Simmental 12:00 pm 10:00 am Greg Burden 405.780.0372
Horned/Polled 12:30 pm 11:30 am Bobby Singleton 615.708.1034 Hereford
Charolais 1:30 pm 1:00 pm Bob Morton 931.842.1234
Angus 3:00 pm 1:00 pm Duane Stephens 812.887.1523
If unable to attend, ALL auctions will be live streamed at liveauctions.tv. Show live streaming at nextlevelimages.com and photos provided by Next Level Images
President Trade Show Manager
Michael Butler
Carrie Major 1065 Greenvale Road 135 Dillon Rd Milton, TN 37118 Milton, TN 37118 615.351.1071 615.504.0646
Vice President Junior Show Contact
Mike Watkins Sonya Smith-Wright 2655A Beasley Bend Rd. 5065 Cainsville Rd. Lebanon, TN 37087 Lebanon, TN 37090 615.642.0976 615.207.0819
Barn Manager Alan Psota 1718 Indian Hill Road Leganon, TN 37087 931.242.0179
The 2025 Agribition will again feature one of the largest Trade Show in the Southeast!
Sunday • March 9, 2025 • 9:00 am CDT
An open to the world junior heifer and steer show will be held in conjunction with the 35th Annual Tennessee Beef Agribition. The Agribition is held at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center, 945 E. Baddour Parkway, Lebanon, TN 37087 (615-449-9077). The junior show will start with steers followed by heifers. Two rings of heifers will show at the same time, and breeds will not be rotated.
The rules for the event are as follows:
1. Breed association rules for junior shows will apply to each respective breed..
2. No pre-entry is required. Entry forms will be available on Saturday.
3. Due to limited parking facilities, all trailers must be parked in the designated parking area. On Saturday, Junior cattle will be allowed in the stalls when sales are complete and sale cattle are removed. There will be no parking around the barns.
4. All junior cattle should be on the grounds and processed by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 8th. Heifers and steers will be processed Saturday from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. CST. All heifers purchased from late afternoon sales should be entered ASAP.
5. • There will be a $20 per head entry fee at the 2025 event.• All classes will be placed through fifth place, and premiums will be paid for 1st - 5th. The top five heifers and top five steers will pay $1000, $800, $600, $400 and $300.
Funding for the Simmental Agribition
6. Heifer and steer breed show order will be determined at or after checkin. Shows will be available for the following breeds: Angus, Charolais, Gelbvieh/Balancer, Hereford/Polled, Hereford, Shorthorn, Simmental, and AOB. Any breed having a sale will qualify to have a junior breed show. All other breeds may qualify for a junior show by paying $500.00 (Shorthorn Plus, Simmental Percent, Red Angus, Black Hereford, Black Hereford Percent, Limousin, ChiAngus, etc.) This money will be used for trophies and banners. Steers will show first. Show order will be A-Z.
7. All other breeds (AOB), including commercial heifers and cross-bred steers will compete in AOB classes. AOB heifers will show by weight.
8. Heifers eligible to show must be born on or after September 1, 2022. Heifer classes will be based on the futurity system and will be determined after all entries are made. Steers will show by breed with classes determined by weight.
9. Heifers (born on or after 09/01/22) purchased in any of the Agribition sales will be eligible to compete in the Junior Show. • Check the respective breed catalog to see if percent age cattle show as AOB.
Quintin Smith – Junior Show Contact, 615-207-0830 5171 Cainsville Road Lebanon, TN 37090
Bramlets Sweetheart L350
W/C Relentless 32C LLW Card Relentless 43F Queen Of Spades 443B
Wow! Wow! Wow! You rarely get a chance to buy a heifer like this one! We bought Sweetheart L350 at Bramlet’s last year and wasn’t sure what to expect. She earned Champion and Supreme Champion banners at several shows. This heifer checks all the boxes and is sure to be back in the purple again this year. We are selling her only as our commitment to the Tennessee Beef Agribition. Buy with confidence and win with pride.
consignor Double J Simmentals | Charles Jackson, Donald & Abby Jackson
615.598.0828, Kayla Jackson 615.925.9773
2 3
RADC/CRDS Loretta L312 2
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P Private StockH010
RP/MP Built To Love A021
Silveiras Style 9303
PSCS Alley’s Lady 210G ET WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y
Loretta is a full sib to the Reserve Grand Percentage heifer in the TN Futurity that we sold here last year as a heifer calf. She is an easy keeping female with an admirable pedigree. Breeding information available sale day.
consignor Crossroads Cattle Co | Rex Dunn 931.993.5343
JL Time For Lisa L33
HPF Right To Love365D
JL Right Time G49
Ms IVS Vanessa
ASR Second Chance W928
JL Mona Lisa 176
ASR Fine Art Z273
Time for Lisa is the complete female. She is pretty enough to produce show heifers, but her real strength is her potential to be a great brood cow with longevity. Her paternal grandmother is still producing at 16 years old and her maternal grandsire was pasture breeding cows at 14 years old. Her dam will calve in March as she does every year since 2018. Lisa is big footed, powerfully made with thickness and depth of rib. She is sound moving with a big hip. She is the kind to build a herd around. I have built my herd with her mother. DNA tested homo polled and genomically enhanced EPDs. Due to calve April 14, 2025 to the calving ease bull, Schooley Standout.
I Bred AI to Schooley Standout 27G # 3585120 on 7/03/24. Safe in calf, no other exposure.
consignor Jim Ligon 931.510.3328
B&K/IVS Miss Haisley 4275M
4 3/4
W/C Style 69E
Silveiras Style 9303
Miss Werning KP 8543U
WLE Copacetic E02
LMF Haisley H022
Double J Bet Babe M510
W/C Fort Knox 609F
W/C Bet On Red 481H W/C Angel 7113E
WLE Copacetic E02
B&K/IVS Miss Babe 55K JBSF Babe 11F
This gal is a full sib to XTB & Elmore’s heifer calf that has dominated the Calf division already this fall by being named Calf Champion at Kansas City & reserve Calf at the NAILE & Reserve Champion at Ft. Worth. This W/C Style 69E heifer is out of a tremendous donor that is a direct descendant of the great 770P that we campaigned that was named Champion Female at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes in 2022. We fell this female has all the right pieces to compete in the show ring at any level & become an elite donor in her own right. We see big things in this female’s future! consignor B&K Farms & Ivie & Sons Simmentals | Ben Brown 931.607.9171, Chris Ivie 931.215.0316
We bred our Copacetic daughter to Bet On Red with dreams of a heifer like this! M510 is beautiful fronted, very deep with a blaze face. She will be easy to find on sale day.
CDI Innovator 325D CCS/WHF Ol`Son 48F WHF Summer365C SO Remedy 7F
B&K/IVS Remedys Royality 3207J HPF Empriss E010
Another OL’ Son daughter out of our Remedy x HPF Empriss E010 donor we own with Gerdes Show Cattle. Halleluiah Love 10M is complete made from end to end with a big future ahead of her. She expresses that show ring look & every time you see her you just love her more & more. This has a really soft look when you view her from the side with loads of soundness in a fault free design, we are all looking for. This March heifer is loaded with as much potential as any in both the show ring and in the donor pen. You can drive the wheels off a truck trying to find this kind. consignor B&K Farms, Ivie & Sons Simmentals, Gerdes Show Cattle| Ben Brown 931.607.9171, Chris Ivie 931.215.0316, Eric Gerdes 319.850.1694 B&K/IVS/GSC Hallelujah Love
Double J Zoe’s Dream M402
WLE Copacetic E02
Rockin P Private Stock H010
RP/MP Built To Love A021
TLLC One Eyed Jack 48C Confident Zoe 452D JL Confident Zoe Z452
We bred Zoe to Private Stock with the hope of this result! Zoe’s Dream is deep sided,huge boned with a nice bald face.You won’t find a sweeter heifer with this baby doll disposition. She’s going to make friends on sale day. I hope she’s one of yours. consignor Double J Simmentals | Charles Jackson, Donald & Abby Jackson 615.598.0828, Kayla Jackson
B&K/IVS Miss Patch 08M
Innovator 325D CCS/WHF OL`Son 48F WHF Summer 365C
Innovator 325D B C R Patch 17E
This star face May heifer brings a lot to the table being good necked, sound & great balance. Miss Patch 08M hails from the great JS Patch Me Pretty 17D lineage we purchased from our friends at Buck Creek and out of CCS/WFH Ol’Son 48F we feel has an extremely bright future.
consignor B&K Farms & Ivie & Sons Simmentals | Ben Brown
RGH Pride N Joy 600M
W/C Executive Order 8543B FELT Perseverance 302F RUBYS Rhythm Z231
OBCC Blacklist 915B
CMFM Pride & Joy 308D
CMFM Pride and Joy 308A
RGH PRIDE N JOY 600M is a stylish , long sided, well balanced show prospect sired by Felt Perseverance and out of a former show heifer that we purchased from Circle M and was Senior champion at the North American a few years back for us. This Summer born / summer division show prospect should compete very well and then begin her career as a beautiful female in the herd. 600M stems from the great Ebonys Joy cow family that has stood the test of time.
consignor Hoffman Farms | Johnnie Moore,mgr 270-670-7814
RGH Chanelle 50M
3/4 SM I 4482670 I 4/19/24 I 50M I 83 lbs
LLSF Uprising Z925
HILB Oracle C033R
SS Babys Breath P035
Silveiras Style 9303
M2C Chanelle 577C
Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2
RGH CHANELLE 50M is a really cool made, deep ribbed, super fancy 3/4 blood show prospect with a snip nose that is also Homo black and Homo polled. She is sired by the ol man himself HILB Oracle who has consistently sired profitable cattle. Her dam was a former high seller out of the Pleasant Hills sale from the Metzger Family. She was a SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 daughter and going back to the Sheza Fantasy cow (Built Right x Power Drive). Old school pedigrees with a new school look in this fancy female.
consignor Hoffman Farms | Johnnie Moore,mgr 270-670-7814
CMFM Pride & Joy 308D - ref. dam
M2C Chanelle 577C - ref. dam
KLMKA Ms Shimmer 800M
OMF Epic E27
WS All-Around Z35
OMF Time Less B100
TNGL Grand Fortune Z467
TNGL Shimmer F410
TNGL Shimmer X361
KLMKA MS SHIMMER 800M is one were crazy to let go but the TN Agribition has always been good to us therefore here is one straight out of our show string for 2025. 800M is a natural daughter of one of our top donors TNGL Shimmer F410 who we selected out of the Tingle Dispersal as an open show heifer. She never fails to transmit “The Look “into her calves and Shimmer 800M is no different along with OMF Epic as a sire , this combination has produced a soft made, thick ended female with a strong set of numbers to build off of as well. The future is bright for this one, show her, breed her, make _ bloods or produce calving ease oriented herd sires. Sky’s the limit. consignor Hoffman Farms | Johnnie Moore,mgr 270-670-7814
W6 Lady Remedy
SO Remedy 7F
W6 Redemption
IVS/B&K Hallelujah Alley 305G
3ACES Cash In F518 W6 Venmo VS Eleanor 202E
If you want to stand out and show up, please look at this Lady Remedy heifer. She is a beauty queen with EPD numbers and a pedigree to match. This summer baby is bold ribbed, deep sided, and sound.
consignor W6 FARMS | Wendell Wilson 931.261.3225
W6 Chik
W6 Chik is a September Purebred that is super sound, super attractive, and really good haired. Check ou the genetic pedigree on this heifer. Profit, 3 Aces Black Blaze, Substance, and KenCo Spring Velvet. If you want one that turns heads, this is the one!
TNGL Shimmer F410 - ref. dam
Rubys Turnpike 771E
KLER Promoter G15
GW Miss GPRD 028X
HOOK`S Black Hawk 50B
LVL Primrose 82H
AK/NDS Firez` 820F
Portia is the third generation of Simmental on our farm. She is backed by a heavymilking and productive dam and granddam who were both shown successfully. Her sire boasts incredible growth EPDs that put him in the top 3% for weaning weight and top 2% for yearling weight and ADG; his REA is in the top 1%. We felt this was a great cross with her maternally oriented cow family.
consignor Liberty Valley Farm | Caroline Garrell, Jeanie Garrell 931.639.3923
GIFF Mable M13
Long’s Shear Pleasure
We had some eggs in the tank and decided to throw them in last year and we are certainly happy that we did. This little chromed up lady is a pleasure to look at and only gets better the more we feed her. Her dam is a super maternal female, and this one has a ton of potential to go to work in the pasture when her time in the show barn is over. If you like them clean fronted and feminine, Mable demands your attention on sale day.
consignor Giles Farms | Doug & Julie Giles 615.588.8244
GIFF Mystic M5
W/C Bankroll 811D W/C Fort Knox 609F K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D
CCR Payweight 0327C SVFM Payweight 23F2 123C
We have not used Fort Knox in our program a great deal, but this heifer may change that for us. This heifer is a stout made, big ribbed type of female that makes us pretty excited. This heifer is also super docile. If you are looking for a heifer that can grow with a young showmen Mystic needs a look. It’s hard to let go of cattle that have these features, but we always bring our best to Agribition. consignor Giles Farms | Doug & Julie Giles 615.588.8244
KLER Promoter G15 - Sire of Lot 14
Dream Of Mary M3
CNS Dream On L186
CNS Pays To Dream T759
MLF BL Jessie K336
S D S Graduate 006X
SVFM Paid Graduate SVFM Payweight 23F2
We have always appreciated the Pays to Dream females for their ability to grow well and be super maternal in the pasture. When this heifer hit the ground, our original thought was to make a cow out of her, but Greg talked us into bringing her to Agribition. This heifer will make a great cow prospect for any showman to build a herd around.
consignor Giles Farms | Doug & Julie Giles 615.588.8244
B&K/IVS Miss Sazerac 134M
CDI Innovator 325D
CCS/WHF Ol’Son 48F WHF Summer 365C
Double J Gemstone A113
B&K/IVS Gems Sazerac 134H
SVF/3M Sazerac A34
B&K/IVS Miss Sazerac 134M is a November fall heifer we feel will have a lot of future. This chromed up heifer is one that will catch a lot of eyes in the show ring. 134M is made just like we love them big bellied great on the move. Miss Sazerac 134M exhibits a profile we all love combined with a pedigree to match being a granddaughter of the great Sazerac and Sired by the popular CCS/WHF Ol’Son 48F. If you are in the market for a striking fall to show for 2 years make sure and check her out sale day.
consignor B&K Farms Ben Brown 931.607.9171 | Ivie & Sons Simmentals
Chris Ivie 931.215.0316
The TJSA Futurity will be held from here on out during the TN State Fair following the respective breed shows ie pb follows pb, percentages follow percentages. All OPEN heifers consigned in the Tennessee Simmental Agribition are eligible to show back at the 2025 TN State Futurity but the ownership must change names on the date of the sale.
CCS/WHF Ol’Son 48F- sire of Lot 18
CRDS Milwakee M406
3/4 SM I
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P P Private Stock H010
RP/MP Built To Love A021
SC Pay The Price C11
STECK Forever Lady 910G ET Fair View Forever Lady 643D
An attractive Private Stock son out of the powerhouse donor 910G. He is free moving, long spinned, and stands on substance of bone. Qualifies for TAEP as a Balanced Trait/Maternal bull.
consignor Crossroads Cattle Co. | Rex Dunn 931.993.5343
Mr SFGS Squirley Dan 12K
PVF Insight 0129
PVF Blacklist 7077
PVF Backbird 3070
Mr HOC Broker
Boswell Miss Elsa 2F
GCF Miss Elsa
If you are on the hunt for an exciting, well bred, and good looking bull to turn out this spring, then look no further! Squirley Dan is son of the world famous PVF Blacklist bull and out of our lead donor Boswell Elsa 2F that is a maternal sister to the dam of Mr CCF Vision. Boswell Elsa 2F or “Tessa” as she is known on the farm was a past high seller at the Foundation Female sale in Illinois. She had a storybook show career finding the backdrop over 20 times from Tennessee to Florida. In production she has not disappointed either. She has had 4 sons make the backdrop at the Florida and South Carolina State Fairs. He combines striking good looks with genetic potency that will take your calf crop to the next level. As an added bonus, he is a big puppy dog that is easy to handle and work with. Buy with confidence on this one!
consignor Sand Family Genetics | Brandon Weber 352.316.4134
JNR Black BerryY K190
21 3/4 SM I 4246879 I 9/1/23 I L190 I 83 lbs
W/C Fort Knox 609F
FFS JNR Hard Knox H034
HILB Miss Versace E57C
SVF/NJC Built Right N48 SSA 1501 Blackcap F190 BOBO Blackcap 1501
This bull is the Cattlemen’s Kind. Black Berry is a great package for putting calves on the ground that stand up growing. The top and bottom side of his pedigree are full of cattle that are recognized in both the Simmental and Angus breeds across the country. This bull took to the halter as fast as anything that we have ever tied up and is around kids daily. If you are looking for a Percentage Simmental that meets TAEP requirements, Black Berry is a great option, and all paperwork will be in order on sale day. I just can’t say enough about this herd bull prospect. consignor Giles Farm | Doug & Julie Giles 615.588.8244
4/B Miss Pilgrim 323C
Cattlemen gather round, we have a special lot up for your appraisal. We proudly present Mr SFGS Steal yo girl, or “Rocco” as he is known around the barn. Rocco is the first son of our elite purebred donor UDE Miss 348H bred in the Udell program in Iowa. She herself won the Florida and South Carolina State Fairs as well as winning the Jr yearling divisions at the Dixie National and Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Rocco has had a great year on the tanbark being named Champion Purebred bull at the South Carolina State Fair and making the top 10 at Eastern Regionals this past summer. Aside from the trinkets in the show ring, Rocco has everything a commercial or purebred cattleman could want in a herd bull! He is an extremely stout made bull from end to end with lots of rib shape, balance, and symmetry. He will no doubt add mass and power to your calf crop without sacrificing style and eye appeal. He is a big footed and monster boned as well. Buy with confidence here, with calf prices projected to stay high for a couple years, Rocco will add that extra performance you will get paid for!
consignor Sand Family Genetics | Brandon Weber 352.316.4134
Oakley Cartel
PVF Blacklist 7077 PVF DLX King Pin 0058 PVF Lucy 4189
Mr HOC Broker
We are fairly new to the Simmental breed, however, we are pretty high on this calf. To be a calving ease half blood bull that has power and stoutness, while still being built incredible, we think that’s a hard task to do. Talk about a bull that is soft legged and striking but still doesn’t disappear as he goes away. Not to mention, his sire is one of the hottest bulls in the Angus show world right now and his mother derives from the great BCII program, he is backed by a stout pedigree. We feel like there is a lot of use for this bull!
consignor Oakley Farms | Cole Kaufman 540.292.1264
Mast’s New Stock 103M
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P Private Stock H010
RP/MP Built to Love A021
JSUL Something About Mary 8421
KS1 Something About Diamonds
TJSC Diamond 112F ET
This solid black, big, stout yearling bull is your next herdsire. He’s a complete package of quality and a presence your herd needs to be complete. consignor Mast Simmental | Karl Mast
Andy Mast
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Alamo H23
K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D
Mr HOC Broker RS Fortune 547F Hara’s Miss Salute 77Z
The TJSA Voucher Program is a program designed to reward the Simmental Juniors for their efforts exhibiting Simmental cattle. Juniors receive $100 per head that they exhibit at any AJSA National level show, Tn Beef Agribition, or TN 4-H Beef Expo. Juniors can use this money on sale day. Find Madison during Agribition to get what you can add to your budget!
Rocking P Private Stock H010 - sire of Lot 25
W/C Alamo H23 - sire of Lot 26
consignor Diamond D Cattle | Blake Darnell 931.231.0638 H2J2
We bought “Halo” in the Land of Lincoln sale from Jon Jordan in the fall of 2014 and haven’t been able to take our eyes off her since. She has been the foundation for our program by being our most prolific donor that never misses averaging 10 embryos per flush. This mating is not easy to part with. Halo has always been front pasture material, and now at 10 years old, she will always be our high standard for the herd. With her age, there will not be many more opportunities to purchase embryos. We have consistently sold high quality heifers and bulls, every year, with many repeat customers. If her pedigree and phenotype don’t impress you, then the docility she passes to her offspring should. They’re always the first to break and warm up to the feed pan. Mating her with TJSC Coping With Destiny 9K has been the easiest breeding decision we have made in a while. This bull simply impresses in every aspect of the word. He is the complete package that combines big feet and legs with stout power and a killer look. Also being undefeated winning Kansas City, Louisville and OKC. Buy these embryos with a goal to improve your herd and we promise that you will not be disappointed.

of Lot 27
Choice of 3 or 5 Conventional Embryos guaranteeing 1 on 3 and 2 on 5 Embryos if work is performed by a certified embryologist.
The first daughter of CMFM Time to Shine was just a fall when she won her division at every major and was Reserve at Fort Worth and Champion at Dixie National. She has done an awesome job with several high selling ($22k, $28k, and $30K) heifer calves and we know that this mating will be just as successful. consignor Circle T | Buddy Ogle 615.849.6510
Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is
Worth Stock Show. We are convinced that she will follow her dam, 703D, and granddam, 770P, raising multiple champions to many different sires. Its power in the blood. consignor B&K Farms & Ivie & Sons Simmentals | Ben Brown
Reckoning 711F- sire
HPF Quantum Leap Z952 - sire of Lot 29B
GEFF County O - sire of Lot 29C
SO Remnant 418J- sire of Lot 30A WHF Point Proven H45 - sire of Lot 30B
CCS/WHF Ol’Son 48F - sire of Lot 30C
CMFM Time To Shine 031B - dam of Lot 29
LMF Haisley H022 - dam of Lot 30
XTB She’s A Hottie K02 Embryos
Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist.
Here is another young cow with a very bright future. Her dam,125X, has raised multiple champions and is very consistent to pretty much any sire and we expect Hottie to be the same. You mate her to award winning sires and it should be lights out. Pick and choose but you can’t go wrong on either mating.
consignor B&K Farms & Ivie & Sons Simmentals | Ben Brown 931.607.9171, Chris Ivie 931.215.0316
Friday night TN Juniors will have a meeting at 5pm BEFORE the TSSA meeting which starts with a meal at 6pm followed by our guest speaker; ASA new EVP Jon Declerck.
TJSC Coping With Destiny 9K- sire of Lot 31A
SO Remnant 418J - sire of Lot 31B
XTB She’s A Hottie K02 - dam of Lot 31
AJSA & Eastern Regional shirts
The high bidder will get their farm/ranch logo on the sleeve of BOTH AJSA Eastern Regional and Junior National Shirts. We may be small but Tennessee has in years past made a name for itself with the amount of recognition we receive at these prestigious events.
The dates and locations for this years events are
AJSA Eastern Regional Harrisonburg, VA June 4-7 2025
AJSA Junior Nationals Madison, WI July 6-12 2025 consignor TJSA