Inspiring Global Hope

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We acknowledge the Darug and the Guringai people who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Barker College stands. We pay respect to the elders past and present of the Darug and Guringai nations and extend that respect to other Aboriginal people within the Barker College community.

One of the most important responsibilities of a school council is to plan for the future. With the arrival of a new Head, Mr Phillip Heath, the School Council felt that the time was right to commence a new planning cycle. Our existing plan, so capably delivered by our 8th Headmaster, Dr Roderic Kefford AM, has been largely fulfilled and our minds now turn to a new generation. To reflect the changing nature of the educational environment of the School, our plan has expressed its ideas in overarching concepts. The Council will invite Senior Staff and working teams to plan more detailed steps to deliver our intentions, ensuring that we can respond to new developments and opportunities with agility. Barker College already is known to be a leading school in Sydney and beyond. This plan calls upon us to set our sights on our contribution to the world beyond.

Chairman’s message

The School Council is very grateful to the community for your contribution to the final document. What now lies before us is careful management of our resources to ensure that we can meet the challenges set down in the pages that follow. The support of our parents over the years has left a powerful legacy both in the culture of the School community and in the physical plant that our students will continue to enjoy. We encourage you to continue to pray for our Head of School and staff as they serve Barker College. We gratefully acknowledge your care for our students and we eagerly anticipate the exciting and fulfilling years that lie ahead. Ian Miller Chairman, Council of Barker College

Head’s message I am delighted to introduce the Barker College Strategic Plan 2015-2020, called “Inspiring Global Hope”. The School now stands at a fascinating moment in our long history because we stand on the shoulders of the dedicated and skilful leaders of our past who, under God, have built up Barker to its present significance. It is now our responsibility to enhance this legacy and to ensure that the School continues to serve the lives of our students in new and inspiring ways that are fit for the future. Since my arrival at this marvellous school, I have endeavoured to listen to the views of countless people from all parts of our community, from the youngest child to our Over 70s OBA group and from Senior Staff to parent and student groups. Strengthened by invaluable feedback from our annual surveys, structured conversations and numerous open forum events, we have gathered rich advice upon which we can build our plan. With well in excess of 3000 individual comments, the Strategic Planning team gleaned the profound insights upon which we can conceive our future. Several recurrent themes have emerged and they are reflected in the plan that is now before you. We are very grateful to the staff, parents and students who contributed to making this document a reality.

The Barker College community values our abiding commitment to a strong academic program and to effective pastoral care delivered in an authentically Christian setting. We delight in the engagement of our students in a diverse co-curricular program that is operated by our own teaching staff. This plan seeks to enhance these strengths. Our community also seeks a new spirit of innovation and global mindedness, one that lifts our horizons beyond the confines of our upper north shore setting. We seek to equip our young people who, when they graduate from Barker College, will pass through the Mint Gates and enter the world beyond with a sense of expectation that they will be part of the solution to the great challenges of the future. Put simply, the School seeks to inspire hope in others and be a source of hope for the future. On behalf of the Chairman of Barker College Council, Mr Ian Miller, and the Planning Team, so capably led by Mr Matthew Macoustra and the five domain convenors (the Rev Jeff Ware, Dr Greg Cunningham, Mrs Sarah Onions, Mr Dean Bunn and Mr David Barker), as well as the School Council Strategic Planning and Resourcing Committee under the leadership of its Chair (Mr Mark Tooker), and all those who contributed to this Plan, I commend this document to you for your prayerful support and encouragement. Let our reward for the successful delivery of this plan be seen solely in the lives of our students who will be better equipped to serve the world beyond. Honor Non Honores. Phillip Heath Head of Barker College

Introduction from the Chairman & the Head | 5

Inspiring glob Barker College was founded in 1890 by the Reverend Henry Plume in Kurrajong, NSW, and since 1895 has operated on a spacious campus in Hornsby. From its inception, Barker College has remained committed to our Christian heritage, expressed in the Anglican tradition within the Diocese of Sydney. This plan will build upon this long heritage whilst being mindful of the emerging challenges facing educators.


The national debate on school funding will reignite and there will be a discussion over GST on school education. The School anticipates continued funding at existing levels. The Commonwealth and State Governments, however, will increase demand for reporting and acquittal for school funding and school performance, leading to increased compliance costs

The plan outlined in the pages that follow recognises the dynamic nature of school based learning, especially arising from the impact of technology on the classroom and the rising pressures on students and families that come from contemporary education. The key assumptions on which this plan rests are:


The School’s academic program will continue to be influenced mainly by the NSW curriculum but during the life of this Plan, the Australian Curriculum will be more fully implemented. Performance in the HSC will continue to be a high priority


There will be greater public emphasis on NAPLAN scores and similar measures, and careful academic tracking of individual student achievement will be an expectation. The School community will expect ready electronic access to data on student progress. Parents will expect Barker College to engage with global educational strategies and to continue to offer diverse experiences


The national and global economic situation will remain uncertain and the School’s budgeting position will be carefully managed. The student age population from which our School draws, however, will remain buoyant and parental choice will remain highly valued in the northern suburbs of Sydney

bal hope 5.

The School will need continually to address the adequacy of facilities based on a desire to enhance student learning opportunities rather than respond to an “arms race� amongst schools. Adaptive reuse of existing facilities will open new opportunities for Barker College


The School will need to be proactive on social issues that affect the wellbeing of our children, including resilience education and individualised pastoral care


The Junior School enrolment in selected year cohorts will grow. Consideration will be given to early childhood education


Generational change will affect key staffing positions across the School and the School Council


The School will continue to emphasise holistic education by the provision of diverse co-curricular experiences that uphold the efficacy of the relationship between students and their teachers

It is assumed that the School will remain within existing networks such as CAS, ISA and AHISA but will also consider expanding our horizon to embrace organisations such as Round Square and the International Baccalaureate Organisation. Technology will become increasingly mobile and the School will migrate from desktop to mobile and/or hand held devices. Within the life of this plan, Barker College will function as a fully 1:1 technology school although the Senior School will provide a range of choices for the students. The present four sub-school structure of the School will continue for the life of this plan and there will be a review of the pastoral care system for all sub schools, based on emerging evidence on student wellbeing. Class sizes in the Middle School will be reviewed, with a specific intention to balance efficiency with individualisation of student need.

10. Barker College will pursue outstanding quality in all its pursuits in a manner that enhances our influence in Australian and global education

Preamble | 7

WHO WE ARE What we stand for WHERE WE’RE GOING Motto Honor Non Honores




An Anglican community inspiring each learner every experience every day

To be a leader in Christian education that is characterised by a global vision that inspires hope

Commitment Compassion Courage Integrity Respect

Motto, Mission, Vision, Values | 9


















Mission & Service

Areas of action Education & Care

Community, Staff & Students

Innovation, Transformation & Leadership

Planning & Resourcing

Areas of Action | 11

Mission & Service

Sharing the Christian faith with our Barker community, and declaring the love, grace, and hope found in Jesus

Being an inclusive and welcoming Anglican school community in which the rich resources of the Christian faith are thoughtfully brought to bear upon all we do

Education & Care

Implementing a globally focused 21st century Barker College model of learning that promotes an outstanding educational experience for all K-12 students

Facilitating a community of learners creating opportunity for each of their futures

Community, Staff & Students

Affirming and shaping our strong culture and traditions within the context of mission and service

Building meaningful relationships and experiences that enhance the sense of belonging

Looking beyond our present successes and implementing creative new ideas that transform individuals and empower their growth as future leaders

Inspiring bold and authentic leaders to exercise compassion as they develop their God given gifts in service to their local and global communities

Creating effective, innovative and sustainable plans for human and physical resources to support inspirational goals

Developing a new Master Plan that balances resources, infrastructure, open spaces, and the diverse needs of the community

Innovation, Transformation & Leadership Planning & Resourcing

Looking beyond ourselves and engaging actively with those whose lives may be difficult and challenging

Growing relationships which enable us to make something good, just and compassionate happen in the world

To equip ourselves to make an even greater impact in the future

Practising a whole of Barker College philosophy of care for each of our students.

Providing a safe and supportive environment where each learner is welcomed and nurtured

Adapting and renewing a school structure that most effectively supports the School’s values, mission and vision

Nurturing meaningful relationships and experiences within the everyday community

Enhancing meaningful relationships and experiences with the extended Barker community, past, present and future

Forming meaningful relationships with local, national and global communities

Being a Christian educational community that inspires innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges

Nurturing a culture of collaboration in our community where innovation, expertise and resources are shared

Fostering innovation using emerging research and educational practice, consciously striving to be educational leaders, transforming students and staff to be visionaries of global hope

Being an exemplar of sustainable environmental practices

Using our resources to impact global hope

Ensuring the highest standard of stewardship of our resources so they are available for future generations

MISSION & SERVICE Sharing the Christian faith with our Barker community, and declaring the love, grace, and hope found in Jesus

Being an inclusive and welcoming Anglican school community in which the rich resources of the Christian faith are thoughtfully brought to bear upon all we do

Looking beyond ourselves and engaging actively with those whose lives may be difficult and challenging

Growing relationships which enable us to make something good, just and compassionate happen in the world

To equip ourselves to make an even greater impact in the future

Mission & Service | 15

EDUCATION & CARE Implementing a globally focused 21st century Barker College model of learning that promotes an outstanding educational experience for all K-12 students

Facilitating a community of learners creating opportunity for each of their futures

Providing a safe and supportive environment where each learner is welcomed and nurtured

Adapting and renewing a school structure that most effectively supports the School’s values, mission and vision

Practising a whole of Barker College philosophy of care for each of our students.

Education & Care | 17

COMMUNITY, STAFF & STUDENTS Building meaningful relationships and experiences that enhance the sense of belonging

Affirming and shaping our strong culture and traditions within the context of mission and service

Nurturing meaningful relationships and experiences within the everyday community

Enhancing meaningful relationships and experiences with the extended Barker community, past, present and future

Forming meaningful relationships with local, national and global communities

Community, Staff & Students | 19


Inspiring bold and authentic leaders to exercise compassion as they develop their God given gifts in service to their local and global communities

Looking beyond our present successes and implementing creative new ideas that transform individuals and empower their growth as future leaders

Being a Christian educational community that inspires innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges

Nurturing a culture of collaboration in our community where innovation, expertise and resources are shared

Fostering innovation using emerging research and educational practice, consciously striving to be educational leaders, transforming students and staff to be visionaries of global hope

Innovation, Transformation & Leadership | 21

Planning & Resourcing Creating effective, innovative and sustainable plans for human and physical resources to support inspirational goals

Developing a new Master Plan that balances resources, infrastructure, open spaces, and the diverse needs of the community

Becoming an acknowledged exemplar of sustainable environmental practices

Using our resources to impact global hope

Ensuring the highest standard of stewardship of our resources so they are available for future generations

Planning & Resourcing | 23 est 1890 91 Pacific Highway Hornsby 2077 (+61 2) 9847 8399

@BarkerCollege @PJjHeath

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