Family Traditions Female Sale 2016

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Every family has a story to tell...

Welcome to Ours Family Traditions Female Sale


April 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Sunset View Farm Sale Facility, Auburn, KY

Welcome On behalf of all the families involved in the 12th Annual Family Traditions Sale, we thank you for taking the time to look through our offering. This group assembles genetics based on strong family backgrounds, and we are proud of the timeless Simmental genetics we have to offer. So sit down, look through the catalog, and be apart of the family.

Drew, Holli, & Knox Hatmaker 423.506.8844, Drew 859.707.5248, Holli


Ronnie & Susan Creek • 270.542.6405 Bryan & Angie Creek Brandon & Amy Coursey Luke & Amber McKinney Ronnie Creek • 270.725.6730, mobile Bryan Creek • 270.725.6467, mobile 6325 Middleton Road • Auburn, KY 42206 e-mail:

w w w. s u n s e t v i e w f a r m s . c o m

Jeff & Leah Meinders 812.498.2840, Leah 812.871.1313, Jeff 814.289.1617, Steven Schmuck

Brian and Allie Loschen 217.898.7815, Brian 217.898.2970, Allie


Sale Day Phone


Motel Headquarters Staybridge Suites – Bowling Green (limited rooms call early) 680 Campbell Ln Bowling Green, KY 42101 • 270.904.0480

T raditions April 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Sunset View Farm Sale Facility, Auburn, KY

Close to food and straight up 68/80 from the farm.

Comfort Inn, Franklin, KY Holiday Inn, Franklin, KY Holiday Inn, Bowling Green, KY Quality Inn, Russellville, KY

Air Transportation Nashville Metropolitan, Nashville, TN (served by most major airlines) Jered Shipman Jack Hedrick Shane Ryan Marshal Tingle

Sale Schedule Friday, April 22, 2016 Viewing of cattle all day 6:30 pm evening hospitality at the farm Saturday, April 23, 2016 12:00 pm Lunch served 1:00 pm Family Traditions Female Sale

Other Motels •  270.586.6100 • 270.586.7626 • 270.745.0088 • 270.725.9771

Sale Staff 806.983.7226 904.613.4261 309.371.7490 859.553.1908

Consultants DP Sales Management, LLC Doug Parke 859.421.6100 Drew Hatmaker 423.506.8844 Dalton Lundy 502.727.6898 Association Representatives Barry Wesner, ASA Trustee • Brian DeFreese, ASA Trustee Gordon Hodges, ASA Trustee Insurance Jame Secondino, American Livestock 765.832.2697 Trucking Sam Harroun 319.325.9389

Sale Registration and Payment All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management, LLC would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. DP Sales accepts Visa & Mastercard. Sale Managed By

Doug & Debbie Parke • 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844 SM


153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 859.987.5758 • e-mail:

EPDs Please note the EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. EPDs listed are the new Spring 2016 numbers. Sale Terms and Conditions All animals will be sold in accordance with the suggested guidelines of the American Simmental Assoc. For updated EPDs, genetic status, plus the current ASA guidelines and conditions go to Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at his or her own risk, Family Traditions consignors or DP Sales Management, LLC will not be responsible for any personal injury while attending this sale. Directions From Bowling Green, KY off Interstate 65 take the Natcher Parkway to Exit 5, take a left on Hwy. 68/80 toward Russellville, go to Auburn exit (Old Hwy 68) take left, proceed to Rt 103 take left at Minute Mart sale facility 3 miles on right hand side of road. From Franklin, KY take Franklin Exit 2 off Interstate 65 take 31W to Hwy. 100 take a left follow Hwy 100 West to Middleton take right on Hwy. 103N to sale facility on left hand side of road. Lunch will be served sale day!

Jack Around - reference

Jacked Up - reference

CLRWTR Serena B74B

HF Serena - reference dam

This is one special lady here CLRWTR Serena B74B is a full sister to Jacked Up and Jacked Around two bulls that have dominated the show ring and have been major players in several progressive breeding programs. This female is so elegantly put together being Purebred 3/3/14 B74B ASA# 2947073 extremely long feminine fronted with an abundance of depth and rib shape. She has been Long’s Shear Pleasure a pleasure to watch develop and mature into what we feel is going to be a true breed TLLC One Eyed Jack leader. To make this such a unique lot is this is the first daughter in production to sell out Long’s Miss Sweet Treat of HF Serena who is quite possibly the best female to surface from our great breed in Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 quite some time. Take advantage of this first time offering! B74B is due to calve around HF Serena sale time to Royal Affair her resulting calf will certainly make this a most profitable and Miss Knockout 74T intriguing purchase for the new owner. Her dam is accomplishing great things in just BW WW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API three calf crops she has totaled nearly $1 million in sales. Take this female home and let 89 665 8 0.8 67 94 6 22 55 0.24 1.1 122 her write a new chapter in this great cow family’s book of success! PE to Royal Affiar, ASA#2639758 from 6/4/15 to 8/15/15. Due approx. 4/20/16


CLRWTR Serena B74B

consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR Serena C74D


Purebred 1/17/15 Mr HOC Broker

HF Serena BW


105 690

CLRWTR Serena C74D 2




SVF Steel Force S701 JM BF H25 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Miss Knockout 74T

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 3 3.8 73 107 7 15 51 0 0.92 114

Here is another stand out from the Serena tribe; C74D comes to you with a bit more power and substance of bone which Broker is known to give to his offspring. This female is extremely long and elegant fronted like her sister lot#1 with the balance and style that Serena gives to all her progeny. Many full sibs to this female have commanded top dollar and have been purchased by some of the top firms in our business. This one also comes to you with a striking blaze face. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

HTP/SVF Dew Right B31

HTP SVF Dew The Stroke - reference granddam

SVF/HTP Dew Right C06

HTP/SVF Dew Right B31




SVF Steel Force S701

SVF/HTP Dew Right R93B BW






CNS Dream On L186



SVF Steel Force S701

SVF Sheza Beauty L901 SVF/NJC Built Right N48

SVF/HTP Dew Right R93B

HTP SVF Dew The Stroke

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.5 55 83 9 14 41 0.11 0.66 133

SVF/HTP Dew Right C06








CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 HTP SVF Dew The Stroke

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.5 55 83 9 14 41 0.11 0.66 133

If you are looking to add a future donor prospect to your operation, mark B31 as your gal! Look at that picture – deep, level, stout, big footed; all the qualities that you need. On paper, she excels in the top 20% for CE, and the top 25% for BW and API. Then you add that she is carrying a baby by Elevate; a big numbered full brother to the now deceased Turning Point. The resulting calf will have jackpot numbers: top 10% for CE, API, and SHR, along with 15% for BW.

Dew Right R93B is probably one of the most understated donors we had. She has produced some exceptional females with loads of style – just like her mother Dew the Stroke. If you are looking for a female that has showring style with pedigree and paper to back her up, this young lady should be at the top of your list. She will be ready to head to the regionals in Cookeville or make the trip to Des Moines for a lucky junior member. Top 25% for CE, BW, and API.

AId to LRS Elevate, ASA#2842534 on 12/12/15

consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals

consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals


HTP/SVF Honey Dew 2 SVF HTP Honey Dew 2 U96 - reference dam

HTP/SVF Honey Dew 2


5/8 Blood 11/2/14 HTP/SVF Packin Heat W339

SVF HTP Honey Dew 2 U96 BW






GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N DMN Daisy Mae B C Matrix 4132 HC Honeysuckle Rose

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.5 56 84 5 23 51 0.14 0.76 108

The next generation of Honeysuckle Rose continues to be a mainstay in the breed, and a never miss for us. We applaud the original Honeydew for producing In Dew Time and Duracell, but Honeydew Dew 2 might be the donor female with the most potential to do big things. B32 combines two families we think a lot of – Daisy Mae and Honeysuckle Rose. B32 is a female you will want to build a program around. She is impressive – deep sided, feminine, and sound. It will be exciting to see the impact this female has on your program. Homozygous polled. AId to BBS True Justice, ASA#2878160 on 11/28/15 consigned by HTP Simmentals & Sunset View Farm

SVF Reddy C17


Purebred 2/18/15 SVF Blaze Of Glory Z65

SVF Reddy Or Not A8 BW


86 842

SVF Reddy C17 4




HTP SVF In Dew Time SVF Kiss N Tell X531 MCM Top Grade 018X SVF Reddy Or Not S602

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 1.8 76 111 9 18 56 0.31 0.65 137

Here is a really attractive moderate framed baldy February female. Reddy comes from a long line of proven genetics like Reddy or Not, Kiss N Tell and In Dew Time all of which have left there mark across the breed. Don’t forget to take note of the solid genetic profile she boasts either. consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Sazerac C24 HTP BT SVF Sazerac T99 - reference dam

SVF Sazerac C24


Purebred 3/10/15


SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Myers Queen Sazerac P94

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.1 68 101 6 20 55 0.22 0.85 121

consigned by Sunset View Farms

CLRWTR So Pretty C316




Silveiras Style 9303

KNA Built Pretty A316 BW


Double R Miss 29G T18

HTP BT SVF Sazerac T99 BW


Mr NLC Upgrade U8676

SVF Allegiance Y802

78 726


Over the past 2 years we’ve only offered a select number of open females because we’ve heavily retained them to freshen our herd. We are now ready to swing the gate once again and share the top opens we’ve been know to produce for many years. C24 is one we’ve been very excited to watch mature, she exemplifies some of our finest breeding. This ultra attractive star headed Allegiance sired female has loads of potential as she makes her way toward the tan bark. This Sazerac descendent is of course dammed by the great T99 that served as a donor for us and now at the progressive Fenton Farms in MS. As the years go by it’s easy to identify the cow families that are proven and the Sazerac line is a true testament to that. Homozygous polled.


80 665




Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Elba 2520 DJ Salution S502 SVF Sazerac Y227

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 13 -0.3 55 90 11 25 52 0.36 0.29 132

C316 offers an outstanding phenotype package to go along with her attractive EPDs. With a 0.1 BW and a 102 yearling weight, this curve bending female is just want the cattle industry is looking for. Also sired by the $101,000 half interest Silveiras Style, this female is capable of producing progeny for all aspects of the Simmental breed. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR So Pretty C316 5

HTP/SVF Sazerac B94A


Purebred 10/24/14 B94A SVF Sledgehammer Z40

SVF/BT Sazerac Z2 BW





Flying B Cut Above SVF/HS Expecting A Dream HC Power Drive 88H Myers Queen Sazerac P94

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 1.9 58 88 7 22 50 0.12 0.59 115

The mating of Sazerac and Power Drive was one that caught the attention of serious Simmental breeders. A full sister to Z2 sold to Hecksel Simmentals as a calf for $22,500. B94A is the natural calf out of our Power Drive x Sazerac daughter. The mating to Rancher should produce a powerful calf that will be profitable no matter the sex. Sazerac genetics will be harder to get in the coming years since her passing, so take the opportunity to buy exceptional daughters when you can.

HTP/SVF Sazerac B94A

AId to JF Rancher, ASA#2649154 on 12/10/15

Myers Queen Sazerac P94 -

consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals

reference granddam

SVF/HTP Daisy Mae B29 HTP SVF Packin Heat - reference


SVF/HTP Daisy Mae B29 3/4 Blood 10/6/14




WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette DMN Daisy Mae BW




TOF Destiny L15 DMN Black Daisy

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.5 51 68 3 21 47 0.03 0.76 97

B29 is the only sister to the Reserve Champion Percentage Bull, Packin Heat. The bulls out of Daisy Me have always done well at the bull sale, but there are some matings you wish you would have gotten more heifers! B29 will be a solid addition to any program, and if she is anything like her mother, she will be a breeding piece for many years. Homozygous polled. AId to CCR Santa Fe, ASA#2720494 on 12/13/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals


SVF/HTP Daisy Mae C04 3/4 Blood


SS/PRS High Voltage 244X

DMN Daisy Mae BW






HTP/SVF Duracell T52 Kenco Miley Cottontail TOF Destiny L15 DMN Black Daisy

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.8 56 77 9 24 52 0.16 0.76 114

Study this High Voltage female out of the Daisy Mae donor. From the ground up this female is big footed, sound, deep and soft middled with a striking profile. Each year Daisy Mae has the good ones and it is very rewarding to visit with the Daisy Mae buyers of progeny and eggs and follow up with their success. Michelle Canning is best promoter of the Daisy Mae donor, her daughter is awesome.

SVF/HTP Daisy Mae C04

consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals

Daisy Mae daughter

DMN Daisy Mae - reference dam


DMN Daisy Mae Flush

Daisy Mae daughter

There are some females that enter production, and continue to crank out consistent good ones; Daisy Mae has definitely been that for us. Each after Nichols Blk Destiny D12 year, sire group after sire group Daisy Mae has been a proven, no miss TOF Destiny L15 YC Miss Blk B80 donor. As she continues to flush well, averaging 21 per flush her last three conventional flushes, we felt that offering a flush on this prolific female was Century Touchstone 131 the right thing to do. Daisy Mae has produced exceptional females as well DMN Blk Daisy as an exciting herdsire Packin Heat. The only flush to ever be offered was DMN Black Starlite our donation to the ASA Foundation, and worked out well for Sanders Ranch BW WW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API and Hudson Pines Farm. Just ask Michelle Canning how much she loves her 8 1.4 41 63 7 27 48 -0.02 0.46 86 Milestone x Daisy Mae daughter. You can buy this with confidence that it will be well worth the investment, and the offspring will be for many years to come. Daisy Mae has only been flushed conventional, but we feel confident that IVF will work as well. Terms of the flush: Buyer can choice either a conventional or IVF process. For a conventional flush, seller guarantees 8 embryos. Feel free to visit with us concerning IVF. Buyer is responsible for all costs and semen associated with the flush. Flush work to be done at MultiGen Reproductive Solutions. Daisy Mae is homozygous polled and homozygous black. consigned by HTP Simmentals & Sunset View Farm 5/8 Blood Flush




LFI Classic Star SVF Sheza Star S800 - reference dam


LFI Classic Star

SimAngus 3/25/15

BC Classic 385-7

SVF Sheza Star S800 BW






BC Classic 443 6807 RT 2424 B C Mignonne’s Libby 385 CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Star N902

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 1 68 101 6 13 47 0.36 0.8 127

Sheza Star S800 always seems to have the good ones at our place. C631 is striking female with loads of promise. We truly believe this female is going to keep getting better each year. She has many strong attributes now. This Sim Angus by BC Classic is neat and long necked with loads of “look”. This March born female is strong topped and stout hipped. We sold three Star sons in the bull sale with a average of 4500. A couple Star daughters sold in the Land of Lincoln for 7 plus. C631 is homozygous polled. consigned by Loschen Farms


LFI United Star

3/4 Blood


W/C United 956Y

SVF Sheza Star S800 BW



LFI United Star 8




TNT Tuition U238 Miss Werning 956W CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Star N902

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.5 81 125 6 17 58 0.38 0.93 130

C155 is definitely got that cocky look and sharp front end. This United female is stout boned and big footed just like all the Star progeny. C155 is thick and well balanced. Try to project this female out as a bred and the results should be “Wow”. This Star S800 daughter is on the top 2% for weaning and in the top 4% for yearling. Don’t overall look this performance breeding piece. C155 is homozygous polled. consigned by Loschen Farms


SVF Looker C22

3/4 Blood




SVF Sheza Star N902 Gambles Hot Rod

Miss CCF Z300 BW


GW Lucky Man 644N

SVF Star Player T801

82 698


Miss CCF Sheza Looker

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.8 56 88 7 23 51 0.2 0.67 115

Here is a royal bred female.C22’s dam Miss CCF Z300 is a full sister to the “big time” donor of C and C Farms, Sheza Bonnie. Bonnie after winning the major shows has produced show stoppers and high sellers. Of course, many breeders are aware of this extended family is one of the best and most consistent. C22 is smooth, well balanced and complete. C22 will be strong maternal future brood cow. consigned by Sunset View Farms


CLRWTR Sheza Star

Purebred 9/22/14

CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z

SVF Sheza Star W117 BW

SVF Looker C22


94 671




Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T NLC Fortunate Son 100N SVF Sheza Star N902

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 3.3 75 104 8 20 58 0.43 0.91 138

If you are looking for a bred female that combines so many good things then you need to find this female. She is as long as a rope, feminine and elegant through her front yet deep bodied and powerful. Her cow family guarantees her soundness and her sire’s EPD profile takes care of the paperwork side of things. She will calve this fall to United, we love our United calves they are just so functional and we look for hers to follow suit. Homozygous black. AId to W/C United, ASA#2614725 on 12/28/15

CLRWTR Sheza Star B117

consigned by Clear Water Simmentals



SVF Lady B27 9/8/14

HTP/SVF Packin Heat W339

SVF Sheza Lady R900 BW


71 0




GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N DMN Daisy Mae CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Lady J900

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 13 -0.1 50 69 3 22 47 0.11 0.88 121

B27 is female that offers calving ease being in the top 10% and in the top 15% for birth weight. Here is a granddaughter of the Sheza Lady J900. Lady B27 is bred to Allegiance for a fall calf. Allegiance continues to do a great job and is an excellent spread bull. AId to SVF Allegiance, ASA#2638036 on 12/17/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Sheza Lady R900 - reference dam


SVF Star B22

SVF/SS Star B25



SVF Star B22 9/1/14

SVF Allegiance Y802

SVF Star Y703 BW


81 0




Mr NLC Upgrade U8676

Welshs Dew It Right067T

AId to LRS Elevate, ASA#2842534 on 12/2/15



Miss JRW Sheza Star Z9

SVF Sheza Star S804B

Here is a female rich in family heritage. This baldie female will be a great cow. B22 is wide based, big boned, sound, deep ribbed and stout. Star B22 should fall in the footsteps of other family members. Her dam by Dew It Right is good uddered and very productive and will pass on those attributes as well. B22’s grand dam S804B sold in the 2008 sale for $25,000. B22 is homozygous polled and homozygous black. Look forward to the Elevate calf this fall.

SVF/SS Star B25


SVF/PRS Levage Y829

Double R Miss 29G T18

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.4 72 107 8 22 58 0.18 1.17 135

consigned by Sunset View Farms




85 0




Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 CLO Shania 174S JF Milestone 999W SVF/CLRWTR Sheza Star

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.7 73 109 6 21 58 0.17 0.97 122

B25 should get your attention on sale day. Here is one of our favorites. The Shania son, Levage produces this type and kind with the desired look. B25 is clean fronted, up headed with a striking profile. This young bred is super stout with some shape to her muscle down her top and rear quarter. B25 is well balanced plus the rib and body to complete the package. B25 is in the top 15% for weaning, yearling, REA and TI. This superb breeding piece is backed by Milestone x Benchmark and Sheza Star. We are excited about the future of SVF Buckle Up, the Cowboy Cut out of Dazzle, our junior herd sire. PE to SVF Buckle-Up B58, ASA#2981242 from 1/31/16 to 3/1/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms


DSC Sheza Queen 51X Purebred


HTP SVF In Dew Time

WAR Sheza Dandy M751 BW






CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew Hart Black Oasis F301 JBH Sheza Dandy

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 14 1.5 65 88 5 14 47 0.2 0.64 126

In 1996 JBH Sheza Dandy was born and no one realized the impact this female would have on the Simmental breed for the next 20 years and her legacy is not even over. Sheza Queen 51X is a daughter of Sheza Dandy M751 which has produced good one for SVJ and the Dickson family. 51X should work well with Sledgehammer. His calves look good at SVF and Pleasant Hill. AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 due 3/31/16

WAR Sheza Dandy M751 - reference dam

consigned by Sunset View Farms


SVF Sheza Dandy Too U013 Purebred 9/11/08

HTP SVF In Dew Time


80 648




CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker

BCS Lady Luck J109 BW

DSC Sheza Queen 51X

Sheza A Dandy Too H598

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.9 63 89 7 20 51 0.2 0.74 138

For many young breeders they may not recognize the name of Sheza Dandy Too however she was a “great” young show heifer winning big at a young age. Dandy Too cow card is short because of her short life however her few progeny were phenomenal. U013 is a daughter of Lady Luck sired by In Dew Time. This is a functional cow that will calve in the fall. Always a money maker.

SVF Sheza Dandy Too U013

AId to SVF Star Player, ASA#2392704 on 11/22/15

BCS Lady Luck J109 - reference dam

consigned by Sunset View Farms


SVF Golden Dream X316 Purebred


SAS T101 Sweet Meat

SS Golden Dream N901 BW


80 693




HTP SVF In Dew Time SAS Sweets Star R101 SS Goldmine L42 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 1.6 63 82 9 24 56 0.13 0.67 116

X316’s dam is a half sister to the most influential bull in the history of breed, Dream On. This 2010 model cow continues to do a good job. X316 is strong maternal and will raise her calf and more. Look for her stout calf by Sledgehammer. AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 on 3/1/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Golden Dream X316

SS Golden Dream N901 - reference dam


Kriz/SVF Antoinette C01

Kriz/SVF Antoinette C10

SVF NJC Ebony Antoinette P45 - reference dam

KRIZ/SVF Antoinette C01 23A Purebred 2/7/15 C01 3020554 ASA#

HTP SVF In Dew Time

SVF NJC Ebony Antoinette P45 BW


79 683

KRIZ/SVF Antoinette C10 23B Purebred 2/7/15 C10 3020555 ASA#

CNS Dream On L186

HTP SVF In Dew Time

HTP SVF Honeydew PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker

SVF NJC Ebony Antoinette P45

NJC Ebony Antoinette

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.2 55 73 8 18 45 0.24 0.66 134

consigned by Sunset View Farms & Kriz Cattle Co.



81 676

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker NJC Ebony Antoinette

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.2 55 73 8 18 45 0.24 0.66 134

consigned by Sunset View Farms & Kriz Cattle Co.

C01 and C10 – If you have kept up with the history and cow families in the Family Tradition sales you have heard the true statement, the best flush ever from Ebony Antoinette is Joker. Remember P45, Love Me Don’t You, Jokes on You, and all her famous full sisters and brothers. The first thing you think about the Ebony Antoinette cow family is consistency and longevity. C01 is a female as compete as you can make a one plus has the style and look of a champion. This female has very few holes and will be an awesome bred. C10 looks more like her dam P45 being stouter bone, wide based with loads of internal dimension. Time and time again this family has had many of the sale toppers at past sales. In this year’s Family Tradition bull sale, the high selling bull at $9,000 was an Allegiance x P45. Both of these females have loads of potential. 12

SVF/SS Magnetic Lady C03


SVF/SS Magnetic Lady C03 Purebred


SVF Star Player T801

SS Magnetic Lady 066X BW


79 647





GW Lucky Man 644N

SVF Ebony C19



SVF Star Player T801

SVF Sheza Star N902 LMF Movin Forward

SVF NJC Ebony U086

SVF NJC Magnetic Ldy M25

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.7 51 76 10 26 51 0.14 0.8 125

Here is female with backed by one of best ever to sell at the Family Tradition, Magnetic Lady. We purchased half interest in 066X from Sanders Ranch. This Movin Forward cow is awesome. This March born female is clean and long necked with a great profile.



81 676




GW Lucky Man 644N SVF Sheza Star N902 NLC Fortunate Son 100N NJC Ebony Antoinette

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.5 51 73 7 30 55 0.16 0.76 116

The Star Player x Fortunate Son females will be strong maternal. C19 is in the top 4% for maternal milk, consigned by Sunset View Farms

consigned by Sunset View Farms & Sanders Ranch, LLC


CLRWTR Mavis C414

Purebred 1/12/15

FBFS Warsaw 068W

CLRWTR Mavis Z414 BW


84 652




JS Sure Bet 4T FBFS Slow Melt 089S SVF Steel Force S701 EBS Ebony Mavis

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 14 0.4 60 80 12 15 45 0.11 0.63 137

CLRWTR Mavis C414 is a highly functional female. She is big boned, sound when she is on the move, and is clean fronted. If you are looking for a heifer with a lot of performance, this is the one. With a 139.5 API she has great numbers to go with her great look. Don’t miss out on a highly functional female. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR Mavis C414



LFI All Joy

Purebred 3/15/15

SVF Allegiance Y802



LFI All Joy



Double R Miss 29G T18 JF Milestone 999W

LFI Dreamys Joy

79 0


Mr NLC Upgrade U8676

SS Ebonys Dreamy SS48

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.1 77 112 6 21 59 0.21 1.04 138

Here is an Allegiance x Milestone back to our Dreamy donor. This female is super freaky fronted and stout in the top and rear quarter. C145 is a performance minded female that will benefit someone’s program. Not ever bull will work on this girl however if you hit the right one the end result could be a home run. C145 is in the top 10% for weaning and yearling plus an API in the top 15%. consigned by Loschen Farms


LFI Top Girl

3/4 Blood 1/15/15

W/C United 956Y


WW 0 0



Miss Werning 956W Meyers Red Top

LFI Ebonys Top Girl


TNT Tuition U238

SS Ebonys Dreamy SS48

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 1.2 77 120 5 22 60 0.3 0.68 117

Top Girl is a stout legged, big boned, wide hipped individual. This United female is example of power. It will be fun to watch her continue to develop as a bred and then a young cow. All the Dreamy descendants are stout. C065 is in the top 5% and 10% for growth traits.

LFI Top Girl

consigned by Loschen Farms


SVF Thrill B24



SVF/PRS Levage Y829

SVF Thrill Z10 BW


84 0




Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 CLO Shania 174S TNT Dual Focus T249 SVF/NJC Ebonys ThrillN45

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 1.8 70 103 7 21 55 0.36 0.81 139

B24 is another Levage sired female backed by a hard working Dual Focus x Power Stroke x Ebony cow. B24 is good footed and sound plus has that long neck like most Levage progeny. This eye appealing female is good on paper with an API of 138 which is in the top 15%.

SVF Thrill B24

AId to SVF Allegiance, ASA#2638036 on 12/12/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms



CLRWTR Joys Stunning Purebred


HTP SVF In Dew Time

JF Ebonys Joy 5105R BW


90 573




CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 2.7 60 81 8 14 44 0.21 0.77 129

In Dew Time progeny are some of the best in the country. We have heard breeders say if you don’t know what to breed a cow to just use In Dew Time, it always works. Look at many of the herd bulls today many are out of In Dew Time cows. This cow is broody being deep and bold sprung with a great udder. Joys Stunning has two sons working for Duncan Farms in Ky and a Warsaw son working in Indiana for Joe Schwegman. She should be a pair by sale time with a bonus by Sledgehammer.

SVF Sledgehammer - AI reference sire

AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 due 4/3/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms


CLRWTR Joys Style B5105W SimAngus

9/9/14 B5105W

Silveiras Elba 2520

JF Ebonys Joy 5105R BW



Gambles Hot Rod

Silveiras Style 9303

75 639


PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.8 56 91 9 24 52 0.32 0.56 118

Here is a very stout, deep bodied female out of our Ebonys Joy cow family. Sired by a past National Western show champion, Silveiras Style, this female is ready to produce for you. Don’t miss this Opportunity to own this exceptional fall bred female. AId to LMF Revenue, ASA#2670825 on 1/28/16

JF Ebonys Joy 5105R - reference dam

consigned by Clear Water Simmentals


CLRWTR Promise B5105U SimAngus

9/7/14 B5105U

Valero 342Z ET

CLRWTR Joys Promise BW


72 595



Sinclair Grass Master Velvet Moon 226M - ET HTP SVF In Dew Time JF Ebonys Joy 5105R

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 -0.1 68 97 7 23 57 0.22 0.64 116

Here is one with something different to offer. She is sired by an Angus x Gelbvieh bull and out of a In Dew Time x Joy cow that is a tank of a female, as is this young gal. We had the opportunity to purchase her mother back from Scott Ridell who had her bred to this half blood bull, I was a bit skeptical has to what this mating would produce. Oh my was I pleasantly surprised, she has matured into a moderate framed deep functional cow prospect that will be a low cost high producing cow that we all need more of. AId to WLE Uno Mas, ASA#2532016 on 12/26/15 consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR Promise B5105U



CLRWTR Lucky Lady B5105Y 3/4 Blood

9/9/14 B5105Y

CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z



Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T

S A V Bismarck 5682 CLRWTR Lady Luck Y5105E CLRWTR Joys Shades BW


77 642

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.2 77 110 11 18 56 0.56 0.98 153

Here will be a crowd favorite. Sired by Cowboy Cut and SAV Bismarck on the Dam side, B5105Y could be the most promising bred female to sale. Stemming from the several time champion Lady Luck Y5105E, this bred female is destined to stand the best of time. B5105Y has a nicely balanced set of EPDs, starting with 0.2 birth weight all the way to the 110 yearling wt.

CLRWTR Lucky Lady B5105Y

AId to Hooks Broadway, ASA#2854437 on 12/26/15

CLRWTR Lady Luck Y5105E -

consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

reference dam


SVF Expecting A Dream B21 Purebred 9/16/14

SVF/PRS Levage Y829

SVF Expecting A Dream BW


SVF Expecting A Dream B21



Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 CLO Shania 174S STF Dominance T171 SVF/HS Expecting A Dream

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 2.2 66 96 10 18 51 0.24 0.66 125

consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF/HTP Kiss This W133 Purebred


STF Mr Momentum H508

Dillons Time For Kandy BW


85 682



At our past sales someone asks which one is the sleeper. I don’t know if B21 will be however this is one to watch. Again, B21 is sired by the Upgrade x Shania son, Levage. B21 is complete with rib and body plus has some muscle shape as well. Look to the future with her calf by SVF Buckle Up the baldie son of Cowboy Cut. PE to SVF Buckle-Up B58, ASA#2981242 from 1/31/16 to 3/1/16


SVF/HTP Kiss This W133





SRS Fortune 500 LRS Ms Zinger 508C HTP SVF In Dew Time LF Kandy Kisses

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 2 67 102 14 14 48 0.22 0.62 136

This pedigree combines some oldie but goodie Simmental genetics. Momentum was a huge asset to the SVF program, and Kandy Kisses is a legend in her own right. It is refreshing to see genetics like these still in production, and genetics that builds solid foundations in Simmental operations. You aren’t taking a risk here – these genetics are solid, proven, and predictable. AId to SVF Star Player, ASA#2392704 on 11/24/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals

SVF Expecting A Dream W127 SVF/HS Expecting A Dream - reference dam


SVF Expecting A Dream Purebred


80 589



Sand Lucky Charmer

SVF/HS Expecting A Dream WW


Wheatland Bull 131L

Sand Ranch Hand



CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Expectation N206

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 13 -0.6 55 83 15 20 48 0.28 0.64 146

The Ranch Hand cows are very productive, nice looking and feminine. Here is a 2009 model cow that will calve this fall to Star Player. This is past champion is a full brother to Hammer. W127 is in the top 4% for maternal calving ease, in the top 10% for API, top 10% for birth weight, and in the 15% for calving ease. W127 is a half sister to Hammer and Sledgehammer. Homozygous polled.


Sex: Bull

Sire: SVF

BD: 3/20/16 BW: 81 Sledgehammer, ASA# 2751217

consigned by Sunset View Farms

GKS Marbley x Innocent Man 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

W/C BF Innocent Man

GKS Marbley Z69

W/C No Remorse 763Y Miss Werning 174Y LMF Movin Forward SS Magnificent Dreams


WW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.7 50 68 10 20 46 0.16 0.62 123

Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. Why wouldn’t this work! We selected Marbly out of the New Direction sale form Kasl Simmentals. The Kasl donor Magnificent Dreams does great. Expect it again with Innocent Man. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

GKS Marbley Z69 - reference dam


LFI Milley C205

LFI Winifred C188

JM H25 Dice R9 - reference dam



JF Milestone 999W

JM H25 Dice R9 BW


84 0

LFI Milley





TNT Top Gun R244

GW Lucky Dice 187H


JM H25 Dice R9


Ok, take your pick of the R9 daughters. Both are nice however this is the boys and I’s favorite. This Milestone female is wearing some britches. She is stout behind with some thickness. As you study this female she is complete and has several strong attributes. We should have saved her as a bred however as always want to retain some females and offer our best. You don’t need any Big Gain feed with C205 she will do most of her own. Bred in performance.


LFI Winifred 1/1/15

Harvie JDFWallBanger111X

Ms Maxie Lou M112S

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 2.3 75 114 8 20 57 0.04 0.79 118

consigned by Loschen Farms




94 0




SHS Enticer P1B JDF Pepsi 61U GW Lucky Dice 187H JM BF H25

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 2.4 71 118 11 19 54 -0.04 0.83 110

At Loschen Farms this happens to be one of Brian’s favorites however most of the time I am correct. Here is a female that is very complete in her overall makeup. C188 is sound and good jointed. Winifred is super long and extended in her front one third. C188’s dam R9 is a full sister in blood to Miley Cottontail. This January female will be ready to breed and no doubt will be one to watch on sale day. A plus is her sire Harvie Wallbanger. Again, this female is in the top 5% for yearling weight. consigned by Loschen Farms





JF Rancher 222Z




R&R Chamberlain X744 JF Ebonys Joy 734T

Circle S Leachman 600U CLW WTR Gems Gift S595K Clearwater Jessies Gem BW


89 654

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 3.4 63 83 9 26 57 0.12 0.74 106

This female has a brood cow stamped all over her. Sound in her structure, she is very long in her skeletal makeup. C595 is a purebred female with three generations of Clearwater Genetics. Destined to be a good one. AId to Innocent Man, ASA#2785174 on 3/22/16


consigned by Clear Water Simmentals


CLRWTR Caliente C110 Purebred 1/20/15

CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z

CLRWTR Caliente Z110E BW


93 668




Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T SVF Stonehenge R95 Harkers Why Not Me W110

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 4 77 107 10 15 53 0.49 0.82 139

This Cowboy Cut female needs no introduction. A super moderate framed female stemming from the Caliente Cow family. With a weaning ratio of 103, this heifer would make a great addition to anyone’s herd, whether it would be Simmental or the Commercial Cattleman.

Harkers Why Not Me W110 -

consigned by Clear Water Simmentals



Yardley High Regard W242

Bovine Bella T92 BW


reference granddam

3/4 Blood 1/27/15

89 648

CLRWTR Caliente C110




Yardley Impressive T371 Miss Yardley T68 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N 2269

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.7 60 85 2 13 43 0.12 0.72 104

Bella is a daughter of Bovine Bella who was one of the high selling lots in last year’s sale going to the Humphries. This female is sired by the High Regard who is known to add a lot of look, and he certainly got the job done with this one. C92C is stylish feminine heifer that will a make a top end cow. Her full brother sold in the bull sale going to Neil Neilitz in WI. AId to FBFS Warsaw, ASA#2489747 on 3/22/16 consigned by Clear Water Simmentals


Bovine Bella T92 - reference dam



CLRWTR Special Lady





JF Ebonys Joy 734T

HPF CIRT Ms Special T508 BW


R&R Chamberlain X744

JF Rancher 222Z

93 725


JDJ Charisma 20P Double R Something Special

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 3.2 75 99 6 20 57 0.11 0.81 105

Here is a Rancher daughter that will catch your eye. Very stout in her makeup, with a super chest floor, this heifer can find a place in any herd. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR Special Lady Double R Something Special reference granddam


CLRWTR HTP Basic Look SimAngus 2/12/15



Ms Maxie Lou M112S

Miss BF Basic Look 457W BW


TNT Top Gun R244

JF Milestone 999W

85 681


Duff Basic Instinct 6501 Duff 013 Ms Look 457

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.8 72 109 4 21 57 0.28 0.71 112

If you haven’t seen any of the 457 calves we have been campaigning this past fall and spring, then you must be living under a rock. The 457 x Combustibles have been gathering ribbons for the Gilbert family in Illinois. Time Bomb was a Denver favorite and was recently purchased by KenCo Cattle Company. His full brother sold in the KY Beef Expo to Allen Edwards, and boy he couldn’t be more excited. This is the first Milestone we are offering out of the great Zeis 457 donor. They don’t make them much more ideal than a 457.


consigned by HTP Simmentals & Clear Water Simmentals

Miss BF Basic Look 457W - reference dam


3/4 Blood

LFI Olive You 3/5/15

JF Rancher 222Z

Ms MLH Olive Oil 304A BW



LFI Olive You



R&R Chamberlain X744 JF Ebonys Joy 734T HTP SVF In Dew Time MLH Olive Oil 404Y

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 -0.3 69 93 8 20 55 0.37 0.66 131

C045 is a daughter of MLH Olive Oil we selected from Mapleleaf in Kentucky. C045 dam is a tank of a female. Olive Oil C045 is strong topped individual with body length. This girl is correct and straight in her lines. This March female is good on paper with a solid set of EPDs. consigned by Loschen Farms



SVF Candance C105


SVF Candance C105

Purebred 2/12/15

SVF Sledgehammer Z40




Flying B Cut Above SVF/HS Expecting A Dream

Ebonys Master Link M24 Ankony Miss Candace T209 Ankony Miss Candace P87 BW


80 748


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.4 60 87 10 20 50 0.1 0.56 119

Purebred 3/16/15

89 673




Harvie JDFWallBanger111X Springcreek Linne 72S SVF/NJC Built Right N48

TNC Shirley WW

consigned by Sunset View Farms

CLRWTR Shirley C03

Spring Creek WallBanger 115Z


Ankony Miss Candace, the dam of C105 does a great job each year. C105 goes back to the great red cow Candace that was produced in the Gramm program. Progeny have sold in past sales going to Daniel Roberts, DLB Farms, Shenandoah Valley and Turkey Creek. This Sledgehammer is the best yet and many breeders and junior members should find this female on their short list. C105 is stout made and balanced from end to end. Candace C105 puts many pieces of the puzzle together however the predictable family established roots many years ago. We feel C105 has potential.

TNC Bella CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 3.3 63 102 7 23 55 0 0.69 117

This young female is one everyone needs to find she is made like a lady yet has enough power and look to really catch your eye. We purchased her mother from Tommy Cline a few years back and we have been so pleased with how this one is producing. We bred her to our Harvie Wallbanger son we imported from Canada to add an outcross pedigree and the added power he puts into one and it certainly worked. This one will show and make a very productive cow. Check out her Weaning and yearling EPDs. consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

CLRWTR Shirley C03


SVF Jasmine C18


SVF Jasmine C18

Purebred 3/21/15

SVF Blaze Of Glory Z65

SVF Jasmine A14 BW


87 788




HTP SVF In Dew Time SVF Kiss N Tell X531 MCM Top Grade 018X Kenco Jasmines Mark 16T

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.8 71 102 9 16 52 0.33 0.77 135

Yes, Joe there is another Blaze of Glory. Blaze of Glory is doing an excellent job. Blaze of Glory is now in Franklin, Ky working in the herd of Daniel Roberts. This In Dew Time baldie out of Kiss N Tell always makes the progeny the same, keeping them functional and the right type and kind. C18 is one of the fancier females that have the overall balance and look desired by many breeders. Jasmine C18 has great EPDs in all areas. She has a future. consigned by Sunset View Farms


LFI Two Step C307

3/4 Blood





WS A Step Up X27 RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET WLTR Lydia 39U ET Ellingson Legacy M229

Z2307 BW



LFI Two Step C307

3C Crocus X0593 B CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2 63 91 9 17 48 0.17 0.7 117

Sometimes at Loschen Farms we all get on the same page. This Two Step female has been a favorite among many visitors at the farm. C307 is a combination female that is deep, wide and stout yet maintaining the neat and complete overall design. If you desire a great profile in a well balanced package then look up this prospect sale day. C307’s dam is a moderate framed Ollie female that we selected from the heart of the 3C program. Take a step ahead with this Two Step. consigned by Loschen Farms




LFI Dawn


CSCX Bandwagon 513A

HPF Delta Dawn W070 BW






TJSC Optimus Prime 12W KLS Diamond W516 HPF Mr Golddust R065 HPF Ms Delta Dawn R070

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 3.7 74 102 6 17 54 0.05 0.68 100

Here is another yearling female we should be retaining as a bred however we are serious about offering some top notch breeding pieces for the future. Dawn is well designed being quite attractive and long necked. C595 is sired by Bandwagon and will be one to take home and breed and show as a bred heifer. We are proud to offer females of high quality and with strong pedigrees to back them up. consigned by Loschen Farms


LFI Dawn

LFI Fantasia C165






Connealy Final Product MCATL By-Product269-1394 MaBlackCapMissie1394-936 SAC Mr Mt 73G

LFI Fantasia R25 BW




CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.1 61 93 5 25 55 0.26 0.45 112

C165 had two full brothers that sold in the Family Tradition bull sale for $4,000 and $4,750 going to Stan Humphries and Jeff Justice. Here is the sister, C165. This is a young heifer however one that will catch your eye. This Sim Angus is well bred and will be bread winner for any breeding program. C165 is loaded with fancy. consigned by Loschen Farms


LFI Fantasia C165

SVF Above & Beyond B33 3/4 Blood


SVF Allegiance Y802

NLC Above & Beyond P84 BW






Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Double R Miss 29G T18 LCC Papa Forte H154L NLC H114 Hiona

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.3 74 112 8 24 62 0.2 0.91 124

Doug selected the great Papa Forte donor Above and Beyond several years ago now, but she and her progeny have stood the test of time. With over 45 progeny recorded to date this outcross line continues to move forward with new mating’s like this one to Allegiance. We AId this flashy female to Select Sire’s standout JF Rancher, his progeny have been turning heads all last fall and this spring. AId to JF Rancher, ASA#2649154 on 12/2/15

SVF Above & Beyond B33

consigned by Sunset View Farms


SVF/SWC Rev Rose B30 Meyer Rev Rose 082X - reference dam


SVF/SWC Rev Rose B30 3/4 Blood


SVF/NJC Built Right N48

Meyer Rev Rose 082X BW






CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette SVF Stonehenge R95 FCC Revolution Rose 1456

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 14 1.2 57 87 7 18 47 0.2 0.47 123

We have sold some nice breds over the years of sale at the Family Tradition however we feel Rev Rose B30 is one of the best. Built Right was one of the most used bulls in the breed for several years and still continues to be used even with semen in short supply. Built Right daughters are good property to own and never go out of style. To quote Gabe Chase he says Built Right cows are the best in the breed. Rev Rose is moderate in her frame, sound and agile in her movement, neat and smooth thru her shoulder plus neat made in an eye appealing package. B30 doesn’t over power you in anyway however is complete in all aspects. B30’s Stonehenge dam is a good one plus her grand dam Revolution Rose 1456 has been a foundation to many good ones just ask Jered Shipman. She will calve to the Select Sires bull, JF Rancher. Homozygous polled. AId to JF Rancher, ASA#2649154 on 11/28/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms


SVF One Of A Kind B20 3/4 Blood


SVF Allegiance Y802

SVF One Of A Kind Y133 BW



SVF One Of A Kind B20





Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Double R Miss 29G T18 Welshs Dew It Right067T S V F Forever Lady 133M`

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 1 69 105 7 18 52 0.31 0.93 130

A really high performing female with some eye appeal here. A homozygous polled female sired by the Allegiance bull that was purchased from us by our friend Jim Root. A cowman will study his lesson on the bottom side of this pedigree B20’s granddam is the Sunny Valley Angus female 133M which her self is a granddaughter the great GDAR Forever Lady 718. We selected the standout bull from Bata’s, True Justice to mate to this female. A line of proven genetics with a fresh outcross twist. AId to True Justice, ASA#2878160 on 11/28/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms


HTP/SVF Jade B23



TNT Axis X307





TNT Miss U27

HTP/SVF Star Of Jade



TNT Tuition U238

SVF Star Power S802 RF Black Jade 950N

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 2 3.2 75 108 5 19 57 0.2 1 99

Our Black Jade daughter was one of those females who you wish you had done more with; her potential was outstanding and Hammerhead Cattle Company recognized that when we offered her in this sale. Dam sold for $19,000 in the 2014 sale to Hammerhead Cattle Co. We flushed Jade to Axis knowing it would produce offspring with style and muscle. An added bonus is that she has been pasture exposed to the new SVF sire Buckle Up. Don’t miss out on these genetics! PE to SVF Buckle-Up A58, ASA#2981242 from 1/31/16 to 3/1/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms & HTP Simmentals

HTP/SVF Jade B23 HTP/SVF Star of Jade reference dam


SVF Miss B49A

3/8 Blood 11/4/14

HTP/SVF Packin Heat W339




GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N DMN Daisy Mae

49 BW


75 633

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.5 44 62 2 22 44 0.26 0.57 96

Packin Heat has left a string of progeny that have been standouts across the board. Female’s like B94A will go home and make you money. Bred to the upcoming sire SVF Buckle Up. PE to SVF Buckle-Up B58, ASA#2981242 from 1/31/16 to 3/1/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Miss B49A


SVF Rose B35

SimAngus 10/7/14

B C Lookout 7024

SVF NJC Ebonys Rose BW






O C C Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 WAR Nitro NJC Ebony Antoinette

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.9 60 88 1 17 47 0.36 0.68 117

At the last minute we decided to put Rose B35 in the sale. Matter of fact, in all the years we have never been able to keep a daughter out of Ebonys Rose. Ebony Rose sold in last years sale to Kasey Rowser in Utah. Rose progeny always have been well accepted selling in the $5,000 to $9,000 range. This Lookout daughter should be good property as well because of the good looks and overall completeness. Rose B35 comes AId to Step Up. Keep us posted about her future. Seller retains one future flush. AId to WS Step Up, ASA#2568260 on 12/10/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Rose B35 25

SVF Liberty B34


SVF Liberty B34

Purebred 11/3/14

WLE Uno Mas X549

SVF Liberty Y705 BW






CNS Dream On L186 Shawnee Miss 770P Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Double R Miss 29G T18

SVF Liberty Y705 - reference dam

A female line we are excited to see progress in our herd is of course Liberty Y705, which is the full sister to SVF Allegiance. This solid black female offers plenty of mass and shape along with substance and bone. This big spread female was mated to the breakout sire Cowboy Cut for what sure to be a big hit. AId to CCR Cowboy Cut, ASA#2703910 on 12/28/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 1.1 66 93 8 20 53 0.43 0.95 141


SVF Sweet Emotion B28

5/8 Blood 11/27/14

HTP/SVF Packin Heat W339

3MS Sweet Emotion T310 BW



SVF Sweet Emotion B28 26




GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N DMN Daisy Mae SF Mr Perfectionist CCC 385 Of K072 0212

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.2 47 66 5 26 49 0.26 0.59 106

A really sleek designed female that offers a little extra look. This star headed female is sired by the Reserve National Champion bull, Packin Heat. B28’s dam has been a mainstay producer that never misses. We are very eager to see the calves sired by our new baldy Jr. herdsire, SVF Buckle Up. PE to SVF Buckle-Up B58, ASA#2981242 from 1/31/16 to 3/1/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms


SS Chastity B652

Purebred 10/30/14




Yardley Impressvie T371 Yardley High Regard W2442 Miss Yardley T68 STF Moment Ahead PJ26

STF Chastity U652

STF Miss 652N


WW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 0.4 52 79 8 17 43 0.01 0.51 106

This striking bred female is sure to catch your eye. She is so sleek and feminine fronted yet ties it all together with ample depth and rib shape. Her moderate frame tells us she will be an easy keeping mamma in the making. AId to WLE Uno Mas, ASA#2532016 on 12/6/15 consigned by Clear Water Simmentals


Oval F Ms Singletary Z210 Purebred


Triple C Singletary S3H

Oval F Tigress X52 BW

SS Chastity B652


74 619




Hooks Shear Force 38K Lucas Josie 19K Oval F Tiger T762 Oval F Ms Net Worth U801

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 3.3 68 101 11 17 51 0.64 0.96 142

Singletary has made great strides in the last several of years however this one of his older daughters, Z210. A young cow that is wide and stout. Z210 has bull at side by SVF A705 the Packin Heat x Sweet Emotion son.


Tattoo: D210

Sex: Bull

BD: 3/14/16

BW: 81

Sire: A705, ASA# 2848268

Triple C Singletary S3H - reference sire

consigned by Sunset View Farms


STF/HR Miss XM42

Purebred 2/11/10

STF Unanimous UP26

STF Desmarque SL57 BW


78 724




STF Russom RE86 STF Sly Moves P260 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N STF Desa Rae

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.7 57 71 5 14 42 0.09 0.49 112

Here is good functional, hard working granddaughter of Desa Rae. She originated in the Silver Towne and Hale Ranch programs. The Sledgehammer calf should be on the side at sale time so look this pair up come sale day. AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 due 4/3/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms

STF Desmarque SL57- reference dam


WLE Eriskay U1669


WLE Eriskay U1669

SimAngus 2/21/08 U1669

CNS Dream On L186

EriskayOfRollinRock1669 BW


76 753



Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Hero 6267 Of R R 2418 Eriskay Of Rollin Rock 8211

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 14 -0.2 57 83 8 23 51 0.23 0.49 127

Here is a deep bodied, high volumued cow that was bred by Wesner Livestock. This cow always is the same and always produces a high level. Her last years fall bred was popular and did well. Cows like U1669 can be a huge asset to any operation by getting pregnant, calving unassisted, and having a highly marketable product in the end. A cow that will offer added value come sale day with her calf at side by Sledgehammer. AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 due 4/2/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms


SVF Lady In Black U105 Purebred 2/15/08

Circlet Antoinette Drama

LSS Lady In Black BW


78 622




CNS Dream On L186 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 BS Mr Arapahoe 811A Knights Red Bird 418D

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.9 55 76 9 23 50 0.05 0.73 123

If you go back and research old catalogs you will find the Lady In Black has had several progeny in past sales. U105 is backed by dependable genetics over the years. This 2008 model cow will calve in the fall to the homo polled and homo black, SVF Star Player.

SVF Lady In Black U105 28

AId to Star Player, ASA#2392704 on 11/24/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Queen U025


SVF Queen U025

Purebred 10/16/08 U025

CNS Sheeza Dream K107W PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker

B&B Jokers Queen WW

80 628


B&B Black Lady

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 1.3 57 79 12 14 42 0.06 0.79 134

Here is a half sister to the legendary Chyna donor cow and past North American champion. She has daughters working in the herds of Rocky Ridge and Daniel Roberts. This cow does everything like clockwork and should have a Sledgehammer calf at side by sale day. Plus she is in the top 1% for stayablility and how many years she stays around and how many calves she has in her lifetime is big plus for your operation. AId to SVF Sledgehammer, ASA#2751217 due 4/15/16 consigned by Sunset View Farms

SNCC Foxy U18

3/4 Blood 10/30/08


Miss JB Bear 18 BW


Nichols Legacy G151

CNS Dream On L186




78 784




HC Power Drive 88H NJC Ebony Antoinette LBF Mr 751K Miss J B Bear 45

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.6 59 80 4 25 54 -0.06 0.5 94

U18 is young cow in her prime with a good bull at her side by Sledgehammer. This cow is backed by Power Drive and Ebony and Black Bear on the bottom side. This cow is neat made and complete. The calf at her side could pay for the whole package come next spring or you can retain as a future herd sire.


Tattoo: D18

Sire: SVF

Sex: Bull BD: 3/22/16 Sledgehammer, ASA# 2751217

consigned by Sunset View Farms

BW: 81

SNCC Foxy U18 29


SS Spalding Blk Bird U8038 SimAngus


SVF/NJC Mo Better M217

SCC Blackbird 4141 BW






STF Mr Momentum H508 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 Baldridge Notch A C Blackbird 8175 B C A R

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 1.2 60 105 3 20 50 0.31 0.31 98

Mo Better sold in the 2002 bull sale and he has produced several functional females along the way. The Spalding program in Kansas produced several great ones and that is where U8038 originated. Now as a productive cow this Mo Better continues to shine and produce marketable progeny. U8038 has an excellent Sledgehammer calf at side.

SS Spalding Blk Bird U8038


Tattoo: D8038

Sire: SVF

Sex: Bull BD: 3/14/16 Sledgehammer, ASA# 2751217

BW: 82

consigned by McKall Creek


LBF Angelina

Purebred 2/13/07

Bar CK Vision 227P





SAFN Miss Miranda 253J SS Goldmine L42

LBF Angie

76 0


CNS Dream On L186


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.4 51 66 12 18 43 0.16 0.68 118

753T is a production oriented cow that is dependable. This Bar CK Vision cow has an excellent udder. She be raise another high quality calf and is due in the fall. AId to Star Player, ASA#2392704 on 11/24/15 consigned by Sunset View Farms

LFI Angelina


Harkers Amethyst

Purebred 1/21/10

STF Dominance T171

GCF Miss Caliente BW


76 693




STF Dominique R170 MMP Kiss This 37L SAC Mr Mt 73G SS Me Too L06

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 3.5 48 65 7 12 36 0.08 0.39 91

Harkers Amethyst is royally bred from the famous Caliente. Many of the daughters have been high sellers and are working in many top herds across the country. The flush to STF Dominance produced many great ones such as the two time North American champion, STF Onyx, Harkers Why Not Me, Fixation, Domination, Harkers Watch Me Shine, STF Deception, and Harkers Whistle At Me. This lineage is strong and all the daughters have produced over the top. This broody cow is in her prime and has a heifer at her side. What a package of genetics and great opportunity.

SVF Sledgehammer - reference sire



Tattoo: D102

Sire: SVF

Sex: Bull BD: 3/14/16 Sledgehammer, ASA# 2751217

consigned by Sunset View Farms

BW: 82

CLRWTR Barbara B411D


SimAngus 1/12/14 B411D

SVF Steel Force S701



CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 Summitcrest High Prime 0H29

DDA Barbara 0411 BW


W C C Barbara M84

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.4 53 85 8 14 41 0.49 0.8 125

87 619

Combining the best of both industries, B411D could be one of the best Sim Angus breds to sell this spring. Truly a great example of what a bred female should posess, great disposition, super long body, and that profile look that’s desired by all. This Steel Force daughter also has a very low birth weight EPD of .2. These are the kind you definitely second guess selling!!

CLRWTR Barbara B411D

AId to All Around, ASA#2675740 on 12/7/15 consigned by Clear Water Simmentals

DDA Barbara 0411 reference granddam

SVF Burgess X541


SimAngus 11/6/10

PVF-J 4P14 HYB Rookie

Gibbs 455R Burgess FK07 BW





Hyline Right Time 338 PVF-JMH 1L08 Georgia 30J TJ 57J The Gambler SFA Miss Burgess FK07

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 1.9 63 99 12 17 49 0.2 0.94 116

82 0

Here is a Sim Angus cow that is quite impressive and now even more impressive milking and raising a stout made Allegiance bull calf. We really like her pedigree being a Rookie x Gambler. This cow is homozygous polled and so is bull calf at side.


Tattoo: D541

Sire: SVF

Sex: Bull BD: 2/18/16 Allegiance Y802, ASA# 2638036

BW: 82

consigned by Sunset View Farms



Miss CCF R11 3/1/05

Nichols Legacy G151

MCS Too Much BW


84 0

SVF Burgess X541




Nichols Blk Destiny D12 Nichols Debra D81 STF Too Red G64 MCS Miss Maple

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.7 58 83 8 24 53 0.1 0.47 114

Of course many will remember what made Todd Waugh famous, MCS Too Much. This Legacy cow has a good udder and will be able to raise her Duracell bull calf.


Tattoo: D11

Sire: HTP

Sex: Bull BD: 2/21/16 BW: 81 SVF Duracell T52, ASA# 2392068

MCS Too Much - reference dam

consigned by Sunset View Farms



SF Miss Miah U57

Purebred 9/17/08



SVF Sheza Star N902 War Nitro

SVF Lots Of Sass L189 BW


CNS Dream On L186

SVF Starbucks S801

72 594


SVF Barbie Girl J850

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 1.8 60 86 5 4 34 0.03 0.83 120

U57 combines many years of breeding at SVF U57 goes back to the Preferred Mindy on the bottom side and Sheza Star on the top side. Don’t overlook faithful genetics. This already lot already includes a bonus with a High Voltage bull at side.

72A SVF NJC High Voltage - reference sire

Tattoo: D57

Sire: SVF

Sex: Bull BD: 2/29/16 NJC High Voltage, ASA# 2285616

BW: 83

consigned by Sunset View Farms

SVF Buckle Up B58 Here is a special attraction thru the SVF Family Tradition sale. Buckle Up is the product of a flush of the SVF Sanders Ranch donor, Dazzle. This Cowboy Cut son we elected to utilize as a junior herd sire in our program. The Dazzle donor is backed by Kandy (Mr Mt x Kandy Kisses x Power Drive x Holly Hunter). We 3/4 Blood 9/9/14 B58 ASA# 2981242 have had many descendants over the years out of this family. The one of the Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z most notable however somewhat short lived was SVF Stonehenge. His progeny CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T is few however his progeny bring a lot of good things to the table. We feel there is loads of genetic merit in this son of Cowboy Cut. He and his brother have B C Marathon 7022 been standouts since birth. His full brother was purchased in the bull sale by DS-SS Dazzle 264W Micheal Rhoten. Dazzle sons have sold in the past sales to Jimmy Holliman, Dillons K217 Ms Kandy Timothy Goode, Black Ridge and Katies Simmental. Buckle Up is compete, well BW WW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API balanced and has an overall neat made design. Buckle Up is in the top 10% for 81 716 6 2.4 75 105 5 16 54 0.55 0.86 126 weaning weight, TI, and ribeye, in the 20% for marbling and in the top 25% for yearling weight. The EPDs are fine and are a part of the equation however we feel he will produce eye appealing, complete calves with the marketability and pedigree to add to our program. We are happy to share his genetics so he can be utilized in another program. We are quite impressed with this individual and offer pasture rights on Buckle Up. We cleaned up a few females this spring which some are offered in this sale. We will let the buyer choose whether they want lifetime fall pasture rights or spring pasture rights. Along with pasture rights you will receive half semen rights as well. Please call Bryan or Ronnie for any details on the genetic opportunity. Buckle



SVF Buckle Up B58 Pasture Rights

Up is homozygous polled with homo black test pending. Come and view this baldie.

consigned by Sunset View Farms


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