß“¡∫ÿ≠ ‘π §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Srinakharinwirot U niversity Õ√≥—≠™å ÿ¢‡°…¡ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Ornanong Siriolarn Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity Õ√Õπß§å »‘√‚‘ Õˆ “√ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Pailin Puapansawat Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‰æ≈‘π æ—«æ—π «— ¥‘ˇ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Pakin Monyai Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ¿§‘π À¡Õπ„À≠à §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Panin Wongkittichote Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversityæ“≥‘π «ß»å°μ‘ μ‘ ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Parinya Pichetsiriporn School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok ‚™μ‘ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ª√‘≠≠“ 摇™…∞»‘√æ‘ √ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Patcharee Thamrongapichatkul Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity æ—™√’ ∏”√ßÕ¿‘™“μ‘°≈ÿ Patinya Keawsom Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª ≠ ‘ ≠“ ·°â«‚ ¡ §≥– Pattanapong Lertchalanthon Faculty of ¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity æ—≤πæß…å ‡≈‘»™≈—π∏√ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Patthanapol Navisthrira Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity æ—≤πæ≈ π“«’‡ ∂’¬√ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ Paweennuch Wongpanuwat Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Peerapon Changjaikla Faculty of ª«’≥πÿ™ «ß»å¿“≥ÿ«≤ — πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity æ’√æ≈ ™â“ß„®°≈â“ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡∫—≥±‘μ / Phasiri Sunthornprasat Bachelor of D esign (Graphic D esign), Raffles D esign Institute ¿“ ‘√‘ ÿπ∑√ª√– “∑ Pichit Hataipanthalak School of Fine and Applied “¢“«‘™“°√“ø° ¥’‰´πå ∂“∫—π ÕπÕÕ°·∫∫π“π“™“μ‘√“ø‡ø≈ å / Arts, Bangkok U niversityæ‘™μ‘ À∑—¬æ—π∏≈—°…≥å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Piengpitch Sartsasi Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‡æ’¬ßæ‘™≠å »“ μ√å»»‘ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pinyo Hoonsart Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¿‘≠‚≠ Àÿπà »“ πå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ 122 : 123

¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Pisal Puangniyom Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity æ‘»“≈ ª«ßπ‘¬¡ §≥–»‘≈ª– Pisut Pungratuk Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ‘ ∑ÿ ∏‘ˇ ·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Pitchapa Jatupitapornjan Faculty of Art and D esign, æ—π∏ÿ°å √–∑÷° §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rangsit U niversity æ‘™™“¿“ ®μÿæ∏‘ æ√®—π∑√å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Piyachat Rujipong Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª¬™“μ‘ √ÿ®æ‘ ß»å §≥– Pongsakorn Charoenwichupan Faculty of ¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity æß»°√ ‡®√‘≠«‘™™ÿ¿≥ — ±å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Pornchanan Darapong Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ√™π—𠥓√“æß…å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Pornrat Stavornsamit Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity æ√√—μπå ∂“«√ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Pracha Sawasdikul Faculty of H umanities and Social ¡‘μ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª√–™“ «— ¥‘°≈Ÿ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å Prachaya Tiampasuk School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / U niversity ª√—™≠“ ‡∑’¬¡º“ ÿ¢ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Prajit Sangchart Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ª√–®‘μμå · ß™“μ‘ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Prakarn Tepjit Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdej chaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª√“°“√≥å ‡∑殑μμå Prapan Rattanaprapit Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª√–æ—π∏å √—μπª√–æ‘» §≥– Prapapan Sasison Faculty of D ecorative ¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª√–¿“æ√√≥ »»‘ π∏‘ˇ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Preedee Thinnakorn na Ayutthaya Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ª√’¥’ ∑‘π°√ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Preeyanuch Buangern Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdej ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / chaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ª√’¬“πÿ™ ∫—«‡ß‘π §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á® Pusit Chumrit Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat ‡®â“æ√–¬“ / U niversity ¿Ÿ μ‘ ™ÿ¡à ƒ∑∏‘ˇ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Rangsarit

Pompratum Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity Rapeephan Buajan √—ß ƒ… å º¡ª√–∑ÿ¡ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity √æ’æ√√≥ ∫—«®—π∑√å Ratchanee Mingbualuang Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity √—™π’¬å ¡‘Ëß∫—«À≈«ß §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rathinun Thaijarearn Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity √μ‘ππ— ∑å ‰∑¬‡®√‘≠ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Ronarong Boonsiripan Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Ronnaphum Ardharn Faculty of H umanities √≥√ߧå ∫ÿ≠»‘√æ‘ π— ∏å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity √≥¿Ÿ¡‘ Õ“®À“≠ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– Sahapol Vinitphon Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / U niversity Àæ≈ «‘π®‘ º≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Saksit Phrommee Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity »—°¥‘ ˇ ∑‘ ∏‘ˇ æ√À¡¡’ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Samone Bupharenoo Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity »¡π ∫ÿ∫º–‡√≥Ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Saran Chanhan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »√—≥¬å ®—π∑√åÀ“≠ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Sarawut Hongpoung Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya »‘≈ª“°√ / Rajabhat U niversity »√“«ÿ∏ Àß…åæßÿ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Sarawut Kusrisuwan School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity »√“«ÿ∏ §Ÿ»√’ «ÿ √√≥å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡ Sarinthorn Chanitrapirak Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity »√‘π∏√ »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Sarit Homhoul Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn ™π‘μ√“¿‘√°— …å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / U niversity »√‘ ÀÕ¡À«≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sasika Limtiamrat Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity »»‘°“ ≈‘¡È ‡∑’¬¡√—μπå §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– Sasikarn Yaipakdee Faculty of H umanities and Social —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity »»‘°“πμå „¬¿—°¥’ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å Sasima Atamakulsri Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Bansomdej chaopraya Rajabhat U niversity »»‘¡“ Õμ¡°Ÿ≈»√’ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ Sasirin Yongsiri Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai U niversity »»‘√π‘ ∑√å ¬ß»‘√‘ §≥–«‘®μ‘ √»‘≈ªÆ Sathapphong Pornwanitjaroen Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡™’¬ß„À¡à / ∞“ªπåæß»å æ√«π‘™‡®√‘≠ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Satid Klam-in Faculty of Architecture,

Sripatum U niversity “∏‘μ °≈˔Ցπ∑√å §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’ª∑ÿ¡ / Sattaya Saorasut Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity —쬓 ‡ “√– ÿμ Sekporn Sapkeaw Faculty of Art and §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / D esign, Rangsit U niversity ‡ °æ√ ∑√—æ¬å·°â« §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Siriluck Naisanginsri Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity »‘√≈‘ °— …≥å π—¬ ß«π»√’ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Sirinya Suksawatumnuay Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity »‘√≠ ‘ ≠“ ÿ¢ «— ¥‘Õˇ ”𫬠Siripong Jaroensilawart Faculty of Art and D esign, §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Rangsit U niversity »‘√æ‘ ß»å ‡®√‘≠»‘≈“«“∑¬å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Siriyukon Klangkeaw Faculty of Architecture, K asem Bundit U niversity ‘√¬‘ §ÿ ≈ °≈“ß·°â« §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…¡ Sithipong Sangkrajang Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ‘∑∏‘æß…å ∫—≥±‘μ / Sompon Saetang Faculty of H umanities and · ß°√–®à“ß §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ¡º≈ ·´àμß—Ë §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å Sornchai Labboon Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity »√™—¬ ≈“¿∫ÿ≠ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Sumarn Keawmanee Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdej ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / chaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿ¡“≈¬å ·°â«¡≥’ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á® Supanat Keawthamma Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya ‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Rajabhat U niversity »ÿ¿≥— ∞å ·°â«∏√√¡¡“ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Supatra Sangrojpidej Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿæμ— √“ · ß‚√®πå‰æ‡¥™ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Suphachot Chantanasuksil Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity »ÿ¿‚™μ‘ ©—π∑π– ÿ¢»‘≈ªÆ Supon Inklai Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿæ≈ Õ‘π§≈⓬ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— Suranyapong Na-anan Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / ÿ√≥ — ¬æß»å π“Õπ—πμå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Surapong Tangjitmarnmun Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿ√æß…å μ—ßÈ ®‘μ√¡“π¡—πË Sureewan Tanjon Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿ√«’ ≈— ¬å μ—π®âπ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å Suthipa Kumyam Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, ·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Chulalongkorn U niversity ÿ∑∏‘¿“ §”·¬â¡ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Suwanna Sangthong Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ÿ«√√≥“ —ߢå∑Õß Tanapon Karunpipat Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ∏πæ≈ °“√ÿ≥æ‘æ≤ — πå Teera Toochinda Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏’√“ μŸ®â π‘ ¥“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Teerarat Yonpattanasak Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏’√√—μπå ¬≈æ—≤π»—°¥‘ˇ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Thammachai Termchit-aree Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / ∏√√¡™—¬ ‡μ‘¡®‘μ√Õ“√’¬å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Thammathorn Srisureepaisan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏√√¡∏√ »√’ √ÿ ¬’ ‰å 滓≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thanakorn Chatnantarerk Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat U niversity ∏π°√ ™“μ‘ππ— ∑ƒ°…å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡› Thanaphat Akenantadumrong Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn »“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / U niversity ∏π¿—∑√ ‡Õ°π—π∑¥”√ß §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thanarak Chanpornpipatkit Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ∏π“√—°…å ™“≠æ√æ‘æ≤ — πå°®‘ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Thanawat Thapanadilok Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ∏π«—≤πå ∞“ªπ–¥‘≈° §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Thanyathon Sonthonjittanon Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏—≠¬∏√ ÿπ∑√®‘μμ“ππ∑å Tharika Noppasit Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thipakorn Wiwatsiripong Faculty of D ecorative ∏“√‘°“ πæ ‘∑∏‘ˇ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∑‘æ“°√ «‘«≤ — πå»√‘ æ‘ ß»å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thipnicha Nivetchanajit Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∑‘æ¬åπ™‘ “ 𑇫»™π–®‘μ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Thongchai Kanakakoranon School of Architecture and D esign, K MU TT ∏ß™—¬ °π°“°√ππ∑å »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Thongdithee Siripokapat §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“∏π∫ÿ√’ / 124 : 125

Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity ∏ߥ‘∂’ »‘√‚‘ ¿§æ—≤πå Tripuck Supawattana Faculty of §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / De corative Arts, Silpakorn Un iversity ‰μ√¿—§ ÿ¿«—≤π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆÀ“«‘¡∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Vilailak Sangmool Faculty of Art and De sign, Rangsit Un iversity «‘‰≈≈—°…≥å · ß¡Ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Viphavee Kongmala Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn U niversity «‘¿“«’ §ß¡“≈“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Visanu Vichatlinwong Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, §≥–§√ÿ»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity «‘…≥ÿ «‘‡™…∞À≈‘π«ß…å §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Vivien Wanichaangkul Faculty of Art and De sign, Rangsit Un iversity √“™¿— â“∫π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Wahchalobon Puwanad School of Architecture «‘‡«’¬π «“π‘™Õ—ß°Ÿ√ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / and D esign, K MU TT «—™‚√∫≈ ¿Ÿ«π“∂ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈â“ Wansuka Jindawijak Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity «√√…ÿ°“ ®‘𥓫‘®°— …≥å ∏π∫ÿ√’ / Wanwisa Sampaocharoen Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / U niversity «—π«‘ “ ”‡¿“‡®√‘≠ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Warongpol Kanjanajitti Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity «√ߧåæ≈ °“≠®π®‘μμ‘ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Wasawat Dechapirom School of Fine and Applied Arts, Bangkok U niversity « «—μμ‘ˇ ‡¥™“¿‘√¡¬å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Watchara Chareonpaowthongsuk Faculty of H umanities and Social Sciences, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°√ÿ߇∑æ / Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity «—™√– ‡®√‘≠‡ºà“∑Õß ÿ¢ §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Weerawat Mungkung Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity «’√«—≤πå √“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Wilawan Janpueng Faculty of H umanities and Social ¡—ßË §—ßË §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Sciences, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat U niversity «‘≈“«√√≥ ®—π∑√åºß÷È §≥–¡πÿ…¬»“ μ√å·≈– —ߧ¡»“ μ√å Wimalin Wejsawan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— ∫â“π ¡‡¥Á®‡®â“æ√–¬“ / Witaya Santiwitayawong Faculty of Fine and Applied «‘¡“≈‘𠇫™ «√√§å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity «‘∑¬“ —πμ‘«∑‘ ¬«ß»å §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / Witsawat Juthanan Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity «‘»«å ®ÿ±“π—π∑å §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Wongrapee Silpaphong Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity «ß…å√æ’ »‘≈ªæß…å §≥– √—ß ‘μ / Yosapong Kerdkeadkajorn Faculty of Fine Art, Suan Sunandha ¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Rajabhat U niversity ¬»æß…å ‡°‘¥‡°’¬√μ‘¢®√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√“™¿— «π ÿππ— ∑“ / Yutthana Santilukkana Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¬ÿ∑∏π“ —πμ‘≈—§π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ

¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Fashion & Jewelry Design Entries

Akkavit Tongpetch Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ‡Õ°«‘∑¬å ∑Õ߇æÁ™√å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Arisara Jaktrimongkol Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õ√‘»√“ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Arnut Ngamsintip Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn ®—°…åμ√’¡ß§≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity Õ“≥—μ‘ ß“¡ ‘π∑‘æ¬å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Arphanchalyn Itsarangkulra na Ayuttaya Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õ“æ—π∏å™≈’π Õ‘»√“ß°Ÿ√ ≥ Õ¬ÿ∏¬“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Attakawee Unyathanakorn Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity Õ√√∂°«’ Õ—≠≠∏π“°√ »‘≈ª“°√ / Benjarat Sukhato Faculty of Architecture, K MITL π“ß “«‡∫Á≠®√—μπå §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Benjawan Doungthong »ÿ¢‚μ §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Faculty of Architecture, K MITL ‡∫≠®«√√≥ ¥â«ß∑Õß §≥– ∂“ªíμ¬°√√¡»“ μ√å ∂“∫—π‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’æ√–®Õ¡‡°≈Ⓡ®â“§ÿ≥ Chanakarn Keaw-insaun Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity ™π“°“πμå ∑À“√≈“¥°√–∫—ß / Chanitta Sathitapat Faculty of Fine Arts, ·°â«Õ‘π∑√å»√«≈ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Srinakharinwirot U niversity ™π‘…∞“ “∏‘μ¿—∑√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Hathairat Rattanasuk Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity À∑—¬√—μπå √—μπ ÿ¢ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Jantaras Rattanakornworakarn Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / U niversity ®—π∑√— ¡å √—μπ°√«√°“πμå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Kasedid Thammapemol Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity °…‘¥»‘ ∏√√¡æ‘¡≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Keerati Vichianchai Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity °’√μ‘ «‘‡™’¬√™—¬ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Kittipong Noknoo Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity °‘μμ‘æß…å π°ÀπŸ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Kittphat Chongchue Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / °‘μμ‘æ≤ — πå ™ß‡™◊ÕÈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Matima Chucharoen Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ¡μ‘¡“ ™Ÿ‡®√‘≠ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Naiyavat Wiangkaew Faculty of

D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity 𗬫—™√å ‡«’¬ß·°â« §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Nanthida Kuldilok Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity π—π∑‘¥“ °ÿ≈¥‘≈° §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Nattakarn Jithitikulchai Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ≥—∞°“πμå ®‘√∞å μ‘ °‘ ≈ÿ ™—¬ »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Nattamon Feurngkarnjanakul Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity π—∑¡π ‡øÕß°“≠®π°ÿ≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Nattapong Chankruea Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ≥—∞æß…å ®—π∑√凧√◊Õ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Nattinee Boonprasom Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ≥—∞∏‘π’ ∫ÿ≠ª√– ¡ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ Patcharaporn Loeraj Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ—™√“¿√≥å ≈◊Õ√“™ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Phongsakorn Mahapaurya Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity æß»°√ ¡À“‡ª“√¬– §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Pinthip Bawornbariharn Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Thammasat U niversity æ‘≥∑‘æ¬å ∫«√∫√‘À“√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Piraya Wattanopas Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn U niversity æ’√–¬“ «—≤‚π ∏√√¡»“ μ√å / Piroon Kumso Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn ¿“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ®ÿˆ “≈ß°√≥å¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ / U niversity æ‘√≥ ÿ §”‚ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Ploychan Pitakchart Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ≈Õ¬®—π∑√å æ‘∑°— …å™“μ‘ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Polpracha Koompol Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity æ≈ª√–™“ §ÿ¡â æ≈ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Punyanut Chanda Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ªÿ≥¬πÿ™ ®—π∑√奓 §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ Putsadee Sriamphunpluk Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ºÿ ¥’ »√’Õ”æ—π惰…å §≥– / Rachaya Benyakul Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai »‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / U niversity √—™≠“ ‡æÁ≠°ÿ≈ §≥–«‘®μ‘ √»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡™’¬ß„À¡à / Rangsima Kerdpon Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity √—ß ‘¡“ ‡°‘¥º≈ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Ratirot Chompoo Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity √μ‘√ ™¡¿Ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Saruyot Khongmee Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity √ÿ¬» §ß¡’ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Sek Mangmeesab Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Thammasat U niversity ‡ °¢å ¡—ßË ¡’∑√—æ¬å §≥– »‘≈ª“°√ / Sukanya Wongkesorn Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot »‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∏√√¡»“ μ√å / — ≠“ «ß…凰…√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Syombhu Pawarungsattaya U niversity ÿ°≠ Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ¬¡¿Ÿ ¿«√ÿßà —μ¬“ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Tanita Iranoppaiboon Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai U niversity ∏π‘μ“ Õ‘√πæ‰æ∫Ÿ≈¬å §≥– »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Tapanick Suwan Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∞“ªπ‘° «‘®μ‘ √»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡™’¬ß„À¡à / Tawan Buawatthana Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn ÿ«√√≥ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity μ–«—π ∫—««—≤π“ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Teerapol Hanrungcharothorn Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏’√æ≈ Àà“π√ÿßà ™‚√∑√ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Thanapon Pattapat Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∏πæ≈ ªíμμ–æ—≤πå §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ Thanarat Theeraworawongs Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∏π√—∞ »√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Thitikarn Seupsahakarn Faculty of Fine Arts, ∏’√–«√«ß»å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∏‘˘ °‘ “πμå ◊∫ À°“√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Thitima Sinsuktavorn Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity ∞‘μ¡‘ “ ‘π ÿ¢∂“«√ §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å Thitiwan Kunthasorn Faculty of D ecorative Arts, Silpakorn U niversity ∞‘μ«‘ √√≥ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Threerapat Twatbundid Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit §—π∏ √ §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / U niversity ∏’√¿—∑√å ∏«—™∫—≥±‘μ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Vorawan Therdteppitak Faculty of De corative Arts, Silpakorn Un iversity «√«√√≥ ‡∑Õ¥‡∑ææ‘∑—°…å §≥–¡—≥±π»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»‘≈ª“°√ / Wasana Limpipat Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity «“ π“ À≈‘¡Ë æ‘æ≤ — πå §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ Weerasak Lertkiatrachata Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai U niversity «’√–»—°¥‘ˇ ‡≈‘»‡°’¬√μ‘√™— μ– ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ / Wisarut Impichai Faculty of Fine Arts, Srinakharinwirot U niversity §≥–«‘®μ‘ √»‘≈ªÆ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡™’¬ß„À¡à / «‘»√ÿμ Õ‘¡Ë æ‘™¬— §≥–»‘≈ª°√√¡»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬»√’π§√‘π∑√«‘‚√≤ / Worapoj Tangsamritkul Faculty of Art and D esign, Rangsit U niversity «√æ®πå μ—ßÈ —¡ƒ∑∏‘°ˇ ≈ÿ §≥–»‘≈ª–·≈–°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫ ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√—ß ‘μ

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