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Value Generation and Distribution
Value generation and distribution refers to initiatives undertaken by Bapco supporting the wider principles of sustainable development that are not directly related to our core business activities.
Bapco offers technical training, leadership and management development, personal effectiveness and workplace skills
GRI 103-01, 103-02, 103-03: Management approach
Bapco is a significant contributor to Bahrain’s economic development, playing a central role in improving the quality of life and prosperity of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
We share our technical expertise for the benefit of the wider community through a range of activities and outreach initiatives. We run a biennial EHS Family Day that, in 2020, was attended by over 37,000 Bapco employees, contractors and their families and members of the public.
We make a substantial commitment to further education and student sponsorship, allowing Bahrainis to attend some of the top universities within the Kingdom of Bahrain and overseas.
We support our community in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by sponsoring a range of sports clubs and sporting events, promoted through our publications. Many of our clubs compete successfully at national level and have won numerous competition awards.
We undertake many community focused events throughout the year. We hold an annual beach cleanup in association with RECSO. We also hold numerous events designed to promote community wellbeing on a wide range of topics such as diabetes, heart disease, hand hygiene, and heat stress.
GRI 203-01: Infrastructure investments and services supported
Bapco conducts several activities which result in an important positive impact on the community as well as the local economy. Bapco encourages employees to provide support for education by volunteering to education programme like INJAZ, and to give lectures to school and university students.
Bapco is proud to have established the Oil and Gas academy which trains and prepare highly skilled workforce. Bapco also provides scholarships to top students who would like to continue their education abroad. Refer to 203-02 on this page for further information.
BMP’s CSR group has completed several projects which had a positive impact on the community like the rehabilitation of Eker Garden and installing several solar power benches around the Kingdom. Refer to the BMP Social and Community Projects Special Topic, page 126.
Bapco sponsoring events and activities is also a way of giving back to the community - refer to 203-02 page 117.
GRI 203-02: Significant indirect economic impacts
The Learning and Development (L&D) Department has been offering apprenticeship programs since 1955. The modern Oil and Gas Academy within L&D was established in 2017 and continues to provide the industry with the a highly skilled workforce necessary for our future.
The L&D Department is a strategic business partner delivering value to the business and to society through its core values:
• Satisfying customers through its activities as a recognised centre of excellence for world class learning;
• Promoting a spirit of enterprise amongst our teams, which are committed to growth through learning and trusted by all stakeholders; and
• Empowering team members to create a dynamic performanceoriented environment to meet changing business needs.
Overview of the L&D Department
The L&D team provides internal and external learning solutions addressing Bapco’s training needs and requirements. These encompass technical training, leadership and management development, personal effectiveness and workplace skills. Those learning solutions are either delivered in house by our SMEs team members or through partnership with external training providers.
The team provides training, support and guidance in mechanical, electrical engineering, instrumentation, project management, and EHS. The team also provides company-wide training support with technologically advanced training solutions across electronic, mobile, microlearning and innovative future virtual reality and augmented reality media.
In addition to providing L&D opportunities to Bapco’s employees, the L&D team offer a number of programs such as Graduate scholarship programs and Diploma programs in technical disciplines. Our Graduate Scholarship programme was introduced to meet the current and future manpower requirements for the company and the Kingdom of Bahrain. We not only sponsor students financially, but also maintain a close relationship with them throughout their studies to ensure they achieve their full potential.
The Innovation Centre, part of the L&D team, offers services to employees from all departments to help them build a culture of innovation and adopt new technologies, which will provide opportunities to develop innovative products.
Talent Management services
L&D identifies the most talented employees and manages their career development journey by:
• Designing career paths across the various functions (individual contributor versus a people management career);
• Providing career guidance to employees on professional growth;
Total number of students enrolled in the Graduate Scholarship program
• Designing accelerated training and development programs;
• Supervising the career growth of identified individuals; and
• Delivering learning solutions/interventions for leadership and management capabilities improvement.
We additionally provide other scholarships for our employees and the children of Bapco employees. These scholarships assist students studying at Universities and Colleges in Bahrain and overseas. Total number of scholarships
Industrial Training Programme
Our industrial training programme offers high school and university students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience which forms part of their academic curriculum and is required in order to fulfil the requirement of a degree. The purpose of the programme is to support students to achieve desired qualifications and to help fulfil their career aspirations. We support students for the entire duration required by their institutions, a service that helps students gain valuable industrial insight as well as to prepare them for their eventual entry into the Kingdom of Bahrain’s job market.
Both 2020 and 2021 were challenging years, we offered virtual workshops to university students’ trainees who were required to undergo industrial training for their graduation. These workshops covered soft skills and technical learning outcomes.
List of Bapco sponsorships
During 2020 - 2021 we sponsored several events that occurred in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This includes the following:
• Environment Booth at Environment National Day
• Bahrain Football Association, Bahrain Maritime Sports Association, Media First for Bahrain First and Annual Report
• Crown Prince Volleyball Cup
• Sponsorship for Bahrain International Horse Race
• Sponsoring Bahraini Women Day Activities
• Sponsorship of the LEWAS 2021 Programme
• Sponsorship for 13th King Hamad Trophy Golf Championship
• Sponsoring with Partnership in the 2nd Mentorship Forum Middle East on November 11, 2021
• Sponsoring A Football Tournament which organise by Sanad Cultural & Sports Centre
• Sponsorship for Children & Mothers Welfare society event 10th January, 2021