Making Connections

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Making connections Oneness, waves and dancing

words Adam Barley photos Tammy Lynn www.tammylynn. Adam Barley has been teaching Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms® since the early 90’s, and is renowned throughout the western world for his bighearted, high-energy, transformative work. For more information see www. He lives with his family in the Cotswolds, England.

Isn’t it connection that we all long for? Isn’t it what we spend most of our time chasing either directly or indirectly? The experience of moving from separation to oneness is blissful. It’s sex, it’s love, it’s coming home, and we want it. Of course there’s another part of us that’s on the run from ourselves, that would rather zone out, dumb down, disconnect from anything that makes us feel. But that’s a relatively superficial layer, even if we’ve made a long term commitment to be identified with it. In the quiet, deeper places of the heart we all long for a sense of connection, to be part of something bigger than ourselves, to be moved by life, to be touched by love. Our collective reality has been one of disconnection for a long, long time; Newtonian physics and Darwinian ecology merely explained and cemented a world view that had its roots way back with a god that was ‘up there’, and its expression in countless generations of warfare. Millennia of violent oppression took a hatchet to the natural connection between earth and heaven, between body and spirit: where it was found it was burnt at the stake, imprisoned, tortured, exiled.

The result is a perceived reality in which I am separate from you and everything around me; God is so damn separate I’m not sure ‘he’ even exists at all, and if I’m to get what I want I’m probably going to have to fight you for it. This is a painful reality to live in; it’s such a small truth, and small is not all that we are. This is the reality of the ego, or the left-brain. The other side of our intelligence, the right half of the brain, perceives reality completely differently. From this point of view, everything is one. There is no separation, just one unified field that we’re all part of. (If you haven’t seen the talk Jill Bolte Taylor gave on this subject, google her name and ‘stroke’. Eighteen minutes of sheer inspiration.) This paradigm of ego, of separation, is killing us. It’s killing our spirit as individuals, as cultures, and is reaching the point where it threatens our survival as a species. The results of this small-minded perception have become so widespread and damaging, that the time is really NOW to make a shift. We have to change. I don’t need to argue the case for that here, do I? Plenty of other more informed and better writers have gone before me

Loneliness is a phantom feeling. You’re never alone once you’ve made a connection to your mysterious, multifaceted, diamond, glow-in-thedark self. Gabrielle Roth



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