The barker #119

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Issue 119 Winter 2018 ISSN: 2204-938X

Winter 2018 Issue 119 Issue 119 Winter 2018 ISSN: 2204-938X

New Science Courses This year has seen some exciting changes in Science.


Inside this issue

The Regulars 06 14 16 18 28

Junior School Pre-Kindergarten – The Journey Begins Teaching and Learning The Changing Nature of Professional Learning for Teachers Visual Arts Broadening Perspectives Design and Technology Design in Practice Alumni Profile Sam Figg from the Class of 2010

The Features 01 From the Head of Barker Phillip Heath


03 From the Chair of Council Peter Berkley 50 OBA President’s Message Vanessa Bennett

20 37 Blood Wedding Blood Wedding was especially unique in the amazing opportunity of sharing the stage with a live band.

OBA Support for Life


Developing Relationships

Girls’ Basketball

Eastern Anmatjere traditional owners from Central Australia visited Barker.

It’s been an exciting start to 2018 for the Barker Girls’ Basketball program with the completion of the ISA competition and the commencement of representative selections.



Assistant Coordinators

Print Production

Art Direction

Phillip Heath

Julie McAllister

Mandy Loomes Karina Drummond

Ian Lindsay

Glenn Quevedo

From the Head

Beyond the Mint Gates - No, Really At Barker College, we often speak of “Looking Beyond the Mint Gates”. We challenge ourselves to view our work in a global context, seeking to equip our students and staff for the inter-connected world in which we live.

The future of education and of work is undergoing a radical transformation and changes already are upon us. (See What is happening over the horizon? In an increasingly internationalised world, we must not imagine our island continent to be unaffected by the trends of other countries. The world beyond the “Mint Gates” can seem far away and elusive at times, but it is the world with which our students will engage. Australian students are well placed to adapt to the new world. We enjoy an enviable environment: one that is characterised by stability, fairness, creativity, imagination, ingenuity and access to resources within a comparatively secure and safe community. These are blessings we should never take for granted. During the April school break, I attended a very informative Principals’ Dialogue Tour to China, which was arranged by the Association of Independent Schools (NSW). Their extensive contacts in the cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou provided access to rich experiences of Chinese education. Topics for our dialogues included the role of Principal, instructional leadership, the use of technology, student wellbeing, developing educational leaders, achieving high tests

scores, creativity and innovation in education, and the future of international and global education. It was a two-way conversation with Chinese educators and officials and a discovery of the differences and similarities in our approaches. Two outstanding schools in Hangzhou have invited Barker College to form a sister-school connection, a matter that the School Council will now consider. Shanghai is one of the world’s highest performing educational regions as measured by PISA scores (2012). It was a privilege to visit Changning District and the Putuo Institute of Education, both of which are high achieving districts within Shanghai. I met with Chinese Principals, Vice-Principals and Education District Officials who offered valuable insights into how Shanghai education is organised. Shanghai is one of the miracles of China, having transformed from a colony of other countries into a mega-city of nearly 25 million people in a relatively short time. Their education system is attempting to keep pace with these changes, providing access to a rigorous education for the vast population that continues to flow to the East.

From the Head

In addition, visiting the lovely city of Hangzhou afforded an extraordinary opportunity to view the way in which the resources of technology are being used in education. Hangzhou is the headquarters of Alibaba, one of the world’s largest on-line sites for retail and commerce. The activities of e-Commerce are changing the way business is conducted and some of this “big data” is beginning to flow into schooling. A five-hour forum with Chinese Principals and education authorities (supported by simultaneous translation through an earpiece) was hosted by the Hangzhou Bureau of Education. What did I observe? Chinese school education has a traditional approach to learning with teacher-centred instruction, use of text books and a formal student response style to didactic questioning. Class sizes are between 35-45 students. Chinese students are under pressure to perform. Competition for places after Year 9 in the best schools and universities is pronounced. Students still generally come from one-child families and are aware of their responsibilities. Attempts are being made to diversify the academic program and to introduce “experimental methods of instruction” and creativity. These sessions generally are scheduled outside of class time and are part of the clubs and activities program. As a response to levels of anxiety, schools are creating spaces for wellbeing. All schools I visited had a wellness space, which is not what we might imagine in a Chinese school. Chalk boards are still in use and sit comfortably with white boards and data projectors.

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There are not many devices in evidence even though most citizens seem to run their lives on their mobile phones. China is seeking to create international links. All the schools I visited were eager to develop a connection with Australia and access to English language education is highly valued. Security is an incredibly high priority for parents and schools are impressively secure places. There are gatehouses, guards and locked gates and visitors enter only with permission from authorities. Coeducation overwhelmingly is the norm. Whilst schools have large classes, teaching staff have fewer face-to-face lessons and are expected to collaborate with colleagues both within their school and in the district. It is impossible to separate teaching methods, pedagogy and school achievement from the cultural setting in which it occurs. Merely replicating the methods of one country by installing them in another misses this point. Yet, we can and should learn from other places, other systems and other cultures as we prepare our students to engage with what Marshall McLuhan referred to as the global village. Peace. Article by: Phillip Heath AM Head of Barker College

From the Chair of Council

I recently attended the Association of Independent Schools of NSW Governance Symposium which brought together over 600 governors and senior staff from independent schools. It was noted that the governance landscape for schools in Australia has changed significantly since the introduction of the Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Commission Act 2012. Private schools must satisfy a set of five core governance standards which are expressed as high level principles. In addition, there are a range of other legal and regulatory requirements to be satisfied including educational accreditation, privacy, OH&S, employment law, and tax to name but a few. The NSW Education Act has very strict not-for-profit requirements. At Barker we are not satisfied with a box ticking or legalistic minimum approach to compliance. There can be no room for complacency. A presentation on child protection served as a tough reminder that we must be ever vigilant in maintaining a child safe culture. Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM (of the Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse) emphasised the need to view all we do through the lens of “the best interests of the children.” School Council has already considered a paper prepared by our staff in response to the findings of the Royal Commission. However I was reminded that policies and training are not enough.

The Commissioner emphasised that under reporting is a serious problem and school communities must work together. Can I ask for your help in this crucial task? Please see child protection as a group responsibility. Please let us know of any concerns or information you may have. This can be done via “Barker Concerns” on the top right of the home page of our website. The Symposium also featured a fascinating study examining the success factors at US Charter Schools. One of the key findings was the importance of regular feedback for students on their learning, and for teachers on various aspects of their teaching practice. The evidence from many fields is overwhelming that regular appraisal and feedback is a key component in improving performance. Education is no different, and governance is no different. To that end, we have engaged renowned governance expert, Dr Judith MacCormick, to conduct an independent appraisal of the School Council’s effectiveness. The review is wide-ranging and will examine among other things Council’s structure and processes, conduct of meetings and decision-making, and individual performance appraisal.

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From the Chair of Council

We will continue to gather formal feedback from parents via the annual MMG survey. We continue to receive regular and valuable feedback from our alumni community via the Old Barker Association representatives on Council. The student leaders also make a presentation to Council in October of each year. And of course Mr Heath and the Bursar attend all Council and committee meetings.

In the key note address to the AIS Symposium Susan Pascoe said: “We are all partners in good governance. Everyone has a role to play – teachers, students, parents, the principal and the board – whether implicitly and informally or explicitly and formally. Good governance doesn’t just happen.” Thank you for your ongoing support of Barker. My prayer is that in everything we do here at Barker, we will have the wisdom to know, and the courage to do, what is in the very best interests of our children. God bless. Article by: Peter Berkley Chair of Council

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From the Chaplain

Stories to Live by

In 2006 the American writer Joan Didion released a collection of her non-fiction which was entitled: We tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live – that title captures exactly what we seek to do. Wisdom is often embedded in stories. At Barker we love stories. Stories of our past, as well as our present and future. Stories of success, as well as stories of failure from which we can learn. Stories about individuals and their journey, as well as stories about groups and teams. We tell stories about respect, integrity, compassion, commitment and courage: our School values. As a Christian school, of course we also tell stories that celebrate what it means to be human with God as our Creator and Redeemer: stories of humility, forgiveness, grace and hope. One of our very best storytellers is Damien Whitington, our Middle School Chaplain. He leads Chapel, he calls upon students and staff to sing loudly and well, he shares Christian wisdom, and he invites us to pray. But, most of all he tells stories. In Chapel. In the classroom. On the sporting field. Here, there and everywhere.

Personal stories. Funny stories. Inspiring stories. Challenging stories. Stories about Jesus. Stories about people whose lives have been transformed by God. Stories that he makes come alive with charisma and a set of quirky sound effects. We have encouraged him to turn some of the stories he has told into podcasts and film. He is already off and running with the idea. Each episode is an attempt to retell a Bible story, and then to explain it. The working title for the project is Scruffy Chaplain. Watch this space! Article by: Jeffrey Ware School Chaplain

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Junior School

Pre-Kindergarten – The Journey Begins

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Junior School

Our Pre-Kindergarten children benefit from being immersed in a dynamic, motivating learning environment rich in opportunities for the development of emotional wellbeing, self-esteem and respect for others. The girls and boys are provided with activity choices within an environment which promotes curiosity, creative thinking and inquiry based learning. They are encouraged to be active learners who communicate, collaborate and develop self-help skills. Our focus is on developing their literacy and numeracy skills as they prepare to transition to Kindergarten. Our approach has, as its underlying philosophy, the belief that young children are innately curious, imaginative, competent and resourceful with a natural desire to communicate and interact with others. We believe that children learn through interaction with others including parents, teachers and peers within a caring and nurturing environment.

Our children are immersed in an environment in which playing, exploring, recording, responding and hypothesising occurs. Their investigations are childcentred, returning again and again to concepts in a spiral-like fashion, thereby layering complexities of understanding. The learning is visible, with teachers acting as recorders for the children, enabling them to track and revisit their experiences. Every opportunity is provided for the children, teachers and parents to work and interact together building a strong and supportive community. Article by: Sarah Dickson Director of Early Learning Pre-K to Year 2

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Junior School

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Building a Positive Learning Environment – The Third Year 2018 started with a strong focus to build on the great work from 2017. The academic, cultural and wellbeing programs continue to set Darkinjung Barker on a positive path. Jolly Phonics continues to show results and the implementation of the Magic 100 – 300 words is complementing our literacy programs. Students continue to enhance their love of reading thanks to the ongoing support from the wider Barker community with the sponsored Books in Homes project. The older children continue to show growth with the Macqlit literacy program. ‘MacqLit is an explicit and systematic reading intervention program for small groups of older low-progress readers. It focuses on the key components necessary for effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.’ K-2 are developing skills across all areas of Mathematics. The students are working towards developing efficient strategies for numerical calculation, recognising patterns, describing relationships and applying techniques to improve counting. We are developing strategies, skills and mindsets that reinforce a love and understanding of Mathematics. In Years 3-6, the children have been working on their conceptual understanding of Mathematics. During Term 1, many visitors have travelled to Yarramalong. We hosted Year 3 from the Hornsby campus who came for a Science focus day looking at weather. The students from both campuses had

lead up conversations and planning time to compare and contrast the weather patterns of Hornsby and Yarramalong. The children documented the results through technology and shared their findings. On another occasion, Year 2 spent the day learning about the Darkinjung culture through dance, art and traditional Aboriginal games. Darkinjung Barker commenced an instrumental program for 2018 during Term 1. Under the guidance of Mrs Smith and her team, the children have continued to develop their love and appreciation of music. They have had the opportunity to begin formal lessons on the ukulele. It is an amazing experience to watch the children interact with the music tutors. We continue to work positively with representatives from the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council and community members to develop cultural programs that enhance the learning experiences of our Indigenous children. Article by: Jamie Shackleton Lead Teacher - Darkinjung Barker

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Junior School

Hornsby Children visit Yarramalong!

Students from the Hornsby campus visiting Darkinjung Barker at Yarramalong is a wonderful example of the opportunities provided through the Indigenous education program at Barker. In Term 1, Year 2 visited the Darkinjung Barker students to learn from each other’s stories. In their Inquiry Unit, ‘How We Express Ourselves’, they were investigating the idea that story telling is how we learn. The students toured the campus and were told stories of the people who had been on the site before the Darkinjung Barker campus, like the man who invented the Victa lawn mower. The Darkinjung Barker children then shared a cultural story they had created that helped the Hornsby students better understand their school mates. Building ties between the students as well as understanding about culture were key aims of the field trip. The students played games such as ‘Rob the Nest’ and ‘Spear the Log’, which were based on traditional Aboriginal games that taught hunting and gathering skills. It was great to see the Darkinjung students taking the lead in teaching the games. The tasting of kangaroo sausages was an eye opening and challenging experience for a lot of students and brought about a lot of discussion as the students supported each other in pushing their comfort barriers. Also in Term 1, Year 3 visited Yarramalong as part of their Inquiry Unit ‘Who We Are’. The central idea of the unit was people are influenced by their community,

culture and beliefs. Students investigated the distance between the two campuses. They read stories to gain a greater understanding of Country and Place and its significance to Indigenous people. Whilst at Yarramalong, students participated in three mixed activity groups. They designed and painted their own story using symbols and played local games together. Finally, they created a keynote presentation, which displayed data and graphs that compared elements of weather from the two campuses. The students had been collecting this information over the previous week to observe similarities and differences between the areas. On each occasion, the students enjoyed their journey taking in the animals and scenery of the Yarramalong Valley. The Darkinjung students welcomed both groups into their space with confidence, inviting the children into their games and sharing their school. A great success story was the building of friendships and understanding across the schools. Article by: Martin Lubrano Head of Junior School Timothy Gee & Veronica Alexander Year 2 Teachers Vanessa Coetzee and Georgie Knox Year 3 Teachers

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Junior School

Outdoor Education The Barker Outdoor Education Program forms a significant part of the curriculum from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. Within the Outdoor Education Program, camps are an important element.

Pre-K to Year 1 Crusader Day Camp Pre-K to Year 1 students enjoyed a day camp on the Barker campus led by staff from Crusaders. With students from Years 3 to 6 away at overnight camps the younger students had the Junior School facilities to themselves! The activities designed by the Crusader leaders were aimed at developing teamwork, resilience, acceptance of differences and coping with change. The students had fun in small groups participating in games such as, ‘race against time’, ‘hidden clues’, ‘mini Olympics’ and ‘parachute’. There was also a Christian Discovery session where the students learnt about Jesus through song, dance, games, short talks and discussion groups. Article by: Sarah Dickson Director of Early Learning Pre-K to Year 2

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Junior School

Year 2 Somerset Camp Year 2 students accompanied by a parent and Barker staff enjoyed an overnight camping experience at Somerset in the Colo River Valley. For many of the Year 2 students and even for some of the adults this was their first opportunity to spend a night under canvas. As well as camping, the group enjoyed a challenging low ropes course, beach games, making damper by the campfire, cooking woodfire pizzas, attending a Bush Chapel Service, visiting a farm, walking in the bush and playing a tactical game with specific objectives. The camp provided the chance for both the children and the adults to take time away from their busy lives to share time and memorable experiences together. The camp will be long remembered by all participants. Article by: Sarah Dickson Director of Early Learning Pre-K to Year 2

Years 3 and 4 Camp The Year 3 and 4 camp at Galston was a great success, with engaging activities, fabulous leaders and tasty food. For most of the Year 3 students, it was their first overnight camp without their parents. They had a wonderful time away from home, participating in archery, crate climbing and bush walking. For the Year 4 students, this camp was another great opportunity to spend time away and be challenged by BMX riding, orienteering and the tricky challenge course. Year 3, Year 4 and the Darkinjung students interacted very well together, playing different games like handball, soccer, basketball, Pirates vs Ninjas, Newcomb ball and the famous Gaga ball. It was great to see everyone interacting so positively, demonstrating skills in teamwork and sportsmanship. Well done teachers and students for a fantastic camp experience! Article by: Timothy Moyes Junior School Teacher ‑ Year 4

Years 5 Camp With the students abuzz with anticipation of the adventures that lay ahead, it was an exciting journey to the idyllic Waterslea, located on the Shoalhaven River. The students rotated though a number of outdoor education activities, many of which were being experienced for the first time. Fears were conquered on the abseiling wall, arrows were shot with increasing precision (some simply refusing to reach their target), canoes were paddled without a single capsize and rafts were adeptly built and charged across the pool. Students gathered for Christian fellowship and spent much time enjoying the beautiful open space and sunshine. Some of the highlights for teachers were our observations of the students overcoming challenges, growing in confidence, developing new friendships, and even being quiet in their cabins before 10pm on the first night. A couple of brave teachers even joined the students on the giant waterslide, a hugely popular activity offered during free time. We cherished our time with the children and we hope they have created memories that will last a lifetime. Article by: Nicola Cameron Year 5 Coordinator 12 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018

Junior School

Year 6 Camp Late in Term 1, Year 6 headed to Camp Somerset on the Colo River as part of the Junior School’s Outdoor Education Program. The program was a four-day jam-packed adventure, in which the students completed seven main outdoor activities. At Somerset, they were required to set up and sleep in two-man tents. These were transported with the group as they completed their next activity to different locations along the grassy banks of the Colo River. The camp promoted challenge through new experiences, problemsolving and an appreciation of the outdoor environment. Activities included kayaking, high ropes, donutting, base seven, obstacle course, the infamous wombat hole and bushwalking amongst other things. We also enjoyed a ‘Chapel under the stars’ service led by our Junior School Chaplain, Reverend Brown. The students also had to cook meals, organise their equipment and be prepared for the encounters that lay ahead. The camp was greatly enjoyed by both staff and students. Article by: David Forster Year 6 Coordinator

Year 4 Playground Design Exhibition “What are we to do about this unused play space?” Mr Lubrano questioned. Year 4 were challenged with this question and asked to research, plan, design and justify a playground design for the small grass area outside the Copeland Building. This tied in perfectly with the Transdisciplinary Theme of ‘Sharing the Planet’, helping create our first Unit of Inquiry (UOI) with the Central Idea of ‘Collaboration Creates Positive Change’. Collaboration was the key focus for the first seven weeks of Term 1. Students worked together to establish what was needed for a new playground to cater to the needs of boys and girls of the Junior School. Their outstanding considerations were evident in playground sketches, mood board ideas and brilliant bird’s eye view designs on their iPads. Year 4 were also asked to write about their playground design by looking at the key concepts of form, function and responsibility. The highlight of the UOI was seeing the students walk around with their parents, grandparents and friends, whilst discussing and justifying their designs at the exhibition. A wonderfully successful experience for all! Article by: Tim Moyes Junior School Teacher - Year 4

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Teaching and Learning

The Changing Nature of Professional Learning for Teachers Developments in NSW (and across the country) in requirements for teacher professional learning, indicate that targeted professional learning that addresses the strategic learning objectives in a school, is a crucial impact factor. There is no doubt that teacher professional learning has a positive impact on student outcomes. Helen Temperley’s research (2008) identified ten key principles including: providing teachers with opportunities to drive their own professional development, allowing teachers to work collaboratively to learn and apply evidence based practices, establishing a professional learning culture that provides a safe and authentic environment for professional enquiry and ensuring school leaders take an active role in developing professional learning and maintaining momentum within schools. Barker’s current professional learning approach aligns with these key principles. All staff in the Secondary School are involved in directing their learning through the establishment of our Teacher Learning Communities (TLCs) based on the work of Dylan Wiliam. The model, based around formative assessment, is predicated on five principles: 1. Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for success – encouraging students to understand what their classroom experience will be and how their success will be measured. 2. Creating effective classroom discussions, activities and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning – developing effective teaching and learning strategies that allow for the measurement of success. 3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward – working with students to provide them with the information they need to understand problems and solutions better.

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4. Activating learners as instructional resources for one another – supporting students to work in groups to help improve student learning. 5. Activating learners as owners of their own learning – self-knowledge (regulation) of learning leads to student performance improvement. This professional learning process ensures teachers are provided with opportunities to learn and apply new teaching approaches in their classrooms and to evaluate and reflect on these practices with colleagues. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has produced a number of reviews of research around the key aspects of school improvement, including professional learning. Collaboration is highlighted as important for developing a shared commitment and responsibility towards student outcomes and contributes to the ongoing improvement of teaching practices and pedagogies (AITSL, 2013). Collaboration is a central focus in the School’s approach to professional learning as teachers are engaged in gathering and evaluating evidence, sharing ideas, providing each other with feedback and planning teaching and learning programs together through this approach. This collaboration is possible, at least in part, due to the learning culture that has been established at Barker. An effective learning culture in a school has a number of key features including: engaging teachers in collaboration, using data to inform decision-making and learning activities, conducting professional learning that is based on current research and identifying the impact of professional learning on staff and student outcomes

Teaching and Learning

from the outset (AITSL, 2013). Establishing TLCs has enabled teachers to develop expectations about the quality, purpose and impact of professional learning. This year our Professional Learning focus is clearly connected to the core priority areas which are aligned with the emerging needs and initiatives that allow our students to thrive in their experience at Barker. Rather than trying to engage in a multitude of activities, we have made a commitment to provide clear pathways and choice for all staff at Barker to encourage professional growth. A key component for improvement is self-reflection and in order to encourage staff to pause and to review their practice, we have initiated a series of TLCs that reflect the changing face of learning in our School. The four areas that drive our professional learning at Barker include: •

Blended Learning (the ongoing development and sharing of thinking, strategies, resources and approaches to teaching using the digital learning management system, Canvas);

Formative Assessment (the ongoing trial and implementation of a range of strategies in ongoing assessment that guides students to be activators and facilitators of their own learning);

Writing Across the School (WATS – staff share teaching strategies and approaches to developing quality writing and literacy with students); and,

Coaching (staff are partnered with each other to develop a shared understanding of each other’s teaching practice with the aim of improving student learning capacity across the whole school).

Each of these TLC focus areas is presented to the staff through a series of focused meetings and agendas over two terms, so that each participant has the opportunity to be engaged actively in the learning process. An important component of successful professional learning is to ensure that it is contextualised in the environment and culture of the school. To monitor that this is indeed taking place, each of these courses is supported by an online course facilitated though Canvas similar to many courses developed for our students across the School. A key advantage of the TLC experience for staff is that they are allocated to work with staff from different subject areas in order to gain new thinking and insights into the learning of students in different settings, across all disciplines and learning levels.

Rather than being an arduous content-heavy model, the TLC framework allows staff to share practice in real time through varied stages and subject areas with the aim of making the experience incredibly rich and personally relevant for each participant. For example, the WATS course, “My Writing Rules”, explores the process of writing through the metaphor of a cooking show. The aim of this broad focus is to challenge teachers to think more deeply about what they currently do and how they can modify and improve their teaching for the students in their classes, across all levels. A key component is attempting innovations and seeking to develop a ‘growth’ mindset. In essence, staff are encouraged to reflect on the tools and strategies they currently have in their writing kitchen, reflect on the way that they prepare students to teach writing (the entrée), how students engage in a specific writing task (the main course) and ensure the students link all of their thoughts together and conclude the process well (the dessert). The expectation is that in linking our professional learning to research combined with the education mission of the School, we will continue to inspire our students every day, and encourage a culture of shared practice where we learn and grown from our professional interactions with each other. Article by: Dr Brad Merrick Director of Research in Learning and The Barker Institute Dr Greg Cunningham Director of Teacher Development and Accreditation @BarkerInstitute Sharing innovation, research & professional learning throughout the education community. Fostering inspired teaching practice locally, nationally and globally.

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Visual Arts

Broadening Perspectives “Art helps us identify with one another and expands our notion of we – from the local to the global.” Olafur Eliasson

Last term our Year 12 Visual Art students visited the annual ArtExpress Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW, to view the top performing students across the state from last year’s HSC cohort. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to see what constitutes best practice in their chosen expressive form and have time to reflect on their own art practice and process thus far. We were also able to attend an ArtExpress study session where three exhibited students discussed their Body of Work, their processes, success and they cautioned our students against some pitfalls. Lastly, we viewed the large installation work by Katharina Grosse at Carriageworks, where we were able to work through immense volumes of brightly painted drapery. Years 9, 10 & 11 Elective Visual Arts students

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not only visited ArtExpress but also caught the ferry to Cockatoo Island to experience the 21st Biennale. This biannual event displays works from 70 Australian and International artists at seven venues across Sydney, over three months. On Cockatoo Island, 20 artists have presented artworks that focus on movement, migration, production and participation, including works that grow or morph over the course of the Biennale. Our students were able to experience work from renowned artist Ai Weiwei. His work “Law of the Journey”, 2017, was a 60-metre inflatable boat filled with more than 250 oversized figures, made from the same rubber used to manufacture the precarious

Visual Arts

vessels that carry refugees across the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. One time-based work was from Scottish artist Anya Gallaccio. Gallaccio’s sculptural work comprised of a 3D printed clay mountain range that continually printed for the duration of the exhibition. Perhaps the students’ favourite work of the exhibition was Japan’s Yukinori Yanagi’s “Icarus Container”, 2018, which was an immersive maze-like artwork created with shipping containers that used mirrors to reflect the light of the sun. Recently the entire Year 8 cohort also spent the day at Cockatoo Island. These students’ overwhelming response was that they found some works fun, while others made them think more deeply about issues.

We received last term, the wonderful news that William Hunziker and Jude Baillie from Year 8 and Nicholas Heberden from Year 9 have had their photos selected as finalists in the 2018 Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize, Student category. The Moran celebrates excellence in photography and we are delighted in their achievement. The photos can be viewed online and at Juniper Hall, Paddington. Article by: Tara van Drempt Head of Visual Arts

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Design and Technology

Design in Practice How can we prepare students to recognise opportunity and respond well?

Students in the Design and Technology department have wonderful opportunities to create and apply a wide range of processes. Much of what they learn is through the application of a design methodology. A procedural approach used to identify a need or opportunity, generate creative ideas and then bring these into reality using all manner of tools and technology available to them. Our students perform well because we challenge them to make use of the vast array of the technologies available. We know that it takes time to master the manipulation of materials, tools and processes. We also know that students need to apply their understanding by making and then testing if they are to discover and improve. Last term, past student and architect Stephanie Smith (78) (in a forum to our students, OBA Beyond Barker Breakfast) reflected, that while lots of people have many different careers in their life time, she had taken a lifetime to develop her skills at becoming a good architect. It is refreshing when a designer clarifies the intangible nature of what has made them successful. The continual pursuit of learning about the inter-relationship between users, spaces, materials, technologies and purpose over a long period of time is driven by a need for the designer to respond well to the needs of the community. It is a journey, and for our students here at Barker, this journey has begun.

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Students studying Design must take the time to become good observers if they want to discover new opportunities and respond well to the needs of their communities. Students clearly enjoy the cognitive connection between hands, mind and heart when they produce beautiful projects. They also develop skills in cognitive agility that will help them to navigate a future life of adaptive career paths. Designing to improve the lives of others is purposeful, and to do this well students must observe the needs of the users and empathise with them (human-centred design). This increases the likelihood that the designer will meet their needs and it also increases the chance of discovering new opportunities. A significant amount of time is spent learning manufacturing processes, multimedia processes and applying design methodologies to create and make solutions; these processes are important because they allow the students to respond, but they exist only to improve the lives of others. Article by: Darren Woodrow Head of Design and Technology


Once on Chunuk Bair Year 9 Play 2017

Being a part of Once on Chunuk Bair was a lot more fun than just the final performances in front of our family and friends. The rehearsals were awesome too; developing a character for my part, making some great new friends and spending time with people you wouldn’t necessarily hangout with. I loved getting to see a different side to them and learn things that surprised me. I also loved being able to become someone else and be somewhere completely different. I honestly felt like we were in those trenches fighting in that war. It felt like we didn’t need to act as we were so engrossed in our own characters; we were naturally reacting to what was happening and what was being said. I learnt so much from being in the play, how to act, improvise and develop a character and as cheesy as it sounds, I learnt a lot about my friends and myself. Performing in front of the crowd was not always an easy thing but it greatly improved my confidence and now allows me to do similar things much more easily. I also have a much better appreciation for plays, movies and acting. Performing on the final night was amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone! Article by: Aaron Kiss - Year 10 Lieutenant Harkness

I remember the first time we gathered together as a cast on the ground floor of the Kefford building to read through the script and learn what roles we had. It was so exciting. We were all sitting in a circle with scripts in our hands and trying to glimpse at what the next term and a half of drama would be like. Although the play had rather serious and dark themes it was filled with sharp quips and hilarious jokes to lighten the mood, meaning that we had the time of our lives while rehearsing! This review could not go without a mention of an amazing Director, Mrs Midgley. Obviously, nothing would have been possible without her as the Director, but not only did she manage to create an incredible performance out of a ragged group of 26 Year 9 boys, she made every rehearsal and performance so much fun that we were truly pained at the loss of her company when the whole experience was over. The Year 9 play is something I will remember for the rest of my life due to the wonderful time we had, the incredible things we learnt, and not just about drama but also about the sacrifice that New Zealand made for us that day, and all the friends that I made and came closer to. Article by: Miles van Rossum - Year 10 “Chops” the soldier

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Our final Barker production was filled with a vibrancy unlike any other school experience. Discovering that our final Barker production would be Federico García Lorca’s Blood Wedding, our realism-obsessed cohort delved into the historical background of the Spanish tragedy. Despite having to juggle the demanding nature of our HSC year, the show offered a variety of new experiences that helped recalibrate our busy student minds. Whether it was the traditional dances, dynamic fight scenes, or the emotional meaning that underpinned every section of dialogue, boredom rarely ever crept into our rehearsal process. Blood Wedding was especially unique in the amazing opportunity of sharing the stage with a live band. Comprised of staff and students, this dramatically enhanced the actions on stage, and further showcased Barker’s abundance of natural talent. Often skillfully woven into scenes Andy Mifsud’s original music was a standout aspect of the show. Gifted with a visually stunning set and a diverse range of costumes, the whole cast felt immersed in the Spanish culture fuelled by passion, violence and family honour. We were also introduced to some new Spanish words including Duende, “a quality of passion and inspiration” which allowed us to characterise the Spanish heat that was required in such an emotional play. Our very last bows on closing night provided memorable moments. The emotions were overwhelming changing from pride, despair and utter happiness. Drama is such a big part in all of our cast and crews’ journey at Barker and having that final moment before us brought floods of tears and ear to ear smiles. Looking back on the lasting memories from previous shows we honestly couldn’t think of a better production to conclude our diverse journey together. The success of Blood Wedding was the hardwork and dedication of Director Simon Thompson, Dugal Parker, Claire Yeomans and Andy Mifsud who offered us students a rewarding experience that we will always cherish. Article by: Molly Finnegan and Hamish Noble Year 12 Drama Students

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Winter Playhouse This year’s Winter Playhouse was a huge success and saw over 200 students, teachers and parents come to the CRU courtyard to watch a magnificent display by Barker’s Performing Arts. Winter Playhouse showcases the amazing talent at Barker with performances including Year 9 “Greek Theatre”, co-curricular Dance, Theatresports, Year 10 and Year 11 play Previews, Year 10 Musical Theatre, and Year 11 and 12 monologues. While organising the night had its challenges, the payoff of seeing stunned and enthused audiences made it all worthwhile. The night not only brought together the Barker Drama family, but also the wider community and gave everyone the chance to showcase their talents. A personal highlight would have to be Will Philp’s monologue, his ability to make the audience laugh with tears in their eyes and then move the over 200 people to dead silence as the truth of his character was revealed. It was thrilling. Winter Playhouse wouldn’t have been possible without the organisation and support from the wonderful Drama Department, Dugal and his crew, our stage manager, Alice Jeffery, who we are forever grateful for, and last but certainly not least, our talented and dedicated Barker Drama students and dancers. Article by: Matthew Francis Drama Captain

Barker Theatre Club Barker College Theatre Club has always been a project that we, as Drama Captains, were interested in pursuing. It started with the simple idea of, “why study theatre if we can’t go out into the world and not only appreciate it, but learn from it as young Australians?” At the beginning of this year, we chose five productions which 30 keen Drama students could attend with our enthusiastic Drama Staff. The plays range from a youth production at ATYP to professional Sydney Theatre Company productions in the Roslyn Packer Theatre, with our last show in the Opera House Drama Theatre. Currently the Theatre Club has seen two of our five plays, Black is the New White, an Australian political comedy, and The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, a rhetoric on how quickly evil leaders can rise to the top, where we had the opportunity to meet Hugo Weaving, playing the titular character, Arturo Ui! It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to see the styles of theatre we study being put on the stage. Article by: Matthew Francis and Molly Finnegan Drama Captains

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Excursion to Sinofield

Chinese languages students from Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 classes participated in Barker’s first excursions to the Sinofield Chinese Cultural and Education Centre. Sinofield is located in Leura at the foot of the Blue Mountains and provides Chinese language and cultural experiences for students.

All these activities were conducted in Chinese and English giving the students further exposure to and practice in the language. The dumplings made by the students and staff at Sinofield plus Chinese noodles provided a sumptuous lunch for everyone.

On arrival at Sinofield, we were warmly welcomed by the manager, Mr Feng, and his staff. The students had workshops in Chinese art, the complexities and origins of Chinese surnames, Chinese tea ceremony, making their own dumplings and a dragon dance competition.

Ken Wong Languages Teacher

Article by:

Year 9 Languages Evening Our annual Year 9 Languages evening was held in the BCMA Theatre earlier this year with all four languages participating and producing various performances. The Japanese group read a sample of Haiku poems, performed the Soran Bushi, a traditional fisherman’s dance, and entertained the audience with their energy and skill. The Chinese group read a famous poem by Li Ba on a quiet evening reflecting upon the moon. Then they performed the Three Character Classic, a work produced in a pattern of three characters based on Confucian morality. Finally they sang and acted the Shopping Song with fun and vigour. The French item was a filmed group presentation entitled, Mieux tard que jamais, better late than never. This comical series of a famous French footballer’s (played by Elliott Hunt) mishaps, with the skill and hard work of Anesu Chibowora, was highly entertaining and well-received with warm applause.

The Latin group of three students acted out a Roman play, “ad templum”, which was a humorous offering of two friends, Quintus and Barbillus walking through the streets of the city when they were assailed by Plancus, a notorious bore, who hijacked their outing, later ending in a comical finale. The main roles were played most convincingly by Benjamin Goldman and Aryan Sethi. Congratulations to all the students for their enthusiasm, skill and commitment to the evening. Article by: Gail Cunningham Languages Teacher

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China Tour Years 9 and 10 students departed on a journey of a lifetime to China - from Shanghai to Dunhuang (Gobi Desert) and to Beijing. From High Speed Rail to camel rides along the Silk Road, the students visited museums, historical sites, markets and enjoyed seeing six of the seven ancient cities of China. We commenced the tour by observing Shanghai’s landscape from the world’s highest observation deck at Shanghai Tower and an evening river cruise along the Bund. Then we travelled to Nanjing and Hangzhou to visit the Nanjing Museum, Dr Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and the Confucius Temple. We cruised the West Lake, whilst students learnt about China’s ancient and modern history. Xian’s City Wall, Great Wild Goose Pagoda and Terracotta Warriors followed. We ventured into Silk Road territory and the most western section of the Great Wall – Jiayuguan, situated in the Gobi Desert where ancient Silk Road traders journeyed. We visited the Longmen Grottos in Luoyang and Dunhuang’s

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Mogao Grottos in Gobi Desert (both UNESCO sites). We discovered the significant influences both have to Chinese value and art collections. In Beijing students experienced the vastness of Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Ming Tombs and viewed the landscape from the Great Wall. The visit to Cochlear’s Beijing office at the conclusion of the journey reinforced students’ appreciation of the benefits of learning the Chinese language. Article by: Christine McDonald and Scott Graham Tour Managers


French Exchange Students

A sizeable group of Barker families gathered outside the Mint Gates to welcome our visitors from the Lycée Hugues Capet in Senlis, near Paris. Twenty Senlis students and three teachers spent a fortnight as guests of Barker parents and teachers, immersing themselves in everything Barker - from attending lessons to sport and co-curricular activities.

the French party’s first two days at Barker, everyone enjoyed a magnificent spread of culinary delights prepared by our very own French cuisinier - Pascal Perrotin, Manager of Food Services.

A highlight for the French students was the wearing of the Barker uniform. School uniforms are unknown in France so this was a completely new experience for our guests but in next to no time, the students seemed at home in their uniforms and their new surroundings. Two days after their arrival, an official reception was hosted by Mr Heath with all the parents and teachers in attendance. Australian, Aboriginal and French flags hanging alongside one another behind the lectern provided an appropriate backdrop to the occasion, while the Barker String Quartet accompanied the singing of the National Anthems.

The Senlis party had reserved four days in the second week to go on excursions of their own, and the Barker families also managed to fit in trips to beaches, wildlife parks, art galleries, museums and other tourist attractions to make the stay as memorable as possible.

Students from Barker and Senlis expressed what the homestay opportunity meant to them, and after the exchange of gifts and the viewing of a video of

Ashley Rickman Languages Teacher

In September Mr Rickman and Miss Wicht from the Languages Department are set to take 12 students from Years 9, 10 and 11 to Senlis for the second leg of the exchange. Article by:

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Much more than a Robot The First Robotics Competition (FRC) Season culminated in late April with the Barker Redbacks competing at the FRC World Championships in Houston, Texas, USA. Impressively, the Redbacks have qualified for Championships every year since 2015. For three of those four years the team has progressed to the playoff rounds, each time playing as an Alliance Captain. Championships are highly competitive, with 400 teams randomly allocated over six divisions, qualifying from approximately 4,000 teams globally. This year the Redbacks qualified third in the Galileo division; the highest the team has ever qualified at Championships, and representative of the growing strength Barker is bringing to Robotics. Indeed, robotics is so much more than ‘just’ the robot. After determining game strategy and then designing, fabricating and programming the robot, the team then must play and win the game to qualify for Championships. At each competition the team will play between eight and 12 games in qualification to determine rankings and then form an alliance with other teams for playoffs, with the Alliance Captain selecting teams to play with. Understanding which teams can reliably perform which tasks, at what speeds is critical to the team’s success. This year our software team developed an application to allow our scouts to record these vital statistics in real time. From this we knew which teams could deliver cubes in autonomous, how many cubes they delivered during each match, whether they could climb and how long it took etc. That information was crucial in designing winning match strategies where most other teams would have lost and helped achieve our highest qualification result at Championships.

Unfortunately, our season ended in the Galileo Quarter Finals due to mechanical issues faced by our alliance partners. However, the season was a success, with the team taking home the Engineering Excellence award at Championships (one of only three awarded), in addition to winning the Southern Cross Regional, receiving the Industrial Design Award, achieving Finalists at the South Pacific Regional and winning the Quality Award. The team will now focus on training new team members ready for the 2019 season. VEX Robotics VEX Robotics has just launched their new season! Students in Years 7 and 8 are getting ready to play ‘Turning Point’. This exciting VEX Robotics Competition game requires students to build and program a robot from the VEX EDR kit to flip caps, place balls on their cap, turn flags to their colour using a ball, and park on raised platforms at the end of the game. The season launch also sees Middle School robotics looking better than ever, with a new home in the iSTEAM classrooms. The new space allows the field to be permanently set up and for the neat organisation of kits and tools. The light coloured flooring is incredibly helpful for locating dropped parts during pack up each day. The student group involved in VEX has swelled to just over 60 students and we are excited to see the development of their robots over the coming months. Barker will host a Turning Point scrimmage on 30 June, and a Tournament on 25 August. Article by:​ Lael Grant Robotics Coordinator

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English and Maths

Spelling Bee Word Masters It was a terrific and thrilling way to end Term 1. The Year 7 competition had 20 superior spellers with a stack of supportive spectators. Though there was some trepidation, Year 8 were tremendous and talented too. Words of wonder included accommodate, awkward, chaotic, cohesion, definitely, hypothesis, misinterpretation, neighbour, occurrence, quotation, playwright and poisonous. Our valiant vocabulary victors received brilliant book vouchers from QBD Hornsby. Year 7 Champions Thomas Horlin, Alexander Whitbourne, Noah Ashton, Jaiden Lau and Leo Gibb. Year 8 Conquerors Rohan Tandon, Yue Hun Chia, Luke Trevithick, Benjamin James and Shiva Chhabra.

Tremendous thanks goes to Dr Cunningham and Mr Hood, our wonderful Spelling Bee Word Masters. Special mention to our magnificent Bee MC Mr Tod-Hill too. A hip hive of hooray to Mrs Urbaniak for her calm and capable working bee wonder. Article by: Martine Sloper English and Learning Support Teacher

First in the State in the HSC in General 2 Mathematics In the 2017 General 2 Mathematics HSC course, Kirsten Schreuder achieved equal first position in the state. Her final examination result was 100. This is an outstanding result in the most popular mathematics course. According to Mr Richard Smith, her Mathematics teacher, she was a diligent student who worked solidly throughout the year, took time to learn from her errors after each assessment and paid attention to the finer details. Kirsten says the General 2 Mathematics Course is “a unique and engaging course, with interesting topics including Geometry of the Earth, Energy and Sustainability and Probability. Importantly, the course provided me with an array of useful mathematical skills I can apply in life, relating to areas such as finance, health and the collection of data”.

This will help her in her current studies in Commerce Law at the University of NSW. Kirsten is pictured with her teacher, Mr Richard Smith, who guided her in her pursuit of excellence. Article by: Allison Davis Assistant Coordinator of Mathematics

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Alumni Profile

Alumni Profile Director of Alumni and Community Relations, Mandy Loomes recently caught up with old boy Sam Figg from the Class of 2010, about his Rugby career and life’s lessons.

Tell us about your Rugby journey and where it has taken you? I joined the new Sevens team at Norths where I was selected to play for the Australian Sevens in the World Series in Tokyo in 2013. I then returned to playing XVs and joined Randwick in 2014 where I continued to develop my skill as a backrower. Late in the 2014 season I sustained a serious neck injury. This was a bad time when I faced the possibility of never playing again. My road to recovery taught me about mental toughness, my competitive side, self-worth and friendships. I’ve been back four years now and don’t even think about it when I run onto the field anymore. I made my comeback in late 2015 and played in the 2015 Buildcorp National Rugby Championship (NRC) for the NSW Country Eagles, my favourite team ever. I was then selected for the NRC Barbarians

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team which toured New Zealand in 2015. I re-joined the Australian Sevens program but missed out on the Rio 2016 Olympic team by the skin of my teeth. Playing for the Eagles 2016 saw me play some of the best footy of my life. I chose to stay with Rugby XVs and turned down a four year contract with the Sevens to play an unpaid pre-season for the now defunct Western Force. I got told they’d love to have me but couldn’t find money in the budget for me. In 2017, I received a lifeline to play Rugby in Japan. How was the time in Japan? I had the best and worst experience and learnt more about myself in a year than I did in my first 24 years. First of all, the rugby teams are all owned by companies, so you play for a company not a team. If you are a high-performing asset you are very well looked after. If you

aren’t playing well you are brushed aside. This is all through Rugby and all through sport. I think it’s probably all through life. The Japanese are full of heart, they do not give up, are very respectful and are a friendly nation. I stayed in Hiroshima, south of Tokyo in my own apartment which was great fun. I have played Rugby in well over ten countries. I have trained with, played against and partied with some of the most famous, talented and most respected athletes in the world. Rugby has allowed me to have some of the coolest experiences. The magic is in the journey and not necessarily the end goal.

Alumni Profile

Which team are you now playing for? I am playing in a new competition in the US, Major League Rugby, with Denver Colorado for the Glendale Raptors. Rugby for me has changed in terms of what I want to get out of it. For a long time it was all about wanting to be a Wallaby and that’s fine and I would still love that. However from the experiences with my neck injury and playing in Japan, it’s now more about experiencing life, meeting people, immersing myself in new cultures and things like that. I’ve always thought America would be pretty good for me so I’m really looking forward to it. What are your memories of Barker? I did like school. I was a veteran having started in Year 3. I was naughty for most of the time and was disrespectful when looking back, embarrassingly so, if I’m honest. I struggled at school originally and the only thing that made it worthwhile for me was to throw myself into everything. It was the whole Drama department who

really supported me. Pia Midgley, Damian Ryan and Terry Karabelas were the people who understood who I was and nurtured me. They understood my boisterousness and helped mould it into something more manageable. They were great mentors and changed my life at school so by the time I was in Year 12 I was a much better person. I have since studied Business and Marketing at UTS and am currently studying a Masters in Property Investment and Development. Do you keep in touch with your Year Group? Ours is a really strong year group and we were all really good friends. That’s something I’ve learned in life, particularly as I’ve travelled the world, and that is who my real friends are, more than just those who have shared an experience.

Any advice for today’s Barker students? What I’ve learned is that when things are going badly, instead of throwing the toys out of the cot, know it’s actually life trying to teach you a lesson, something you need to learn in order to grow. Learn to step back from and reflect on what’s going on, that’s how you grow as a person and improve. I’ve learnt to be realistic and understand that sometimes sport involves luck, some will get luck and others won’t. Everyone gets their chance at some stage and it’s up to you to grasp the opportunity when you do.

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Symphony Under The Stars A Special Night Just the name of this event conjures up the magic; hundreds of young musicians performing in the balmy late evening air, not a whisper of wind, and thousands of people sitting entranced on the grass before them. There has been an annual Symphony Under the Stars event for decades at Barker. They are always good, but they are subject to the vagaries of the weather and to the uncertain nature of all public performance, particularly outdoors! However, at this year’s event, it all came together and the people lucky enough to be there experienced a special concert. Not only was there a wide range of performing ensembles, but they presented a repertoire that was enjoyable in many different ways – amusing, exciting, inspiring, joyful, thoughtful.

For the staff who have done it all before, and whose focus is often on the smooth running of the night, it is easy to forget that it is a series of special moments for the student performers. Their excitement, and even nervousness, about performing in front of so many people, and then overcoming that apprehension to express themselves through music, is a reminder of the value and importance of a musical life. Article by: David Saffir Director of Strings

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Junior School Music Camp

Over 110 enthusiastic young musicians came to the inaugural Junior School Music Camp for a two day immersion of music-making at the commencement of the April term break. Members from the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Chamber Orchestra and Intermediate String Orchestra were all in attendance. The Junior School Music Camp provided an enjoyable time of intensive rehearsals away from the distractions of the normal school week. It was an incredible opportunity for all students to improve their performance standards, working with some of the best music educators and instrumental specialist tutors across Sydney. It was not all work and no play. The students managed to squeeze in a visit to the AMF Bowling Alley in Hornsby and a pizza lunch to refuel prior to their performance for family and friends to conclude the camp on Saturday.

Nearly 300 family members came to the mini concert presentation. The conductors of the ensembles, Mrs Slawski, Mr Hunt, Mr Saffir and Mr Chang were very impressed with the students’ enthusiasm and musicality. All musicians have made significant improvements in areas such as ensemble skills, accuracy of performance and musicianship and we look forward to hearing some strong performances throughout the year. Article by: Wayne Chang Director of Junior School Music - Co-curricular

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Outdoor Education

Teen Ranch In Week 5 of Term 1, Year 7 went on their first high school camp to Teen Ranch, a site in Cobitty an hour south west of Sydney. Teen Ranch is set up with various activities such as rock climbing, high ropes challenge courses, archery, a giant swing, canoeing, a huge slip and slide, pool activities, night time outdoor games and even trivia! The purpose of the camp is to welcome students to Barker so that they feel comfortable and included in their new ‘home’. We find this time together enables a smooth transition into high school. Students are able to quickly bond with their peers and staff in a way that would take longer in the normal day to day format on the main campus. It is also a time to reiterate what we are about at Barker in terms of our values and how the Christian faith informs and adds to all we do. Students hear short talks and gain wisdom from the Barker staff as they are interviewed about their own professional and personal lives. This year we thought hard about how every member of Barker’s community has value, that everyone deserves to be heard and listened to. This stemmed from how much God values us, as we are made in his image and the Lord Jesus paid the ultimate price to get us back into a relationship with him. 32 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018

Thank you to the Heads of Houses and the Associates who gave up their time and energy to serve Year 7. A special thank you goes to our Health Centre Manager, Lisa Chalmers, who stayed the whole week on site to attend to any physical and wellbeing concerns when they occurred. We are very proud of the way the students pushed themselves in the more challenging activities. Perhaps more so, we were impressed by the courage they showed in getting out of their comfort zone by making new friends. Teen Ranch is often one of the highlights of a student’s time at Barker, and we are already looking forward to next year! Article by: Damien Whitington Middle School Chaplain Andrew Ashby Director of Outdoor Education


New Science Courses

This year has seen some exciting changes in Science. New syllabuses have been introduced across NSW in Year 11 in each of the science courses. The new courses are now more rigorous with a greater emphasis on inquiry and understanding. A new course Investigating Science has also been offered. Investigating Science promotes active inquiry and is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the value of evidence-based investigations and the use of science-based inquiry in their lives. This year, 12 students are studying the course under the guidance of Mrs Haigh. Feedback from students at this stage is that they have enjoyed the hands-on nature of the course and the subject has helped with their Working Scientifically skills in other sciences. The course draws on and promotes interdisciplinary science, by allowing students to investigate a wide range of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related issues and concepts in depth. Thirty hours of class time is designated to students working on their Depth Studies. Depth studies provide opportunities for students to pursue an area of interest, acquire a depth of understanding, and take responsibility for their own learning.

Extension. The course will require students to engage with complex concepts and theories and to critically evaluate new ideas, discoveries, and contemporary scientific research. They will be challenged to examine a scientific research question drawn from one or more of the scientific disciplines. In doing this, students will extend their knowledge of the discipline/s, conduct further analysis and authentic investigations and, uniquely for this course, produce a detailed scientific research report that reflects the standards generally required for publication in a scientific journal. Article by: Rob Paynter Head of Science

In Term 4 students who have attained a high level in one or more of the Science disciplines in Year 11 will have the opportunity to pick up 1 Unit of Science

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Cadet Report

As the cadet season comes to an end we look back at the highlights and success in the past year; ANZAC Day and Annual Field Exercise (AFX). Cadets have the option to become a junior leader or a senior leader to help run the unit and continue to improve it. Here are some more details on the activities they completed during the past year: Over the seven-day camp known as AFX, many companies including Bravo, Alpha and Pioneer Wing went on a multiple day trek on the Brokenback Range out of Singleton Military Base. Broken Back is a mountain range with steep ascents and dense bush. Many cadets never knew when the ascent would end while walking up it as it seemed to go on forever. The hike up the mountain unifies Platoons like no other activity on camp, with cadets encouraging each other as they work together to navigate and complete the steep climb. Everyone made it to the top and enjoyed the rewarding experience of climbing up the steep mountain and spending the time with their fellow cadets. At the top, many companies went through survival training, along with this, Alpha did four rigorous days of navigation while looking for markers, defeating ‘enemies’ and all round enjoying the time they spent with each other. Pioneer Wing helped

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both Alpha and Bravo to enjoy the abseil which they ran over the four days. Overall, the Brokenback phase is an enjoyable challenge which consistently tests the cadets and equally rewards them. Alpha’s 24-hour exercise was called ‘Bring the Rain’, which is a demanding exercise which challenges the cadets in many aspects both physically and mentally. The exercise is one of an Alpha company’s secrets and not too much can be revealed, but the cadets did have to walk 14 kilometres in less than 16 hours while doing many activities along the way. Bravo Company, the Year 10 company, immersed themselves in advanced training. Each day saw the cadets completing activities and hiking in Platoons, and each night brought new, exciting experiences including survival shelters and night moves. A campfire at the end of the day offered the opportunity for the cadets to take a step back from the busy camp and enjoy each other’s company.


Bravo Company was also involved in a tactical exercise where the main objective was to assault the bunker protected by members of the Pioneer wing and RHQ. The extensive bunker positioned inside a dried dam acted as the capture point. Bravo Cadets worked tirelessly to defeat the enemy party through tactical movements and well positioned throws, coming away with the victory at the end of the night. The Pioneer Wing set up an obstacle course which was designed to be challenging yet rewarding for the cadets. Containing elements which are tests of strength, agility and teamwork set up using basic materials around camp and a knowledge of advanced knots, the obstacle course spurred on some friendly inter-platoon rivalry with the timings being recorded and compared. Singleton Military range allows the Barker College Cadet Unit (BCCU) access to the Weapons Training Simulation System (WTSS), a virtual weapons range that allows the cadets to experience, most for the first time, weapon handling drills and simulated firing. The accuracy of the system delivers a precise record of firing, giving each cadet a score on their performance. WTSS is a rare opportunity offered to the BCCU and certainly one of the most enjoyable for all cadets. A favourite activity, Club Nav is a navigation exercise run by members of RHQ as a unit wide test. Cadets had to find their way with a map and compass to various points in undulating terrain and difficult bush densities. The objective was to find as many points as possible and answer a question that linked with the objective. Some points were worth more than others, so cadets had to work out a strategy as to what points they would go to first, second etc. At the end there was a reward for the winning group in each platoon, which was either a Coke card or a chocolate bar card, depending on what they chose.

Overall the cadets found it was a highlight because it was an enjoyable activity which challenged them at the same time. Even though a storm had cancelled the afternoon’s activities, Rev Ware brought a fun and fresh bush chapel service to the cadets. It included a call and response song, a touching service and readings. Finally, on the last night of AFX we had the annual camp concert. This is an opportunity for cadets, parents, and staff to perform in front of the unit and is a very anticipated annual tradition where multiple groups spend days or weeks in preparation. Acts featured included a serenade by Alpha company, a rock song about ration packs by Captain Langley, a skit by the parents and a rendition of Lion King and Hairspray by the Pioneer Wing. This night created great morale and led to many cheering and singing along, despite their exhaustion and the wet weather. The winner of the night was Major Beaman with his performance of Country Road. Not only did Major Beaman win, he also performed an encore after! Immediately after camp 20 cadets volunteered to help with the Legacy Foundation in the ANZAC Day Dawn Service and March. This included handing out rosemary to the general public, both before and after the service. The day concluded with the cadets helping with various corps in the ANZAC Day March. This included flag and banner holding for the British Airborne, United States Marine Corps and Vietnam Veterans. Article by: Justin Langley Commanding Officer of Cadet Unit

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Hornsby Connect & BCPA

Serving our Local Community Barker students are seeking to serve the local community by offering a “hand up for people in need”. From Term 2 onwards, Year 10 students from each Tutor group will be visiting Hornsby Connect, a low-cost Food Distribution Centre open every Wednesday for those experiencing financial hardship. The centre provides patrons with low cost or free bread, milk, groceries, fruit and vegetables as well as a café facility with tea, coffee and cakes to enjoy with company. With a growing population, the Hornsby Shire covers a large region and has fallen victim to many social issues (isolation, cultural separation, financial hardship). Hornsby Connect seeks to provide support to people in the local area experiencing such challenges. Senior School Tutor Mr Tod-Hill commented on his experience visiting with his students;

All of them found it really valuable and made distinct comments about being grateful for what they have and the opportunity to meet and connect with people in the local community.” If any member of the Barker community is interested in volunteering at Hornsby Connect please contact the facility Director, Mr Steve Hopwood at Article by: Simon Walker Director of Student Leadership & Service Learning

“The students helped with a smile on their face, they chatted with customers and other volunteers, always in an open and respectful manner and really embodied the service our Barker pillars emphasise.

Barker College Parents’ Association (BCPA) Our inaugural Barker parent community event was held on the evening of Friday 16 March in the Junior School Courtyard. What a fabulous evening! Weather was perfect, the courtyard was spectacularly lit and decorated ready for attendance of over 300 parents. The schools string quartet performed with precision and set a beautiful atmosphere for the evening. The parents mingled within their year groups and soon found themselves meeting and chatting with many others as Mr Heath encouraged the parents to mix into groups of their birth months. Along with catching up with old friends and meeting new people the parents were treated to superb food and hospitality from Barker’s Catering team. The BCPA looks forward to this event becoming a regular on the Barker calendar. Article by: Ali Finnegan and Yvonne Goldman BCPA Presidents

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Central Australia

Developing Relationships

In March, six Eastern Anmatjere traditional owners from Central Australia visited Barker College to further the relationship between our two communities. Well-known advocate Rosalie Kunoth-Monks OAM, her daughter Ngarla, and members of her extended family greatly enjoyed their visit to Sydney. All six are significant leaders in their community and shared their culture and perspective with us. A highlight was the trip to Darkinjung, and the stories they shared with students there. They were inspired to see a school where Indigenous culture is celebrated and where Indigenous children learn in a culturally appropriate way. As part of their visit the mob toured the Hornsby campus, attended Year 12 Chapel, and met with many members of staff and students. Footprint hosted an event where Rosalie was interviewed by Liam Fitzgerald, Atlanta Buckley (Year 11) and Lachlan Sawtell (Year 9). Rosalie spoke about human relationships as the most fundamentally important thing in life, and giving to anyone who needs your help. She explained that Indigenous people do not put much store in material possessions, and offered to share her connection with Country, language and culture with us.

The Barker Institute also hosted a community event where Phillip Heath interviewed Rosalie, who explained some aspects of her Anmatjere worldview, for example the high level of spirituality and connection to the land and each other which characterises her community. Rosalie and Phillip discussed the importance of reconciliation and self-determination. Rosalie also spoke about the high levels of poverty in Indigenous communities and outlined her vision for the future of the young people in her community: that they be educated in a culturally appropriate way which does not require them to assimilate. Students, staff and the broader Barker community were very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and learn from our visitors. Article by: Sophie Mynott Indigenous Education Project Leader Winter 2018 • Issue 119 • The Barker • 37


The Booroo-meraang Welumbulla Tree Sculpture

A Blackbutt tree stump in the garden alongside R B Finlay Walk has been repurposed into a stunning sculpture. Once it was determined that the tree stump was no longer providing habitat for our local possums, chainsaw artist Matt Bird was commissioned to work his magic. The result is an imposing five metre lacquered sculpture incorporating heart-warming images of possums, owls, a lace monitor and two commanding wedge tailed eagles high on top. The Booroo-meraang Welumbulla Tree was named following a World Environment Day competition which attracted over 230 entries from staff and students. Combining Dharug and Guringai language, the tree’s name welcomes all members of the Barker community back again. The area surrounding the tree was also beautifully landscaped by our maintenance and gardening crews, resulting in a peaceful space for conversation, study and reflection. Article by: Cathie Glendenning Coordinator, Footprint

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ISA Swimming 2018 The 28th ISA Swimming Championships saw the Barker team claim an emphatic victory in the Senior Division. Leading the charge was Jemima Fitzgerald who claimed five individual wins. Bronwyn Rees-Evans swam up an age to win her freestyle event, and the Gold medal run continued with Lily Flynn, Annabel Mance (winning 2!), and Maddy Wyndham also claiming individual wins. The Senior Girls Freestyle and Medley relays had resounding wins to progress to the NSWCIS Championships. The Intermediate division was hotly contested and Barker were only a few points off the winning school in finishing third. Lauren Bird and Georgie Oldham were victorious in the individual program whilst the Freestyle relay consisting of Georgie Oldham, Kate Johnson, Lauren Bird and Madison Louw finished the Intermediate events with a victory. Congratulations to Lauren Bird, Kate Johnson, Madison Louw, Georgie Oldham, Asha Bennett, Jemima Fitzgerald, Lily Flynn, Annabel Mance, Bronwyn Rees-Evans and Maddie Wyndham on their selection in the ISA Swimming Team for 2018. Article by: Jason Cooper CCC Swimming

CAS Swimming 2018 With the support of a large contingent of supporters, The Barker Swimming team entered the 87th CAS Swimming Championships ready to do battle against the strongest swimming schools in NSW. Knox Grammar once again took home the Tyne Challenge Shield, Trinity Grammar in second place and Barker College claiming third. The strength of this year’s competition was highlighted by the 15 new CAS records set by the two leading schools. Captain Freddie Brown led the way with a huge program of events, including the 200m and 400m Freestyle. Lucas Vass set the Barker crowd alight in a number of events, with the highlight being his victory in the 16 years 50m Backstroke. Barker’s biggest point scorers on the night were Lucas Vass (16 years), Stephen Jeong (14 years), Alex Middleton (17 years), Flynn Lumbroso (17 years), Freddie Brown (18 years), David Kang (13 years), Tyrone Albertyn (15 years), Tan Kim (15 years), Luke Hurley (17 years) and Jordan Takounlao (13 years). Sixteen Barker swimmers were selected to represent CAS, with special congratulations to Stephen Jeong, Kyle Li and Jordan Takounlao who were selected to represent the NSWCIS team at the NSW All Schools Swimming Championships. Article by: Jason Cooper CCC Swimming

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Aquatic Achievements It was a busy finish to the school summer season for our aquatic programs with Swimming and Diving - Invitational carnivals, IPSHA, CAS, ISA and CIS Championships. Surf Lifesaving Barker hosted Shore, Joeys, Riverview, and Knox at Bungan Beach. Water Polo There were quite a number of teams that finished the competition strongly. At the recent Commonwealth Games, Rohan Bright (a member of the Gold Squad) competed in the Multi Class 200 IM and 50 Freestyle. Rohan swam personal best times in the morning to qualify through to the final in both events, and again swam personal best times in the finals to finish an incredible 5th overall in both events. Congratulations Rohan. Barker was well represented at both the National Championships for surf lifesaving and pool swimming. We had plenty of personal bests, finalist, and medalists across both competitions. A special mention of our Year 10 student Madi Louw for becoming National Champion in the Under 17s 2km swim at Aussies. A huge effort, well done! Article by: Haydn Belshaw Director of Aquatic Centre

Athletics Carnival An unusually hot day greeted students for the annual Barker Athletics Carnival on the last day of Term 1. This carnival is unique in that there are three carnivals running concurrently. The Championship Events, the Tutor Cup and the House Events. Throughout the day there were some fantastic performances and a great fun vibe around the oval. Records broken on the day included Sophie Halliday in the 15yrs 800m, Mia Hemsworth in the 16yrs 90m Hurdles, Samantha Davis in the 16yrs Discus, Amy Sayer in the 17yrs High Jump, Piper Duck in the 17yrs Discus and Donovan Bradshaw in the 14yrs 100m, 200m and Long Jump. In the Tutor Cup there were relays, group sprints and tunnel ball events, while in the Middle School, Tug of War, Vortex throwing and the flag relay were some of the favourite events. Students worked cooperatively to do their best and a real sense of camaraderie was evident throughout the day as everyone tried to gain points for their House and Tutor groups. This whole school event was a great way to finish Term 1 and staff and coaches now look forward to working with the athletics squad to prepare for Term 3 when the ISA and CAS athletics seasons commence. Article by: Lee Batchler CCC Athletics

40 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018


Australian MTB Interschools Very early on the morning of 15 March a bus full of intrepid Barker mountainbikers set off for Thredbo and the 2018 Australian MTB Interschools. The team was there in time to practise and participate in the Flow Motion Cup which was a timed event using the Flow track. The Senior boys, headed by Co-Captains James Culver and Sam Gibson placed 3rd in this event. James came in 16th with Pete Austin crossing in 21st just ahead of Edward Thomas in 22nd out of a field of 89. Friday saw practice for the main event, the Downhill racing. There were a few falls in practice and on the All Mountain Track which was also open for general riding. Will Wood sustained a fractured collarbone and Maxim Allas a small fracture on his hand. They made for quite a sight when standing next to our other injured team member, Dan Sharp, who still came down to support the team despite not being able to participate himself. The best of our riders on the Down-Hill was our sole female rider Sally Potter, from Year 12, who beat all her competition, as she did in every event she entered.

Sally was crowned Queen of the Mountain after these wins, which was a fitting finale to her school riding years. Congratulations Sally! In the male Division 1 DH race, Edward Thomas placed 19th in a time of 6 minutes 24 with the winner completing the event in about 5 minutes. In the 100 strong Division 3 race Alec Watson was the first Barker rider to cross the finish line in a time of just under 8.5 minutes and 67th place. He was closely followed by Adam Mason two places behind. Ethan Page was the next fastest Barker rider. The final day was the Cross Country event and Barker riders did their best competing in this gruelling event. Once again the Senior Boy riders did very well, this time placing first over all. The best placed Barker rider was James Culver coming 5th in a time of just under 43 minutes and Sam Gibson crossing the line a few minutes later in 10th place. Very good results from a field of 73. Ethan Page did very well in Division 3, placing second about 1 minute behind the winner and Adam Mason coming 11th from the field of 84 starters, completing his three laps of the course in just over 26 minutes. Special mention to Alec Watson who was involved in a bingle at the very start and continued riding despite only having one gear at his disposal for most of the race. A great example of perseverance! In a great tradition started by past parents Peter and Dawn Hinds, the Barker Mountain Bike Team were also able to support two worthy charities. $282 was donated to each of Bikeride for Cancer, and Lifeline. Article by: Andrew Love MTB Coordinator

Winter 2018 • Issue 119 • The Barker • 41


Girls’ Basketball It’s been an exciting start to 2018 for the Barker Girls’ Basketball program with the completion of the ISA competition and the commencement of representative selections. For the first time in many seasons, Barker had all teams qualify for the 2018 ISA Grand Finals. The Barker Thirds played valiantly throughout the second half of the season to qualify for the grand final against an undefeated Oakhill team in the Open D division. Barker Seconds played a thrilling semi-final game against St Andrews School to qualify for the grand final with a clutch 3-pointer. While both teams were unable to secure a victory in the grand-final, it was a season in which they both teams can be incredibly proud of their development. In the Open A division, the Barker Girls Firsts team qualified for the grand-final to play Chevalier College, a team boasting a number of State representative players. Barker started strongly not letting Chevalier take any momentum. The first three quarters demonstrated all that the Barker team had learned throughout the season, holding Chevalier to scoring

42 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018

Above ISA representatives Piper Duck, Jesse Smith and Serena Waters.

only 4 points in the 3rd quarter. In the end, Barker went on to take the ISA title 66-50. This was the fourth time Barker had won the ISA title in 26 years. Congratulations to all players and coaches on such a tremendous result. At the conclusion of the ISA season, three Barker students were selected in the ISA Open Girls Basketball team to play in the NSWCIS Championships in May: Piper Duck, Jesse Smith and Serena Waters. Best wishes to all players as they now pursue the school pathway in the year ahead. Article by: Nicole Bailey CCC Basketball


AFL at Barker On Saturday 5 May, history was written as Barker hosted the first ever set of Aussie Rules matches throughout the whole day on Barker’s War Memorial Oval. It was a stunning spectacle and the footy on display was a testament to this occasion. The students thoroughly enjoyed the experience as they relished the chance to do what no one had done before. It was great to see so many spectators in attendance and the support for AFL continues to grow in the Barker community. The results across the day were fantastic as each player and team continues to develop and improve every week. In a fitting finale of the day, the 1st XVIII were able to record a magnificent come from behind victory over Knox. Thank you and well done to all involved. I look forward to doing it again next year! Article by: Jack Caspersonn CCC AFL

Red Rockets The Diving team performed with distinction at the CAS Diving Championships. For the first time in Barker Diving history the Rockets won two of the three divisions. Harry Gresham won the Juniors and Vladi Rudenko winning the Seniors. In the overall Championships the Rockets finished an agonising five points adrift of the eventual winners, Trinity Grammar. Article by: Steve Thomlinson Director of Boys’ Sport

Winter 2018 • Issue 119 • The Barker • 43


New Zealand Open Rugby Tour

During the April School holidays the Barker Opens Rugby squad experienced 2 weeks of learning, bonding and development in New Zealand. The first eight days of the tour were spent at the purpose-built International Rugby Academy in windy Palmerston North. Initially the boys were working in small groups with position specific coaches, who all had All Black and Super Rugby experience. Complementing the work done with the body and ball sessions, New Zealand Commonwealth Games sports psychologist Garry Hermansson, taught the squad about the importance of the mind. The first game was played against Palmerston North Boys High School and using their recently acquired knowledge and skills Barker put on a dominant performance winning 67-5. While the Reds won by a big score it was evident that the style and structures of play had room for great improvement. With help from the expertise of the external coaches and Barker coaches Dean Hargraves and Ben Whittaker, the boys entered into days of improvement, Mr Whittaker comparing it to a “Super Rugby Pre-season”. Employing the patterns of play and structures into a far tougher opposition of Manukura School for the team’s second game, the boys were able to get on top of a very sizeable and physical team, winning 57-5. Robbie Wright, the team physiotherapist, morale booster, and a knowledgeable Rugby mind, was impressed by the discipline in structure, constantly emphasising the massive progress that had been made between the two games. It was a sad yet exciting time when we left Palmerston North as the side had made so many memories there and was a place of team growth, however there was a feeling 44 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018

that the team had become a group with amazing potential that could push on to greater things on the tour. Next stop was Rotorua and a chance for some much needed downtime. A major highlight was a two hour Haka lesson which was performed enthusiastically by all and the group even stripped down to Maori dress and war paint. The final stop on the tour was Auckland and the squad was lucky to stay at the College Rifles Rugby Football Club which has a strong military history. The highlight of the stay was the squad being involved in the club’s Anzac Day activities. It was a privilege to be given the opportunity to take part and to be acknowledged as Australian visitors on a special and significant day. Later that afternoon the squad played the final tour match against Division 1 school Aorere College. The team met the physicality brought by the Aorere side and showed some good skill to be victorious, 47-7. The tour was an incredible experience, and one that can only be seen as a once in a lifetime opportunity. The boys are grateful to the staff who gave up their holidays to be on the tour, and for the School’s approval to allow us to travel to New Zealand. Article by: Dave Tejcek and Jack Dudley Year 12s


St Andrews Cup 2018

Over the April school holidays the Barker Firsts Boys’ Football team competed in a 14 school tournament over two days at Valentine Sports Park. The boys walked away from the tournament with their heads held high and finished 3rd overall. A very commendable achievement and the highest position the School has finished in this tournament over the years. In the semi-final, Barker came up against a very good Cranbrook team that started the game in the ascendency and led 2-0 by half time. Whilst it was agreed that the first half wasn’t our greatest, the team rallied in the second half with a spirited display that will give us confidence when we play them next time. The team regrouped well after the semi-final loss and delivered an exceptional first half performance against St Pius to lead by 2-0 at the half-time break.

Many more chances were created in the second half however good goal keeping kept the boys at bay. St Pius scored a consolation goal to end the game 2-1. All members of the squad worked tirelessly and diligently over the two days, playing five games in total and having some fun and laughs along the way. The tournament was a worthwhile exercise leading into the season proper. Article by: John Carnevale Football Coach

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Changing with Time Left to right The recently opened Assembly Hall, 1940s. David Neil Mortlock (1938-1945) Collection; The BCMA enjoying their 80th anniversary luncheon in what was once the Assembly Hall, but is now Boyce Hall, 2006.

Eighty years ago, in 1938, the Assembly Hall was officially opened by the Chair of Council, Sir John Butters. Considered to be a modern and grand development, the Hall provided a much needed space for the whole school to gather. Designed in the free classical style in order to harmonise with existing buildings, the Hall could accommodate 500 people. The amber glass windows worked to enhance the lighting featured in the building, whilst the internal walls were finished with a flush wood panelled dado. The chairs were gifted to the School by members of the Barker community, and are often remembered as being extremely uncomfortable.

Assembly Hall was therefore converted into the Sir Thomas Buckland Library. When the Library moved to its current location, the BCMA generously funded the restoration of the Assembly Hall to its former glory and provided new catering facilities, thus transforming it into a multi-purpose function space. It was renamed Boyce Hall, in recognition of the involvement of the Boyce family in the life of the School since early in the 20th century.

The building however hosted much more than school assemblies. Its stage and vaulted ceiling that was “finished in such a way to ensure satisfactory acoustics”, made the building well suited to drama performances, whilst the parquetry floor made it most suitable for dancing. From 1938 until 1964, it was the location for Speech Day, and in the early 1950s, the Assembly Hall was converted into a chapel on Sundays.

The Assembly Hall is just one building on campus that has been repurposed over the years to meet the ever changing needs of the School. With the transition towards full coeducation now underway, the Barker landscape is again changing, with the creative adaptation and reuse of spaces part of the Master Plan.

In 1965, with the opening of Leslie Hall, the School now had a new, much larger place to gather. The 46 • The Barker • Issue 119 • Winter 2018

Article by: Morwenna Dickson Manager of Archives

Let’s Build the Future Together 2018 Annual Giving campaign

School spirit and community spirit go hand-inhand in the numerous activities that make up the days here at Barker.

We strive to make Barker an inclusive and welcoming School that comes together to give back. In so many ways, our school is uplifted by the actions of these values of inclusiveness, encouragement and collaboration. As Chair of the Foundation, I witness the invaluable work of the Barker College Parents’ Association, Supporter Groups, Old Barker Association and the many other groups and volunteers that make our School the special place it is for our students, teachers and parents. As you read this, many of you will have received, the School’s Annual Giving letter with a key focus on the Sports, Learning & Wellbeing Centre. This project is one of the most significant in our history – designed for a world where students who thrive require exposure to increasingly diverse opportunities and experiences. Our first building designed from the outset for a fully coeducational generation, sets the standard for combined, multi-use facilities and allows us to bring our school together as one. Your support of the 2018 Annual Giving campaign will help provide funds for innovative projects including the Sports, Learning & Wellbeing Centre. For those renewing their support or giving for the first time, every gift amount combines to make a difference to the lives of our young women and men, now

and into the future. I am excited about what we can achieve together and hope you feel the same sense of inspiration and hope as I do about our collective impact for the School and our students. Article by: John Slack-Smith Foundation Chair

Winter 2018 • Issue 119 • The Barker • 47

The Old Barker

OBA Support for Life The Old Barker Association is pleased to launch the OBA Support For Life Program. The program provides a confidential first point of contact and personalised guidance for those in our greater alumni community experiencing mental, physical or financial hardship. The program manager, Julie Davis, is trained in psychology with extensive experience (in a variety of professional services) assisting those facing life’s most demanding challenges.

48 ••The TheOld OldBarker Barker• Issue • Issue 232233 • Autumn • Winter 2018 2018

If you or someone you know is in need of support, please contact the OBA Support for Life manager on 0434 385 442 or

Old Barker Association Theatre

Inside this issue


50 OBA President 51 OBA Groups 54 Community Events 56 Personal Notes 58 Obituaries

Old Barker Association Contacts email: (Please note that the number in brackets after a name is the graduating year) President Vanessa Bennett (91) 0404 024 168 Vice-President Peter Gregory (03) 0400 419 253 Treasurer Andrew Hassall (86) 0412 610 434 Secretary Matthew Ross-Smith (10) 0408 284 702 Assistant Secretary David Brookes (79) 0400 906 052 General Committee Angus Abadee (07) Jimmy Glynn (13) Jenny Kalaf (Melville 78) Bec Meyer (09) David Slinn (80) David Trayner (84) Henry Wells (10) Emily Tutt (09) Michael Brodie (79) Tony Gamson (78) Nominees to School Council Michael Brodie (79) Tony Gamson (78) OBA Annual Patron Benjamin Anson (85) Sandy Hollway (64) Pip Hurley (Webber 85) Keith Thornton (64)

School Contacts Director of Alumni and Community Relations Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229 (Sch) Alumni Reunion Coordinator Karina Drummond (02) 8438 7283 (Sch) Manager of Archives Morwenna Dixon (02) 8438 7290 (Sch) Interstate and International Barker Contacts Brisbane Andrew Wilkie (01) 0412 779 383 (m) Canberra Andrew McColl (74) 0422 985 281(m) Melbourne Murray Anderson (65) 0457 000 407 (m) Northern Rivers Jim Poulos (61) (02) 6686 7711 (h) Perth Vacant Sunshine Coast Phil Benjamin (61)

OBA Seniors Contact Peter Ward (59)

Upper Hunter Charles Cooke (65) (02) 6545 8141 (w) Canada, Ontario George Darling (70) Japan Carl Bastian (93) Middle East Erik Huyer (72) +6 39175302744 (m) New Zealand Scott Brown (91) (64) 027 230 4561 (w) Oceania (Fiji) Neil Underhill (75) (679) 336 3968 (w) Papua New Guinea Johnson Kalo (83) (675) 305 6703 (w) Singapore Carly Switzer (94) UK, London Annette French (Slattery 88) (44) 1732 382 281 (h) USA, East Coast Alex Skellet (94) (917) 251 3361 (h) USA, West Coast Digby Cook (56) 623 523 4321

Contributions Welcome Please send contributions to Mandy Loomes, Director of Alumni and Community Relations, 91 Pacific Highway, Hornsby NSW 2077 or For further information please contact Mandy Loomes on 8438 7229. Personal notes are published in good faith, as a service to the Barker Community. Winter 2018 • Issue 233 • The Old Barker • 49

From the OBA President

OBA President’s Message I had the pleasure of attending the Anzac Day Memorial this year. It was wonderful to see so many students participate in honouring our previous Barker students who fought for their country and who unfortunately made the ultimate sacrifice. between your reunions. My partner Scott, also from the Class of 1991, and I are very much looking forward to getting our friends together. The OBA is continuing to progress our initiatives to increase mentoring and business networking in the alumni community. Barker alumni have so much to offer each other so we are looking for ways to facilitate this more easily within our community. If you have any requests or ideas as to what you would like to see from the OBA, please do get in touch. On behalf of the OBA I would very much like to congratulate the students who were recipients of the OBA spirit awards. The Spirit Award program was established by the OBA to acknowledge and congratulate those students who best represent the meaning of our Barker motto, Honor Non Honores. These awards are given to the students who display positive attitudes and actions towards learning and mastering various skills. When you have the right attitudes, actions and behaviors it is inevitable that improved performance will follow. It is important to encourage this in order to build resilience for life after Barker. I encourage you all to mark Friday 2 November in your diaries for the annual OBA dinner. All alumni are welcome. It is a chance to get some friends together from your year, reconnect and enjoy some time together. What a great excuse to get together in

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The OBA Support for Life, our mental health initiative is open to the Barker community and especially to former students. Often situations for people continue to worsen as they just don’t know where to go or who to ask for help. This program is all about giving people a safe and confidential support person. A special thanks to OBA committee members David Trayner (84) and Henry Wells (10) for their hard work in establishing this program. These initiatives are ways in which the OBA continues to nurture the spirit of the Barker Community. If you are looking to get involved with the Committee, please do get in touch. Article by: Vanessa Bennett (91) OBA President

OBA Groups

OBA Groups Barker Old Boys Cricket

BOBs Rugby

The cricket season finished in March with the Barker Old Boys Cricket Club finishing in the bottom half of the table. We are looking forward to the 2018/19 season starting in September. If you would like more information about our season or joining the Club please do not hesitate to contact me.

We are just about through the first half of the season! Collectively as a club we have lost only one game over seven rounds of all our teams possibly one of the best starts the club has ever seen.

Matt Hall (00) 0416 297 775 Article by: Matt Hall (00) Club Captain

Our new and improved website ( is now up and running. Information here includes details about our sponsors, team lists, an up to date calendar and a photo gallery! Our next major event is our 50th Year Family Day on 30 June! We are calling out to all our past players and supporters to join us for the day. We will have a jumping castle and many other fun activities as well so be sure to bring your children and grandchildren too. The second half of the season is almost upon us. Blow the dust of those boots and come down for a run on the paddock! Article by: Thomas Hay (14) Secretary

OBA Swimming Club The OBA Swimming Club held its first carnival last year and plans to host another event later in 2018 at the Barker Foundation Aquatic Centre. Just a friendly reminder to all Barker Alumni to keep an eye out for more details in the coming months about the next carnival. Last year’s event was a great success and we hope to see many former students come for a swim and a chance to catch up. Swimmers of all standards are welcome to join us! If you have any queries please contact Mrs Mandy Loomes, Director of Alumni and Community Relations on 8438 7229 or Article by: Matthew Sullivan (15) Club Captain Winter 2018 • Issue 233 • The Old Barker • 51

OBA Groups

Old Barker Football Club The 2018 OBFC football season is well underway and 120 players (a Club record!) are competing across seven teams within the Northern Suburbs Football Association Competition. After six rounds our Premier League Reserve Grade Team has started slowly with only a single draw, but with a number of new players joining the Club this season their first victory is just around the corner. Meanwhile, the Premier League First Grade Team has had a mixed start to the season with three wins and three losses and are sitting mid-table. Division 5 have also received an influx of keen players injecting some extra pace and skill into the division and after six rounds the Reserve Grade Team are sitting mid-table with three wins and three losses, while the First Grade Team are sitting 4th only a win away from a top two position. Each week they

are getting better and better so will be challenging for a top two promotion spot by season’s end. The Women’s All Age Division 2 squad faced a major turnover in players after a difficult season in Division 1 last year. Currently they sit on bottom position with a draw to their name. As they build together as a team the goals will come and they will soon be climbing the ladder. A great success story for the Club in recent years is the current Division 4 squad. Back in 2016 the First Grade Team finished 10 points clear on top of the Division 6 table gaining automatic promotion to Division 5 in 2017. Building on that great success they finished in 2nd place in the Division 5 competition so were again immediately promoted to Division 4 for the 2018 season. After six rounds our Division 4 First Grade Team are sitting equal 1st with four wins, one draw and a loss. There has never been an OBFC team

team who have won back to back summer night competition grand finals. The girls defeated Mount St Benedict’s with a convincing 34-19 win. Congratulations to Shannon and the team on this win and their brilliant season.

Barker Old Girls Netball Club Barker Old Girls Netball enjoyed a busy start to the year with four teams competing in the Summer Night Competition at Pennant Hills Park and a Grand Final win for Shannon Ashton (15) and her 52 • The Old Barker • Issue 233 • Winter 2018

In March, Barker Old Girls returned once again to the Barker Gymnasium to play a trial match against the current Barker netball girls. Whilst we did not win on the day, we did get a “most improved” boost from the 1st Netball Coach, which we happily took! It was a fantastic morning and great to be back playing at Barker. On 4 May, I was lucky enough to congratulate some of the girls who we played against in the trial game to present the 1st team with their Netball dress at the Winter Season Sports Launch. Congratulations to these girls on making the 1st team. We wish them all the best for their

that has been promoted in three consecutive years. Can they pull off another top two spot? You bet they can! Meanwhile the Division 4 Reserve Grade Team has also been playing some fantastic football this season and are placed 3rd in their competition. If you’d like to keep up to date with all the OBFC action check out our Facebook page at www.facebook. com/oldbarkerfc Article by: Peter Gregory (03) President

upcoming winter season! We are taking a little bit of a hiatus over the winter months, but we will back once again for the Spring Night Competition in September. As always if you are looking to be involved in Barker Old Girls Netball, we welcome all players of all ages and abilities, please send us an email – barkeroldgirlsnetball@ You don’t have to have a team together, so if you’re riding solo we can place you in a team with girls near your alumni year! The more the merrier! See you out on the courts in 2018!

Article by: Lauren Kirkby (07) Co-President Barker Old Girls Netball

OBA Groups

OBA North Shore Wind Symphony The OBA North Shore Wind Symphony recently combined forces with Matthew Walmsley’s (88) Northern Youth Symphonic Winds for our first concert of the year. This concert was a great way to connect with our friends down the highway and to support other great local wind bands.

Conservatorium of Music’s Music Workshop. This will be the first time the OBA NSWS has ventured beyond Barker’s Mint Gates and will be followed by our debut appearance at the NSW State Band Championships in open B grade. Our concert will showcase modern concert band repertoire with a guest performance by the NSW State Champion A Grade Brass Band, Warringah Concert Brass.

Inoue, to guest conduct a rehearsal in May. It was a unique experience to have someone conduct who doesn’t speak any English and we really appreciated the experience.

We have started preparing for our second season, which includes a concert on Sunday 12 August at the

We were really excited to welcome the president of the Japanese Band Masters Association, Manabu

Article by: Bella Harvey (07) Band Manager

Old Barker Association Theatre This year OBAT will be performing Tartuffe by Moliere, a new version by Justin Fleming. First performed in 1664, Tartuffe is one of Moliere’s most famous theatrical comedies. This new, updated Australian version by Justin Fleming was first staged by Bell Shakespeare. OBAT are excited to have the opportunity to play with this devilish comedy just in time to bring some laughter to your midwinter blues. Tartuffe by Moliere will be directed by Amie McNee (10) and Barker’s Head of Drama, Pia Midgley.

northshorewindsymphony@ or northshorewindsymphony

If you are keen to be involved please contact OBAT at or via our Facebook page Obatheatre. Tartuffe by Moliere A New Version by Justin Fleming 18 - 20 July 2018 at 7.30 PM Rhodes Scholars Theatre Tickets: URYM $15.00 for adults and $10.00 for concession/students Article by: Amie McNee (10) Co-President OBAT

OBA Seniors

OBA Big Band

Kurrajong Society

Work hard and play hard has been our motto over the last few months! The band has focused its efforts towards a repertoire with complex melodies, harmonies and rhythms. After spending many rehearsals fine tuning new pieces, we recorded the Stan Kenton classic, Decoupage among a handful of others in May. In August we will be on stage, opening for the annual Barker Swings. If you’re keen to find out more, please visit our website

If your children have left Barker and you would still like to support the school and be part of the Barker Community events, then the Kurrajong Society is for you. We send a regular quarterly newsletter, Kurrajong News to keep you updated on what is happening at Barker College.

Article by: Angus Hulst (14)

If you are interested in playing some fantastic music in a friendly band please contact us at:

If you would like more information please contact us at kurrajong@

If you graduated from Barker 50 years ago you are now a member of The Old Barker Association Seniors. This is a social group who organise a number of events each year. Our next event will be the annual AGM and Luncheon followed by supporting the Barker 1st XV at their last home game of the season against Knox. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 11 August 2018. Invitations with more information will be sent out soon. For more information, please contact Mandy Loomes in the Alumni Office on (02) 8438 7229 or Article by: Peter Ward (59) Winter 2018 • Issue 233 • The Old Barker • 53

Community Events

Community Events

OBA Seniors Back to Barker Day Fifteen guests gathered on Wednesday 9 May for the OBA Seniors annual Back to Barker Day to experience a day at School in 2018. We took part in classes including Japanese, Visual Arts, Agriculture, IT, History, Global Studies and Commerce. Between classes we shared morning tea together in the Cru Room with the Head of Barker, Phillip Heath, and then attended a wonderful Chapel Service before lunch. We sat in the sunshine in the courtyard of the R E Kefford Building to enjoy our very hearty packed lunch and had the chance here to reflect on our own School days compared with what we had just experienced. It is fair to say that School is very different! Watch the video:

54 • The Old Barker • Issue 233 • Winter 2018

Community Events

OBA Ladies Lunch What a wonderful lunch we enjoyed together at the recently refurbished Greengate Hotel. An awesome group of ladies gathered on a blissfully warm day to reminisce about their School days and talk about their own individual journeys since leaving Barker. There was a lot of chatter, a lot of laughter and new friendships formed.

OBA Girls Sports Trial games It has become a great and exciting tradition for our OBA Girls sports teams to play a trial game against the School’s 1st Teams at the end of March each year. This year we played Hockey, Football and Netball followed by sharing a delicious morning tea together. It is lovely to see such camaraderie amongst the teams and to see such happy smiles. This is definitely a wonderful tradition.

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Personal Notes

Personal Notes (Number in brackets is the alumni year)

Stuart Doyle (42) The Barker keeps me in touch – thanks. Read with interest, death of ‘Cliffy’ Pain. Guess that leaves me as one of the few WWII bods left!? Hope to hear more about the Annual Cadet Parade early in Second Term. Michael Iverson (69) My beautiful wife of 40 years recently died so I have now decided to retire, sell up in Sydney and move to the South Coast. Have had prostate cancer which spread to bones but with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation am now ‘no detectable cancer’ – I must give up smoking!! Now intend to see Australia after spending 30 years travelling abroad for a living. Johnson Kalo (83) Semi-retired from corporate role in PNG banking sector since April 2017, focusing on small family business with my wife Cheryl, serving on several boards and also working to grow a small financial management and strategy service. I welcome the opportunity to catch up with fellow alumni visiting PNG. Ainsley Blaxell (88) I am currently living overseas in Singapore with my husband James and our two children, MJ (Marina Jessica, 11 years old) and Blake (8 years old). We have lived in Singapore for 1½ years, and prior to that, we did a two year stint in KL, Malaysia. I still keep in contact with many of my friends from our year and I look forward to coming back to Sydney for our 30 year reunion in November 2018. Emma Rawling (90) is a wildlife biologist now living in the Scottish Highlands, UK. After graduating from Barker and University of Sydney with a BA, Emma travelled widely following her passions for adventure and nature, and lived in Tasmania for several years self-sufficiently. During the early 2000s she moved to Ireland and then the UK, working in the charity sector in animal welfare and wildlife rehabilitation. In 2005, Emma moved to Scotland to study for her MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation in Edinburgh, and since then has worked for most of the UKs leading NGOs as a wildlife ranger, reserve warden, project officer and nature site manager. She remains passionate about protecting wild places and endangered wildlife, connecting people with nature, as

56 • The Old Barker • Issue 233 • Winter 2018

well as training and mentoring the next generation of wildlife professionals. In her current role, she is working to save the UKs most endangered mammal - the rare Scottish Wildcat- and is happy getting her hands dirty on the frontline of the fight to save this species. Emma now lives in the rural Scottish Highlands with her partner Scott and their animals, but visits her family in Australia regularly, though she is yet to make any Old Barker reunions. Eugene Chan (07) will be moving to Frankfurt, Germany, to work as a foreign attorney (associate) at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, after completing his postgraduate Bachelor of Civil Law degree at the University of Oxford in July 2018. Lachlan McDonald (10) I’ve been playing Saxophone and Guitar with the artist ‘Gordi’ in the support slot for Missy Higgins Tour in May. So far I’ve done the Sydney and Wollongong shows, with Canberra and Melbourne to go.

Personal Notes

Emma Wood (14) Friday 20 April 2018 was a lovely day for our family, seeing our daughter Emma (14) graduate from ICMS with a Bachelor of Business Management degree. She was awarded a scholarship to undertake this three-year degree. All three of our children are now through University and getting on with their lives, including Nathan (06) and Daniel (09). One of the keynote speakers at the graduation ceremony at Manly was Caroline Heslop (06), who apparently graduated from ICMS in 2008-09, before doing further studies at Macquarie University. She was an inspirational speaker who enthralled the audience with her journey through major advertising and marketing roles in New York for five years. She is now back in Sydney. Caroline briefly mentioned her time at Barker and how determined she was to get a scholarship to ICMS.

Baptisms 24 March, Sam Arthur Albert, son of Tahnae Harrod and Darren Robertson (86) 25 March, Hudson Anthony, son of Kim Lorig (Past Staff) and Robert Lee 25 March, Charles Graeme, son of Katrina and David Thomlinson (04)

Submitted by Bruce Wood

6 May, Chaelle Clairecine, daughter of Lucina and William Twigg (04) 6 May, Thomas George, Maximus Joel, Amelia Rose, children of Renae and David Harrison (90) 6 May, Georgia Lucie, daughter of Louise (Chambers 02) and Matt Williams 13 May, Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Joanna (Reid 01) and Timothy Poole (00)

Lion Cub Club Congratulations and welcome to our most recent Lion Cub Members. Clockwise left to right Brad Sweet; Henry Hancock; Max Fitzgerald; Poppi Liddell; Hugh Warden.

Winter 2018 • Issue 233 • The Old Barker • 57


Obituaries (Number in brackets is the alumni year)

Warwick Howard (49) 1932 – 2017

Warwick Howard, late of Forestville, attended Barker as a boarder from 1943 to 1949. His cousin Daniel Simon (54) and sons David Howard (75) and Ian Howard (77) also attended Barker. Warwick was involved in many co-curricular activities during his time at Barker. In his final year he placed 3rd in both the Open Championship 100m Freestyle and 50m Breaststroke and was also a member of the 2nd X1 Cricket team and 2nd XV Rugby team. Warwick was a member of the Barker College Cadet Unit, promoted to Cadet Lieutenant in 1949. He also performed in a number of plays. Warwick became a chartered accountant upon leaving school. He then married his wife Marion and moved to Parkes where he assisted his father Esmond Howard in running the family business RS Howard & Sons. He and his father set up one of the first supermarkets in Australia with shopping trolleys. The shop employed 70 staff and sold everything from ladies clothing to self-propelled farm machinery. In Parkes Warwick was active in APEX, played golf and had three sons; David, Ian and Richard (Ric).

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The shop was sold in the midsixties and Warwick and family moved to Canberra and then Greenwich. He retired in his late sixties when he married his second wife Pauline. He enjoyed his tennis and continued making two hundred plastic model airplanes. He also undertook a number of air show tours in Europe, North America and New Zealand. He is survived by Marian, Pauline, sons David, Ian and Ric, daughtersin-law and seven grandchildren and his brother Stephen and family. Warwick passed away on 18 December 2017 at the age of 87. His family celebrated his life on 15 January 2018. John Everard Hassall (45) 1929 – 2018

John was born at Kandos in Northern New South Wales and then moved to Alstonville. He commenced his secondary education at Lismore High School and spent his final three years as a boarder at Barker. He then won a scholarship to St. Paul’s College in the University of Sydney where he enrolled in Medicine, graduating in 1952.

Peter Francis (45) described John as a very special friend, gifted, decent and modest. He was a Prefect, and played Cricket, Rugby and was involved in Athletics. He was the Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart Medallist for 1945. He was in the Firsts debating team and graduated with Honours in English at the Leaving Certificate examination. Peter also described John as a man of letters, showing much respect for the English language, both written and spoken, particularly evident in his fund of entertaining afterdinner stories, and in the attention he gave to the preparation of letters accompanying his patients to his referring doctors concerning their care and management. John became a senior physician at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital with a special interest in Rheumatology. Dr John York, a colleague at the Hospital, described John as someone noted for his integrity, for his ability with words, and for his humanity, all essential virtues for those concerned with patient care. John became Chairman of the Hospital Board and Chairman of the Australian Rheumatic Association. He retired in 1991 and became a Consultant Emeritus at R.P.A.H. His sons, Greg, Philip and Tim attested to John’s integrity, sense of humour, his reluctance to be judgmental, and his respect for others. Fortunately for them, he was a reluctant disciplinarian. In a long and loving marriage, his wife, Elisabeth, said that there was never a day passed without at least one laugh. John leaves his wife, Elisabeth, his

Obituaries sister Joan, his children Philip (74), Timothy (77), Greg (82) and Jenny, and six grandchildren. James Reginald Collins Oxley (61) 1944 - 2017

James, late of West Ryde, attended Barker as a boarder from 1953 to 1961, as did his late younger brother John (67). James was a member of the Athletics team and the Rugby seconds. Upon leaving school he went ‘jackarooing’ for a year on a cattle property in Walgett. On his return James studied accountancy while working for John Fairfax & Sons. He later joined the audit department in the Australian Taxation Office where he remained for 20 years. James had many hobbies and achievements. He played golf and was a member of Pennant Hills Golf Club for a number of years. He twice had a ‘hole-in-one’. James enjoyed running and completed the City to Surf on many occasions. James enjoyed Bushwalking immensely and joined the Sydney Bushwalkers and later The Catholic Bushwalker Association. James was also involved with Bushwalkers of NSW Search and Rescue Association and lobbied the State Government on their behalf, receiving funds to enable the Association to purchase high frequency radio equipment for search and rescue. James was a member of The Sydney Philharmonia Choir and sang The Messiah at the Sydney Opera House for many years. James also sang in The Kur-ring-gai Male choir and St

Kevin’s, Eastwood, Gregorian choir. In 2013 James performed in the choir at the Barker Headmaster’s Town Hall Concert. James had three trips to New Zealand of which one was walking the Copeland Track. James also travelled to Turkey, Damascus, Syria, Armenia, Jerusalem, Palestine, Jordon, Morocco and Italy. James went on pilgrimages to England and Scotland. In 2000 he walked The French Way of St James to Santiago de Compostela. Although James converted to Catholicism he saw the good in all spiritual paths. He was able to reconcile his Catholic faith with his Hindu spirituality and he admired the Sufi poets and the teachings of Buddha. He was widely read and deeply practised. His understandings brought him peace and comfort in life and he did not fear death. James passed away peacefully on 23 November 2017 and is sadly missed by his sister Judith and her husband John, his two nieces and their husbands, and three nephews and seven admiring grandnieces and nephews. Kevin John Thomas (52) 1935 - 2018

Kevin attended Barker from 1946 to 1952. Originally a day boy, Kevin boarded in his senior years, after his Father’s work as a Bank Manager resulted in a series of postings around country NSW. Kevin loved Barker from the moment he entered the school gates and participated fully in the life of the School. He enjoyed Choir, Cadets

and opening the batting for the 2nd XI Cricket Team. Like many of his generation, Kevin considered himself a Leslie man, a Headmaster who inspired Kevin and left an indelible impression on him. After leaving Barker Kevin commenced his career as a Chartered Accountant in Newcastle. Firstly working for ERM Sheedy and Sons and then Price Waterhouse before moving to Sydney to work for Allan Nicholls and Co. Kevin then began his own practice which was variously based out of offices in Eastwood, Epping and Thornleigh and was run successfully until his retirement. In the mid-1970s, Kevin was elected Secretary of the OBU-OBA, a position he held until he was elected to Council in 1990 as an OBA Representative. As a member of Council, Kevin took on the role of Honorary Treasurer, which later became the Chair of the Finance Committee. Under his leadership, the School’s financial control and management evolved and developed into a highly competent executive financial team structure that helped set the groundwork for the Schools future growth. Barker’s strong financial position upon Kevin’s retirement from Council in mid-2006 was a testament to his work as Chair. Kevin was a most avid supporter of Barker and all the experiences it offered. He would regularly watch Rugby matches and Cadet Unit Ceremonial Parades. He attended countless reunions and community functions and would make an effort to attend major musical events such as Symphony Under the Stars. In more recent years, Kevin was an active member of the OBA Seniors, regularly attending luncheons, Back to Barker days and day trips to The Grange. Kevin’s commitment to the School and the OBA was formally recognised in 2009 when he was elected an OBA Life Patron. Outside of Barker, Kevin gave both his time and expertise as an Winter 2018 • Issue 233 • The Old Barker • 59


accountant to the Anglican Diocese of Sydney Finance and Loans Board and was also a committed member of the congregation at St Swithuns Pymble where he also had many friends. Kevin is survived by his three sons Matthew, Andrew and David and five grandchildren Sam, Millie, George, Hana and Lily all of whom have, are currently or will attend the School. The School extends its deepest sympathies and prayers to the Thomas family. Kevin’s cheery persona and love for all things Barker will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Barry Lynton Hurt (Staff 1958 - 1990) 1935 – 2018

of around 14 years Mr Hurt was also Sportsmaster, organising inter-school fixtures in all sports. His coaching roles included the first XV from 1960 to 1966, as well as the School swimming and athletics teams. He also prepared and ran the swimming and athletics carnivals right through to his retirement. Barry Hurt served Barker faithfully and loyally for 33 years and will long be remembered by his colleagues and all the students he taught. Following his retirement from Barker, Barry continued to be a successful swimming coach at the Forbes Carlyle Swimming Pool, Killarney Heights. He and his wife Dawn also enjoyed travel and family holidays. Barry passed away on 14 May 2018. He is survived by his wife Dawn, sons Adam (78) and David (83) and grandchildren Lynton, Letarcia, Mikaela, Alice and Emily. Keith Beaufoy Potten (Staff 1983-1993) 1928 – 2018

Barry Hurt, late of Elanora Heights, was born in Randwick on 20th August, 1935. He attended Randwick Boys High School and later gained his teaching degree at Sydney Teachers College. He was a member of Bronte Surf Life Saving Club, Lane Cove Sailing Club and North Sydney Leagues Swimming Club. Barry came to Barker as a young man in 1958 following two years of teaching at Sydney Technical High, Lithgow High and the Department of Education Special Swimming Scheme. At the time he was the only physical education instructor, and remained so for nearly twenty years. For a period

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Keith ended his teaching career as a Teacher of English and Dean of the Senior School at Barker College from 1983 to 1993. He was also the coordinator of the extension education section of the secondary school and a special projects officer addressing issues such as the pastoral care structure of the school, resource provisions and programming. Keith coached Rugby and Cricket, coaching the 1st XI for five years with considerable success. He also assisted with drama and with debating. He was very well respected by his colleagues as well as students and was admired for his personal qualities including his courtesy and integrity. Following his retirement from Barker, Keith taught at a teacher training college in Papua New Guinea. Keith’s final years entailed active pursuit of a range of interests, including directing and acting in amateur theatre and significant involvement at the Art Gallery of NSW as a volunteer guide. Keith passed away on 19 March 2018. He is survived by his son Nick and daughter-in-law Liz (Parker 92) and their three children, and the family of Keith’s stepson Andrew Hudson (95).

Keith Potten, late of The Grange, Waitara, was born in Saidpur, India on 19 July 1928, and spent his early years in Maidstone, Kent. After the cessation of World War II, Keith completed National Service in Egypt with the RAF before returning to read history at Oxford. Keith had a wide-ranging career as an educator, including two headships in the United Kingdom.

OBA Annual Golf Day 2018 All Welcome

Friends | Colleagues | Clients Tuesday 21 August at 11.00 am Pennant Hills Golf Club Green Fees & Canapés (non PHGC Members): $95.00 pp Green Fees & Canapés (PHGC Members): $30.00 pp Cart Hire to be booked through PHGC (8860 5860) RSVP: Friday 10 August

To book, visit and click on the Payment option to book this OBA event. Queries: Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229 or

OBA Annual Dinner Guest Speaker: Penny Tooker (McNamee 2000) Penny is a Green-room award winning performer and Logie-nominated actress. Her 15 years experience in film, television and musical theatre has seen her tread the boards in Sydney, Melbourne, LA and New York. But home is where the heart is, and Penny now resides in Summer Bay by day, and Sydney by night... with her Barker boyfriendturned-husband Matt Tooker (00) and their son Jack. “I’m honoured to be the guest speaker at this year’s annual OBA dinner. Persuing a career as an actor is not an easy or conventional choice and I credit my teachers and my theatrical experiences at Barker for providing me with the skills and confidence to embark on this career. I look forward to sharing the highs, the lows and the lessons I have learned in this crazy industry called show-biz!” Friday 2 November 2018, 7pm Junior School Multi Purpose Hall

Cost $65.00pp, $585.00 for a table of 10 RSVP 24 October 2018

To book, visit and click on the Payment option to book this OBA event. Queries: Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229 or

OBA Annual General Meeting 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.


Apologies Confirmation of Minutes of the 109th Annual General Meeting of the Old Barker Association Inc. held on 25 July 2017. President’s Report Honorary Treasurer’s Report Report by the Head of Barker College, Mr Phillip Heath. To receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Report for the financial year ended 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2017, together with the Balance Sheet at that date. To receive and consider the Annual Statement to be lodged with the Department of Fair Trading for the year to 30 June 2018.

Notice is hereby given that the 110th Annual General Meeting of the Old Barker Association Inc. will be held in the Marks Pavilion, Barker College, Hornsby on Tuesday 24 July 2018 at 6:30pm 8.

Appointment of Patron(s), and election of Office Bearers and Committee Members comprising: President, Vice President/s, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary/Public Officer, Assistant Honorary Secretary, eight (8) ordinary members. Refer note below. 9. Appointment of Representative to the School Council –Mr Michael Brodie has been nominated for a three (3) year term. Refer note below. 10. Appointment of Honorary Auditor. 11. Other Business permitted to be raised pursuant to clause 31(2) of the Constitution.

By Order of the Committee, Matthew Ross-Smith, Honorary Secretary Note: In accordance with the requirement of Clause 29(2) of the Constitution any further nominations are hereby called and shall be in writing, signed by a Member of the Association, endorsed by the candidate and lodged with the Honorary Secretary at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting in compliance with Clause 29(3). Any nominee must be a financial member of the OBA.

Alumni Events 2018 Class Reunions 2013 – 5 Year Reunion Sat 11 Aug Sam Westley 0449 638 180 1963 – 55 Year Reunion Fri 7 Sept Brian Lang (02) 9487 1221 (h) Ian Pont 02 9489 3938 (h)

1988 – 30 Year Reunion Sat 17 Nov Nicholas Bedggood 0410 565 101

OBA Committee Meeting Tues 18 Sep Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229

1998 – 20 Year Reunion Sat 17 Nov Alex Satchcroft 0439 858 647

OBA Annual Dinner Fri 2 Nov Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229

Heath Kinder

OBA Seniors Events

Gavin Ward

Geoff Tebbutt 02 9498 2800 (h)

Matt Clarke Simon Ward

1958 – 60 Year Reunion Fri 19 Oct Ted Gaden (02) 6554 8939

2008 – 10 Year Reunion Sat 17 Nov Veronica Powys 0424 651 772

Bill Manning 0412 526 777

1973 – 45 Year Reunion Sat 24 Nov Brett Guthrie (02) 6492 7252

Denver Webb (02) 6558 1490 1993 – 25 Year Reunion Sat 20 Oct Tim James

1953 – 65 Year Reunion Fri 30 Nov Jim Whitehead 02 9416 7162

Peter Tebbutt Dan Hearne

Rob North 02 6882 5107

1968 – 50 Year Reunion Fri 16 Nov Rob Aitken 0438 205 169

OBA Events

Ian Darling 0417 304 014 1978 – 40 Year Reunion Sat 17 Nov Peter Kalaf Stephanie Smith Mary Terrett (O’Farrell) Grahame Fear Paul Taylor

91 Pacific Highway Hornsby NSW 2077 Australia

OBA Committee Meeting & AGM Tues 24 July Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229 OBA Golf Day Tues 21 Aug Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229

t +61 2 8438 7999 f +61 2 8438 7609 w

AGM, Luncheon & Rugby v Knox Sat 11 Aug Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229

Privacy Due to changes in Privacy Legislation we are required to inform you that your contact details may be shared with OBA reunion organisers with the strict guidelines that they are only to be used for the purposes of organising your OBA reunion. Please contact the Alumni Office if you wish to keep your details private. Photos

Barker Community Regional Events Hunter Valley Sun 16 Sept Mandy Loomes (02) 8438 7229 Sunshine Coast Sun 28 Oct Peter Maidens (54) 07 5478 6206 Brian Allen (53) 07 6499 9985 Canberra Fri 23 Nov Andrew McColl (74) 0422 985 281 Regional events provide a great opportunity to connect with members of the Barker community in your area. Please send your contact details to if you are living in a different location to your Barker mailing address, so we can invite you too!

Photos from your event may be posted on the OBA Website (www. and the Alumni Facebook page ( barkercollegealumni) and in The Barker magazine. For further queries please contact the Alumni Office.

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