Baptist Clay Magazine, issue 1

Page 1

Exceptional Health Care in Clay County Baptist Clay Medical Campus opened this year, offering a complete healthcare complex for busy families that includes: 24/7 Fast-Access Emergency Care.. ........................ page 2

Diagnostics and imaging............................................ page 4 Heart care and testing. . .............................................. page 6

Primary care for the entire family. . ........................... page 8

Award-winning pediatric specialty care. . ................. page 10


Medical Campus

Family of injured dancer grateful for fast, coordinated care at Baptist/Wolfson Children’s Emergency Center With Meghan’s acrobatic dance class minutes from wrapping up, her mother walked from the waiting room to the gym and saw Meghan on the ground in pain. As Deborah Myers moved toward her daughter, she looked up and saw staff running to get her. Meghan had done this very same back round-off dozens of times, in this studio and in the front lawn of the family’s Clay County home. But this time, something went wrong. Meghan clutched her left arm and paramedics were called. The EMS team suggested taking Meghan to the Baptist/Wolfson Children’s Emergency Center at Clay, just minutes from the dance studio, to get Meghan’s pain under control and take X-rays to see what the next step would be. One look at the X-ray and it was clear that Meghan had a rare, closed fracture of the humerus and would need to be taken to Wolfson Children’s Hospital for emergency orthopedic surgery.


Baptist Clay Medical Campus

Remember how to get help.

Call 911

Call us for your FREE Kids’ Emergency Information magnet: 904.202.2273.

If there’s an emerg ency:

What to say... I need help! My address


My house looks like this

Who to call... My Mom’s name is Mom’s contact info

(Mom’s work number)

(Mom’s cell number)

My Dad’s name is Dad’s contact info

“I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that in a million

Meghan was in surgery by 10:15 p.m. and an hour

years,” Deborah said.

later, she had three pins placed to help the bone fuse

(Dad’s work number)

(Dad’s cell number)

Helpful friend or neighbor


(Phone number)

More information..


I am allergic to I have

The pediatric emergency doctor, Brian Gilligan, MD, had been in contact with Eric Loveless, MD, the pediatric orthopedic surgeon who would be doing the surgery that evening. Dr. Gilligan went through what would happen next: Meghan would be taken to Wolfson Children’s Hospital and be admitted to the hospital for surgery. “I knew what to expect and I could explain to my daughter what to expect, which was very important to me,” Deborah said.

(list conditions like asthma,

difficulty hearing, diabetes,

I take these medications

wear glasses or contacts,


My blood type is My doctor is

back together. Meghan started the new school year

(Name) (Phone Number)

Parents: This card helps you teach your children about emergencies. Complete it together and keep it in a prominent place by the phone or the refrigerator. Always on tell sitters the location, too.

with a bright pink cast from under her right shoulder

To learn more, call 904.516.1000

or visit


all the way to her wrist. And she had quite a story about her summer vacation.

The Baptist/Wolfson Children’s Emergency Center features: • A full-service emergency room open 24/7 to treat children and adults • Separate waiting and treatment areas for children, and a board-certified pediatric emergency medicine specialist on-site during peak hours • A Life Flight helipad and an ambulance on-site for patients who require hospital care • On-site diagnostics and digital imaging

By the time the family arrived, the bracelet with Meghan’s name was already printed. Her electronic medical record was in the system – and the staff was ready for her. “Everything was quick and seamless,” Deborah said. “I didn’t have to repeat myself a hundred times. They knew we were coming, they knew why we were coming and they were ready for us.”

Baptist Clay Medical Campus


Convenient, compassionate care makes Baptist Clay an easy choice for Star Mariano’s imaging needs The scrambling around and fighting traffic to squeeze in a test or an appointment was getting old for Star Mariano. The judicial assistant lives in Mandarin, but works in Green Cove Springs at the Clay County Courthouse. As a diabetic, it seems she’s always needing a test or a scan, just to make sure everything’s on the up and up. “I would have to try and rush before work or after work to get there and it was always a hassle,” Star said. She was having neck issues this summer and needed an MRI. She decided to schedule it at Baptist Clay, which she drives by every morning headed south on U.S. 17.

“The facility is beautiful, the people are so friendly and I was in and out and on with my day just like that,” Star said.


Baptist Clay Medical Campus

The technician even spent a little extra time with her, showed

Baptist Clay Medical Campus is a one-stop resource for imaging and routine tests for adults and children, including:

her the images of her neck and brain and how they can be sliced and magnified to identify problems. Star said she was fascinated by the technology and enjoyed the opportunity to better understand the process. “And, now there’s proof,” Star joked. “I do have a brain!”

• X-ray

Imaging services are scheduled for patients just like Star, so it’s

• CT scans

convenient for people to pop in on their way to or from work,


said Pat Dombroski, supervisor of Imaging at Baptist Clay.

• Ultrasound

“Tests should work around a busy person’s schedule, ideally, and not be events they have to build their schedule around,” Dombroski said. When it came time for her screening mammogram, Star knew where she was headed. This time, she scheduled it on her way home from work on a

• Mammography • Bone density

Did you know? Baptist securely stores your medical

For scheduling, please call 904.202.2222

images electronically and makes them part of your medical record so they can be available to all your doctors. This can eliminate unnecessary repeat tests being ordered.

Wednesday afternoon. Again, she was in and out quickly and was thrilled with the experience. “No one wants to have tests,” Star said. “But I know it’s important to have a regular mammogram and the staff here makes it as pleasant as it can be.”

Baptist Clay Medical Campus


Precautionary stress test at Baptist Clay helped catch blockages, led to potentially life-saving triple bypass surgery Gary McLaughlin was doing everything by the book. His five-year window was up and he needed a colonoscopy. But when he arrived for the procedure, the nurse picked up an irregularity in an EKG and sent him to his primary care physician for another look. His primary care doctor, Michael Stephens, MD, told Gary he had a slightly irregular heartbeat, which might be common for a 65-year-old, but he wanted him to have a stress test, just to be safe. Good thing. Gary took a stress test at the Baptist Clay Medical Campus and met with cardiologist Simone Nader, MD, with Baptist Heart Specialists. Dr. Nader saw enough issues in Gary’s stress test to refer him to Baptist Heart Hospital for a cardiac catheterization to determine if he had a blocked artery. Turns out he had three. Gary had triple bypass surgery in July and Dr. Nader said his recovery is ahead of schedule.


Baptist Clay Medical Campus

“He didn’t have any major outward symptoms, but when we can get people in here for a stress test, we can find serious problems lurking that can cause major damage,” Dr. Nader said. Looking back, Gary says he did have some tightness in his chest, but he thought it was from arthritis that

“It is so important to pay attention to what your body is telling you,” Dr. Nader reminds us. “It tells you things for a reason.” Just weeks after his surgery, Gary was already walking two miles a day. Soon, he’ll start comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation, a 12-week program that gives patients the knowledge and tools they need to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle.

runs in his family. He was doing regular, day-to-day

He’s on the road to recovery and focusing

activities and never would have thought his heart was

more on his health, thankful that preventive

essentially a ticking time bomb.

care was able to catch his heart problems

“It’s great they are able to catch these things early like this now. I guess before you’d just die and that was it,” Gary said. “I thought everything was fine.” Symptoms like chest tightness need to be checked out, though most people do just attribute these issues to slowing down some with age, Dr. Nader said.

before it was too late.

For an appointment with a cardiologist at Baptist Heart Specialists in Clay County, please call 904.224.5185.

Dr. Nader grew up in Brazil and started medical school at age 16, fueling her passion for understanding and fighting heart disease. She stresses the number of cardiac issues and death that can be avoided by eating right and exercising regularly. Dr. Nader practices that philosophy at home with her husband and two children, all of whom are staying active in the Florida outdoors after moving to the Sunshine State this year.

Simone Nader, MD, Baptist Heart Specialists

Baptist Clay Medical Campus


Regular check-ups for kids and adults can ward off problems before they start

now on the Baptist Clay Medical Campus —

“We’re not just looking at pneumonia, we’re not just looking at diabetes,” said H. Dale Boyd, MD, of Baptist Primary Care Fleming Island. “We’re looking at the entire person’s health and their family.”

Orange Park Pediatrics and Baptist Primary Care

In children, especially those under age 5, the visits are tied to

Fleming Island — have earned this prestigious

immunizations. Richard Gehret, MD, with Orange Park Pediatrics said

national recognition and stress the importance

immunizations are critical for children and urged parents to stay on top

of regular check-ups.

of their child’s shot schedule to make sure he or she is protected.

The key to staying healthy is getting a feel for what’s going on with your body before significant symptoms take hold. Prevention and a focus on a patient’s overall health are staples of Patient-Centered Medical Home practices. Two primary care offices

The two other main points pediatricians will look at are the child’s growth pattern and development milestones — such as when a child first rolls over or when he or she begins to talk. “Those are two areas where we may see some red flags and that could be the first sign there’s a problem,” said Dr. Gehret, one of seven pediatricians in the office that recently expanded to Baptist Clay and also has two offices in Orange Park and Argyle Forest. Stephanie Behee had been hauling her growing family from south of Green Cove Springs to the Smith Street, just to see Dr. Gehret for the past 13 years. Even though she tries to group the appointments as best she can, with eight children – six of whom are still young enough to see a pediatrician — she’s still making at least a dozen trips a year to the doctor.


Baptist Clay Medical Campus

H. Dale Boyd, MD, Baptist Primary Care

With the opening the Baptist Clay office, the Behees have saved about 15 minutes each way – making it very convenient for those same-day trips to treat an ear infection or a bug that’s running through the house.

“Dr. Gehret is so down to Earth, he knows me, he knows my kids as individuals and he listens to me. That’s important,” Stephanie said. Dr. Gehret said he was initially seeing families he’d already been seeing at another office, but are now coming to Baptist Clay because it’s closer to their home in Fleming Island or Green Cove Springs. Others are brand-new patients drawn to

early 30s, a visit every couple of years is recommended.

the office because of its location.

When a person starts to approach 40, an annual check-up

“The first thing you hear when you walk in the room is, ‘It’s great to have you here,’” Dr. Gehret said. Dale Boyd, MD, moved his family practice onto the Baptist Clay campus and expanded to add Dian Trent, ARNP, offering another primary care option for families. Dr. Boyd echoes Dr. Gerhet’s thoughts on regular visits, but for a different reason.

is a good idea, Dr. Boyd said. While it may seem like a waste of time to walk into a doctor’s office completely healthy, Dr. Boyd said it can pay huge dividends down the road. “If you wait until you have symptoms, the condition is much further advanced, much more difficult to treat — and some things cannot be reversed,” Dr. Boyd said.

While most pediatric appointments focus on making sure

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Boyd, or

progress is made, many adult appointments are checking to

Dian Trent, ARNP, please call 904.264.4405.

see that minor issues aren’t going unchecked to potentially progress in larger problems. The frequency of doctor’s visits is really an individual

Richard Gehret, MD Orange Park Pediatrics

To schedule an appointment with Orange Park Pediatrics, please call 904.269.2140 or 904.520.6620.

question, based on a person’s age and overall health, Dr.

For more information, please see

Boyd said. For someone who’s healthy and in their 20s or . Baptist Clay Medical Campus


Partnerships drive Wolfson Children’s Specialty Center “This is another example of the pediatric care providers in our region partnering and coming together to better the lives of families in Northeast Florida,” said Michael D. Aubin, FACHE, Wolfson Children’s Hospital president. “We’re excited to join Nemours and UF in bringing high-quality subspecialty care to residents of Fleming Island and beyond.” “We are committed to doing whatever it takes to provide the very best, research-based medical care for children and are glad to offer that care in a location that is convenient to our patients and their families,” said From cardiology and rehabilitation to orthopedics and allergy, the area’s

Michael Erhard, MD, medical director of Nemours Children’s Clinic,

trusted providers in more than a dozen specialties are now under one

Jacksonville. The Specialty Center is on the first floor of the Medical Office

roof at the Wolfson Children’s Specialty Center on the Baptist Clay

Building complementing the array of emergency, diagnostic and primary

Medical Campus.

care options on the campus.

Some of the services have been offered in various locations throughout

“With this pediatric specialty center and the Baptist Emergency Center,

Clay County and in Jacksonville, but this new center will offer pediatric

we have become the place for the very best children’s health care in Clay

specialists in one convenient, outpatient setting for Clay County residents.

County,” Aubin said.

The team of pediatric partners will provide the following services: Nemours Children’s Clinic, Fleming Island

University of Florida College

Wolfson Children’s Rehabilitation

• Audiology and hearing

• Pulmonology

of Medicine–Jacksonville

• Occupational and physical

• Allergy and asthma

• Radiology

• Cardiology

• Psychiatry and psychology • Speech and language • Immunology



• Ophthalmology

• Ear, nose and throat

• Orthopedics

• Urology

Baptist Clay Medical Campus

• Infectious disease

therapy • Speech and language therapy • Little Bites Feeding program • Sports and Orthopedic program


CT technologist Mike Hixson drawn to Baptist Clay to treat friends and neighbors One day, it’s a friend from Hibernia Baptist Church. The next day, it’s someone Mike Hixson knows from Sunday afternoons watching his beloved Pittsburgh Steelers. Or, he’s greeted in a local restaurant by a patient who recognizes Mike and raves about her experience at the Baptist Clay Medical Campus. Mike, a CT technologist, knew he’d be shaving his daily commute down to 5-mile roundtrip from his Eagle Harbor home once Baptist Clay opened in May. That was certainly a plus.

Just as important was the opportunity to work close enough to home that he’d be caring for the friends, neighbors and smiling faces he sees around town. Those are the people that have made Fleming

his neighbors were doing the same for CT scans and MRIs, ultrasounds and mammograms — all tests that can now be done right here on Fleming Island. “I want them to get the best care possible and I want them to come here because I know they’ll

“I love it here for the pure

be treated right,” Hixson said.

fact that I get to help take

In his first month at Baptist Clay, he saw a

care of people I’ve known

grandmother, her daughter and her granddaughter,

as long as we’ve lived here.”

all for various ailments. It’s an example of the family atmosphere in the area — and the ranges of services available. Having an emergency center that specializes in adults and children is a huge relief for Mike and his neighbors. “They’re so happy they don’t have to go anywhere else,” Mike said. “That was probably the one complaint people had about living down here, that health care wasn’t available.

Island such a welcoming home since the Hixsons

“We can’t say that anymore and I’m glad to be a

relocated from Guam in 2007. Mike was driving

part of it.”

into Baptist Jacksonville for work every day and Baptist Clay Medical Campus




Medical Campus

Map and visitor guide

Medical Office Building

Emergency Center and Diagnostics/Imaging Directions From I-295:

Medical Office Building – 1747 Baptist Clay Drive

Baptist/Wolfson Children’s

Orange Park Pediatrics Wolfson Children’s Specialty Center Nemours Children’s Clinic UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville Wolfson Children’s Rehab Borland-Groover Clinic Baptist Heart Specialists Baptist Medical Center Cardiac Testing Baptist Primary Care

ER and Diagnostics – 1771 Baptist Clay Drive

Suite 110 First Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor Suite 300 Suite 320 Suite 330 Suite 340

Baptist Emergency Center at Clay 904.516.1000 Baptist Diagnostics & Imaging at Clay 904.202.2222

Take the US 17 S./Park Ave exit, EXIT 10, toward Orange Park/Green Cove Springs. Proceed 8 miles. Turn right on Village Square Parkway. Baptist Clay Medical Campus is on your left. From Green Cove Springs: Take US 17 north toward Orange Park. Turn left on Village Square Parkway.

Baptist Clay Medical Campus is on your left.

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