Tennessee Beef Agribition Simmental Sale 2018

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T E N N E S S E E AG R i B i T i0 N Wilson County Fairgrounds

James E Ward Agricultural Center


Lebanon, Tennessee


Doug & Debbie Parke 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker 423.506.8844 SM


153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 859.987.5758 • office@dpsalesllc.com w w w.d p s a les l l c . c om

The expo season across the south is an exciting time for the Simmental business. The south has some of the strongest gatherings of Simmental breeders coming out to exhibit and market their Simmental genetics, and the Tennessee Agribition and the Tennessee Simmental Association and the members of this sale should be proud to be one of the strongest breed sales at the Agribition for many years. The past sales have been strong however this year the Tennessee Association and the consignors have decided to raise the bar even higher. The junior membership has grown in numbers and the enthusiasm is high with a couple juniors giving back and consigning some of their best genetics. As you view the catalog you can see the offering maybe the strongest ever at the Agribition and this is the 30th year. This year is the 50th anniversary of the Simmental breed and for many breeders that have supported or consigned when it started out in Murfressboro can attest that Tennessee has been a part of the advancement and history of our great breed. If you have never been to this sale or haven’t been in few years then this a must attend. For some reason you can make it sale day please utilize the online bidding thru DV Auctions. In the past several years genetics from Tennessee have gone on to be successful in various herds as well as in the show ring. We would like to congratulate all the Tennessee members and programs that have much success in the show ring at the major shows such as the Sweepstakes, Kansas City, North American and the National Western. There are several special features this year, however genetics are being offered out of two of the winningest heifers in Tennessee. Thanks for sharing these genetics to the Simmental world. We have an outstanding set of frozen genetics to choose from as well as live lots such as breds, opens, and bulls that will work in numerous scenarios. Once again the Agribition is hosting an “Open to the World” junior heifer and steer show. The sale cattle will be eligible to compete in this event on Sunday. If you are a junior member coming to buy a show heifer, please talk to a Tennessee Simmental Association Board Member about their voucher and futurity programs. This is a great program and several breeders have stepped to help the program. A few juniors will win continue to win money and it could be you. Check it out, again it is open to all juniors in all states. The sale cattle will once again show on Friday afternoon beginning at twelve o’clock. We hope that you will stick around after the show to fellowship with consignors, TSA Board Members, and Simmental breeders. Don’t forget the annual meeting and awards program. The TSA continues to work hard and make the association stronger. Get involved. Like always, if we can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to give a member of DP Sales or the sale staff a call. On behalf of the Tennessee Simmental Association and DP Sales Management, we invite you to spend the weekend with us and take in the Simmental festivities of the Tennessee Beef Agribition. Get involved in your state association and be part of the future sales at the Agribition.


Sale Day Phones 859-421-6100, Doug Parke’s cell 423-506-8844, Drew Hatmaker’s cell

Directions to Facility

Exit 239B traveling East towards Knoxville on Interstate 40 Exit 239 traveling West toward Nashville on Interstate 40

AG R i B i T i0 N

Sale Headquarters

Comfort Suites 615.443.0027 904 Murfeesboro Rd • Lebanon, TN 37090 ask for TN Beef Simmental sale Other Motels Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hampton Inn

615.994.3225 615.444.3445


Sale Mangement

Doug & Debbie Parke 859.421.6100 Drew & Holli Hatmaker 423.506.8844



Friday, March 9th, 2018

153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 859.987.5758 • office@dpsalesllc.com www.d p s a l esl l c. com

Sale Staff


Andee Marston Brent Elam Chuck Grove Roger Allen, Consultant Chris Ivie, Sale Chairman

785.250.4449 615.680.6189 816.390.6600 715.684.9222 931.215.0316


Sam Harroun Mark Howard

319.325.9389 865.300.3636

Sale Terms & Conditions

All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management, LLC would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Any person not complying with that guideline will be pursued legally. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. DP Sales accepts Visa and Mastercard.


Health papers will be furnished for interstate shipment. All animals have been tested as required to meet the health regulations of the state of Tennessee. Each animal sells full guaranteed under the Suggested Sale Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association and shall be accompanied by an official certificate of registry.


Insurance information about your purchases will be available sale day at the clerk’s desk. Jamie Secondino (812-208-0956) through American Livestock.


All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. As the sale manager, DP Sales Management acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.


Saturday, March 10th, 2018 Sale - 10:00 am (CST)

Col. Tommy Barnes

TN License# TAL 5125/TN FIRM 4257

Show - 12:00 pm (CST)

Any change of information other than that listed in the catalog will be announced from the auction block, and such announcements shall take precedence. We reserve the right to withdraw any sale lot not meeting our specifications prior to sale time.

James E Ward Agricultural Center 945 E. Baddour Parkway • Lebanon, TN www.wilsoncountryfair.net

Tennessee Beef Agribition Wednesday, March 7

12:00 pm – Cattle may arrive.

Thursday, March 8

6:00 pm – Cattle must be in place.

Friday, March 9

9:00 am – Consignor Social Breakfast 12:00 pm – Simmental Show 6:00 pm – TN Simmental Assoc. Dinner & Annual Meeting Saturday, March 10

10:00 am – Simmental Sale

Sunday, March 11 Agribition Junior Show Sale sponsored by: Tennessee Simmental Association

Tennessee Simmental Association Officers... Chris Ivie, President Sarah Jones, Vice President Chris Martin, Secretary

931.215.0316 615.655.4932 931.580.6821

Junior Advisors Donald Jackson Cathy Ivey Koty Allen Darnell

615. 598.0828 865.548.7983 217.552.8558

For more information visit the TN Simmental Association website at www.tnsimmental.org

T E N N E S S E E AG R i B i T i0 N Friday, March 9th & Saturday, March 10th

Thirtieth Annual

Friday Saturday 3/9 3/10 Breed SHOW SALE Simmental 12:00 pm 10:00 am Horned/Polled 12:30 pm 11:30 am Hereford Shorthorn 1:30 pm 1:00 pm Angus 3:00 pm 1:00 pm Charolais 3:00 pm 2:00 pm Gelbvieh/Balancer 4:30 pm 4:00 pm Limousin 4:30 pm 4:00 pm

President Trade Show Manager Contact Doug Parke Bobby Singleton

Phone 859.987.5758 615.708.1034

Mike Davis 615.202.7106 Kenneth Armstrong 931.703.6661 Clifford Mitchell 405.246.6324 Mike Butler 615.351.1071 Randy Ratliff 615.330.2735

Sunday, March 11th – Agribition Junior Show


Michael Butler Diane Major 1065 Greenvale Road 6851 Cainsville Road Milton, TN 37118 Lebanon, TN 37090 615.351.1071 615.286.2539

Vice President

Junior Show Contact

Mike Watkins Quintin Smith 2655A Beasley Bend Road 5171 Cainsville Road Lebanon, TN 37087 Lebanon, TN 37090 615.642.0976 615.207.0830

Barn Manager

Alan Psoda 63 Dukes Park Rd Summertown, TN 38483 931.242.0179

Tennessee Beef Agribition

Funding for the Simmental Abribition Sale is provided by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture www.picktnproducts.org.

Sunday • March 11, 2018 • 9:00 am An open to the world junior heifer and steer show will be held in conjunction with the twenty-eighth Annual Tennessee Beef Agribition. The Agribition is held at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center in Lebanon, Tennessee. The junior show will start with steers followed by heifers. Two rings of heifers will show at the same time, and breeds will not be rotated.

5. • There will be a $20 per head entry fee at the 2018 event.• All classes will be placed through fifth place, and premiums will be paid for 1st - 5th. The top five heifers and top five steers will pay $300, $200, $150, $100 and $50.

1. Breed association rules for junior shows will apply to each respective breed.

6.Heifer and steer breed shows will be available for the following breeds: Angus, Charolais, Chianina/Chiangus, Gelbvieh, Hereford/Polled Hereford, Limousin, Shorthorn and Simmental. Breed rotation will be Z to A (Angus, Charolais... will show last). Any breed having a sale will qualify to have a junior breed show.

2. No pre-entry is required. Entry forms will be available Friday and Saturday.

7. All other breeds (AOB), including commercial heifers and cross-bred steers will compete in AOB classes. AOB heifers will show by weight.

3. Due to limited parking facilities, all trailers must be parked in the designated parking area. On Saturday, Junior cattle will be allowed in the stalls when sales are completed and sale cattle are removed.

8. Heifers eligible to show must be born on or after September 1, 2016. Heifer classes will be based on the futurity system and will be determined after all entries are made. Steers will show by breed with classes determined by weight. Heifer show will begin 15 minutes after completion of steer show.

The rules for the event are as follows:

4. All junior cattle should be on the grounds and processed by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 10th. Heifers and steers will be processed Saturday from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. CST. All heifers purchased from late afternoon sales should be entered ASAP.

9. Heifers (born on or after 09/01/16) purchased in any of the Agribition sales will be eligible to compete in the Junior Show. • Check the respective breed catalog to see if percentage cattle show as AOB.• Quintin Smith – Junior Show Contact, 615-207-0830

BD: 4/22/16


Walker Housley





• Man! Here’s a heck of a female that we’ve really been impressed

with. She was the high selling lot at the 2017 TN Beef Agribition Simmental Sale for good reason. B&K Cream Soda 8D has really HTP/SVF Duracell T52 proven herself in the show ring, being crowned Grand Champion HPF Quantum Leap Z952 Purebred at 2018 Dixie National, Grand Champion Simmental RP/MP Right To Love 015U female at the 2017 TN Beef Agribition as well as Supreme Yardley High Regard W242 Champion at Western North Carolina. She was also a top 10 and HPF Cream Soda A901 top 20 heifer at the AJSA Eastern Regional and Junior Nationals. IC Cream Soda R56 She’s as good as they come — big footed, stout made, and bold middled while still keeping an elegant profile. In addition look at all the cow power behind this one. Her dam goes back to the legendary IC Cream Soda R56 but it doesn’t stop there. On her top side she is backed up by one of the most proven cow families in the industry, RP/MP Right to Love 015U. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to buy a conventional flush at the buyer’s expense to the bull of mutual agreement. Will guarantee five embryos and split any over ten. The proof is in the breeding, buy with confidence.


CE 9 BW 1.9 WW 64 YW 91 MCE 8 Milk 21 MWW 53 Marb 0.08 REA 0.6 API 117

B & K Cream Soda 52E Purebred


B&K Farm

BD: 9/3/17



Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U Yardley High Regard W242 HPF Cream Soda A903 IC Cream Soda R56



CE 7 BW 3.4 WW 61 YW 84 MCE 5 Milk 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.15 REA 0.9 API 112

• B&K Cream Soda A 52E is really one we think has a bright future. This female is out of a full sister to the dam of the high selling and champion female in last years Agribition purchased by the Housley family and Walker has won numerous champion banners and won the Tennessee Futurity to put a big check back in his pocket and sired by the popular and high selling Werning bull Relentless 32C. 52E has a beautiful long front, big belly, and stands on a great structure. This female is one to consider sale day she will not disappoint.

B&K Cream Soda 52E

3 Tennessee Beef Agribition


B&K Cream Soda 8D flush Purebred

Thirtieth Annual

B&K Cream Soda 8D - reference

HLVW Secret Shine 101A - reference

Thirtieth Annual



HLVW Cool Cat 1773 Purebred

BD: 4/3/17


Hillview Farms



Mr CCF Vision WAGR Catalyst 225C 3C Melody M668 BZ

Tennessee Beef Agribition

Remingtonsecretweapon185 HLVW Secret Shine 101A WHSP Oaks Gonna Shine



CE 7 BW 3.2 WW 62 YW 81 MCE 6 Milk 25 MWW 55 Marb 0.07 REA 1.03 API 102

HLVW Cool Cat 1773 • Birth Wt. 82 lbs. • The name Cool Cat well describes this coming yearling purebred

bull calf as he is a laid-back baldy youngster that moves so very well. He is an extremely attractive, very powerful individual being very thick ended and big topped, yet moves with ease off both ends and is extremely flexible in all joints. Performance is excellent on Cool Cat as he had an adjusted 205 day weight of 778 pounds and we will have his adjusted 365 day weight available by sale date. He was part of an excellent flush of our HLVW Secret Shine donor and the WAGR Catalyst bull that topped the Hartman Bull Sale in 2016 at $260,000. A flush sister to Cool Cat that was born in the same April calving group is currently being shown by the Tinin Family in TN. There is a tremendous amount of utility in this bull as we feel that with an individual of this quality and the consistency with which the “Shine” donor works to various bulls, he would be a no-miss addition to any herd. You will note that Hillview Farm is consigning 4 “Shine” offspring to this sale, all by different sires, and you can judge for yourself as to how well she works. Cool Cat is entered in the Dixie National so stay tuned for updates.


HLVW Pays To Shine 1740 Purebred

BD: 4/12/17


Hillview Farms



CNS Pays To Dream T759 LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194 LLSF Urababydoll U194 Remingtonsecretweapon185 HLVW Secret Shine 101A WHSP Oaks Gonna Shine

• Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Pays to Shine 1740 is an April Pays To Believe x “Shine”



CE 7 BW 2.4 WW 59 YW 81 MCE 5 Milk 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.19 REA 0.92 API 116

ET daughter that we are pleased to present for your evaluation. We have sold a few heifers of this mating and they are now in show barns in several states in the southeast and all are doing extremely well for their new owners. This one will be no exception. She is very child friendly HLVW Pays To Shine 1740 and will make a great project that you will be very proud of and you will like her even better as a cow in production. She has great feet and legs along with tremendous rib shape and gives you that great look on halter. No need for a long footnote here. We just returned from Denver and we notice that the Pays To Believe cattle remain among the best due to his ability to consistently sire cattle like this heifer. This one is ready to hit the shows now as she is the right size in the right condition with the great attitude.

Thirtieth Annual

HLVW Uprising Shine 1796


BD: 10/12/17


Hillview Farms




CE 6 BW 2.6 WW 67 YW 96 MCE 4 Milk 23 MWW 57 Marb 0.01 REA 0.81 API 103

Heads Up 20X ET LLSF Uprising Z925 LLSF Untouchable U925 Remingtonsecretweapon185 HLVW Secret Shine 101A WHSP Oaks Gonna Shine



• Birth Wt. 73 lbs. • We have 4 HLVW Secret Shine 101A lots consigned to this sale

with this being her natural October calf by LLSF Uprising Z925 and the other 3 being ET calves all by different sires. “Shine” seems to bring her strengths to all of the matings in terms of outstanding soundness and flexible joints, great hip structure and huge body design along with that Secret Weapon neck and extension. This calf by Uprising is no exception. We would describe her as flexible, soft and fancy. Look her up show and sales days and you be the judge.

HILVW Relent Shine 1786 Purebred


Hillview Farms

BD: 9/11/17



Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U Remingtonsecretweapon185 HLVW Secret Shine 101A WHSP Oaks Gonna Shine

• Birth Wt. 86 lbs. • This is a September W/C Relentless 32C x “Shine” calf



CE 9 BW 2.9 WW 54 YW 71 MCE 6 Milk 20 MWW 47 Marb 0.11 REA 0.94 API 110

that we think has tremendous potential. Relentless is a new sire for us to use and we were very eager to see the calves of this flush. We are extremely pleased with them as the consistency is great, as is the quality. Sometimes these fall babies are difficult to read as with short days, HLVW Relent Shine 1786 very cold days, snow and then mud, just the routine chores become difficult and we are not really able to study the calves like we do spring calves. Then you are in a rush to get them weaned early and halter broken for photos by the end of January. None of this is easy or the way we like for it to be. However, this calf has just been one of those that from birth and being tagged that day, just had the “look” and presence about her. When you go in the pasture you look for her. As I write this footnote she has not been clipped and is still on the cow but we are pretty sure we are going to like what we see. If you are in the market for a fall baby, we feel that by sale day she will deserve serious evaluation.

5 Tennessee Beef Agribition


HLVW Uprising Shine 1796


Welsh’s Kelly 251E

Welsh’s Kelly 251E Purebred

BD: 5/26/17


Welsh Simmentals



Thirtieth Annual

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Mr CCF Vision GCF Miss Elsa CNS Dream On L186 Welshs Seneritas Joy 121W SVF/NJC Senerita N29


• Birth Wt. 73 lbs. 251E • Kelly is a favorite among visitors to the farm here south of Temple Hill. Kelly we feel is the total package of genetics being out of the CE 15 Vision bull that is doing a great job and on the bottom side out of a BW 0.8 Dream On x Senerita daughter. These genetics have been faithful WW 67 and proven among many breeders. In person this heifer is neat, YW 100 cool, and cocky with a complete overall design. 251E is deep ribbed, MCE 11 smooth shouldered and shows lots of promise and potential. Kelly Milk 22 could be your next show stopper. Many progeny have sold in past MWW 56 Marb 0.15 Agribiton sales, 73T sold in 2008, 144Y sold in 2012 and a REA 0.81 daughter of Nights Lights sold last year. API 125 Tattoo:

Tennessee Beef Agribition


Welsh’s El Rose 254E

Welsh’s El Rose 254E Purebred


Welsh Simmentals

BD: 4/12/17



LRS Turning Point 3117A WCS El Dorado 5209C KS Sierra R992 CNS Dream On L186 Welshs Rosie 102W Welshs Night Lights 58S

• Birth Wt. 82 lbs. • Here is a daughter of the Night Lights donor and backed



CE 11 BW 2 WW 71 YW 105 MCE 11 Milk 29 MWW 64 Marb 0.18 REA 0.94 API 137

by Senerita. We sold two half sisters to 254E in last year’s expo with one going to Hart Farms. 254E has balanced EPDs and are excellent across the board. This April born female is smooth made and well balanced plus will be a great addition.


Welsh’s Ms Fullback 244E

Welsh’s Ms Fullback 244E SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 1/2/17



Welsh Simmentals

Leachman Fullback Rito 9FB3 Of 5H11 Fullback Rita 5H11 Of 1B14 Rito 9J9 TriplecpositivepowerN785 Welshs Positively Hot56S SVF/NJC Senerita N29

• Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • 244E is elegant fronted with a neat design and overall



CE 9 BW 1.3 WW 49 YW 77 MCE 9 Milk 21 MWW 45 Marb 0.03 REA 0.55 API 79

look. We sold a full sister a couple years ago in the expo with that female selling to Tolle Show Cattle. This female with her overall completeness will be a no brainier to make a superb bred. 244E’s dam is a half sister to Welsh Dew It Right.

CLCC Ella E109

Thirtieth Annual

7 Tennessee Beef Agribition

CLCC Estelle E122

4A 4B

CLCC Ella E109 Purebred

BD: 2/14/17


Cedar Lane Cattle Co.





CLCC Estelle E122 Purebred

BD: 2/9/17


Cedar Lane Cattle Co.





LLSF Uprising Z925 WS Revival SS Noreen Remington Red Label HR SVF Kriz Antoinette T47 SVFNJCEbonyantoinetteP45

CE 8 BW 1.1 WW 62 YW 89 MCE 4 Milk 21 MWW 52 Marb 0 REA 0.72 API 111

• E109 & E122: When we purchased the T47 donor from Foster Brothers a few years ago, we hoped she would produce

females of this caliber. I could write a book about these two young Revival daughters, but I will keep it short. Just know that these two full sisters are highly regarded here at CLCC, and we believe in the cow family and the future of these two because they truly are top-notch in terms of quality. When I look back at T47’s track record, it is no surprise that Revival worked on her as well as any bull has thus far. She stamps them with robust rib and softness, but Revival made his mark as he added the sleek, elegant front one-third and flex of skeleton. No matter what the goals of your operation are, these young ladies are of the magnitude to be considered herd changers.

DAF Summer Z65 - reference dam

Thirtieth Annual


3/4 Blood


3/4 Blood


3/4 Blood

E91 Consignor:

BD: 9/1/17




E94 Consignor:

BD: 9/4/17








Saline River Cattle Co.

E96 Consignor:

BD: 9/6/17


Saline River Cattle Co.

Tennessee Beef Agribition

B C Lookout 7024 DAF Summer Z65 DAF Summer Time U29

Half sib to females selling


Saline River Cattle Co.

Mr TR Hammer 308A et TKCC Classified Ford RJ Dolly Y83


CE 7 BW 2.5 WW 73 YW 113 MCE 4 Milk 15 MWW 52 Marb 0.2 REA 0.76 API 111

• Here is a special lot and special choice of females. These fall born are sired by the high selling bull at the Hudson Pines dispersal, Classified. The dam is Summer Z65. Most anyone would know the impact this cow family has made for several breeders like Ivie and Sons, Kayla Jackson, Diamond A, Sara Sullivan and others. The past genetics and family members are high sellers and show stoppers. We are bringing three fall and selling choice. These Classified fall heifers have show potential and offer loads of promise as individuals. As junior members take a serious look. With the regionals hosted by Illinois and the Nationals in Minnesota these young ladies all will be ready for the heat of the battle. Don’t worry about winning the battle because all these elite female offer long term genetic merit. Just ask Chris Ivie about the offspring he has on the ground. He is excited

TKCC Classified - reference sire

as well. Come to the Tennessee Agribtion and buy one, two or three. Watch for pictures and updates on these special females on the DP Sales web site.

WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y - reference dam

B&K Alley 111E

Thirtieth Annual


Tylertown Alley


B&K Alley 111E Purebred

BD: 5/3/17


B&K Farm



Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U JF Milestone 999W WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y WHF Sierra 245S



CE 9 BW 3.1 WW 64 YW 88 MCE 8 Milk 14 MWW 46 Marb 0.13 REA 0.84 API 110

• B&K Alley 111E is the female we have saved for the Agribition all year. We want to always bring our best to the Agribition and we feel like we have done just that. B&K Alley 111E has the look of a champion and a pedigree to back it up. 111E has a beautiful long front, big bellied, and a great structure all put together to create the look of a champion we all desire in today’s showring. This female is out of the famed WHF/PRS/HPF ALLEY 247Y high selling donor female at $87,000 in the Hudson Pines dispersal this last fall that has produced thousands of dollars worth of sale highlights and champions just as recently as a few day ago in Denver where she was the dam of our $37,000 high selling bred heifer, and sired by the super popular W/C Relentless 32C. We feel this female has a bright future and will win in many ways.


Tylertown Alley SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 4/2/17



Tylertown Simmentals

S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 S A V Blackcap May 5270 RCRS SRC Two Step 20Z ET HPF/B&K AF Alley 355C WHF/PRS HPF Alley 247Y



CE 13 BW 0.6 WW 60 YW 91 MCE 6 Milk 18 MWW 49 Marb 0.32 REA 0.54 API 118

• Our first calf out of our direct Two Step x Alley 247Y daughter. We purchased this heifer as a top seller out of the Living Legacy Sale 2015 and was out of the first calf crop from the recently $87,500 valued. Alley 247Y, they were well excepted that year and every year til present. In fact the most recently would be Ben Browns Duracell daughter that commanded $37,500 in the One Sale in Denver. These Alley’s are very attractive to look at but don’t give up any power or stoutness by being so. We have HUGE intentions for 355C and her first calf is a nice way to start it. She is as elegant through her front 1/3 and shoulder as you can make one, she ties everything together to be super complete and is A1 from the profile. This lady will be a fun junior prospect but with genetics potential galore after her halter days are over.

Tennessee Beef Agribition

HPF/B&K AF Alley 355C - reference dam

Thirtieth Annual

WLE Missy X407 - reference

10 Tennessee Beef Agribition


WLE Missy X407 Flush Flush 6 eggs on mutually agreed bull Consignor:

KenCo Cattle Company

CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette SS Goldmine L42 Shawnee Miss 770P NLC LG770

SWC TO Everything Nice 72E daughter

SWC To Eureka 741E son


2532006 CE 13 BW 0.5 WW 52 YW 68 MCE 5 Milk 21 MWW 47 Marb 0.21 REA 0.34 API 136

• We at KenCo are proud to offer an IVF cycle on one of our top donors WLE Missy X407. This female we selected for her stunning and predictable pedigree of Built Right x 770P. This line continues to stack up females that have all become donors after their successful show careers. The bulls which many are stud bulls are being used in breeding programs across the U.S. You know the names such as Uno Mas, Big Deal, Twang, Revolution and others. X407 is a full to WLE Big Deal. In the recent Ft Worth the high selling female for Shipwreck Cattle Co. sired by CCF Vision sold to Matt and Adrienne Hilbrands for $32,500 and was a crowd favorite. Also, a son sold for $7000. I don’t think you can have enough of this great family because today our breed has some exciting bulls to utilize and produce even the next generation of genetics. So we encourage anyone interested party to call regarding any details. Missy X407 is due to calve mid Feb. and will be ready to go this spring. With the IVF cycle you are guaranteed a minimum of six embryos with a maximum of ten. Anything over ten KenCo will split the number of embryos and share the expense. We love all the strong attributes of this proven, dependable and marketable family and Missy will only add to the legacy. Pick your sire selection. Call Randy or I or even a member of DP Sales Mgt. for any details.

DARB Broker Girl - reference

Thirtieth Annual



DARB Broker Girl Flush 3 Embroys Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:


Samantha Roberts

SVF Steel Force S701 Mr HOC Broker JM BF H25 Dameron First Class SSC Proven Queen PVF Dameron Proven Queen 0021


CE 2 BW 2.8 WW 65 YW 101 MCE 2 Milk 17 MWW 50 Marb 0.01 REA 0.57 API 81

• Selling 3 embryos to a mutually agreed bull guaranteed I pregnancy if work is performed by certified embryologist. • DARB Broker Girl is due to calve March 23rd and will be set up to flush shortly after. She is an outstanding female whose show record includes being named the Grand Champion % at the 2018 Dixie National and Supreme Champion at the 2017 Georgia National Open Fair. She has been Supreme and Reserve Supreme Champion through out the Southeast. Judge David Guyer commented, “Not only is she a fantastic show heifer, she will be a tremendous donor cow.” He compared her to a slot machine that will make money for the long haul. She is a powerfully constructed female who combines loads of mass, width, and dimension, but maintains a soft appearance in a very balanced and correct skeleton. She is valued as a producer that to click with a variety of bulls, therefore, the opportunities are endless. Please call us or DP Sales for any details on the heifer, the process or any details. This heifer is amazing and no doubt has potential to have some good ones.


RS Destinie 250D 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 2/2/16



Walker Housley

SVF Steel Force S701 Mr HOC Broker JM BF H25 DJ Salute G509 Hara’s Miss Salute 77Z Hara’s Dixie Erica 1



CE -1 BW 3.3 WW 58 YW 88 MCE 1 Milk 16 MWW 45 Marb 0.07 REA 0.46 API 75

• Selling 5 embryos to a mutually agreed bull guaranteed 2 pregnancies if work is performed by certified embryologist. • Here’s a great opportunity to buy some elite genetics. RS Destinie 250D has really blown us away on terms of sheer cow power and dimension. She’s as sound as they come with plenty of style and balance. Not to mention her success in the ring, claiming Grand Champion Winter Heifer at the 2017 Dixie National Stock Show and being crowned the tenth overall percentage Simmental female at the 2017 AJSA Eastern Regional. In addition she’s backed up by a great pedigree. Her dam, Hara’s Ms. Salute 77Z, is one of the top donors for Rincker Simmentals, producing high end show prospects that make excellent cows. Offering five embryos with a guarantee of two pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. Don’t miss out, get on board.

Tennessee Beef Agribition

RS Destinie 250D - reference

Triple C Diamonds - reference

Triple C Diamonds Embryos 3 Embroys Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Thirtieth Annual


10A 10B

KenCo Cattle Company

Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy


H2J2 Angelich Lady BO2 x TLCC One Eyed Jack 3 Embroys Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Proj EPDs


Blake & Katy Darnell

Long’s Shear Pleasure TLLC One Eyed Jack Long’s Miss Sweet Treat S A V Bismarck 5682 H2J2 Angelich Lady B02 HPF/Angelich Lady Z058

Black Max Hart Hollywood Queen E700 SGT P13

Tennessee Beef Agribition

W/C Executive Order PROJ EPDs CE 14 BW -1.3 WW 61 YW 86 MCE 5 Milk 23 MWW 54 Marb 0.26 REA 0.91 API 142 HTP/SVF Duracell T52 PROJ EPDs CE 14 BW 0.3 WW 61 YW 79 MCE 7 Milk 18 MWW 49 Marb 0.14 REA 0.80 API 131 • Triple C Diamonds is a popular member in our donor lineup for several reasons, Shear Force, Hollywood Queen, the respected Triple C program, production record of her high quality offspring. In the past several KenCo Family Matters sales Diamonds progeny and embryos sales are rock solid. Again, the Shear Force cows never go out of style. Select again from proven and predictable sires such as Duracell and Executive Order. Duracell sired the Champion and Reserve bulls at the Ft Worth Stock Show.

CE 9 BW 1.35 WW 56 YW 84 MCE 4 Milk 18 MWW 46 Marb 0.3 REA 0.71 API 109

• We are offering these embryos out of our hot young donor H2J2 Angelich Lady B02 or as we call her, Halo. She was shown around TN very successfully being named Supreme Champion at MTSU Block and Bridle and Grand Champion Percentage Simmental and 4th Overall at TN Agribition. She was then shown as a cow calf pair and named 3rd overall at the 2016 Regional Classic with a TLLC One Eyed Jack calf at side. That calf was later sold for $4,500 to Kevin Fenton of Oklahoma. With these embryos being out of one of the hottest sires right now, TLLC One Eyed Jack, these calves will have endless marketing opportunity. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your breeding program.

H2J2 Angelich Lady B02 - reference

B02 daughter - reference

DF Miss Pep 301A - reference

Thirtieth Annual


DF Miss Pep 301A Embroys

HPF Misti U353 Embroys

4 or 8 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies

3 Embroys Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy


12A 12B

Hilltop Simmentals

TNT Top Gun R244 JF Milestone 999W Ms Maxie Lou M112S SVF/NJC Built Right N48 HPF Miss Pep Y301 Miss Pep 58H

LMF Revenue Z224 PROJ EPDs CE 11 BW 1.3 WW 59 YW 77 MCE 11 Milk 24 MWW 54 Marb 0.09 REA 0.50 API 126 CCR Santa Fe PROJ EPDs CE 8 BW 0.3 WW 61 YW 79 MCE 7 Milk 18 MWW 49 Marb 0.14 REA 0.80 API 131 • Buy three or six whatever you will be rewarded with a guarantee of 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • We purchased Ms Pep 301A from Dorsey Farms at the North American sale. She has done everything right as a young cow, calving, flushing and doing an excellent job. Because of her fertility and success we sold her last year at the Spring Turnout sale with her selling to Brandon Luebbue and Trevor Naber. I am sure they will hit a home. This donor has always been good, her calves are good and future progeny will be good also. 301A is backed by Milestone, Built Right and Pep 58H.


13A 13B

Hilltop Simmentals

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew HC Power Drive 88H SS U-Nights Misti M706M ES XS U-Night EE96

LRS Elevate PROJ EPDs CE 17 BW -0.1 WW 57 YW 88 MCE 10 Milk 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.19 REA 0.96 API 151 WS All Around Z35 PROJ EPDs CE 16 BW 0.4 WW 69 YW 100 MCE 13 Milk 17 MWW 52 Marb 0.33 REA 0.60 API 154 • Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • Misti U353 is a proven baldie donor that is easy to like and her offspring are all highly consistent and marketable. This is why we purchased her out of the Hudson Pines sale a couple years ago. The accomplishments of her progeny is long from show winners to high sellers. The In Dew Time x Power Drive pedigree will always be a plus and the bulls All Around and Elevate progeny will be good on paper and superb individuals as well. Take a serious look on these frozen genetics which offers are great opportunity to obtain some of the breed’s best. History from the 1999 Agribition, Power Drive was the high seller.

Tennessee Beef Agribition

HPF Misti U353 - reference


JCP Hello Dolly P72D SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 11/11/16



J&C Simmental


CE 2 BW 3.2 WW 66 YW 102 MCE 3 Milk 22 MWW 55 Marb 0.03 REA 0.85 API 87

MCM Top Grade 018X Hook’s Broadway 11B Hooke’s Water Lily 89W 90S

• Birth Wt. 88 lbs. • JCP Hello Dolly is definitely an eye catcher, a farm

Hook’s Broadway 11B - reference sire


favorite with her looks and sweet disposition. She is long bodied, sound and a very nice profiling heifer. Blaze faced and moderate framed. She sells open and ready to breed to the bull of your choice. Whatever bull you may choose, we are sure the outcome will be good. Her dam was a really good cow of ours that produced very well and we are sure Dolly will follow in her footsteps. This heifer could fit into most any program and not miss a beat. So, be sure to look her up come sale day. You will not be disappointed.

Thirtieth Annual



JCP Ms Day Trader P74E 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 1/3/17




J&C Simmental


CE 6 BW 2.6 WW 54 YW 81 MCE 4 Milk 23 MWW 50 Marb 0.11 REA 0.44 API 96

Mr HOC Broker M.A.C.Wallstreet 340A Ma Bandy Maid 873

Tennessee Beef Agribition

CVLS Goldstone 433P CVLS Classy 724T D&D Classy Lady • Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • JCP Ms Day Trader is one we definitely hate to part

with but we enjoy bringing some of our best to the Tennessee Beef Agribition. She is a percentage heifer with lots of length, dimension and shape. She also exhibits that ultra-feminine look, travels out easily and gives you that classy look to boot. Ms Day Trader has been a front runner here at home. We are sure this heifer will excel in your pasture for many years to come, so be sure to not pass her up.


Tylertown Anchor Purebred

BD: 1/5/17


Tylertown Simmental



CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z CCR Anchor 9071B CCR Ms Barb 2120Z WLE Last Call Y716 CMFM Perfection 249B HPF Perfection W901

Tylertown Anchor



CE 18 BW -1 WW 57 YW 80 MCE 11 Milk 25 MWW 53 Marb 0.52 REA 0.61 API 151

• Here’s a nice cow prospect that gives a good mix of pedigree and EPDs. She goes back to the former red donor for Circle M whose dam was highlight donor for Hudson Pines, that’s a lot of cow power, and she gives an impressive EPDs spread with a 18 calving ease, 60 and 85 on growth and a whopping 151 API. You could do a lot of different things with this one, going wrong isn’t one.

Thirtieth Annual

BCC5 Bullard Bria


BCC5 Bullard Bria SimAngus

BD: 1/5/17



S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Brilliance 8077 S A V Blackcap May 5270 CNS Dream On L186 WS Ebonys Dream SOSF Ebonys Joy L-123

• Birth Wt. 81 lbs. • Bria is a big stout easy keeping January heifer. After you




CE 18 BW -1.5 WW 56 YW 86 MCE 6 Milk 24 MWW 52 Marb 0.41 REA 0.58 API 148

Tennessee Beef Agribition

BE Cattle


show her, she will be an excellent brood cow. Her EPDs are really great and API is a 149. Buy this heifer with confidence!!


E522 Purebred


Tylertown Simmental

BD: 1/15/17



SS Ebonys Grandmaster WS A Step Up X27 WS Ms Macho U38 TJ Sharper Image 809U WRS Carolina C522 SVF NJC Jewel S306

• Birth Wt. 90 lbs. • We love going to Seward NE in May to see our friends



CE 9 BW 0.5 WW 64 YW 91 MCE 7 Milk 12 MWW 44 Marb 0.08 REA 0.81 API 120

Hiltop and Sloup, and E522 and her mother is one of the few we selected and a great example of the super cow calf pairs they offer. E522 is one that has got a lot of attention from farm visitors. She is sleek and fancy. This one is going to be fun for a jr to lead around and is docile as they come.



DGT Melania 201E SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 2/1/17



Doggett Simmental

• Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • Melania comes from the oldest cow family at Doggett

Simmentals. We could talk for days about the number of productive females that have descended from R02 and Miss Melanie. This heifer is no exception and is a perfect example of everything we love about raising Simmentals. She is easy keeping and sound. She combines this with the growth and thickness that pounds the scales. Tying all of this up in a red blaze faced package only makes this heifer even more exciting.

Thirtieth Annual


DGT Brick House 204E 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 2/4/17



Doggett Simmental


Hoover Dam CCR Boulder 1339A CCR Ms L Taylor 1339Y

Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • When we chose to use CCR Boulder on our first calf


heifers last year, we had no idea that decision would reap this kind of reward. 204E is a standout heifer descended from a Gateway cow we bought through KenCo’s Family Matters Sale. She has the style and presence to make an awesome show heifer and if pedigree is any indication, a very productive cow one she enters your herd. 204E also has an exceptionally balanced EPD profile being in the top end of the breed on most of her numbers. From the show ring to the pasture, Brick House could be the foundation female you’ve been looking for.


SHHH E55 Pinky 3/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 3/1/17




W/C United 956Y LFI United Star SVF Sheza Star S800 SHHH W101 P46

• Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Pinky, a percentage female will add hybrid Vigor and is

LFI United Star - reference


CE 13 BW 0.9 WW 68 YW 110 MCE 8 Milk 23 MWW 57 Marb 0.64 REA 0.66 API 150

C Bar Master Design 917W DGT Twilight 205C DGT Starlight 907Z

DGT Brick House 204E


CE 11 BW 2 WW 74 YW 112 MCE -1 Milk 13 MWW 50 Marb 0.11 REA 0.56 API 110

Remington Lock N Load54U W/C Lock Down 206Z G C F Miss New LevelR206 AMS Mr.B.B.J. DGT Miss Melanie 301X R02

DGT Melania 201E




CE 9 BW 1.5 WW 64 YW 95 MCE 3 Milk 16 MWW 48 Marb 0.24 REA 0.89 API 109

ready to join your herd! This crossbred heifer is a well-balanced animal that is guaranteed to be a high performing member for anyone’s herd. Pinky’s sire was the top selling bull at the 2015 SVF Family Traditions Bull Sell, and her dam can be traced back to a well-known producer, Forest Grove Farm, that has sold many animals across the nation. Pinky is prime for your time, so come buy her on sale day and put her to the test!

Thirtieth Annual

Tylertown Elegance

BD: 2/21/17


Tylertown Simmental




CE 12 BW 0.2 WW 61 YW 95 MCE 9 Milk 25 MWW 56 Marb 0.39 REA 0.89 API 136

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MCM Top Grade 018X MCM 513R CNS Dream On L186 Welsh’s Elegance 144Y Welshs Night Lights 58S



Welsh’s Elegance 144Y - reference dam • 144E is definitely our kind. She has cow power written all over her phenotype and pedigree. She is a daughter of Welshs Elegance 144Y a female we actually purchased in 2012 sale from the Welsh family that we entered in our donor program after her first calf was high selling female in the 2015 KenCo Family Matters sale selling for $7500 going to KenCo. 144E is a full sib to that heifer and we believe she has huge potential.

W6 Uno Draw Four SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 3/6/17



W6 Farms

CNS Dream On L186 WLE Uno Mas X549 Shawnee Miss 770P SOO Line Motive 9016 W6 Gettin Motivated W03C Kemmer Rita T239

• Birth Wt. 69 lbs. • W44E is a Sim Angus sired by Uno Mas out of a Soo



CE 16 BW -0.9 WW 58 YW 84 MCE 5 Milk 18 MWW 47 Marb 0.58 REA 0.49 API 132

Line Motive cow followed by a good Hank Kemmer cow. This March born is smooth, complete and well designed. A calving ease female that is homo polled.

W6 Uno Draw Four

Tennessee Beef Agribition


Tylertown Elegance Purebred



SFIS Rosie Red Purebred

BD: 3/8/17


Mandy Brown





CE 9 BW 1.3 WW 57 YW 79 MCE 6 Milk 18 MWW 47 Marb 0.32 REA 0.7 API 129

CNS Dream On L186 WS Pilgrim H182U WS Marla 276M Remington Lock N Load54U Sandeen Donna 4325 Sandeen Donna 8386

• Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • A powerful and beautifully constructed red purebred by

the legendary Pilgrim. Rosie has been shown successfully and will be kid friendly. She will also continue to add genetic value to your herd for years to come.

SFIS Rosie Red


W6 Blazin Georgina SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 3/10/17



W6 Farms

Thirtieth Annual

WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Blaze Of Glory CAJS Khloe 42ZA S A V Priority 7283 Kemmer Georgina C635 LSF Georgina 850

18 Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 71 lbs. • W46E is a royal bred Sim Angus being a Blaze of Glory



CE 12 BW 0.4 WW 67 YW 99 MCE 5 Milk 17 MWW 51 Marb 0.33 REA 0.53 API 115

out of the Angus line of Georginia. The best of both worlds. Her Priority mom is a good one. A heifer with a great disposition

W6 Blazin Georgina


DGT Hot Stuff 305E 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 3/17/17



Doggett Simmental

SS/PRS High Voltage 244X Sandeen Voltage 426 Sandeen Donna 8386 Sydgen C C & 7 CVLS Perfect Blend 118Y CVLS Angel 709T

• Birth Wt. 84 lbs. • This heifer was one of the last calves born during the

DGT Hot Stuff 305E



CE 10 BW 2.4 WW 72 YW 108 MCE 6 Milk 20 MWW 56 Marb 0.28 REA 0.65 API 118

calving season, but you would never know that looking at the group. She has been one of the fastest growing heifers of this year’s crop. Her dam, CVLS Perfect Blend, is a specimen of a SimAngus cow that we bought from Steve Seig. Hot Stuff is a long-bodied female that is sure to add growth to any operation. She is sired by our herd bull that continues to impress. We have sold half-sisters here at the Agribition and in the TN Fall Showcase Sale. Anyone who purchased those heifers can attest to the kind of quality females that Sandeen Voltage is turning out. Don’t hesitate to add a female with the kind of cow power to any herd.

Thirtieth Annual

LHCC Miss 40E

LHCC Miss 40E 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 4/3/17



Laura Hill Cattle Co., Chris Gulish



CE 10 BW 1.6 WW 57 YW 88 MCE 7 Milk 20 MWW 48 Marb 0.07 REA 0.85 API 111

Long’s Shear Pleasure Gibbs 1084Y Tux & Tails Gibbs 7241T SM Bet L138 OCC Jetfeck 133N Miss Yardley U204 Miss Yardley P146


• Birth Wt. 76 lbs.

• Cow power. We have been utilizing Yardley’s genetics for 20 years and have found them to be among our most versatile, easy keeping and functional cattle we have. Combine that with Gibbs Tux & Tails and this one will be a momma cow deluxe! We hate to see this one leave, but we offer the good ones...and a baldy to boot!

B&K Flecka 13E Purebred


B&K Farm

BD: 4/3/17



MCM Top Grade 018X Hook’s Broadway 11B Hook’s Water Lily 89W BF M212 Easy Roll SFS Flecka XW13 SFS Gala XS26



CE 6 BW 0.1 WW 61 YW 93 MCE 9 Milk 30 MWW 60 Marb 0.31 REA 0.68 API 132

• B&K Flecka 13E is really nice one with great EPDs to boot. This female is out of maybe our favorite cow on the farm Doug purchased her for us out of the North Carolina sale and man we are sure glad we own her. 13E is big bodied, great on the move, and has the cow family to back it up. If you are in the market for a great prospect make sure to look her up sale day you will love what you find.

B&K Flecka 13E

Tennessee Beef Agribition




Style Of Lady Di SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 4/5/17




Gambles Hot Rod Silveiras Style 9303 Silveiras Elba 2520 WS Pilgrim H182U Lady Di 19C Ms Drive On By 788Y ET

• Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • This May heifer has cow written all over her. She is

Silveiras Style 9303 - reference sire

out of a first calf Pilgrim daughter that was selected at the top of the Hartman Cattle Company sale two years ago for her structure, style and femininity. She has a beautiful udder and we are excited about her future within our herd. Pay attention to the length, angularity and soundness this Style heifer is built on. This one has the pedigree to breed around and the build to produce for years to come.


SHHH E62 Midnight 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 4/11/17




Thirtieth Annual

W/C United 956Y LFI United Star SVF Sheza Star S800 BMR Dew Time U32 SHHH A15 SHHH P139




Bo Teague

Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 71 lbs. • Successful operations need stability, and stability is what



CE 11 BW 2.2 WW 77 YW 115 MCE 3 Milk 14 MWW 52 Marb 0.21 REA 0.74 API 113

Midnight offers. Her Dam and grand Dam, who is 14 years old and is still an active herd member, have both consistently produced high quality calves throughout the years. For a commercial producer looking to put Ibs. on the ground, this female is well prepared for the job. Her EPDs land her in the top 10% on weaning and the top 20% for yearling weights. Midnight will make a great addition to any herd, so come meet her personally on sale day!


6/R Cherry Delight E714 Purebred

BD: 4/28/17


Six Bar R



Long’s Shear Pleasure TLLC One Eyed Jack Long’s Miss Sweet Treat CMSC Gigolo Joe U517 CMSC Cherry A716 CMSC Miss Special Cherry

• Birth Wt. 82 lbs. • 6/R Cherry Delight is a high profiling youngster that pos-

6/R Cherry Delight E714



CE 7 BW 1.8 WW 51 YW 70 MCE 1 Milk 20 MWW 46 Marb 0.22 REA 0.82 API 111

ses all the style and pizzaz needed to hang a lot of purple in her carrier and later be a front pasture donor cow for some progressive cattle breeder. Her pedigree is rich with desirable genetics that trace back to some of the best anywhere. With the likes of Power Drive 88H, Hollywood Queen E700 and the original OSU Emerald 7144, all on the cow side. Cherry Delight sire One Eyed Jack is writing his on story book by siring the AJSA National Champion and 6 State Fair Grand Champions on 7 different females last year alone plus numerous others. If you are looking for a female to get it all done look no more. As an added bonus she has the disposition of a house cat.

IVS Miss Pearl 705E


BD: 4/16/17



Ivie & Sons Simmentals

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 SVF Allegiance Y802 Double R Miss 29G T18 Engineer Z468 IVS Miss Expect 515C JMWA 515P Of 811H Expect



CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 71 YW 109 MCE 7 Milk 21 MWW 56 Marb 0.26 REA 0.95 API 115

shape, all the depth of body and softness an April baby can possible have. She is super sound on the move in this nice moderate package with built in fleshing ability. Miss Pearl is easy to project out as a very competitive show heifer and then a top shelf producer that’s in high demand in today’s cattle industry. As a bonus 705E’s EDP profile is as stout as you can write one which makes mating this young female super easy with endless options. We invite you to come by the farm before the sale or be sure to mark this one in your catalog to check out on sale day. IVS Miss Pearl 705E is nominated for the 2018 Tn Jr. Futurity Sales Open.


WLSF Caylee 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 4/18/17



Morgan Lehnert

LLSF Uprising Z925 HPF/Hill Uprising C104 RP/MP Right To Love 015U TJSC Optimus Prime 12W WLSF Queen Katniss MLF Queen

• Birth Wt. 64 lbs. • Caylee is a April heifer that is a standout and is one of



CE 6 BW 2.8 WW 67 YW 99 MCE 2 Milk 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.13 REA 0.48 API 90

the first to sell out of the 2018 Denver Senior Champion bull, Saban. If all the Saban heifers are going to look something like Caylee his future should be bright. 703E is upheaded, clean, extended with that cool look. There is no doubt that this heifer will be a competitive as a show heifer. I would sure like to show this one however the whole family is committed in selling some good ones out of our small herd. This Saban heifer is out of Triple C General cow going back to Power Drive and Hollywood Queen. At the Agribtion last year some semen was sold out of Saban so you might consider using him in your program.

WLSF Caylee

21 Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • IVS Miss Pearl 705E has that wide body, massive rib

Thirtieth Annual


IVS Miss Pearl 705E 3/4 Blood

Thirtieth Annual

B&K Ultradream 171E

22 Tennessee Beef Agribition


B&K Ultradream 171E Purebred

BD: 5/23/17


B&K Farm



Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C Miss Werning KP 8543U CNS Pays To Dream T759 HS/HILB Ultradream A18W HS/HSF Ultrastar U14K



CE 9 BW 2.4 WW 54 YW 80 MCE 9 Milk 17 MWW 44 Marb 0.29 REA 0.92 API 121

• B&K Ultradream 171E is a female we think will have a lot of friends sale day. Doug purchased this female for us from our friends at Hillbrands in Minnesota a couple years ago and she has not disappointed. 171E is a big bodied, super sound blaze faced female that has lots of future. Be sure to look her up sale day she will be a lot of fun for some lucky junior next summer.


LHCC Miss 62E 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 5/7/17



Laura Hill Cattle Company

Long’s Shear Pleasure Gibbs 1084Y Tux & Tails Gibbs 7241T SM Bet L138 O C C Legend 616L Juliette 8302U DSUL Meyer 426P

• Birth Wt. 73 lbs. • She is out of a whale of an OCC Legend/Meyer 734 cow

LHCC Miss 62E



CE 10 BW 0.9 WW 60 YW 90 MCE 1 Milk 15 MWW 45 Marb 0.17 REA 0.86 API 117

that is a belly dragger. This heifer offers versatility, breed her Simmy or make steers. She is sound, good fronted and with royalty on her papers. Another girl that we hate to let go. Put her to work!


W6 Black Eyed Susan 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 9/16/17



W6 Farms



CE 7 BW 1.8 WW 54 YW 80 MCE 2 Milk 21 MWW 48 Marb 0.23 REA 0.82 API 99

Long’s Shear Pleasure TLLC One Eyed Jack Long’s Miss Sweet Treat GLS Combination R2 HTP/SVF/SS Daisymae X515 DMN Daisy Mae

• Birth Wt. 79 lbs. • W59E is a special female and one our best. This one is

young one being a fall and just weaned however we feel has loads of potential. Her pedigree is special being a One Eyed Jack x Combination x Daisy Mae. This family has done great things for many breeders. Don’t overlook.

W6 Black Eyed Susan

5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 11/1/17




W6 Farms


Thirtieth Annual


W6 Tracking Stars CE 13 BW 0.8 WW 60 YW 95 MCE 8 Milk 17 MWW 47 Marb 0.3 REA 0.57 API 123

JF American Pride 0987X Mr PVF American Patriot Miss WEF Black Dahlia SVF/NJC Built Right N48 TSSC Right On Track JMWA 411NOf337 Gridmaker

such as American Pride and Built Right. This young girl is just a November and her first time to town. She will continue to shine. W64E goes back to a good Windy Acres cow.

W6 Tracking Stars


B&K Knockout 030E Purebred


B&K Farm

BD: 11/3/17



WLE Uno Mas X549 CAJS Blaze Of Glory CAJS Khloe 42ZA JF Milestone 999W HPF/Borne Knockout Y030 Miss Knockout 74T



CE 10 BW 2.3 WW 70 YW 94 MCE 8 Milk 16 MWW 51 Marb 0.03 REA 0.67 API 109

• B&K Knockout 030E is one with a royal pedigree. This beautiful little chrome fall baby that has a great look. 030E is long fronted, great hipped, big bellied, and great on the move. This female is out of the famed $65,000 high selling champion female HPF/ BORNE Knockout Y030 that we owned with our friends at Hudson Pines that has produced many sale highlights and champions and sired by the high selling and champion bull CAJS Blaze of Glory last year at the North American. Her half sister sold in the Dixie National sale for $6000 going to Fenton Farms. Be sure to check out B&K Knockout 030E sale day there is power in the blood.

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030 - reference dam

Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 74 lbs. • Tracking Stars has many great animals in her pedigree



B&K Mrs. Pep 181E 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 11/13/17



B&K Farm

• B&K Mrs. Pep 181E is a super nice fall baby with a ton of future. If you are in the market for a nice show heifer to show for 2 years or a future addition to your cow herd this is one to consider. We purchased her dam a couple years ago from Hudson Pines and she matured into one of our favorite percentage females we own backed by a great cow family that has produced many winners and a Denver champion the great PEP cow family and sired by a our bull KenCo Club King the sire of many high sellers and champions himself producing the high selling and champion percentage female last year in this very sale that actually won the percentage futurnity last fall for the family that purchased her last year. Make sure to look up B&K MRS. PEP 181E sale day you will love this sweet little fall prospect.

Thirtieth Annual



AKRG Simply Divine 6136D Purebred


Hoffman Farms

BD: 9/1/16



Tennessee Beef Agribition

Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T SVF Steel Force S701 DANR Simply Irresistable SS Ebonys Reflection

• Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • Simply Divine is the result of a flush that we purchased

AKRG Simply Divine 6136D



CE 14 BW 1.2 WW 71 YW 97 MCE 9 Milk 26 MWW 62 Marb 0.35 REA 0.79 API 135

from Trennepohl Farms in Indiana after they purchased her mother as one of the sale toppers in the The One Sale in Denver for $20,500. The only reason we are selling Divine is that we are retaining her maternal sister that will be headed for the donor pen once she calves this fall. Divine has the pedigree and look so she can be competitive at shows then also make an excellent cow. She will be due up to one of the hottest bulls in the Simmental breed, Innovator or our junior herdsire either way you will have a calve that will complete at any level with an excellent pedigree. • AI’d to CDI Innovator 325D, ASA#3152448 on 11/17/17 • PE to ES Destination DA29, ASA#3185454 from 11/27/17 to 2/17/18

40A DANR Simply Irresistable - reference


CE 12 BW 1 WW 60 YW 95 MCE 5 Milk 21 MWW 51 Marb 0.17 REA 0.56 API 121

RC Club King 040R KenCo Club King W323Z PRS Alice W323 S A V Brilliance 8077 HPF Miss Pep A040 WW Miss Pep 58N

WW Miss Pep 58N -reference granddam


DANR Simply Irresistable x CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z 3 Embroys Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Hoffman Farms

Triple C Singletary S3H CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z CCR Ms 4045 Time 7322T SVF Steel Force S701 DANR Simply Irresistable SS Ebonys Reflection

• 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist.

CE 14 BW 1.2 WW 71 YW 97 MCE 9 Milk 26 MWW 62 Marb 0.35 REA 0.79 API 135


AKRG Dulcie 6101D 5/8 Blood

BD: 8/11/16




Hoffman Farms



CE 10 BW 1.9 WW 75 YW 123 MCE 6 Milk 19 MWW 57 Marb 0.48 REA 0.67 API 132

W/C United 956Y W/C Fuzion 283B Miss Werning 283Z Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Hilco Ms Uppity 1404B Hilco Reanna 908R

• Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Dulcie has become a favorite around the farm as she

had the look to be a massive cow prospect. She is one of the first females to sell out of our Werning herdsire, Fuzion, and we are planning to keep many of them as replacements in our herd. She will sell safe in calf to either Innovator or our junior herdsire, Destination. We believe either mating the new owner will reap the benefits of an excellent calf that will be due this fall. Don’t miss this opportunity to tie into an excellent cow prospect. • AI’d to CDI Innovator 325D, ASA#3152448 on 11/17/17 • PE to ES Destination DA29, ASA#3185454 from 11/27/17 to 2/17/18

TNC/JNR Lola Marie SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 9/13/16



Mandy Brown



CE 11 BW 0.6 WW 64 YW 97 MCE 7 Milk 20 MWW 52 Marb 0.11 REA 0.64 API 104

G A R Grid Maker S A V Bismarck 5682 S A V Abigale 0451

• Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • We really appreciate all this female has to offer from

her docility, spring of rib, and feminine package. She has been shown successfully and can continue on the road and later become a great front pasture female. Sells Bred. AI 12/30 sexed Uno Mas PE GSC Saugahatchee 161C- 2017 NAILE Champion % Simmental and Grand Champion % at the recent Dixie National. • AI’d to WLE Uno/Mas (Sexed), ASA#2532016 on 12/30/17 • PE to GSC Saugahatchee 161C, ASA#3138197


GSC Saugahatchee 161C - reference PE sire

7DF Prime Lady 602E Purebred


Tyler Davis

BD: 11/26/16



Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Card Uproar 49Y BFSC My Fair Jade 95T Hilco/SS Ranchero U68 Hilco Primodonna 2021A Hilco Lady Primo 2021Y

• Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • We are excited about our first consignment to the TN



CE 8 BW 2.9 WW 71 YW 107 MCE 5 Milk 23 MWW 59 Marb 0.21 REA 0.74 API 117

Beef Agribition, We are offering one out of our keeper pen and one I feel has a lot of promise. This Uproar daughter is sleek fronted and has a very attractive look and has a nice set of numbers to go along. Here’s one you can buy and show this spring and summer and due to calve early fall for a quick turn on your investment. • PE to CLRWTR Bismarck C69, ASA#3010078 from 11/1/17 to 1/12/18, Service Date 11/15/17

7DF Prime Lady 602E

Tennessee Beef Agribition

Mr HOC Broker IVS Loleta 06A IVS Lola Lee 1P


Thirtieth Annual


AKRG Dulcie 6101D


TLCI Lass C504 SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 8/31/15



Double G Farms

Remington Lock N Load54U W/C Lock Down 206Z G C F Miss New LevelR206 Nichols Manifest T79 TLCI Lass Y11 SANHILLBGMSF98 MrRito6I6

• Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • TLCI Lass C504, “Lass”, is a motley faced daughter of


CE 14 BW -0.2 WW 63 YW 101 MCE 2 Milk 9 MWW 41 Marb 0.3 REA 0.44 API 129

W/C Lock Down 206Z. Lass is 1/2 Simmental and 1/2 Angus. She has had us one beautiful heifer calf, and is AI bred back to J Bar J Nightride 225Z. She was AId on 12/7/2017 and vet checked safe on 2/1/2018, with a due date of 9/18/18. Look her up in the pen area. • AI’d to J Bar J Nightride 225Z, ASA#2628568

TLCI Lass C504

Thirtieth Annual

26 Tennessee Beef Agribition

BE Rizzo


BE Rizzo Purebred

BD: 9/12/16


BE Cattle



BCC5 Maxwell BE Terrence SF Tess T6P K-Ler Make It Rain HILB/BRKC Beauty Secret HSF/HS Sheza Beauty U823



976D • Rizzo is a moderate framed thick bull, stout in his build.

CE 6 BW 1.4 WW 57 YW 83 MCE 6 Milk 24 MWW 52 Marb -0.04 REA 0.83 API 105

He is big boned, big footed, and good fronted. He was shown successfully this past summer. If you need a high quality herd sire that will cover more cows and get the job done right consider this great bull. 976D goes back to Sheza Beauty, the dam of Steel Force.

JL Jim Beam 416

Thirtieth Annual

27 Tennessee Beef Agribition

JL Black Rio E57


JL Jim Beam 416 1/2 Blood Consignor:

BD: 11/1/16



Ligon Simmentals

ZKCC Chopper 844U GCC Momentum 142X SVF Sheza Beauty L901 DJF Whiskey River 9006W ZBR Xtacy River 056Z JCGC Xtacy 039X

• Birth Wt. 73 lbs. • Jim Beam is royally bred on both sides. His Salers dam



CE 9 BW -0.5 WW 53 YW 65 MCE 1 Milk 15 MWW 42 Marb -0.13 REA 0.39 API 85

was Reserve Champion in Denver - his granddam and grandsire were Denver Champions. His sire, Momentum, has sired many great ones for Griswold’s and Momentum’s dam is Steel Force’s mother. Then add the success of Jim Beam and his full sibs. Jim Beam was Reserve Champion Optimizer at the 2017 North American and his full sister was Grand Champion Female. Two other full siblings were Grand Champion Bull and Female at the 2016 North American Optimizer Show. Jim Beam is double polled and double black and will be tested for homozygous black and polled. Qualifies for TAEP. Jim combines superior genetics with outstanding profile and performance with a great disposition.


JL Black Rio E57 Purebred


Southern Rhythm Cattle Co.

BD: 1/9/17



S D S Graduate 006X CCR Santa Fe 9349Z CCR Ms Apple 9332W ASR Second Chance W928 JL Bella Lou 443 JL Lily Belle

• Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • With Rios pedigree, phenotype and EPD profile he is the



CE 10 BW 0.5 WW 67 YW 97 MCE 10 Milk 24 MWW 58 Marb 0.11 REA 0.94 API 135

complete package. This purebred is extremely long fronted with extra eye appeal yet maintains the shape, power and stoutness we strive for. He is low on birth and reads good on paper. His pedigree is rooted in longevity as his maternal grandsire and grandam are still in production here at the farm and he is among the top 4% of the breed for stayability. Rio is truly a combination bull and one we are going to have a hard time parting with.


JCP Classic Cowboy P73E SimAngus Consignor:

BD: 1/10/17



J&C Simmental

• Birth Wt. 85 lbs. • JCP Classic Cowboy is a really good percentage bull

sired by the calving ease sire BC Classic and out of one of our best producing cows, JCP Maggie. He is complete in every way, super stout made, big boned, thick topped and big bellied plus very attractive to look at. He has had a wonderful disposition. Cowboy has been tested for Homozygous Black and Homozygous Polled, results pending. Semen tested and ready to go to work. TAEP Qualified. If you are looking for a good young percentage herdsire for your program, you must stop by and take a look at this powerhouse of a bull. He is the real deal and just keeps getting better.

Thirtieth Annual


DGT Slammer 102E SimAngus

BD: 1/31/17



Doggett Simmentals


28 Tennessee Beef Agribition

• Birth Wt. 72 lbs. • Talk about a tank. This bull has been the standout of


the group since birth. He could be the thickest bull we’ve ever raised. We purchased his dam, Lady 4125, from Scott Sandeen in Iowa. She is the moderate frame easy keeping kind and has an udder like you’ve never seen. We’ve also had lots of luck using the W/C Lock Down bull and he certainly did the trick with 4125. Hopefully, you get a chance to see this bull in person. Everyone who stops by the farm talks about his stoutness and soundness. He’s the kind we like to raise and the kind we think would work well for you.


W6 Breaking The Bank 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 2/5/17



W6 Farms

SVF Steel Force S701 Mr HOC Broker JM BF H25 Silveiras Style 9303 CWT Danni Z6 Peggy Sue 24S

• Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • Breaking The Bank is very well bred and is stout made

CWT Danni Z6 - reference dam


CE 18 BW -1.8 WW 64 YW 96 MCE 2 Milk 11 MWW 43 Marb 0.37 REA 0.45 API 139

Remington Lock N Load54U W/C Lock Down 206Z G C F Miss New LevelR206 GCC Hard As Steel 144W Sandeen Lady 4125 Sandeen Lady 0125

DGT Slammer 102E


CE 11 BW 1.5 WW 72 YW 107 MCE 4 Milk 14 MWW 50 Marb 0.23 REA 0.44 API 117

BC Classic 443 6807 RT 2424 BC Classic 385-7 B C Mignonne’s Libby 385 GFI Magnum K52 JCP Maggie P34Z Redman 4

BC Classic 385-7 -reference sire




CE 13 BW 1.4 WW 59 YW 102 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 53 Marb 0.47 REA 0.61 API 132

and thick. A future herd sire with muscling and shape. This is a son of the many champion and donor Danni. Her progeny and embryos always do well. This is good choice to use on your cows if you seek your calves by the pound


Tylertown Mr Cottontail Purebred

BD: 2/21/17


Tylertown Simmental





CE 9 BW 1.4 WW 56 YW 86 MCE 8 Milk 16 MWW 44 Marb 0.24 REA 0.73 API 118

CLO Captain America 704Y SSFC Paradice 251C Ankony Ms Paradise S251 CNS Pays To Dream T759 SS/PRS Cottontail 270Z KenCo Miley Cottontail

• Here’s a pretty neat fella. Stout hipped, long bodied, huge boned, and sleek fronted is what comes to mind on 270E. One that has a nice EPD spread to work for growth and performance, and will add size and look to a calf crop. Of course being a grandson of the legendary KenCo Miley Cottontail only makes this guy even more exciting.


Tylertown Mr Cottontail

Tylertown Fulltime 3/4 Blood Consignor:

BD: 2/28/17



Tylertown Simmental



Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 WLE/LWSC Missy A407 Shawnee Miss 770P



Tylertown Fulltime

SHHH E72 TANK 5/8 Blood Consignor:

BD: 3/28/17




W/C United 956Y LFI United Star SVF Sheza Star S800 FGF Triton W66 SHHH Y221 P17

• Birth Wt. 67 lbs. • Meet Tank! He is a thick and well-balanced bull ready



CE 10 BW 1.9 WW 70 YW 107 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 54 Marb 0.21 REA 0.79 API 110

for work, whose sire was the top selling bull at the 2015 SVF Family Traditions Bull Sell. Although this animal will be among the younger bulls for sale, he is top 25% on weaning and top 30% on yearling EPDs. With a great disposition, Tank is a wide-bodied bull and hard not to love. Any time spent reviewing this bull is a worthwhile investment, so stop by and see why Tank is a great buy!

LFI United Star - reference sire

Tennessee Beef Agribition

• This guy has been a stand out since he was born. Huge topped, huge footed, soft and soggy. He is one for a commercial man to add pounds and one for a purebred man to add power and cow power. This will be the first calf we sell at public auction out of our WLE Missy A407 a Upgrade x Shawnee Miss 770P. 770P needs no introduction to the breed and most known for the prolific donors and stud type bull line up she has produced and 85E is fitting the bill. Let’s not forget to mention he is sired by Bloombergs NAILE Champion Percentage bull Halftime, who is stamping his progeny with style and too are demanding attention in the show ring. 85E has the cow family and EPDs behind him, and his whole life ahead of him to do great things in your program.

Thirtieth Annual

CE 13 BW 1.4 WW 67 YW 102 MCE 4 Milk 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.48 REA 0.62 API 133

S A V Bismarck 8077 FHEN Halftime A127 R&R Miss Cut Above Y127

Chute Raffle Tickets Donated By:

Madison Martin, Volunteer Simmentals

• Tickets are $25.00 each or 5 for $100.00. All proceeds will go to TJSA. We will draw at the end of the Simmental sale at Agribition.

Contact info for tickets... Blake Darnell 931-231-0638 Koty Darnell 217-552-8558 Cathy Ivey 865-548-7983 Madison Martin 423-519-9854

Thirtieth Annual

30 Tennessee Beef Agribition

Champion Purebred

B&K Cream Soda exhibited by Walker Housley of Dayton, TN Sired by HPF Quantum Leap Z952 and nominated by B&K Farms of Petersburg; sold through the Tennessee Beef Agribition

Champion Percentage

B&K Club King 83D exhibited by Lexi Stout of Crossville, TN Sired by KenCo Club King W323Z and nominated by B&K Farms, Petersburg; sold through the Tennessee Beef Agribition

Thirtieth Annual

31 Tennessee Beef Agribition

Reserve Purebred

CVLS Spring Velvet 601D exhibited by Kendall Martin of Petersburg, TN Sired by LLSF Uprising Z925 and nominated by Clover Valley Simmentals, Ramsey, IN; sold through the KenCo Family Matters Sale

Reserve Percentage

HLVW Juanada B 1620 exhibited by Ryan Conger of Watertown, TN Sired by HOC Broker and nominated by Hillview Farms, Herndon, KY Sold through the 2016 TN Fall Showcase Sale

ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...

2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.

BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.

HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to.

Thirtieth Annual


CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration.

Tennessee Beef Agribition

AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.

GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.

B&K Farm Ben Brown Fayetteville, TN • 931-607-9171 BE Cattle Tom Engel Flanagan, IL • 815-674-5140 3B Cattle Co. Harold & Mandy Brown Roanoke, AL • 706-957-8979 Cedar Lane Cattle Company Kelly Moore Winchester, TN • 931-308-7325 Tyler Davis Clarksville, IN • 931-801-3308 Diamond D Cattle Co Blake & Koty Darnell Leoma, TN • 931-231-9638 Doggett Simmentals Jason Doggett Pulaski, TN • 931-205-1235 Double G Farms Garry & Gloria Reed Trinity, AL • 256-974-0381 Hilltop Simmental Jaron Van Beek Hudson, SD • 605-929-3749 Hillview Farms Jim Faulkner Herndon, KY • 615-665-8810 Hoffman Farms Karol Ann Hoffman Fountain Run, Ky • 270-834-0536 J&C Simmental JW & Carolyn Parker Martin, TN • 731-587-9898 KenCo Cattle Co. Ken Butner 615-405-6105 Randy Favorite 931-588-1210 Petersburg, TN

Ivie and Sons Lawerenceburg, Tn • 931-215-0316 Laurel Hill Cattle Co. Kris Gulish Puryear, TN • 731-336-1085 Doc & Morgan Lenhert Lawerenceburg,TN • 913-242-0971 Ligon Simmentals Jim Ligon Cookeville, TN • 931-510-3328 Samantha Roberts Athens, TN • 423-745-5902 Saline River Cattle Company Craig Smith Creal Springs, IL • 618-889-2922 SHHH Farm Steve Helton Morrison, TN • 931-607-2028

Six Bar R Roger Allen Fithian, IL • 715-684-9222 Southern Rhythm Cattle Co. Brian & Katie Bates Old Hickory, TN • 309-524-1517 Bo Teague Shelbyville, TN • 931-607-6669 Tylertown Simmental Tyler & Sloane Kreger Pleasant View, TN • 615-517-4561 W6 Farms Jim & Wendell Wilson Crossville, TN • 931-484-6027 Walker Housley Dayton, TN • 423-618-4982 Welsh Simmentals Jeff Welsh Glasgow, KY • 270-670-1487

Doug & Debbie Parke



153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile e-mail: pleent@aol.com

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