Rhaglen Dysgu Gydol Oes / Lifelong Learning Prospectus

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Cyrsiau Rhan-amser - 2015-2016 Cyfleoedd sgiliau ac addysg hyblyg

Part-time Courses - 2015-2016 Skills and flexible education opportunities

Croeso gan Bennaeth Dysgu Gydol Oes Mae yna newidiadau sylweddol yn digwydd o’n cwmpas gyda phwysau o bob tu. Felly mae angen fod yn hyblyg a chreu cyfleoedd dysgu gall cadw ni ar y blaen fel unigolion ac fel sefydliad. Mae Dysgu Gydol Oes, ym Mangor yn parhau i ddatblygu gan sicrhau'r hyn sydd angen ar eich cyfer fel myfyrwyr a dysgwyr rhan-amser. Rydym yn rhoi pwyslais ar brofiad proffesiynol a phrofiad bywyd wrth gynnig lleoedd i fyfyrwyr sy’n dechrau ar eu gradd gyntaf. Nid ydym yn gofyn am unrhyw gymwysterau arbennig. Mae llawer o’r modiwlau yn ein darpariaeth yn berthnasol i ystod eang o sectorau gwaith ac maent wedi eu llunio er mwyn dod â chi’n raddol i fyd astudio a rhoi sgiliau trosglwyddadwy newydd i chi. Rydym yn deall yn iawn y pwysau sy’n gysylltiedig ag astudio’n rhan-amser tra ydych yn gweithio a magu teulu. Mae ein staff ymroddedig yn Dysgu Gydol Oes a ledled y Brifysgol yma i’ch cefnogi a’ch annog ar eich taith ddysgu. Mae gan y Brifysgol amrywiaeth sylweddol o adnoddau dysgu. Bydd y rhain i gyd ar gael i chi.

Yn ogystal â'r rhaglen radd BA hyblyg, ‘rydym yn cynnig nifer helaeth o gyrsiau byr, cyrsiau datblygu personol a phroffesiynol, cyrsiau agored ar gyfer unigolion a chymunedau, yn ogystal â darpariaeth ol-radd mewn meysydd megis datblygu cymuned, astudiaethau menywod a chefnogi dysgwyr ol-16. Trwy 2015-16 byddwn yn ymestyn ein darpariaeth o dystysgrifau ymarfer proffesiynol ar gyfer nifer o feysydd ac ar gyfer ymarfer busnes

Edrychwn ymlaen at gyfarfod â chi.

Shan Ashton Shan Ashton Pennaeth Dysgu Gydol Oes


Welcome from the Head of Lifelong Learning There are substantial changes all around us with great pressures from all directions. There is a need therefore to be flexible and to create the sort of learning opportunities that can keep us at the forefront, as individuals and as an institution. Lifelong Learning at Bangor continues to evolve, ensuring that we offer what you need as part-time and adult learners. We value professional and life experience when offering places to students embarking on their first degree. We do not ask for any particular qualifications. Many of the modules in our portfolio are relevant to a wide range of employment sectors and are tailored to ease you into study and provide you new transferable skills. We fully understand the pressures of studying part-time whilst working and raising a family. Our dedicated staff in Lifelong Learning, and throughout the University, are here to support and encourage you on your learning journey. The University has an impressive range of learning resources. You will have access to them all. In addition to the flexible degree programme, we offer a wide range of short courses, continuing and professional development courses, open courses for individuals and communities as well as postgraduate provision in fields such as community development, women’s studies and post-16 learner support. Throughout 2015-16 we will be developing certificates of professional practice in other fields as well as in business practice.

We look forward to meeting you!

Shan Ashton Shan Ashton Head of Lifelong Learning


Eisiau gwybod mwy?

Want to know more?

NOSON AGORED OPEN EVENING NOS FAWRTH 8 MEDI 2015 TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2015 4.00pm – 7.00pm Y Cyntedd, Prif Adeilad y Brifysgol, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor The Foyer, Main Building, Bangor University,College Rd, Bangor Cyfarfod ag aelodau staff / Meet staff

Darganfod mwy am gyrsiau / Find out more about our courses Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch /For more information, please contact: Ffon/Tel:

01248 382118/383224/382475

Ebost/Email: ll@bangor.ac.uk / s.ashton@bangor.ac.uk We / Web:

www.bangor.ac.uk/dgo / www.bangor.ac.uk/ll 4



Prifysgol Bangor, Prif Adeilad y Celfyddydau, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor, LL57 2DG (01248) 382118 dgo@bangor.ac.uk Rydym hefyd ar y Weplyfr a Trydar: dilynwch ni!


Welsh speaking academic staff are available should you wish to discuss your work informally in Welsh, or, where possible, have tutorials through the medium of Welsh.

Sut i Ddod o Hyd i Ni



Who can do these courses?

Our courses are open to everyone and you do not usually need previous qualifications to enrol. Many of our students have not studied or been on a course for a long time. People join in order to gain or extend their qualifications, expand their interests, gain confidence in learning and improve their employment prospects as well as to enjoy learning for learning's sake.

Previous HE Qualifications

If you already hold a Higher Education qualification such as an HND or similar, or have gained credits on a degree but not completed the course, you may be eligible to fast track into level 5 or 6 of the Combined Studies degree. Come and see us with any relevant paperwork, certificates or transcripts to discuss what’s possible.

When and where do the courses take place? Most courses are evening classes and take place in Bangor itself. There are variations though with some Saturday Schools, weekend schools, summer schools and daytime classes. Depending on numbers and topic, some modules can take place in the workplace or the community - just check out the time and venue next to each module in the prospectus. If you would like us to run a module or course in your area, please contact us and we can explore the possibilities.

How do I join a course?

To register your interest in a particular course or for an informal chat about what is possible: Call us on 01248 382118 or email: ll@bangor.ac.uk

Courses begin in late September but if you miss your chance now, there is an opportunity to join again in late January.

How long are the courses?

Is there a cost? What if I don't complete?

It depends what you are looking for. We have everything from short 4 day accredited courses to full degrees that can take from 4-6 years to complete. We aim to be as flexible as possible to suit your needs as a learner, these needs are open to change as you progress, so the important thing is to take the first step and start!

Always! Don't let this put you off – there are a range of schemes to assist you with the financial costs of studying, including Lifelong Learning's discretionary bursary scheme. Further details are available at the back of this booklet. If you don't complete the course* or if you withdraw**, it is likely that you will need to cover the cost of the course itself (*all course assignments attempted and submitted; **onus on student to formally withdraw).


Pwy all gwneud y cyrsiau?

Mae’r cyrsiau yn agored i bawb ac fel arfer nid oes angen cymwysterau blaenorol arnoch i gofrestru. Mae nifer helaeth o’n myfyrwyr heb astudio ar lefel uwch o’r blaen neu heb fod ar gwrs ers peth amser. Mae pobol yn ymuno er mwyn ennill neu ymestyn eu cymwysterau, ehangu eu diddordebau, ennill hyder wrth astudio a gwella eu rhagolygon cyflogaeth yn ogystal â dysgu am fwynhad.

Pryd a lle mae’r cyrsiau yn digwydd? Mae’r rhan fwyaf o gyrsiau yn ddosbarthiadau nos ac yn cael eu cynnal ym Mangor. Mae yna amrywiadau er hynny gyda rhai Ysgolion Undydd, Ysgolion penwythnos. Ysgolion Haf a dosbarthiadau dydd. Sieciwch yr amser a’r lleoliad nesa at bob un disgrifiad modiwl yn y prosbectws. Yn ddibynnol ar niferoedd a phwnc gall rhai modiwlau cymryd lle yn eich gweithle neu’ch cymuned. Os hoffech i ni gynnal cyrsiau yn eich gweithle neu gymuned, cysylltwch a gallwn archwilio’r posibiliadau.

Sut gallaf ymuno a chwrs?

I gofnodi’ch diddordeb mewn cwrs penodol neu am sgwrs anffurfiol am be sy’n bosib, ffoniwch 01248 382118 / 382475 neu e-bostiwch: dgo@bangor.ac.uk Bydd y cyrsiau yn cychwyn hwyr ym mis Medi ond os gollwch gyfle rŵan, mae yna gyfle i ymuno eto ym mis Ionawr 2016.

Cymwysterau AU cynt

Beth yw hyd y cyrsiau?

Oes yna cost? Beth os na allaf cwblhau?

Os oes gennych gymhwyster AU yn barod megis HND neu debyg, neu os ydych wedi ennill credydau ar radd ond heb ei orffen, mae’n bosib i chi symud ymlaen ar y radd BA Astudiaethau Cyfunol yn gynt. Dewch i’n gweld a dewch a’r gwaith papur priodol, tystysgrifau neu drawsgrifiad a chawn drafod y posibiliadau.

Mae’n dibynnu ar eich anghenion a diddordebau. Mae gan yr Ysgol bopeth o gwrs byr 4 diwrnod wedi ei achredu i radd gyflawn gall cymryd rhwng 4 a 6 mlwyddyn i gwblhau. Anelwn at fod mor hyblyg â phosib i gyd-fynd a’ch anghenion dysgu, felly'r peth pwysig yw cymryd y cam cyntaf a chychwyn!

Bob tro! Peidiwch â gadael cost i fod yn rhwystr - mae yna amrywiaeth o gymorth ar gael at gostau astudio - gan gynnwys bwrsariaethau Dysgu Gydol Oes. Gweler manylion pellach ar ddiwedd y llyfryn hwn. Os na cwblhewch y cwrs*, neu os ydych yn tynnu nôl**, mae’n debyg bydd rhaid i chi dalu costau’r cwrs hyd at y pwynt gadael. (* ymgeisio pob aseiniad a’u cyflwyno, **mae’r pwysau ar y myfyriwr i dynnu nôl yn swyddogol).


Are there assessments?

Most of our courses are accredited. This means that to successfully complete the course and be awarded Higher Education credits you will be required to undertake and pass some type of formal assessment. This could range from a short in-class test, coursework/portfolio or short presentation. Please do not let the assessment put you off attending. There is plenty of encouragement through tutor support, the study skills centre, the Learning to Learn module and friendly, supportive staff. Any non-accredited courses are listed under the Open Studies section. These are usually run locally in community settings and reflect local interest, others are run as taster courses prior to students potentially signing up for accredited modules.

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) APEL is a process through which learning achieved outside education or training is assessed, and as appropriate, recognised for academic purposes. Experiential learning is learning from experience. Often the skills, knowledge and competences gained through this type of learning are equal to those gained by students following traditional courses. Learners are supported to make the claim through identifying appropriate learning at the right level, providing evidence and relating this to standard academic requirements. This is particularly relevant for those in work, although they may have progressed through their careers, may not have acquired formal qualifications at higher levels.

What opportunities are there once I have completed a course? The short courses are available in a variety of subjects and can be directly relevant to specific aspects of your work and interest. They also have clear progression routes to further study such as Higher Education Certificates, Diplomas and full BA / MA degree status should you wish. Our students use their qualifications for a variety of purposes, including to gain employment or to improve their employed profile. Lifelong Learning undertakes employer engagement in different sectors and works in partnership with others who co-deliver the learning, for example with CAIS and Community Development Cymru. Working with employers, we aim to keep our courses relevant to current working practices as well as preparation for future work changes.

What are you waiting for? Make the change with us?


Oes yna asesiadau?

Pa gyfleoedd sydd ar gael unwaith i mi gwblhau cwrs?


Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’n cyrsiau wedi eu hachredu . Felly i lwyddo ac i ennill credydau Addysg uwch, mae’n anhepgor i chi cyflawni a phasio rhyw fath o asesiad ffurfiol. Gall hyn fod yn brawf byr yn y dosbarth, gwaith cwrs neu bortffolio neu gyflwyniad byr. Peidiwch â gadael i’r asesiad eich cadw rhag astudio. Mae yna ddigonedd o anogaeth, cefnogaeth tiwtor, y Ganolfan Sgiliau Astudio a’r modiwl Dysgu Astudio a staff cefnogol a chyfeillgar i gynnig help llaw. Mae yna nifer bychan o fodiwlau a chyrsiau heb eu hachredu nad sy'n cael eu hasesu, gwelwch y rhain o dan Astudiaethau Agored. Yn arferol, cynhelir y rhain yn lleol mewn cymunedau ac maent yn adlewyrchu diddordebau lleol. Mae eraill yn gyrsiau blasu ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n ystyried gwneud mwy a chofrestri ar fodiwlau wedi eu hachredu.

Mae Achredu Dysgu Profiadol Blaenorol yn eich galluogi i ennill credydau am gyfleoedd dysgu yr ymgymerwyd â hwy yn y gorffennol, a wnaeth, neu efallai na wnaeth, arwain at gymhwyster addysgol. Cyn belled â bod y dysgu a'r profiad yma'n berthnasol i'r rhaglen y mae arnoch chi eisiau ei dilyn, ac y gellir ei asesu, yna efallai y bydd yn bosibl derbyn credyd amdano.

Mae’r cyrsiau byr ar gael mewn nifer o bynciau a gall fod yn berthnasol i’ch gwaith a’ch diddordebau. Mae ganddynt hefyd, lwybrau cynnydd eglur i astudio pellach megis tystysgrifau, diplomau addysg uwch a/neu raddau B.A. a M.A.

Byddwn yn eich cefnogi i wneud cais a chreu portffolio ffeil y byddwch yn cadw ynddi'r holl fanylion a thystiolaeth angenrheidiol er mwyn i'ch dysgu cael ei asesu ar gyfer cydnabyddiaeth academaidd ar y lefel cywir. Mae APEL yn arbennig o berthnasol i rheini sydd yn y gwaith (cyflogedig neu wirfoddol) sydd heb ennill cymwysterau at lefelau uwch.

Mae Dysgu Gydol Oes yn cysylltu â thrafod gyda chyflogwyr mewn sectorau gwahanol ac yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gydag eraill i gyd-ddarparu dysgu, er enghraifft gyda CAIS a Datblygu Cymunedol Cymru. Trwy weithio gyda chyflogwyr rydym yn anelu at gadw’r cyrsiau yn berthnasol i ymarfer gweithio cyfredol yn ogystal â pharatoi at newidiadau gwaith yn y dyfodol.

Mae myfyrwyr Dysgu Gydol Oes yn defnyddio eu cymwysterau at amryw o bethau, gan gynnwys ennill dyrchafiad neu i wella ar eu proffil cyflogaeth.

Am beth wyt ti’n aros? Gwna’r newid gyda ni? dgo@bangor.ac.uk


RHAGLENNI ÔL-RADD 2015 Datblygu Cymunedol Mae’r rhaglen lwyddiannus hon wedi ei chynllunio ar gyfer y rhai sydd yn neu’n cynllunio gweithio yn y sectorau cymunedol, cyhoeddus a gwirfoddol i ddatblygu a gwella eu dealltwriaeth o’r theorïau, prosesau ac ymarfer datblygu cymunedol. Mae adfyfyrio beirniadol ac ymchwil seiliedig ar ymarfer wrth wraidd y gweithgareddau dysgu. Mae’r cynnwys yn adlewyrchu’r Safonau Galwedigaethol Cenedlaethol ac yn cael ei ddarparu gan diwtoriaid academaidd ac ymarferwyr ac yn cynnwys cyfres o seminarau gwadd gan fodau allweddol y maes. Mae ymweliadau astudio yn rhan allweddol o’r dysgu a chreu a chynnal rhwydweithiau ac yn cynnwys ymweliadau i Iwerddon, Maiorca a Phortiwgal yn ogystal â lleoliadau ledled Cymru!

Astudiaethau Menywod Mae Astudiaethau Menywod yn bwnc digon unigryw sy’n herio strwythurau traddodiadol o wybodaeth ynglŷn â gender, a hefyd y ffyrdd arferol y byddwn yn dysgu. Mae ganddo enw da dros fod yn ysgogol, yn ddeallusol ac yn berthnasol – yn ymarferol, yn ogystal â bod yn hygyrch i fenywod o bob cefndir a diddordebau amrywiol. Mae’n tynnu ar lawer o ddisgyblaethau yn cynnwys cymdeithaseg, llenyddiaeth, hanes, seicoleg a gwleidyddiaeth. Mae’n cydnabod gwerth profiadau byw merched ac yn annog adfyfyrio ar y rhain mewn perthynas â syniadau damcaniaethol sy’n croesi ffiniau disgyblaethol. Mae’n galluogi menywod i wneud synnwyr o’u bywydau/bywyd ac i chwilio am atebion i’r rhwystrau sy’n eu hwynebu.

Tystysgrif Olradd mewn Astudiaethau Cefnogi Mentora Arbenigol Ol-16 Mae’r dystysgrif hon wedi ei gynllunio i ateb diddordebau proffesiynol mentoriaid arbenigol a gweithwyr gefnogi yn y system Addysgu Uwch a Phellach sy’n cefnogi dysgwyr anabl i oresgyn rhwystrau i’w dysgu. Mae’n cydnabod y gweithwyr hynny sy’n cyflawni lefelau arwyddocaol o ymarfer arloesol yn y gwaith i wella a chynyddu cefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr gydag amrediad o anableddau. Mae’r cwrs ar gael i Fentoriaid Arbenigol o unrhyw ddisgyblaeth, neu rheini sy’n gweithio yn addysg ol-16 ac yn cefnogi dysgwyr anabl, gan gynnwys y sector annibynnol.

Hanfod y rhaglen yw tynnu hunan-wybodaeth, arbenigedd o’r gweithle a gwybodaeth prifysgol at ei gilydd. Cynlluniwyd y rhaglen i ddatblygu sgiliau cefnogi lefel uwch ac arbenigedd y Mentoriaid Arbenigol, i gefnogi myfyrwyr ar sail 1:1 oddi fewn y sector addysg ol-16. Mae’n cynnwys dysgu fel rhan o grŵp yn ogystal ag yn unigol. Mae’r cwrs wedi ei fapio’n agos i Safonau Cenedlaethol Galwedigaethol y DU ar gyfer Staff Mentora arbenigol. Trwy weithio ochr yn ochr â Thîm Gwasanaethau Anabledd profiadol, bydd cyfranogwyr yn defnyddio ac yn adeiladu ar brofiadau enillwyd yn ystod eu cyfrifoldebau mentora arferol i baratoi portffolio sy’n arddangos ymarfer proffesiynol adfyfyriol ac arloesol wedi ei sylfaeni gyda syniadaeth ddamcaniaethol

Oes gennych chi ddidordeb yn ein cyrsiau? Peidiwch gwastraffu amser cysylltwch â ni heddiw:

01248 382118. 10

POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2015 Community Development This highly successful programme is designed for those working / planning to work in the community, public and voluntary sectors to develop and enhance their understanding of the theories, processes and practice of community development. The programme has critical reflection and practice based research at its core. It reflects the National Occupational Standards and is delivered by academic and practitioner tutors, including a series of talks by key figures in the field of community development. Study visits to south Wales and to mainland Europe form a vital element of the learning and network building process.

MA Women’s Studies Women’s Studies is in many ways a unique subject which challenges traditional structures of knowledge about gender and about the usual ways in which we learn. It has a reputation for being both intellectually stimulating and practically relevant, as well as being accessible to women from varying backgrounds and interests. It draws on many disciplines including sociology, literature, history, psychology and politics. It recognises the value of women’s lived experiences and encourages reflection on these in relation to theoretical insights that cross discipline boundaries. It enables women to make sense of their lives and to seek solutions to the barriers they face.

MA (PG Cert/Dip)

Postgraduate Certificate in Post 16 Specialist Mentoring Support Studies The Post Graduate Certificate is designed to meet the professional interests of specialist mentors and support workers within FE and HE sectors who support disabled learners with overcoming barriers to their learning. It gives recognition to those employees who are undertaking significant levels of innovative workbased practice in order to improve and enhance support for learners with a range of disabilities. Accessible to Specialist Mentors from any discipline, or employees who work in post 16 education supporting disabled learners, including the independent sector. The essence of this programme is to bring together self-knowledge, expertise at the workplace and university knowledge. It is designed to develop high-level support skills and expertise in Specialist Mentors, supporting disabled learners on a 1:1 basis within the Post 16 education sector. It will include learning as part of a group and as individuals. It is mapped closely against the UK Lifelong Learning National Occupational Standards for Specialist Mentor Staff. Working alongside an experienced Disability Services Team, participants will draw and build on experiences gained during their normal mentoring duties to prepare a portfolio demonstrating innovative and reflective professional practice underpinned with theoretical concepts.

Interested in our courses? Don’t waste time, contact us today:

01248 382118 11


Graddau Cyntaf BA (ANRH)

. Bydd myfyriwr ar gwrs gradd ran-amser yn gwneud yr un faint o waith astudio a myfyriwr llawn-amser, ond dros gyfnod fwy o amser. Ceir tair lefel o astudiaeth, a phob un ohonynt yn werth 120 o gredydau ac yn cyfateb i astudiaeth ar flwyddyn 1, blwyddyn 2 neu flwyddyn 3 lefel gradd. Ar bob cyfnod, gall myfyrwyr ymadael gyda chymwysterau Addysg Uwch. Mae gan raddau rhan-amser strwythur modiwlaidd sy’n eich galluogi i weithio ar eich cyflymdra eich hunain. Yn seiliedig ar eich dewis gradd, byddwch fel arfer yn dilyn rhwng 60 a 80 o gredyd bod blwyddyn academaidd . Mae’r rhan fwyaf o fyfyrwyr yn cwblhau gradd mewn 5 mlynedd. Nid oes raid i chi gael unrhyw gymwysterau arbennig. Mae profiad proffesiynol a sgiliau a ddatblygwyd yn y gwaith a gartref yn cael eu hystyried wrth benderfynu a fyddwn yn cynnig lle i chi. Fel rheol byddem yn disgwyl cynnig lle i unrhyw un y teimlwn y byddai’n elwa o astudio gradd. Rydym yn cynnig cyfweliad anffurfiol i ymgeiswyr, lle cewch gyfle i gael mwy o wybodaeth am gynllun gradd.

BA (ANRH) Celf Gain Mae’r radd hon yn ymwneud ag ystod eang o ddiddordebau creadigol ar y sail bod ymarferwyr proffesiynol heddiw yn elwa ar arbenigedd mewn gwahanol gyfryngau. Mae’r radd wedi’i selio ar ymarfer ac fel rheol mae’n cymryd chew blynedd o astudio rhan-amser i’w chwblhau gyda chymwysterau mynediad ar bob lefel. I gael eich derbyn, efallai y gofynnir i chi ddod am gyfweliad anffurfiol byr a dod a phortffolio o waith diweddar gyda chi. Fel rheol, mae myfyrwyr a dderbynnir i’r cwrs wedi cwblhau ein cwrs Paratoadol neu gwrs cyfatebol.

BA (ANRH) Astudiaethau Cyfunol Mae Astudiaethau Cyfunol yn rhaglen radd unigryw ac eang ei natur ond gyda chyfleoedd i arbenigo trwy lwybrau pynciol. Darperir lleiafswm o fodiwlau sylfaenol ym mhob blwyddyn i sicrhau bod gan bob myfyriwr gradd llwyfan cyffredin i gychwyn a chynyddu eu dysgu. Yn lefel 4 (blwyddyn 1) Dysgu Astudio yw'r modiwl sylfaen, lefel 5 Dulliau Ymchwilio ac yn lefel 6 y traethawd hir neu brosiect yn y gwaith yw'r modiwlau cyffredin i bawb. Mae modiwlau opsiynol wedyn yn eich galluogi i greu eich llwybr dewisol, naill yn ffocysu ar fodiwlau seico-gymdeithasol, cymdeithasol -cymunedol, dyniaethau, arweinyddiaeth a rheoli neu yn cadw dewis eang o fodiwlau. Parhau mae'r patrwm ar lefel 5 a 6 gyda llwybrau arbenigol neu gynnwys eang yn ôl eich dewis. Cewch diwtor personol i'ch cynghori a'ch cefnogi yn eich dewisiadau wrth i chi gynllunio eich rhaglen astudio unigol ac unigryw.

Cysyllwtch a ni am gyngor neu ffurflen cais.



First Degrees BA (HONS)

A student on a part-time degree will do the same amount of studying as a full time student, but spread over a longer period of time. There are three levels of study, each worth 120 credits and equivalent to first, second or third year study at degree level. At each stage students may exit with Higher Education qualifications. Part-time degrees have a modular structure, which means you can work at your own pace. Based on your degree choice, generally 60 to 80 credits are studied over the academic year. Most students can expect to complete a degree in 5 years. You do not need any particular qualifications. Professional experience and skills developed at work or in the home will be taken into account when deciding whether to offer you a place. In general we would expect to offer a place to anyone whom we feel would benefit from studying a degree. We generally offer applicants an informal interview, which will give you the opportunity to find out more about the degree programme.

BA (HONS) Combined Studies The Combined Studies degree is a unique and broad ranging degree programme but with opportunities to specialise via subject pathways. A minimum of foundation modules in each year ensure all degree students have a common platform from which to progress their learning. At level 4 (year 1) this is Learning to Learn and at level 5 it is Research Methods, level 6 is the final dissertation or work-based project. Optional modules then enable you to create your chosen pathway, either focusing on psycho-social, social & community, humanities or leadership and management modules or you can retain a broad mix. This pattern continues into levels 5 and 6, with distinct pathways or a broad approach as you choose. You will be allocated a personal tutor who will advise and support you in your choices as you design your individualised programme of study.

BA (HONS) Fine Art The BA (Hons) Fine Art degree engages with a very broad range of creative interests on the basis that professional practitioners today benefit from expertise in a range of media. The degree is practice based and normally takes six years of part time study to complete with exit awards at each level. For admission, you may be called on to attend a brief informal interview bringing with you a portfolio of recent work. Normally students admitted to the course have completed our Preparation course or equivalent.

Contact us for advice or an application form. 01248 382118 / 382475 or ll@bangor.ac.uk 13

Foundation Module

Social-community Pathway

Humanities Pathway

Learning to Learn


Introducing History

Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YSE1001 Shan Ashton & team 12 weeks x 1 night a week x3hrs / 18.00 – 21.00 Monday 28.09.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YSE1004 Shan Ashton 12 weeks x 1 night a week x 3hrs / 18.00 – 21.00 Thursday 01.10.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE1430 Dr Andrew Edwards 12 weeks x 3hrs a week / 18.00 – 21.00 Thursday 1.10.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

This module aims to aquaint students with themes and issues in the development of modern and contemporary history and provides an introduction to contemporary ideas and popular perceptions relating to the study of history. Students will be introduced to the development of new areas of historical investigation over the last half-century. This includes: working class history (history from below); oral history (history by word of mouth); gender history; the development of counter-factual history (e.g. what would have happened if Britain had lost the Second World War?); history and film; history and other disciplines (e.g. social or political science); popular music and history and other related themes and issues.

An introduction to the essentials needed for successful study. Key elements taught will include: learning styles & resources, time management, note taking, working individually and as a group member, finding & using information resources, critical thinking and writing, preparing for assessment, presenting information and knowledge, learner responsibilities, communication. You also have full access to http://studyskills.bangor.ac.uk/ to support you throughout your studies at Bangor.

This module offers an introduction to the study of the Social Sciences at degree level through an interdisciplinary approach to the question of identities. It will introduce students to a discussion of topics concerning identity, including social and personal identity, gender, class, ‘race’ and ethnicity and ideas of intersectionality.

Psycho-Social Pathway

Leadership & Management Pathway

Leadership & Management Pathway

Fundamentals of Psychology 1 & 2

Introduction to Leadership

Introduction to Effective Management

Module Code: Tutor: Format:

Module Code: Tutor: Format:

Starts: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YPE1300/ YPE 1301 Mark Jenkins 6 weeks x 1 night a week x2hrs / 18.00 – 20.00 Thursday 4.02.16 (Psychology 1 S2) Thursday 14.04.16 (Psychology 2 S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 /10 credits each

Psychology 1: This module will introduce students to a number of fundamental elements involved with the study of Psychology including critical thinking in psychology, the developing child, adolescence and adulthood, motivation, emotion, psychological disorders, therapy, stress and health and social psychology. Psychology 2: This module will discuss the following elements involved with the study of psychology: neuroscience, genetics and behaviour sensation, perception, states of consciousness, learning, memory, thinking and language, personality, intelligence, statistical reasoning.

Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YBE1404 Sandra Begley 12 weeks x 1 night a week x2hrs / 18.00 – 20.00 Tuesday 29.09.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

The aim of the module is to develop knowledge, understanding and ability in: (a) the appropriateness of different leadership styles; (b) student’s own leadership capabilities; and (c) motivating others to achieve organisational goals. Participants will review a range of leadership theories and styles. It will identify factors that shape levels of motivation and commitment, evaluating motivational factors that are appropriate to different situations and people. Using that knowledge you will assess your own ability to: use different leadership styles; to communicate the organisations values and Introduction to Leadership.

Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YBE1400 Sandra Begley 12 weeks x 1 night a week x2hrs / 18.00 – 20.00 Tuesday 26.01.16 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

This introductory module will provide students with an understanding of the management role in improving management performance. Students will be able to assess their own development opportunities and to be able to plan their own development through the study of organisational structures, management roles and responsibilities, human behaviours and personal management styles and personal development planning.

Dyddiadau Semester Dates S1: Semester 1 = Hydref/ Gaeaf 2015 Autumn/ Winter S2: Semester 2 = Gwanwyn 2016 Spring


OPEN STUDIES 2015-2016 Mae ASTUDIAETHAU AGORED yn darparu clystyrau o bynciau ble medrwch gymryd un, neu sawl modiwl, i gyd-fynd gyda’ch diddordeb neu boced! Mae’r modiwlau yn amrywio o gyrsiau anffurfiol, heb eu hachredu i fodiwlau achrededig y gallwch ychwanegu at raglen radd os ydych am ddatblygu eich astudiaethau mewn modd mwy ffurfiol. Cyfle i flasu addysg uwch neu i ddatblygu diddordeb.

OPEN STUDIES provides you with clusters of subject areas where you can take one or many modules to suit your interests and pocket. The modules vary from more informal, non-accredited courses to accredited modules that you could add to a degree programme should you wish to develop your studies more formally. A chance to taste higher education or to develop an interest

Semester 1 and 2

Psycho-Social / Health and Wellbeing Mental Health Awareness Module Code: Tutor: Formatmat: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YSE1002 Endaf Evans 1 day a week x 4 weeks / 9.30 – 16.30 September 30, October 7, 14, 21 (S1) CAIS, Colwyn Bay Level 4 / 10 credits

This introductory module will question what is meant by mental health and illness. Signs and symptoms of common mental health problems, including depression, anxiety disorders and psychosis will be considered. A range of effective interventions and treatments currently available will be discussed and awareness raised as to how individuals can access help and support. Students will be introduced to some of the historical and psychosocial theories and debates surrounding mental health issues.

Contemporary and Emerging Substances Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YSE1109 Endaf Evans 1 day a week x 6 weeks / 9.30 – 16.30 November 4, 11, 18 25 (S1) December 2 & 9 (S1) CAIS, Colwyn Bay Level 4 / 20 credits

This module will enable individuals to increase their knowledge and awareness of contemporary and emerging substances and to gain an understanding of legislation in this area. The module will discuss terms such as ‘smart/designer/cognitive enhancers/ multiple substance use’ in terms of legal/illegal issues and the bio-psychosocial impact on the individual. Critical discussions will take place on the various educational promotions that aim to raise awareness of issues concerning drugs and alcohol use/ misuse. This module will be of interest to those working across the health / caring / educational and voluntary sectors.

Harm Reduction Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts:

Location: Level/Credits:

YSE 1009 Endaf Evans 1 day a week X 6 weeks 9.30 – 16.30 January 27 (S2) February 3, 10, 17, 24 (S2) March 2 (S2) CAIS Colwyn Bay Level 4 / 10 credits

This module is ideal for people new to the concepts of harm reduction. It aims to give students a sound understanding of the pragmatic approaches to substance use as well as an understanding of how harm reduction approaches affect working practice.

Helping, Listening and Motivational Skills Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts:

Location: Level/Credits:

YSE 1110 Endaf Evans 1 day a week X 6 weeks 9.30 – 16.30 January 27 (S2) February 3, 10, 17, 24 (S2) March 2 (S2) CAIS Colwyn Bay Level 4 / 20 credits

This module aims to equip students with the knowledge and understanding of the helping, listening and motivational skills relevant to the substance misuse management field.

Dyddiadau Semester Dates S1: Semester 1 = Hydref/ Gaeaf 2015 Autumn/ Winter S2: Semester 2 = Gwanwyn 2016 Spring


Useful Technologies




History and Archaeology

Social Media for Learning

Achieving Change through Volunteering

Archaeology of Wales

Module Code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location Level/Credits:

Module Code: Tutor: Duration: Starts Location: Level/Credits:

Title: Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

TBC Steffano Ghazzali 12 weeks x 2 hours 29.09.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

This module will provide students with a background in social media and its advantages in supporting learning activities. The course will focus on practical skills with the development of a portfolio as key to the assessment of the module. Students will be required to create a blog and use it as a base for their portfolio. Students will be introduced to a new social media tool each session and be required to evaluate it and its usefulness to learning and then disseminate this to their portfolio. Students will be required to peer review the material they produce within the module.

YBE1033 Helen Munro 12 weeks x 2 hours 30.10.15 14.00-16.00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

This module is highly suited to those who are either currently volunteering, or who wish to do so, and wish to gain an understanding in how volunteering can change individuals and communities for the better. Through the use of lectures, group work, workshops and portfolio work, it will provide you with an insight into the issues that various communities face, the positive changes that are possible and the role they can play through volunteering – thus enabling them to become more effective volunteers. You will be required to undertake 30 hours of volunteering during the academic semester.

Archaeology of Wales YHE1392 Karen Pollock & team 12 weeks x 2hrs / 1800 – 20.00 28.01.16 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

This module is designed to be an introduction to the archaeology of Wales and will look at a range of sites which date from Neolithic to medieval periods. Students will learn to identify specific monument, settlement and artefact types, which relate to the various periods under study. The basic principles and techniques of archaeology will be explained with reference to the sites under study and, where appropriate, different interpretations of the evidence will be explored. The history and current study of Welsh Archaeology will be addressed, and the scope and limitations of different methods and approaches considered.

Introduction to Volunteer Management Presentation Technologies Module Code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

TBC Steffano Ghazzali 12 weeks x 2 hours 26.01.16 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

This module will introduce students to the purpose of presentations in both learning and employment settings and to a range of presentation technologies that enable effective practice. Technologies from Powerpoint to online solutions such as slide share and Prezzi, screen recording options such as Panopto, various free solutions such as hangouts, joinme, teamviewer and talk.io will be explored. Their potential in learning and employment situations will be analysed and practiced.

Module Code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level/Credits

YBE 1024 Helen Munro 12 weeks x 2 hours 27.01.16 14.00-16.00 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 10 credits

Noson Agored Open Evening 08.09.15.

The aim of this module is to develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of the role of the volunteer manager and current best practice in volunteer management. Students will critically explore the nature of volunteering in the UK, the motivation of volunteers and implications for volunteer managers. In addition the volunteer recruitment process will analysed, including: promotion of roles; recruitment and selection processes and placement. Volunteer management, including management styles; support and supervision and maintaining volunteers motivation will also be critically examined.

Am fwy o wybodaeth gwelir tudalen 4 For more information see page 4

Dyddiadau Semester Dates S1: Semester 1 = Hydref/ Gaeaf 2015 Autumn/ Winter S2: Semester 2 = Gwanwyn 2016 Spring


Cultural Studies & Creative Writing


Freewriting and Rewriting Module Code: Tutor: Duration: Starts:

Location: Level/Credits:

YHE 1218 Dr Kathy Hopewell 6 x 1 day school, every fortnight Saturday October 3, 17, 31 (S1) November 14, 28 (S1) Dec 12 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

An “into the water” creative writing module presenting the methods and theories of spontaneous composition (“freewriting”) in the context of writing manuals from the 1930s to the present time and also with reference to the history of Romantic and Surrealist ideas and strategies of authorship. Randomised group tasks will also be used to generate topics and starting points for writing. Discussion and debate will be encouraged on the philosophic underpinnings of these methods as well as reflection on their efficacy in practice.

Writing with Intent—On-line Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE1210 Dr Elaine Walker Weekly Online 28.09.15 (S1) Online Level 4 / 20 credits

Weekly on-line exercises cover skills in poetry and prose. From starting a story to using dialogue and imagery. Suitable for both beginners and more advanced writers, this course is taught by an experienced writer-tutor who gives regular individual feedback on your writing as it develops. You will need access to an on-line computer.

Wales on Screen Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

The Film Industry in Small Nations TBC Sofie Roberts Tuesdays 12 weeks x 3hrs per week 18.00 – 21.00 29.09.15 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

This module aims to provide students with an understanding of Welsh cinema and of the link between film and national identity. Lectures will introduce students to a range of film images that contribute to national identity representation and formation. The course will help students to situate the selected films in their national, cultural, economic and political contexts. Lectures cover topics such as: Welsh film history, past and present national images on screen, Welsh iconography, Welsh imagery in nonWelsh films, national identity, Welsh as Other, Welsh film documentary, Wales and internationality. Weekly screenings illustrate issues covered in lectures and associated readings, and will provide a case study for weekly seminars.

Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

TBC Sofie Roberts Tuesdays 12 weeks x 3hrs a week 18.00 – 21.00 26.01.16 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

This module will introduce students to the concept of small nation cinema. The module will investigate how small countries’ film industries function and what indigenous film production means as part of national cultural identity. The module will examine key debates central to small film-producing nations in the UK and Western Europe. Topics will include: History and key developments in British and European cinemas; Contemporary UK regional filmmaking; Hollywood domination and the major issues facing indigenous cinema production; Non-Englishlanguage film industries as alternative modes of international filmmaking. At the end of this module students will understand the link between film and culture and how economic issues and globalisation affect output and cultural representation.

Writing Short Stories Module Code: Tutor: Format: Starts:

Location: Level/Credits:

YHE 1219 Dr Kathy Hopewell Six Day Schools x1 fortnight Saturdays, 10.00 – 16.00 (S2) February 6, 20 March 5, 19 (S2) April 16, 30 (S2) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 20 credits

The short story is one of the most popular forms for beginner writers, but its compression is often a challenge for the experienced. This creative writing module will set the practice of writing in the context of the development of the modern short story from stories by writers such as James Joyce, William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor and Gail Goodwin among others. Students will write their own stories and learn to view their own and others' work within a constructive critical framework.


Cyrsiau Cyfrwng Cymraeg Welsh Medium Courses Cynefin a Chymuned Tiwtor: Shan Ashton, Selwyn Williams a thîm gymunedol Cod Modiwl: YCC 1107 Fformat: Amrywio yn ôl anghenion a threfni adau’r gymuned Dechrau: Trwy drefniant cymunedol Amser: Trwy drefniant cymunedol Lleoliad: Yn y gymuned dan sylw Ffi: Amrywio yn ôl trefniadau penodol y gymuned Modiwl cyd-gynhyrchu ydy hon, lle mae’r gymuned a’r tiwtoriaid yn cyd-weithio i ddeall y gymuned yn gron. Trwy gydddewis themâu a phynciau perthnasol i'r gymuned benodol datblygir astudiaeth ryngddisgyblaethol sy’n cynnwys elfennau daearegol, daearyddol, amgylcheddol, economaidd, hanesyddol, cymdeithasol, diwylliannol a gwleidyddol. Trwy ddatblygu dealltwriaeth integredig mae’n bosib i’r gymuned gweld ei sefyllfa yn glir a chychwny creu gweledigaeth i’r dyfodol. Mae’n ymdrech cydweithredol lle gall aelodau’r gymuned gweithio trwy’ gilydd i ennill Tystysgrif Dysgu Gydol Oes mewn Gweithredu Cymunedol. Mae'n bosib i unigolion cofrestru am gredydau ac ennill 30 credyd Addysg Uwch a defnyddio'r rhain tuag at astudio ymhellach. Cysylltwch am fwy o wybodaeth.

Bywydau a Syniadau Dylanwadol 1 Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Amser: Lleoliad: Ffi:

Selwyn Williams a Bob Morris Unwaith yr wythnos am 10 wythnos Dydd Iau, 01.10.15 (S1) 10.00 – 12.00 Trefnant, Capel Trefnant £75 dim gostyngiadau (dim credydau)

Hen Wlad y Tadau Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Amser: Lleoliad: Ffi:

Yr Athro Gareth Lloyd Jones Unwaith yr wythnos am 10 wythnos Dydd Mawrth, 29.09.15 (S1) 14.15 – 16.15 Bangor, Festri Capel Peniwel, Lôn Cariadon £75 dim gostyngiadau (dim credydau)

Mae meddiant ar wlad wedi bod yn un o nodweddion gwareiddiad ym mhob oes. Yn ein cyfnod ni, mae hwn yn bwnc llosg yn y Dwyrain Canol. Yn y modiwl hwn rhoddir sylw i ddau beth: Sylfaen a thwf Seioniaeth fel mudiad Cenedlaethol, ac ymateb Cristnogion i’r syniad o wladwriaeth Iddewig.

Bywydau a Syniadau Dylanwadol 2 Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Amser: Lleoliad: Ffi:

Selwyn Williams a Bob Morris Unwaith yr wythnos am 10 wythnos Dydd Iau, 04.02.16 (S2) Trefnant 10.00-12.00 Ruthin 14.00 – 16.00 Trefnant, Capel Trefnant; Ruthun: Y Llyfrgell £75 dim gostyngiadau (dim credydau)

Aros am yr Anghrist Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Amser: Lleoliad: Ffi:

Yr Athro Gareth Lloyd Jones Unwaith yr wythnos am 10 wythnos Dydd Mawrth, 12.01.16 (S2) 14.15 – 16.15 Bangor, Festri Capel Peniwel, Lôn Cariadon £75 dim gostyngiadau (dim credydau)

‘Fe ddaw drachefn i farnu’r byw a’r meirw’, meddai Credo’r Apostolion wrth gyfeirio at ail ddyfodiad Crist. Bwriad y modiwl yw ystyried sail, perthnasedd a goblygiadau’r gred yma yn nhermau buddigoliaeth Crist a’i saint dros yr Anghrist ym mrwydr Armagedon.

Dyddiadau Semester Dates S1: Semester 1 = Hydref/ Gaeaf 2015 Autumn/ Winter S2: Semester 2 = Gwanwyn 2016 Spring


Cymru a’r diwydiant ffilm


Cymru ar Sgrin Cod Modiwl: Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Lleoliad: Lefel / Credydau:

YHC Sofie Roberts 1 x wythnos x 12 wythnos 18.00 – 21.00 30.09.15 (S1) Bangor, Prif Adeilad y Celfyddydau Lefel 4 / 20 credyd

Mae'r modiwl hwn yn anelu i ddarparu myfyrwyr â dealltwriaeth o sinema Gymraeg ac o'r cysylltiad rhwng ffilm a hunaniaeth genedlaethol. Bydd y darlithoedd yn cyflwyno myfyrwyr i amrywiaeth o ddelweddau ffilm sy'n ffurfio a chyfrannu at hunaniaeth genedlaethol. Bydd y cwrs yn helpu myfyrwyr i leoli'r ffilmiau yn eu cyd-destunau cenedlaethol, diwylliannol a gwleidyddol. Bydd darlithoedd yn cynnwys pynciau fel: hanes ffilm Cymru, sinema y gorffennol a'r presennol Cymreig, eiconograffi Cymreig, delweddaeth Gymreig mewn ffilmiau digymraeg, hunaniaeth genedlaethol, Y Cymry fel ‘Arall’, Ffilm ddogfen Cymreig, Cymru a thrawswladoliaeth.

Y diwydiant ffilm yng nghenhedloedd bach Cod Modiwl: Tiwtor: Fformat: Dechrau: Lleoliad: Lefel / Credydau:

YHC Sofie Roberts 1 x wythnos x 12 wythnos 18.00 – 21.00 27.01.16 (S2) Bangor: Prif Adeilad y Celfyddydau Lefel 4 / 20 credyd

Cyflwynir y myfyrwyr i’r syniad o sinema cenedl fach. Bydd y modiwl yn archwilio sut mae diwydiannau ffilm gwledydd bychain yn gweithio a beth mae cynhyrchu ffilm gynhenid yn ei olygu yn rhan o identity diwylliannol Cenedlaethol. Bydd y meysydd yn cynnwys hanes a datblygiadau allweddol yn sinemâu Ewrop a Phrydain; gwneuthur ffilm ranbarthol gyfoes y DU; dominyddiaeth Hollywood a materion eraill yn wynebu cynhyrchiad ffilm gynhenid; diwydiannau ffilm nid-yn-yr-iaith-saesneg yn foddau alternative i wneuthur ffilm ryngwladol. Ar ddiwedd y modiwl bydd myfyrwyr yn deall y berthynas rhwng ffilm a diwylliant a sut mae materion economaidd a globaleiddio yn effeithio ar allbwn a chynrychiolaeth ddiwylliannol.

Noson Agored 08.09.15. Am fwy o wybodaeth gwelir tudalen 4


*NEWYDD* CWRS BLASU (£75) - YMGEISIWCH NAWR! *NEW*TASTER COURSE (£75) - APPLY NOW! Discovering Our Past Wednesdays, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, October - December Designed as a taster to the skills and knowledge required for local & family history studies. Sign up for the whole course to get the bigger picture! Reading the Landscape Tutor: Dates: Location:

Dr Karen Pollock 7.10.15 & 14.10.15 Bangor, Main Arts

An introduction to reading your community’s landscape, linking local history to the bigger picture. Unearthing things you never knew about your community helps you understand it better in the long-run, where it started from and what happened along the way to today!

Women’s History Tutor: Dates: Location:

Annie Williams 21.10.15 & 28.10.15 Bangor, Main Arts

An exploration into local women’s lives using the census data, supporting documentation such as diaries, family stories and work records along with photographic evidence and practical materials of labour. The process will help you build a picture of women’s lives in historical periods, especially where the ‘usual’ evidence is not readily available.

Family History Tutor: Dates: Location:

Dr Hazel Robbins 11.11.15 & 18.11.15 Bangor, Main Arts

An introduction to some of the sources for family history research including census returns and parish records, and on-line providers. Students will be given the opportunity to search online themselves. To make the most of this, students should bring the full name, approximate date and place of birth and any other information they have about their ancestors.

Oral History Tutor: Dates: Location:

Dr Andrew Edwards 25.11.15 & 02.12.15 Bangor, Main Arts

A short introduction to Oral History, illustrating its value and exploring its potential problems. A brief, practical, hands-on experience through conducting an interview that focuses on a specific historical theme or issue relevant to your local area or family.


CYNHADLEDD UNDYDD DYFFRYN CLWYD 2016 Melin Brwcws, Ffordd Rhuthin, Dinbych Dydd Sadwrn Mawrth 19fed 10.00 – 3.00

Hunaniaeth 

Sofie Roberts - Cyfle i ystyried y perthynas rhwng sinema Cymru a ffurfiant hunaniaeth genedlaethol Gymreig. Archwilio’r dadleuon allweddol o fewn ffilmiau penodol ac ystyried sut mae delweddau a hunaniaeth Gymreig yn cael eu hadeiladu.

Menna Machreth - Archwilio’r cysylltiad rhwng gwleidyddiaeth a llenyddiaeth gan ganolbwyntio ar farddoniaeth sy'n ymateb i ddatganoli a beth sydd gan feirdd i'w ddweud am eu hunaniaeth.

Selwyn Williams -Ystyried digwyddiadau diweddar yn Ewrop a’r effeithiau ar hunaniaeth Cymru a’r Cymry, y peryglon a’r manteision - pwy ydym ni yng nghanol hyn i gyd?

Ffi: £12.50 (I gynnwys te a choffi; bwyd ar gael i’w brynu yn ôl yr angen).

Cysylltwch ar 01248 382475 neu a.e.davies@bangor.ac.uk am fwy o wybodaeth.




Ystafelloedd Darlithio'r Prif Adeilad, Prifysgol Bangor, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor Main Arts Lecture Rooms, Bangor University, College Rd, Bangor

26 Medi 2015 / 12 September 2015 10am – 1pm

Sadwrn, 12 Mawrth / Saturday, 12 March 10.00am - 3.00pm

Yst Gynhadledd, Hen Goleg, Ffordd y Coleg, Bangor Conference Suite, Hen Goleg, College Rd, Bangor

Diwrnod i ddathlu, cofio a pharchu bywydau a phrofiadau merched. Bydd y diwrnod yn canolbwyntio ar ferched a gweithredu gyda chyflwyniadau a phosteri o Gymru a thu hwnt. A day to celebrate, remember and honour women’s lives and experiences. The day will focus on women and action with posters and presentations from Wales and beyond.

10.00 am 10.30 am 10.40 am 11.20 am 12.00 pm 12.10 pm 12.40 pm

Coffee and Introductions by Annie Williams Sue Fellows – Wrexham Suffragette Neil Evans – Suffrage and Pilgrimage Angharad Jones – Bethesda Women and the Quarry Strike Val Wakefield – WAW World War 1 Project Shan Robinson– Patagonia Visit Exhibition with Shan Robinson MYNEDIAD AM DDIM / FREE ENTRANCE

Am wybodaeth bellach 01248 383224 /382475 dgo@bangor.ac.uk

For further information: 01248 383224 / 382475 ll@bangor.ac.uk


Ieithoedd Pa Lefel? Dechreuwyr: Rydych yn ddechreuwr llwyr, yn gwybod y nesaf peth i ddim am yr iaith. Byddwch yn datblygu sgiliau mewn amrywiaeth o dasgau iaith syml bob dydd. Bydd y cwrs yn rhoi gwybodaeth sylfaenol iawn am ffurfiau a geirfa'r iaith. Dechreuwyr Estynedig: Efallai eich bod wedi astudi’r iaith yn yr ysgol flynyddoedd yn ôl neu eich bod wedi mynychu cwrs i ddechreuwyr. Mae gennych eirfa gyfyngedig iawn a pheth dealltwriaeth o ffurfiau’r iaith. Bydd y cwrs yn cyflwyno amser berf newydd i chi a’ch helpu i gyfathrebu mewn sefyllfaoedd cymdeithason i neu waith bob dydd. Canolradd Estynedig: Mae gennych sylfaen reit dda yn yr iaith ar lefel ysgol, efallai hyd at ‘lefel O/TGAU’ neu gyfwerth. Rydych yn gallu ymdopi â’r sefyllfaoedd mwyaf cyffredin yn hyderus. Rydych yn awr eisiau symud ymlaen o ymarfer iaith syml yn ystod eich gwyliau neu ymweliadau tramor a dysgu sut i ymdopi â sefyllfaoedd mwy gwahanol a chyfrannu at sgyrsiau ar bynciau o ddiddordeb cyffredinol.

Edrychwch ar gwefan yr Ysgol Ieithoedd a Diwylliannau Modern am fwy o wybodaeth ynglyn a Ieithoedd i Bawb:

Uwch Estynedig: Mae gennych eirfa dda ynghyd a dealltwriaeth dda o reolau gramadeg. Mae’ch sgiliau siarad a gwrando yn caniatáu i chi fod yn gymharol hyderus mewn sefyllfaoedd gwaith neu rai cymdeithasol. Gallwch ddeall ystod eang o destunau hir, heriol, gan gynhyrchu testunau clir, wedi’u strwythuro'n dda. Yn awr hoffech fynegi’ch hun yn rhugl ac yn ddigymell, heb orfod chwilio llawr am ymadroddion, gan ddefnyddio’r iaith yn hyblyg ac yn effeithiol i ddibenion cymdeithasol, academaidd a phroffesiynol.

www.bangor.ac.uk/ml 23

Ieithoedd Which level?

These courses are oered jointly between Lifelong Learning and the School of Modern Languages in the University. These 12-week modules are based on a communicative approach and will help you to further develop all the key language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. With the emphasis on speaking, listening and understanding, the modules will be of particular interest to those who wish to visit these countries.

To ease the administrative work and in order to start teaching promptly, we would kindly ask you to preregister for all of these modules.

Please visit the School of Modern Languages and Cultures webpages for more information about Languages For All

Beginners: You are a complete beginner, knowing virtually nothing of the language. You will develop competence in a range of predictable simple everyday language tasks. The course will provide a very basic knowledge of the structure and vocabulary of the language. Beginners Plus: You may have studied the language at school some years ago or attended a beginners’ course. You have a very limited vocabulary and some understanding of basic structures. The course will introduce new tenses and help you to communicate in everyday social and work situations Intermediate Plus: You have a reasonable foundation in the language at school level, possibly to 'O'/GCSE level or equivalent. You can deal with most common 'survival' situations conďŹ dently. You now want to start moving beyond merely practicing simple language during your holiday or work trip abroad, learning to cope in non-routine situations and contributing to conversations on topics of general interest. Advanced Plus: You have acquired a good vocabulary and a good understanding of grammatical rules. Your speaking and listening skills allow you to be relatively confident in most social or working settings. You can understand a wide range of demanding and long texts. You now want to express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions, and use the language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

www.bangor.ac.uk/ml 24

Beginners’ Italian

BEGINNERS’ LEVEL Beginners’ Spanish Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1810 Monday 28.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Module Code: Starts Group1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

Intermediate German YHE-1803 Tuesday 29.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL YHE-1800 Tuesday 29.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Thursday 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Intermediate Spanish Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1884 Tuesday 29.09.15 18:00-20:00 S1) Thursday 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Beginners’ Chinese Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1805 Monday 28.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Tuesday 29.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Beginners’ Japanese Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

Intermediate French Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1886 Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Intermediate Chinese YHE-1807 Tuesday 29.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE1820 Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Intermediate Japanese

Beginners’ German Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1874 Wednesday 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Thursday 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

YHE-1891 Wed 30.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Intermediate Italian

Beginners’ French Module Code: Starts Group 1: Starts Group 2: Location: Level/Credits:

Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1833 Thurs 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1889 Thursday 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

ADVANCED LEVEL Advanced Spanish Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1895 Thursday 01.10.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Advanced French Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE-1893 Monday 28.09.15 18:00-20:00 (S1) Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits

Advanced German Module Code: Starts: Location: Level/Credits:

YHE 1897 Monday 28.09.15 18.00 - 20.00 Bangor, Main Arts Level 4 / 10 credits


Cerddorfa Dysgu Gydol Oes

Lifelong Learning Orchestra

Mae’r Ysgol Dysgu Gydol Oes wedi cynnal a chefnogi Cerddorfa Dysgu Gydol Oes am sawl blwyddyn bellach. Mae’n cynnig cyfle i chwarae cerddoriaeth mewn gweithdy anffurfiol, hwyliog. Estynnwn groeso cynnes i unrhyw un sy’n chwarae offeryn cerddorfaol ac sydd â diddordeb mewn ymuno a ni am y tro cyntaf. 'Dydyn ni ddim yn gofyn am arbenigedd - dim ond sgiliau offerynnol sylfaenol a pheth ymarfer o ddarllen cerddoriaeth. Cyflwyniad gwych i chwarae cerddorfaol gyda ffocws ar wella eich sgiliau ensemble.

Lifelong Learning has supported and hosted the Lifelong Learning Orchestra for many years. It gives participants a chance to play orchestral music in an inclusive, enjoyable and informal workshop format. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who plays an orchestral instrument and is interested in joining us for the first time. We don’t ask for expertise – just basic instrumental skills and some practice at reading music. A great introduction to orchestral playing with a focus on improving your ensemble skills.


Simon Armstrong & James Gardener


Simon Armstrong & James Gardener


8 Gweithdai Sadwrn / 10.00 – 16.30


8 Saturday Workshops / 10.00 – 16.30


3 Hyd, 7 Tach, 5 Rhag, 6 Chwef, 12 Mawr, 16 Ebr, 7 Mai, 4 Meh


3 Oct, 7 Nov, 5 Dec, 6 Feb, 12 Mar, 16 Apr, 7 May, 4 Jun


Bangor, Hen Goleg


Bangor, Hen Goleg

I gofrestru:

To register:

Cysylltwch â Annie Davies ar

Please contact Annie Davies on

01248 382475 / a.e.davies@bangor.ac.uk

01248 382475 / a.e.davies@bangor.ac.uk


Fee: £100 no concessions, you must enrol and have established a payment plan no later than the 25 September 2015.

£100 dim gostyniadau, mae’n rhaid cofrestru ac wedi sefydlu cynllun talu dim hwyrach na 25 Medi 2015.

Dewch draw, crëwch gerddoriaeth a mwynhewch eich hunain!

Come along, make music and enjoy yourself!


Rydym yn darparu ystod eang o gyrsiau uchel eu hansawdd mewn Celfyddyd Gain mewn lleoliadau cymunedol ar draws gogledd Cymru. Mae ein holl diwtoriaid yn artistiaid adnabyddus sy’n arfer eu crefft, â gradd mewn Celfyddyd Gain a chanddynt lawer o brofiad ym maes addysg oedolion. Mae rhai modiwlau annibynnol yn rhagarweiniol, mae rhai yn gofyn am brofiad. Cysylltwch â ni am gyngor ac arweiniad. Gallwn hefyd gynnig cyrsiau sy’n arwain at radd mewn Celfyddyd Gain. Eisiau gwybod mwy am radd Celfydd Gain?

Ebostiwch: andrew.smith@bangor.ac.uk

We provide a wide range of high quality Fine Art courses in community venues across north Wales. All our tutors are well known practising artists with degrees in Fine Art and a lot of experience in adult education. All our modules are accredited at University Level 4 or above. Some standalone modules are introductory in nature, some need previous experience. Please contact us for advice and guidance. We can also offer courses leading to a degree in Fine Art. Want to know more about our Fine Art degree? E-mail: andrew.smith@bangor.ac.uk

Mae £10 o ffi stiwdio ychwanegol yn daladwy ar gyfer pob modiwl 20 credyd Celf.

There is an additional £10 studio fee payable for each 20 credits art module.





Understanding Landscape

Module code: Tutor - Course Leader: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE-1312 Joanna Evans Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 02.10.15 (S1) 10.00-17.00 Bangor, Normal, Hiraethog Level 4 / 20 credits

FINE ART PREPARATION COURSE MODULE 2 Exploring Processes Module code: Tutor: Course Leader: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE-1309 Joanna Evans Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 15.01.16 (S2)10.00-17.00 Bangor, Normal, Hiraethog Level 4 / 20 credits

FINE ART PREPARATION COURSE MODULE 3Interpretation and Imagination Module code: Tutor - Course Leader: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE-1303 Joanna Evans Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 15.04.16(S2)10.00-17.00 Bangor, Normal, Hiraethog Level 4 / 20 credits

This modular course is designed to help you through the basics of all the main aspects of fine art practice. It includes intensive drawing and life drawing, painting, mixed media 2D work, printmaking, creative photography, and an introduction to a wide range of 3D techniques currently used in contemporary art, including environmental art and installation. Art history and theory underpins every branch of the subject.

Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1098 Noel McCready and Jane McCormack Once a week for 20 weeks (S1) Fri 09.10.15 10.00 – 13.00 Penrhyn Bay, Penrhyn New Hall Level 4 / 20 credits

During this module you will be introduced to the subject of Landscape in the making of 2D art. Different approaches to drawing and painting landscapes will be explored by reference to 19th and 20th century art through publications and slide talks. You will be encouraged to develop a personal style to the subject particularly through the medium of painting. Sketches and studies will be made on location for the purpose of developing into paintings. This module is suitable for those who are new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

Exploring Drawing Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

*NEW* YAE 1282 Gilly Thomas Once a week for 10 weeks Wed 07.10.15 14.00-17.00 (S1) Caernarfon, Institute Studio Level 4 / 10 credits

In this module we will explore drawing in its broadest sense, using varied graphic media and referring to traditional and contemporary drawing practice. The importance of exploratory process with practical media is taught with the introduction of alternative materials and processes (particularly texture and assemblage). The development of a personal visual language is a priority with contextual work studying drawing in an historical and contemporary context. This module is suitable for those with some experience of practical art.

Portrait, Life & Figure Drawing & Painting Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1240 Joanna Evans Once a week for 20 weeks Thurs 08.10.15 10.00 – 13.00 (S1) Holyhead, Ucheldre Centre Level 4 / 20 credits

You will be guided through a range of different approaches to drawing and painting from the model and will be introduced to portraiture. You will study and learn to understand the structure of the figure, particularly that of the head for the purpose of portrait painting, and be encouraged to develop personal expressive skills throughout. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

Digital Creative Photography Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1206 Graham Hembrough Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 09.10.15 10.00 – 17.00 (S1) Bangor: Normal Site Library Level 4 / 20 credits

The module is designed to provide you with a comprehensive (practical and theoretical) understanding of adopting a ‘digital photographic workflow.’ This is intended to both improve and inform the relationship of ideas, concepts and skills to your current practise or aspirations for producing future creative work using digital photography or converting over from photography using conventional film. The module is specifically designed to provide the pre-requisite skills and understanding to enable further study using photography in modules such as ‘Landscape Photography’. Visual Studies from Nature See page 30 for module details


Atelier Life Class 1, 2, 3 and 4

Drawing the Figure in Space

Module code:

YAE 1077, 1078, 1083 and 1042

Module code:

YAE 1289

Module code:

YAE 1284

Tutor: Duration: Starts:

Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

John Hedley Once a week for 10 weeks Thurs 08.10.15 18.30 – 21.30 (S1) Bangor, Normal, Hiraethog Level 4 / 10 credits

Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

Huw Jones Once a week for 10 weeks Wed 07.10.15 10.00-13.00 (S1) Caernarfon, Institute Studio Level 4 / 10 credits

Location: Level / Credits:

Arthur Flay Once a week for 10 weeks Tues 06.10.15 10.00 – 17.00 (S1) Tues 12.01.16 10.00 – 17.00 (S2) Tues 19.04.16 10.00 – 17.00 (S2) Caernarfon, Institute Studio Level 4 / 20 credits

Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

Eleanor Brooks Once a week for 20 weeks Tue 20.10.15 18.30 – 21.30 (S1/S2) Porthmadog, Y Ganolfan Level 4 / 20 credits

Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

Jane McCormack Once a week for 10 weeks Thurs 08.10.15 18.30 – 21.30 (S1) Ruthin, Ruthin Craft Centre Level 4 / 10 credits

Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location:

Julie Gritten and Joanna Evans Once a week for 10 weeks Thur 14.04.16 14.00-17.00 (S2) Penrhyndeudraeth, Porthmadog, Neuadd Goffa Level 4 / 10 credits

Draw and Paint the life model alongside experienced artist tutor Eleanor Brooks in our Porthmadog base and share her practical expertise in this very different master class, based on the traditional French ‘Atelier’ system of teaching art. Different levels of teaching are offered concurrently to accommodate all. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

Sculpture and the Landscape Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE-1287 Jac Atkinson Once a week for 10 weeks Thur 08.10.15 10.00-13.00 (S1) Penrhyndeudraeth, Porthmadog, Neuadd Goffa Mon 11.01.16 10.00-13.00 (S2) Bangor, Normal, Hiraethog Level 4 / 10 credits

In this module you will be introduced to 3D techniques through working with a variety of 3D materials. You will be encouraged to explore the imaginative possibilities of the various media through a series of tutor-led workshops. The constructional techniques learnt will also be used by you to create works outside the environment. This module is suitable for those with some experience of practical art.


The module aims to develop your experience of drawing directly from the Life and clothed model. The course will concentrate on drawing the figure in its space, and on placing these studies together to produce group figure compositions in a simplified real or invented space. Initially the module will offer directed exercises and set poses, but will gradually develop into longer sessions to explore composition. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

Drawing in the Museum Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1266 Gilly Thomas Once a week for 10 weeks Tues 13.10.15 18.30 – 21.00 (S1) Bangor, details on registration Level 4 10 credits

In this module you will have the opportunity to work with the Natural History Collection and using the extensive museum resources on display, this module will provide an exciting new experience of combining observation and imagination with tutor Gilly Thomas offering guidance throughout. You will be introduced to new ways of thinking about drawing through observation, practice and discourse. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

Practical Landscape Painting

Level / Credits:


This module is a broadly based painting class. You will be encouraged to explore and experiment with the creative potential of a variety of painting media. Illustrated talks on established artists and analysis of your techniques will inform and influence the practical work. The module aims to give you the opportunity to develop your painting and skills from preliminary sketches to fully finished works. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1004 Graham Hembrough Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 15.01.16 10.00 – 17.00 (S2) Bangor: Normal Site Library Level 4 20 credits

Develop a creative and critical insight into the unique power of the photographic medium working with photographer Graham Hembrough. You will be given an insight into the historical and cultural factors which have helped shape the tradition of landscape photography and this will provide the foundation on which practical aspects will be developed. This module is suitable for those with some experience of digital photography.


Printmaking: A New Approach 1, 2 and 3

Exploring Paint and Composition *NEW*

Visual Studies From Nature

Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Starts: Location:

Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location:

Level / Credits:

YAE 1029, 1037 and 1038 Linda Davies Once a week for 10 weeks Fri 09.10.15 10.00 – 17.00 (S1) Bangor: Dean Street, 4th floor Thur 14.01.16 10.00-17.00 (S2) Penrhyndeudraeth (Porthmadog), Neuadd Goffa Level 4 / 20 credits

Printmaking techniques including collagraph, drypoint and monotype will be combined with photographic transfer printing, chine colle and collage in this innovative and highly popular course. You will be encouraged to combine these processes in order to produce experimental mixed media artwork. The module is taught concurrently with part 2 and 3 and is suitable for those with some experience of practical art.

YAE 1286 Huw Jones Once a week for 10 weeks Wed 20.01.16 10.00-13.00 (S2) Caernarfon, Institute Studio Level 4 / 10 credits

Level / Credits: The module aims to encourage you to develop an informed and individual approach to pictorial composition in a Painting context through objective study of your own personal environment, its visual interpretation and pictorial application, complemented by the study of twentieth century painters. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

DRAWING FROM LIFE Intaglio Printmaking 1 and 2 Module code: YAE 1085 Tutor: John Hedley Duration: Once a week for 10 weeks Starts: Mon 18.01.16 10.00 – 17.00 (S2) Location: Bangor, Dean Street, 4th floor Level / Credits: Level 4 / 20 credits You will receive a basic grounding in a range of intaglio printmaking processes. Experimentation will be encouraged and you will develop your personal project using one or more intaglio techniques. Non-toxic processes and environmentally friendly materials are a feature of this stalwart printmaking module now with stage 2 for those wishing to develop your work further. This module is suitable for those with some experience of practical art.

Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:

YAE 1266 Jane McCormack Once a week for 10 weeks 14.01.16 18.30 – 21.30 (S2) Ruthin, Ruthin Craft Centre Level 4 / 10 credits

The module is designed as an introduction to drawing the human figure from observation. It is hoped that the nature of the course will allow you of all abilities to use the opportunity as a resource in the area. You will be introduced to the main principles of drawing from observation and guided to discover your own visual language. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

YAE-1283 Julie Gritten Once a week for 10 weeks Thur 08.10.15 14.00-17.00 (S1) Penrhyndeudraeth (Porthmadog) Neuadd Goffa Level 4 10 credits

Visual Studies From Nature Module code: Tutor: Duration: Starts: Location: Level / Credits:



YAE 1283 John Hedley Once a week for 10 weeks Thurs 14.01.16 18.30 – 21.30 (S2) Bangor, Treborth Gardens Level 4 / 10 credits

The aim of this module is to give you the opportunity to develop further observational drawing and painting skills as well as imaginative visual ideas by working directly from nature, plant forms and growing plants. The module will start by revisiting observational drawing and painting; this will be followed by a more self-directed approach with tutorial support. You will be encouraged to work in an intuitive and imaginative way in a range of different styles and media. This module is suitable for those new to the subject and more experienced practitioners.

PLEASE BE SURE TO PRE REGISTER ON THESE COURSES AS THEY REQUIRE MINMUM NUMBERS TO ENSURE THEY RUN. The Fine Art programme is delivered as geographically dispersed learning and as such certain specialist resources may not always be available.

Note on Caernarfon Access: Please note that public car parking is a ten minute walk from the Institwt


Cymorth Ariannol i Fyfyrwyr Rhan-amser

Categori 1 Ffi Lawn y Brifysgol*: Modiwl 10 credyd


Modiwl 20 credyd


Modiwl 30 credyd


Mae £10 o ffi stiwdio ychwanegol yn daladwy ar gyfer pob modiwl 20 credyd Celf.

Categori 2

Categori 3

Bwrsariaeth Dewisol Myfyrwyr Rhan-Amser graddau cyntaf ac ôl-radd:

Cynllun Mynychu Cyrsiau’n Ddi-dâl HEFCW**

Efallai y byddwch yn gymwys i gael cyfraniad at ffioedd y cwrs. Nid ydynt ar gael fel rheol i’r rhai sy’n gwneud cyrsiau ôl-radd, ond gall ôl-raddedigion wneud cais. Ystyrir amgylchiadau personol ac a yw myfyrwyr yn derbyn ffynonellau cyllid eraill wrth ddyrannu’r bwrsariaethau. Os yn gymwys, fe gewch fwrsariaeth gwerth hyd at 75% o’r ffioedd cwrs.

Os ydych ar fudd-daliadau megis

Peidiwch â gadael i daliadau eich rhwystro rhag mynd ar gwrs!

 Lwfans Ceiswyr Gwaith  Cymhorthdal Incwm  Budd-dal Tai  Budd-dal Treth Cyngor a/neu

Incwm Cartref

Bwrsariaeth posib ar gael

Ffi taladwy (pob 10 credyd)

hyd at 75%


* Mae’n bosibl y bydd ffioedd yn codi gyda chwyddiant.

Os ydych yn ansicr pa gategori sy’n berthnasol i chi, ffoniwch Sue Hughes: Ffôn:

01248 382256

Ebost: sue.hughes@bangor.ac.uk Bydd hi’n falch o ateb unrhyw gwestiynau ynglŷn â thaliadau, ac mae ar gael i roi cymorth a chyngor.

 Credyd Pensiwn  Lwfans Gofalwr

£25,000 neu llai

Rydyn ni’n gwneud popeth a allwn i ddod o hyd i gefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr sy’n cael trafferth fforddio ffioedd.

 Chredyd Treth Gwaith

£25,001 - £35,000 hyd at 60%


£35,001 - £45,000 hyd at 40%


Caiff y bwrsariaethau eu dyrannu yn ôl eich gallu i dalu yn unol ag incwm y cartref. Rhaid dychwelyd ceisiadau am fwrsariaethau i Dysgu Gydol Oes mor fuan â phosib. Mae’r bwrsariaethau yn ddewisol ac ni ellir gwarantu taliad o’r gronfa hon. Sylwch y bydd y Brifysgol yn gofyn am dystiolaeth o’ch incwm ac amgylchiadau personol perthnasol wrth asesu’ch cais am fwrsariaeth. Ticiwch y bocs perthnasol ar y Ffurflen Cofrestru Modiwl am ragor o wybodaeth a ffurflen gais.

a heb feddu ar radd, gellwch wneud cais yn uniongyrchol i’r Brifysgol am gynllun hepgor ffioedd HEFCW os ydych chi’n astudio ar gwrs neu fodiwl sydd wedi’i achredu. Dim ond 20 neu 40 o credydau y gall y cynllun hwn eu hariannu pob blwyddyn academaidd. Ticiwch y bocs perthnasol ar y Ffurflen Gofrestru Modiwl am ragor o wybodaeth a ffurflen gais, neu ewch i’n gwefan i’w lwytho i lawr www.bangor.ac.uk/dgo.

Codir ffi weinyddu o £10 ar y rhai sy’n cael hepgor talu ffioedd yn llawn dan y cynllun hwn.



Financial Support for Part-time Students

Don't let fees be a barrier to accessing a course!

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Full University Undergraduate Fee*:

Part-time Student Discretionary Bursary for Undergraduate and Postgraduate:

HEFCW Fee Waiver Scheme**

10 credit module


20 credit module


30 credit module


There is an additional £10 studio fee payable for each 20 credit art module.

You may be eligible to apply for a contribution towards your course fees. Personal circumstances and whether or not you are in receipt of other sources of funding will be taken into account when allocating the bursaries. If eligible, you could be allocated a bursary which may be worth up to 75% of your course fees.

Household Income * Fees may rise in line with inflation.

We do everything we can to find support for students who have difficulty in affording fees.

£25,000 or less

Possible Bursary Awarded

Course fee payable (Per 10 credits)

up to 75%


£25,001 - £35,000 up to 60%


£35,001 - £45,000 up to 40%


01248 382256

E-mail: sue.hughes@bangor.ac.uk Sue will be happy to answer any queries you have about fees and provide help and advice.

If you are on benefits such as:

Job Seekers allowance

Income Support

Housing Benefit

Council Tax Benefit and/or

Working Tax Benefit

Pension Credits

Carer’s Allowance

and do not already have a degree, you can apply directly to the University for a HEFCW fee waiver if you are studying on an accredited course or module. This scheme can only fund up to 20 or 40 credits per academic year depending on your personal circumstances.

If you are unsure about which category you fit into, please do not hesitate to give Sue Hughes a call: Tel:

Call us for advice.

Bursaries will be allocated on an ability to pay in accordance with household income. All applications for bursaries should be received at Lifelong Learning as soon as possible.

Please tick the relevant box on the Module Enrolment Form for further information and an application form An administration charge of £10 will be charged for those given a full fee waiver under this scheme.

These bursaries are discretionary and payment from this fund is not guaranteed. Please note that the University will ask for evidence of your income and relevant personal circumstances in assessing your application for a bursary. Please tick the relevant box on the Module Please see Enrolment Form and application form for further information.



Cyllid Myfyrwyr Cymru

Student Finance Wales

Uned Cymorth Ariannol Prifysgol Bangor

Mae Cyllid Myfyrwyr Cymru yn wasanaeth a ddarparir gan y Cwmni Benthyciadau i Fyfyrwyr. Mae nhw yn darparu cymorth ariannol ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru i fyfyrwyr o Gymru sy’n cychwyn ar gwrs addysg uwch yn y DU.

Student Finance Wales is a service provided by the Student Loans Company. They provide financial support on behalf of the Welsh Government to students from Wales entering higher education in the UK.

Mae cymorth a gwybodaeth ychwanegol hefyd ar gael i fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Bangor gan yr Uned Cymorth Ariannol. Gall saff profiadol ddarparu cyngor, gwybodaeth ac arweiniad ar bob agwedd o gyllid myfyrwyr gan gynnwys:

Efallai y gallwch gael ystod o help a chymorth ariannol, gan ddibynnu ar eich amgylchiadau, eich cwrs a’r man lle y byddwch yn astudio. Ac ni fydd yn rhaid i’r rhan fwyaf o fyfyrwyr dalu unrhyw ffioedd dysgu ymlaen llaw! Gallech gael grantiau a bwrsariaethau (na fydd yn rhaid i chi eu talu’n ôl) a benthyciadau (y bydd yn rhaid i chi eu talu yn ôl).

You may be able to get a range of financial help and support, depending on your circumstances, your course and where you study. And most students won’t have to pay any tuition fees up front! You could get grants and bursaries (which you don’t have to pay back) and loans (which you do).

Ffeithiau ar gyllid ar gyfer astudio rhan-amser. Ar gyfer myfyrwyr rhan-amser newydd ac sy’n parhau a ddechreuodd ar eu cwrs ar neu wedi 1 Medi 2014.

Facts on finance for part-time study. For new and continuing part-time students who started their course on or after 1 September 2014.

 I fod yn gymwys am Fenthyciad Ffioedd Dysgu rhaid i chi fod yn

 

astudio am 25% o leiaf o’r cyfnod amser llawn cyfatebol am bob blwyddyn astudio, gan dreulio dim mwy na phedair gwaith yr amser y byddai’n cymryd i chi gwblhau’r cwrs petaech yn astudio’n amser llawn (hyd at derfyn o 16 o flynyddoedd). Nid yw’r Benthyciad Ffioedd Dysgu’n seiliedig ar incwm y cartref. Mae’r swm o Fenthyciad Ffioedd Dysgu y gallwch ei hawlio’n dibynnu ar gost y ffioedd a godir gan eich prifysgol neu goleg. Os ydych yn astudio ar ddwyster cwrs o 50% neu fwy, gallwch ymgeisio hefyd am Grant Cwrs. Yn ddibynnol ar incwm eich cartref gallech hawlio hyd at £1,155. Nid oes rhaid i chi dalu hyn yn ôl. Gallwch ymgeisio hyd at naw mis wedi i’ch cwrs gychwyn. Byddwch yn gorfod cychwyn ad-dalu’ch benthyciad ym mis Ebrill bedair blynedd wedi i chi gychwyn eich cwrs neu’r mis Ebrill wedi i chi adael eich cwrs – pa un bynnag ddaw gyntaf. Serch hynny, ni fyddwch yn cychwyn ad-dalu nes i chi ennill cyflog mwy na £21,000 y flwyddyn. Mae help ychwanegol hefyd ar gael i fyfyrwyr gydag anabledd, yn cynnwys cyflwr iechyd meddwl neu anhawster dysgu penodol, neu fyfyrwyr gyda phlant neu oedolyn dibynnol.

Am ragor o ganllawiau ac offer defnyddiol, trowch at: www.cyllidmyfyrwyrcymru.co.uk

 

 

To qualify for a Tuition Fee Loan you must be studying at least 25% of the full-time equivalent for each year of your study, taking no more than four times the time (up to a maximum of 16 years) it would take to complete the course if you were studying full time. The Tuition Fee Loan isn’t based on household income. The amount you can get depends on the cost of the fees charged by your university or college If you’re studying at a course intensity of at least 50% you can apply for a Course Grant. Depending on your household income you could get up to £1,155. This doesn’t have to be paid back You can apply up to nine months after the start of your course. You’ll be due to start repaying your loan in the April four years after the start of your course or the April after you leave your course – whichever comes first. However, you’ll only start making repayments if your income is over £21,000 a year. There’s also extra help for students with a disability, including a mental-health condition or specific learning difficulty, or students with children or adult dependants.

For more useful tools and guidance visit: www.studentfinancewales.co.uk

 Cyllid israddedig ar gyfer cyrsiau llawn amser a rhan amser

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Cyllid ôl-raddedig Bwrsariaethau ac Ysgoloriaethau Prifysgol Cronfa Caledi a Grantiau Argyfwng Cyllidebu

Mae'r Uned Cymorth Ariannol ar agor rhwng 9 - 5 dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener ac yn anelu at gael polisi drws agored. Fodd bynnag, os hoffech wneud apwyntiad, cysylltwch â'r Uned: Ebost: cymorthariannol@bangor.ac.uk Ffôn: 01248 383566 / 3637

Bangor University Money Support Unit Additional support and information is also available for students from Bangor University Money Support Unit. Experienced members of staff can provide advice, information and guidance on all aspects of student funding including:

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Undergraduate funding for full and part-time courses Postgraduate funding University Bursaries and Scholarships Hardship Fund and Crisis Grant Budgeting

The Money Support Unit is open between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday to Friday and aims to have an open door policy. However, if you would like to make an appointment please contact the Unit: Email: moneysupport@bangor.ac.uk Tel: 01248 383566 / 3637


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Ffôn: 01248 382256 Ebost: sue.hughes@bangor.ac.uk

Tel: 01248 382256 E-mail: sue.hughes@bangor.ac.uk

The University is committed to the on-going development and enhancement of its part-time study provision; this may lead to changes in the way the courses are managed and delivered in the future, resulting in a wider range of options across a number of subject areas for both new and existing students.


Nodiadau Notes


Mae’r ddogfen hon ar gael mewn print bras drwy gysylltu â 01248 382475 This document is available in large print by contacting 01248 382475

Dysgu Gydol Oes Ffôn: 01248 382118 /382475 E-bost: ll@bangor.ac.uk

Lifelong Learning Tel: 01248 382118 / 382475 E-mail: ll@bangor.ac.uk



Mae Prifysgol wedi gwneud popeth i sicthau bod y wybodaeth yn y daflen hon yn gywir adeg ei hargraffu (Awst 2015). The University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing (August 2015).


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