NXT Hearts On Fire L315
W/C Relentless 32C
JSUL Something About Mary 8421
JBSF Proud Mary
W/C Relentless 32C
NXT Heart Throb G917
NXT Redemption E701
I Blue, green, black or red…..no matter the color, this is the kind you’d love to have a pasture full of. NXT Hearts On Fire is flawless structurally: stout-featured and setting down on a big foot, while maintaining appropriate angles, smooth joints and striding long and free. She is fault-free phenotypically being strong-topped, long-hipped and balancing evenly front to rear and carrying her width from top to lower 1/3. And finally she is potent genetically sired by the popular SAM and out of a top W/C Relentless X NXT Redemption donor that brought home a banner from the inaugural Cattlemen’s Congress.
NXT Hearts On Fire herself captured 4th Overall Bred and Owned Purebred for Ellie at Jr. Nationals, Champion Bred & Owned at the IL State Fair and Supreme Champion at the only other two shows she was exhibited.
We believe there is tremendous generating promise in this outstanding female and are offering ½ embryo interest in NXT Hearts On Fire L315. Please call Tony to discuss this opportunity. Consider the possibilities to mass produce ones that look like NXT Hearts On Fire! Make your mark in the red Simmental arena, make dynamite % Red Angus or simply propel your Simmental program forward. I SELLING 1/2 EMBRYO INTEREST ONLY
Offered by.. Next Generation Farms - Tony Drach 815-992-8462
CCS/WHF Ol`Son 48F
JS Keepin It 90 39H
CLRS Dairy Queen 606D
W/C Relentless 32C
JBSF Babe 11F
Brooks Steel Magnolia X57
I This female is one that we feel has big time cow power with big time earning potential. This girl has the look and the pedigree to match being a JS Keeping It 90 and out of our donor JBSF Babe 11F we purchased right here at the Congress and a full sib the many times champion of Guyer’s that sweep the nation winning multiple championships at all the major shows. She is bred up early to WHF Point Proven H45 for an early return on your investment. If this mating doesn’t get you excited nothing will!
I AId to WHF Point Proven H45, ASA#3780742 on 5/4/24 – due 2/10/25 – NO Bull Exposure
Offered by.. Ivie and Sons Simmentals / B & K Farms Ben Brown –931-607-9171, Chris Ivie – 931-215-0316
Silveiras Style 9303 Harkers Unleashed HILB Miss Oo La La B412
CLRS After Shock 604 A CLRS Dairy Queen 606D
CLRS Beauty Queen 420 B BRED
I 5L is another highly prolific daughter to add to the CLRS Dairy Queen 606D list of daughters resume. Cattlemen from any breed can appreciate here square made structure, bold rib, dense body type that this female brings to the table. Truly a role model brood cow female with extra volume and capacity, bred up to the new popular calving ease WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365 son, WHF/JS The Deuce K45 for a quick return on investment!
I AId to WHF/JS The Deuce K45, ASA#4144750 due 3/28/25
Offered by.. JS Simmentals - Jay 515-967-5311
I Let me start by saying, if you want to know how a female bovine should walk you need to take a look at 26L, she is absolutely flawless when on the move and floats on water just like her Grand dam did on her way to be being the National Champion purebred female in 2008, to complement 26L structure this female is incredibly balance from end to end and ideal in her muscle pattern and still thriving in her performance for added growth, just chilling and doing what a Simmental female is supposed to do. This incredibly good , soft haired female was preg check to her AI date of May 18th to Woodford for a February 25th calving date. Buy with confidence females like this one don’t come around that often from a historical cow family. I AId to Woodford on 5/18/24
JS Dairy Queen 5L
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
SVF Steel Force S701
Rudow’s Miss Reyna 29B CRCC Reyna 0566
I Let me start by saying this one is hard to sale, 129L is a full sib to the Res Grand Champion Denver bull who also won the Keystone Internation and the Iowa State Fair, LTS Succession 29J. This female is a complete package in terms of phenotype, structure, and genetic value, Preg check safe to the A.I date to the calving ease bull Deplorabull for a February 2nd due date. The progeny from this matting should be Homozygous black and polled. Did I mention that 129L was our lead off female last year in our pen of three in the Denver yards and was the people’s choice power Simmental female for the percentage show.
I AId to OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D814, ASA#3150188 on 4/25/24
Offered by.. Lone Tree Simmentals - Jeff Thompson 563-349-8722, Ken Thomann 319-330-0857
TLLC One Eyed Jack RUBY/SWC Gentlemen’s Jack SWC Ruby Yetti 143Y
KBHR High Road E283 THILLS Jumpstart 89J Thills Eve 84E
I WOW! What a striking female. Worth the trip to OKC. Freak necked blaze faced girl that not only is deep and soggy but tremendous bold ribbed up high. She’s massive coming at you and going away. A true athletic donor prospect A.I. bred to Private Stock with no clean up bull exposure. That mating gives me chills thinking about the possibilities. DNA tested HomoBlack & HomoPolled I AId to Rocking P Private Stock, ASA#3775641
Offered by.. Thill Cattle Co - Bryan Thill 319-330-0809
LTS Reyna Contemporary 129L
I We wanted to offer something in the Congress we felt was very special and we feel she fits the bill. This heifer is one that has been one of our favorite’s all year. This female is one has the look we all desire when finding our next show heifer and donor, being great necked, sound in her structure, and complete from end to end. Being out of two of the breed’s great’s WHF Point Proven H45 and Time To Shine Y251, we feel she not only has the Genotype but combines it with a high-quality Phenotype to put you up front in this breed. We as breeders don’t get many chances to obtain genetics of this degree so take advantage and if you are in Oklahoma make sure to look up her sale week, we know you will like what you see.
After Shock 604 A
Dairy Queen 606D CLRS Beauty Queen 420 B
I CCS/JS Dairy Queen 47M is the product of one of the most consistent and high quality matings to be produced by the great CLRS Dairy Queen 606D for the JS firm. A stunning and captivating female that combines structure, balance, and completeness all in one elite donor/show heifer package. A female here that puts the emphasis in softness of skeleton and flexibility of joints. The longevity behind this one folks, is just getting started!
Offered by.. JS Simmentals - Jay 515-967-5311
CCS/JS Dairy Queen 47M
JBSF Berwick
KC2 Miss Serena 74J
I When considering The Bricktown Sale we wanted to offer some Coping With Destiny offspring to follow up his big win in OKC last year. We’re excited to offer this Cope daughter! She has the BIG features of her sire. Feet, bone, body and hair. The bottom side of her pedigree is just as impressive with the maternal strength and winning record of the Serena cow family. This girl checks all the boxes for great things to come.
Offered by.. Elmore Cattle Services - Jason Elmore 580-554-1278
CLE Miss M211
Profit EC Rebel 156F
DSFF Countess 357D
CNS Dream On L186
WLE Missy D020
Shawnee Miss 770P OPEN
I Over the last 5 years the daughters of EC Rebel 156F have proven to be the right kind in both the sale ring and the show ring. This heifer is cut from the same cloth of those Rebel daughters that preceded her with extra genetic strength on the bottom side of the pedigree, D020, a full sister to the breeder builder bull, Uno Mas. This heifer is high quality seedstock. This balanced heifer is functional in her build and skeleton with extra body shape and bold ribbed. She reads like a heifer that will compete on the tanbark and positive in ROI when placed in production.
Offered by.. Claeys Livestock - Matt Claeys – 765-427-9078
CLAC Serena’s Destiny 474M
CLE Miss M211
Molly M703
WLE Copacetic E02
WLE Black Mamba G203
CMFM Touch Of Gold D203
WLE Copacetic E02
GBC XTB Hattie H703
CMFM Shawnee Miss 703D
I Molly is a great combination of Black Mamba (Show Bull of the Year) and a full sister to Hazel (Show Heifer of the Year). She’s a really nice, smooth made heifer with an excellent EPD profile. This double bred Copacetic will be a great breeding piece for any program.
Offered by.. Giles Family Farm - Doug Giles 615-588-8244
Black Satin M408
W/C Relentless 32C Reckoning 711F RWA Krisha-ET
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
CLAC Black Satin 179G JS Black Satin 9B
I A predictable, proven pedigree backs this impressive March female. NXT Black Satin is long-fronted and high-tying with a sweeping rib cage. Additionally, she is wide-pinned with plenty of product and balances that in an attractive package. And we certainly love this female’s generating value. From a popular Pays to Believe X “Boots” daughter that Ty campaigned to numerous Top 5 finishes and out of Reckoning 711F, the power is in the blood here! Attractive, functional, and powerful phenotype backed by a highly valuable genetic package….don’t miss out here!
Offered by.. Next Generation Farms - Tony Drach 815-992-8462
GIFF Molly M703
NXT Black Satin M408
NXT Black Satin M408 Maternal Sister
WLE Copacetic E02
TJSC Coping With Destiny 9K
TJSC Diamonds Destiny 134C
Yardley High Regard W242
ECSS Chevie 552C
Rolling Hills Allison
I This heifer is out of the HOTTEST SIRE for 2023-2024 COPING WITH DESTINY 9k who won Kansas City, Louisville and Cattleman’s Congress. The Donor is ECSS CHEVIE 552C that was the Tulsa State Fair Senior Division in 2017. This heifer is clean, powerful, Sleek fronted calf that gets out & moves with a big stride. Pure breed that are built like this and maintain the ability to be a cow at the end. You will appreciate what she will do for your breeding program.
Offered by.. Fox Cattle Co - Kevin 580-513-5107, Carla 580-399-3206
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
WLE Copacetic E02
RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET
HPF/AF/B&K/Alley C430
WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y
I The Alley cow family needs no introduction to the Simmental world! Alley 247Y produced progeny you could go on for hours in the show world and donor pen. WLE Copecetic has equally as many Champions and alcaldes to his name. “Kitty” has the makings of another great one. She has generations of show ring presence and style behind her, that will make her a contender. Pedigree alone makes her worth to stand in the front donor pen.
Offered by.. Helm Farms - Mike 405-368-1237, Sarah 405-635-4956
FOXC Chevie’s Destiny 5M
HELM Farms Alley Cat M431
Rebel 156F
Dividend 45J DSC Adriana’s Mark 53C CSCX Bandwagon 513A DSC Baylie 43E SS Baylie
I We are so proud and excited to offer a female of this quality along side our Foundation Female Donation this year. This May born female comes to you in an attractive and complete package. She is sired by our powerful EC Rebel son, DSC Dividend, who has been performing exceptionally for us and adds some look and power to each of his offspring. 92M is a descendant of our legendary SS Baylie donor who was no stranger to the backdrop, including 2014-2015 BEST Program Grand Champion Purebred Simmental, a top 10 finish at 2015 AJSA South Central Regional, and Grand Champion Purebred Simmental at the 2015 Ohio State Fair. We think this heifer can follow right along in her grandmother’s footsteps. The future potential of this female is unlimited. Breed her to anything in the tank and sit back and let her do the work!
Offered by.. Dickson Farms - Rachel 740-915-1160, Mike 740-501-1508
OBCC West Point S12A
OBCC 21ST Amendment DB56
OBCC Wicked Sister B56
Mr CCF Y370
Brooks Peggy Sue 57B
Brooks Peggy Sue
I This heifer is truly stacked in her pedigree with Wicked Sister and Peggy Sue. She was an incredible cow and ahead of her time. If you don’t remember, she was the dam of the famous Brooks Steel Magnolia that Jake Bloomberg won pretty much everything with one year. Study your lesson because you can see pieces of her granddam in this heifer as well.
Offered by.. Brooks Cattle Company - Jamie Brooks 405-205-5333
DSC Baylie 92M
Ms Peggy Sue M57B
I A purebred that has a lot of style and eye appeal. She struts out incredibly well and has the structural integrity to last a life time on pasture. She is extra neat from the profile and ties a long skinny neck high into her shoulder. Extra feminine in her head and neck. Perfect on the profile – she will catch your attention.
Offered by.. Pemberton Cattle - Matthew Pemberton 319-461-6050
Dream On L186
910G J&J Queen 414
I Talk about power in many aspects. We’ve lined this mating up for some of the most proven genetics in the industry. This powerfully constructed female stems from the great J&J Queen 414 and the reigning champ, TJSC Coping with Destiny. She has the look and structure of “COPE” and the maternal ability “Queen 414”. Showring or donor pen, this one has what it takes. Offered by.. Elmore Cattle Services - Jason Elmore 580-554-1278
MSP Heads Up
Dash Of Fame
Zenyatia 32X
I An outstanding redhead 1/2 blood sired by the National Champion Red Angus Bull Lock In and a purebred Voyager cow. She’s a big footed, big boned cool looking show prospect that has a balanced set of numbers with a WW to YW spread of 80.5 to 126. She’s also eligible to register as a percentage Red Angus. Offered by.. Centerview Genetics - Brooks Thompson 405-567-5739, James Thompson 918-576-8577
I A cool made, soft haired show prospect sired by the Copacetic son, Black Mamba and out of a deep, soggy Halftime Daughter from Buck Creek. She carries a 0.9 BW EPD, 71.9 to 114 spread on WW to YW and a mm EPD of 20. Very balanced on paper with look, soft feet and plenty of muscle and power. Offered by.. Centerview Genetics - Brooks Thompson 405-567-5739, James Thompson 918-576-8577
XTB Dash Of Fame 49HM
XTB Zenyatia 180M
Conley No Limit S&S TSSC Limitless 041H HILB Amazing Grace E928 Sandeens SOS
LKR Daisy Duke RSF Maid To Order 943R
I This 5/8 heifer is going to be hard to miss in the show ring. Great feet on this one, she moves really well and looks killer on the profile. She has nice rib shape and is plenty stout behind. This heifer has a ton of shag and will be fun to work on next summer. She is out of our deceased donor LKR Daisy Duke – former American Royal percentage champion Simmental. Buy with confidence – the SimAngus bull Limitless is exciting. This one will make great cattle in the future.
Offered by.. Pemberton Cattle - Matthew Pemberton 319-461-6050
I We purposefully held this one back just for this sale as we were wanting something special to showcase here in OKC. This heifer is just that - big footed, big legged and plenty of muscle shape tied into an attractive feminine package. Full/Maternal sisters averaged just over 7k in our fall online sale. Dam was 5th overall @ OYLE, Grand Champion Heifer Cupid Classic, Calf Champion @ NAILE & NWSS. Come check her out in our stalls! Offered by.. Hanes Show Cattle - Reed Hanes 937-564-8294
MSP Claudia
HANE Honey’s Dream M8 ET
WISE-One Eyed Willie
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Loaded Up 1119Y Aubreys Black Blaze III
Mr HOC Broker PRFW Diva’s Dena 510C K&P
I Wise-One Eyed Willie a black baldy bull who has had his share of success in the show ring being named Reserve Champion Simmental Bull 2023 Ohio State Fair, Division Champion 2023 KILE, Reserve Division OKC 2024, Reserve Purebred Simmental Bull 2024 AJSA Eastern Regional, 6th Overall Purebred Bull 2024 AJSA National Classic, Reserve Division 2024 KILE. Big footed, big boned, correct in his angles, bold ribbed, high tying, one of the cleanest chested big bulls we have seen in a long time and still puts it all together in a complete package. If you know us you know we think this guy is something special, but we don’t run enough cows to keep him around, so the chance is yours, backed by the all so famous Loaded up, and Broker on the Maternal side true cow power is in his blood. 510C has been a staple in our herd, proving time and time again she can produce for the next generation. This is a bull you don’t want to miss out on.
Offered by.. McKalynne Helmke & Wise Show CattleMcKalynne 330-663-6861
ETR GCC Real Time G380 HCCO Countess 127C
Houston X01
RS&T Sheza Houston E107
RS&T Bonnie Grade C508
I This Purebred Simmental Bull has done a lot of good for us over the past year!
Sired by GCC ETR Real Time G380 and out of RS&T Sheza Houston E107 his pedigree is impressive. This has kept us excited to watch him continually grow. He has done well in the ring, placing in the top 5 everywhere he has gone. This bull is deep in his center body as well as being big footed and pairs himself well with being stout and powerful to still be able to have such flexibility to him.
I Winnings include: 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress, Reserve Champion Spring Bull, 2024 AJSA North Central Regional, 5th Overall Bred/Owned Purebred Bull, 2024 AJSA Junior Nationals, Class Winner, 2024 Oklahoma State Fair, Champion Purebred Simmental Bull Offered by.. Circle W Farms - 405-512-3194
WAA The Real Casanova 107L
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U
Silveiras Style 9303
Ratliff Gabby 901G ET Riverstone Charmed
I All commercial cattlemen who want to maximize their bull power need to take a look at ECS Restless 301L. Restless combines all the qualities that drive profit –extremely long bodied, added frame, big bones and sound on the ground. If you are looking for a smooth made high growth bull with added width of top, level rump and a long muscle design this masculine son of the legendary W/C Relentless checks all the boxes. His dam Ratliff Gabby was a phenotypic powerhouse - well known for her domination in the show ring. This is a true commercial cattlemen’s bull who will add pounds to your calf crop and carcass quality as ECS Restless is in the top 7% for yield grade and top 12% for REA. In today’s cattle market investing in Restless will only add dollars to your bottom line.
Offered by.. Satree Simmentals - Doug Satree 940-367-4475
I Here he is the Reserve Grand Champion Overall Bull at the 2024 Iowa State Fair. This dude is intense. In terms of incredible look, structural integrity with total flexibility and abundance of center body he demands attention. If you are in the business of creating elite show heifers or just darn good cows this guy should be a sound investment. DNA tested Homozygous Polled.
Offered by.. Thill Cattle Co - Bryan Thill 319-330-0809 WS Pilgrim H182U LKCC Bold Venture 194F Ms Crysteel Voltage 194A Mr HOC Broker THILLS Ella 55E Thill’s Miss Awesome 45A
ECS Restless 301L
WS All-Around Z35
OMF Epic E27
OMF Time Less B100
CDI Innovator 325D
THILLS Jokes On U 34J
Thills Dolly 94D
I Tired of pulling calves and late nights? A true heifer bull in pedigree with a 71 lb birth weight and backs it up with a solid EPD profile. A unique individual who reaches the top 25% for calving ease but also post a 122 YW which ranks him in the top 30% of the Simmental breed for growth. Ranchers thank you for all the repeat buyers that have supported us in the past. This bull will fit into your program like the other Age Advantage Bulls we have sold you. Born small, grow fast, make you money.
Offered by.. Thill Cattle Co - Bryan Thill 319-330-0809
Leave It To Me 89L
WS Pilgrim H182U
LKCC Bold Venture 194F
MS Crysteel Voltage 194A
WS Revival
Thills Yancy 44XY
I This bull is thick and shapely from end to end. Powerfully constructed beast that will add increased pounds and muscle into your next calf crop. From a maternal side his mother potentially is the most phenotypical most asked about cow on our ranch. Beautiful long fronted, big ribbed awesome uddered blaze faced cow. His grandmother was a division winner at Simi Jr. Nationals and calf champion at Kansas City. A true foundational female. Whether you are raising beef and selling them by the pound or selling show cattle by the head this rascal will work in many scenarios. DNA tested Homozygous Black & Homozygous Polled. Buy with confidence.
Offered by.. Thill Cattle Co - Bryan Thill 319-330-0809
THILLS Lean In 58L
CDI Innovator 325D
CCS/WHF Ol`Son 48F WHF Summer 365C
Colburn Primo 5153
CTS Primo Love T10F HPF Right To Love Z338
I Holy Water 10L has been a favorite to all that have seen him this fall. We love this bull from end to end, he is soft middled, great fronted, big footed, and has an incredible structure. This young Herdsire is impressive to look at and you can easily come to the same conclusion many have had; he is my kind of a Herdsire. As you know it’s extremely hard to find a bull with this kind of build & look with a balanced EPD spread. He comes from great bloodlines going back to HPF Right To Love Z338, Colburn Primo 5153 and his Sire CCS/WHF Ol’ Son 48F. Come by the stalls and/or give us a call and we will be happy to discuss this one!
Offered by.. Ivie And Sons Simmentals - Chris Ivie – 931-215-0316 / B & K Farms - Ben Brown – 931-607-9171

I We are thrilled to offer SBC Resurrection 115L in this year’s Bricktown National Simmental Sale. 115L is a homozygous black and homozygous polled bull sired by the many times National Champion, Reckoning 711F , who is siring as many champions as any in the business. 115L’s dam is a full sister to the many times champion RP/MP Trixie C004, including being selected the 2017 National Western Champion Purebred Female and 2017 AJSA National Classic Champion Cow/Calf Pair. We appreciate 115L when we put him into motion because he floats around on the move and ties together so effortlessly from end to end. When you park 115L, his head comes high out of the top side of his shoulder, transitioning into a deep and bold center body all while setting down on a large and close to ideal hind leg. We are excited to see where SBC Resurrection 115L will go because we believe he will make an impact on one’s program and the Simmental breed.
Offered by.. Stephens Beef Cattle - Jeff Stephens 606-782-7640, Will 859-699-8577 W/C Relentless 32C Reckoning 711F RWA Krisha-ET HTP/SVF Duracell T52 S B C Love Me Right 426C RP/MP Love Me Right 078W
IVS/B&K Holy Water 10L
OBCC Bold Venture 715L
Bold Venture 715L
WS Pilgrim H182U
LKCC Bold Venture 194F
MS Crysteel Voltage 194A
FBFS Wheel Man 649W
CMFM Zenyatia 715E Daines Zenyatia 32X
I Stout, rugged made, bold centered are all great ways to describe 715l. Being sired by the popular Cattlemens Congress champion “bold Venture”. This bull provides an old school cool pedigree with many of the desired attributes of the modern pedigrees. I Selling 2/3 semen interest and full possession.
Offered by.. Owen Bros Cattle- Matt Owen 417-830-8180
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
WLE Copacetic E02
HPF Revival D081
CNS/HFS Queen Me G916
CNS/HFS Queen Me E916
I I’ve been blessed to be a part of some elite Simmental bulls in my day, and SO Midnight Rider 1L ranks amongst the best. It’s hard to make cattle with his kind of rugged masculinity, but yet elevated and extended front end assembly and flexible set of lower joint work. I’ve always said that the unique ones have the ability to cover the fundamentals, but pair it with radical, hard to make pieces. Midnight Rider’s mother is an upcoming donor in our program whose ET crop is getting me fired up. Not to mention his veteran sire, Copacetic, is no stranger to the winner’s circle. Here’s your opportunity to be a part of an absolute STUD!
Offered by.. Ivie And Sons Simmentals - Chris Ivie – 931-215-0316 / Walker Housley – 423-599-8346 / B & K Farms - Ben Brown – 931-607-9171
SO Midnight Rider 1L
J&J Survivor M61
Adele 648D
I Everyone who has laid eyes on this bull this fall has like him and it was a good thing that GB came by in August or he probably wouldn’t be here. Let’s talk about his pedigree...his dam is a full sister to the great Hazel, who dominated the show ring in 2022 with wins at Cattlemens Congress, Denver, and Fort Worth, earning her the title of Show Heifer of the Year. His sire is Designated Survivor, who was Reserve Percentage Show Bull of the Year for the 2020-2021 show season. All the homework is done for you on this one.
I J&J Simmental is retaining 1/3 semen interest.
Offered by.. J&J Simmentals - Jerry Frasa 574-242-4010
I RGL Next Contestant comes in a bit more of a moderate package but certainly doesn’t look like it. He brings every bit of performance that his siblings do and shows no signs of slowing down. He checks all the boxes, and his flexibility could be used in any avenue of the bull making type or the pretty show heifers. Offered by.. Round Grove Livestock - Lonny Sievers, Sam Harroun 319-930-2217
J&J Survivor M61
OBCC Creedence 410M
JSUL Something About Mary 8421 R/C SFI Creedence 417J SFI Love Me Later A9X
OBCC GCC Brushcreek C47X CMFM Zenyatia 410C Daines Zenyatia 32X
I We would need a full page to list all the winning genetics in this bull’s pedigree. This is a bull that grows on you more and more every day as he just has no flaw in him, we think he has the potential to follow the footsteps of his maternal brother “college player”. His sire “Creedence” has created a stir after claiming titles at Cattlemens Congress and NWSS. Genetically and Phenotypically 410M has it all, bid with confidence here!
I Selling 2/3 semen interest and full possession.
Offered by.. Owen Bros Cattle - Matt Owen 417-830-8180
WLE Copacetic E02 WLE Black Mamba G203
CMFM Touch Of Gold D203 WS Pilgrim H182U TL Miss Pilgrim 50
daughter. Offered by.. J&J Simmentals - Jerry Frasa 574-242-4010
J B S F Poison 110J Flush
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
RP/MPF Right To Love 015U
W/C Relentless 32C
JBSF Poisons No Doubts
Poisons P2
We have always believed in cow families to take us to the next level and JBSF Poison 110J, or as we call her, Freckles is one that puts as much predictability in a Simmental pedigree as we can ask for! Being sired by one of the more popular Simmental bulls, HPF QUANTUM LEAP Z952, and then having the Legendary Bloomberg POISON on her bottom side, Freckles sorts herself. This young donor is probably my favorite we have roaming the pasture in Yoakum America. Her feet and legs alone are something worth flushing, add in a little look and she’s got to be on your short list at the end of sale night. We are selling the opportunity to Flush Poison and will guarantee 6 grade 1 embryos with an open top. Flush work will be done at an agreed upon location. She is due to calve by sale day and will be ready to flush by March 1, 2025. Bid with Confidence, Burden won’t get the opportunity to sale a flush on this one again!
Offered by.. Hagan Cattle Company/XTB Cattle –Reese Hagan 361-293-4721
W/C Miss Werning 4770B “Natalie” Flush
PB FLUSH I 2900516 I 6/7/14 I 4770B
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Loaded Up 1119Y
Aubreys Black Blaze III
Hooks/KS Sequoia 35S KS Miss Sequoia Y770 ASR Super Baldy U851
I You would be hard pressed to find a red baldy purebred as functional and feminine as Natalie with such a royal pedigree. Built square from the ground up, stout yet feminine, excellent feet and udder, she is our type of cow. Backed by proven genetics, Natalie offspring have been consistently good. Embryos have sold for upwards of $1,600/egg as well as a Bet On Red sired heifer calf selling for $10,000 in the H2O dispersal. On her last 4 flushes, Natalie has averaged 10.5 grade 1 embryos.
I We are guaranteeing a minimum of 6 embryos, with no cap. IVF Embryo collection will take place at Bluestem Embryo Transfer Center in Carlton, KS. All semen, flush, and shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Flush will take place Spring 2025, please reach out prior to the sale with any questions or special accommodations.
Offered by.. Loomis Simmentals & Back Home FarmsJustin Loomis 785-561-0983, Morgan Loomis 620-766-7056, Breanna Thibodeau 207-992-3556
WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y
EGL Firesteel 103F
WHF/JS/CCS Woodford J001
WHF Summer 365C
JF Milestone 999W
WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y
WHF Sierra 245S
I This is a fresh new mating on Natalie, and boy are we excited. Natalie genetics have been in high demand for good reason, they are stout, functional from the ground up, and flat out work. Natalie is a perfect blend of femininity and power, and we believe this mating to Cope will be *chefs kiss*. Coping with Destiny was named Supreme Champion Bull at the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress, with calves selling for upwards of $100,501 at RJ Cattle Company this past fall. This mating combines the legacy of W/C Loaded Up and Sequoia Y770 with Copacetic and Broker creating a consistently good pedigree. No gambling here! Embryos are grade 1, IVF sexed female. Guaranteeing 1 60 day pregnancy when work is done by a certified embryologist within 1 year of sale date. Embryos are stored at Bluestem Embryo Transfer Center in Carlton, KS, shipping available.
IOffered by.. Loomis Simmentals & Back Home FarmsJustin Loomis 785-561-0983, Morgan Loomis 620-766-7056, Breanna Thibodeau 207-992-3556
Alley is known as one of the most proven and predictable donors in the business. She has consistently produced sale-topping calves time and time again. Alley sold for $81,000 out of the historic Hudson Pines Farms Dispersal and was the 2013 NWSS Grand Champion Simmental Female that has blessed innumerous operations with greatness. Alley daughters, grand daughters, and great granddaughters continue to headline sales across the country and here is another opportunity to continue her legacy. This mating to Woodford combines the breed matriarch herself, Alley, with TJ 22X and the incredible WHF Summer 365C donor female. Woodford has seen great success in the show ring and was named the Fall Division Champion at the American Royal, NAILE, and Cattlemens Congress. Woodford calves have taken fall sales by storm, commanding $82,500 at Shipman’s Black Label sale as well as $56,500 at Sullivans along with others bringing over 5 figures. This could be one of Alley’s best matings yet! Embryos are grade 1, IVF sexed female. Guaranteeing 1 60 day pregnancy when work is done by a certified embryologist within 1 year of sale date. Embryos are stored at Bluestem Embryo Transfer Center in Carlton, KS, shipping available
Offered by.. Loomis Simmentals & Back Home FarmsJustin Loomis 785-561-0983, Morgan Loomis 620-766-7056, Breanna Thibodeau 207-992-3556
W/C Miss Werning 4770B “Natalie”
TJSC Coping With Destiny - reference
WHF/JS/CCS Woodford J001
STF ONYX 451W Embryos
Choice of 2 Sets 3 Sexed Female Embryos
I Onyx has absolutely made a name for herself as a breed matriarch with over 250 direct registered progeny. She has numerous donor daughters and stud bull sons including the likes of Bianca, Beyonce, Trendy, Royal Affair, Bunny, Beau, Nostalgia, and many more. Onyx turned 16 at the start of 2025 and has consistently been in high demand over her lifespan. Good, functional cattle just don’t go out of style. We are offering choice of Onyx embryos on these highly sought after sires. I Selling choice of 2 sets of Embryos are grade 1, IVF sexed female. Guaranteeing 1 60 day pregnancy when work is done by a certified embryologist within 1 year of sale date. Embryos are stored at Bluestem Embryo Transfer Center in Carlton, KS, shipping available.
Offered by.. Loomis Simmentals & Back Home FarmsJustin Loomis 785-561-0983, Morgan Loomis 620-766-7056, Breanna Thibodeau 207-992-3556
STF Onyx 451W
WHF/JS/CCS Woodford J001 - reference
R/C SFI Creedence 417J - reference
HFSC Foxy Lady HF6
Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Style 9303
Silveiras Elba 2520
Woodford J001, ASA#4068398, Proj EPDs –
Reckoning 711F, ASA#3553633, Proj EPDs – 3 IVF Heifer Embryos CE
SO Remedy 7F, ASA#3419044, Proj EPDs – 3 IVF Heifer Embryos
I If you haven’t heard of HFSC Foxy Lady HF6 get ready to see her highlighted for years to come. She has been one of the most incredible young females to walk the East Coast in 2019 and continues to prove her worth in her progeny. She was named breed champion or supreme champion over 15 times in 7 different states during show career. Consistency runs in her blood as a full sister was named calf Champion% Simmental at KILE in 2022 and went on to be top seller in the annual Full Circle Farms Fall on line sale. HF6 stamps her phenotype in her calves and different matings. Foxy Lady all ready has over 60 registered calves. Here is an opportunity for you to choose from 3 of the upcoming and popular sires in the industry RECKONING, WOODFORD, AND REMEDY. These bulls don’t need any introductions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Guarantee (1) 60 day pregnancy if completed by a certified embryologist within (1) calendar year of purchase. Embryos are located at Trans Ova and shipping
be made within 30 days of purchase. HF6 owned with Full Circle Farm.
Offered by.. Hillcrest Farm - Gary Bertrand
Reckoning 711F- reference
WHF/JS/CCS Woodford J001 - reference
SO Remedy 7F - reference
DAF Dakota D13 Embryos
CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194 LLSF Urababydoll U194
SVF Steel Force S701 KenCo Steel Magnolia SAFN Shes Gamorous
I Dakota calves are getting ready to hit the ground for both of our programs and I think I speak for all parties when I say the anticipation of great things to come couldn’t be higher. In 2024 D13 struck again, twice, Producing the Show Heifer of the Year in Tennessee for Emma Armstrong, and the Reserve Grand Female at the Illinois State Fair for the Dunn Family. Bramlet & Schaffer have done an awesome job breeding and promoting this cow before we got the chance to own her. Collecting many wins, including 2023 IN State Fair Top 5 Female, 2021 Reserve Champion Jr. Nationals, Supreme Female at KILE, Top 5 Female South Dakota State Fair. D13 is no one hit wonder, Invest with confidence!
Offered by.. Beshears Simmentals and Clearwater SimmentalsBobby Beshears 765-717-4789
WHF Point Proven H45- reference
JSUL Something About Mary 8421 - reference
FRKC Classic 948K
I True Love F789 was Champion Purebred at the 2019 Simmental Sweepstakes Show where she sold to the Sullivan family. True Love went on to be named Reserve Champion Purebred Heifer at the 2020 National Classic Simmental Show. Her calves at our place have been as advertised, Great structured, Deep bodied, Stout and fancy. This year at our annual Clear Choice Female sale they averaged over $6,000 a head. Point Proven has made quite a name for himself already, and just got picked up by Select Sires, while Revelation is just getting a good start to his breeding career for the Schaffer crew. We look forward to having both matings this year, and so should you.
Offered by.. Beshears Simmentals and Clearwater SimmentalsBobby Beshears 765-717-4789
I We start to get a bit repetitive in our footnotes when talking about Andie, but in her defense she does it year after year and has proven to be deserving of the praise. She has produced multiple females that have won or been reserve at almost every national show in the country. She has produced multiple high sellers for both Wayward Hill Farms and Beshears Simmentals. She has a SAM daughter that is being campaigned by the Greiman family right now and has already been in the purple many times. We would be remised if we did not mention her most famous daughter WHF Summer and the impact she has had on the breed with daughters and Sons collecting banners at Kansas City and Louisville this year for JS Simmentals, Wayward Hill, and Sara Sullivan. Another daughter produced a bull that sold in Oklahoma for 165k half interest to Hilltop Simmentals.
WHF Andie 365A
WHF Point Proven H45- reference Revelation 2K- reference
Reckoning 711F- ref Hook’s Encore 65E- ref
WINC All Right 213K - ref
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
THSF Lover Boy B33
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET
HPF/AF/B&K/Alley C430
WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y
I The Alley cow family needs no introduction to the Simmental world! Alley 247Y produced progeny you could go on for hours in the show world and donor pen. WLE Copecetic has equally as many Champions and alcaldes to his name. “Kitty” has the makings of another great one. She has generations of show ring presence and style behind her, that will make her a contender. Pedigree alone makes her worth to stand in the front donor.
Offered by.. Helm Farms - Mike 405-368-1237, Sarah 405-635-4956
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P Private Stock H010
RP/MPBuilt To Love A021
WAGR Catalyst 225C
DBJR Sweet Baby
Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2
I Sweet Baby is new to the scene but her Dam “Sheza Babe” is very well known. Like her mom, Sweet Baby is big footed & chested making her easy fleshing. Paired with Private Stock, we feel with the stacked pedigree of elite females it will produce cattleman’s cattle.
I Embryos are stored at Scenic Hill in Bloomer WI. Guaranteeing 1 60-day pregnancy per set of 3 Embryos when work is done by certified embryologist
Offered by.. Applewood Simmentals - Dean Skabroud715-965-0391
HPF/AF/B&K Alley C430
DBJK Sweet Baby
THSF Loverboy B33 - reference
Rocking P Private Stock - reference
JSUL Something About Mary 8421-
Copacetic E02-