Spare parts are an integral factor in the service offering of any OEM. The on-time availability of parts is decisive if an aircraft support organization wants to satisfy the needs of its customers. BART International has taken a closer look to the spare parts business and was the first media outlet to visit Dassault Aviation’s brand-new Spare Parts Distribution deport at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. Volker K. Thomalla reports
pare parts are of utmost importance for any aircraft operations. Parts have to be exchanged during planned maintenance to ensure a safe operation of the aircraft either because they are time-limited or their condition has deteriorated through usage. After an unexpected failure of a part, for example after a bird strike, parts have to be replaced as soon as possible to ensure that the aircraft can continue to fulfil the useful missions it is intended to fulfil. Western aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers have invested heavily in the last decades to improve their spare parts availability to a point where most of the parts are available within 24 hours wherever they are
Dassault dedicates an aircraft for alternative lift in the event of an AOG (top). Textron's 1CALL service is available 24/7 (below). 60 - BART: FEBRUARY - APRIL - 2020