S-A-V-O-R Featuring the fabulous moment of solitude. Uncover the personal and curious relationships we have when we are alone.
Little gallery: Into Morocco 40 days alone in the U.S. The Feature article written by Barbara Wei
No. 2 Jul 2019
SAVOR Contents
Editor's letter
The letter from our editor
Explore the alone story Photographer: Justyna Zdunczyk
Throw yourself in blue
Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You The article written by Carrie Miller
About solo travel The feature article written by 12 Barbara Wei
40 days alone in the U.S. The feature article written by 16 Barbara Wei
Explore the alone story
Little gallery: into Morocco
Illustrator: Yaling Li
Show the little moment of aloneness
SAVOR Editor's letter
Editor's letter Hello rea ders ! Welc ome t o t he sec o n d issu e o f S avo r
magazin e. To delight in a n d savo ur yo ur p r ivat e t im e.
What’s the attitude on being alone? The sense of observing will expand to life, to place, and to yourself. Our magazine is based on the attitude of solitary, and the feeling, the lesson and the journey of storytelling from the perceptive of being alone. Notice tiny things in your life, and understand yourself better, then you become an observer and a completed you.
I n t h i s n ew e d i t i o n , we m a n ly fo c us o n t rave l l i n g a l o n e. I t o ut l i n e s t h e s c en e s o n t h e t ri p i n Mo ro c c o, a l s o s h a re s a s t o r y fro m o ur e d i t o r w h o s e f i rs t s o l o t rave l i n t h e U. S . A . S o l o t rave l c a n i n f l ue n c e yo u a l o t , a n d s h ap e yo ur p e rs o n a l i t y a n d yo ur t h o ug h t s a b o ut t h e wo rl d . G o o d t h i n g a n d b a d t h i n g a l l c o m e t o l i fe b ut we c a n l e a rn a n d d i ge s t i t we l l w h e n we b ro d e n o ur h o ri z o n t a l . Yo u c a n ge t s o m e i n s p i ra t i o n s f ro m t h e s i x t h i n gs s o l o t rave l t e a c h yo u. I h o p e yo u w i l l e n joy o ur p ub l i c a t i o n !
Editor B a rb a ra We i
Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You Deciding to travel alone can feel intimidating, but here's what you can learn if you take the chance. by Carrie Miller
STILL MARVEL I didn’t drop stone-cold dead from
to say something,” she said. “I think you’re incredibly
embarrassment during my first solo travel experience.
brave. I’ve seen you around town this week and you look
As a 20-year-old, I booked a spontaneous trip to Darwin
like you’re having so much fun. I wish I had the courage
in Australia’s Northern Territory. I didn’t want to go
to travel on my own like you.”
alone, but none of my friends had the time or money to go with me. Everything went wrong from the start. Poor planning landed me in the only available room in town, a
21 years of traveling solo, I heard that same sentiment again and again.
backpacker bunk room occupied by two German men
I became a solo traveler out of necessity, rather
who didn’t speak English. On a guided tour of Kakadu
than choice: As a travel writer I spend a lot of time on
National Park, I fell for every prank my Australian guide
my own. Also, as my friends settled into their lives and
pulled. (Eventually he stopped baiting me. My gullibility
acquired partners, children, careers, and mortgages, I
made it “easier than tackling a turtle,” he said.) And I
discovered I had to travel solo if I wanted to travel at all.
won’t get into how I won a wet T-shirt contest I never entered, thanks to a bad wardrobe choice. I am the reigning world heavyweight champion of
I quickly learned to love it. There is a freedom to traveling alone: I am in charge of my own decisions and my own rhythm, and being in charge of my own travel
beating myself up, and each mistake made me more
budget has saved a few arguments, too. I’ve learned
self-conscious. I felt like Nancy No-Mates when I
independence, and I’ve even learned to love loneliness.
requested a table for one. I was certain everyone was
And I’m not alone: Solo travel is growing in popularity,
watching me, wondering if I was recently jilted, or
particularly among women travelers, and it’s getting
simply friendless.
It turned out someone was watching me. During
It took a while for her words to sink in, epiphanies being slower than self-recrimination, but during my next
So if you haven’t tried traveling by yourself yet, you
my last solo supper in Australia, a British woman
should. As a little encouragement, here are six things
approached me. “I don’t want to interrupt, but I just had
traveling solo has taught me.
SAVOR Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You
7 Photograph by Carrie Miller, Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Despite knowing these benefits, it can be a challenge to find time alone in a world that seems to never sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you find more time to spend with yourself.
Yo u Won 't Die of
start off muddled. Once or twice I’ve
Embarras smen t
discovered I’m not missing someone
Fear of what other people think is one of the biggest barriers for potential solo travelers, but here’s the truth: My Darwin disaster
I should be, which answered a
Six Things
question I was too scared to ask at home. Loneliness taught me how I like to spend my time. Understanding
became one of my fondest
my own pace, rhythms, and
memories—and one of my favorite
preferences has impacted every
campfire stories. Darwin taught me
corner of my life, including where
that people don’t see me how I see
and how I live. We so rarely have
myself. I look at solo travelers with
time to be still, to be with ourselves.
respect, not pity, and that’s how
Traveling solo gives that gift. It takes practice, being lonely.
people were looking at me. And if they are entertaining judgmental thoughts, what does it matter? I’ll
Here are a few tips that helped me: Resist the urge to be busy all
never see them again. The more
the time. Don’t fill every waking
time I spent on the road alone, the
moment. Let yourself be. Loneliness
stronger my self-confidence grew.
isn’t boredom. Don’t keep in touch. I have a difficult time being in the moment,
How to Be Lon e ly
and I miss loved ones more, if I keep
You will get lonely traveling by yourself. Anyone who tells you
in close contact while I’m away. I’ve
differently is lying. But loneliness
conditioned my friends and family
gets a bad rap. At the age of 41,
Photograph @kazumaogura
that no news is good news. They
I’ve collectively spent more time
know my itinerary, and I check in
traveling on my own than with
regularly and briefly, but stories and
someone. And while some of it’s a
pictures can wait until I get home. Your demons will follow you. You
drag, I enjoy the time to myself. Loneliness untangles and focuses
can’t outrun them. So, turn around,
my thoughts, although they always
face them, and invite them to have a
SAVOR Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You
cup of tea with you. By now, I’m old
W hat Yo u Wa n t t o B e W h e n Yo u
and do (just about) anything. And
friends with mine.
Grow Up
no one can take that knowledge or
More likely than not, traveling How to Ma ke Frie n ds All that being said about
solo will help your career. New
independence from me. It’s freedom. The only way to try traveling solo
experiences open doors. You might
is to book a ticket. Just go. You’ll be glad you did.
loneliness, you will meet people on
stumble across a place or activity
your journey. Traveling alone forces
that changes your entire direction.
us outside of our comfort zones,
Or you’ll meet someone you might
which makes us more receptive to
want to collaborate with in the
T he Wo r ld I s ( M o s t ly ) G o o d In 21 years of traveling solo, I
new people and experiences. And
future. The world’s a small place, and
can count the dodgy experiences on
solo travelers are less intimidating
travelers tend to find each other. You
one hand. My travels have taught me
and more approachable than groups. On some trips you’ll have
have time to get to know yourself,
the majority of people want to help,
to reflect, to be momentarily free of
rather than harm. But things can
interesting conversations with
criticism and competition. Learning
happen. Taking a few precautions
people you’ll never speak to again,
to listen to—and trust—my own voice,
puts you in a better position to
which is fine. Some people can
away from distractions and pressure,
handle a situation if it comes up.
remain fond memories. On other
bettered my writing.
Here’s what I do: Listen to your gut. That prickling
In de p e n de n c e
on your neck? The feeling something
trips, you’ll make friends—likeminded creatures you’ve impatiently been waiting to meet all your life.
My biggest solo trip turned out to
isn’t right? Heed it. Trust your
I’ve made some of my best and
be my best one. In 2004, I moved to
instinct, even in the face of seeming rude or paranoid.
longest-lasting friendships on my
New Zealand. I didn’t know a single
solo trips. These are people with
person in the country. And I wouldn’t
backgrounds and experiences so
have been able to do that if I hadn’t
about you. Traveling solo isn't the
different to my own, only travel
traveled solo. Traveling by myself has taught me
time to get sozzled.
things I couldn’t learn anywhere else.
phone batteries die and networks
I learned how I like to spend my
jam in emergencies. I keep a
time, self-reliance, and I learned that
folded piece of paper with me at
I could go (just about) anywhere
all times. On one side is a scan
could have crossed our paths.
Enjoy yourself, but keep your wits
September 11 taught me that
SAVOR Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You
of my passport. On the other is a list of important addresses and numbers: family, friends, embassies, consulates, hospitals. If you couldn’t use your phone, what information would you need? Write it down. Travel light. Don’t take anything you can’t carry. You might need to travel fast. Also, keep your gear with you at all times, including in taxis. Always carry a business card of the place you’re staying, especially in countries where you don’t speak the language. It’s gotten me “home” more than once. Leave your travel plans with someone back home, check in regularly (but briefly), and tell the concierge where you’re going when
Photograph @kazumaogura
you leave the hotel.
"Traveling solo does not always mean you’re alone. Most often, you meet marvelous people along the way and make connections that last a lifetime." Jacqueline Boone
SAVOR Six Things Solo Travel Teaches You
Photograph @kazumaogura
"The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself." Diane Von Furstenberg
SAVOR About solo travel
Photograph @semanurcil
"Ten years of solo traveling have shown me the essence of how random our planet might be. But there is one ultimate winner of all the questions that meets and greets me nearly everywhere I travel and, of course, when I come back to tell the stories of routes and means of independent solo roaming: "But aren’t you afraid?" No, I am certainly not. And you shouldn’t be either. Simona Laiconaite
raveling alone accelerates maturity, thus it also requires
at least a rough mapping of routes, trajectories, and scenarios. It is not about challenging your luck, but rather becoming friends and allies
with it: if you are living a life full of travel, you should make it damn sure that that your life is as long as possible. If in doubt or uncertainty, start small - try out a short journey somewhere not too far, it doesn’t have to be extreme at all. Then take the second step, make the distance longer, let’s say - double the last one. Like my boyfriend would put it: “You can’t learn to deal with extreme situations while sitting on a couch. You have to face and experience them. If you want to walk the perimeter of your country by foot during winter, you gotta start with just a couple of hours of walking with weights in your neighborhood whatever the weather might be.”
Photograph @semanurcil
SAVOR About solo travel
"My alone feels so good — I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude." Warsan Shire
Thus, in order to get some skills for solo traveling, you have to actually travel alone. If there’s any doubt, go out and check it in real life. And the world is not scary. Just like every one of us, it is thrilling to learn more about, wide to roam around, exciting to experience and, the best part, it is always different and never the same. Talk to strangers wherever you are, especially if traveling alone. After all, everyone is a stranger until efforts are made to get them to know and that is exactly how friends are made disregarding whether we travel or not. If in doubt, start slow and take all the time you need to explore persons or situations - friendships, conversations and acquaintances normally have their cultural challenges but those aren’t hard to examine, especially if you think about it before you make the first step as a solo traveler.
" There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey." Mandy Hale
"I wondered why it was that places are so much lovelier when one is alone." Daphne du Maurier
40 days alone in the U.S.
he summer in 2013, I was 19 years old.
I told my mom about the idea of
having solo travel, and this is how I started my first solo travel in the
Written By Barbara Wei
U.S.A. A friend of my mom, she has a daughter live in San Fransisco, and
in the gate and realised so many
that's it, I got her contact and the
Americans around me, I knew "now
place to stay with a total stranger at
this is a real game begins. I only
that time for me. As the departure
myself, no matter what happened I
day coming, I said goodbye to my
can do it."
mom and sister then I headed off
San Francisco International
to a new country and my adventure.
Airport, after a long flight; finally, I
No plans, no friends, different
arrived in the U.S.A. I had no idea
language, and not scared at all, only
what is going next, so I followed the
my courage and my own. Besides,
crowds. Lots and lots of people in
English at that time I only knew
the long queue for custom, It took
basic communication.
me ages to my turn, I answered
I did not do any research on
the custom by words not even a
things should know in the airport;
sentence and he said welcome.
therefore, I followed signs and signs,
Welcome to my new journey!
and it went so smoothly to the gate,
The next thing after the custom,
nothing stuck my mind. As I waited
I assumed that I should call the
daughter of my moms' friend, but I didn't know how to contact her (Lily). I haven't worried about the internet data issue for use before I left Taiwan, that a very bold and risky move to be honest and luckily, I accessed the airport wifi and texted her, in a very short time, we met our first time. Lily is a very lovely person, no surprise; we become friends so quickly. Talk a lot and a lot and
"The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" — Mark Twain Read the full artice: https://medium.com/@archieeybee/40-days-alone-in-the-usa-21351b6fce17
SAVOR 40 Days Alone In the USA
" I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers." Henry David Thoreau
none stop, even now when I write down these words, I can see her big smile in my head. We arrived at her house, and I told myself "now this is the place I will have a lot of fun within the following days." We unpacked, talked more and met her sister and other roommates. That night I settled down and slept tight and sweet. I still remember her room. The second day, I woke up, the first thing popped in my mind was telling myself "Alright, let's start this journey." Lily took me to see around where we lived and how does the city centre look like. After having a quick blast, we backed to home and have a rest for the rest of chill Saturday, and we went out again in the evening, having a walk for the night time church view. The next day, I told Lily I gonna go out and follow my travel plan. To be honest, I don't have a solid plan, the one thing I have is a list of places in San Francisco where I found some giant dots in google map. I know what you think is so crazy haha! Interesting, this's the most of who I am. I head in and face the unknown coming without a doubt. I said bye to everyone and off to start my first-day plan to see the whole of San Francisco my own!
Grace Cathedral, my first drop. It was Sunday, people gathered in the church, my first impression about a western country also my first time engaged in church thing. I spent couples of hours in there and as it finished I decided to head back home (Lily's house, the place I stay in San Francisco) due to the jet lag my body was unwell. When I backed home Lily and others were out of uni, only Ay (Lily's sister) at home. Â I backed to my bed and tried to shake my headache off, trying to get some sleep but I didn't know why I suddenly had a depressed feeling comes out, and I can't stop my tears. They kept running out of my eyes. I looked at the ceiling and the things around me in this room. The people and this country all are unfamiliar to me, and It becomes a hidden pressure for me.
SAVOR 40 Days Alone In the USA I need to breathe and let it all out of my body. After released this strange and unfamiliar emotion I felt way better in bed. Unexpectedly, Ay came into the room, and she saw me in bed. I told her that I feel dizzy because of the jet lag, I need to sleep to recharge my body. She said she can understand that feeling and she left me alone to sleep. Before she left, she told me that "I think you are incredibly brave, come all way here and go out to discover the big city alone." These words are so sweet which comfort me just after my depressed early on. I never thought about I am brave, I would love to try everything and when I see a chance coming I will seize it and do it with no regret later on. When she mentions I am brave, these words become a new word for me to think about myself. I am a brave girl, I should be proud of myself. And the next days and days, I never have the depression anymore, I become more independent and more strong to digest all the personal feeling. I spent the couples weeks in San Francisco having a good time there with my poor English and brave heart, my story has the first chapter. Most of the time I travelled my own and I followed the random plan every day which impressed myself. Somedays when Lily or her friend have the day off we go somewhere further by car and spend a fun time with groups of people. As things and life in San Francisco gradually settled down, my other random thought jumps into my head, "I want to go somewhere else". A friend from high school saw my post in San Francisco on Facebook. He asked
I around in the whole big group of different colour people in Flushing I was a bit anxious, but I stayed calm and looked cool on my face. The tip from myself is trying to pretend as a local, not a tourist. It will save you safe and build your confidence in a new place. ... The last week in the USA, I stayed in San Francisco to see the features place I have not seen yet. The life in there getting better and better, compared to the second day I feel so small and now I could not think anything unhappy. Beneath the Golden bridge, I am small and little me but at the same time, I am strong and brave in my nineteen years old. I see the beautiful and ugly.
me "why not come to New York, I will wait for you here". Things always come this way in my life, new plan pops in suddenly. I do not plan and I am willing to welcome all the things coming. There are always some interesting things happen you never picture. I booked the flight ticket and took the US domestic flight from west to east. Eventually, I arrived in the Big Apple. A taxi brought me into the inside of the Big Apple from John F. Kennedy International Airport. It was the first time I took a taxi in a different country, also the first time of my life took a taxi my own using different language. I can tell how nervous and frighten I was at that time haha. The place I stay in New York is a daily rent room, found it on Facebook. It is in Flushing. I never meet any other people except Asian in Taiwan, the first time when
As Mark Twain says "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" The summer in 2013,
unknown and welcome a new world open in her life. The
which I feel like living in the wintertime, I conquer the
more you want to try on one thing the more you should
coldest loneliness and weakness of travelling alone.
believe in yourself you can.
This trait transforms me a brave traveller who can take
good care of herself and have the courage to face the
SAVOR 40 Days Alone In the USA
"Anything we fully do is an alone journey." Natalie Goldberg
SAVOR 40 Days Alone In the USA
Each of us need a break, meditation. A few moments to stay with himself... Alone
Justyna Zdunczyk www.justynazdunczyk.com
SAVOR Justyna Zdunczyk
SAVOR Justyna Zdunczyk
SAVOR Justyna Zdunczyk
SAVOR Human - Chess (When I was alone)
See her lovely perceptions on enjoying the sum of alone Throw yourself in blue Yaling Li (lylean lee)
Being a
be enjoy
SAVOR Yaling Li
alone can
yable too!
SAVOR Yaling Li
SAVOR Yaling Li
Every part is all beautiful, the bad and the good.
SAVOR Yaling Li
Pace Every one is single in their own own pace.
Little gallery shows the little moment of aloneness, when I alone at the moment Photograph @design.barb
In this issue we take you to the amazing country, Morocco. What we see in my journey, and my own perspective when I am alone at the moment in my journey.
SAVOR Little gallery
The market
Little gallery Into Morocco
Clothes wash Kids
One way
Daily routine
SAVOR Little gallery
43 The village
Night 03
Night 02
Night 01
Rabat 01-03 Bargain
S-A-V-O-R Featuring the fabulous moment of solitude. Uncover the personal and curious relationships we have when we are alone.
No. 2 Jul 2019
Little gallery: Into Morocco 40 days alone in the USA The Feature article written by Barbara Wei