Barbers Only Magazine Dec. 2012

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* Top5t i psf orget t i ngr ef er r al s byI v anZoot@cl i pper guy

As ki ngf orRef er r al s

Ref er r al sofnewcl i ent sf r om s at i s f i edcus t omer s ar e,andal way shav ebeen,t henumberonebes t wayt obui l dandgr owy ourbus i nes s . I ti sal s ot he l eas tex pens i v ewayt ogr owy ourbus i nes s . As ki ng f orr ef er r al si snotbeneat hy ou,i twi l lbeoneof y ourkey st os ucces s . Ref er r al scanf i l li nt hegaps ofapoor erl ocat i on,l es sadv er t i s i ngr ev enue,or at ougheconomy . Her ear emyTop5Ti psf or as ki ngf orr ef er r al s :

Look,Thank,andShake Ev er ys er v i ce,ev er yt i me. Lookt hem i nt heey e, of f eras i ncer et hanky ouands hakeev er ycl i ent ’ s hand. Theys houl dber emi ndedhowmuchy ou appr eci at et hei rbus i nes s .

Hav eaCompl et eBus i nes sCar d Don’ tl eav eany t hi ngof f : ar eacodes ,zi pcodes , andemai laddr es s esar enotopt i ons . Wel i v ei na gl obalwor l d. Gi v eeachcl i entev er y t hi ngt heyneedt o knowaboutcont act i ngy ouanddoi ngbus i nes swi t hy ou.

Handoutt heCar ds

Gi v et woofy ourbus i nes scar dst oev er ycl i enteach t i met heyv i s i twi t ht hei nt entt hatt heywi l lbepas s ed outt of r i endsandf ami l y . Thes ear et het ool sand cur r encyoft her ef er r algame.

As kSi ncer el y

Yourcus t omer swon’ tknowy ouwantr ef er r al sunt i l y ouas kf ort hem. Manycl i ent swi l lbehappyt os end t hei rf r i ends ,t heyj us tas s umey ouar ebookedand bus ys i ncey out akes uchgoodcar eoft hem.

ThankAgai n

Oncear ef er r alcl i enthasv i s i t ed,donotdr opt he bal l . Cal landt hankt hes enderi mmedi at el y . We ar es ay i ngt hanky ouonbot hendsher ef or ar eas on. St ar tas ki ngf orr ef er r al st oday . Donotev ers t op. Youwi l lbui l dabar ber i ng bus i nes sbi ggerandbet t ert hany ouev eri magi ned! Thebes tpar ti st hat t hi sel ementofy ours ucces si sFREE! Somecl i ent smaynev ers endany one, wher easot her swi l ls endnewpeopl eeachandev er yweek. Appr oacht he r ef er r als eeki ngpr oces swi t hdi l i genceanddet er mi nat i onandy ouwi l lbe amazedbyt her es ul t s .

( G I V E2O FY O U RB U S I N E S SC A RD ST O E V E RYC L I E N T , E V E RYT I ME . . . )

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