Let's Create Something Together - Co-Branding Usage Guidelines

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Let’s create something together C O-BRA NDI NG USAGE GU ID ELINE S

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G STA M P We're giving members maximum flexibility in how they use the stamp.


There are two stamps to choose from. Members can apply the stamp to any digital or physical asset including but not limited to: email footers, emails, websites, social profiles and cover photos, and document templates. We have provided you with two versions of each stamp, one in brand colours and one in white to be used on solid colour backgrounds. The stamp can be resized and applied to any digital or physical asset. MINIMAL STAMP



When applying the badge to a background that is darker than 50% grey, or black, it’s recommended that members use the white or reversed out badge sets. When the background is lighter than 50% grey, or white, members can use the full colour version. Judge which badge suits your brand according to your brand colours and the scenario. Make sure there is a good amount of contrast and adequate spacing for the badge.



TH E CO - BR A NDIN G STA M P : MI N I M A L STA M P US AGE When the background is lighter than 50% grey, or white, members can use the full colour version of the logo. When applying the logo to a background that is darker than 50% white or reversed out version of the logo. If the background is a solid colour or a photograph, members should use the white version of the stamp. As with the badge, judge the stamp according to your brand colours and the scenario.

THE CO - BR A NDIN G STA M P : LO G O M I S U SE Members should not alter, recolour or make stylistic changes to the stamp. Do not recreate the logo, always use the supplied artwork at the correct resolution.

Always use the stamps at the correct resiolution

Do not stretch or warp the GABV stamps

Do not stretch or warp the logo. Hold shift when resizing to keep the correct ratio. Do not change the position or size of the strapline.

Proud member Do not recreate the stamps

Do not apply effects to the stamps

Do not rotate the stamps

Do not remove elements

THE CO - BR A NDIN G STA M P : M I NI M U M C LEARS PACE No elements should encroach on the stamp too closely at anytime. Give the logo the breathing space of at least the space shown. THE STAMP

Allow spacing of at least the height of the GABV globe all around the badge

TH E CO - BR A NDIN G STA M P : MI N I M U M SI ZE The stamp is clearest when displayed above a height of 25mm.

25mm minimum

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G TO O LKIT : TEM P L AT E S We have supplied all members with templates for Powerpoint, Word, Keynote and Pages. We have illustrated below how members might incorporate their own branding into the supplied templates. Members are also welcome to incorporate the co-branding stamp into their own templates. When using a co-branding template please ensure you have the correct fonts installed on your computer to avoid font substitution.

Preferred font family:

Fira Sans Fira Sans Bold Download available from https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Fira+Sans How to install fonts on Windows How to install fonts on Mac If you’re unable to use Fira Sans you can use Arial within the templates or substitute for your own brand font

We are now a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values Example Partner Bank Name

Please note this is only an example of how members can use the co-branding assets

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G TO O LKIT : SOCI A L A SS ET S We have created social post graphics for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. These graphics can be used in conjunction with the social co-branding copy provided to announce or affirm your partnership with the Global Alliance for Banking on Values. If you choose to use these social graphics, please do not alter the image or logo in any way. You are allowed to make changes to the gradient so that it reflects your own personal branding.

We’re now a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values.

VisionBanco.com Vision Banco We’re now a member of GABV; Global Alliance for Banking on Values. That means we’re committed to advancing positive change in the financial sector through sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

GABV Member

Learn more

Please note this is only an example of how members can use the co-branding assets


Beneficial State Bank


Beneficial State Bank is GABV Approved #bankingonvalues

We have shared copy that can be incorporated into your social posts, website copy and email copy. You're free to adapt this copy so that it better reflects your brand and tone of voice, but please send it to us for approval first.

To: John Appleseed

Beneficial State Bank is now a member of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values. We are one of a movement of independent banks and financial institutions committed to advancing positive change in the financial sector through sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

Learn more about our partnership and what this means for you

Learn about the Global Alliance for Banking on Values.

Learn more

Learn more

You’re recieving this email as a Tridos Bank customer. Unsubscribe from these emails

Please note this is only an example of how members can use the co-branding assets

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G TO O LKIT : P H Y SI CA L A SS ET S You're welcome to apply either stamp to any appropriate physical asset, however we ask that you contact us for approval first.


JA N E @ S U N R I S E B A N K . C O M 0 128 2 7 7 7 7 7 7

Please note this is only an example of how members can use the co-branding assets

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G TO O LKIT : P H OTO G R A PHY When creating assets around the ‘banking on values’ message in relation to GABV, please select imagery that communicates our commitment to sustainability, values-based finance and community building. Choose imagery that is positive and natural - think people, wildlife, and sustainable energy. The images presented here are just examples, please also feel free to choose imagery that reflects your own brand values and is aligned with the Global Alliance for Banking on Values photo guide

TH E C O - BR A NDIN G TO O LKIT : A P P LY I NG T HE BRA N D GRADIEN T MAP To apply the Global Alliance for Banking on Values blue gradient map to imagery, please follow these instructions: If you’re using your own imagery and would like to replicate the brand image gradient in order to overlay the stamp or some text you can use Photoshop to achieve this:

STE P 1 :

STEP 2 :

STEP 3 :

Import your chosen image to Photoshop

In the layers panel click ‘New fill or adjustment layer’ and select Gradient map

Add the brand colours to each end of the gradient by clicking the coloured stoppers, adding the Hex value and selecting OK. GABV light blue: #34B0C9 GABV dark blue: #213F7D

If required you can change these gradient colours to match your own brand.


In future the Global Alliance for Banking on Values plans to release a number of additional assets including, but not limited to: a co-branding video, a series of infographics, relevant reports and studies, physical assets, and promotional materials for events. If you are in the process of developing materials related to values-based banking, please share it with us so that we can add it to the co-branding library accessible to all members.


If you have questions or feedback, or need support applying the co-brand, please get in touch. Call us on +316152524228 or send an email to comms@gabv.org. For a full set of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values co-branding assets: CLICK HERE For strategy document: CLICK HERE

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