Summer 2015 Issue 109 ISSN: 2204-938X
INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Regulars 08 Prep School
Barker’s Contemporary Musicians
10 Junior School 12 Middle and Senior School 24 Drama 34 Sport 41 The Old Barker The Features 06 Archives Building Barker College 12 Steam Festival 2015 A run down of the inaugural STEAM festival 20 Barker’s Contemporary Musicians We catch up with some of Barker’s rock and roll alumni
Steam Festival
Issue 109 Summer 2015 The Barker is the quarterly magazine of Barker College Editor-in-Chief Mr Phillip Heath Editor Jonathan Mifsud Sub-Editor Stephanie Oley
Assistant Coordinators Mandy Loomes Karina Drummond Print Production Ian Lindsay 0419 693 308 Art Direction Yolanda Koning 0404 811 136
Visual Arts
raeden, Charlie and Jacob, three wonderful boys from Year 2, were invited to visit the Year 11 Assembly to tell their story. It was a long walk from the Prep School up Chapel Drive. I know they were excitedly nervous about what was about to happen. They joined me on the stage before anyone else arrived. The little boys sat watching all the big students entering the Hall. One of them commented to me, “There are a lot of them”, as the Hall slowly filled. The older students started to notice they had special guests at their assembly and I was touched to see them craning their necks to see their fellow students. I interviewed each of the boys about their special story. Braeden explained how he initiated a project to assist the children of Vanuatu who had been impacted by Cyclone Pam earlier this year. We described this story in the last edition of The Barker, but the older students were not aware of how a Year 2 boy had inspired others. Mr Phillip Heath Charlie and Jacob told how they had sought the support Head of Barker College of the Head of Prep, Ms Dickson, to organise a fundraising appeal for the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation by selling cupcakes, healthy muffins and biscuits on the Of course, the management experts tell us that a Vision is a Father’s Day morning celebration. With a little help from “compelling word picture of a future desired state”. Leadership their families, the table was laden with good things to eat usually occurs in the small moments that make up the life of and they raised over $620. They presented the funds to the a school – such as cupcakes and healthy muffins at a Father’s Children’s Hospital, where it will be used to create a special Day Stall to support the wellbeing of strangers. garden for patients and their families to assist with their The School Council and senior staff have been working recovery from long-term illness and treatment. closely to establish plans to help us reach our goal and to Every Year 11 student who heard the story was moved do it in a manner that builds up a resilient and hopeful by the passionate commitment of their little friends. At the community. There are plans to establish a campus of Barker end of the assembly, the boys were invited to leave first and College for Aboriginal children on the Central Coast; there the whole building shook with the sounds of encouraging are plans to expand our ICT usage; and there are exciting praise from the young women and men of Year 11. It was plans to renew the physical structure of the School so that very moving. it is fit for a 21st century purpose without diminishing the The Old Testament relates Samuel’s advice to the familiar beauty of the things we cherish from our heritage. people of Israel as they searched for a king: “People look at The pages that follow do more than chronicle the events the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” in the life of the School these past months. They tell the story (1 Samuel 16:7). We live in a world where strong visual of a school seeking to look beyond the outward appearance impressions and outward appearance tells most of the story. and to see the heart. We seek to be worthy of the Honor Non However, leadership, truly inspirational leadership, can come Honores in our 125th anniversary year; and we seek to look in all sizes and at all ages. Three seven-year-old students beyond the Mint Gates to inspire global hope. from the Barker College Prep School looked beyond their own Peace worlds to reach out with compassion into the lives of others, even if they were far away and would never be known. Phillip Heath The School has set a Vision for the future: “To be a leader Head of Barker College in Christian education that is characterised by a global vision that inspires hope”. It’s a bold objective for which to strive.
Chairman’s Thank you for your support of Barker College throughout 2015. Ian Miller Chairman
ur 125th year has been a very busy one as we implement our strategic plan throughout many areas of our School, led by the Head of Barker College and the School Council and with the support of all our staff. We have also celebrated the 40th anniversary of coeducation at Barker College and recognise the tremendous value and change which has been brought to Barker College through this significant step. As a final part of this celebration, we have now finished constructing the new Rosewood facility, which will support girls’ sport at Barker in particular. In recognition of Mrs Sue Field’s commitment to integrating girls’ education into all aspects of life at Barker College Senior School, we have named the new viewing room in this facility in her honour. I express my thanks to all who have donated towards this facility. While celebrating this anniversary, we are continually looking for further avenues to encourage the participation of girls in all aspects of the life of the School, both in academic pursuits and in co-curricular activities. The School Council has also decided to commence a Pre-Kindergarten class in 2016, as a prelude to Kindergarten. We anticipate an enrolment of up to 18 students in this new facility. In addition, our Kindergarten will double in size in 2016 as we expand to two classes. In 2015, we commenced an additional Year 5 class and this should continue in 2016. With these changes, our total enrolment at Barker College will be close to 2,020 students in 2016. The School Council has approved the appointment of Mr Matt Macoustra as Deputy Head – Operations commencing Term 3, 2015 given Mrs Field’s new role of Deputy Head – Strategic Planning and her significant work in implementing our strategic plan throughout the life of the School.
As part of the strategic plan, the School Council has approved the Indigenous Education program on the Central Coast and this should commence in 2016. The School Council has moved ahead with this Indigenous Education program, based on the tremendous support we have received from the Barker College Community, and the donations that have been given and promised for this activity. It is our intention that this program receives ongoing support from additional donations to the School, rather than by drawing on the existing fee income. At this stage, the promised level of donations is sufficient for the first two years of the program, and we are seeking further donations to expand this program and to provide for its long-term support. Donations may be made to a tax-deductible fund operated by Barker College Foundation Ltd. You can find details on how to donate to this project through the Barker College website. The School Council has also been looking at the change in curriculum demands for the next few years and the facilities required to meet these requirements. We anticipate that the first major projects would be a new gymnasium, basketball courts, classrooms and car parking. Further details will be provided and the School Council will be looking for your support for these major projects. Throughout the pages of The Barker, you will find further examples of the vibrant life at Barker College. The School Council extends its congratulations to our athletes for their outstanding success at the recent ISA and CAS athletics events. I look forward to seeing each of you at the end of year celebrations, which will conclude a whirlwind 2015, from which the Head and staff will be looking towards the excitement of 2016. I again express my thanks to all our students, staff and parents for your outstanding contribution in 2015.
Ian Miller Chairman
—Honouring the Reverend Henry Plume as we celebrate 125 years of faith-inspired education.
he Christian character of the School has been a constant feature of the last 125 years. During the last 18 months, students, staff and parents have been writing a script to ensure we continue to move forward in this core area. Our new vision statement is somewhat audacious: ‘To be a leader in Christian education.’
How to deliver on that? Our game plan comprises four steps: One: When it comes to the Christian faith, we expect that all students and staff will be on board somewhere. Let’s draw a line, a spectrum, from 0 to 10. None of us knows all there is to know about Christianity, so scoring a 10 is unlikely. No one should be able to say, ‘I’ve fully arrived.’ On the other hand, nor should anyone be able to say, ‘The Christian faith has got nothing to teach me.’ No-one should be at 0. Everyone should be able to put themselves somewhere on the broad spectrum.
Four: For those who want to take the Christian faith further, we offer voluntary Christian groups. We have Cru and a team of youth workers to support students keen to meet with others for fellowship and encouragement in living out their Christian faith at school. These groups help interested students explore the Bible in more depth, pray, enjoy fellowship, start projects and exercise leadership. We want to continue that voluntary program, and we also want to expand such opportunities for staff and parents. In this way Barker College is seeking to be a ‘leader in Christian education’ and ‘an inclusive and welcoming Anglican school community in which the rich resources of the Christian faith are thoughtfully brought to bear upon all that we do.’ (Inspiring Global Hope 2015-2020)
Jeff Ware School Chaplain
Two: We should not be surprised if some aspect of Christianity is alluded to in any context. We don’t want to over-do this. When students are in their maths class, they are there to be learning maths. We’re a school, not a church or youth group. But we are a ‘church school’ that is seeking to be ‘a leader in Christian education’. We feel that we will best achieve this if the Christian faith is present here, there and everywhere, usually in the background, rarely in the foreground, but nonetheless always in the frame. It shouldn’t be a shock or a surprise to anyone if, from time to time, in a low-key and natural manner, some aspect of the Christian faith is referenced to add depth, value and significance in any school activity.
Three: By taking a broad view of the classic Christian concept of grace, we aim to make it accessible to everyone and put it at the heart of all we do. Grace is the idea that so many of the things that we enjoy are unearned and undeserved. Some of us will trace these enjoyments all the way back to God, locating there the ultimate source of all that’s good, and singing of the amazing grace we’ve found in Jesus. Others won’t be able to do that. However, they’ll still be able to count their blessings and be thankful, and recognise that those to whom much is given, much will be hoped and expected.
Through valuing coaching and mentoring approaches in school improvement we can embed these into
• Tracking individual students’ progress over time; • Improving the quality of teaching
performance and school development
in each class across the school to
policies. This signals that performance
align with the school’s vision for
development plans are clearly linked to mentoring and coaching and these contribute to school improvement. A shared understanding of school priorities, pursued primarily in extending the learning capabilities and performance of students, should form the basis of a coaching and mentoring
improvement; • Determining individual students’ achievements and progress; • Understanding where the school stands in regards to planned improvements; • Providing a basis for an ongoing mentoring and coaching dialogue
dialogue. Naturally, this approach
between the leadership team,
to school improvement requires an
teacher mentors and teachers.
environment of trust and a culture of
Gaining consistency of approaches
ongoing or continuous learning and
to teaching and learning across
risk-taking by the school leadership
the school requires a whole-
and staff. Dialogue in this context should
school approach. Our Teaching for Understanding framework has
centre on open-ended questions that
required planning at a whole-school
can guide the conversation. These
level and teaching unit-planning at
questions should ask the teacher to
the classroom level. Such an approach
undertake some personal reflection
has provided teachers a structured
and can be shaped by the following
model, aligning their own approaches
reflections: What do you feel your
to teaching and learning with Barker’s
he increasing
students learn best? How do you
strategic objectives. Equally, aligning
professionalisation of
know? Have you considered how
coaching and mentoring conversations with the collection of evidence for
teaching in Australia has
students may improve their learning?
opened opportunities for
On what might you base these learning
meeting the Australian Professional
professional conversations
decisions? What professional learning
Standards for Teachers enables
that focus on building the
do you think you might require?
proficiency and expertise of
In the coaching and mentoring
teachers to undertake school-based professional learning in ways that
cycle, there is an expectation among
allow them to meet ongoing teacher
examples are Great Teaching Inspired
teachers that they practise a culture
registration requirements.
Learning blueprint in NSW (see http://
of continuous improvement and
risk-taking. This is based on the
conversations and active coaching in classroom practice that aligns with
teachers. Three important
The convergence of professional
teaching-inspired-learning/), and the
coaching conversations, planning and
Australian Institute for Teaching and
implementing strategies, classroom
high level strategic objectives provides
School Leadership (AITSL) and the
observations and constructive
a rich context for improved practice
feedback that all aim directly to make
and potentially increased student
a difference to classroom practices
that complement school development
teachers) nationally. Here, teachers
and enhancement priorities.
take an active part in achieving a
By using data to inform the
school’s strategic vision, teaching and
achievements and future direction of
learning priorities and assessment;
coaching and mentoring conversations,
these frameworks also empower
we can contribute to a shared
them to make well-founded decisions
understanding of the outcomes to be
regarding how students learn and how
achieved by the implementation of
they are able to demonstrate their
specific strategies. The purposes for
using school-based data may include:
Dr Greg Cunningham Director of Teaching and Learning Dr Brad Merrick Director of Research in Learning and the Barker Institute
National Professional Standards for Teachers (see
Building THE BARKER | SUMMER 2015
The School’s built environment can shape and influence the way students learn and engage with individuals around them. Over the past 125 years, the Barker landscape has undergone many changes.
— Top Barker College buildings and grounds from the air, 1931 — Above Aerial view of Barker College, 2004.
as the School prepares to launch its new Master Plan, we take a look at how our surroundings have been transformed over the years. When Henry Plume first moved Barker College to Hornsby in 1896, the School consisted of a school-cum-dining room adjacent to a residence (now known as Stokesleigh). Henry and Eleanor Plume shared this residence with the School’s boarders. As enrolments increased, extra land and neighbouring cottages were purchased, accommodation was rented and a hospital and house were constructed. When William Carter acquired Barker in 1905, 50 boys were enrolled. Within five years, however, enrolments had doubled, requiring extra facilities for both teaching and boarding. Weatherboard cottages were constructed in a haphazard manner across the School grounds as finances would allow. Under the leadership of the newly formed School Council in 1919, a program of expansion began. The weatherboard cottages were demolished and replaced with permanent facilities, including Carter House (1920), Classroom BlockAdministration Building (1925) and Plume House (1929).
With the arrival of girls and the commencement of the Senior School in 1975, the School decided on separate facilities for Fifth and Sixth Form. So in 1976, the Senior School buildings were opened, with five classrooms, a Resource Centre, four Science laboratories, staff offices and a student common room. Although not exclusively for Senior School students, the School’s Gymnasium was also part of this project. During the 1970s and 1980s, the School continued to expand by purchasing neighbouring properties. It was this foresight that provided the space for the School to construct specialist spaces for the teaching of the Arts with the McCaskill Music Centre (1987) and The Centenary Design Centre (1991). The Clarke Road Tennis Courts (1989 and 2008) and the Barker College Preparatory School (2011) were also constructed on land purchased during this time. As the School approached its centenary at Hornsby in 1996, it sought to redevelop the Middle School. With the opening of the Barker Foundation Aquatic Centre in 1994, the School’s original swimming pool was decommissioned and a new eight-room classroom block for Middle School students was constructed on the site.
College The new millennium brought with it the need for further expansion as Year 10 was inducted into the Senior School. This resulted in the sale of the staff flats at 156 Pacific Highway, and the construction of The Barker Foundation Science Centre (2000) and the Secondary School Library (2002). These buildings provided spaces that were well suited to teaching and learning in the 21st century. More recently, the opening of The RE Kefford Building in 2010 ensures well-resourced spaces are available for the teaching of Christian Studies, English and Drama. The building also provides specialist facilities for the Learning Support Department. Further, the refurbishment of the Junior School in 2009-2013, designed with flexible spaces and designated areas for specialist subjects, allows students to undertake rich and varied learning experiences. Over the years, Barker’s physical landscape has certainly altered. From the original six acres (2.4 hectares) on Peats Ferry Road, Barker now spans 20 hectares with numerous buildings, ovals and recreational spaces. As we move into the future, new buildings, reconfigured classrooms and creative reuse of space will ensure that the teaching and learning of Barker students, in the classroom and beyond, is suited to the 21st century and capable of producing individuals who inspire global hope. Morwenna Pearce Manager of Archives
The Old Boys’ Union and Barker mothers undertook their first major fundraising campaigns to provide the School with its main oval (1924) and the Grandstand (1925), both of which served as memorials to old boys who died in World War One. The Great Depression in the early 1930s ceased all construction. With the arrival of William Leslie as Head in 1933, student enrolments once again increased and another phase of expansion began. The School’s premier historical account describes this stage as follows. “In 1934 the swimming pool was built. This was followed in quick succession by the erection of the present dining hall and kitchen (1935). The needs of the rapidly growing School were met by the building of the Assembly Hall and new classrooms (1938), a block of six flats for resident masters (1947), a three-storied wing for the Senior School (West Wing-The Palace 1949), a cottage hospital (1951), a Junior School (1955) separately accommodating two hundred and thirty pupils, and the War Memorial Chapel (1957). The grounds were extended by purchase, and new oval and tennis courts were laid down…” (The College Barker, 1957, p 485). The opening of Leslie Hall in 1965 commemorated Barker’s 75th anniversary. The School’s original Assembly Hall was then repurposed and became the Sir Thomas Buckland Library. This was followed by the two-stage construction of C Block in 1967 and 1971.
— Right Darcy (Yr9) and Tobias (KR) reading.
Building and Relationships
or the past four years, Middle School seniors have assisted Prep boys as part of their servant leadership program. For one hour each week, six of the Middle School seniors work alongside the Prep School staff. The tasks undertaken vary each week and have included activities such as listening to individual boys read, providing technical assistance with iPads, participating in educational outdoor games, taking part in class discussions and playing games promoting literacy and numeracy skills. In addition to their weekly visits, these seniors have volunteered for further responsibilities. They have assisted and encouraged the Prep boys to run in the cross country carnival, compete in the mini-Olympic events at the athletics carnival and participate in the annual intensive swimming program. The seniors have also provided invaluable assistance on excursions to Taronga Park Zoo, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and the Australian Museum. In recognition of their dedication and commitment, the seniors were invited to a gathering of the Prep community in early November this year. The Middle School seniors’ servant leadership initiative began as a teacher-directed program of unknown duration. It is gratifying to note that it has become a permanent part of the Barker landscape that nurtures the relationship between the Prep boys and the Middle School seniors, and provides significant benefits for all participants.
— Images Above Watching the seals
Sarah Dickson Head of Early Learning
‘Nurturing meaningful relationships and experiences that enhance the sense of belonging’ Inspiring Global Hope 2015-2020
in the Junior School
O 10
f all the curriculum documents in primary school education, the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) syllabus would be the widest ranging and arguably the most demanding. The content of this syllabus has the potential to improve the ongoing quality of life for all individuals within the school community. The Junior School believes that pursuing a healthy and balanced lifestyle is the key to achieving and maintaining mental, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing. Informed individuals have a sense of control and are more likely to experience positive relationships within the framework of a healthy lifestyle. The PDHPE program offered to the students of the Junior School through the expertise, enthusiasm and dedication of Andy Cameron and Mathew Olijnyk encompasses a full and challenging range of experiences. All Junior School students, throughout each term, are regularly involved in robust, sequenced and varied physical education activities from Kindergarten to Year 6. These involve units of work in areas as diverse as aquatics, cross country, rugby, football,
tennis, cricket, athletics and gymnastics. Dance features strongly in this program and the Junior School boys have the opportunity throughout the year to perform their newly learnt skills. Our Prep students enjoy a regular gross motor program each week that focuses on the fundamental skills of throwing, catching, rolling and hitting, with the Hot Shots tennis program being particularly popular. An important aspect to the delivery of the PDHPE programs in the Junior School is the role of Information and Computer Technology (ICT). The teaching programs have been designed to cleverly integrate iPad technology in a real and meaningful way. This enables the Junior School students to locate, access, view and analyse a range of texts, graphics, sounds and images that enhance learning and understanding of important concepts introduced throughout each term. Personal Development and Health units are regularly delivered to the students throughout each term. Sequenced and age-appropriate units of work provoke much interest, curiosity and discussion, with focus topics as varied as safe and healthy living, making friends, and investigating how the human body grows and changes.
James Laukka Director of Curriculum
— Opposite The Prep boys enjoy the Hot Shots tennis program. — Images Above The aquatic program builds and enhances swimming skills. THE BARKER | SUMMER 2015
The PDHPE program delivered to the Junior School students aims to provide regular and wide-ranging experiences, providing the foundation for a lifelong commitment to valuing and leading a healthy, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. This Junior School program also includes the systemic and explicit teaching of personal and social skills, aiming to provide the grounding for resilience and the ability for individuals to independently manage their lives as they grow and mature.
ur robotics program is a shining example of what can be achieved by our students when given the opportunity to bring their creative thinking skills together with their computing and engineering skills. From 2015, we are moving to a new phase that will be bringing the Arts into STEM education – STEAM. It’s not about adding to the acronym, but instead adding to the relevancy of learning. It’s about helping students see how technical concepts relate to realworld learning situations and providing them with hands-on projects and problems that help them apply concepts to a new context. It’s about nurturing curiosity and helping students develop creativity, problem solving and critical thinking skills. This August saw the inaugural Barker STEAM Festival incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and
Mathematics. This year’s theme was a celebration of the International Year of Light with over 500 people from across the whole school community joining in with a range of engaging activities including astronomers on the field, light jousting, light painting, tinkering studios, Kaleidoscope Science shows and a keynote lecture from Professor Fred Watson, one of Australia’s most prominent astronomers and educators. Professor Watson entertained us with a walk through the solar system and inspired us with the possibilities of future discoveries and the frontiers of space research. During the fortnight of the STEAM Festival, students across the school participated in a range of prolonged active engagement activities. These included Science light shows, computing coding workshops with Spheros and the highlights of Maths Idol and the Paper Pilots.
Maths Idol is always a remarkable event where the students show their creativity in music with their love of all things mathematical. This year Mr Boland’s Year 12 Extension 2 Mathematics class blew us away with a rap tribute to his mathematical genius. The Paper Pilots team, Dylan Parker and James Norton, spent several days with Years 7, 8 and 9 Mathematics classes engaging them with the engineering feats of folding paper planes and inspiring them with their creativity, ingenuity, problem solving and gutsy commitment to pursuing a dream. We look forward to continuing to engage the whole school community in our STEAM initiatives. Our goal is to be effective in helping our students to be well equipped as persistent, innovative and adaptable life-long learners. Virginia Ellis Science Teacher and STEAM Coordinator
— Clockwise from far left The Light Festival was a very colourful evening; Kaleidoscope Science explaining how lasers work; it’s on for young and old at the tinkering studios; Telescopes set up on Taylor field trained on the heavens; students testing their paper planes.
— Above A busy trading period. — Below Ready for service.
s part of Barker’s Year 9 Commerce unit, Running a Business, we were required to set up a stall for Market Day. Market Day has been a great part of the unit and allowed us to delegate roles within our groups and experience running a business firsthand. This included coming up with a creative product, a suitable group name and finally selling it to our peers. I think everyone would agree that the day was stressful, organising and selling our products in such a competitive market. As the lunch bell went, hundreds of students crowded to get in line for the tasty treats. Everyone tried their hardest to make it a successful day, with all profits going to a good cause, Rainbow Room, a charitable organisation which aims to teach disabled kids how to swim. At the conclusion of lunch, after having food on sale for only 45 minutes, we made a combined profit of $2474.35! Market Day 2015 was very exciting, exhilarating and rewarding, with all our efforts leaving us with a feeling of satisfaction by the end of the day!
Rory Lewis Year 9 Commerce student
— Above Year 10 Debating team return home after a successful day at Sydney University Schools Debating tournament.
— Above Successful CAS Champions: Luke Glendenning, Viran Weerasekera, Seamus Dove (c), Noah Learoyd and Mr Andrew Hood. Absent: Mr Ed Miller (coach).
Another great Debating
ebating at Barker in 2015 has been incredibly successful with the 1sts taking out the CAS Cup in an undefeated CAS Season. Two members of the team, Seamus Dove (captain) and Viran Weerasekera, were part of the successful CAS 1sts team who defeated GPS and CHS in the representative season. Finally, our CAS teams won the CAS Debating Shield for the fourth year in a row, and the fifth time in six years, winning the most individual debates in the CAS season, with huge thanks to super coach, Ed Miller However, despite enjoying the success, even more important to our students are the skills and experiences they get out of debating.
Oliver Cummins “Debating is easily one of the most central parts of my Barker College experience. Each new season gives me something tangible to strive for. For some, that sense of purpose comes from sport, but for me I only get that from debating. It’s always the highlight of my week and something I pride myself upon.” Seamus Dove “Debating gave me confidence. I came into Year 7 as a meek student with a few brains and fewer friends, and while debating facilitated me meeting fellow debaters, it also gave me the confidence to approach new people, to speak more freely in class and to retain self-belief, even if I got a bad mark or had a rough week. Debating has done more for me at Barker than anything else, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.” Andrew Hood MIC Debating
Felicity Macourt “I love debating because you really learn how to think critically. We’re often surrounded by the issues we discuss in debating, usually because they’re in the media or we hear about them from family and friends. We might know about these issues on the surface, but it isn’t until we go to debating training and competitions that we fully evaluate them. It helps me to develop complex opinions about important issues, instead of opting for simplistic approaches. It’s played an integral role in my transition into Barker.”
Oscar Samios “Debating has taught me skills that I take into virtually every class. The critical thinking skills that it gives me really help when I’m thinking about something in class, and my persuasive writing has taken on a whole new level thanks to the logical arguments that we are taught so well in debating.”
Students as Teachers
he Year 9 students were invited to leave the classroom and lead a learning activity in the Prep School as part of a joint initiative of the English and Library departments. The Year 9 students left their regular Boys and Books library space to walk down Chapel Drive to the Prep School in a growing air of excitement. Within the Prep grounds, Middle School students read under the trees to the Prep boys and become teachers for a moment. It was a pleasure to see the Middle School students reminisce over past stories and engage with younger readers.
Carol Sawyer Teacher Librarian
Hong Kong 2015
arker has a long-standing relationship with Crossroads, a Hong Kong-based international aid
organisation founded by Barker old boy, Malcolm Begbie. The team worked tirelessly despite humidity
and high temperatures to achieve so much more
than Crossroads expected in such a short time. Crossroads is reorganising their onsite accommodation and our task was to
prepare a disused building for short-term accommodation. The team sanded and scraped, repainted ceilings and walls, removed old furniture and swept. We even had the privilege of packing a shipping container full of hospital equipment. Another
memorable experience was the poverty simulation, which required
us to make paper bags from old newspapers and sell them to shop owners to make rent and pay for food and water. Being confronted with the reality of poverty was an eye-opening experience for all the students. Hard work mixed with great fun and a few tourist days made for an excellent trip. Elisabeth Morbelli Youth worker/History teacher
endings and beginnings — Left Former boarders Bonnie and Joe Patrick with Mrs McLachlan — Below The boarding community toasts the achievements of the Year 12 boarders.
Term 4 is a time of mixed emotions for all boarders.
t is a time of reflection of the experiences had,
celebration of personal achievements and then a degree of stress as HSC examinations are
completed, HSC assessment tasks begin and yearly examinations commence.
For the Year 12 boarders, the Farewell Dinner at the
end of Term 3 denotes the beginning of the end of their boarding journey. It is a night of celebration where the
Term 4 is definitely a time of celebration and the 2015
boarding community comes together to share memories,
boarding captains, Molly Groat and Jacob McCorry, end
photos and stories of what has passed.
their time at Barker boarding with this comment: “Whether
Continuing the 2015 focus on boarding siblings, Bonnie and Joe Patrick were invited to present at the dinner. Bonnie, now a teacher, had asked her Kindergarten class what advice she should give the boarders. One said, “Be brave, don’t get upset if you make a mistake, and get a job.” Joe’s words of wisdom related to not everyone needing
in the classroom, on the sporting field or performing on stage, meet every challenge head on, take chances and risk what you can, even if something may seem impossible – Barker is flowing with opportunities that really leave nothing out of reach.” We will miss the leaving Year 12s, celebrate their achievements and wish them well as they commence their
you are passionate about.
new adventures.
The Year 12s were also asked to comment on their own journeys. Several girls cited the YOLO dorm in 2013, calorie Fridays, and the memory of buying a kilo of Minties. Many boarders valued getting to know so many new people from diverse backgrounds. Words of advice included: have fun; use prep wisely; be kind to everybody; get the little things right; and the HSC is only the start!
Jacqui McLachlan Head of Boarding
to go to university straight after school, but find a job that
he second Winter Sleepout was another
understanding of the vulnerability of life on the street
worthwhile experience for all. After arriving,
dawned. Sleep was hard to find for some. A 4.00am
the Year 10s scrounged for cardboard to
thunderstorm added to this understanding.
sleep on before chatting around the bin fire and waiting for the soup kitchen to open.
Bread and soup devoured, it was bed-building time, then
chatting and cards before sleep.
This joint initiative of the Christian Studies and Geography Departments aimed to develop empathy and provide a practical focus for funding and provision-raising by the Year 10s. Preceded by a Wayside Chapel speaker at
For many, despite the somewhat controlled area of the Middle School Undercroft, this was the time that an
Year 10 Chapel, the Winter Sleepers-out were sponsored by their classmates. Each class made its own decision about the recipient of the funds raised. “Nothing says ‘love’ like fresh undies, hotel soap bars and shampoo bottles,” declared Wayside’s Rev Graham Long. Students, parents and staff have been hoarding and Geography’s Colin Reid has been able to take in boxloads of these gratefully received and urgently required provisions. Year 10 Chapel offertory for the term also raised $500 to help Wayside’s ministry. With the dawning of the new, damp day, a basic breakfast was followed by clean-up and debrief. Both students and staff realised keenly that we were off to our warm dry houses and a hot shower. Somewhat dishevelled and falling asleep on the way home, one of the students was offered free travel. The experience was complete!
— Above Whiling away the hours at the Winter Sleepout.
Matthew Lloyd Head of Geography
arker Geographers, due to the organisational
greatness of Greg Bayne, have achieved marvelous results in the Australian Geography
Competition. Year 8 and Year 9 Geographers and many
Year 10s participated in the nation-wide competition (76,000 participants and 770 schools). They created a pleasant problem with too many High Distinctions to present at assemblies! From Barker’s 375 participants, there were 106 High Distinctions, 75 Distinctions and 75 Credits, proving one of the most well-rounded and successful years in our long
involvement with the competition.
Top place-getters were: Year 10 Senior – Isla Stevenson, Sean Zammit Intermediate – Thomas Nichols, Finn Van Herten Year 9
Year 8 Junior – Connor Cameron Intermediate – Daniel Abbot
Intermediate – Anish Meht (who also achieved the highest score for Barker)
Matthew Lloyd Head of Geography
— Below Barker first place-getters in the 2015 Australian Geography Competition (left to right): Daniel Abbot, Connor Cameron, Isla Stevenson and Sean Zammit (absent Anish Meht).
— Above Year 11s atop the dunes behind Dark Point.
Out and About
n important part of Geography is students
Year 10 – Woolloomooloo and Sydney Tower/Pitt St Mall.
getting out and experiencing the real world.
Time to investigate the huge variance in affluence in the
Fieldwork takes us to places where students
harbourside suburb. A walk through the suburb and along
might not otherwise go, in their own city
the Finger Wharf is complemented by a view across Sydney
and beyond. Below are some stories of the
from atop the tower.
sites we have visited this year.
Year 11 – Myall Coast. Two days here allow students to
Year 8 – Homebush Bay Wetlands and The Grange.
immerse themselves in coastal studies and fieldwork
Enjoying a day amongst the mangroves, students test water,
methodology. Boom-netting alongside playful dolphins,
catch and identify bugs to assess water quality, roll clay
learning of local Indigenous history and looking at the sea’s
doughnuts to check soil type, and more. At The Grange,
power over the built environment at Jimmy’s Beach all build
we learn about the human impact on the environment of
the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. The goat farm, Mt Piper Power Station and camping at Newnes are some other highlights.
Year 12 – Various. We explore three topics. (1) Ecosystems at Risk – shifting from Towra Point (the Shire) 2015 to Homebush Bay with the new HSC group, we delve into
Year 9 – Illawarra and Warragamba/St Mary’s Water
the area redeveloped before, during and after the Sydney
Recycling Plant. Their first foray is to the Illawarra, where
Olympics. (2) Urban Places – no longer home to CSR and
their catchment study takes them from the rainforest to
quarries, the revamped suburb of Pyrmont makes for an interesting day’s walking tour. (3) People and Economic
Bushranger Bay, sampling the recreational land use at
Activity – a day in the Hunter Valley, field sketching, visiting
Jamberoo Action Park and other activities allow the students
a bottling plant and an organic winery.
to appreciate the catchment area’s diverse uses. In Term 4, we tour Warragamba Dam and inspect water recycling at St Mary’s.
Next year takes us even further afield as a group heads out to Vietnam and Cambodia. Watch for further details! Matthew Lloyd Head of Geography
the sea. Walking near Minnamurra Falls, snorkeling at
Since 2007, Barker’s Director of Research in Learning and The Barker Institute’s Brad Merrick and Head of Music, Simon Smith have been following the musical development of several rock musicians at Barker. Using a mixture of video interviews, semistructured discussions and thematic analysis, key influences that impacted the interest and motivation of students has been explored and presented at The Australian Society for Music Education (ASME) national conferences in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015.
Jess Graham (08) – Wren
The 2015 paper tracked the lives of several successful alumni who have been actively involved in the professional music industry at a high level for many years. Here is what they have to say about living the dream...
Barker’s Contemporary Musicians When and why did you decide to follow this career path?
Elias Kwiet – I just started doing it and it didn’t stop.
In what way did your experiences at school influence your decision to follow a career in music?
EK – I got a lot of encouragement from the teachers. They would say, ‘You’re really good at this; you should keep on going’ and that was really motivating.
Jess Graham – Probably when I was about 6. I felt I was really good at something and could just do it and I loved it and that’s what propelled me into doing it.
JG – All my fond memories from school were in the music department, I would go there at lunchtimes and compose using GarageBand.
Otto Wicks Green – I always knew it was what I wanted to do, and I just do it out of passion and love.
OWG – I was really lucky to have a great guitar teacher, and he made me five times the guitar player I used to be before starting at Barker.
Sam Thomlinson – I pretty much knew it straight away and I focused all my school attention to music Tim Rogers – I didn’t really do anything else so I dedicated my life to playing music. There was enough passion and interest in that to satisfy myself.
ST – I think by watching other teachers play music and enjoy it so much, I felt like it was fun, but also rewarding and something I would love to do too. TR – I was a border at school so I had a lot of free time to just practice. I played in the first jazz quintet that was formed at school and it taught me how to run my band now.
Jacques Lategan (10), Arne Utiger (10), Elias Kwiet (10), Hugo Ludemann (10) and Alec Openshaw (08) – Binjuice
Alex Wilson (04), Otto Wicks Green (06), Tim Adderley and Jonathan Khor – Sleep Makes Waves Are you living the dream? EK – Yeah, definitely. I love it. JG – I’ve got to a point where I am supporting myself through music, and that has always been a dream for me.
Tim Rogers (01) – Jack Ladder and The Dreamfeeders Did you feel that your teachers supported you in your interest to follow a career in music? EK – I’m just really grateful that the teachers gave me the perspective to hear and listen to lots of different music in different ways, and to better understand what I was hearing.
OWG – The whole culture was awesome because the school values music education.
ST – They explained to me how the music I liked worked and why I liked it. As I grew to understand music more, it was like lightbulbs going off in my head. TR – Because of my interest in modern music, what I was doing wasn’t part of the old guard. But the teachers were good and supported me in playing whatever silly pop songs I liked at the time, and it was judged on its merit rather than comparatively.
TR – I play music and people come and see me play. I have a record deal in America and various publishing deals, so yes I am living the dream.
Simon Smith Director of Music
Isaac Chamberlain (06) Jarred Young (08) Cron Van Niekerk, Mark Webber and Sam Thomlinson (08) – Bad Pony
JG – Whenever I presented ideas I was never met with any criticisms; it was always positive and never ever judgemental. I was always encouraged to pursue my dreams and they did this with all the students.
Also, I was writing heavy metal stuff, which was a bit out of the box for a school like Barker, but I never felt marginalised by the teachers.
OWG – We’ve toured America and Europe, had ARIA nominations and made records we are really proud of. I’m living some kind of dream where I’m writing music and I’m recording it and I’m getting better, and that’s as good as it can get for me for now.
ST – Being a musician is the greatest thing I can imagine. All the best parts of my life go back to music, like touring and writing and recording, and I just love it.
Alumni Profile Have you had a favourite role? I can’t say I’ve had a favourite role! I loved them all equally. Don’t want to shoot myself in the foot and lose a gig!
Director of Alumni Relations, Mandy Loomes, speaks with Hugo Johnstone-Burt from the Class of 2005.
Do you have a favourite memory of School, and an influential teacher or mentor? I played rugby for the 2nd XV and basketball for the 1st’s and loved it. Drama was my favourite subject by far. My teacher, Damien Ryan, really instilled a passion for drama and acting and made me realise it was more than being a class clown. I can’t thank him enough.
What was your journey after graduating from Barker? When I finished at Barker I travelled around the world for eight months to countries including Peru, Bolivia, Spain and a few others, which was a real eyeopener. Then in 2007 I auditioned for NIDA and was lucky enough to get in.
Was studying at NIDA everything you thought it would be? The three-year acting course at NIDA was incredibly taxing and tough but I enjoyed it very much. I wouldn’t change my decision to study there for anything. It taught me a lot about acting, about myself, and opened many doors for me.
— Above Performing in the movie San Andreas.
Do you have a career highlight to date? My career highlight to date is being a part of the film San Andreas. It was six mind-blowing, nerve-wracking, and exciting months of shooting and something I will never forget.
Are you enjoying the LA lifestyle? LA is a lot different to Australia, but I’m loving American culture and the vibe. There is always something happening. Having said that, there is no place I would rather live than Australia. How important is social media, like Twitter and Instagram, to your career progress? Production companies are starting to look at how many Twitter and Instagram followers actors have when they are auditioning for roles. Having a lot of followers can sometimes be the factor that gets you the gig. So, social media is very important. Apart from acting, what makes you happy? How do you relax? Sport is what I do when I need to relax, especially basketball. Also, watching episodes of my favourite TV shows until my eyes bleed relaxes me! Do you get much spare time? There is a lot of free time when you’re not working on a production. So time management and hobbies are very important in the acting world. Do you have any words of wisdom for today’s Barker students? It sounds like a cliché, but do what you love and you’ll be successful no matter what it is. Even if it sounds and looks like a stupid decision at the time!
L—R Till The Boys Come Home, Caitlin Williams, Sophia Murray-Walker and Claudia Fallon; Banksy, Sophie Ellis and Nat Stannard; Enough Rope, Tash Spencer, Hannah Milligan and Seamus Dove.
A full-capacity Rhodes Theatre was a fitting way to farewell the outgoing Year 12 Drama students.
Filled with family, friends, staff and students, the
For Individual Performances:
atmosphere was warm and supportive, offering a great
Sami Novis
opportunity for the Year 12s to showcase their final
Caitlin Williams
HSC group performance. The class had been working
Seamus Dove
hard throughout the year and this was evident in the
Tash Spencer
performances delivered. From Oompa Loompas to a war
Sophia Murray-Walker
with emus and a touch of sadness from the realities of
Hannah Milligan
World War Two, the students presented a successful range of drama that delighted all. It was no surprise that nine OnSTAGE nominations from the HSC were selected. Congratulations to the following students:
A huge thanks must go to Isaac Peiris and Caitlin Williams for hosting the evening and being fantastic Drama captains for 2015. Finally, a huge congratulation to Pia Midgley and Lynda O’Brien, who have guided these students throughout the year with passion and dedication.
The Butler Liv McEwan, Duncan Stewart, Caitlin Plummer A Part Time Evil Seamus Dove, Hannah Milligan, Tash Spencer
Simon Thompson Drama Teacher
For Group Performance: The Invention Convention Matt Bennett, Sami Novis, Noah Steward, Eloise Jones
L—R The Butler, Caitlin Plummer and Duncan Stewart; The Invention Convention, Matt Bennett, Eloise Jones, Noah Steward and Sami Novis.
— Clockwise from left Visiting Standley Chasm; students on the yard; Paddle boarding as part of the harbour strand.
Choose your own
he Year 11 camp has evolved into an
Music Service is aimed at students who enjoy music,
array of strands, which really allows
with eight concerts in five days at various locations in
students to choose their own adventures.
Lithgow and Bathurst.
By Year 11, students have a greater understanding of what skills they would
like to pursue and hopefully end up with a qualification they can take beyond Barker. The strands include: Alpine, Central Australia, Harbour Research, Community Projects, Music Service, Learn to Sail, Tall Ships, Scuba Diving, Parkour, Cadets or Duke of Edinburgh. The Alpine strand is a mixture of downhill and cross
country skiing and a three-day, two-night snow camping expedition. Central Australia is a two-part experience where
Learn to Sail is a non-residential strand. Students learn to sail small dinghies at Pittwater. Students who choose Tall Ships spend four nights on the HMB Endeavour. They become part of the crew and after an initial briefing and training, sail the ship out of Sydney’s heads on a Monday, returning the following Friday. Students can also choose to gain the PADI Open Water Diver Certificate if they choose the Scuba strand. Initial pool sessions at School are followed by further training in open water and then some recreational shore and boat dives. Parkour is a French term meaning the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban
students immerse themselves in the life of Yipirinya School
environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and
in Alice Springs, then tour attractions further south such as
climbing. Students spend five days learning the history, skills
Kings Canyon, Uluru and Kata Tjuta among others.
and techniques, which are then filmed and a video made.
The Harbour strand is a marine research activity in Sydney’s Chowder Bay. Students count sea urchin stocks in various places and then analyse the data collected. The Sydney Institute of Marine Science has being conducting the study with Barker over many years. West of the Blue Mountains, the Community Projects strand has students planning and undertaking general maintenance and beautifying projects in a number of nursing homes.
Of course if students are already involved in Cadets or Duke of Edinburgh, then they will participate in those. Andrew Ashby Director of Outdoor Education
t the end of Term 3 and as a finale to Year
11, 21 students and two staff members
With fond memories of Yipirinya still fresh in our minds, we moved on to the adventure leg of the trip. Over the next
made the journey to Central Australia for
six days we camped out under the stars, had a camel ride
12 days, visiting Alice Springs, Uluru and
and visited a reptile park. We walked the 10km around the
everywhere in between. After an early start
on Sunday morning, we arrived full of excitement for the
base of Uluru and watched two sunsets and a sunrise over the magnificent site, but taking a helicopter ride over the
coming adventure after touching down. We cooled off after
top gave us a fresh perspective of its beauty. The half-day
our flight with a swim in Ellery Creek Big Hole – certainly
walk around Kata Tjuta was another highlight. The final
an oasis in the desert! The week started with an induction to Yipirinya School
days included some much-needed rest and relaxation in Alice Springs. Some purchased souvenirs or Indigenous
in Alice. The students were briefed on how things are
arts. Later, a well-earned meal at a local steakhouse
done at the school before heading to classrooms to assist
followed by a night in a hotel felt like serious luxury.
the teachers. Some students chose to spend the week
Barker Year 11 Central Australia Camp 2015
This was an incredible adventure; each student had
immersed in the classroom, getting to know the students.
an excellent time and really got to experience life in the
Others helped out around the school doing various jobs
middle of Australia.
such as cleaning, cooking and maintenance tasks. Barker students had an incredible and in some instances lifechanging experience. It was certainly hard for all to leave.
Scott Graham Agriculture Co-ordinator & Science Teacher
once again we had the pleasure of Chris
to produce a stable water filtration unit from food aid
accompanied by Andrew Smith, proprietor
of Armour Timber to assist in judging the work. The quality of work and range of projects was once again outstanding
and the use of large display screens allowed students to
dress and Kate Daine’s experimentation with folding shapes
Russell to open the Exhibition and he was
The experience of engaging in a range of processes for the development, realisation and testing of projects that meet genuine needs is a rigorous undertaking for students completing a project. As teachers we hope that they will
present a behind the scenes look at the processes they
take confidence and draw from this experience when faced
employed to produce their work. Some of these were quite
with new challenges in the future. Their ability to apply
unique. Nicholas Solomon – using a propane torch to heat
and manage these processes will empower those around
and remove the bubbles from the clear resin applied to
them to produce preferred futures. Congratulations to all
the surface of his Victorian Desk, Jake Fornasaro – testing
students who exhibited for the extraordinary work you have
a variable speed controller on his automated lane rope
produced and thank you to their teachers and support staff
retrieval system at the Aquatic Centre, William Robinson
for managing these students throughout the course year.
producing the support structure for his Malibu Board on the MultiCAM machine, and Matthew McAlery similar for the manufacture of gears for his clock. Liz West’s attention to
Darren Woodrow Head of Design & Technology
detail evident in the embellished waist band on her wedding All the pieces can be viewed on our website.
— Clockwise from top left Alistair Read discussing virtual wind tunnel testing using Flow Design; Jack Conwell discussing CAD and assemblies using Inventor; Team Zero: Joshua Lorschy, Alistair Read, Jack Conwell and Zac Savill; Zac Savill, Jack Conwell, Joshua Lorschy, Alistair Read and Oli Calloway.
F1 In-Schools
he F1 in Schools™ Technology Challenge is the world’s largest secondary school technology program. It involves over nine million students from 17,000 schools in 31 nations. Each year over 40,000 students participate in the F1-Schools program within Australia. Barker College has been a participant since the competition commenced in Australia in 2003. However, the journey is arduous and increasingly costly in time and money if teams want to be competitive. Not unlike real Formula One. Despite this, Barker has remained and stayed a strong contender in the competitions each year, demonstrating that the calibre of students here can compete effectively with the best from around Australia and abroad. Recently Barker hosted a Regional Final. Nine teams from Barker and eleven other teams from Frensham School, Northholm Grammar and Shore participated. They presented and were interviewed by ten judges on: engineering, manufacturing, verbal, folio and marketing. They also competed on race time and quick reaction times. In short, it was a demanding encounter, though an experience which they will remember for the importance of linking research to action, collaborating, managing and producing quality work in a competitive arena. Two teams from Barker were chosen from the nine to go through to the NSW State Final which was just held in Newcastle. There the Junior team Veloce Corsa came second in the
Junior Professional category and the Senior team Team Zero came first in the Senior Professional category, winning eight out of the 12 awards. Team Zero will now compete in the National Final in February 2016. Earlier this year Team Zero were invited by Brenton Wyatt, (Sr Manager - Japan, A/NZ, Korea Autodesk Education) to present and speak at the 2015 Australian University Autodesk - Conference. Brenton highlighted the value of promoting learning that is accessible to students both at school and home and that the best processes were those that enabled students to engage in a multi-disciplinary manner, to be creative, to collaborate and to be able to test, modify and produce appropriate solutions. The professional manner in which Team Zero presented to an audience of several hundred people was inspiring and encouraging. They covered file management, CAD Modelling, the use of software packages like Flow Design for aerodynamic testing and Showcase for the production of quality renders and promotional material. Team Zero delivered an outstanding overview on the use of tools and processes they use in the competition and provided Autodesk with an excellent promo at the same time. Darren Woodrow Head of Design & Technology
SEE NEXT PAGE FOR A TASTE OF WHAT WAS ON SHOW>>> and perseverance, noting in the words of artist Vincent Van Gogh that, “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Erica Eberl and Daniel Nicholas shared advice and experiences with the captivated audience of their own artmaking practice. The Viewer’s Choice prize was supported by Eckersley’s Art and Craft, and won by Vanessa Musumeci with $50 to spend at any Eckersley’s store. The Drawing Prize, supported by S&S, was won by Mark Tuchin. I hope these prizes will continue to help them build on their passion for the visual arts. Kate Elston Acting Head of Visual Arts
On Wednesday 19 August, the 2015 Barker College HSC Visual Arts Exhibition proudly opened its doors. Showcasing 38 talented students with over 320 individual artworks, the McCaskill Music Centre was jam-packed with delighted teachers, parents and students from all Years. The variety of work demonstrated proficient techniques and concepts, from intricate ink, pencil and acrylic paintwork to etching, sculptures created by hand and sculptures created with a 3D printer. There were also some ephemeral moments and assemblage creations. Head of Barker College, Mr Phillip Heath, congratulated the student’s great efforts
— Clockwise from top right Narabeen training camp; National champions and the No. 1 ranked cross country school; Victory at Moonee Valley race course.
World Stage
arker Cross Country has enjoyed a successful
the field. Coming into the final stretch, Kieren was still in
season in the CAS/GPS competition, which
contact with the top 10 and finished the race as the 10th
saw the team led by Taylor John claim the
fastest U18 runner in the country, an outstanding result.
Trinity Relay (with a new course record), the Neil Logan Shield and the Michael Spratt Cup
(shared with Trinity College). A team of seven runners also
finishing strong along the home stretch. The times run
travelled to Melbourne to compete for both Barker and NSW
by the boys were phenomenal, with Kieren running every
in the Australian Cross Country Championships.
kilometre in 3 minutes and 7 seconds (over 19km/h).
Taylor John and Kieren Tall qualified individually to
Lachie Cubbin, Jack Brown, Ben Playford, Mikey Nicholas and Hugh Hunt also built their races well, with all the boys
After a lengthy wait, the Barker team was announced
represent NSW in the U20 and U18 races respectively. Barker
as National Schools Champion. This is the first time that a
also qualified as the top NSW team to compete in the U18
Barker team has achieved such an outstanding result. The
School Sports Australia selection race. The team consisted of
boys will now travel to Budapest in April 2016 to compete in
Kieren Tall, Lachie Cubbin, Jack Brown, Ben Playford, Mikey
the World Cross Country Championships.
Nicholas and Hugh Hunt. The race started at a blistering pace, with Kieren looking comfortable in the top five. The pace set by the leaders was starting to take its toll on a number of competitors, with Barker slowly climbing through
Steve Deveney MIC Cross Country (Boys)
History Making
2015 was a very special winter season with some truly exceptional results. — Above Sophie Wehrmann — Right The 2015 Netball 1st Team.
or the first time in the School’s history, Barker
grand finals, they finished on a high, securing a premiership
secured the ISA Overall Champion School – a
in their last game for Barker. The future of netball also
mighty effort from the entire squad of netballers,
looks bright, with Barker teams taking out both divisions
as Barker received last-place points in the Junior
of the ISA Intermediate competition. On the back of the
division (Year 7 and 8). This is a credit to all the
successful Pymble Ladies College Invitational, this means
students, staff and coaches involved in the program. The excitement didn’t end there, and anyone who
was lucky enough to be in the stands for the Division 1
our netballers well and truly have a full trophy cabinet this year. The outstanding season continued into the representative
ISA Netball Grand Final would still get shivers about the
rounds, with Alicia Blackett, Sophie Wehrmann, Rachel
excitement of this truly grand final worthy match. Barker
Fear, Leigh Myers and Natalie Potent (coach) being selected
was the defending premier, but Oakhill headed into the
in the NSWCIS Netball Teams. These teams were extremely impressive at the NSW All Schools Championship, where
Coached by Natalie Potent and captained by Alicia Blackett,
they secured both the U15 and Open Titles. An outstanding
this team was focused and determined to secure a hat trick
achievement in this high level of competition.
of premierships – something that has again never occurred in the history of Barker Netball. The game was a nail-biter, going down to the last seconds with Barker defeating Oakhill by only a one-goal margin. It was also third time lucky for our Year 12 team. Having been defeated in the last two
Congratulations to all involved in the 2015 Netball season, which will definitely go down as one to remember. Alison Cox Director of Girls’ Sport
grand final having defeated Barker twice in the round games.
— This image Matt Wood crosses the line in Opens relay — Below Barker Girls Athletics Team.
Barker College triumphs
short, sharp season greeted students this year, with the goal being to retain the boys’ Andrew Reid CAS trophy and ISA trophy for a fourth year running – a feat the School had not accomplished since the 1990s. The season progressed well, with some impressive performances at invitational carnivals, a well attended camp, and many students achieving personal best performances. CAS and ISA week was then upon us, with the girls starting the ISA competition with some impressive performances. Rachel Fear broke the 15-years shot put record and also won the discus. She was helped by Brianna Phillips in the long jump and Claire Haigh in the 3000m, all gaining valuable points. The intermediate girls also proved they were up for the challenge, with Sami McCormack, Liv D’Lima and Abbey Hodge finishing in the top two in the 15 and 16 years 100m and 200m races. Abbey also won her hurdles race. The day finished with the intermediate and senior girls 4x100m teams winning their events, capping off what was a great carnival. It was then onto the final results, where the Barker College Senior Girls team were announced as winners for the seventh consecutive year. The intermediate team finished a very close second place. Well done to all the girls who competed. It was then onto the CAS competition, which proved to be a very tight contest between Barker College and Trinity Grammar throughout the night. Various students performed exceptionally well, with records tumbling. In the 14 years high jump, Lachlan Bofinger cleared a height of 1.91m, breaking the record that stood since 1998. Olympian Steve Solomon’s record in the 16 years 200m was also broken by Will Lloyd, who lit up the track with a blistering 22.00sec and then backed up to break the 16 years 110m hurdles
record. Taylor John also broke the Open 800m record, which had stood since 1999. Heading into the relays, Barker had a one-point lead and the pressure was well and truly on the teams to perform. The relay teams were confident that they could do well and didn’t disappoint, winning five of the six races and extending the lead to six points, thus retaining the Andrew Reid trophy for the fourth consecutive year. The crowd was electric throughout the night, and as captain Matthew Wood lifted the trophy in front of them, a deafening cheer was heard around the stadium, capping off a truly wonderful night. A special mention must go to Ben Nogajski, who competed in a total of nine events on the night and achieved five first placings, two seconds and two thirds. Morgan Little also competed in eight events with four firsts. I would like to thank the Year 12s, in particular the captains Matthew Wood, Alicia Blackett, Taylor John and Brianna Phillips, for their wonderful leadership throughout the season and their continued encouragement of all athletes throughout the season. Lee Batchler MIC Track and Field
ISA Winter
— Clockwise from top left 1st Hockey; 3rd Hockey – Joint Premiers; 3rd Girls Football; 1st Girls Tennis; 1st Girls Football.
t was another successful season for the Girls across
our ISA sports. Our ISA footballers once again
Our hockey players sent a strong message to the other ISA schools this year, with three teams securing a berth
dominated the 10-round season, resulting in four of
in the semi-finals. Agonisingly, our 1sts were knocked out
our five teams securing positions in the final stages of
following a 1-1 draw in the semi-final as the higher placed
the competition. The hockey girls had the best stats
team progresses to the final under these circumstances.
for the season, with all three teams placing in the finals
However, our 2nds finished runners-up and the mighty
series, while our 1st tennis girls also secured a finals berth.
3rds were crowned joint premiers!
Football has been our biggest growth sport in winter. Barker fielded an incredible five teams in this year’s
Let’s not forget the efforts of the 1st tennis girls. Following on from their success in the 10-round season,
competition and came away champions in the Open A and
the ladies made their way to the ISA tennis final. After a
Open C divisions. Every year, the staff marvel at the talent
hard-fought match, they came away runners-up to the boys
joining the football program and this year was no different.
at St Patricks College. Well done to all the girls who pulled on the Red and Blue
seen. Fittingly, 10 Barker girls were selected in the ISA
over winter. No matter what team or activity you were a
Representative Football team and one girl (Shasha Rodriguez,
part of, you have all contributed greatly to the Barker Sports
Year 11) in the NSWCIS team. Possibly the toughest opponent
program and we thank you for representing us with such
for the 1sts this season was Ravenswood in the CIS Knockout
Cup semi-final. The girls swiftly progressed through the early rounds with scores of up to 12-0 before Ravenswood responded with a whole new level of competition that we couldn’t match, despite a valiant effort.
Alison Cox Director of Girls’ Sport
The sheer depth of ability was greater than we have ever
— Clockwise from top BCCU Team disappointed but cheery; Theory revision before practical application; Detailed briefing before a night activity.
he Term 3 Bivouac at Glenworth Valley was
All aspects of the camp ran without incident, even the
an exciting experience for the whole Cadet
weather was teriffic.
Unit. The hours of preparation to create interesting training scenarios while solving the multitude of logistical puzzles necessary
of volunteers and competed in the CAS competition (which tests navigation, fieldcraft, observation, radio procedure,
to pack, transport, feed, equip and train over 300 people
first aid, plus initiative and teamwork). The competition is
were rewarded with many happy smiles and sighs of relief.
held in early Term 4, giving the teams time to train over
This was the first camp for the new Year 8s to really see
the holidays. They performed well against stiff competition,
what camping and cadet fieldwork is about.
Our Military Skills Team was selected from a number
The Year 10 and 11 ranks performed exceptionally well and managed the whole process with professionalism, the
but unfortunately were narrowly beaten by Waverley. The trophy was presented by Colonel Michael Miller, the Deputy National Commander of the AAC. One take-home
adults only assist and provide guidance where necessary,
is the competition gave us a chance to size up the
otherwise this gargantuan project is managed by the
competition and strategise for 2016.
student leaders. Throughout the camp there were plenty of positive comments from the Year 8s, with one being bold enough to say the food was “….much better than mum’s cooking”.
Major Terry Nye Director of Cadets / BCCU Commanding Officer
— Clockwise from right The clock tower, preserved by BCMA support; Mothers’ Memorial Pavilion, the start of the BCMA and fundraising; Mrs Fleming, Mrs Abbott and Mrs Mackenzie, pioneers of the BCMA.
90 Years of
s you wander through the grounds of
Since then there have been numerous projects
Barker College, you may have noticed
throughout the School that the BCMA has been associated
the occasional plaque mounted on a
with. During more recent times, the BCMA has had the
wall or on a seat. There’s a good chance
great pleasure to donate to the new Junior School Library,
that the plaque is there as a dedication
restoration of the Clock Tower, upgrade of the Rosewood
to the BCMA in recognition of our fundraising efforts over
Pavilion, toadstool furniture for Prep School, seating around
the decades. The BCMA has a strong and proud history
the Main Oval, musical instruments, choir risers, gym
that began 90 years ago, when a small group of mothers
equipment and much more.
banded together to raise funds to build the grandstand on
However, as important as the fundraising is, we must never lose sight of our main objective, which is to foster
The pavilion was dedicated on September 26, 1925 to the
friendships within our school community. I truly believe
memory of old boys who gave their lives in World War
this is one of our main strengths and makes our School
One. I have no doubt that these pioneering women of the
unique. The BCMA contributes in such a caring way, often
BCMA, Mrs Fleming (Treasurer), Mrs Abbott (Secretary) and
behind the scenes, and we are so grateful to everyone, past
Mrs Mackenzie (President), would be delighted to see the
and present for every contribution made through the BCMA
continuing contribution of the BCMA to Barker College since
to Barker College. We look forward to celebrating our 90th
its founding in March of 1926.
year in 2016. Jenelle Montgomerie BCMA President
the Main Oval, known as the Mothers’ Memorial Pavilion.
“The Foundation supports educational initiatives that usher in the future.”
he very best facilities and resources
a solitary experience. The growing number of software
for teaching and learning have been
applications will allow students to understand more deeply
made available through the generosity
how emerging technologies can stimulate thinking in
of successive generations of the Barker
conceptualisation and design tasks.
community: parents, past parents,
grandparents of students attending the School, and even friends of the School have encouraged and supported
Two zSpace labs, known as The Barker Foundation STEM zSpace Lab, have been established. One lab is located in the Senior School, and will be linked
the Foundation with their time, energy and money.
to Tim Milkins’ work within the STEM domain, which
The Foundation supports educational initiatives that
includes coding, robotics and other initiatives. It will also
usher in the future.
be deployed by academic faculties as desired.
The Foundation has now funded the purchase of zSpace,
The other lab is in the Junior School’s Enrichment
an important and exciting new initiative for STEAM (Science,
Centre, and will be known as the STEM-Enrichment Centre.
Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) at Barker College.
The zSpace technology will be particularly powerful for
The School’s progress in robotics has been impressive and
younger students in enhancing understanding of complex
caught the eye of others at an international level. We
and abstract ideas. With more than 50 Junior School
have developed a further range of initiatives including
students voluntarily participating in coding classes, the
Formula One designs, coding and zero robotics coding of the
application of zSpace into the Junior School will prove to
International Space Station. The recent Light Festival, which
be an invaluable asset.
was part of STEAM Week at Barker, was also impressive. zSpace is an interactive hardware and software platform that allows users to visualise, create and experience topics in a virtual reality environment, giving depth to the
It is exciting to consider Barker College as a lighthouse school for this initiative in Australia, which will contribute to the fulfilment of our mission and vision. If you would like to make a financial contribution
digital learning experience by improving the ways things
towards the purchase of zSpace through the Education
are studied, explored and designed. It allows an ultimate
Fund, please contact the Foundation at:
immersive learning experience where students interact with
objects and understand the concepts behind them. Unlike other virtual reality software and devices, zSpace enables student collaboration with the technology. It is designed to work for groups of students rather than as 40
David Charles Barker Foundation Chairman
Summer 2015 — Issue 223
Hill Matthew Hill (06) is working towards a Doctorate in Physics Education, and visited Barker recently to present a lecture on high-energy physics. Matthew was taught by Dean Bunn and Matthew Arnot, who himself was taught by Dean. So three generations of physics teachers came together on this day. Do you have a favourite School memory? I enjoyed the many extra-curricular activities, in particular music and the musicals, and also debating. The fact that it all happened within the one community, often with the same people and teachers, is a great memory. Did you love studying Science when you were at Barker? I remember receiving a very bad mark for science in Year 5, yet doing really well in the Westpac UNSW Science Competition, which was probably the start of enjoying science. I looked forward to Year 11 and 12 so I could focus on Physics, Chemistry and some difficult Maths, which I’ve enjoyed since leaving school. Which university did you attend? I’ve been studying for eight years at Sydney University. I also now teach physics and engineering at the University of Western Sydney. What inspired you to do research in Physics Education? Sydney University allows students to get involved in research from their first year. I did some amazing projects in astro-physics and optics in my undergraduate study. In my fourth honours
—Dean Bunn, Matthew Hill and Matthew Arnot.
year, I found a research project in physics education that gave me the perfect opportunity to think about why physics is so hard, a question I’d been thinking about for a while. Have you faced any hurdles along the way? With learning, you can encounter 10 amazing theories in a onehour lecture but in research you could spend 100 years and may never develop a theory. Research can be slow but gives you time to think deeply about one concept, which can be frustrating but is an important part of research. What else have you done since leaving Barker? I spent a year working for the Crusader Union, working on primary and high school Crusader camps. I became a qualified outdoor education instructor, which I loved. What advice do you have for today’s students? Firstly, in terms of university it’s important to study what you want to study. The other advice is to make sure you get some good sleep before final exams. If you spend all year studying, two more hours of study won’t help you much, but sleep will help you focus during the exam.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 43 OBA President 44 Community Events 47 Personal Notes 48 OBA Groups 51 Obituaries Old Barker Association Contacts Email: President Tony Gamson (78) 0458 564 556 Honorary Vice-President Peter Gregory (03) 0400 419 253
Community Honorary Treasurer Events Andrew Hassall (86) 0412 610 434 Honorary Secretary David Brookes (79) 0400 906 052 Honorary Assistant Secretary Matt Ross-Smith (10) 0408 284 702 General Committee Chris Bennett (83) Paul Goncharoff (88) Pip Hurley (Webber 85) Jenny Kalaf (Melville 78) Catherine Lancaster (82) David Slinn (80) David Trayner (84) Henry Wells (10)
Personal Nominees to School Council Pennie Cruickshank (79) Notes Michael Brodie (79) Tony Gamson (78) OBA Annual Patron Sandy Hollway (64) Keith Thornton (64) Benjamin Anson (85) Over 70s Contact Peter Ward (59) 0411 803 039
School Contacts Director of Alumni Relations OBA Mandy Loomes Groups (02) 9847 8229 (Sch)
Alumni Reunion Coordinator Karina Drummond (02) 9847 8283 (Sch)
Manager of Archives Morwenna Pearce (02) 9847 8290 (Sch) Archivist Sarah O’Neill (02) 9847 8290 (Sch)
Contributions Welcome Please send contributions to Mandy Loomes, Director of Alumni Relations, 91 Pacific Highway, Hornsby NSW 2077 or mandy_ For further information please contact Mandy on 9847 8229. Personal notes are published in good faith, as a service to the Barker Community.
Interstate and International Barker Contacts Brisbane Andrew Wilkie (01) 0412 779 383 (m) Canberra Andrew McColl (74) 0422 985 281 (m) Melbourne Murray Anderson (65) 0457 000 407 (m) Northern Rivers Jim Poulos (61) (02) 6686 7711 (h)
44 Community Events
Perth Tom Hargreaves (69) 0437 906 588 (m) Sunshine Coast Phil Benjamin (61) Upper Hunter Charles Cooke (65) (02) 6545 8141 (w) Canada, Ontario George Darling (70) Hong Kong Brayden Winkler (07) Japan Carl Bastian (93) Middle East Erik Huyer (72) (966) 056 409 0144 (m) New Zealand Scott Brown (91) (64) 027 230 4561 (w)
47 Personal Notes
Oceania (Fiji) Neil Underhill (75) (679) 336 3968 (w) Papua New Guinea Johnson Kalo (83) (675) 305 6703 (w) Singapore Carly Switzer (94) UK, London Annette French (Slattery 88) (44) 1732 382 281 (h) USA, East Coast Andrew Renton (85) (1) 910 612 5671 USA, West Coast Digby Cook (56) (1) 623 523 4321
OBA Groups
Tony Gamson with Bianca Blake, recipient of the inaugural OBA Sue Field Services to Girls Sport Award. Many alumni have also been able to assist students with work experience placements and opportunities, and I know how much this is appreciated. In a similar vein, the OBA is now assisting its own members with their professional development. This year, we completed our pilot session of the OBA Mentoring Program, which has been professionally developed to provide career advice and support from one generation of Barker alumni to the next. Our mentors receive formal training and are selectively paired with their mentee partners to follow a guided program, helping them get the most out of their time together. Having reviewed the feedback and assessed the lessons learnt from this pilot program, we are now ready to launch our next session, to commence in early 2016. If you are interested in being either a mentor or a mentee, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact the Alumni office at Barker to register your interest. In closing, I wish you and your families a safe and relaxed holiday season, as well as a prosperous and healthy New Year. We look forward to your continued support in 2016.
Tony Gamson (78) OBA President
am delighted to welcome our newest alumni from the Class of 2015, and in doing so celebrate the fact that the Old Barker Association has now reached over 16,000 members. This makes the OBA by far the largest group within the Barker community. It is the sense of belonging to this community that is at the heart of the OBA’s involvement with our members and the School. We place much value in building those connections early and demonstrating to the current students that they will become part of this much larger group, with its long and proud history. That is why the OBA strives to instill the traditions that are the cornerstones of Barker College culture. In recognition of the 40th anniversary of co-education at Barker, the OBA presented the Old Barker Association Sue Field Award for Services to Girl’s Sport to the student who showed leadership and a true commitment to the ideals of Barker and acknowledge the contribution by Sue Field during her years of service to the School. The inaugural recipient of this award was Bianca Blake who was a member of this year’s 2nds Netball team. Bianca is the daughter of an old boy, Mark Blake (77), and also has three uncles who attended the School. Her aunt, Tina, was a member of the first intake of girls to Barker in 1975. In recent years we have seen the relationship between OBA members and the current students continue to grow, either through OBA-sponsored activities or the actions of individual members. Alumni who have spoken to students about their career experiences have helped them to better understand what they can expect once they complete Year 12. The OBA Beyond Barker Breakfasts have been very well received and proven extremely popular with the students and Careers Department staff. Thank you to all who have participated to date. We are always looking for new speakers, so if you are interested, we would love to hear from you.
Class of 1955 – 60 Year Reunion In October, 25 members of the Class of 1955 enjoyed a great lunch at Barker College to celebrate 60 years of fellowship since we left the School. Many tall and true tales were exchanged about our days together and recollections of those who shaped our early lives: Bill Leslie, Bob Finlay, Gordon Miller, Sammy Seaberg and so many more. There were numerous apologies but it was great that so many city and country old boys made the effort to attend, including Gavin Pike, who travelled from Ballarat. The Head of Barker College expressed his enthusiasm and delight at leading the School into the future and outlined the achievements of the pupils in a wide range of activities.
During the proceedings, Jim McCalman AM presented him with the College Cup he had won as the outstanding athlete of 1955. A number of old boys were taken on a guided tour of the School which created a most favourable impression as it highlighted the significant changes which had occurred since our student days. We wish to express our gratitude to Karina Drummond and Mandy Loomes for their assistance and attention to detail. The quality of the luncheon was of a high standard and we thank the chef. Bob Charley and Tom Garrick, Co-convenors
Class of 1965 – 50 Year Reunion
We had a very memorable 50-year reunion at Wolfies Italian Village at The Rocks back in September. There were 50 in attendance, which was an extraordinary turnout after so many years. There had been only about 96 of us in the year and some sadly are no longer with us. Quite a few others were away or overseas, making the turnout all the more impressive. Also in attendance (as our special guest) was Ian Campbell, who was a teacher and the Commanding Officer of the Cadet Unit at the time. Without his concerted efforts over many years to keep contact with everyone, we would have lost touch with each other long ago. A special thanks to Ian. A special thanks also to those who travelled from afar, including Rob Low, who came from San Francisco. There was much laughter and high-spirited discussion. Not only was it a real buzz catching up with everyone, but we also made contact with those who were overseas and couldn’t make it. Hopefully all those contacts will ensure that we keep in touch.
Doug Spencer, James Humphery and (under pressure) Ian Campbell tried to sing a song. Although it was an unmitigated flop, we all had a good laugh and the message summed up what was a great night – “Our friendship will never die – you’ve got a friend in me.” Doug Spencer, James Humphery and Niels Bowen
Class of 1980 – 35 Year Reunion The Class of 1980 had our 35-year reunion at Alberts in North Sydney in September. As has become customary, the night started for those with stamina at 5.30pm to watch the Bledisloe Cup, with unfortunately the same result as always. This year, 92 classmates attended with many coming from afar, with notable efforts from Julz Graham (Watts) who travelled from the USA, and Tony ‘Wombat’ Warrilow and Ruth Elliot, both flying in from WA for the night. This year we had three from our year, Andrew Woodgate, Andrew Whitford and Andy Day, play some 80s music from their newly formed band, Best of the 70s, 80s and 90s. It added a great mix to the night with John Teer, amongst others, busting out a few moves on the dance floor. We were still going strong at 1am and from the many appreciative and complimentary emails I received afterwards, everyone had a great night catching up with old friends.
Special thanks to all the organisers including Karina from Barker for her input and patience in getting us there in the end. David McGinley
Class of 1990 – 25 Year Reunion The 25-year reunion of the Centenary Class of 1990 was held at the Balmain Hotel in October. The evening started early for the boarders, with a brotherly catch-up drink before joining the rest of us, almost 70 people, for drinks and canapés. It was wonderful to see so many people, some of whom had travelled long distances from places such as Perth, Albury, Orange, Byron Bay and Papua New Guinea. Together we all reconnected, reminisced and laughed. When the Balmain Hotel closed we moved on to the Sackville Pub for more drinks and laughs. Finally, a few people, mostly the boarders, continued on to the Bridge Hotel to watch the rugby and the sunrise. We all had a magnificent night together and we look forward to our next ‘family’ get-together, hopefully before our 30-year reunion. The wonderful thing about Facebook is that those that couldn’t make it could share in the spirit and morning-after jokes. Please add your photos or join the Facebook group to keep in touch – Barker College Class of 1990. Darren Perry, Anna Brooks (Higgs), Lucinda French (Etherden) and Nathan Deveson.
On a balmy August evening, the Barker Class of 2005 celebrated 10 years in the big wide world. The Grand National Hotel in Paddington played host to this very memorable occasion, where 150 of our year’s finest assembled for a night of fun, frivolity and photo booths.
Chris and Dan
Barker Class of 2005 – 10 Year Reunion
Old friends were reunited, new acquaintances were formed and some of our fondest memories from school were recounted. From getting married and having children, to starting a business, everyone had some news to share. A few who were travelling the world even sent videos over so they were not forgotten! Whilst it was great to catch up (it felt like 10 days, not 10 years), it was also an important night for us to remember those who were no longer with us. A $400 donation was made to The Butterfly Foundation on behalf of our year, which was met with great adulation. So much so that a donation to a charity close to those who have passed will be made each reunion, to honour our former classmates. All in all, it was a marvellous occasion. Big thanks to everyone involved, all those who came from far and wide and everyone who finished in the early hours, cutting some seriously impressive shapes on the dance floor. Until next time…
Class of 2010 – 5 Year Reunion In September, the Class of 2010 reconvened at the Treehouse in North Sydney. The room was buzzing with energy, as old friendships were rekindled and old stories retold and reenlivened. The event was well attended, with many traveling from interstate to be with their classmates. After five years, there was much to catch up on and the party kicked on into the early hours of Sunday morning. It was a fantastic evening and great to see so many familiar, smiling faces! Annalise Unsworth and Henry Wells.
New York Community Event In October, our US-based Barker community gathered in The Spruce Room at The Penn Club of New York on a very wet and windy evening. It was a wonderful night of reconnecting, networking and socialising and there was a very happy feeling in the room. We look forward to having many more US-based events in the future and thank you to the gorgeous Alex Skellet (94) for all her work behind the scenes. L—R Chris Hunt (70), Peggy Hunt, Maureen Winkler, Greg Winkler (70) and Geoff Wiggin (68).
Zoe Ewen (99), Nathan Cornish (99), Fiona Harwich (Sutherland 80), Geoffrey Duncan (93), Liz Wilson (Sutherland 80) and Anna Bernasek (86).
Perth Dinner
On a warm evening in October we gathered in the rear garden of the TQR Vietnamese restaurant in Nedlands for the annual Perth dinner. A convivial evening was had by all, with a number of regulars able to catch up on happenings over the last 12 months, and some new connections made. Peacetree Wine was consumed and a toast made to John Tucker. Alumni in attendance with wives and partners were Ian Christian (69), Peter Cruickshank (84), Gus Elliot (92), Ian Grant (50), Tom Hargreaves (69), Mark Smith (71) and Sam Tucker (05). Apologies were received with quite a few unable to attend due to travel arrangements interstate and overseas. Hoping to catch up next year. Tom Hargreaves
Scott Crowe (95), Alex Skellet (94), Geetika Marwaha (94) and Matt Baker (94).
Notes Adrian Sterling (44) and his wife Caroline recently enjoyed an afternoon tea at their home with Director of Alumni Relations, Mandy Loomes, and her husband Jeff. It was a lovely opportunity to hear of Barker as it is today and as it was in 1944. Peter Allen (68) is still working more than full-time at Wilmar Sugar (ex-CSR) with sugar cane growers from our eight sugar mills, spread across North Queensland from Mackay through to Ingham, north of Townsville. He had the pleasure of hosting a short visit from Geoff Wiggin a couple of years ago. Erik Huyer (72) is a hotel professional and has worked in various countries including Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Philippines, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Next he will be moving to Karachi, Pakistan at a 5-star hotel as the general manager. Neil Underhill (75) recently caught up with Richard Duncan (86) who was visiting Fiji from New York, where he works for UNICEF.
Nick Burke, Matthew Davis, Phil McGrath, and Craig Simons (all from the Class of 86) left their
Ex-Barker students and staff treading the boards in local community theatre Berowra Musical Society’s October production of Spamalot featured former Barker students Ben Piccin (08) in the role of Sir Lancelot, Ryan Henderson (12) as Sir Bedevere and James Loder (12) as the ‘not quite dead’ Fred and a very funny medieval guard. Candice Arnold (Jones 05) was choreographer for the production, and a dancer. Spamalot also saw current Barker staffer Graeme Murphy (IT) following his theatrical passion playing Patsy, King Arthur’s trusty squire, and the show was proudly directed by our school nurse, Karen Jones, who has been involved in community theatre productions for the last 18 years. It is great to see staff and students supporting local community theatre.
families behind to undertake an epic 4WD adventure through the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia in September. Setting off from Broome, the boys hiked into many remote gorges, waterfalls and swimming holes, slept out under the stars every night and arrived in Darwin two weeks later via the remote Gibb River Road. They survived all 4WD obstacles, river crossings and crocodile encounters and did not catch a single barra. They had an awesome time together and spent many evenings around the campfire reminiscing about school yard shenanigans. Andrew Spoor (14) had a very successful couple of weeks in the pool this September. Firstly, in the state age championships, he won two individual silver medals and a team gold for the
relay, in which he broke the state record (Cherrybrook Carlile team). Then, at the state open championships (‘open age group’ meaning he was competing against some past Olympians from the Australian swim team), Andrew won two silver relay medals and the biggest surprise of them all, a third place in the 200 freestyle.
Baptisms 30 August, Joshua Matthew, son of Louise (Chambers 02) and Matt Williams. 11 October, Charlie Robert, son of Kate (Creal) and Brendan O’Brien.
Paul Fletcher (80) recently attended the 35th reunion for the Class of 1980 in North Sydney. “I was a little apprehensive after such a long time, but these feelings were quickly lost as I reconnected with many of my former year. All in all it was a great evening and I will certainly attend future events. Thanks to the organising team for a great informal and fun night.”
Ex-Barker students and staff treading the boards in local community theatre
Groups OBA Athletics Club The change in season brings with it not just warmer weather and thoughts of holidays, it brings the athletics season! After a strong off-season, the time has come to put our training to the test. We are hoping for a cracking start to the season, with a number of competitions to improve our times and the chance to compete at the State Relay Championships. If you are interested in training with us this summer, we train on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and compete on Saturday afternoons. We can accommodate people from beginner to elite levels and welcome both current and former students. Contact Glen Parker ( for more details. Tim Willatt (07)
—Above OBAC training on the beach.
OBA Big Band
Since July, the Old Barker Association Big Band has been working hard at growing as a group and expanding our horizons. While the Bingara tour mentioned in the last issue of The Barker was unfortunately cancelled, we haven’t lost any drive to ensure the future successes of the band. To present OBA Big Band’s face to the public, we are developing a new website that will be not only a virtual business card for the band, but a place to demonstrate and celebrate our successes by featuring recordings, photos of the events we play at and videos of those performances. Visit the site at to hear our current recording and see our photos. This focus on the band’s growth isn’t only evident in the digital realm: we are also hard at work on our second set of recordings, which will showcase all the new tunes the band has yet to perform. Even the ranks of the band are growing as a new batch of alumni join us. New talent is being found within the current band as our members step up to help with promotion, recording, and creating fun new charts for us to play. For instance, Adam Davis (14) is currently hard at work creating a big band arrangement of Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk, sure to be a crowd favourite.
Barker Old Boys Cricket Season 2015/16 began on Sunday 11 October on Barker No.1 Oval against St George Vets Cricket Club, and so too did the defence of our maiden Jack Pace Memorial Shield title. It was pleasing to see the return of the majority of our squad for round 1 and reminisce over our recent success. Sam Haeney (05) once again took to the crease as our fearless opener and dominated from the first ball, demonstrating some majestic stroke play. He finished with 111, with a strike rate better than a run a ball. The weather finished the game early, but BOBs were well on top. We now look to our next fixture against the Old Cranbrookians, where we have tasted success over the last couple of years.
All in all, the OBA Big Band is focused on its future, and we are sure you will be seeing a lot more of us very soon. If you would like to contact us please email Luke Davis (09) OBA Big Band Representative
The club is still looking for interested players to join our squad. There are plenty of games over summer, with the season concluding in March 2016. All games are hosted on turf wickets and generally held on Sunday afternoons. Please feel free to contact us on our Facebook page, Barker Old Boys Cricket, check out our website or send us an email Matt Hall (00) Club Captain 0416 297 775
The Old Barker FC (OBFC) had 112 registered players in 2015,
The division 6 lads entered the season with a socially
providing footballing opportunities for men and women of
competitive attitude. Social civilities aside, when the lads stepped
all standards. We attribute the club’s continued growth to
into the football arena, they battled spectacularly. If not for a mid-
the aesthetic appeal of the beautiful game and stable club
season festival sabbatical, the squad would have easily secured
management, with Peter Gregory’s (03) tenure as club President
promotion, finishing a mere one point off the pace when all chips
outlasting the last three Prime Ministers combined!
were counted.
This year was an eventful one. A year plagued by injuries saw
At the pointy end of the club, the Premier League men’s team
the Division 5 men’s squad unable to avoid relegation, despite a
executed the most daring great escape since the 1963 cinematic
valiant effort. The squad’s performance was also hampered when
masterpiece. Nabbing two wins from their final two games, the
manager John Herdman (06) followed his heart to South America
Premier League squad avoided relegation and is well positioned to
and did not return.
climb the league ladder next year.
The ladies played some classy and elegant football, earning
Old Barker Football Club
We are excited for the promise of a tremendous 2016. We offer
them a top four finish and a narrow semi-final defeat. Growing
a great balance of football and social activities, so if you are
in confidence, the women’s squad intends to push for promotion
interested in joining us, come down to a pre-season in February.
in season 2016. Eva Akopian (11) this year picked up the top club
For further details please visit www.oldbarkerfc.
honour, the President’s Cup, for her outstanding contribution to the
com our Facebook Page
club and development of women’s football. The other top gong, the
or contact Club President, Peter Gregory (03) on
Craig Harris Shield, went to Andrew Taylor (07) for his significant
0400 419 253 or
contribution to both football and club management.
Matt Vickers (05)
Barker Old Girls Hockey Barker Old Girls had a great winter season for the North Shore Women’s Hockey Competition, with our 3rd division team
our president, Katie Boustred, at We would like to farewell a very special member of Barker
coming fifth and our 1st division team making the semi-finals
Old Girls Hockey Club, Kylie Donaldson. Our hockey club would
and tying their game to finish fourth. Special thank you
not be where it is today without the hours of dedication, hard
to our coach Robbert-Paul for coaching us every week and
work, blood (literally), sweat and tears of Kylie. She has given up
helping us achieve these awesome results. Thank you also
so much of her time to Barker Old Girls Hockey and the North
goes to all the girls who helped make this winter season so
Shore Women’s Hockey Association, and we are saddened by
her leaving and truly appreciative of everything she has put
Summer hockey is about to begin for Barker Old Girls,
into the team. Barker Old Girls Hockey will sorely miss Kylie,
with games being played Tuesday and Thursday nights at
but hopefully she will still cheer us on from the stands in the
Kuring-gai High School. We have two teams in the summer
coming years.
competition and are hoping that both teams finish top of the
For more information on Barker Old Girls Hockey Club,
ladder this year, as we did last year. It is a great competition
please email or find us
for those who want to keep up their hockey skills and fitness
on Facebook.
during the off-season. It is also a social competition, so we
Laura Handel (06)
welcome girls who haven’t picked up a hockey stick before and encourage them to have a hit with friends. For more information on joining a summer hockey team, please contact
Barker Old Girls Netball Club Barker Old Girls Netball has just begun playing in the
continue this in 2016. Girls of all abilities are welcome, and as
Hills District Spring Night Comp after finishing up the
we play all year round there is always an opportunity to join.
winter season in August. All the girls in both teams put
This has been a wonderful first year for our club, with more
in a tremendous effort each week, despite injury and
than 30 girls signing up to be a part of Barker Old Girls Netball
absences. The Barker Old Girls No. 1 team faced some tough
across three competitions, and we look forward to building the
competition, so unfortunately did not have the season they
club further in the coming years. The next competition begins in January 2016, so if you
place, within a whisker of making the finals, after a strong
would like to be a part of the Barker Old Girls Netball Club,
lead-up performance.
please get in touch or send
We are thrilled by having two teams totalling 24 girls playing in the Spring Night Competition. It is great to see involvement from recent Barker graduates, with members from the Class of 2013 making up an entire team. The Pennant Hills Netball Courts are now a sea of red and blue on Tuesday evenings thanks to our striking uniforms, and we look to
us a message through Facebook by liking the Barker Old Girls Netball Page. See you out on the courts! Lauren Kirkby (07) and Jordana Shawyer (06) Co-Presidents
had hoped for. The Barker Old Girls No. 2 team finished in fifth
BOBs Rugby This article marks my last act as President of BOBRUFC. On 26 September 2015 at the AGM, after two years at the helm, I handed over governance of my beloved Club to Andrew ‘Ringo’ Stevens (01). It was not a sad occasion, because the Club is in a strong position and Andrew is the right man to lead it into a new era of success – on and off the paddock. I’m extremely proud of the recent achievements of BOBRUFC, and of the efforts of the men, and women, who have brought us to this point. In the 2015 season, we: • implemented an improved player management database, and reengaged with past-players and supporters of the Club; • cleared the books of old debts, and delivered an operating surplus for the incoming committee; • created a pathway between Colts and Grade, welcoming a number of Colts players into the 1st Grade Squad for the finals series; • raised $3,500 for charity at our annual Ladies Day and with the
Secretary, Liam Flanagan (03); and Treasurer (and President-elect), Andrew Stevens (01). BOBRUFC’s off-season strength and conditioning training commences shortly, and I encourage all past, present and
support of the OBA, invested over $10,000 to purchase a new
interested future players to get involved. Our rugby playing days are
scrum machine;
limited; don’t let them pass you by!
• delivered a significant increase in player subscription recovery,
I wish the incoming Committee all the best for the 2016 season.
and secured new sponsorship arrangements with OMG Projects
My time with BOBRUFC has been rewarding and defining in who I
and the Kirribilli Hotel; and
am as a person. The friendships I have made here will serve me a
• won the 1st Grade Minor Premiership, and contested the 1st Grade Grand Final. Our end of season dinner, held at the Kirribilli Club on 12
lifetime. For more information on BOBRUFC events over the summer, follow us on Facebook or
September 2015, was a true gala event attended by over 100 players
visit our website
and supporters, and was an encouraging sign of things to come.
Martin Donaldson (00)
All of this could not have been achieved without the outstanding efforts of the 2015 Committee, particularly Club
BOBRUFC – President
Manager, Jack Roach (10); Head Coach, Nicholas Hensley (05);
OBA Theatre Greetings from Old Barker Association Theatre! We are still riding high after Emerald City and our second successful season. While our cast and crew have returned to their
us at or via our Facebook page at We look forward to seeing you in 2016.
lives away from Barker theatres, we look forward to returning
Amie McNee (10) and Cassandra Jones (10)
to the School, with preparations for our 2016 season due to get
Presidents, OBAT
underway in January. As always, we are forever on the lookout for new members.
If you are interested in being involved in any way, please contact
Over 70s
Kurrajong Society
Have you turned 70? If so, there is an organisation for you.
If your children have left Barker and you would still like to
The Over 70s is a social group that runs a number of events
support the School and be part of the community events, then
each year. Our next event will be our annual lunch at
the Kurrajong Society is for you. We send a regular newsletter,
Hornsby RSL Club on 15 March, 2016
Kurrajong News, to keep you updated on what is happening at
If you would like further information, please contact our Secretary, Mr Peter Ward (59) on 0411 803 039 or Peter Ward (59)
Barker College. If you would like more information, please contact us at
Obituaries Bruce Roger Blood (50)
a world record for a long-distance
with the Maritime Services Board in
bombing mission, flying from Australia
Sydney before retiring to Blackheath.
Roger Blood, late of Hervey Bay, attended
to Balikpapan. He was honoured with
Barker from 1945-1949.
conspicuous bravery in a Japanese air
At School, Roger was in the Chess team and the Athletics team. In 1949 he passed the entrance exam for the Merchant Navy and was accepted for the Nautical College HMS Worcester. On leaving the Worcester he
raid on an Australian base, when even
Sean Kazandjian (14)
though he was wounded, he dragged
more wounded men to safety.
Sean Kazandjian, late of Beecoft,
In 1945 he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. In 1950 Dick, his wife Valerie and
was apprenticed to the New Zealand
their three children moved to Kenya to
Shipping Company and later worked for
take up a position as a teacher in the
P&O. He was promoted to Master in 1965.
CMS Teacher’s Training College at Butere
He married Jane in 1965 and set up home
in Kenya, about 40 miles north east of
in Kent, England. In 1978 Roger, Jane and
Lake Victoria. Dick and Valerie had two
their three children returned to Australia
more children in Kenya before returning
so that he could take up the position as
home in 1959.
a marine surveyor with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. Roger retired in 1996 and moved
Dick worked at the University of Sydney from 1960 to 1978 in the Geography Department and as a student
to Hervey Bay with Jane. He enjoyed
counsellor. In 1966 he earned a Master
cooking, history and doing the cryptic
of Arts.
crossword each day in The Australian.
Alan died on 11 August.
He was a member of the Council of
attended Barker from 2007-2014. At Barker, Sean was in Cadets, played basketball and received the Head of Barker College Red Endeavour Award in 2014. His friend Louis Cummings (14) said: Sean and I began our high schooling career in Wade House together in Year 7. Our lives over the next six years were to be linked in the most unpredictable and harshest of ways. Sean and I were both diagnosed with cancer. We were 15 years old. As we travelled on this journey together, I truly got to know the ‘essence’ of Sean. He was quiet, gentle and caring, however he also possessed a remarkable fighting spirit, courage the likes
Barker College for four years from 1963
of which I have rarely witnessed, and a sense
by his wife Jane; children Fiona, Robyn
to 1966 and attended many Over 70s
of humour that was treasured by those of us
and Phillip; and their families.
who were lucky enough to enjoy it.
Roger died on 3 July and is survived
In 2008 he moved into a retirement
Sean’s battle with cancer was as tough as it
Richard Bower Dakeyne (39)
village in Sawtell. He often enjoyed
gets. I’ve heard it said that God sends us nothing
swimming in the nearby Boambee Creek
but angels and that the strongest of angels
or at Sawtell surf club.
choose the toughest of journeys. To have faced
Dick died on 9 April and is survived
and dad – Dian and Berdj – up there with the
Rosemary, Marion, Susan and Gillian;
most courageous and most exceptional of angels.
15 grandchildren and 29 great-
They endured over four years of hardship and
heartache with very little respite in between. They
Alan David Johnston (47) 1930-2015 Alan Johnston, late of Blackheath, attended Barker from 1938-1946 as a boarder. His brother Aubrey (35, deceased) and cousin Ian McGowan (42, deceased) were also Barker students. Dick Dakeyne, late of Toormina, NSW,
several swimming prizes and several
attended Barker from 1935-1939. His son
academic awards. After leaving Barker, Alan followed
all showed such strength, courage, determination and limitless love as together they fought for Sean’s life. It was nothing short of an honour to know Sean, a sentiment shared by all those of us privileged enough to have been one of his mates. Rest in peace Sean. In his memory the OBA have established the Sean Kazandjian Memorial Award which will be presented each year
the family tradition as a cadet on MV
to a Cadet who contributes to the best
and 1938, was in the Swimming team from
Camara, learning to be an officer. He was
of their ability, and inspires others with
1937-1939 and in the Rugby 1st XV (Colours)
a Captain in the Merchant Navy with
selfless participation in activities for the
in 1938 and 1939.
the British-India Shipping Company.
camaraderie and fostering of esprit de
In the 1950s Alan was a Lieutenant
corps within the Barker College Cadet Unit.
At School, Dick played cricket in 1937
Dick served with the RAAF and was wounded in WWII. He accompanied
Commander in the Australian Navy
the American airman who created
Reserve. He later worked for many years
Sean died on 24 May and is survived by his parents Berdj and Dian.
Whilst at School, Alan received
Stephen (75) was also a Barker student.
a journey such as this puts Sean and his mum
by his son Stephen; daughters
Neil Spencer Martz (41) 1925-2015 Neil Martz, late of Kincumber,
He grew the business to become
manufacturers in the southern
Richard Solly, late of Cambridge, UK, attended Barker from 1966-1973. His brother
attended Barker from 1938-1941. He died
hemisphere, specialising in components
on 30 August.
for offshore oil drilling platforms, mining
When at Barker, Neil was on the
Richard Toby Solly (74)
one of the largest open die forging
and heavy industry.
Paul (68) was also a Barker student. Richard was born in England and
Peter retired from the business
returned there in 1973. After finishing
and was promoted to Sergeant in the
in 1989 after stepping down as the
Cadet Corps in 1941. In 1941 he was in the
managing director, and together with
school he started work with Matchbox in their shipping department. He
Cricket 1st XI and the Rugby 1st XV.
his wife, Lorna, embarked upon a period
editorial committee for the College Barker
of travel in both Australia and overseas. Brian Campbell McCallion (43)
In retirement he also moved to his
oceanfront property at Noraville on the
Brian McCallion, late of Buderim, Queensland, attended Barker from 1938-1943. Brian won a scholarship to Barker.
Central Coast. Peter was an active member of the community. He was a lifesaver with Warriewood Surf Club in his
He played the part of Ruth Jordan in the
youth, he did his National Service at
production 1945 and he was a Quarter
Holsworthy, was a Scoutmaster and
Master Store Sergeant in the Cadet Unit.
also the coach of his son’s rugby team.
After leaving School he worked
Golf was his passion and he served on
in a lab at Tech and Caltex and then
the committees of both Roseville and
was country representative for Cooper
Toukley Golf Clubs, as well as being a
Engineering. Brian then had a long
member of South West Rocks Golf Club.
career with AMP and received many awards as one of their top agents. Throughout life he was always proud to be a Barker Boy.
Peter passed away peacefully on 24 September 2015 and is survived by his wife Lorna, five children and nine grandchildren.
Brian died on 3 July and is survived by his wife Ausslyn; daughters Marianne
Kimpton Alan Purser (52)
and Diane; sons-in-law Steve and
Randall; and grandchildren Stephanie,
Kim Purser, late of Mona Vale,
Kimberley, Nathan, Ben, Mitchell and
attended Barker from 1948-1952. His
brothers Warwick (54) and Roderick (61)
later worked for Thermoteknix as the shipping manager. Richard always loved music, and from 1973-1991 he had a weekly Sunday show as a DJ with Radio Hertford Hospital. He liked watching movies, especially the golden oldies, and was a prolific reader, enjoying everything from biographies to political history, geography and world affairs. His main passion, though, was his horses, which were an integral part of his and Anne’s lives. He loved to ride, and spent much time supporting Anne as she competed in shows. Richard died on 10 August 2014 and is survived by his wife Anne, and brothers Philip, Nick and Paul. Lachlan Timothy John Thomson (10) 1992-2015
and children Bruce (79) and Sarah (82) Peter John Overall (52) 1935-2015
were also Barker students. Whilst at School, Kim played the role of Richard in Richard II and Buckram in the School’s production of The Shirt in 1951. He played rugby in the 1st XV in 1951 and 1952 (Colours in 1951), was in the Cricket 2nd XI in 1952, and the winner of the Division VIIIB Boxing Tournament in 1952. After Barker he studied to become a chartered accountant. After overseas travel he worked for IBM for some time, followed by other executive positions
Peter Overall, late of South Turramurra, attended Barker from 1947-
business, Pursers Commercial Interiors,
1950. His sons Stephen (78), Graham
in 1978.
(81), David (84) and Richard (85) and
before establishing his own successful
Kim was a keen rugby supporter and
grandsons James (14) and Nick (Yr 7) also
an enthusiastic photographer. Since his
attended Barker.
retirement he had enjoyed travelling
At Barker he was a keen student and played cricket, rugby and tennis as well as being a good swimmer. Peter left Barker to start Overall Forge with his elder brother, Graham. Peter joined as an apprentice engineering blacksmith to learn all aspects of the business.
overseas and in Australia with his wife, Anne. Kim died on 1 June and is survived by his wife Anne, and children Bruce, Sarah, Justin, Mark and Sophie. Reprinted from The Barker #108 with additional details.
Lachlan Thomson, late of Wahroonga, attended Barker from 2002-2010. His father Graham (77) and brother Alastair (06) were also Barker students. Lachlan was very involved in school life. He played cricket, rugby, football and was in the Athletics team (Colours 2009). In 2009 he went on the cricket tour to South Africa and in 2010 he was in the Cricket 1st XI and the Rugby 2nd XV. After leaving School he qualified as a carpenter/builder and followed his career in construction for Mirvac. Lachlan was a natural athlete who loved all sports. His most recent passions were skiing and surfing. Lachlan died in a tragic accident on 14 June and is survived by his parents, Graham and Susie; brother Alastair; and sister Sarah. His light and laughter will be greatly missed by his family and all who knew him.
The OBA Committee for 2015/16 is: President
Tony Gamson (78)
Honorary Vice-President
Peter Gregory (03)
Honorary Treasurer
Andrew Hassall (86)
Honorary Secretary
David Brookes (79)
Honorary Assistant Secretary
Matt Ross-Smith (10)
General Committee
Chris Bennett (83)
Paul Goncharoff (88)
Pip Hurley (Webber 85)
Jenny Kalaf (Melville 78)
Catherine Lancaster (82)
David Slinn (80) David Trayner (84)
Henry Wells (10)
Nominees to School Council
Pennie Cruickshank (79) Michael Brodie (79) Tony Gamson (78)
OBA Annual Patrons
Sandy Hollway (64)
Keith Thornton (64)
Benjamin Anson (85)
Di Slater (Stanbridge 91) retired from the committee at the AGM and we thank her for her contribution to the OBA. We welcome three new committee members: Henry Wells (10) I am a proud ex-barker boy with fond memories of my time inside the Mint Gates between 2005 and 2010. Clearly unable to move on, I’ve spent several seasons back at Barker coaching football and was excited to return to the Barker stage in 2014 for the inaugural performance of the OBA Theatre (OBAT), The Floor of Heaven. I’ve since taken on the role of Treasurer at OBAT and have thoroughly enjoyed assisting Amie McNee (10) and Cassandra Jones (10) in providing a creative outlet for theatrically inclined former students. I’m currently in my final year of a combined Arts/Law degree at the University of NSW and work part-time as a paralegal at King & Wood Mallesons. I divide the remainder of my time between football, baseball, reading and travel.
Following the success of our pilot mentoring program in 2014/15, we will be running it again in 2016, starting in March.
I look forward to continuing the great work of the OBA in creating a vibrant and diverse alumni community. My family connections to the school include my father Eric (74), brother George (08) and uncles Peter (76) and Mark (79). Andrew Hassall (86) I attended Barker from 1976 to 1986. After leaving school I obtained a Bachelor of Business Accounting. I then joined Coopers & Lybrand for a few years, gaining valuable accounting experience before joining the rest of my family in the family business, where I have now been working for 20 years. I married Susie in 1996 and have three children. Angus is in Year 8 and Joshua is in Year 5 here at Barker. Sarah is in Year 10 at PLC. My family connections to Barker are my father Peter (60), uncle Geoff (60) and brother Jeremy (89). David Slinn (80) I attended Barker from 1975 to 1980. I have a brother, who also attended Barker two years below me. My wife Alison (nee Lawson) finished at Barker in 1980 and we married in the Barker Chapel in 1989. Our eldest children are also alumni, William finished in 2010 and Victoria in 2013. Our youngest, Edward is in Year 8. Since leaving Barker I earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree (majoring in accounting systems and finance) and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of NSW. I also hold a Master of Laws degree from Kings College, London University, where I majored in international business law. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and an Associate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. I currently am the CEO of Baptist Financial Services Australia, which is a church development fund, and was the CEO for DEM Design for 15 years, and continue to be a Director. I also serve on the Assembly Council of the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT. Previously, I worked as a tax accountant for Coopers & Lybrand and an investment banker for the HSBC group, both in London and Sydney. I have served as President and Treasurer of the Barker Rugby Club. I am also Treasurer of St Ives Rugby Club.
This is an exclusive program for Barker alumni provided by Barker alumni. The group of mentors are experienced alumni members willing to offer support and life experience to alumni members seeking guidance that will assist them throughout their career journey. The six-month program can accommodate 12 pairs of mentors and mentees, and is an opportunity for all participants to network within the alumni community. This OBA program has been developed by past students Simone Allan (Channells 84) and Kim McGuiness (84), both of whom are experienced in developing and running mentoring programs. If you would like to participate in this program as either a mentor or a mentee, or require further information, please contact Director of Alumni Relations, Mandy Loomes, Mandy_ or 9847 8229 by 31 January 2016.
Mentoring Program
OBA Committee