SAVOR Magazine No.3

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No. 3 Sep 2019

Little gallery be yourself Featuring the fabulous moment of solitude. Uncover the personal and curious relationships we have when we are alone.

I am not invisible The Feature article written by Angela

SAVOR Contents


Editor's letter

The letter from our editor


Explore the own story Photographer: Teresa Freitas


The art of self

What It Really Means to “Just Be Yourself” and 3 Ways to Do It The article written by Victoria Ayres

Wonder and Reality

Explore the own story Photographer: Kyle Cummings


Photographer: Nwabisa Salukazana


I am not invisible The feature article written by 9 Angela

Photographer: Nayer Gadi Photographer: N í amh Byrne

Little gallery: be yourself Show the little moment of aloneness


SAVOR Editor's letter

Editor's letter Hello rea ders ! Welc ome t o t he t hird issue o f S avo r m agaz in e.


To delight in a n d savo ur yo ur p r ivat e t im e.

What’s the attitude on being alone? The sense of observing will expand to life, to place, and to yourself. Our magazine is based on the attitude of solitary, and the feeling, the lesson and the journey of storytelling from the perceptive of being alone. Notice tiny things in your life, and understand yourself better, then you become an observer and a completed you.

I n t h e t h i rd i s s ue, we m a n ly fo c us o n b e i n g yo urs e l f a n d l ove yo urs e l f . I t o ut l i n e s h ow t o h e l p yo u t o j us t b e yo urs e l f. Do yo u know well about your own? What's thing you d o wi l l m a ke yo u h ap py ? W h e n we a re a l o n e wi t h o urs e l ve s , we h ave t i m e t o un d e rs t a n d o urs e l ve s b e t t e r a n d d o t h i n gs we a re i n t o a n d we fe e l i t ' s t ruly us . Yo u c a n g e t s o m e i n s p i ra t i o n s f ro m t h re e way s t o h e l p yo u t o b e i n a l i gn m e n t w i t h yo ur t rue n a t ure. I h o p e yo u w i l l e n j oy o ur p ub l i c a t i o n !

Editor B a rb a ra We i


What It Really Means to "Just Be Yourself" and 3 Ways to Do It by Victoria Ayres

"Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be." Alan Watts I’ve heard the statement "just be yourself" so much.

Everything else that we claim to be when we say, "This is who I am!" is only a story. Below are some steps that have helped me in

It sounds like an amazing thing to do, and I have wished

uncovering my real nature, which is that being outside

many times that I could just do that. What I’ve wondered,

of the accumulated thoughts and beliefs that I have

though, is what in the world does that mean?

collected over a lifetime.

What if someone is a jerk to other people? Is it okay for them to just be themselves and go on being a jerk to everyone? How about people who are fearful of

1. Get in touch with your inner child. If you ever watch small children, you will notice just

being around others and live a hermit-like life, avoiding

how free they are and how little they care about what


other people think of them. They are happy and in the

In my quest for answers I’ve found that it is very


much possible to just be yourself. The person who is

They are their true natures. They have not yet been

a jerk to others and the person who is afraid of social

socialized to "fit in" to a society that squashes that. They

situations are, in actuality, not being themselves. Their

don’t care if people think that they are silly while they

real self is just being covered up with conditioned, fear-

dance in the front yard for all of the neighbors to see.

based thinking. Our true self is who we really are when we let go of

Children are just pure love and light. If you really want to get in touch with your inner child, become freer.

all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have

Play, have fun, enjoy the moment, do cartwheels in the

placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without

front yard.

the masks and pretentiousness. It is who we really are when we let fall to the floor the cloak of other people’s stuff that we have taken on.

My son has taught me this more than anything. He has helped me to see just how stiff and serious I can be. Thanks to him, I have tapped back into something that was forgotten.


SAVOR What It Really Means to “Just Be Yourself ” and 3 Ways to Do It We play roles to fit into society and we suppress our true nature out of fear of what others think. If you find yourself worrying about being judged, remember that is merely just the socialized you, not the real you.

you get, you will have hopped onto the magic carpet ride of awesomeness. It doesn’t mean that you will never have bumps in the road again, but when you are in alignment with your soul, you will always be steered in the best possible direction.

2. Become more aware of your thoughts. You may be shocked by the number of negative

For me, it started when I followed my intuition out of a job where I was miserable, which was way out of

thoughts that run through your mind on any given day.

character for me. I had nothing lined up, but thanks

After so long, our reality begins to take shape based on

to my intuition, I landed back on my feet within a few

all of these conditioned thinking patterns.

months in an awesome new job.

Become more aware of the quality of your thinking.

Now, before you go quit your job, you can begin with

Allow yourself to sit quietly every morning before

small things, such as following through when you feel

starting your day for just five to ten minutes.

the urge to make a phone call, send an email, or take a

Yes, thoughts will come and go, but just allow them to

different route to work. When you get into the habit of

do that without getting attached to them. Just observe

doing this with small things, it will make it easier to say

them. When you are finished, continue observing the

yes to the big things, and to trust.

mind throughout your day. We have so many unconscious beliefs that we have taken on over the years that were probably handed down to us from somebody else, and that we believed

How do any of these things help you to just be yourself? Because they help you to be in alignment with your true nature. Your authentic self is the real you that is beyond all of

to be who we are. Becoming more aware of the quality

those conditioned beliefs and thinking patterns that you

of your thoughts, letting go of the old beliefs, and

have accumulated throughout your life.

becoming more present can help in revealing your true nature. We are all so much more than those old negative thinking patterns would ever allow us to believe.

I was once a shy, reclusive, depressed, angry person— but I wasn’t “being myself.” While it is important to love and accept ourselves for where we are at the moment, looking back now, I see that I suppressed my true nature in order to please others and to fit in.

3. Follow your intuition. This is probably one of the most important factors

I began going within and doing spiritual study and practice in my late twenties, and have since become

in being yourself. I ignored my intuition for the longest

more aware of how much I was identified with my victim

time because I felt so obligated to others. Their

story, how I would play roles depending on who I was

happiness was more important than my own.

with, and just how much I cared about other people’s

I lived at home until I was twenty-five, ignored my urges to move to a new city, and stayed in unfulfilling

perceptions of me. I had lost touch with my natural self and stuffed it

jobs because I was so afraid of what other people

away in a box. Whenever I would notice myself getting

would think of me, of failing, and of stepping out of my

attached to the stories and labels in my head or would

comfort zone. Because of this, I was incredibly unhappy.

catch myself playing roles with others, I would just

I will tell you this, from my own personal experience: When you start following the little nudges and urges that

breathe and relax into the moment without any labels or judgments.


It was a challenge because I cared so much about being accepted by others. So I would ask myself, “How would I act right now if I had no cares of what others thought of me?� I realized that who I naturally am without anything else added is perfectly okay. When you let go of the old ways of thinking, follow your bliss, and do what you love, you begin to align with happiness and peace. These are all indicators that you are connected with your true nature. You are then allowing your real self to shine forth in all its glory.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Bernard M. Baruch


" A bout all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all." Warsan Shire

SAVOR I am not invisible

I am not invisible By Angela

Just because I don‘t like being in the centre of attention it doesn‘t mean I like being ignored.

Just because I am quiet it doesn’t mean I am not there.

Just because I like listening it doesn‘t mean I don‘t like talking.

Just because I don‘t scream it doesn‘t mean I don’t have a voice to be heard.

I feel like people expect me to be invisible not there to add to their chaos but to diminish it. But what about me? And what about my chaos?

I want people to understand I am not invisible. I want them to see I am visible.

And you, will you see me?


"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else." Judy Garland

SAVOR About being yourself

Photograph @teresacfreitas

"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter

SAVOR About being yourself

Photograph @teresacfreitas

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde

SAVOR About being yourself

Photograph @teresacfreitas


Try different them me imag it's side Wonder and and a com Reality Teresa Freitas


SAVOR Teresa Freitas

t techniques and mes as it allows to spark my gination. I think ok to have two es, a per sonal mmercial one.



SAVOR Teresa Freitas

For Lisbon-based artist Teresa Freitas, photography is an exercise in imagination. Inspired at a young age by her mother’s telling of classic fairy tales, Teresa developed a signature style of photography characterized by airy pastels

and architectural landscapes. Through careful color work, her images walk a line between wonder and reality, conjuring a world that feels much like a muted daydream.



SAVOR Teresa Freitas


Discover the art of self from varies photographers work. Feature our own favorite images

The art of self 22

The selfie as a medium of self-discovery, definition. Understanding yourself by facing the camera to learn about your body. It's like perceiving something new about yourself for the first time.

SAVOR The Art of Self

See how other people approach their self-portraiture.

SAVOR The Art of Self



Kyle Cummings @highseaspisces


" S elf-portraiture is a simultaneous cycle that displays vulnerability and growth. My selfportraits are meant to relieve myself of insecurity and fear of my own creativity. As a result, I produce the most authentic version of art that is true to myself."

SAVOR The Art of Self



" A s a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and also a black male, I have found strength in capturing the freedom that is attained by living one’s truth unapologetically and without hesitation. Selfportraiture and photography as a whole have provided me with a firmness in who I am as a person and as a creative."

SAVOR The Art of Self

Nwabisa Salukazana @nwabisasn

Nayer Gadi @n.aye.r

NĂ­amh Byrne @nievy


" Tell a story with your images, even if it’s misunderstood. It is a playground only for you because you do all the creative thinking, equipment set-up, modeling & editing."

" S peak your creative " T here's no pressure, mind out loud in the just room for total form of a picture. authentication and It could be in the your own ideas. This positioning of your makes it very easy body or the coloration to express yourself of your images. You anyhow you want, and that's powerful to have the freedom to create what YOU want me." and how YOU want it."

" I think it is my most " W hy do we look the comfortable way of way we do, how do we perceive ourselves expressing myself, I feel like I could and how do others represent myself perceive us. I feel through it way more like I kind of grew up easily than if I were with this always on to write or talk. I my mind, and I think continue to approach I used, and still use, it with an open self-portraiture as mind, it reminds a way to deal with me that people are those curiosities ever-changing and and questions and growing." try to bend it and experiment with it."

SAVOR The Art of Self


Own space Being yourself in your own space


SAVOR Little gallery

Little gallery be yourself Little gallery shows the little moment of aloneness, when I alone at the moment Photograph by Barbara Wei

When we are alone in our own space, we can


become truly ourselves.


34 balance

SAVOR Little gallery






Chill 01-03

SAVOR Little gallery




Inner senese My emotions can reveal freely from my gestures and body languages. Through the self-discovery, I begin to reconstruct my identity on my terms. Explore how my inner sense spreads loudly from my toes, my feet, my legs, my nails, my fingers, my hands, my arms, my body, my head to myself.


SAVOR Little gallery




S-A-V-O-R Featuring the fabulous moment of solitude. Uncover the personal and curious relationships we have when we are alone.

Little gallery be yourself I am not invisible The Feature article written by Angela

No. 3 Sep 2019

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