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Human Rights

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The topic of ‘human rights’ is recognised internationally and typically includes political rights, reasonable social freedoms and the right to decent working conditions. An organisation can impact human rights directly through its own actions and operations, but also indirectly through its positive influence on suppliers and the local community.

GRI 103-01, 103-02, 103-03: Management approach

We fully comply with the Bahrain Labour laws that protect the rights of employees from discrimination and prohibit child and forced labour.

Our Code of Conduct governs the standards of behaviour and mutual respect expected of all Bapco employees. Within Bapco, our robust management systems and continued innovation in health, safety and wellbeing ensure that all enjoy a positive and safe working environment.

We provide equal employment opportunities for those wishing to join us and particularly encourage women to seek advancement to senior positions within the company.

We have a documented grievance procedure, which provides a framework to facilitate resolution of any grievances raised by employees and ensures that complainants are free from restraint, interference, coercion or reprisal. Our BMP also has a dedicated grievance mechanism and communication channels for the public to communicate any feedback and concerns, which include a hotline, email address and an online grievance form.

GRI 407-01: Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk

We have not identified any operations or suppliers associated with Bapco where there is either a violation or significant risk that workers would not be able to exercise these rights.

Bapco works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Interior’s Guards Training School on matters of training and security requirements.

All our security personnel receive appropriate ‘human rights’ training in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Some training modules, such as vehicle stop-and-search procedures, and customer service, are specific to security personnel, with others, such as training in the Bapco Code of Conduct, being common training for all personnel. Security personnel are subject to professional development systems overseen by Bapco HR and used for other personnel.

Bapco makes specific provision for ensuring respectful interaction with personnel. For example, personnel searches are carried out by male or female security guards, as required by the gender of the personnel entering the facilities.

GRI 411-01: Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples

Bapco fully supports Bahrainisation, which concerns support to Bahraini talent irrespective of racial background. We have not recorded any incidents that violate the rights of indigenous people.

GRI 412-01: Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments


408-01: Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour

We monitor our contractor operations and have determined that none have a risk of child labour. Bapco fully complies with Bahrain labour laws and uses robust contracting procedures to protect migrant workers.

GRI 409-01: Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour

We monitor our contractor operations and have determined that none have a risk of forced or compulsory labour. Bapco fully complies with Bahrain labour laws and uses robust contracting procedures to protect migrant workers.

GRI 410-01: Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures

Bapco has professionally trained security personnel employed on a permanent basis. The personnel provide a range of security functions for their operating areas and facilities, including guarding of entrance points, personnel and vehicle searches, monitoring of security cameras, patrol of facility perimeter fencing and other facilities, and monitoring of personnel working on its sites.

Bapco is proud to fully comply with the Kingdom of Bahrain labour laws. We additionally take steps to screen our contractors for fair working practices. BMP has been subject to extensive human rights review to ensure equitable living and working conditions for the workforce.

GRI 412-02: Employee training on human rights policies or procedures

The specific number of hours of human rights training is not available because fundamental respect for human rights is embedded throughout all training conducted by Bapco.

GRI 412-03: Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening

The Kingdom of Bahrain Labour Laws include implicit requirement that human rights are respected. We are proud that all of our investment agreements and contracts to comply with these laws.

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