2 minute read
Special Offers
Regular Customers
Regular customers at the Pierre Boulez Saal enjoy special benefits, including exchange and return of tickets up to three days prior to a concert and a free program book.
Customers purchasing tickets for three or more concerts per season online or on the phone will automatically be registered as regular customers. (Applies only to concerts of the Pierre Boulez Saal, not guest performances.)
Under 35
Youth Tickets: For many concerts, a limited number of tickets is available in advance at the special price of € 15 for young visitors age 35 and younger.*
Rush Tickets: One hour before a performance begins, visitors age 35 and under may purchase unsold seats in all categories at the box office for € 12, subject to availability.*
Visitors with Disabilities
Visitors with disabilities entitled to bringing a companion will receive a 50 % discount on the regular price for two tickets.*
Discounted tickets for € 10 are available for all regular concerts for children and young adults age 18 and younger.
This offer is valid for events presented by the Pierre Boulez Saal (not for other presenters) in all price categories, subject to availability, and for a maximum of three young visitors accompanied by an adult. *
Berechtigungsnachweis Proof of Elegibility
Holders of the new Berechtigungsnachweis (as of May 2023) may purchase tickets for € 3 at the box office 30 minutes before the start of a concert, subject to availability *
Whether you are celebrating a special occasion, planning a social event, or would like to attend a concert with students, the Pierre Boulez Saal offers your group an unforgettable experience.
Please call us at +49 30 4799 7411.
Upon request, we will send you a personalized group login to our online ticket shop, where you may book discounted group tickets yourself. (Not available for school groups.)
Beim Kauf eines Karten-Package erhalten Sie ohne Aufpreis Plätze in der nächsthöheren Kategorie sowie ein kostenloses Programmheft für alle Veranstaltungen und weitere Vorteile.
Arabic Music Days
• Eintritt zu allen fünf Konzerten
• zwei Wochen kostenloser Zugang zu Pierre Boulez Saal Online
Sir András Schiff: Bach-Zyklus
• Eintritt zu vier Konzerten nach Wahl, optional auch zu allen sieben Konzerten
• zwei Wochen kostenloser Zugang zu Pierre Boulez Saal Online
• Eintritt zu den Konzerten am Freitag und Samstag sowie zu den öffentlichen Workshops mit Thomas Hampson inklusive Abschlusskonzert; optional Eintritt zum Konzert mit Thomas Hampson am Montag
• zwei Wochen kostenloser Zugang zu Pierre Boulez Saal Online
Ticket Packages
Purchase a ticket package to receive a free upgrade to the next higher seat category and a free program book for all events as well as other benefits.
Arabic Music Days
• Admission to all five concerts
• Two weeks of free access to Pierre Boulez Saal Online
Sir András Schiff: Bach Cycle
• Admission to four concerts of your choice, with an option for all seven concerts
• Two weeks of free access to Pierre Boulez Saal Online
Schubert Week
• Admission to the concerts on Friday and Saturday as well as to the public workshops with Thomas Hampson including the closing concert; optional admission to the concert with Thomas Hampson on Monday
• Two weeks of free access to Pierre Boulez Saal Online
Kartenpreise sowie weitere Informationen zu den Packages finden Sie unter boulezsaal.de
For ticket prices as well as more information on ticket packages, visit boulezsaal.de