insegnante privato de inglese a londra

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professor ingles nativo com aquele sotaque britanico que so os ingleses sabem ter £35 por 2 horas (Londres) £40 por 2 alunos Aulas para todas as idades e niveis. Cursos de ESOL & Literacy Aspectos da cultura inglesa. Cambridge FCE, IELTS, e Life in the UK preparação Ligue agora para marcar a sua aula! 07897910816 > skype: genius7001

What changes the life of all my past students is the massive action they take to apply what I teach them. Those who use the strategies that I share are the ones who create exceptional success beyond their wildest imaginations. Adam Khoo I'm going to describe some amazingly powerful techniques here that you're going to be able to test. And I don't know how quickly you'll be able to master them, or if it'll take a bit of practice to become smooth, but with practice comes ownership of nearly any skill. What follows may be the beginning of a completely new way of understanding communication between you and other people. Remember how fast learning language was when you were younger . Part 1 of this skill is already inside you. Jonathan Altfeld "Hi. How are you? I've got the cards you sent to me. Thank you so much. I'm happy to say to you I've passed my test. Thank you so much for your big help Aurea". Aurea passed the Life in the UK test after 2 classes with me Maybe you do not want to be my friend that is ok I just want to thank you for your help in my Environmental research project I passed with 2 honours bachelor class. Thanks feel free to contact me when you want Cristiane [19:54:37] Kelma says: seu livro é muito bom eu vou precisar imprimir parabéns pelo seu livro [20:00:46] Kelma says: eu falei para um amigo meu encontrei o melhor professor de inglês no site shared talk

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