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Can do attitude Strong team player Surprise & delight our customers
• Ready, willing & available to get the job done • Strive to be better • Embrace innovation & change • Goal-focused, collaborative and achievement-oriented • Honest, respectful and proactively supports others • Take ownership & accountability for you actions • Enthusiastically engage customers with a passion to serve • Exceed customer expectations • Anticipate customer needs
Our journey to new Culture Values
The COVID shutdown of 2020 paved the way for many changes at Bankstown Sports. If we look at the positives, it was a chance for everyone to pause, reflect and plan for the future. One of the key focus areas during this time was the culture of our organisation.
Culture Consultant Brian Dickinson facilitated a research project with the executive team to identify areas of weakness in our current employment team. He sat the group down and asked the question – what kind of people do we want to work with? What should we be looking for when we’re hiring? Three key things of importance were identified:
• Bringing a “can-do” attitude • Being a strong team player • Going out of our way to surprise and delight our members, guests and staff
These became the club’s new Culture Values that would lead a new, collaborative approach to our operations that every single staff member could be a part of. These Values now shape every single thing we do at the club.
Department rebrand
The COVID pandemic made it very clear that our people and culture are what defines us, and sets us apart from our competitors. This has driven a renewed focus to support and empower our people and to provide an environment where high performance thrives. Our People and Culture team are bringing a strategic approach to improving the overall employee experience, creating structures for better governance, and a commitment to partner with all other areas of the business.
Learning & development
Staff welfare
We revised our approach to training to create better pathways for our employees to further their careers with us. Rather than outsourcing our training courses, our senior management team now holds ‘Masterclass’ sessions in-house, to discuss real-time problems and issues faced in our venues.
All employees have also undertaken COVID training to ensure they are across all government regulations and health guidelines, ensuring the health and safety of our members and guests.
With the increased skill development of our employees, our managers and executive team feel they are better supported, and our customers receive a better customer experience.
We made a change to rosters to improve the work/life balance of our employees. By moving the start and finish times for overnight shifts to be more accommodating to sleep patterns and family routines, we have had less last minute shift cancellations and better performance by team members, which has improved the overall operation of the club.
CEO Mark Condi and members of the executive team hold regular information sessions via YouTube to update staff on operational changes and new developments within the organisation. This proved highly effective during the COVID lockdown, when the team was unable to meet face-to-face.
We have improved and streamlined our recruitment process so it directly aligns with our Culture Values. Rather than looking for specific skills in potential employees, we look for personality traits.
Skills can be taught to the right people.
Our People & Culture Department have also updated the Onboarding and Probation Review procedures to provide a better experience for all employees.
Performance & management
We have simplified the reporting structure for each department to ensure there are clear and direct lines to each manager, while the performance review process has also been overhauled. Staff members are able to engage their manager in an informal chat to discuss day-to-day issues, on top of more frequent formal performance reviews.