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Barrow Neurological Foundation
Barrow Neurological Foundation is a non-profit support foundation dedicated to raising funds for Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Barrow Neurological Foundation receives and manages funds given by donors to benefit the hospital. Barrow Neurological Foundation was established in 1961—before the opening of Barrow in 1962—to raise funds for research at the institute. Today, the Foundation raises millions of dollars for research, medical education, and clinical programs at the world-renowned institute. A board of trustees—made up of community leaders who serve on a voluntary basis—governs Barrow Neurological Foundation. Barrow Neurological Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, as provided under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with state and federal law.