Bangla sanglap

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London Friday > 15 November 2019 Year 10 > Issue 10/1 > Page 28

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London 01 March 2013

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ï‡f”Qv Rvwb‡q‡Qb... | E-mail:

My heartfelt congratulations to the entire team behind Bangla Sanglap for reaching its ninth anniversary. A diverse and healthy news ecosystem is vital to ensuring public confidence in politicians and industry leaders. With more traditional forms of news media coming under pressure from the likes of Facebook, it is heartening to see outfits like Bangla Sanglap continuing to thrive. Long may this continue! Congratulations again and may you continue to go from strength to strength.

Rt Hon Mark Field Minister (Former) Foreign and Commonwealth

It is my great honour to support and congratulate Bangla Sanglap on their 9th anniversary. This is a fantastic achievement and I hope Bangla Sanglap continues to grow and provide important news to the Bengali community in our country. Stephen Hammond MP

Minister of State (Former) (Department of Health and Social Care)

I would like to congratulate Bangla Sanglap on their 9th year anniversary on 12 November. This will be celebrated with a special bulletin published on 8 November. Bangla Sanglap is a weekly bilingual newspaper producing content in both English and Bengali. Their articles cover current affairs, community issues, events and much more. I am grateful for the way their work serves the Bangladeshi community in Poplar and Limehouse, and across the UK. I wish Bangla Sanglap every success in the future with their work.

Jim fitzpatrick MP Poplar and Limehouse

I am very happy to offer you on behalf of the London Press Club congratulations on your celebration of nine years of publication of the Weekly Bangla Sanglap Newspaper. As journalists, we are always delighted to see any publication that is launched successfully, and it is a credit to the team for publication to continue into its ninth year. Your team should be proud of this achievement. Yours sincerely Doug Wills Chairman London Press Club

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