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Overview of Expenditures for Governmental Funds
As would be consistent for most school districts in Illinois, the District receives a majority of its funding from its property taxes followed by state funding, other local, and federal funding, respectively. Federal revenue in the 2022-2023 year is higher than a typical year for the district due to ESSER funding.
Local 5.7% State 8.3% Federal 5.2%
Property Taxes 80.8%
Overview of Expenditures for Governmental Funds
The following table summarizes the change in expenditures for all of the District funds. The prior year budget and the 2022-2023 budget are both shown, along with the percent change. Governmental fund expenditures are budgeted to increase 4.3% in Fiscal Year 2023. Operating Fund expenses are budgeted to rise by 2.9%, while Non-Operating Funds are budgeted to increase by 8%. The reason behind the large increase in Non-Operating Funds expenditures is attributed to referendum spending in the Capital Projects Fund.
Expenditure Summary
2021-2022 Governmental Funds Budget
Educational 131,839,655 136,607,839 3.6% Operations & Maintenance 14,315,608 13,020,372 -9.0% Transportation 14,440,227 15,631,584 8.3% IMRF/Social Security 4,127,974 4,171,503 1.1% Working Cash 0 0 0.0% Tort Immunity 535,350 599,255 11.9%
Total Operating Funds 165,258,814 170,030,553 2.9%
2022-2023 % Change
Debt Service
15,254,573 12,791,717 -16.1% Capital Projects 47,383,966 54,924,495 15.9%
Total Non-Operating Funds 62,638,539 67,716,212 8%
Total Governmental Funds 227,897,353 237,746,765 4.3%
As the District’s core business is education, the District spends the majority of its budget educating students. The following largest expenditure categories are represented in the Transportation Fund, and Operations & Maintenance Fund to maintain and improve the District facilities.
As part of the annual budget process, human resources are allocated based on student enrollment and demographics. Building allocations are also provided based on student enrollment. Annually, the administrative team meets with the buildings and departments to develop their upcoming budgets.
Working Cash 0.0% Tort Immunity 0.3% Debt Service 5.4% Capital Projects 23.1%
IMRF/Social Security 1.8%
Transportation 6.6%
Operations & Maintenance 5.5%
Educational 57.5%
Since education is a people-intensive business, the District’s most substantial expenses are salaries and benefits. The next largest expense category is Capital Outlay, which is artificially inflated due to referendum spending. Historically, purchased services is the next largest category as it covers transportation expenses, followed by other objects which includes tuition paid for students outplaced for special education services.