LEADERSHIP All courses will meet online for synchronous sessions at the times listed. Courses offered for 6 or more CTLE will also include asynchronous activities, as noted. Directions for accessing the online course will be emailed upon registration. LEWS575N Leadership in the Time of COVID-19: Staying Afloat, Staying Inspired We are all facing extraordinary challenges that impact the way we convey reassurance and transparency. Join a cohort of leaders who are interested in learning from and with one another. Topics include how to anticipate, clarify, reassure, and lead in this uncertain and ambiguous time, as well as how to build a community that is responsive to current challenges. This discussion-based three-part session will provide time to process, reflect, iterate, and advance your work as a leader. Instructor: Betsy McKenna November 5, 12, and 19 Synchronous Sessions: Thursdays, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $195 (not offered or credit) Registration Deadline: 10/29 LEWS574N Leading Through the Lens of Equity: Incorporating Diverse Literature Participants will build their leadership capacity to engage in critical conversations through the lens of equity with regards to the inherent challenges faced by students with disabilities, children of color, LGBTQ, English language learners, socioe-conomically disadvantaged, as well as unaccompanied youth. Taking into consideration the importance of representation within all facets of education, participants will work together to examine the importance of diverse literature and its’ incorporation into traditional unit plans and curriculum maps. Participants will further examine practical ways to embed diverse literature into everyday instruction and utilize such literature to engage learners and educators in critical conversations about social justice and racism. This class is designed for school and program administrators, teachers, and emerging leaders. Instructor: Dr. Ebony Green December 1 and 3 Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 PM –9:00 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $195 (not offered or credit) Registration Deadline: 11/29
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