Barnard Bulletin- April Fool's Issue

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Congratulations, we did it. We’ve successfully managed to trudge through the trenches of the sec-­ ond semester slumps, and here we are: April, which has arrived in all of its wintery-­mix glory. And it wasn’t easy getting here, trust us. Late nights spent clacking away at our keyboards to finish each paper, each proposal, each application, and each issue has left us in dire need of a good laugh. We’ve had fun putting this one together, and we hope you have fun reading it in the back of your lecture class when you’re feeling trapped and panicky. So while most of this is a joke, Millie really is dating the Brown Mascot -­-­ no, seriously. With love and laughs, Ray & Christine Co-­Editors in Chief DEADLINE FOR WITHDRAWING FROM A COURSE OR UTI-­ LIZING THE PASS/D/FAIL OPTION is March 28. Please remem-­ ber that you must be enrolled for at least 12 points unless you have been given permission to take fewer points by your adviser and Class Dean. PRE-­LAW INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Dean Kuan Tsu will hold a pre-­law informational meeting on Monday, April 8, at 5:30 pm in 306 Milbank. All students who are planning to apply in the com-­ ing year for entry into law school for Fall 2014 must attend; other students who will be applying in the future are also welcome. Dean Kuan Tsu will discuss in detail the law school application process and answer any questions you may have. TRAVEL MEDICINE: If you are traveling outside of the US (es-­ pecially if you are going to Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Central or South America, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East and/or the Pacific) over, during the summer or in the fall semester, you may need re-­ quired or recommended vaccines and/or malaria prophylaxis. Travel health counseling can prepare you for a safe and enjoyable trip! Please call the Primary Care Health Service (212-­854-­2091) to set up an appointment for a pre-­travel visit.

STUDY ABROAD PHOTO CONTEST (SNAP) EXHIBIT RECEP-­ TION: Thursday, April 1 from 5:30 p.m. -­ 7:00 p.m. in the Diana 4th Floor Gallery. The SNAP Photo Competition celebrates the photos of Barnard’s Study Abroad returnees and VISP (Visiting International Students Program) students. Refreshments will be served and the winners from the Office of International Programs’ Annual Photo Contest will be announced. The SNAP exhibition will be on display in the 4th Floor Diana Gallery from March 25th -­ April 2nd. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by: The Camille Bouquet ’07 Memorial Fund and the International Initiatives Fund of the Office of the Provost. ABROAD COURSE APPROVAL TRAINING: Wednesday, March 27th from 12-­1 p.m. in 325 Milbank and Tuesday, April 9th from 12-­1 p.m. in 203 Diana. During these trainings, a member of the Regis-­ trar’s Office will take prospective study abroad students through how to fill out course approvals via eBear in order to receive Barnard credit for abroad classes. NOTICE OF STUDY LEAVES DUE: For students interested in studying abroad for the FALL ‘13 or the ENTIRE ACADEMIC YEAR ‘13-­14 Notice of Study leaves are due by April 1, 2013 by 5:00 p.m. You will not be officially on leave until you submit this form. Bills from the bursar, memos from the registrar etc will assume you are NOT studying abroad until you submit the Notice of Study Leave. To submit, log onto your eBear account, click on the Study Abroad tab, choose the Notice of Study Leave form in the left-­hand naviga-­ tion bar. Complete and submit.


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