Secondary School Celebration Thursday 10 December 2020
Secondary School Celebration • 1
Honor Non Honores 2 • Secondary School Celebration
Mission An Anglican community inspiring every learner every experience every day
Vision To be a leader in Christian education that is characterised by a global vision that inspires hope
Values Commitment Compassion Courage Integrity Respect
Secondary School Celebration • 3
The Council of Barker College (School Council) President
The Most Rev Dr Glenn N Davies Archbishop of Sydney Metropolitan of New South Wales
BSc Syd, MDiv (Hons), ThM (Hons), DipA, PhD, DD
Mr David Charles
BA, LLB (Hons), LLM Syd
Deputy Chair
Mrs Catherine Crouch
BA Syd, Dip HR Mgt Macq, MAICD
Mrs Belinda Allen
BEc, GradDipMgt, CA
Mr Michael Brodie
Mr Anthony Gamson
BComm (Industrial Relations) UNSW, MAICD
Ms Robyn Hobbs OAM
Mgt, JP
Mr Mark Jones
Dr Wendy King
MBBS (Hons) Syd, FRACGP Honorary Conjoint Lecturer, Macq University
Mr Kevin McCann AM
BA, LLB Syd, LLM Harvard, FAICD
Rev Natalie Ray
BTh Moore, BA Syd, MA (Theology)
Rev Andrew Rees
BEc Syd, BDiv, DipMin MTC
Mr John Slack-Smith
Mr David Trayner
BEng (Hons), MBA
Head of Barker College
Mr Phillip Heath AM
BA(Hons), MA(Hons), DipEd, FACE, FACEL(ACT), HFTGN
Chief Operating Officer
Mr David Porter
BCom, MBA Melbourne, CA
4 • Secondary School Celebration
Secondary School Celebration 2020 (Middle School) Deputy Head – Operations, Mr MS Macoustra will advise audience of requirements for a COVID safe event. The Chair of The School Council, Mr David Charles, will preside. You are requested to stand to receive the Official Party. Processional McCaskill Wind Ensemble
Ceremonial Processional Conductor
Mr BL Collins Mr AI McWade
National Anthem
Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Mrs RE Picton
Acknowledgement of Country
Year 7 Students
Claire Van Son Willow Cowdroy
Chair’s Remarks
The Chair of The School Council
Mr DG Charles
Middle School Reflection
Year 9 Students
Harrison Black Oliver Uy
Be Thou My Vision Conductor
arr Mr PJ Ellis Mr PJ Ellis
Presentation of Achievement Awards to the Middle School Introduction Dean of Middle School
Mrs KA Driver
Presentation Head of Middle School
Mr. JL Denton
Introduction Dean of Middle School
Mr TJ Eastman
Presentation Head of Middle School
Mr. JL Denton
Middle School String Orchestra
Overture to Rienzi Conductor
Richard Wagner (arr. Sandra Dackow) Mr DM Saffir
Year 9 Awards
Introduction Dean of Middle School
Mr JV Rheinberger
Presentation Head of Middle School
Mr JL Denton
McCaskill Wind Ensemble
Selections from Moana Conductor
arr. Jay Bocook Mr AI McWade
Celebration Address
The Head of Barker College
Mr PJ Heath AM
Year 7 Awards
Year 8 Awards
The Audience is asked to stand for the Benediction Benediction
Community Chaplain
The Reverend J Ware
Parents and Students are asked to remain standing whilst the Official Party leaves the Rosewood Centre. Recessional McCaskill Wind Ensemble
Ceremonial Recessional Conductor
Mr BL Collins Mr AI McWade
Deputy Head – Operations Mr MS Macoustra will advise audience of requirements for a COVID safe exit from the event. Secondary School Celebration • 5
Secondary School Celebration 2020 (Senior School) Deputy Head – Operations, Mr MS Macoustra will advise audience of requirements for a COVID safe event. The Chair of The School Council, Mr David Charles, will preside. You are requested to stand to receive the Official Party. Processional Wind Symphony & Wind Orchestra
Ceremonial Processional Conductor
Mr BL Collins Mr AI McWade
National Anthem
Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil; Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare; In history’s page, let every stage Advance Australia Fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Senior Chaplain
Mrs LM Maxwell
Acknowledgement of Country
Year 7 Students
Claire Van Son Willow Cowdroy
Chair’s Remarks
The Chair of The School Council
Mr DG Charles Dr GM Cunningham Mrs VB Ellis
25 Years of Service Presentation Senior School Reflection
2020 School Captains
Lucas Parker and Pippa Day
Be Thou My Vision Conductor
arr Mr PJ Ellis Mr PJ Ellis
Presentation of Achievement Awards to the Senior School Introduction Dean of Senior School
Mr JG Doran
Presentation Head of Senior School
Mr DG Giltrap
Introduction Dean of Senior School
Mr DJ Bunn
Presentation Head of Senior School
Mr DG Giltrap
Wind Symphony & Wind Orchestra
The Symphonic Gershwin Conductor
George Gershwin (arr. Warren Barker) Mr AI McWade
Year 12 Awards
Introduction Dean of Senior School
Mrs NE Potent
Presentation Head of Senior School
Mr DG Giltrap
Jazz Orchestra
In A Mellow Tone Conductor
Duke Ellington arr. Frank Foster Mr SL Smith
Celebration Address
The Head of Barker College
Mr PJ Heath AM
Year 10 Awards
Year 11 Awards
The Audience is asked to stand for the Benediction Benediction
Senior Chaplain Parents and Students are asked to remain standing whilst the Official Party leaves the Auditorium.
The Reverend PM Tong
Recessional Wind Symphony & Wind Orchestra
Ceremonial Recessional Conductor
Mr BL Collins Mr AI McWade
Deputy Head – Operations Mr MS Macoustra will advise audience of requirements for a COVID safe exit from the event. 6 • Secondary School Celebration
Senior Executive Staff Head of Barker College
Mr PJ Heath AM
BA(Hons), MA(Hons), DipEd, FACE, FACEL(ACT), HFTGN
Senior Chaplain
The Reverend PM Tong
BA(Hons), MPhilEd Syd, BD(Hons) Moore
Deputy Head - Strategy and Planning
Mrs SG Field
Deputy Head - Operations
Mr MS Macoustra
Chief Operating Officer
Mr DS Porter
BCom, MBA Melbourne, CA
Head of Human Resources
Mrs AE Binet
BA (Psych) UNSW, GDipHlthSci (RC) Syd, MAHRI
Head of Senior School
Mr DG Giltrap
MSc Syd, DipEd STC, MACE
Head of Middle School
Mr JL Denton
BA, MEdL, DipEd Macq
Head of Junior School
Mr MW Lubrano
BEd UNE, DipTeach UNSW, MEdL Macq, MACE
Head of Curriculum
Mr JR von Einem
BSc, DipEd Adel, MACE
Director of Wellbeing
Ms RG Dudgeon
Director of Coeducation Transition & Head of School Justice and Equity
Ms MR Brady
Director of ICT and eLearning
Mr JD Stewart
BA Syd, MEd UoN, LTCL Trinity College, London, MACE, MACEL
Director of Barker Global Partnerships
Ms SC Mynott
BA, LLB, GDipEd, MIntRel Macq
School Executive Staff Community Chaplain
The Reverend J Ware
BA, DipEd Syd, BTh(Hons), DipA Moore
Deans of the Senior School
Mr DJ Bunn Mr JG Doran Mrs NE Potent
BSc, DipEd Macq, MACE, MAIP BEd, DipTeach ACU BEd Syd
Deans of the Middle School
Mrs KA Driver Mr TJ Eastman Mr JV Rheinberger
MA, DipEd Syd, GDipDiv ACT BA Macq, MTeach Syd, MEdL CSU, MACE BA UTS, MPDHPE UOW, Dip ORec
Head of Sport
Mr CF Anderson
Senior Counsellor
Mr JA Hensley
BA Macq, DipEd UWS, MA Macq, GDipEd UNSW Con, MAPS
Director of The Barker Institute
Dr MJ Hill
BSc (Adv) (Hons), PhD Syd, GDipTL UQ, GDipDiv Ridley
Director of Accreditation
Dr GM Cunningham
BA(Hons), DipEd Pt Elizabeth, MEd Rhodes, MA, PhD Syd, LTCL, FTCL Trinity College, London, MACE, MACEL
Director of Studies
Dr KJ Lee
BSc(Adv), MTeach(Hons), PhD Syd, ATCL Trinity College, London, AMusA, MACEL
Assistant Director of Studies: Scheduling & Analytics
Mrs SI Loughhead
BEd ACU, MEd USQ, MTeach Wesley, GCert Monash, GCert CEAV, MACE, MACEL
Assistant Director of Studies: Logistics
Mr PJ Rundle
BSc Syd, MLMEd UoN, DipEd SCAE
Director of Teaching & Learning
Mr GJ Longney
BA(Hons), PGCE Wales, MEd Monash
Director of Professional Learning
Miss SL Clifton
Director of Enrolments
Mrs SP Onions
DipBusAdmin TAFE
Director of Alumni & Community Relations
Mrs MJ Loomes
BEc Macq
Director of Communications
Mrs J McAllister
Director of Finance
Ms L Moslehi
BComm UNSW, CA, CTA Secondary School Celebration • 7
Senior Staff Assistant to Deputy Head and Coordinator Co-Curricular
Mrs A Horne
Commanding Officer BCCU
Major (AAC) JD Langley
BSc, MTeach(Hons) Syd
Coordinator of Service Learning
Mrs AE Robertson
Coordinator of Student Leadership
Ms KL Philips
BCom UTS, BTh Moore, GDipEd Wesley
Coordinator of Individual Programs
Mrs AC Pottie
BA DipEd, PGDipSpEd Macq, MEdL UoW, CELTA Cantab
Director of Boarding
Mr BT Christopherson
BAppSc, GDipEd CSU, Cert IV Cert II, Cert II TAFE
Heads of Secondary School Departments Agriculture
Mr SM Graham
BScAgr(Hons) Syd, DipEd Wesley Institute
Christian Studies
Mr TA Anderson
BA, LLB UTS, MDiv ACT, MEdL Morling College, GDipEd Macq
Commercial Studies
Mr JD Whitney
BComm, BTeach UNE
Computer Studies
Mr TE Milkins
Design & Technology
Mr DF Woodrow
Ms PJ Midgley
BPSA Unitec PArts School, MA CSU, GDipTeach ChchCE, ATCL Trinity College, London
Mr A McK Hood
BA Syd, BA(Hons) Macq, MA Syd, GDipEd UNE, MACEL
Mr MC Lloyd
BA, DipEd Macq, MEd Syd
The Grange
Mrs E Charlton
DipOutEd, Cert IV ORec
Mr SR Manwaring
Mr PG Mundy
BA Yale, MA RU
Mr M Ross
BA, LLB Syd, BTeach CSU, LLM Cantab
Learning Support
Mrs ME Studd
BEd UTS, DipTeach STC
Library Services
Mr JP Saikaly
BA Waikato, DipEd Wesley Institute, MLIS VUW, MBA Curtin
Mr GD Hanlon
BSc(Hons) UTS, DipEd CSU
Mr SL Smith
BMusEd Syd Con, MEd UNSW
Mr JR Cooper
BHMS(Ed), GradCertRE ACU
Mr RJ Paynter
BSc, BEd, DipEd UCT, MA Macq, MRACI, CChem
Sports (Boys)
Mr AJ Watson
Sports (Girls)
Mrs AL Cox
Visual Arts
Miss TC van Drempt
BA, DipEd UoN
8 • Secondary School Celebration
Middle School Heads of Houses Andrew House
Mr MC Arnot
BSc(Hons) Syd, BTh, DipTh ACT, DipChristMin Morling College, GDipEd UNE
Acting Head of Andrew House (Term 3B, 2020)
Ms AE Morosin
Bowman House
Miss MB Dooley
BA, BEd Syd
Boyce House
Ms LA Kalnins
BSc(Hons) Syd, BTeach, MEd CSU
Butters House
Mr LA Gasparinatos
Fear House
Mr BJ Robinson
BAppSc Syd, BTeach UTS, GDipMaths CSU
Hill House
Ms NL Bailey
BCom Bond, BTeach UTS
Holt House
Mr OR Merven
BA, BEd Syd
Mackenzie House
Ms AK Blom
MA, DipEd Macq
May House
Miss KE Dundas
BA, DipEd Macq
Pain House
Mr CR Smith
Stevens House
Mr SJ Thompson
BA(Hons) Open University, GDipEd Excelsia
Sthalekar House
Mr GJ Clifton-Smith
BEd Syd
Acting Head of Sthalekar House (Term 3B, 2020)
Mr JH Leger-Ryan
BEd Syd
Stone House
Mr PM Barden
BDes(Hons) UTS, BTeach UWS
Wade House
Mr SW Deveney
BSc(Hons) Syd, DipEd UoN
Wailes House
Mr JD Caspersonn
BABSc, MTeach Syd
Wilson House
Mr JD Jericevich
BA, PGCE Witwatersrand
Senior School Heads of Houses Bowman House
Mr JF Tod-Hill
BA Syd, MA Macq, MTeach Syd
Boyce House
Mr RJ Clezy
BSc Macq, GDipEd KCAE
Butters House
Mrs SJ Filtness
BEd UoN, MSc, GCert LTech Curtin, DipLead&Mngmt Monash, CertIV Avondale, MACE
Fear House
Mrs NL Maloy
BSc Plymouth, PGCE Surrey
Hill House
Miss AE Strauss
BBus, MBus, BTeach UTS
Holt House
Mr LJ Batchler
BHMS(Ed)(Hons) Qld
Mackenzie House
Mrs LL Moxon
BMus, MMus, GCert Syd, GDipEd UNE
May House
Mr TK Binet
BSc, DipEd Macq
Pain House
Mr GB Bayne
BA, MEnvStudies, PGCertEnvMgmt, PGDipEnvEd Macq, GDipEd Syd
Stevens House
Mrs KJ McKnight
BA, DipEd Macq
Sthalekar House
Mrs SL Cormio
Stone House
Mr SG Walker
Wade House
Mr SW Lawry
Wailes House
Mr BD Moar
BEd ACU, MEdL Macq
Wilson House
Mr DA Peattie
BEd ACU Secondary School Celebration • 9
Secondary School Staff Ms K Alderson
BSc UofW, BEd QU
Mr NJ Dumbleton
BSc Adelaide, BEd UniSA
Mr S Allan
BA, DipEd, MEdL Macq, MA Syd
Mr WM Dunstan
BSc, MA, DipEd Syd
Mrs KE Andersen
MEd CSU, BA(Hons) Syd, DipEd Macq
Mrs AA Eastman
BA, MTeach(Hons) Syd
Miss MI Armstrong
BEd(Hons) Syd
Mr PJ Ellis
BMus(Hons) Bham, PGCE London
Mrs D Awad
Mrs VB Ellis
BSc, DipEd Macq
Mr H Bawa
BA, BEd Macq
Mrs KL Elston
Miss JL Baxter
BEd, Syd MTh UoN
Mrs AH Evans
BA, BTeach UoNcastle
Mr MJ Bentham
BA, GDipEd UWS - on Leave
Miss RD Farley
BSc, GDipEd Macq
Mrs GS Blessington
Ms KL Farris
BA, DipEd UoN
Mr JC Bourke
Mr MW Fitzgerald
BA, GDipEd Macq
Mrs ML Bower
Mr GP Fitzmaurice
BSc Syd, GDipEd Macq
Mrs RL Boyce
BA ANU, DipEd Syd, GDipSpecEd Macq
Miss AJ Ford
BTeach (Hons) UoN
Mrs AT Brady
BA, DipEd Macq
Mrs RM Ford
BBus RMIT, GDipEd Hawthorn
Mrs C Burge
BSc(Hons) Syd, GDipEd Macq
Ms EE Foster
BA Syd, GDipEd UNE
Mrs MU Burton
Mrs A Henry
BEd (Hons) Cork
Miss AL Butt
BAppSc, BEd Syd
Mrs EL Galt
Mr AB Cameron
BAPysch, PGDipPsych Macq, MPsych UWS, MAPS
Mr JB Carruthers
BA(Hons), MA(Hons) Syd, GDipEd Wesley Institute
Dr AS Gates
BSc(Hons), PhD Syd, BTeach CSU
Mrs CM Glendenning
BA, Dip Ed Macq
Miss Y Chen
Mr TC Grace
Mr DW Chilton
BEd Syd
Mr LT Grant
BA, BTeach ACU
Mrs CL Chin
BEd Syd
Mr TJ Grimes
BE(Civil), MEngSc UNSW, DipEd Syd
Mr A Choi
Miss AM Guest
BA, BEd(Hons) Syd
Mrs JL Christoffersen
BA, DipEd Macq
Mrs KJ Haigh
BSc Syd, BTeach UTS
Mr DW Chua
BSc(Adv), BA Syd, MTeach UTS
Miss ETT Hannan
BMedSc Macq, MTeach Syd
Mr BL Collins
BMus, DSCM Sydney Con, MCA UoW, LTCL Trinity College, London, AMusA
Mr DM Hargreaves
Mr JW Hawke
BEd, DipEd Wales, HNatDipNautSt
Mr ND Cook
BA Syd, BTeach UWS, MEd Macq
Mrs CM Hawkins
BA(Hons), MA, PGCE London
Miss GK Corderoy
Ms NR Hicks
Mr EJ Craig
BEd Syd
Ms LM Hildreth
Miss LJ Craven
BA, BTeach UoN
BA Harvard, GCertAppCounselling UWS, DipEd UNE
Mrs JA Crewe
BA, DipEd, PGCE Macq
BSc, PhD Syd, DipEd CSU
Mrs GL Cunningham
BA Rhodes, BEd(Hons), DipEd Pt Elizabeth
Dr TL Holdaway -Clarke Mr AJM Hone
BMus(Hons) Syd
Mr AL Davidson
BA, BTeach ACU, GDipDiv ACT
Mr RM Hunter
BA(Hons) Lancs, PGCE Leeds
Mrs AM Davis
BEd(Hons) Syd, Grad Certificate CHC
Miss JA Iles
BSc, BEd Syd
Mr GA Dawes
BEd, DipTeach Syd, CertOEd
Mrs LM Jellis
BA, BTeach ACU
Ms KM Day
BA York, DipEd Syd, AMusA
Mrs CMME Jessep
BA, MTeach Syd
Mrs LM de Gorter
BAppSc, GDip(BusTech) Monash, GDipEd UTS
Mrs CJ Johns
Mr DC Johnston
BSc, DipEd Macq, DipJourn Macleay
Mr CT Dearn
BSc Syd, DipEd UNE, MAIP
Ms PD Jouliany
BSc, DipEd Macq
Mr JO Dennison
Mrs KA Kempthorne
BA Macq, DipTeach CSU
Mr MD Dobbins
BA, DipEd Monash
Mrs ZN Kidd
Ms MK Dorahy
BEd ACU, MA Syd, DipFA
Mrs S Kieken
MA Lille, DipEd Macq
10 • Secondary School Celebration
Mr TR Knowles
BEc Syd, DipEd STC, GDipTeachLib KCAE
Mrs KE Raftesath
LLB (Hons) Reading, DipArt Syd, GDipEd Macq
Miss HR Koppe
BAPysch, MProfPsych Macq, PGDipPsych JCU
Mrs SM Rajamantri
BAppSc UWS, MBA La Trobe, BTeach CSU
Dr RJH Lawrence
BA(Hons), MTeach Syd, PhD UNSW
Miss JK Redknap
BTeach, BA ACU
Ms J Lee
BA, BSc, BTeach, MScMed Syd
Mr AC Rickman
MA Cantab, DipEd ECU
Mr JH Leger-Ryan
BEd Syd
Ms MA Riley
BCom Syd, MTeach UTS
Mr S Liseo
MComp UWS, DipTeach CCE
Mrs K Romer
BEd, DipTeach Macarthur
Mr AJ Love
BEd, DipTeach Edith Cowan
Miss CR Rossler
BEd Syd
Ms KM Mahoney
BEd Hawksbury, MEd ACU, GDipComComp UWS
Mr DM Saffir
Mr MJ Schreuder
BA, DipEd Macq, BA(Hons) UNSW
Mr AR Mallam
BEng(Hons) UNSW, MTeach Syd
Dr TJ Scott
BA(Hons), PhD, Macq, GDipEd CSU
Mrs JM Matthew
BA, DipEd Macq
Ms DS Sellathurai
Mrs LM Maxwell
BA, DipEd UTS, GDipDiv ACT
BA, MPysch, GDipPysch Macq, MAPS - Cousellor
Mr AC McCallum
BA(Hons), DipEd Rhodes
Ms MM Sloper
BA, DipEd UNSW, GDipSpecEd Macq
Mrs BM McCallum
DipEd Grahamstown TTC
Mr RA Smith
BCST, MDesSc Syd, GDipEd UTS
Ms CE McCarry
BA, DipEd Syd
Mr EW Snow
BCom Macq, GDipEd Wesley
Mrs CC McDonald
BA, DipEd Macq
Mrs LA Solomon
Dr JM McGrath
BEc, PhD Syd, BA, MA Macq, MA(ThSt), MTh Syd College of Divinity, DipEd UNSW
BA, DipEd Macq, MA Syd, DipCouns ACAP, MACE
Mr J Sparks
BEd Syd
Mr N Staas
BDesign UNSW, DipEd Syd
Mrs VH Staas
BA(Hons) Anglia Ruskin, PGCE Brighton
Mr H Stevenson
BSc(Hons) St And, PGCE Bristol
Dr KM Terrett
BSc(Hons)(Adv), PhD Syd, GDipEd UNE
Mrs JM Thomas
BA Syd, GDipEd CSU
Mr JM Toth
BHthSc Syd, BA, BTeach ACU
Mrs AF Turnbull
BEd Wolverhampton, DipArt RMIT
Mrs AE Turner
Mrs RV Vargassoff
BDes(VisComm) UWS, BArtEd UNSW
Ms AE Walsh
BA UON, GDipEd Macq
Mrs KE Ware
Mr AJ Watts
BA Macq, BTeach UTS
Miss CR Wells
BSc(Hons) Bath Spa, PGCE Swansea, GDipPD Swansea Met
Miss MM Wicht
BA, DipEd, MAppLing Macq
Mr R Wilcock
BMus, DipEd Syd
Mrs LA Williams
Cert III, Dip TAFE
Mr RJ Williams
BEng(Hons 1), BCom, MTeach Syd
Mr IC Wood
Mr DA Woolley
BEng(Hons), BSc ANU, GDipEd ACU,
Mrs DL McGuinness
BSc UTS, GDipEd UoNcastle
Mrs JR McLachlan
BEd ACU, MEd Deakin
Mr JS McMahon
BA UoN, MA Syd, MTeach UWS
Mr AI McWade
BMusEd Syd Con, MMusSt Syd
Mr NE Meakes
BCom, BSc Syd
Mr A Mifsud
BMus(Hons), BEd UNSW
Mr LJ Mildren
BMedSc UNSW, MTeach UTS, GCert Notre Dame
Mrs KM Mitchell
BPhysEd ACU, GDipEd Deakin
Mrs LL Moxon
BMus, MMus, GCert Syd, GDipEd UNE
Mr LR Nixon
BA, MA, GDipMgt Macq, DipEd Syd, MACE
Ms KM O’Hare
BA GDipEd Macq
Mrs LJ Payne
BAppSc Syd, GDipTeach La Trobe
Ms K Peng
BA, BEd Syd
Mr AR Perkins
BEng(Hons) Syd, GDip USQ
Miss CT Perkins
BSc, MTeach UWS
Mrs RE Picton
BA, DipEd Macq, DipTh Morling
Mrs LA Pitkin
BScAgr(Hons) Syd, BTeach CSU
Mr GP Plummer
MMus UNSW, DipMusEd Syd Con, ATCL Trinity College, London, AMusA
Mr MW Pollard
BA, DipEd Macq
Mrs CA Yeomans
Mrs ES Pratt
BSc UTS, MTeach Syd
Ms AL Young
BSc(Hons) , GDipEd Macq, MEd UNE
Mrs KL Prior
BSc(Hons) Macq, GDipEd Excelsia, CertIV CIT
Mr MA Prosser
BA, DipEd Macq
Dip ORec
Secondary School Celebration • 11
Support Staff Leadership Team Mr H Belshaw
Director of Aquatic Centre
MEd Syd, DipMan, Dip Rec, Cert IV, Cert III TAFE
Mr RJ Brown
Financial Controller
Mrs LJ Chalmers
Health Centre Manager
BN LaTrobe, MPubHlth JCU, RN
Mr R Cottam
Director of Risk & Compliance
Mr A Hodgson
Property Manager - Facilities
Mr RA Paterson
General Duties Staff Team Leader & Security Coordinator
Mr P Perrotin
Food Services Manager
Mr DA Price
Manager Systems Support
Mr KJ Smith
Property Manager - Services
Mrs S Wormald
EA to the Head of Barker College
Support Staff Mrs JC Anthony
Mr DG Crisp
Mr GP Applewhite
Mrs SM Crisp
Mr AR Ashby
BPhysEd, DipTeach ACPE
Mr K Dalecki
Ms GJ Augustesen
BArch, BAppSc QUT, GDipEd Griffith
Mr SS Dangol
Mrs F Badaoui
CertBnk&Fin TAFE
Mrs JE Deacon
Mr AN Banks
Mr K Degraa
Mrs J Banks
Mrs NG Denton
Mr JR Barker
Cert IV, Cert OHS, Cert Ind Electronics
Ms RM Dimmock
AssDipL&AppH UNE, CertRC ACU
Mr SL Barlow
BHSc Syd, MExSc Edith Cowan, Cert II NSW SLS
Mrs KE Drummond
BBS(Pysch) Swinburne
Mr SL Bennett
Mrs CP Eadie
Cert II, Cert III, Cert IV, MTrainer Level 1
Mr GA Berzins
DipAppSc TAFE, DipWHS HBA, CertHort TAFE
Mr JM Eberhaut Mrs JL Ekanayake
Mrs LM Birchill
Mrs KQ Every
BCom Macq, MBL Syd, MPA UTS
Mrs T Bracco
Mr AJ Forno
Mrs RA Bramwell
Mr ML Brice Ms JP Broug
BCom UoN
Ms M K Fox
DipDes&Dec TAFE
Mrs LA Gabb
Cert III, CertIV
Mrs KM Gallagher
Miss SJ Butler
Mr M Garcia Posadas
Mrs RE Byrne
Mrs CM Gingell
Mr AR Calvi
Mrs KA Githens
Mr MG Calvi
Mrs GR Glaves
Miss ED Campbell
BSpHearingSc, MSchLngPath Macq, TEFL
Mr MJ Green
Cert IV TAFE, Cert III C&G
Mr MD Halcomb
Mr SJ Carfino
Mrs JD Hanlon
Mrs DL Charters
Ms AM Hanna
BMus Syd
Miss SS Choo
Mr PK Harmon
Mr A Clarke
Mr JE Harnett
Mrs D Clayton
Mr BA Harris
Cert III
Mr RR Hatiskar
GradCertMan USQ, DipEl&Tel Maharashtra State, DiplCompSci MES
Mr AJ Cassar
DipSportsTurfMgmt TAFE
Ms L Clugston
Mr JR Collins
BCompSc Syd
Ms GC Collison 12 • Secondary School Celebration
Mr BJ Heggie
Support Staff Mrs F Hennessy
BSc Aberdeen
Ms SA Rae
Mrs VL Humphreys
Mrs JL Randall
Mrs BA Humphries
Mr P Rashbrook
Mr GJ Hunt
BMus Syd
Mr AJ Jesperson Mr RG Jones
Mrs MJ Kemmis
Mr S Khatri Mr DB Kirley Mrs KJ Knellwolf
BNurse Flinders, Cert IV, RN
Mrs NF Lane
Mr MM Lawlor Ms SJ Layton
BABBus Deakin
Mrs D Le Bas Ms MR Leader
BA(Hons) Syd, Cert IV
Ms TL Lefaoseu Mr DG Lewis
Mr Q Liu
BCompSc Macq
Mr D Lovell Ms EE Macdonald
Dip Callig Chatswood, Cert IV Ku-Ring Gai, Cert III, Cert II TAFE
Mr HN Roach Mr WS Rodrigues
BSc Bombay, GDipEd UNE, DipTel, DipElec
Ms DC Rodrigues Becker
AdvDipMETech ETEP Brazil
Mrs JL Rossington
BA Curtin
Ms LM Rowling
Mr TP Ryan
Mr MD Sanderson
Cert III, Cert III, Cert III TAFE
Ms MJ Schollum Mr AG Scrivener Mrs AK Shaw Mrs GC Shillig
Cert IV, Cert III TAFE
Ms K Shimizu
DipEng, DipGDes
Miss NL Shipley Mr JB Silveri Mrs VB Sloane Mr AJ Smith
Mr JM Maeng
Mrs KH Smith
Mrs E Maslovsky
Mrs TK Spencer
BComms & Media, UNDA
Mr MJ McSorley BSc, MInfTech Syd
Ms JJ Millett
Mr SM Thomlinson Mrs DC Tonge Mrs KL Urbaniak
Miss AE Monaghan
BCA Macq
Mr J Mross Becker
AdvDipMEngTech, Cert III, Cert IV SENAI Brazil
Mrs PH Naglitsch
BBusAcc Swinburne, DipAcc AIFA, Cert III Auslan
Mrs DM Vernon
Mrs TM Niemela
Mrs SL Wall
Mr SL Northcott
Miss MC Wangurra
Mrs PJ O'Brien
BSc(Hons) Hatfield Polytechnic
Mr SR Wassell
Mr DJ O’Keefe
DipSpDev TAFE, DipEdSupp Empower
Mrs J Vanderlaan Mrs K Vasic Mr DP Vergano Mrs IL Vincent
Cert III TAFE, CertProf PMaker
Mrs RJ Wasserburger BSc(Hons) Syd
Mr GD Parker
Mrs CR Watt
Mr SO White
Mrs PV Paynter
AdvCert RMIT
Mr DC Whitford
Mrs Y Peng
Adv Dip, Cert III
Mr LA Willis
Mrs S Perrotin
Mrs FA Williams Cert IV, Cert III TAFE
Mr AK Pritchard Mr G Quevedo
BCom Curtin, Cert III TAFE
Mrs J Tyson
DipTeach Zgierz, Cert IV TAFE
Miss SN Piat
Mr JR Talty
Mrs MD Milojevic
Mrs CA Owens
BSportExM UTS, Cert IV
Mrs MJ Stow
Mrs JM McAndrew
Mr T Miller
Cert IV, Cert IV, DipIT TAFE
Ms DM Slater
Miss G Macpherson
Miss HC McGrory
BA Macq, GCert TAFE, Cert III
Mrs C Willis Mrs KE Wilson
BDesign (VisComm) UNSW
Mr DA Young
BAPhysEd ACPE, Cert IV TAFE Secondary School Celebration • 13
Secondary School Awards List AE ‘Ernie’ Gallagher Memorial Prize for Piano
Awarded to the student who in the opinion of the Director of Music has made the most improvement in piano practice and theory in Years 11 and 12. It commemorates Arthur ‘Ernie’ Gallagher (1969), who was an accomplished music student whilst at School, and went on to enjoy a distinguished professional career as a musician. First awarded 2013.
Agricultural Institute of Australia Prize
Awarded by the Agricultural Institute of Australia to the outstanding student in Year 12 Agriculture. To promote achievement in the profession. First awarded in 1999.
Anderson Stuart Medals
First presented by Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart, former parent, for all-round achievement in work, sport, service and character. First awarded in 1917, and now traditionally presented to the Captains of the School.
Awards for Excellence
Awarded on the recommendation of a staff Awards Committee for excellence in sport and other activities in the Middle School, including Music, Debating, Chess, Drama, Agriculture, etc. Overall citizenship is taken into account.
Awards for Service
Awarded on the recommendation of a staff Awards Committee for outstanding service to the School community over and above expectation in a specific Middle School area or activity. The recipients must display reliability and dedication and be exemplary in effort, attitude and involvement for a minimum of two terms. The activity is normally over and above normal sport commitments.
The Barker Foundation Year 10 Girls’ Sports Cup
Awarded to the girl in Year 10 who, in the opinion of the sports coaching staff, has contributed the most to Girls’ Sport through outstanding attitude, aptitude and effort. First awarded in 2000.
Barnett Cup
Presented by LM Barnett, Esq. (1937), formerly Honorary Treasurer of The School Council. Awarded to the best sportsman in Year 10. First awarded in 1938.
Boarders' Prizes
Awarded by the Boarders’ Parents’ and Guardians’ Committee to the student from Year 11 or Year 12 who has contributed most, through service, to the Boarding Community and the wider School community. One prize will be awarded to a female and one to a male Boarder. First awarded in 1998.
Bosley Bible Reading Prize
Presented by Mr and Mrs WA Bosley as a memorial to their son, KA Bosley, Captain of the School in 1957, for a Year 12 student judged to have offered significant service in Chapel worship. First awarded in 1961.
Caltex Best All-Rounder Award
Established by Caltex Australia Limited in 1999, a medallion for the best Year 12 all-rounder in all facets of the academic, sporting, extra-curricular, service and community life of the School.
Carter Cup
Commemorates the second Headmaster of the School. First presented by Mrs Carter, then endowed by their daughter. Presented to the student in Year 12 who, in the opinion of his peers, does most for School sport. First awarded in 1933.
Charlton Christian Studies Prize
Endowed by Archdeacon WA Charlton to reward excellence in Christian Studies. First awarded in 1926.
Christopher Elliott Art Prize
Presented by his mother as a memorial to Christopher Elliott (1962) to encourage appreciation and practice of Art in Years 11 and 12. First awarded in 1966.
Creative Writing Prize
Established as a result of a writing competition in a Sydney newspaper, won by Andrew Loke (1986). Presented to encourage creative writing in the School. First awarded in 1985.
David Breden Prize
Awarded to a student of the Middle School or the Senior School of Barker College, selected each year by the Head of Barker College, being a student identified by their conduct, endeavour, or contribution either within or without the School which the Head of Barker College considers to embody the spirit and character of Barker College and which he considers to be exceptional.
Distinction Prize
Presented to students in the top five per cent (approx.) of academic results.
Dudley Ford Effort Prize
Presented as a memorial to Dudley Ford (1955) by his parents to encourage academic effort. First awarded in 1963.
Earth and Environmental Science Prize
Presented to a Year 12 student for excellence in Earth and Environmental Science. First awarded in 2000. Donated by Mr and Mrs Camryn Turner.
Edgeworth David Memorial Prize
Endowed by Lady Edgeworth David as a memorial to Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David, for reading aloud. First awarded in 1935.
14 • Secondary School Celebration
Effort Prize
Presented to students who, in the judgement of the staff, have shown the greatest academic effort throughout the year and who do not qualify for a Merit or Distinction Prize.
Eleanor Plume Prize
The gift of the BCMA to the Senior Girl who, through character, leadership and academic achievement has shown outstanding merit and made a major contribution to the life of the School community. First awarded in 1986.
Gamson Economics Prize
Presented by the Gamson family as a tribute to the work on behalf of the School by David Gamson OAM (1946), member of Council 1962-1990 and Honorary Treasurer 1970-1990. First awarded in 1991.
Head of School’s Award for Outstanding Effort in the Senior School
Presented to the student who, in the judgement of the staff, have shown the greatest academic effort throughout the three Years of senior studies and who do not qualify for a Merit or Distinction Prize.
Helen Leslie Memorial Prize
Endowed by former Headmaster, WS Leslie, to encourage academic effort in the School. First awarded in 1950.
Hornsby Shire Council Prize
Presented annually by the Shire Council to encourage achievement. Presented to the outstanding debater of the year in Years 11 and 12. First awarded in 1962.
Hubert Dixon Memorial Prize
Endowed by the teaching staff to commemorate the service of the Rev HC Dixon, Chaplain 1947-1980. Awarded for service to the School and to the outside community. First awarded in 1980.
IC Moyes Shield
Established by the School Council to recognize the services of Mr Ian Moyes as Sportsmaster, 1978-2000. Presented to the student who demonstrates in their approach to participation in School sport, unbounded enthusiasm and personal commitment both to the ideals of good sportsmanship and to the teams in which they are a part, and outstanding School spirit. First awarded in 2000.
IGS Campbell Adventure Country Award
This award acknowledges the leadership of Mr Ian Campbell in pioneering Outdoor Education programmes at Barker, and is awarded to the student in Year 11 or 12 who, in the opinion of the Head of the Senior School and the Director of Outdoor Education, has demonstrated effective leadership and outstanding service in Outdoor Education activities, particularly those involving leadership of younger students engaged in outdoor and adventure pursuits in wilderness areas. First awarded in 2008.
Ilbery Music Prize
Donated by the family of the late Martyn Ilbery (1962, deceased 1987) who was awarded the School Music Prize in 1961. First awarded in 1989.
Irving Lin Prize
Endowed by his parents in memory of Irving Lin (1997) to encourage study in Information Technology. First awarded in 2000.
John Griffiths Prize
Awarded to the student in Year 12 who, in the opinion of the Head of Barker College, the Deputy Head, the Senior Chaplain and the Head of the Senior School, has presented an example of Christian character, and who has contributed the most to the School Community in Service. This Prize was established by the School Council in recognition of the service to the Barker College Community of Rev John Griffiths (1948), a member of the School Council from 1970 until 2001, and Chairman of Council from 1991 to 2001, as well as serving as Chairman of the Leslie’s Men Scholarship Committee from its inception. First awarded in 2001.
John Wailes Prize
Presented by the OBA to honour the service to the School of JE Wailes (1925), former Chairman of The School Council. Presented to the Dux of the School. First awarded in 1985.
Kevin Thomas Prize
Presented by the OBA in honour of Old Boy Kevin Thomas from the Class of 1952. Kevin was a very loyal servant of the School. He was the OBA Nominee to the School Council from 1990-2006 and was the Honorary Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee for his entire time on Council. Kevin was the Honorary Secretary of the OBA from 1980-1990 and Treasurer of the OBA Seniors from 2007-2016. Kevin was made a Life Patron of the OBA in 2009. Presented for excellence in Year 12 Business Studies. First awarded in 2018.
Lawrance Geography Prize
Endowed by the family of BP Lawrance, former Geography Master and Housemaster. Presented to encourage excellence in the study of Geography. First awarded in 1969.
Linda Vanderfield Cup
Presented by The School Council for the most outstanding performance in Year 11 Girls sport. Linda Vanderfield was one of Barker’s entrants to Year 11 in 1975, the first year of the coeducational Senior School. In that year she was U17 Girls Champion in both Athletics and Swimming, and also represented the School in Hockey.
Macquarie University Global Leadership Entry Program Prize
This award recognises an outstanding application for Macquarie University’s early entry program. Presented to a student in Year 12 with a strong academic record who shows initiative and has made an active and significant contribution to their community. Presented to an outstanding student in Year 12, other than the Dux of the Year. First awarded in 2018. Secondary School Celebration • 15
Secondary School Awards List
Margaret Kefford Community Spirit Prize
Donated by the BCMA in recognition of the service to the School Community of Mrs Margaret Kefford between 1996 and 2013, this prize is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the Head of Barker College, Deputy Head, Senior Chaplain, and the Heads of Middle School and Senior School, has demonstrated a volunteering spirit and significant involvement in service to the wider community, and who has participated fully in the life of the School.
McFerran Award
The Hugh McFerran Award was established by the Barker College Common Room in 2003 in recognition of the service to Barker of Hugh McFerran, Special Duties Master from 1 January 1991 until 6 November 1997. This award is presented to a Year 11 or Year 12 student who in the opinion of the Staff of the School, Head of Barker College, Deputy Head and President of the Common Room has demonstrated outstanding character, courage and fortitude in pursuing their academic and personal goals whilst participating as fully as possible in school life. First awarded in 2003.
Merit Prize
Presented to the students in Year 8 - 12 in the top ten per cent (approx.) of academic results who do not qualify for a Distinction Prize.
MG Cowdroy Prize
Established by The School Council to recognise the services of Mr Max Cowdroy, as Master and Dean of the Middle School, 1980-1996. Awarded to the boy in Year 9 who in the opinion of the Head of Barker College and the Heads of Houses, has done the most for the Middle School. First awarded in 1996.
Miller Mathematics Prize
Endowed by former students and staff to honour service to the School by Gordon Miller, former Senior Mathematics Master. First awarded in 1977.
Miriam Tabone Music Prize
Presented in memory of Miriam Tabone, a student at Barker College in 1999. Miriam was a singer, pianist and Music Vice-Captain elect. Awarded to a student for musicality, singing potential and leadership, together with enthusiastic support and encouragement of other musicians at the School. First awarded in 2000.
OBA Spirit Awards
Awarded to the student who, in the opinion of the relevant member of staff in charge, demonstrates the Barker way and the Barker spirit in their attitude and approach to their chosen activity.
Old Barker Association Prize
Presented by the OBA to a Year 12 student, other than the recipient of the Anderson Stuart Medal, who, through character, leadership and academic achievement has shown outstanding merit and who has made a major contribution to the life of the School community. First awarded in 1985.
Palethorpe Drama Prize (Performance)
Presented to the student who has contributed most to dramatic activity in the Senior School. First awarded in 1977. Endowed since 1989 by the Palethorpe family.
Palethorpe Drama Prize
Awarded to a Middle School student who has contributed the most to Drama. First awarded in 1997.
Peter Hull Smith (Ancient History) Prize
Presented for excellence in Ancient History in Year 12.
Peter Hull Smith (Australian Studies) Prize
Presented for excellence in Australian Studies within Extension History in Year 12.
Peter Hull Smith (Science) Prize
Presented by Mrs Dawne Hull Smith in memory of her late husband, Peter (1927). Presented to a Year 10 student for showing scientific endeavour and involves a scientific research project. First awarded in 1998.
Phillip McAlpine Prize
Endowed by his parents in memory of Phillip McAlpine (1981) to encourage study of Design and Technology. First awarded in 1981.
Plumian History Prize
Presented by The School Council in honour of the Reverend Henry Plume, founder of the School, for excellence in historical studies in Year 12. First awarded in 1967.
Powys Missionary Prize
Endowed by his father, to commemorate the missionary service of Dr Norman Powys, who attended the School from 1930 to 1935, for a student’s contribution to missionary work. First awarded in 1964.
Public Speaking Prize
To promote excellence in public speaking among students in Years 7 to 12. First awarded in 1974.
RB Finlay English Prize
Endowed by his colleagues in 1975 as a token of their respect for the late RB Finlay, former Senior Master and Senior English Master. First awarded in 1975.
16 • Secondary School Celebration
RJ Parker English Prize
Established by The School Council to recognise the services of Mr Robert Jesse Parker, former Director of Studies and Head of English. Awarded to the student in Year 12 for Excellence in English, whose course of study in English is the Advanced Course. First awarded in 2004.
RW Bowie Prize
Funded by former students of the School, and established by the School Council in 1996 to honour the memory of the Reverend RW Bowie, MIC Drama, 1970-74. Awarded to the Year 12 student who has obtained the highest marks in Drama.
Social Justice Award
Presented on the recommendation of Senior Staff for demonstrating ongoing commitment to achieving justice for all in the local, national and/or international community. First awarded in 2016.
The Class of '86 Award
Presented by the Class of ‘86 to the student who has contributed most to the welfare of the members of the graduating class. Endowed by the parents of David Hunt (1986). First awarded in 1986.
The Class of 2006 Award
The Class of 2006 Outstanding Achievement Award is awarded to the student in the Secondary School who is judged to have been an outstanding achiever, in any field of endeavour, inside or outside the school, during the last twelve months.
The Leaving Class Award
Presented by the Class of 2014 to a student in Year 11 who is recognised for their broad and diverse co-curricular participation.
The University of Sydney Prize
Presented to the most outstanding student in Year 10. First awarded in 1997.
Thrive Award
Presented to students who are recognised by their peers as having shown exemplary qualities in one of the areas of the Thrive framework; Inquiry, Rhetoric, Service and Gratitude. First awarded in 2018.
Troubadour Poetry Reading Prize
Presented by the English Department to encourage the reading aloud of poetry, specifically those poems written by one of the prescribed HSC poets. First awarded in 1994.
University of NSW Mathematics Prize
Awarded to the student who has shown exceptional ability in the area of Year 12 Extension 1 Mathematics. First awarded in 2013.
Vindin Higher School Certificate Prize
Endowed by WM Vindin, former member of Barker Council, to encourage excellence in academic work. Presented to the student who gained the best HSC result in the previous year. First awarded in 1923.
Walker Australian History Prize
Presented by HP Walker, former member of the School Council, and later by his family, to encourage the study of Australian History. First awarded in 1925.
Watson Music Prize
Presented by Dr and Mrs AO Watson, former parents, to encourage appreciation and performance of music. First awarded in 1950.
Whitehead Art Prize
Presented by AL Whitehead, former parent, to encourage excellence in the study and practice of Art in Year 10. First awarded in 1970.
Whittaker Cup
Presented by the parents of Paul Whittaker, Captain of the School in 1981, to the student in Year 11 who does most for School sport. First awarded in 1982.
Woodburn Bowl
Presented by Mrs Dulcie Woodburn as a memorial to JF Woodburn. Presented to the student in Year 12 who obtains the highest marks in any three humanities subjects. First awarded in 1959.
Year 12 Girls’ Sports Cup
Presented to the student in Year 12 who, in the opinion of her peers, does most for School sport.
Secondary School Celebration • 17
Middle School Awards Year 7 Julia Lander
The Class of 2006 Award
Cooper Phillips
Anna Blewitt
Angus Han
Aria Miltiades
Aditi Subramanian
Freja Callaghan
Scarlett Jones
Abby Moore
Poppy Wildblood
Annabel Cameron
Maria Kulish
Charlotte Raeburn
Nicholas Wilson
Keshav Chhabra
Zali Lobb
Jolie Saunders
Kiera Yerbury
Harry Field
Claudia McDougall
Lulu Stewart
Sophia Zhao
Thrive Award (in alphabetical order) Freja Callaghan
Ella Higgins
Bea Meyer
Spencer Taylor
Batu Comelek
Elyssa Koh
Aria Miltiades
Isla Webster
Harry Field
Thomas Marler
Lulu Stewart
Poppy Wildblood
Creative Writing Prize Effort Prize (in alphabetical order)
Distinction Prize (in ascending rank order, down columns) Mike Markham
Hollie Humphris
Hamish Hudson
Spencer Taylor
Noah Taylor
Kian Gunesekere
Maddie Henry
Simon Greager
Finn Reynolds
Christina Kong
Julia Lander
Hamish McNaught
Isaac Grace
Elyssa Koh
Leo Chen
Katie Rajadhyaksha
James Tham
Dux of Year 7
Shirley Ji
Middle School Awards Year 8 Creative Writing Prize
Benjamin Weatherall
Edgeworth David Memorial Prize
Arjun Pillai
Effort Prize (in alphabetical order) Christian Alvarez
Thomas Fearnside
Josh Liu
Edward Tomicki
Henry Balzer
Lincoln James
Rory Parker
Jack Woodall
Thomas Byrne
Eric Jiang
Sam Piper
Julian Wu
Noah Dunn
Kunal Joshi
Surjot Samra
Noah Dunn
Kunal Joshi
Kiran Viranna
Oliver French
Arjun Pillai
Alex Zhao
Thrive Award (in alphabetical order)
Distinction Prize (in ascending rank order, down columns) Josh Riddle
Owen Steele
Kerry Mo
Hayden Dennis
Liam Nicholls
Broden McLaughlin
Tim Jaksetic
Harvey Withford-Cave
Tim Wilson
Oliver Walsh
Lachlan Cassin
Arjun Pillai
Dux of Year 8
Arnav Desai
18 • Secondary School Celebration
Sam Tasharofi
Middle School Awards Year 9 House Shield
TBA at Celebration
Creative Writing Prize
Taj Pereira
Powys Missionary Prize
Caleb Stace
Palethorpe Drama Prize
Jonah Mills
Effort Prize (in alphabetical order) Matthew Adler
Max Bowles
Jimin Kim
James Rundle
Luke Bentley
Ashton Caie
Alexander Lo
Charles Sullivan
Miki Bower
Spencer Gwan
Ryan Moon
Rhett Zhang
Helen Leslie Memorial Prize
Jack Jeffress
Thrive Award (in alphabetical order) Luke Bentley
Orbis Ip
Luca Murphy
Jack Cornet
James Rundle
Rhett Zhang
Nicholas Bailey
Leo Gibb
Tom Oswald
Jonah Thomas
Matthew Braxton-Boal
James Harper
Morgan Stoodley
Samuel Thomas
Joel Finikin
Jereme Lee
Nicholas Strachov
William Thomas
Caleb Stace
Leo Gibb
Oliver Uy
James Rundle
Mathematics 5.3
Caleb Stace
Jimin Kim
Mathematics 5.2
Lachlan Watts
Oliver Uy
Mathematics 5.1
Alex Kuznetsoff
Information and Software Technology Max Hanley
Max Hanley
Jackson Parker
Matthew Braxton-Boal
Design and Technology
Jackson Parker
Nicholas Strachov
Industrial Technology
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Jeremy Davie
James Harper
Jeremy Davie
Contemporary Music
Elijah Birt
Global Studies
Oliver Uy
Music - Elective
Matthew Lee
Michael Ashworth
Photographic & Digital Media
Bodie Denton
Physical Activity and Sports Studies
Marcus Carr
Visual Arts
Samuel Thomas
Merit Prize (in alphabetical order)
Subject Prizes Christian Studies
Distinction Prize (in ascending rank order, down columns) Max Hanley
Harrison Black
Marcus Carr
Matthew Lee
Michael Ashworth
Isaac Denney
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Jeremy Davie
Kyle Li
Jackson Parker
Thomas Van Balkom
Caleb Stace
MG Cowdroy Prize
Jeremy Davie
Dux of Year 9
Oliver Uy
Secondary School Celebration • 19
A Profile of the Middle School Middle School Seniors Harrison Black
Luke Garouniatis
Felix Neville
Jamison Cameron
James Harper
Taj Pereira
Andrew House
Caspar Bosscher Samuel Castillo
May House
Joel Finikin Harrison Kilgore
Bowman House
Thomas Van Balkom William Thomas
Pain House
Marcus Carr Jackson Parker
Boyce House
Winston Dimitropoulos Connor Murphy
Stevens House
Nicholas Strachov Akhil Venkatesh
Butters House
Jonah Mills Oliver Uy
Sthalekar House
Louie Keane James Rundle
Fear House
Isaac Denney Will Lenehan
Stone House
Max Bowles Ashton Caie
Hill House
Duncan Smith Samuel Zibaee
Wade House
Ben Walker Drew Wheals
Holt House
Luke Bentley Leo Gibb
Wailes House
Thomas Streeter Samuel Thomas
Mackenzie House
Joey Alvaro Scotty Elliott
Wilson House
Michael Ashworth Jeremy Davie
House Captains
20 • Secondary School Celebration
Middle School Awards of Excellence Term 1 Basketball
Public Speaking
Water Polo
Kiran Kumaresan Lucas McSweeney Lucy Mead Emily Paterson
Nathan Chung Noah Taylor Oscar Taylor Jayden Tuo
Tom Cuttle
Lachlan Carley Max Dimmick Julian Wu Matthew Young
Jonah Hanlon Ivan Hsiao Matthew Lee Gus Opie
Marcus Carr
Cricket 7
James Archer Quon Gibb Simon Greager
Jye Johnson Thomas Fearnside Oliver Cattle
Bodie Denton Archie Gowthorp Oliver Uy
Christian Alvarez Jack Woodall
Swimming 7
Keira Dostine Milla Lawrence Matt Walter Harrison Woodrow
Jordan Feurtado Jeffrey Lu Noah Workman
David Kang Kyle Li Alexander Lo Robert Nam Jordan Takounlao
Keegan Daly Maxx Heaton Harry Twyman Lachlan Utteridge Alexander Ward
Secondary School Celebration • 21
Middle School Awards of Excellence Semester 2 AFL 7
Ashton McGovern Hamish Nosworthy Campbell Smith Zach Strachov
8 Joseph Condell Jordan Feurtado Hugh Lloyd Aarish Mistry 9
Marcus Carr Samuel Castillo Harrison Kilgore Nicholas Strachov
Athletics 7 James Archer Milla Lawrence Cooper Phillips Kiera Yerbury 8 Ryan Ng Josh Riddle Isaac Sheriff Brodie Waldock
Michael Ashworth Leo Gibb Hamish MacDonald Sam Walter
Cross Country 7 Cooper Phillips 8 Ryan Ng
Debating 7
Harry Field Christina Kong Julia Lander Finn Reynolds
8 Noah Dunn Arjun Pillai Jack Woodall 9
Matthew Lee Kyle Li Taj Pereira Oliver Uy
22 • Secondary School Celebration
9 Caspar Bosscher Max Hanley Marcus Kumar Jonah Mills
Fencing 8
Deron Yip
Music 7
Brianna Chen Enya Hui Paisley Motum Kevin Sun Leonard Tang James Tham
Hugo Abe James Barratt Peter Corniola Henry Eagleton Eric Jiang Jeffrey Lu Owen McLennan Krish Tandon Lachlan Utteridge Benjamin Weatherall Tim Wilson Julian Wu Deron Yip
Matthew Donovan Matthew Lee Kyle Li Christian Martinez Felix Neville Daniel Tee Hugo Tse Theo Zuo
Rugby 7 James Archer Hugh McIntosh 8 Benjamin Blanchard Matthew Sentonaris Samuel Vos 9 Leo Gibb Hamish MacDonald Kade Stanton
Nathan Chung Noah Taylor Oscar Taylor Jayden Tuo
8 Lachlan Carley Cameron Liou James McGee Sam Piper 9
Nicholas Bailey Zarshan Jayawardena Jimin Kim Michael Peden
Taekwondo 9
Taj Pereira
Middle School Sporting Achievements Athletics U12 10,000m World Record
Cooper Phillips
Boys 15 Years - Pope Cup
Hamish MacDonald
Boys 14 Years - BCMA Cup
Ryan Ng
Girls 13 Years
Kiera Yerbury
Boys 13 Years - Peter Woodhouse Cup James Archer
Basketball Andrew Kimbell Award
Michael Ashworth
NSW U16 State Performance Program Lucy Mead NSW U14 TAP Metro Team
Lucy Mead Emily Paterson
NSW U13 TAP Metro Team
Kiran Kumaresan
NSW U12 3x3 Hustle Team
Kiran Kumaresan
Cricket CAS U15
Bodie Denton Archie Gowthorp
Swimming CAS Merit Team
David Kang Kyle Li Alexander Lo Jeffrey Lu Robert Nam Jordan Takounlao Harrison Woodrow Noah Workman
Boys 15 Years
David Kang
Boys 14 Years
Kyle Li
Girls 13 Years
Milla Lawrence
Boys 13 Years
Jeffrey Lu
Outstanding Middle School ISA Swimmer
Milla Lawrence
Outstanding Middle School CAS Swimmer
Kyle Li Jeffrey Lu
Waterpolo NSW U14 team
Maxx Heaton
Secondary School Celebration • 23
Middle School Outdoor Education Awards
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Year 9 Bronze Matthew Adler
Oliver De La Pena
Kyle Li
Angus Renton
Hamish Allan
Bodie Denton
Alexander Lo
Leo Roberts
Charlie Andriessen
Winston Dimitropoulos
Nicholas Logiudice
James Rundle
Nicholas Bailey
Joe Entwistle
Henry Loke
Will Savage
Luke Bentley
Lewis Fahey
Hamish MacDonald
Sushan Seneviratne
Elijah Birt
Joel Finikin
Jack Manassen
Caleb Stace
Ben Bishenden-Sittisai
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Sean Mark
Kade Stanton
Harrison Black
Luke Garouniatis
Christian Martinez
Morgan Stoodley
Benjamin Blanchard
Dontaye Gear
William McCotter
Luke Swanepoel
Miki Bower
Leo Gibb
Harvey Mendonca
Jordan Takounlao
Max Bowles
Spencer Gwan
Jonah Mills
Jim Taylor
Harrison Boyes
Ethan Haesloop
Oliver Mills
Jasper Teggins
Matt Bright
Max Hanley
Oliver Moon
Samuel Thomas
Will Buttenshaw
Jonah Hanlon
Ryan Moon
Matthew Timbs
Ashton Caie
James Harper
Connor Murphy
Hugo Tse
Angus Carey
Jaiden Holt
Luca Murphy
William Turner
Marcus Carr
Thomas Horlin
Robert Nam
Oliver Uy
Riku Chan
Ivan Hsiao
Felix Neville
Lukas Vala-Patel
Maxwell Chen
Orbis Ip
Sean O’Hehir
Sailesh Veluri
Jia Dong Choong
Zarshan Jayawardena
Gus Opie
Oliver Veniere
Daniel Christolis
Jack Jeffress
Joshua Orr
Akhil Venkatesh
Lochie Clare
Jialin Jiang
Tom Oswald
Marcus Wang
Seb Clark
Christian Kemp
Stuart Palethorpe
Lachlan Watts
Arthur Condon
Bardia Lamyi-Arani
Jackson Parker
Drew Wheals
Jack Cornet
Jaiden Lau
Ethan Peattie
Alexander Whitbourn
Ned Currie
Jereme Lee
Taj Pereira
Zac Wong
Andoni Dagias
Matthew Lee
Liam Phizacklea
Jeremy Davie
Sebastian Leim
Aryn Ratwatte
Year 7 Grange - Outdoor Education Award Angus Cartwright
Matty Ferguson
Enya Hui
Lulu Stewart
Brianna Chen
Hawkesbury Hogan
Scarlett Jones
Zach Strachov
Samuel De Villiers
Ella Higgins
Georgie Phipson
Rafael Teggins
Bowen Doak
Chloe Hu
Scarlett Sherlock
Harrison Whalley
Year 8 Grange - Outdoor Education Award Jack Bray
Charlie Highnam
Jamie Matuschka
William Stoermer
Lachlan Bishop
Kunal Joshi
Liam Nicholls
Christopher Wilkin-Bellchambers
Juan de Lange
Patrick Liu
Rory Parker
Tim Wilson
Jayden Gilbert
Sean Lee
Kieran Short
Maxx Heaton
Tristan Lyth
Joshua Soo
24 • Secondary School Celebration
Middle School OBA Spirit Awards Year 7 Head of Middle School Award
April Hatcher
Music Harry Field Brianna Chen
Year 9 Music
Thomas Streeter
Harrison Black
Sport April Hatcher Noah Taylor Oscar Taylor
Year 8 Debating Christian Alvarez Jack Woodall Music Jeffrey Lu Sport Jake Angus-Harkin Matthew Donovan
Secondary School Celebration • 25
Senior School Awards Year 10 Barnett Cup
David Windybank
Creative Writing Prize
Roy Cai
The Barker Foundation Year 10 Girls’ Sports Cup
Mia Johnson
Edgeworth David Memorial Prize
Caesar Boehme
Peter Hull Smith Science Prize
Laurence Lancaster
Effort Prize (in alphabetical order) Akash Arnold
Charlie Johnston
Lily Mina
Holly Tyson
Lucy Barden
Peter Jung
Emily Moody
Abigail Verdal-Austin
Nathan Blanchard
Analise Kibble
Cassie Onikul
Emily Whiting
Caesar Boehme
Claire Kitching
Louisa Pang
Ashlea Gray
Charlie Lackenby
Nikitha Sesha
Helen Leslie Memorial Prize
Mia Johnson
Merit Prize (in alphabetical order) Eamonn Browning
Christine Lin
Charlotte Mortimer
Daniel Shen
Yue Hun Chia
Chloe Lollback
Owen Ng
Tessa Warneford
Phoebe Fortin
Alyssa MacLachlan
Saloni Rawat
Hayley Yeomans
Anish Gupta
Matthew McHarg
Arabella Rayner
David Yoo
Sophie Ku
Hamish McInerney
Jade Russell
Charlton Christian Studies
Eliza Evans
Nathan Mackrill
English (Shared)
Austin Lin
Josh Moody
Mathematics 5.1
Lily Young
Charlie Recchia
Mathematics 5.2
Nikitha Sesha
Information and Software Technology Austin Lin
Mathematics 5.3
Austin Lin
Austin Lin
Design and Technology Materials
Michael Xie
Charlotte Mortimer
Design and Technology Multimedia
Aiden Smith
Charlie Recchia
Industrial Technology
Phoebe Fortin
History (Walker Australian)
Sophie Ku
Textiles Technology
Lucy Barden
Charlie Recchia
Ben James
Global Studies (Shared)
Caesar Boehme Saloni Rawat
Contemporary Music
Meg Boyce
Music - Elective
David Yoo
Jade Russell
Photography & Digital Media
Zico Jerome
Physical Activity and Sports Studies
Lachlan Pauly
Visual Arts (Whitehead)
Oliver Gregg
Louisa Pang
Subject Prizes
Jack Conomos
Distinction Prize (in ascending rank order, down columns) Aiden Kim
Joanna Kong
Zico Jerome
Roy Cai
Justin Ho
Jack Conomos
Aiden Smith
Eliza Evans
Jess O’Bryan
Annabelle Sherlock
Ben James
Annette Kim
Suzanne Brian
Laurence Lancaster
Hamish Mitchell
Ella Hawes
Tom Vercoe
Year 10 Prize (Summa cum laude)
Charlie Recchia
Dux (University of Sydney Prize)
Austin Lin
26 • Secondary School Celebration
Senior School Awards Year 11 Linda Vanderfield Cup
Alana Kavanagh
Creative Writing Prize
Sophia Robinson
Whittaker Cup
Thomas Rodham
The Leaving Class Award
Lily Rowe
Bailey Angus
Sophia Duddle
Jack Lloyd
James Schulz
Ashton Barker
Tara Fogarty
Jodie Louw
Olivia Wiltshire
Jack Byres
Elliott Hunt
Oliver Marriott
Hamish Windybank
Austin Caie
Juliet Iraninejad
Andrew Metcalfe
Elaine Xia
Bridgette Denning
Luke Kirwan
Claudia Mills
Dudley Ford Effort Prize
Autumn Sinclair
Effort Prize (in alphabetical order)
Merit Prize (in alphabetical order) Sara Atkinson
James Harris
Ritik Kulkarni
Jess Speed
Ayva Barney
Mia Hayward
Bayden Little
Caleb Swanson
Matt Bryant
Isabel James
Leo Lu
Ralph Taylor
Ashley de Lisle
Yasiru Jayasekara
Niki Paterson
Sophia Garouniatis
Daniel Kim
Charlie Scholefield
Charlton Christian Studies
Senura Jayatileke
Ancient History
Rowan Gray
English EAL/D
Leo Lu
Modern History
James Wilson
English Standard
Tahlia Curnow
Jessie Cummings
English Advanced (non-Extension Student)
Harry Breden
Studies of Religion 1 Unit
Eloise Knox
Studies of Religion 2 Unit
Rowan Gray
English Advanced
Maxine Wu
Chinese Continuers
Hugh Coffey
English Extension
Maxine Wu
French Continuers
Ayva Barney
Standard Mathematics
Mackenzie Hill
Japanese Continuers
James Harris
Advanced Mathematics (non-extension student)
Rowan Gray
Latin Continuers
Aryan Sethi
Advanced Mathematics
Harry Breden
Information Processes and Technology
Koushik Anand Pirabu
Mathematics Extension (Shared)
Harry Breden Will Ridley-Smith
Software Design and Development
Jon Reilly
Talia Bance
Subject Prizes
Bede Taylor
Max Song
Earth and Environmental Science
Ashley de Lisle
Ben Schwarz
Business Studies (Shared)
Thomas Martin Ritik Kulkarni
Ben Schwarz
Legal Studies
Talia Bance
Harry Breden
Society and Culture
Angelina Ritchie
Design and Technology Materials
Nick Heberden
Design and Technology Multimedia
Anesu Chibowora
Industrial Technology
Ben Lam
Textiles Technology
Maxine Wu
Niki Paterson
Music Course 1
Emma Kulish
Music Course 2
Shanelle Tan
Visual Arts (Shared)
Claudia Mills Isabel James
Donovan STEAM (Shared)
Harry Breden Ben Schwarz
Distinction Prize (in ascending rank order, down columns) Thomas Abbott
Bede Taylor
Rowan Gray
Shanelle Tan
Manxi Zhang
Max Song
Aryan Sethi
Harry Breden
Senura Jayatileke
Talia Bance
James Wilson
Maxine Wu
Angelina Ritchie
Will Ridley-Smith
Koushik Anand Pirabu
Benjamin Goldman
Hugh Coffey
Emma Kulish
Dux of Year 11
Ben Schwarz Secondary School Celebration • 27
Senior School Awards Year 12 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Gold (in alphabetical order) Alex de Montemas
Freya Klomp
Jakes Marais
Aidan Tan
Indigo Hemingway
Ros Mackay
Georgia Montgomerie
Scarlett Taragel
Jessica Holmes
Sophie Maltman
Sophie Mylne
Sarah Turner
Ella Johnston
Olivia Mangholi
Lucas Parker
Bella Watts
Boarders’ Prize (Boy)
Sebastian Hodge
Miriam Tabone Music Prize
Jessie Piper
Boarders’ Prize (Girl)
Pippa Buchanan
Watson Music Prize
Oliver Wackett
Carter Cup
Ben Randall
Creative Writing Prize
Lucas Parker
IC Moyes Shield
Eddy Jiang
Public Speaking Prize
Kira Trahana
Aust Olympic Change-maker Program (Shared)
Vladi Rudenko Emma Wallace Arabella Ward
Hornsby Shire Council Prize
Rhys Mackintosh
Bosley Bible Reading Prize
Charles Balog
Year 12 Girls’ Sports Cup
Emma Vandervelde
Social Justice Award (Shared)
Jakes Marais April Reymond
McFerran Award
Josh Knox Michael Jones Josh Merten
IGS Campbell Adventure Country Award
Alex de Montemas
Palethorpe Drama (Performance) (Shared)
Troubadour Poetry Reading Prize
Aidan Tan
AE Gallagher Memorial Prize
Myles Fowlds
Edgeworth David Memorial Prize
Charles Balog
Effort Prizes (in alphabetical order) Alex Fernley
Olivia Mangholi
Kiran Sathiaraj
Sophia White
Stephanie Garagounis
Jakes Marais
Victoria Sherlock
Nathan Yuen
Alex Hancock
Natasha Marinelli
Harrison Sullivan
Tom Harper
Christina Marren
Aidan Tan
Ella Johnston
Erin Phizacklea
Sarah Turner
Helen Leslie Memorial Prize (Shared)
Meg Evans Angus Jostsons Jessie Piper
Head of School’s Award for Outstanding Effort in the Senior School
Charles Balog
Claire Croucher
Ben Grant
Hugh Jordan
Benjamin Peden
Alex de Montemas
Alex Gray
Michael Legovich
Erin Rench
Hayden Fite
Charlotte Harris
Nick O’Bryan
April Reymond
Will Gallagher
Indigo Hemingway
Harry O’Connor
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin Graham
Michael Jones
Caitlin O’Neill
English Standard
Jessie Piper
Sebastian Hodge
English (RJ Parker)
Jennifer Hao
Mathematics Advanced (Non Extension 1)
English Advanced (Non Extension 1)
Lucas Parker
Mathematics Extension 1 (UNSW Prize)
Declan Zammit
English Extension 1
Kira Trahana
Mathematics Extension 1 (Non Extension 2)
Ben Hilzinger
English Extension 2 (RB Finlay)
Sebastian Hodge
Mathematics Extension 2 (Miller)
Declan Zammit
Mathematics Standard 2
Harry O’Connor Ben Hilzinger
Agriculture (Agricultural Institute of Australia)
Georgie Oldham
Mathematics Advanced
Merit Prize
Subject Prizes
28 • Secondary School Celebration
Senior School Awards Year 12
Alex de Montemas
Chinese Extension
Rohan Beck
Rhys Mackintosh
French Continuers
Jennifer Hao
Earth and Environmental Science
Alex de Montemas
French Extension
Jennifer Hao
Investigating Science
Oscar Rath
Japanese Continuers
Kai Wong
Rhys Mackintosh
Latin Continuers
Declan Zammit
Science Extension
Kai Wong
Latin Extension
Declan Zammit
Business Studies (Kevin Thomas)
Anna Marcu
Alex Gray
Economics (Gamson)
Amanda Matejka
Information Processes and Technology (Irving Lin)
Legal Studies
Finlay Butler
Software Design and Development
Jeremy Traini
Geography (Lawrance)
Archie Hanlon Caitlin O’Neill
Design & Technology (Phillip McAlpine)
Will Gallagher
Ancient History (Peter Hull Smith) Modern History (Plumian)
Sebastian Hodge
Industrial Technology
Ross Mackay
History Extension
Sebastian Hodge
Textiles & Design
Luke Friend
History Extension - Australian Studies April Reymond (Peter Hull Smith)
Drama (RW Bowie)
Pippa Day
Music Course 1
Jenna Wall
Pippa Buchanan
Music Course 2 (Ilbery)
Aidan Tan
Studies of Religion (1 Unit)
Finlay Butler
Music Extension
Aidan Tan
Chinese Continuers
Indigo Hemingway
Visual Arts (Christopher Elliot)
Riya Swarup
Distinction Prize (In ascending order, down columns) Myles Fowlds
Ross Mackay
Matt Nicholas
Lucas Parker
Darin Huang
Jeremy Traini
Jennifer Hao
Archie Hanlon
Flynn Lambrechts
Harrison Long
Amanda Matejka
Jarrod Zammit
Kynan Lee
Anna Marcu
Finlay Butler
Kai Wong
Pippa Buchanan
Natalie Sawyer
Pippa Day
Sebastian Hodge
Class of `86 Award
Nicholas Dower
Eleanor Plume Prize
Jessie Piper
John Griffiths Prize
Mitch Wheals
Old Barker Association Prize
Nicholas Dower
David Breden Prize
Gus Talbot
Hubert Dixon Memorial Prize
Jenna Wall
Anderson Stuart Medal (Shared)
Pippa Day Lucas Parker
Margaret Kefford Community Spirit Prize
Jess Ohman
Woodburn Bowl
Sebastian Hodge
Vindin HSC Prize
David Lu
Caltex Best All-Rounder Award
Sebastian Hodge
Proxime Accessit
Rhys Mackintosh
Dux (John Wailes Prize)
Declan Zammit
All-Round Achievement Awards
Secondary School Celebration • 29
A Profile of the Senior School Office Bearers School Captains
Pippa Day Lucas Parker
Debating & Public Speaking Captain
Rhys Mackintosh
School Vice Captains
Nicholas Dower Jessie Piper
Drama Captains
Mia Heath Michael Jones
Boarding Captains
Pippa Buchanan Sebastian Hodge
Music Captains
Ainsley Meale Dan Rowe
Cadet SUO
Matt Nicholas
Cadet RSM
Benjamin Peden
Social Justice Captains
Jakes Marais April Reymond
Cheer Captains
Jess Ohman Gus Talbot
Sport Captains
Niamh Bullen Ben Randall
CRU Captains
Isaac Binet Sophia Maltman
Prefects Charles Balog
Meg Evans
Sophie Mylne
Justus Stals
Samantha Cadman
Archie Hanlon
Coeli Parsons
Kira Trahana
Alex de Montemas
Ella Johnston
Erin Rench
Jenna Wall
Matthew Dingley
Benjamin Lamb
Annabelle Schwartz
Levi Evans
Thomas McHutchison
Gurman Soni
Andrew House
Erin Phizacklea Kai Wong
May House
Stephanie Garagounis Ben Grant
Bowman House
Victoria Sherlock Daniel Stovold
Pain House
Madison Louw Jack Lucas
Boyce House
Natalie Sawyer Grant Tucker
Stevens House
Jordan Caganoff Arabella Crowley
Butters House
Samantha Davis Lachlan Hetherington
Sthalekar House
Jess Binham Toby Vaughn
Fear House
Flynn Lambrechts Amanda Matejka
Stone House
Annabelle Hendry Edward Jiang
Hill House
Austin Allen Georgia Montgomerie
Wade House
Ness Lee Ross Mackay
Holt House
Will Gallagher Bella Watts
Wailes House
Gracia Kang Mitch Wheals
Mackenzie House
Indigo Hemingway Emma Vandervelde
Wilson House
Edward Gibbons Eloise Gyles
House Captains
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Bronze - Year 10 Jack Heaton
Nic McGibbon
Jack Osborn
Emily Whiting
Joshua Kho-Thomas
Charlotte McLennan
Finn Rees
Michael Xie
Sena Kobayashi
Corben Meany
Timothy Stewart
Louie Malkin
Amy Oaten
Sascha Wallace
30 • Secondary School Celebration
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Silver - Year 11 Matthew Bell
Nathan Finikin
Rowan Howes
Caleb Swanson
Lucy Burrow
Tara Fogarty
Juliet Iraninejad
Shanelle Tan
Austin Caie
Sophia Garouniatis
Eloise Knox
Eden Timms
Hamish Dixon Hughes
Nick Heberden
Sasha Oaten
Jesse Tong
Archie Douglas
Wesley Henderson
Benjamin Ong
James Walter
Nicholas Duffy
Angus Henderson
Lily Rowe
Noah Wheen
Indigo Hemingway
Ross Mackay
Georgia Montgomerie
Scarlett Taragel
Jessica Holmes
Sophia Maltman
Sophie Mylne
Sarah Turner
Ella Johnston
Olivia Mangholi
Lucas Parker
Bella Watts
Freya Klomp
Jakes Marais
Aidan Tan
Bronze - Year 12 Arjun Chopraa
Gold - Year 12
Captains of Representative School Sports ISA Softball
Arabella Ward
Captains of Individual Sports Sport Captains - Girls AFL
Emma Vandervelde
Basketball Xarlotte Valledor Fitas Kaitlyn Cathcart Cross Country
Jules Rowley
Hannah Shen
Samantha Davis
Meg Groenewald
Kaitlyn Cathcart
Rugby 7s
Meg Groenewald
Arabella Ward
Surf Life Saving
Georgia Montgomerie
Olivia Mangholi
Ella Harvey
Touch Football Georgie Oldham Stephanie Garagounis Water Polo
Chloe Thong
Sport Captains - Boys AFL
Nick O’Bryan
Christopher Young
Kevin Ford
Ben Grant
Henry John
Darin Huang
Sebastian Hodge
Mountain Biking
Benjamin Lau
Tennis (Summer)
Noah Wheen
Cross Country
Myles Fowlds
Tennis (Winter)
Kynan Lee
James Walter
Rugby Ben Randall Daniel Stovold
Ross Mackay
Water Polo
Kevin Ford
Vladi Rudenko James Schulz
Surf Life Saving
Thomas Slaney
Michael Legovich
Secondary School Celebration • 31
Senior School Sports Representation Cricket NSW U18 Team
Softball Sarah Turner
NSW U18 Team
Arabella Ward
NSW All Schools Team
Arabella Ward
Indoor Cricket Australia U18 Team
Sarah Turner
NSW U18 Team
Sarah Turner
Surf Life Saving NSW Blue team in Surf Life Saving
Analise Kibble
Enviro Bank Super Series Cycling NSW Criterium Team
Ethan Page
Touch Football Australian U18 Mixed Team
Fencing NSW Junior Team
Hannah Shen
Hockey Australia National Futures Camp
Alana Kavanagh
NSW U18 Team
Alana Kavanagh
Rugby NSW U18 Gen Blue Schools Team
Kyle Bowen
Mitch Wheals
NSW U18 Gen Blue Squad
Tyrone Albertyn
Kyle Bowen
Liam Jones
Mitch Wheals
NSW U16 Gen Blue Squad
Jakob Biet
Aidan Galloway
Lachlan Hooper
Wil Kennedy
Thomas Livingstone
Eli Sagala
Samuel Sahyoun
Dion Yazdani
NSW U15 Gen Blue Squad
Adam Van Wyk
32 • Secondary School Celebration
Kyle Bowen
Senior School Sports Individual Awards Athletics Girls Open - Nambucca Cup
Emma Vandervelde
Boys Open - College Cup
Lucas Parker
Girls 17 Years - Anniversary Cup
Roisin Dengate
Boys 17 Years - WG Sowden Cup
Jack McIntyre
Girls 16 Years - Millennium Cup
Jess O’Bryan
Boys 16 Years - OBA Cup
Maxi Zihlmann
Girls 15 Years
Latecia Lolohea
Basketball Tim Boyd Trophy
Jack Mortimer
Stuart Wilson Trophy
Luca Vasic
Paul Fedeles Medal
Jack Lucas
Contribution to Girls Basketball
Kaitlyn Cathcart
Cricket Peter Taylor Award
Ben Randall
Football Old Barker Football Club Shield
Eloise Gyles
Angus Jostsons
Rugby Kickers’ Cup
Mitch Wheals
Sowden Cup
Ben Randall
Swimming Girls Macourt Cup
Olivia Mangholi
Boys Challenge Cup
Kevin Ford
Girls 17 years
Emma Johnson
Boys 17 years
Tan Kim
Girls 16 years
Lilly Young
Boys 16 years
Stephen Jeong
Girls 15 years
Charlie Lackenby
Outstanding Senior School ISA Swimmer
Emma Johnson
Outstanding Senior School CAS Swimmer David Kang
ISA Sporting Excellence Award Softball
Jessica Alvaro
Arabella Ward
Ningali Forrest-Freeman
Honorary ISA Excellence Award Football
Samantha Davis
Sarah Turner
Secondary School Celebration • 33
Senior School Sports Team Awards Dance
Dance Eisteddfod Jazz Dance Troupe 1st place at Energy Express Eisteddfod
Swimming ISA Senior Girls Runners Up
Touch Football
Football 1st ISA Open Undefeated
Touch Football 1st ISA Division 1 Premiers
Swimming ISA Intermediate Girls Runners Up
Touch Football 2nd ISA Division 2 Premiers Hockey
Touch Football 3rd ISA Division 3 Runners Up
Hockey 1st ISA Open Undefeated
Touch Football 4th ISA Division 4 Runners Up
Touch Football – Barker Invitational
Netball 1st ISA Division 1 Undefeated
Touch Football Inter A Barker Invitational Division 1 Premiers
Netball 2nd ISA Division 2 Undefeated Netball 3rd ISA Division 3 Undefeated
Netball 4th ISA Division 4 Undefeated
Swimming ISA Senior Girls’ Runners Up
Netball 6th ISA Division 5 Undefeated
Swimming ISA Girls’ Intermediate Runners Up
Rugby Rugby CAS 1st XV Runners Up Rugby Hoyle Cup 1st XV Rugby 7s Rugby 7s 1st NSW Schoolgirls’ Rugby Championships Term 4 2019 Division 1 Premiers Rugby 7s 2nd NSW Schoolgirls’ Rugby Championships Term 4 2019 Division 2 Premiers Rugby 7s 1st NSW Schoolgirls’ Rugby Championships Term 1 2020 Division 1 Premiers Rugby 7s 2nd NSW Schoolgirls’ Rugby Championships Term 1 2020 Division 2 Premiers Rugby 7s Inter A NSW Schoolgirls’ Rugby Championships Term 1 2020 Inter A Runners Up Softball Softball 1st ISA Open Runners Up Squash Squash 8th Summer Pennant Division 8 Premiers
34 • Secondary School Celebration
Senior School OBA Spirit Awards Year 10 Senior School Debating
Yue Hun Chia
Senior School Drama
Eloise Butler
Ruva Chipato
Harry James
Charlotte Johnston
Dylan Lightfoot
Ella Hawes
Year 11 Senior School Drama
Felix Staas
Billy Highnam
Senior School Drama
Matt Bryant
Lily Rowe
Ben Keldie
Shanelle Tan
Year 12 Head of Senior School Award
Tom McHutchison
Jenna Wall
Senior School Debating
Hayden Fite
Josh Knox
Jessie Piper
Alex Fernley
Lucas Parker
Secondary School Celebration • 35
Barker College Cadet Unit Junior Leadership Course (Year 10) Morgan Alexander
Charlie Edis
Lottie Lee
William Talbot
Maxim Allas
Eliza Evans
Dylan Lightfoot
Finn Taylor
Archie Allen
Leo Greyling
Ihtisham Mazid
Shea Tonge
William Bray
Jenny Hercus
Nic McGibbon
Holly Tyson
Eamonn Browning
William Hunziker
Jack McNee
Abigail Verdal-Austin
Ruva Chipato
Alan Jia
Alex Metaxoulis
Joshua Vos
Ava Chitty
Sophie Johnson
Charlotte Mortimer
Daniel Ward
Ryan Deane
Rosco Jones
Cassie Onikul
Henry Wood
Thomas Dean-Jones
Peter Jung
Arabella Rayner
Hayley Yeomans
Noah Denyer
Aiden Kim
Jade Russell
David Yoo
Taylor Deuchar
Toby Kinch
Adam Scott
Maxi Zihlmann
Mia Dever
Claire Kitching
Troy Sorby
Hayden Draper
Laurence Lancaster
Dae Jin Stanton
Sam Austin
Rowan Gray
Ailish King
Daniel Sharp
Tomo Bower
Zach Hall
Jack Lloyd
Danielle Thrum
Matthew Brennan
Rachel Hamilton
Liam Matthews
Maisy Tomicki
Chelsea Chapman
Billy Highnam
Sam Ottawa
Anais Tomlinson
Timothy Conner
Mackenzie Hill
Stuart Pottie
Jesse Tong
Harrison Donehue
Jamie Holdsworth
Max Reger
Harrison Walsh
Max Doran
Jamie Kahn
Lachlan Sawtell
Hamish Windybank
Angus Duff
Andrew Kelly
Daniella Sentonaris
Manxi Zhang
Senior Leadership Course (Year 11)
Cadet Unit Awards ADF (Long Tan) Leadership and Teamwork Award Year 10
Year 12
Leo Greyling
Henry John
ADF Future Innovators Award Year 10
Year 12
William Bray
Gus Talbot
36 • Secondary School Celebration
Cadet Special Awards Alpha Company Spirit of Adventure and Leadership Award CUO Aaron Kiss Lucas Wood Memorial Award for Service to Bravo Company
CUO Pippa Buchanan
RG Jenkins Award for Service to Charlie Company
CUO Isaac Binet
Captain Tony Young Award for Service to Echo Company CUO Kade McClelland Captain Andrew Smith Pioneer Wing Award for Service
CUO Ella Johnston
Hornsby RSL Sub Branch Award for the Regimental Sergeant Major
WO1 Benjamin Peden
DJ Cooper OAM Award for the Senior Under Officer CUO Matt Nicholas Award for Service to Delta Company
CUO Christopher Davies
Commanding Officer’s Award for Conspicuous Service
CUO Henry John
Seaberg Memorial Award for Greatest Contribution in Senior Years CUO Aaron Kiss Barker College Cadet Unit Sword of Honour
CUO Ella Johnston
Secondary School Celebration • 37
Representative Colours and Certificates of Excellence AFL
Ryan Connor
Cynthia So
CAS Merit Team Colours
CAS Colours
Liam Creak
Maxine Wu
Campbell Johnson
Jack Mortimer
JD de Lange
Jason Xia
Alex de Montemas
David Yoo
Benjamin Lamb Nick O’Bryan
1st Colours
Louis Dunlop
Angelina Yoon
Jenson Raue
Will Bowden
Edward Gibbons
Nathan Yuen
Cooper Wright
Kaitlyn Cathcart
Josh Heasman
Manxi Zhang
Rory Chitty
Nicholas Kumar
Michael Zhang
1st Colours
Will de Lambert-McHutchison
Benjamin Lau
Jason Zhao
Julian Alford
Nicholas Dower
Ben Mosser
Lachlan Arnot
Sophia Duddle
Nic Opie
Max Berry
Meg Evans
Nicholas Overall
CIS Colours
Francesca Buffa
Tara Fogarty
Justus Stals
Ben Randall
Teague Burnicle
Nathan Garner
Oliver Wackett
Sarah Turner
Declan Castle
Ben Grant
Yangtze Yang
Mia Cohen
Ned Harrop
Amy Dennis
Sam Jackson
Chamber Choir
Ben Randall
Georgina Fowler
Rachel Leechman
Samuel Tapner
Tayla Francis
Jessica Mikhael
Joshua Ayton
Jonathan Friend
Harry Mohr
Charles Balog
Daniel Gabb
Jack Mortimer
Matt Bryant
Will Gallagher
Sasha Oaten
Alex Fernley
Luke Giacometti
Jess Ohman
Harry Fitzgerald
Jacqueline Hamilton
Daniel Thomas
Myles Fowlds
Annabelle Hendry
Xarlotte Valledor Fitas
Anna Friend-Ngui
Sebastian Hodge
Luca Vasic
Josh Knox
Liberty Jacob
Maxine Wu
Ted Krabman
Campbell Johnson
CAS Colours
Bayden Little
Audrey Keating
Ainsley Meale
Benjamin Lamb
Regimental Sergeant Major
Josh Merten
Georgia Land
Benjamin Peden
Byron Munroe
Georgina Leslie Jack Lucas
Senior Under Officer
Joshua Malik
Matt Nicholas
Sophia Maltman Claudia Marsden Oliver Marriott Hannah Maxwell Jack Mortimer Nick O’Bryan Lachlan Pauly Jenson Raue Oliver Slawski Will Stamp Penny Sykes Chloe Thong Toby Tremain Emma Vandervelde Emma Wallace Lucy Wallace Alex Ward Lucy Williams Cooper Wright
38 • Secondary School Celebration
Cadet Under Officer Isaac Binet Pippa Buchanan Christopher Davies Samantha Davis Cailin Dennis Jessica Holmes Henry John Ella Johnston Aaron Kiss Flynn Lambrechts Kade McClelland Angus McNee Skye McVeigh Finley Nelson Laura Redman Thomas Slaney
Niki Paterson Jessie Piper Erin Rench Dan Rowe Lily Rowe Emma Smith Jess Speed Felix Staas Rebecca Verdal-Austin Nathan Yuen Chamber Orchestra Colours Daniel Au Josh Hardiman Ted Krabman Annette Kim Sophie Ku Ben Lam Austin Lin
Samuel Whybird
Christine Lin
Warrant Officer 2nd Class
Gabe Newhouse
Austin Allen
Louisa Pang
Jess Binham
James Schulz
Jordan Caganoff
Ben Scott
Bonnie Liu
CAS U15 Certificate of Excellence Bodie Denton Archie Gowthorp 1st XI Colours Harrison Davis Chayton Ekanayake Alex Gowthorp Sebastian Hodge Nicholas Hook Campbell Johnson Ben Randall Justus Stals Oscar Swift Samuel Tapner Alex Ward Tom Wright Cross Country Colours Myles Fowlds Andrew Kelly Jack Rayner Crusaders Honour Tie Rachel Leechman Aidan Tan Dance Colours Arabella Crowley Ashley de Lisle Lucy Hood Lottie Lee Lily Mina Charlotte Stubley Alannah Voss
Natasha Marinelli
Joshua Sneddon
Bailey Leach
CAS 1st Colours
Tom McHutchison
Luca Vasic
Ellie Love
Kira Trahana
Josh Merten
Christopher Young
Sophia Robinson
Hayden Fite
Billie Norman
Tom Vercoe
Andy Santone
CAS 2nd Colours
Victoria Sherlock
Mountain Biking
Rhys Mackintosh
Emma Smith
JD de Lange
Honour Tie
Cormac Sutherland
William Irish
Benjamin Lau
Charlotte Thomas
Will Jeffress
Rebecca Verdal-Austin
Henry John
Alannah Voss
Sam Johnson
CAS 3rd Colours Rowan Gray Colours Rhys Mackintosh
Oliver Wackett
Micah Alley Hockey
Bailey Angus
1st XI Colours
Meg Boyce
Holly Cusick
Matt Bryant
Jamie Haste
Taylor Deuchar
Eloise Butler
Mia Dever
Hannah Carman
Jess Fraanje
Tahlia Curnow
Meg Groenewald
Angus Drummond
Vladi Rudenko
William Bray
Abbey Hill
Harry Fitzgerald
Jess Samuelson
Claudia Hill
Anna Friend-Ngui
CAS Certificate of Excellence
James Schulz
Alana Kavanagh
Angus Henderson
Lachlan Abbott
Cormac Sutherland
Grace MacLennan
Wesley Henderson
Ben Speed
Finn Taylor
Skye McVeigh
Jenny Hercus
Natalie Sawyer
Billy Highnam
Jakes Marais Kira Trahana Hayden Fite Diving CAS Merit Team Colours Harry Gresham
Aerin Slater
Lucy Hood
Harry Gresham
CAS Merit Team Colours
Sarah Turner
Ben James
Vladi Rudenko
Joseph Calusic
Abigail Verdal-Austin
Charlie Johnston
Zachary Fielding
Rebecca Verdal-Austin
Ted Krabman
Emma Wall
Laurence Lancaster
Drama Honour Tie
1st XI Colours
Dan Rowe
Ollie Bacon
Jazz Orchestra
Niki Paterson
Jess Samuelson
Ethan Ball
Lily Rowe
Luca Ball Colours
Aidan Cummins
Oliver Slawski
Ella Barry
Austin Allen
Jake Handley
Jess Speed
Tayla Bondy
Joshua Ayton
Patrick Hill
Felix Staas
Francesca Buffa
Harrison Bartlett
Harry James
Leticia Stevenson
Alexander Byrne
Chester Beeston
Hugh Jordan
Timothy Stewart
Joseph Calusic
Ainsley Burge
Will Leathan
Charlotte Stubley
Arabella Crowley
Sammy Cadman
Ross Mackay
Penny Sykes
Jessie Cummings
Declan Castle
Ainsley Meale
Abigail Verdal-Austin
Samantha Davis
Alicia Charles
Dan Rowe
James Walter
Matthew Downham
Arjun Chopraa
Lily Rowe
Zachary Fielding
Arabella Crowley
Andy Santone
Jess Forster
Pippa Day
Max Song
1st Colours
Ella Gattorna
Louis Dunlop
Finn Taylor
Hollie Cameron
Loren Gorman
Levi Evans
Ralph Taylor
Kaitlyn Cathcart
Eloise Gyles
Alex Fernley
Daniel Thomas
Pippa Day
Ella Hawes
Jamie Haste
Oliver Wackett
Sophia Duddle
Elliott Hunt
Mia Heath
James Wilson
Tara Fogarty
Angus Jostsons
Edward Jaques
Eloise Knox
Ella Johnston
Mock Trial
Rachel Leechman
Ryan Lifson
Michael Jones
Amy Oaten
Lily Littleproud
Jacob Kalnins
Ella Hawes
Sasha Oaten
Rachel Matushcka
Ethan Katte
Justin Ho
Jasmine Meli
Aaron Kiss
Charlotte Horsley
George Riley
Jamie Kahn
Bayden Little
Mia Johnson
Secondary School Celebration • 39
Percussion Ensemble
Flynn Lambrechts
NSW Schools U18
NSW All Schools
Thomas Rodham
Thomas Abbott
Kyle Bowen
Arabella Ward
Kyle Spinks
Tony Chang
Mitch Wheals
James Young CIS
Public Speaking
CAS Merit Team Colours
Jessica Alvaro
CAS Certificate of Excellence
Lawrence Campbell
Kyle Bowen
Ava Chitty
David Kang
Kira Trahana
Lachlan Hooper
Jess Fraanje
Kyle Li
Daniel Stovold
Emma Wallace
Alexander Lo
Mitch Wheals
Arabella Ward
Jeffrey Lu
Sophie Ku
Dion Yazdani
Robotics Team Honour Tie Tom Harper Darin Huang Michael Legovich Ben Schwarz
Robert Nam ISA
Jordan Takounlao
Honour Tie
Jessica Alvaro
Harrison Woodrow
Ned Slack-Smith
Ava Chitty
Noah Workman
Annette Kim
Claire Croucher 1st XV Colours
Jess Fraanje
Tyrone Albertyn
Jamie Kahn
Ethan Bennett
Kyle Bowen
Emma Wallace
Phoebe Block
Jack Colbran
Arabella Ward
Jamie Broug
Chayton Ekanayake
Jackson Burton
Aidan Galloway
1st Colours
Hamish Carley
Thomas Abbott
Benjamin Graham
Jessica Alvaro
Sami Cox
Ashton Barker
Mark Green
Ava Chitty
Kevin Ford
Mitchell Barker
Luke Harrison
Claire Croucher
Anna Friend-Ngui
William Bray
Lachlan Hooper
Jessie Cummings
Daniel Gabb
Harry Breden
Hamish Jollow
Jess Fraanje
Mia Hurley
Suzanne Brian
Liam Jones
Juliet Iraninejad
Stephen Jeong
Eamonn Browning
Joel Kardash
Jamie Kahn
Emma Johnson
Austin Caie
Joe Kennedy
Jade McVeigh
Paris Jones
Roy Cai
Ben Randall
Emma Wallace
Andrew Kelly
Dana Callaghan
Seb Severino
Arabella Ward
Analise Kibble
Peter Choung
Daniel Stovold
Oscar Gibbs
Grant Tucker
Michael Kwan
Van Habgood
Mitch Wheals
1st Colours
Charlie Lackenby
Tom Harper
Dion Yazdani
Thomas Abbott
Flynn Lambrechts
Charlie Binet
Bonnie Liu
Michael Legovich
Madison Louw
Ben Hendry Darin Huang
Rugby 7s
Ben James
Honour Tie
Daniel Kim
Niamh Bullen
Michael Legovich
Tan Kim
Byron Munroe Surf Life Saving
Georgie Oldham
Thomas Rodham
Austin Lin
1st Colours
Luca Ball
Kyle Spinks
James Mackay
Ella Barry
Sophie Bourges
Lilly Young
William Mak
Hollie Cameron
Nick Heberden
Ihtisham Mazid
Annabelle Hendry
Jack Lloyd
Certificate of Excellence
Cassie Onikul
Georgina Leslie
Sophia Maltman
Keira Dostine
Lucas Parker
Francesca Buffa
Nic McGibbon
Jordan Feurtado
Shakthi Ramesh
Georgina Fowler
Angus McNee
David Kang
Will Ridley-Smith
Meg Groenewald
Georgia Montgomerie
Milla Lawrence
Xander Ridley-Smith
Jacqueline Hamilton
Nic Opie
Kyle Li
Jess Samuelson
Jasmine Meli
Thomas Slaney
Alexander Lo
Ben Schwarz
Charlotte Moffat
Daniel Shen
Natalie Sawyer
Robert Nam
Dae Jin Stanton
Emma Vandervelde
CAS Merit Team Colours
Jordan Takounlao
Joshua Vos
Lucy Wallace
Hamish Carley
Matt Walter
Jack Wilson
Daniel Gabb
Harrison Woodrow
Maxine Wu
Stephen Jeong
Noah Workman
Jarrod Zammit
Tan Kim
40 • Secondary School Celebration
Jeffrey Lu
Symphony Orchestra
Wind Symphony Ensemble
CIS Colours
CAS Merit Team Colours
Daniel Au
Jade Russell
Ethan Joseph
Thomas Abbott
Alexander Byrne
Noah Wheen
Ross Mackay
Matt Bryant
Arabella Crowley
ISA Colours
1st Colours
Alexander Byrne
Aidan Cummins
Ningali Forrest-Freeman
Indigo Hemingway
Tony Chang
Jacob Cuttle
Jade Russell
Ethan Joseph
Arabella Crowley
Jacob Kalnins CAS Colours
Aidan Cummins
Ross Mackay
Owen Ng
Jacob Cuttle
Rhys Mackintosh
Noah Wheen
Pat Dahill
Matt Nicholas
David Windybank
Archie Douglas
Dan Rowe
Mitchell Eagling
Oliver Sugo
Harry Fitzgerald
Miles van Rossum
Patrick Hill
Tony Chang
Josh Hardiman Patrick Hill Hugh Jordan Josh Knox Ted Krabman Sophie Ku Ben Lam Austin Lin Christine Lin Bayden Little Bonnie Liu Gabe Newhouse Louisa Pang Lucas Parker Jessie Piper Dan Rowe James Schulz Ben Scott Elliot Slawski Oliver Slawski Cynthia So Max Song Aidan Tan Shanelle Tan Finn Taylor Daniel Thomas
Pippa Buchanan
1st Colours Sara Atkinson Ningali Forrest-Freeman Benjamin Goldman Ella Harvey Charlotte Horsley
Jack Hotham Water Polo
Harry James
CAS Colours
Senura Jayatileke
Tyrone Albertyn
Hugh Jordan
Liberty Jacob
1st Colours
Kynan Lee
Tyrone Albertyn
Owen Ng
Anna Barker
Lucas Parker
Ethan Bennett
Jade Russell
Thomas Dalley
Noah Wheen
Cailin Dennis
David Windybank
Matt Dingley Caitlin Fielding
Touch Football
Kevin Ford
ISA Merit Team Colours
Jonathan Friend
Stephanie Garagounis
Anna Friend-Ngui
Alana Kavanagh
Alice Gilbert
Phoebe Lackenby
Leo Greyling
Georgie Oldham
Mia Hurley
Oliver Wackett
1st Colours
Maxine Wu
Tayla Bondy
Jason Xia
Pippa Buchanan
Elaine Xia
Jessie Cummings
David Yoo
Samantha Davis
Angelina Yoon
Stephanie Garagounis
Nathan Yuen
Loren Gorman
Manxi Zhang
Alana Kavanagh
Michael Zhang
Phoebe Lackenby
Jason Zhao
Christina Marren Ainsley Meale
Georgie Oldham
Bella Watts
Emma Johnson Andrew Kelly Flynn Lambrechts Oliver Marriott Thomas Rodham Hannah Saw Daniella Sentonaris Harrison Sullivan Chloe Thong Maisy Tomicki Helen Van Vuuren Emma Wall
Josh Knox Joanna Kong Bayden Little Jack Lloyd Ross Mackay Andrew Mance Corben Meany Matt Nicholas Jess Ohman Lucas Parker Coeli Parsons Jessie Piper Dan Rowe Lily Rowe Andy Santone Aryan Sethi Elliot Slawski Oliver Slawski Max Song Aidan Tan Shanelle Tan Finn Taylor Ralph Taylor Daniel Thomas Jesse Tong Oliver Wackett James Walter James Wilson
Alex Gray
Sam Wood
Darin Huang
Elaine Xia
Rosco Jones
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42 • Secondary School Celebration
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