WE ARE THE YOUTH! INTERVIEW WITH UN YOUTH DELEGATES Elise and Floria represent the German Youth at the real United Nations......p. 6
CONF MANAGER CLAUS LUCAS: IT WILL WORK WITHOUT ME It‘s his last conference. Herald did the last interview with Claus Lucas Letsch ...........p. 5
YOUR CHOICE TO VOTE: WHO IS NEXT MISS AND MISTER BALMUN The Baltic Herald shows all candidates for this year‘s title........................p. 7
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE BALTIC MODEL UNITED NATIONS Issue 4/2013 • Sunday, May 26th, 2013 • www.facebook.com/TheBalticHerald • www.twitter.com/BALMUN
Exclusive Interview with Miss President Alexandra Bartsch. We asked her, why she‘s the best decision for her position.................p. 4
THANK YOU AND GOOD-BYE Pictures of BALMUN Dance full of love .............................................................p. 8
What Do You Expect From BALMUN Dance? Steffie Janssen
Vincent Glesche
Day three
oday starts pretty wet for the poor crazy press aunt. Really, when I wanted to get drowned on my way to school, I would have fallen into a pool. After I finally get to manage to dry my clothes (so I won’t have to barge into the committees like a drowned rat) I will try to fix up my hair (it stays an attempt after all, I am afraid), and quietly I sneak into the DC. Fortunately they did not start with the main discussion yet, but with the punishment for those who misbehaved yesterday or came late today, because they overslept (or took a shower in the rain outside, who knows?) and so I take my favourite seat in the rearmost corner and act like a fly on the wall. Though, what I didn’t expect was the non-existent motivation of the delegates, who were not in the mood to ridicule themselves so early in the morning. After their feet danced humble semicircles to “Call me maybe”, I can not longer stand the misery and therefore I decide to add my two cents as the crazy press aunt, because the chairs obviously consider “Gangnam Style” as the better song to push up the atmosphere. Totally aware that I dispose myself of all the dignity I’ve ever gained I hit the “dance floor” (means the middle of the room, framed by tables) and move my hips to PSY. Lucky me that the other delegates are positively surprised and join my attempts to fulfil their punishment, what helps to lessen my embarrassment quite a lot. Frankly spoken, they really can do pretty awesome moves! After five persons captured that awkward moment with their Digi-Cams and mobile phones for the posterity and YouTube, I finally fix up my clothes and rush back to my beloved corner. A fly on the wall with a deep blush. Marvellous. I really do hope that I won’t disgrace myself that much in today’s BALMUN-Dance, otherwise my reputation (preconditioned I still have one) will not remain as “crazy”, but as “crazy and bad dancing press aunt”!
Have some fun, meet people at the dance floor (maybe some sexy boys?) and do all the party stuff.
Maria Rosenberger
Well, I hope to whitewash my reputation from this morning and show everyone that I’m not as bad at dancing as it may have seemed today!
Oliver Hartwich
My expectations? I hope they will broadcast the champions league! :)
Well, of course partying and having fun, all the things you usually do there.
Felice van Gelderen
I hope that the music is nice, because otherwise the crazy dancing is not going to work. And crazy dancing I really like, especially with my best friend Tessa.
Till Lennartz
Tonight? I’ll hit the dance floor and meet new people!
Reports From The Committees
Human Rights Committee Human trafficking and religious minorities are the main priorities of the Human Rights Committee. At the third day, the debates have been in full progress and the committee contributed a lot to make this discussion, about such important issues, productive. The importance of these issues according to our world, were shown in the number of resolutions. Three of them were about human trafficking and the last one about religious minorities. One of them has already passed through the procedure of debating with several amendments that every delagation was able to agree with it. Main submitter of this resolution was Saudia Arabia. The delegation from the desert states seems to have impressed the rest of the committee with its know-how. Also Israel and Italy are vigorous. And as if this was not enough, China and The Republic of Korea banded together. The other resolutions were contributed by: Sweden, Egypt and Syria. In addition to serious disputes they have also
done everything else that breaks up the atmosphere. For example the mock debate about the teams FC Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund with focus on the Champions League Final and their favorite. Nevertheless the chairs are quite satisfied with their committe so it was not necessary to push the delegates a lot. Hopefully it will continue like this...
Disarmament Committee
Debating. Discussing. Dancing. This characterizes the committee and its results of the second day. With a fruitful debate, a lot of fun and motivation the delegates and chairs are solving their BALMUN. But there weren‘t any hints that the debate has been boring at any time. The chairs always knew what to do and how to keep this comittee alive. One of these things have been the punishment which contained a dance to the song „Call me maybe“ including the legendary „Gangnamstyle“. In our eyes it was fun for the spectators of this spectacular but not for the delegates at all. To keep calm a yoga lesson in the cafeteria was
organized and carried out successfully. Back in their seats the delegates tried to find solutions for their issues and did a great job so far. As we know two resolutions from the Russian Federation and the U.K. had been handed in. One has passed and one failed unfortunately. Especially the delegate of Ireland had to contribute a lot, which made the whole thing quite productive. But we also found out that he should improve his handwriting-skills because his contributions were always a funny puzzle to solve. Also Brazil and DPRK could impress the committee. The delegate of DPRK was against quite everything in the committee. But with Isreal besides him he shouldn‘t have had any problems with that. All in all this committee is on a good way to complete their mission: Finding solutions to make this world a bit better and more peaceful – without - weapons.
Security Council Last but not least we are telling you something about the security council. In this committee we have also two issues. The Arab spring and the consequences for the global security architecture and the
conflict between Iran and Isreal. Solving these controversial problems with their resolutions, was the excercise of the delegates. So both topics were discussed with each resolution. Over the time China and the USA could establish themselves in this committee and found new cooperations with other delegations. So the USA and the Russian Federation were working together as a new world power. At the end the resolutions have been changed a lot and they worked really hard to find solutions, even against Irans atom program. Everyone was taking part at the debate and exchanged ideas how they think our world could be a better place. But BALMUN would not be BALMUN if we hadn‘t any funny/amusing things to tell. The delegate of Azerbaijan was committed to convince the other delegations of ceasing fire. In his enthusiasm he made a mistake and at the end he tried to cheese fire instead to cease fire. But this is only one of the reasons why the committees with their delegates and chairs are enjoying this MUN and participate year by year. We can be quite satisfied with that what our six committees have attained. This is what the chairs are working for and it seems that they have been successful.
The Editor-in-chief of The Baltic Herald, Kevin Dusch, and the President of the General Assembly, Alexandra Bartsch
”My Voice Is Awesome“ By KEVIN DUSCH
Alexandra Bartsch (right) with Phine Wencke on a BALMUN event
The Baltic Herald: How did you become the President of the General Assambly at BALMUN? The Baltic Herald: I got a call from the Conference Management, they asked me and I said yes. But, secretely the hope was already there beforehand. The Baltic Herald: Why are you the best choice? Alexandra:Because I AM the best. I have the skills, my voice is awesome, especially when I am sick, and since everybody is usually scared of me and nobody will dare to misbehave, I think I am also a good authority. The Baltic Herald: Are you pleased with the conference and especially your performance, up to now?
Alexandra: The conference is successful as always. About myself I have to say that I am a very self-aware and ambitious person. But all in all yes, I am thrilled so far. The Baltic Herald: What goals do you still have for the conference? Alexandra: I want to make the whole GA cry when I am giving my speech during the Closing Ceremony, so I will not be alone with that ;). The Baltic Herald: How many MUNs have you already participated in? Alexandra: About 20. BALMUN VI will be my last one. The Baltic Herald: …and then? Alexandra: I would like to start science career. But actually I really want to use all these things I learned in MUN. Therefore I am still uncertain.
”It Will Work Without Me“
BALMUN‘s conference manager Claus Lucas Letsch with Herald Editor-in-chief Kevin Dusch
Von KEVIN DUSCH The Baltic Herald: This is your last BALMUN-Conference – How does it feel? Claus: On the one hand strange, but on the other hand next conference will not be as stressful as this year´s. The Baltic Herald: Is it hard for you to say good-bye to your current position at BALMUN? Claus: Yes. The Baltic Herald: Anyway, will you take part in BALMUN next year? Claus: Absolutely! Well, I hope I do not want to conduct the conference. The Baltic Herald: What are you planning to do after your graduation? Claus: I want to study Sociology at the University of Hamburg. I am pretty sure I will be accepted. The Baltic Herald: Will BALMUN still work without you? Claus: Of course.
GOOD-BYE! Claus Lucas Letsch, Leonie Vetter, Peter Voß and Malte Höppner It was a pleasure to have you in our BALMUN Inner Circle. Looking forward to keep you as alumni members
PS Will miss the gossip stories about and with you, Claus Lucas. Matt
The Youth Of The United Nations
By ANNA KONDRATENKO and KORAY KOCYIGIT We had the honor to welcome the German youth delegates Florian Nowack and Elise Zerrath. They were visiting us this year to catch up some impressions, giving some tipps and see what is going on here in Rostock. We used this opportunity and asked them a few questions...
The Baltic Herald: Elise, Florian, Why are you visiting BalMUN? Elise & Florian: Rostock is a beautiful city. Since 2008 it is a tradition for the German youth delegates to visit the BALMUN. The Baltic Herald: What are your tasks as a youth delegate? Elise & Florian: We are representing over 15 million young people. In relation to this about the half of the world‘s population is under the age of 20. Any-
how the older people are dominating the global politics and that‘s why Germany implements the youth delegation since 2005. We are informing adolescents about several problems and visiting ten cities a month to work together with young people. As a whole all youth delegates of 30 countries are working together and serving as advisiors of diplomats at the UN. The Baltic Herald: Do you like the
Life-saver behind the curtain By HELKE REDERSBORG The Paramedic Service at our school is a student organisation which makes the school safer. They are here to rescue people who have gotten into an accident. For BALMUN there are every day two or three Paramedics to make sure your stay is protected.
UN‘s Model at the Baltic Sea? Elise & Florian: Yes, it is a really nice project to learn more about the UN and to get to know the debating procedures. The youth delegates were astonished about the very well prepared delegates and the fruitful and high-levelled debates. We really like to thank you that you have taken the time to answer our questions. We wish you the best and hope to see you next year once again.
Editors-in-chief Kevin Dusch Deputy Editor-in-chief Caroline Lusch Layout Matthias Bannert Francine Selms Staff Anna Kondratenko, Jenia Barnert, Koray Kocyigit, Helke Redersborg, Maria Rosenberger, Vanessa Seyfert
Bodo Neumann
Szymen Borysowski
Max Gleschinski
Phine Wencke
Stefan Kromolicki
Donella Mickel
Clausi And His Mausi Yesterday we asked if Jana Prothman is 14 years old. YES, this is true! Most of you voted right on Facebook. TRUE
88 %
FALSE 12 %