Bar mitzvah magazine

Page 1

Inspire your child

Relate to your child


be himself


choose good friends

written by

To be careful of fake friends

kids and teens


work as a team

The Effect of social media On

through stories

your child ’ s

C o nfidence Q uali t y


fri endship

From pages

30-105 Read

K ids & T eens ideas on how to build good character

Connect with your child S tories , by kids & teens , help you

Gr e at prizes

Submit a lesson you learned

to communicate

from the

with your child

stories inside

on his level

see page


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Content: by kids and teens Friendship:


Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend


How to be careful of fake friends who use you


If they don’t appreciate you , they don’t deserve you


T he problem with being too flattering to a friend

Facebook: 66

Facebook pretend friends = Fakebook


How social media affect self - esteem It’s hard to be yourself


S ocial media : keeping us


connected or escaping reality

Personal Connections


in the digital age


on social media

Teamwork: 80

Teamwork is the best


Give the spotlight to the one

formula for success

9 38

K ids’ Authors by S hul Authors honored by C hief R abbis of I srael


Submit a lesson you

who is the most qualified


Compliment talent that doesn’t draw attention


G et to know your team members’ strengths


Taking credit for someone else’s success

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53 53 104

learned from the stories and you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes

Meaningful Bar Mitzvah

B ar M itzvah P roject L ist of Names of Authors by S hul

Winners’ P hotos

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Gindi Photography

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Kids’ authors by shul

To read kids’ essays search your shul abbreviation below at List of Shuls


Ahava Ve Ahva Cong.




Ahi Ezer Cong.




Beit Yosef Cong.




Bet Yaacob Cong.







Beth Torah Cong.


32, 42


Bnei Binyamin Cong.




Bnei Yitzchak Cong.




Bnei Yosef Cong.




Edmond Safra Cong.




Har Halebanon Cong.




Keter Zion Cong.




Kol Isreal Cong.




Magen Abraham Cong.





54, 84


Magen David Cong.




Mikdash Eliyahu Cong.




Ohel David U Shlomo Cong.




Ohel Simcha Cong.




Ohel Yaakov Cong.




Sephardic Community Center




Sephardic Lebanese Cong.




Sephardic Cong.




Shaare Shalom Cong.




Shaare Tefilah of Eatontown




Shaare Zion Cong.


40, 58


Yad Yosef Cong.




Beth Shaul U Miriam Cong.

Magen David of West Deal

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S igns of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend By: Edgar Chkalo Magen David Yeshivah Often a person takes advantage of his

B y : Yo s e f M i z r a h i Magen David Yeshivah A bad friend is someone who will invite

By: Nissim Khafif Magen David Yeshivah A good friend is someone who cares

friend because he has the most ad-

you over and not do anything with you.

about you. He wants you to come over.

vanced phone or he is the best in any

He would just play on his xBox the

He is loyal and honest. A bad friend

type of sports. A friend must be fair.

whole time. He would never let you talk

is someone who hurts you; some-

Don’t choose a friend who is selfish

in conversation, will cut you off when

one who is a sketch friend. He only

because he will always talk about himself.



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friend who you going to be there for you, who likes

but hates everyone



else. That





A bad friend is some-

you for who you

he likes only you


By: Edgar Chkalo Magen David Yeshivah

could trust, who is

bad friend is if

for the test but, right after the test, doesn’t

should choose a

are. A sign of a


wants your answers


just wants to use you for what you have and, when he gets what he wants from you, he will be even meaner to you. Make






ish, someone who


talks about himself.


who likes only you





WITH CARE THEY REMAIN WITH YOU FOREVER. you are saying something. A good

sure you choose good, friendly friends.

friend will try to make you have fun by

B y : M i r i a m S h a d ro u z Masores Bais Yaakov

playing with you when you come over

You, your friend and another girl are going bike riding. The other girl is not

By: Fortune Saideh Magen David Yeshivah

allowed to go to the next block. You

If you are studying and someone

ask your friend, “Do you want to go the

wants to study with you but she wants

next block?” And you dump the other

you to test her and doesn’t let you

girl. You know you are a bad friend.

study, that’s a bad friend.

and will actually listen when you talk.

30 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Beware of a friend because



wants to use you for what you have. When he gets what he wants from you, he




ing you. That’s what I think about how to choose a friendly friend.

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52

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One Stop Wholesaler!

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Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend BETH TORAH CONG.

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B y : Ta n i a B u k a i Magen David Yeshivah Sally was the most popular girl in school. She was always in the center of attention and everyone looked up to her. One day, Mary, who was not very popular, came in with a beautiful golden set of jewelry. It included a bracelet, watch, ring and a necklace. When everyone saw it, they ran up to her and

Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.

asked her lots of questions about it. Everyone gave her so many compliments, including her best friend Celia. At recess, Celia made her way through the crowd that was around Mary and asked her if she wanted to play jump rope like they always do. Everyone told her not to play because she might dirty her jewelry. Celia walked away sadly and played by herself. The next

B y : Vi c t o r S a rd a r Magen David Yeshivah A good friend and a bad friend are to-

By: Madalyn Zalta Magen David Yeshivah A good friend is someone who you

tally different. Good friends are peo-

can trust, doesn’t use you. If your

eryone was her friend, she wouldn’t

ple who are nice. One time, I went to

friend always asks you for homework

need the jewelry anymore. Everyone

my cousin. We went together to our

every night and when you need home-

asked her where her jewelry was. She

friends. I am not as good of a sports

work she is not there, that’s a sign of

told them she didn’t wear it today. Ev-

a friend using you. You shouldn’t be

eryone just walked away. Everyone,

player as other kids. They let only the best kids play. My cousin was part of them and I wasn’t. He was so nice to me. He wasn’t playing because I wasn’t playing. A bad friend is a person who, when he sees people he knows, he starts acting not like himself. One time, I was in the park with my friend.

friends with someone who does that. If you take advantage of someone, you will never get the opportunity to have a good friend and experience what a true friend is. If you don’t have a true friend, you will never have someone

day, Mary came to school without her jewelry. She thought that, since ev-

except for Celia. Mary kept asking Celia why nobody was her friend anymore. Celia told her that they weren’t her real friends. They were only being her friend because they liked her jewelry. Celia gave Mary a big hug.

See the names of authors

He was acting all cool around the cool

you can trust and you will never have

kids and left me behind. That’s when I

someone who is always there for you. B y : L i l l y Ta w i l Magen David Yeshivah

from your shul on p.104 .

A bad friend is a person that if you

submit a lesson you

knew he was a bad friend. People use each other to fit in. People want to be like other people so much that they end up being mean towards others.

failed and she got 100, she pushes it into to you.

32 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

On, learned from their stories.

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Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend SEPHARDIC CONG.

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B y : Ya e l A b r a m o w i t z Masores Bais Yaakov If you are feeling left out of a group, what do you do? Do you try to befriend somebody in the group? Which girl do you choose? The most friendly girl? Probably not. Most likely you will befriend the most popular, stylish girl. After all, she is the one who will help you ‘fit in’. At recess, you play the games

True friends are the

that she plays. At home, you call her to chat. On your way to school, you go

ones who have nice

out of your way to pass by her house – just to say hello. Finally, to your delight

things to say about

you’re ‘in’. The next year, the classes are mixed. You’re in the opposite class

you behind your back.

of the popular girl. You’re the cool girl in this class. Suddenly the old popular girl is forgotten. She starts to wonder if

B y : S h i r l e y S a rd a r Magen David Yeshivah One day, I was walking in the hall-

If you are new in town and you are not

ly happy – why? Perhaps – no, defi-

way when my friend came up to me

comfortable, a good friend would walk

nitely – it’s because you don’t have a

up to you and say, “Hi” or, “Do you need times, you think that you have a good

real friend. No one understands you. By: Chaviva Martin Masores Bais Yaakov You have a classmate who you get into

friend but then you hear them talking

a lot of fights with. One day, you hear

we opened the door, we saw it wasn’t

about you behind your back and, even

that she is head of a play. You really

there. We went to her math class. It

when she sees you, she keeps talk-

want to be the main part. So, you start

wasn’t there. We looked in her sci-

ing and laughing at you. That’s a bad

acting nice to her when you really don’t

ence class. It wasn’t there. Then she

friend. If you got into a fight with your

like her. You hear that you got the main

said, “Let’s just give up.” I said, “No.

friend and you fall and get hurt and no

and said, “Can you help me find my jacket?” I said, “Ok, I’ll help you.” We went into the last class she was in and it was locked. We had to go downstairs and get the key. When

We will find it. Let’s go look in Lost and Found.” We found her jacket there. She was so happy that she found it. She was thankful that I helped her. I told her, “Anything for a best friend.”

By: Elena Betesh Magen David Yeshivah

you ever liked her. You’re not perfect-

help?” That’s a good friend. Some-

were fighting with, that shows that she

part. After the play, you forget about her. By: Joseph Ades Hillel Yeshiva When you have a good friend,

is really a good friend who cared about

he will always be there for you. It

you even in a fight.

doesn’t matter about the games,

one helped you but your friend that you

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52 34 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

money, etc. It’s the best feeling in the world to have a friend who you know will always be there for you.

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Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend MIKDASH ELIYAHU CONG.

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B y : B re n d a H e f f e z Magen David Yeshivah Sarah and Michelle were best friends. Sarah was smart and kind. Michelle wasn’t so smart but she was still kind. It was Tuesday and an assignment was due in English class. Michelle didn’t complete the assignment and asked Sarah if she can borrow it. Sarah wasn’t so sure about giving Michelle the work because they would

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today the way you are.

probably get caught. Michelle would also not learn anything by copying. Even though Michelle thought it was helping her, it was only making things worse. Sarah told Michelle that she couldn’t give her the work. Michelle got really angry at Sarah and she got a zero for that assignment. She didn’t talk to Sarah for 3 days. On the 3rd

B y : R a y m o n d Ta w i l Magen David Yeshivah One day when I was in recess, we

By: Jack Jemal Magen David Yeshivah People choose friends who take ad-

day, another assignment was due.

were trying to make the teams. We had

vantage of them because they want

that was due again. Sarah knew how

a really hard time trying to decide what

attention. It makes them feel good. A

much trouble she would get into but

the teams were going to be. Then we

popular kid goes to another kid and

gave it to Michelle. The teacher caught

decided to make captains but I thought

says: “If you give me your lunch mon-

Michelle for cheating. Sarah and Mi-

it wasn’t right because the last person

ey, I will let you hang out with me.” A

chelle were in detention together. They

who was left to pick would be the worst.

sign of a good friend is someone who

both apologized. Sarah was happy be-

It would really embarrass that person

will always be there for you when you

cause she knew that Michelle learned

a lot. So, right when they decided to

need him. Someone who won’t make

her lesson. Michelle also apologized

make captains, I said that I would like

fun of you, that’s what a true friend is.

for taking advantage of Sarah. Mi-

to be a captain. I first chose someone

A bad friend is someone who will use

chelle realized what a good friend

who everyone would’ve thought was

you and would not keep secrets. Be

the worst player. He really felt great!

wise! Choose carefully who you are

Submit on

friends with and always have a heart. a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52

Michelle apologized for being mad at her. She asked for that assignment

Sarah was being by not giving her homework because, then, Michelle would learn to do her homework by

By: Abie Chamah Magen David Yeshivah A good friend is someone who prom-

herself. Sarah liked Michelle better

ises not to tell Loshon Hara and

and we should not rely on our friends

keeps it. If you do something em-

for work, especially because the out-

barrassing, he won’t tell anyone.

come would be bad for the both of you.

36 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

when she wasn’t using her for work. It teaches us that cheating is not right

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Winners were honored by Chief Rabbis of Israel ~ Magen David Yeshivah ~ Yeshivah of Flatbush ~ Barkai Yeshiva ~

Moshe Benhamu, Moshe Chaya, Edgar Chkalo, Raymond Dusi, Michael Gammal, Ralph V. Kraiem, Isaac Shama, Rafi Srour, Victor Zalta, Mayer Zeitoune.

Kal Abed, Simon Allhalabi, Joseph Cohen, Jack H. Dweck, Marc Hazan, Ezra Mamiye, Jo Jo Salem, Joseph Setton. 38 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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In Loving Memory of

Harry J. Ashkenazie A�H

Who led his life devoted to his family, Torah and Mitzvot. Our memory of his warm smile, generosity, honesty, compassion, and humility will always remain with us. From his wife Cheryl, Children Linda and Joey, Jack and Sylvia, Evelyn and Joey, Jennifer, Isaac, And all his grandchildren.

Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend SHAARE ZION CONG.

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By: Esther Chabbott Magen David Yeshivah There was a girl named Sophia. She had 2 friends, Samantha and Victoria. Sophia’s dad got her real gold “best friends forever” necklaces. She walked into school wearing one of them. Renee and Molly came up to her and were trying on her other 2 necklaces that she had. So, they hung out with Sophia

Only a good friend can see the pain behind a fake smile

the whole day. By the end of the day, Sophia thought they really wanted to be her friend. One day, something sad happened to Sophia and she needed to talk to someone. She called Renee and Molly. They both said that they had to do homework. But, she really knew that they just didn’t want to talk to her. She called Victoria and Samantha. They rushed over even though

B y : E v e l y n Te b e l e Magen David Yeshivah A good friend is a friend who is always

By: Matilda Kassab Magen David Yeshivah One day, I went to school and I told

there for you. Someone I know was

my friend Lina that I got a bad mark on

better. Sophia realized that Saman-

being teased by a group of mean girls.

my test. I told her not to tell anyone.

tha and Victoria are true friends.

She needed someone to be there for

In the lunchroom, everyone knew that

her. Her friend stood up for her and

I got a bad mark. I was really mad. I

told them to stop being mean to her.

only told Lina. I went over to her and

By: Mark Barsano Magen David Yeshivah A sign of a good friend is a person who

Even though the girl was very shy,

told her, “Why would you tell anyone?

cares and motivates you. One time at

she stood up for her friend because

I thought you were my friend.” She

the basketball game, there was one

she loved her friend and couldn’t just

said, “I am your friend.” “I thought I

good player and one bad player. The

sit there and watch her true friend be

could trust you,” I said. “But every-

good player said to the bad player,

teased. That showed that she was

one was asking me,” she said. “They

“Keep trying. I think you are a great

there for her and she was willing to

said, if you tell us, we will tell you

player, even though people think you

take the heat for her friend. That’s why

what’s on the test. “You would rath-

are not.” A different day, kids were

they are really true friends because if

er get to know what’s on a test then

she was just using her, she wouldn’t

picking on someone. Another boy

keep a secret?” I asked. She said, “I

care about her as much as she does.

joined in and started picking on him

am really sorry. I won’t do it again.”

as well. The kid that was being picked

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52 40 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

they were in science club meeting. They hugged her and made her feel

on said, “Aren’t you my friend?” The other kid said, “No” and made him feel bad. That’s a sign of a bad friend.

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Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Amin E. Adjmi A�H June 1, 1907 - April 12, 2002

A man of Kindness & Humility A Passion for Living By his Children and Grandchildren Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend BETH TORAH CONG.

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By: Stephanie Franco Magen David Yeshivah It is important to know who is a true friend and who isn’t. The feeling of having a true friend is comforting. Your real friend should respect you and accept you for who you are, not what you have or wear. On the other hand, a fake friend would judge you for what

A friend is someone with whom you are comfortable to be yourself.

you wear or buy. Having a true friend is good. If I like to bake and my friend makes fun of me that I bake instead of going shopping, she is a fake friend. By: Sophia Rofe Hillel Yeshiva A good friend is someone who appreciates you. I made my friend a bracelet and she didn’t like it. But she told me ‘Thank you” and wore it anyway. A bad friend is someone who takes you for

B y : Vi c t o r F t e h a Magen David Yeshivah

By: Jack Guindi Magen David Yeshivah A good friend means someone who

One of my friends is Joshua. Joshua

She knew that Marcy would always

cares for you. An example is if you

has all the qualities of a good friend,

make up anyway because Lilly was the

are down and your friend helps you

from sharing to honesty. When we play

back up. A bad friend will not help

Xbox in his house, he lets me choose

you back up. A good friend is unselfish. For example, he asks you, “What game do you want to play?” If he is a bad friend, he will probably say, “No, I don’t care what you want to play. I want to play my game.” A good friend will say ‘hello’ to you when he sees you and not just walk away.

See the names of authors from your shul on p.104 . On, submit a lesson you learned from their stories.

granted. One time, Lilly started a fight.

if we should play NHL or not. Another

only friend Marcy had. So, Lilly would always tell Marcy mean things and get away with it. That’s a bad friendship.

basketball. I’ve improved from his ad-

By: Jack Shalom Magen David Yeshivah A good friend is someone who will stick

vice. Teddy lets me play football with

up for you when you have a problem. If

him every day in recess. Even if I miss

someone is embarrassed because he

a couple of passes, he says, “Don’t

has a pimple on his face, a good friend

worry!” He never lies to me about

won’t laugh and make fun of him. He

who is on the 3 way calling. That’s

will stick up for him and be on his side.

friend, Morris, teaches me how to play

what makes someone a good friend.

A bad friend will laugh at him and make

By: Sarine Zafrani Magen David Yeshivah

jokes about him. If you accomplished

Let’s say you like a different style

team, a good friend will congratu-

of clothing than your friend. A good

late you and be happy for you. A bad

friend won’t push you to pick her style.

friend will be jealous and mean to you.

42 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

something like got on the basketball

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pure soul taken too soon”

Our beautiful stella,

You have left us way too soon for words. In your short time here you have shown us strength when we were weak. And you gave us happiness to keep us afloat. Although there are no footprints for us to follow, we know you will carry us on this journey and guide us through our lives. Your full of life spirit and angelic beauty is our inspiration to keep moving forward and make you proud. You are an example of what a daughter is. One of a kind! Our hearts beat differently now. You, our beautiful Stella are missed every day!

With all our love,

M ommy , D addy , M arc , J ustin , M ichael ,


S itto .

Signs of a bad friend & the qualities of a good friend MAGEN DAVID CONG.

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By: Morris Esquenazi Magen David Yeshivah I have a friend who is everything I can ask for. He shares because he knows how it feels to want something and not get it. He is also a good influence. He is well behaved. My friend has a great quality of honesty. He is always nice even when we disagree. Today, most people don’t have friends as good as mine. Most people take

I don’t have a problem with those who don’t like me, but I do have a problem with those who pretend to.

advantage of different people for different things. They like their games or friends, but they don’t like him for who he truly is. That person doesn’t know what fun is because he is always taking advantage. Also, the person that is being taken advantage of is not happy because they both don’t like each other for who they are.

B y : Vi c t o r F a k s Magen David Yeshivah A sign of a good friend is one who cares

By: Sam Dweck Magen David Yeshivah What is a sign of a good friend?

for you. If you get hurt, your friend runs

They share with you, they are there

to help you. That’s a good friend. An-

when you need them, and they ac-

if he takes time to help you. For ex-

other sign of a good friend is an hon-

cept you for who you are. A sign of a

ample, if you are not so good in foot-

est friend. An honest friend doesn’t

bad friend is when they are mean to

ball and your friend takes time to help

other people but nice to you. They

you. David and his best friend Yosef

don’t share with you. They use you

love football. David isn’t so good in

by asking you to do things for them

it. Yosef comes to David’s house and

and then they stab you in the back. By: Joey Hamui Magen David Yeshivah A good friend wouldn’t use you for all

they play basketball. Later, Yosef tells

the cool things you have in your house.

with Yosef, Yosef says that he’ll go

talk bad about you behind your back and doesn’t lie to you. A good friend is someone who is coming to your house for you, not for your things, someone who likes to hang out with you. By: Michael Ancona Hillel Yeshiva Let’s say that there are 4 boys hav-

By: Ezra Faks Magen David Yeshivah You know someone is a good friend

David to bring his football and they’ll play catch. When David plays catch

They will come over because they like

easy at first and then harder and hard-

ing a sleepover and there are only 3

you. You could fight but you will al-

er. Yosef is taking his time to teach

beds. So, one boy will have to sleep

ways get back to being friends again

and help David with his football skills.

on the floor. A sign of a good friend is someone who cares about you, someone who will sleep on the floor

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle

and let his friends sleep on the bed.

44 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

for great prizes. See p. 52 View magazine online at


Raymond Chera A�H


A Man of Faith and Vision

Raymond was a successful businessman with an honorable name. His greatest satisfaction came from Torah. He personally was instrumental for the openings of the Lawrence Avenue Synagogue, the Park Avenue Synagogue and The Cedar Avenue Synagogue along with contributing Sifrey Torah to all of the mentioned synagogues also the Kollel and other institutions throughout the community. Forever in our hearts. From his wife Claudia and sons Steven, Charles, Victor & Michael and their families.

How to be careful of fake friends who use you By: Michelle Kassab Magen David Yeshivah One day, my friend Emily and I were

By: Ikey Dayan Magen David Yeshivah Why do people choose a friend who

By: Chanie Klug Masores Bais Yaakov “Sara, can I please have snack? I

at school. Lisa, the popular girl, came

may take advantage of them? People

don’t have any,” said Leah. “Sure,

up to me and invited me to her party.

do that because they want to be popu-

Leah. Here, I have an extra snack

But my best friend, Emily, wasn’t in-

lar and they want friends. They also

bag.” “Sara, school is over, but I am

vited. I told Emily that if she wasn’t

do that because they think that per-

so in the mood for pizza,” said Leah.

invited I won’t go either. Emily said,

son is cool. So, if they are friends with

“My father owns a pizza store. You




fun.” So, I went.


At search shul abbreviation


could come with me,” answered Sara. “I’d

At the party, Lisa

love to, but I don’t

was acting like


my best friend,

Leah replied. “You

but it felt strange.

could come and get

But, I still went

it for free,” said Sara.

with it. The next

We went to get piz-

day, Lisa asked

za. “Yum, that pizza

if I wanted to do

was great but I have



gether with her by her house. I said, “Yes.” But, then, Emily came up to me and asked if I want to go out tonight with her.

True friends are always there when you need them. Fake friends are only there when they need you.

I told her I had



to go. So, bye,” said Leah. “I could take anything



Sara,” Leah thought to herself. Today is Leah’s birthday. She said she would call me at 3pm to come. It’s 1pm, why didn’t

plans with Lisa. I said, “I won’t go.”

the cool kids they will be cool. What

But, Emily said, “Don’t worry, just go.”

is a sign of a good friend? Someone

I went to Lisa’s house. When we were

who shares with you, fair, nice, there

doing homework, it looked like I was

for you when you need him. Some-

doing all the work, but I just went with

one who is a giver, not a taker. A bad

it. The next day, Lisa asked me to do

friend is someone who talks behind

her homework for her. I told her “No”

your back, uses you and is selfish.

and went to my best friend, Emily. Emily was a real friend, she took me back.

46 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

she call me? It’s 2:30pm, come on Leah, call me. It’s 8pm. “Sara, it’s bed time,” my mom called. Leah didn’t call me. I am so upset. Leah is missing out on having a true friend. She just likes Sara for her pizza and snack. She is taking advantage of Sara. That is not a true friendship.

See names of authors by shul page 104 View magazine online at

In Loving Memory of

Albert “Shanty” Mishaan A”H

A Man of Honesty and Integrity who always put the welfare of his Family and Community above all.

Shanty Mishaan A”H taught us the Jewish values of truth, unity, dignity, humility and kindness. He will always be remembered for his outstanding commitment to follow the Laws of Torah and Mitsvot and for his unwavering faith in Hashem, his belief and the people he loved. We hope to follow in his footsteps and continue the family values He bestowed upon all of us.

May his memory be a constant source of inspiration to all who knew him. We miss you and love you everyday that passes. From His Wife Rose, His Children, Grandchildren, Great grandchildren and Loved ones.

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How to be careful of fake friends who use you YAD YOSEF CONG.

At search shul abbreviation


Naomi ignored Shira. “After all, I am not her friend anymore.” Shira asked Naomi if she could play. Naomi looked at her and said, “No. We are in the middle of the game. You can’t play.” Shira looked at Naomi with a shocked expression on her face. She turned her back and walked away. By: Jack Mosseri Magen David Yeshivah One day, Yitzchak had a huge party.

In friendship, expect less & appreciate

Yosef didn’t get invited. Yosef asked Yitzchak, “Can I come to your birthday party?” Yitzchak said, “Yes.” The day of Yitzchak’s birthday everyone said, “Yosef, why are you here? You weren’t invited.” “No,” said Yosef. “Yitzchak invit-

more. By: Adina Feigelstein Masores Bais Yaakov Shira burst into the classroom. Her

ed me.” All of Yitzchak’s friends asked Yitzchak, “Why did you invite Yosef?” “What are you guys saying? I didn’t in-

Shira so much. One day, Shira invited

vite him,” Yitzchak answered. “Yosef is

Naomi to her house to play. Naomi

so bad at basketball and he never ever

eyes were sparkling with excitement.

immediately accepted the invitation.

will be my friend.” Yosef heard this and

She announced to the whole class that

At Shira’s house, they played the

said, “What are you saying? You in-

she had gotten the newest game that

expensive game over and over and

vited me yesterday because I helped

was very expensive. All day, during

Naomi loved every minute of it. “Now,

you with your homework.” If someone

recess and lunch, Shira talked about

I could stop being her friend. Sure, I’ll

takes advantage of you, he thinks he

the game. A crowd of girls gathered

be friendly. But, I’ll hang around with

is the winner. But, he is really the loser.

around her to listen. Among those

my friends.” A week later, Morah an-

girls was Naomi who was extremely

nounced that there would be a big test

B y : Ya a k o v E l i a s Magen David Yeshivah

jealous of Shira. She had begged her

the next day. Naomi was nervous for

Michael was at Robert’s house. Mi-

parents to get that game but they said

the rest of the day. How will I study?

chael used his laptop, enjoyed com-

it was too expensive. Naomi longed

Shira called her after school and said,

fortable couches ate good food. In

to play the game at least once. “I

“I saw you were very nervous today

school, when they were making bas-

must go over to Shira’s house,” she

when Morah announced the test. I’ll

ketball teams, the other captain didn’t

thought. Throughout the day, Naomi

help you study.” Shira explained very

pick Robert and Michael did the same.

hung around with Shira walking with

patiently and clearly the material on

They didn’t pick him because Robert

her. She invited Shira to play ball at

the test. Naomi began to understand

wasn’t a good player. Robert went

recess and sat next to her at lunch.

it. The next day, at recess, Shira was

to sit on a bench and started crying.

Shira took a liking to Naomi right

standing on the side of the yard while

Michael saw him and just ignored

away. But, Naomi didn’t really

Naomi started a game of Machanayim.

him. That is a sign of a bad friend.


48 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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In memory of

Ike Anteby A�H

Beloved Husband, Devoted Father, Loving Grandfather, Great Grandfather and Friend. He greeted everyone with a smile. Loved by All. Forever in our hearts. With Love, Your Family.

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Dedicated in Loving Memory of

Max Maleh A”H

Dear Dad, We want to congratulate you on the Bar Mitzvah of your one and only namesake. He truly is following in your footsteps and I’m sure he is making you proud everyday. He shares so much more then your name. He has your goodness, kindness integrity and compassion. Every time he meets someone who knew you they tell him, after hearing his name, “You have big shoes to fill”. I know you are watching him from heaven and protect him, always. Daddy, we miss you and love you so much. Alan

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Winning prizes is based on the most votes or comments the author gets on his story. A comment from your friends on the lesson they learned from the story = 5 votes. Log on to, search kid’s name Write a lesson you learned from his story or vote.

and his story will come up.

Kids’ authors list can be found on page 104.

Raffle for th e Readers Submit on a lesson you learned from the story & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes.

Only top essays out of 2,300 essays were published.

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Meaningful Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Project Promote good character with B ar M itzvah F avors


to raise money for ?

What good character trait, for example No Bullying, Positive Attitude, Tolerance, etc.

kids ’ causes would you like

Helping Your: Yeshivah, Camp,

would you like to promote with party favors

Shul’s Kids’ Program, Community Center.

by writing your message on a

Helping: Hungry Children,Sick Children.

bracelet, necklace, shirt, hat, t-shirt, etc.? Log on to

To see more kids’ causes, Log on to

search Meaningful Bar Mitzvah

For many more ideas on how to keep your Bar Mitzvah fun and still promote inspirational messages.


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Mitzvah Project Ideas


kids to donate to.




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M i dda h C olum n

By: Rosie Bawabeh

We will be introducing a new middah every few weeks. Post inspiring stories that will encourage others to develop this middah. The best ones will be published in the next issue and on the website.

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How to be careful of fake friends who use you At MAGEN DAVID WEST DEAL search shul abbreviation MDWD

By: Esti Samel Masores Bais Yaakov “My birthday is in only three more weeks!” screamed Chavi. “And this year my birthday party is going to be the best!” she boasted. “We’re going to go bowling and get ice cream,” Chavi exclaimed in joy. Aliza, on the other hand, really wanted to be invited. So, she decided on a plan. The next morn-

Fake friends: once

ing, she came to school and went over to Chavi. “Oh, how pretty you look,” she

they stop talking

said. Then, by recess, she came over

to you, they start

on for two weeks. Now, it was a week

talking about you.

giving out the invitations. Everyone

to her and offered her snack. This went before Chavi’s birthday and she was was eyeing whoever got invited. Finally, she passed by Aliza and slipped

By: Sarah Cohen Magen David Yeshivah A good friend never tells you to

B y : Yo s e f F t i h a Magen David Yeshivah There was once a boy named Mi-

an envelope on her desk. “Phew,” all

change. If you are wearing something

chael who was the smartest boy in the

you really like and your friend tells you

grade. He got 100s on his test. One

was really excited. She went to the

to change because she doesn’t like

day, a boy in his class named Benny

your outfit, that’s not a good friend.

heard that Michael got 100s on his

A good friend knows how you feel

Mishna, Navi and Chumash tests.

even if you don’t say anything. When

Benny had a Mishna test coming up.

you take advantage of someone, you

Everybody knew that Benny was not

yourself are suffering. Why? Because

smart. Benny was the coolest guy in

you never experience real friendship,

the grade. He went to Michael and

By: Esther Maleh Magen David Yeshivah

you don’t have any good friends and

told him, “Hey, friend, can I come over

Someone is showing off their stuff and

they won’t be there for you when you

and study with you? I will put you up

she never liked you. Then, one day, you

need them the most. Sure, you got

in the basketball team. Ok, friend?”

have something very cool. She comes

a lot of “friends” on Facebook. But

They finished studying. Benny went

up to you and wants to be your friend,

think to yourself, “Are they really my

home. The next day, Michael said

all of a sudden. That means she is try-

friends? Are they going to be there

to Benny, “So, what team am I on?”

ing to use you so she could have the

for me when I really need them?”

Benny answered, “Who are you?”

cool things. That’s called a bad friend.

of her hard work was for something. The day of the party came and Aliza bowling ally. There were balloons and streamers all over the place. When the party was over, Aliza went home. A few months later, when Aliza made a party, she didn’t even invite Chavi. She wasn’t Chavi’s friend anymore.

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52 54 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Congratulations to the

Teddy Shamma

Bar Mitzvah Boys!

Abie Anteby

Authors were honored by Rabbi Grossman

Jack Bibi, David Harari, Joseph Hirsch, Raymond Jajati, Joseph Schrem, Joseph Waingort. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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How to be careful of fake friends who use you SHAARE SHALOM CONG.

At search shul abbreviation


By: Rachel Lati Magen David Yeshivah Carly knew Melissa from school. Carly asked Melissa, “Do you have any hair clips, pony tails and fun games?” Melissa replied, “Yes.” Carly asked, “Can I have them?” Melissa said, “Ok.” They played together the whole day. The next day, when Carly was walking back from school, Melissa said, “Hi, Carly.” Carly replied, “Oh, Melissa.

Jewelry is like friends.

I don’t like you because you are not really fun.” Melissa thought to her-

Sometimes fake ones

self, “I think she just used me to get

look better than

my stuff.” If you have a girl who asks

the real ones.

flattering to you, do not listen and do

you to give her things and being too not talk to her. She is not a real friend. By: Faigy Eisen Masores Bais Yaakov Huvy is not the best student in school.

By: Hodaya Bentyaghoub Masores Bais Yaakov One day, Dina came to school in her

B y : S h i r a F re n k e l Masores Bais Yaakov “Hi, my parents are going away. Can

new school shoes. Everybody always

I stay with you for today?” Atara just

wanted those shoes. So, everybody

asked me if she could stay at my house.

started being friends with Dina. She

She is the most popular girl in school.

never used to be as popular as she

“Yeah, but I’ll need to ask my mother,”

was now. One day, everyone found

I said in excitement. I watched Atara

out that Dina’s shoes were not re-

go back to her popular group. Knock,

ally hers. They were her cousin’s.

knock. “That must be Atara,” I thought.

From then on, everybody stopped

“I’ll get the door.” “Hi, Malky. I like your

being friends with Dina. Everything

house.” I think she is trying to be my

changed. Dina wasn’t popular any-

friend. I think tomorrow she will let me

more. Everyone went back to the

be in her group. “So, what do you want

people they used to be friends with.

to do?” Atara said, interrupting my

Dina was all down. Everybody was

thoughts. The next day at school, Atara

nice to Dina, but not anymore. A good

pretended like she never met me. After

in school having a blast with her new

friend is not friends with you because

all I did for her, she betrayed me. “Ata-

toy. Dasie asked, “Can I borrow it

of what you have. Everyone took ad-

ra don’t you remember you stayed by

for a little?” “No way, smarty pants,”

vantage of Dina because of her shoes.

me? We had so much fun?” I wanted

said Huvy. And, that was the last time

Nobody took advantage of her heart.

to scream, but walked away instead.

Dasie ever helped Huvy.

56 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

One night, our teacher gave way too much homework. Huvy sighed. When Huvy came home, she thought of only one thing. The homework. Huvy ran to the phone and called Dasie. “Hello,” said Huvy. “Hi,” responded Dasie, the smartest girl in class. “I need help with homework,” stated Huvy. “Sure,” exclaimed Dasie. Huvy was excited that she should get help with homework. After 3 hours, homework was done. “Bye, friend,” said Dasie hoping for a good response. Huvy was a little unsure but she managed to say, “Bye.” The next day, Huvy was

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Congratulations to the

Bat Mitzvah Girls!

J. Benzaken

E. Dweck

M. Cohen

L. Savdie

I. Esses

L. Jammal

F. Sutton

S. Cohen

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S. Cohen

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How to be careful of fake friends who use you SHAARE ZION CONG.

At search shul abbreviation


By: Jake Bivas Hillel Yeshiva My friend asked me for review sheets a day before an important test. But, I also needed it. He kept on complimenting me and saying that I am so nice. The next day, at recess, I asked him if I could play basketball with him. He didn’t let me. He didn’t pay back.

I don’t like people who only need friends when it’s convenient for them. By: Ruthy Mineh Magen David Yeshivah The new school year started and Sarah was new at the yeshiva. She didn’t know anybody in school. She was really shy and thought, “Who will ever be friends with me.” She went to Hebrew class and knew every question that the Hebrew teachers asked. In her school, there was a popular girl named Miriam.

And, I didn’t get my review sheets back from him. When I asked him to give back my sheets, he said he lost it. It’s priceless to have a really good friend because your friend will be there for you in time of need. Your friend will be nice to you. Even if you and your friend fight, it gets over with faster and you forget and forgive each other.

to give them her homework. Sarah did, but she didn’t want to. Miriam and her friends kept bossing Sarah around. Sarah heard them talking that they were using her. The next day Sarah completely ignored them. She saw a different girl who she thought was loyal. Her name was Marilyn. Marilyn introduced Sarah to all her friends. Sarah learned

B y : C h a v i We i l l Masores Bais Yaakov One of my “friends” is really popular. But, she always tells secrets that I asked her not to say. She always leaves me out and takes advantage of me. I don’t like it, but I didn’t leave her out. I included her even though it was hard. Some people take advantage of others to be cool and popular, but they are making themselves miser-

“Hey, why don’t we tell Sarah to be

to really think before choosing friends. B y : Vi c o M i z r a h i Magen David Yeshivah I like a friend who accepts me for

friends with us and everyday we’ll just

who I am. I don’t want a friend who

know you. A true friend means some-

copy over her homework?” After class,

wants me to be someone I am not.

one who can be happy for you, be-

Miriam and her friends came to Sarah

A real friend is someone who likes

lieve in you. That’s a true friendship.

and they were all nice to her. Miriam

you for who you are. When someone

told her to join their group of friends.

takes advantage of people, in the end

Sarah joined in and everything was

of the day he feels bad. He doesn’t

normal for the rest of the day. But, the

have any friends. He doesn’t experi-

next day, Miriam and her friends were

ence a good friendship. Every person

bossing Sarah around and forcing her

needs a friend who can respect them.

See the names of authors from your shul on p.104 . On, submit a lesson you learned from their stories.

When she saw Sarah was so smart, she said to her other popular friends,

58 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

able. They are not being true friends. One day, she will give you something; next day she will act like she doesn’t

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In Memory of In

memory of


Joseph & Esther Bailey A”H

l o vi n g m e m o r y o f

Odette and Ralph Ades A”H By Brenda & Morris Massry and children


memory of

Harry & Viola Bailey A”H


memory of

Maurice Elbaz A”H


loving memory of

Albert Hazan A”H & Peggy Hazan A”H


memory of

Jane Levy A”H


memory of

Albert Manopla A”H


memory of

Yitzchak ben Mazal A”H


memory of

Albert Moghrabi A”H By

his children


memory of

Morris Saffati A”H


memory of

Eli Zeitouni ben Helen A”H

I f they don ’ t appreciate you , they don ’ t deserve you B y : Yv o n n e M i z r a h i Hillel Yeshiva Shelly is a very quiet girl. She is very

By: Clarisse Cohen Hillel Yeshiva “Help me,” Alison said acting all ner-

By: Paulina Cohen Hillel Yeshiva Adrienne was at school one day when

good at sports. One day, loud and

vous. “Alexis, I didn’t do my home-

her friend Grace was walking down the

popular girl Lauren was in a tennis

work,” Alison said. Alison rushed to

hall and slipped and dropped all of the

tournament and needed a partner.

Alexis and said, “Please help me.”

books all over the floor. Adrienne ran

Lauren decided to ask Shelly because

Alexis knew it was Alison’s first time not

to Grace and asked if she was okay.

she is good at sports.


agreed and prac-


At search shul abbreviation

when she stepped in

how to do a vol-

a puddle. The mud

ley, and helped


her with her back-

Trust is like a

day of the tournament was here

paper. Once it’s

and Shelly and Lauren won the


Lauren cided a

school, de-





her. Grace and three

hand. Finally, the


pick up all of the

in the baseball field

also taught her

ment. The next


Adrienne was walking

every day. She



books. The next day,

ticed with Lauren




crumpled it can’t be perfect again.

make When

other friends walked over and started to laugh

at Adrienne.



that Grace was not her friend. Why is it important to have a friend?



have a good friend, you will have some-

Shelly asked to be in it, Lauren de-

doing homework so she gave her the

nied. Shelly felt terrible. The problem

worksheet. One week later, Alexis for-

is that Shelly had just helped Lauren

got to write down her homework. The

with her tennis and helped her win

next day, she asked Alison if she can

the tournament. Lauren had not acted

copy the questions on the worksheet

very generously back to Shelly. The

she forgot to do. Alison said, “No.” Alex-

least she could have done was let

is said, “It’s only one time,” while her

for all their help with

her in the club. A bad friend uses oth-

face turned red as a watermelon. “No,”

Torah Contest

ers. A good friend cares for others.

Alison said repeating it over and over.

60 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

one who will always be by your side.

Special thank you to

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Avital

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Lynda Russo

Congratulations on your Graduation!

T he

problem with being too flattering to a friend By: Steven Gammal Hillel Yeshiva Picture this, one day, you and your

By: Sara Silber Masores Bais Yaakov Leah’s party is tomorrow. Chanie

B y : S a r a Ta w i l Magen David Yeshivah This past year, there was a new girl

friend are playing basketball. Your

needed a present. “Mommy, Leah’s

in our school. Her name is Jill. Every

friend asks you, “Are you excited for

birthday is tomorrow and she is so

day, she would walk to school alone.

the trip tomorrow?” You say, “Yeah,

popular. Get her the fanciest pres-

One day, her parents won the lot-

I have been looking forward to this

ent.” At the party, they played a game.

tery and the news spread all over the

trip for months.” Then


friends ask you, “Are



At search shul abbreviation

be her friend. After a

together in the

few days, she real-

bus?” And you “Definitely.”



ized that everyone was using her. But,


there was one girl

you go on the

who liked Jill even

bus and you get a seat. A popular kid comes to you. He asks if he can sit with you. You say, “Of course.” You forgot about your friend who

den, everyone ran to her and wanted to




school. All of a sud-

Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself

before she won the lottery, but was too shy to talk to her. The next day, Jill told everyone that her par-

and the right people will

ents lost the money.

like the real you.

if people would still

you promised the seat next to you. A few minutes later

She wanted to see talk to her. But, not one person talked to

“Leah, you go fist or tell someone to go

her, just that shy girl. After that, Jill

you said yesterday we were sitting to-

first,” we all said . Leah opened all the

became friends with the shy girl. She

gether on the bus?” You say, “Sorry.

presents and Chanie’s was the best.

saw clearly who was a good friend

He was here first.” Your friend walks

“Chanie should go first,” Leah thought.

and who was a fake friend. Some peo-

away and sits the whole ride alone.

“Fraidy, go first,” said Leah. “Why

ple only like you for what you have,

You have just lost your good friend.

didn’t I go first,” thought Chani.

some people like you for who you are.

your friend comes and asks, “I thought

Students from the following schools submitted inspirational stories. The best ones made it into the magazine. Bais Yaakov Academy | Barkai Yeshiva | Bet Yaakov Orot Sara | Bnos Yisroel | Hillel Yeshiva | Lev Bais Yaakov | Magen David Yeshivah | Masores Bais Yaakov | Meorot Bet Yaakov | Prospect Park Yeshivah | Yeshivah Chaim Berlin | Yeshivah Lev Torah | Yeshivah


Flatbush |

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p.52

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Winners of the TorahValues . com

Terry Rose Sitt Barkai Yeshiva

Mary Salem Magen David Yeshivah

Rochella Sherman Masores

Tamar Medina Masores Bais Yaakov

Rosie Edelman Masores Bais Yaakov

Gitty Zilberberg Masores

Chavi Lopin Masores Bais Yaakov

Evelyn Antebi Magen David Yeshivah

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Esther Abramczyk Masores

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Facebook pretend friends = F akebook By: Emily Pinhas Barkai Yeshiva Many people have Facebook, Twit-

Social media can be harmful to friend-

By: Diana Hoffstein Magen David Yeshivah Facebook, Instagram and Twitter al-

ter, Instagram and other social media.

ship, to the way you see and feel

most everyone has one. It changes

When someone posts a picture and

about yourself and gain respect for

your life and your friendships. You

gets many likes on it, then other, less

yourself. The second you log onto so-

probably don’t even want a Facebook

popular, people try to do something like

cial media, you can gain 500 followers.

or Twitter but you get it so that, maybe,

the popular people. When they

By: Nina D. Barkai Yeshiva


At search shul abbreviation


you could be just like the other people who

copy the popular

seem “popular,” but

girls and don’t get

really they are just

the same amount

like you. All you do is

of likes or com-

compare yourself to

ments, they start

your other “friends.”

to think they are

Some might be real.

not as good as

Others are just people

the rest of the

who followed you to

world. It changes the real person to be a person who they want to be not to be who they really are. They act


Don’t count the number

gain followers. They don’t care about you

of friends you have, but

or your personality. They just want to be

the number of friends

more popular. You try

you can count on

and likes. Why? So


one they are not

to get a lot of friends you would feel better about yourself? It

just to get ahead in competition and be popular. It also

But, the second you log off, they dis-

doesn’t make you feel better because

causes people to be jealous of their

appear. They are not there to support

what happens if these social media

friends. They feel that they have to do

and care about you. All you have to do

sites get “unpopular” or “overrated?”

better than all the other girls. It creates

is press one button to gain a friend.

a fake person who just wants to be like

But, you are not making a real effort

all the other girls and not feel left out.

to make a friend, to know how much

See names of authors

they care about you. The real things

by shul page 104

that will help you in life are the friends that are real and supportive.

66 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Special thank you to Terri and Jo Jo Chehebar who were the first ones to launch the

Torah Contest

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Eshet Chayil Jeff Sutton in honor of his wife R achel

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Reuben Bibi

by Jason Hoffman

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Leon Az ar Cohen

by Abraham Kassin

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Abie Dushey

by Joey Mizrahi

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Morris A. Dweck

by Edmound Nahum

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Victor Hal abi

by Abe Shalom

Facebook pretend friends = F akebook BNEI YOSEF CONG.

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By: Samantha Chabot Barkai Yeshiva True friendship is one of the most important things in your life and it’s being ruined by social media. Social media allows friendship to be a click of a button. Someone could have a million ‘friends’ on Facebook, but, out of those, how many are genuine friends? Almost every kid and adult has either

From the 300 friends

a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account. You might ask what is wrong,

that you have on

why is it bad? On someone’s birthday a person might get a text or tweet

Facebook, how many

of “Happy Birthday” but what does it mean? You don’t put any effort in say-

of them are real?

ing it. The person gets so happy that she got a million texts that say “Happy

By: Gabriel Bildirici Barkai Yeshiva When you log on to any social media,

By: Rachel Gammal Magen David Yeshivah Social media can ruin a friendship. A

Birthday” but, in the real world, did

you waste time on trying to keep up

girl has an Instagram and took a pic-

away reality and people along with it.

with the whole world rather than build-

ture with her friend. Her friend looked

ing and growing relationships. Real

gorgeous and wanted to post it but

By: Bobby Matalon Barkai Yeshiva Did you ever have a real friend? Well,

friends will be there for you if you need help. No one posts on Facebook what’s real. As a result, everyone thinks you are someone who you aren’t. It doesn’t

the girl looked not as pretty in it. So, the friend posted the picture but she cropped the girl out. To the girl, she

any one of them make an effort to say it in person? Social media takes

Facebook tricks your mind. Facebook makes you believe that, if you get “Friended,” it means you got a friend.

matter if you don’t have a lot of follow-

looked pretty. So, the friend posted

But, while you think you have friends,

ers as long as you have your friends.

the picture and the girl looked on In-

you don’t know them in real life. May-

By: Susan Esses Barkai Yeshiva can’t find real friends

stagram and saw her picture and she

be the reason you got friended is be-

wasn’t in it. So, the girl asked her

cause the person who friended is say-

friend, “Why did you take me out of

ing, “Oh look. If I friend this popular

ing everyone else. It makes you

the picture?” The friend answered,

guy, then he’ll friend me and because

feel as if you have a lot of friends

“Because you didn’t look pretty.” The

he friended me everyone will friend

when, meanwhile, you really don’t.

girl got so mad. She went home and

me. That’s how people think on Face-

unfollowed her on Instagram, Face-

book. Most of the time people who

book, Twitter. She never talked to her

friend you on Facebook are fake. They

again on social media and in real life.

are just using you to get followers.

You cause






See names of authors by shul page 104

68 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Winners of the TorahValues . com

Sarah Lozieh Barkai Yeshiva

Sara Milstein Masores Bais Yaakov

Sonia Dweck Barkai Yeshiva

Talya Grego Magen David Yeshivah

Chaya Sultan Bnei Yosef Cong.

Rimi Deutsch Masores Bais Yaakov

Blimi Frenkel Masores Bais Yaakov Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Zahava Zutler Masores

Chaya Sara Spira


View magazine online at 69

H ow

so c i a l m edi a a ffe c t se l f - es t ee m HAR HALEBANON CONG.

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By: Sari Cattan Barkai Yeshiva In my opinion social media can affect friendships and relationships in both good and bad ways. In a negative way, social media gives you the wrong judgment of others and gives others the wrong judgment of you. If one of your friends doesn’t post a picture for your birthday, apparently it

Social media encourages to impress, not to connect. By: Raquel Botton Magen David Yeshivah Social media affects quality of true

means that you are not close friends. It definitely lowers your confidence, especially when you see a popular person who has tons of followers and getting lots of likes and you are not getting as many as them. Everything with these social media causes people to make judgments about each other.


At search shul abbreviation


friendship. But how? One time, I decided to go on Instagram. I saw one of my friends posted a picture with a few of my other friends. When I saw that picture, it made me jealous. I decided not to go on Instagram anymore because I realized that, every time I went on it, I always wanted what everyone else had. Social media makes a person addicted to likes and followers and many more unproductive things. On social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram,




But, in real life how many of those people are really your friends? It’s better to invest in 1 friendship than 100

Social media encourages you to do what’s cool and not what you enjoy

people and end up with zero friends.

70 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Eshet Chayil Marc Sutton in honor of his wife Robin In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Eli Bouganim

By Isaac Marcus

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Bell a


By Nouri Chalouh

By Mousa Saad

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Jamie Dweck

By Judah M. Schemo

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By David Hadef

By Eddie E. Serure

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Gl adys


By Ezra Hedaya

By Jimmy Tawil

I t ’ s hard to be yourself on social media B y : Ya a k o v S h m u e l J . G r u n s f e l d Barkai Yeshiva Social media kids all over the world



B y : D a n i e l l e Tu a c h i Barkai Yeshiva When you see that someone popu-

are using Instagram, Facebook and

your whole personality based on

lar has something that you want, just

Twitter. Kids are following and friend-

what people like and don’t like.

because they have it will you get it?

ing random people to look popular. It

Maybe in school you don’t have so

Put yourself in their shoes. When the

might look cool to pull a prank or act

many friends, so you would think

most popular person in your class gets

mischievously to fit it. When

By: Coral Cohen – Saban Barkai Yeshiva yourself!




At search shul abbreviation


that popular item and you don’t even like

a kid feels he

it, you will go home



and beg your parents

would want to do

for it. Then they will



get it for you and you

and funny to fit

won’t even appreci-



ate it. By the time

sure comes out

you got this item, ev-

of all of this. Of-

eryone is moved into



ten, fake friends online make you act a certain way. This pushes you to be someone else. On social media,



to please people

You were born an original. Don’t end up a copy.

These aren’t your real friends who

that on Instagram or Facebook and

you could share problems with and

Twitter you could change your whole

friendship. In life, you need a real friend, someone who will care for

they love and no one will like you like you thought they would. So, your plan starts over and over and never



good friends who love you for who you are.

who aren’t you.

feelings. Social media isn’t really

the next big thing that

personality based on what people like and don’t like. The difference

By: Raymond Dusi Barkai Yeshiva Social media strips your identity from you. You will post things that aren’t you. The second you post a bad picture or

you, help you, give an advice and

between real friendship and fake

will lead you through the maze of life.

friendship is that real friendship is to

See names of authors

dia, your friends will leave you while

have a real connection with some-

your true friends will stay by your side.

by shul page 104

one who you could really talk to.

That’s why social media is bad for you.

72 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

write something uncool on social me-

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Winners of the TorahValues . com

Gabrielle Sued Magen David Yeshivah

Raquel Mizrahi Barkai Yeshiva

Esti Feldman Masores Bais Yaakov

Tzivia Gugenheim Masores

Nechama Zelmanovitz Masores

Shaindy Kress Masores

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Tehilla Nisanov Meorot Bet Yaakov

Noa Hacker Masores Bais Yaakov

Malkie Treitel

Masores Bais Yaakov

View magazine online at 73

I t ’ s hard to be yourself on social media OHEL DAVID & SHLOMO

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B y : E d d i e Ta w i l Barkai Yeshiva When Michael got a new skateboard, he took a picture of it and he got a lot of likes. Michael really hates to skateboard but he only bought it to be popular. Michael was only acting to like it. Also, his friend told him that it was so cool. His friend also told him that if he didn’t get one, he

By being yourself,

wouldn’t be popular. Michael couldn’t

you put something

he wouldn’t be popular. Michael is

in the world that was

not post real comments on Face-

not there before.

By: Renee Hadef Magen David Yeshivah Do you have true friends or fake

just do what he wanted to do or else always afraid to be himself. He does book. It’s just what other people like.

By: Moshe Chaya Barkai Yeshiva You should use social media the right

By: Moshe Benhamu Barkai Yeshiva When I got home one day, I went on

way. The right way is that you should

Facebook. I saw that people began

follow your own goals. Do not follow

to follow people who surfed. I went

other people’s goals. Be individual!

on line to get a picture of a kid surf-

Be who you are! Don’t follow other

ing. I posted it in Facebook and I got

people just to be cool. An example of the down side of social media is that if you see a picture of Instagram

more followers. Social media strips our individual qualities. If you like music and people don’t, you’ll get a dif-

friends? Your followers aren’t your friends. Some are but some aren’t. You shouldn’t be jealous of someone who has more followers than you. Don’t change your identity because you want to be “cool”. Do what you feel comfortable. A friend is someone who will be there all the time. They will lend you a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on.

book, you can’t express your feelings

B y : M i r i a m Tu r k i e h Barkai Yeshiva Instagram, Facebook. All social media

because your friends aren’t really your

distracts you from being you! When

friends. It locks you away from be-

do you ever stop and think, “What

ing yourself and having true friends.

do I want to do?” When you are in your teenage years, all your friends

media the right way and be yourself.

B y : Yi s r a e l M e i r O v a d i a Barkai Yeshiva If a cool person likes one type of

See names of authors

music, then everyone follows him.

that has a lot of likes, you try posting that same picture to get more likes. Use social media the right way. Real friends are friends who care about you and let you be yourself. Those are your real friends and those are the people you should be with. Use social

by shul page 104

ferent hobby you don’t like. On Face-

They don’t search for the music they actually like but the one he likes.

74 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

spend and spend and you don’t think you need all the things your friends buy. But, you are under pressure to buy things that you don’t really want.

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Eshet Chayil Ezra Ashkenazi in honor of his wife Sharyn In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Zeke Abraham

by Ralph Sassoon

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Stephen Beda

by Steven Shalom

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Joseph Bibi

by Joseph Sharaby

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Ninet te


by Raymond Cohen

by Abe Sultan

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Shawn Safdie

by David S. Tawil

S ocial media : keeping us connected or escaping reality B y : E v e l y n Tu r k i e h Barkai Yeshiva

is when fear of truth is sucked back in and everyone will face reality. At the

By: M.S. Barkai Yeshiva

Friendship is the key to happiness.

end, the amount of friends and “Likes”

Social media has many pros and cons

Over time, the meaning of friendship

people get on a picture is just a num-

just like most things in life. Social me-

has changed. People care more about

ber. Whether it’s 1or 101 friends, very

dia has corrupted many minds. For

popularity and avoid reality. A real

few people will care about the real and

example, it can boost our morale and

friend is someone who you’re able to

true friends they really need in life.

self confidence but not in a real and

trust. you

Someone can



At SEPHARDIC LEBANESE CONG. search shul abbreviation



true way. Yet, it manipulates our brains into



who will always

all that. But, in real-

be there for you,

ity, we are not. So-

through the good

cial media allows us



to conceal our true

Real friends ac-

selves and become

cept each other

someone we’re re-



ally not. We con-

truly are and not

trol what we put out



something pretend


Don’t ignore the

they be.

Today, in the so-

there. Why should we

people that care about

cial media world, reality doesn’t exist. People focus on the amount of

they are able to count on. Social media is a black hole. People show certain qualities that will gain popularity for themselves. Instead of revealing the truth and the real personality, they avoid it and give people what they want to see. All this is considered a lie. The only way this black hole will open up

imaginary and fake

you for someone

life? Yes, we get a

you hardly know.

social media. Be hon-

friends they have instead of the actual amount of friends

live in a world of an

few friends or likes on est! It feels good. But, it’s not anything we

By: Shirley S. Barkai Yeshiva Whether people like it or not one thing is for sure, social media affects friendship. For example, if a

invest in so we can lose it all in a minute. We are blinding ourselves to see true connections and effort.

Submit on

girl has a big party and posts it on a lesson

Instagram and another girl looks

you learned from the stories &

at the picture, she will feel bad be-

you will be entered in a raffle

cause she wants to have a big party but her parents can’t afford it.

76 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

for great prizes. See p. 52

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Honoring Parents In honor of T rina


& J oe C ayre

honor of my parents

Albert & Rochelle Ades


honor of our parents

Bobby & Rosie Antar By In

their children

honor of my parents

Shelly & Albert Antebi By

their son ,


honor of our parents

By In


Galit & Sammy Esses their children

their children

honor of our parents

Eliot & Doreen Harary By their children Morris, Claire, Sherry & Freddy


honor of our parents

Isaac & Brenda Saada By In

their children

honor of our parents

Allan & Bella Savdie By

their children

honor of our parents



P hilip A ntebi

Nathan & Estelle Botton

honor of our parents

Albert & Cheri Falack

B y J immy A des In

by their children


their children

honor of our parents

David and Alicia Tobal By

their children

P ersonal C onnections in the digital age B y : O l g a Ta w i l Barkai Yeshiva Friendship through social media has

I think when people get into a fight with

B y : Ta l i Z a b a r i Barkai Yeshiva Social media affects your identity and

changed over the years. Social media

their close friends and text them while

who you are. It affects the way you in-

can lower your self esteem. When you

they are in a fight can often be meaner

teract with your friends. Let’s say you

see profiles with more followers than

than how you would talk to them in

have a Facebook and you get upset

you, you feel less important. You feel

person. Sometimes, if they text you

at your friend. You want to talk it out

bad that you aren’t as popular or don’t

about how they feel, they would also

with her so you send her a message



friends. that’s

many But,


By: Sara Sultan Barkai Yeshiva


At search abbreviation






you being so mean to me?” Your friend

Most friends on

gets very offended

social media are


fake and many

what you sent from

of them you don’t

a different perspec-

even know at all.

tive. So, it’s different



talking to someone


on the internet than

see with

when many


lowers, most of them aren’t their true friends. True friends are friends who are kind and care about you and not people



Spend time with

talking it out with

friends who make

front of you with your

you happy, not who

meaning them from

you have to impress

have social media,

your friend right in actual



your heart. If you do be careful what you

who push the ‘fol-

post and what you

low’ button. People with fake friends

jump to conclusions and say hurt-

say because everyone always sees

will never know how it feels to have

ful words that they don’t really mean.


S tudents

real friends. If you don’t put in your effort to make friends, then you never really know who they are and how it feels to have true friends. On social media, you see only what’s on the outside and not the person’s personality.




from the following schools submitted inspirational stories . T he best ones made it into the magazine .

Bais Yaakov Academy | Barkai Yeshiva | Bet Yaakov Orot Sara | Bnos Yisroel | Hillel Yeshiva | Lev Bais Yaakov | Magen David Yeshivah | Masores Bais Yaakov | Meorot Bet Yaakov | Prospect Park Yeshivah | Yeshivah Chaim Berlin | Yeshivah Lev Torah | Yeshivah of Flatbush | Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a raffle for great prizes. See p.52

78 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Eshet Chayil In honor of our mother S ally A shkenazi

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

L auren


by Joey Abadi

by Morris Shasho

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Eddie A. Ash

by Jack Sasson

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Albert Bijou

by Albert Savdie

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Danny Sabzehroo

by Victor Set ton

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Cl aire


by Ikie Shabtai

by Joey A. Tawil

T eamwork is the best formula for success By: Melanie Baum Magen David Yeshivah Vivian was having color war in her

By: Malky Fogel Prospect Park Yeshivah One time, when we had color war,

By: Leah Faena Bet Yaakov Orot Sara Everyone would want to be the cap-

camp. She was captain to team one.

the girl who was chosen to be a cap-

tain so they could get a lot of credit.

She chose all her friends for the com-

tain didn’t let anyone do anything.

People don’t want to make banners

mittee. They sat down and started to

She wrote the song and sang it. She

because they don’t get so much atten-

work. Vivian and her best friends would

drew the poster and presented it. Of

tion for it after only 2 minutes of show-

get all the good jobs. They would


At search shul abbreviation


ing the banner. One time, a girl wanted to

dance and sing.

help with the banners



and other girls didn’t

other friends the

let her. At the end, we

jobs of acting and

lost points for it. When

art. Vivian was so


excited to start.

each other do the

Alison, a shy girl

banners and badges,

asked, “Can I be

it came out very good


in art? I am a re-

Alone we can do

ally good artist.” look up. “No,” she When color war was over, Vivian looked at Alison’s

and putting all these

together we

said and just left.


had her own idea

so little,

Vivian didn’t even



can do so much.

work of art. “I




gether made us win. By: Miriam Hunger Bnos Yisroel When you are working on color war, if

should have picked her,” she thought.

course, we lost and the other team

you are in charge of badges, people

That year Vivian didn’t win color war

who worked together won. Another

might say that what you made up is

but she learned an important lesson.

year, a girl got chosen as a captain

weird and then you’ll feel like you did it

B y : F re d d y B i j o u Magen David Yeshivah If you have teamwork and you are

and she really knew how to be a cap-

all for nothing. When everyone fights

tain. She put people who were good

and wants to do everything by them-

working together, then you have a bet-

at things in charge of what they were

ter chance of winning. If you try to be

good at. All she did was present the

the star, you are not going to win be-

poster and make sure everything runs

cause everyone is trying to be the star.

smoothly. Obviously, we won that year.

80 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

selves, then you are guaranteed to lose points and lose the whole color war.

See names of authors by shul page 104

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The Administration, Faculty, Parents and students of Masores Bais Yaakov acknowledge the generosity of the

Gruss Life Monument Fund Mr. Jason Cury President

Mr. Joel S. Beritz Vice President

Their v ision of excellence in Jewish education continues to enhance the chinuch of our students. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Teamwork is the best formula for success BNEI BINYAMIN CONG.

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By: Morris Lati Magen David Yeshivah When you are playing basketball, there are different positions. You always work as a team. There is a shooter, a rebounder and a defender. When you work as a team, you have a bigger chance of winning. The defender blocks the ball; the rebounder could get the rebound and pass it to


the shooter. The shooter could score.

divides the task

then there will be no defender that can

and multiplies

can’t rebound and pass it to the shoot-

If everyone wants to be the shooter, block the shooter. And, the rebounder er. That is why teamwork is important. B y : Yo s s i O s t ro v i t s k y Yeshivah Chaim Berlin Dovid, Chaim and Mordechai were

the success B y : Ye h o s h u a L e i b Yeshivah Chaim Berlin I was playing hockey with my friends

By: Moshe Strauss Yeshivah Chaim Berlin An example of teamwork is writing a

and I was skating down the rink. I had

book. There is an author and an illus-

a shot but, instead of shooting myself,

trator. The author might know how to

I passed it to a kid who no one would

write well, but when he tries to draw a

pass to otherwise. No one knew how

picture, it comes out terrible. The illus-

good he was. He shot from half of the

trator might know how to draw well, but

rink and he scored. Everyone started to

he does not know how to write a story.

pass to him. He was the best player of

So, they work as a team and it comes

our team. If Chaim didn’t pass to Moshe

out very good. But, if they do each oth-

and Moshe didn’t pass to me and I

er’s job it will come out terrible and no-

didn’t pass to Chezkel, we wouldn’t

body will want to read their book. This

have won. What a game it was. We

shows that teamwork is very important. B y : D o v i d B ro d t Yeshivah Chaim Berlin

started winning with him on our team.

Submit on

One time, we had a word search race.

a lesson you learned from the

We were split into teams. Some kids

stories & you will be entered

were good at translating the word

in a raffle for great prizes. See p. 52

into English. Some kids found words, some kids remembered words, but when we worked together, we won!

82 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

playing basketball. Mordechai has the ball but he is not very good. Dovid is behind him, who is good. Dovid is open. So, Mordechai, instead of shooting and missing, passes to Dovid who shoots and scores. If Mordechai would’ve shot, he would have missed. So, he used team work passed to Dovid who was good. He shot and scored. By: Binyamin Zev Schwartz Yeshivah Chaim Berlin Working as a team is very important and things get done a lot quicker. When doing a choir, one person can’t do it all. There needs to be a drummer, a pianists, a guitarist, a lot of things are involved. Focus on what you are best at. Even if you might have more than one talent, but it’s still good to work as a team and do what you are best at.

See names of authors by shul page 104

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Eshet Chayil David Shalom in honor of his wife Nadine In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Moshe Assis

by Abie Tebele

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Raymond Dayan

by Joe V. Saideh

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Arthur Djmal

by David Salem

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife


Margret te

by Mordy Faks

by Jack Shammah

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Stephen Mamiye

by Abe Sorcher

Give the spotlight to the one who is the most qualified

By: Sara Halwani Magen David Yeshivah One day, a girl named Gabrielle came

When you are a team captain, you are

B y : Ta l y a G re g o Magen David Yeshivah A few weeks ago, my English teacher

home from school and told her mother

the star of the team. You are in charge

told the whole class to make a play for

that she was chosen to be the director

of your team. You feel very important.

the whole school to see. My teacher

of the school play. Her mother spoke

Most people wouldn’t want to be in

said, “We are gong to be divided

to her about choosing the right ac-

charge of making the costumes of the

into groups.” She picked me, Emily,

tors to star in the play.


By: Chayala Danziger Bais Yaakov Academy


At search shul abbreviation


Suzy and Alison. My teacher said, “One

thought about it

person is in charge.”

before she had

So, I said, “Ok guys,

the talk with her

I am in charge. I am

mother and said

getting the main part








she would pick

ily, Alison and Suzy

her best friend

said, “Why are you in

Shelly for the star

charge? Why not one

A good team is when

of us?” I said, “Be-

each member is happy

of what we should

with his part & praises

ticing our play. In one

the skills of others

to juggle 3 or more

of the show. But, her mother said, “It



nice to do that because there are other girls who have

great hid-

den talents and

cause I am in charge do.” We were all pracpart of the play, I had balls. But, I didn’t know how. They kept

would want to be the star of the play.” Gabrielle said, “Ok,”

color war skit because no one knows

on falling. However, Emily knew how

and went to school. She was planning

who did it and they do not care. The

to. Emily said, “Do you know how to

to pick her best friend Shelly automati-

team has a higher chance of losing

juggle?” I said, “No, but I’ll practice.” I

cally for the part but she listened to her

color war when the team is fighting and

got very frustrated. Emily said to me,

mother’s advice and had an audition

starting to divide up. What will make

“Can I just do that part?” I said, “No,

for the play. One of the shyest girls

you win is when you give up what

this is the main part and I will be the

in the school was very talented. She

you want for what’s best for the team.

star in it.” I kept practicing and prac-

was picked to be the star of the show and became very popular girl because Gabrielle picked her for the lead role.

See names of authors by shul page 104

84 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

ticing and I didn’t get it. So, I said to myself, “You know what? I will give this part to Emily. I am horrible in juggling.”

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Eshet Chayil Elliot Sabbagh in honor of his wife S arina

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Jack Abady

by Nathan Mann

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Jack Cohen

by Jack Mosseri

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Raymond Esses

by Charles SUED

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Eli Haddad

by David Wahba

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Shlomo Laniado

by Morris Zeitoune

Give the spotlight to the one who is the most qualified KETER ZION CONG.

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By: Gabrielle Harari Magen David Yeshivah There was a girl named Sara who was the head of the play. Sara needed to find three more people to be in her play. Sara didn’t want to pick the popular girl as the lead role just because she is pretty. Sara needed to see how she acts and sings. It turned out that

I can do things you cannot. You can do things I can’t. Together we can do great things.

the popular girl wasn’t a good singer or actress. When Sara told the popular girl that she didn’t get the lead, she was so angry that she said, “If it’s not me, then who is it? “Miss shy” or “miss ugly”? Sara gave the shy girl a chance and she was a fabulous singer. She just needed to believe in herself. Then, Sara gave the “miss ugly” a chance and

B y : S h i r l e y M a s s re Magen David Yeshivah

she was an amazing actress. When

We had a science project to do. My

By: Alison Salman Magen David Yeshivah Once, there was a girl named Melanie

group was Jacqueline, Emily and

who wanted to do a science project.

acting. So, that shows that Sara didn’t

Raquel. First, we argued on what

She had a friend, named Fortune, who

judge by the looks. She dug deep and

project we should so. Then, Raquel

wasn’t so smart. And a friend, named

found the inner soul of those 2 girls.

thought of doing something with mag-

Raquel, who was extremely smart but

nets. Jacqueline, Emily and I thought

was less friends with her. She decid-

By: Jaqueline Sasson Magen David Yeshivah Teamwork: when everyone works to-

that was a great idea and would get us a lot of points. We figured out that Emily is a good writer and she could write the paragraphs. With Jacqueline’s artistic skills, she could design the tri board. With Raquel’s intelligence, she could think of the hypothesis, conclusion methods, and the questions. With

ed to do it with Raquel. Melanie was a smart girl but she wanted to see Raquel’s thought before she said hers. After Raquel said her thought, Melanie liked them. So, she thought that she doesn’t need to say hers. Raquel wanted to hear Melanie’s thought but,

she gave ‘miss popular’ a chance, she wasn’t good at all at either singing or

gether you can achieve more. Let’s say you are making your friend a surprise party. You want to be in charge, take all responsibility. Only one problem. You are not an artist. Don’t let your ego take over. You don’t want to be and do something you aren’t good at. Let the

my speaking skills, I could explain to

after Melanie said it, Raquel liked

all the guests who came. Since we got

her thoughts. They took a little bit

master be the pro. You buy the decora-

it all worked out, we could now focus

of Melanie’s ideas and a little bit of

tions and let the friend who is respon-

on the project. We got an A+ and came

Raquel’s ideas and made it into one

sible in all ways take charge. Team-

in third place (which is really good!)

idea. This is using your talents wisely.

work: Let it be less of me and more we.

86 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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In Memory of In

memory of


V i o l e t & H a r o l d S u t t o n A” H

memory of

Nelly Ades A”H


memory of

Gabriel Ben Lea Bildirici A”H 10 Year anniversary


memory of our father

Joseph Cohen A”H


memory of

Isaac Dana A”H By his children & grandchildren


memory of

Norman Esses A”H


memory of

Joseph (Yosef) Hamaoui A”H

B y A lbert



S ally M osseri

memory of

Joseph S. Jemal A”H


memory of

Ralphael Sarway A”H


memory of

Cheryl Shalom A”H


memory of

Sol N. Tawil A”H By his wife, children and grandchildren

Give the spotlight to the one who is the most qualified B y : S h a ro n R o u b i n Magen David Yeshivah If you are part of a dance and you


are in the back, but your friend is in the front, you’ll most likely try to move up. But, then, everyone will get confused with their spots and the dance becomes a mess. So, now you don’t get the spotlight and neither does your friend. If you and your friend are trying

Wearing the

to make a fruit basket for sick children, the designer gets the credit. But, she

same t-shirts

couldn’t have made it without someone buying those ripe, fresh looking fruits

doesn’t make

and someone picking that right basket to match the fruits. Maybe the design-

you a team B y : Vi v i a n e F a rc a Magen David Yeshivah One day, a 5th grade class was starting to prepare for the Bridge competition where they would have to build a bridge and see which one can hold the most weight. The teacher was making groups and one of them was Fortune, Sarah, Allison and Lauren. Each person had a job in the group. The jobs

er knows how to do these things, but, thanks for all those people involved,

is best for the job. Before Fortune was about to say how unfair it was, she thought about how she was always the leader of everything and all she does is demand things. She thought about what Allison said and then said, “You know what? I nominate Alison to be director because she has fair ideas.” Everyone else agreed

they made the idea happen. B y : Te h i l l a N i s a n e v Meorot Beit Yaakov When you make a play, each individual should use her own talents. Smart girls do the research, artistic girls draw banners, loud ones present the banners and cheer. When one works on a science project, it will not succeed

and they won the project excellence

if no one does the research on the topic and no one likes to do it since

discussing, Fortune said, “I am being

award because they worked together. By: Chaim Janani Yeshivah Lev Torah In a sports game, by passing the

the director.” Fortune is used to the

ball you allow other people to play

spotlight because she is always the

and make it fun for them. The oth-

head of everything. Then Allison said,

er boy gets a chance to shoot and,

“I think we should go around and see

if he is a good shooter, you might

which girl wants which job.” Fortune

even score. But, if someone is a

thought it wasn’t fair because what if

ball hugger and he shoots even

submit a lesson you

two people want the same job? Al-

though it’s a very far shot, he would

lison said that they should see who

probably miss and you would lose.

learned from their stories.

were the director, the tri board designer, the bridge designer and the journalist. Right when they sat down to start

88 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

it won’t put you in the spotlight. But, too little research and too many eager presenters is a sure way to fail.

See the names of authors from your shul on p.104 . On,

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Eshet Chayil Nissim Kafif in honor of his wife Vicky In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Gl adys


By Richard Adjmi

By Ralph Haber

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Hymie Betesh

By Joey Jemal

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Yvet te


By Alie Cohen

By Eddie Levy

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Harold Dweck

By Marc Moghrabi

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Harold Ebani

By Nathan Shamosh

Give the spotlight to the one who is the most qualified SHAARE TEFILAH OF EATONTOWN

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other about everything that they do. Some kids get upset that the better kids do everything and they don’t want to play anymore. I really think that





be treated the same way no matter how good they are at sports. By: Leah Hatanian Masores Bais Yaakov “Girls, listen up! We are going to make a play, ‘The Wizard of Us.’ I am going


to split you up to practice with your group lines from the play. On Monday,

teamwork starts

will be the auditions. Good luck! So the groups are: Sarah, Miri and Chana

with a good

in the 1st group.” The second Sarah heard her group she grabbed Miri and


Chana and said, “I’m Dorothy! I am clearly made for the part.” “Woah-ohoh, oh no!” Miri cried. “Sarah, the last

By: Malky Ettlinger Lev Bais Yaakov When we had color war, our counselor

By: Eli Nahamias Magen David Yeshivah When we play football, all of the good

picked out a girl to be the head. No one

players get the ball. All the kids that

wanted to listen to her because they

are not so good don’t get the ball a lot.

wanted a popular girl to be the captain

They always get upset because they

instead. So, instead of listening, the

don’t get the ball. Except, sometimes,

girls didn’t do anything she said and

we let all the kids get the ball. We let

the team lost. It’s hard for people to

them do what they want. We compli-

work as a team because everyone has

ment them about the way they play.

their own opinion and doesn’t always

When we give all of them credit, it

like to listen what someone else has to

makes them feel very good. There are

say. To fix it is to compromise and it will

some kids who are very good at sports,

all turn out fine and, actually, probably

who don’t care about other people’s

be the best project yet. When everyone

feelings. They yell at kids for doing

takes each other’s ideas and listens

something wrong. I always tell them to

to them and asks even the shy kid’s

stop. I think that everyone should be

opinion, everyone will click and the

treated the same way. I want to make a

puzzle will come together. After all, in

change so nobody puts anyone down.

you work with what you’re good at and

order for a puzzle to be complete, you

All the good players and the not so

together as a team, you will succeed.

need all the pieces in their own place.

good players should compliment each

And, in fact, the play was a success.

90 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

time we had a play you were the one who got the main part by nagging the teacher. On the day of the play, you were so nervous that you stuttered through the whole beginning and then I had to take over.” Chana continued, ‘Yeah, Sarah, you should be the dog because your animal impersonations are excellent.” When Sarah heard those words, she ran out of the class and began to cry because she wanted to be in the spotlight. The day of the play: “Ruf, Ruf, Ruf,” Sarah barked dramatically. After Sarah stopped barking, she heard laughter from the audience. She realized that Hashem made you with ups and downs and sometimes you can’t be in the spotlight. But, if

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Eshet Chayil James Haddad in honor of his wife Ricci

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Adam A. Ash

By Joseph A. Franco

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Ike Betesh

By Charles Grazi

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Jackie Cohen – Arazi

By Joey Habert

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Matthew E. Dweck

By Alan Jemal

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



By Martin Erani

By Joey Levy

C ompliment talent that doesn ’ t draw attention (H idden T alent )

B y : L a u re n S a v d i e Magen David Yeshivah One sunny day in camp, there was a

By: Gail Hafif Yeshivah Of Flatbush In a play, the actors would have a bet-

By: Judy Shalam Magen David Yeshivah There was one girl, named Rebecca,

group named 5G. They loved to play

ter chance of having an amazing play

who wasn’t as popular as Elaine. She

dodge ball. There were two captains.

if all the characters focused even if

had to work with Elaine and the other 2

One was Patricia and the other cap-

they had one line, but said it with confi-

girls on a project. Rebecca is, secretly,

tain was Sandy. Patricia grabbed

dence, belief, voice, feeling and hope.

the best drawer you would ever see.

the ball first and tried to throw it


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She went to Elaine and said that she

but was having

has an idea to draw



on Tri board. Elaine

She threw it but

told her, “No, I am

missed everyone

going to draw it, but

on the other team.


Then Sandy got

was so sad from what

the ball, but felt

she was told so she


hasn’t said a word to




girls never got to throw.



It is amazing how much

anyone in her group.

you can accomplish

how to make a 3D

when it doesn’t matter

other girls suggested

who gets the credit.

try. So, she tried.

gave the ball to a different girl and she got 2 people out. Sandy said, “Great job,” and cheered her on. Then


Elaine was stuck on bridge. One of the that Rebecca should Once she was done, all the girls loved it. At


got the ball again but kept it to her-

That would make the play wonderful

the science fair everyone was saying,

self and she missed again. Sandy still

even if you didn’t have the spotlight.

“Wow, what a great drawing.” Elaine

cheered her on and said, “It doesn’t

The main actor should make it a point

then realized that she didn’t have to

matter. You’ll get them next time.” An-

to recognize all the people who work

be great at everything. She told Re-

other girl said, “At least we are work-

behind the scenes and make the play

becca, publicly, “You were right. Your

ing as a team.” So, Patricia realized

possible. One person can’t make a play

drawing is wonderful.” Rebecca was

that she should work as a team just

a success. He should say, “Sorry you

so happy because she never imag-

like Sandy. So, she did and cheered

didn’t get so many parts but, if it weren’t

ined a shy girl like her would be recog-

her friends on just like Sandy. She

for you, I wouldn’t have known when to

nized for her ability to draw. Now she

said, “You learn new things every day.”

start and what to say. So, thank you.”

felt more confident to show her talent.

92 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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Honoring Parents In honor of Terri & Jojo Chehebar



honor of

Rae & Izzy Abade


Joe & Lilly Arazi

honor of

Sonnie Cabasso By In

her children


By In

Joyce & Morris Srour By


their children

their children


honor of

Joseph & Frieda Sutton By

their children


honor of our parents

Shirley & Morris Farca

her children

honor of our parents

honor of our parents

Freda and Jack M. Dweck By their Children, Grandchildren and G reat G randchildren

honor of

Margo Savdie

their children


their children


honor of our parents


honor of

Dr. & Mrs. Shaya Khabyeh

B y D ouglas A bade In

by their children

honor of

Linda & Eddie Zonana By

their children

Compliment talent that doesn’t draw attention OHEL YAAKOV CONG.

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By: Evelyn Antebi Magen David Yeshivah Hanukkah was coming. My classmates and I decided to make a play about Hanukkah to perform to the whole 7th grade. We were picking jobs to do for the play. I decided that I wanted to design all the costumes. When I got home, I noticed that I didn’t know what I was doing. I tried

Leaders become great,

to think of who would be a good person to help me. I thought and thought

not because of their

until I remembered how good Susan

power, but because

dresses. Maybe, if I call her she’ll

of their ability to

I called her up and explained to her

empower others

if she wanted to come. Then I compli-

come to my house and help me. So, what happened. First, she wasn’t sure mented her on how much I liked her style in clothes and she came right

By: Charles Seruya Magen David Yeshivah One day, my 3 friends and I were walk-

By: Amanda Heskiel Magen David Yeshivah Last time we had color war, Sarah was

ing to a pizza shop. About half a mile

the general. We split up the team. Es-

away, we came to a street that we didn’t

ther was chosen to write the songs.

recognize. We were lost for about half

She thought that Rachel was much

an hour. One of my friends said, “Hey,

better in writing songs. Esther gave

the pizza shop is that way.” We didn’t

that job to Rachel. When Rachel fin-

believe him but we were lost anyway.

ished writing it, she gave it to Sarah.

So, how much worse would it get? We

Sarah photocopied it and gave it out

began walking in that direction and

to the whole team. We practiced the

sure enough we got there in 20 min-

songs when we sang it against the

utes. Because of his hidden talent of

blue team. Every one compliment-

sense of direction, we got pizza and

ed Sarah on the great song. Sarah

me and she got the credit for doing it. By: Shelley Sitt Magen David Yeshivah In my gymnastics class, I was lead

he led us home. It’s important to com-

said, “Thank you.” and then she said,

and my friend felt bad. So, I told ev-

pliment hidden talent since, then, he

“But, Rachel was the one to write it.

eryone that my best friend helped

will use this talent more often because

She should be the one being compli-

me on this part. She felt very good.

he will think it is special and important.

mented, not me.” We learn from Sarah

My friend said, “Thank you so much”

To see sources for the quotes in the magazine Log on search kids’ quotes sources

that, even though she was the main

to me. I told everyone that my friend

person, she didn’t want all the cred-

will show her moves as well. I de-

it. She was nice enough to give the

cided that I wanted to share my spot-

credit to the person who deserved it.

light. We both ended up enjoying it.

94 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

over. She helped me with all the styles and the costumes looked better than ever. When the day of the play came, everyone kept telling me how much they liked the costumes. I said thank you but I told them that Susan did most of the work and they should go to her and compliment her. They did. Susan felt very happy that she helped

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Eshet Chayil Joey Sitt in honor of his wife B etty In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Jacob Aini

by Eddie Salem

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Bell a


by Haskel Cohen

by Steven Salem

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Al an Maleh

by Ralph Sasson

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife



by Eli Mizrahi

by Billy Shalom

In honor of my wife

In honor of my wife

Shell a


by Jack Saideh

by Charles Sued

Compliment talent that doesn’t draw attention LEV BAIS YAAKOV

By: Mary Salem Magen David Yeshivah The teacher asked Rachel to organize the play and to give everyone a part in the play. Rachel had the chance to take the main part for herself. But, she knew she was not very good at singing. Also, she knew her best friend Sandy was very good at singing and

Finding good players is easy. Getting them to play as a team is another story

acting. So, she decided to give the main part to her. Rachel was done giving the main parts and responsibility. The whole crew was working hard. But, Rachel saw one girl, Lisa, working very very hard. Lisa was the costume designer. She would work day and night making the costumes. On the day of the play, when Rachel made

By: Esther Dweck Magen David Yeshivah My friend was the writer of the play

By: Eddie Halwani Magen David Yeshivah We were playing a game and there

her speech, she told everyone about

that our school was producing. The

was a boy who was dribbling. He was

writing was wonderful and everybody

confusing everyone. Then he ran and

face. She knew that Lisa would always

who heard them loved it and was

scored. This is a good talent because

excited to come see the play on the

he can confuse anyone and get past

opening night. The people in the play

everyone easily. If you are not a good

rehearsed and loved doing it. On the

dribbler, don’t try to do a great drib-

that she has a gift talent from Hashem. By: Lisa Jammal Magen David Yeshivah One day, there was a play going on.

opening night before they started the

bling move because it’s not your tal-

The hidden talent was the maid and the

play, the lead actress said she need-

ent. Tell the person with the dribbling

spotlight was the queen. The maid was

ed everyone’s attention. When the

talent that his part in the game is very

jealous and wanted the spotlight. The

room got quiet she started to speak.

important and you rely on him. He’ll

queen was very good at her part. The

She said, “Can I have a round of ap-

feel like part of the team and try harder. By: Eddie Kababieh Yeshivah Lev Torah Everyone performs better when

maid made the queen get hurt so she

they get compliments for what they

be the new maid. When the show was

do. In basketball, you could tell the

going to start, the new queen got ner-

passer, “Nice pass!” the rebounder,

vous and messed up the whole show.

“That was a great rebound,” the drib-

But, the new maid saved the show

bler, “Wow, you dribble really fast.”

even though she was the hidden talent.

plause for my friend who wrote the play?” Everyone was clapping. My friend was so happy. When the play was over, my friend continued to write very good plays that everyone loved.

See names of authors by shul page 104

96 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Lisa’s designs and how she worked so hard. Rachel saw the smile on Lisa’s work on her talent. Now, she knows

could take the part. The maid was horrible as the queen. The queen had to

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Compliment talent that doesn’t draw attention OHEL SIMCHA CONG.

At search shul abbreviation


B y : Te d d y L a n i a d o Magen David Yeshivah I was playing a basketball game in camp and we were losing. The time was almost up. We were down by two. My friend stole the ball and hit a three pointer. Even though he wasn’t a very good player, we won the game at the end. I told him his stealing helped us win the game and that was important. It’s


important to give recognition to people because the next time he will do even

Simply stated,

better and will be inspired to play more. B y : M a r i e l l e M a rc o s Magen David Yeshivah There is a girl who has a hidden tal-

it is less me

ent of writing. I know that she spent so

and more we.

much time writing the play and making it the best. At the end of the play,

By: Fraidy Emanuel Bnos Yisroel Most of the girls would want the main

B y : R e b e c c a S a rd a r Magen David Yeshivah It was the summer of 2012. We had

part in acting because then they would

color war in camp. I was chosen to

be the center of attention. A solution for

be the captain of my team. I was so

this would be for the girl who acts the

happy and I, maybe, was too excited. I

best, she should get the main part and

put myself in the color war dance, play,

for the girl who sings well, she should

games and everything else. I was so

get a solo. The girl who dances nicely

carried away that I was selfish and for-

should be in dance. This way each girl

got everyone else’s feelings. It was the

gets to shine in her own way. Also, the

day before color war and I was walk-

teacher should say you are really good

ing to the gym. On my way, I heard

at dancing so why don’t you be in the

people. I looked and I saw two girls,

dance? Then, together, it will be a great

from my color war group acting. They

play. If the girl is good at the part, then

were background dancers from the

maybe you could add on a few lines

play I was the star of. I said, “Wow you

for her or you can give her another lit-

guys are good actresses.” They said,

tle part in addition to the other part. So,

“Thanks.” That night, I was thinking that,

this way, if everyone’s happy with her

if they have talents, other girls might

part, the play would come out great.

have so many more talents as well.

Submit on a lesson you learned from the stories & you will be entered in a ra fle for great prizes. See p. 52 98 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

when we introduced to the audience the people in the play, I took the writer of the play and introduced her. I announced that she wrote the whole play. Everyone was clapping for her. That day, she was asked to write every play of the year. You should always compliment people with hidden talent because if you don’t they are never going to do what they are truly good at again. B y : P a t t y S h re m Magen David Yeshivah There was a girl who was the director and the head of the play. But, she didn’t know how to act so good. So, she gave the acting part to someone else who wasn’t popular. The unpopular girl was really good. After the play was over, the popular girl told the unpopular girl, “You were really good. You should be in a lot of other plays.” The girl felt good and comfortable with herself ever since.

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G et to know your team members ’ strengths By: Jacob Rishty Magen David Yeshivah Imagine yourself being the leader of a

By: Rachel Russo Magen David Yeshivah This past year, when we were as-

B y : Vi v i a n E l i a s Magen David Yeshivah My friends and I were working on our

group to work on a bridge for a class.

signed a science project, I was given

science project on the solar system.

Your team is: you, your best friend, an-

a group of girls that had all differ-

I was in charge even though I didn’t

other friend, and two other boys from

ent talents. One person knew how to

want to. I just wanted to get the cred-

your class. You want to be appreci-

draw, one person knew how to type,

it. But, my friend was a better leader

ated but not to be selfish. You try to in-

one person knew how to sculpt, and

and she was better at making every-

clude everyone’s talents. But, you only know your


thing work out fine but I wouldn’t let her be the leader. After a

best friend’s tal-

while, I told her that

ent. You need to

she could have been

find out everyone

a better leader than



me and I made her

You try to hang

the leader. She gave

out with everyone


else and you find

jobs for their talents.

their hidden talents. When the teacher says everyone get in your groups, you and your



just that. Everyone is waiting for




I was the researcher because I was able


to find very important details and informa-


tion. Sara was the writer because she


knew how to make the writing flow so it

you to tell them



what they are doing. You tell them

one person was very organized. Since

when we read it to the class. Rachel

what you have decided. None of them

everyone knew how to do something

was in charge of decoration since she

are unhappy with his part. They are all

different, we were very organized.

had a great taste for decorating the tri

happy that they have the part that they

We combined our talents and made

pod and making the solar system. On

wanted. In the end, the teacher smiles

it a success. Since I just knew a lot

the bottom of our essay, we wrote who

at your group knowing that we all got

about our topic so I helped write and

did what. We said that without each

along. Your group got an A+. Without

plan the project and our project ended

other doing what we are best at, we

my team, I would’ve gotten an “F”.

up getting an “A” since we all worked

wouldn’t have finished it. , which is true.

But, thanks to my team, we got an A+.

together with our different talents.

I am glad that we worked as a team.

100 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

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T aking credit for someone else ’ s success By: Esther Kishk Magen David Yeshivah “I want the lead role,” I shouted. “I re-

B y : L a u re n S a rd a r Magen David Yeshivah If you are the lead in a play, before you

By: Joyce Cohen Magen David Yeshivah There was a group of kids who had to

ally want to be the lead in our school

start the play you should give credit to

make 600 cookies for the event. The

play. I will be amazing in the spotlight.”

the people who wrote and directed the

leader’s name was Frieda. Frieda was

“I think that Leah will be amazing in the

play. It is important to give a compli-

a bad leader. They only made 300

spotlight,” Barbara stated. “No, I want

ment because if you have a friend who

cookies and they needed to bake 300

to be the lead. I am a really good sing-

is good at poetry and you don’t thank

more cookies in one hour. They de-







cided to switch leaders. The new leader

Leah is a bet-

was Joy. Joy gave

ter singer, I still

everyone a job that

want to be in the

they were good at.

spotlight.” “Come

Frieda wasn’t pay-

on, you always

ing attention. So, she

get to be the lead

messed up. When


she finally starting


told me. I guess she was right. “I’ll give Leah a shot.” “Leah, want

do the

you spot-

They’re smart and quiet. Listen to their ideas and don’t

light?” We asked her. “No, I am okay. I don’t like the spotlight,” she

steal their credit.

told us. “Should



she realized that the cookies were burned. The event organizer came and saw only 500 cookies. He said it was a good job. Frieda tried to take the credit. But, Joy’s friends stuck up for

we convince her into doing it?” Bar-

her, she will stop writing poems and do

her and said that Joy was the leader

bara asked. “No. If she doesn’t want,

something she hates instead. Esther

we shouldn’t force her.” “I’ll just write

was the writer of a play and, on the

and helped to make all of the 500

the songs,” Leah said as she left. The

night of the play, I announced loudly

night of the play, “We would like to give

that all of this happened because of

credit to Leah for writing the amazing

Esther, because she wrote this play.

songs of the play,” I shouted. I could see Leah. A small smile appeared on her face. She was happy and so was I.

cookies by working as a team. The event organizer offered Joy to be in charge of the next event as well.

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Winners of the TorahValues . com

Abie Shamah Magen David Yeshivah Jack Ashkenazi Magen David Yeshivah Raymond Tawil Magen David Yeshivah

Eddie Sorscher Barkai Yeshiva

David Bassoul Magen David Yeshivah

Ikey Dweck Barkai Yeshiva

Moshe Lati Barkai Yeshiva

Michael Levy Barkai Yeshiva

Teddy Mishanie Barkai Yeshiva

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List of Names of Authors by Shul Search names below at & submit a lesson you learned from their stories. See p.52 Shaare Zion Cong.

Beth Torah

Antebi, Evelyn Betesh, Lois Bildirici, Gabriel Chabbott, Esther Chakalo, Norean Chera, Charlie Chkalo, Edgar Cohen – Saban, Coral Cohen, Nancy Dweck, Ikey Esquenazi, Morris Esses, Susan Farca, Viviane Gindi, Isaac Grego, Talya Guindi, Jack Guindi, Morris Guindi, Paula Haber, Frieda Haber, Molly Haber, Shirley

Halwani, Eddie Jacobowitz, Paulette Kassab, Matilda Khafif, Nissim Laniado, Lauren Laniado, Teddy Lati, Rachel Levy, Jenny Maleh, Esther Massre, Shirley Safdieh, Lori Saideh, Fortune Sardar, Rebecca Sardar, Victor Sasson, Jacqueline Sasson, Mimi Tawil, Henry Tawil, Raymond Tawil, Sarah Tebele, Evelyn

Chabot, Samantha

Ahava Ve Ahva

Ahi Ezer cong.

Magen Abraham

Benzaken, Jennifer Chehebar, Joyce Douek, Bella Kishk, Sammy Mamiye, Ezra Mizrahi, Vico Mosseri, Jack Savdie, Lauren Sorscher, Eddie Tawil, David

Althkefati, Shlomo Bukai, Tanya Faks, Victor Ftiha, Yosef Kameo, Michael Katach, Jack Kbabia, Alyn Khallouf, Priel Mineh, Ruthie

Botton, Nathan


Yad Yosef

Bnei Yosef

Jemal, Jack

Dusi, Raymond

Franco, Eileen Hazan, Marc 104 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Magazine 718-909-6060

Chera, Claudia Cohen, Violet Dweck, Sam Dweck, Shoshana Franco, Pamela Gammal, Sarah Haddad, Charles Rahmey, Jeanne Rishty, Jacob Sassoon, Alan Seruya, Charles Sutton, Morris Sutton, Steven Tawil, Eddie Tawil, Olga Zalta, Madalyn

Greenberg, Jack Jemal, Terry Lati, Jack Mizrahi, Yvonne Rishty, Cerise Serouya, Elliot Tammam, Isaac

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Vote = Great Prizes at Search names below at & submit a lesson you learned from their stories. See p.52 Shaare Shalom

MDY Cong. Bijou, Freddy

Antar, Leslie Barsano, Mark Benhamu, Moshe Benmashiah, Rosie Grunsfeld, Yaakov Heskiel, Amanda Hirsch, Joseph Marcos, Marielle Shlomo, Eric Shrem, Patty Tebele, Jeanette Tuachi, Danielle

Cohen, Raquel Dayan, Ikey Dweck, David Erani, Danny Falack, Susan

Bnei Yitzchak Ashkenazi, Jack Betesh, Joyce Catton, Eddie Dweck, Jack H. Ezon, Joseph

Gindi, Sari Gindi, Vivian Sorcher, Jacob

Halwani, Sara

Zeitoune, Sarah

Hedaya, Jacob

Mikdash Eliyahu

Ohel Simcha

Ancona, Michael Saka, David Saka, Michelle Steinberg, Eleanor Tawil, Daniel Zagha, Gayle

Dweck, Jack R. Haber, Eric Harari, Gabrielle Ovadia, Yisrael Meir Sued, Gaby Sutton, Eddie

Ades, Morris Cohen, Celia Cohen, Clarisse Menahem, Rochelle Rofe, Sophia Swed, Vicki


Shaare Tefillah

Har Halebanon

Alfaks, Isaac Alfaks, Nelly Alfaks, Sari Nahamias, Abie Nahamias, Eli Zeitoune, Mayer

Cohen, Paulina Gammal, Linda Greenberg, Sophie Sasson, Frieda Sitt, Albert

Elias, Yakov Lati, Moshe Quibrisi, Isaac Salamon, Morris Zeitoune, Eddie

Magen David West Deal

Bet Yaacob

Ohel Yaacob

Cohen, Cookie

Gindi, Alana

Fteha, Victor

Obnona, Estelle

Greenstein, Rebecca

Tawil, Ruth

Salem, Jo Jo

Tawil, Sharon

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Kol Israel Cohen. Adina Esses, Sandy Shuster, Victoria

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Bar Mitzvah Boys!

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Bar Mitzvah Boys!

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D. Bildirici

A. Shalam

D. Nigri

L. Yedid

D. Maslaton

D. Bassoul

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R. Esses

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