Conceptual Framework
The phenomenon of Dementia Disease is very prevalent in Qatar as care is not provided beyond clinical care. This project proposes a semi-residential care center that tackles the complications that Dementia elderly face, such as the psychological and behavioral problems. The project aims to provide the elderly with a space that mitigates these complications while still providing the elderly with a home-like environment. To ensure that, a theory in environmental psychology must be implemented within the care center. The Elements of Legibility theory by Kevin Lynch will be implemented to enhance spatial legibility for the elderly occupying the space. This theory highlights space not just as a physical arrangement but as a direct experience of human elements. The theory establishes five elements that analyze spatial legibility: paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks. The relevancy of each element differs depending on its function.
Edges is an organizing feature where clear boundaries are established within different spaces. Through developing a boundary between each space, an emphasis on each space is established. This helps the elderly with distinguishing one “edge” from the other.46 These distinctive spaces support Dementia diagnosed elderly with orientation, as well as a better understanding of space and time. Legibility is expressed through distinguishing the level of public/ privacy the space has, which allows the elderly to distinguish the space from the others. 47 Districts describe internal harmony through different spaces. Through providing a district, the elderly feels included to a larger community. This understanding establishes a legible framework for the elderly to help understand the context they are in. 48 Developing this district provides a safe parameter for the Dementia diagnosed elderly; safe of wandering and access to controlled exterior spaces. 46
Paths are channels used to move from one area to another. These paths usually connect the whole space together as it narrates the physical experience of the user. To ensure a successful experience, it is important to maintain visual access within the paths within the space. Through establishing legibility within these paths, disorientation is controlled with the Dementia diagnosed elderly, levels of independence increase, and personal orientation becomes clearer. Through the use of obvious and easy-to-follow routes, a higher level of self-esteem and confidence is achieved. 47 Nodes define the overlap and intersectionality of the spaces. Nodes define the space’s connection points. The nodes produce common areas that reduce social withdrawal and depression. 47 The nodes generate a legibility in assisting orientation of the elderly which assists means of wayfinding throughout the space. 49 Landmarks are points of reference that define certain elements within the space. Landmarks serve as guiding elements that serve as a return point for the Dementia diagnosed elderly. These reference points provide visual cues for Dementia elderly which helps with individual orientation, as well as a remembrance and an understanding of the environment. Some induced behaviors stimulated by this visual cue are social interaction, connection with the space, and reduced pacing. 47 Through the use of the five elements of legibility, the space starts representing a collective function which provides harmony throughout the space by articulating the different functions of each element. This theory can be applied to the proposed project through the interior design elements, wayfinding, and zoning/ space planning. Some design considerations that would be how building codes collide with the theory, how the selection of materials affect the theory, and how color relates to elements that implement the theory.