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Local Content
Local content refers to our approach to investment in the Kingdom of Bahrain through local suppliers, as well as local hiring, which contributes to the broader socio-economic standing of the nation.
GRI 103-01, 103-02, 103-03: Management approach
We are committed to supporting our local supply chain and, by doing so, helping to strengthen development of the local economy. Most suppliers to Bapco are local and we regularly monitor these data as part of our supplier social assessment procedures.
Our Procurement Department supports contracting services and materials supply, and maintains the Refinery inventory and warehousing services. Consequently, procurement activities play a major strategic role within the organisation. We are proud to treat all our suppliers with courtesy, honesty, and fairness, fostering good relations and a positive work culture.
We are strongly committed to equal opportunities, with all recruitment, promotions, and career development being based on merit. We actively monitor the proportion of senior managers hired from the local community.
GRI 202-01: Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
Bapco is proud to offer remuneration that typically significantly exceeds the defined local minimum wage. An attractive benefits package is additionally offered to employees. Both salary and benefits are offered irrespective of gender. Bapco is proud of its compliance with and support of the Kingdom of Bahrain labour laws.
GRI 202-02: Proportion of senior management hired from the local community
For the purpose of this disclosure against the GRI Standards, ‘local’ refers to any Bahraini nationals, ‘senior management’ refers to executives that are General Managers and above, and ‘significant locations of operation’ includes our national operations in their entirety.
GRI 204-01: Proportion of spending on local suppliers
We try to support the local supply chain wherever possible within our procurement decisions. In 2020, 56% of all suppliers were classified as local to Bapco, i.e. had their main business premises in Bahrain. In 2021 the proportion of local suppliers was similar at 57%.