Head of theClass September 23rd, 2017 I 1:00 pm TM
Sanders Ranch, LLC I Louisburg, KS
Accommodations: Holiday Inn Express
7580 W. 135th Street , Overland Park, KS 66223
11301 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS 66210
1600 Hedge Ln Ct, Paola, KS 66071
33565 Metcalf Rd, Louisburg, KS 66053
Courtyard Marriott Paola Inn & Suites
Rutlander RV Park,
Kansas City International Airport (MCI) served by most major airlines. Airport is located 60 miles from sale facility.
Sale Staff:
Jered Shipman, Auctioneer JW Brune, Midwest Marketer Tom Rooney, Midwest Marketer Shane Ryan. special assignment
806.983.7226 785.594.6650 515.491.6025 309.371.7490
Sale Consultants:
September 23 , 2017 rd
1:00 pm (CDT)
Sanders Ranch Sale Facility 4255 W. 335th St. • Louisburg, KS 66053
Sale Day Phones: 913.377.2200, Office 913.377.2208, Auction Block
“The Class of 2017” Sale Schedule Friday, September 22, 2017
12:00 Noon 6:00 pm
Viewing of cattle all afternoon Pre-Sale Social at Sanders Ranch
Saturday, September 23, 2017 8:00 am 11:00 am
Viewing of sale cattle Complementary lunch
1:00 pm
15 Annual Head of the Class Sale th
Sale Manager:
Doug & Debbie Parke • 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • office@dpsalesllc.com www.dpsalesllc.com
DP Sales Management, LLC Doug Parke Drew Hatmaker
859.421.6100 423.506.8844
Buddy Robertson
Sam Harroun Mark Howard
319.325.9389 931.510.9147
Insurance will be available sale day through Jame Secondino, American Livestock, 812.208.0956
Special Guests:
American Simmental Assoc. Trustees Barry Wesner, & John Irvine Micheal Dikeman, President of Kansas Simmental Assoc. Roger Eakins, President of Missouri Simmental Assoc.
A supplement sheet will be available sale day with updated information, catalog corrections, or any additional information. This information and any information relayed over the auction block during the sale will take precedence over printed material for the sale. Anyone attending the sale does so at their own risk. DP Sales Management, sale hosts, and/or consignors will not be held responsible for any personal injury incurred at the event. DP Sales Management is only an agent for the seller and has no responsibilities other than those conducting the sale.
Sale Registration and Payment:
All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management, LLC would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full.
Terms & Conditions:
All cattle sell under the terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association. Cattle become the responsibility of the buyer upon purchase. Terms of sale are cash or check, payable during or immediately after the sale and before cattle will be released. Payments are to be made within 15 days of the sale. Failure to make settlement in a timely manner will result in prosecution. Cattle will not be transferred until paid in full.
The EPDs reported in this catalog are the Fall 2017 numbers, as reported by the American Simmental Association.
Doug & Debbie Parke • 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844
153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • office@dpsalesllc.com www.dpsalesllc.com
Steve & Margaret Sanders, owners 816.225.2000, Steve’s cell 913.377.2200, office
One of the things that makes me excited as the fall sale season starts is knowing that soon everyone will be heading to Louisburg, Kansas. I hope that you and your family will choose to be with us this year at the 15th annual Head of the Class sale. DP Sales Management along with Steve and Margaret Sanders invite you to be with us on September 23rd. This year at the Head of the Class you will have a special opportunity to select from several from top cow families from a great group of dedicated breeders. You can choose that special donor, a bred, a ET heifer along side its recipient dam and even IVF heifer embryos or your next show heifer. As you will notice thru the catalog Bill Fulton, Bramlet Simmentals and Andrew Speas are strong in numbers and quality. Wesner Livestock and Glacier Cattle Co have some outstanding pairs and breds that will impress anyone. Sanders Ranch is a cooperator herd for Hudson Pines and we want to acknowledge and offer a huge “Thank You” for their support of the Head of the Class and more importantly the Simmental breed and the AJSA program. A special thanks to Ryan and all the HPF crew. The same rules applies as in the previous sales, sell your best and the Sanders crew will roll out the hospitality. At the 2017 sale you will find many unique packages of genetics that many will find appealing and beneficial for any program. No matter what you are looking for or what your budget might be, I know you will find something in Louisburg you can’t wait to load on your trailer. All the participants in the Head of the Class offer their gracious hospitality during the sale, and naturally stand behind their product. Steve and his crew make the Head of the Class a true five star event for everyone in attendance. It is a honor to call Sanders Ranch and the Head of the Class home for the weekend of September 23rd. Study your catalog and call for additional details on your favorites. If you can not be with us on sale day, please utilize DV Auctions or any member of the sale staff listed in the catalog. Everyone involved in the Head of the Class sale is willing to assist you in any way they can, so please do not hesitate to ask Darrin, Bill, John. Barry, Bo, Andrew or Ryan any questions. We look forward to seeing you on September 23rd for the 15th annual Head of the Class Sale. Contact Drew, Holli or myself we be glad to assist with any of your needs at the Head of the Class. Remember to mark your calendar for the 2017 event and even each year the fourth Saturday in September! If have not been to Head of the Class make this the year to attend, see you at the sale.
BF Black Simmentals
Auburn, NE 402.274.7454, Bill Fulton 573.682.7894, John McBee, manager jlmcbee210@gmail.com
Bramlet Simmentals
Harrisburg IL Bo, Ashley, John David, Cannon Bramlet Dusty, Shea & Harper Hamilton 618.841.6763, Bo Bramlet bramcattle@gmail.com
e-mail: darrin1@fairpoint.net
As always we encourage you to bring the entire family. We take pride in putting together a fun filled sale weekend so that a good time will be had by everyone in attendance. The cattle will be on display Friday afternoon, and followed by a great meal, fine music and of course the bounce houses for the kids. We look forward to seeing you in Louisburg on September 23rd 2017. I would also like to thank the following people for making this sale possible: My family, Connie, Grady and Bristol Steve Sanders Family Greg and Barb Toller Matt Russell and Scot Lanham DP Sales Management
Darrin Barbour, manager 816.898.8990, Darrin’s cell
Sleepy Hollow, NY David Rockefeller & Miranda Kaiser 815.499.0522, Ryan Haefner
Crandon, WI Jason Neilitiz Justin Holmes 765.430.6110
n behalf of myself, Steve Sanders and the entire Sanders Ranch family, I would like to invite you to the 15th annual Head of the Class production sale. The fourth Saturday in September for the last 15 years, all eyes in the Simmental Seedstock industry have shined on the Sanders Ranch sale facility. There is no doubt that what has made this sale so successful over the years is the industry leading genetics that have walked thru this sale ring, but more importantly it is the partners that put this sale together that make it a “must attend” sale! The integrity of the Head of the Class group is second to none and I challenge you to find a group of breeders in one sale that have done more for the Simmental industry than this group.
Hudson Pines Farm
Glacier Cattle Co.
Wesner Livestock Ent.
Chalmers, IN Barry, Courtney, Carly, and Bailey 219.863.4744, Barry 219.207.0325, Courtney wesnerlivestock@yahoo.com
Speas Farms, Inc.
Elkhart, IA 405.501.4747 • Andrew Speas andyspeas@yahoo.com
Double G Simmental Fults, IL Gary & Carrie Gilbert 618-791-5722
Head of the Class 2017
Bramlets Beautiful A325
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Beautiful A325 ::
Rito 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Resource 1441 S A V Blackcap May4136
SHS Navigator N2B HPF Ms Beautiful S054 SVF Sheza Classic N905 • Powerhouse Female best describes this donor cow in
73 CE 6 BW 1.9 WW 72 YW 127 MCE -4 Milk 23 MWW 59 Marb 0.11 REA 1.02 API 102
C522 daughter of A325 - reference
the making. The cap hasn’t even been cracked on this young female. I know we sound like a broken record talking about what A325’s dam S054 has done for us but it’s hard not to. She puts daughters in our hands like this one, year after year. This female is worth the drive to Louisburg this fall. At the recent Summer Stakes Elite Sale two pregnancies sold to Michah Cook and Hilltop Simmentals respectively. A325 has been worked IVF once offering 54 oocytes and producing 17 high quality embryos. To top it off she will have a coupon at side for your appraisal when you arrive. Females like her don’t come around often so jump on while you still can. • Bred AI to STCC Womack 4042, ASA#2886419 on 12/2/16
STCC Womack 4042 - reference AI sire
Head of the Class 2017
Bramlets Beautiful E703
TKCC Classified - reference sire
Bramlets Beautiful Y100 - reference dam
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Beautiful E703 ::
TJSC Optimus Prime 12W
STF Lock Out Z44L STF Onyx 451W
HTP SVF InDew Time Bramlets Beautiful Z223 HPF Ms Beautiful S054
69 CE 9 BW 1.3 WW 51 YW 73 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 45 Marb 0.1 REA 0.6 API 105
• A typical S054 descendant that is full of power but yet has the balance and structural correctness to make great ones down the road. You will not find a better-footed structurally sound female on the sale day. E703 may not be that super fancy type but I can promise you one thing, she will take you places others can’t.
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Beautiful Y100 x TKCC Classified
TKCC Classified
3 or 5 Embryos Mr TR Hammer 308A ET Ford RJ Dolly Y83
HTP SVF In Dew Time Bramlets Beautiful Y100 HPF Ms Beautiful S054
Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 2 WW 66 YW 99 MCE 7 Milk 16 MWW 49 Marb 0.13 REA 0.81 API 115
• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy or 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • One of the most popular daughters of our infamous Beautiful S054 donor. This female has continued to prove herself in the pasture and donor pen after she collected many banners in the show ring. Only because this flush was so successful are we able to part with very genetics we will be offering this time next year. If you haven’t added some Classified progeny to your operation you better get on board, they’re for real.
Head of the Class 2017
KenCo Glamorous 430W - ref. dam
BF My Fair Lady D430
BF Black Simmentals
BF My Fair Lady D430 ::
81 CE 7 BW 0.9 WW 49 YW 68 MCE 4 Milk 23 MWW 47 Marb 0.11 REA 0.88 API 101
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
SVF Steel Force S701 KenCo Glamorous 430W SAFN Shes Glamorous
• We know that the “KenCo Glamorous 430 W” donor needs no introduction, but if we may, a quick recap. A 1/2 interest sold in last years sale for $10,000, a $12,500. Son is working in the Belsham herd in Canada, a $29,000. Sold in a past Head of the Class Sale, embryos have sold very well by various sires. The two breds in last years sale have moved into donor programs. “BF My Fair Lady” falls not far from the tree. She is elegant, attractive, in all ways functional, in a word Glamorous. She is offered to you bred to “SC Pay In Cash” the homo black, homo polled full brother to “Pays to Believe” that we purchased from Shoal Creek in their 2016 Sale. We are excited about the impact this bull will have in our program and that this female will have in yours. • Bred AI to SC Pay in Cash, ASA#2988789 on 5/13/17 BF Black Simmentals
KenCo Glamorous 430W Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy
CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901
SAC Mr MT 73G SAFN Shes Glamorous SAC Miss Jet Top 29G
KenCo Glamorous 430W - reference
SVS Captain Morgan Proj EPDs
TKCC Classified Proj EPDs
TJ High Caliber 556B Proj EPDs
CE 7 :: BW 3.4 :: WW 70 :: YW 105 :: MCE 8 :: Milk 23 :: MWW 58 :: Marb -0.15 :: REA 0.97 :: API 91 CE 7 :: BW 2.5 :: WW 67 :: YW 100 :: MCE 5 :: Milk 17 :: MWW 51 :: Marb -0.1 REA 0.95 :: API 105 CE 10 :: BW 0.8 :: WW 64 :: YW 96 :: MCE 7 :: Milk 20 :: MWW 53 :: Marb 0.16 :: REA 1.00 :: API 116
• Selling three embryos guarantee one pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • What ever we work and mate 430W to it always is a hit. If you have followed this cow family over the years you can understand the predictability and consistency. Ask breeders that have been around for several years or call Randy Favorite at KenCo. All the bulls will work and produce offspring for that fit in different parts of the Simmental sector. What a line of genetics. Take three, six or nine.
SVS Captian Morgan-ref.
TKCC Classified-ref.
TJ High Caliber-ref.
Head of the Class 2017
SS Cottontail 086Z - reference KenCo Miley Cottontail - ref.
Sanders Ranch, LLC
SS Cottontail 086Z Flush :: 9/20/12 :: 2996549
:: 1 IVF Cycle Bull of Choice
CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays To Dream T759 MLF BL Jessie K336
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N KenCo Miley Cottontail JM Dice-H25-L24
CE 11 BW 0.9 WW 54 YW 82 MCE 11 Milk 13 MWW 40 Marb 0.15 REA 0.94 API 122
raised by far the biggest stoutest bull this summer. We are just now starting to see her potential and would love to share in this young prosperous Donor Cow! • WE ARE SELLING 1 IVF CYCLE TO THE BULL OF YOUR CHOICE, GUARANTEEING 6 TRANSFERABLE EGGS WITH AN OPEN TOP! Cottontail 086Z has averaged 42 oocytes per aspiration with 14 transferable eggs per IVF cycle. She is currently bred and will calve in December, the work will be done at Trans Ova Genetics in Chillocothe, MO with buyer paying the aspiration expense and providing semen on the bull of your choice. We invite you to Louisburg in late September to see for yourself just how awesome this beast of a cow is!!
• Of all the prolific and profitable daughters of the great Cottontail we have had the opportunity to raise this is the one we chose to keep to replace her mother and when you see her in person you will see why! Homo Black and Homo Polled this powerhouse
Sanders Ranch, LLC
SS Cottontail 086Z x TNGL Grand Fortune Z467 3 Heifer Embryos
SS Ebonys Grandmaster TNGL Grand Fortune Z467 AJE/HS/MBCC Hope Floats
CNS Pays To Dream T759 SS Cottontail 086Z KenCo Miley Cottontail • Selling 3 heifer embryos guaranteeing1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist.
Proj. EPDs CE 11 BW 1.2 WW 59 YW 83 MCE 9 Milk 18 MWW 47 Marb 0.09 REA 0.91 API 124
CSCS Bandwagon 513A - reference sire
Sanders Ranch, LLC
SS Cottontail 086Z x CSCX Bandwagon 513A 5 Heifer Embryos
TJSC Optimus Prime 12W CSCX Bandwagon 513A KLS Diamond W516
CNS Pays To Dream T759 SS Cottontail 086Z KenCo Miley Cottontail • Selling 5 heifer embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist.
Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 1.5 WW 56 YW 83 MCE 7 Milk 16 MWW 44 Marb 0.20 REA 0.84 API 118
Hudson Pines Farm
SS/HPF Cottontail 279D ::
80 CE 6 BW 1.8 WW 63 YW 89 MCE 3 Milk 20 MWW 52 Marb 0.18 REA 1.02 API 114
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Sandeen Upper Class 2386 Sandeen Donna 7386
Head of the Class 2017
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N KenCo Miley Cottontail JM Dice-H25-L24
SS/HPF Cottontail 279D
• This heifer has been catching peoples eyes since she was born for many obvious reasons. Her extra body and extra chrome will draw your eye and her legendary pedigree will grab your heart! We don’t have much BC Lookout semen left but we knew it was a perfect match for 279D. Vet called her safe to the AI date, and said she would calve on a Wednesday, give or take 3 days! • Bred AI to BC Lookout, ASA#2431243 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
3/4 Blood
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Lookout Cowboy ::
77 CE 12 BW 1.6 WW 69 YW 98 MCE 7 Milk 21 MWW 55 Marb 0.55 REA 0.76 API 144
Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T
BF Miss Lookout Cowboy
B C Lookout 7024 SS/DS Dandy Kane Y9S3 Dillons K217 MsKandy
• This is surely one of the top donor prospect females in the sale. Take a look at her big bold stout body and then at her strong numbers on the paper side and see what you think. Cowboy Cut worked well on Speas Dandy Kane donor. This ET female will be 2 yrs. plus when she calves to the up and coming BF Billy Joel bull in January. SS/DS Dandy Kane Y9S3 reference dam
• Bred AI to BF Billy Joel, ASA#2988789 on 4/12/17
3/4 Blood
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Elizabeth ::
CNS DREAM ON L186 WS Pilgrim H182U WS Marla 276M
B C Lookout 7024 SS/DS Dandy Kane Y9S3 Dillons K217 Ms Kandy
SFIS Elizabeth
81 CE 10 BW 2.1 WW 58 YW 79 MCE 6 Milk 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.49 REA 0.64 API 135
• Cow, Cowey, Maternal have all been words others have used to describe this female. Huge middle and very sound with no real holes with her or her pedigree. SFIS Elizabeth is one of those kinds of females that are built for longevity and to bring in a top calf year after year. Take this one home, breed her, and let her make you money.
3/4 Blood
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Emma ::
B C Lookout 7024 SS/DS Dandy Kane Y9S3 Dillons K217 Ms Kandy
• Emma is a Feb heifer with lots of style, extreme balance, and a color pattern that is unique and will stand out where ever she goes. Check out the lightning bolt on her top line! She will make a great cow in any breeding scenario and make her new owner money for years to come. Backed by a strong cow family, not to mention being sired by the great sire WLE Big Deal.
Head of the Class 2017
CE 10 BW 1.3 WW 53 YW 76 MCE 2 Milk 16 MWW 42 Marb 0.28 REA 0.68 API 113
SVF Steel Force S701 WLE Big Deal A617 Shawnee Miss 770P
Choice of Heifers
BF Miss Pure Donna E425
11 A 3/4 Blood
11 B
3/4 Blood
BF Miss Pure Donna E477
BF Black Simmentals Sandeen Donna 4232 reference dam
BF Miss Pure Donna E425 ::
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Pure Donna EA77 ::
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
Remington Lock N Load 54U Sandeen Donna 4232 Sandeen Donna 8386
CE 7 BW 0.05 WW 43 YW 68 MCE 6 Milk 24 MWW 46 Marb 0.13 REA 0.91 API 99
• Choice of heifers • Sandeen Donna 4232 kicked off her production career in last years Head of the Class Sale with embryos bringing $2,500. This year we bring you these two gorgeous February Innocent Man daughters for your critique. Put your best eye on these elegant ladies, because were are only selling one. They are images of their dam right down to the powder on the nose. Selling Choice. • BF will retain the other. Reserving the right to one flush of 6 minimum (sellers expense, buyers convenience).
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Rosie Red ::
72 CE 9 BW 1.3 WW 56 YW 77 MCE 9 Milk 21 MWW 49 Marb 0.32 REA 0.76 API 131
CNS Dream On L186 WS Pilgrim H182U WS Marla 276M
Head of the Class 2017
Remington Lock N Load 54U Sandeen Donna 4325 Sandeen Donna 8386
• Sometimes wishes do come true! After our selection of Sandeen Donna 4325, from the 2015 Sandeen Building A Brand sale, we knew had the red gene. After seeing her first natural calf she went straight to the donor pen. This March Red beauty SFIS Rosie Red is a result of that mating back to WS Profit. (Semen is not on the open market). Rosie has the pedigree, structure & killer look to make an excellent breeding piece /show heifer for any program. Rosie will be shown at the Iowa State Fair and is Kid Broke.
SFIS Rosie Red
Sandeen Donna 4235 reference dam
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Eleanor ::
WS Pilgrim H182U WAGR Panarama 204Z
Remington Lock N Load 54U Sandeen Donna 4325 Sandeen Donna 8386
76 CE 5 BW 2.7 WW 54 YW 80 MCE 6 Milk 21 MWW 48 Marb 0.15 REA 0.82 API 111
• This very elegant April PB heifer is a little greener here at picture time. Her recipient mother was a real bust. I look forward to seeing what the future potential of this true breeding piece can be, now that she is on feed! This is a Profit back to a Sandeen Donna by Remington Lock & Load. I predict if she keeps changing as much as she has changed since picture time, when you see her in Kansas you won’t believe your eyes. SFIS Eleanor
Sanders Ranch, LLC
BF Black Simmentals
Hudson Pines Farm
Wesner Livestock Ent.
Bramlet Simmentals
Glacier Cattle Co.
Speas Farms, Inc.
Double G Simmental
Head of the Class 2017
BF Miss Lady Pays E57 • Here are two big stout quality
females out of our “Grandview CMR 5289 Lady 8515” donor. She is the biggest bodied, biggest footed Angus we have ever had on the place. Cowboy Lady is a January, Lady Pays is a February, their very similar. We will let Grandview CMR 5289 Lady 8515 reference dam
BF Miss Cowboy Lady E135
you pick (selling both). Note the performance data on these half bloods.
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Lady Pays E57 ::
CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194 LLSF Urababydoll U194
S A V Masterpiece 5289 Grandview CMR 5289 Lady 8515 Grandview Womack Miss 4044
CE 8 BW 1.2 WW 61 YW 96 MCE 5 Milk 16 MWW 47 Marb 0.51 REA 0.68 API 118
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Cowboy Lady E135 ::
Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z CCR Ms 4045 Time7322T
S A V Masterpiece 5289 Grandview CMR 5289 Lady 8515 Grandview Womack Miss 4044
80 CE 12 BW 1.1 WW 73 YW 107 MCE 9 Milk 23 MWW 59 Marb 0.61 REA 0.63 API 138
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Erin ::
69 CE 6 BW 1.8 WW 49 YW 67 MCE 3 Milk 23 MWW 47 Marb 0.17 REA 0.8 API 102
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
Head of the Class 2017
SVF Steel Force S701 Long`s Foxy Lady Longs Miss Sweets
Long’s Foxy Lady reference dam
• This March PB by Innocent Man daughter is a dead ringer of her mother, Long’s Foxy Lady, who was, by the way, the high selling donor cow from the 2015 Head of The Class Sale At $14,500. SFIC Erin is also a full sister to the 2017 high selling PB bull at the Iowa Beef Expo. You take a heifer like this that is bred to be calving ease, that you can see she has the power, muscle bone & hip to raise herd bull after herd bull!
18 Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Carrie Underwood ::
70 CE 7 BW 2.5 WW 70 YW 99 MCE 3 Milk 15 MWW 50 Marb 0.07 REA 0.78 API 104
LLSF Uprising Z925
WS Revival
SS Noreen
SVF Steel Force S701 Long’s Foxy Lady Longs Miss Sweets
• Not much is yet known about the WS Revival females, but if this April baldy heifer is any indication of their look, soundness, hair and over all completeness then I’m all in. Carrie Underwood had a great disposition, making her a wonderful choice for a young show person. SFIS Carrie Underwood
19 Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Patsy Cline ::
STF Royal Affair Z44M JF Back In Black 406B Zeis PCGF Perfection
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 HPF Sheza Star X331 SVF Sheza Star S803
SFIS Patsy Cline
75 CE 7 BW 2.9 WW 64 YW 97 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 51 Marb 0.16 REA 0.92 API 115
• Her name is Patsy Cline, her donor dam is Hudson Pine/ Janssen Farms, HPF Sheza Star, that is quite a bit to live up to. This sleek fronted ultra-feminine March PB heifer might be a little greener now, but if you study her and can imagine just a little down the road, she just might be the one to hitch your wagon to. She will be shown at the Iowa State fair and will be ready to carry on that winning tradition for her new owner.
Head of the Class 2017
HPF Sheza Star X331 - reference sire
SFIS Loretta Lynn
20A SFIS Eva Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Loaded Up 1119Y Aubreys Black Blaze III
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 HPF Sheza Star X331 SVF Sheza Star S803
Speas Farms, LLC
20B SFIS Loretta Lynn Purebred
CE 8 BW 1.8 WW 69 YW 99 MCE 7 Milk 16 MWW 50 Marb 0.03 REA 1.16 API 112
• SFIS Eva is big boned with a big foot to match, great structure and power, this March Loaded Up daughter has a bright future no matter how you choose to use her. This heifer is a result of a package of embryos I purchased from Hudson Pines embryo auction, if I had known then what I know now about this mating I would have tried to buy more. Gentle disposition and show ready with a long line of proven genetics backing her.
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Loaded up 1119Y Aubreys Black Blaze III
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 HPF Sheza Star X331 SVF Sheza Star S803
77 CE 8 BW 1.8 WW 69 YW 99 MCE 7 Milk 16 MWW 50 Marb 0.03 REA 1.16 API 112
• This baldy PB April heifer, Loretta Lynn should have lots of friends come sale day. Her Power packed pedigree W/C Loaded up top side, HPF Sheza Star - bottom side, lines this heifer up to be productive for many years to come. This long fronted, huge middle, very sound to the ground heifer has a great disposition and is kid broke ready to show. The grand dam Sheza Star S803 is one the best ever bred by Sunset View and did great things for Hudson Pines and then was one the high selling ever females for Hudson Pines going to Moore Land and Cattle.
Wesner Livestock
CGW Crocus D364 ::
68 CE 16 BW -1.2 WW 57 YW 83 MCE 13 Milk 24 MWW 52 Marb 0.36 REA 0.51 API 129
S A V Final Answer 0035 SP The Answer 813 S A Eline Design 648
Head of the Class 2017
CNS Dream On L186 WLE Crocus S105 ETR Ms Black Crocus L105
CGW Crocus D364
• The Crocus cow family needs little introduction for many and this S105 decedent doesn’t disappoint. There’s always a female in every pen that does nothing but get better every day and this female has been that amongst her contemporaries. Put a rope on her, throw her in the replacement pen and breed her for a fall or forget about her and breed her for a January calf if you spring calve there’s no wrong answer with this one. Study your lesson, a maternal sib at Mid Continent and Oak Ridge just sold for $33,000 last year. These are later maturing, money making cattle.
Wesner Livestock
WLE Crocus S105 x SP The Answer 813 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy CE 14 BW -1.1 WW 56 YW 83 MCE 12 Milk 29 MWW 57 Marb 0.25 REA 0.42 API 121
S A V Final Answer 0035 SP The Answer 813 S A Eline Design 648
WLE Crocus S105 - reference dam
CNS Dream On L186 WLE Crocus S105 ETR Ms Black Crocus L105
• Offering 3 Direct Transfer embryo’s guaranteeing one pregnancy. • This cow family needs no introduction on consistent quality and return on investment. This is a solid investment in a solid cow family. SP The Answer 813 - reference sire
22 Purebred
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Crocus D638 ::
CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays to Believe ZU194 LLSF Urababydoll U194
JF Milestone 999W Bramlets Crocus B434 HPF Ms Crocus U326
Bramlets Crocus D638
81 CE 8 BW 2.3 WW 69 YW 100 MCE 8 Milk 15 MWW 49 Marb 0.23 REA 0.81 API 121
• Probably the most talked about female in our string at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes. It’s hard not to get excited about a female like D638 with her overall power and cow look but yet being so smooth in her overall make up. Here’s one that can wear a halter or go straight to a donor pen without a doubt. Backed by the Crocus cow family.
Head of the Class 2017
TKCC Classified - reference dam
RP/MP Right To Love 015U - reference dam
CAJS Blaze of Glory - reference sire
Ruby AJE Firefly Z227 - reference dam
23A Pregnancy
23 B Pregnancy
Hudson Pines Farm
RP/MP Right To Love 015U x TKCC Classified ::
Due 9/11/17
Tag 204
Hudson Pines Farm
RP/MP Right To Love 015U x TKCC Classified ::
Due 9/11/17
Tag 254 Proj EPDs
TKCC Classified
Mr TR Hammer 308A ET Force RJ Dolly Y83
SVF/NJC Built Right N48 RP/MP Right To Love 015U PCC Queens Valentine R9
CE 8 BW 1.7 WW 64 YW 94 MCE 10 Milk 20 MWW 52 Marb 0.23 REA 0.45 API 120
• 015U without a doubt is the hottest producing Simmental donor in the breed! Her calves excel in the show ring, sale ring and the pasture. There are to many show winners and sale toppers to mention but the numbers are staggering! This mating to the baldy powerhouse “Classified” should be a match made in heaven, his power and faultless structure combined with her elegance and predictability! Calves should be on the ground by sale time! It doesn’t get much better than this!
Hudson Pines Farm
Ruby AJE Firefly Z227 x CAJS Blaze of Glory ::
Tag HP13
WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Blaze of Glory CAJS Khloe 42ZA
R&R Chamberlain X744 Ruby AJE Firefly Z227 JSF Firefly W46
Proj EPDs CE 10 BW 1.2 WW 66 YW 91 MCE 7 Milk 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.14 REA 0.79 API 116
• Firefly Z227 is one of most unique Purebred Simmental Cows you’ll find anywhere. Never having plans to show her, she looked so good as a two-year old nursing her heifer calf we took her to Sweepstakes where she to the Champion Cow-Calf honors. A perfect mating here! The power and predictability of Z227 and the style and pizzazz of the Louisville Champion Blaze of Glory. Should calve by sale day!
Head of the Class 2017
HILB Ruby Butterfly B555 - reference dam
RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET - reference sire
HTP/SVF Duracell T52 - reference sire Hudson Pines Farm
HILB/Ruby Butterfly B555 x RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ::
Due 9/1/17
Tag HP16
WS A Step Up X27 RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET WLTR Lydia 39U ET
LLSF Uprising Z925 HILB/Ruby Butterfly B555 JSF Firefly W46
Proj EPDs CE 5 BW 2.9 WW 62 YW 88 MCE 5 Milk 16 MWW 47 Marb 0.1 REA 0.6 API 101
Hudson Pines Farm
HILB/Ruby Butterfly B555 x HTP/SVF Duracell T52 ::
Due 9/1/17
Tag HP24
CNS Dream On L186 HTP/SVF Duracell T52 HTP SVF Honeydew
LLSF Uprising Z925 HILB/Ruby Butterfly B555 JSF Firefly W46
Proj EPDs CE 9 BW 2.4 WW 71 YW 102 MCE 9 Milk 18 MWW 53 Marb 0.07 REA 0.83 API 110
• B555 is a young donor that is filling big shoes at Hudson Pines Farm and Pine Creek. She has proven herself to be one of the elite donors in our program because of the overwhelming acceptance of her daughters the last couple years. The mating to both Two Step and Duracell should both result in some of the finest SimGenetics you will be able to acquire this fall. Due to the untimely passing of B555 the genetics out of this breed leader will be very limited. It wasn’t our plan to sell these as pregnancies, these are the matings we calve out and become sale toppers in the fall. Take advantage of this historic opportunity! Should calve by sale day!
26 3/4 Blood
Glacier Cattle Company
WSCC Miss Trinity 5C ::
15 CE 17 BW -1.8 WW 59 YW 87 MCE 11 Milk 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.29 REA 0.83 API 142
Hooks Shear Force 38K Hooks Pearl 22-P
TJ Sharper Image 809U Whitestar Image Lady 30A White Star Wallflower 11P
• Miss Trinity 5C is a three quarter, coming three year old female, that has longevity written all over her. Not only is she built right in her skeleton, but her numbers tell you that she should be a female that stays in the herd for the long haul, but here as female that could produce the next calving ease sire for the breed. This being the first time to offer cattle in the Head of the Class Sale for Glacier Cattle Company, we wanted to bring genetics that can serve as a foundation for any herd. To help prove her potential, look at the CCR Frontier bull calf at her side. He very well could be the next herdsire for use on the replacement heifers to enter your herd. He is a square built and has a great deal of shape for a potential calving ease sire. • Bred AI to WLE Uno Mas, ASA#2532016 due 2/4/18 • Pasture Exposed to WLE GCCO Deal Me In, ASA#3088897
Head of the Class 2017
Hooks Trinity 9T
WSCC Miss Trinity 5C
26 A GCCO Front Force 5E :: 1/2/17 :: 3278954 :: Bull :: 5E :: 67 :: CCR Frontier 0053Z, ASA#2703756 • When was the last time you found a calving ease bull that was in the top 15 percent for REA and the top 25 percent for API? One could drive a lot of miles to find a bull with this combination of numbers and physical quality. Don’t overlook this young potential herdsire.
27 3/4 Blood
Glacier Cattle Company
WSCC Blackbird 44C ::
GCCO Front Force 5E - Lot 26A
Ellingston Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B
N Bar Prime Time D806 3C Crocus P4204 BLK 3C Crocus M329 BKL
CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 66 YW 101 MCE 8 Milk 18 MWW 51 Marb 0.53 REA 0.84 API 130
• WSCC Blackbird 44C is a three quarter daughter of MR NLC Upgrade U8676 out of the Crocus cow family. This coming three year old is a perfect match of power with maternal traits. Here is a power cow that is in the top 35 and 25 percent for both API and TI, respectively. Visually, she is front pasture caliber, stout made, big-footed female that is built to last the test of time. To assemble that neat front end with the stout pin and rear leg that she has is challenging to make. Young cow here with a ton of future. • Bred AI to WLE Uno Mas, ASA#2532016 due 2/4/18 • Pasture Exposed to WLE GCCO Deal Me In, ASA#3088897
27 A GCCO Black Crocus 44E :: 1/18/17 :: 3278955 :: Heifer :: 44E :: 78 :: SFG Santa FE C558, ASA#3065773 • GCCO Black Crocus 44E is a fancy purebred heifer calf that is a curve bender for numbers. This resultant mating is more than acceptable CE with a ton of growth and performance. Her API and TI exceed the top ten percent and her build is certainly appealing. Awesome numbered and good built heifer calf with a great deal of opportunity.
WSCC Blackbird 44C
Head of the Class 2017
WLE Briley E370
SS Briley
28 SimAngus
• If you’re looking for a young cow to work with – Check out this pair! Look out x Ebony’s Mavis needs no introduction to Simmental circles for portraying quality and value. Her stunning looks, phenotypic excellence, and solid numerical values will carry her far into the future and make her a wise investment for anyone. Make sure you check out her excellent Revolution heifer that is very suitable to wear a halter and write her own production story.
Wesner Livestock
SS Briley ::
O C C Legend 616L B C Lookout 7024 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37
TNT BDV All Beef 39K Ebonys Black Rose NJC Ebony Antoinette
88 CE 11 BW 1.5 WW 62 YW 91 MCE 5 Milk 23 MWW 54 Marb 0.49 REA 0.59 API 128
• Bred AI to CMFM Caught Lookin D929, ASA#3235224 on 6/7/17 Safe in calf.
28 A
WLE Briley E370
:: ::
5/19/17 ::
WLE/LWSC Revolution A409
29 SimAngus
Glacier Cattle Company
White Star Blk Glow 74C ::
CCR 3201 Time 3073X CCR/WSCC 3073X A61 White Star Glitter 56W
Summitcrest Imperial 0M17 KCS PIO Lass 5195 LeachmanPio Lass 7007
White Star Blk Glow 74C
69 CE 10 BW 0.5 WW 64 YW 89 MCE 8 Milk 20 MWW 52 Marb 0.42 REA 0.44 API 128
• Another good young cow that is good built, half-blood with a balanced set of numbers that are on the right side of breed average for API and TI. The maternal side of this female goes back to the Leachman Right Time Angus bull that has a proven record of cattle that keep you in the business. This is a coming three-year old cow that truly covers the basics. • Bred AI to WLE Uno Mas, ASA#2532016 due 2/4/18 • Pasture Exposed to WLE GCCO Deal Me In, ASA#3088897 due 2/4/18
GCCO Black Glow 74E
29 A GCCO Black Glow 74E :: 1/23/17 :: 3278956 :: Heifer :: 74E :: 80 :: S D S Graduate 006X, ASA#2548143 • A SDS Graduate 006X heifer calf with a great genetic profile that is above breed average in nearly every column. This heifer calf in basic in her build and genetically a power house.
C Bar Queen 113Y
Head of the Class 2017
WLE King E113 - Lot 30A
W/C Fully Loaded - ref.
TL Ledger - ref. W/C Miss Werning 5016C - reference
Wesner Livestock
C Bar Queen 113Y ::
J&J Queen 585
BR Midland J&J Queenie 9206
• Here is a pair of cattle that deserve the most discriminating appraisal. Queen was the Grand Champion female over all breeds at the Hoosier Beef Congress sale show as a heifer calf and has held up her end with her production. Every year her calves have been highly marketable regardless of their gender. The picture tells the story of her phenotypic quality and the young stud at her side is just another example of her production capabilities. I would recommend this cow to anybody in any production scenario and truly believe she is a good candidate for embryo transplant. We know that there are many goods cows selling this fall so we decided to offer one that is extra special for your consideration. ENJOY • Bred AI to WLE Big Deal, ASA#2743620 on 4/15/17 • Pasture Exposed to
30 A ::
WLE King E113 :: 2/10/17 :: 3280565 :: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET ASA#2759745
W/C Miss Werning 5016C
3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy CE 8 BW 2.5 WW 66 YW 108 MCE 5 Milk 22 MWW 54 Marb 0.27 REA 0.59 API 110
CNS Dream On L186 SVF Star Power S802 SVF Sheza Star N902
BF Black Simmentals
Yardley High Regard W242 W/C No Remorse 763Y DW Susanna 763T
WAGR Dream Catcher 03R Miss Werning 174Y Miss Werning 534R
31 A
W/C Fully Loaded 90 Proj EPDs
TL Ledger Proj EPDs
CE 9 :: BW -0.1 :: WW 48 :: YW 64 :: MCE 8 :: Milk 25 :: MWW 49 :: Marb 0.04 :: REA 1.00 :: API 107 CE 5 :: BW 2.3 :: WW 52 :: YW 73 :: MCE 6 :: Milk 22 :: MWW 48 :: Marb 0.12 REA 0.64 :: API 105
• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • Bill Fulton and Bill Sloup are very excited about their partnership on this female. The one the Wernings referred to as the jaw-dropping full sister to “WC BF Innocent Man”, and one of the most intriguing structural gems we have ever produced! With a stout attractive Executive Order bull calf at side, pregnancies for 2018, and embryos in the tank. The partnership has decided to offer a tremendous opportunity in the Head of the Class sale. Do your homework on these two new sires. Fully Loaded is the Husker group red full brother to the $205,000 1/2 interest Werning “Bank Roll” bull. “T.L. Ledger” is the Profit son out of the dam of Bottomline, being promoted by the Hartman Group. Make your Choice! Be on the front end of this promising venture in new genetics.
Head of the Class 2017
Miss BF Basic Look 457W - reference dam
HTP/Bram Ms 457 D654
Full sib to D654 & C504
HTP/Bram Ms 457 C504 - reference dam
HTP/Bramlet Simmentals
HTP/Bram Ms 457 D654 ::
SVF Steel Force S701
FBF1 Combustible Lazy H Burn Baby Burn R34 Duff Basic Instinct 6501 Miss BF Basic Look 457W Duff 013 Ms Look 457
70 CE 12 BW 0.7 WW 56 YW 90 MCE 4 Milk 16 MWW 44 Marb 0.28 REA 0.76 API 121
• Another tremendous daughter of the 457W cow that we purchased a flush on a few years ago. This is a last embryo we had out of this highly profitable mating by the Griswold herdsire, Combustible. These siblings have simply a flawless phenotype every time. D654’s full sister that sold in this very ring and selected by the Gilbert family was just named Champion Cow/Calf pair at the Illinois State Fair. A full brother was Champion bull the KY Beef expo and went to Edwards and Viner. That bull was just slapped Reserve Champion Bull at the Illinois State Fair. And yet another full brother was high selling bull at last year’s Head of the Class Sale. This mating has been a no miss. As we’ve watched these siblings mature they only get more impressive each day of their lives. We don’t know what the future holds for this lady but I’m sure it’s going to be awfully bright.
Double G Simmental
HTP/Bram Ms 457 C504 x TNGL Grand Fortune 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy
SS Ebonys Grandmaster TNGLE Grand Fortune Z467 AJE/HS/MBCC Hope Floats
FBF1 Combustible HTP/Bram Ms 457 C504 Miss BF Masic Look 457W
CE 11 BW 1.05 WW 60 YW 86 MCE 5 Milk 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.08 REA 0.88 API 115
• Offering 3 conventional embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work if performed by a certified embryologist. • A couple years ago we were in search of a powerful SimAngus female to lead our show string. We fell in love with this stunning Combustible female right here at the Head of the Class Sale. Little did we know how successful C504 show career was going to be. Right out of the gate C504 started collecting banners at shows like Dixie National, ISU Hoof n Horn and the Ozark Empire Roundup to name a few. Last fall C504 claimed Reserve Supreme Champion honors at the DuQuoin State Fair and just a few weeks ago she and her calf were named Champion Cow Calf Pair at the Illinois State Fair. We are just getting started on this great young donor and have flushed her once very successfully. C504’s phenotype and pedigree speaks for itself and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this outstanding female.
Head of the Class 2017
CGW Rain Dancer D18
Wesner Livestock
CGW Rain Dancer D18
72 CE 16 BW -1.9 WW 62 YW 96 MCE 11 Milk 21 MWW 52 Marb 0.64 REA 0.65 API 134
WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Blaze of Glory CAJS Khloe 42ZA
A A R Ten X 7008 S A Monomy Evergreen B18 Monomy EevergreenZ07
3/4 Blood
• Study a halfblood female here that brings a whole lot of extras to the table. Extra muscle, extra bone, extra look and extra digits on paper just to name a few. Superior phenotype was the priority when I mated this female’s dam and it doesn’t always happen that a pure phenotypic mating decision has what it takes on paper – this time I got both. This heifer is way off center in her build, in all the right ways to make someone look very smart. D18 fits and works, no matter the goal. Halterbroke with reason.
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Innocent Joy ::
W/C BF Innocent Man BF Mr Innocent Dreamer Miss CCF Sheza Dreamer
BF SF Joy 189B
BF Steel Force Joy 235X 189
74 CE 9 BW 0.7 WW 49 YW 70 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 44 Marb 0.14 REA 0.78 API 101
• You could mistake “Innocent Joy” for one of our young cows out in the pasture. Full bodied is an understatement. Still moderate and attractive profiled, she is truly unique. One of two daughters out of our “Mr. Innocent Dreamer” sire, our alternate pen bull in the 2016 Denver show.
BF Miss Innocent Joy
Head of the Class 2017
BF Miss Dreamer E446
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Dreamer E446
• The dam of this heifer is a commercial female (non-registered)
Brilliance x PB Simmental that was the high selling bred heifer on
W/C BF Innocent Man BF Mr Innocent Dreamer Miss CCF Sheza Dreamer
Tim Burke’s Reduction Sale 2014. We bred her to our “BF Mr.
CE 10 BW 0.6 WW 55 YW 74 MCE 7 Milk 21 MWW 48 Marb 0.11 REA 0.49 API 108
Innocent Dreamer” to get this outstanding show heifer prospect. She really is one of my favorites. No doubt she is moderate in her frame, but has a lot of good in her. Take a chance on this one.
3/4 Blood
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Judge Collins ::
BF The Judge
Mr TR Hammer 308A ET Long’s Foxy Lady
Meyer Ranch 734 Collins Meyer 7167 Stoneybroke Barb H297
BF Miss Judge Collins Collins Meyer 7167reference dam
84 CE 2 BW 3 WW 64 YW 92 MCE 3 Milk 18 MWW 50 Marb 0.18 REA 0.62 API 90
• We think this is the first heifer calf to sell out of “The Judge” our lead pen bull in the 2016 Denver show, owned with Sloup, Hilltop, Ruth and Longs Simmentals. Her dam, the Collins Meyer 7167 donor, produced a high selling open and bred in past Head of the Class sales. A very good black blaze ET female.
Head of the Class 2017
Bramlets Sensation E708
Bramlet Simmentals
THF3 Emma E727
Bramlets Sensation E708 ::
S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Pioneer 7301 S A V Blackbird 5297
JF Milestone 999W HPF Sensation 202C CLO Sweet Sensation 704R
• Solid is what best describes this percentage female. E708 has quite the list of greats to back her up. The
CE 10 BW 1.8 WW 70 YW 112 MCE 6 Milk 20 MWW 55 Marb 0.29 REA 0.92 API 120
cow making Genex sire Pioneer and her Red Baldy dam which is a Too Red out of the War Diva Cow. Yeah, I know that’s something you don’t hear every day. Here is on that will keep you in the business for years.
39 3/4 Blood
Bramlet Simmentals
THF3 Emma E727 ::
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 BPS Structure 308A PRS Independence W343
Chanel C105
CNS Pays To Dream T759 Masterfare Tiffany 4082
75 CE 10 BW 1.3 WW 61 YW 100 MCE 9 Milk 16 MWW 47 Marb 0.43 REA 0.95 API 111
• Here is a female we acquired from our good friends the Hale’s. E727 came on the side of her dam as a week old baby and has matured into quite the little lady. Sired by Badger Creek’s herd sire Structure and backed by the Tiffany Cow on the bottom side, Emma will have a very bright future.
40 Purebred
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Innocent Noreen ::
:: CE 7 BW 0.2 WW 42 YW 55 MCE 6 Milk 21 MWW 42 Marb 0.09 REA 0.69 API 106
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
Head of the Class 2017
SS Noreen
BF Miss Innocent Noreen
HC Power Drive 88H Zeis Miss Jesse G177
• This black blaze faced purebred show heifer prospect is the result of an embryo purchased from Jerry Walsh. She is out of the dam of “WS Revival” and W/C BF Innocent Man. I think you will agree we hit the jack pot! When you lay eyes on this one, your mind will be racing between show heifer, donor and dollar signs. Retaining 1 flush, 6 minimum at sellers expense, buyers convenience.
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Loaded Up E256 ::
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Loaded Up 1119Y Aubreys Black Blaze III
BF Miss Loaded Up E256
• I wish we had more Loaded Up females. If we did, I think this one would be right in the top of them. Lots to work with here in the show side or as a top performance good producing cow. Pretty balanced on the paper side too. Enjoy your purchase here.
42 3/4 Blood
BF Black Simmental
BF Miss Cherry Bomb E87 ::
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
Mr HOC Broker LHT Ms Cherry Bomb 37C LHT Ms Cherie 09X
BF Miss Cherry Bomb E87
CE 11 BW -0.9 WW 57 YW 77 MCE 7 Milk 18 MWW 46 Marb 0.15 REA 0.64 API 115
69 CE 6 BW 1 WW 45 YW 58 MCE 6 Milk 24 MWW 46 Marb 0.12 REA 0.72 API 89
• We purchased the high selling open heifer out of the Platinum Standard Sale from Trauernicht Simmentals in 2015 and flushed her one time prior to breeding. This beautiful daughter is like her. Deep ribbed soft made, totally sound on the move. Innocent Man maintained her good looks and even added some to her front end. You will like her!
43 Purebred
HTP Simmentals & Bramlet Simmentals
HTP/Bram Lady Grace E704 ::
R&R Chamberlain X744 JF Lady 865U
• Here is a highly attractive daughter out of our top Chamberlain X 865U female. Last year Dillion Simmentals selected a maternal sister to E704 for $5,000. This year’s model could be even fancier. Good cow families breed true and that’s why we have always been a fan of the 865U cow. If you are looking for a competitive purebred take a look here.
44 Purebred
WLE Shez It E056 ::
79 CE 8 BW 2.9 WW 63 YW 96 MCE 6 Milk 17 MWW 49 Marb 0.07 REA 0.74 API 108
Mr TR Hammer 308A ET
Ford RJ Dolly Y83
SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Circle T Shez It W056 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
• Here is a royally bred eye popping cow prospect that puts herself in a class of her own for serious Simmental enthusiasts. She is a maternal sib to Brecken Shipman’s 6th overall female at the 2016 National heifer show and carries one of the more pre-potent cow families of recent times in her pedigree. Take time to study the mass, muscle, and balance of this one as she still provides that look of a lady. We are very proud to offer this special female for your appraisal.
JF Lady 865U - reference granddam
Wesner Livestock
TKCC Classified
HTP/Bram Lady Grace E704
WLE She It E056 Brecken Shipman’s heifer – WLE Shez It C056
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Glory Tango 120E ::
WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Blaze Of Glory CAJS Khloe 42ZA
LLSF Tango T194
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N JBS Rockin Robin R194
69 CE 13 BW -0.7 WW 59 YW 78 MCE 6 Milk 22 MWW 52 Marb 0.23 REA 0.6 API 123
• Blaze of Glory certainly put a glorious blaze face on this ET daughter out of our Tango donor. This Trademark x Rockin Robin female has produced some great ones (noteably) “BF Crysteel Tango” donor for Vogler and Kersten in NE. This Blaze of Glory heifer has all the right parts to do well in the show ring and beyond. Buy with confidence.
BF Miss Glory Tango 120E LLSF Tango T194reference dam
Head of the Class 2017
SS Ebonys Grandmaster TNGL Grand Fortune Z467 AJE/HS/MBCC Hope Floats
JF Lady 4232B
23 CE 8 BW 2.8 WW 71 YW 96 MCE 5 Milk 19 MWW 55 Marb 0.14 REA 0.84 API 124
Head of the Class 2017
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Im Vista Lady ::
81 CE 9 BW 1 WW 47 YW 61 MCE 4 Milk 23 MWW 46 Marb 0.13 REA 0.82 API 107
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Miss CCF Vista Lady GCF Miss Elsa
BF Miss Im Vista Lady
• This young pure bred Innocent Man daughter gets a lot of top blood line on the dam side. John McBee is real high on this one. Definitely a top end show heifer prospect. Tremendous eye appeal and substance to go with. We have a full sib to this one from 2015. Future donor plans!
47A Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Ella ::
• This February Innocent Man daughter is an absolute power house she has great rib shape and structure from the ground up. Big top and hip, she is a purebred breeding piece with cow power written all over her. A lot of earning potential with EPDs AND API that are very impressive.
47B Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Erica ::
• SFIS Erica maybe a little more moderate in her size, but excels in body mass, angularity, and hair coat that is awesome. This late March Innocent Man heifer should be fun to show at jackpot shows early, get her bred and bring her back to the purebred shows next summer.
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
SFIS Erica
OMF Jackie Z4
Welshs Dew It Right 067T OMF Avery W56
CE 9 BW 0.8 WW 56 YW 73 MCE 8 Milk 23 MWW 51 Marb 0.2 REA 0.8 API 124
48 Purebred
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Elena ::
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Bullseye 3046A Miss Werning KP 8543U
WLE BS Benchmark Lazy H Burn Baby Burn R34 Triple C Turn It Up N34L
• A maternal half-sister to Combustible is a result of an embryo that we purchased. Sired by W/C Bullseye out of the great donor cow Lazy H Burn Baby Burn. Here at picture time we could not be more pleased. This PB full baldy heifer appears to have lots of potential as she continues to grow and mature. Look for her to impress judges with her beautiful front one third and over all completeness, great numbers and show presence.
49 5/8 Blood
Hudson Pines Farm
SFIS Elena Lazy H Burn Baby Burn R34 - reference dam
HPF/JF Victoria 287D ::
W/C United 956Y
72 CE 7 BW 1.5 WW 76 YW 114 MCE 5 Milk 14 MWW 52 Marb 0.36 REA 0.82 API 116
TNT Tuition U238 Miss Werning 956W
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N CLCC Victoria W02 Myers Queen Sazerac P94
• This one stayed in Kansas just for this reason, to be a highlight type bred in this sale and she has never disappointed! These United females are proving to some of the very best and add the fact of her Sazerac influence on the bottom side and its no wonder why she turned out so good! Sells bred to the wonderful blaze faced, Pays to Believe son, HPF Believe It, and should calve in March. Watch for HPF Believe It to sell this Nov. 1, he is one impressive dude!
• Bred AI to SS Goldmine L42, ASA#2106737 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
3/4 Blood
HPF/JF Victoria 287D CLCC Victoria W02 reference dam
Hudson Pines Farm
HPF/Borne Delightful 298D ::
SVF Steel Force S701 FBFS Wheel Man 649W SVF Star Struck S199
B C Lookout 7024 HPF Miss Delightful X339 Triple Delightful P17L
86 CE 8 BW 2.9 WW 58 YW 87 MCE 5 Milk 12 MWW 41 Marb 0.21 REA 0.66 API 113
• 298D’s mother is one of the most impressive BC Lookout halfblood cows ever! If the term “ground sow” was in the dictionary, a picture of X339 would have to go next to it! The Wheelman on the top side of her pedigree added some extra style and extension and believe this bred is ready to go prove herself in the pasture. She was called safe to the AI date! We used CNS Payload last year on heifers and had great results, came easy and very stylish! • Bred AI to CNS HFS Payload, ASA#2747228 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
HPF Miss Delightful X339 - reference dam
Head of the Class 2017
CE 12 BW 0.5 WW 55 YW 90 MCE 9 Milk 26 MWW 53 Marb 0.03 REA 1.04 API 113
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Cream Soda D625 ::
73 CE 12 BW 1.1 WW 68 YW 113 MCE 8 Milk 22 MWW 56 Marb 0.15 REA 0.68 API 109
S A V 004 Traveler 4836 BAD Romance 913 Champion Hill PEG 7350
Head of the Class 2017
SHS Navigator N2B HPF Cream Soda B316 IC Cream Soda R56
Bramlets Cream Soda D625
• Straight out of the heart of our replacement pen. I never in my wildest dreams thought we would let this female walk out of our pasture. We wanted to bring our best and this girl is just that. If you were ever fortunate enough to lay eyes on to her grand dam Cream Soda you would understand why we hate to see her go. D625 is a huge barreled, super fluid, and has that look we all desire to put us on the map. • Bred AI to STCC Womack, ASA#2886419 on 3/15/17
IC Cream Soda R56 reference granddam
3/4 Blood
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss Steel Force DY1 ::
CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901
Meyer Ranch 734 Collins Meyer 7167 Stoneybroke BarbH297
BF Miss Steel Force DY1 Collins Meyer 7167reference dam
69 CE 4 BW 1.7 WW 53 YW 73 MCE 2 Milk 13 MWW 39 Marb 0.17 REA 0.6 API 87
• Who could not use another Steel Force female in their herd? Here is one out of the Collins Meer 7167 donor that sold a $16,000 open and a $8,000 bred thru this sale years past. This one is an ET full sib to the “BF Unshackled” bull that one of our NE co-op herds runs. He has produced some good. ones, Steel Force DY1 is bred up early to Innocent Man. • Bred AI to W/C BF Innocent Man, ASA#2785174 on 3/31/17
Head of the Class 2017
HPF/Bram Valentine 303E
HPF Valentine Z322 - reference dam
HPF/Bram Valentine 408E
53A 3/4 Blood
Hudson Pines Farm & Bramlet Simmentals
HPF/Bram Valentine 303E ::
WS Pilgrim H182U WW3 Countess 169Y
JF Milestone 999W HPF Valentine Z322 PCC Queens Valentine R9
3/4 Blood
CE 7 BW 3.0 WW 64 YW 90 MCE 8 Milk 18 MWW 50 Marb 0.16 REA 0.59 API 102
Mr CCF 20-20
Hudson Pines Farm & Bramlet Simmentals
HPF/Bram Valentine 408E ::
Mr CCF Vision HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
JF Milestone 999W HPF Valentine Z322 PCC Queens Valentine R9
80 CE 9 BW 2.5 WW 71 YW 103 MCE 9 Milk 18 MWW 53 Marb 0.08 REA 0.76 API 110
• 303E & 408E – Her is a duo of sisters that will get your heart racing to see their Dam Z322 later this fall at the Forever Legacy Sale. Moderate, easy fleshing, crisp in her lines, and has the coolest rear leg you can put on one. 303E will be a number we will NOT forget. Her sister sired by 20-20 is one not to look passed either. You have to appreciate her overall length of spine and the extension of her front 1/3 that the Valentine family possesses. It will take some studying which sister will be jumping into your trailer on September 23rd. So sharpen your pencils!!
54 Purebred
Hudson Pines Farm
Besh Ms Sunshine D904 ::
64 CE 9 BW 1.8 WW 67 YW 95 MCE 7 Milk 22 MWW 55 Marb 0.13 REA 0.81 API 118
Heads Up 20X ET LLSF Uprising Z925 LLSF Untouchable U925
Head of the Class 2017
CNS Dream On L186 SOSF Ebonys Black Silk SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123
Besh Ms Sunshine D904
• What a pedigree, Uprising x Dream On x Ebony’s Joy L-123, no wonder why we selected her from our good friend and valued customer Beshears Simmentals. We thought this one was going to around here for awhile, but now you have the opportunity to add these breed leading genetics. D904 is bred to the HPF herdsire, HPF Believe It, that will be one of the popular lots this fall in the dispersion! He is a Pays to Believe x Sazerac baldy that looks amazing! This bred heifer is the money making kind! • Bred AI to CNS HFS Payload, ASA#2747228 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
Bramlet Simmentals
Bramlets Natoma D619 ::
80 CE 5 BW 3 WW 63 YW 96 MCE 9 Milk 20 MWW 52 Marb 0.05 REA 0.74 API 99
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
Extra X2
SVF/NJC Amazon Bramlets Natoma B405 Bramlets Natoma Y165
Bramlets Natoma D619
• Females like D619 is what keep the cattle business on the go. Predictability, powerful, youthful in her overall design is why you have to appreciate this female. She traces back to a powerhouse female that our friend Dean Wittrig purchased last year from this very sale.
• Bred AI to CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z, ASA#2703910 on 5/10/17 • Pasture Exposed to Bramlets Firehouse D600, ASA#3125550 from 6/1/17 to 7/1/17
56 Purebred
Hudson Pines Farm
HPF Madison 435D ::
CNS Dream On L186 WLE Uno Mas X549 Shawnee Miss 770P
RB HPF-GF Expostion RB16Z Miss Madison 435B JF Madison 2319Z Miss Madison 435D- reference dam
• Sired by the great Uno Mas and a high performing Expo daughter this solid black bred heifer comes to you safe in calf to HPF Believe It, approximate calving date is mid march!
CE 12 BW 1.6 WW 64 YW 82 MCE 10 Milk 17 MWW 49 Marb 0.32 REA 0.7 API 131
• Bred AI to SS Goldmine L42, ASA#2106737 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
BF Black Simmentals
BF Miss ASU D20 ::
BRU20 • Add this moderate, easy fleshing, good natured half blood “A Step Up” daughter to your herd and watch her get the job done. She is bred to the “BF Billy Joel” bull, our Innocent Man x 430W son. Expect a quality 3/4 blood in early January. • Bred AI to BF Billy Joel, ASA#2988789 on 4/6/17
58 Purebred
BF Miss ASU D20 Hudson Pines Farm
HPF Alley Kat 202D ::
69 CE 8 BW 0.9 WW 68 YW 94 MCE 11 Milk 16 MWW 50 Marb 0.09 REA 0.84 API 122
S D S Graduate 006X CCR Santa Fe 9349Z CCR Ms Apple 9332W
JF Milestone 999W WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y WHF Sierra 245S
• You could right a book on the accomplishments of the great 247Y donor, not just her show ring success but more importantly what she has produced as one of the breeds premier donors! This Santa Fe daughter will add a genetically superior cow family to your herd and being safe in calf to Goldmine won’t hurt either! She’s the kind that will only continue to get better with maturity! • Bred AI to SS Goldmine L42, ASA#2106737 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17
59 5/8 Blood
Speas Farms,Inc.
LMS Miss Katey ::
FITZ Escalade Lamar’s 016
WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y - reference dam
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 FITZ POL Fantasia S601 Swensons Freighttrain 508 LMS MissU12L
74 CE 11 BW 0.6 WW 68 YW 113 MCE 7 Milk 23 MWW 57 Marb 0.33 REA 0.73 API 124
• Here is an impressive PB Fitz Escalade bred heifer that has no holes to her pedigree, or her phenotype! No matter how you study her, she is sound as a cat and soft to the ground. Couple that with a great EPD package and an outstanding disposition, and you have a front pasture candidate. She is due February 6th to one of the most talked about bulls to sell at auction in 2017, CDI Innovator. He was the high selling bull at the C Daimond Simmental sale in ND, final bid $25,000 to JS Simmental & Wayward Farms. No bull exposure!! • Bred AI to CDI Innovator, ASA#3152448 on 4/29/17
LMS Miss Katey D07L CDI Innovator - reference AI sire
Head of the Class 2017
SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 WS Ms MachoU38
29 CE 6 BW 0.1 WW 51 YW 74 MCE 2 Milk 12 MWW 38 Marb 0.21 REA 0.84 API 99
Speas Farms, LLC
60A SFIS Katy Perry SimAngus
Head of the Class 2017
• Bred AI to SC Pay The Price, ASA#2988788 on 5/17/17
60B SFIS Adele SimAngus
SFIS Katy Perry
Speas Farms, LLC
• Bred AI to CDI Innovator, ASA#3152448 on 4/30/17
PVF Insight 0129
CE 13 BW 0.4 WW 67 YW 115 MCE 10 Milk 31 MWW 64 Marb 0.39 REA 1.1 API 141
S A V Brilliance 8077 PVF Missie 790
CNS Dream On L186 SVF/HS Expecting A Dream SVF/NJC Expectation N206 SVF/HS Expecting A Dream reference dam
SC Pay The Price - reference AI sire
• D10 and D11 – These two homozygous black homozygous polled PVF Insight bred heifers have been farm favorites from the beginning. Their dam is the mother to the $200,000 MKTR Hammer bull. They are full sisters to 2016 Head of The Class sale, high selling fall heifer SFIS June Carter commanding $14,500. They are powerfully made, big middle, huge footed sisters that are structurally correct and super sound. D10 is bred up for a February 22nd calf by the 2017 National Western champion SC Pay the Price & D11 is due February 6th to one of the most talked about bulls that sold at auction in 2017, CDI Innovator. He was the high selling bull at the C Diamond Simmental Sale in ND Final bid $25,000 to JS Simmental & Wayward Farms. No Bull Exposure!!
61 Purebred
SFIS Adele
Hudson Pines Farm
HPF Cream Soda 231D ::
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Bullseye 3046A Miss Werning KP 8543U
CNS Dream On L186 IC Cream Soda R56 SS Jezabelle N120
81 CE 12 BW 0 WW 56 YW 81 MCE 9 Milk 24 MWW 52 Marb 0.1 REA 1.03 API 128
• The Cream Soda progeny have always been some of the most popular cattle to wear the HPF prefix, and this geek necked baldy follows suit! What’s just as impressive is to see is the powerful bull mates to this genetic gem, as they are as good and consistent of a flush as you will ever see. Adding a Cream Soda to your herd is never a bad idea, add the fact she is Bullseye daughter to boot and you have something very special. 231D was called safe to the AI date and her Pays to Dream baby will something to look forward to this spring!
• Bred AI to CNS Pays to Dream T759, ASA#2419373 on 4/27/17 • Pasture Exposed to HPF Believe It 331C, ASA#2969093 from 5/1/17 to 7/4/17 HPF Cream Soda 231D
Head of the Class 2017
HTP/Bram Graciebabe D606
62 Purebred
HTP Simmentals & Bramlet Simmentals
HTP/Bram Graciebabe D606 ::
CE 11 BW 2.6 WW 58 YW 83 MCE 7 Milk 13 MWW 41 Marb 0.07 REA 0.46 API 111
CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
STF Montana Black KF25 Rew/SS Gracie Babe T914 TMPF Amazing Grace
63 Purebred
Rew/SS Gracie Babe T914 - reference dam
• It’s always hard to part with a baldy and especially a Built Right. We selected this mating with it intentions of producing a product exactly like D606. We sold two maternal sisters in our spring online sale and they were selected by Mason Karisch and Chase Cole Livestock. Happy 6 Simmentals has another beautiful maternal sister that has collected a lot of banner recently. Not to forget D606’s full sister that helped put Circle M in the winners circle countless times. We feel this one has a lot of future and will be a mainstay for years to come. She is AId to the standout United son, Executive Order. • Bred AI to W/C Executive Order 8543B, ASA#2900283 on 4/25/17
Hudson Pines Farm & Bramlet Simmentals
HPF/Bram Valentine 357D ::
MCM Top Grade 018X Hook’s Broadway 11B Hook’s Water Lily 89W
JF Milestone 999W HPF Valentine Z322 PCC Queens Valentine R9 • Talk about one that will win the efficiency award for years to come. Seems to be a continuing factor when we talk about Broadway females. Backed by the Valentine family that has had played a huge role in our breed throughout the years. • Bred AI to Extra X2, ASA#2589286 on 5/10/17
CE 3 BW 2.8 WW 66 YW 97 MCE 9 Milk 22 MWW 55 Marb 0.21 REA 0.94 API 110
HPF/Bram Valentine 357D
HPF Valentine Z322 reference dam
64 Purebred
Head of the Class 2017
Speas Farms, LLC
SFIS Rihanna ::
68 CE 9 BW 0.8 WW 56 YW 73 MCE 8 Milk 23 MWW 51 Marb 0.2 REA 0.8 API 124
W/C No Remorse 763Y W/C BF Innocent Man Miss Werning 174Y
OMF Jackie Z4
Welshs Dew It Right 067T OMF Avery W56
• If you’re looking for a more moderately framed female, this Innocent Man daughter back to a Welch Dew it Right Dam might be just up your alley. Study her now, and then just imagine her as a 5-year-old. Due to calve February 7th to one of the most talked about bulls to sell at auction in 2017, CDI Innovator. He was the high selling bull at the C Diamond Simmental sale in ND, final bid $25,000 to JS Simmental & Wayward Farms. No bull exposure SFIS Rihanna
• Bred AI to CDI Innovator, ASA#3152448 on 4/30/17
Glacier Cattle Company
GCCO Glacier Miss D216 ::
78 CE 13 BW -1 WW 63 YW 95 MCE 6 Milk 21 MWW 52 Marb 0.42 REA 0.76 API 133
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 WLE/LWSC Revolution A409 Shawnee Miss 770P
GCCO Glacier Miss D216
Rito 6I6 Of 4B20 6807 T334
• GCCO Glacier Miss D216 is a half-blood bred daughter by WLE/LWS Revolution A409. We are excited about our Revolution females and can’t wait to have them in production. Even more exciting is that Circle M had enough confidence in Revolution to use him on donors and several other cows. This one is special. She is a true functional power female that is AI bred to WLE Rekindle and due March 19, 2018. Rekindle is a proven calving ease son of Hammer out of an Uno Mas daughter. This Revolution daughter is out of a good Rito 6I6 daughter that is big bodied and good structured. As an added bonus, study this ones numbers. She has a truly nice genetic profile with an acceptable CE and production traits. Her API and TI are in the upper third of the breed. Be sure and take a look at this one. • Bred AI to WLE Rekindle, ASA#2991765 due 3/19/18
66 SimAngus
Glacier Cattle Company
GCCO Glacier Miss D219 ::
CNS Dream On L186 WLE Uno Mas X549 Shawnee Miss 770P
GCCO Glacier Miss D219
81 CE 13 BW 0.1 WW 59 YW 76 MCE 7 Milk 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.5 REA 0.39 API 126
• GCCO Glacier Miss D219 is an Uno Mas, half-blood daughter that is ultra-feminine and reads right in her skeletal angles. She is AI bred to WLE Rekindle and due March 19, 2018. Rekindle is a proven calving ease son of Hammer out of an Uno Mas daughter. The resultant calf will be lined up with the 770P cow family, one of the great cows in the breed. • Bred AI to WLE Rekindle, ASA#2991765 due 3/19/18
67 SimAngus
Glacier Cattle Company
GCCO Glacier Miss D209 ::
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 WLE/LWSC Revolution A409 Shawnee Miss 770P
• GCCO Glacier Miss D209 is a half-blood daughter by WLE/ LWS Revolution A409. This female is long fronted and good skeleton. Nice balanced, high quality heifer that has plenty of mass. This heifer is AI bred to the exciting new calving ease purebred herdsire GSC GCCO Dew North 102C and is due to calve March 19, 2018. GSC GCCO Dew North 102C is a Duracell son out of the Welsh Scarlet, Dew It Right daughter. This is definitely and breeding match up that you will look forward to hitting the ground.
GCCO Glacier Miss D209
• Bred AI to GSC GCCO Dew North 102C, ASA#3141837 due 3/19/18.
68 5/8 Blood
Hudson Pines Farm
FSCI Neon Rey C501 ::
:: CE 11 BW 1.1 WW 68 YW 113 MCE 4 Milk 15 MWW 48 Marb 0.2 REA 0.59 API 120
Remington Lock N Load 54U W/C Lock Down 206Z G C F Miss New Level R206
LLSF Neon Rey
Triple C El Poderoso Rey JBS Neon N1001
• If you are looking for a different but very proven cow family to invest in look no further than this striking Lock Down x Neon Rey baldy! This is a performance oriented beast that is sure to raise some outstanding bulls and some highly marketable baldy heifers! Sells bred to Grand Central for a October calf, what a cool twist to a already genetically superior female!
FSCI Neon Rey C501
• Pasture Exposed to HPF/Bram Grand Central C814, ASA#3015455 from 12/1/16 to 2/15/16
69 Purebred
Hudson Pines Farm
Harkers Chianti ::
PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SS Ebonys Grandmaster SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123
SS Mr Callaway Rains Callaway’s Tiara Gonsior Tara T30
88 CE 5 BW 1.7 WW 45 YW 56 MCE 5 Milk 21 MWW 43 Marb 0.08 REA 0.73 API 106
• Purchased from our good friends the Harkers, we had big plans for this one. Personally selected John Walston himself, this big bellied wide based sow of a cow will impress you on sale day and years to come we a certain! Chainti sells safe to the Bramlet/ Hudson Pines super sire “Grand Central”! The first Grand Centrals are on the ground and look great in NY! Jump of the “Grand Central” train early, they will become a lot more popular when you see them sell on Nov 1. • Pasture Exposed to HPF/Bram Grand Central C814, ASA#3015455 from 12/1/16 to 2/15/16
Harkers Chianti
Head of the Class 2017
CE 9 BW 2.8 WW 75 YW 103 MCE 4 Milk 18 MWW 56 Marb 0.36 REA 0.6 API 102
Head of the Class 2017
EKHCC Red Jewel 760 - reference dam
SS/HPF Red Jewel
HPF/Bram Grand Central - reference PE sire Zeis Reba B1144
70 Purebred
Sanders Ranch, LLC & Hudson Pines Farm
SS/HPF Red Jewel ::
WS Beef Maker R13 WS Beef King W107 WS Miss Dreamboat T17
SVF/NJC Built Right N48 EKHCC Red Jewel 760 EKHCC Crown Jewel 523
3/4 Blood
81 CE 11 BW 1.9 WW 76 YW 104 MCE 9 Milk 15 MWW 53 Marb 0.18 REA 0.97 API 130
• This “Jewel” of a heifer was never intended to be sold! Sanders Ranch and Hudson Pines teamed up to buy her as a pregnancy with sole purpose of becoming a powerhouse red donor for both our programs! As we all know, things are different now in NY and this HP branded future donor sell now before her prime! Spitting image of her mother at this age and the earning power to continue this strong cow family that Gabe Chase allowed us to start years ago. 363C sells safe in calf to Grand Central, the awesome Bramlet/Hudson Pines herdsire that the entire country will fall in love with this fall in the “Forever a Legacy” Hudson Pines dispersion. 363C should calve in October! • Pasture Exposed to HPF/Bram Grand Central C814, ASA#3015455 from 12/1/16 to 2/15/16
HTP/Bramlet Simmentals
Zeis Reba B1144 ::
JF Milestone 999W RB HPF-GF Expostion RB16Z RB Berry
JF Reba 2495Z
S A V Worldwide 9088 JF Reba 0171
72 CE 9 BW -0.1 WW 66 YW 99 MCE 6 Milk 21 MWW 54 Marb 0.22 REA 0.89 API 114
• This one is as stunning as her photo! We have followed this female for a while and were quick to add her a few years back in the Midwest Made sale. She is by the Expo bull that has sired many popular progeny for Janssen, Guthridge and Hudson Pines. Her dam sold in the JF sale as one of the highlight breds that year and we kept our eye on her ever since. B1144 traces back to Reba 050K and wow what a cow she was. We are committed to offering our best is the only reason we are parting with this one. • Pasture Exposed to Bramlets Firehouse D600, ASA#3125550 from 1/30/17 to 3/1/17
72 Purebred
Bramlet Simmentals
HPF Candace 225B ::
STF Dominance T171 Ms Candace HR/RR W2736 GFI CandaceE G51 • Bred AI to HPF N Charge A025, ASA#2730801 on 12/23/16 • Pasture Exposed to HPF In Charge A025, ASA#2730801 from 12/11/16 to 2/1/17
Bramlet Simmentals HPF Candace 225B
HPF Miss A370 ::
3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S
LCHMN Wall To Wall 7305F WW Miss WTW D21K JBS D21 • Pasture Exposed to HPF In Charge A025, ASA#2730801 from 12/11/16 to 2/1/17
CE 7 BW 3.2 WW 66 YW 100 MCE 1 Milk 18 MWW 51 Marb 0.03 REA 0.79 API 106
• 225B & A370 –Two cows ready for a lifetime of putting the bread on the table. 225B and A370 are a great duo of females that came out of a group of heifers we purchased from Hudson Pines Farms few years ago. Both are going to calve directly after the sale to HPF In-Charge. He is full sib to the Famous Y030 cow that commanded $65,000 last fall at the Living Legacy Sale. Did I mention both females are total outcross to the majority of the Simmental breed what an added bonus for the future.
HPF Miss A370
HTP Simmentals & Bramlet Simmentals
SS Ultra Special ::
O C C Missing Link 830M O C C Ultra Wide 862U O C C Dixie Erica 705S
LMF Movin Forward LLSF Perfection Y1713 Zeis PerfectionS116
86 CE 11 BW -0.3 WW 56 YW 84 MCE 4 Milk 17 MWW 44 Marb 0.24 REA 0.55 API 121
• We added this smooth made Ultra Wide daughter a few years back as one of top opens in the New Direction Sale. Her sire was a past top seller at OCC and has produced several sale toppers for the Sloup’s. We were intrigued by this female’s pedigree and her tracing back to the popular Perfection cow. A713 comes to you in a moderate easy keeping package and is bred up early to the one they’re all talking about, Classified. • Bred AI to TKCC Classified, ASA#3028710 on 3/15/17
SS Ultra Special
Head of the Class 2017
Ellingson LegacyM229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B
35 CE 7 BW 3 WW 68 YW 100 MCE 8 Milk 20 MWW 54 Marb 0.24 REA 0.93 API 108
Bramlet Simmentals
Copeland Pride 315Y ::
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew
Head of the Class 2017
Bramlets Pride
Copeland Pride 315Y
TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 HPF-GWF Promise Me Purple
• It’s hard not to like the predictability of the In Dew Time daughters. Here is one that gives her all every time. When studying this cows pedigree you will find the Promise me Purple cow which has had a very large impact on our operation and many others across the country. Her dam is a maternal sister to the famous Sparkle cow at Tingles in Kentucky. Just ask Derek what that cow has done for them. • Bred AI to HPF N Charge A025, ASA#2730801 on 12/21/16
Purchase a heifer through a 2017-2018 DP Sales Management, LLC or DP Online Sales, LLC event and exhibit her at ... AJSA Regionals and/or National Classic and be
entered to win $500 cash prize. Must provide a high resolution backdrop photo. All photos must be received by August 1st. Email photos to hollihatmaker@aol.com
CE 11 BW 0.9 WW 61 YW 87 MCE 4 Milk 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.25 REA 0.69 API 130
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BARBOUR marketing solutions, llc
Doug & Debbie Parke 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile • office@dpsalesllc.com www.dpsalesllc.com
Dated Material
First Class