Mid America Simmental Sale Illinois Beef Expo 2016

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Mid America

Simmental Sale

Saturday, February 27, 2016 • 10:00 am Illinois Beef Expo •

Illinois State Fair Grounds

Springfield, Illinois

Mid America

Simmental Sale

Saturday, February 27, 2016 •

10:00 am

Illinois Beef Expo • Illinois State Fair Grounds Springfield, Illinois Sale Day Phones 217.524.3049

423.506.8844, Drew Hatmaker • 859.707.5248, Holli Hatmaker


Ramada Inn, 3281 Northfield Drive, Springfield, IL 62702 • 217.523.4000 Many other area motels close to fairgrounds Cody Lowderman, Auctioneer • Lic# 441001255 • Shane Ryan • Chris Smith • Roger Holstrom • John Bauer, Sale Chairman •

Sale Staff

309.313.2171 309.371.7490 217.370.1908 309.635.5190 618.292.9585

Sale Consultants

DP Sales Management Doug Parke 859.421.6100 Drew Hatmaker 423.506.8844 Roger Allen 715.684.9222 Dalton Lundy 502.727.6898


Sam Harroun • 319.325.9389

Sale Terms & Conditions

All animals will be sold in accordance with the suggested guidelines of the American Simmental Assoc. For updated EPDs, genetic status, plus the current ASA guidelines and conditions go to www.simmental.org. Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at his or her own risk, Mid America Simmental Sale consignors or DP Sales Management will not be responsible for any personal injury while attending this sale.

Sale Registration and Payment

All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. DP Sales accepts Visa & Mastercard.


Insurance for your purchases will be available sale day at the clerk’s desk through Jamie Secondino, American Livestock • 812.208.0956

Sale Manager




Doug & Debbie Parke • 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • pleent@aol.com www.parkelivestock.com

Schedule of Events Thursday, February 25 Sale cattle arrive Friday, February 26 Sale cattle arrive prior to Sale cattle on display

8:00 am 1:30 – 4:00 pm, Barn 25-O

Saturday, February 27 Cattle on display, Barn 25-O

Mid America Simmental Sale 10:00 am, Upper Sale Ring

Illinois Simmental Association Annual Meeting

Illinois State Fairground Artisan Building Friday, February 26, 2016 Social – 5:45 pm Dinner – 6:30 pm followed by meeting, craft and semen auction

IJSA Meeting – 5:00 pm prior to annual meeting more information available at www.illinoissimmental.com

Illinois Simmental Association Board of Directors Paul Walker, President pwalker@ilstu.edu 309.533.3410 Justin Alwardt , Vice President Jalwardt85@yahoo.com 618.292.3127 Tony Drach, Treasurer tony.drach@gmail.com 815.992.8462 Dan Heavner, Secretary heavnersimmental@live.com 217.370.9619 Justin Adcock, Director jadcock87@gmail.com 217.855.0926

Roger Allen, Director frozendeetics@hotmail.com 715.684.9222 Jon Bauer, Director 618.292.9585 Bo Bramlet, Director bramsimmental@aol.com (618.841.6763 Shane Ryan, Director ryancattleco@gmail.com 309.371.7490


Doug & Debbie Parke • 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker • 423.506.8844 SM


153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • pleent@aol.com www.parkelivestock.com

First off, on behalf of DP Sales Management, let me be the first to say how excited and honored we are to be working with the Illinois Simmental Association, the Illinois Beef Expo, and the Mid-America Sale. We admire the state of Illinois as one of the top producing states for Simmental genetics and a great membership, and when combining those things makes our job easy. We admire the members and the Illinois Simmental Association board for their hard work and dedication to our breed. With that being said, the Mid America Simmental Sale is one of the places this spring to purchase Simmental genetics. The breeders involved are dedicated to consigning opens, breds, bulls, and genetic lots that would be competitive if we were selling in Denver or Louisville. Also, these members; many who do showcase their genetics on the national level, know how important it is to support their state association and state events such as the Beef Expo events. The Mid America Sale sets high standards for the expo sales this spring. In viewing the catalog study the great genetics and the strong opportunity you have as a breeder to purchase your next herd bull. Year after year rest assured the Mid America sale will be the place for commercial and purebred breeders to attend and make their selection on top notch herd sires. Pass the word the consignors are bringing their best. We are glad to work with all the consignors involved in the Mid American sale and appreciate their dedication, hard work and cooperation. If you not involved and want to be a part of this exciting association sale please inquiry to any member of DP Sales Mgt or any board member of the Illinois Simmental Association. If any questions on the sale or if you need additional info or assistance please call Drew, Holli or I. Also, don’t hesitate to contact the sale chairman John Bauer. Of course if you can not be with us on sale day, feel free to contact us, members of the sale staff, or utilize DV Auctions. We look forward to being in Springfield for this first class event! Remember, the summers upcoming events, the AJSA regionals and the AJSA Jr Nationals in Iowa. Purchase your show animal and future breeding piece and be a part of some of the breeds most exciting and rewarding events.

Schedule of Events... Thursday, February 25 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 11:00 am

Trade Show open Livestock Center, Lower Arena I P T Bull Sale Livestock Center, Upper Arena

Friday, February 26 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 9:00 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm

Trade Show open Livestock Center, Lower Arena Illinois Angus Futurity Show Livestock Center, Upper Arena Hereford Sale Livestock Center, Upper Arena Illinois Simmental Association Annual Banquet & Business Meeting

Saturday, February 27 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 10:00 am 1:00 pm 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

Trade Show open Livestock Center, Lower Arena Mid America Simmental Sale Livestock Center, Upper Arena Shorthorn Sale Livestock Center, Lower Arena Illinois Angus Futurity Sale Livestock Center, Upper Arena Shorthorn Sale Livestock Center, Lower Arena Junior Heifer Show begins Livestock Center, Upper Arena

Sunday, February 28 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 8:00 am 9:00 am

Trade Show open Livestock Center, Lower Arena Junior Heifer & Steer Show Livestock Center, Upper Arena Low Percent Junior Heifer Show Livestock Center, Upper Arena

catalog design by...

BARBOUR marketing solutions, llc



WFR Nikki Z237 x Blaze of Glory consignor by : Adcock Land & Livestock

Embryos 5 IVF Heifer Embryos

CAJS Blaze of Glory

WFR Nikki Z237 Proj EPDs

WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Khloe 42ZA SVF NJC Built Right N48 JWA Nicolette 917W

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.9 59 86 9 20 49 0.21 0.66 126

Selling 5 IVF Heifer embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. Two time Louisville Champion dam and Louisville Champion sire how can you go wrong. Her first calf was a many time champion for Tyler this summer and we feel this is only the beginning for this young donor. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by this mating is destined for greatness.

WFR Nikki Z237- reference dam Blaze of Glory- reference sire


RF Star 208 x Mr HOC Broker consignor by : Adcock Land & Livestock

Embryos 5 IVF Heifer Embryos

Mr HOC Broker

R F Star208 Proj EPDs

RF Star 208- reference dam

JM BF H25 Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback R F Lassie 645

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 4 3 59 89 7 15 44 -0.06 0.49 76

Selling 5 IVF Heifer embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. An incredible opportunity here. We have only sold two heifers out of the mating and averaged over $25,000. The first was shown a Reserve at the Illinois State fair and the second will be campaigned in Texas this year. The guess work has been take out so bid with confidence.


CMB Miss Wildflower W670 Embryos consignor by : AKA Livestock

Embryos 3 or 5 Embryos SVF NJC Built Right N48 Guaranteeing 1 or 2 pregnancies

RF Star 208 - daughters

SVF Steel Force S701

CLW WTR Nelly S050

CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette B C C Bushwacker 41-93 SS Nelly

Proj EPDs CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API TLLC One Eyed Jack 9 0.9 65 92 7 23 55 0.16 0.76 119 Houston X01

5 2.8 66 93 7 21 54 0.06 0.53 96

STCC Long Haul 003K 8 1.4 66 96 11 20 53 0.16 0.71 122

CMB Miss Wildflower- reference dam


Wildflower x One Eyed Jack

Wildflower x Houston X01

Wildflower x Long Haul

We are offering 3 or 5 embryos out of your choice of 2 of these mating’s guaranteeing 1 or 2 pregnancy’s depending how many you choose and if work is performed by a certified embryologist. Wildflower found her way to our donor pen the old fashion way , she earned it. Her first offspring were rapid gaining sale toppers that had that extra eye appeal that made them special. As you can tell we have flushed her to 3 different sires and because she works extremely good in transplant we are offering you choice of these mating’s. Wildflower is one of those rare cows that simply out produces herself no matter what sire you use. The One Eyed Jacks are moderate framed and are extra deep bodied. They show really well and perform good also. The Houston’s are the most popular. She has produced a red heifer ever one of the last 3 years that are simply amazing, topping sales and winning shows. The Long Hauls have more performance than the others and are designed really nice. Call us with any questions you may have this cow she is easy to talk about. This is a can’t miss opportunity with the proof is in the progeny.


HPF Miss Rush x RGRS SRG Two Step consignor by : Bauer Simmentals

Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

WS A Step Up X27 RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET WLTR Lydia 39U ET HPF Miss Rush A051

CLRWTR Shock Force W94C Remington Miss Red Rush 68

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 1.3 52 77 6 14 40 0.15 0.74 105

Proj EPDs

Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. A051 is youngest cow in our lineup of donor; A051 competed in the largest National classic to date in 2014 standing near the top in of both her class and division. She has exceled even more as a cow for us and on her first flush gave us 16 eggs by the 2014 overall sweepstakes champion Two Step who is now deceased. Now if that doesn’t make this mating rare enough for you, this will. According to The Herd Book we have the only daughter so far out of Remington Red Rush cow owned by Hudson Pines. With that being said the is a one of a kind mating offered up to the public, these opportunities don’t come along every day, so don’t miss out on sale day!


HPF Miss Rush RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z - reference sire

HPF Caliente U335 x United consignor by : Hillstown Farms

Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

W/C United 956Y

HPF Caliente U335 Proj EPDs

TNT Tuition U238 Miss Werning 956W Wheatland Bull 468P GCF Miss Caliente

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.5 72 117 5 19 56 0.36 0.81 127

Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. This mating to United, is sure to be a home run. In the Living Legacy sale, she had four daughters sell for an average of $11,625. This will be a great way to add genetics out of an unparalleled female to your herd.


HPF Caliente - reference dam HPF Caliente daughter

AJE/JF Joys Ellegance Embryos consignor by : Canadian Donors / Bohrson Livestock

Embryos 3 or 6 Embryos 3C Macho M450 BZ Guaranteeing 1 or 3 pregnancies

BHS JF Antoinettes Joy

Meyer Ranch 734 3C Crocus H112B HC Power Drive 88H NJC/TJF Joy

Proj EPDs W/C No Remorse


7 0.6 55 77 10 25 52 0.09 0.62 107

Leachman Saugahatchee

7 1.6 57 87 8 23 52 -0.01 0.76 90

Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy or 6 embryos guaranteeing 3 pregnancies if work is performed from a certified embryologist. Here is a donor that is highly proven and has done an awesome job for several programs. We at Canadian donors selected this donor from Guyer and Griswold. Prior to that Elegance was a Denver champion and past high seller. Now as several years have went by her track continues to grow producing high sellers for $ 46,000, $ 20,500, $ 20,000 and a herd sire for Griswold. The cows backed by Macho, Power Drive and Joy never go out of style. This cow has been at Trans Ova and has been flushed successful so we are able to market some embryos in the U.S. The matings represented should appeal to many breeders in the market place. The cow is a beauty and the offspring will be as well. Select 3 or 6 embryos by No Remorse or the Sim Angus maker, Saugahatchee. The embryos are stored at Trans Ova. If any questions contact sale management or Bohrson Livestock.

AJE JF Joys Ellegance- reference dam

W/C No Remorse reference sire

Leachman Saugahatchee reference sire



SS Cottontail 086Z x Back In Black consignor by : Sanders Ranch, LLC

IVF Embryos JF Back In Black 406B 5 IVF Heifer Embryos Guaranteeing 2 pregnancies

SS Cottontail 086Z

JF Back In Black - reference sire

Zeis PCGF Perfection CNS Pays to Dream T759 KenCo Miley Cottontail

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.1 55 81 7 18 46 0.29 0.76 119


SS Cottontail 086Z - reference dam

STF Royal Affair Z44M

Selling 5 IVF heifers embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. The Cottontail cow family continues to thrive as we are now identifying her greatest daughters and proving them in production. 086Z has risen to the top with her first bull calf by Allegiance that will be highly sought after this spring when he sells. We strongly believe she has all the same attributes her mother posses in a more moderate package. The flush mates to 086Z have averaged over $20,000 and early indications may prove she might just out produce them all. We chose to mate her to JF Back in Black, the powerful outcross bull that topped the Janssen Sale in 2014. The power and softness of BNB x the elegance and grace of Cottontail 086Z will sure to be a homerun! These embryo’s are IVF Heifer eggs, we are selling 5 and guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is preformed by a Certified Embryologist. When these heifers are born on your farm you will probably get more traffic than FarmersOnly.com! Take advantage of cutting edge proven genetics that will put you in the drivers seat for years to come!


Rolling Hills Beauty x RHFS Upscale consignor by : Rolling Hills Farms

Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

RHFS Upscale Y33H

Rolling Hills Beauty Proj EPDs

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Double D Blk Chyna O C C Legend 616L JC Ms Intimidator 311N

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 2.5 62 93 5 18 49 0.22 0.8 112

Selling 3 embryos by SS Upscale guarantee one pregnancy


Rolling Hills Beauty x Mr NLC Upgrade consignor by : Rolling Hills Farms

Embryos 3 or 5 Embryos Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 with proper guarantees

Rolling Hill Beauty

Rolling Hills Beauty- reference dam Proj EPDs

Ellingosn Legacy M229 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B O C C Legend 616L JC Ms Intimidator 311N

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 2.3 69 104 3 18 53 0.38 1.02 122

Selling 3 or 5 embryos by Upgrade with the proper guarantees

RHFS Upscale - reference sire


Mr NLC Upgrade - reference sire

At Rolling Hills we have been blessed with loads of success out of the donors Ms Intimidator 311N and her daughter Rolling Hills Beauty. Beauty is a superb OCC Legend donor and now is deceased so the embryos are limited. Curt Rincker has an outstanding Built Right daughter out of Beauty that is one of his top donors. I think he has sold an $18,000 daughter and other top progeny as well. So we wanted to be supportive of the sale and offer embryos by SS Upscale, the Upgrade x Chyna son and Upgrade himself. If you have not kept up with this cow family then call Curt and Brent about this strong family.


GVC Blackstar - reference dam

CNS-GVC Astro 508C

CNS-GVC Galaxy 505C

CNS-GVC Blackstar 501C

consignor by : Schick Cattle Co.


LLSF Uprising Z925 1/1/15 ASA# 2990815 Tattoo: 501C GVC Blackstar BW: 72 BD:

Heads Up 20X ET LLSF Untouchable U925 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 CNS Black Star T702

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 2.5 70 107 5 21 56 0.07 0.71 109



CNS GVS Blackstar 501C

Here is 501C, a direct daughter of the great 307Y cow and member of the famous Blackstar cow family. Sired by the popular Uprising, she is a long necked, long bodied female that will make a show heifer for the youngest of juniors. Affectionately known as “That Girl” she was our oldest daughters Conley’s show heifer this past summer winning her division at the Sweepstakes. 501C will make a strong junior prospect but will be a more valuable breeding piece stemming from the hottest genetics in the breed today. Her half sisters sold in the Denver sale and commanded $ 22,000 and $ 13,000. We along with Conley take great pride in offering elite genetics in a great breed that has been good to the Schick family.

CNS-GVC Astro 508C

Mr HOC Broker

consignor by : Schick Cattle Co.


2/11/15 ASA# 3072340 Tattoo: 508C BW: 91 BD:


GVC Blackstar

Galaxy 505C B CNS-GVC Schick Cattle Co.

JM BF H25 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 CNS Black Star T702

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 3.4 64 94 6 15 47 -0.11 0.63 108

consignor by :


2/10/15 ASA# 3072339 Tattoo: 505C BW: 90 BD:


SVF Steel Force S701

Here is a pair of Broker sons out of the great Blackstar 307Y cow. Both of these bulls combine power and mass with eye appeal in a structural sound package. Generations of great cows in these two bulls pedigrees in which will add value and consistency in their future calf crops. Whether you are looking for black or red here is two great options for your next Simmental sire. Denver was overwhelming for our family and all the owners of Blackstar in which 307Y commanded $ 60,000 going to Bellar Cattle Company, Mike Henderson and Zach Kraenow. The bulls can and will impact many calf crops.


DAF Rachael B048


DAF Rachael B048


WS A Step Up X27 RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET BD: 11/3/14 WLTR Lydia 39U ET ASA# 2983930 Tattoo: B048 TNT Ever Ready R232 DAF Rachael X48 WW: 610 JF Reba 5302R EPDs

DAF Rachael X48 - reference dam

consignor by : Diamond A Farms

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 0.9 56 76 9 14 42 0.19 0.86 122

B048 is sired by the great Two Step this female exemplifies femininity and angularity. Rachael X48 has done some great things for our program and continues to amaze us each calf crop. B048 is crazy good necked, well balanced and super smooth. She will sure be fun to campaign this summer at any of the AJSA events. B048 has endless opportunities on the tan bark. AI bred to W/C United, ASA#2614725 on 2/3/16


DAF Cast Iron C96 consignor by : Diamond A Farms


CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194 4/2/15 LLSF Urababydoll U194 ASA# 3066649 Tattoo: C96 DAF Joker N57 DAF Randi X16 BW: 85 JF Reba 5302R WW: 639 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 6 2.7 58 83 6 20 49 0.2 0.72 128 BD:

DAF Cast Iron C96


Here’s a really complete April purebred bull. He is really cool at the profile, long and extended, and moves very accurately. This bull maintains balance and symmetry, while adding shape and capacity. His dam, X16 is a full sister to our U16 donor who continues to raise the bar for high quality progeny. He is backed by the great Reba 5302R on the bottom side, plus he’s nice to look at and nice to work with! All his family members have been among the sale toppers at the Land of Lincoln and other special sales.

CNS-HFS Antoinette X403

Antoinette X403 x Milestone daughter



CNS-HFS Antoinette X403 Embryos consignor by : Wright-Way Simmentals

IVF Embryos CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays To Dream T759 Choice of 5 IVF Embryos MLF BL Jessie K336 guaranteeing 2 pregnancies Nichols Legacy G151

CNS Antoinette P403

Proj EPDs W/C Wide Track

NJC SVF Antoinette K205


9 0.9 65 92 7 23 55 0.16 0.76 119

11 A&B

Antoinette X403 x Stockman x Broker son

CNS-HFS Antoinette X403 Pregnancy consignor by : Wright-Way Simmentals

Pregnancies Choice of Pregnancies DUE: DUE:

CNS Pays To Dream T759

3/2/16 3/24/16


CNS Antoinette P403

CNS Dream On L186 MLF BL Jessie K336 Nichols Legacy G151 NJC SVF Antoinette K205


LLSF Uprising Z925 9 0.9 65 92 7 23 55 0.16 0.76 119

BSF Opportunist Z5 5 2.8 66 93 7 21 54 0.06 0.53 96

Mr HOC Broker

5 2.8 66 93 7 21 54 0.06 0.53 96

Selling choice of 5 IVF embryos guarantee 2 pregnancies if implanted by certified embryologist. These are some fresh matings on the past NAILE Champion X403 that are sure to offer excitement. Whether you choose the SimAngus embryos sired by the 2 time National Western Reserve Champion Opportunist or the purebred embryos sired by the now deceased Wide Track they are a sound investment. The Antoinette’s are proven to work and are consistent in being sound, easy keeping, and functional with a good chance at getting a highly marketable baldy calf regardless of what she is mated to. X403 is homozygous polled and homozygous black.

JF Milestone 999W

8 1.4 66 96 11 20 53 0.16 0.71 122

Selling choice on pregnancies on the 2010 NAILE Reserve Champion heifer CNS-HFS Antoinette X403. All these matings offer tremendous opportunity and X403 can hit it out of the park with any bull, she’s produced a heifer in excess of $10,000 to every bull she has been mated with. Whether you choose the Broker mating that is a sibling to the popular Mid Continent herd sire WWS Stockman,the Milestone mating which has produced 3 heifer calves that have averaged over $8000, or the hot Uprising which is sure to click with her. If you are looking for sound and easy keeping genetics that are built on real world success then all these will result in a fast return on investment. All recips are good home grown commercial SimAngus cows. X403 is Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black. Selling Choice on mating sire.


WLE Miss A547 daughter

WLE Miss A547 - reference

FLE Miss Royal Jewel - reference


WLE Missy A547 consignor by : Lashmett Cattle

PB Flush

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 3/4/13 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 ASA# 2754662 Tattoo: A547 SS Goldmine L42 Shawnee Miss 770P BW: 75 NLC LG770 WW: 824 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 9 2 61 88 6 13 43 0.13 0.76 121 BD:

Choice- Either IVF or Conventional Flush. Seller guarantees a minimum of 6 transferable embryos. No cap. Buyer to stand flush cost. A547 will be ready to flush first week of March. Call Jackson with any questions. Our own daughter of the infamous 770P. When I first saw 770P at Wesner’s, I was very impressed to say the least. When I saw the offspring from three different matings from 770P, I knew I needed a daughter. Here she is. A547 is quickly becoming one of the elite breeding pieces on our farm. 770P genetics are not offered very often. These are the kind of investments that keep you or get you in the game. We will have A547’s very first daughter by JF Rancher at the Beef Expo as part of our display on Simmental Row. Look her up. See if she fits the mold.




FLE Miss Royal Jewel consignor by : J Bar M Cattle/Finesse Livestock Ent.

STF Royal Affair Z44M 4/24/14 ASA# 2913261 Tattoo: B299 MBG Miss Blk Jewel BW: 78 BD:


Remington Lock N Load54U STF Onyx 451W MBG Meyers Big Time Clarks PTY

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 3.2 53 81 5 18 44 0.05 0.55 96

This is the right to a conventional flush with a guarantee of 6 transferable embryos and a cap of 10 (split 1:1 after 10) with a guarantee of 3 pregnancies. No guarantee with sexed semen. Half down sale day, Half at the time of the flush. She is due to calve by sale day. Step up to the plate and take a swing. Offering the right to flush the Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Simmental Female from the 2015 ISF open show. B299 is a moderate, yet powerful outcross baldy from the Finesse Livestock Enterprises program in Iowa. She glides when she is out on the move and sets down on a big foot. Awesome hipped, big topped, and massive middled are just a few ways to describe this sexy fronted bovine. All of these things in the right sized package makes this a no brainer. Flush her any way you wish Simmental, Angus or clubby and watch the revenue roll in. Miss Royal Jewel has it all: a baldy face, great phenotype, and an awesome outcross pedigree that includes the likes of STF Onyx, Remington Lock N Load 54U, and an old school donor at FLE that goes back to Meyer Ranch 734 and Burns Bull C339U. This is the only time we plan to offer the right to flush this outstanding female, so on sale day don’t hesitate to bid early and often!


GLL/MAG HopeC27 consignor by : Graff Land & Livestock


Flying B Cut Above 2/3/15 ASA# 3070875 Tattoo: C27 M A G Pride 3X BW: 82 BD:


FB Prime Cut 456L Dillons Ms Pretty Woman S A V Mandan 5664 M A G Pride 5T

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 1.4 59 99 5 26 56 0.35 0.61 103

Hope C27 is an exciting Fatt Butt daughter out of our 3x Angus donor cow. Her half brother was the high selling Simmental bull in the 2015 Illinois Beef Expo Performance tested bull sale.C27 is a nice show heifer free of Dream On genetics that can go on and be a very good producing cow when her show days are over. This Sim Angus has a tremendous future ahead of her in a breeding program. She is built like her mother and will have her track record also.


M A G Pride 3 X - reference dam

WS OS Victoria C08 consignor by : Osborne & Washburn


Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Sandeen Upper Class 2386 1/12/15 Sandeen Donna 7386 ASA# 3009242 Tattoo: C08 Nichols Blk Destiny D12 HSF Victoria P30 BW: 68 BTS 91X Big Sky F632 WW: 722 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 8 1.6 58 83 2 22 51 0.22 0.83 111 BD:

Here is a Victoria daughter out of the very popular Upper Class bull. Victoria is on of the lead donors for Hecksel Simemntals. C08 is a deep sided big volumed, super dispositioned heifer that will make you money down the road. WS OS Victoria C08


RS Charlotte 358C consignor by : Rincker Simmentals


SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 2/2/15 WS Ms Macho U38 ASA# 3064703 Tattoo: 358C SS/PRS High Voltage 244X Everharts Miss Fancy BW: 82 Bonnells Party Girl 2R WW: 731 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 6 0.2 54 67 7 14 41 0.19 0.74 114 BD:

We always like the nice shaped cattle and that is what propels this female right to the top of her class. For certain this WS A Step Up daughter reached back into her pedigree and grabbed the shear maternal look of Grandmaster with the balance of High Voltage to make a good one in this sound made, strong topped, and wide sprung female. Her balanced EPD profile combined with her great disposition only add to her possibilities to remain productive and generate profit beyond the showring. This one is cut out with the ability to be problem free while competing and continuing to gain traction as a purebred replacement female.

RS Charlotte 358C


17A FBF1/SF Royalty consignor by : Forest Brook Farms


FBF1/SF Ignition 2/2/15 ASA# 3018908 Tattoo: C110 WB Queen 909 BW: 78 BD:

FBF1 Gorgeous Lady O C C Missing Link 830M SR Queen Exacta 419

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.1 58 92 5 20 49 0.19 0.69 107


WB Queen 909 - reference dam

FBF1 Combustible

17B FBF1/SF Majesty consignor by : Forest Brook Farms


FBF1/SF Ignition 2/15/15 ASA# 3018919 Tattoo: C101 WB Queen 909 BW: 77 BD:

FBF1/SF Majesty

SR Queen Exacta 419

5B20-1526 consignor by : Boitnott Family Cattle


SS/PRS Gunslinger 824X 2/9/15 ASA# 3071385 Tattoo: C1526 Boitnott Temption BW: 74 BD:



O C C Missing Link 830M

Selling Choice of C10 or C101- We feel these two females are special and have loads of potential. The Missing Link donor, WB Queen is sharp made, feminine, and super complete. Everyone that sees her is quite impressed to say the least. We have had several progeny and it is easy to see how see produces, great and consistent. These two full sibs sired by Ignition are somewhat different however both offer loads of quality and phenotype. Both of these females move out with ease on a soft pastern and a little extra leg that is so needed for longevity. C101 was the more photogenic of the two on picture day but seeing these two in person will impress you for sure. They get better and better with age. We feel both females will make nice show prospects and later make great cows just like their dam, Queen. Ignition has had many friends since the day we took him to his first show and now his progeny are shining thru and making their own tracks. Buy with confidence here!



FBF1 Gorgeous Lady

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 1.1 58 92 5 20 49 0.19 0.69 107


FBF1/SF Royalty

FBF1 Combustible

STF Shocking Dream SJ14 KenCo Miley Cottontail

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.6 55 76 4 18 46 0.32 0.54 105

This lady is sure to be show stopper!!! This gunslinger daughter out of a great purebred Angus cow has got it all. She is a massive, big boned, pretty type of female and walks like a cat. She is sure to make a great show heifer and future donor cow. Check us out on FB for more info and pics.

WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y - reference dam

HPF/AF/B&K Ms Alley 310C

SVF Sheza Star S800 - reference dam

LFI Radiant Star


HPF/AF/B&K Ms Alley 310C consignor by : Hudson Pines Farm


S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 2/20/15 S A V Blackcap May 5270 ASA# 2969076 Tattoo: 310C JF Milestone 999W WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y BW: 68 WHF Sierra 245S BD:


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 14 0.2 68 107 7 20 54 0.36 0.6 134

We always try to bring something pretty special to the Mid America Sale and we feel 310C may be as good as we have offered. This daughter of our popular 2012 National Western Grand Champion Female, Alley 247Y, combines as many good pieces as you could want in a female. Soft bellied, good looking, and flawless in motion 310C always grabs your attention. Alley 247Y is making a huge impact in our program very early in her career and we are confident she will only continue to increase her value as only her 2nd set of ET babies are hitting the ground. Bid with confidence here, the proven sire Brilliance coupled with the cow power of Alley and WHF Sierra are a no-miss combination.



LFI Radiant Star consignor by : Loschen Farms

JF Rancher 222Z 3/1/15 ASA# 2983412 Tattoo: C255 SVF Sheza Star S800 BW: 72 BD:


R&R Chamberlain X744 JF Ebonys Joy 734T CNS Dream On L186 SVF Sheza Star N902

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.3 71 92 6 19 55 0.15 0.93 114

This baldie heifer comes out of our most popular donor cow SVF Sheza Star S800. In November we sold a full sibling for $6,750 in the Land of Lincoln to Doug Wenell in Iowa. Many other progeny have sold well commanding $5,000 to $ 15,000. This is a consistent cow family. This heifer is stout and thick being big boned and correct. This Rancher female is attractive plus big bodied and will be a super cow. We are excited about this Rancher daughter and look forward to more this year. She is homozygous polled.



HPF Sazerac C047 consignor by : Hudson Pines Farm

3/4 Blood

W/C BF Innocent Man 2/13/15 ASA# 2960120 Tattoo: C047 CLRWTR Sazerac W94B BW: 69 BD:

W/C No Remorse 763Y Miss Werning 174Y SVF Steel Force S701 Myers Queen Sazerac P94

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 0.4 46 62 7 22 45 0.23 0.62 112


C047 is a daughter of The Living Legacy XI $40,000 sale highlight Clrwtr Sazerac W94B, who will now goes to work for Bonnell, Rassmussen, and Stonewall programs. C047 is a sister to the popular 2014 Junior National Grand Champion Female for the Eggersman family and the Keystone Champion for Campbell Show Cattle. C047’s full sister was also a Living Legacy XI standout, commanding $20,000 going to Cold Smoke Cattle. This baldie female is smooth made with a flexible skeleton and impeccable hair. The homework is done on this female, just fire away and watch her mature into a dominant show heifer and front pasture donor.

HPF Sazerac C047

CLRWTR Sazerac W94Breference dam


Wilsons Miss Miracle consignor by : Wilson Family Farm

3/4 Blood

Mr HOC Broker 2/15/15 ASA# 2992252 Tattoo: C01 BPCC Traveling Promise BW: 90 BD:

SVF Steel Force S701 JM BF H25 Meyer Ranch 734 Three Trees Ms Traveler

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API -1.5 4.1 61 89 7 14 44 0.06 0.48 96


This is a beautiful marked white faced Broker daughter. Her dam is a Meyer 734 daughter. She is deep middle and sound. We are proud to offer this heifer that combines two of the best bulls in the breed. Wilsons Miss Miracle


Miss Maifest C2 consignor by : Boyer Farms


2/17/15 ASA# Pending Tattoo: C2 BD:

Nichols Manifest T79

BF N310 BWF Envey F73 EPDs

Miss Maifest C2


Nichols Legacy M72 Nichols MCM N13 PVF-BF FB26 Black Joker HH Envys Feme

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 6 3.5 73 116 12 25 62 0.06 0.94 123

Here is a can’t miss purebred. She is way sound and clean necked and up headed that’s a lot to ask out of a purebred. She has got quality written all over her. She is stout made, big footed and clean about her bone work. When she travels she balances up well on both ends and carries herself like a real lady should! This girl is backed by tried and true Simmental Genetics.

Moore Forever Built 78C Lazy H Bar Forever Lady 8143 - reference dam


Moore Forever Built 78C consignor by : Moore Land and Cattle


CNS Dream On L186 4/25/15 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette ASA# 3014053 Tattoo: 78C EXAR Lutton 1831 BW: 68 Lazy H Bar Foreverlady 8143 Lazy H Bar Forever Lady 5001 BD:

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 13 0.7 63 100 7 22 54 0.33 0.29 127



Moore Shelia 65C consignor by : Moore Land and Cattle


Card Mr Lut 101X 3/20/15 ASA# 3065357 Tattoo: 65C Moore Shelby 49A BW: 76 BD:


There is so much we could say about this female. Forever Built 78C is one that we had eyes on since the day she hit the ground. She is a true testament of what we aim to achieve in this business. She has so much eye appeal and elegance couple with an amazing amount of depth and shape. So smooth in her makeup that its had o find a hole in this one. She isn’t going to be a monster framed cow but man when you can make them this good and maintain that ever growing trend of efficiency moderate is a good thing. The now deceased dam 8143 set the bar high as a maternal matron here at MLC. Females derived from her pedigree seldom go up for sale because they are the kind you don’t let go of. She stamps every one with this same eye appeal, cow power and structure.

Plainview Lutton E102 BT Elba 101M JF Milestone 999W WLE CNS Shelby T335

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.5 67 91 8 21 55 0.12 0.23 103

There is no question that WLE CNS Shelby T335 is a maternal matron at Moore Land and Cattle. She is the highest producing female on the farm and her progeny continues to be the most sought after year after year. We are offering this granddaughter as proof Shelby is and continues to be making her mark here at MLC. This gal is out of a first calf heifer we breed to a calving easy Angus bull (Lutton Son) in hopes of just getting a live calf. However we got more than that, a female worthy of this offering and backed by genetics proven to be money makers. Shelia 65C is one that has all the pieces of a brood cow and one that we believe the true cattlemen will find.

Moore Shelia 65C

WLE CNS Shelby T335 - reference granddam



BSF/BRZW Joys Promise consignor by : Breezeway & Boyer Simmental


Long’s Shear Pleasure TLLC One Eyed Jack 3/3/15 Long’s Miss Sweet Treat ASA# 3033948 Tattoo: C40 WSJ Encore AJE/JF ANT Joys Symphony BW: 78 BHS JF Antoinettes Joy WW: 496 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 9 0.4 57 78 6 17 45 0.25 0.94 120 BD:

BSF/BRZW Joys Promise

This is a real opportunity here. This is the natural calf out of our Antoinette Joy donor that came from Eberspacher and Janssen Farms. Sired by One Eyed Jack with good EPDs, Joy Promise has a big barrel with sound feet and legs, cut to and a neat front. Show her this summer and in the end will make a front pasture cow.


Moore Untouchable 221C

consignor by : Moore Land and Cattle


CNS Dream On L186 WAGR Driver 706T 3/5/15 3C Melody M668 BZ ASA# 3065292 Tattoo: 221C G&L Avalanche 149F Lazy H Touch Me Not R12 BW: 78 Drake Miss P36D BD:

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 4 3.5 60 86 9 22 52 0.12 0.77 106


Moore Untouchable 221C

A purebred Simmental that if we could keep them all would stay. Her dam is a 2005 model and hasn’t missed a calving season. Longevity, maternal, phenotype all things that we are breeding for. We have several maternal sisters in production and continued to put eggs in out of her dam because she never misses. One that has bred in never ending maternal traits.


Wilsons Miss Beauty consignor by : Wilson Family Farm

5/8 Blood

GCC Whizard 125W 3/8/15 ASA# 2992254 Tattoo: C02 FC Summer Love BW: 77 BD:


Wilsons Miss Beauty


Lazy H Die Harder T49

FC Half and Half

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.9 54 81 6 19 46 0.07 0.49 107

RS Celine 09C consignor by : Rincker Simmentals

FBFS Wheel Man 649W 4/12/15 ASA# 3032318 Tattoo: 09C Drake Shameless BP9X BW: 78 BD:



Miss Chill 1829

Miss Beauty is a brockle face female that is deep bodied, big boned and complete. Her dam was purchased at the Mid America sale three years ago and won her class in the Junior show.


RS Celine 09C

SVF Steel Force S701

SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Star Struck S199 Lazy H Go Daddy

Drake Miss M9BP

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.3 62 90 8 16 47 0.08 0.54 111

Without question, here is one that exhibits those longer, more extended lines that continue to be sought after in the current show ring. I appreciate the importance of her mating by the Denver Champion Wheelman sire and a Drake bred dam that we purchased out of “The One” sale in Denver a few short years ago. That dam is as true to look at as you can make one and as “Celine” continues to come, her genetic potential continues to impact her shear look and eye appeal. This star faced baldy has a look that everyone can appreciate with a long, sweet front end and her little extra style that she manages so well.

Meadow Springs Miss 810U reference dam

R/F Beauty C036

RS Braveheart 032A - reference sire

RS Camry 920C


R/F Beauty C036 consignor by : Riley Farms

3/4 Blood

CNS Dream On L186 WLE Uno Mas X549 5/3/15 Shawnee Miss 770P ASA# 2992767 Tattoo: C036 WSJ Encore Meadow Springs Miss 810U BW: 69 WLE Flirtatious P10 BD:


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.9 52 66 5 13 40 0.39 0.68 122

Isn’t she a “Beauty”? These days it’s getting harder and harder to make high percent Simmental cattle this good looking and still be able to move. This one is packed bull of muscle and is still as smooth as silk. We are confident this one is stylish enough to run with the commercials in the show ring and can still be used in the continuation of high percent SimGenetics once her show carrier comes to an end. If her phenotypic attributes aren’t enough to grab your attention, maybe the royalty on both sides of her pedigree will be; her dam was crowned Reserve Champion Percentage female at the 2010 National Western and Uno Mas brought home his NAILE banner in 2013. I strongly urge young showmen and serious breeders to have this girl in your sights on sale day.



RS Camry 920C consignor by : Rincker Simmentals

RS Braveheart 032A 5/4/15 ASA# 3032324 Tattoo: 920C RS Tiffany 919P BW: 77 BD:


Flying B Cut Above DLS Dixie Erica X032 PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker LBF Miss Karma K919

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 1.8 51 77 5 23 48 0.05 0.54 104

Everything came together for this little May gem from her sound structure all the way to the ground to her stellar nice shaped and balanced profile, and she even capped it off with a perfect blaze face! Out of a good, solid Black Joker dam and by our promotional herdsire, RS Braveheart, this female has the right stuff to compete at a high level and most certainly within her division. You certainly have to appreciate it when a young heifer can bring this much good to the table by keeping you in the winners’ circle and still give you that complete cow look and the end of her show career!


RP/MP Right To Love 015U - reference dam

HPF Right To Love 352C

All Soma 554C


HPF Right To Love 352C consignor by : Hudson Pines Farm


Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Card Uproar 49Y 5/8/15 BFSC My Fair Jade 95T ASA# 2969110 Tattoo: 352C SVF/NJC Built Right N48 RP/MP Right To Love 015U BW: 73 PCC Queens Valentine R9 BD:


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 2.9 68 98 9 23 57 0.22 0.57 116

Right to Love 015u continues to impress time and time again. Already proving she can produce champions, 015U hits again with 352C. Heavily constructed starting at the ground up and as sleek fronted as a Champion should be, 352C has a very bright road in front of her. This soft made, well balanced female is a unique purebred that posses the look to get attention from both judges and visitors to your farm.



All Soma 554C consignor by : Adcock Land & Livestock


CWT Burn Notice Y12 5/15/15 ASA# 3050583 Tattoo: 554C 49 BW: 66 BD:


SVF Steel Force S701 Peggy Sue 24S

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 5 1.2 53 79 3 18 44 0.27 0.45 94

Since the day we weaned this one sh has caught everyone’s eye around the farm and once we got a st of clippers on her we were even more impress. They don’t get much cooler looking than this . May heifer and we felt she was to good to stay in our replacement pen, so we decided to give a junior an opportunity to hang banner with her. We think she will be extremely competitive in the summer division, but don’t just take our word for it. Come see her for yourself.


4WCC Dreaming Intergrate consignor by : Four Winds Cattle


GLS Integrate Z3 6/5/15 ASA# 3069326 Tattoo: 206C EUC Dreaming Chopper BW: 67 BD:

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 GLS Miss BTE W149 ZKCC Chopper 844U SDCC Lady T03

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.1 74 116 4 16 53 0.23 0.91 129


Here is a Intergrade daughter that has a lot to offer. She is sound and has a nice look to her and when set into motion she fills her track and balances up very well. She is extend through her front one third and her neck ties nicely into the top of her shoulder. This heifer will make a great breeding piece and a nice show heifer as well. Don’t miss the chance to get in on some of these Intergrade heifers!


4WCC Dreaming Intergrate

OS/WS Vickie B89 consignor by : Osborne & Washburn


O C C Legend 616L B C Lookout 7024 2/15/14 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 ASA# 2884079 Tattoo: B89 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 HSF Chelsea X045 BW: 80 HSF Victoria P30 WW: 724 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 10 1.1 58 91 3 17 46 0.43 0.78 118 BD:

Vickie is out of Chelsea out deceased donor that had done a super job for us in her short life. Lookout daughters are in high remand and no Dream On in her pedigree is a plus. Super cow prospect here. Vickie is bred to the ABS Calving ease bull Santa Fe. AI bred to CCR Santa Fe, ASA#2720494 on 7/6/15



Claire W924 - 1423 consignor by : Boitnott Family Cattle

TNGL Black Spark X362 7/27/14 ASA# 2937430 Tattoo: B1423 Claire W924 BW: 55 BD:


OS/WS Vickie B89

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Bramlets Sparkle General Lee S4 Miss LMCS Claire

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.7 58 79 7 18 47 0.04 0.79 102

Here is your next donor cow!!! So massive and tons of eye appeal. This black/white faced bred heifer comes from a great cow family and is destined to be a great cow. She is bred to “Devi’s Demon.” He is a past winner of the 2014 N.A.I.L.E. He is a bald faced son of “Mr. Hoc Broker” and “Pine Ridge Diva”. Pics of “diva’s demon” and his dam available upon request. Check us out on FB for more pics and updates. PE bred to PRFW Diva’s Demon 455B, ASA#2857104 from 9/10/15 to 11/22/15

Claire W924-1423

PRFW Diva’s Demon 455B - PE sire


JPLF Miss B437

DANR Daisy Duke


JPLF Miss B437 consignor by : Lashmett Farms


Flying B Cut Above 3/22/14 ASA# 3013964 Tattoo: B437 Y1 Miss Yardley W60 BW: 84 BD:


FB Prime Cut 456L Dillons Ms Pretty Woman Plainview Lutton E102 Miss Yardley M8

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.9 55 90 7 24 51 0.34 0.27 109

We have made the decision to offer a very special individual for your appraisal. B437 is for sure the kind anyone can build a program around. She is stout, wide-based, great necked and shouldered, and really never gives you a bad look. She has the rib shape and dimension that you can not help but fall in love with every time you see her. The consistency and fertility this cow family carries is unparalleled. Her mother, W60, settles on the first service every year. B437 did the same thing. She is a maternal sister to our top selling open in this very sale just one year ago. We think this star-headed female is very special, and these kind are hard to find. AI bred to W/C Loaded Up, ASA#2654155 on 5/26/15




DANR Daisy Duke consignor by : Danner Farms

K-LER Make It Rain 3/23/14 ASA# 2894662 Tattoo: 20B DANR Grand Desire BW: 82 BD:


Foundation 724N HCC/CSC Beyonce SS Ebonys Grandmaster HFS Hannah R205

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 1 2 52 77 4 27 53 0.14 0.76 87

If you like your cattle to have a good disposition then you are going to love this one. She is straight from our replacement pen. Smooth made and sound from the ground up with a unique white mark on her face in the shape of a heart. Its hard to find a purebred Simmental with this long clean extended front. Settled on first service to the great calving ease bull, In Dew Time to calf 3/18/16. No bull exposure. AI bred to HTP SVF In Dew Time, ASA#2285555 on 6/8/15. Due 3/18/16


TSF Moses B85 consignor by : Travis Simmentals


S A V Brilliance 8077 10/5/14 ASA# 2979881 Tattoo: B85 Hilco Ebonys Fortune BW: 84 BD:

S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Blackcap May 5270 NLC Fortunate Son 100N SS Ebonys Image SS255

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 12 0.9 59 92 6 27 56 0.39 0.59 124


A very masculine baldy bull that is really long-bodied, deep sided and just very complete in his make-up while being very sound when put into motion. He boasts a very solid set of EPDs and ranks in the top 10% for MM & MWW. He will add a lot of pounds and eye-appeal to his calves and can be used on first calf heifers with no problem.


TSF Moses B85

Double DJ M Melody C36 consignor by : Jason Muir


AJE/PB Montecito 63W 1/4/15 ASA# 3031650 Tattoo: C36 HPF Miss Melody Z025 BW: 78 BD:

SVF Steel Force S701 KS Miss Shes So Sweet 9 STF Dominance T171 HPF Ms Melody M011

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 1.8 59 92 6 17 47 0.04 0.49 101


Double DJ Melody C36

This Montecito son is long bodied, deep sided bull and has lot of bone to him.


MAG/GLL Steel Force 7C consignor by : Murphy’s Angus, LLC


CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 1/7/15 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 ASA# 3031895 Tattoo: 7C S A V Mandan 5664 M A G Pride 3X BW: 83 M A G Pride 5T WW: 774 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 8 0.5 59 94 6 17 47 0.35 0.76 113 BD:

A stout eye appealing Steel Force son out of an exceptional Angus donor. A full sister to this bull was a class winner at the 2014 NAILE Junior Heifer Show. A full brother sold in IBC sale for $7,300 and embryos sold for $800 each last year. Homozygous polled and homozygous black.


MAG/GLL Steel Force 7C

MAG/GLL Steel Force 7C full sister

Double DJ Full Lilac C42 consignor by : Jason Muir


Rito 9FB3 Of 5H11 Fullback Double D J Fullback 1306 1/20/15 Lemenager CLA Travett 913 ASA# 3030974 Tattoo: C42 HPF Dominance W902 HPF Miss Lilac Y093 BW: 76 HPF Ms Lilac W025 BD:


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 11 0.7 55 77 8 20 48 0.09 0.41 107

This half blood bull is an easy keeping sleek fronted big topped sound traveling herd sire prospect.

Double DJ Full Lilac C42



RS Combustible 58C consignor by : Rincker Simmentals


SVF Steel Force S701 1/23/15 FBF1 Combustible Lazy H Burn Baby BurnR34 ASA# 2995536 Tattoo: 58C SVF/NJC Built Right N48 BW: 79 RHFS Beautys Ms Right Y58H Rolling Hills Beauty WW: 790 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 11 2.4 62 94 5 16 47 0.04 0.68 112 BD:

I would say a “herd bull in the making” but it looks as if the work is already complete here. This young baldy bull is out of our elite donor “Beauty’s Miss Right Y58 and she herself is making quite a hit generating over $21,000 average on her last 2 sale toppers at the Illini Elite Sale. You love the cow but this bull is quickly coming into his own with so much body, top, and soundness. Anyone who saw his sire FBF1 Combustible, show in Denver as a 2 year old realized just how good that bull was, and this royally bred son will also get it done as a long term breeding piece. 58C has so much potential to become your next sire of preference and has the quality to work on the complete range of cattle within herd.

RS Combustible 58C

RHFS Beautys Ms Right Y58Hreference dam


OS/WS Next Step C07 consignor by : Osborne & Washburn


CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194 1/29/15 LLSF Urababydoll U194 ASA# 2987545 Tattoo: C07 JF Milestone 999W OS/WS Adele A07 BW: 91 HSF Chelsea X045 BD:

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 2.2 66 97 5 17 50 0.21 0.69 125


Next step is a baldy bull you will really appreciate. He is sound, big middled, thick with a super disposition in this Adele, Pay to Believe son. He was born unassisted out of Adele so calving ease should be here with good growth. OS/WS Next Step C07


Bar QH Step Up C32 consignor by : Bar QH Simmentals


SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 2/7/15 WS Ms Macho U38 ASA# 2976152 Tattoo: C320 Schelskes Hoover Dam 0127M Schelskes Ms Justine 3088M BW: 74 Miss SA Justine 3006M BD:


Bar QH Step Up C32


CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 -0.8 49 72 7 18 42 0.35 0.63 118

Commercial men gather around, here’s a stout, star headed, clean made bull that will add pounds. Moderate with just a huge rib cage. Out of a first calf heifer from Bruhn’s that has made a beautiful cow. On top of that she stuck AI 37 days after having C32. His sire step up is as fertile as they come, then couple that with what I just said about his dam breeding back what is the fertility of this family worth? I wouldn’t be a bit scared to use him on heifers as well.


J-M Sharpshot C8 consignor by : J Bar M Cattle

3/4 Blood

Dikemans Sure Bet TJ Sharper Image 809U 2/10/15 T J Miss Bando S27 ASA# 3057584 Tattoo: C8 GFI Magnum K52 SVF NJC Magnetic Lady M25 BW: 74 NJC Ebony Antoinette WW: 783 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 7 3.5 82 120 10 21 62 0.19 0.5 114 BD:

J-M SHARPSHOT C8 is backed by the growth and carcass leader from Triangle J Ranch, TJ Sharper Image 809U, on the top side. On the bottom side is Sloup Simmentals’ lead donor SVF NJC Magnetic Ldy M25, who has produced hundreds of thousands of dollars of progeny. This bull is a flush mate to the top seller at the New Direction Sale last fall, SS Enchantress, commanding $33,000 for half interest and has already entered the donor pen. He is a really well made bull that can get out and move on a big foot and heavy bone. He possess a thick top and a big middle that makes him the complete package, phenotypically as well as on paper. He will add pounds to your calf crop but will also sire calves that come easy and really explode from birth to weaning. Selling Full Possession and 2/3 Semen Interest.


J-M Sharpshot C8

CMB Cherry Up C912 consignor by : C Mor Beef Farms

5/8 Blood

LLSF Uprising Z925 2/15/15 ASA# 3045086 Tattoo: C912 CMB Whoa Nellie W712 BD:

Heads Up 20X ET LLSF Untouchable U925 CMB Black Cherry T210 CMB Coalette T312

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 1.8 63 96 5 21 53 0.15 0.61 99


Tremendous percentage bull with an outstanding pedigree. The rib shape and sheer power in this young stud is unique. This guy has the look and the bloodlines of the Cherry cow family. Cherry Up is super versatile and functional in his profile ,power, and pedigree.


SVF NJC Magnetic Lady M25 - reference dam

LLSF Uprising Z925 - reference sire

HSIM Ma Broker consignor by : Holtsclaw Farms


SVF Steel Force S701 Mr HOC Broker 2/24/15 JM BF H25 ASA# 3064244 Tattoo: C345 G L F Forefront 603-3125 Triple B Blackcap 1341 BW: 96 Triple B R Blackcap 626 WW: 755 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 5 1.9 60 91 7 15 45 0.12 0.4 91 BD:

Everyone loves a Broker and this bull isn’t a slacker. My judging team coach always said judge bulls by Nuts, Guts and Butts! Ma Broker has more than enough of all three! Not to mention he is out of one of the top donors from Musgrave Angus. He will be a great breeding bull and his progeny will push down the scales not matter what the market dictates.

HSIM Ma Broker



6B16-1532 consignor by : Boitnott Family Cattle


JF Milestone 999W RYAN/BRAM TouchstoneA125 2/26/15 SVF Sheza Star S803 ASA# 3071392 Tattoo: C1532 6B16 BW: 73 BD:

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2 65 94 3 22 54 0.22 0.45 103



This is a outstanding black/white face herd sire prospect with tons of meat, hair, and style. This guy is very cool to look at and has a great disposition. He loves attention and is sure to get a lot of it on sale day. Check us out on FB for more info and pics.


TSF Patriot C36 consignor by : Travis Simmentals

3/4 Blood

Card Uproar 49Y 3/2/15 ASA# 3002569 Tattoo: C36 WMCC Ester Y34 BW: 85 BD:

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 BFSC My Fair Jade 95T Flying B Cut Above CRCC Ester 4412

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 8 2.1 61 93 6 21 52 0.28 0.67 116


A really thick, bold sprung, heavy muscled bull that will e sure to add a lot of eye-appeal and pounds to his calves. Good set of EPDs that says he will work on first calf heifers and that sought after baldy face. TSF Patriot C36


Bar QH Step Up C52 consignor by : Bar QH Simmentals


SS Ebonys Grandmaster 3/4/15 WS A Step Up X27 WS Ms Macho U38 ASA# 2976156 Tattoo: C520 TR Mr Objective 3J15 8207 BW: 78 Schelskes Ms Objective 3418A Plainview Elva H145 BD:


Bar QH Step Up C52

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 -0.3 53 78 8 18 44 0.3 0.58 115

If I didn’t have 30 heifers in the replacement pen that are half sib’s to C52, I assure you he wouldn’t be going anywhere. I purchased his dam as a heifer from Bruhn’s for $7,250. The cattle that have came out of that sale and made a positive impact on our industry is amazing. No doubt heifer safe like his sire, this guy is sound as they come. I’ve admired his smooth yet masculine look from early on. Flat shouldered, long necked but has enough meat to get it done. If you can’t tell I’m pretty attached to this guy. Cow’s or heifers turn him loose and let him go make some baldy’s.



CMB Crockett C906 consignor by : C Mor Beef Farms

LLSF Uprising Z925 3/12/15 ASA# -3054139 Tattoo: C906 DANR Spanky BD:



CMB Crockett C906 - full sibs

Heads Up 20X ET LLSF Untouchable U925 HTP SVF In Dew Time DANR Wild Pop

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 7 2.9 71 107 7 15 51 0.17 0.75 111

A sound structured black baldy purebred sired by the breed leading SimAngus sire Uprising. He is a full sib to the pen of three females C-Mor Beef exhibited at NWSS in Denver. Dam was purchased from Bob Danner at Denver and has clicked to every bull she has been bred too. Unique blend of mass, soundness and profile is this purebred.

FBSC Riser 07C


FBSC Riser 07C consignor by : Fairow Brothers Show Cattle

3/4 Blood

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays To Dream T759 4/14/15 MLF BL Jessie K336 ASA# 3062467 Tattoo: 07C ZWT 2650 Traveler 9378 Starlet R&R 9017 1066 BW: 84 Starlet R&R 9017 BD:



CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 10 0.9 46 75 9 17 40 0.46 0.61 129

Bar QH Pilgrim C247 consignor by : Bar QH Simmentals


WS Pilgrim H182U 3/20/15 ASA# 2976155 Tattoo: C247 587 Bruhn BW: 80 BD:


A blaze face high percentage bull. That leads out with the longest most accurate stride of both ends and balance’s up well when set into motion. This bull reads well on paper and he is stout hipped and stout constructed and masculine. His mother was percentage champion in 2012 at the ISF and his half sib topped the 2014 Mid America Sired by Broker. I feel Pay’s to Dream son is just as good!

CNS Dream On L186 WS Marla 276M

CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API 9 1.6 62 85 7 20 50 0.53 0.39 125

Power in the pedigree, with Pilgrim semen in high demand here’s a great son. I purchased C247’s dam from Bruhn in Iowa, even after the great Griswold program bid, bid, then bid again against me. She might have cost me a small fortune but I’m not disappointed with the result. This guy is simply a powerhouse, huge hip, huge top, and sets down on a powerful hind leg. To carry this power so well and hit his stride is what sets him apart. When you see him you’ll ask the same as everyone else, what’s that bull?! Time to get your neighbors asking the same thing.

Bar QH Pilgrim C247



HC Power Drive 88H consignor by : Stan Tarr

PB Semen

Burns Bull X339U WLE Power Stroke 3/5/98 Nichols Joliette C75 ASA# 1991647 Tattoo: 88H Irish Black Knight Kappes Lady Irish F88 BW: 87 Kappes Lady Dakota D64 WW: 791 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW MARB REA API EPDs 8 1.9 52 86 5 24 50 -0.01 1.01 117 BD:

2 units of original PD semen

HC Power Drive 88H - reference sire



Adcock Land & Livestock

Forest Brook Farms, LLC

Rincker Simmentals

Bobby, Sherrie and Justin Adcock Moweaqua, IL 217-855-0926

Jay Juckem • Chilton, WI 920.378.3698

Curt & Brent Rinker • Shelbyville, IL 217.774.5741

Fox Creek Cattle Farm

Rolling Hills Farm

Stan Tarr • Leroy, IL 309.838.4138

Bob Hoovler • Belle Center, OH 937.538.1329

Graff Land & Livestock

Sanders Ranch, LLC

AKA Livestock Roger Allen • Champaign IL 715.684.9222

Bar QH Simmental John Sandidge • Chandlerville, IL 217.370.7665

Bauer’s Simmental John & Blake Bauer • Bingham, IL 618.339.8613, Blake

Scott Bohrson Olds, Alberta 403.370.3010

Boitnott Family Cattle Jeff Boitnott • Carlock, IL 309.275.4244

Boyer Farms Earl Boyer • Middletown, IL 217.445.2607

Breezeway Simmental/ Boyer Simmental Bill Bree • Lincoln, IL 217.871.1474

Bill Graff • Middletown, IL 217.741.9003

Hillstown Farms Joe Chandler • Marissa, IL 618.978.0531

Holtsclaw Farms Lance Holtsclaw • Carthage, IL 309.221.4204

Hudson Pines Farm Ryan Haefner • Sleepy Hollow, NY 815.499.0522

J Bar M Cattle Jaymes Maciejewski • Mason, IL 309.222.0850

Schick Cattle Company Chris Schick Family • Clinton, IL 217.519.4095

Travis Simmentals Kerry Travis • Oblong, IL 618.562.1158

Wilsons Family Farm Rich Wilson • Paris, IL 217.251.3710

Wright Way Simmentals Wyatt & Black Wright • Beecher City, IL 618.267.6521

Lashmett Farms Jackson Lashmatt • Winchester, IL 217.473.7031

Loschen Farms

C-Mor Beef Farms

Brian & Allie Loschen • Paxton, IL 217.898.7815

Art Farley • Seymour, IL 217.369.1587

Moore Land & Cattle

Diamond A Farms

Dennis Moore • Alton, IL 618.410.3325

Wendell & Justin Alwardt • Altamont, IL 618.292.3127

Jason Muir

Danner Farms

Odell, IL 815.674.1235

Robert Danner • Illinois City, IL 309.791.2743

Murphy’s Angus, LLC

Fairow Farms

Steve Murphy • Illiopolis, IL 217.871.5409

Dillon Fairow • Easton, IL 217.652.8115


Four Winds Cattle

Bill Bree • Onley, IL 618.292.6101

Grant and Rachel Fornoff Kilbourne, IL 217.971.4482

Darrin Barbour • Louisburg, KS 816.898.8990

Riley Farms Phillip Riley • Cisco, IL 217.853.6921

Juniors purchase your show heifer for the 2016 AJSA Jr Nationals hosted by the Iowa Simmental Association



Doug & Debbie Parke 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 859.987.5758 • 859. 421.6100 www.parkelivestock.com

Dated Material

First Class

Mid America

Simmental Sale

Saturday, February 27, 2016 • 10:00 am Illinois Beef Expo •

Illinois State Fair Grounds

Springfield, Illinois

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